jadeannbyrne · 7 months
Ballad of Jade Ann Byrne: A Tale of Insight and Defiance
(no title)
Verse 1:In the digital realm where the eGirl thrives,Stands Jade Ann Byrne, with insight alive.With a voice that echoes through cyber halls,She declares her presence, breaking down walls. Chorus:She knows who she is, in pixels and truth,Unfazed by the judgments, eternal youth.In a world of avatars, she stands so grand,Jade Ann Byrne, with her destiny in hand. Verse 2:Raising her hand, not in…
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rings4casey · 5 months
(i think almost) all of cyberqueen duo put in 2x speed because the original was almost 3 minutes
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prince--kiriona · 1 year
played cyberqueen for the first time. God Damn.
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ewingstan · 11 months
See the problem is. Dragon and Armsmaster aren’t the most engaging-written couple by any stretch. They’re both perfectly fine as characters and there’s enough weirdness going on with they’re whole thing that I find it interesting enough, but I don’t really feel much well-written chemistry between the two.
And yet, “Superintelligent AI and the dude who let it out of the box (who himself is continually making himself more machine than man (and having weird cybersex with the AI))” is such a fucking killer concept it makes me mad. It’s a Cyberqueen domesticity au. Its robotgirl gf posting mixed in with transhumanist bodymodding. Wildbow predicted the most popular fantasies the average tumblr user would have circa 2023 and committed them to text ten years early. And it’s all spent on this truly nothing couple. How am I supposed to go about my day knowing the perfect subject matter has been created for an AMV of “The Machine in Your Hand” or “My Computer” but it’d be for some pairing with zero collective rizz. Wildbow was given a Vision of the Divine and transcribed it in comics sans complete with stick-figure diagrams.
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melleonis · 1 year
it’s 2015 and i am
sitting on my mattress on the floor in the spare bedroom of the chicago condo my friend’s parents bought for them with oil company money. both of us have undiagnosed and unmedicated adhd. neither of us clean. the wide, shallow bathroom sink grows a yellow-black film of residue and shaved hair.
i am trying to come to terms with being dead. the year prior was a cascade of horror, a chain of a hundred different sudden sickenings in the gut, and as far as the world and most people in it are concerned, i no longer exist - which would have been more than fine with me, except that time continues to pass.
until recently, porpentine had been writing a column for rock paper shotgun called live free play hard, reviewing free indie games. itch.io is in its infancy, but unity is ten years old now and really starting to come into its own, and this is the heyday of the so-called walking simulator - Dear Esther in 2012 to Firewatch in 2016. i never played most of the big names, the ones that attracted all that sneering gamergate hatred (Gone Home excepted) - after all, they cost money, and in 2015, i didn’t have any of that. so every porpentine article was a damp, fertile patch of sometimes-delicious always-free mushrooms. i play a LOT of itch.io games that year, and i’ve been missing them lately, so i wanted to talk about them here.
live free play hard is a decade old, at this point. links are dead. games don’t quite run the same on modern computers. twine games which once had music are now silent. these are some of the survivors.
their angelical understanding by porpentine, herself. ***STROBE WARNING*** and also for a text-based game this is an intense PTSD simulator. i considered linking others of her games here: neon haze (link appears to be broken), CYBERQUEEN (about which i’ve already said a lot) or howling dogs (which is arguably still her best), but i went with t.a.u. because, well, in 2015 a PTSD simulator was what i needed.
CHYRZA by kitty horrorshow kh has probably Made It as an indie artist more than anyone else on this list? my metric for this is that there are two whole jacob geller video essays about her games. CHYRZA is pure tone: jittery unity platforming up desert monuments collecting audiologs. trust me, it’s really effective.
Bernband by Tom van den Boogaart this one still runs, but there’s a bit of slowdown in some areas. this is pure exploration through a very pixelly alien city: nightclubs, power stations, overpasses, late-night noodle bars. an empty chapel. a trumpet recital. the empty corridors and stairwells between everything. it’s stuck with me for all these years.
SABBAT by oh no problems this is the least subtle it is possible for a text game to be. it starts with animal sacrifice and gets really fucking explicit from there. as someone who had at the time cut a picture of baphomet out of the liner notes from a random black metal cd found in a des moine record store and taped it to my bedroom doorpost like a mezuzah, all i really wanted from SABBAT was the ability to have snakes for dicks, and buddy, it delivers. i remember there used to be a sort of sludgey doom metal soundtrack, but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore, and the credits link to a nonexistent soundcloud. so it goes.
HEARTWOOD by Kerry Turner hahaha man i’d completely forgotten about this game until i went back through the archives but fuck, it rules. it’s so simple. it’s pure sensation. i loved it then and i love it now.
Off-Peak by Cosmo D i think Cosmo D is still going strong these days! actually, i’m pretty sure i have unplayed games by them in my steam library, i should fix that. Off-Peak is a jazz exploration of the world’s most colorful train station. people are playing bespoke 2015 eurogames. a vendor is selling a bunch of sheet music that musicians have had to pawn, what with the way the economy is going. you understand. triplets stalk you. a man strokes a cow, menacingly. i would say it’s peak itch.io, but in point of fact it is, of course, off-peak itch.io.
anyway i lived, eventually, and went on to make art of my own, but it’s my belief - it’s my hope - that all my writing carries the spores these games and games like them put in me when i was dead and decaying and fertile ground for such things. i hope you play some of them. i hope you enjoy them. thanks for reading <3
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utopians · 1 year
by the way all the esoterically horny lesbians in my notes looking for a really really upsetting and horny AM But A Girl concept should play the short text adventure game Cyberqueen. deeply disturbing little piece of media but you guys would love it
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wiratomkinder · 5 months
thinking serenely about that college class that had playing cyberqueen as an assignment
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thisischeri · 1 year
hey cyberqueen! does dressing cyberpunk look anything like scene style or like, metallic elements??
haha omg! CYBER WHAT???? actually tearing up, I can retire from the internet now, thank you so much 🥲🥹
personally I try to adapt the all black looks and if it looks like I’m ready to go in fight against the rich with the robots then it’s game — I wouldn’t say that it’s like scene but definitely has the accessories aspect (although cyberpunk rather uses the plastic kind but personally I’m trying to be sustainable robot and try to steer to the metallic accessories like belts, straps)
I also wanted to ask, does any of you aim to be dressing cyberpunk but in a sustainable way? I just want to avoid plastic and fast fashion tbh
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brandwhorestarscream · 9 months
Yup. CyberQueen. I am now electing myself as the semi-daily affirmations sender. You will never know who I am. Always Anon. But always Affirming.
You da best queen. The talk of the hive. The buzz of the bees. The swing in the dance. We love our queen.
-Hive Member S71K3R
I need you to know that my dyslexic ass read S71K3R as Striker, so now whenever I read this message I hear it being narrated by a sexy imp cowboy 😂😭 I'm so sorry
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rainsoftenings · 9 months
I saw your mention of Cyberqueen in the tags of that sf recommendation post the other day and ended up reading (playing?) it after looking into it a little bit. It was an interesting experience, to say the least (I've went through it a couple of times trying to process everything), and based on how little internet information I found when looking it up, I don't think I would've ran into it otherwise, so thank you!
aww shucks, thanks! i've loved charity's work for a long long time, i'd highly recommend poking around the rest of her website! warning for flashing images on the main page tho. my favorite of her twines has gotta be either vesp or their angelical understanding
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svipsphynx · 2 years
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another royal cyberqueen
[UV-reactive acrylic paint on canvas, 30x45cm]
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pepperoni-airplane · 1 year
Fun past moments: overheard coworkers planning an outreach activity based on a text game, suggested they try Twine. It worked very nicely but then I had to come up with an explanation for my knowledge that didn't involve cyberqueen. Link included for those who haven't had the pleasure.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 3 months
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nityarawal · 8 months
Moms feel like military minions want to say @elonmuskparody is too special & stuck up to make love to a mom and actually fulfill her in matrimony. Is it possible this is a first? How exciting. Rather than grieve 50+ years of tireless prostitution for Jewish Santas- celebrate the possibility. Could @elonmuskfanslounge really find true love & develop Mars with his real estate CyberQueen and have support of divine Goddesses for first time? Shake off Rapunzel's gremlins molesting us and kids? God, I hope so. You know why? It'd be so much sexier and satisfying than cringing at Jewish Atty fettishes in Gaza and genocide with Trans pimps. Agreed? I feel so safe knowing @elonmusk is looking after my family. Don't you? Just terrified of 40% rape rate of surrounding officers and @taylorswift football team that gang banged us into memes and robots. Please be careful mommies & don't be conned in identity theft by his bots or lured out starving for #NitsaPizza with red lipstick in the night- mistaken for a hooker by rapist cops trolling. That's gross and elon@rewind knows it. "What in the SpaceX is this?” is his general reply to in-house pedophilia. Then I mercilessly beg for him to "Rewind It," and liquidate our company #RewindAi before his lab mommies murder @taylorswift ! He did whistleblow on Errol Musk. The president since had an amateur PD "doubt" about Elon June and cuffed him into many useless bandages with Jewish atty slavery agenda to hide their crimes. Was #Tarantino involved in Ukraine war for a cinematic kick or what? We’re just pawns for crazy old perverts? Many of my friends were drafted for AI research by all the skanky leaders. Likely Putin, #Trumpleberry #VP Gay Prime Ministers etc. @taylorswifts13 Has been in similar Football stalker conservatorship to #FreeBritney ! I lost my virginity at 11yo to Marine David Rippey in Iowa. Then David Farley Kaplan an old 40 something monk that was once captain in Saint Louis - before I was born in early 70's- and Chased Me with Jewish Santa's headhunting for Elon Buddha Divine. I feel Taylor would be a warlock for him and he for her. True love is what we need to fly intergalactically in consciousness and enlightenment. As pretty as celebrities are- it's the inside out clarity and focus in yoginis that captures the galaxy's heart. Who do you want to be in a closet with strapped in for 6 months while your muscles atrophy to space? We hope to build a more posh roadster aircraft with electric blankets etc that's cozy. How lonely not to even scratch your itch or massage your lover. Sounds torturous. So Who is that divine soulmate you want to spin a new universe with? It's such a deep question. Upsetting that X boys trivialize it- but that's a man's ap now- moms really needed our own universe to process boundaries and transitions with new governments & leaders. Superficiality of sacred is weaponising- so many crying losing loved ones! Have tea, get cozy and help us dream big. What is your perfect universe, town, custody, job, and services? It appears many feel the Billionaires and government has been holding out on people in leu of political war/slavery/hooking for cash. @justintrudeauismypatronus It's been a sordid business to witness trafficking of International spies families for the last 7 years. Peace & refunds now. Gay Stirling Boys Club failed. Lol @noncensitive @nonceiling @primeministerbutt #4BillionMothersStrong #6Months #Isolation
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shootingst4rpress · 10 months
i need someone else here (my friends and people i know) to have played or play Cyberqueen by Porpentine bc that game has utterly wormed itself into my brain
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melynafoxclaw · 10 months
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1063 – What a desolate place!  
#SecondLife @SoulinSL #ForsawHorns #HappyEvent #SOMEONE #Azaelaskin #Planet29 #CRYPTID #AgmaHead #BakesonMesh #AandY #CyberQueen #fantasyskins #Abnormality #Sleepover #Evie #Ameth #Equal10 #TheWarehouse #SLBlogging #SLEvents #SLShopping #Everwinter 
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