#Cuzco School
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lionofchaeronea · 3 months ago
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Title: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Protector of the University of Cuzco Artist: unknown Peruvian artist Date: ca. 1690-95 Genre: religious art Period: Baroque Movement: Cuzco School Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 161 cm (63.3 in) high x 117 cm (46 in) wide Location: Lima Art Museum, Lima, Peru
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dragonesdelaemperatriz · 2 months ago
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solnunquamoccidit · 2 years ago
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Nuestra Señora del Carmen
circle of Diego Quispe Tito (Peruvian, 1611 – 1681) oil on canvas (73,7 × 104,1 cm), late-17th century
Brooklyn Museum
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artinpl · 2 months ago
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Early 17th-century Spanish fashion from Peru to Russia …
The fashion of the royal court of Philip III of Spain (1578-1621) and his wife Margaret of Austria (1584-1611), sister of two wives of King Sigismund III Vasa (1566-1632), dominated in many parts of the empire, from Cusco (Cuzco, Qosqo) in Peru to Lisbon in Portugal, from Milan and Naples in Italy to Brussels in the Spanish Netherlands. It was also preferred in Austria and by a part of the Czech, Hungarian and Croatian nobility. This fashion, which consisted of a wide ruff, a paned trunk hose and a doublet for men and a cone-shaped farthingale for women, was also very popular in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Poland-Lithuania-Ruthenia or Sarmatia). Marina Mniszech (ca. 1588-1614), a Sarmatian woman who became Tsaritsa of Russia in 1606, was crowned in a dress inspired by the Spanish saya (portrait by Szymon Boguszowicz in the Wawel Royal Castle and a painting from a Venetian coffered ceiling, also by Boguszowicz, executed to decorate the so-called Family Room (Sala Familii) of the Laszki Murowane Castle, now in the State Historical Museum in Moscow). Interestingly, Polish-style hose were also popular in Spain at that time (calzas polacas or calzas a la polaca, de rayas transversales, rayas horizontales i.e. with transverse or horizontal stripes, after "Glosario de voces de armería" by Enrique de Leguina, p. 194).
In the late Renaissance courtyard of the Convent of Saint Dominic (Convento de Santo Domingo) in Cusco, Peru, built after 1534 on the site of the "Golden Temple" (Coricancha, Quri Kancha), the most important temple of the Inca Empire, are a series of paintings depicting the "Life of Saint Dominic de Guzmán". The original convent was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1650, and paintings depicting the 13th-century Spanish saint and founder of the Dominican order were painted between 1682 and 1688 by a painter of the Cusco Colonial School, José Espinoza de los Monteros. The costumes of most of the figures in these paintings, however, indicate that they are based on early 17th-century originals. They are most likely Spanish colonists, inhabitants of Cusco, posing as members of Saint Dominic's family.
Browse >>> Renaissance Poland-Lithuania - The Realm of Venus - Art in Poland (Artinpl) >>> for more …
© Marcin Latka
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kasita-art-kabineto · 3 months ago
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Virgen de la Soledad o de los Dolores
Virgin of Solitude or Sorrows
Oil on canvas
Unknown artist of the Cusco School Dated 18th Century
Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum collection, USA
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vintagehomecollection · 5 months ago
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'My own white marble mantel was surmounted by a wonderful seventeenth-century painting of the Peruvian Cuzco school, depicting the Archangel Gabriel. An extraordinary blend of Jesuit Catholicism and Inca artistry, this painting came to me in its ornate gilt frame and was anchored by a trio of little portraits and antique mirrors to either side.'
Decorating with Pictures, 1991
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history-of-fashion · 1 year ago
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ab. 1690-1710 Peruvian, Cuzco School - Portrait of a Lady with a Chiqueador
(Robert Simon Fine Art, Inc.)
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mamotretos · 2 years ago
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Anonymous, Cuzco school, Torment of the Evil Tongues, oil on canvas, late 17th century.
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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The Golden Sun Disc of Mu Talon Abraxas
Held by ropes of pure gold in a shrine in the greatest Temple of Divine Light of the Motherland of Mu was the gigantic Golden Disc of the Sun. Before it, on an altar, which was a pillar carved out of solid stone, there blazed the eternal white Light of the crystalline Maxin Flame, the Divine Limitless Light of Creation. About 30,000 B.C. the Maxin Light went out on the Altar because of the evil of some of the priest-scientists of Great Mu. The Sun Disc remained in its shrine, however, until the time of the final destruction and submergence of 10-12,000 B.C.
As we said before, this Disc was not merely used as an object of adoration, nor was it the symbolic representation of our Solar Sun. It was also a scientific instrument, and the secret of its power came originally out of the dim past in the time of the Elder Race. In part, it was an object of adoration because it served in ritualistic temple services as a focus or point of concentration for those meditating. It also served as a symbolic representation of the Great Central, or Cosmic Sun, which, in turn, symbolizes the Creator. As a scientific instrument it was used in connection with a complex system of mirrors of pure gold, reflectors and lenses to produce healing in the bodies of those who were inside the Temple of Light. Indeed, that is why it was called Temple of Divine Light. Besides all these functions, the Sun Disc was a focal point for concentration of a dimensional quality. When the Disc was struck by a priest-scientist, who understood its operation, it would set certain vibratory conditions which could even bring about great earthquakes and, if continued long enough, might bring about a change in the rotation of the Earth itself. When attuned to a person’s particular frequency pattern it could transport this person wherever he wished to go merely by the mental picture he created. It was, therefore, an object of transportation.
The Golden Sun Disc of Mu was not made of ordinary gold, but was transmuted gold, and unusual in its qualities in that it was a translucent metal similar, evidently, to the “metal you can almost look through” of the UFOs.
Lord Muru brought this Disc with him when he journeyed to Lake Titicaca, and it was placed in a subterranean temple at the Monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. Here, it was used not only by the students of life daily, but also by the Masters and Saints from the Mystery Schools throughout the world so that they might be teleported back and forth to sit in Council or to partake of some Transmission Ceremony.
When the Incas came to Peru, and come they did, for they were not native Quechua Indians, but came from a land across the Pacific, they established a highly spiritual society on top of the ruins of the great culture that had belonged to the Colonial Empire of Lemuria. The High Priests of the Sun of Tawantinsuyo–the name of the Inca Empire–built their Coricancha or Temple of the Sun exactly on top of an older structure dating from very remote times. From ancient records in their homeland across the Pacific they learned of the Golden Sun Disc of Mu and they knew it had been removed from the doomed continent and taken to a new land where Lord Muru had founded an Inner Retreat or Sanctuary.
Once in Peru, the Incan High Priests searched long for the Disc but were never able to locate it. However, when they had reached the place on the Spiritual Pathway where they could use the Disc to the benefit of all their people–the native, indigenous tribes they had amalgamated into an empire–as it had been used on Mu, then it was presented to them for their daily use in their Temple of the Sun at Cuzco.
The Inca Emperor at the time was a Divine Mystic or Saint, and he made a pilgrimage to the Monastery at Lake Titicaca, and there Aramu-Muru, as Spiritual Head or Abbot of the Brotherhood, gave the Disc to the Emperor. Several Brothers from the lake were directed to journey with him to the capital of the empire, Cuzco. Here the Disc was placed in a shrine that had been prepared for it, and it was secured with golden ropes as it had been held in ancient Lemuria. Even today, the holes through which these ropes passed can be seen at the Convent of Santo Domingo in Cuzco which is built on top of the Pre-Inca and Inca Sun Temple.
The Incas called their Temple of the Sun Coricancha, which means Place of Gold or Garden of Gold. This was because of the magnificent, solid gold, life-sized figures of men, animals, plants and flowers that were placed in a real Garden of Gold adjacent to the Sun Temple. But the priest-scientists called the Temple Amarucancha. On some of the stones at Santo Domingo today you can still see carved serpents (amarus) and that is the reason, they say, that some knew the Temple as Amarucancha, or, Place of the Serpents. However, that is not the real reason. Amaru is a form of Aramu, which is one of the names of Lord Maru. There are large snakes in the Andes which are still called amarus. Lord Maru’s name concerns a snake because his title is similar to that of another world teacher, Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent of the Aztec Empire in Mexico. Therefore, the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco was named for Aramu-Muru, head of the Monastery at Lake Titicaca, for it was he who enabled them to have, at last, the Golden Disc in their Sun Temple. Within this greater Temple there were smaller temples or shrines dedicated to the Moon, the Twelve Planets (Stars), and to the Seven Rays.
The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays became the leading force in the spiritual life of the Incas, and they learned the use of the Disc from ancient records left by the wise Pre-Incas who were Lemurian colonists. The Disc remained in the Coricancha at Cuzco until word reached the priests that Don Francisco Pizarro had landed in Peru. Knowing full well what was going to take place, sorrowfully they removed the Disc from the Cuzco shrine and returned it to its place in the subterranean temple at the Monastery. The Spanish conquerors never saw it.
On January 21, 1956, Beloved Archangel Michael of the Sun gave an address at His Retreat at Banff, in the Canadian Rockies. The following is an excerpt:
Many of the Temples used on Atlantis and Lemuria have been raised into the etheric realms. Some day they will be lowered again when man is spiritually ready to receive them. It has happened that one or more of the precious stones used in the construction of these Temples have been put in the hands of a High Priest or Head of a Spiritual Order where they form a connection with the Celestial Hierarchy. There are several dozens of the stones from My own Temple in the possession of individuals at various points on the Earth’s surface today…
The Golden Sun Disc of Mu is one of the precious stones referred to by Lord Michael. And it was put in the hands of the Head of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, Aramu-Muru. The Disc will remain at Lake Titicaca until that day ‘when man is spiritually ready’ to receive it and to use it once again. On that day the Golden Disc will be taken out of its subterranean chamber and placed high above the Monastery of the Brotherhood. For many miles the pilgrims of the New Dawn will see it once again reflecting the glorious rays of the Sun. Coming from it will be an undeniable tone of purest harmony that will bring many followers of light up the foot-worn path to the ancient gate of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, and they shall enter the Valley of the Blue Moon for fellowship in the Father.
Excerpt from Secret Of The Andes
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northemoonduringthenight · 1 year ago
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Cuzco School, Our Lady of Guadalupe (circa 1813).
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t0rschlusspan1k · 4 months ago
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Three-faced Trinity with the triangle. Anonymous from a Cuzco school, 18th century. Museum of Art of Lima
The three-faced and the three-headed Trinity were frowned upon by theologians and other watchers of the Christian canon, considering it a monstrosity of nature. This led to the rejection by Jean Gerson (chancellor of the University of Paris), St. Anthony (archbishop of Florence) or Joannes Molanus (professor at the University of Leuven), among others. In medieval times, this artistic typology also clashed with the polycephalous image of the devil, which was obviously totally antithetical, and which, in the 16th century, was a source of ridicule among Protestants. Finally, opposition to the representation reached the ecclesiastical authorities, and was condemned on several occasions: first at the session of the Council of Trent dedicated to the cult of the images, produced on 4th December of 1563; and then in a papal bull of Pope Urban VIII, published on 11th August, 1628, in which he asserted that these heretical representations were to be removed and burned. This fact explains the conservation of few copies of this type of iconography, although it did not prevent their survival in rural areas, far from the centres of power. In 1745, Pope Benedict XIV banned it by means of a brief apostolic letter (a pontifical letter setting out resolutions concerning the governance and discipline of the Church), a document known as the “Sollicitudini nostrae”. 
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Three-faced Trinity. Anonymous Dutch, around 1500. Sotheby’s New York, 9th June 2011, lot 56
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years ago
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Trifacial Trinity, anonymous artist (Cusco School), between ca. 1750 and ca. 1770
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dragonesdelaemperatriz · 2 months ago
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Ángel arcabucero, escuela cusqueña
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theemperorsnewfanblog · 6 months ago
soo if new school takes place in Peru and Lima exists.. does Cuzco also exist? Or is the Kuzconian empire supposed to be Cuzco? Or was Kuzco just named after the city? so many questions
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beardedmrbean · 9 months ago
ASSIS BRASIL, Brazil (AP) — Dozens of migrants sleep in a mosquito-infested six-bedroom wooden shelter in the Brazilian Amazon, their dreams of a better life in the U.S. on hold because of President Joe Biden’shalt on asylum.
Johany “Flaca” Rodríguez, 48, was ready to leave behind the struggles of life in Venezuela. She has been waiting in the shelter holding 45 people in Assis Brasil, a city of 7,000 residents bordering Peru, because others told her how difficult the journey to the U.S. has become.
Migrants, police, officials and analysts say Biden’s actions have caused a wait-and-see attitude among migrants who are staying in Latin America’s biggest economy, at least for now. Like anywhere along migrants’ routes toward hoped-for new lives, local communities are finding it hard to meet new populations’ needs.
After sleeping on dirty mattresses and in half-torn hammocks, and eating rice, beans and ground beef, Rodríguez decided this month that she and her dog Kiko would spend a few weeks with friends in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Wearing a headband, leggings and a small backpack, Rodríguez woke early to walk more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) for two days to a nearby city of 27,000 residents. There, she hopes to make some money and take a bus to Brazil’s south, then reach the U.S. one day.
“I have to stay here until it is safer to go,” Rodríguez said. “I am not super happy about staying (in Brazil), but that’s what I can do.”
Brazil saw waves of migrants passing through to North America in the first part of the year. There were Indians, Bengalis, Senegalese and Nigerians, among others, said Rêmullo Diniz, the coordinator of Gefron, Acre state’s police group for border operations,
When Biden said he was going to crack down, many people in those groups began staying in their countries instead of heading to Latin America, Brazilian government officials and independent analysts said. For citizens of South American countries, it’s easier. Brazil allows residents of its 10 neighboring nations to stay visa-free for up to two years.
The Biden administration said last week that arrests for illegal crossings from Mexico fell more than 40% since asylum processing was temporarily suspended at the U.S. border with Mexico on June 5. Arrests fell below 2,400 a day for the first time during Biden’s presidency.
Acre state offers a snapshot of the attitude among many migrants, and raises the possibility that Acre and other resting spots will become long-term hosts.
The city of Assis Brasil has little to offer to migrants but the wooden shelter where Rodríguez was staying and a school gymnasium where 15 men can sleep. There are two small hotels and a bus stop used by vans crossing into Peru. It has five restaurants scattered along its main road, two grocery shops and an ice cream parlor that has Amazon flavors like local fruits cupuacu and tapereba. Migrants frequently beg for money at the city’s only square.
There are three daily flights into state capital Rio Branco, where 21-year-old Jay came from India en route to the U.S. to study engineering. He declined to disclose his hometown and his last name.
Wearing a white cap reading “RIO DE JANEIRO,” he said that “it would take too long if I just sat and waited,” in India.
“It is a long trip, very risky. But it is my dream to study there and I will accomplish it,” he said.
Brazil’s westernmost state is a remote enclave in the middle of the rainforest, used by tourists as part of an alternative route to visit Cuzco, once the capital of the Inca empire in Peru.
One of Assis’ main attractions for locals is sitting on the benches of its main square Senador Guiomard to watch soccer on TV and eat barbecue. The small city’s founders came to the Amazon in 1908 to start a rubber plantation that 50 years later became a city. Not much has changed since, despite the BR-317 road that runs by it, the only land connection between Brazil and Peru. When residents of Assis Brasil are bored, and they often are, they go to neighboring Peruvian city of Iñapari to have a drink, generally a pisco sour.
Venezuelan migrant Alexander Guedes Martinez, 27, said he will stay as long as needed to get more cash and maybe in a year go to Houston, where he has family. He came with his 17-year-old partner and their 5-month-old baby.
At the Assis Brasil shelter where they were staying last month, he said that he hopes “to go (back) to Venezuela and get key documents to try to cross in a better fashion.”
“I want to be cautious because of my daughter,” he said. “Being here helps.”
Acre state’s patrol has about 40 agents to inspect 2,600 kilometers (1,615 miles) of border with Peru and Bolivia. A main road connects the three countries, but local police say that many migrants also move through the forest, some of them carrying drugs.
Cuban migrant Miguel Hidalgo, 52, tried to get to the U.S. years ago. He left the island to Suriname, then came to Brazil and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon.
“I like Brazil. I have been here for a short time, but people are not prejudiced against me, people are lovely,” he said. “I want to live like a human being. I am not asking for any riches. I want to live in tranquility, help my family in Cuba.”
Acre Gov. Gladson Camelli said in a statement to the AP that he is worried about a bigger influx of South American migrants coming soon.
“Our government has tried to do its part in the humanitarian support,” he said.
Assis Brasil’s Mayor Jerry Correia also is bracing for more demand. City hall is feeding about 60 migrants every day and voters are feeling upset in a year of mayoral elections.
“This is all on our back. This is a policy that has to be handled by the federal government,” Correia said. “People don’t know what happens on our border. We need to be seen.”
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kasita-art-kabineto · 3 months ago
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La Virgen de la Soledad
The Virgin of Solitude
Oil on canvas
Unknown artist of the Cusco School Dated early 18th Century
Private collection
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