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neon-dynasty · 1 year ago
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Just because Tumblr is weird, I'll post this by itself.
Feels weird to design a card for existing Magic characters, but here we are. I am liking Card Conjurer a lot more the more I use it.
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talenlee · 2 months ago
Decima Vex Gallery 6: The Rest!
And here we are, in 2025, after six full months of daily cards, and a whole year of two linked sets, presenting the last bits and pieces that make up the Decima Vex set.
Some of these cards are cards from other, existing factions, or hints of plot points earlier in the story. But all through December, you were getting to see them, so the spoilers are spoiled, the cards are presented, and, based on December 2023, there was probably one or two cards that provoked a super bunch of really vibrant arguments in a really weird way.
Decima Vex is a custom magic set created by Talen Lee. It’s composed of 187 cards, with 71 commons, 60 uncommons, 41 rares, and 15 mythic rares. Decima Vex is a custom Magic: The Gathering set, with at least one card spoiled a day, on Cohost, Kind.Social, and the r/custommagic subreddit.
WOTC Employees: This post in full presents unsolicited custom Magic: The Gathering card designs, which I understand current employee practices forbid you from looking at unsolicited. You shouldn’t be here!
This is the finale for the Decima Vex cards and the story told on those cards. With a year of hindsight now, looking back on these cards, and filled with all sorts of feedback from sources on Mastodon, Cohost (RIP) and Reddit, and time to marinate, I have some thoughts.
First of all: Bloomburrow and Foundations fucked me. Both of these sets, releasing in the later half of 2024 introduced some major changes to wording and rules templates. The first one, from Bloomburrow was the new ‘enters,’ which cut ‘the battlefield’ off a bunch of cards I’d made. Foundations also brought with it the change of ‘this card’ versus ‘CARDNAME,’ which means every card released from September on looked obviously dated, and some of the feedback I was given focused on the unhelpful premise of ‘did you know that a major wording update happened?’
This relates to another problem we’ll talk about later.
That’s not even the extent to which I got fucked in this design, because also, Outlaws of Thunder Junction represented the change from Draft Boosters to Play Boosters, which change the proportion of rarities! By releasing the set card by card, each day of the year, I created a virtual impression of the card being current when it was explicitly old, and old in a way that looks obviously wrong to players who keep current and are highly engaged. Like, you know, all the players in the Custom Magic community.
Secondly, I feel like I pushed very hard to make a three-colour set and I’m not happy with the results. While I love the three-colour factional math that started us off — the idea of doing a mixed set of pairings in two mid-sized sets — and some of the knock-on effects — such as one set that used +1/+1 counters across all mechanics and the other that did not use +1/+1 counters at all — there are still a number of three colour cards that are costed in ways I find unsatisfying.
Here, let me unpack this a little. I’m going to refer to the colours generically – A, B, C aren’t any specific characters, just note that they mean each three separate colours. For a number of three-colour cards, the cards could be AB, BC, and AC, which means that hypothetically they should be fine as ABC cards. Despite this though, as ABC cards, they create an intuitive ‘gap’ in them. For other ABC cards, they may be AB cards that wouldn’t normally be that cheap to cast, and turn some sum of generic mana into C, or wouldn’t get the effect at the scope they get it without making it harder to cast. I don’t like things like A(B/C) hybrid like Jund Hackblade, but reflecting on it now, I should have considered the value of this kind of design for cheaper, simpler cards.
This is some very fuzzy kind of divination in the colour pie, and when constructing a set these are real needs that need addressing in terms of filling slots and making effects available, it can feel like any given card, extracted from its context can feel like ‘oh, hey, this isn’t perfect, why isn’t it perfect?’ and my response is ‘because it belongs to a greater set and has a greater context’ which never gets a good response.
This also relates to our idea that comes up later, again.
I did like the factions’ flavour. Each of these ten factions feels to me like an interesting space for creating characters that feel meaningfully different and where each solves and approaches problems in different ways and brings with them a host of different art opportunities. Sometimes that worked out great, where I could find a seam of art in my art source (Artstation) that maintained and shared a visual aesthetic well, letting me create a faction out of unrelated parts (or, y’know, sometimes, related parts). I don’t think any of the factions have meaningful overlap with one another, either, which is something I’d normally be afraid of doing, especially when trying to represent characters I, personally, like.
I had favourites, no doubt: The Cazas Dawn are absolutely a favourite. I love their broken-Catholic imagery, and their post-apocalyptic resilience. I love the chalk-and-ink colour scheme, I love their hateful antagonistic relationship to their cursed dead god, the Saun. I love Jade, who helped inspire so much of the language around them (and I think is responsible for the word Saun!). It juxtaposes them with the Kraivh Assembly’s similarly deific church-empire, which is run by a lone man who tries to control his daughters through necromancy, opposed by a gaggle of women leaders recognise the corruption of their god.
I also love the Ynvei Conspiracy not as an example of a faction whose minds I agree with but whose pain I understand. They’re a red-blue-black faction of conspiracy theorists whose conspiracy, thanks to their magic, actually works and always discovers more layers of deeper and deeper sophistication. But that’s not because of a centering on blue (a study of perfection) or black (a ruthless individuality willing to do anything) but is instead centered on the red in the faction, the emotional need for the conspiracy to still be the conspiracy.
This was cool!
Now, on for some card-by-cards:
Friendly Glitterwing started out as a kind of Ajani's Pridemate, but it wound up taking a form that’s more ‘capped,’ that I find less likely to get out of hand.
The new card frame design on Righteous Iconoclast and its cousins excites me but I think that I just find card frames dividing up information more exciting than I should. An idea I really like for it is for the cycle to have four known cards and the fifth to have an unknown card in its sub-card.
Trezi Memorial started out as an Alchemy card. No lies, Seek is an effect I can appreciate being keyworded.
I really like Forked Futures as an example of a Divination effect, which is a common space I find fun to play around. Making a simple, common-worthy version of the effect is really challenging.
Skull Preservation ahs one of my favourite pieces of flavour text in the set.
The Dead-Hand Jab continues my love of Things That Reference the Umezawa’s Jitte.
Empire’s Wake should be rare.
One of the lasting marks about this year’s cards is a steady disillusionment with Reddit’s custom magic community. This isn’t just things about specific conflicts with people; I block people, I unblock people after I’ve cooled down, I manage my experience with people who directly annoy me. That’s normal and I don’t mind it. What I mind is that when Reddit’s custom magic is an aggregate, it feels unpleasant the more I use it.
Multiple times in 2024, I had posts of mine brigaded by people who very confidently wanted to argue with me about a card, while being wrong about it. Not just ‘we disagree about how to do things’ but in some cases, wildly incorrect. This year someone claimed that a mechanic didn’t work, and when I showed them the page and rule in the comprehensive rulebook that showed them it did, they told me they didn’t think it was real. I had people extensively constructing conspiracy theories about me on other subreddits because I had positions like ‘talk to your commander pod.’
One trend on the place is the way that upvotes are largely centered not on good design or a willingness to engage with cards as meaningful expressions of what they are doing, but rather a kind of commafucking, usually escalated. A card may not be appropriate at one mana, maybe more appropriate at two, but calling it ‘broken’ is where the conversation starts. People bring a deeply disorienting assumption to everything, which means that people complain a card designed for casual commander games is displaced by a CEDH staple… which is a good thing? There’s also the way that people completely misunderstand what a card even says and get mad at me for that.
AI Slop is also a big problem. An overwhelming number of cards being put on the subreddit these days are being shared with entirely generative art, credited (usually, as per site rules) to ‘midjourney’ or ‘stablediffusion’ or whatever. This makes cards look more boring, which is a real shame, especially knowing that the free generators that are available are capable of meaningful varied, interesting images, if you bother to build expertise with them, and that this is something of a perfect use case for these tools (a no-profit playful toy piece) that still makes things look bad.
There’s also the way the attention system is biased heavily towards memes. Things get a lot of attention for being funny, and posting trends tend towards being extremely, energetically trend-following. Someone makes a joke about Colossal Dreadmaw and we get a dozen posts in the same day shaking out the same sock looking for more of that lint. It’s frustrating because it means that the designers I do like, I don’t see what they make that often, and I don’t get to have the conversations with them I want to have, because so often, the subreddit is a trough. It doesn’t even follow the rules I want it to — I tell reddit to present things in a linear newest order, and it simply won’t. Very frustrating.
There are still however, some really good points that are hard to address for structural reasons. For example, I am really bad at capitalising subtypes and handling spaces in printed mechanical text, and periods get past me from time to time. It’s nice to be mindful of that kind of thing.
I’m not giving up on the Subreddit by any means! I am just making plans for next year to make the process easier to share, because of course, yes, I am still making daily cards in 2025.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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sexhaver · 2 years ago
okay first off thank you so much for learning + apologizing about the road thing, that was where most of my ire stemmed from since it was actually dangerous behavior and i have no beef with you otherwise. with that in mind, sorry for wording the initial answer so harshly, and i don't want anyone sending this person hate.
as for your first paragraph, you're correct that my argument was just "card look bad" because the post you sent this ask about was, in fact, me just remarking that that specific printing of that card looked Bad (independent of Universes Beyond tie-ins) and not an argument against UB as a whole. iirc the last time we saw the card name and type lines in all caps + a different font was the Amonkhet Invocations set, which was pretty widely panned at the time as "not looking like a Magic card", and that combined with the weird border shape and art extending out of the frame gave heavy r/custommtg vibes.
my arguments against Universes Beyond in general are pretty much in line with yours, insofar as it's VERY transparent that WOTC is chasing the money and even more cringe of them to pretend like they aren't. a child could follow WOTC's logical train of thought here:
as SL:TWD showed, we could make a bunch of money from licensing deals with other IPs on MTG cards [The Walking Dead's IP is also owned by Hasbro, so that first Secret Lair was a test case they ran to advertise its success to outside IPs]
but we can't hinge our sales entirely on collectors/fans of the outside IP, we need to make the cards themselves good enough mechanically to appeal to competitive Magic players so they buy packs as well
but as we also learned from SL:TWD, there are a LOT of Magic players who actively oppose the inclusion of these Universes Beyond cards, and they would feel betrayed by us if we pushed those cards hard enough that they saw regular play
oh wait we ran the numbers and the groups from point 2 bring in more money than the group from point 3, so just disregard the latter entirely lol
(2 years later) hey why do most of our vocal fans and content creators hate us?
to be clear, i don't personally care that much about the sanctity of the "fantasy of the game" to the point where my immersion is ruined when the person across the table sleeves up a WH40K commander. i'm here to play a card game, not roleplay a wizard; at worst i'll roll my eyes a bit and move on. but there ARE a LOT of people out there who are there to roleplay a wizard, and they're peeved by it! and what DOES piss me off personally is watching the way WOTC has treated those fans; namely, by alternately lying to their faces (we're still patiently waiting on those Universes Here versions of the Walking Dead cards like we were promised 3 years ago) and calling them entitled. you're literally Wizards of the Fucking Coast, dude! your success is built on the backs of autistic people using your products to pretend like they're casting spells! fuck!!!
the "Time Lord" thing mostly just makes me roll my eyes because you know they would never dream of making that same exception for a product they weren't being paid to put out as advertising
Given all of the other very valid things to complain about with WotC, I'm not sure "Stop having fun with cards I don't like" is the hill to die on.
Like I don't even like Doctor Who, but this is the lowest hanging fruit possible.
i'm not saying people can't have fun with Universes Beyond cards. what i am saying is that they are blatant cashgrabs and look bad. also most UB sets have had a few cards pushed enough to end up in eternal formats (so they can upcharge to players as well as collectors) so "if you don't like the cards don't play with them" is not a valid argument and makes you look very stupid for even suggesting it.
you are the same person who sent me this ask a week ago defending your God-given right to do the speed limit in the passing lane. do you pick all of your opinions out of the same dumpster, or is it more of a "whichever one is closest" type thing?
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ghoulcaclulator64 · 3 years ago
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you know what fuck it. homestuck lands baby
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badmtgcards · 2 years ago
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you guys like this one i spent a lot of time on it
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douglysium · 3 years ago
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Custom MTG cards I made based on pokemon. Can you guess the pokemon they are based on?
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inventors-fair · 4 years ago
A Horse of a Different Colour
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Tribes are a core part of Magic's identity, building decks focusing only on a single creature type can lead to a fun, synergistic deck that has it's own unique identity. Which is why it's also fun when wizards decides to take a well known tribe and give it a twist by placing it in a different colour, like Ixalan's green merfolk and Amonkhet's white zombies. It shows how this tribe is effected by a different environment, and their abilities reflect that.
And that's what we're going to explore this week! Take a tribe, dip it in a colour we haven't seen before, and show off it's new identity. Green vampires? Sure. White Demons? Sounds fun! Red Merfolk? The possibilites are near infinite.
I'm sure you've got some questions, so I'll try to answer some off the bat.
Can the card still partly be a colour the tribe has been before? Of course! Ixalan Marfolk being Green/Blue gave them a really great Jungle River feeling while also making them feel unique.
Can I add a second creature type to the tribe? Absolutely! Want your vampires to be green/black vampire insect creatures that are like mosquitos? As long as I can tell what the "primary" creature type is, you can add other creature types.
If you have any more questions, feel free to submit a query in our inbox which is HERE.
As always, you can submit your entries HERE.
And you can discuss your creations in our bustling, ever-growing discord HERE. I look forward to what fun new twists you all come up with! Mod @thatboonguy
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loreholdlesbian · 4 years ago
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Here’s another card made while I was working on my MH2 project. It didn’t fit in the booster cause I only had three uncommon slots but I’m really happy with this design. I’m very thankful to brokkos for pioneering something like this and I think it works really well for dash. It makes it almost like unearth, except you don’t lose the card.
Also the name is a reference to the card Cauldron Dance
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drexmaverick · 4 years ago
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So I finally got thru most of my nearly 9,000 card collection organized by color. A Dakkon binder for the rares, the MTG one for the foils, and a tribal dragon cover portfolio on the way which my Dragons will be moved to. A Garruk box for my 5 color Dragon and Sliver decks. I got box full of repeat spam that I was refunded for, and a stack my favorite creature types that I expect to put in a binder ... Now what? I do have a couple things still coming ... 🏹 ⚔️ 🐲 🐉 🔥 ⚡ 🤠 ☠️ 🧛 🧝 🧚 🧙 🦄 D&D Guild Of Fantasy Art www.facebook.com/blackbladeofdragonhead Games, Guns& Dragons www.facebook.com/dragonsandtanks #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgproxy #mtglegacy #mtgcube #mtgmodern #oldschoolmtg #mtgvintage #mtgcommunity #mtgedh #mtgcommander #edh #mtgcustom #custommtg #mtgaddicts #mtgtokens #elderdragonhighlander #mtgoldschool #mtgart #mtgstandard #mtgdaily #mtgcard #mtgtrades #mtgcollection #mtglife #magicthegathering #magicthegatherincards #mtg #forgottenrealms https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdQN59s2jl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stormtide-leviathan · 4 years ago
Kaldheim Booster Challenge
I posted this on reddit, if you’d rather check it out there, but I wanted to share it here too b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶'̶m̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶t̶a̶n̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶f̶f̶i̶r̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.
In the third great designer search, there was a challenge to pick a set and make a booster pack full of custom cards that fit in that set. I’ve started doing this for sets since Zendikar rising, and wanted to continue that tradition here. Why am I doing this so late after the release of Kaldheim? Cause shuttup, that’s why >:(
Here’s the link to the full imgur album. There are also individual imgur links even though there are images, cause reddit doesn’t allow images directly and I’m copy/pasting from there.
Anyway, let’s get started! (Long post ahead)
Common #1:
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Divine Goat 3W
Creature- Goat
W, Sacrifice ~: You gain 3 life.
Whenever you cast your second spell each turn, return ~ from your graveyard to your hand.
Here’s a top down design, based on Thor’s goats that pulled his chariot and were sacrificed for food every night and reborn in the morning. Originally the recursion triggered based on Vehicles, but with two other vehicle cards in the booster including the other white common, one had to go and this was the best option, but I still liked the flavor so I went with another of white’s themes.
Common #2:
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Dwarven Elder 2W
Creature- Dwarf Warrior
Whenever ~ crews a Vehicle, draw a card.
The fabled white card draw. Yes, I am your savior. Your messiah. Bow before my wisdom. I could technically see this design in either white or blue, but I liked white better and white cares more about vehicles anyway. I based the costing off Stealer of Secrets. This doesn’t put itself in danger, but relies much more on deck building to activate.
Common #3:
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Ambusher Giant 5U
Creature- Giant Warrior
Foretell 3U (During your turn, you may pay 2 and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast it on a later turn for its foretell cost.)
Foretell works really well with instant speed, so I thought a big instant speed creature would be a good fit. Since blue has a giant tribal theme, and is one of the main colors for foretell, it was an obvious fit.
Common #4:
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Heated Rebuttal 1U
Counter target spell unless its controller pays 2. They can’t spend S to pay this cost. (S is mana from a snow source.)
Here’s another snow hate card. What I really wanted to do with this was discourage running snow basics where you don’t have to, and though we have the god in the set that does this I think this is an issue that’s solved with both quality and quantity. I wasn’t sure on the power level of this for standard purposes, but I’d rather this more pushed version than be too weak and have it not do anything against snow.
Common #5:
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Shapeshifter’s Trickery 1U
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant Creature
Enchanted creature gets +1/+0, is every creature type, and can’t be blocked.
Not too much to say here really. This is good for the tribal synergies in the set, and is just an innocuous little aura for limited. Not everything is gonna be pushing boundaries.
Common #6:
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Draugr Fleshchewer 1B
Snow Creature- Zombie Berserker
Whenever Draugr Fleshchewer attacks, mill two cards. If a snow card was milled this way, Draugr Fleshchewer gains menace until end of turn.
This originally worked with the “exile a creature card from your graveyard” subtheme, but I had to change this to snow and I couldn’t get a good snowy design that used that mechanic. So instead, it fuels it. I also wanted to have another card that cares about the existence of snow instants/sorceries because they were introduced this set and the number of cards that only work with snow permanent cards when they don’t have to is strange.
Common #7:
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Arrogant Stand 3R
Creatures without a boast ability can’t block this turn.
Here’s a simple little card that plays around with the flavorful space of boast. You have to be very full of yourself to stand up to the oncoming attack.
Common #8:
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Winterdark Ritual 2R
Snow Instant
Add three mana of any one color.
Foretell R (During your turn, you may pay 2 and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast it on a later turn for its foretell cost.)
Is the name completely on the nose? Absolutely. And I find that hilarious. This is taking advantage of the fact that foretell is payed in multiple payments to turn that into mana storage. And it’s snow, because snow rituals are new to the set, play well, and I don’t think it makes it too powerful, though this has a lot of little factors to it that might push it over the edge. Any number of them could easily be tweaked though.
Common #9:
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Blessing of Koma G
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature has “T: Add one mana of any color.”
2, Sacrifice ~: Draw a card.
This card is secretly also a snow card. The intention is, you can enchant snow creatures with it to get extra snow mana. However, it’s not snow itself because a) I thought that made for a cool moment of discovery and b) If it was snow, a lot of players would mistakenly think the mana is snow whether or not the creature it enchants is.
Common #10:
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Boulderskin Troll 3G
Creature- Troll Warrior
When ~ dies, search your library for a Forest or Mountain card and put it onto the battlefield tapped. Shuffle your library.
I really wanted this card to be red. See, the legend goes that when a troll goes out in the sun it turns into rock and I thought tutoring for a Mountain when it died would be a good way to do that. However, I just couldn’t find a good way to do that which felt red, so I had to make this green. Luckily red/green are the troll colors so it could still find a mountain. I specifically chose nonbasic so that it could synergize with the snow duals at common.
Uncommon #1:
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Immerstrum Berserker 3BB
Creature- Demon Berserker
Boast- 2B: ~ gains lifelink until end of turn. (Activate this ability only once each turn and only if this creature attacked this turn.)
Boast- 1B: Each opponent discards a card. (You may activate both boasts in a single turn.)
It has two boasts. Ya know how most creatures only have one boast, if any? Well not this, it has two. That’s it. That’s the design.
Uncommon #2:
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Master Shipcrafter 1R
Creature- Dwarf Artificer
1R: ~ gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
Whenever a creature you control crews a Vehicle for the first time each turn, that Vehicle gains that creature’s activated abilities until end of turn.
There’s this weird tension in the set where R/W both encourages you to play a lot of vehicles, and has a lot of boast creatures, which do not work well at all together. This card is an attempt to fix that. Originally it just worked with boast, #notallactivatedabilities, but that was an extremely narrow card so I widened the scope. There’s certainly some weird combos you can do with this, but nothing too bad in limited though.
Uncommon #3:
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Ring of Kinship 2
Artifact- Equipment
Equipped creature gets +1/+1
Creature spells you cast that share a creature type with equipped creature cost 1 less to cast.
Equip 1
I’m a big fan of equipment and auras that have a universal effect that cares about a quality of the equipped creature. I dunno why, but it tickles me. Creature type is a good thing to care about on designs like this though, and I wanted both an equipment and a tribal reward in the booster, so it was a good fit.
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Kvasha, God of Magic 3UU
Legendary Creature- God
When ~ enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying for each enchantment you control and each enchantment card in your graveyard.
Sacrifice a Spirit: You may cast spells as though they have flash this turn.
Kvasha’s Birth 2GW
Enchantment- Saga
I, II: Until your next turn, whenever ~ or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.
III: Mill six cards. Exile ~ then return it to the battlefield face-up.
I’m genuinely really sad they didn’t do a god with a saga as its backside, it could have been really cool. So I made one myself!! I wanted it to at least be feasible as a commander for a Saga deck, and since Kaldheim has a lot of enchantments running around I figured it could use an enchantress like this. The tricky part was, I had to make a blue card that could also feasibly be a selesnya card, since the saga turns into it. It also works well with the tribal themes and the spirit subtype in the set, though that’s more of a bonus than anything else. If you’re wondering why this card looks different, that’s for two reasons. One, I can’t make Sagas on MSE. And two, this overlapped nicely with the Inventor’s Fair contest of the week on tumblr, which I use mtg.design for since it’s easier to get links that way. (Check them out! @inventors-fair​ That contest is what finally pushed me to finish this booster).
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Snow-Covered Swamp
Snow Land- Swamp
T: Add B.
Look, it's a snow-covered swamp. I needed a snasic in here. I dunno what else you want from me.
So there we go!! Finally!! The booster challenge that took weeks longer than it should have. What do you think of the designs? Do you think they would fit well within Kaldheim? If not, how could I fix them? Also I probably made a formatting mistake somewhere in here so if you notice like, a wrong link or something let me know. Also, if you want me to tackle an old set feel free to request it, though since this took me weeks for some reason I can’t make any promises lol.
Here’s boosters I’ve done before:
- Zendikar Rising: Reddit
- Commander Legends: Reddit // Tumblr
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custommagiccards · 5 years ago
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A Rogue that can be used offensively or defensively, designed by Magic Set Editor user monger #mtg #magicthegathering #magic #custom #custommtg #custommagic #custommagiccard #custommagicthegathering #fakemtg #customcard #card https://www.instagram.com/p/B6diLDAHBQR/?igshid=1lupdws7xmpcm
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neon-dynasty · 9 months ago
It's very rare for me to come up with a card's mechanics before its flavor, but I like how this turned out. Kinda feels like a Modern Horizons card.
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Art source: Dirk Wachsmuth
Also, I really need to make a set symbol for myself....
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talenlee · 3 months ago
Decima Vex Story Spotlight 6 — The End Of Things
And here is the last gasp of the story. At this point, the pieces are in place; the factions, the people, the hopes and the dreams of the population and what it means to belong to this world, with its vast and impossible sin that stains the land.
There’s nothing left, but to finish the story.
Decima Vex is a custom magic set created by Talen Lee. It’s composed of 187 cards, with 71 commons, 60 uncommons, 41 rares, and 15 mythic rares. Decima Vex is a custom Magic: The Gathering set, with at least one card spoiled a day, on Cohost, Kind.Social, and the r/custommagic subreddit.
WOTC Employees: This post in full presents unsolicited custom Magic: The Gathering card designs, which I understand current employee practices forbid you from looking at unsolicited. You shouldn’t be here!
The world is collapsing. The Time Loop is trying to reset early. Kraivh IV and Finn have to work out how to use the machine to escape the loop. Kraivh IV being willing to work with her uncle against her father and commit to the collapse of the Empire is a big emotional payoff for her.
Tear the worlds together; smash the Ghostlands back into their place, and let the chaos ensue. Portals from the Gwynn can bridge the gaps with the Trezi’s aid, and Jatku’s swarms can fill the
The grand tour of all the established characters anew; the Decima Vex characters escaping, the planeswalkers snapping together again as their two identities collide, and the Emperor watching as his peace is once again interrupted.
Reunite the characters you want for the final confrontation. This can include everyone including Cura, the Planeswalkers, and Jatku II – whatever choices you made about those characters’ fate is up to you.
The Emperor is invincible; something that he has done has rendered him inhumanly powerful and linked to death (possibly the billions he’s murdered and reanimated).
The link to the Ghostlands doesn’t collapse the worlds together – they try but something ‘holds them apart’ – which means that while the Volja, Gwynn, Aszyt and Verge are trying to marshall against the Empire’s borders and attack the core, the portals pulling them apart keep them distant
Kill the Emperor’s Soul, render him mortal, end the world.
Show a world in the aftermath of an empire; not that it’s immediately improved, but that improvement is possible, and that the empire is not a good thing that made the world better, but just centralised improvements where the empire wanted it.
The characters are in place; everyone is known. At this point the only remaining hint is that the Emperor’s own soul is placed in the Ghostlands, where it is willing to wait forever
The characters throughout the story are able to show up again now; each of the five planeswalkers trapped in the Ghostlands are collapsed together with their other selves.
Jatku II and Cazas II are free to use at this point; you can decide what you wanted to do with them and resolve it, showing whether they could resolve their differences, or turn against the empire.
Cura has become a full Jatku style insect lady, and she is ready to fight for the legacy of Jatku, alongside Ksen.
Now reunited the group of heroes – depending on if you have room for all of them to work together, including Cura and Jatku II and Cazas II – all quest into the Ghostlands one last time while the world streams around them into angry threads.
The Cazas Dawn unite – De Rais absolutely stonking with power because everyone that falls in the war is caught up by her – and because they have access to the real sun for the first time, they are absolutely charged.
The Volja are loving clashing with an undead army, a feeling of purpose and death all at once. They’re no longer bound to the cursed moon, so all these moon worshippers showing up when the sun starts to set become much more powerful and dangerous, but still have the same strange inability to die in the normal world.
The Aszyt see the opportunity to act, and rouse their krakens, the deep beasts and scrathes leading the charge as they start flooding the coast.
At the heart of the Ghostlands the heroes find the throne of the empire, in the remnants of Kaius’ throne room. They find there Kraivh I’s soul. They see him on this ancient throne that emphasises how many times he’s done this loop and rebuilt the world.
They confront the soul of Kraivh with what they’ve learned, with the stories they were told and what it means to them.
As the characters confront Kraivh’s soul and rebut his positions, each of the core characters have the chance to show how it isn’t a matter of his ideals being wrong but that he always expresses his ideals through control.
Kraivh IV has already had her break from the empire moment, when she worked with Finn to break the gap between worlds. She doesn’t need to confront her dad. He doesn’t deserve to have her cry over what she had to do in front of him – and he’s a manipulator. It’s entirely okay to have Kraivh IV just avoid dealing with the soul directly.
Eventually Niamh confronts her ideal of inclusion versus the problem of including a monster like the emperor. She has to grapple with the idea that she can’t save everyone, that there are people who make choices and their choices aren’t things you can save them from. How many people did the emperor kill and lie to?
Then they beat him up and kill his soul.
At this point go nuts, the rip between the worlds starts to heal and everyone gets to fight against the empire as their true final powered up moves. Spend time toppling the empire, and show people getting to finally stretch free in the name of revolution.
Then a denoument. It’ll depend on the choices you’ve made with the story pieces so far; It is important that characters are generally okay, because it’s more interesting to show how these characters have handled the changes. Plus, y’know, dying has been a thing with the whole world, like dying and restoring.
Show how the factions have handled settling back into the world, show the way the empire collapsed, and the way that the Kraivh people are coping now with a world where their necromancy is not about controlling an empire but doing the best for people.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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