#Curtis Leadership and Training
mckinleysthoughts · 5 months
The Fabric of our Country is Tearing
One of the reasons I see the fabric of our country tearing up is all the rioting and protesting at college campuses. I’ve been thinking about all the numbers of students who can vote in the upcoming elections and what’s in it for them that can’t vote.
If you have been watching the news, there’s a mirroring effect of over 130 college campuses across the United States protesting. Students are demanding that their universities sever financial ties with Israel or companies connected to the Israeli military’s war in Gaza.
Therefore, there is a rise in antisemitism on campus outside of the protests.
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
“Split Second Leadership by Curtis Philbrick, read by the best rookie you’ve ever trained…” Tim swallowed heavily, wishing beyond everything he was capable of that he was back in the moment where things were easy. After Isabel, before Rachel, before Caleb. Before he loved her. His grief welled in the corners of his eyes, lodged itself in his throat and radiated through his chest as he listened to her speak. Reverence and sass and feistiness lacing through her words. Things were so simple then. Get her through thirteen months of training, set her free. He never expected to set her free after loving her.
-Time Machine by sostarry (submitted by @queseraone)
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artifanatik · 2 years
52 hours. That is how long it has been since Lucy went undercover. It’s not supposed to be a long op. A week at most.
There is just something about undercover that really gets to Tim. It’s not necessarily the danger. It’s not that she is simply away for some unknown amount of time. It’s that for all intents and purposes, they are strangers. He can’t call her. He can’t text her. If he happens to cross her path, she doesn’t know him.
He wishes more than anything, he could just text her. A simple “hey” from her would suffice. But alas, that was not an option. There was one thing that did help- that helped him through those months when he and Lucy weren’t talking.
He walked over to his nightstand, pulled out an mp3 player and put the headphones in. “Split Second Leadership by Curtis Filbrick. Read by the best rookie, you’ve ever trained.” Her voice flooded his ear drums and a smile grew across his face.
This would just have to be enough until he could hold her in his arms once more.
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sezzlelot · 7 months
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The fact that he led us to major trophies over the 12 years he was at the club, and filled the shoes that no one wanted to straight after SG leaving, winning us our first premier league title in 30 years, the leadership he has shown through out the course of his time as captain at this club, reduced to this.
A bunch of keyboard warriors battering another human beings self worth to think that he was the issue last season?
We win as a team, we lose as a team, we create chances as a team, we make changes as a team.
Personally his loss at summer still guts me, I don’t think he was ever given the respect he deserved for the leader he was for our club, and by whom I mean “fans” he made it his life and even when things were going well “fans�� would still find fault with him, what are you to do with that?
For me taking that armband, after a scouser having held it for however long, even though it was given to him by the man himself was never enough for some people.
The absolute pressure of it.
The support he was to the lads in the academy Trent, Curtis, they all speak highly of him. The relationship he held with Millie, Virg, and Robbo the respect, the unit they were as senior players, yet people can’t see it but we’ll cling onto other things won’t we, we’ll jump on the hate campaigns.
Don’t you remember the branding him a “racist” that went on last season, the get him out my club. No innocent until proven guilty for your captain then was there. You’re not real fans you never were to think that of him.
It saddens me that people feel the need to pull other people down.
He gave everything for the club, maybe it was his time if he wasn’t happy to have less game time then call him egotistical but find me a player at such a high level club that would be happy to be riding the bench.
It’s a competitive sport they WANT to play they don’t train and dedicate everything to it otherwise.
To dwindle on a bench.
Has he physically harmed anyone by the choices he’s made this past year, no.
If he had stayed the respect he deserves still wouldn’t have been put on his name.
Being in his corner is where you’ll find me.
If you don’t like it or agree with me fine. You don’t need to stick around.
But he’s forever my Captain #YNWA
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coochiequeens · 11 months
A lesbian activist, an anti-war protester and a memoirist Eva Kollisch was a woman rose above tragedy.
By Luke Peteley | [email protected]
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Eva Kollisch, 98, a Jewish refugee who was educated as a teen on Staten Island and later became a noted memoirist and a lesbian rights advocate, died Oct. 10 of a chest infection at her home in Manhattan, according to media reports.
Born in 1926 to a Jewish family outside Vienna, Austria, Kollisch faced persecution from the rising Nazi regime. As war loomed in 1939, Kollisch fled the Holocaust aboard a Kindertransport train, as part of the mass rescue of nearly 10,000 children to Britain prior to the outbreak of the second world war, as detailed by Kveller.
In 1940, she and her brothers arrived in the U.S. and were reunited with their parents in New York; the family would settle in an apartment on Staten Island, according to The New York Times.
A graduate of Curtis High School, Kollisch recounted in a 2016 interview how her early political views were shaped during her time as a student at the school.
“I went to high school on Staten Island and had a couple of years, sort of uninteresting years, in high school,” she said. “But it was safe. Nobody beat me up, nobody called me a Jew b***d or anything like that. And then toward the end of my second year I met a bunch of Trotskyists and it made a big impression on me.”
She continued that she “found a kind of home, an intellectual home. And a home for my own sense of injustice and wanting to make things right, making them OK. They were far from OK.”
After high school, she left Staten Island and worked on an assembly line in Detroit, and as a labor organizer. Despite joining the Trotskyist movement as a teen, Kollisch said she became disillusioned by the overwhelming male leadership.
It wasn’t until 1986 that she met future wife Naomi Replansky, a poet and labor activist. As noted by The New York Times, she first had two marriages to men, Stanley Plastrik in 1942, and Gert Berliner, an abstract expressionist artist and fellow refugee.
While with Berliner, the couple moved to New Mexico, where Kollisch wrote while working as a cook at a uranium mine, and as a social worker. It was there that she gave birth to a son, Uri; he and a grandson are the only immediate survivors. The couple then returned to New York and separated in 1959.
“I didn’t go through this period of great suffering that so many women did in the ‘40s and ‘50s, and by the 1960s, you know, it was a part of my androgyny, really, to have loved some men and to love women,” Kollisch said in a 2004 interview.
Kollisch and Replansky married in 2009.
In 2016, after decades as a couple, Kollisch and Replansky won the Clara Lemlich Social Activist Award; in 2020, the New York Times profiled how the couple were surviving the COVID-19 pandemic together. Replansky died at age 104 in January.
For work, Kollisch was a professor of comparative literature at Sarah Lawrence College, according to Kveller.
In addition to a career as a professor, Kollisch also became a poet and a vocal activist. The Museum of Jewish Heritage notes that “her American arrest came for anti-Vietnam protests; she stood vigil as a Woman in Black, and took part in the Seneca Women’s Encampment.”
Kollisch went on to write two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” (2000) and “The Ground Under My Feet” (2007).
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jcmarchi · 11 months
Robert van der Hilst to step down as head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/robert-van-der-hilst-to-step-down-as-head-of-the-department-of-earth-atmospheric-and-planetary-sciences/
Robert van der Hilst to step down as head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
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Robert van der Hilst, the Schlumberger Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, has announced his decision to step down as the head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the end of this academic year.  A search committee will convene later this spring to recommend candidates for Van der Hilst’s successor.
“Rob is a consummate seismologist whose images of Earth’s interior structure have deepened our understanding of how tectonic plates move, how mantle convection works, and why some areas of the Earth are hot-spots for seismic and geothermal activity,” says Nergis Mavalvala, the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics and the dean of the MIT School of Science. “As an academic leader, Rob has been a steadfast champion of the department’s cross-cutting research and education missions, especially regarding climate sciences writ large at MIT. His commitment to diversity and community have made the department — and indeed, MIT — a better place to do our best work.”
“For 12 years, it has been my honor to lead this department and collaborate with all our community members — faculty, staff, and students,” says Van der Hilst. “EAPS is at the vanguard of climate science research at MIT, as well Earth and planetary sciences and studies into the co-evolution of life and changing environments.”
Among his other leadership roles on campus, Van der Hilst most recently served as co-chair of the faculty review committee for MIT’s Climate Grand Challenges in which EAPS researchers secured nine finalists and two, funded flagship projects. He also serves on the Institute’s Climate Nucleus to help enact Fast Forward: MIT’s Climate Action Plan for the Decade.
In his more-than-decade as department head, one of Van der Hilst’s major initiatives has been developing, funding, and constructing the Tina and Hamid Moghadam Building, rapidly nearing completion adjacent to Building 54. The $35 million, LEED-platinum Building 55 will be a vital center and showcase for environmental and climate research on MIT’s campus. With assistance from the Institute and generous donors, the renovations and expansion will add classrooms, meeting, and event spaces, and bring headquarters offices for EAPS, the MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science, and MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI) together, all under one roof.
He also helped secure the generous gift that funded the Norman C. Rasmussen Laboratory for climate research in Building 4, as well as the Peter H. Stone and Paola Malanotte Stone Professorship, now held by prominent atmospheric scientist Arlene Fiore.
On the academic side of the house, Van der Hilst and his counterpart from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Ali Jadbabaie, the JR East Professor and CEE department head, helped develop MIT’s new bachelor of science in climate system science and engineering (Course 1-12), jointly offered by EAPS and CEE.
As part of MIT’s commitment to aid the global response to climate change, the new degree program is designed to train the next generation of leaders, providing a foundational understanding of both the Earth system and engineering principles — as well as an understanding of human and institutional behavior as it relates to the climate challenge.
Beyond climate research, Van der Hilst’s tenure at the helm of the department has seen many research breakthroughs and accomplishments: from high-profile NASA missions with EAPS science leadership, including the most recent launch of the Psyche mission and the successful asteroid sample return from OSIRIS-REx, to the development of next-generation models capable of describing Earth systems with increasing detail and accuracy. Van der Hilst helped enable such scientific advancements through major improvements to experimental facilities across the department, and, more generally, his mission to double the number of fellowships available to EAPS graduate students.
“By reducing the silos and inequities created by our disciplinary groups, we were able to foster collaborations that allow faculty, students, and researchers to explore fundamental science questions in novel ways that expand our understanding of the natural world — with profound implications for helping to guide communities and policymakers toward a sustainable future,” says Van der Hilst.
In 2019, Van der Hilst began looking ahead to the department’s 40th anniversary in 2023 and charged a number of working groups to evaluate the department’s past and present, and to re-imagine its future. Led by faculty, staff, and students, Task Force 2023 was a yearlong exercise of data-gathering and community deliberation, looking broadly at three focus areas: Image, Visibility, and Relevance; External Synergies: collaboration and partnerships across campus; and Departmental Organization and Cohesion. Despite being interrupted by the pandemic, the resulting reports became a detailed blueprint for EAPS to capitalize on its strengths and begin to effect systemic improvements in areas like undergraduate education, external messaging, and recognition and belonging for administrative and research staff.
In addition to helping the department mark its 40th anniversary with a celebration this coming spring, Van der Hilst will oversee the dedication of the Moghadam Building, including the renaming of lecture hall 54-100 for Dixie Lee Bryant, the first recipient (woman or man) of a geology degree from MIT in 1891.
As department head, faculty renewal and retention were key areas of focus for Van der Hilst. In addition to improvements in the faculty search process, he was responsible for the appointment of 20 new faculty members, and in the process shifted the gender ratio from one-fifth to one-third of the faculty identifying as female; he also oversaw the development and implementation of a successful junior faculty mentoring program within EAPS in 2013.
Van der Hilst also made great strides toward improving diversity, equity, and inclusion within the department in other ways. In 2016, he formed the inaugural EAPS Diversity Council (now the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee) and, in 2020, made EAPS the first department at MIT to appoint an associate department head for diversity, equity, and inclusion, tapping Associate Professor David McGee to guide ongoing community dialogues and initiatives supporting improvements in composition, achievement, belonging, engagement, and accountability.
With McGee and EAPS student leadership, Van der Hilst supported the EAPS response to calls for social justice leadership and participation in national initiatives such as the American Geophysical Union’s Unlearning Racism in Geoscience program, and he helped navigate the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic while maintaining a sense of community.
Seismic shift
After stepping down from his current role, Van der Hilst will have more time to catch up on research aimed at understanding of Earth’s deep interior structure and its evolution. With research collaborators, he developed seismic imaging methods to explore Earth’s interior from sedimentary basins near its surface down to the core–mantle boundary some 2,800 kilometers under the surface. Recently, he authored a Nature Communications paper with doctoral student Shujuan Mao PhD ’21 on a pilot application that uses seismometers as a cost-effective way to monitor and map groundwater fluctuations in order to measure groundwater reserves.
Before becoming department head, Van der Hilst served as the director of the Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL). In the eight years he served as director, he helped to integrate across disciplines, departments, and schools, transforming ERL into MIT’s primary home for research and education focused on subsurface energy resources.
Van der Hilst was named a fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in 1997 and became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014. Before he was named the Schlumberger Professor in 2011, Van der Hilst held a Cecil and Ida Green professorship chair. He has received many awards, including the Doornbos Memorial Prize from the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, AGU’s James B. Macelwane Medal, a Packard Fellowship, and a VICI Innovative Research Award from the Dutch National Science Foundation.
Van der Hilst received his PhD in geophysics from Utrecht University in 1990. After postdoctoral research at the University of Leeds and the Australian National University, he joined the MIT faculty in 1996. He was ERL director from 2004 to 2012, when he was then named EAPS department head, succeeding Maria Zuber, the E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics, MIT vice president for research, and presidential advisor for science and technology policy.
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solatgif · 1 year
TGIF: Roundup for June 2, 2023
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Save the date! “Writing the Next Chapter,” the 2024 Asian American Leadership Conference, will take place on April 23-24 in Orange County, California. More info coming soon.
Peter Lim, Jason Min, and Kevin Yi were privileged to be included in an assembly of Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House. Read their reflections.
This newsletter is one of the many ways you can keep in touch with us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator
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Enter to win this excellent book! What does Scripture show us about Jesus? In Road Map to Jesus, Alistair Chalmers takes us on a trip through beloved Biblical texts to show us the Savior. Read my review. Thanks to Alistair Chalmers for providing this book for our giveaway, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
N. Gray Sutanto: 4 Realities in Jakarta That Expose Western Judgments of Christianity
“To those who experience social guilt and shame, Christianity announces a better way. It calls sin by name, depends on Christ’s blood for absolute cleansing, and calls sinners to be made new in him.”
T. Kim: What Risks Can Moms Take? Following Jesus with Small Children
“Fellow mom, though I may be oceans away, neither of us raises our family in the country of our citizenship. You also face many risks as you serve Christ. Do you trust him? Is he worthy? If so, what is a faithful, risky yes you can say to him today?”
Virginia Chen: Our Beloved Ones Don’t Become Angels When They Die
“Despite what Chinese religions and pop culture might suggest, they stay human—and that’s a good thing.”
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The SOLA College Writing Cohort is our new writing cohort for college-age students to receive mentorship and training as young Christian writers. Editorial Board member Soojin Park will personally be leading this initiative, and she is very excited at the prospect of nurturing the next generation of Asian American thinkers and writers who will help encourage and edify the Church!
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
Journeywomen Podcast: Unashamed with Irene Sun
“In the face of intense shame heaped upon her by others throughout her life, Wen Wei Chieh was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This woman of the faith endured poverty, loss, and rejection at every turn, but she stood firm on the Word of God, knowing the Lord would remain faithful to her.”
Related: Sharing Biblical Theology With Kids: An Interview with Irene Sun
The Russell Moore Show: Curtis Chang Says Anxiety Is Opportunity
On this episode of The Russell Moore Show, Curtis Chang explains that the root of anxiety is the fear of loss. The conversation also covers social media, the role of medication in addressing mental health struggles, and various spiritual practices for responding to anxiety.
Related: Youth, Politics, and Social Media: A Conversation with Russell Moore
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock, Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity by David A DeSilva, The Cross in Context by Jackson W., Serving as Jesus Served by Michele Howe. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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For Mother’s Day, check out our Moms & Motherhood collection! Featured authors include Faith Chang, Amy Loh, Alice Kim, Heidi Tai, Grace Lung, and Kristen & Karisa You.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Connie Nelson: The Best is Yet to Come: How Knowing Jesus as Our Resurrected Lord Impacts Our Parenting
“If our children are in Christ, we can be confident in their future.”
Matt Ng: The Sound Witness of An Ordinary Life
“A sound witness is an everyday, unscheduled, and unprompted endeavor that demonstrates Christian humility and charity. It tills Gospel soil. It’s a characteristically winsome lifestyle that exudes Gospel flavor to others around us—the kind of living that makes it no surprise to others that we love Jesus.”
Peter Lim, Jason Min, Kevin Yi: Reflections on the White House Listening Session with Asian American Christian Leaders
On May 4, 2023 the Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC), which is a national organization that focuses on education/equipping, advocacy, and community building to represent the voices, issues, and histories of Asian Americans, congregated Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House.
Michael Agapito: Two Things Young Pastors (and others) Can Learn From Tim Keller’s Life and Ministry
“For a man of his size and stature, his presence was rather disarming and far less imposing. For a person of his reputation, he was relatively unassuming and even soft-spoken.”
TGIF: Roundup for May 26, 2023
What Youth Workers Need to Know About Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month / on the unlikeliest of penpals, or concerning Tim Keller / Western Classics Exclude Me. But Christ Can Redeem Them
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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ellitheria · 2 years
Read By: Your Favorite Rookie
Ashley plugs the MP3 player in, using the charging cord in the box, and then puts the headphones on. She presses the play button, her heart pounding, and she doesn’t know what she expected, but it isn’t this.
“Split Second Leadership: Leading Men in the Line of Duty by Curtis Philbrook. Read by: the best rookie you’ve ever trained. Chapter 1. True leadership generates respect, not fear. It elevates people rather than diminishing them. The number one mistake …"  
Ashley presses pause, and then fast forward.
The recording continues on for what seems like hours.
“Weird,” she murmurs. She unplugs the headphones from the first MP3 player and then sets up the second one. She presses play, and immediately the same soft, melodic voice floats through the headphones.
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tim-lucy · 3 years
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CHENFORD IN EVERY EPISODE: 2.02 “The Night General” “‘Split Second Leadership’ by Curtis Philbrick, read by the best rookie you've ever trained.”
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retvenkos · 3 years
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every movie i watched in 2022  ⇢  snowpiercer (2013) dir. bong joon-ho
“the train is the world, we the humanity. and now you have the sacred responsibility to lead all humanity. without you, curtis, humanity will cease to exist. you've seen what people do without leadership - they devour one another. look at them. that's how people are. you know. you've seen this; you've been this.”
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mckinleysthoughts · 6 months
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Curtis Leadership and Training
Leadership and management are often used interchangeably in the workplace. Through open dialogue and best practices, participants learn the importance of “Developing the leader within themselves. Practicing hands-on activities will enhance their communication skills. A certified Maxwell Leadership Consultant and Trainer facilitates this course.
Know more: https://mckinleysthoughts.com/courses/
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
25 Days Of CHRIS-mas
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Day 18: Oh, Christmas Tree!
Summary: You give Curtis a surprise to brighten your Christmas in the tail section
Pairing: Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer) x Reader
Warnings: Bad Language, implied smut(NSFW, 18+)
W/C: Hazard a guess about 700? Posting this b phone- no idea! It’s short!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, any likeness to any persons or events in real life are purely co-incidental. I do not own any characters contained herein bar the reader and/or any original characters. I do not give consent for my work to be copied and posted/translated onto any other sites. If you see this fiction anywhere other than Tumblr, it has been taken without permission.By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer and ALL warnings posted here.
A/N: this is the first one I’ve had to post on mobile with my left hand. Apologies in advance for any mistakes!
Dedicated to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork ❤️
25 Days Of CHRIS-mas Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Day 17: Mr Freezy (The Iceman)
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You had hoped you'd marked the tallies properly, counting the days until what you assumed was Christmas Eve or day, you were usually off by a day or so. Leap years were non existent on the train and there was no luxury of time or a calendar in the rear. You had your best guess and you went with it.
A few people got into the spirit, some chatting about maybe a small carol service, but all in all the majority of the tailers simply viewed it as another day.
With Timmy's help, you had set about procuring the simplest of items, small and random, painstakingly spending weeks putting your gift for Curtis together. You wanted to give him something special.
You'd been his since you could remember. You'd both come on the train at the same age, having found comradery in one another, even in the darkest times of his life, he had you.
You could tell something was going on lately, rumblings over a final take over and you knew that Curtis was the one the trailers looked to for help and leadership. But now you wanted to push that worry from your mind, give him his gift and try and forget the darkness
You looked at the final product of your craftsmanship. An evergreen tree shaped collection of odds and ends you managed to piece together with wire; welding nor glue an option. You led it on your bunk, covering it with a dirty rag and hoped that when he returned from his, well wherever he was, that he'd like it.
You stretched out for a little nap, day and night never really existed where you were, you kinda just took the rest when it came.
You were woken a little while later by soft kisses to your cheek
"Hi," you purred, seeing bright blue eyes in a mass of darkness.
Curtis smiled, "hi, Kitten." His nose brushed yours as he placed a soft peck too your lips.
"Everything okay?" You asked and he nodded.
"Just fine. Better now." He smiled.
He always said how much you could make the darkest of his days brighter. You took care of him, guided him, grounded him. You were his girl, and he wanted a better life for you, for you both.
"I have something for you," you grinned brightly and rolled off your bunk. Curtis stepping back a little to allow you the space.
“Yeah?” His eyes followed your movements as you paused, hand curled round the dirty rag.
“Yup.” You grinned
You pulled the rag back to reveal your design, soft eyes looking back at Curtis for his reaction. "I had some help, but, I thought maybe you'd remember what it was like. We all forget more and more each year and..."
Your words were cut off by a kiss, the softest and deepest kiss you'd experienced with him in a long while.
“You made me a Christmas tree?” He whispered, a smile forming against your lips
"I did." You replied softly.
“I love it.”
You giggled lightly, "good. Merry Christmas, Curtis. I love you, so much." Then you did then unthinkable, pure instinct driving you as your hands fell to your belly, your hands cupping the small bump that became poignant just this morning. "We.. Love you."
Curtis blinked, his eyes widening a little before he looked down at your hands. “You… no, that’s…”
"I didn't believe it either, but Tanya confirmed it. I'm having a baby."
“Oh… shit, Y/N…”
"I know. It's crazy, and it's not the best situation but..."
"I love you, so much. I promise, it's gonna get better, okay. I'm gonna make it better. For all of us."
“What…what are you planning?” You looked at him
"Don't worry your beautiful little head about it. I promised I'd always take care of you, and I'm doing just that. Now.... It's twice as important." His hand dipped under the many layers of clothes you had to feel that rise in your skin. He looked at you with tearful eyes. A soft smirk spread over his lips.. "Merry Christmas, my love."
Despite your sudden sense of foreboding you smiled back, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
Day 19: Nick Vaughan (Before We Go)
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nifolution · 2 years
Can't Refuse 1
Pairing: Curtis Everett / Reader, Curtis Everett / OFCs
Summary: Curtis takes Wilford up on his offer. Everything and everyone on the train will soon belong to him.
Warnings: Dark Fic, violence, character death, smut, noncon/dubcon, angst, death, drug use, forced prostitution, forced public sex, threats, weapons, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, alcohol, humiliation, ice play, guilt, somnophilia, dacraphilia, cock warming
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. 18+ only due to smut and noncon/dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
Series Masterlist     Main Masterlist
Chapter 1
The peaceful thrum of the engine, intoxicating perfection. He never wanted to leave it. He could feel his heartbeat syncing to the engine's rhythm. He was broken, shaken to his core, without foundation. Nothing was real, just a fallacy. Those lies he clung to were all gone, everyone was gone. The battle was over. His revolution never really existed, nothing but a ploy. A mess of lies, but this, this was real. It was peaceful, beautiful. Curtis held his head and cried. He barely notices Wilford handing him something. Can’t understand a word spoken. He unraveled the red note, tears blurring his vision. It simply read TRAIN. 
Wilford spoke softly, “I am old. I want you to take my station. It’s what you always wanted.” Wilford helped Curtis off his knees. “It’s what Gilliam wanted too. You must tend the engine, keep her humming.” He turns Curtis around. “Look Curtis, beyond the gate. Section after section, precisely where they’ve always been and where they’ll always be. All adding up to what? The train. And now the perfectly correct number of human beings, all in their proper places, all adding up to what? Humanity. The train is the world. We, the humanity. And now you have the sacred responsibility to lead all of humanity. Without you Curtis, humanity will cease to exist. You’ve seen what people do without leadership. They devour one another.”
There was a commotion on the other side of the gate. Several zapping sounds and the gate started to open. Claude quickly went to investigate. Yona knocked her out with a wine bottle as soon as she saw the blond head poke out. 
The door continued opening. The two men stood watching the chaotic scene before them. Minsu fighting off a mob of angry addicts. The screaming, the hate, the blood. From the tranquility of the engine room, it seemed like it was worlds away.
“Look at them. That’s how people are. You know, you’ve seen this, you’ve been this. Ridiculous, pathetic, aren’t they?” Wilford asserted. They continued to watch the mayhem. “You can save them from themselves. This is what Gilliam saved you for. Curtis…” Wilford moved in closer, “this is your destiny.”
Destiny? Yes, yes his destiny. He had to accept that he was meant to lead. The train was his now. The world was his. His to protect. His to control. His to punish. A dark flame ignited within Curtis as he resolved himself to his new position. 
Suddenly Yona was running toward him, “Curtis, the match!”
As she neared, Curtis shoved her away, glowering at her. Yona looked up at him, horrified. She backs herself into the nearest corner, shaking her head. Knowing what would happen next. 
Outside the gate, Claude awakes. She picks up her rifle and begins spraying into the crowd, unconcerned with who she hits. The partygoers scatter, dragging their bleeding and dead with them. Claude walks over to Minsu’s body on the catwalk. Delivers a hard kick to his lifeless head. Then walks back into the engine room.
Hearing the whimpering, Claude immediately turns her gun on Yona, ready to exterminate the little pest. Wilford whistles for her to turn around. He signals Claude to give the gun to Curtis. She disagrees but does as asked. 
Curtis takes the rifle and walks over to Yona cowering on the floor. She looks up at him, silently pleading. He stares at her for a moment, emotionless, cold. He aims and pulls the trigger. Putting a bullet in her chest. Yona’s hands went to the wound, trying to stop the blood flow. 
Curtis watches the light leave her eyes. He hands the rifle back without incident. Stepping away from the body, he turns to Wilford, “I accept.” 
Chapter 2 (coming some day)
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Life After Snowpiercer: Curtis Everett Series, One Shots and Drabbles
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Moodboard made by the AWESOME @imanuglywombat​. Thank you so much for this! 
A/N- This was my first series and its full of mistakes. Many mistakes. Including descriptions of the reader being white. I need to go through and edit this. And I will be doing that when I have time, its a big project and will need some dedicated time to go through with that. Thank you to those that choose to read it, I do appreciate it. 
Almost Time-  (1) 3k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Days before Revolt, Smut, NSFW.
Breakdown- (2) 5k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Final Day before Revolt, Smut NSFW
Survival- (3) 3.7k Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis disagree, He leads the mob, you must survive. Dark Subject matter, listed in warning on story.
Still Alive- (4) 3k approx. Curtis Everett (hints of You) Curtis makes his way to the end, and there's a surprise waiting for him. Violence. Note- If you want to know the story Curtis told Nam, Read Past Horrors found below.
End of the Line- (5) 5.8k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis finds out Matt is still alive, had to make a decision to Wilford's proposal. You are dealing with your attackers.  Warnings- Non con implied, mild.
Whos Left?- (6) 5.3k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis with Yona and Timmy make their way towards the tail end, finding an unexpected survivor. You are stuck in a situation not easily able to escape. Violence.
One Problem At A Time- (7) 5.3k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis reunite and work on bringing the people in the valley back up to the others. Tension between you and Curtis. Violence.  
Tell Me Please?- (8) 4.9k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Still tension between you two, Curtis insists on finding out what happened. Finally back to the front with a confrontation coming. Trauma. Violence
Finally Free- (9) 6.2k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Matt is finally contained and you have a moment. Curtis starts stepping into a leadership role with the help of Edgar.
First Order of Business- (10) 6.6k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Dealing with the captured Front Enders and you take up working with the Doctor, discussing your predicament. 
Adjusting to The Everyday Life- (11) 5.4k Curtis Everett x Y/N. The new way of life is becoming routine, and your starting to adjust. Curtis does his best to help you along. Warnings- swearing, hints of smut, talk of pregnancy.
To Good To Be True- (12) 6.2k Curtis Everett x Y/N. You are ready to be intimate with Curtis again after the assault. Edgar is told something from the past that shocks him, makes his world come crashing down. Warnings- Sex, mentions of assault, talks of cannibalistic survival, violence. NSFW. 
Dragging Up The Past- (13) Curtis x You. Matt’s escaped and Curtis goes with a team to search for them. You figure you could talk to Edgar, maybe make him understand the circumstances of the past. Warnings- mentions of cannibalism, Smut, violence, swearing, all that good stuff.
Just Get Back Home- (14) 5.9k Curtis x You. Cutis and the group go to retrieve Matt and his group, with a warning from Yona to be extra cautious. Warning- Violence. 
The World Is Changing- (15) 6.5k Curtis Everett x You. This is it, the end of Wilfords reign on the Survivors lives, and time to embrace the future, whatever it may hold for the group. The Final Chapter. Warnings- Violence, mentions of rape, executions, smut, swears. 
Life on the Snowpiercer- (drabbles/one-shots)
Past Horrors- 1.4k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis recalling past deeds. Warning, very dark subject for survival.
Taken (Early Years)- 3.7k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Loss of will to live after tragedy strikes, Curtis insists on keeping you alive. Angst
Stay Safe (Early Years)- 3.7k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis is prepping for riots with McGregor, and is told what his role is. It makes him think about his feelings for you. 
Act of Rebellion (Early Years)- 7.7k approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. McGregor Riots end with heavy casualties, and new alliances form. Warnings- Violence, Mass Death, Smut, Loss of Virginity, Female receiving Oral. Just some smut involved. Death and Smut. There ya go. 
Curtis Everett, A Damn Tease- 5.6k Approx. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Oh just smut. The whole thing. Little bit of convo plot. But thats not what we’re really here for.
The Internet is for What?- Short Read Curtis Everett x Reader, Group Setting. Discussing what the internet was for.
Surprise- short. Curtis Everett x Y/N. You wanted to give Curtis a gift, but what? Sweet, fluffy, just warm feeling.
Its A Party- 2.8k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Everyones bored, how to entertain? Fun, NSFW
Morning Conversations- Short Read.  Curtis Everett x Y/N. You and Curtis enjoy an early morning wake up. Smut. NSFW
Tension- 4.6k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis breaks up a dispute and it affects him. NSFW. Alternate Ending available in story.
Games- Curtis Everett x Y/N. 449 words of the floofiest floof ever. Curtis and You play with the kids.
Dont Know Why- Curtis Everett x Y/N 1k Curtis just needs a moment to spend with you.
Interrupted- 6.5k Curtis Everett x Y/N, Illness has been sweeping through the train, but it seems to be gone. Finally, you and Curtis have time together, maybe. Smut
Nightmare- 2.4k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Warnings- Non Con references. Dealing with the aftermath of Y/N trauma in Survival. Curtis mentioned in flashbacks only.
In the Dark- Short drabble. You recognize Curtis anywhere when he comes for you
Curtis Request- short drabble, you have been teasing Curtis all day, and now he pays you back for it. Smut. 
Not Leaving- Short drabble. Still plagued by nightmares of the assault, Curtis is right by your side, refusing to let you face them alone. Set Between chapters 10 and 11. 
Just This Forever Moment- 3k Curtis Everett X You. Early morning moments are to be appreciated and Curtis does just that when he wakes up to find you still asleep. NSFW. Smut. Oral. Sexual. 
To The Sound Of... Ooh Laa-  3.8k Curtis Everett x You. You find a surprise in one of the cars but is having difficult getting it to unlock. Yona insists you take it to Curtis, that he will be able to unlock its secrets. 
Curtis Loves Blankets- cute short piece about Curtis accidentally stealing the blankets from you. 
Curtis Sensory Prompt- Curtis and You are having a snowball fight with the kids
Deleted Scene- 
What You Deserve- THIS IS NOT A PART OF ABOVE STORY, I CUT IT. 5.7k Curtis Evertt and Y/N. Early Years. You sit with a dying member of the train and listen to her talk about her late husband, and the idea of Soulmates crosses your mind. Do they exist? 
Curtis thoughts- just my thoughts and possible use for fics later
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
quick and dirty (heh) timeline for Leon Kennedy
//for my sanity.
1998 – RPD [raccoon city survivor—nabbed by the government and complies in exchange for Sherry Birkin's safety; he doesn't want her to become an experiment.]
1998-2000– Attended University somewhere in the Midwest [sponsored by then government agent (likely CIA himself or secret service; unclear) Adam Benford and US-STRATCOM's Anti-Umbrella Pursuit and Investigation Team (AUPIT)]
2000-2001 – CIA training [18-month program. CIA requires a bachelor’s degree, but he’s in on a special waiver: Raccoon City Survivor. BOW-based bioterror is a threat to national security, even if what happened has been covered up, so they need all the specialists they can get.]
2002 – Operation Javier [highly irregular mission parameters means Leon (now an AUPIT agent) is chosen because of his experience with BOWs, not his field experience; that’s why Krauser’s there]
2002-2004 – Finishes out a four-year degree alongside continued CIA and black-ops training. [He and Benford become good friends.]
2005 – Spain [Leon carries a plaga parasite for a day and a half, maybe two, and, with Ashley’s help, removes it with the use of the extraction machine—there are side-effects]
Late 2005 – RE: Degeneration, Harvardville [the first manifestations of the remaining plaga antibodies makes Leon exceedingly hard to kill, even when violently swatted around by a mutated Curtis Miler]
2006 – Infinite Darkness [Leon makes a decision to continue working within the system to combat BOWs because he believes the resources offered by AUPIT are the only thing that can give him an edge against bio-terror]
2007-2008 – unknown, likely hunting down Los Illuminados remainders around the globe [still working as an agent under Adam Benford’s leadership. Benford enters the Whitehouse as VP.]
2009 – RE5 [following the events of 5, Leon is sent to investigate the presence of enhanced plagas that can appear in daylight, etc. A tip leads AUPIT to turn their attention to Eastern Europe. Leon's relationship with Adam Benford has by now become fairly intimate.]
2010 – RE: Damnation, the Eastern Slav Republic [Leon is confronted with a sticky political situation with an added bonus of BOWs. Ordered to leave the country, he "misplaces" his comm device and investigates the use of these enhanced plagas, which is why he was in-country in the first place.]
2011 – the DSO is formed under Benford, who becomes POTUS when his predecessor steps down mid-term. [The DSO is an enhanced version of AUPIT, with all the proper bells and whistles of an anti-bioterror organization—they work closely with the BSAA in most aspects. Ironically, both are sponsored, at higher levels, by the Family, and events are appropriately manipulated so the agents never QUITE reach their goal of eradicating this BOW or that virus; a sample always finds it way to some lab or other… Tricell included, which, ironically, is a major donor to TerraSave AND the BSAA. ]
2012 – Benford runs properly and wins the 2012 Presidential Election [Despite National Security Advisor Simmons’s protests, Benford intends to declassify the events of 1998 with regards to Raccoon City and its subsequent sterilization. Leon warns him that he will be targeted—which they both know—and begs him to reconsider. Benford proposes. Leon accepts.]
2013 – RE6 [Leon is forced to "kill" the love of his life, though Benford is already technically dead.]
2014 – RE: Vendetta [Leon is … tired. He’s spent two years or so mourning and drinking himself into a state of numbness; he’s mostly going through the motions at this point. He is in “god won’t let me die” mode by the time Chambers and Redfield find him in Colorado.]
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onetrainscifi · 3 years
Whoo. That pilot was--a lot to unpack. Parts of it were definitely 😬 *cringe* but I also find myself grateful that the network recognized its potential and liked the heart of it enough to bring on a new creative team.
Like, reading all the slides with Cleo I realized what I'd been missing in Zarah-this pilot really stressed the loving relationships of the murdered man's family and actually let Cleo react to his death while our Zarah told Layton a grand total of ONCE that Sean Wise was 'someone she loved' but then never mentioned/mourned him (or her other partners who just? disappeared?? They were led away in handcuffs, were they ever released? Were they drawered? Did they blame Zarah and therefore just never return to the home they'd shared? What side did they take in the rebellion? Like, what happened to these people?!) again. And from that moment on her character seemed so untethered--so unattached to the rest of what was taking place because she had no emotional center. This great, traumatic event that should have been both her character motivation and kept her tethered to the action/investigation was just kinda--swept to the side. Like, if we had gotten a Zarah who was more like Cleo, who pestered Layton, regardless of their thorny past, for updates on the investigation and had to be the rock for her mourning family and who stood solidly with Miss Audrey in righteous anger for the blue-eyed firstie who did this horrible thing--I would've enjoyed her so much more! And Ugh! Jinju and Till being supportive and cute From The Start(!) was 😍. Just--the fact that the focus on healthy love and affection happened to be centered on a polyamorous family and a lesbian couple was great.
But there were other things in the Pilot that seemed so-tonally different and just questionable. Like maayyybe making Layton a chronole 'stoner' was an indicator that parts of his character were drawn not just from the hero Curtis in the movie but also Namgoog, the security specialist. And mayyybe they weren't trying to be completely blind to the fact that their black protagonist deserves as much heart and conviction as his white counterpart in the movie, but. Yikes. Making him addicted to chronole and so...morose/spaced out all the time robs him of that drive and conviction that would make me believe any of the Tailies would rally behind him. Our Layton is a go-getter, a man of action and this guy in the pilot was...not. So...props to Graeme for making our Layton so much better!
But also--WHY would they choose to stress to us that Osweiller is a footballer JUST to freeze his foot off? In both the show and film the limb removal scenes really hammered home how cruel the HUMANS on the train chose to be to each other. And the freezing of the cattle car itself should've been enough to remind us the world outside is treacherous and inhospitable--they didn't have to try so hard to show us that any act of kindness or altruism on the train is futile. Like after seeing THAT, what the hell could possibly help move Till in the direction of choosing compassion and justice for the Tail?!
But I digress-I think the areas I'm most grateful for change were in regards to our season 1 powerhouses, Layton and Melanie. And some of it was so subtle but made SUCH a difference, like pilot Melanie's quirk was tapping her acrylic nails against her teeth--a sign that 1) she's perfectly happy reaping the benefits of 1st class life and 2) she's always thinking/conniving/SCHEMING. But OUR Melanie has a habit of rubbing her neck when she's stressed--as if THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD/HUMANITY IS ON HER SHOULDERS. Pilot Melanie is also uppity and shows up early to catch people off-guard. Our Melanie is quiet and studious when we first meet her-gauging the situation, letting Layton and others reveal their hand first-and she shows up late/after the main players are already gathered BECAUSE SHE HAS TO BE EVERYWHERE. But honestly I think the change I am absolutely most grateful for (aside from pretty much everything, lol. Like, I canNOT IMAGINE Alison Wright as Lilah instead of Ruth. And letting Miles actively seek the engineer apprenticeship to help the rebellion instead of having Layton(?) who is neither this child's father nor his active mentor (literally all they do is wrangle rats together in the pilot) make that choice for him WITHOUT his actual mother's consent was clearly a stroke of genius. As was just...not focusing so much on cow 18. Like. We get it. They're like animals crammed together in a cattle car. There is no reason to make so many Holocaust references in the first five pages of the script. There are other, far less jarring ways to convey human suffering and misery on this fictional show about a manmade Armageddon. -_-) is the ommission of the shady magistrate as part of the leadership/inner circle/cult.
Having him and that other guy making the decisions/embodying the ACTION of those decisions moving forward if this pilot had been their opener would've really detracted from the heft of Melanie's secret--like in the finished product, we have Melanie behind the curtain, an engineer by trade who clung to this cruel/unfair system all for the sake of keeping the train, the thing she built and the hope it represents, ALIVE and moving. It was a choice that didn't feel like a choice. A necessity. And yet she was changed by it. The mask of Wilford is harsh and she has to become harsh. She wears all these hats and leans on others when she has to (like Ben, Jinju, etc) or when a situation is truly dire, but there is no room for doubt that it is HER decision at the end of the day. She's the one who saves the train over and over when mechanics fail. And she's the one who decides to commute LJ's sentence. The Wilford mask/veil has allowed her the freedom to make these absolute decisions without oversight-so SHE alone bears the brunt of the consequences. There's no one else to blame, which made for some of the most delicious drama on the show when that secret was brought to light. How Melanie related to individuals (like Ruth, Layton, etc.) and how she related to the passengers as a whole was suddenly, VIOLENTLY, upended and allowed for really tense character moments.
And we wouldn't have gotten that if they had kept the shady magistrate stepping in to try to strong arm Jinju and others into doing the cult's will.
Like, maybe it could've panned out in a satisfying way but I will never forget how excited I was when we got the "I have the train" exchange in the first episode that revealed it was a WOMAN at the helm. A smart, cunning, hard to read but delightful to watch woman who'd been hiding in plain sight, in a uniform that screams 'subservient' and 'service' but had been popping up continually in places and spaces that seemed better suited to the men running the investigation and security/murder squad-this woman is shown to be in charge of it. ALL of it. The good (the beautiful aquarium, life in perfect balance, etc.) AND the bad (the Tail and it's horrors). THAT moment was really the one where I thought "I'm hooked. I wanna see where this goes." And so I'm so glad they cut the magistrate - and cult, honestly - out.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble! Thanks for sharing that pilot stuff! It has given me much to think about! :)
Breaking this down into parts again here we go!
1. Yes!! Exactly!! Cleo was given so much depth and room to grieve and have that actually be part of her storyline unlike Zarah. So I did really like that.
2. They made Layton SO much better good god. Like. Thankfully they improved his character.
3. I don't honestly know?? Like maybe to show what it does to humans?? No idea.
4. Y e a h exactly. We all love an unhinged woman but pilot Melanie was...yikes. Like...she genuinely seemed so happy to be in 1st class and have this power to be Wilford's chosen hospitality worker and scare people. And Alison Wright as Lilah would be so cute though, I wanna see it akdjsksi
5. YEAH THE MAGISTRATE GUY IS JUST REALLY NOT IT. He is not who we want he's just?? Seemingly one of the second in commands in Melanie's cult, which is odd but oh well.
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