#Curse of the artist is having so many idea but not enough time to draw them all!
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hi I just wanted to say your comics and art style is so fucking cute. I have a friend who’s into mdzs and I plan to read it soon (like. ya know, soon like maybe in a few years haha) so I won’t linger for too long round here lest I get spoilers but yeah!
Aw, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the story, whenever you get around to it. The silly comics I made for it will always be here B*)
I *do* draw things outside of MDZS (link to the directory here), so you are free to avoid spoilers while still reading my comics. Take care!
#ask#This was a good opportunity to look through my directory and clean up some links!#I find it very sweet when people who don't (yet - or even ever) know the source but still enjoy my comics.#And I am so grateful to all the people who stick around even though I often go on non-mdzs detours.#I've said this before; but the detours are really important for me to make sure I don't burn out.#At the end of the day I am just a person who is trying to get by and balance a lot of things.#Curse of the artist is having so many idea but not enough time to draw them all!#Regardless - thank you for sending along such a sweet message. I wish you well! Say hi to your MDZS loving friend for me!
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It Ain't Me Babe
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: A holiday present from me to you ❣️
Summary: Ellie’s first art club meeting [2.8k]
Warnings: creative insecurity, mentions of financial instability, teacher things, Ellie talking about Sarah, more flirty flirt, I think that’s it??
Nothing has ever been as annoying or guilt-inducing as an unfinished piece of art. Sure, every artist— no matter the medium— has felt like an uncreative, unoriginal hack, but it still feels just as new as it did the first time. Moonlight streams through your window as you glare at the canvas, hoping for an idea or stroke of genius. It's late. You should be in bed, especially since it's a Sunday night and you spent your weekend working at the bar down the street. But you're holding a paintbrush between stained fingers and praying for a miracle. It's been eight months since you last sold a piece for a whopping $200, chump change when it comes to living in Austin these days. Even with two jobs and doing commission work, you're living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe that's why it's so hard to create? That has to be the reason. You don't remember it being this hard when you were younger.
Creating art was the only thing that brought you solace during your teenage years. It didn't matter if it was drawing, pottery, painting, sculpting. All that mattered was that you were doing it and you were good. You won awards, scholarships, and attention. Your art teacher, Ms. Henry, was a godsend. Grey-haired, glasses-wearing, colorful Ms. Henry glided through lessons and projects like it was second nature. She always had pencils in her hair, a mug in her hands, and a kind word on her lips when you entered her classroom. She's the one who pushed you to go to your artsy liberal arts college full of people richer and better than you. Even with her love and support, you struggled and almost dropped out after that first semester.
"There's always someone better," she told you when you ended up crying across from her in a coffee shop. "But there's nobody in the world who can make what you will because there is and never will be another you. I mean, God, what a gift. I'd hate to see you waste it." That sobered you enough to keep going and eventually pursue a teaching certification. Ms. Henry has since retired to the Pacific Northwest with her wife, Mable, and sends you a postcard every once in a while because she believes smartphones will be the downfall of civilization. After so many years in education, you're ready to agree with her.
You sigh, feeling your motivation fluttering away with your breath, and plop your paintbrush down in the cup engraved with the words "DO NOT DRINK" in bold. The canvas doesn't look like much of anything right now— just a mass of colors and shapes that could potentially pass as an abstract version of a landscape. It looks like the other painting you left at the school to work on when you have time. And the painting before that. And the one before that. You curse at exactly the same time your phone buzzes with a text.
You awake?
You don't bother responding and go straight to FaceTiming her. She picks up on the second ring, her beautiful, round face greeting you with a smile. You met Andie during high school, and her effortlessly cool attitude and bulky violin kit quickly became a part of your heart. You two were inseparable all four years of high school, dividing your time between rehearsals and time spent in the studio, but college took you to art school and her to a prestigious orchestra program in Vienna. She's been there ever since graduation, playing for diplomats and royals alike, but she comes home for holidays, and you've been trying to save money to go see her. Being so far from her is hard, but you make it work.
"Why are you awake?" You ask by way of a greeting, more than accustomed to your seven-hour time difference and her early riser habits. She laughs, and you hear a tea kettle whistle in the background.
"Well, hello to you, too," she says. "I have rehearsals all day today, so I got an early start. Why are you awake?"
"I'm staring at my waking nightmare."
"Oh, God, are you having another spiral?"
"I'm a hack."
"You're an artist."
"I got rejected again this weekend," you say as if to prove your point, and she sucks her teeth. "They said my art didn't fit their vision for their exhibition, but to feel free and submit another time."
"Well, they must not know great art when they see it. There will be another exhibition and another chance for you to show off your amazing skills. And when you get accepted, which I know you will, I'll fly in, and we'll drink fancy champagne and talk shit the entire opening night." She says, and you sigh. Her persistent optimism is one of the things you love about her, but sometimes, all you want to do is sulk.
"Or I could fly to you when your first composition gets performed, and we could do all those things in Austria instead of this shithole."
"Hey, some of us like that shithole."
"Some of us haven't lived in the shithole in ten years."
"Touche," she concedes. "But I'm serious about what I said. You're a good artist, just going through a little bump in the road. One day, we'll be really sexy and successful, and we'll look back at this and laugh with our rich spouses while drinking expensive wine."
"One day," you say, smiling. "How are rehearsals going?" She groans at the question, and you laugh. Whenever you talk to her, she's working on a new show or with a new conductor and always has something to say. There are many things you could call your best friend, but lazy is not one of them.
"I feel like we're stuck on this one part, but the conductor won't listen to me. He says he knows better than I do, which might be true, but also, if he just listened to me, then we can move on. I don't know. I'm sure if I poke him enough, he'll have to listen to me."
"Sounds reasonable."
"That's what I'm saying," she says as she shuffles her coffee mug and breakfast to her dining room table before checking the time. "It's midnight there. Don't you have school tomorrow?" She asks, and you sigh.
"And an early morning staff meeting and art club after school."
"Sometimes, I worry about your mental health." She says, and you laugh a little too deliriously to prove her wrong. You stay up talking with her for a while before finally getting hit with a wave of fatigue and crashing into bed.
The next day is not any less hectic than your weekend was. The staff meeting early in the morning is mind-numbing and completely unnecessary. The printer in the teacher's lounge breaks halfway through a heavy-duty print job, and you're left scrambling for new activities and lessons. Not only that, but your students were more out of control than usual, prompting a veteran teacher to come in and scold your class on your behalf. It would be kind if it didn't make you feel two inches tall and your students didn't look at you like you betrayed them. You spend your planning period indulging in the silence of your empty classroom and fighting off a migraine.
The second the final bell sounds, your art club kids are knocking down your door, more than ready to work on their projects for the winter showcase. The winter showcase is hosted by a local art gallery that opens for submissions from students every fall. If a student's work is taken, it gets shown in the gallery, and they get entered into a prize to win money and a chance to paint a mural downtown. It's a big deal. So far, you haven't had a student win first place, but you've had them get very close. You always assure them you're proud of them no matter what, which is especially true when Ellie slinks into your classroom with a shy smile.
"Hey! We're just setting up supplies to work on stuff for the showcase. Do you have something to work on?" You ask, gesturing to the students working around the room in a buzz.
"I think so. Are you gonna play music?"
"Who do you think I am?" You make a face, and she laughs. "Why don't you find a spot and get comfortable while I queue up a playlist?" She hesitates for a second before she takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to approach another student to ask if she can sit with them. They start chatting easily, and her shoulders relax as she gets more and more comfortable with all the new people. You put on a random playlist and move around the room to answer any questions about colors or give an opinion when asked for one. Over the course of an hour, Ellie makes her own little group of friends, and they all talk as if they've known each other forever as they work. She seems so in her own element, and you can't fight the pride beaming in your chest. Okay, so maybe your job can be pretty cool sometimes. Not fame and fortune cool or traveling overseas cool, but cool nevertheless.
Students gradually start packing up their things and leaving when they get texts from impatient parents in the parking lot or close to dinner time, but Ellie stays behind, bobbing her head to a beat or bouncing her knee under the table. She's the only one left in the classroom when you start packing your stuff and preparing the room for the next day. "You've got a ride home, honey?" You ask, and she glances nervously between you and her phone.
"Yeah. My dad should be here soon." She says.
"Alright, well, I've gotta lock up here, but I'll wait outside with you until he gets here."
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"It'd make me feel better knowing you weren't left behind. Plus, I'm the adult responsible for you until he picks you up, so it's kinda illegal for me to just leave you here." You say, and she looks hesitant again but nods. Together, you walk out of the classroom and through the empty hallways until you get out to the scorching September afternoon. You stand outside in silence for a few seconds, taking in the sunset, before you turn to look at her.
"How'd you like the club?" You ask.
"It was fun! I met lots of cool people."
"I told you, kid. You just needed to give it a chance."
"I know, I know," she rolls her eyes, and you smile. "Thank you for pushing me to go. I don't think I would've gone without you." She's so genuine and kind in her tone that it throws you off-kilter. You're used to being berated by students, staff, and parents. To be told you actually had an impact on someone is not commonplace, to say the least.
"I'm sure you would've found your way there without me."
"Maybe, but you helped me get there a lot sooner than I would've on my own." She says, and you take a deep breath. It feels nice to be acknowledged, especially after the day you've had, and Ellie seems to sense it. You're looking for something to say when she looks down at her shoes and kicks a stray rock. "Just take the compliment and move on. Don't make it a thing."
"Alright." You say, laughing, and she cracks a smile, too. Traffic will be horrible on the way home, and you have nothing to eat for dinner, but it's okay. You did one good thing today. That's all you need.
"Sorry, my dad is taking so long." She changes the subject, a touch of anxiety creeping in, and you shake your head.
"Does he always work late?" You ask, and she shrugs.
"Sometimes. Dad and Uncle Tommy have been picking up jobs to send money to my sister in Boston. "
"What's in Boston for your sister?"
"Medical school. She's about to go into her internship at a hospital there."
"That's a big deal." You say, and she hums.
"Yeah. She'll probably save the world or something one day." There's a hint of something nostalgic in her voice, and you decide to push just a little.
"Do you miss her?"
"A lot," she says. "She's my best friend."
"She's lucky to have you." You say. She smiles but doesn't say anything. You want to ask more about her family, but a rickety, greenish pickup truck comes rumbling through the parking lot before you can. Ellie shifts her backpack on her shoulder as her dad and uncle come into view, and you smile at them. Joel, however, looks frantic.
He's unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the driver's side door before the car can even finish moving. There's dirt on his pants and a little bit of a sunburn across his arms, the muscles straining across the black fabric. He politely pulls the ball cap off his head to reveal sweaty curls as he approaches you, jerking his head toward the truck at Ellie. "Why don't you wait in the truck with Uncle Tommy? He's got a snack for you." He says, and Ellie lights up at the mention of food. When you're alone, he tucks his hands in his pockets and gives you an apologetic look.
"'M so sorry. We got caught up at work and lost track of time. It won't happen again." He says, wringing his hands like he's waiting to be scolded, but you wave him off.
"It's okay. Things happen, and I'm just glad she's got someone picking her up." You say.
"How'd she do today?"
"Really good. I think she fits right in."
"She make some friends?"
"I can't give away all my secrets. What else are y'all gonna talk about at the dinner table?" You tease.
"I guess that's right," he says as he stares at you, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "Thanks for waitin' with her."
"It was my pleasure." You say. You stand awkwardly for a few seconds, rocking back and forth on your feet. His eyes are locked in yours, and there's a silent competition to see who's gonna blink first. "Well, I should let you get home. Have a good night."
"Uh," he starts, stopping you before you can even fully take a step. "I wanted to apologize for the other night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," you say a little too quickly, and he smirks. "I was very flattered. Besides, it's not the first time."
"Beautiful woman like you, I'm sure you've got 'em linin' the block for a chance with you." He says. You're dancing a delicate dance here. You're not not flirting, and you're not not interested in him, but if your principal finds out, it could cause a whole new world of problems. Still, it's nice to be wanted after so long of being on your own. You're not a saint, but you're also not doing anything inherently wrong, right?
"The teacher thing usually freaks 'em out before they can get very far."
"That's a damn shame." He's quick with it, and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes at the line. A buzz in your bag reminds you of the time and why you're still at school, and you find your footing again.
"Uh, I usually give out my contact information to the parents of my art club kids in case they need anything or need to contact me quickly. Since Ellie's an official part of that, I figured I should give you my phone number in case anything comes up. If that's alright?" You say, and he pulls his cracked phone from his back pocket.
"Yeah, yeah. That's more than alright." He says, handing it to you to punch in your information.
"It's for emergency purposes only."
"What d'you consider an emergency?"
"Mr. Miller-"
"Joel." He corrects, and you give him a look as you pass his phone back.
"Don't abuse it. I'd hate to have to put you in a group chat with all the PTA moms."
"You're evil." He groans, and you laugh. Tommy, leaning over and honking the truck horn, interrupts your conversation, and he shoots daggers through the back window.
"I'll see you next week, Joel." You say, dismissing him, and he hesitates for another second before nodding.
"See you next week." He says and turns on his heels to get back in his truck. You think you vaguely catch Joel scolding Tommy for being impatient, but you ignore his deep voice and the engine sputtering as you walk to your own car with a little more pep in your step than this morning.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 (look at how many of you there are!)
#joel miller#the last of us#joel miller x reader#joel miller the last of us#joel miller fic#the last of us x reader#joel tlou#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x f!reader#the last of us fic#the last of us au#joel the last of us#ellie the last of us#joel au#joel miller fluff#joel miller au#tlou hbo#tlou fic#tlou fanfiction
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What are some ideas you've wanted to draw/write but haven't?
Oh man. I've got so many. A handful of ideas include:
A semi-animated series titled "My Pal the Paladin" about a kidnapped princess and the final boss who join forces to track down the legendary hero who's failed to slay even a single mook months after the plot kicking off and yell at him for taking so long. It's based on my oldest original characters and has a lot of sentimental worth to me as a result. Idris, Pal, and Katherine are my babies. I've considered making it similar in production to Dingo Doodle's Fool's Gold series, but I haven't actually made it because I'm really nervous about it turning out poorly ^^; I'd love to post a pitch bible for it someday!
A gothic picture book tentatively titled "Cover the Mirrors" about a woman killing a monster that has haunted her since girlhood, and inheriting the curse that turned the monster from a normal man into his current twisted looks. It would end with the monster's appearance going from being seen as a Boogeyman figure that stalks kids who play outside after sundown while the original monster was around, to a vengeful beast that hunts people who prey on children once the woman inherits the curse. It would play with the idea of trauma giving you unique abilities to help those who have gone through similar terrors, while also warping you into something you can't recognize and find inherently repulsive. I haven't made it because I don't know how to render the painterly style I envision for it.
A mixed media visual novel titled "Cradlehead" about a woman who finds herself serving as the unwilling vessel for an eldritch entity that will destroy her mind when it finishes germinating within and exits her body. She has to escape the pocket dimension it trapped her in to develop within the optimal conditions in order to save herself. The visuals would incorporate clay, digital art, traditional art, 3D models, pixel art, and photography. The game would center around the woman's desperation as she tries to escape while her ability to perceive the new world around her decays more and more over time. I haven't made it because I doubt my artistic abilities to make something like I have in my head come to life.
An untitled magical girl webcomic about an unwilling magical girl with a giant bee familiar named Queenie and issues controlling her powers because of her insecurities. She feels bad about being a not very girly individual while surrounded by hyper-feminine young women who have a handle on their powers she could never dream of. It revolves around her character arc where she eventually stops worrying about meeting the arbitrary standards she imposes on herself to be "girly enough" and decides to just be herself, whoever that is, unlocking her true powers and entering her ultimate form during a climactic battle— taking on a design less like a queen holding a scepter like she'd been dreading, and more like a princely knight holding a stinger-like spear. Her rejection of others' expectations as well as her own helps the world-ending threat, a shapeshifting eldritch being that absorbs people into itself so it can become someone other than itself but is never satisfied with the new faces it obtains, to accept itself and stop trying to steal people's souls in order to find one that would make it love itself. I haven't made it because I worry if it would come across weirdly to the average viewer, as it deals with gender dysphoria as a subject in a very atypical manner.
#my two sides: unspeakable eldritch horror and cutesy goofy cartoons :>#sofie answers asks#stuff by sofie#(kinda. I'm talking about things I want to make at least!)
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they could never keep me from you my beloved (drawing comics)
So I've been dark on this page for a min because I had a big life event happen (I moved away to college so now im living on my own) and over that time period I haven't really had time to draw. I'm all settled in now and I have a whole art studio set up(!!!!!) and I finally feel like creating again. I've suffered from pretty bad art block before I had to move, so finally having a creative space has been a really wonderful change.
SO about this comic in particular, I just really wanted to paint something so I ran with a new idea I had. As much as I love the Zosan ship, I've kind of gotten really tired of drawing them and I needed a change of pace. So LawKid is the new ship I've glomed on to. I'm past fishman island and I'm getting to the parts that have Law and Kid as big players and shipping them just gets me more excited.
Since I can't leave well enough alone, I did start thinking about some a/b/o/mpreg stories for them. But one thing about that is that I honestly don't think Law would want kids or would want to be pregnant. So I ploted out an abortion story (because there aren't enough mpreg abortion stories and I think LawKid could make one very comical) but then I started thinking hmmmmmm but what if I made a cute LawKiD oc. what then?! So since in my mind Law would probably not knowingly stay pregnant, I decided to go the route of a Cryptic Pregnancy story. It has 10x the drama and 10x the angst of a normal pregnancy story. But then that got me thinking "okay so he has the baby now. He probably wouldn't want to hold on to it." I think Law would be torn between wanting to kick the kid to the curb, and getting really sad at the idea of creating another orphan. So I think in his high emotion, high distress, state of suddenly giving birth, he drops the kid on the deck of the Victoria Punk and then fucks off. He would 100% make it Kid's problem.
The story would be about the Kid pirates and the Strawhats trying to find where Law vanished to, all while Kid figures out how to be a father. I also would want there to be flashbacks of Law and Kid's relationship developing, the horror moment where Law goes into labor, and then what the Heart Pirates are dealing with while Law has a downward spiral.
I'd love to draw all of that but at my current speed level it isn't feasible, but maybe one day. I was originally going to draw more pages for this, but I was feeling the one page curse (where I get one full page done but struggle with even starting the others), and since I put to much work into this page, I thought might as well post it.
I can really be dragged down by my ideas sometimes, like I have so many things I wanna make but I feel like there isn't enough time to do them all the exact way I want. I'm trying to be freer with my art and take a slower pace with how I grow as a comic artist. I have so many comics I want to make, so I'm going to just try and make them!!! But that requires me to think a little smaller for now, and just draw what I want in the moment, even if it's not how I envision it in my mind.
And if you've read through all my yapping, I love you.
#my art#one piece#eustass kid#killer op#killer one piece#the kid pirates#kid pirates#a/b/o#omegaverse#comic#traditional art
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Summary: Reader is a tailor and gets a frisky request that Venti models for them.
Starring: Venti, reader
Genre: smut, handjobs, dirty talk, light nipple play
Warnings: Venti and reader are somewhat under the influence of alcohol
Author’s note: This was NOT proofread and it's been sitting in my ‘to edit’ list for long enough so here you go. If you know me, no you don’t. (I’m serious 🧍♀️) likes, reblogs, comments and new followers will always be appreciated. This is a side blog so I don't post often here AT ALL.
Word count: 1.4k (even i don’t understand how or why i wrote that many words of smut)
You were a well known tailor in Mondstat and it wasn’t surprising that you got the favour of a well known bard that frequented Diluc’s tavern, Venti.
For years, you and him had been the best of friends and often bonded through him modelling some of your new ideas and designs so you could see if they were as good in person as they were in drawing
He was an excellent model and very professional. On top of that, he had a sense of artistic expression you’d expect from a bard and he was able to execute that skill when it came to commenting on your work and helping you fix design issues.
You often went to the same tavern every time to celebrate successful designs and making customers happy, to Diluc’s dismay, to drink the night away but you did have a single problem… though could you really call it a problem?
Venti got very flirtatious when drunk and it wasn’t with just anyone he came across when drunk, it was only with you.
Odd? Yes. Did you mind? No. Especially after developing a small (not small) crush on him.
It was one of those nights where you’d celebrate a successful design with Venti over bottle upon bottles of dandelion wine and Venti was flirting with you, as usual, but got interrupted when a regular customer spotted you in the bar with an anxious expression before stating they needed a design by the next morning.
You then found yourself with a drunk Venti in your shop, running around to grab materials for the design.
“You didn’t look at the design, did you?” Venti voiced from where he was seated behind you on your desk, legs crossed and design clutched in his nimble fingers. With a silent curse, you rushed to where he sat while nursing an assortment of random materials; you remembered grabbing polyester during your panicked state of searching for materials but that polyester was deemed useless by the design in Venti’s hands.
From over his shoulder, the delicate design of nightwear glared at you with its gorgeous frills and obscene disposure. Oh god, would that be able to cover anything important?
“That’s quite…” You trailed off, blood rushing to the surface of your skin.
“Scandalous?” Venti breathed. Opting to steal a glance at him to see his reaction, you shifted your eyes to his teal ones that were already on you as they glowed under the dim light of your workshop. His attention to you encouraged your heart to beat faster than the design made it beat.
You could only nod and when you turned to him his teal eyes were already focused on you, his cheeks reddened by what you could only hope was the dandelion wine.
“Do you… need a model for this design?” His voice was soft and hesitant like he was afraid they would shatter the tension that was created between you, the same tension that increased in correspondence with the decreasing distance between your lips,
“I do,” your voice was quiet, “I have never made anything like this before so naturally, I need guidance from a model.”
“Then should I… strip?” Venti said, his eyes on your lips and the design now crushed slightly in his tightened hold. Your thoughts descended with any sense of decency you normally managed to maintain around Venti because of his word choice. Why did he use ‘strip’ like he’ll need to be naked for you to make this piece? He had a body suit he would wear whenever he’d model for you and this time didn’t need to be any different. It wasn’t rational to believe otherwise because it was just a poor word choice. That poor word choice, however, had wrapped itself around your mind just like Venti’s legs which were now wrapped around your waist. The design was now discarded on your desk and his hands opted for clutching the material of your shirt.
Your hands were over his in an instant as you attempted to loosen his grip on you. “I think I should reject the design while I still can.” Venti protested by pulling you closer with his legs around your waste, you sighed. The dandelion wine was still in effect.
“Complete the design.” He demanded and despite your previous observation, his speech was clear of any mistakes unlike other nights you’d spend drunk together.
“Let’s go get some rest, we’re drunk.” Your words were breathless and half hearted just like your attempt to step away from Venti. He grabbed a hold of your wrist.
“But I want to model for you.” He stated, the hand around your wrist used your hand as an anchor to bring your bodies together. Your heart fluttered at this.
“Venti you’re wasted,”
His hold on your wrist tightened and your eyes were locked together like magnets. “Please.”
The tips of his fingers traced the skin from the wrist of your hand past your elbow to your exposed shoulder as his lips remained hair’s width away from yours, building your anticipation.
His hand grabbed a fistful of your shirt and pulled you toward him before your lips locked together.
His cold fingers latched themselves around your wrist for the second time that night before he guided your hand to the warm skin underneath his shirt; this gave you enough incentive to slowly trail your hand up his abdomen;
“Touch me.” His lips caressed your own with every word before he locked them together, it was inevitable for you were opposing forces bound to comverge. His lips burned against yours with an ardent flame that fed on the desperation you both emitted into the kiss. Venti’s back arched into you when the tips of your fingers skimmed his left nipple with a feather-like touch. He sighed against your lips as you circled his nipple with the aim to engrave the feeling of his skin on your fingers, the pathetic broken words that fell from Venti’s lips, which had now parted from yours, when you tugged on his nipple left you lightheaded and itching for more of his reactions.
After giving half-hearted and rushed attention to his other nipple. Venti protested but he dropped it when your hand descended from his chest down his abdomen to the waistline of his pants.
As you took your time handling buttons of his pants, Venti took your preoccupation as an opportunity to leave open mouthed kisses along the edge of your jawline and down to your neck; His lips were the paintbrush to the canvas of your skin and like a skilled artist he relished the purples and reds scattered on your skin and while they were not in any particular pattern, they conveyed an important message to him and anyone (archon’s forbid) who would dare cast their eyes on you. You were his.
While lost in his mastery of staining the skin of your neck with love bites, Venti snapped his hips into the palm of your hand with a sound of surprise. You had managed to work your hand into his pants, your fingers now wrapped firmly around his dick. Your other hand had its own firm grip on his thigh to discourage Venti from grinding against your hand as he did when he felt your warmth against his erection. “Don’t move.”
Venti chuckled, his head still buried in your neck. “Anyone would move if someone had their hand on their dick.” His words danced between the skin of your neck and soft lips grazed your neck with every syllable; it was enough to make you shiver but you didn’t forget the task at hand.
Soon enough you had Venti muffling his moans in the crook of your neck as you worked your hand on his dick; your wrist ached with how long you had been at it but the rising pitch in Venti’s pleas spurred you on. His fingers were curled into the material of your shirt as if you were his only anchor as he drowned in the vast ocean of pleasure you brought him with just your hand.
“I’m… so close.” He gasped, vision blurred by tears.
You ran your thumb over his tip causing him to whimper pathetically into your neck, his grip on your shirt tightening as your pace increased.
His hips began to move involuntarily despite your grip on his thigh and Venti was in hysterics.
“Please, please, please,” He moaned repeatedly like it was a prayer, like begging for release was the only thing he could remember to do because his orgasm and your hand were the centre of his thoughts and those prayers were answered through a mind numbing orgasm.
It was the first of many that night.
#genshin impact#genshin x you#genshin impact smut#i’m not okay#venti x reader#genshin impact venti#genshin venti#venti the bard#genshin x reader#genshin smut#venti smut#venti x you#why did i make this
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Snippet from "Raise Them Well" Alt. PoV
Having trouble writing this one, so I hoped posting this would help inspire more.
Link to the original story here.
. . .
Tyelkormo was not much of one for drawing, but when he could be coaxed into artistic endeavors, he had a gift for capturing animals mid-motion. Anything stationary had a tendency to be rendered in a few careless strokes, too uninteresting to bother with details.
His latest efforts were stacked on hanno’s desk, intermingled with scraps of Makalaure’s latest songs. Nolofinwe had been straightening them compulsively for the last five minutes; it was easier than looking at Maitimo and seeing his own reflection in his brother-cousin’s eyes.
“Do you remember that picture of my mother I drew for Uncle Ingwion? I wanted to draw yours too, so I asked hanno for her hair color.”
He’d had rather confused ideas on how exactly motherhood worked at the time. It was only then that he’d fully comprehended that death was an aberration, not a prerequisite.
“I remember.” Maitimo’s voice was cautious from its place by the doorway he was still so carefully not-guarding.
They were not, technically, supposed to be in here alone. But no one would care too badly, and it was a day for doing not-quite things.
He would rather be in a courtyard, working through the patterns of his sword, but the halls were so crowded with people rushing, gossiping, preparing, and this had been the first room Maitimo could drag him to that they could trust to be empty of people who would wonder at the shaking of Nolofinwe’s hands.
“I remember Amil talked to us both after,” Maitimo added when Nolofinwe didn’t continue. “So we’d know what had really happened and wouldn’t have to hear it from rumors.”
There was an unspoken question in the way he said rumors: What have you heard? Is this what’s bothering you?
They had always heard rumors. That the old king had been cursed; that it was all Nolofinwe’s fault, all hanno’s fault, all the Valar’s fault, all -
Always rumors.
“And then hanno came and got you for a lesson,” Nolofinwe said, “and she asked me if I had any questions.” He had not shared this part before. “I asked if it was true that not all of the dead could come back.”
They both knew the answer to that question, though Maitimo had not been there when Nolofinwe had first learned it, and Nolo had never spoken of it since.
“When she said it was, I said that I thought Atar should be the one to stay. That it seemed most fair.”
The word Atar felt awkward on his tongue. He pushed through it, forcing the syllables through; it didn’t matter if he could say it right, as long as he could say it with confidence; they both knew that lesson well enough.
He would have to get used to the word. Best to practice now.
Especially when it would make it easier not to think of the rest of what he had confessed.
“It didn’t seem right for me to get my mother back, and hanno not to get his,” he said with a lightness he did not feel at all. “I thought we could both have a mother and be missing a father and that would be fair.” Not perfect, but fair, with a childish logic entirely centered on the feelings of those he knew and not on the desires of the people whose names he had most often heard in whispers.
It had suited him, selfishly, because he had not had a mother. He’d had ressë - holding him, singing to him, helping mold clay into little pots until he tired of the art - but she could not cradle his fea as his mother would have.
As his brother had.
As a child he’d been able to picture how his mother could be added into their circle, nothing lost. But a father -
If the king - his father returned, things would change.
He had known, even then, it was a dangerous thing to say.
"And so perhaps it shall be,” Nerdanel had said. “But it hurts people to speak of it too much, and there is no use worrying over it yet; it shall yet be many long years until anything is decided.”
“I thought it would take longer,” he said, at last setting down the much abused papers with far too much force. He knew it must sound abrupt to Maitimo; he didn’t care. “So many others take longer.”
He looked at Maitimo, finally, and saw just what he should have expected; Maitimo leaning against the bar set across the door, unfairly tall and uncommonly worried, and trying with his slumped posture against the wood to deny both.
Still listening. Always listening until he knew just what word to use to strike.
“I thought I would have a chance to - “ He made a confused, too violent gesture, but Maitimo would know what he meant. He always knew what he meant.
He had grown up knowing he had killed his mother, but that it had not been his fault. Nerdanel had made sure he knew it was not his fault. How could you blame a baby for anything?
But it was his fault, even though he had not killed her. It was his fault because he would be dangerous to Melkor, and Melkor knew it.
He had thought he would have a chance to prove that danger. That Melkor had been right to fear him.
He had thought that when she emerged, he could stand before her and say, I avenged you, Amil. I was worth it.
“I know,” Maitimo said because he could keep no secrets from Maitimo, not really. “Maybe this way’s better. If she’s anything like the rest of us, she won’t just want to have heard you’ve done it; she’ll want to help.”
The words had just a hint of warning to them.
You promised, Nolo. Don’t you dare go running off alone. We do it together, or not at all.
It was how they did everything, of course. The only way. So he let out the rest of his tension with a long breath and bumped Maitimo’s shoulder in apology on his way to the barred door.
“Ready?” Maitimo murmured.
By the time they slipped back to the rush of the corridor, both their faces were bright and pleased with the news of the royal couple’s return once more.
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ALSO infodump on ur clown ocs right NEOW!!!!
You have no Idea what you've done, what you've leashed upon the Earth ...
ANYWAYS- Prepare yourself beloved mutual.
This fella, this stupid fucking idiot, my son, Giggles, was originally my clownsona, but he kind of became his own person after a while. Now he's kind of like. A mascot for my blog now lol.

Giggles is an Alien Space Clown from planet CT-11 (clown town and my fav number) a small rundown of CT-11 for ya: Earth but Clowns. The planet itself is completely different. The grass is pink for starters. However, the species that are like the human race of CT-11 are literally just like us. I have the idea of like.. adding real world events to it to be funny but not in a serious way. (9/11. Clown edition)
There are 3 species of circus Folk: Clowns, Jesters, and Mimes. Including the hybrids: Fools, (Jester/clown) Peepers, (Clown/Mime) and Trixies. (Mime/jester)
Oh yeah there is circus folk racism btw and I even gave each species a slur :D
The main cast of CT-11 story thing (I have yet to make a name for the comics, however the game that I am developing, still in the VERY EARLY stages, is titled: Giggles Delightful Digital Dilemma!)
Giggles the Clown, Filly the Fool, and Jinx the Jester. Giggles lives in the Clown Bell Hotel with his goober. ( a creature I made often used as a pet in this world) Every day, he gets up, feeds it, and goes out to co-run the "Craft-Shack" with Jinx. (It is illegal, and they do not have a license to run it :D) Most of the time, they make no sells, but it gets them through the day and enough money. Giggles does have a PhD. in computer science and has made many attempts at getting a job for programming and other computer stuff. (im still researching computer science, so right now, Giggles is as smart as me.) So far, he has only made it to interviews and got let down. "Give my son a chance!" <- I say as I make his life have more mishaps. His only accessories are his shoes and his top hat. Most circus folk have their beans out and think he's weird for it. Oh yeah, everyone is naked, btw, not in a weird way, though. It's just their skin patterns. (More about species biology n stuff at the bottom, btw) He is the most restless sleeper imaginable. Constant tossing to the point that he broke his lamp in his sleep once. Not because nightmares/nighterrors, (not until he experiences the horror of humanity and ... clownity????) He had an unfathomable amount of useless shit in his home, hoarder of trinkets and things. Massive painter, goes for abstract stuff most of the time. Usually, he has no idea what he's painting until he has a bunch of things on his canvas, and then he makes a story behind. Nobody likes his paintings, though. He has ALL the haters. In his free times he goes around his neighborhood to draw scenery. (I have cursed myself as an artist who hates backgrounds to make a character who draws primarily backgrounds.) Though most of the people tell him to stop sitting inront of their homes or to get out the street, he is not well liked. Probably because of his ... history of fucking everything up. That's why he avoids others as much as possible other than his only friends, Filly and Jinx. Can't fuck anything up if you don't bother anyone, right? <- foreshadowing/silly. Anyways, he does end up on Earth eventually and he discovers his favorite food there: Strawberry Shortcake Rolls. It's like a drug for him. Kind of like when Wanda eats chocolate lol.
Enough talks about Giggles, let's get onto his first ever and longest lasting bestie; Filly the Fool. Filly is kind of a dumbass, but in an oblivious way. They are very unaware of their stupidity. Giggles and Filly met each other when Giggles had caused another .. accident. Filly helped him out of his mess, and they've stood by each others side since. (until the unfathomable horrors) Filly lives in the same neighborhood as Giggles, a few blocks from him. They don't have any pets and live in a fairly small and barley affordable home. They do have their garage cleaned out to store their instruments and for when they practice dancing. Their primary intrument is alto Saxophone, though they do have a lot of experience in French horn and tenor saxophone. Filly has no accessories other than their bowtie. Their dawgs are out, but they look like shoes since they've got jester in them. Filly had a shrill and quiet voice and doesn't speak much. Sometimes their completely non-verbal. Unfortunately, Filly has not been accepted into any music schools to get a degree in music. (Me too, sigh ...) Filly sometimes help with Jinx and Giggles' illegal business, but tries to stay out of it as much as possible to not, yk, get in legal trouble. They do have a job as a gardener for some rich snob in their neighborhood. That's how they were able to afford so many instruments. The job pays, sadly. Working for a rich you'd except to make a living, but unfortunately, Filly is underpaid.
Now for Jinx. I actually don't have much on xem as xey are a pretty new character, created around the end of December. Though there are a few things about xem that I could say, I guess. Dumbass in decisions, and well fucking aware of it and does not plan on changing anytime soon. If xey were served on a silver platter xey'd taste like sulfuric acid, that how stinky xey are. (Affectionately drowns xem in water. Xey encourage Giggles to do a lot of illegal stuff not just to benefit but because xey like the rush. (They have committed atrocities but their poor and starving so it's excusable /j) Jinx is not only aware of xey're awful decisions, but also how bad of an influence they are for people, so xey do have slight guilt for dragging Giggles into xey're own messes, but then xey pride xemselves in helping Giggles with money and easy routes to get necessities, so then the guilt goes away for xem.
Alright! Time for the biology stuff!! These are really outdated artworks from August's, but I do not feel like making new ones lol.
Stuff not mentioned here is that they have no reproductive system whatsoever. On CT-11, if enough energy is caused, matter comes together, and POOF!! Circus Folk has joined the party! There are no growth stages for Circus folk. They just spawn in as they are and stay like that unless like they have surgery or undergo a massive injury. ( For example, Giggles in the spaceship crash now have a jagged scare under his frill.) I wanted to find the best solution to avoid any pedophilia accuring if Giggles ever gets popular and people make ocs, (friends have already made ocs which I am very happy about) So, Circus folk have no age at all. If there is ever a character that is child coded and someone ships them with a character that is considered an adult mentally, I will not be supporting that whatsoever. That shits nasty. Also, Circus folk can survive having their organs being pulled out n stuff, as long as it's still attached to them it should be fine.
Also... Giggles Playlist btw, if you care..
Thank you sos so much for sending the ask btw, I love talking about these goobers :3
#clowns#clown#oc: Giggles#oc: filly#oc: Jinx#giggles lore drop woagh#babe wake up new giggles lore post#CT-11
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Hi Snaily! How have you been? Im here for a pretty serious ask.
My boyfriend has been drawing for a while, I honestly think he's doing real good. But recently he's been feeling down about his art, he doesn't know why he should bother improving his art if his style is *basic* to some people, and it hurts a lot for him. He knows he should be drawing for fun and not force improvement to stress him out, but there's only so much I can do as his loving partner who doesn't draw at all.
So... what was it like for you, Snaily? When you started drawing many years back, how did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how? What advice can you give to a beginner artist?
(You can answer this privately if you want btw, and ask me for his art if you need to see them. Much love <3)
hi peng!! always nice to hear from u! I'm gonna reply to this publicly because to be honest i can't resist to give this kind of advice to any and all beginner artists (but i am putting it under a readmore because as you know i love to ramble and this will get LOOONNNGGG and will Truly be The Ramblings of a Mad Man (gender neutral))
firstly, since I hear that he feels hurt by the idea that people out there might find his style "basic". That's a rookie mistake (that literally everyone makes when they start getting Serious about Art). The mistake being Caring Profoundly About an Outside Audience that's Ever Watching and Judging.
Which I literally cannot blame him or anyone for it, ESPECIALLY in this modern social media landscape where newer artists feel like they gotta get GOOD at the VIRAL RAT RACE so you gotta get that sweet, sweet validation in the form of likes, reblogs, retweets etc etc.
So that's my first tip I suppose: don't fall for the entrapment of being obsessed with getting any and all sorts of SWEET VALIDATION during your art process. This is hard to condition yourself to! I myself fall prone to it! It's actually kind of natural. Even if the validation you seek isn't online, surely you're expecting it from your peers or teachers or family members or whoever gets to look at your sketchbook (or you know, your medium of choice).
You want people to notice your art and all the effort you put into it. It's okay! DO welcome those who do!! But never NEVERRRRRR NEVERRRRRR commit the mistake of placing the value of your art on how much praise it gets from others. That's a one trip road on having an Absolute Bad Time. THE ONLY PERSON you should be looking to make happy with your art is YOURSELF first and foremost!!! Always!!! This is the Golden Rule!!!
So people (imagined or otherwise) think his style is """Basic""". Okay! That's literally not a crime anyone can arrest you for!! So what if you're LITERALLY starting and your art looks """basic"""!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE CRIME HERE!!!! CAN'T MY MAN JUST CREATE IN PEACE!!!! LET HIM COOK!!!!!
If he's starting out, i think it's pretty expected of him to just have a "basic" style you know? He shouldn't be ashamed of it! The best chef in the entire world right now didn't start making The Most Delicious Food To Ever Grace Anyone's Plate on DAY 1. They probably started with a goshdang sandwich. Many of them maybe. Until they could make the Perfect Sandwich even in their Sleep and only until then they felt ready enough to explore Further Possibilities In The Kitchen.
(Is this metaphor working? I sure hope it is!)
"How did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how?"
Well that's a fun question because to this day I get extremely frustrated whenever I realize my Art Level isn't up to my standards. But THAT'S OKAY- even in my case!
If you're Serious About Art (as in, you LOVE making art) you'll constantly feel like you're having to catch up to artists that are doing MILES better than you. Which happens to everyone. Truly it's only the curse of having A Good Taste In Art (so you automatically Set Standards For Yourself based on what you personally consider Great Art).
So again, something to not be ashamed of. But also something to Learn To Live with. I get it!! I truly do!! You see some guy online who apparently is only 14 and they're already making compositions with complex perspectives and an amazing sense of color theory and you'll want to bite off your hands!!!! But you can't let that stop you!!
You're just gonna have to learn to Fail, Constantly. Failing Gracefully! Sucking At Art Again and Again!
You might think this conflicts with the Golden Rule (i mean, if you're not happy with your own art- then what's the point yeah?)
But it's all about Love babey. Loving the process of failing constantly, because deep down you REALIZE you're learning how not to suck little by little.
It's also an exercise in letting Spite guide you. So what if you're bad!!!!!! What if you've somehow committed the crime of being A Bad Artist!!!!!! The cops will never catch me fucker!!!!! SEE HOW I DESECRATE THE HOLY ACT OF "CREATING GOOD ART" AHAHAHAHA!!!! LITERALLY NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!!! <- the attitude to Have. Yes you gotta be prepared to be Unhinged and to have active Disdain towards 4th Plane Entities that are probably judging your art quality. (Unless my experiences aren't universal and nobody else feels a salacious self-satisfaction whenever they draw something that looks like an affront to The Universe, knowing they can just Try Again).
Anyway those are the benefits of sprinkling a little Spite alongside all the Love for the process of Making Art.
At the start you might feel like you're only making bad art. So! Own it! unironically my life philosophy is that everyone should make more BAD ART!!! ARTISTS OF THE WORLD UNITE TO MAKE MORE BAD ART, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS!
that's for the mental approach at least.
So, what about the technical side? How do you actually take all those feelings of inadequacy and wrangle them into something productive that will help YOU get better at the art you want to make?
with the warning that i am a self taught artist so i might not the the perfect person to ask, but truly the most IMPORTANT skill you want to hone is OBSERVATION and COPYING WHAT YOU OBSERVE.
Basically you're gonna study the artists you like! You're gonna stare REAL HARD at the details in the art they make! And THEN. You're gonna try to copy THAT! Hell, you might even want to TRACE what they do at first** (**THIS ADVICE IS FOR PRACTICING. DO NOT TRACE AND THEN POST ONLINE FOR OTHERS TO GO "hey man wtf this is just you tracing X Artist" DO NOT!!! DO THAT!!!) just so you get a feel for what they have in their art that You Don't and learning how to slowly replicate that.
That's how I learned the ropes at least. Literally printing manga panels and then tracing over them during my Peak Weeb Years. Ah little snaily, how time flies. Another thing i liked to do was watch speedpaints of artists i liked but at like -2x speed. So it was a slowpaint and i could STEAL THEIR SECRETS <- another valuable art skill
Anyway, that's what I think it's the most important (to observe!)
...but also you might want to either take art classes OR watch a buuuuunch of tutorials on youtube for The Basics (basic anatomy! shading! values! color theory! perspective! gesture drawing!!!)
You feel like shit about your art? Fine! Then realize your life is your own and you have the absolute power to change that directly!! GO ON YOUTUBE AND LEARN THOSE BASICS!!!!!! don't be like me and struggle this much with perspective after years of making art!!!! (Though in all fairness, even those good at it struggle with it lol)
So! I am all out of advice for a newer artist.
Peng if you could forward this to your bf i would be very grateful. Good luck to you two!!! Thank you for reaching out!! And remember!! Never give up!!!!!
#ask box#pengdaw2nd#*rips off shirt to reveal shirt underneath that says I LOVE ART AND ALL IT ENTAILS*
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(same anon that threatened you with art)
legally required to tell you which ones I like- understood. Namely it’s steady tracks (bc I’ve actually had a wip drawing of that for uh *checks files* a… year? And a half?) bc I freaking Love It when the twins become Creature.
by extension that means I adore comebee ingo and emmet and the fossil au and spirit keeper.
those are! The main ones but I really like a Whole Lot of ‘em. Very few will be spared in my (eventual) rampage
whoa epic awesome cool wicked thesaurus.com synonym for great
Welcome to the steady tracks curse! you have it in your wips and then years go by! no one is spared, not even me! /lh
That's a great trio to follow up with though. Those four combined are barely similar /lh You've got the two pokemon AUs and the two ingos in the Oldest Guy Ever club. You love to see it.
But no seriously, this is a serious all star team of favorites. I haven't elaborated on a lot of them beyond the masterlist posts I made, which is super on me, but Steady Tracks, Combee AU and Spirit Keeper Ingo are three of my oldest AUs. By extensionm they're also the ones I am most emotionally attached to. I don't know what form/s it will come in, but spirit keeper and combees are DEFINITELY getting more stuff eventually. I just have to figure out. How. and what, and when.
Fossil AU is one of the ones I've had a while but only started developing more recently, so it's currently in my head all the time. I wish I could elaborate on it but unfortunately it is in the stage of mental illness where I have no idea how to talk about it or explain it to anyone outside of two (2) very close friends. that will absolutely fucking happen though i still stare at that drawing i made a few months ago with fossil ingo and little pearl. i'd fucking kill for little pearl so we're clear. I'm so unwell about fossil it's just in the intangible inexplicable kind of way currently
Downside of having all these AUs is that they all exist in different forms in my head. Spirit keeper is probably supposed to be a comic, but might also end up having longer fic-like sections. Combee AU i want to be a fic i think, but I haven't actually WRITTEN anything for it in SO long. it's gotten swept under the artistic rug in favor of silly doodles. Steady tracks is in eternal hell under the curse, as we all know (nodding sagely)((ITS GOING TO BE FUCKING FREE SOON SO HELP ME GOD)) and I'll be honest I haven't thought about fossil au long enough for it to have a solid medium, but i feel like looser doodle comics would be fun. Or maybe more Big Cool Artwork + smaller written thing. Unsure.
But like, god forbid we talk about Mecha AU or Coupled Uncoupled. The original timeline of the mecha au is an official pokemon animated feature-length movie in my head. I have since developed it in a different direction and I have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do with that. There may or may not be a fully 3D animated goodbye to a world animation for that in the next 3 years because i learned how to model and animate in blender and my power is now unlimited. Coupled (Uncoupled) is a series of Long Fics (like, steady tracks long) mixed with song animatics and animation memes. That thing is so not going to end up being told in the form it exists as in my brain. Many of the other aus are like this
Oh that was a Ramble:tm: my bad. All of this was to say hey, if you ever need a reference for steady tracks ingo, I'm trying to make a 3D model for him rn. It's currently being sidelined in favor of the chapter itself and a 2d artwork I'm doing, but some day he'll be Real. I've got everything modeled except for his legs (hell) and prat of his head (also hell but less) so that's at least something
I forgot where I was going with this. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to fuckin prattle. love prattling. in controlled environments
If you like it when there are Creatures, consider also checking out omgPMD AU and Take My Hand. Similar but slightly different concepts. I imagine you've probably already seen them but I figured i'd mention anyway
Thanks for chatting!! <3 <- i did most of the chatting via ramble but i still value you engaging with my work more than i can put into meaningful words
#Anon#Ask#Submas#AUs#Steady Tracks#Spirit Keeper Ingo#Combee AU#Fossil AU#Mecha AU#Coupled (Uncoupled)#Killing Me With Hammers anon#(this title is a joke and the chances of me reusing that are extremely low)#hiii hiii thank you for talking with me!!! my favorite thing inthe whole world#Ramble#Long post
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I took a bit of a break from posting cus im tired as balls atm lmao
But i wanted to atleast chuck something out today so heres the ref/original idea sheet of Avery, my fnaf sb self-insert/oc from a while ago :)
(Ive already kinda shown this b4 but now it just looks nicer)
(And has all the writing stuff below the pic in this post)
Also here's some bonus info on him and his role and all :)
• Hes a trans dude (he/they pronouns) that "is built like a twink and dresses like a femboy" (silly quote from my friend lmao😭), and has an extremely ambiguous voice - British accent btw (grew up in the UK, he moved over to his current residence and lives w a roommate who was his online friend).
• Hes can occasionally be a lil bit of a freak behind the scenes XD. Has indulged in alot of fanfiction, draws some questionable stuff for money and also generally can have pretty crude and vulgar humor sometimes lmao.
• Hes pretty creative with a long ass list of hobbies. Loves fashion and costumes, is an artist, avid sewer and just generally loves making things with his hands in his spare time (100% brings his crochet to work XD)
• Has almost crippling anxiety about literally almost everything.
• Hes very polite and tolerates alot of bullshit to avoid conflict, but inside he is 100% raging with the heat of 1000 suns despite the fact hes outwardly shaking enough to be practically vibrating. He will definitely talk shit about the situation to himself in great, excruciating, dramatic detail with alot of angry cursing later and then probably cry about it.
• The boi is a little try-hard that will do their job above minimum effort in order to get praise, or out of fear for getting in trouble.
• Hes typically empathetic to a fault and a straight up (un)qualified therapist.
• Oh, also, hes a raging insomniac.
- First got the job because art commissions were a little slow and, hey, a more reliable source of money at the time wouldnt hurt.
- He was always kinda curious about the place because the scary stories about it were fun to pick apart and he loved the designs of all the animatronics (pft furry).
- He showed up to the interview scared shitless but they hired him almost on the spot, much to his confusion, as he was probably less than entirely qualified for this sort of job.
- From his very first day, he showed up pushing the dress code XD. But, he was indeed wearing the uniform, so he was technically following the rules(THEY COULDNT DO SHIT TO HIM 🥰) (well they could) (but the understaffing issue was more prioritised).
- His coworkers genuinely have no fucking clue how he manages to give enough of a shit to put that much stuff on every morning. The fits are always very over the top, considering all he had to do was put the damn uniform on, but alas, he usually showed up in head to toe accessories and such. It's honestly the best way he can make himself go into work. If he's gonna work a kinda shitty job that doesn't fit his schedule that well and have to do it on barely any sleep, THEN FUCK YEAH HES GONNA DO IT WHILE LOOKIN GOOD. Thats his philosophy on it, atleast XD.
- At first while he settles into the job hes just given shifts in general areas, working joint shifts with more trained security guards or maintenance people or animatronic handlers (those were his favourites. He always got excited like a little kid when getting to see any of the animatronics) to get him used to the place.
Fazbear ent. Was clearly desperate for employees as they were almost always understaffed, but it seemed that they weren't willing to give many employees a strict job role. Rather, expecting them to be a jack of all trades as to try and fix that little issue.
This also happened to apply to Avery, explaining why he was given such oddly scattered and different jobs to settle him in.
- Even as he did start becoming independent, this didnt much change.
One night he could be watching security cameras in the office, the next he could be counting stock at a gift shop, the next he could be helping out with minor maintenance tasks on the robots (despite his ZERO FUCKING KNOWLEDGE ON THEM. Great job there Faz.Ent. Oh well. As time went on he did get atleast a little accustomed to it and managed not to electrically fry his no-robotics-degree-having ass. And he also gained a bestie in the Parts and Services Department, so that was pretty helpful too).
Shit was pretty damn good.
- Thats when they 'suddenly' decide that daycare security is necessary. Something about parents becoming increasingly weary of the odd 'Daycare Attendant' animatronic.
With Avery being their newest hire and most likely to agree to take the position, he immediately gets targeted.
- Now, Avery isnt fond of kids.
Theyre annoying little shits.
So the second he hears 'daycare' hes like "fuck no".
Not to mention that his uh... 'look' (that management had still protested until eventually giving up) would probably set off some entitled mothers or something, and he'd rather not have parents screaming in his face about it.
- Alas, hes eventually convinced into it, under the condition that he gets to stay behind the security desk and not be bothered at all.
- Theyve had security there before, after a few... incidents... but it seemed like they were putting him on a more long term intended job.
- Turns out, from what he can gather from coworkers, a few people have been assigned to the daycare in the past for multiple different roles, but noone really enjoyed it and everyone avoided the place as much as possible. Sun just generally freaked everyone out with that weird... desperation he always had (which was definitely a part of what the parents had also been complaining about) and Moon just scared them all shitless, with the night security guards always looking over their shoulder in hopes of not crossing patrol with him. Noone really downright hated them, some even felt sympathy, but most were just too unsettled to interact with them.
- Avery, being a bit of a pussy, is even further put off from the job by these sentiments.
However, he perseveres and dresses his best to try and convince himself that itd be fine (aka, that if he died atleast hed die pretty).
- The daycare actually had its own themed uniform alongside the plain guard uniform, as did alot of other places in the pizzaplex. However, since the employees were given a choice, basically everyone chose to not don the more whimsical fits, and instead just use their badge to show the specific job or branch they were supposed to be legally assigned to.
- Avery, on the other hand, fucking lived for that shit. XD
Styled it like a girlboss and walked into work at exactly 6.30am, 30 minutes before the daycare opened, prepared to look perfectly the part for his job.
- When he walked into the daycare (he avoided the slide... hm.. maybe if he ever has a night shift here....) and the lights were already on and bright enough to blind a bitch.
Oh well, their electric bill, not his problem.
- He immediately settled behind the desk, planning to keep his ass planted there for the next few hours with one earbud in, hidden under his hair, as he would halfheartedly watch the kids.
Something felt off.
Really fucking weird.
He was definitely being *watched*.
Ugh, creepy.
He ignored it, blaming it on lack of sleep.
And thats about as far as i got plan wise for his lil plotline XD
#cattart#oc#oc art#original character#fnaf#five nights at freddys#five nights at freddy's#fnaf oc#fnaf sb oc#fnaf sb#fnaf security breach oc#fnaf security breach#security breach#fnaf daycare attendant#the daycare attendant#fnaf superstar daycare#fnaf self insert#dca#dca fandom#dca self insert#dca oc#sundrop x oc#moondrop x oc#dca x oc#catt rambles
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Weekend WIP Game
Thank you for tagging me, @rmd-writes and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
I know I am very late to this, but it is still technically the weekend here in the Pacific time zone, so here we go. I'll be using the questions for Artists/GIF makers. (There are also questions for writers in @welcometololaland's original post!)
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only work on one project at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
1. WIP List:
I am so afraid to see these all written out in a way where I can count them. [deep breath] This is a rather mixed-up list of gif sets for 911 Lone Star, Schitt's Creek, and The X-Files. Also, since they're gif sets, they don't really have titles, just nicknames:
husbands fancy dinner lizard arc kisses quotes of devotion come rain or come shine spin instructors flashbacks yes way meet the parents until i'm okay, too pile of good things best man wedding attire tk stays capable and decent unspectacular things endless act of being loved gravity of hearts simply the best reassuring head kisses he's a jungle cat wedding behind the scenes soft light/tooms/squeeze hope is messy iris/tk arc you are good and i love you
2. Which WIP is your most complex?
Oh gosh. Anything that involves coloring of more than one scene, really. That's what slows me down. And pretty much all of these fall into that category. Which is a big part of why they're not done yet.
3. Do any of your WIPs involve you using a technique/style that you haven't used before? What inspired you to try it?
Um. Possibly? I'm not far enough along to know for sure, but I think a couple of them might involve trying out a new text treatment.
4. Which WIP do you expect will take you the longest?
I am historically a very bad judge of this. Lol. There are plenty of potential obstacles in that list. I'm afraid to jinx it/make things worse by saying anything specific.
5. Which WIP are you finding the most enjoyable to create?
The "lizard arc" set has been very enjoyable to play with. And I suspect that "he's a jungle cat" will be very fun to eventually get back to.
6. Do you have a favourite character to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
Hmmm. Not really. I mean, I certainly tend to focus on my favorite ships, but I can't really pick a favorite from that group.
7. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
All of them. Because I am self-taught and constantly second guessing absolutely everything.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of creator's block?
I suppose so. Although It's more lack of energy or just… utter frustration that results in a WIP getting a time out.
9. Do any of your WIPs contain characters outside the main ship? How are you finding creating those?
Yeah, definitely. There are a couple on that list that focus on other relationships.
10. What emotions are you hoping to convey through your WIPs?
It varies. Some are angsty. Some are meant to be funny. But I think, in general, they are all trying to convey love.
11. Are there any features/details you are finding challenging in your WIPs?
[gestures wildly at the lighting teams on every show, thwarting my best efforts to see what's going on]
12. Which WIP has the most complex shading/colouring?
Don't know yet. All of them. Lol. I can tell you that the "fancy dinner" set has been in time out for months now. Because of lighting and coloring.
13. Which WIP has the most complex background?
Not sure this one applies to me.
14. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for?
Oh, I really don't know. My opinions here change all the time.
15. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I normally do not remember my dreams. But very recently, I dreamt that I had finished one of those sets. I was very disappointed to wake up and realize it wasn't true.
16. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other art doesn't?
Hmm, I don't think so.
17. Are any of your WIPs commissions?
No, but some of them are friendly requests or things that came about from chatting here on tumblr.
18. Do you have a character that is more difficult to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
I'm going to go with Patrick Brewer. That boy's face just… goes nuclear bright whenever I try to brighten a scene overall. There are a lot of rather pale characters on that show, but they take pretty well to coloring/brightening. He does not.
19. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Um. Some items have been on that list for years. They're not abandoned, I promise. I am just not in charge of the creative process.
Since it is barely the weekend for me anymore (and no longer the weekend for many of you), please consider this an open tag!! If you'd like to play along, go for it. Even if the weekend has passed you by.
#weekend wip game#creative process#ask game#rmd-writes#thisbuildinghasfeelings#creator asks#tag game#wip#wip list
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[ Hi ! Did Leonard like to do art ? For example, drawing, sculpting ? If he *did,* did he try to continue with art even after establishing his pact with the faerie, even to the *smallest* degree considering his blindness ? ]
//Hi! First of all I apologise for taking so long on this, beyond just being in a slump this ask may be cursed as I've attempted it literally three different times and EACH time it ended up getting deleted for different reasons (Mobile app decided to delete my reply after changing tabs for a SECOND, computer decided to update while I was away in the middle of answering and then I accidentally closed of the tab 😭) so as much as I love the question I admit I had to fight to answer it and this answer might be shorter than I wanted it to be :,) my apologies!!!!! but anyways
//Given that Leonard seems to have come from humble startings in life, just going off the bat, I don't think many forms of art or even "hobbies" as we would consider them today were available to him, like drawing for example :( and while he might be crafty (I mean the guy built a whole house just so he could fuck off to the forest...) when the time calls for it, he ironically doesn't strike me as the type to be too willingly artistic.
//That said, I do have a few ideas of little things he may or may not have done in his younger years that could be considered that way! I dunno if you'd count his training as the kind of art you were looking for as I like to think he grew up in a smithing family and was expected to continue that legacy on until The Hermitting™ (also my explanation for why Tower's Rebuke is so..... Strange) but again, it was less of a hobby and more of a trained skill, so...
//Going off that, however, Leonard absolutely sucked at it growing up, but after committing to the bit in his teenage years in order to not let his family and village down, he became decently good at it! Not a god at metal-smithing or forging or anything, but definitely good enough to make the amenities people needed to live comfortably. :) After he hermitted himself for what I headcanon as being around six years and then was struck with blindness right after, he's VERY limited in what he can do both because of his rusty memory and lack of sight keeping him from "recalling the motions". Even so, I like to think he's capable of at least a few basic tasks like honing and refurbishing if he really puts his mind to it.
//Additionally, and this is a small thing, but as far as simple recreational things go, I like to think he widdled a bit as a kid too. Just sitting and widdling little shapes and figures from any particularly nice wood he found, and then keeping up with that whenever he found a rare moment of free time as a hermit (Though there were ALWAYS things to do, so it wasn't often). Similarly it's a lot more aimless "Fiddling with wood and a knife" now that he's blind, but he finds it a bit calming, if not meditational just to keep himself doing something when his mind tends to wander. :)
//He was pretty skilled at it, and it saved him a lot of sanity when he was living by himself in the woods.
//All in all? He's a very hands on person, able to do a LOT of handiwork, but as far as actual artistic hobbies go, he's kind of lacking. Even in Leonard's mind, he views the idea of "hobbies" themselves more as activities for the rich, and it's not something he thinks he can afford his own busy self most the time.
#||Reply||:brother-one#{/AGAIN I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG LMAO I WAS TEETERING BETWEEN ONE FINAL GO AND JUST GIVING UP SO I HOPE THIS SENDS FJFJDJSJXJ}#{/but either way tysm for the ask!!!! these kinds of details are always nice to think about we need to see what this guy will do}#{/with some paper and a pencil lol}#{/hes not a very skilled artist...... (re: he tried drawing dragons once and given he's blind with those instructions; it did NOT end well)
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hi. <3 i'll never get enough of how you gush about sukuna being cultured and a lover of the arts, you consistently put out headcanons that also inspire me to write my own interpretations and i appreciate you so much for it.
but my main question is, what kind of art do you think modern man sukuna would like? in an alternate universe where he was born in the current era. so many fics about him being a chef, a tattoo artist, a history professor — but i'm eager to know what you think.
*cracks my fingers* I've stared at this ask for hours. Lets do this.
Basically, I can see him doing a little bit of everything. He's studied the proper way to produce haiku in canon, references thousands-years-old poetry, and shows himself to be something of a connoisseur of the arts by speaking in a flowery, ornate sort of language, using words like "uo" (Most notably: he references a Chinese poem in canon by the name of "Odes to Bei-jin gu (No. 4)" during the binding vow with Yuuji, uses "shiremono" instead of the modern "baka"when insulting Mahito, calls himself "datenshi" which in modern times means to strike instead of using it like he does for "fallen angel", etc. He uses outdated, ancient dialect borrowed from literature, essentially.) He's well read, refined, I dare venture to say he might have gone further and consumed Heian Era arts himself as a human being before becoming a curse, and he carried over the love of art as a result. (It scares anyone expecting an unrefined, unintelligent monster.) I even posed this to my groupchat to see what my writing partner thought, and they and I have never entertained the idea of him being a history professor, but with some thought, we could both see it. Listen. this is one of the things i want to express about him so much and in every world/au/verse: he's a man of culture. He's a man of the arts. Some arts more than others, of course, particularly the culinary arts as opposed to song writing or directing, but that's not to say that he doesn't have a vague interest in other things. Especially in a modern day sense; he is someone who consumed information on anything that he likes like a man starving. He'll know vague trivia, fun facts, and all sorts of things. Phones and Google tend to be great companions to him when he's engrossed in learning about something. But this is also where I feel like he is more akin to Megumi's interests since he also finds better company among books than in the company of other people. Or Gojo, who also consumes information at a rapid pace. In my writing, he tends to fall into being a tattoo artist (mainly because of the precision required to be good with needlework, and he's someone who can design free-handed as opposed to having a ready-made design to reference for every client. Not to mention that he gets to work in a little bit of everything as a result of different personalities coming in, and he's forced to scheme out and draw all kinds of things for the client's approval. Cats, calligraphy, in memoriam, cityscapes, watercolors (a favorite because it required prior knowledge of lighting and color theory), white ink, he's a wide-range artist that gets a good idea of the client's personality before he basically kicks them out to spend some time designing/sketching. It's also a talent forever being molded, and he can do it anywhere. That's not to say thats all he's up to though. Sukuna's got some talent in the kitchen for sure. He basically learned from consuming all kinds of information from books to video tutorials and watching others cook while he was younger and before he had a good idea of what he was doing. Megumi and Yuuji are his subjects for taste testing. It's the only time Yuu is allowed in the kitchen, frankly. Try to tell him how to work in his own damn kitchen though and he'll point a knife and tell you to get out. His kitchen, his rules. Don't like it? Eat shit then. I can see him liking a lot of arts. Painting, writing, haiku-making, music, composing, it can go on and on. Mostly because he can appreciate the time and effort behind those talents. Arts are the height of human capability.
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Why does Astruc hate PV Felix again? I was under the impression that he hated Felix cause the cursed ring thing made him too selfish, but if that was never in the original concept, why does he hate him?
See that's the magic question. I don't think he ever disliked Felix to begin with. I think that he had been his character for so long that it's hard to like... Shake that right? Like, How do you write for and draw a character so many times and not love them in some capacity? Hell, his wall was covered and pictures of him and Marinette! And a lot of his early tweets came off as inffdifferent at best, and he was just resigned to whatever the company had decided for his story.
What I think happened is that he got enough harassment from fans and he got enough flak from upper management that he eventually started hunkering down and kind of spitefully started disliking the character. I don't doubt that Felix being less than perfect was a reason why he was rejected and reworked so thoroughly in the first place, but I wouldn't be surprised if enough bitterness and resentment had built up about fans that he just eventually completely said that this character was awful and bad and decided to take whatever he could from the many many years of development to frame the guy as bad enough that people would just shut the fuck up about Felix.
I don't doubt that they had sat down in a meeting one day and said: "What are some ideas that we can have to make Felix keep motivation to stay Chat Noir? because clearly he is a grumpy guy and we don't think that him being in love with ladybug is enough". And I don't doubt that one of those ideas might have been the ring curse. And that's where the idea came from. I don't think it ever left to that kind of... "What if" stage? And I bet that they were like dozens of other ideas that never even left that brainstorm.
And I think lashing out at Felix and dragging him through the dirt like they do is a way for them to cope with the fact that they changed a character that they liked. Felix wasn't perfect, so they had to change him. But it worked. Miraculous makes so much money. So much kids media money. And people are so obsessed with Adrian that they can't stop putting him in things in and places that he doesn't need to be. Decision was a successful one. Even if it wasn't the one that would have made more sense from a story's standpoint. From an artistic standpoint. Cuz you don't make money from being artistic or telling the story you want to tell, you make money from cutting corners and selling kids media.
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Shizun x Tony tiger anon here
Iam aware of those things... I've already tried something like this b4 with little success *cough* do you think Liu qingge could do a sonic rainboom *cough* I'm not entirely sure how I went the even weirder route this time but I've already given up cause it's too weird for me lol not sure how I ended up with shizun x Tony the tiger I think I was watching a gaming yt and said oh Tony tigers big hands on my waist and then after watching that vid saw big naturals Gandalf talk about shizun like usual and it clicked and it was also 12am for me lol my goal in doing these asks is to have skinzun 2.0 or something like it also u were one of like the first 3? Ppl I sent an ask too
have you ever heard the saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink?
skinzun was not created because someone sent asks to as many artists as possible in hopes that they would draw skinzun. skinzun was made because aph made a piece of art of skinzun and people loved that art. they found it cute, or weird, or funny, in a way that was meaningful enough to them that they all took it upon themselves to draw skinzun. people draw skinzun because they love him, in whatever ways you can love a skinzun. people are still iterating on the skinzun concept to this day because it's so beloved. because people are having fun in that sandbox.
you are not going to create anything like that by sending people cursed asks and hoping they'll love it enough to make you fanart.
sqq(cum)/tony the tiger is not going to be skinzun 2. no ask you, or anyone really, send is going to be skinzun 2. it's not because your ideas are bad, not because you can't create something good.
it's because you don't love it.
you can't create a skinzun by sending cursed asks to random blogs and hoping they'll love your ideas for you when you don't even love them yourself.
#people do not like skinzun because it's funny to like skinzun#they like him because he speaks to them on a visceral level whether that reaction be affection humour horror or discomfort.#they like the freedom of drawing skinzun. they like what he represents. they like that this is a community activity#are you even having fun?#is this something you're doing because you genuinely care about cumtony?#or is this something you're doing to get a reaction?#is your goal to make yourself happy or is it to try and force an insincere legacy out of thin air?#if you try to force it its not going to happen#have fun and let other people enjoy your good vibes.#love heartily and shamelessly and others will love it too.#relax. stop trying to make something happen. just do things instead.#and if something happens? good. if nothing happens? also good. because you had fun doing it.#ask danny#not fandom#sorry if this is mean. i wasn't trying to be mean but intent doesn't unhurt feelings.#so if this felt mean i am genuinely sorry.#but this is a fruitless endeavor and you're going to make yourself miserable aiming for a legacy instead of fun in fandom.#make your legacy the friends you make and the love you share with others.#not tony the tiger x sqq(cum)
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There are way too many talented artists in the world. The Internet has no shortage of fantastic illustrators, authors, and creative types in general. The sheer volume of skilled creators and designers is staggering. So, why do we still try? I’ve written about this topic before - how creatives experience the inherent feelings of being an amateur impostor playing at drawing or writing. The consistent conclusion as to why people continue to produce new paintings, novels, or poems is that it is indeed inherent. The real question is what do artists do with this inborn drive to make something out of nothing? For one thing, we fail.
Yes, artists carry on, and we persevere, but the onslaught of rejection is never not tough. The “art gene” lies within our DNA, flowing through our blood like a curse. Even those quitting for one reason or another are still likely to have their previous endeavors cloud the back of their minds. The past is indestructible, after all.
There was a period in my life where I can’t recall trying to do much of anything creative. There were lengthy stretches where I simply didn’t think to draw and even if I did, it was an errant doodle. I even pursued continuing education courses that were a far cry from anything resembling art. Business classes did not suit me, and it wasn't long until I dropped that particular kind of schooling. I had no business attempting accountating - all I was doing was delaying the inevitable, or rather, denying the inevitable. I eventually entered design school and flourished, and began seriously writing at the same time. It took a significant amount of time to land in my lane, a path that feels so natural to me. Despite my penchant for coming up with stories and drawing slightly more sophisticated doodles, I spent a decent chunk of my existence ignoring these traits. The reason? Well, chiefly among the explanations, rationalizations, and excuses, I simply didn’t think I was good enough.
I don’t set out to be some inspirational figure, but I do think it’s always worth exploring ideas. Spare time can be woefully scarce, but the creative pursuit will continually be hard to ignore. Blogging, sculpting, performing - whatever the case may be, will always be time well spent.
Easy for me to say in a carefree moment. It’s not such a flippant concept while stewing in the drudges of a rejection or negative comment. It’s wonderful to see such positive affirmation across social media, but the reality is that a fledgling project and/or being told your efforts ultimately missed the mark sucks. Spending hours working on a piece of art resulting in less than stellar feedback is enough to make anyone want to hang up their stylus. No attention at all is potentially worse. The devastating heartbreak of sharing your passion with the world and it getting dismissed is not fun. I mentioned people quitting, but I do not believe anyone truly gives up their artistic side. I think people will find different, little ways to showcase their hobbies and talents. At the end of the day, it doesn’t necessarily matter how you define success in the arts - of course, we’d all love to have our audiences shower us with praise, but let’s be honest, if you enjoy writing, you’re going to write anyway. If you like to draw, you’re going to sketch regardless. There are champions of the creative arts who have achieved every possible accolade who also still desire to produce new works.
Think of the wealthiest, most famous, and celebrated author or artist in any field - chances are, if they can, they are still making things. Maybe they’ve even gone past their prime and should enjoy the privileged life their art has earned them. Never working again. Simply living in a permanent vacation while the world reveres them as a legend. There’s a strong chance that even living legends who want for nothing still feel compelled to create. Rich or poor, the creative type will be drawn to make art no matter what. Man, it’d be nice to relax once in a while. But, that’s the curse of creativity. And it’s also an amazing and weird gift.
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