#Culpable Homicide
townpostin · 8 days
Court Convicts Two in 2016 Jamshedpur Murder and Robbery Case
Ajhar Imam and Mohammed Asif found guilty of culpable homicide and robbery Sentencing scheduled for June 29, accused remanded to judicial custody. JAMSHEDPUR – The court of ADJ-III Nishant Kumar on Monday convicted two men in a 2016 case involving murder and robbery. Ajhar Imam of Kapali Basti and Mohammed Asif of Khushboo Nagar, Azadnagar were found guilty of culpable homicide and robbery. The…
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laweducation · 7 months
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freelawbydjure · 9 months
Murder vs. Culpable Homicide — Understanding the Key Differences
According to Sir William Blackstone, “When a person, of sound memory and discretion, unlawfully kills any reasonable creature in being and under the king’s peace, with malice aforethought, either express or implied.”
When a person deprives someone of his life, he may or may not be liable for murder but in a broader sense, he has committed culpable homicide. So we can say that “All murders are culpable homicides but all culpable homicides are not murders.” In this article, we will discuss the differences between the types of culpable homicides and murder.
Culpable Homicide
The term Homicide, in its broadest sense, is the act of causing the death of another person. It refers to the unlawful killing of a human being, excluding situations where the killing is justified or excused by law. Homicide is a criminal offense that is categorized into different degrees or classifications, such as justifiable homicide, accidental homicide, culpable homicide, and murder depending on the jurisdiction. Culpable homicide is divided into two categories including culpable homicide amounting to murder and culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Section 299 of the Indian Penal Code deals with ‘Culpable Homicide’, it states that “Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention of causing death, or with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that he is likely by such act to cause death, commits the offence of culpable homicide.”
Murder is a type of homicide that is defined under Section 300 of the IPC, it states that “Except in the cases hereinafter excepted, culpable homicide is murder, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention of causing death, or-
Secondly — If it is done with the intention of causing such bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely to cause the death of the person to whom the harm is caused, or-
Thirdly — If it is done with the intention of causing bodily injury to any person and the bodily injury intended to be inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death, or-
Fourthly — If the person committing the act knows that it is so imminently dangerous that it must, in all probability, cause death or such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, and commits such act without any excuse for incurring the risk of causing death or such injury as aforesaid.”
Elements of Murder
The intention of causing death of another person is the primary element of murder.
The intention of causing bodily injury or physical injury that is likely to cause death of another person or result in serious injury to another person.
The same should be done with the knowledge that a particular action would result in the death of another person.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Also Read: Capital punishment in IndiaConstitutional validity of Death Penalty or Capital punishment in India
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davidaugust · 2 months
A 45 year old American male has the odds of dying in one year of 0.004137 (less than 1%), and 62 year old has the odds of 0.015702 (less than 2%). The odds of a 45 year old and a 62 year old (who whistleblew on Boeing) dying naturally within 2 months of each other are…not good.
Boeing has 145,000 direct employees of various ages. How many might be lost soon in odds defying ways?
I’m not suggesting Dave Calhoun (former CEO - $58 million estimated net worth) nor Stephanie Pope (current CEO - $7.54 million estimated net worth) personally killed anyone.
Yes, Boeing planes killed over 300 people through possibly preventable failures on their watch. But I would never suggest they had any direct hand in ending the lives of the people on the planes nor the whistleblowers. I imagine they might not pick up their own dry cleaning, clean their own homes nor grocery shop for themselves either.
The two CEOs net worths work out to about $184,101 per Boeing related fatality.
I’m sure that is all good: it is complex to run a major aviation manufacturer, especially if you have to manage possibly preventable loss of life after the deliberate use of faulty parts that are flying around right now, and people willing to tell the world about them.
Life expectancy data: https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html
Number of Boeing employees: https://www.boeing.com/company/key-orgs/boeing-global#:~:text=The%20company%20employs%20approximately%20145%2C000,working%20for%20Boeing%20suppliers%20worldwide
Boeing 737 Max planes death count from 2 crashes in 2018 and 2019 of 346: https://amp.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/may/02/second-boeing-whistleblower-dies
Calhoun net worth: https://www.gurufocus.com/insider/7966/david-l-calhoun#:~:text=The%20estimated%20net%20worth%20of,stock%20worth%20over%20%2423%20Million.
Pope net worth: https://www.benzinga.com/sec/insider-trades/0001920795/stephanie-f-pope
Use of faulty parts by Boeing: https://pluralistic.net/2024/05/01/boeing-boeing/#mrsa
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kamana-mishra · 6 months
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Difference between Murder and Culpable Homicide
Students often get confused between culpable homicide and Murder. These two concepts are relatably different. There is a thin line that separates the two of them. This frequently causes problems for advocates and legal professionals when deciding how to present the case because of the slight variance. Culpable homicide and murder concepts are important for law postgraduate and judiciary exams.
We have outlined the differences in this article and provided a clear explanation. Therefore, this article would be your pinnacle if you were aiming for either of these two examinations. So, let’s get started!
Culpable Homicide
The word “culpable” comes from the Latin word “CULPE,” which signifies punishment. The Latin word “HOMO + CIDA,” which means “human being + killing,” is where the term “homicide” originates.
According to Section 299 of The Indian Penal Code, 1860, “whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention of causing death or with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that he is likely to cause death by such act, commits the offence of culpable homicide.”
The Germanic word “morth,” which denotes a covert killing, is where the word “murder” started. Murder is only an aggregated form of culpable homicide. Murder is defined as killing a person by another person or a group of people who have the deliberate intent to take the life of the former.
If an offence does not contain one that qualifies as culpable homicide under the IPC definition of “murder,” it does not constitute “murder.” All killings are punishable by law, but not all homicides are murders. Murder is covered in Sections 299 and 300 of the Indian Penal Code.
A sharp weapon was used by an offender, “X”, on “Y’s” essential organ. The perpetrator is also aware that his actions will result in death. Naturally, Y will die as a result of this damage. This type of death is referred to as “murder.”
On the other hand, Y killed X with a blunt instrument like a stick or stone. The likelihood of causing mortality is lower since injuries are more likely to occur in the strong parts of the body. This type of death is known as a Culpable Homicide.
“Every murder is culpable homicide, but every culpable homicide is not murder.”
The assertion that every murder is a culpable homicide but not every culpable homicide is the distinction between culpable homicide and murder, which explains murder.
As was already said, murder is simply an aggravated version of culpable homicide, regarded as the first degree of culpable homicide.
Culpable homicide takes murder’s special characteristics. The concept of the gravity of the purpose serves as the foundation for the distinction between culpable homicide and murder.
Reading the word “likely,” which signifies one probability that it may or may not cause death, in section 299, will reveal the degree of guilt. It is a component that draws attention to the fact that there is uncertainty regarding whether the accused’s alleged deed killed the deceased or not.
While there is no room for ambiguity on the part of the accused in a murder case as defined by section 300 of the IPC, the accused is certain that his act would undoubtedly result in death.
The degree of responsibility makes a significant difference; when the probability of death is great, murder is considered; when it is low, culpable homicide is considered.
Knowing whether the accused’s actions “caused” the victim’s death is crucial for assigning an act under the culpable homicide statute.
Understanding and interpreting the second key distinction between Knowledge and Intention is important. In the case of Basdev v. Pepsi, the Supreme Court considered the distinction between the two and determined that a motive causes a man to form an intention. Understanding the effects of one’s actions is known as knowledge. In many situations, intention and knowledge are interchangeable terms that essentially mean the same thing, and knowledge can be used to infer intention. Although the distinction between knowledge and intention is tenuous, it is clear that they signify different things.
Meaning of beyond reasonable doubt
Real and reasonable doubt is required to prevent the conviction of guilt. The trial judge must rule against the party with the burden of proof if the evidence raises questions in his or her view. The adjudication panel has a duty to acquit the accused if it cannot decide with certainty whether or not the accused is guilty.
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hihi I recently started reading your works and stchnvdhnifbmb I'm obsessed now lol
I must ask how the creeps would react to someone who was there for them before they became the way they are now? I'm quite curious (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;)
Take care and hydrate <333
Creepypastas with reader that had knew them before tragic eventes
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, "Ticci" Toby, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned
Ahh you waited so long for this Im so sorry!T^T
Also you guys have no idea how sweet that is! Im glad that someone likes to read my scribble! <3 Lots of love and also remember to hydrate! I choose couple of pastas, but feel free to inform me if you would like someone else!
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☆ Jeff the Killer
During one of this normal days, or maybe during calm night? You finally saw him..You were looking at eachothers, not sure what to do - sure, he may be a killer now..but this killer was once your friend? Does he even recognize you? But to your suprise, he just started laughing. It wasn't his casual maniac laughter..this one were more friendly, just like the laugh of him you remembered. The laugh of your best friend. He remembered you..and even if he is way diffrent now, then the part of him is still your best friend. You are finally something good in his miserable life, and he almost felt normal once again. Its funny how you make a man like him smile and sigh in relief, just by your presence. And he doesn't care what he did do somehow deserved you again - all he could do is being grateful for that.
☆ Homicidal Liu
You manage to meet Liu on one, ordinary night. Even if he looked, oh so diffrent, then inside you could still recognize his past self. When it comes to Liu, he couldnt believe his luck in that moment. He craves for sense of normalcy like nothing else, its his only true wish..but now you are here again? He start to remember all this nice moments from his childhood..you were in all of them! Even if he didnt recognize you at first, he felt so many strong emotions and could find something familiar..and like that after a quick chat you finally were in eachothers arms once again. There you were..his only hope and only love, you have no idea how long he had waited for you - and when he finally got you, he wont let you go again.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
After everything he had done, Toby really became all this names they used to call him in school - he was a monster, a freak in fact. Could you even look at him in the same, sweet way you used to as a kid? He was scared, constantly scared..so he didnt made a first move. Until that day. When he finally saw you again, he finally felt at peace. The feeling when you were again in his arms felt like coming home from a long journey. He was able to feel the same thing, the same love and care from you. And he already felt much better, just from seeing your smile again.
☆ Eyeless Jack
He was sure you wouldn't recognize him..now he was a monster after all, a inhuman being, a demon straight from poeple nightmares. But he wished, he dreamed that you would look at him in the same way - they way you used to when everything was normal. Meeting you again made him so incredible happy..he almost feel human again! All he could do was just hug you, and sob quietly.. you had so much to talk about, but you have time for that..the only thing that matter is you right now.
☆ Ben Drowned
Ben wasnt the same person you used to cherish and care for..shit, he wasnt even a person, a human anymore. So was he still worth of your friendship? Your sweet words and hugs? Was he even worth looking at you? But he finally decide to meet you once more, he had all eternity and he needs you to make it worth exisitng. So when he showed up at your doors? He had it all planned, the things he will do and say..but just seeing you made him tear up and look in guilt to the ground. His always cool and smug persona, was replaced with the seriousness and culpability. And when you took him into your warm embrace? When you started to shush him ,a dcomfort him? He felt at peace once again, almost like nothing else matters but you both. You already made him the happiest and nothing can compare to you, nothing else in this world.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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maykitz · 8 months
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from dialogues like this in the turnabout goodbyes case you can infer that the japanifornian legal system has not only done away with the crime of manslaughter as a less culpable form of homicide entirely and just classes all unlawful killings as murders, but that it also equally punishes accidents even entirely regardless of negligence, appears to have no minimum age of criminal responsibility and does not recognise self defense or defense of a third party. so hypothetically they would try a baby for murder. but i also just find it funny to read that at face value cause.. no the fuck it's not. being not-accidental is kinda the defining characteristic of a murder mr lawyer
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ilydeku · 1 year
listen.. listen.. izuku doesn’t have time for reader because of being a pro hero ANGST.
culpability | izuku x reader
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Your eyes fluttered open, waking up to the sound of items being shuffled around and bags being zipped up downstairs. At first, you suspected it to be a robbery but your thought changed when you realized Izuku wasn't in bed with you. You leaned over your nightstand and checked your phone. 11:38. What could he be doing up so late? Naturally, you got out of bed, stepped into your white fluffy slippers, and quietly headed downstairs. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, the living room coming into view. Izukus's back was turned and he seemed to be packing clothing and toiletries in, not one, but three large suitcases.
"Izuku..." He turned around, surprised by your sleepy voice. "...where are you going?" He gazed upon you with grief.
"I told you, y/n, remember? I have to go on a month's trip to America for a crisis that's been occurring throughout the state. Illegal activities like quirk disabling and amplifying drugs have been being processed throughout the state. Raids, arson, and homicide have also severely increased. America's hero council contacted top heroes from around to world to address the situation until the numbers start to fall," explained Izuku.
"What?" Your eyebrows furrowed once more. You leaned against the stair railing and crossed your arms over your chest. "You never told me this?"
Izuku frowned.
"I did. I said it on the phone last week-"
"But you didn't tell me this was a month-long trip, did you? You said it was for a week."
"I..." He averted his eyes out of guilt, turning around to continue packing. He could feel your eyes burning through him. He could feel you as you stepped closer and closer to him. He could feel every emotion emitting from you. "...I need to do this y/n, it's important." You huffed forcefully, temper clearly shown. Hero work, hero work, hero work. That's all he seemed to care about. There are some times when you wish he hadn't pursued the occupation, but you know that's wrongful thinking. But why doesn't he get it? He has a loving wife and two beautiful children. Does he not see the responsibility here?
"You know what's more important? Being here as a father for our 9-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter, yeah? You never spend enough time at home and you're always off to work every day, barely anytime to say hello or goodbye to them!" You snapped. Clearly, he wasn't paying you any mind.
Izuku sighed. "...It's only one month y/n, I promise I'll be ho-"
"So you're just going to leave us here? How the hell am I supposed to put food on the table when I have to be here with the kids?" Your voice grew louder and louder with every word, your teeth practically bearing. To you, it might've seemed he was ignoring you, but it's quite the opposite really. He flinched a bit with every shout of your voice. He's never seen you with so much fury. It made him miserable hearing your cries and shattering enrage. He stood up and turned around, placing his hands on your waist.
"Don't worry, y/n. The government will be paying us when I'm gone...I have to go soon. There are helpless people out there who need a hero to save them, criminals, to be captured, and chaos to be fought away. I'm sure you'll be f-"
Izuku's eyes widened in shock. Your body dropped down to the floor, your hands hiding the flowing tears, followed by erratic breathing. Your face was burning with stress, anger, and sadness. You wanted to apologize for inflicting pain on him, but at the same time, you hoped that it stung as much as his actions did. How could he leave all of a sudden? For a whole month too? What if something bad happens to him? What would happen to you and your kids then? Izuku's reached his hand up to his cheek, still in shock by your measures. He stared down at your broken figure.
"Y/n...-" He crouched down to you and held out his calloused, scar-driven hand. The hand that intertwined with yours on your first date. The hand that slipped the diamond ring on your finger.
You slapped it away.
"No, Izuku. Just go." By then, your little ones were already up, quietly listening from upstairs. "Just go already. Maybe you shouldn't even come back. Leave us here." Tears were falling down his own face. His heart ached from hearing those painful words. He huffed, picking up his luggage and walking towards the front door. As he was about to leave, he muttered, "I'll be back soon," and left without another word. As the front door closed, you shot up and ran to it, swinging it wide open to see Izuku still in view. You clenched your jaw as tears threatened to fall again.
With all your anger, dejection, and sorrow, you cried out at the top of your voice, "You call yourself a hero!? You go around liberating society and its strangers, but you can't even save your own family!?"
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. There were no tears, no cries, yet he held the most remorseful expression you've ever had the heart to discern.
But he kept going, walking until he was out of sight, into the abyss of darkness you pray he'd never fall into.
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townpostin · 3 days
ADJ-3 Court Jamshedpur Sentences Two in Culpable Homicide and Robbery Case
Eight-Year Rigorous Imprisonment for 2016 Marine Drive Incident Verdict follows tragic death of woman protecting her child during attempted robbery. JAMSHEDPUR – The Additional District Judge-3 (ADJ-3) Nishant Kumar’s court has sentenced Azhar Imam and Mohammad Asif to eight years of rigorous imprisonment in a case of culpable homicide and robbery. The court also imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on…
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elixirfromthestars · 1 year
Conflict of Interest - II
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Pairing: Detective!Bucky Barnes x Lawyer!Reader
Summary: After deserting Bucky at the fair, you are left dealing with the consequences. This becomes difficult as you are all assigned to a new case. 
Word Count: 8.5k
Warning(s): crime show level of violence / homicide investigation details / drinking / angst / fluff / mentions of a car accident and injuries, but no major details / slight cursing / anxiety / overthinking / insecurities / lots of back and forth / misunderstandings / angst with a happy ending 
a/n: It has been a while, but part 2 of this beautiful duo is finally out! ❤️ I hope the length of part 2 can make up for how long it took me to finally finish writing it. It’s angsty with a happy ending, although the happy ending doesn’t come so easily. 👀 Thank you for reading! ❤️ Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!! 💕
➵ Prequel Drabble // ➵ Part I 
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     You tossed and turned in your bed once more, the sunlight peeking through your blinds, disturbing your sleep. The events of last Saturday weighed heavy on you. So much so, that you hadn’t gone to work in the past two days—today would be the third. You claimed you came down with the flu, putting on the best performance you could when Natasha called you. You were never able to lie to her face, but over the phone wasn’t as hard. Eventually, however, you would have to go back. 
     Eventually, you would have to face him. 
     Bucky called you a few times that night after you deserted him at the fair. The guilt set in almost immediately and you were too ashamed to answer him. You managed to read one message before silencing all of the notifications on your phone.
     Can you at least let me know you got home safely?
     Your stomach twisted at the words, the culpability of your actions threatening to eat away at it. Even after everything you said, even after running away from him and deserting him at the fair, he still only wanted to know you were safe. There were so many things you wanted to say. Nothing, however, was a good enough response in your mind. There was nothing you could say that wouldn’t leave a door open for more. No matter what you told him it would either crush his heart or give him hope. 
     You didn’t dare do either.
     Instead, you typed something short and to the point. A quick, “ I did. Goodnight, Bucky.” 
     You haven’t had a good night’s sleep since.
     “ Y/n, where are you? I was supposed to be having lunch with Steve today,” Natasha’s voice was suddenly coming from your living room. “ You didn’t answer my calls again. What is going on?” You rose from your bed and walked in the direction of her voice, slightly thinking you were sleep-deprived to the point of hearing things. You were wrong when you were met with her questioning eyes. 
     “ Well, you look terrible.” 
     If this were anyone else, and not your best friend of over a decade, you would have felt embarrassed at the state of not only yourself but your apartment as well. There were used dishes littering your coffee table and clothing items spread across the floor. As for your state, it was Wednesday and the last time you showered was before the date with Bucky. Since then, you had been wearing a blue set of satin pajamas that now held strains of evidence of all the takeout you had been eating since. You didn’t need a mirror to see the tragic state of your hair. 
     “ I told you, I’m sick. You shouldn’t have come. I’m going to get you sick too,” you tried to sound as convincing as possible, throwing in a couple of fake coughs and straining your voice to make it sound hoarse. You cursed yourself from the past in your head for giving Natasha a key to your apartment.
     “ You almost had me there, Y/n. Unfortunately, for you, the squad showed up at our office to brief us on a new case, and guess who was staring at your empty desk the entire time like a wounded puppy?” You couldn't meet her eyes when she spoke and instead plopped yourself down on your couch. Natasha stood on the other side of it, staring at you with her arms crossed. 
     “ I think I messed up, Nat.”
     “ You think? He practically ran out of the room once the debriefing was over. What the hell happened on Saturday?” She made her way over to you, sitting on the couch across from you. She was waiting for an answer, but it felt as though your throat was closing up. 
     It’s not that you didn’t want to tell her. It’s more like you physically couldn’t. As if some invisible force was preventing you from speaking aloud the thoughts that had been driving you crazy these past few days. They would surely cement themselves into reality if someone, but yourself, heard them. 
     Thankfully, this was Natasha sitting across from you. She knows you better than anyone else and knows exactly how to handle you in situations like this. You of course know her just as well, so you were not surprised when she called off of work and grabbed a bottle of wine with a pair of glasses, from your cupboard, for the two of you. 
     “ There’s no way I’m leaving before getting to the bottom of this.”
     After a few sips, the words started to pour out of you faster than Natasha could pour more wine into your glass. Any hindrance or hesitation—gone like that—with a bit of liquid courage in your system. Natasha didn’t say a word nor did she interrupt you at any point. She let you speak until you had spilled everything. You even handed her your phone so she could read the messages Bucky had sent—the ones you didn’t have the courage to read yourself. She scrolled through them, taking a sip of her wine here and there. She was uncharacteristically quiet, and you found yourself biting the inside of your cheek in anticipation. Whenever you gossiped over your usual bad dates she would be filling the silence with laughter and snarky comments. However, this was not just another date. This was a date with Bucky. This means that, as you feared, everything was different.
     “ Y/n, I say this with all the love and respect I have for you, but what the fuck did you do?” She raised her voice slightly, confusion etched into her face. You chugged the rest of the wine in your glass to prepare yourself for the conversion you were about to have.
     “ Look, I know what it looks like, but I have a good reason.”
     “ What it looks like to me is that for months you’ve been complaining about bad dates and sucky men, only to finally go on a good date with a man you clearly have feelings for, and you go and mess it up?”
     “ Bucky is not just any guy, Nat. It’s Bucky as in our friend Bucky, who happens to also be our coworker. If we end up being something more to each other and then we break up, it’ll mess up the friendship all of us have. I can’t risk that. I can’t ask you, Sam, or Steve to pick sides when something like that happens. It’s better off this way,” you argued, gripping the wine glass a little too tightly, trying to regain control of your emotions. You didn’t have the energy to cry in front of Natasha while trying to plead your case.
     Natasha sighed, her lips in a tight line,” Y/n, you’re joking right? You two have already been something more to each other for a long time now. Please, none of us are blind to how you two favor each other over the rest of us.” You took a second to let her words sink in. 
     “ Even if that’s true, it can’t happen. Too much would change and it would complicate things.”
     “ Things always change and you’re the one making things complicated. Y/n, please look at me,” you turned to her, meeting her gaze, “ I don’t care what Prosecutor L/n wants or thinks is right. The only thing that matters is what Y/n wants. This job can’t become our entire life, we are allowed to live outside of it. Let yourself fall in love and be happy.” Her words tugged at your chest as you took her advice into consideration. Nevertheless, your fear of what could happen could not be swayed. 
      “ It’s not easy to separate that part of my life. Being a prosecutor is a part of me—a huge part of me. I can’t just set that aside. Nat, I know you mean well, but I think things are better the way they are now. I’ll go back to work tomorrow. I promise things will continue as they always have,” you put your wine glass down on the coffee table, an ill feeling bubbling within your stomach. Natasha let out a defeated sigh, “If that’s what you really want, then I’ll respect that. But I have to tell you that whatever it is you're really scared of, it’s making you let go of possibly one of the best things that could have ever happened to you.” This time her words made your heart sink in disappointment knowing what you were giving up.
     She didn’t stay long after that. You chatted about work, the new case, and other frivolous things. Your mind, however, was elsewhere the entire time. Like a broken record, it repeated her words and Bucky’s over and over, almost as if to torture you. When she left, you ended up cleaning your entire apartment to distract yourself from your thoughts. It had never been so spotless. 
     The next day, you went to work to prove to Natasha, and to yourself, that everything was okay. Nothing had to change and everyone could operate as usual. What you didn’t expect was to be called into the Brooklyn precinct on your first day back. You managed to skim through a few files on your way there to get caught up on the case. Which thankfully, hadn’t really started until today.
     You took a deep breath stepping out of the precinct elevator. Walking down the hallway, you were mere moments away from seeing Bucky again and your nerves were uncontrollable. You told yourself it was best to act professionally towards him, but you knew that was easier said than done. 
     As soon as you walked through the precinct entrance, your eyes scanned the entire room. Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed Bucky in the conference area, looking over evidence with Detective Maria Hill and Detective Sharon Carter. His back was facing you, so he hadn’t noticed you yet. On the other side of the room, Steve was with Sam, having a conversation with what looked like to be the suspect’s attorney. Now you understood why you were called in. 
     “ Counselor Murdock, back to lose another case?” You asked teasingly. He smiled, a slight chuckle escaping him, “ Not this time. Although, if this goes to court I’m happy it's you prosecuting this case. You’re the only prosecutor whose voice I like hearing throughout the trial. If anything I’m looking forward to it.” Murdock gave you a cheeky grin, being flirtatious as always. You laughed it off, used to him being this way since your law school days. 
     “ I think it’s time we move things along. Have you spoken to your client yet?” 
     “ Not yet. I arrived a few moments before you did.” 
     “ Well then, you should go inside and speak to him. The detectives will join you momentarily. I hope we can have full cooperation.”
     “ No promises,” he shrugged, a smug look on his face. Once he entered the interrogation room you turned to Steve and Sam, “ You shouldn’t leave them in there too long before they decide not to cooperate. What do we have on the suspect?” 
     “ Not much. The suspect, Quentin Beck, was the victim's boyfriend and the last person to see her alive. Her body was found under a bridge not too far from their shared apartment. Initially, she was a Jane Doe found with no possessions on her until we ran her fingerprints and found she was arrested prior for a misdemeanor. He says she went out with her friends and never came home. He filed a police report a week ago,” Sam explained.
     “ Sounds like there’s not much to go on. Getting a warrant for the apartment wouldn’t be hard, but the evidence would be too circumstantial. She lives there so, of course, her DNA would be everywhere,” your brain went into prosecutor mode, sifting through mental files of any possible charges.  
     “ Could you get us a warrant for his car? If he transported the body there has to be some evidence left inside. This guy thinks he’s clever. Never seen someone so calm and indifferent to the death of their loved one. I got a feeling he killed her,” Sam continued. 
     You shook your head,“ Unfortunately, I need something more than just feelings to convict. I don’t think we have enough evidence to get a judge to sign off on a warrant. You’d have to get him to talk more and spill something. If she went out with her friends then maybe they know something. You can question their neighbors or tenant to see if there were any prior domestic disturbances, but for now, that’s all. We need more to go on than pure speculation.”
     “ Carter, Barnes, Hill!” Steve called the rest of the squad over and you tensed up knowing he was approaching. It was easy to stay focused on the job when he wasn’t close. You couldn’t look at him and instead directed your attention to the suspect inside the interrogation room. He looked like the average white male, sort of handsome if you squinted hard enough. However, if this job had taught you anything, looks can be deceiving. 
     “ Hill, I want you in the interrogation room with me. You’re best with the clever ones. Wilson, Carter, go back to the apartment complex and question the tenant, the neighbors they have nearby, and even the one directly underneath their apartment. Maybe they can tell us if they were as happy as a couple as he said they were. Barnes, I need you to investigate her social media and see if any of her friends posted this alleged outing. Find a way to contact them and ask them what they know. Counselor, I would like it if you stayed to watch over the interrogation. You know how to handle Murdock better than any of us,” Steve turned to you once he was done giving his orders. You faced him, getting a glimpse of Bucky from the corner of your eye. You felt his stare on you the entire time Steve was talking. 
     “ Of course,” your response was brief, and the tone of your voice was weak. Bucky’s intense stare was clouding your senses. The room suddenly felt smaller, and you wanted to ask Steve who had cranked up the heat.
     Steve shot Bucky a quick glance before directing his attention back to you. By the look on his face, you knew he was putting two and two together. All of your friends here were detectives. You wouldn’t put it past them to figure it out. Your clothes suddenly felt two sizes too small. 
     “ Okay, everyone knows what they have to do. We’ll regroup around noon. If you end up with any new leads you want to pursue, call in and let me know first,” Steve gave the last of his instructions, sending everyone off. It took him a second, but Bucky walked away to his desk, which was thankfully the furthest from you. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. Nothings changed. You repeated these words over and over in your head, to remind yourself—no, to convince yourself they were true. Which was hard when Bucky was staring holes into the back of your head. You could see him vaguely behind you through the reflective surface of the two-way mirror. It took everything within you not to turn around and lock eyes with him. 
     After watching the interrogation for about forty minutes, you ended up with the same conclusion as Sam. Quentin Beck was guilty—he had to be. There was no proof yet, only the gut feeling you and Sam had felt, however, you knew deep down he had killed his girlfriend. As you listened to him speak you realized he was the kind of man who with one look made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. His eyes were the muddiest shade of blue, lifeless and cold. You didn't believe for a second he was ever in love with the victim. There was a moment you could have sworn he look through the two-way mirror right at you. You hated how intimidated you felt at that moment. 
     If it was the last thing you did, you would make sure this man would rot behind bars for the rest of his life.
     Nothing new was learned from the interrogation. Steve and Maria came out of there, letting the hard look on their faces fall into defeat. Anytime they almost caught Quentin slipping up, Murdock was there to save him. 
     “ Counselor, I think it's time you take a turn. Murdock is giving us a run for our money,” Maria suggested, glaring at the two men inside the room. 
     “ She won’t have to. Look,” Bucky rushed over to where the three of you were, tablet in hand, to show you all something, “ See these videos? The victim's friends sent me these from the night they all went out. The suspect dropped her off and picked her up from the outing. He’s lying about her never going home. And see this?” 
     Bucky’s hand slid back and forth on the screen showing two screenshots of two different cars with two different license plates. You were too engrossed with the wickedness of the details you hadn’t noticed Bucky was standing next to you until his arm brushed up against yours. 
     “ They’re two different cars, that bastard. He picked her up in a different car than the one he dropped her off in. What car did he drive here?” Maria’s teeth were gritted. “ I checked the cameras and there’s a match for the first car he drove parked next to Carter’s,” Bucky showed another screenshot of the same car as the first, parked in the precinct parking lot. 
     “ Counselor, is this enough to get us a warrant?” Steve asked you. 
     You considered the evidence before speaking, “ This is more than enough to get a warrant on both cars. Although, it’s better if you send all of this to Romanoff. She’s closer to the judge’s chambers and can get you a warrant faster than I can. If you stall him long enough, you’ll have the warrant and the crime scene unit here to investigate the car before your time to question him is up. We don’t want him erasing any evidence,” you suggested. 
     Steve agreed, “Barnes, call Prosecutor Romanoff and give her all the information you have to get that warrant. Hill, go back in there and give him another round of questioning, maybe some paperwork to file. I have to make a few calls before I go back in. Counselor, I think we’ll be okay for now, but I’d appreciate it if you could deliver the warrant to Murdock himself. Something tells me if you give it to him, he’ll go easier on countering it.” 
     You nodded your head in agreement, feeling Bucky step away from you and shooting you one last glance before going back to his desk and doing as ordered. Maria went ahead and reluctantly made her way back into the interrogation room. Steve was standing there quietly, a pensive look on his face. There was clearly something on his mind, and you dreaded knowing exactly what it was. 
     “ You and Bucky, is everything okay between you two?”
     “ Everything’s fine.”
     “ Things don’t seem fine.” 
     “ They are. It’s all fine. Everything’s fine.”
     The look Steve gave you let you know he wasn’t believing a word you said. However, he didn’t push it, merely sending you a sympathetic smile with kind eyes that made you want to confess everything. Steve wasn’t Natasha though. Steve was Bucky’s best friend and you didn’t deserve to be consoled by him—only hated. You broke his best friend’s heart and if he didn’t know, he would know soon enough. 
     Maybe Natasha was right. Maybe things always change anyways. 
     But in this case, it was okay, because at least in this case you were the bad guy. You were the heartbreaker and everyone can hate you. No one has to pick sides because you made it easy for them to choose Bucky, and you were okay with that. 
     You had to be okay with that.  
     “ Anyway, you have Captain duties to get to, and I have a lot of work to catch up on after the whole fair—flu thing,” you cleared your throat, stopping yourself from saying anything else. If Steve had noticed your slip-up, he didn’t acknowledge it. You let him know you would be back to hand the physical warrant to Murdock. You then excused yourself to make a quick getaway out of the precinct. 
     You speed walked out into the hallway that led to the elevator. You knew it was a comical sight how fast you were booking it out of there, but you didn’t care. You begged Natasha in your head to keep Bucky on the phone just long enough for you to slip out. 
     Unfortunately, for you, the phone call was already over.  
     You heard his footsteps before his voice, “Y/n, we need to talk.” 
     “ Sorry, Bucky, I can’t right now. I’m behind on paperwork and I need to get to the office as soon as possible,” you dismissed him, thankful the elevator doors were already open. A few officers were getting off, giving you the chance to quickly slip in without waiting. 
     Bucky, however, was also quick and moved his hand in between the elevator doors so it wouldn't close, “ You can’t even give me a minute? I don’t even deserve that?” The pain and disbelief in his voice were unbearable to hear. You stared at his feet, not being able to meet the eyes you knew would match the emotions in his voice.
      “ Bucky, I really can’t talk right now.”
     “ You can, you just don’t want to talk to me. You can’t even look at me.”
     The tone in his voice froze you in your spot. It was foreign and angry. Bucky had never directed that kind of tone your way. A tone you could only associate with hatred. Something you had previously established was okay. If all your friends could hate you for hurting Bucky, then Bucky had every right to hate you for hurting him. He deserved so much more than you. He deserved to be with someone who wasn’t so conflicted about being with him. Maybe if he hated you too, everything would be much easier to get through. 
     Before you could respond or Bucky could say anything else, another group of officers stepped into the elevator, causing Bucky to remove his hand. The officers sent you quizzical looks as one of them pressed the ground-level button setting the elevator in motion. You were shakily gripping your briefcase, watching Bucky’s feet disappear as the elevator doors closed. 
     It’s okay Bucky, you can hate me. You thought to yourself, as though somehow being able to transmit this to him.
     The next few weeks were agonizing. You and Bucky avoided each other at all costs throughout the entire case. If he came by the office he was never alone and all his questions were addressed to Natasha. He wouldn’t so much as glance your way and you understood why he was so hurt when you wouldn’t even look at him in the elevator. To have somebody who meant the world to you, who made you feel seen, act like you no longer existed was as if you were dead to them.
     Maybe you were to him now.
     The last time he ever spoke to you was after Quentin was arraigned and his bail was posted. Natasha made you go to the precinct to collect copies of witness statements. You were annoyed, knowing Steve or any other detective could have sent those copies digitally or even faxed them. It wasn’t until you arrived at the precinct and saw only Bucky was around that you realized this was a setup. 
     “ Hey...I came to get the copies of witness statements Nat called in earlier saying we needed,” your voice was stiff as you stood awkwardly by Bucky’s desk. He had been typing away at his computer before you approached him, and wasn’t showing any signs of stopping at your arrival.
     He clenched his jaw, nodding slowly, getting up from his desk and going into Steve’s office. You took a step forward only to stop yourself, knowing it wasn’t a good idea to follow him in. He clearly wasn’t in a good mood at the sight of your presence.
     He came out of the office moments later with a stack of manila folders in his hands. He handed them to you, “ Here, this should be everything you need.” His tone was distant and professional. You grabbed them, the apprehensive tension between you two threatening to suffocate you. You managed to mutter out a small thank you before leaving.  
     Neither of you looked at the other during that last interaction.
     Steve, Sam, and Natasha tried talking to you about the situation—well more like Steve and Sam tried talking to you, and Natasha lectured you—but, you never gave them any real answers or explanations. You knew where they were coming from, but any brainpower you had left was dedicated to the case. You poured every waking hour into it to distract yourself from everything else. This worked incredibly, although it also brought on a foreboding feeling for when the case was over. Once you reached the finish line, it would be hard to ignore the obstacles on the other side of it. 
     This was the complete opposite of making things easier for you. In his absence, you realized how much you truly missed him and how comfortable you had gotten with his usual presence. This was the first case where you didn’t have late nights working on paperwork, and days going out to the field together to investigate. Natasha and you typically did your work separately which made it easy for Bucky, in previous cases, to come in and partner up with you at any opportunity.
     You especially felt his absence when it came to rehearsing your opening remarks for Quentin Beck’s trial. You always did this with Bucky, but now he wasn’t here to give you pointers and reassuring words. He wasn’t here to comfort you and let you know you were going to do great. There was a moment when you were a click away from calling him the night before the trial but decided against it knowing how unfair that was to him. 
     No, instead, you had your bedroom wall staring back at you as you practiced your opening speech. 
     This was the loneliest you had ever felt. 
     On the day of the trial, you went over your notes with Natasha before it commenced. You dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s. You couldn’t afford to let Quentin Beck slip through the laws of justice over a technicality. He had murdered his girlfriend out of spite and jealousy, and thanks to the best detective team in Brooklyn, you had all the evidence to prove it. 
     Your opening went smoothly. The jury was immediately entranced by your persuasiveness—you even saw a few of them cry. This was good. As long as you continued to show them the monster Quentin Beck was, the easier and faster they would convict him. 
     Like any other trial, you and Natasha spilt the witnesses in half. Natasha was better at intimidating anyone on the stand, while your strong suit lay in appealing to the jury. Any emotionally packed moment was one you delivered. Any moment someone needed to be put in their place, there Natasha was. That is how the rest of the trial went. 
     When Quentin Beck was put on the stand, the tension in the room became palpable. Already the jury hated him, and his nonchalant demeanor did nothing to help. His eyes would glance over the room and every time his eyes met yours, you had to do everything in your power not to visibly shiver. After the brutality of the evidence of the victim’s murder was discovered his eyes became to you nothing short of haunting. In them lay a storm that was waiting to ensnare you and drown you. You couldn’t shake the discomfort they brought you when it was time to give the closing arguments.
     You were good at thinking on your feet, so closing remarks always came effortlessly to you. It’s the same as always working on homicide cases. Humanize the victim as much as possible to the jury. Remind them the victim was a daughter, a cousin, a friend, and to many others so much more than that. Remind them the defendant was a cold-blooded killer. The one to act as the judge, jury, and executioner to the victim. Matt was trying to get a third-degree murder charge, while you and Natasha were gunning for first-degree.
     The entire trial is important to the jury. They have countless notes to look back on and read over to refresh their memories. However, it's the closing statements that always stick with them the most since it'll be the last they hear from either side. You were great at closing the case, but you had to admit, Matt was damn good at it as well. 
     You made a dire mistake upon giving the final speech. In a moment of accusation, you pointed to the defendant, and let those same lifeless eyes intimidate you for a split second. It was quick, and yet that was all it took to feel like you were drowning again. To play this fear off you took an emotional pause to gain your grounding. To anyone who didn’t know you, this was a moment of silence for them to reflect on the tragedy of this crime. Anyone who knew you though knew this was a moment for you to catch your breath.
     Bucky was one of those people. When your eyes locked as you looked out into the sea of the trial audience he sent you a small smile and gave you an encouraging nod. That was all you needed to knock your closing statement out of the park. 
     The jury didn't take long to deliberate. The guilty verdict came back in record time. 
     “ Always a pleasure losing to you, Counselor L/n,” you heard Matt say behind you as he approached you after the trial. Natasha was a few feet away talking to Steve and the rest of the detectives. No doubt planning the usual celebration after a successful case. 
     “ You know, when you say it like that you make it sound like you lose on purpose,” you countered teasingly, packing up your stuff. Your goal was to sneak out of the courthouse as quickly and as quietly as possible. 
     He chuckled, “Never. Ever since law school you and I have gone back and forth with wins and losses. Maybe more losses on my part than wins.” This brought an amused grin to your face,“ So you admit I’ve always been a better lawyer than you?” This made you both laugh. After the last few weeks of feeling as though the world was crumbling down on you, it felt nice to bicker playfully with an old friend. It certainly made the air easier to breathe.
     “ Walk me out?” You asked him. In response, he extended his arm out for you to grab onto to ‘guide him gracefully out of the building,’ as he put it. You rolled your eyes knowing very well he could navigate the courthouse halls better than you. Nevertheless, you linked your arm with his and walked out amongst the crowd of those who had attended the trial. As you were leaving you could've sworn a pair of eyes were on you. However, not wanting to confirm who those eyes belonged to, you ignored them and walked out of the courthouse with Matt. You continued to talk about the past and reminisce the days filled with bar exam study sessions and research essays on the fundamental principles of the jury selection process. 
     Outside, Matt helped you into a taxi, saying goodbye before parting ways. You were heading home wanting nothing more than to give yourself a long bath and maybe a nice nap. Anything to wind down from the stressful trial. Your usual method of stress relief after a trial was a fun night out with your friends, but of course this time it would be different. 
     You were getting fed up with different.
     Your mind wandered back to Bucky’s encouragement during your closing. Even after everything Bucky was still caring and looking out for you. Guilt and shame were once more having a fight within you to see who could feast off of you more. Before you could lose yourself to these emotions, a call interrupted them.
     “ You’re not coming are you.”
     “ I will. I’ll take a taxi later.” 
     “ You can lie to everyone, Y/n. Even to yourself, but you can’t lie to me.” 
     She was right as usual. 
     “ I can’t go, Nat. I have tons of stuff to do. I have to prepare some final motions and other paperwork.” 
     You wished the ground would swallow you at this very moment. 
     “ You’re scared of things changing, but can't you see they already did?”
     Again, she was right as usual, hanging up on you as you arrived outside your home feeling your world start to crumble again. Any sense of normalcy Matt had given you gone with one phone call. 
     The rest of your afternoon into the evening was spent giving yourself lots of self-care which consisted of a warm bath and shopping online for things you absolutely did not need. Anything to help you feel better. You tried convincing yourself it was okay for things to be different now. It was hard to pretend you didn’t care when in reality you cared way too much. 
     As midnight approached, you poured yourself a glass of wine to celebrate your trial win. “ Congratulations on another win, Prosecutor L/n,” you mustered as much fake enthusiasm as you could, and attempted to take a celebratory sip of wine, but found yourself fighting off tears instead. 
     Correction, this was the loneliest you had ever felt.
     Your pity party was cut short by a knock on your door. You looked over at the time, fifteen minutes till midnight, and wondered who it could be. You knew at least it wasn’t Natasha since she would've just let herself in with her spare key. 
     You tiptoed over to your door and checked the peephole almost knocking your head against it in shock. Bucky was on the other side holding something in his hands. Your hand shot out to the doorknob, rattling it for a second, but you couldn't find the strength to open it. As a prosecutor, confrontation naturally comes to you. You found yourself surprised to know this wasn’t the case with Bucky. To face him and your actions these past few weeks was more anxiety-inducing than when you took the bar exam many years ago. Which was saying something since you threw up twice the morning of your bar exam.
     At this point, you didn’t open the door not because you didn't want to, but because you physically couldn't. Your sweaty palms had a hard time twisting the lock off the door. 
     “ Y/n, you don't have to open the door, but please just listen.” 
     His voice was hesitant and slightly muffled on the other side. He seemed to be walking on eggshells around you and wanted to choose his words carefully. You didn’t blame him as you avoided him as much as he had avoided you. You more so than him if you were honest. 
     “Okay,” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. There was so much more you wanted to say, but once again in the presence of Bucky, you were rendered speechless. 
     There was a slight shifting sound on the other side of the door before he spoke,“ Look, these past few weeks I tried really hard to push my feelings away, but I was only getting more frustrated with myself. In pushing my feelings away, I pushed you away and I don’t want that. I miss you,” his voice broke toward the end and he paused before continuing,“ I want you—no, I need you to be a part of my life even if it's just as friends. Y/n, don't think for one second I regret taking you on that date because I don’t, but I can’t keep going on acting like we don’t know each other anymore.”
     Your hand on the doorknob tightened as you blinked a few years away. You wanted to tell him that despite how it all ended that day was from a handful of days where you experienced the beauty of romance. To recognize it as such made your chest ache with longing, but it was the truth. It was cliche and yet, it was the first time you understood what it meant to feel sparks when kissing someone. It was a foreign sensation you wished the universe would give you the chance to feel again. 
     This and so much more were the things you wanted to say to the wonderful man on the other side. You were hesitant, however, to speak, afraid even one syllable would sound incomprehensible with the emotions you were trying to keep in control. Instead, you rested your head on the door and tried to calm down your racing heart. Maybe if you managed to do that you could say something—anything, to ease the pain for both of you.
     There was rustling on the other side of the door and you wondered what he was doing. “ Today, when I saw how you were able to smile and laugh around Murdock, it reminded me of how we used to be. And I realize we might not have that again, but I’ll try to get back to a place like that. All I ask is for you to be patient with me because what I feel for you isn’t something that leaves from one day to the next, but to respect your wishes I’ll try. It’ll kill me, but I’ll try.”
     Bucky’s words ripped your heart right out of your chest. If he said anything after that you wouldn’t know, your mind was no longer in the moment. It was racing a mile a minute grappling with what you wanted and what you thought you wanted. You tried convincing yourself for weeks that all you wanted was to go back to normal with Bucky. To have his friendship in your life because that would be enough. It wasn’t until he said he’d try his best to get rid of his feelings for you that you realized being just friends was never going to be enough—not anymore. 
     You stepped away from your door when the realization hit. What you felt towards him now was entirely different than the small crush you had on him when you first met. In all this time of getting to know him, he had wedged his way into your heart and found a permanent spot there. There was only one word that could summarize why in his absence it felt like a part of you was missing—it was love. 
     You were in love with Detective James Buchanan Barnes. 
     You got a taste of what it was like to be lovers with him and you knew no matter what you tried to do, nobody else could satiate what Bucky had awakened. A part of you was still scared of what could happen if things went south, but the fear of closing that door of being something more with Bucky was greater than the consequences that could happen in the case of a conflict of interest. You felt immensely stupid for not realizing this sooner.
     Before your mind drove you any crazier, your body took charge and swung your door open. Bucky was used to your incoherences, so at least he would be able to string together some parts of what was about to spill from your mouth.
     This was cut short as you were met with no one on the other side of the doorway. Bucky was gone. He must have said goodbye and you didn’t hear it over the back and forth in your head. 
     You took a deep breath surprisingly relieved. As much as you would love to chase after him in your pajamas at midnight in the Brooklyn streets, you didn’t want to seem like a mad woman. Instead, you used this as an opportunity to collect your thoughts and prepare yourself for pouring out your heart to Bucky tomorrow. He had done the same, and you rejected him. There was a possibility you had to prepare yourself for him to do the same. You felt as though he had every right to after how you treated him. 
     Before you closed the door, you noticed there were two things on the ground Bucky must have left for you. One, a bag of takeout from your favorite restaurant which made you realize you completely forgot about dinner, and two, the teddy bear from the night of the fair. Your heart burst at the sight. You bent down and grabbed the teddy bear delicately as if it were a small child and hugged it. 
     It smelled like funnel cake and a happier time. 
     You brought in the takeout, never letting go of the bear. You couldn’t tell if the empty feeling in your stomach was from your lack of eating dinner, or from the guilt that was still making its home there over your treatment of Bucky. He deserved so much better and maybe he had realized that. 
     Maybe that’s why he said he’d get rid of his feelings for you. 
     You shook the doubt away, exhaustion taking over your body. You put the takeout in the fridge, not having the appetite for anything right now. You decided you would wake up early in the morning and make Bucky some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. He loves when you bake a batch and bring them down to the precinct. He always said they were his favorite—now if that was because you made them or they actually were his favorite, there was no way to know.
      The cookies were to sweeten up your apology, which was a long thought-out one you wrote in the notes app on your phone before going to bed. It could honestly rival any speeches you had ever given in court. 
     You fell asleep that night with the teddy bear in your arms. 
     Your idea to wake up early in the morning to bake cookies was a good one—if you hadn't overslept. In the midst of Bucky’s surprise visit, and writing him an apology, you forgot to charge your phone and set your alarm. So instead of waking up at six as you intended, you woke up at ten. Thankfully, since you just ended a big case there was no urgency to be at the office bright and early in the morning. Even though a bit rushed, you still baked the cookies and got ready as usual. Although, this morning you noticed you felt a bit more self-conscious about your appearance. 
     What does one wear to confess your feelings to someone you already rejected?
     Is there an outfit that conveys I’m sorry, better than you ever could? 
     You wouldn't know. 
     You were able to charge your phone halfway before heading out. You packed the cookies in a red tupperware container sticking a post-it note at the top that read: For Bucky <;3. You gave the teddy bear a goodbye wave as you exited. 
     You decided against taking the subway today and got a lift from a taxi instead. You sent Bucky a quick text to let him know you needed to talk to him and if you could meet up with him at the park closest to the precinct. You knew his lunch break was coming up, so you hoped you could talk to him then. 
     As soon as you sent the text your phone rang, your heart skipping a beat. There’s no way Bucky read that message that quickly. 
     You were right. It wasn’t Bucky calling you, it was Natasha.
     “ Hey, Nat. Sorry, I overslept, but I’m close to the offic—” 
     “ Y/n, where are you?” There was a hint of panic in her voice. 
     “ Heading to the office...” you trailed off an uneasiness crawling its way up your spine. 
     “ Tell the driver to go to Stark Hospital. There’s been an accident.” 
     You froze,“ Natasha, are you okay? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?” 
     “ It’s not me, it’s Bucky. He was in a car accident.”
     The cookie container fell from your lap. You don’t know how you managed to find your voice to tell the driver to take you to Stark Hospital, but you did. A few blocks away there was a traffic jam, and the desperation to see Bucky and make sure he was okay was more than you or the driver could bare. You paid the driver and rushed out of the taxi, maneuvering your way through the rest of the cars until you reached the sidewalk. You continued to run from there.
     Three blocks away. 
     Bucky was fine. He had to be fine. 
     Two blocks away. 
     Please, Bucky, for the love of everything, please be fine. 
     One block away. 
     Bucky, I can’t live without you, so please be fine.
     Out of breath and barely able to see from the tears obstructing your vision, you made your way into the emergency room. You looked around the waiting room but saw no familiar faces. A nurse noticed you and came over. 
     “ Ma’am, who are you looking for?”
     “ James Buchanan Barnes.” 
     “ He’s in the back in room seven, I have to first—wait, you can’t just go in.”
     The nurse tried to stop you, but you must have looked at her like the world was ending because her features softened,“ Ma’am, I have to get you an approved visitor's pass. We can’t just have anyone back there.” 
     “ Screw the visitor’s pass, that's my fiancé you have back there. I have to see him,” you lied hiding your left hand in your bag in the process, moving past the nurse. You knew she was just doing her job, but the hopelessness you felt at that moment made you desperate. 
     Despite the nurse's protests, you marched your way into the back of the emergency room where all the patients were. You located room number seven and bolted straight to it, pushing the door open. Bucky was sitting on top of a hospital bed, his left arm in a sling, and his face scattered with a few cuts. He jumped back startled by your entrance. Relief overtook your features, finding yourself able to breathe again. 
     “ I am so sorry for the intrusion sir, but your fiancé was worried and insisted on seeing you.” 
     You froze in your spot, sheepishly, at the nurse’s words. Right, you told the nurse you were Bucky’s fiancé. Bucky bit his lip amused, “She was, was she? Of course, my doll was,” he extended his right hand toward you inviting you into his arms. You walked over to him timidly, as the nurse excused herself closing the door behind her. 
     When you heard the door close you embraced him tightly. He winced and you pulled away quickly, “ Oh—sorry, Bucky.” He shook his head, grinning giddily, “ Don’t apologize, I’m feeling better already.” Unamused, you scanned his injuries, “ Are you really? What happened?” At your question, Bucky explained how he and Sam were pursuing a suspect who rammed his car against theirs to stop them from catching him. Sam caught up to him on foot, since the car had been damaged, but Bucky had received the brunt of the hit and that’s how he ended up with a fractured arm and bruised ribs.
     “ I’ll lock him up you know. He assaulted an officer, he evaded arrest, and who knows how many traffic violations he committed,” the more you spoke the more upset you became. You didn’t realize you were crying until Bucky wiped the tears from your face, and spoke softly to you, “ I know you will, you’re the best at that. I see it’s true, though. My fiancé was worried about me.” A look of endearment was on his face while yours was flushed with embarrassment. Although you didn’t bother to correct him, wanting to forget you ever said that to the nurse. 
     “ Well, I was worried. I thought, maybe—no, I don’t even want to say what I thought. I’m just glad you're okay. I actually wanted to talk to you, and say I was sorry and give you, oh no,” you looked down at your empty hands, no tupperware of homemade cookies in sight.
     “ The taxi,” you gasped. 
     “ Give me…a taxi?” Bucky was looking at you delightedly, holding in his laughter. 
     “ Not a taxi, cookies.” 
     “ Yes, I baked cookies to give to you as an apology. I also had this whole speech prepared that I can’t remember right now. I wanted to say I’m so sorry for everything. For being so stupid and not talking it through with you since the beginning. For turning you down before even really giving us a chance. For letting my fear of what could happen, take control of this situation instead of taking control of it myself and handling it properly,” you were rambling on and on causing Bucky to chuckle before grimacing at the pain, his bruised ribs not appreciating his sense of humor. 
     “ Now, was this apology decided before or after you found out about my car accident.” 
     “ Before. Why?” 
     “  Well I thought maybe all I needed to do was get pummeled by a car to see your pretty face again,” he joked, causing you to laugh,” Shut up, it’s the painkillers talking isn’t it?” 
     “ God, I missed seeing you smile at me, doll,” he was looking at you like he had won the lottery. 
     “ There’s something I missed too,” you said sincerely thinking back to how empty you felt without Bucky in your life. You looked down at his injured arm, but he used his good one to lift your chin to look at him. His eyes twinkled, catching on to what you were saying, “ Does this mean I can give up on trying to get rid of my feelings for you?” 
     You nodded, not knowing what words were enough to convey how you felt. Instead, you decided to show him through your actions—so you kissed him. There they were again, those damn sparks only Bucky could make you experience. 
     He pulled you in by your waist with his free hand, so you were standing in between his legs. He reciprocated the kiss just as intensely as you had given it. Your hands reached up to cradle his head and pull him in closer—if that was even possible. This time there was no fear and no hesitation as you lost yourselves in the emotions you had been holding back for weeks. 
     The apologies, the loneliness, the anger, the sadness, the frustration, and everything in between melted away leaving only the love that was blossoming between you two behind. 
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Lovelies who asked to be tagged: @enchantedbarnes @sebsgirl71479 @xcaptain-winterx​ @marvel-wifey-86 
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scotianostra · 19 days
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13th June 1814 saw the Strathnaver Clearances begin on the Sutherland estates. Families were given half an hour to remove their belongings before their cottages were set on fire.
Strathnaver was part of the estate of the Countess of Sutherland and her husband the Marquis of Stafford. They had decided to "improve" their lands by turning them over to profitable sheep farming and were intent on moving their tenants to new villages built on the coast.
The evictions were undertaken by the Sutherland Estate factor, Patrick Sellar. He was ruthless in his actions, destroying homes and burning crops to force people from their land. His actions were so extreme that in April 1816 Sellar stood trial in Inverness on a variety of charges including fire raising and culpable homicide. However, he was acquitted and returned to Strathnaver where he had leased a large area of the land to farm sheep.
There are the remains of many abandoned townships throughout the Strath, the best known of these being Rosal. This is mainly thanks to Donald Macleod, a native of that township, who witnessed the clearances and wrote passionately about them. Donald was about twenty years of age when Rossall was cleared. At 11 o'clock that night he climbed a hill and counted:
"250 blazing houses. Many of the owners were my relatives and all of whom I personally knew; but whose present condition, whether in or out of the flames, I could not tell. The fire lasted six days, till the whole of the dwellings were reduced to ashes or smoking ruins. During one of those days a boat lost her way in the dense smoke as she approached the shore; but at night she was enabled to reach a landing place by the light of the flames."
He is remembered in a memorial close to the site of the settlement, you can find out more on Srathaven museum web page https://www.strathnavermuseum.org.uk/
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Femicide is a worldwide problem
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Feminists and human rights campaigners have long criticised the use of the term “honour killing” to describe the homicides of women perpetrated by men purportedly for bringing shame upon or dishonouring their families.
The term is mainly used in the context of traditional, patriarchal religious communities from non-white, non-Western countries. However, there are problems with both the terminology and the description of such crimes.
There is never any “honour” in murder, and many of these homicides take place in secular, white Western contexts and communities. Yet, it is clear that such killings are viewed and labelled differently depending on the perpetrators.
When white Western men kill women, they often claim they did so due to provocation or jealousy. When men in Asia or the Middle East commit such crimes, it is said to be about maintaining the “honour” of the killer’s family and community.
The United Nations estimates that about 5,000 women are killed each year in honour-related crimes. Most of the victims included in this statistic are from Asia and the Middle East.
Yet, a closer look reveals that many murders – often in the West – that are categorized as other types of homicide also fit this label. That’s partly why many feminist groups campaigning on this issue think the actual number is much higher — closer to 20,000 worldwide. Another factor is the hidden nature of some of these murders, which can be dismissed as suicides or disappearances.
As I’ve written previously, patriarchs everywhere often treat the women and girls who die this way as culpable: They were slaughtered, according to this logic, because they failed to be subservient and obedient.
Nothing speaks of this stigma more than an unmarked section of a cemetery in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, in which several victims of patriarchal murders are buried. I met Naza, whose daughter is buried there. She visits in secret because her daughter’s death has been shrouded in shame.
In 1990, I co-founded the UK-based feminist law reform organisation Justice for Women to campaign for fair and equal treatment of women going through the criminal justice system, either as victims or defendants in cases involving male violence.
In the UK, a woman dies every three days at the hands of a former or current male partner. European Union data show that in 2020, there were 400 femicides in Poland, 117 in Germany, 102 in Italy and 99 in Hungary. The law largely treats these men more leniently than it does the women who fight back to save their lives.
Doing this work, it soon became apparent to me that the motives men give to police and courts when they carry out deadly violence in these circumstances are similar to those we hear about in ‘honour killings’.
Very recently in Britain, for instance, men who killed their female partners often used the defence of provocation, which, if successful, reduced a murder charge to manslaughter. They would say that the victim had dishonoured them, either by humiliating them, forming new relationships or by questioning their manliness. In 2008, this defence was removed from the statute book after a persistent campaign by feminists.
I recall the case in 1991 of Joseph McGrail who kicked his common-law wife, Marion Kennedy, to death. They had been together for 10 years, and Kennedy was addicted to sleeping pills and alcohol, partly due to living with the stress of threats and abuse from McGrail. His reason for the crime was that he had come home to find her drunk again. The judge, Oliver Popplewell, said, “That woman would have tried the patience of a saint,” before sentencing McGrail to a two-year suspended jail term.
A decade later, Les Humes, a lawyer living in the north of England, was sentenced to seven years for manslaughter for killing his wife, Elizabeth Davies, when he discovered that she was having an affair and had planned to leave him. Humes stabbed Davies so ferociously that in some places the knife had passed through her body. Davies, a secretary at his law firm, was 36 when she died and had been married to Humes for 15 years. The couple had four children.
Provocation was mainly used as a defence when men could persuade the court that their honour had been besmirched: for example, if a man found his wife in bed with another man or if she nagged him to take out the rubbish. That men pleading provocation would often have the sympathy of the court suggests that “dishonouring” a man and causing him humiliation was considered worse by judges and juries than him terrorising a woman through sexual and domestic violence and murder.
This attitude is rooted in the age-old notion that married women are chattel. Indeed, the provocation defence in the UK can be traced back to at least the 17th century. Until 1981, men who killed their partners could get more lenient sentences in Italy if the woman had “dishonoured” the family with infidelity.
Yet, even with provocation no longer a legal defence in the UK, men who kill their female partners often walk free while women who kill men in self-defence are being convicted of murder, research published last year by the UK-based Centre for Women’s Justice found.
One example is the case of Dawn Rhodes, who was killed in 2016 by her estranged husband, Robert, to whom she had been married for almost 20 years. Robert had discovered Dawn was having an affair with a colleague. Dawn in turn had found out that Robert too was in another relationship.
She was killed when her throat was so deeply cut that she was partially decapitated. Robert said he acted in self-defence. Forensic experts told the jury that it was more plausible that Dawn’s injury had been inflicted from behind as opposed to a frontal attack. Still, the jury found Robert not guilty of murder.
To be sure, despite similarities between such killings across contexts and continents, there are also differences. But the focus should be on femicide, the very act of a man killing a woman or girl.
This form of deadly male violence cuts across every single country and culture on the planet. It cannot be acceptable anywhere.
By Julie Bindel Journalist, author and feminist campaigner
Julie Bindel is a journalist, author and feminist campaigner. Her book Feminism for Women: The Real Route to Liberation, (Constable, Robinson) was published in May 2021
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wikiweird · 1 year
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Homicidal sleepwalking
The "Homicidal sleepwalking" article explores a rare and unusual phenomenon in which individuals commit acts of violence, including murder, while in a state of sleepwalking. The article delves into documented cases of homicidal sleepwalking throughout history and examines the legal and medical implications of such incidents.
It discusses notable cases where individuals have been accused of and even convicted of committing violent acts while sleepwalking. The article delves into the challenges faced by the legal system in determining culpability and establishing the intent of individuals who commit crimes during sleepwalking episodes.
The article also explores the medical understanding of sleepwalking and its various forms, including homicidal sleepwalking. It delves into possible causes, triggers, and risk factors associated with this particular type of sleep disorder.
Please note that while homicidal sleepwalking is a real phenomenon, it is extremely rare. The article provides insights into the documented cases and scientific research surrounding this unusual sleep disorder, shedding light on the complexities of the human mind and the mysteries of sleep behavior disorders.
Read more
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Blonsky claims that the Super-Soldier Serum made him do it. He was acting under the influence, having been pumped full of Captain America juice that affected his thinking. I want to take a moment to really interrogate that line of defense.
Let's talk first about what we, the omniscient audience, know about Blonsky's situation. First, that the Serum amplifies what you already have inside of you. For Blonsky, what it amplified was his battle-lust. He was a front-line soldier who refused promotions that would take him out of the field. He was addicted to the war.
That lust, that craving for violence, to prove himself against the ultimate opponent, that is what the Serum amplified in Blonsky. It took his hunger to fight the Hulk, the ultimate adversary, and pushed it into homicidal and relentless obsession. And it deformed him, in a similar fashion to the Red Skull; He was growing a protruding spine before he ever got his Hulk upgrade.
So I think this is complicated. The thing that drove Blonsky to break Harlem was enhanced aggression brought on by the Serum, but that sort of thing is a peril of the Serum. It's why Erskine was so careful to select the right person to receive it. What it amplified was something that was an intrinsic part of Blonsky. But before that amplification, we're led to believe that he was a model soldier.
Blonsky is basically a cautionary tale in why it's good that Colonel Phillips didn't get his way. He's exactly the kind of guy Phillips would have chosen.
Of course, further complicating the question of how morally culpable Blonsky is, is the fact that he still has the Serum in him. It doesn't wear off. Even in the most generous assumption, that the Blonsky from before the Serum isn't responsible for his actions, he's not that guy anymore. The guy Jen's talking to is the version of Blonsky that broke Harlem. That's always who he's going to be, for the rest of his days.
He is going to be living with intensely amplified battle-lust, with a desperate craving and hunger for violence screaming to get loose. Which. Is. Exactly why. He became this big inner peace guru. Blonsky has to work very hard to control, not the Abomination but the amplified part of himself that drove him to become the Abomination. His Hulk side is ironically the least of his problems.
All of which ironically serves to bring us full circle to where we started. In the end, after interrogating Blonsky's situation, we arrive back at the simple explanation: Blonsky is a dangerous criminal who's worked hard to change himself, and that's all there really is to it.
The super-fantasy details basically cancel each other out and leave us with a very straightforward and mundane scenario of crime, punishment, mercy, and rehabilitation.
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icravebooks · 1 year
Troubled Paradise
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Part 2
Genre:arranged marriage au, strangers to fiance to partner??, crack?? Angst if you squint your eyes. Ceo yoongi, spoiled brat reader, Richie rich vibes.
Sumarry: getting engaged wasn't in yoongi's plan and handling your spoiled brat tantrums wasn't either. Now that he realises there might be more to it than he wants to give space to.
Warnings: not anything I would consider warning but a little bit of swearing, the maknaes being idiots, the reader is being a brat, HAND HOLDING!!, praising of yoongi's dick (because he got big dick energy), jealously???maybe???or surely???
Word count: 5.2k
Side note: part 3 will surely come because I am not leaving you guys dry and high after making you fantasies about yoongi's glorious hands and dick.
Part 1. Part 3
One thing you learned in two weeks of knowing yoongi was that all you would recieve from him as answer are just grunts and nods, maybe if you used some pixie dust and neverlands luck you could get him to speak.
How did you ended up getting engaged to him again? Yeah the mother fucker had the nerve to still say yes after you quite shamelessly layed out to him that you wanted to see if his dick was just how jimin made you fantasies. To say that you were shocked would be wrong, you should have expected it yoongi knew the hidden motive he knew what you were trying to do, you knew because it was fun being the overly chattering one to see right through people's intention.
You weren't mad though if anything it was  much more interesting , yoongi was a sport you wanted to play, it was like a personal mission for you to see just how many buttons you could push before he would combust, your inner brat liked this, god you have been craving for some challenge for as long as you could remember and this was exactly the opportunity you had been looking for.
You had heard enough about him to know just how he was viewed by people the stoic no joke man who talked only buisness beside that people doubt if he really knew emotions, you didn't though you have been constantly taking every chance to get under his skin make him flustered or atleast annoyed but yoongi has heck too much patience and you Don't.
This is why you couldn't handle seeing him stare at some women across the room who was wait who was she? and why was she even here?, you didn't give a fuck about her but why was yoongi looking at her like that?
That look of pure attraction, Don't tell he was  thinking of hooking up with her.
Ofcourse you knew he wasn't a Saint, he obviously had experience and you weren't an ignorant person, you knew a man had experience when you saw one. perks of having three idiotic handsome best friends, "you know if you keep staring like that he will sense your jealousy." Jungkook's voice sounded amused so amused that it made your body feel like a rocket with just how raged you were, you couldn't possibly consider culpable homicide in a room filled with so many namely people ranging from celebs, buisness to actors.
Why were you here though?, Why did you had to accept that damn invitation?,was a night away from that darn house you called home really that tempting?, or was it the fact that your parents still were being extremely edgy with your wedding date set within a month, wedding huh you would have scoffed if you weren't glaring so hard at your best friend.
Your betrothed didn't have time to come say hi to you, stupid arrogant cocky smug hot asshole, if you didn't liked playing around with him so much you sure would have murdered him by now.
"I have the right to be jealous." You reasoned sounding like a child who was about to start whining while stomping  her foot just because she wasn't getting attention, who are we kidding you never had attention even when you were a kid maybe that is why it was burning your inside, a gasp sounding from your other side made you sigh dramatically, "did you just admit you like him?" Taehyung was the one who snickered from behind when Jimin sang out the question a little too loud that it made a few people look at you all.
Gossip news: y/n likes her husband to be who was supposed to be an arranged one, is it a love match?
You glared at your said friend lips turned up in a tight smile, "no I don't but he is supposedly my betrothed so I have every single right to be jealous." You argued shrugging, Tae patted your back coming to stand beside you pushing jimin to the side only to make you smile while jimin whined like the little spoiled brat he was.
"Want some cupcakes jelly beans?" Taehyung was always the one to comfort you, if he even teased you it would never go to the point that you would get riled up, jimin on the other hand loved pissing you to the point that you wanted to choke slam him, jungkook was the mix of both but mostly he was the caring one.
"Poor sweets has to settle for cupcakes while some other bitch is gonna get our sweets share of dick." Jungkook teased faking sadness pouting while he gave your back a sympathetic pat, you shrugged his hands of you harshly turning you glare at him before walking away from them.
That was the last straw, no maybe it was the fact that you could see the women making her way to your  fiance, murder wasn't legal right?, you didn't stop until you were face to side with none other than min yoongi, sorry to the one's you didn't say sorry for all the stamps and pushing when you were on this death mission.
Yoongi didn't noticed you not until you stepped into his personal space and decided that it was still fashionable to link arms with him like the 18th century or to grip on his bicep making sure to not let him know that you weren't exactly happy to see him gawking at someone else.
Your sudden action seemed to have brought the male to earth as he turned his face to look at you, damn those feline eyes for making your heart do weird things, "I didn't knew you were in attendance." Yoongi commented brows furrowing as to why you were standing so close to him and why were you holding his arm, was being on his mind most the time not enough that you had to now make him remember that you always smelled like vanilla and coffee.
"Maybe If you weren't so busy undressing that chick with your gaze you would have noticed." Your words were stated in a teasing way but yoongi could see the way your jaw was set so tight your teeths were close to gritting, wait were you jealous?..no that can't be, why would you be jealous?, you didn't liked him and not like he wanted you to, he might have agreed to marry you but he didn't want to fall for you, he wanted to stay as far away as possible, because you were too much.
You were too good to be true and he didn't knew if he deserved something so good.
You didn't know what to make out from the way his eyes turned a little wide but his expression remained the same level stoic and controlled, you forced back the acidic feeling of jealous down your throat and actually get back to your usual behaviour.
"You know she ain't going to be the one standing at that altar opposite you, it will be me." You teased pouting lightly to make him feel that you were just being mocking angry, god you didn't had to make him see just how plump and kissable your lips were, yoongi sighed closing his eyes before turning his face away from you.
He knew there was no point in asking you to get away from him or behave because he learned in this two weeks you never liked being ordered around and did exactly what was asked not be done, he didn't expect your next move though, he didn't move when you grabbed his chin gently with your one hand and turned his face towards you once again.
He swear he had to remind himself to breathe when he saw the way you were looking at him, it wasn't the usual playful boyish look but rather a demanding and bratty look that he had yet to see on you, ofcourse he should have know you were a territorial spoiled brat.
Ofcourse he should have known you wouldn't be happy to see him eyeing some other women, he didn't exactly cared about the women he just needed something to get his mind of you, you had been pushing his button a lot and he didn't wanted to count back how many attempts you have already made to make him lose his cool.
"Eyes on me love." Your seductive voice went all the way down to his cock, the way you said it wait why were you friends with those three idiot who were famous for their flirting?
"Did you drink or something?" Yoongi's voice was bored restraining the whole amount of adrenaline rush he felt at your behaviour.
You pouted at his words clicking your tounge before your facade fell and you burst into a tiny train of giggles, you told yourself it had nothing to do with the fact That you could feel that bitch staring at you. If yoongi thought you were drunk or mentally ill he didn't exactly show it just that downturn smile of his.
Gosh what would you give to see him smile with his whole heart, probably a kidney not your own you had three idiots to spare on that, yoongi couldn't bear the sight anymore not when you were looking so adorably sexy, how was it possible to look both the ways at the same time, god he wanted to grab your face and smooch you so bad, he had to gain his self control this wasn't healthy, you  weren't healthy.
He had to keep his lips busy or he wouldn't be responsible for what happens in a room filled with so many people, so he summoned as much self restrain as he could and looked around to spot a waiter nearby, luckily there was one just around the corner so he didn't had to wait much longer to get a glass of wine.
Great wine is good for the heart, it is healthy.
He sipped on the wine not taking his eyes away from the crowd of people, he could see people staring at you both he knew there was Gossip, ofcourse there was gossip why would you and him every agree to marry?, yoongi didn't knew what left a bitter taste in his mouth his own thoughts or the wine that he just gulped down.
"why would I need drinks when I have such an intoxicating fiance?" You knew you were shamelessly and you expected it to get a flustered yoongi or either a pissed one but why was it that you always decided to say the most weirdest thing when he was drinking or eating, did you wanted him to choke and die.
Or did you really thought that was the way to call this marriage off.
10 days
Yes that was all there was left for the final strike, yoongi didn't knew why he felt so blank, he wasn't sure what he really wanted this time, did he wanted to marry you?, did he wanted to call off this all, did he wanted you?, he would a fool to say that he didn't craved you, he was starving for you but he wasn't going to touch you, no he had his principles and he knew that if he touches you once he would never he able to step back but he didn't knew if he was capable of love and in all honestly you deserved love.
It wasn't helping nope, he couldn't concentrate not when you kept calling him at the most ridiculous time to ask a rather random question, like the other day you called him at three in the morning just to ask him what were his theories about what was on the other side of the black hole, you didn't seemed even a single cent hazed or sleepy infact you were so cheery it made him doubt you were human.
It was like that, the next time you had randomly dropped by his office just to ask him if he knew that titanic movie was shoot in a warm pool, Yoongi was known as a patient man but even he had his limits, but somehow you seemed to have pushed away all his limits.
He doubted that if people saw the way he was around you they would start questioning the image he had gained in public opnion, still he never pushed you away or told you that you were annoying him because he never felt annoyed also he didn't wanted to push you away, yoongi didn't knew you much but he had enough conversation (even if you were the only one who talked.) To know that you felt neglected, he swear he could see the rejection flash in your eyes the moment he would open his mouth to speak, he could see that you are expecting him to tell you off but he never does.
His heart ached when you would accidentally blurt out some past rejection from family and would try to disguise it as sarcasm, god he wished he could give you the world wait..was he..no he couldn't..he already felt guilty enough to ruining your chances of finding love but he knew if it was not him then it would be someone else, he would rather have you close than see you unhappy with another man.
He couldn't imagine you being told to shut up or disrespected, be couldn't..and that made him think a lot of things but he concluded that it was just sympathy that's all, not that he would tell you.
A forlorn sigh escaped him as he sat up straight in his chair some of the people sitting close to him turned his way, they looked scared expecting yoongi to put in words and say that the project they worked so hard on was complete thrash but honestly yoongi was too last to catch on whatever it was that was being displayed.
"Start from the tenth slide again." Yoongi commanded licking his dry lips and giving in his attention to the meeting, yes he had to concentrate...why are you calling him right now?,and why did his heart skipped beats?, knowing you wouldn't stop spamming him until he picked yoongi had no choice but to answer your call.
"You better not ask me what I think about multiverse." Yoongi nonchalantly answered trying to keep his voice devoid of emotions or hide the fact that he was actually enjoying her stupid calls, "I already asked you that and ..don't tell me you forgot!" Your voice turned from amused to betraying (dramatic) angry making yoongi furrow his brows while he tried to remember what exactly would have it been that he forgot, he remember everything you tell him.
"Forgot what?" He kept his stoic tone and personality intact remembering that the room was still filled with people, he knew people hanging on every word trying to find something worth gossiping about, a gasp sounded from other side of the phone followed by the sound of rushed footsteps he could hear your idiot trio bickering about something in the back but he didn't mind to them.
"How could you forget such an important day?" You sounded way bratty almost whining if you were being like this it wasn't serious, it couldn't be serious. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose closing his eyes, "the wedding is in ten days y/n no other important in between not any to the point I am informed." Yoongi tried to keep his voice annoyed but he knew he didn't sounded like his usual annoyed self would, his voice was way hushed and soft to sound anywhere near his usual one.
He waited patiently to hear whatever it was that had to this angry but what he was met with was you hanging up, yoongi pulled his phone away from his ear to stare at the screen, did you just hung up on him?, Why were you angry again?, did he really forget some important info?
He dailed your number again but you straight out rejected his call, now he was starting to get concerned, yoongi knew how to deal with an energetic you but he didn't knew how to deal with a you who didn't want to talk .
He rose up from his seat ready to go find you wherever you were probably your cafe or your home, heck he would get your location pinned down by his IT guys if that was what it took, "reschedule this meeting." Yoongi didn't wait for any response having made his declaration there was no point in waiting, however he couldn't even take a step forward when the conference rooms door open rather in an not so graceful manner to reveal you.
Standing there with your arms folded eyes glaring at him and lips pressed tightly into a straight line, this wasn't what he expected not you in a cute little sundress that stopped a few inches below your knee a slit on the right leg that run up to a good decent length of your thigh, the dress fitting perfectly against torsos and the bell sleeves that stopped inches above your elbow, the cute little pastel coloured flower printed on the creamy soft breathable fabric, your hair pulled back in a low bun a few strands left to frame your face.
"Y/n?" Yoongi couldn't hide his surprise at the sudden attack by you, he wasn't being Delusional right?, you were really standing their looking so beautiful in a simple sundress, was this supposed to be the moment he was going to realise he had feelings for you?, it didn't looked that way not when you were glaring at him as if he had stole those favourite chocolate teddies of yours which you had told him you kept reserved for the children (from the school ten minutes away from your cafe) who came often to visit your cafe.
"You really don't remember?" You questioned ignoring everyone else who was present in the room, beside it wasn't like you were going to back down or feel embarrassed for bragging in here, you were getting married to the man who was head here, atleast you could be this bratty.
Yoongi bit his bottom lip racking his brain to find what exactly you were asking for when he found nothing and realised just where you guys were he walked to where you were standing just a decent distant away from you not letting you smell that addicting cologne he wore, "let's talk in my office." Yoongi suggested raising a brow in a silent request but where would the fun be without an audience to watch.
"No!" You pouted raising your voice in the slightest making the male roll his eyes before his eyes trailed back to the people still seated, he remembered dismissing the meeting then why were they still sitting here, "so you really don't remember huh?" You questioned turning his attention back to you while people started to evacuate the room, yoongi drank in your expression they looked so serious, "no I don't." He answered honestly trying to keep a straight face although he was starting to get concerned, he saw you inhale sharply closing your eyes while you nodded your head as if you understood what he was saying.
He opened his mouth to speak again but you turned on your heels and started to leave, alarms went off in yoongi's mind this wasn't like you he was expecting a last out or a whole lecture he wasn't expecting a silent treatment, he didn't thought much before grabbing you by your forearm and turning you around to face him.
Your eyes widening in surprise when you came face to face with him before turning back to their narrowed slits, you pouted pushing his hand away not trying to think about just how warm and fuzzy that one touch made you feel, not once thinking about the way your stomach flipped. No you were here for a whole different reason.
"I am sorry okay..tell me what this is about." Yoongi remained careful while stating his request, he didn't wanted to shout at you or scare you away, "how could you forget about today..I thought you would come by but you didn't." You sniffed making loki panick even more, god what exactly fucking thing he forget about?, he felt terrible for having you feel this way.
"I didn't even go to get the wedding dress because I have so angry at you." You accused sniffing again while looking with betrayed look in your eyes, yoongi went shunned for a moment, wait..were you really making such a scene over him not tagging along to see the wedding dress?, his shoulders visibly slumped in relaxation when he realised that you were again playing with him.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know about the wedding dress y/n?" He growled trying to sound intimidating or atleast annoyed but he didn't feel the slightest ounce it, irritated yes he might be a little irritated but angry no absolutely not, although he did more irritated when he realised that you quite literally bragged in during a meeting to cause this show.
You didn't backed away even in the slightest at his biting tone nor did you stopped pouting, you wanted to see just till what limit you could push him, "ofcourse you were supposed to know, I am going to be your wife the least you could was making me feel special enough by going to the dress trial." You argued leveling him with a playful glare enjoying the way he rolled his eyes letting you in on his emotions, god you were craving to infiltrate him fully and see just how much soft he was.
You weren't a fool you could see the way he treated you, you knew he had a soft spot for you just a soft spot you had remind yourself several times but he did and you wanted to take advantage of it to the fullest.
"Well if you wanted me to come along you should have told me beforehand." Yoongi reasoned trying to sound bored keeping his face slightly pissed to make sure you didn't knew how he was feeling on the inside.
This was your turn to act, your mouth fell agape while you shook your head pushing at his chest slightly, his eyes moved to the spot you touched and then back to your offended looming face with his eyebrow raised in a silent amusing question.
"You are no fun yoongi, I knew you weren't the romantic type but how could not know that this whole dress trial thing is a religious (not truly) level thing, i bet you don't even kdrama." You gave him a judging expression at the end seeing him snort at you statement, "I never said I was romantic or fun guy." He pointed out in a matter of factly tone earning a rather offended gasp from you before you wagged your index finger in front of him.
He had to bite back a smile at the way you looked so adorable trying to scold him, "that's it I will not talk to you." You declared throwing your hands in the air in exasperation before you sprinted out of the room, yoongi stood there shocked for a minute mouth slightly open while he tilted his head from side to side trying to register your words.
It was only when he realised that you would probably hold this argument with yourself till your death bed that he decided to sprint out in search of you, he assured himself that it wasn't because he really wanted you to be angry with him.
Lucky for him you were standing infront of the elevator door waiting for it to open so that you looked leave, yoongi could see almost see the comical fumes of clouds surrounding the top of your head striking lighting on occasional, he wanted to smile at that his heart felt funny seeing you so worked up in the not so serious way.
He was sure people were watching but he didn't care, he couldn't care not when his main focus was on you, he shook his head sighing to himself over how much you were starting to affect him.
You didn't notice him coming not when your phone was going off and off again clearly the trio was growing impatient waiting for you, you didn't exactly disclosed the details to them. But they didn't need to know that you were trying to make excuses to be around yoongi, you would be a fool if you said he was just a sport to you, he was what would you say maybe a crush or infatuation (thanks to jimin who couldn't stop feeding you various of fantasy which ended with the mention of yoongi's glorious dick.), you didn't had to be sure not when he was going to be yours anyway, you had plenty of time to fall in love or make him fall in love.
Right now all you wanted was to invade his barriers and make his walls crumble for you, you jumped a little when you felt his hand slipping through yours he didn't say anything or even looked at you, his gaze was fixed on the numbers that were being displayed above the elevator door, you didn't say anything either because just a moment earlier you had swore that you weren't going to talk to him.
You had to much competitive nerves to lose, "let me come with you." Yoongi's words weren't meant in the way that you felt them but you couldn't help your mind not when you were so used to finding double meaning in everything, "I will remember that on the wedding night." You quipped back bitting your bottom lip to stop a grin, all the earlier anger melting away with urge to tease and torture the man took over, yoongi just sighed shaking his head but you didn't miss the smile that broke on his face stealing your breathe away atleast it wasn't the regular small smile, it was much better.
"You aren't getting anywhere with those flirting skills atleast not with me." Yoongi announced stepping in the elevator along side you, hands still interwined neither wanting to talk about it. You pouted looking up at him with a mischievous look in your eyes, "not even in your bed?" You flirted wiggling your brows suggestively while a grin broke out on your face, then what happened was one of the most blessed moments of your life, you would remember it even when you will be lying in your death bed.
Yoongi flashed you his perfect gummy smile that adorable squishy smile that warmed your inside making flowers grow in the dry land of your heart, he was so perfect. "Especially Not my bed." He added playing along with you, you didn't comment on his smile you knew he would shut himself off you didn't want that.
"aww now I will have to do more dirty things." You stated in an overly mocking disappointed tone trying to keep your face in match with your tone but you couldn't help the shit eating grin, yoongi felt his heartbeat increase at your words but he didn't say anything he didn't had to, it was better to leave this conversation here for the sake of both of yours safety and self control.
When the door to the elevator opened near the ground floor yoongi didn't let go your hand he pulled you gently along side him, you knew even he could feel the way people were looking at you both and it made your smile come out more genuine, "if you don't look like you are in love when I try on the gown i swear I will call off the wedding." You joked turning your eyed towards yoongi to see him sigh in exasperation before nodding In understanding.
Yoongi was trying his best, his level best to concentrate on the magazine in his hand but how could he do that when his nerves were getting the best of him and the three sitting beside him weren't helping much, "red would make you eyes stand out." Jungkook was trying to flirt with one of the staff in the boutique probably trying to find a hookup for the day, jimin was busy talking with you meanwhile you were still getting dressed, taehyung was trying his best to keep himself from barking out his questions at yoongi.
"Okay okay I am done and shut the fuck up Park Jimin you better not say anything ugly about my dress or I am gonna whoop your ass." You shouted from behind the close curtains giving no minds to anyone aside from jimin, yoongi resisted the urge to sigh again at the fact that he was stuck with the troublemaker squad.
The swishing of the curtains being pulled drew yoongi's attention as he looked up to take in your appearance a shaky breathe leaving his lips when he drew your look in, he made sure to register it permanently in his mind maybe even tattoo it down, you looked so breathtaking so beautiful how were you possibly not taken by some modern day princely guy.
"Holy shit! That's not my troubled paradise." Jimin mused walking closer to you and squishing your cheeks to make sure you were real you rolled your eyes before slapping his hands away, your eyes turning to yoongi whose hard stare turned into a soft look of adoring when he looked at you, taehyung took mental note of it and made sure that he would not let it leave your notice ever.
Jungkook walked to you giving an approving whilst while he could feel the heat of yoongi's glare at him, it only made jungkook smile further more before he reached out to you and pulled you in a hug, "always the hot chick sweets." Jungkook mused making eye contact with jimin giving him a mischievous smirk to let his intentions being known, jimin caught onto Jungkook's expression before he turned to where yoongi was seated.
Yoongi didn't knew how to stop himself, he knew it was better to strangle that damn magazine in his hand that to walk up to where you stood and murder jungkook with his bare hands, your smile was the only thing that was keeping him from doing that.
God what was happening to him?
"Hey!" Your voice jolted yoongi out of his dark reviere your hand coming to his shoulder while you looked at him with a big grin on your face, could you for a minute not attack him like that?, "Chill down I am not really gonna call the wedding off." You joked trying to draw out a response from him, he gave you one of his small lopsided smile.
"You look beautiful." That's all he was able to manage, realising in that moment that he was far down the road to turn back now.
Shit he might have a crush on his wife to be.
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onceuponanaromantic · 2 months
One of the side-effects of having written about making out culpable homicide and murder charges is that I now am unfortunately familiar with the progression of various potentially lethal injuries. Such as stab wounds.
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