biboocat · 11 months
I finally went through my shelves and culled a few dozen books that I didn’t enjoy and books that had left no impression: books of genres that I never liked, unsuccessful second and third books by an author whose debut work I loved, debut works that attracted me with glowing reviews or endorsements but failed to meet expectations. At first it was a bit painful to admit that I spent time and money on these, but I understand that it was part of the journey of discovery. Now I don’t miss them at all, and my library more accurately reflects who I am. I am now more judicious about my book purchases having a better understanding of the kinds of books that I enjoy and more skepticism reviews and endorsements. I now favor the classics and recommendations of like minded readers.
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diabolicphallus666 · 1 month
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acti-veg · 2 months
hi, would appreciate any thoughts on this
i know im def against culling feral cats and what not like some geniuses in the tags, but im not sure about invasive species n such. the ideal reaponse would probably be to transfer them back to their natural habitat or find people with appropriate training to actually keep em as pets idk this is another situation where it seems like an animal in question must die because of someone’s negligence and cruelty…
This really seems like just of another case of someone picking a subject to criticise vegans about to be honest, as opposed to an actual constructive conversation on conservation and the control of invasive species.
The key assumptions are that culling actually works as a method of population control, and that there is no viable alternative. Neither one is strictly true, as everyone is pretending they are on this post.
Feral cats are a good example, culling programs have been introduced in several countries over the years, they reduce population in the short term then numbers bounce right back. The reason is obvious, increased food availability and reduced competition means bigger litter sizes and more kittens surviving into adulthood. If you don’t address the root cause, the problem always resurfaces.
The root cause in this case, of course, are people buying, breeding and abandoning cats despite massive numbers of them in shelters and on the streets. A sensible, effective solution would involve sterilisation of feral, adopted and purchased cats, licensing for ownership, regulation of breeding, compulsory microchipping, and state funding for shelters. The only advantage that culling has over any of these methods is that it is cheaper.
The same is true of many other ‘overpopulation’ issues, as we see in roe and white-tailed deer. Hunting brings in money, and people enjoy killing animals for fun, so we pretend it as effective population control despite us doing it for decades with very little impact. Reintroducing predators is the obvious solution here, but that would mean fewer animals to hunt and the potential for predators to interfere with the profits of ranchers, so we pretend that culling is the only option. There will be cases like that, but they’re few and far between.
These are all problems that we created. We wiped out the natural predators of deer to protect our cattle and our sheep, we introduced massive numbers of invasive species because we think cats are cute and we benefit from their pest control, then we let them roam freely because we can’t be bothered to provide a stimulating indoor environment for them. The least we can do is work to solve these problems in the most humane way we can, rather than reaching for the cheapest option and making animals pay the price for what we did to them.
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months
genq, how do you not get attached to the chickens you're culling? i love animals including chicken as well and i don't know how i'd be able to part with them personally so i'm genuinely interested. does it hurt at all, emotionally? do you have bonds with every chicken you breed? what got you into chicken breeding? and do you do other small animals as well or plan for it, like rabbits for example? sorry if this comes off weird!
I do have bonds with every chicken I breed. Unlike some people I name every bird and I get to know them personally. It doesn't really bother me because I know I gave them the best care and this is just another part of the cycle of life. I'm just not as removed from my food as a lot of people, to me I feel the same kind of sadness and satisfaction as I do when harvesting vegetables. It's like I helped grow this, and now it's gone and it's going to be used to feed me and my family now.
The only time I am genuinely upset when culling is when I have to do it because the chicken is suffering but then I feel relieved because they are now no longer suffering.
I got into chicken breeding because I have always been interested in animal breeding. It kind of runs in my family my grandmother bred horses for example.
Right now I'm not interested in any other animals besides chickens. Maybe if I move to a more rural location I'll think about other animals but I see way to many people get way to many different kinds of animals without mastering the first animals they got and started breeding.
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daisylovesrumble · 26 days
petition: Stop the Massacre of Sweden's Brown Bears. Demand an End to This Brutal Cull!
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thenixkat · 2 months
I will say I do think crabs, lobsters, and large shrimp/prawns should be killed b4 cooking them. Like if it takes more than a few seconds of boiling to kill them, then it should be like cut through the head first to not be cruel.
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grimowled · 4 months
3. a trait they express in the wrong way!
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☽ why is my muse hot garbage?? - accepting!!
ooh boy, this one is easy because there are many lmao
the most glaring trait is how he expresses any kind of affection or infatuation. take the latter, for example: when he falls for someone he does so in the most intense, immoderate and unhealthy way; he will not be above using the goetia arsenal at his disposal to manipulate and keep them bound to him: his power(s), social status & influence, wealth, knowledge and cunning. he may even lord something over them, like his grimoire with blitzø if he believes the other to be a particularly tough nut to crack. it is all kinds of wrong wrong wrong!
he does not relent easily and will shamelessly display obsessive behaviours such as keeping tabs on them by means of magic and connections, showing up unannounced, blowing up their phone, courting and seducing them enthusiastically, offering a contract etc. and just generally being rather pushy. he is not always subtle with it either - with blitzø, for example, he is openly scandalous, and in a way it's also because he wants to see how much he can get away with.
it's hunger, yearning, obsession, boredom and desperation all wrapped up in a terrible beast created by aeons of repression / unhealthy ways of managing his emotions, ingrained infernal behaviours, as well as no real examples of healthy relationships. that and ... he is a demon, an apex predator, and therefore indulges in skewed morals by definition. he basically behaves as if he is hunting them, and is not satisfied until they are snatched up and held fast in his claws, until he can devour them metaphorically and irrefutably own every part of them, tear their pretty mind wide open and gaze lovingly at every little detail.
it's a demonic belief that everyone has a price, that he can buy most people's loyalty and company like his own father did for him; but that isn't to say he doesn't appreciate a less transactional relationship: in fact he much prefers it when the objects of his affections willingly choose to indulge him, and he does not need to bind them through contracts or by any other means.
in time he has learnt to appreciate choice (that which he lacked when his own marriage was arranged) : there is nothing sexier than adoring loyalty but he does thoroughly enjoy the hunt.
tldr; he desperately wants to be loved but ... he only knows to offer a twisted imitation of it, like everything in hell.
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spidersins · 3 months
Questions for the mun! ( no longer accepting )
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💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
oh....this is an incredibly difficult question to be honest. there are so so many wonderful writers in this rpc i'll have to restrict myself to just saying five, though there are so many i look up to
@maimedaffair : theo oh my god what can i say - the edits, the aesthetic, the characterisation of each character? i have no idea how they manage to juggle so many muses, both in the hella fandom and out of it, with such accurate muse it makes me swoon at points. it's definitely made angel swoon at several points too.
@lustsang : this one is a given. her portrayal even before the newest episode of helluva has been such a detailed descriptive one giving her more depth than the show had bothered to up until recently. not only this, but the way cottontail is able to put herself out there on the dash, through fun ic asks and positive ooc messages i just admire her a lot ok shes so cool
@culling: the first person i followed on angel and the first person who followed me! ( i had to stare in awe i can't lie ). the way in which grimm writes both in threads and in headcanons? it's pure poetry. they use such a vast dialogue that fits alastor alongside the overall theme to their blog ? i can only wish to be as skilled with my writing.
@diistortion: the way they have constructed and expanded upon alastor as a character is simply divine, and i each time i see them on my dash i'm quick to read up on whatever else they produce. their concepts and alternative verses are so interesting and diverse, again i can only hope to make such interesting writing opportunities!
@blitzbuckz: the writing. the portrayal. the fucking art???? just - i am not shy in my adoration and 100% look up to them as a writer, i can just feel blitzø in everything posted
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nekropsii · 1 year
I always figured that culling was similar to what Munchausen by proxy is
Um… Nope. That is a very specific medical condition that real people suffer with, and Beforan Culling quite frankly does not fit the terms of it. There is a reason why Munchausen by Proxy is also referred to as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another- it’s a highly specific form of abuse and manipulation.
That would imply that the Cullee is falsely imposing onto the Culled what they’re culling them over- like they’re manipulating them over a long period of time to believe that… They’re actually a Lowblood, or actually Disabled, or actually a woman, et cetera, when they factually are not. That just isn’t true, the Cullee isn’t inherently making anything up, they’re following their society’s rules by responding that way to what is in front of them. The Cullee isn’t making anything up, their society just genuinely sees the Cullable as lesser, wholly incompetent subhumans. This is not inherently a problem with the Cullee, the Cullee isn’t manipulating the Culled into believing something that isn’t true, it is a genuine social issue.
Beforan Culling, like Alternian Culling, is not a clear cut metaphor. Hemoloyalty is also not a clear cut metaphor. It’s very, very individualized, and you can take any angle you want with it. It can be an allegory for racism, for classism, for misogyny, et cetera. But I personally find Beforan Culling tends to lean in the direction of being an ableism metaphor.
The coddling aspect of it reminds me, personally, of overbearing parents viewing their disabled (late teen/adult) child as what is essentially a toddler. It doesn’t help that disability is a specific thing that’s focused on quite a bit during the conversation of Culling on Beforus. Cullees feel not unlike the stereotypical Autism Mom… to the point where I genuinely wonder if that was intentional.
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I want the K - Accepting
@culling : A kiss while one or both parties is crying.
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「 🕸️Valentino was on the warpath lately, it seemed. The moth had a myriad of various, chaotic kinky ideas mulling around. There was always a kink for something and Angel Dust, his money maker, his main star, was always involved in filming it. Certain things he could handle. Most he could disassociate with. But others created concealed unease that kept his mind conscious. The one today took more out of the spider than usual, tempting him to seek a liquid substance strong enough to beckon sleep. His entire body ached from the constant touch he endured, the fatigue that pushed past his limits and an oncoming migraine from listening to Valentino spew his venom. His cell had been buzzing ever since he left the studio. Things hadn't gone according to plan, and he was the one paying for it. He scrolled through the various texts that consequently came. His hand griping the device tightly as it shook from anger. Fuck this. He put it away and headed to the hotel.
No one was in the lobby lounging about. Nor was Husk waiting at the bar with his usual sour expression. Even Niffty must be off doing whatever she does. He helped himself to an assortment of liquors, scanning the bottles until he picked his poison. No need for a cup since he downed half the bottle then held it below his waist. Things were alright in the beginning, but took a turn for the worst faster then he imagined. So much for trust. He got what he wanted, he supposed. But the cost was greater than anticipated. And he was getting tired of it. No matter how fucked up he got, he was still valuable, desirable. His fingers clutched the bottle firmly as he moved to sit at the bar. He was so fucking tired, but too sore to sleep. And the numbing sensation would take time to settle in. So, he finished the entire bottle. At least here he had a bed to sleep in. And even though he had woken up to Niffty stealing a bit of hair, it beat his boss standing over him.
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His upper arms rested on the counter, his chin set on them. With a sigh he closed his eyes. His life when he was a human was far from perfect. The shit he witnessed prepared him for the after life. And maybe he deserved the torment, since that's what hell was for, right? And it was meant to be eternal. But the one thing, no, person he missed was his sister: Molly. She was a reason for getting by and he had wanted to protect her, but he forgot to protect himself. No, he just didn't care after awhile. Molly hadn't been a contender for the addiction. It won. And he had no idea what it had done to her when she found out. If she found out. Had she even missed him? Did she wonder why? Was she pissed with him? His hands intwined with his hair and he just felt like...like shit. All of this was his fault. All of it. If he had just made better choices. If he wasn't this fucked up, stupid spider. Everything could be different. Maybe he wouldn't even be here. Maybe he'd never have even met Valentino, ugh.
He felt it. The salty liquid dwelling in his eyes, threatening to spill. And the internal faucet too deep to control. The anger, the shame, the feelings he felt all throughout the day finally pleaded. Finally declared enough was enough and forced their way out. Little droplets against the bar. This form of expression his least favorite. He wasn't supposed to cry. Men didn't cry, right? His father would say so and reprimand him. But Molly, when she had caught him she just hugged him tight. Promised everything would be alright. And for the first time in his life he allowed himself to break down before her. Arms wrapping around her for comfort as he cried against her shoulder. And what about when she had cried after? Where the fuck was he?! In this hell hole! He threw the bottle across the room, watching as it shattered against the wall. No one came. He didn't want them to. He didn't want them to see him like this. He hated it. But Smiles, cause of fucking course it was him, appeared out of nowhere. With that stupid fucking grin on his lips.
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❝ What d'ya want, Smiles, I ain't in the fuckin' mood! ❞ He snapped with little remorse. ❝ Can't yuh go be creepy someplace else?! Vaffanculo! ❞ Yet the prick was just standing there smiling! Did he enjoy this? Yeah, laugh at the stupid spider for slipping up and crying over stupid bullshit. Big laugh! He flipped him off. But even caught like this, the tears didn't dry up. They had just gotten worse. Smiles had said something sweet? To him? yeah, like he was falling for that shit. This prick didn't care about him and if he did, it was only because of Charlie. He himself was their main resident and who knew if it would hurt their reputation if he split. No one came cause he was here, but could wonder what scandalous thing made him leave. The hotel was all that mattered. He'd trust Charlie and Husk way before trusting this guy.
He got up from the bar stool and walked in the Radio Demon's direction. After all, he was near the opening of the bar. ❝ Fine, fuck you! ❞ He pointed at him using his upper right hand and was taken aback when Smiles seized it. ❝ Hey, what're ya doin'? Let go 'f me! ❞ He tried to retract his arm, but Smiles just wasn't having it. The grasp was firm and it was making him uneasy. Why wouldn't he let go? His eyes drifting from the Radio Demon's to his hands a few times in panic. When Val did this, it never meant anything good. And the thoughts circulating his mind were making his heart palpitate. Even if he tried to unload his arsenal on him, he'd never succeed. And he was too panicked, too surprised by this development. Fuck, he hated feeling helpless. And when the Radio Demon pulled him closer, he closed his eyes and braced for the worse.
And the worst was...a kiss???
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His eyes shot open almost instantly. Sheer confusion written on his face as he tried to process this unusual action. It had only lingered a few seconds, possibly to be certain the spider reacted. And react he did. A few steps taken back and his hand finally freed. Why in hell would Alastor of all beings kiss him? The scandal! Some sort of ulterior motive had to be lurking behind that calculated smile. Eventually Smiles spoke, revealing in his own twisted way that his persistent crying was a bother and needed to be put to an end. It seemed after that he just sat at the bar and minded his own business as if this never happened. Well good for him, but Angel still felt completely confused. The thing was, was that Smiles could have ignored it. He could have fetched someone else to take care of it for him. But the fact that Smiles himself had done it, could it be that somewhere in that fucked up mind he...cared? What could it be? Maybe he was overanalyzing it.
He went behind the bar and poured something strong for them both, placing the glasses beside one another on the counter. Then he nervously sat down beside the guy, his index finger circling the rim as he glanced over his way. ❝ ...Thanks. ❞ Was all he said beside taking a sip of the hard liquor. He wanted more than anything to ask why. Sure, Smiles said why but he felt like something was missing. Like there was more to it then meets the eye. Or maybe it's just what he wanted. There was something about Smiles that made him curious. Made him wonder what spending time with him was like. Just a thought that occasionally seeped into his mind. But he never really thought the chance to learn would come up. Smiles always seemed to disregard him, which, he supposed, made sense given his approaches, but now there felt like an opening. An opportunity to enter his world. But he kept it to himself. By tomorrow none of this little encounter would matter anyway. He finished his drink, then sighed.
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❝ Uh, goodnight, Smiles. ❞ 」
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wuh2k · 7 months
I’ve taught my daughter to love pigeons. That one’s easyish…they’re fluffy and dorky in a cutesy way.
But I’ve also taught her to love gulls (seagulls aren’t real), but naturally there won’t be any videos of her feeding them out of her hands.
And if you ask her at 6yrs old, she’ll tell you that the reason we need to love them the most is because people hate them the most.
And I don’t know why.
I know the reasons people give…
They’re noisy.
They make a mess (poop & torn open garbage bags)
They steal people’s food.
And I’m like…is that it? Minor inconveniences also caused by your average drunk crowd on a Friday night? That’s it? You’re calling for culling because of slight annoyances?
We destroyed their nesting sites so they adapted and moved to the artificial cliffs of the coastal cities.
We stole all their fish, so they root through our garbage and occasionally steal someone’s chips.
And for that you want to cull them?
I love watching them on stormy days, killing it as they ride, dipping and diving, on the drafts. It makes me smile watching them wing their way home to bed at sunset, calling out to their kin and friends to join them.
Just fucking let them be. We’ve stolen enough.
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acti-veg · 1 year
have you heard about this 'cat-killing' machine in Australia? :(
I have, it's obviously a cruel and cynical program, and people are rightly up in arms about it. It probably won't even work either, if previous culling programs are anything to go by. That said, feral cat populations do decimate wildlife, and it's a problem created by unsterilised, free-roaming and abandoned cats. Even when they're not sterilised they do enormous damage to eco-systems.
Trying to convince people to just keep their cats indoors or supervise them outside as a bare minimum is like talking to a brick wall, even here. People have this bizarre delusion that cats, alone among all companion animals, have some inherent right to roam around decimating wildlife completely unsupervised, and that they can't possibly be happy without doing so.
What we really need is regulation and licencing for the pet trade, particularly breeders. There is no reason anyone needs to be breeding cats, or buying kittens, while pet overpopulation is such a massive problem just about everywhere. Those feral populations that already exist need medical care, sterilisation and proper socialisation, they don't need to be killed. Of course, all this is far more expensive than just killing feral cats.
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xluciifer · 5 months
💗 :>
Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses. / Currently Accepting!
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I find this hilarious because your Vox and I got a fucking 93 and we get a 74.
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chimericaldomicile · 6 months
feVow beforan cuVee here...WHAT'RE YOU IN FOR???
* it's a long story! i had to go back and ask my dad for the beginning. *
* basically, he wanted to try and raise a grub like a lusus would and was talking to the jadebloods about it...then he saw a tiny little rustblood grub that could barely move and looked half dead. that was yours truly! *
* apparently they wouldn't let him take a healthy grub, but he was able to sign up and become a culler to take me in! *
* ever since then, i've had really bad fatigue. some nights i can hardly get out of my recuperacoon! but dad takes really good care of me. i really lucked out on the culler situation. <3 *
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r-adio · 5 months
seemingly thoughtless gesture, alastor happily buries staticky teeth into clothed arm -- right before bone bends into elbow, hearing as flesh crunches & bursts inside his mouth. he really gives it his best! thinks it fitting, respectful, even if it seems like anything but ( happy chewsday !! :> )
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HE WOULD NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING LESS, taking the bite in stride. there is going to be bloodshed for this one, allowing his arm to remain in the other's jaw for a moment. leaning towards the other, he goes for a bite of his own, directed at the shoulder. he takes an equally hard chomp at him. the two of them know that there can be no holding back when it comes to one another. blood splatters from the wound into his mouth, dripping down his jaw. he doesn't feel any remorse for it.
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grldinnr · 3 months
❛   ▌┊𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 :   alastor  ( @culling ) .
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            ❝   I'm  told  you  put  on  quite  the  show  during  the  confrontation  with  the  Exorcists.   ❞ 
           𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐒  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐎𝐋𝐃  𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃.  For  now,  the  Emporium  is  quiet;  so  she's  ushered  Alastor  into  the  back  parlour  to  catch  up.  While  she  had  lent  the  hotel  her  cannibals,  Rosie  hadn't  actually  been  present  during  the  battle  herself.  Her  focus  had  been  making  sure  the  stray  Exorcists  didn't  make  a  mess  of  things  in  Cannibal  Town.  Fortunately,  little  damage  had  been  sustained.
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            She  leans  in,  inspecting  Alastor's  expression.  ❝   It's  a  little...  odd,  actually,  considering  the  one  giving  you  such  high  praise  is  Susan.  The  old  hag  doesn't  like  anyone,  let  alone  compliment  them. What  in  Satan's  name  did  you  do?   ❞
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