#Csi Miami x you
crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Cases and Dates
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Pairing: Ryan Wolfe x Female!reader
Characters: Ryan Wolfe, Female!reader, Walter Simmons, Jesse Cardoza, Natalie Boavista
Warnings: Fluff, angst for others, pining, idiots having crushes on one another, mentions of movies, character death, walter being readers bestie, this came to me while watching the episode for like the millionth time, reader is kinda quirky, ryan flirts but doesn't expect results
Word Count: 694
You walk in, tugging at the collar of your lab coat. “I miss anything fun?”
Ryan lifts his head, smirking. “It’s never fun without you around.”
You roll your eyes and turn to Walter. “Anything I can help you with my giant friend?”
“You know just because I’m tall, doesn’t mean I deserve to be called a giant.”
You shake your head, “it’s not entirely because of that.”
“Then what is it?”
You tilt your head, “you remind me of the iron giant. You know, you’re taller than us but you're the gentlest and always curious.”
“Damn, now I can’t stay mad at you.”
You raise your hand to high five him. “I knew it, nobody can stay mad at me for long.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Walter rolls his eyes.
“What about me?” asks Ryan.
You hum, turning to face him.
“What character do I remind you of?”
“Gollum,” you say with no hesitation.
His jaw drops to the floor.
Walter can’t help himself and does little to hide his amusement. “Damn, that’s cold.”
You smile and walk over towards him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I mean it in the nicest way.”
You rest your head on his shoulder. “You know you’re my favorite.” You peck his cheek before walking to the table behind them to start taking samples with warm cheeks.
Walter nudges his friend’s arm and gestures his head in your direction, mouthing, “as her out.”
Ryan shakes his head and responds, “no.”
You lift the sample, wondering if you’re seeing the right thing. “Hey guys.” You misstep and shake your head before stepping closer.
“Are you-” Ryan tries to ask but fails as he starts to feel the effects.
You set the plastic tray down and hold onto the edge of the table, staring out of the room to find a focus point when the others outside begin to fall too.
Walter is the first of you three to fall, Ryan tries to keep himself balanced but is unable to when he sees you start to lose your grip. He reaches for you and pulls you into him, giving you a cushion.
You open your eyes when the sensation of the warmth under you begins squirming.
“Look who decided to wake up, glad you decided to join us.”
You want to kick him but still feel as if your whole body is lagging. “Shut up.”
You push yourself up and find Ryan curled up behind your arm. “What the-”
Natalie crying out for Jesse sends you into a tailspin.
“What the hell happened?” You ask out loud, not expecting to get an answer.
After solving the case and consoling Natalie, you’re drained.
The end of the week could not have come any sooner.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and release a big sigh.
“You done for the day?”
You lightly shake your head, “just about. What about you?”
He shrugs, “heading out as soon as I change.”
“I’ll leave you to it.”
“Hey, uh-” he hesitates.
“What’s up?”
“Are you- uh-” Ryan hesitates.
“You, okay? Do you smell toast?”
He cracks a smile, knowing your only asking so he’ll stop overthinking. “I- Do you want to go out?” He turns towards his locker, pulling out his bag. “With me, I mean.”
“Ryan Wolfe, are you asking little ol’ me out?”
“When you phrase it like that it makes me not want to.”
“Oh, shut up… but yes.”
“Re- really?” He asks, surprised by your answer. He kind of thought you were just flirting with him for fun, and it wouldn’t really go anywhere.
“Yes, you dork. I’ll go out with you.” You grab your bag and knock it against his. “Where are we going?”
He slams his locker shut, “somewhere you’d like.”
“Very vague of you. Should I be worried? Is this gonna be a meet and murder rather than a meet cute date?”
“It wouldn’t be the wisest move if I killed you considering our profession.”
You shrug, “that’s why it’d be one for the books.”
“Let’s get going before I become more concerned about your thought process.”
You nod, “good idea.”
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writing-appreciation · 3 months
The Office
Synopsis: You are promoted to the Unit Chief of Crime Scene Investigation. Moving in to your new office, some familiar faces help you settle in. Others, a little more than others... in his own way.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Reader
Warnings: SUGGESTIVE. Didn't proofread before I chose to upload this. Sorry in advance.
"Uh, actually, Pen, so sorry, can you actually set that box on the desk? That one has all my stationery." I said in a strained voice, trying to gesture to my desk, but the boxes I was carrying blocked my view.
"I totally would, my leige, but the boys have not quite gotten your megadesk in here yet." She rushed to me to help me destack my boxes that were dangerously close to toppling over as I struggled to keep my grip on them.
"Oh! Thanks you Freaky fashinova you!" I smiled at her help.
"Ladies, not to bother our new CSI Unit Chief, but this desk is a little heavy and you're standing exactly where we need to put it."
We both turned to see Derek, partially in the room, and Luke holding up the other side of the desk, but outside the room.
"Sorry, guys, we'll move!" I quickly apologized and began to move myself.
"Tall, dark, and muscles, you can move me any time you want." Penelope said while exchanging glances with the two men trying to move my desk into the room.
"Listen, Mama, any other time, but right now, my fingers are too sore to play these games right now. So move your perfectly fine ass.. please."
Penelope did move out of the spot after a few seconds of prolonged eye contact with Derek.
"Uh, as a Unit Chief, do I have an obligation to report this as sexual nature?" I asked, while adjusting my glasses and picking up a clipboard from an open box.
That comment caused an outburst of laughter to fill the room.
"Y'know, (L/n) don't you have a team yourself that could help you move all this stuff into here? Feels like your already abusing your power." Luke jokingly said as he adjusted his side of the desk to line up with the space I had cleared for it earlier in the day.
"Well, Agent Alvarez, you can thank Penelope, who graciously volunteered you and Morgan to move the heavy stuff into here." I clapped my hands together. And leaned on the now placed desk.
An array of beeps coming from all their phones interrupted him before he could rebutle.
"Let me guess, a serial killer loose on the east coast, oooh, no the Midwest?" I exclaimed as they each read their messages.
Derek was the first to look up and nod his head sadly.
"Four kids, all below the age of ten, abducted, brutally beaten, and then.." He trailed off.
Penelope and Luke shared a knowing look.
"Well, don't let me keep you, go, go save the kids." I smiled sadly while shooing them out of my office.
The three of them left and began their decent down to the BullPen, gathering their BAU team mates along the way.
It was weird being up here, being able to quite literally, have the higher ground to the agents below me, many of whom I have developed close friendships with over the years.
While watching the three agents join the rest of their teammates, I heard a familiar clearing of a throat which made me pull my attention to a friendly face leaning against my door frame.
"Dr. Reid, hello." I smiled, nodding in his direction.
"Dr. (L/n). Your office is a bit more chaotic than I expected." He gestured to several boxes, and scattered case files littering the tops of closed boxes, my makeshift desk before this new one came in.
"Well, considering I have only had this space for a week, and during 5 out of those 7 days, I was busy consulting with the Miami Dade Police with a few gruesome crime scenes curtosey of an unsub your team happened to catch while also in Miami, I haven't had much time to.. decorate." I raised my arms in gesture to the scattered boxes around me.
He laughed, now inviting himself into my office, carefully picking up a loose photo frame from an open box. A small smile creeped onto his face as he looked at the photo.
"Not that I don't enjoy your company, Reid, but don't you guys have a case to review before you leave?"
"Actually, not going. I'm guest lecturing at Virgina State this week. By the end of the week, if they still need me, I'll meet them out there. So, if you were to need any help..decorating I am available."
I smirked at his choice of words, knowing what photo he has in is hand. To any other, unsuspecting, eye, it appears to be a photo of an abstract piece of art. Lots of paint smears, random hand prints scattered along the canvas. But the two of us knew the story behind that photo. And it was a real work of art.
"Y'know," I began, kicking myself off of my desk, "now that I have a whole office, and not a tiny little desk, I might actually hang that painting here above my desk. Penelope said she thought the use of colors were.. emotion invoking."
He let out a breathy laugh and gently set the photo down, now taking a step closer to the window. "Ha, did she? It sure did invoke alot of emotion during its creation." He ran his finger along my window sill, raising it to find it dust-free.
"Yes, Dr. Reid. Very..cathartic I would say." I smirked. "Also, if you're looking for any signs of dust, don't you worry, I went through with a feather duster this morning."
"Good girl."
I bit my lip, to hold back a response to that. We, afterall, were still in semi-public. My door was wide open, blinds open, if somebody was walking by, they surely would have heard us talking. And God forbid anybody were to see a Unit Chief and a simple agent sharing a rather sexual verbal exchange.
But there was nothing simple about this man and I and our relationship. We have tiptoed around that imaginary line, separating agents from "fragernizing" with one another for so long. Some times that line was completely kicked to the side and forgotten during those (excitingly long, but wonderful) nights we spent in one another's bed.
It's borderline criminal- the hold that man has on me. And it's not just about the sex. That part is great and all, but it's the connection we have that makes this..situationship as great as it is.
Spencer said it best one night after a particularly rough case both my CSI team, and his BAU team collaborated on. We both had some...frustrations to get out and it made for a rather intense night once we got back to Quantico. But it's what followed the intensity that sealed the deal for me on Dr. Spencer Reid.
A tense, but comfortable air settled in the room as I laid on the bed, exhausted from what I believe was the sixth orgasm of the night. I stopped counting after three. Spencer would surely know, but he ran off to gather a couple drinks for us.
As I began to pry myself from the bed, I heard the familiar bedroom door open.
"Hey, lay back down, let me clean you up."
I made eye contact with the lanky man approaching me. He had a couple water bottles, and a dishtowel in his hand that appeared to be wet.
I think he caught on to my confusion and responded, "I mean, if you'll let me. You can clean yourself too if you want. I just feel kinda bad, I took alot of this case out on you just now." He awkwardly shifted from heel to heel.
I couldn't keep my laugh in. It wasn't a laugh at him persay. I just thought it was funny that awkward little Spencer Reid, eloquent DR. Reid, SSA Reid who has stopped hundreds of literal psychopaths without batting an eye, stood here in front of me who was still completely naked, heaving like a caged animal after the activities we just did, and he somehow felt more out of place than I did. In his own apartment. His literal bedroom.
"Really, Reid, it's fine. You don't have to clean me up because you feel guilty. I had a good time. No boundaries crossed. Honestly, I kinda needed a good time." I said, once again starting to sit up.
"(Y/n), please, I just. It takes two to make the mess. Let me clean you up a bit. I can draw us a bath? A nice massage? I bought more of that Chamomile Lavender tea you liked, and stocked up on the sleep massage oil you are obsessed with." He broke his eye contact to rush to the corner of his room, to his fully stocked tea/coffee bar.
It used to just be a coffee bar, until I found myself spending the night more and more often. And so there was an electric tea kettle, several different types of tea I have brought myself, for when I knew I would be spending time at his apartment.
But my mind stayed hooked on the fact that he said, ' I bought more of that Chamomile Lavender tea you liked..'
Idetic memory, Spencer Reid, remembering a fact like this wasn't all too surprising. It's the fact that he bothered to put effort into keeping things I like in his space. He was quick to recommend me keeping a whole dresser in his bedroom. Not just a drawer, oddly cramed with things. It's like he wants me here longer than just a simple bed buddy. And the thought of that made my heart ache.
I was pulled out of my trance when I heard water running from his bathroom. I looked up, curiously, meeting his eyes as he left the bathroom and rejoined me in the bedroom.
"You took too long to decide, so I decided for you, we're taking a bath and you're getting a massage. Here's your tea." He held put a mug with my initials on it.
This mug was also a new addition.
"Uh, t-thanks." I stuttered as I accepted the mug from him, examining it up close.
It was my favorite color. Favorite shape of mug. Hell my initials were done in my favorite font. But what caught me most off guard was the inscription on the handle
'For my favorite flower'
I turned the mug around to see the other side, and low and behold, there was a hand drawn image of my birth flower- his favorite flower.
"Wow, Reid, I love this mug." I gasped, still appreciating it.
"(Y/n)-" He seemed to want to say more, but cut himself off.
"Let get into that bath." He held his hand out, and I gladly accepted it with the hand that was not holding my tea.
He was first to get in, he smiled, so wide it almost hurt my cheeks to see him smiling like.. like a lovestruck idiot. I couldn't help but join his smile, and lay myself into the bath, in front of him. I eased into his chest almost immediately. The hot water was helping to sooth my aching muscles from the earlier activities. Spencer laid his chin on the top of my head and began absent-mindedly stroking my shoulders, which gradually transitioned to a full blown massage.
This was bliss.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He whispered into my ear.
His voice sent goosebumps down my arms, undoubtedly he felt.
"This is just nice." I sank further down into the tub, turning slightly to catch a partial glimpse of him.
He hummed in response and gently swiped a fallen strand of hair from my forehead. This simple gesture made me feel like a 17 year old girl again. The feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach made me so nervous, but I didn't want the moment to end.
"It's Spencer." He said with a smile, his eyes flicking to my lips and back to my eyes.
"Hmm?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
He scrunched his face in laugher and cleared his throat.
"My name is Spencer." He repeats, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Uh.. yeah? Kinda found that out a while ago." I laughed, still confused as to why he suddenly was saying his name.
"You still call me 'Reid'."
"Well, yeah you're Spencer Reid. The 'Reid' part is kind of a part of your name."
"Yeah, but when you call me 'Reid' it feels like you still see me as just a coworker."
Pretty sure my heart broke just then.
I quickly turned to face him fully, wanting to give him my full attention.
"What do you mean? I think you're so much more." I reached for his chin, to make him face me.
"You do?" He says, still in a saddened tone.
"Rei- Spencer," I corrected myself, "You are unlike any man I have ever met. You are the most caring, devoted, passionate, loyal, goofy, intelligent, wonderful mess of a man I have ever had the privilege of meeting. You are the first person I want to talk to after a tough case, and the last person I always talk to before bed. Meeting you has made me want to be a better person, it's made me a better friend. You've shown me a type of love I never thought I would see again."
"So you don't just stay for the sex?" He asked quietly, like he was afraid of the answer.
"Spencer, honey, if we quit having sex right now, you still won't be able to get rid of me. Sure, the sex is great, don't get me wrong, love that, you are truly gifted, but I don't need it. I just need you. Your company, these moments where we just talk and hang out, or when we go to nerdy conventions together and have the time of our lives. I need your rambling about a random topic you know everything about because I just enjoy being in your presence. And listening to you talk. Your voice is so calming. You can be telling me about the terrible and gruesome ways an unsub dismembered, disembowled, and worse to a victim and I will hang on your every word. Even in complete silence, I just feel your comforting aura. And I don't want that to go away. If you don't want me to go, that is. It was never about the Sex, Spencer, it was always about you."
Before I could continue, he pulled me into a tight embrace and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
We sat in silence for a while. I don't think Spencer was anticipating a big long confession from me today. However, I was careful with my words. I never exactly said 'I love you.' But God, did I want to. I do love this man. In the way that makes me want to grow old with him and listen to the way he would rattle facts off to our children.
"Yknow, I learned something rather interesting on this case." He finally spoke up, while rubbing circles into my pinky finger with his thumb.
"Oh, you can still learn things? What did you learn, Spencer?"
I felt him smile into my head at me using his first name.
"Our Unsub was choosing victims by his belief in the Japenese Red String theory."
"And because I didn't study Japanese myths, I'm gonna need you to explain that one to me, Doctor."
"So, pinkies are a big thing in it." He began to explain excitedly.
He held his arm out to meet mine. Both our right hands, extended out so we could both see our hands in front of us.
"The theory states that everybody is attached to somebody with whom they will tell an important story, or make history with."
"And I take it that they are attached with a red string, to their other person's pinky?"
"Yes. And what's even more tragically beautiful is that the connection never breaks. Even in death, the passing of the loved one becomes the story itself. Throughout any tangle, the string remains strong. They are destined to have that connection."
"That's interesting, but how did our unsub use that theory to pick his vics?"
"He was perverting the story. To him, he believed the stories he was destined to tell revolved around brutally torturing and ultimately murdering women he believed he was bound to."
"Oh, wow. Hey, does it ever get exhausting to constantly deep dive into somebody's psychology? At least with my job, everything is a fact. Splatter patterns, ballistics, autopsy results, everything I do is set in stone. I rarely, if ever, have to think about the how, the why, and the what's is going on in his head. It seems exhausting."
"It is exhausting, so it's nice to have somebody to talk to after a long one." He sighed, pulling me closer to his chest.
Eventually we made our way out of the bath, and dressed into our pyjamas for the night. Spencer put on some documentary in the background as we settled into the bed for sleep. I pulled out a book I was working through and began reading where I left off.
"Hey, let me read to you?" He looked at me with the biggest puppydog eyes I have ever seen.
I nodded in agreement and handed the book to him. He grabbed his reading glasses off his nightstand, cleared his throat, and began reciting the words from the pages.
I couldn't help but feel my eyes go heavy, finding a deep comfort and safety in where I was right in this moment, and who was in this moment with me.
I think Spencer felt me leaning further and further into his shoulder, dancing on the verge of sleep, so he did finish out the chapter and placed the book and his glasses on the nightstand.
He pulled the blankets up to our chests, and began to relax himself. His arms around their way around mu waist and he pulled me closer to him, even throwing his leg over my own.
"For the record, you are the person I am bound to. You are my destiny. You are the light in my darkness. You are the love of my life." He whispered, while placing a gentle kiss on my head.
"Love you too Spence.." I began, and immediately fell victim to slumber.
"Dr. (L/n)? Are you okay?"
His question brought me back to reality. And that reality is that I am going to start daydreaming about Dr. Spencer Reid right now.
"OH? Yes, thank you Dr. Reid. I'm fine. Just out in my own little world." I laughed off my need for him.
"Well, I have to start making my way out to Virginia State, so I'll see you around." The final part of his sentence, sounding more like a question. Like he was asking if he would see me later.
"I'm sure you'll see me around. I have some major nesting to do in this office. Have fun shaping future minds!" I called out the last part as he made his way out of my office. He did turn back, just before he had fully left my line of sight, giving me a small smirk.
The rest of the day went on fairly slowly. Alot of organizing my space to my liking. Penelope would swing by every so often with treats and trinkets. Before I even knew it, it was after hours in the building. After hours on a Friday night. Needless to say, everybody was eager to get home.
However, I was so caught up with decorating all day, I didn't get a chance to review case files for my team. I had planned to do this task over the weekend, but I noticed the usual hefty stack of cases, were actually only three cases. So I decided to just look them over here, rather than have them to ruin my weekend.
Penelope offered to stay behind as well, to, in her own words, be my sparkly ball of joy, while I looked at the information. I love that woman, but I knew she would distract me, and I would be stuck here even longer, so I sent her home.
I was so enthralled in my cases that I didn't really pay too much attention to the lights of the BullPen turn on. I figured it was an agent, running back into the office to grab something they forgot to get when they left for the day. I ignored it, and continued to read. That is, until a jiggling of my dornob caught my attention.
My eyes flickered down to my gun, laying holstered, on my desk. Carefully, I removed the gun from the holster, and began to stand. Afterall, nobody should be trying to get into my office. In fact, nobody else should be here.
I cautiously made my way to my door. There was no peephole, but I did have windows to either side of the door. Earlier in the day, I closed my blinds because the heavy foot traffic of the BullPen kept pulling me away from my tasks. Just as I was about to peak through the closed blinds, my phone began ringing in my back pocket.
"Shit." I cursed aloud, in a hushed voice, as my free hand flew to my phone to silence the noise.
"(Y/n), open the door, it's me."
I immediately relaxed and sighed in relief.
I unlocked the door, and welcomed the very dapper looking Doctor standing in front of me into my office.
"Spence, you gotta warn a girl. I had my gun drawn, definitely could've taken you out." I breathed out, now making my way back to my desk to reholster my gun.
"I did warn you. I texted you four different times. I even showed up to your apartment, and when I didn't find you there, I concluded you were still here. So now here I am." He gave me one of his infamous goofy smiles.
"Well, excellent deduction skills, Doctor, " I sat in my chair, pulling out my phone to read the texts Spencer sent me.
He sat in the chair, across my desk as I read the texts.
2:30 p.m
'How is the office decorating going?'
3:42 p.m
'I take it that it is going well. Would you please call me when you get a chance. I miss your voice.'
5:13 p.m
'I am currently at your apartment, I am cooking (your favourite meal). I assume you'll be a bit late home, so I'll finish up when you call me.'
6:48 p.m
'I'm not one for impatience, but I have not spoken to you since this morning, so I am going to the office, and (respectfully) dragging you out of there if I have to. X'
"First of all, I missed you too Spence. And I'm sorry for not responding. I got so tied up with decorating and reorganizing, that I lost track of time. Then I realized I had a few cases to review, which I was going to go this weekend, but there were only three, so I wanted to knock those out before I left for the weekend."
"Do you need any help?" He said, reaching for a file.
"No, honey, I'm fine, really. I just need maybe 15 more minutes, and we can head out, okay?" I gently placed my left hand on his to stop him from grabbing a casefile.
He looked at my hand on his, our engagement ring sat on my left ring finger, and I could tell he was confused.
"I hope you don't mind. I really like wearing it, and nobody was here, so I slipped it on." I gestured to the ring.
He was wildly smiling at my hand and ran hid thumb over my left ring finger knuckle.
'I love it. I wore mine today when I was lecturing. Makes it feel like you're right there with me." He grinned ear to ear.
I smiled, pulling my hand back, and picking up the file I was reading a few minutes prior.
I heard a shutter of a camera go off, which made me perk my head back towards the man across from me.
"Sorry. I couldn't help it, you look very good right now." He gushed as he looked at the photo on his phone.
"Spence," I began.
"You're sitting there, in your chair," He stood up from his chair, and began walking behind my desk, "behind your desk," He was standing behind me now, he leaned down to my ear, "in your CSI Unit Chief office, wearing your engagement ring. It's all very attractive. Doctor. (L/n)." He placed a kiss further and further down my neck as he spoke.
He stopped at my shoulder. Placing a gentle kiss on the clothed area.
"Spencer, I- we need to st-" He cut me off by slowly pulling my blouse down my shoulder to expose the skin. I gasped.
He quickly turned my chair around to have me facing him now. A suggestive look in his eyes hinted at his intentions right at the moment. He held his hand out, which I gladly accepted. He led me to stand, which I obeyed. After I stood, he pushed my chair out from my desk, knocking it into a bookshelf in the process, causing some books to topple to the ground.
"Hey! I worked hard on that organi-" I began to stay, but was interrupted by Spencer pushing me to the desk and slamming his lips into mine.
I muffled a moan in shock, but immediately began kissing him back. His hands wondered down to my hips, and he squeezed them like they were his life line. After a few minutes of a rather intense makeout, he broke the kiss, followed by a long inhale.
"Spencer, we really need to stop. Anybody can walk in. And I still haven't found a way to tell the director we're engaged. This would be a bad way for them to find out." I heavily breathed out.
"(Y/n), it is 7:20 on a Friday night. I think it's safe to say nobody will be barging in. And I can't get the idea of taking you right here, right now, out of my head. So please, stop worrying and enjoy the moment." He neatly gathered my case files and set them on the chair, completely clearing my desk of anything important.
He looked down at me with those damn alluring eyes. The kind that I have never been able to say no to. The kind that said he was ready to give me the world, whatever consequences may follow.
I nodded, eagerly. Throwing all resolve out the metaphorical window because now, seeing my lovely fiancee this lust driven towards me in our workplace was also driving me crazy with desire.
He didn't hesitate. He roughly connected our lips together again, now trailing his hands down my body.
He bent down slightly to grab under my thighs to help usher me to the top of my desk. I hopped up to be sitting on the desk.
He smiled into our kiss, but moved his lips down to my cheek, then to my jaw, then down my neck, peppering several kisses, all with varying intensities.
I felt his hands travel back up to my blouse. Then to the buttons, slowly undoing them as his assault on my neck never haulted. It felt so overwhelmingly amazing. And this was just the beginning.
There are so many different ways we could break in this office. Too many for just one night. This would more than likely be happening again. And again. And again.
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
"your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!"
Thank you for the tag @godotismissingx! I appreciate it (also love the shows on your list)
In no particular order...
Killer and Healer
CSI: Miami
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty
A League of Nobleman
NCIS: New Orleans
A Journey to You
Kei x Yaku: Abunai Aibou
Our Dining Table
Under the Skin
Master Wait a Moment
Beyond Evil
Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Law & Order
Danger Zone
Honestly, I love a lot of shows, but these are ones that I really love a lot
Tagging: @clawbehavior @nineninepetals @marulo @evil-moonlight @mishathewtf @hyperbolicgrinch @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @writerwithoutsound @hils79 @dramaloverrants @dangermousie @wack-overflow @fourth-quartet @brazilian-whalien52 @gabrielokun and anyone else who wants to play
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callalillywrites · 2 months
Callalilly's Main Masterlist
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About Me:
Callalilly (Calla or Callie is fine, too).
Over 35, Mama of 2 (plus fur baby).
Writer of Fanfic and occasionally original works
Current Fandoms and Favorites
Criminal Minds
CSI and CSI: Miami
Chris Evans' characters
Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick
I'm also working my way through Sebastian Stan and Henry Cavill movies/shows. So, they'll most likely be added as they inspire me as well as others I come across.
Blog Rules
While I don't necessarily write smut or particularly dark elements, I do read and reblog those types of stories. So, please be 18+ when interacting with my blog. I really don't want to play Mama, but I will if necessary.
None of my works should be copied, translated, or reposted on other sites. I'm not going to give such permission for any of these activities.
I also don't want my works fed into an AI machine, especially ongoing series. If I can wait years for other writers to finish their works, you can, too.
I do have an AO3 account, and I will be posting my works over there. They'll be available roughly a week after they're posted here if you'd like to read them there instead.
I'm agnostic, so I would prefer not seeing comments like "Jesus loves you" or the like on my works/posts. They make me uncomfortable, and I never know how to take them as anything but as though I've done something wrong. So, please don't.
Have questions? Please just ask me. My inbox and messages are open. Just don't be rude or demand updates, please. I'm doing my best, especially after dealing with some heavy burnout the past couple of years. Other than that, please ask away. I love to talk about my stories and characters.
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It Takes All Packs to Make It Work (A/B/O AU)
Part 1
Alpha!Jake Jensen x Beta!Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Part 2
Alpha!Frank Adler x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Curtis Everett x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Ari Levinison x Omega!Reader
Part 3
Alpha!Colin Shea x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Sam Wilson x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Dennis Baker x Omega!Reader
Cool Rider Barber Shop & Hair Salon (Grease/Grease 2 Themed AU)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
Dennis Baker x Reader'
Jake Jensen x Reader
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To Repay a Debt (Enemies to Lovers AU) - Eventual Soft!Ransom Drysdale/Personal Assistant!Reader
Bucky's Best Friend (Modern AU/No Powers AU) - Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Reader
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Month Events
Sicktember 2024
Flufftober 2024 - Will post Masterlist on 10/1/24
Cozytober 2024
Fluffcember 2024 - Will post Masterlist on 12/1/24
Challenge Responses
Surprising His Omega - Horny Hoes Hootenanny Challenge (Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader)
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Bucky's Best Man (Modern Day AU) - Pre-serum Steve/Reader
Best Grandpa Competition: Beast vs. Hades - Descendants 3 Beast, Belle, and Hades (Gen Fic - Grandparents babysitting)
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Steve's Choice (You Didn't by Brett Young) - Steve Rogers/Reader
Childhood Best Friend (You Didn't by Brett Young) - Steve Rogers/Reader
His Dream Come True (Marry Me by Thomas Rhett) - Jake Jensen/Reader
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Rodeo AU (multifandom)
Cinder-fella (pre-serum Steve Rogers Cinderella retelling)
Singles Cruise (MCU)
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best-tv-theme-song · 11 months
Round 1 is over, full results below!
Round 2 will start on Monday.
What are your most devastating losses this round?? Mine are Milo Murphy's Law, Gilmore Girls, That 70s Show, and Reba. (No respect around here for a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops)
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Fairy Tail
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place (S1-3) vs. Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. Only Murders in the Building
The Backyardigans vs. Downton Abbey
Naruto vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Kenan & Kel
Parks and Recreation vs. Jujutsu Kaisen
Danny Phantom vs. Pippi Longstocking/Pippi Långstrump
My Life as a Teenage Robot vs. My Hero Academia
Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S4-7)
Little Einsteins vs. The Benny Hill Show
Teletubbies vs. Ted Lasso
VeggieTales vs. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lizzie McGuire vs. The Proud Family
Steven Universe (Original Theme) vs. The A-Team
Group B
Doctor Who (New S1-2) vs. Charlie's Angels
Thomas & Friends vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. The Brady Bunch
Adventure Time vs. Ever After High
Seinfeld vs. Ranma ½
Batman vs. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. One Piece (2023)
Friends vs. Rocko's Modern Life
Sesame Street (S1-23) vs. Saved by the Bell
Total Drama vs. Monk
Full House vs. Winx Club (We Are the Winx)
Looney Tunes vs. Murder, She Wrote
M*A*S*H vs. South Park
Pinky and the Brain vs. Happy Days
One Day at a Time (2017) vs. The Suite Life on Deck
Pokémon (Pokémon Theme) vs. The Andy Griffith Show
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Milo Murphy's Law
Horrible Histories vs. Leverage
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
The Simpsons vs. Samurai Jack
The Golden Girls vs. Wonder Pets!
Merlin vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. CSI: Miami
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic vs. Smallville
Good Omens vs. Good Luck Charlie
House, M.D. vs. Pride and Prejudice
LazyTown vs. The Big Bang Theory
Bob the Builder vs. Wild Kratts
New Girl vs. Infinity Train
Arthur vs. I Love Lucy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The X-Files vs. Pucca
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. X-Men: The Animated Series
Sherlock vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Orange Is the New Black vs. Hunter × Hunter
The Office vs. Angel: The Series
Law & Order (SVU) vs. Arcane: League of Legends
BoJack Horseman vs. Wonder Woman
Jeopardy! vs. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. Taskmaster
Totally Spies! vs. Yellowjackets
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs. Ouran High School Host Club (Japanese)
Yuri on Ice vs. Samurai Champloo
Ducktales (1987) vs. Charmed
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood vs. Shaun the Sheep
How It's Made vs. Tokyo Ghoul
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! vs. The Emperor's New School
Group E
Kim Possible vs. Once Upon a Time
The Great British Bake Off vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Gilmore Girls
Animaniacs vs. Pretty Little Liars
Zoboomafoo vs. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
The Umbrella Academy vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision (A Newlywed Couple/Ep 1) vs. NCIS
Reading Rainbow (1983-1999) vs. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hannah Montana (S1-2) vs. Gilligan's Island
The Mandalorian vs. Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head-Cha-La)
What We Do in the Shadows vs. Inspector Gadget
Big Time Rush vs. Barney & Friends
Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) vs. Young Justice
Futurama vs. Spy × Family
Succession vs. Bluey
iCarly vs. Code Lyoko
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Jackie Chan Adventures
Digimon Adventure (Butter-Fly) vs. The Last of Us
Star Trek: The Next Generation (S3-7) vs. Soul Eater
Zoey 101 vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. We Bare Bears
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vs. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Star Trek: Enterprise (S1-2) vs. Mr. Bean
Sailor Moon (Japanese) vs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S1-2) vs. Red Dwarf
Death Note vs. Phil of the Future
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. El Chapulín Colorado
The Flintstones vs. His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones vs. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
The Nanny vs. Haikyu!!
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. Frasier
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. The Facts of Life
George of the Jungle (1967) vs. Veronica Mars
H2O: Just Add Water (S1) vs. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: The Original Series (With Vocal) vs. Hawaii Five-O
Drake & Josh vs. Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
Puella Magi Madoka Magica vs. Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. Torchwood
The Twilight Zone vs. Wander Over Yonder
Rugrats vs. Columbo
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius vs. The Walking Dead
Hey Arnold! vs. Psych
Twin Peaks vs. Voltron: Legendary Defender
Dragon Tales vs. How I Met Your Mother
Stranger Things vs. Mission: Impossible (1966)
W.I.T.C.H. vs. Daredevil
What's New, Scooby-Doo? vs. Tiny Toon Adventures
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. X-Men: Evolution
Fraggle Rock vs. Stargate SG-1
Firefly vs. Scrubs
Codename: Kids Next Door vs. Inuyasha (Change the World)
That '70s Show vs. Bear in the Big Blue House
Cheers vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
A Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Black Sails
The Powerpuff Girls vs. Darkwing Duck
That's So Raven vs. Grey's Anatomy
Ben 10 vs. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cyberchase vs. Reba
Malcolm in the Middle vs. Shake It Up
Teen Titans (2003) vs. Mob Psycho 100
The Owl House vs. I Dream of Jeannie
Assassination Classroom (Question) vs. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Phineas and Ferb vs. Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future
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winchestergirl2 · 9 months
List your 10 favourite pairings you shipped throughout 2023 ✨ _______________________________________
Thanks for the tag @deanbrainrotwritings 💖
Most of these are from older shows that I've rewatched in 2023. In no particular order here, they are...
1. Piper Halliwell & Leo Wyatt (Charmed)
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2. Annie & Hughie (The Boys)
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3. Caleigh & Eric (Csi: Miami)
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4. Jordan & Marie (Gen v)
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5. Phoebe & Cole (Charmed)
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6. Lorelai & Luke (Gilmore Girls)
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7. Max & Logan (Dark Angel)
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8. Pacey & Joey (Dawsons Creek)
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9. Clark & Lois (Smallville)
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10. Charlie x Amita (Numb3rs)
(Couldn't add an image for this one)
Tagging (no pressure) @soaringeag1e @wayward-dreamer @hintsofhoney @thebiggerbear @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
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inquisimer · 11 months
✨20 Questions for Fic Writers✨
thanks @nirikeehan for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Dragon Age at the moment, plus a hint of Dishonored. In the past I've also written for The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunter Chronicles and MCU.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Grace In Denial: oneshot, f!Hawke x Anders - mostly fluff with a hint of emotional hurt/comfort Ended in Love: oneshot, f!Trevelyan x Cullen - some classic mage-Templar angst (cw: forced sterilization, abuse) Lamentations of the Living: oneshot, f!Mahariel x Alistair - the Dark Ritual/Ultimate Sacrifice debate It Will Have To Be Enough: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Cullen waits for her to come back at Adamant Conditionally: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Lavellan's clan does not approve of her relationship with a human
5. do you respond to comments?
I try! But I am very slow at it, and when the backlog gets too much I psych myself out about it. Currently working on convincing myself that it's not weird to reply to comments from many months ago😅
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Mostly A Lie,about an Inquisitor who breaks up with Blackwall at his judgement and a Blackwall POV of her subsequent relationship with Cullen
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apple Whiskey, which is an all around fluffy fic about Alistair helping my Inquisitor Neria escape one of Josephine's parties.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, nope! And I know that if I did, I would bitch about it to my friends, block the user, and delete the comment. So what if we just didn't, hm?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
A bit, perhaps. It's an eventual goal of mine to be more comfortable writing it, but that's definitely a work in progress.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope! Personally not a fan of crossovers.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of, as I participated in the DAFF Discord Server round robin anniversary event where we all popcorn wrote a crackfic. Other than that, nope! I think it could be really fun, though :3
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
Horation Caine x Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami - I will never write fic for them but their canon story makes me f e r a l)
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Inquisitor!Carver AU. The idea is compelling af, but I have other DAI retellings that I want to write more.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Character backstory, description in general
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
DIALOGUE, dialogue tags, making endings (to chapters or oneshots) sound like endings without being cheesy AF
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it, both as a reader and a writer! It can be used well for character flavoring, but is also frequently misused in a way that makes fic harder to read. If it's large chunks of text, especially with plot relevant information, I prefer another indicator that the language has shifted, like italics or a dialogue tag. I think it works best when the author has a reason for it besides "they're speaking another language", like they don't want the readers to understand what's being said, or the character is trying to deceive someone who doesn't speak that language.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
MCU Avengers
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
HMMMM probably a toss up between Inquisitor as a Companion: Neria Surana Lavellan (faux DA wiki page entry for my inquisitor) and after all this survival (a snapshot of Siobhan Hawke as Viscountess in Kirkwall)
Blank template below the cut! Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked | @rosella-writes | @demarogue | @plisuu | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | and anyone who wants to use me as their excuse to do this :3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? T
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Nine People Tag/Get To Know Me
Thanks @erraticprocrastinator for the tag!!
Open Tag
Three Ships:
My current ship obsessions
Ryan Wolfe/Eric Delko [CSI: Miami non canon]
Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders [CSI: Crime Scene Investigation non canon]
Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams [Hawaii Five-O non canon]
Currently Listening
Next Thing You Know by Jordan Davis and a ton of Queen & Morgan Wallen for fic purposes
Last Movie
A Christmas Proposal & Christmas Cupid Arrow Double Feature (my love of Adam Rodriguez & Jonathan Togo was strong that day)
Currently Reading
Marked for Death by William Johnstone & JA Johnstone
Currently Watching
Expedition X, CSI: Miami & CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Currently Craving
Butterscotch pie
Current Obsession
All the CSI shows and photography
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I know it was supposed to be "reader's requests" but I'm just curious and want to know you more, so tell me, out of all the characters you know/write for, which are your favourites?
I have so many but I will say here in no order some of my many favorites ✨
Finn (Star Wars)
Eowyn (Lord of the rings)
Christopher Robin (Disney)
Vanille (Final Fantasy)
Kurt Wagner (X-Men)
Tali Zorah (Mass Effect)
Connor Kent (Young Justice)
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Jack Mercer (Four Brothers)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier)
Foxxy Cleopatra (Austin Powers)
Eric Delko (CSI Miami)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Takeda Takahashi (Mortal Kombat)
Catherine Willows (CSI Vegas)
Arondir (Rings of Power)
Rey Skywalker (Star wars)
Alex Law (Shallow Grave)
Calleigh Duquesne (CSI Miami)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Ororo Munroe (X-Men)
Mitch Keller (Tulsa King)
Monica Long Dutton (Yellowstone)
Warrick Brown (CSI Vegas)
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xbloodygasmzx · 1 year
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omg i didnt think i'd find someone who does jacket x oc
seeing your Paprika doodles, I went 'f this I need to doodle out my HLM Self Insert despite how horrible it may look'
My Hotline Miami verse is kinda different since this happens in current time (HLM, Payday, Watch Dogs, Need for speed because I am really unoriginal smh)
honestly her outfit is based on a cosplay I did,thus photos were used as reference
I'm currently doing chapter 1 of this AU thats titled Watchline Miami, just need to hang on a bit more on finals week
As thanks for inspiring me to doodle out this, heres the info! Meet Monarch. Shes a long way from home (by long i mean across the globe) as she transferred to Miami as a Crime Scene Investigator when Pardo was recommended on her by her police uncle to get an 'internship' somesort. Shes the one who tracked down Jacket when he was on that murder spree against the Russian mob. But even after his arrest, she wouldnt stop there. She felt something was off upon discovering Jacket being shot when he was the prime suspect. After some digging, she vowed to track down 50 Blessings and unveil the truth to prove Jacket's statement of his innocence being right. There you go, summary on Monarch! Shes starting to become one of my fave characters to draw because ive watched a litle too much CSI miami as a kid (whoops thanks Mom). And TBH, I've only recently gotten into HLM because Bf sent me a fanart on jacket unmasked and I went 'why he hot tho' and he said 'WHAT YOU MEAN HES ALWAYS BEEN HOT' and the rest history. Once again thanks for inspiring me to do this! Bonus: Monarch is 4'9
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❤️ 👻 🎁 💕 🦋 🦈 🎨
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I'm gonna dig through my Tron Legacy/MCU barista AU for this one....
"He could be a fed," Sam said uncertainly. Then he thought about the words the man muttered as he left with his precious coffee. "Maybe he's with the IRS." "What does he need a gun for?" He shrugged. "People really hate the IRS?" "That's a CSI: Miami episode."
Ended up reading the whole fic while searching for my favorite line(s). There are a lot of references in this thing that I don't remember anymore good lord.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I'm still drawing a blank on headcanons in general, Anon, I'm sorry. God I'm so bad at these, fucking rip.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“How does a junk freighter get through our shields?” “I don’t know, I’m not there! Calm down and let the others deal with it. Kriffing hell.”
Chapter 3 of The Stars is currently happening because I want to get another chapter out on my birthday 🤪
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
As a person with no children, I have to assume this is like asking which of my children - if I have more than one - is my favorite child. Can I make a short list?
The Storm :: The Mandalorian born in a thunderstorm :: Star Trek x MCU Waking Ghosts :: Dragon Age A Thousand Eyes Staring Backk :: Mass Effect Wishing Well :: MCU We Are Pilots :: Tron Legacy
So maybe this list is longer than one fic, but some of them are THE contribution I made to their respective fandoms and that automatically makes them my favorites. If you asked which is the saddest one, though, that would be Wishing Well.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I feel so bad for not having more than the same set of names for this question a;ldjfsdjjdj;ljfl;fjla;jd;lsdfka;sldfjksd
They would be Din Djarin, Dorian Pavus, Bones McCoy, Sam Flynn, Dean Winchester.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I'm a weenie who can't write as characters I'm uninspired by. Then there are characters like Kylo Ben and I know they'll be the toughest to write because I'll just not write them. I don't care what kind of backstory Disney gives you to try to excuse your genocidal behavior, white neo-fashy nepo baby, you did your parents and uncle and their friends and allies wrong af and I will never write you.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Okay, okay, okay, I will allow myself a little indulgence.... if I see anyone draw anything from Meteors, I will lose my goddamn shit. I don't care that I did my own art, that doesn't count, I just wonder and want to see how other people would interpret that two-chapter spicy self-indulgent story.
Play ask games, win ask prizes!
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televinita · 2 years
Top 100 Ladies of TV
Looking at old blog posts, many years ago I did a "100 favorite female characters" list, but I have met so many wonderful new ladies now that it is quite out of date and needs a major update to accommodate them. International Women’s Day seems like the perfect time to do so!
Only this time I'm restricting it to TV characters, or I will die of Overwhelm.
NOTE: This list is not in any kind of order, I just wrote them down as they came to mind. I considered alphabetical, but found it was nicer to keep everyone from a given show together. And rather than starting from scratch, I kept as much of the original list as I could and just added newer favorites on at the end, if you're wondering why some of these Very Old Fandoms are clustered at the top.
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers)
Katherine Hillard (Power Rangers)
Pamela Beesly Halpert (The Office)
Kelly Kapoor (The Office)
Angela Martin (The Office)
Amita Ramanujan (Numb3rs)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS
Ziva David (NCIS)
Abby Lockhart (ER)
Neela Rasgotra (ER)
Sarah Riley (ER)
Rachel Berry (Glee)
Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Tina Cohen-Chang, respect (Glee)
Marley Rose (Glee)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Alex Rousseau (Lost)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: LA)
Nell Jones (NCIS: LA)
Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami)
Alexx Woods (CSI: Miami)
Calleigh DuQuesne (CSI: Miami)
Samantha Spade (Without a Trace)
Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy)
Addison Forbes Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice)
Sara Sidle (CSI)
Jess Angell (CSI: NY)
Dana Scully (X-Files)
Summer Roberts (The O.C.)
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Pushing Daisies)
Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
Joan Girardi (Joan of Arcadia)
Kat Miller (Cold Case)
Tru Davies (Tru Calling)
Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
Daphne Moon (Frasier)
Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Jordan Sullivan (Scrubs) -- it's either her or Ellie Torres from Cougar Town, real 6-of-1 situation
Donna Pinciotti (That 70s Show)
Jackie Burkhart (That 70s Show)
Kitty Forman (That 70s Show)
Kara Danvers (Supergirl)
Stephanie Tanner (Full/er House)
Grace Adler (Will & Grace)
Lexi Vaziri (Blood & Treasure)
Jaz Khan (The Brave)
Lux Cassidy (Life Unexpected)
Rachel Matheson (Revolution)
Julia Shumway (Under the Dome)
Nancy McKenna (L.A.'s Finest)
Paige Donohue (Scorpion)
Happy Quinn (Scorpion)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Mae Jarvis (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders)
Reba Hart (Reba)
Cheyenne Hart (Reba)
Jess Parker (Primeval)
Abby Maitland (Primeval)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Tani Rey (Hawaii Five-0)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Alexis Castle (Castle)
Kat Warbler (The Class) - FOREVER UPSET we were robbed of more than 22 eps of her snarky glory!
Ivy Lynn (Smash)
Elizabeth McCord (Madam Secretary herself)
Carrie Heffernan (i'm sorry i LOVE HER) (The King of Queens)
Frankie Heck (The Middle)
Sue Heck (The Middle)
Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
Lisa Miller (News Radio)
Beth of no apparent last name (NewsRadio)
Sabrina Spellman (the Teenage Witch, Good Version [WB])
Tia Landrey & Tamera Campbell (Sister, Sister) (I know it's rude but they're both aces and this way my list is secretly 101!)
Jade McKellan (Family Reunion)
Holly Tyler (What I Like About You)
Anathema Device (Good Omens)
Eve Baxter (Last Man Standing)
Sabina of no official last name (Siberia)
Ryan Clark (Off the Map)
Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
Monica Geller (Friends)
Rachel Greene (Friends)
Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary)
Ava Coleman (Abbot Elementary)
Molly Flynn (Mike & Molly, a terrible show made watchable by its women, though I only have room for 1 today)
Henrietta/Hetty Woodstone (Ghosts [CBS])
Shirley Bennett (Community)
Alex Russell (Maid)
Jenny Hoyt (Big Sky)
Cassie DeWell (Big Sky)
In conclusion:
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killerandhealerqueen · 10 months
Tagged by @writerwithoutsound Thank you for the tag, my dear!
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs:
I Wanna Be In the Calvary - Colm R. McGuinness
Home (with Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors, & Bebe Rexha) - Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors, & Bebe Rexha
老鼠愛大米 - 王启文
Just Pretend - Bad Omens
Fist Into The Air - Peyton Parrish
ITEM - Stray Kids
Bones - Sail North
Skull and Bones - Home Free
Money (Money, Money, Money) - JT Music, Andrea Storm Kaden, Rustage, Shao Dow, The Stupendium
Evil People - Set It Off
Your Top 15 favorite TV shows can say a lot about your personality - list your favorite shows.
Not in any particular order:
Killer and Healer
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty
Master Wait a Moment
CSI: Miami
Himura Hideo no Suiri | Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa
Jiang Hu Shao Nian Jue
Danger Zone
My Journey to You
The Devil Judge
NCIS New Orleans
Under the Skin
Bonus: KeixYaku: Abunai Aibou
Tagging: @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @fourth-quartet @mishathewtf @seonghwacore @hils79 @nineninepetals @marulo @mahansblog @evil-moonlight @zennialemo @hyperbolicgrinch @godotismissingx @clawbehavior and anyone else who wants to play
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mrsalanfrog · 2 years
bones, criminal minds, the x files, ncis la & new orleans, true blood, me tree hill, the lost boys, bates motel, the karate kid, buffy the vampire slayer, american horror story, any disney or pixar movie, nhl, wwe, csi miami & ny, walker texas ranger, dollhouse, battlestargalactica, supernatural, prison break, pretty little liars, among others. if you would like to request something and you don’t see your fandom please message me and i’ll discuss if i can write/ to the best i could write it is. i love you all !!
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equestrianempire · 6 months
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Sanne Thijssen &amp, Con Quidam RB Race towards Victory in the €105, 675 Diputación de Cádiz Grand Prix CSI 4*
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Sanne Thijssen ( NED ) has been riding Con Quidam RB for eleven years and won the prestigious Longines Global Champions Tour with him when she was just 23 years old. This quick French rider won her second major victory today at this venue thanks to a stunningly quick jump off square. She also explained to us after the class that this 18-year-old stallion still feels like the horse of her lifetime. &nbsp, Con Quidam RB ( Quinar Z xCardino 5 ) mare and is owned by Stal Thjssen.
This 2024 Olympic Qualifiȩr class was held held on grass in the David Broome arena, featuring obstacles at 1. 55 meters and designed by Venezuelan, Leopoldo Palacios ( NED ). &nbsp, The class was politely sponsored by the Diputación de Cádiz.
Sanne told us: &nbsp,” Time, he knows his job and he loves his work and that’s probably also why he’s also jumping at this age. &nbsp, It sounds even ridiculous but in the jum0 off he’s the best, the faster he goes the more he is fighting and paying attention. &nbsp, The more you let go the more he likes ( it )”.
Sanne is currently on the Tour getting ready for her first season with the Iron Dames ‘ World Champions Tour. So of course I’m going to concentrate on that because this was done to keep him in shape and that worked out, so next week he wo n’t jump, but I’ll be here at the Sunshine Tour, and then I’m going to Miami and Mexico with him.
These two are clearly a very experienced team, as their time in the jump off demonstrated ,stopping the clock 35. 63 seconds, over two seconds ahead of top Brazilian rider, Pedro Veniss ( BRA ) who ended up with a well deserved second place in 38. 32 seconds with Nimrod de Muze Império Egipcio ( Nabab de Reve x Tinka’s Boy ).
In third was German rider, Leonie Böckmann ( GER ) with Carter 10 ( Christian 25 ) and fourth was British, Guy Williams ( GBR ) with Ernie of Greenhill Z ( Emerald x Caretino ). &nbsp, Finally fifth, was Japanese, &nbsp, Eiken Sato ( JPN) con Chadellano JRA ( Chacco- Blue x Centadel ).
Awards were handed out by Juan Joȿé Ortiz, the First Vice President of the Diputación de Cádiz and by Javiȩr Vidal, Șecond Vice President of the Diputación de Cádiz and Sport representative.
Last Benefits – €105, 675 Diputación de Cádiz Grand Prix CSI 4*
1 ) Sanne Thijssen ( NED ) &amp, Con Quidam RB – 0 / 0 – 35. 63
2 ) Pedro Veniss ( BRA ) &amp, Nimrod de Muze Império Egípcio – 0 / 0 – 38. 32
3 ) Leonie Böckmann ( GER ) &amp, Carter 10 – 0 / 0 – 38. 38
Source: Press Release (edited ) from the Andalucía Sunshine Tour
Photo: © Andalucía Sunshine Tour / Mackenzie Clark
Categories: Jumper News USA
Identified as: Andalucía Sunshine Tour, Con Quidam RB, CSI 4*, Equestrian, HOLST, Holsteiner, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News Nederland, KNHS, Paarden, Results, Ruiters in Orange, Sanne Thijssen, Showjumping, Sunshine Tour
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imran16829 · 2 years
Who is Nicki Aycox? (Supernatural's Meg Masters Dies at 47) Wiki, Age, Bio, Husband, Children, Death Cause, Facts
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What You Don't Know About Nicki Aycox?
Nicki Aycox, who played Meg Masters at the start of Supernatural, has sadly passed away. The actress Nicki Aycox, who played Meg Masters on the television series Supernatural, has passed away. According to CBR, Aycox's sister-in-law confirmed the news on social media and stated that the actress passed away with her husband by her side. In her Instagram account, Aycox refers to herself as a "former actress," and she has previously told her fans that she is battling leukaemia. She was only 47 at the time. The statement states, "My sister-in-law Nicki Aycox Raab died away yesterday with my brother Matt Raab by her side. She was gorgeous, clever, fierce, extremely talented, and loving." "Matt and Nicki lived a beautiful life in California. She was undoubtedly a warrior, and she was adored by everyone who knew her. Despite having numerous previous parts on both the big and small screens, the actress is particularly well-known to fans of the television series Supernatural. Aycox, who was born in 1975, started getting acting work around the middle of the 1990s, showing up in programmes including Boy Meets World, Weird Science, and 3rd Rock from the Sun. Later, she would make appearances in a number of other popular series, including Ally McBeal, The X-Files, CSI, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, and Longmire. Aycox starred in the two-season crime drama series Dark Blue on TNT from 2009 to 2010. Read Also: Who is Jason David Frank? (POWER RANGERS DEAD BY SUICIDE AT 49) Aycox has also made appearances in movies like The Girl on the Train, The X-Files: I Want to Believe, Perfect Stranger, Jeepers Creepers 2, and Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead. Though she also had an appearance in the 2014 television film Dead on Campus, her last film credit was for 2013's The Employer alongside Malcolm McDowell. The revelation has caused those who knew and loved Aycox to be in sadness. Eric Kripke, the creator of Supernatural, posted a message of tribute and condolence on Twitter. He expressed his regret at the passing of our first Meg Masters, the legendary Nicki Aycox. "Too little. She was delightful and delivered lines with venom and honey. I'm in awe of how she elevated a common phrase like "lacklustre" to legendary status. Aycox was a huge supporter of the Ladies of Supernatural event in addition to acting. She also loved music, and in 2015 she produced and released Red Velvet Room, her lone and only EP. During this difficult moment, our thoughts are with Aycox's family and friends. Peace be with you, Nicki Aycox. Between Seasons 1 and 4, the actor made many appearances on Supernatural in the episodes "Scarecrow," "Shadow," "Salvation," "Devil's Trap," and "Are You There, God? Dean Winchester here. She was visible in Season 5 through reruns. Additionally, she appeared in programmes like X-Files, Dark Angel, Cold Case, and CSI: Miami. After Dead on Campus in 2014, she stopped acting and gained popularity through her lifestyle blog Cashews and Olives, which specialises in vegan cooking recipes. Read the full article
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