#Crystal Tips & Alistair
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We smokin' that empyrean. That Akiva OG. That firmament-cracker kush. Shit so blitzed off that Chaldean snake-blaster we touchin' tips with Metatron. We smokin kykeon in the krater hermetis. Opps can't even see me. So trounced off the flowing light we Lingua Incognito. That Beatrice got me abandoning all hope. We smokin' that deep-dirt shit, that telluric, that chthonic chronic. Dick her so deep call it katabasis. I'm Eurydice. I'm gone forever. [1][1b][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]
I'm hotboxing the accumulator, so twisted off that Willhelm Reich I'm gonna live forever. My girl a desert. So bricked up on orgone they call me cloudbuster. We smokin' Phlogiston. We smokin' Vril. We smokin' scalar waves. So fucked off sophic salt and six emerald tablets, call me the sun the way that pussy devouring me. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20]
We smokin' that lemurian crystal surgery crud. That atlantean akashic Koot Hoomi kush. Master so ascended I got my tulpa's tulpa blazed. We on that Nebraskan shaman. We on that Caucasian voodoo. We on that Yakubian private reserve. We smokin' perdurabo in the great pyramid of Giza. Call my dick Bethlehem the way my girl slouching towards it. [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]
[1]: The Empyrean Heaven [1b]: Rabbi Akiva Ben Joseph and the Sepher Yetzirah [2] The Firmament [3] Ancient Near-Eastern Magic [4] Metatron, Enochic Mysticism [5] Kykeon and the Eleusinian Mysteries [6] Ludovico Lazzarelli and neohermeticism [7] Mechthild of Magdeberg [8] Hildegard of Bingen and Lingua Ignota [9] Dante, Canto III [10] Telluric Current [11] The Chthonic World [12] Orphism and Katabasis [13] Willhelm Reich and Orgone Accumulators [14] Orgone theory and weather [15] Antoine Lavoisier and Phlogithon theory [16] Vril energy and Theosophy [17a] Scalar Wave Theory [17b] Failed CIA experiments into Scalar Wave Theory [18] Paracelsus, Sophic Salt, and the Tria Prima [19] The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus [20] Splendor Solis, The Green Lion Devouring the Sun [21] The Lost Continent of Lemuria and the New Age [22] Koot Hoomi, Theosophy, and the Ascended Masters [23] The Besantine Tulpa [24] Neoshamanism [25] Yakub, The Nation of Islam [26] Perdurabo [27] The Second Coming, [28] Yeats and Alistair Crowley
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So I do not believe that Alistair looks elven ENOUGH for it to be plain and crystal clear that he has elven blood. His ears are pointed at the tip, the top folded over to make a little pinch. It could just be a normal quirk of physicality.
He himself thinks that Goldanna's mother was his own mother, and so he thinks that he is human. If he ends up King he provides for her and her children after the Blight when all of his friends have dispersed and he is getting lonely. Goldanna, of course, still wants nothing to do with him. But I imagine at least one of her children might be curious about their uncle, the King.
I suspect that he looks elven enough that it was one of the reasons Eamon relented to giving Alistair up to the abbey (that and Cailan proving malleable to his uncle's manipulations). But I think it still comes as a surprise and shock to him that people really think it, and that at least for a long while, he does not.
I also believe that that would be part of the reason for the inquest into Alistair's parentage (canon) that happens after the end of the Fifth Blight. The inquest is "inconclusive" as it is in canon. But he knows people suspect.
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Addendum post fall 4
@delta-hexagon @littjara-compleated-sage
Melira ran towards Urabrask's room, meeting Alistair at one junction and Jazal at a second.
He handed her a stack of papers, folded open a graph,
"What's this?" She asked.
"Comparison of the syringes used by the Sleepers six months ago and two days ago." Jazal said.
"They share similarities but aren't the same?" Melira said handing them back to the Leonin, "we're on a clock. Explain fast in common please, we have an intruder heading for Urabrask's room."
"The syringe they injected him with six months ago contained blood from at least one, if not more, of the other praetors. He fought that one off no problem. The syringe from two days ago contained Glistening Oil from the Urborg swamps."
Melira slowed, "What?"
"Since New Phyrexia failed, maybe they're trying Old Phyrexia?" Alistair said.
"... Would explain why it made him sick... His rooms are right up ahead."
They turned a corner in time to see Slobad, and his new body of iron, tap the keypad for Urabrask's door.
"Slobad?" Melira called.
The goblin stopped and slowly glanced at her with oil black eyes, before turning and heading into the room.
Hovering above an endless sea of crystal clear oil and a sky of warm golden sunlight, Urabrask spoke with an invisible force that seemed to want to aid him.
"Yes, I want something that can give the Xan the few benefits of being Phyrexian without the numerous drawbacks. But I don't even know how to make something like that, let alone reproduce it." He said
The voice and warm air circles him, "Do you know how a body fights a virus?"
"Y-eah? Its immune system tags the foreign body and the immune cells eat it. Why?"
"Because your body doesn't do that. At least not with the virus in the Glistening Oil. It recognizes it, despises it and releases unique antibodies that cause your normally destructive immune cells... To envelope it, break it down and rebuild it."
Urabrask felt a warm hand on his face, "You've already found your blood contains its own nanites, too. They're constantly being reabsorbed by your body and made again when they've gotten too old. The ones in the oil are also being covered with these special antibodies, that cause your nanites to attack and reprogram them."
"Rebuilt and reprogrammed into... What, exactly?" Urabrask asked.
He flinched as a searing pain ran down his spine to the tip of his tail. He brought it to his face and spied a stinger like device, half-way between hypodermic and scorpion, dripping glimmering golden oil.
"The future. Time to wake up; your assassin is here and longs to be free of Old Phyrexia's grip."
Urabrask's eyes snapped open at the same time the lumbering form of Slobad, eyes black as oil, raised his massive hammer above his head. Without a second thought, Urabrask twisted his prone body and lashed out with his tail, the newly formed needle-like tip piercing even Slobad's iron armor.
The goblin gasped as golden light flooded through his veins and he dropped the hammer to the side. The light continued to flow throughout his body and as his eyes blazed gold his goblin torso fell from its mooring within the metal carapice. The stinger tore free from his flesh and Urabrask leaned up on his elbow as Melira ran into the room.
He shook his head, "See about him first." Urabrask pointed at the tiny body slumped against the ground.
Melira stepped forward and crouched beside the goblin,
"He's alive... But whatever you did to him... Its killing off the Glistening Oil. I can't sense it anymore."
As she rose with Slobad in her arms, Jazal stepped into the room in his Crystallian form, green crystal bow cocked,
"Everything alright?" He asked.
Urabrask collapsed back to the bed, "I have no" he cursed in phyrexian, "idea, but I certainly hope so."
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Empire Line (Part 2/3) Newt Scamander x Reader
Warnings: angst. Yeah loooooook I’m sorry…it’s been a rough year
Summary: Newt has been in love with you since your second year at Hogwarts. You have been in love with Newt for nearly as long. You’re both ridiculously oblivious and you think he has feelings for Tina. Will Newt set the record straight before he loses you for good? (Newt for present day Newt and other Newt in italics for future Newt)
Pairings: Newt Scamander x Reader, Reader x OC (super brief) A/N: This is part 2- and actually the first part I ever wrote of this story when I was feeling particularly angsty. Sorry Newt ☹
Title: Empire Line by The National – this band has saved my life honestly . Love u 5 sad dads
Taglist (I LOVE YALL): @auror-lovie @moonkissk7 @sagittarius-flowerchild @fishdonttouch @cal-ifornication @haileygarciasunshine @cherryobx @swiftspaperings @tillyreads
“Alistair’s moving to South America to research the flora and fauna over there.”
Newt only blinked back at you dumbly, so you spoke up again.
“I said I’d go with him.”
“Newt?” You called his name when he just stood there staring at you wordlessly.
He blinked a few times slowly and his eyes focused back on you, though he was still dazed “sorry what?”
“I said, I’m moving to South America. Alistair asked me to go with him. We leave in a month” You repeated yourself slowly, looking at Newt in concern when he still didn’t respond.
There was a ringing in Newt’s ears as he stood in front of you, gaping at you like a fish out of water. A month. You were leaving in a month.
“Newt,” you reached out towards him and Newt suddenly jumped into action, dodging your touch.
“Oh wow!...that’s great Y/N, I’m really happy for you.” He managed to muster up a fake bright smile and a believable tone despite the way his heart was threatening to shatter in his chest.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his enthusiastic response and you couldn’t help but feel a little put out that he was seemingly so excited for you to leave.“Thanks.” You paused “so what did you have to tell me?”
Newt managed to keep the smile plastered onto his face as he looked back at you “oh, just that the baby occamies finally hatched,” he said without missing a beat.
It wasn’t a complete lie because it was true- the occamies had hatched. It just wasn’t what he’d been meaning to tell you, but he knew now he’d lost his chance and he needed to remove himself before he completely crumbled in front of you.
So, he clapped his hands, causing you to startle slightly “right! I should get to bed now. I just wanted to tell you about the occamies. I’ll see you in the morning.” He spoke rapidly, not looking at you once before he was practically sprinting to his room and slamming the door behind him just as the first tear fell from his eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Several weeks had passed now and everything had continued on as usual between you and Newt.
It had been a little tense and awkward the day after you’d broken the news to Newt but when you’d wrapped him up in a tight hug the following night he couldn’t help but melt and realise he didn’t want to spend your last few weeks together moping around and avoiding you.
So he continued on treating you like he usually would, blissfully denying all knowledge of you leaving him at the end of the month.
You were due to leave in exactly one week now and Newt was in the kitchen fixing himself a cup of tea after breakfast. He felt his stomach drop when he noticed the empty spot on the window sill where you usually kept some of your framed photos on display. You had already started packing your possessions away slowly but surely.
He sighed sadly to himself as he stared at the window ledge, looking up when you appeared beside him, grasping his arm.
“Hey, I was thinking we could go for a picnic by the lake today? For old times sake.” You suggested with a soft smile.
Newt turned to face you, shaking his head with an apologetic smile “I’d love to but I’m meeting with the owner of Flourish and Blotts today about stocking my book.”
“Oh! No Newt that’s wonderful!” You gushed, smiling brightly at him and he only felt more miserable realising he only had a week left of seeing that smile.
“Oh, don’t look so down, we can just go tomorrow. Go and sell your book!” You grasped his shoulders, bouncing on your heels excitedly “you can tell me all about it when you get back.”
The pure excitement on your face managed to pull him from his sour mood and he soon found himself smiling back at you. “Okay picnic tomorrow,” he nodded, laying his hands over your arms as you were still gripping his shoulders.
The both of you stood there for a few moments in each other's arms, gazing back at one another. Newt was the first to look away, clearing his throat as he glanced down at his watch “I better go. I’ll be back before dinner.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Not much later he found himself wandering down Diagon Alley with his case in hand. He’d made good time, so he decided to stop in at some of the other shops in search of a farewell gift for you.
A set of earrings caught his eye and he was busy trying to see the price of them as his case began to rattle in his hand. He looked down just in time to see the unmistakable flurry of dark fur that was his Niffler, bolting across the street.
“Get back here!” Newt groaned, fixing the loose clasp on his case before he dashed after the creature, wondering what on earth had caught his attention over the jewellery store he’d just left behind.
He groaned again when he saw the Niffler scurrying into what appeared to be a tiny shop selling nothing but mirrors and he quickly followed after the creature.
“Merlin,” Newt breathed out when he was in the shop, feeling disoriented when he was standing in the middle of a room that held what must have been hundreds of mirrors in all different shapes and sizes along the walls.
He saw absolutely no sign of the Niffler, in fact there was absolutely no movement in the shop save for himself and the faint trail of what he assumed was incense swirling above his head.
“Ah you must be the Magizoologist, I‘ve been expecting you. A couple months late but nevertheless, welcome my boy.”
Newt spun around when he heard a rugged voice, tipping his head aside with furrowed brows when he saw a complete stranger standing before him. It was tall and slim elderly man with long, scraggly white hair and disarmingly blue eyes.
“I’m sorry?” Newt frowned as the man walked towards him. “I don’t believe we’ve met…” He trailed off and his eyes widened as the strange man grasped his face in his palms, inspecting him closely.
“...yet you seem to know me…”, Newt squeaked, standing stock still as the man continued to look him over. He knew he probably should have been running from the strange man, or at the very least should have felt some shred of concern or discomfort but the man had a strangely welcoming aura about him.
“Yes. Newton Artemis Fido Scamander!” The man suddenly burst out, causing Newt to flinch slightly “You may call me Janus, if you so wish. I will also respond to Mr.Galloglass, sometimes even Mr.G but let’s not get ahead of ourselves shall we?”, Mr. Galloglass said, patting Newt a few times on the cheek with a wry smile before he finally released him from his hold.
Mr. Galloglass swiftly turned away from Newt, his long tweed coat swishing behind him as he began inspecting a particular row of mirrors “I believe you’ve lost something yes? Your little echidna looking thing. Such cheeky little creatures those ones are. I suppose he’s not the reason you’re late to see me though,” the old man rambled on as he continued to inspect the mirrors.
Newt was still stood frozen on the spot as he stared at the eccentric old man, wondering what on earth he was rambling on about and how he knew who he was. He was about to ask him exactly that when Mr.Galloglass suddenly rushed over to him again.
He yanked Newt’s left hand into his own causing Newt to grunt in surprise. Galloglass lifted it close to his face and began inspecting his palm with wide eyes. “What on ear-“
“Ah! You’re at an Empire Line young man”, he exclaimed, looking up at Newt and then back down at his palm, raising his eyebrows “no correction! You’re on an Empire Line that is juuuuust about to split.”
Newt felt his frustration bubbling to the surface when Mr. Galloglass only made less and less sense but then something behind the man caught his eye. He let out a breath of realisation when he spotted the crystal ball that was sat atop the small table in the adjoining room.
“You’re a seer?” Newt cut in, looking back at the man quizzically.
“Like my father and grandfather before me,” Mr. Galloglass confirmed, thrusting Newt into the adjoining room without any warning until he stood in front of the biggest mirror in the entire shop. It was about a foot taller than Newt and it had a dark ornate frame.
“In you go!”, Mr. Oldridge pushed Newt towards the mirror but Newt resisted, looking back at the man in the murky reflection in utter confusion and mild alarm “what?!”
“You want to know what an Empire Line is and besides, that’s where your Niffler ran off to. You know what they say- there’s no time like the present!”
He cackled at his own joke and pushed Newt forward again with much more force this time and Newt staggered forward, trying to catch himself on the mirror instinctively and yelping when he only fell through the surface.
And as he fell through it the mirror he suddenly recalled the words of his brother.
“...You need to tell her before you have to watch her move on with someone who can never love her like you do...”
Newt gasped when he stumbled to his feet and he was miraculously standing by the doorway inside of a huge cathedral.
The first thing he noticed was the rows and rows of people packed into the stalls, his eyes then taking in the floral arrangements that sat on the end of each row.
It must be a wedding.
It was incredibly loud, he realised because the organ was blaring what must have been the processional. He fidgeted anxiously as he took in his surroundings and he only grew more confused when he spotted a rather grim looking Theseus standing in the front row of stalls by the altar of the church.
His brother's gaze seemed to be transfixed on the front of the church and Newt followed his line of sight, his eyes widening and jaw dropping when he saw HIMSELF standing at the front of the church dressed in a fancy suit.
What on earth was happening?
What did Galloglass mean by an Empire Line?
Was he seeing his future?
His eyes quickly scanned the line of people this other version of himself was standing beside, realising he didn’t recognise a single one of the groomsmen.
There was a complete stranger standing where the Groom would traditionally stand and Newt furrowed his brows. What was he doing at a strangers wedding?...he realised though that he did recognise a fair few of the guests sat on the same side as Theseus.
He spun around when the bridal party began to enter the cathedral and his eyes widened when he caught sight of Tina and Queenie all dressed up and walking gracefully down the carpeted aisle.
“Tina...Queenie!” he waved at the sisters, trying desperately to catch their attention and frowning when they didn’t notice him at all.
He recognised the next woman in the processional as Mona, your childhood friend followed by your sister and Newt began to notice the dread settling in his stomach.
He had a niggling feeling that no one could see or hear him in this strange reality he’d been tossed into and his suspicions were proven correct just a minute later.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as the guests all turned to face the entrance of the cathedral in anticipation.
He turned to face the doorway too, his ears ringing and his heart pounding when he saw you enter the church in a huge white gown. The veil you wore was completely obscuring your face but he knew it was you.
“Y/N”, he called out, reaching for you instinctively and only growing more distressed when his hand passed through your arm. You clearly couldn’t see him. No one could see or hear him and he felt tears well in his eyes as he watched you make your way down the aisle towards the unknown man.
The other Newt had a small smile plastered on his face but it didn’t meet his eyes as he watched you stop in front of the groom, letting the other man take your hands. It was clear to see that he was dying inside.
It was like his own personal hell. Everything was wrong.
Firstly, why were you getting married in a church? You weren’t religious and you’d always told him how you wanted to be married outdoors in a small garden ceremony.
Why were there white roses everywhere? You loved vibrant colours and despised roses.
The floral arrangements weren’t anything like you would usually choose and that dress was nothing like any dress you’d ever worn before.
You looked...out of place and he was certain it wasn’t just because it should have been him stood where the groom was. He had admittedly fantasised about what it might be like to marry you one day and this ceremony was clearly the polar opposite in every single respect.
Nothing made sense. You weren’t visibly brimming with joy like you would normally be when you were excited. Usually your excitement was infectious but here you looked like a robot. Even Tina and Queenie looked concerned standing beside you.
And the groom. Newt swallowed thickly as he took him in properly, his stomach churning at the smarmy and almost smug smile the man wore.
The ceremony carried on for what felt like hours and Newt resigned himself realising there was nothing he could do to stop it. Here he was just a fly on the wall. He had to look away when the groom tipped you back, planting a firm kiss on your lips and clutching you against himself as the guests applauded and the other groomsmen cheered.
The last thing he noticed was the look of utter defeat on the other Newt’s face before his surroundings rapidly changed.
He gasped when the room suddenly morphed around him and he was now standing inside a hospital room, seeing you looking tired and worn out in a hospital bed. You were clutching a tiny baby in your arms with the other Newt by your side, watching you in concern.
He watched as you looked up at the other Newt, taking his hand tiredly “thank you for being here...I don’t think I could have done this on my own”, you murmured. He watched this slightly older version of himself squeeze your hand and bend down to drop a kiss to the top of your head “I will always be here when you need me...but he really should have been here, Y/N.”
“Oh Newt, you know he’s on a business trip. It’s fine.” you said quietly, looking down at the baby in your arms as he watched the other Newt clench his jaw in response. He found himself mirroring the action.
Your husband wasn’t here with you for the birth of your baby?
What kind of man had you gone and married?
You looked so tired and sad and not at all like the Y/N, he knew and loved.
Newt was broken from his musings when a nurse entered the room and he took one last look at the look of sad resignation on your face before the room suddenly shifted around him again.
This time he was thrown into a chair at a large dining table and he blinked a few times, gripping the table to steady himself. Now he was sitting across from you and the other Newt watching as you poured him a cup of tea, a young toddler hugged to your side.
Some time had clearly passed because you were both a little older and he assumed the child in your arms was the same baby from just before. You were still breathtakingly beautiful but now you looked frail, the smile never quite reaching your eyes as you spoke with your friend over tea.
And he could tell from the way the other Newt was staring at you, hanging off your every word that he was still just as in love with you even though you’d married and started a family with someone else.
“Y/N, where is he? From your letters...it sounds like he’s always alway.”
You laughed bitterly and looked away from the other Newt, turning the wedding band on your finger shakily “He’s probably off screwing his assistant.”
Newt felt his blood run cold and he opened his mouth to talk before he realised that you couldn’t see him and the other Newt looked completely affronted as he set his tea cup down with too much force, shattering the saucer on the table.
“He’s cheating on you!?”, he asked, his voice high and strained as he quickly cleared up the mess he’d made, shooing you away when you tried to help. The last thing you needed was to cut your hand open trying to help him.
You watched him fumble around for a few moments before you quickly cast a mending charm on the broken porcelain, sitting back in your chair and shrugging. “Has been for years. Dozens of different women and he thinks I’m too stupid to know. I’ll never be enough for him.” you murmured, blinking back the tears in your eyes as you pressed a kiss to the top of your daughters head.
The other Newt took your hands in his own, looking at you in concern “Y/N you are more than enough. You deserve the world. You deserve someone loyal who will care for you and be there to support you no matter what”, he said passionately, pausing a moment before he murmured.
“Why do you stay with him?”
“Because I want what’s best for her,” you said without hesitation, nodding down at your daughter in your arms as you sniffled slightly “and I’m not getting any younger, Newt. At least he wants me.”
He watched as the other Newt opened his mouth to speak again but you continued talking and what you said next sent both Newt’s into shocked silence.
“You know I was in love with you for the longest time?”, you laughed self deprecatingly as you pulled your hands out of his “I dreamt about being Mrs. Scamander. I always thought you would make the most incredible husband and father.”
“Y/N”, the other Newt breathed, his eyes big and his lips parted but you shook your head before he could say anything more.
“Oh, how things change,” you murmured, wiping your eyes while you held your daughter tight against you in your other arm.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The ringing returned in Newt’s ears as he was abruptly thrust out of the mirror and left sitting on the floor of the shop again. He stared down at his knees in shock as he felt Mr.Galloglass’ hands gripping his shoulders.
“You alright there, son?”, the man asked gruffly as he shook him slightly by the shoulders and Newt jumped to his feet quickly facing the man “I-yes I have to go! I must find the Niffler and leave immediately”, he said, searching around frantically.
He had to go to you.
But Mr. Galloglass grabbed his arm firmly, gesturing back at the mirror that was starting to ripple again “your creature is still in there. I sense the mirror’s not done with you yet my boy.” He murmured, his eyes glazing over with that faraway look again.
“You have more to see before you leave this place.”
The older man pushed Newt firmly towards the mirror again and Newt sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes tightly as he stepped back through the mirror frame, praying he wasn’t faced with something as horrible again.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This time as he stepped through the frame Tina’s words popped into his mind.
“You should make the most of all the precious time you have together. Our time is never promised.”
The words seemed rather ominous considering what he’d just seen in his previous venture but as his surroundings became clear he felt a false sense of relief just from the familiarity of it.
This time he found himself standing in his flat in London, facing another Newt again who was sitting at the small dining room table, talking with Pickett.
He seemed to be the same age here but the first thing Newt noticed about the apartment was that all of your belongings were gone. Every single one of your plants that were usually adorning every surface of the flat were gone and it made his chest hurt to think about it.
Did you end up going to South America? Was this his closest reality then?
He watched this other version of himself curiously, noticing how happy he looked as he leant on the table talking to the Bowtruckle who seemed to be just as excited “yes Pickett, she’ll be here tomorrow and we’ll go and meet her at the docks and...and bring her home,” the other Newt murmured, smiling back at Pickett who danced around excitedly.
“Maybe it’s about time I ask her to stay,” he whispered, resting his chin in his palm with a small smile.
Newt looked up from the pair when he heard knocking at the front door, moving towards it on instinct and pausing when he remembered that he was just an onlooker here.
The other Newt got to his feet slowly, his eyebrows drawn together, shaking his head in response to Pickett’s chirping “no she’s not supposed to be here yet...but yes I suppose she could surprise us”.
The idea of you surprising him with an early arrival had him quickly walking to the door with a bright smile. He yanked the door open half expecting it to be you.
“Theseus?”, he frowned, the smile dropping from his face completely when he saw the tears shining in his brother’s eyes and he stepped back when Theseus pushed him into the apartment.
Newt watched the scene before him, the sense of dread settling in his stomach once again. He’d never seen his brother cry before.
“T-Theseus what’s wrong?”, the other Newt stuttered, moving to the kitchen to fetch him a cup of tea and freezing when Theseus grabbed his wrist, shaking his head “Newt, sit down.”
“No tell me what’s wrong”, he said, gripping Theseus by the shoulders, watching as his brother blinked hard a few times, furiously rubbing at his eyes a moment later.
“Theseus talk to me.”
And then.
“The ship Y/N was on went down last night. Rogue wave.”
Theseus was gutted himself because he loved you like a little sister after the years you’d spent gradually slotting yourself into the Scamander’s lives. But he was truly hurting for his little brother, knowing how this news would break him.
Newt slapped his hand to his mouth, shaking his head furiously as he paced around the apartment trying to see the portal out of this reality and back through the mirror as the other Newt gaped at his older brother, his face gone pale.
“No no no she...she had her wand. She would have found a way out!”
“Newt I’m sorry she didn’t m-‘
“No! She can swim and she’s smart- s—s-she can swim better than me” the other Newt stuttered, his voice cracking as he gripped the back of the chair for support, feeling his legs would give out any moment.
“She didn’t make it, Newt.” Theseus said firmly, wrapping his arms around his younger brother tightly and gripping the back of his head as the first sobs broke through the apartment.
Newt was starting to cry himself, finding it harder and harder to breathe as he listened to the guttural sobs coming from his other self. It felt like the room was closing in on him and his chest was starting to physically ache. He covered his ears and chanted.
“It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real,” he kept chanting like a mantra, reminding himself over and over that this was just another reality and that his Y/N was safe and sound at home. In your shared apartment.
He barely noticed the room had morphed around him again until it was quiet and he was standing in his now dark apartment, facing a very disheveled and clearly drunk Newt. There was rubbish littered everywhere and Newt noticed the discarded newspaper with a photo of you and himself on the front page. He skimmed the article, wiping his tears away.
So, you’d drowned after you’d dropped your wand trying to help a young muggle child onto a life raft. Newt felt his stomach twist at that because it was something you would do.
Why didn’t anyone save you?
He sat down at the table across from the other Newt, burying his face in his hands as he pleaded for the mirror to let him out of this hell scape.
He jumped a bit when Tina and Queenie suddenly appeared in front of him, both of them looking somber as they moved towards the other Newt.
Queenie gripped him by the shoulders gently while Tina pried the bottle of fire-whiskey from his hands
“Newt, honey you’ve got to stop this.”
Queenie practically pleaded, stroking his hair back. She had her own tears threatening to spill because she could hear all the pain and guilt he was feeling.
“It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have stopped it”, she whispered, jumping a bit when he slammed his hand down on the table in response.
“I COULD HAVE STOPPED IT!”, he shouted, his voice hoarse while Newt continued to sit there with his head pressed in his hands, vowing to never let you set foot on a ship without him.
“Newt, nothing can change it now! You need to accept it and move on”, Tina said firmly, pushing her sister aside as she stood in front of him, pulling him to his feet.
“Y/N is gone and she’s never coming back. You need to pull yourself together because you still have a whole case of creatures to care for. Theseus can’t keep taking care of them for you. That man is at his wits end. And Y/N wouldn’t want you moping around like this!”
Newt only looked up when Tina’s ranting finally stopped and he was met with silence. He was now completely alone sitting in front of your tombstone.
It was as if something inside him broke then and he found himself scrambling to his feet and shaking his head frantically when he noticed a bunch of your favourite flowers propped against the stone.
“No no no no no let me out I’ve had enough! Niffler!” He shouted, desperately looking for any way out of the mirror as he grew more and more hysterical.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He let out a gasp, hunched over and gripping his knees when he was thrust back into the shop. “You!” He shouted, grabbing Mr. Galloglass by his collar.
“Why did you keep me in there so long?!” he practically growled, tears still flowing from his eyes. He felt completely wrecked as he held the man's collar tightly in his grip, trying to get a grasp on his true reality as he stared at the man “tell me where my Niffler is!” he demanded, his eyes wild.
Mr. Galloglass sighed and pulled Newt’s hands away from his collar, smiling apologetically at the young man.
“I don’t have any say in this. Only the mirror can decide what you see and when it’s finished. You obviously have more to learn.”
“NO I do NOT have more to learn!”, Newt snapped, grabbing his case “I’ve seen plenty and I need to go home right now!”
He spotted a familiar flurry of dark fur scurrying by and he set his case down, reaching towards the creature.
“No YOU get back here!” he said , lunging forward when he saw the Niffler, chasing after him once again through the mirror before he could stop himself.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This time there were no words or phrases echoing in his mind. He was greeted with only silence as he fell on his ass once again into his apartment and he saw you in the kitchen.
You were clearly pregnant and he shook his head as he stood up quickly. He felt the bile rise in his throat as he faced the wall that he had just come through.
“NO LET ME OUT! I am DONE I have seen enough! I have learnt my lesson just let me out!” He shouted, pounding his fists against the wall and letting out a cry of frustration when nothing happened. He begrudgingly turned to face you when you called his name.
This time you looked happy and healthy and Newt wondered if you’d married the same scumbag from the earlier reality. But his heart stopped in his chest when he saw yet another version of himself take you into his arms and press a loving kiss to your lips.
He watched on in utter shock as you kissed this other Newt back with the brightest smile on your lips as you wrapped your arms around him.
And Newt wondered if it was possible to be jealous of himself?
He stared at you completely astounded, feeling a warmth blossoming in his chest at the way you were gazing at the other Newt. And the way you had wrapped your body around his, clinging to him like he was your very own life raft.
The room morphed around him much faster than he had hoped and he found himself standing behind the two of you in a baby’s nursery. He watched the two of you kiss the baby in your arms before you set him down in his crib, still holding each other close.
Newt blinked when the room shifted suddenly again and this time he was standing on platform 9 3/4 staring at you standing tucked into the other Newt’s side as you waved your two children off onto the Hogwarts Express.
Newt only felt his chest swell more as he watched the other Newt press a kiss to your temple, his hand coming to rest on your stomach that was round with another baby on the way.
He huffed and closed his eyes when the room started to morph again, this time at super speed showing him flashes of this alternate reality. He couldn’t breathe again but it was for all the right reasons as he watched literally all of his dreams and more unfold before him.
He felt a few tears slip from his eyes when he was left standing still once more.
This time you had both grown old and you were sitting together hand in hand in Newt’s case, watching small children which he assumed to be your grandchildren, running around.
He watched as you tipped your face upwards to press a kiss to the other Newt’s lips and he could just make out you murmuring the words ‘I love you’ before his attention was taken by the Niffler that was bolting towards him.
He quickly crouched down and held his hands out for the creature “come here you!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Newt let out a sigh when he was back in the mirror shop, facing Mr. Galloglass once again with the Niffler clutched in his hands. He made quick work of setting the creature back into his case and making sure it was latched properly this time before he turned back to face the mirror. He lay his hand against the cool glass as he took in everything he’d just seen.
He couldn’t even begin to decipher what he was feeling right now because he was simultaneously traumatised by the reality in which you drowned and elated by the prospect of calling you his wife and spending his life with you.
Then he rubbed a hand down his face when he remembered Mr. Galloglass and turned to face the man, hoping to apologise to him for shouting at him but the man just waved his hand dismissively before Newt could talk.
“Don’t worry about it, son. You just go and do what you need to do,” the old man murmured, clapping him on the shoulder firmly before guiding him back out of the shop and Newt turned around to nod at him one last time before he took off down the street with his case in hand.
Finally, all of his fears and all of the worst-case scenarios he’d conjured up in his mind faded into white noise and all that mattered now was telling you of his devotion.
It was settled. He was going to tell you the truth once and for all and nothing was going to stop him. He never even found out what Mr.Galloglass meant by Empire Line.
-Other Works Here!-
#newt scamander x you#newt scamander x reader#Newton Artemis Fido Scamander#newt scamander x y/n#newt scamander imagine#newt scamander angst
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how does alistair propose to lana? :3 in canon first and foremost, but if it's cool, modern au as well? :D
Modern au I’ll post later, but in the meantime, here’s canon! :3
The sky was a swirl of pink and white as the air began to cool with the setting of the sun. From the hill they sat on, Alistair could just make out the forms of a pack of nugs as they scurried into brush to ready for the night while birds made their last rounds in the sky. It had been years since they ended the Blight. Years of Lana tirelessly working as Warden-Commander of Ferelden, of Alistair loyally standing at her side in constant support as he watched her settle into the confidant woman he had always seen hiding behind her past. The years had forced them apart at times, never longer than they could stand, and always returning to one another with eager embraces. They never found a need for a reminder of why they loved one another. Here, sitting on the hill in a rare moment of peace and quiet, legs pressed against one another as they fiddled with wildflowers, they had all the reasons they would ever need.
Alistair looked down at his hands as he fumbled with the picked flowers. They had done this before, made a habit of it when they had time alone, just the two of them - braiding wildflowers wherever they sat together, a way of giving Lana something to busy her hands with that didn't involve her post. Alistair smiled as he glanced at hers, not perfect by any means but still miles better than his ever were. He had accused her of practicing while he had been gone, unable to hide his grin as she scolded him for such a thought. She had perfected the shape, though, connecting the loops at just the right intervals now to fit his head perfectly once she was done.
“It must have been difficult,” Alistair commented, returning his eyes to the nearly finished crown in his hand. Wildflowers of pink and yellow weaved together haphazardly, mixing with bits of crystal grace he had picked along the way as they walked towards the hill.
“Hm?” Lana smiled as she turned her attention to him. Alistair felt a shiver run down his spine as the warmth from her gaze combatted the cooling of the day.
“When I was gone. It must have been difficult… Finding someone with the same size head as me to practice your crowns on.” Alistair grinned wildly as Lana shoved him at his shoulder with a scowl.
“It would have been impossible to find a warden in all of Ferelden with a skull as thick as yours,” she retorted.
“That why you send me off to do your dirty work? Because of my thick skull?” He teased. His fingers weaved in his last piece of crystal grace, and he turned the lopsided crown in his hands as if inspecting it.
“It is,” Lana sighed with a nod. “Although, you've gotten better as well, Alistair. I should be suspicious that you spent all your time finding someone with long enough ears to balance it correctly, instead of delivering that document.”
“Yes, there were loads of flowers and stems to practice on in Orzammar, not to mention elven women with ears as fine as yours,” he chuckled. Alistair watched as Lana continued working on the flowers in her hands. She was slower than him, spending more time carefully and thoughtfully constructing the crown. It was probably why hers always looked much tidier than his, he thought. But then, she always seemed to glow brighter than the setting sun whenever he placed hers on her head, even on the occasion he made it too big and it slid to become more of a necklace than a crown. As he waited for her to finish and for them to exchange, he stared at the green grass, picking nervously at the strands in front of him.
“Are you happy, Lana?” Alistair asked. He could see her smile in his peripheral, and he hummed in appreciation as she leaned just a little more against his side.
“Six years ago I would have never expected to become comfortable being Warden-Commander. It still feels strange sometimes, but having you at my side makes it infinitely easier.”
“I meant with us, but I should have known you're all work, work, work,” he sighed. He smiled as she laughed, holding the finished crown in front of her.
“I wouldn't make flower crowns for just any of my lovers,” she teased.
“Then I am a lucky man,” he said, grinning as she placed the crown on his head. She was getting better at it. He could feel it fit more snug than usual, not sliding even as he looked down to pick his from the ground. The first time she had shown him how, his had fallen apart when lifting it towards her head. That was years ago, and now he felt confident knowing that, though lopsided and weighed with too many flowers, it would hold. His heart swelled as he placed the crown on her. It sat on the parietal of her head, balancing on the tip of her ears as it threatened to slip from the weight of the flowers. But still, she glowed, smiling from ear to ear as her cheeks blushed just as red as the first time, the flowers so out of place with their scratched up armor. Maker, but she was perfect.
“Marry me. Right now. Right here.” The words left Alistair as more of a mumble than anything. Rare were the moments he became nervous around her these days, but suddenly he found the request more terrifying to ask than fighting a horde of darkspawn alone. Lana had frozen, her eyes still locked to his as the red spread from her cheeks and filled her ears to the tips.
“But there's… There's no one here to marry us,” she said. She bit at her lower lip, unable to contain the smile that grew on her face and caused his to grow in time.
“I don't care,” Alistair said. He took her hands into his, thumbs caressing the back of her hands as his eyes traveled her image. “The Maker can be our witness. Or, that… That nug over there. I know it seems to be more interested in chewing on its foot, but that's… Beside the point. The point is, I love you, Lana. And I… I don't think I can stand one minute not being tied to you for eternity.”
“Oh, Alistair,” Lana sighed. She smiled as she slipped a hand from his to rest on his face. Her thumb drew gentle circles on his cheek as he leaned into her touch, eyes watching her with a determination and passion she had grown to know dearly. “The Maker knows I gave my heart and soul to you long ago. Surely, in His eyes, that bond can never be broken.”
Alistair pulled his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers as he held her close. The flowers from her crown pressed softly against his forehead, wrinkling where his fingers laced in the back of her hair. Being hers was the best decision he had ever made, that he was certain of. Each day he was allowed to hold her his heart would fill, and today he was almost certain would be the day it would finally burst. Maker, but he never wanted to be parted from her side again. Only for the most dire of situations would he allow it from then on, he decided. As his lips parted from hers, Alistair glanced to the side, squinting down the hill.
“Do you think that nug needs to sign anything?” Alistair asked, glancing around as he tried to locate the small creature.
“Alistair,” Lana laughed as she shook her head. She grabbed the collar of his padded armor, pulling him back down to her. And as his lips crashed to hers like a magnet that would never lose its way, he knew she was happy, and all he had ever wanted.
#Anonymous#alistair theirin#lana surana#alistair x warden#alistair x surana#lanistair#suranistair#dragon age#my ocs#fanfiction#my work
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The Falcon and the Rose: Feathers and Petals - Rest and Discretion
An extra scene from the latest chapter of Falcon, basically just an excuse for steamy fluff. NSFWish
Read it on AO3
The knock came on Rosslyn’s door just as she picked up the dry clothes her maid had left on her bed. Her boots were already set by the fire and her gambeson hung over the drier, still dripping mud.
“Who is it?” she called out.
She frowned and padded over to the door, still in her socks. “Alistair?”
“You’re supposed to say, ‘Hutch who?’” He was leaning in the doorway with a rakish grin, and tutted at her as she stood back to let him pass over the threshold. “And then I would have said, ‘It sounds like you’re coming down with a cold, let me kiss it better.’”
She chuckled and leaned up on tip-toe. “As if you need the excuse.”
He hummed into the kiss, but before he could slide his hands around her waist, she twisted out of his reach and gestured to her sodden workclothes.
“Give me a moment, I need to get into something dry.”
A blush leapt into his cheeks and he stared, rubbing at the back of his neck as he scrambled for something to say. “I should’ve waited longer to visit – I only saw you were back and, uh… Should I come back later?”
“Just sit over there.” She gestured to the the fire. “I won’t be long. You didn’t come for anything in particular, did you?”
“Only to spend time with the woman I love,” he teased, obediently following her suggestion.
She couldn’t help but flash a grin back at him, and her eyes lingered on his silhouette as she ducked behind her dressing screen, trying to will away the blush in her cheeks because despite the great care he was taking not to look in her direction, the tension in his shoulders and the straight line of his back as he sat on Lady Raina’s overstuffed sofa showed her just how aware he was of what she was doing. The soft ruffle her shirt made as she pulled it over her head and dropped it to the floor clamoured in the quiet room. Her breath passed too harshly between her lips. Self-conscious of her movements in a way that rarely affected her, she searched for a topic that would take attention away from the draught slinking around her back, and from the insidious thoughts that wondered what it might be like to have his hands there instead.
“I take it Cuno deserted you in search of his dinner?” she asked as she peeled herself out of her breeches.
Alistair startled. “Wha– oh, yes. He’s very insistent about being fed on time. Uh…” He fidgeted. “Is training going well?”
She nodded, and realised he couldn’t see. “Morale is better than expected, and everyone wants to be ready. Though some are wondering why we haven’t moved yet.”
“What do you tell them?”
“That we’re waiting on the king’s word.” With a sigh, she fastened the last tie on the fresh tunic and stepped out from behind the screen, smoothing down the folds of the material to make sure it lay properly against her skin, and when the creak of a floorboard made Alistair jump again, she chuckled. “You can look, I’m decent.”
The light of the fire danced in his smile as he turned and held his hand out to her, and as she stepped up beside him and linked their fingers, its heat making her shiver as it washed over her chilled flesh. Alistair tugged her down against his side, taking care to arrange himself so they would both be comfortable. A brief grimace pulled at his face when the wet end of her braid brushed against his arm, but he didn’t let her go.
“How’s this, my lady?”
“I’m quite content to never go outside again,” she replied as she nestled deeper against his chest. “You’re warm.”
“And happy to warm you up,” he answered, with a brief kiss to her forehead.
She sighed into the touch and relaxed. They hadn’t seen each other since before dawn, and while her brisk and busy morning had left her wanting to scream in frustration, now she found contentment in the silence, in the spit of the fire and the gentle chafe of Alistair’s palm along the length of her arm. His other hand traced shapes over her fingers, winding them together in an idle play like a conversation of its own, but every time the pad of her thumb swiped over his knuckles, her brow creased, just a little.
“Your hands are rough,” she murmured eventually, holding his knuckles up for inspection. The skin on the back of his fingers was flaky, stiff, dry like parchment.
He shifted above her. “They always get like that in the winter.” The words rumbled through his chest, a hum against her cheek. “Something about the cold or the wind, but it’s not as bad as it looks.” He tried to snag her fingers again, so she would stop worrying, but she ducked around the attempt and caught him again.
“The skin will break if it gets too bad,” she said. “Marten lets you go out like this in the morning?”
“I don’t think there’s much he can do about it, love.”
Finally, with a frustrated tut and a sigh, she let him go, but only so she could wriggle out of his grasp entirely.
“What –”
She stopped him with a kiss. “Wait here.”
His confusion followed her as she crossed the room, she heard the creak of the sofa as he craned his neck to watch her open the strongbox by her bed and rummage through the contents. The questions he held on the tip of his tongue all but shouted across the space between them, but finally she found what she was looking for and padded back to where he sat, brow furrowed and mouth twitching with a smile he couldn’t quite hide. She unstoppered the lid of the small pot she had brought back with her and held it up for him to sniff.
“It’s made with crystal grace.”
“What is it?” he asked.
“Give me your hand,” she answered, perching next to him so close her thigh pressed against his.
Slowly, and still with that bemused half-smile in his expression, he did as she asked, watching as she turned his palm over and scooped a little of the white salve from the pot she balanced on her knee, then wiped the glob onto his skin. Soft breath feathered against her cheek, but she focused on her task. He leaned closer as she pulled his hand further into her lap, as she stoppered the pot once more and laid it out of the way so she could use both her hands to spread the salve across his knuckles and massage it into his skin. The simple intimacy of the action brought a flutter to her chest, entranced her with the trust he placed in her and the way his skin moved under the press of her fingers. She traced the lines of tendons and muscles and his hand remained pliant because she asked it of him.
“This feels nice,” he breathed. His voice wobbled; she heard the sound as he swallowed.
She peeked a smile at him through her lashes. “This won’t fix it immediately – it’ll have to be done every day as it heals, and then any time it starts getting dry again. I’ve got spares, I can send a pot along to Marten later.”
“Does it have to be Marten?”
The softness in his voice made her pause. When she looked up, fingers still, the bronze of his eyes had all but disappeared in the low light, with only a narrow ring of colour left around the pupils like the halo of fire around an eclipse as he drank in the sight of her. His lips were parted. She forgot to breathe.
“Not if you’d rather it be someone else,” she managed, as his free hand tidied away the hair that had fallen down across her face.
He smiled at that, leaned down, tilted his head to press a kiss against her mouth that lingered, and teased just a little bit.
“Stop distracting me,” she chided, without breaking away.
“Am I distracting you?”
But he pulled back nonetheless to give her more room, looking far too satisfied with himself. For a moment, he seemed content to sit still, but his need to fidget proved too great and in one smooth movement he bent down and scooped her legs into his lap, so she was all but sitting on top of him.
“So you don’t have to twist around,” he explained with a grin, though she didn’t miss the way his free hand curled behind her knee, how it trailed the length of her calf to her ankle and back again. It was a delicate flirtation, but it made her toes curl against the cushions, and she had to focus to keep her breathing steady.
“Other hand?”
He obeyed, and she missed the touch along her leg. As he reached across to her, he leaned closer, sprawled his arm along the back of the sofa, and in the moment it took to place the pot of salve out of harm’s reach once more, he had drawn so close she would only have to tilt her chin to kiss him again.
“I should finish what I’m doing,” she murmured, already closing her eyes.
His nose nudged against hers as he shook his head. “But it already feels so much better. I should thank you for taking such good care of me.”
She couldn’t help her smile as he closed the last of the air between them, distracted just long enough that his fingers slipped her grasp, escaping to reach up and cup her jaw as he deepened the kiss. More of his weight pressed into her, sparking lightning down the length of her spine, fanning the ember at her heart that had been growing in strength since they emerged from the Circle tower. Her breath stalled in her chest. Her stomach clenched. The hand on her cheek moved down, brushing the length of her neck and over her shirt, and she would have tipped backwards if not for a tiny voice of alarm at the back of her mind that worried about greasemarks on the freshly laundered fabric, about how they might fall off the sofa completely if they fell too far. She caught his hand, pushed back, somehow curled her legs underneath her, and ended up straddled across his lap, one knee planted on either side of his hips.
She had never been in such a position, nor wanted to be there. Their hands, linked above Alistair’s head, helped her balance as she pulled away from the kiss, but stayed close enough for their breath to mingle, to swallow back the uncertainty of what to do next.
“This, uh…” he cleared his throat. “This feels nice.”
A nervous laugh fizzed in her chest as he searched her face. Almost without thought, she let go of his hands and cradled his face instead, shifting ever so slightly to rest her weight equally on either side of him, and noticing his brief glance downwards as his fingers settled lightly around her waist.
“Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?”
A blush had risen on his cheeks, his mouth swollen pink from the attention she had already given it. When he looked at her, the brightness of his eyes focused only on her. He tried a grin, but had to wet his lips before he could stammer out an answer.
“Every now and then,” he said. “There were some ladies in Denerim once, but they were… not like you. Nothing like you.”
The reverence in his voice made her breath catch, but unlike the last moment they had managed to steal together, her doubt never surfaced, even when his fingers twitched against the small of her back.
“Why?” he asked, breaking into her contemplation. “Is this your way of telling me you think I’m handsome?”
Smirking, with his pulse fluttering under her touch, she leaned down with her answer on the tip of her tongue, breathing in his scent, his care, and wanting more than just this strange tension as she held herself above him.
Someone knocked on the door. A male voice – one of her guards – called her name, requesting her to come on a matter of business. Blinking as if out of a daydream, she hissed a curse through her teeth and slid out of Alistair’s lap, back to his side, and buried her head in his shoulder like that alone might make her responsibilities go away. For a sour moment she wondered what Eamon had ever been worried about if the two of them never managed to get even half an hour alone together.
“We have rotten timing,” she grumbled as the knock came again, less certainly this time.
“Is it us, or is it everyone else?” He plucked at her chin and sighed as he pressed his forehead to hers. “You’d best go see what he wants.”
“I’ll be back,” she promised.
He smiled. “I hope so. I’ll be over here. Until the blushing stops.”
#dragon age#dragon age: origins#dragon age origins#da:o#alistair theirin#alistair x cousland#f!cousland#cousland#rosslyn cousland#the falcon and the rose
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RWBY Character Allusions
Ruby Rose -> Little Red Riding Hood 🌹(micro allusion in the early volumes: Dorothy from Wizard of Oz)
Weiss Schnee -> Snow White ❄️(micro allusion in the early volumes: Tin Man from Wizard of Oz - no heart)
Blake Belladonna -> Belle AND the Beast (as in combined cuz she’s clearly Belle but she’s also a faunus - Black the Beast descends from shadows 🐈), also yin (from ☯️) 💜 (micro allusion in the early volumes: Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz - runs away)
Yang Xiao Long -> Goldilocks, also yang (from ☯️), also kind of Belle from Beauty and the Beast (Yellow beauty burns gold) 💛Sunny little dragon 🐉(micro allusion in the early volumes: Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz - depicted as a dumb blonde)
Zwei -> Toto from Wizard of Oz 🐕
Professor Ozpin/Ozma -> THE Wizard of Oz 🧙🏼♂️
Oscar Pine -> Dorothy from Wizard of Oz (his aunt is Auntie Em), some ppl say he may be the Little Prince or Tip from WoO (I’m honestly not sure)
Glynda Goodwitch -> Glinda the good witch from Wizard of Oz 🧙🏻♀️
Qrow Branwen -> The Scarecrow from WoO and Muninn, one of Odin’s birds
General James Ironwood -> The Tinman from WoO
Leonardo Lionheart -> The Cowardly Lion from WoO
Professor Theodore -> Still unsure as we haven’t met him yet (in the actual show), some folks think Dorothy some think Scarecrow (in After the Fall and Before the Dawn he is apparently very Dorothy-like)
Jaune Arc -> Joan of Arc ✝️
Nora Valkyrie -> Thor ⚡️
Lie Ren -> Mulan 🌸💮
Pyrrha Nikos -> Achilles 🍁
Sun Wukong -> Sun Wukong aka The Monkey King (Journey to the West) 🐒
Neptune Vasilias-> Literally the god Neptune/Poseidon, only terrified of water 🌊🔱
Velvet Scarlatina -> Velveteen Rabbit 🐇
Coco Adel -> Hot cocoa and also kinda Coco Chanel
Fox Alistair -> Fox Hunter’s Pie and also potentially Fox and The Hound
Yatsuhashi Daichi -> Yatsuhashi is a Japanese treat, some ppl say Quasimodo?
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck -> Bartholomew and the Oobleck
Professor Peter Port -> Peter and the Wolf (One could also make an argument for Teddy Roosevelt)
Cardin Winchester -> The Cardinal of Winchester, Henry Beaufort (that judged Joan of Arc) ✝️
Cinder Fall -> Cinderella 🔥
Rhodes -> Colossus of Rhodes as well as possibly Rhodopis (one of the earliest known Cinderella type tales)
Emerald Sustrai -> Aladdin 💎
Mercury Black -> The god Mercury/Hermes
Roman Torchwick -> Romeo Candlewick/Lampwick (from Pinocchio)
Neo Politan-> Neapolitan Ice Cream (some ppl say Mary Poppins cuz of the umbrella, but I dunno) 🍦
Adam Taurus -> Gaston 🐐(He is also the Beast in some ways, but his main allusion in relation to Blake is Gaston)
Salem -> Rapunzel, but mostly the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz
The Grimm -> Named after The Brothers Grimm
Also many Grimm have very specific allusions, some of the more pertinent ones are:
Beowolf -> Representations of the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood (also the name is from an old English epic poem called Beowulf)
Ursa -> Representations of the bears from Goldilocks and the Three Bears
King Taijitu -> Taijitu is the proper Chinese name (in western letters) for the yin and yang symbol (it has two heads - a light and a dark one)
Death Stalker -> Potentially based on Scorpius/Scorpio from Greek mythology
Nevermore -> Reference to The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
Wyvern -> dragon/winged creature from western European mythology
Nuckelavee -> Based on a demon from Orcadian mythology
Seer -> Like a Grimm version of a crystal ball
Griffon -> Based on griffins from Greek mythology
Manticore -> Based on manticore from Persian mythology
Sabyr -> Saber tooth tiger
Sphinx -> Obvs based on Sphinx from Egyptian mythology
Winged Beringel -> Flying monkeys from WoZ
Sea Feilong -> Based on Chinese Flying Dragon
The Apathy -> Apathetic feelings (I.e. Like executive dysfunction/depression in Grimm form)
Leviathan -> Judeo-Christian sea monster/serpent
Monstra -> The giant whale from Pinocchio that swallows Geppetto
The Hound -> The Fox AND The Hound (Fox Faunus turned into a hound Grimm)
Tyrian Callows -> The scorpion from the Scorpion and the Frog story 🦂
Arthur Watts -> John Watson from Sherlock Holmes
Hazel Rainart -> Hansel from Hansel and Gretel
Penny Polendina -> Pinocchio
Pietro Polendina -> Geppetto from Pinocchio
Raven Branwen -> Huginn, one of Odin’s birds (she also gives me a Morrigan vibe from Irish mythology)
Taiyang Xiao Long -> Twin Dragons (his name roughly means great sunny little dragon) 🐉
Summer Rose -> The Last Rose of Summer 🌹
Vernal -> Vernal legit means springtime sooo.....
Ilia Amitola -> Kaa from Jungle Book (some ppl say Mowgli?)
Ghira Belladonna -> Bagheera from Jungle Book 🐆
Kali Belladonna -> Raksha, the mother wolf, and also kinda Kali the Hindu mother goddess of destruction?
Sienna Khan -> Shere Khan from Jungle Book 🐅
Corsac and Fennec Albain - Tabaqi from Jungle Book?
Klein Sieben -> The Seven Dwarves (all in one)
Jacques Schnee -> Jack Frost ❄️
Winter Schnee -> The Snow Queen ❄️
Whitley Schnee -> Mirror from Snow White (maybe? honestly I’m not sure) ❄️
Willow Schnee -> Queen Grimhilde, the Evil Queen from Snow White (that’s my best guess for her, anyways)❄️
Nicholas Schnee -> Possibly Santa Claus?
Neon Katt -> Nyan cat meme
Flynt Coal -> Flint Coal from Minecraft
Maria Calavera -> Legit the Grim Reaper
Jinn and Ambrosius-> Djinn/Genies 🧞♂️
Lil’ Miss Malachite -> Little Miss Muffet 🕷🕸
Caroline Cordovin -> The Lady in the Shoe 👞
Ace Ops -> Aesop’s Fables
Clover Ebi -> A Fisherman’s Good Luck 🎣
Vine Zeki -> The Elm and the Vine
Elm Ederne -> The Elm and the Vine
Harriet Bree -> Hare from Tortoise and the Hare 🐇
Marrow Amin -> The Dog and Its Reflection 🐕
Robyn Hill -> Robin Hood
Happy Huntresses -> Merry Men from Robin Hood
May Marigold -> Maid Marian
Fiona Thyme -> Friar Tuck
Joana Greenleaf -> Little John
Fria -> Blue Fairy from Pinocchio 🧚🏼♂️
Little -> The sleepy teacup Dormouse from the Mad Hatter’s tea party
Jabberwalker -> Jabberwocky
Alyx -> Alice in Wonderland
Red Prince -> Red Queen from Wonderland
Curious Cat -> Cheshire Cat
I’m not doing ALL of the characters, just the ones who have a bit more substance in the story.
Several of these are kind of guesses that I’m not sure about. Please don’t tear me apart if I’ve gotten something wrong, but I do take suggestions into mind. And let’s be real, in most cases we simply don’t know for sure unless CRWBY tells us. So unless Miles or Kerry or someone from CRWBY says FOR SURE who a character is based on, do not just tell me I am wrong because we simply don’t know. But if I missed something Miles or Kerry or someone more official in CRWBY has said, please feel free to tell me.
I will try to keep this updated.
#rwby#ruby rose#weiss schnee#Blake Belladonna#yang xiao long#jaune arc#JNPR#nora valkyrie#pyrrha nikos#lie ren#qrow branwen#robyn hill#oscar pine#yin yang of nevermore#neo politan#penny polendina#tyrian callows#clover ebi#winter schnee#whitley schnee#raven branwen#professor ozpin#general ironwood#cinder fall#summer rose#analysis#character analysis#character allusions#RWBY allusions
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i’m asking about your dragon age characters
molly i would KILL for u im ur personal hitman now
anyway i said my city now because the entire bioware writing team sucks shit xoxo and i’m so much smarter than all of them but also fully incapable of having a normal amount of ocs for anything (see: the time i made 20 rwby ocs in less than two weeks) so i have. five worldstates here r some assorted thoughts
uhhh so the worldstates r as follows
eira mahariel (two-handed berserk/champ spec), rhett hawke (two-handed berserk spec), alas lavellan (mage knight enchanter spec), romanced alistair/fenris/dorian respectively
shiv tabris (dual wield duelist/assassin spec), radella “rads” hawke (mage spirit healer spec), kat adaar (two-handed reaver spec), romanced morrigan/isabela/cassandra respectively because im a pc gamer and i think i should be able to date whatever video game woman i like because im infinitely better than cishet men
this world state said yeah i respect mens rights. mens rights to shut the fuck up
twins bronson (sword/shield reaver spec) & bryant cousland (archer ranger spec), carmine hawke (archer assassin spec), syracuse trevelyan (dual wield tempest spec), romanced zevran/anora/josephine/bull. if ur wondering how that works my city now and the warden, hawke and the inquisitor should all meet and so they do because i Said So
riva amell (mage arcane warrior/battlemage spec), graham “gray” hawke (mage force spec), hellathen “hela” lavellan (archer assassin spec); romanced cullen/anders and later blackwall because hawke only likes men who will break his heart. hela doesn’t have a romance because she’s literally 20. who let her lead the inquisition (me it was me). also it should be noted the version of cullen i have in my head only vaguely resembles actual cullen because i write better than dragon age writers ever could and i gave him an Actual Cohesive Narrative and he gets bullied relentlessly for being scrawnier than his mage boyfriend
malien “mal” surana (mage spirit healer/keeper spec), jules hawke (sword/shield reaver spec), ash adaar (mage rift spec), romanced leliana/merrill/krem because i should have been able to kiss krem and its a Crime that i am not allowed to
knight enchanter is a Very op specialization and by Very op i mean it makes a mage with their built-in low constitution stats able to solo the biggest baddest dragon in the game on nightmare mode in under five minutes so like. alas lavellan fist fights dragons for fun send tweet
i think lavellans should be able to hit ppl with bricks for all the shit they endure. thus solas gets pranked by mahariel and alas by which i mean they just tip buckets of water onto him from the rookery
kat might be my only competent inquisitor but she did also try to knock out the right hand of the divine and attempt to gap even tho there’s fucky magic burning up her hand so does she have a brain cell? you decide
also its fantasy land and i do what i want so kat has blue/gold sectoral heterochromia
gray “mage rights” hawke is best friends with fenris which surprises literally everyone. their friendship started because they got into a fist fight and then they were like okay i respect u now. hawke is like hey fenris give me ur sword i have a fun trick to show u [uses his sword as a foci to zap carver in the ass with lightning]
i am Always thinking abt like how cullen could have been one man anti-chantry propaganda machine if he hadn’t so blatantly been shoehorned into every game past origins so anyway bioware forgot about a wholeass moon i can write what i like. [holds up cullen by the scruff of his stupid armor] not only are you bisexual you are also a bottom
i also Hate the whole uwu mage haters get fixed by romancing a mage
unlocked secret dialogue option where my inquisitors verbally cuss out dorian’s dad instead of whatever sympathetic narrative the writers were going for cuz its bullshit.
riva is a showoff and a Menace about being as good as he is because he unabashedly loves being a mage and hes like oooh look at me im sexy i dont need to use my hands to cast magic because i’m just that good ;)) and you know what. hes right.
gray, on the other hand, does Not want to be mage. he wants to be a druffalo farmer and retire in the hinterlands and be left the fuck alone. unfortunately he is gay and has one brain cell and terrible, terrible taste in men. ribbed relentlessly for this by riva (altho does he have room to talk hes been hung up on cullen since he was like 13)
shiv is trans n kieran is the result of doing the dark ritual with her wife and he looks a Lot like shiv (dark skin pointed ears, shock-white hair) and morrigan always just Assumed she dyed it or did something magic with it so seeing their kid come out like that was a WEIRD time for her
leliana almost Murdered by cassandra in worldstate 5 because the warden is Actually There The Whole Time, but its been 10 years, mal’s cut off all her hair and gotten full facial tattoos and she’s like “no one will know its me its fine” and she’s right. she gets away with it. only cullen like, Knows, because he knew her before the blight but he doesnt have a death wish n he like. will Not piss her off
shes dalish by birth n she was stolen from her clan by templars and thus is vehemently anti-circle and anti-chantry in general
uhhh the vallaslin (elf face tattoos) of my 4 dalish characters are:
eira = ghilan’nain (chose em cuz shes rlly interested in the navigation aspect of the goddess)
alas = falon’din (god of the dead n he picked them because he’s Also the god of fortune and alas is like tee hee fun but also he can and will kill u if u fuck with him so yk its fitting)
hela = june (god of the craft bc she likes to Make things but june is also the god who taught the elves 2 hunt and hela is. a hunter.)
mal = elgar’nan (allfather/god of vengeance bc. she is Vengeful. she is Angry. but yk fucking with shem politics and fucking their divine is like. mal may have little a retribution. as a treat.) yes she has the full half-face solid colour tattoo she does NOT fuck around.
bronson and bryant r not genetically identical but they Look similar enough 2 anyone who doesn’t know them well enough 2 play spot the distance. anora and bronson think this is a super fun game to play, especially when nobles realize they’ve swapped out the king but they’re too nervous to say anything
eira mahariel has two hands. one is for holding hands with alistair and the other is for throttling elven gods, apparently. she’s killed one before so solas she’s coming for your bitch ass next. watch urself.
speaking of eira and alistair are married thru dalish tradition and humans don’t recognize it n alistair loves 2 re-propose to her with random things. he’ll just pick up like. a bit of cheese and be like “marry me ;)” and she’s like GASP but whatever will the chantry say!!!! all of their friends r sick of them
“vhenan if you love me bring me a sword” “you think i could do better than a sword made out of space rock?” “:)”
eira is my youngest hero at 18 at the start of her game and kat is my oldest at 32 at the start of her game.
none of my hawkes are under six foot. rhett is the tallest (6′8″) and rads is the shortest (6′2″).
syracuse trevelyan would have been the Perfect inquisitor if he were not a pretty boy himbo and a gay bastard who does Most Things just to spite his parents.
[corypheus pointing at syracuse’s visage in his crystal orb thingo] i want that twink obliterated
i love the companions from older games return thing i truly do so i make it a point for Every companion to return in inquisition so the gang rlly is all here because i am a Slutte for found family
i lie in my keep worldstates because i dont want to choose between hawke and alistair during here lies the abyss but i never make him king and every time i play inquisition and cole has the wicked grace line it makes me Scream. alistair baby im so sorry i did this to you but i didnt actually do this to you
yes this is my everyone lives au but like. all the time. i have never left hawke in the fade and i do not intend to.
fuck whatever nonsense about wardens not being able 2 have kids. by sheer divine power (me) anora and bryant have three daughters; eleanor, sabina & cecelia n both bronson and zevran make Excellent uncles because i think anora deserves good things because i’m tired of bioware being like women bad, actually,
so like most of the time i have the warden & hawke turning up after the move to skyhold n then staying on, with the exception of bryant, carmine & mal. mal is as mentioned previously just There the whole time with her girlfriend. bryant steps in as king of ferelden w/ interests in closing the big hole in the sky spewing demons in2 his kingdom yk. carmine shows up because she wants to help & she wants protection for bethany but she outright says she’d rather die than be inquisitor so cassandra is shit out of luck.
“CHANGE HER MIND VARRIC” “she once doubled down on insisting amaranth was a shade of blue because she didn’t want to admit to being wrong. no one’s changing her mind seeker”
alas is the middle child of eight and is thus very good with children and also bossing around people older than him. 2 of his older siblings come to the inquisition when stuff in wycome has been settled
i left ash with the basic canon background with Some variation (he grew up under the qun and left of his own free will when his magic was discovered n he realized he couldn’t take living as a saarebas
kat on the other hand was raised tal-vashoth and has bounced around basically all over thedas and leads her own merc company when the conclave blows up. she also speaks multiple languages. is there a language she doesn’t speak? probably not
just realized how long this got so im gonna like. stop my general rambling now but lmao yeah theres some basics. waves hands.
#sol.txt#sol.orig#long post#late night followers im SO sorry for this#but also like.#i love them so yall just have 2 cope w/ it#no thoughts head dragon age#peonydarling
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About the muse
Thank you to the lovely @daydreamingdragonage for tagging me!!
― your muse’s name:
Ayesleigh Surana
― one favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
(Faceclaim is @hoooooyeony on Instagram)
― two headcanons you have for your muse:
Ayesleigh's actual name is Kynsleigh. At Ostagar, while Alistair spoke of Garahel vanquishing the Archdemon during the Fourth Blight at the battle of Ayesleigh in Antiva, she thought the name change might bring her luck for the future.
Ayesleigh has no recollection of her parents, but she does remember living with a red haired boy in the Denerim Alienage before she ran away. She cannot remember his name.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
She likes to collect things that she finds forgotten on the ground. She picks up pieces of broken jewelry, shattered shards of glass and pottery, figurines and statuettes of idols and heroes and monsters she both does and doesn't know of, et cetera. The most expensive thing she has within the collection is a crystal vile of perfume that smells of Andraste's Grace, blueberries, and plum, wrapped in vibrant sky blue silk.
She meditates after a meal. When she does, she thinks about Lake Calenhad, but not from inside the tower. She's on the tip of the docks, looking at the water calmly glisten below. If you were to approach her, she always has a small ball of fire in the palm of her hands.
She'll take ribbons and tie them in her hair, tie them past her ears, and tie each on either side together at the base of her neck, then pull up her hood once she enters a populated areas. Once inside, she'll spend her day shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables, visiting small and unusual shops, and trading stories with children and drunkards in pubs.
― seven people your muse loves/likes:
Leliana! Ayesleigh loves her with every part of herself and misses her terribly when she's away on her duties. The two have grown as the years have gone by, but they still find that familiar comfort as if they've never left one's side.
Sten! He was the first to gain 100% approval with Ayesleigh. She went back with him to Par Vollen and accompanied him to meet with the Arishok. In 9:34, she returned to greet him as he has now presumed the role of Arishok.
Morrigan! She is Ayesleigh's best friend. The two occasionally met in the Crossroads over the years, but they've met up more frequently since 9:37 once Morrigan was appointed Arcane Advisor to Empress Celene of Orlais.
Wynne! She and Ayesleigh often spent time with each other when entering populated areas. They both have a mutual understanding of each other and feel happier together. During her funeral, Ayesleigh stood opposite of Leliana as she sung her farewell, laying a small protection necklace inlaid with lyrium atop her casket.
Shale! The two learn more from each other with each passing day. I like to think they hold a sibling relationship.
Justice! She admires his wisdom and finds his interest in mortal affairs very interesting. She's met Anders since their fusion, but keeps the spirit seperate from Anders. He's a good man too.
Nathaniel! He's the closest friend she has within her Warden duties. They're work best together and often keep each others backs.
― a phobia your muse has:
Thalassophobia, the fear of the ocean.
Although Lake Calenhad is where she finds peace, the sight of an endless lake scares her. What if there's an end? How far would it drop? What if there's a storm? What can a fire mage do surrounded by water? Woof
I tag @haniart , @jokomalegacy , @lelsbiana , and @loohconrado !! Y'all don't gotta if you don't want to, it's just fun
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Prompt#12: Fingers Crossed
FFxivWriting2019 “Let us see... Topaz of Crags,” A glowing, jagged, bronze-colored crystal was placed upon one pedestal. “Sapphire of Tides,” A round, blue-hued, sparkling crystal was placed on another pedestal. “Emerald of Vortices,” A crystal with a green tint and spiraling lines converging to its center was placed on a third pedestal across from the Topaz. “annnnnnd,” A blazing, crimson crystal was placed on the final pedestal in the room. All 4 standing in a square formation. “a Ruby of Infernos.” Alistair stepped back to marvel at his handiwork, “After so long,” He had a skip in his step as he retrieved his staff. “we finally have them!” Alistair's room was arranged to make space in the center of the room, His bed and desk were pushed into a corner next to a book shelf. On said bed was Alistair's long time Carbuncle companion, Alicia. She let out a yawn as it was late at night and it was high time the both of them got some rest. Alistair waltzed over to the bed to pet Alicia on the head, who enjoyed the attention. “All that is left to do is to combine their elements as well as add a bit of lightning magic,” He lifted his hand from Alicia's head and it sparked with miniature bolts of lightning arcing around his finger tips. “and we should be able to unravel the mystery.” He clinched his hand into a fist, the lightning ceased, and he stood between the sapphire and the emerald. “Not to burst your happy bubble...” The Carbuncle spoke up, “but it's a bit late. Can we just do this tomorrow?” Alicia whined to her joyful companion. “Come to bed already.” “We are only giving it a test run, Alicia. I promise.” He glanced over his shoulder, a smile gracing his face. “Once we have a feel for it, we will be with you shortly.” Alicia sighed and rolled her eyes before she hopped off of the bed. “No, I'll be here with you now.” She affirmed as she climbed upon the young man's shoulder. Alistair chuckled softly as he pet the top of Alicia's head once more, “Very well.” He faced the center of the room and held his staff toward the crystals. “Let us hope this works.” “Fingers crossed.” Alicia happily chimed in, hoping for the best for her friend.
#ffxivwriting2019#fantasy#Alistair Phoenix#Alicia#Carbuncle#before arrival#ffxiv#magic#prompt 12#prompt#entry 12
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Alistair’s Valentine
Fingers clutching tight to the letter, you ride as fast as you can. It isn’t like Alistair to be so vague, writing little more than “Come here, I need you” followed by the directions on the note left on your bed.
“There, Commander,” Nathaniel calls, pointing down the rolling hills. A tent is nestled beside a lake fed by a bubbling stream. You glance from the stoic man to the other Wardens you scooped up on horseback.
Maker only knew how much trouble Alistair could get into on his own and you might need all the backup you can get.
Clicking your heels, you urge the horse forward taking the lead. While there’s no sign of battle, no blood on the vibrant grass, no darkspawn corpses littering the crystal clear water, your guard is up. Pounding down the winding stones of the small path, the moment you reach the secure grotto you leap from the saddle, barely bothering to rein in the horse.
Snaking your hand under your cloak, you draw your sword. The solid silverite in your hands soothes your rattled nerves but the concern won’t vanish. Where is he?
“I’m going to check the tent,” you shout. Nathaniel already begins to voice his concerns, but you ignore them. Waving it away, you glide the tip of your sword along the tent’s slit trying to get a peek of what’s inside.
The stench of coppery blood doesn’t strike your nose. Instead, it smells almost…like an Orlesian house of pleasure, the incense thicker than smoke. Confounded, you step through the flap.
Alistair’s body is not lying in a heap upon the ground.
No, it is standing and completely naked.
His eyes catch yours, a hand awkwardly digging through the strawberry hair. Golden light lances through the tent’s canvas, highlighting not only the freckles dashed off his nude shoulders but every taut muscle working into a shrug.
Your mouth dangles open, your eyes drifting down the strong chest to find a shield placed just before Alistair’s nude hips. A hint of his asscheek is visible from his stance, the curve flexing as he shifts on his naked toes.
Licking his lip, he gives another toss of a shoulder, and asks, “Your tent or mine?”
Spinning in place, you launch your head out through the tent’s gap while holding the sheet tightly around your body to obscure anything inside. “Everyone head back to the Keep!”
“Commander?” Nathaniel pauses, the Wardens just about to dismount themselves.
“That’s an order,” you shout, trying to keep your voice steady even as you feel a hand swoop over your back and dip to cup your ass. “I can handle this myself.” With that final command, you slip back inside.
“Okay?” the Wardens mutter, turning their horses around. As their shadows flee from the secluded grotto, you and Alistair get up to some very naughty tent things.
Check out the related Valentine at @voidtakeyou ‘s place.
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Winter and Pirates with Princess Fabs and Alistair beeeecaaaaause~ AU, AU, AU, AU, AU, AU!!!!!!! *bangs pots and pans* Looooove you~ :3 ❤
Oooh, I like it! Let’s see now ...
The wind blew harsh over the sheltered bay, sending icicles tumbling from the masts of the ships laid up to wait out the storm. Only the lookouts remained on deck, the twinkle of soft light shining from portholes and windows to illuminate the swirling blizzard the only sign of life on each ship.
Well, on every ship but one.
Captain Felicita Campana brushed at the snow on the helm, flicking the building ice from the rope that lashed the wheel in place for the time being. Snow crystals clung to her raven-black hair, decorated the brim of her wide hat, tried to soak the waxed wool of her coat. The winter was bitter - worse than she had expected it to be. It was sure to delay the ransom demand sent to Denerim for the prince they had taken on board The Rose of Antiva.
A wicked smile touched her lips, hidden beneath the wrap of her scarf. Prince Alistair was certainly an entertaining hostage, more intriguing than she had expected him to be. Beneath the deprecating humor was a real lack of self-confidence, and an innocence she had never encountered in a grown man before now. It was an innocence that begged to be corrupted. She was fairly sure no one would mind if she ... educated the prince a little. It would certainly make the storm pass faster.
With a nod to the lookout at the aft, she stepped down onto the main deck, dropping through the hatch and out of the wind with ease. Most of the men were either in the fo’castle or down on the gun deck, no one there to intercept her as she made her way to her own cabin door, pulling her scarf from her face. She unlocked it swiftly, stepping inside.
Instinct born of years of fighting made her duck and twist as the candlestick was swept toward her head. She let out an exhilarated laugh, glad to know her hostage hadn’t lost all his fight, and kicked the door shut, whirling to knock him back through the darkened cabin. Alistair grunted, accelerating backward in an attempt to keep his feet, only to hit the wide bed hard at the back of his knees and drop like a stone, his weapon clattering to the deck. Felicita loomed over him, hands pinning his to the bed, straddling his hips.
“Well now, your highness,” she purred, leaning down until all he could see was her sultry face hovering above his own, “that is hardly the way to greet a lady.”
Alistair gulped, but managed to produce a little defiance from somewhere.
“I wasn’t aware that, um, that ladies ran pirate ships.”
She held his gaze for a long moment, her smile warming as she watched him relax under her gaze. No matter how much of a hostage he was, they both knew he could overpower her with ease. He wanted her to be where she was, holding him down, and he knew that she knew it.
“It is true, I am a pirate,” she agreed, gentling her touch to link her fingers with his, circling the tip of his nose with her own. “But there are some things I would rather not steal.”
She watched his Maker’s apple bob as he swallowed, the warm bleed of a rosy blush pouring color through his cheeks.
“S-such as?”
Felicita leaned down to him, her body close enough to feel his pounding heartbeat through her own chest, to taste his breath, to see his desire rising. She let her lips just barely brush his own, fighting back the urge to smirk at the frustrated whimper that rose from his throat when she pulled back.
“Some things should be given freely, do you not agree?” she asked innocently. “Not taken under duress.”
Now she smirked, releasing his hands and rising from the bed, turning away to remove her coat and hat, her gloves. She heard him groan, the quiet thump as his head hit the bed hard. Oh, yes. Alistair Theirin was a lot of fun.
[Build a Prompt - Ask Me!]
#savvylittleminx#built a prompt#pirates au#princess fabs#alistair theirin#alistair x fabs#teasing#tantalizing#all in fun#prompt me!
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Croi Bio
Hades Blackwell
The Eldest Son
Nickname: Hade
Title: The Dragon Eater. The First Son
Age: 24000
Occupation: Traveler, Father, Diplomat
Alignment: Chaotic pain in the ass
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon Demigod (Darkness/Ice)
Characteristic: Heightened Senses,Elemental Magic, and Strength
Skills: Stealth, Seduction, Crafting, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Knowledge Arcana, Geography, History, and Nobility
Weaknesses: Elemental Weakness (Light/fire), Wings, Underbelly
Hair: Most straight and goes down to between his shoulder blades. The main bulk of it is blue/black but he does have a white bang. He also has two sets of horns that crown his head, even mimicking the look of an actual crown.
Eyes: Golden reptilian eyes.
Markings/Piercings: His ears are pierced and have cuffs with chains hanging. He also has horn caps with crystals hanging from the tips.
Face Claim: N/A
Dragon Form: He is an absolutely massive dragon when in his reptilian form. Fifty feet tall, sixty feet long and somewhat balky. Hades has two mouths, a larger main mouth that he can breathe darkness out of and a smaller upper mouth that breathes cold as a weapon. He also has two sets of wings as well as six eyes.
Clothing: Hades is very much a victorian/Edwardian goth. He doesn’t really know what the meaning of casual wear is. Even if he isn’t dressed to the nines it's also silk or satin shirts. Pants are generally leather or some other form of high grade material. Though he is often in mostly black he tends to accent that with a lot of high saturated colors for dramatic effect.
Weapons: He is trained in blades of all kinds. Though he much prefers to use claws and teeth. Most battles he has been in he has fought in his dragon form.Other: Hades has silver, gold and blue. The stones that he normally wears are blue labradorite, any kind of opal and rainbow moonstone.
Family: Dragan(Father/Deceased), Emrys(Mother/Deceased), Alexander(Brother/Deceased), Many other for the moment unnamed siblings that are all deceased, Sansa(Sister), Gra Dorch(Uncle/surrogate father), Lucius(Eldest son/Deceased), Titus(Second son/Deceased), Many other for the moment unnamed children that all died in the war
Friends: Arawn(King of Spring court), Silver(Human male), Amilia and Delbert Swiftwater(Married shifter couple), Alasdair( Rival and his brothers reincarnation), Havok O’chroi( The Misfit King), Alistair Bylilly(The Ringmaster)
Past Relationships:Hades doesn’t really have any serious romantic relationships from his past. He had a tendency to help rejected females through their heats which is how he had all his children. Though the woman stayed in his home with him until the children were grown, he never had any feelings beyond platonic friendship with them.
Past: Born when Croi was in its infancy, Hades got to watch the world become what it is today. His early life was one spent in his father and mothers home with his siblings. His best friend and partner in crime was his younger brother Alexander. Though everyone generally called him Alex, the two brothers were thick as thieves. Grant, this would change when their father picked Alexander to start the dragonic royal family. It was then that the two would see less of each other but still remain close.
Hades had always been curious about the world around him. At first he was only allowed to explore The Spine as his father wanted him close to home. This was something that Hades didn’t have much of an issue with. He knew that things could be dangerous from him outside of their lands for him. So he would explore and meet many people, not all of which were dragons. This would broaden his horizons and make him very aware of how some would reject their mates for petty reasons.
The dragon would return home and talk to his father about what could be done to help them. There were a few ideas and Hades came up with one that would work for him. Though he didn’t feel sexual attraction for most people he did enjoy sex and had a high sex drive. With that in mind he built a house with a large nursery and enough space to house a single female, himself any children that came from here during her heats. Though there was no romantic love between him and these females, he did respect them and care for them platonically. He was also a good father, always putting his children first. Over the years there would be many females and countless children, though it was the first two sons that left the largest impact on him in the beginning.
Lucius and Titus were thick as thieves, much like himself and his own brother were before. Though an accident would take Lucius from them far too soon. The boys had been playing in the woods near the house when one of the tainted ones came out of nowhere in a rage. The tainted fire dragon burned half the child's body in its rage. It was the blood curdling scream as Titus ran into the house that alerted the adults.
Hades rushed out, shifting into his dragonic form as he went. It was easy to find the raging dragon and it was plain to see that this one was too far gone. The insanity that was given by the Mad God was too deep for this to be saved. Death would be a mercy and so Hades made quick work of him. After that he shifted to his humanoid form to look for his son.
When he found Lucius he screamed in agony. His boy, his wonderful little boy, had severe burns on half his body. There were places where the flesh was completely gone leaving bare bone visible. The acrid, almost putrid odor of burnt flesh filled his nostrils. Falling to his knees beside his son, tears swelled and spilled over. It was then he noticed that Lucius was still breathing. Oh gods, his son was still alive, but not for long. There was no way to save him from death.
Very carefully, the dragon picked up his son and cradled him. He was only 500 years old, to a human Lucius would have appeared to be no older than ten. This was not supposed to happen! Their lands should have been safe! They were on temple lands even if it was at the very edge. Slowly he got up and started to carry his son home. The boy's breath was shallow and Hades counted the seconds between each breath. He knew his son wasn’t gonna make it home alive, there was no way.“ Daddy, thank you for coming to get me. I’m not scared while you're holding me.” His voice was so quiet, so small. Hades held his son a little bit tighter and the silent tears were close to becoming echoing sobs. This was his boy, his bright little boy and he could feel life slowly leaving him. Lucius’s limbs were slowly becoming cold and his breathing became weaker still. They were so close to the house and yet he could feel it. As Lusius took his last breath the almost silent crying turned to echoing pain filled sobs.
Hades doesn’t remember much of what followed. Part of him remembers his father coming and taking his son's half-burned corpse out of his arms. There was a funeral, the start of a burial mound at the edge of the clearing. The whole family had come bearing their condolences. It was hard to register anything as he was barely coming to terms with his little boy's death. It took years for him to come out of the numbness and to have more children. Titus always seemed to resent him and never sought to reconnect. As much as Hades tried, he could not say that he was the best father to Titus. The ones that came after he did not make the same mistakes and they adored their father.
The next major event would come while on a trip with his brother Alexander. The once king had given the crown to his own eldest son some time ago. They had decided to go to another world to get away from things for a while. Though they never made it to another world as they were attacked by a group of Jabberwocks. The beasts would surround them and wound them both badly before they were able to get back to Croi.
Hades passed out from his wounds and when he woke was told that his brother was dead. Alexander had carried his brother out of the mist only to die shortly after from his wounds. That was another funeral that the dark dragon would remember very little about. Despite his brother being a light dragon they had always been very close. It was like losing a piece of himself all over again.
As the years passed he would keep helping the rejected females through heats and having children. The little ones kept him busy and it meant that he couldn’t disconnect from the world. Part of him worried that if he did disconnect he would never come back. Though, his race just about completely stopped having children at his fathers advice. Dragan knew something was coming and that they would need to prepare for the coming storm.
During this time Hades was dispatched to the Spring court to serve as a diplomat. There he would befriend a young elven prince by the name of Arawn. The Spring Prince reminded that dragon of his brother that had died several thousand years earlier. He would remain the Diplomat there until the war started. His father requested that Hades stay out of the fighting. Something that he very begrudgingly did. Everyone he knew was in this war and that included all his children.
As the war raged things would get worse before they got better. Though by the end it could get no worse for the dragons at least that was what they thought. Hades would spend several weeks after that final battle flying over the battlefield looking for his children. The first few he had found were still alive, but on death's door. He would sit with them, curling around them in his dragon form as that was the form they were in as well. There was nothing he could do to save them, but they would at the very least not die alone. Once they passed he would take their bodies home to add to the burial mound. All his children and their mothers would also come to rest in the mound on his lands.
After that he left Croi and went to earth to travel. There was nothing in Croi for him and Earth's Supernatural being had come out into the open. No longer living in secret, they now lived with the humans in an uneasy coexistence. In the years that he spent on earth he traveled to every continent and experienced almost every culture. A few years would also be spent living with his uncle and his wife Akina. It was during this time that he came to miss Croi and decided to return home. Things were bound to have gotten better, at least that was what he told himself.
He and his uncle would go together as Gra Dorcha had not been home in some time either. Upon returning they were met with terrible news. Dragan was dead and the remaining dragons were unable to have children. The only exception to this was Hades and his baby sister Sansa. She was only 1500, still a teen and yet she had taken up the mantle of leading what remained of their people while he was gone. There was no one over 3000 other than himself and Nasica. Said nature dragon had been serving as his sister's advisor while he was away.
Hades knew he didn’t have the temperament to be a ruler. He was far too inclined to eat people that he didn’t agree with. Just the thought of ruling left a bitter taste in his mouth. In the end all agreed that it was best to leave leading their dying people to Sansa. There were a few babies born before his fathers death, so that was something at least. The dark dragon would return to his lands, lands that he had shared with his father to find them tainted. He was immune to the taint and so went about restoring his home to how it had been before he left. He has remained there for the most part other than to visit with friends.
A visit to Dark Wood to see how the Shadowkin were fairing. It was then that he discovered the mutant elves and their small town of mud huts and a single stone mansion. There were places where he could see stone buildings that looked to be housing being built. This was not what he was expecting to find as when he had been here last only the Shadowkin and their underground city. Now there was this little town right in the center of the forest.
After a few minutes of these misfit elves looking at him a man came out of the mansion. Hades blinked as he was approached by an elven half dragon. Havok had information that was not well known and Hades knew he needed to listen. He let the half dragon lead him into the mansion and they had dinner. It seemed that a vast majority of the towns citizens were living in the mansion until the houses were completed. This half dragon had to be their leader as they also made sure dinner was done for them to talk.
As they ate the half dragon explained his story and how he had found this place. Apparently this half dragon had been born a sickly full blooded elf. His parents were approached by Dragan, the god saying that his dying breath would be used to heal their son. Why, though? Why would his father heal this elf and make him into a half dragon? It didn’t make sense, unless he meant to do more than that? If that was the case though, what had he meant to do? A puzzle that would need to be solved eventually one that they didn’t have all the pieces for.
Once dinner was over and he finished his business Hades returned home. He found that he had received a letter from his friend King Arawn. An invite to his youngest daughter's birthday and a notice of urgent business. That dragon wasn’t one for Elven parties, it was all very extravagant and boring. Still, there was also something of urgency so he would go. What awaited him there was to be life changing in the most unexpecting of ways.
Temperament: By those that don’t know him he is cold and sometimes cruel. The truth is that unless you have his loyalty and affection you are nothing to him. This means that he is the last person that a stranger wants to come to about their problems as he simply doesn’t care. All remark on his sassy dramatic and fluency in sarcasm. For people that don’t know him he is an abhorrent creature that should be avoided at all cost. Those that know him however are very aware that the prickliness is just for show. Individuals that know him personally and have won his loyalty and friendship can bully Hades into just about anything. For his children and their mother he is willing to drop everything to help them with whatever they need. The grumpy sass and sarcasm is still present, but they don’t take it personally. They would describe him as a dramatic grumpy teddy bear.
Traits: Sassy, Sarcastic, Grumpy, Cold, Cruel, Loyal, Affectionate
Likes: Music, Books, Jewelry, Forget-Me-Nots, Red Spider Lilies
Dislikes: Most People, Bigots, Loved ones being in danger
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thank you notes in english or Japanese
were easy enough to plaster onto
generously glittered greeting cards
now i’m trying to twist text into art
these flustered words bow down
to the subtle sound of kiritsu
a show of politeness exemplified
when my feelings are on the fritz
i remember a party and feeling the pinch
trying to rearrange my face/cinch in
the waste of space slumped and spaced out
like the tent versus the wind’s werewolf howls
shouting how this wall flower’s lacklustre & lily livered
withering in the presence of adolescents in
fancy dress
including best friends: alice, a witch and an
wildflowers who sprang up from aching,
impossible earth
improvised and stitched people together in a
stark, seemingly empty world
you see, the night bloomed beautifully, but it’s
hard to describe
nothing but abstractions of anxiety come out right
watching me get tepid, tired and tongue tied
i’m not the kind of person who joins in
soothing sulks and sighs and sore skin
drinking the draught of life in small sips
hugging my sides/ the embrace that braces for tumultuous shifts
as even cosy thoughts of crystal tips
lead to wild worries i’m alistairing
though basically caring, i’m basic enough
to simply shatter in the chatter and switch off.
falling to bits/faltering/fraying
disengaging from affiliation displays
drifting away from hugs and honeyed hyperbole
barley sugar beads of kisses and heart emojis
never sure if using them suited me
so i subtly skirt around sentimentality
leaving tiny head flicks and references
to be unpicked by the sharpest of memories
eventually i’ll enlist in the help of rhyming
schemes, in letters to show each and every one
of you how much you all mean to me
the time’s not right yet, i’m sorry
someday i’ll tip the jar of paper stars
rearrange them in their masses
dot the “i”s and cross the “t”s to spell out arigato gozaimasu.
0 notes
Here it is, my first published piece of DA writing. A crappy one shot of a rarepair I've thought about for a while.
"Queen Cousland and Mara Cauthrien"
1500 words
Fluff and Angst
Alexandra Cousland and Mara Cauthrien were together in secret before the Blight.
After the hardships of the brutal year of war against the Darkspawn, they meet again to reflect and remember
This is the first time I've written Dragon Age content. I've played Origins for the first time a few months back, and I found Ser Cauthrien to be a really interesting character.
It's a rarepair idea I had for a while in my head of how Ser Cauthrien and a Cousland who later became a Warden might have known each other from before the Blight. Also because I love Ser Cauthrien coz she's a badass and she's very underrated.
I also gave Ser Cauthrien the first name Mara, since we never learn her real name in the game.
Cauthrien passed her hand softly along the edge of the sword, carefully feeling the sharpness of the blade. She remembered the day Loghain had given it to her, the proudest moment of her life. She had swore that she would use it against any and all enemies of Ferelden, and that she would die upon it if it would benefit her nation.
Yet, during the greatest threat her country had ever faced, a Blight that had threatened to wipe the land and her people from the face of Thedas, she had ended up killing more of her own countrymen than darkspawn. All in the name of the Grand Teyrn Loghain. Because he was the only one able to lead Ferelden through this crisis, and all those who opposed him were just power hungry and selfish brutes willing to crush anyone who stood in their way to the throne.
It had all seemed so certain, so clear.
So righteous and correct.
Except it hadn't been.
She heard the clicking locks of the door of the room where she had locked herself into opening, and the sound of chains being pulled across it.
Then the door opened, and she entered.
“Leave us alone” the woman spoke and the guard closed the door, locking it shortly after. The voice sent shivers down the former soldier’s spine.
“Hello, Mara”
Cauthrien turned and looked at the source of the voice. She had to swallow a gasp when she saw the woman in front of her.
“Alexandra Cousland. Or should I call you ‘Your Highness’ now ?”
The woman who always had her hair tied up now had it loose, the long black streams of hair now going past her shoulders. She wore a long dress of fine broidery and vivid colors which gave her a more imposing air than usual, and the tatoo on her eye only added to her the mysterious look she had always carried with her.
“Please, Mara, don't be like this”
“Don't be like what, Alexandra ? I've heard of what you did. I…”
Cauthrien stopped talking and lowered her sight. Cousland sat beside her on the bed.
The scent of her perfume assaulted the soldier's nostrils, the familiar scent making her let out a deep breath.
“He didn't suffer” Cousland said.
“He deserved better, even after…" Cauthrien slumped her shoulders in defeat, letting her sword fall loudly towards the floor "Or perhaps not”
“He will always be remembered as a hero, one of the greater Fereldan patriots who returned us our independence. But his actions throughout the Blight…”
“You don't have to explain. I know. I was there with him when he was making those ‘actions’, as you called them”
Alexandra looked into Cauthrien’s eyes. She saw the dark bags that were appearing under them. She wondered how long it had been since she had gotten a proper night's rest.
“Is that why you came, Alexandra ? Did you came to tell how I'm to be publicly tried for being an accessory to a war criminal, for having aided the man who did more damage to Ferelden in a year than Orlais did in 80 ? And how I am to be hanged on the city gates so that all would know what happens to those who defy King Alistair and…”
“Mara. Stop” Cousland said as she turned her around and lifted her chin, forcing her to meet her gaze, her crystal blue eyes meeting Cauthrien’s deep black ones“I would never let such thing happen to you. Ever. Understood ?”
The soldier's eyes moved to the woman's hand, and over the scarred skin, saw a small knitted bracelet on her wrist, adorned with tiny pieces of painted papers which gave its color an eye catching allure.
“You're still wearing it” Cauthrien said, trying to hide the sorrow in her voice.
Cousland lifted her arm, bringing it next to her face as she smiled.
“I still remembered the Landsmeet when you gave me this. Seems like a lifetime ago. You snuck from Loghain’s side, found me and put it on me as you told me…”
“That as long as you had it you would carry a piece of me with you”
“And you better believe me when I tell you that through many times during this blasted year, feeling that bracelet on me was the only thing that gave me peace of mind, as I prayed to the Maker that wherever you were… he would keep you safe”
Cauthrien looked at her intently, letting out rapidly increasing breaths.
Then she broke.
Alexandra held her as she cried against her neck, feeling the hot tears falling on her skin as she kneaded Cauthrien’s hair, letting the torrent of emotions that were coursing through her come out. Before she knew it, she was crying too.
“All that time…” Cauthrien spoke between sobs “I missed you so much. When I heard… Ostagar and…”
Memories from that fateful day in the Landsmeet are still fresh in both of their minds.
Cauthrien stands before the gates of the room, sword in hand, determined to not let them pass.
Alistair, Leliana and Zevran draw their weapons, ready for a fight.
Alexandra moves forward, drawing shocked looks from everyone.
She places the tip of the blade against her chest, and gives Cauthrien that determined, cold look that sent shivers down her spine.
“Cut me down if you must, Mara. But I swear in the Andraste’s name that I will not raise my blade against you”
They both heard the tensing of Leliana's bow. Mara looks at Alexandra. This was the woman who had caused so much harm to the nation, according to the Teyrn. the enemy that for months she had been made her hate and distrust .
Yet now, as her sword pressed against her, she felt the doubt raising through her, the thought of striking the only person she's ever cared about like this proving to be too much.
She lowers the blade and leans forward, softly grabbing Cousland by the back of the neck, pressing their foreheads together.
They stand in silence for a few moments, feeling their breaths brushing against each other, neither wanting this short moment of peace to end. But it has to.
“Do what is right. Save Ferelden. And... don't die” Cauthrien whispers to her before pulling apart and walking away, doing her best to hide from everyone's sight, not wanting to let anyone see her breaking down.
“It's alright” Cousland said before giving a soft kiss to her forehead “That's in the past. I'm here now… We're here now”
After a long while, Cauthrien sat upright. Having calmed down, she stretched her hand and softly cupped Alexandra’s cheek, who leaned into the touch and planted a long kiss on the inside of the palm.
“So what happens now ? To us, if there is an us to speak of, of course. You have a husband now. You'll need to be at his side and rule with him” the former soldier spoke hesitantly, as if she was afraid of the answer she would receive.
“Alistair and I agreed to the marriage to remove Anora from the equation and to do what was best for Ferelden. He and I will indeed rule together, but on our personal lives we both know very well where we stand” Alexandra spoke in a confident and leading tone, her voice soft yet commanding. Cauthrien imagined how powerful she must have looked brandishing the Cousland blade and shield, in shining armor shouting orders as she led the armies of Ferelden against the Archdemon and the darkspawn horde. She regretted that she hadn't stood at her side through it, and the guilt felt like a hole in her soul.
“So that means…”
“That means the throne will need a new captain of the honor guard, and Alistair has already agreed that it will be you. Ferelden has precious need of experienced soldiers, and you are amongst the best of the best. Besides…”
Alexandra leaned forward, resting her forehead against Cauthrien’s. They stared at each other for a few moments before locking their lips together, a kiss that soon turned into a desperate whirlwind of emotion, of pain and longing of happiness and relieve. Of love.
They softly pulled away, still savoring the taste of each other in their mouths. Cousland smiled as she saw the reddened blush that spread across Cauthrien’s face. She always enjoyed turning the hardened, stoic soldier into a sentimental mess.
“The queen could always use a confidante. Someone to discuss issues, an advisor of many things. Don't you agree ?”
Cauthrien gave her a wicked grin “I've been complimented by you a few times by the strength of my opinions on certain ‘topics’. I'd be more than happy to advise you in aspects that you may consider necessary, Your Highness”
“That's what I like to hear” Alexandra replied as she stood from the bed “But please, Mara, when we're alone, call me Alexandra. Now, get cleaned up. Your ceremony is in the afternoon”
“Of course” Cautrien grabbed Cousland”s hand and gave it a long, deep kiss “Anything for you… my love”
#ser cauthrien#cousland#warden x cauthrien#dragon age#dao#original character#cauthrien#illusivewriting
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