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yohohonabottle · 3 months ago
Concept design test - Turned final + "lore"
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The only thing that went bye-bye, was the lipstick.
Lore of the Knave - "Arlecchino"
|> Intro (origins?) story |> Resonance hall idle "animations" & "voice lines" |> "Voicelines" -Main theme- In-depth dive - Voice headcannons
====Resonance hall idles, affinity lines & "voicelines"=========
The Knave's ''animations''
1) One of Arlecchino's idles in res hall is him summoning little warblers (see "Secret, can you keep it?") and look at them perched on his finger/in his palm with this expressionless look. Maybe tiny hint of mournful/fond/pensive for a split second--Then curls his hand into a fist, the bird turning to magic dust that scatters out through his fingers upward and fades. As he turns back to the screen with his idle full-body pose. 2) Standing in that pose as in the picture above, but his eyes glance at the fire phantoms (similar to those in Arlecchino's boss fight trailer, fire-shadows with their hands over their chest and holding scythe?) that slowly emerge behind his back from him (like some dementors in a way) and he dispels/dismisses them with a wing, eyes closing as if in pain/agitated and looks back at the screen with his resting face.
What his summons kind of look like/idea-
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The Knave's voice-lines
Deploy: "Noted." (Emotionless cold)
Upgrade: "Hm." (Contemplative but not ungrateful. Just not huge reaction/enthusiasm)
Ultimate: "Witness my rise." (Like how Arlecchino says it. It's almost a rough growl in a low voice, that tapers to how Berial sounds in his ult)
Defeated: "Another...cycle.." Previous defeated line "I will..come...back.." Victory: "What's our next objective?" (clinical again.)
First Recruitment: "Name your contract."
-Resonating Hall Idles-
1 "You have something to say? Go on. You have my full, undivided attention." (With his back to you, arms folded behind his back and tail on the ground and curled around his feet a bit. Then glances at the Player slightly over his shoulder as he crosses his arms, expectant and still waiting for you to speak up. Then his tail-tip gives a single tap on the ground as he sighs through his nose -suppressed sigh- and turns around to face the screen to assume his idle pose.)
2 "....." (The first idle I described with the birds)
3 "...." (The second with the shadows)
4 "Is this everything..?" (Emotionless, asking you if he's dismissed.)
---Affinity Gift---
General line: "......thanks."
When gifted fav item -Either a demon's eye or flower bouquet: "....Home......I can hear them sing..." (Closes his eyes with a wistful tint to his expression, as if recalling fond memories...and being hurt but smiles ever so subtly, a sad tired smile of longing.)
When given item he hates (Can be Celestial sword or Lightbearer cup): "............" (Very cold, mildly agitated silence mixed with agonized mourning.)
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harbringercharacteraskblog2 · 3 months ago
Ask blog intro - The Balladeer
The far outskirts of Ryeham gaze on in their silence as the fields of wheat sway in Autumn's breeze.. The clattering of cow and sheep bells a distant yet clear echo, and with them, a ghostly tune.
"When you hear the rattle of heavy copper bells, the soft ringing of wistful longing, and the tapping of wood on ground rhythmic– Know, beware,
of the Demon dancer roaming nearby.
For the Boogieman, will lead you astray."
Two hands move- one clawed and one not, gestures shifting in a flow of muted language only the urban legend knows.
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'But that's just hearsay, right?' A weary sigh from under the Tired mask. 'People really do tend to accuse of evil what they don't understand. Don't worry though– I don't bite at all.' A strained smile wan and slightly wry, face shifted to Happy once more. 'The most I can do is smack you with my staff, honestly– If you give me a reason to.'
The Missing lifts his stick– Tap-Tap. -And leans on it casually, moving his free hand to gesture.
'Nevertheless, heard you wanted to chat. So, what brings you to this neck of the woods? Also my right eye's fine, just...affliction acting up, it'll go back to normal.' ("....Ask away your questions.")
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acronym-chaos · 4 months ago
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) ID Pack
[PT: Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Ambrose, Arcane, Astra, Beckon, Chaos, Daedalus, Dante, Daze, Delirium, Eclipse, Eira, Elara, Elowen, Evander, Galen, Gaze, Hesper, Hex, Idris, Ilara, Imbroglio, Indigo, Ira, Kaleido, Lysandra, Maelis, Merle, Morrigan, Nebris, Nocturne, Nyx, Obscura, Oren, Penrose, Peregrine, Phantasm, Query, Raine, Reverie, Riddle, Salome, Shard, Valen, Viridian
[PT: Pronouns].
Cha / Chao / Chaos, Cry / Cryp / Cryps [Cryptid], Ey / Eye / Eyes, He / Hex / Hexes, Mind / Minds / Minds, Shift / Shifts / Shifts, Sig / Sigil / Sigils, Spi / Spira / Spiral, Tri / Trick / Tricks, Vo / Voi / Void, Wa / Warp / Warps, Wi / Win / Wink
[PT: Titles].
A Gaze That Pierces Worlds, The Chaos-Bringer, The Dream-Warping Demon, The Eye That Sees All, The Master of Madness, The Master of Manipulation, The Mind-Breaker, The One Who Warps Reality, The Oracle of Oddness, The Reality-Bending Trickster, The Triangular Tyrant, [Pronoun] Who Bends Boundaries, [Pronoun] Who Lives Between Worlds, [Pronoun] Who Spins the Web of Chaos, [Pronoun] Who Twists the World
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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wolveria · 3 months ago
In the cursed polycule, Kenneth and Dyo are the bisexual disasters, and Reid and Valens are the asexual cryptids
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robinwinghood · 2 months ago
Robin’s dynamics with the townies (aside from ‘friendly local cryptid’)
Adeline: Respect and a li’l bit of fear. Robin has known very few people who could be described as ‘efficient’ and finds it rather intimidating.
Eiland: best bro, archaeology buddy, tell me all about the artifacts and I will in turn give you my in-depth guide to the migratory habits of essence bats. Also, he’s very pretty.
Celine: fellow researcher. Respect your botanists it will save your life one day.
Juniper: “Ohohohoho I’m going to make you my TEST SUBJECT oh HERO, to SAVE the VILLAGERS, ohohoho!” “Sure! When do we start?” “… could you just… pretend to be less enthusiastic about it?” “Why?” (Also, very curious about Juniper’s connection to the Witch Queens but I digress)
Balor: clearly can both tell the other is hiding something. Desperately curious about his deal but mutual trust to not dig and/or rat each other out means a lot to her. Has considered the possibility that, since he apparently goes to the capital regularly, Balor may actually know her secret, or may have heard of her supposed ‘exploits’ but not made the connection to her. Robin’s not inclined to break the equilibrium and ask.
Valen: *climbing the vines to the deep forest* let me in I gotta help Valen advance her panacea research
Ryis: Excited to grow his tree and make his birdhouse. She’s gonna make a spreadsheet to track what birds they get. Also, very handsome.
Reina: everyone in this town is gorgeous is there something in the water??? Likes Reina’s cooking, really interested to learn, cus she’s never really eaten home cooking in Capital, she and her family used to always get takeaway or eat at cafeterias.
Hayden: won’t you be my neighbour ~ 🎶
March: weird and interesting specimen. Hated her on sight for no discernible reason, and frankly she finds it funny. Found out he likes sushi, and she finds it so funny because she always thought of him as being similar to a cat. However, she does just come to… like him, like being around him, like when he asks her to help out at the forge. I don’t think it’s fully hit her yet that this may be turning romantic, she just thinks that somehow they’ve managed to become friends despite the rocky start. And everyone in Mistria is good-looking, the fact that she notices more and more that March is too isn’t jumping out at her as something to examine.
Caldarus: On the one hand, please no, not looking to be special por favor, but on the other hand… It must really suck to just be stuck as a statue, not able to go walk around, only able to see one view, only able to talk to one person. So, Robin makes a point to go sit with Caldarus regularly and tell him about everything going on in town, and she’s made his spot into a nice li’l shrine so he’s at least got a nice view.
Nora: Similar to Adeline, slightly intimidated by the organisational capabilities.
Dell: Robin has definitely done a private risk assessment for bringing the Dragonguard into the mines to see the monsters, but came to the conclusion that would probably not be a safe field trip, even with Robin there to protect them. Dell asks her a lot of questions about adventuring, which Robin is… Somewhat reticent about answering. Instead, Robin’s been telling her about how to actually fight different monsters she’s seen in the mines, like, the practical particulars of how to do it. Part of her worries that doing this will lead to Dell taking herself down the mines one day, but on the other hand, Robin knows she’ll be able to find her, and hopefully with this information, Dell would be able to look after herself until she was rescued.
Holt: Robin is an unashamed pun enjoyer, so she gets along alright with Holt.
Luc: Two peas in a pod. Luc is exactly who Robin was at his age. She makes a point to always carry her net specifically so she can find more interesting bugs for him. We must always foster young minds, they are the future of science!
Maple: now, Robin does not quite get Maple. She was never one for dress up and tea parties as a kid, she was always out finding reptiles and bugs to study, much more a Dell or a Luc. However, she’s willing to play ball with the royalty stuff, even if she fumbles it a little.
Hemlock: Not a lot there, but she enjoys hearing Hemlock play music come the festivals.
Josephine: Similar to Hemlock
Olric: Respect your geologists, it’ll save your life one day. I think in some ways she feels like they’re kind of alike, they like their respective fields of study, and they’re not ashamed or quiet about it, and they can sometimes come off as a li’l strange socially.
Elsie: Elsie is an archetype that Robin really struggled dealing with in the Capital, where there are dozens of them, but one on her own, now that’s just a delight.
Errol: Respected curator. Like with Eiland, they share the love of knowledge, though Robin definitely feels like much more of a risk taker as opposed to Errol. However, when you have your field researchers who take risks, it is so important to counterpoint them with people pulling the reins.
Terithia: She’s full of fascinating stories.
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ekdsc · 4 years ago
my brain refused to stop drawing a connection between lemon demon reaganomics and valen halen jump so i made it and then it worked really well so now this is the version that always plays in my head i am eternally cursed this is a cryptid file play it if you want your life changed forever i hate it i hate it i hate it
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harborpodcast · 3 years ago
Annnnnnnnd we’re back.
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tilthedayidice · 4 years ago
Could I get a name palette for Valen?
Valen is of Latin origins meaning “Strong”:
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Chessex Frosted Red
Chessex Opaque Orange
Dice Envy Chaos Theory
Dice Envy Hesrtwood
@angry-cryptid Ember
Wiz Dice Quicksilver (reink)
Beholder’s Gaze Inferno Golem
My color associations:
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Dice Envy Ore Core
Dice Envy Grindavik
HD Dice Metallic Sapphire
HD Dice Ancient Green
Udixi White Shimmer Stars
Little Dragon Corp November/Citrine
Crystal Caste White Pearlized Hybride Dice
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yohohonabottle · 3 months ago
Match-maker (Again?!) - Merlinverse game
|> Prompt: Attempts to play matchmaker for... Violyste @magister-violyste Damn, again? Sheesh, the wheel is wilding today. It ain't Valentines and yet love's already in the air eh?
Welp, it's a lot like my accidentally misplaced post for him playing match-maker for Lavi (See it here, because I'm not doing the whole copy post, paste it on other blog, fix tags and then delete wrong post.) Except this time it's for Violyste and Hogan.
You bet either Arlecchino, Tyr (Damoiseau's name besides Odin and whatever others call him) or the Fair Gentleman (Ludovic/Pirin fusion) are roped into this as well, and it counts given they're all fusions of someone with Pirin.
Another ARG/Treasure hunt game set-up and put together with Arle being the one to keep this on-track plus neatly organized. And making sure everyone is doing their share of the work. Otherwise he'd ''prank'' them by putting their names onto the Marionet's list of debt-collecting with some notes that their debt isn't related to atrocities like his usual wheelhouse of work. But more about these folks pitched into the group project and are slacking off....which is a form of ''debt'' and ''contract'' in a way.
So they've got the Executioner keeping an eye/hounding them. (No cryptids were killed. Only got a personalized hell like how Pirin dishes retribution if you cross a line.) ...Mostly Odin had to get nagged/pestered by the Keeper of scales as he sort of tends to do his own thing and get side-tracked, and forget. And then there's Arlecchino also on the list -The Pirin part of him put their name on there before Berial could make their fusion run off- and pestered too.
Ultimately it's very similar to Valen and Lavinia's treasure hunt in nature. Simply tailored to Violyste and General Hogan. And the gift is a simple pendant of the Big Dipper & Little Dipper constellations that can be put together to form them mirroring each other like koi fish/yin and yang. Big Dipper and the top and Little Dipper under, both protecting each other in their own ways.
The Big Dipper (Hogan's) is a Jinni's Bloodstone, the other one not with regards to V's powers. So in a way now both of them are on an equal playing field.
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makingshortstorieslong · 3 years ago
Harbor Season 1 Relisten Notes:
I listened to Season 2 Episode 1, when I hadn't actually listened to season 1 since the first time I listened to it when it came out, what, 2 years ago? So of course, I then had to relisten to Season 1 to make it all make sense. Here's a scattering of notes of things that caught my attention this time:
• what's under Crux's mask?
Was Crux previously Ground Crew? (Okay as of later episodes it seems the answer is no. Idk what made me think that but there was something)
What's up with the candles on Valen's desk?
Fergum says something about Valen's parents, and there's something to "of the Hollow" rather than just Hollow/Ivers Hollow as her surname. Are her parents cryptids?? How?
What exactly is Fergum's history with Al? They were friends for a bit. She used to do (hard) drugs? Or was this during her "alcoholic year"? (Or both?)
What's Fergum's history in general? They used to be in a different form (one with thumbs apparently)
...is Sam trans? The mayor had this long weird pause before she said boy, and then made some comment about him finally growing a beard?
Crux "changed his form"? - okay as of ep 6 he is a changeling, he was human and became a cryptid - and here I was assuming it was the other way around, that he had been a cryptid with a stranger, less-human form, who turned himself mostly human but for whatever's up with his nose & mouth.
Who is Franklin? Former research director. What's the story there? He can't enter Harbor.
I love Rus, I don't remember liking her so much before
Okay so is Crux's accent an accent, or like, a speech impediment to do with whatever's under his mask. (Or both?) And if it's an accent, where from?
...okay also what's Valen's accent? Sometimes I think she sounds much like Al, William, Leah, the mayor, etc - North Carolinian I guess - and sometimes I feel like she has something distinct going on.
also while we're talking about accents I'm sure Sam intentionally ditched his while away at school, but like, in the first episode he had "Mama - uh, I mean Mom" or something like that and I feel like there's been a handful of other instances where his accent has been more like Al's and I love it, I want more.
I caught a moment in episode eight or nine when crux felt something, and Sam momentarily panicked, which made me think that was the beginning of Sam's crush on Crux
I love J!!!!! He and sam are going to be friends :)
alakskejdk J like "uh um...yes of course" when Sam asks him not to judge his singing too harshly is so funny in retrospect, knowing J's name
Al killed someone?? I forgot that. Okay so. Who is Mia and why did she attack Al?
Sam goes (with SUCH confidence) "we gotta FUCK Becker" and I SLAM that pause button over the sounds of him choking on his words and say good night. No second hand embarrassment for me thanks.
The music coming in at the end of episodes is kinda nice as a signal it's over but it always catches me off guard lol. And I don't think any of it has stood out as like. Something I really like.
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR LEAH's SPIDER BOYFRIEND THIS WHOLE PODCAST this scene cracks me up I cannot WAIT for that reveal to Al and Sam.
alsksklalaksj why is it SO FUNNY when Seedum says "I'm 44. Aren't I younger than you?" Possibly because, despite it being stated he's mortal, I still figured he probably has a different lifespan than a human, and honestly even as a human I think I'd have expected him to be like. 50. Not much older than that but idk I guess him being a father figure to Al also made me expect him to be older.
Crux has been in Harbor for a century
yeah I need someone to draw Sam for me because no matter how often they mention his beard I picture him clean-shaven
okay it's been like two years since I last listened, right? And when I listened to season 2 ep 1, Crux x Sam took me by surprise. But I must have just forgotten about it because there is no way I missed it the first time - it is really obvious
huh it's weird bc. We never get to see the Harbor DCA like. Actually functional. And we don't hear much about it either. And I don't know where that would fit into the story anyway, but it's like. It seems like Becker has a point. Obviously his way of doing things is worse for cryptids, he's prejudiced, I'm sure there is a better way to actually encourage cryptids and humans to live in harmony - but I don't actually know if the way the DCA handled things is much better! I assume it is. They want us to think it is. And also, the prep work Sam has to do sounds good, focused on mediation and understanding the cryptids in the area. But everything we see the DCA handle is...kind of a complete mess. They're understaffed and underfunded, and so I'd like to see what they'd do with more people with the right prep and training, and I think it would be way better than what Becker does. But anyway I can see where Becker is coming from.
Also I forgot to note it but something's been hostile to Becker, made him clumsy and unlucky since getting to Harbor. Is that J? It's gotta be J right.
Okay hopes for Season 2:
Valen backstory (again, back to what Fergum said about her parents?)
Crux backstory (he became a cryptid?)
Al's self defense killing of Mia explained
More detail about Envis would be cool
Former Research Director Franklin backstory.
Expectations for season 2:
Leah reveals she knows about cryptids to Al and Sam (and introduces her bf!)
Sam x Crux looks like it's happening :)
More Trying to Catch the Pyre
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harbringercharacteraskblog2 · 3 months ago
The "Balladeer" -Design and lore
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Lore of the Balladeer- "Kuker (Mummer)"
|> Intro (origins?) story |> Resonance hall idle "animations" & "voice lines" |> "Voicelines" -Main theme- In-depth dive - Voice headcannons |> Secondary theme (Battle/Intro theme)
====Resonance hall idles, affinity lines & "voicelines"=========
=-Resonance hall "animations" of the Mummer-=
0 | The Balladeer comes over to the screen/player from the distance, a small 'hop' or 'skip' to his steady strides. The bells on his thick leather belt make mild, friendly 'Clanng!' -'Clang!' -'Clanng!' sound with each movement as he does, punctuating his every unhurried step, along the stead light 'Tap!' -'Tap!' -'Tap!' of his staff. Has his Happy mask on, and then assumes his idle pose-- Holding the sturdy old wood stick with both hands and leaning on it. Like this-
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1 | The Missing lets out a carefree, happy laugh as he leaps into a wild dance-- Hops from foot to foot, doing a sort of small 'hop' when lifting a leg where he holds that pose for a second before switching legs/feet; gives 'pauses' in-between where he does a jump in place with both feet together; And has his Happy mask on as he dances, letting out short, sharp cheery whistles and "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!", while the cow and sheep bells on belt clang and rattle with his rapid movements. Also grips onto his belt and scarlet sash at his waist with his left hand (not clawed), while his staff in the other (clawed), bringing the stick down as he does his foot from his 'hop' to strike the ground 'Tap-Tap!' as if to emphasize a 'pause' is coming. And then lets out a loud jovial, drawn out yell of "Heeee-E!" and another of those short, sharp whistles, very briefly lifting his mask up to reveal his face for a second at the last 'E!' of his call, revealing he's grinning. (Amused, in good, high-spirits, tiny hint of wistful fondness in his bright grin on that boyishly handsome face of his).
After that Valen heaves a small, quieter and calmer laugh in a chuckle, easing off from his dance to resume his idle pose of leaning on his ash or hickory stick--Like in this image:
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2 | The Dancer is leaning on his stick, relaxed with Happy mask on as he leisurely looks around himself, his bells making soft ringing as he shifts his weight from foot to foot subtly, slightly.
Then he seems to look over his shoulder as if having heard something/someone, and his Happy mask turns to his 'default' Angry one; The Mummer lifts his right hand, the fur of his long sleeve falling back to reveal his clawed hand a little-- And Valen sternly wags his finger to whatever/whoever he's looking at as if to say "Watch it.", or "Behave yourself." then slowly turns his head back to the player/screen, mask shifting back to Happy as he once again is gripping his staff with both hands.
-The Balladeer's voice-lines -
Deploy: Cheerful racket of mildly clattering cow and sheep bells, plus a small short, sharp whistle - Before Happy mask switches to Angry, staff turning to spear like in his story, held like the lowered horns of a bull. Aggressively in intimidation, threatening.
Defeated: "I'm...sorry I..failed...(Rest. We'll try again..)" The quiet, soothingly tender and mournful faint echo to say this (The player has to seriously strain to hear it under Val's strained voice and final 'Clang!' of his bells.) As the Kuker crumbles to his knees, holding onto his staff- a regular sturdy stick again- hunched over, mask going from Angry to sad to Tired, eyes closed.
Ultimate (Applies "Frighten" and makes both front & backline units scatter in terror. Three small red lightning bolts hover over Valen's head to indicate his skill is still active as he chases around the enemies, and the debuff is up. Similar to Sinbad's attack skill. The player can sometimes hear a small furious 'Raaargh!' yell from him, sort of like Grannie Dahnie and her taunts.):
Makes a cacophonous sound that's an amalgamation on furious yell, Grief-filled wailing and cheerful, carefree laughter all at once; This is in conjunction with the loud, aggressive clanging and rattling of the cow and sheep bells on his belt, as the Kuker charges swiftly straight at the enemies, spear lowered.
(Also I think it'd be kinda funny to watch him hop from foot to foot quickly while making this ruckus, like some cartoon nonsense, as he chases after a unit. The enemy hero in question, however, won't be having fun being charged/rushed/chased around by a 'bull'.) Upgrade: Does a small happy dance. (Thanks.)
Victory: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Heeee-E! (heheh.)" Assumes that pose as in his happy dance/first recruitment. The voice echoing underneath his and the bells' 'Clanng!' is mildly amused.
First recruitment: 'Clanng-Clanng-Clanng!'
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(*sighh.* Be serious.) "Heh." :D Then switches into his angry pose with a slow flourish for dramatic effect-
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---Affinity Gift---
Favorite item (Teacup and or flower bouquet): Does a small lively dance then signs 'Thanks! I really like it- Much appreciated!' quickly, then pauses for a second as if suddenly realizing/remembering something and gives a big thumbs up to the player.
General item: Has his happy mask on, gives a small solemn nod while leaning on his staff that he holds with both hands. Then does a small 'Tap-Tap!' with it kind of idly, but a softer tap.
Despised item (Graveborn lantern, Celestial sword and Demon eye): "....." The Happy mask slowly morphs to mildly Angry, as in displeased and disapproving, leaning on his staff as he does like in his idle. But gives a more firm 'Tap-Tap.' with it. His mask is kind of a mix of Angry and Tired in terms of expression.
The Missing is, perhaps, the only Lightbearer unit to have a despised item(s) at all to begin with. Let alone be unhappy with the sword of the Celestials as much as the Hypogeans' amulet.
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Official tags for The Balladeer cryptid: The "Balladeer", "Missing", The "Dancer" , project "harbringer" , "Kuker", Demon-Dancer, Demon warden, The Mummer
The other Cryptids' ask blogs |> The Damoiseau - "The Blind prophet" |> The Knave - Arlecchino / The "Mad-Hatter" |> The Marionet - Executioner/ The "Debt-collector" |> The Fair Gentleman / Unbound Will- of wisp
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the-obsidian-mystic · 5 years ago
Suleiman: Bastard
Ramses: Group Dad™
Akephalos: Narcissism Incarnate
Aeger: Friend-Shaped
Vercingetorix: Cactus
Valen: Resident Cryptid
Thalia: If Black Canary was a Thespian
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swipestream · 7 years ago
New Release Roundup, 14 July 2018: Fantasy and Adventure
The Colonies throw off England’s shackles in a second American Revolution, two genetically engineered sharks battle sea monsters for the fate of the free world, and the Shield Knight quests to stop the rise of an evil new god in this week’s roundup of the newest releases in fantasy and adventure.
The Cessation of Karrak (The Ascension of Karrak #3) – Robert J. Marsters
Betrayal… something the companions would never have suspected of one of their own.
Sadly, they are oblivious to the twisted thoughts of revenge harboured by one of the younger wizards. His darkest secret, his true identity… an identity hidden from them, but recently revealed to the shadow lord. The alliance between the traitor and the dark sorcerer Karrak would undoubtedly prove to be more dangerous than any threat they had overcome previously.
Could they still succeed?
Now, the situation more precarious than ever and facing insurmountable odds, no decision made by Jared Dunbar can be easy if he and his companions are to survive the final confrontation. Even at the cost of his own life, he must bring about…
The Cessation of Karrak.
Countdown to Apocalypse (Superhuman #2) – Evan Currie
The first shots of war have been fired, now it’s a race against time to stop a headlong rush before someone fires the last shots.
The alien probe that created dozens of superhuman weapons and unleashed them on Houston has a new testing site, the city of Hong Kong, and Alexander Hale has been asked to intervene. With no idea who, or how, the experiments on people are being done he slips into the city to try and find out what ever he can, but beyond the skyline of Hong Kong trouble is brewing.
With China and The USA rushing headlong toward a nuclear exchange, there may only be hours to save the world from this countdown to apocalypse.
It’ll take a superhuman effort.
Good thing he has that going for him, because nothing else seems to be.
Dragon Blessed (The Dragonwalker #2) – D. K. Holmberg
The magic of the ancient dragons cannot be ignored.
Learning he’s descended from the ancient Deshazl, those once known as the Dragonwalkers, has changed nothing for Fes. He continues to serve Azithan and the empire, even after deceiving them. The ancient Deshazl magic lives within him, but Fes doesn’t know how to control it or even if he should try.
An old nemesis approaches him with a job he can’t refuse, and he’s forced to head toward Toulen. When betrayal separates him from from a friend in need, Fes must begin to understand how to use his Deshazl magic. If he can’t, not only will he lose his friend, but innocent people will suffer.
With a growing magic within him, Fes questions not only the nature of his power, he’s forced to make a choice between these new connections and the empire.
Empire Day (New England #1) – James Philip
It is nearly two hundred years since George Washington was killed and his Continental Army was destroyed in the Battle of Long Island and now New England, that most quintessentially loyal and ‘English’ imperial fiefdom – at least in the original, or ‘First Thirteen’ colonies – is about to celebrate its devotion to the Crown and the Old Country, of which it still views, in the main, as the ‘mother country’.
In Whitehall every British government in living memory has complacently based its ‘American Policy’ on the one immutable, unchanging fact of New England politics; that the First Thirteen colonies will never agree with each other about anything.
In past times a troubling question has been whispered in the corridors of power in London: what would happen to the Empire – and the Pax Britannica – if the British hold on New England was ever to be loosened?
If the New World ever discovers again a single voice supporting any kind of meaningful estrangement from the Old Country; it would surely be the end of the Empire…
Image of Evil – William Hallstead
Raphael Kooven, half-Dutch, half Argentinian, master at espionage and international thievery, dies on the eve of his most demanding assignment.
Then he is astonished to find himself alive in another man’s body, the product of a breakthrough in human engineering by an obscure Montreal neurosurgeon. He is a magnificent scientific creation, as astounding as the electronic development he has been assigned to acquire.
All that stands in his way is a disgraced ex-cop, exiled to a remote think-tank in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains. Discredited Security Chief Marty Horn is unable to convince the institution’s director, his Washington superiors or even an FBI friend that an incredible change had taken place in a key resident scientist.
Horn determines to stop what he is convinced is a sinister penetration of security. He puts his job, his sanity and ultimately his life on the line against one of the most startling espionage plots ever conceived.
Operation Megalodon – Matthew Dennion
It has been six months since the terrorist Rol-Hama had captured the world’s cryptids.
The madman transformed the cryptids into giant monsters and then unleashed them on the world. Sea monster attacks quickly shut down worldwide shipping. The world’s economies and vital infrastructures are falling apart. Essential supplies that keep the world functioning including food, medicine, and oil are unable to be delivered. In response the US government enacts Operation MEG (Monster Extermination Group). The plan consists of mutating two great white sharks to monstrous proportions.
Now the fate of world is in the hands of Operation Megalodon.
Secret Treaties (The Valens Legacy #9) – Jan Stryvant
Having killed Gradatim’s pet demon, Sean now has to move onto Portland, a true Gradatim stronghold. When the Gradatim breaks the silence with an attack on Sean’s family, Sean’s response is drastic and immediate, yet the Gradatim cannot help but to escalate their own response. Pushed into a corner, Sean and the Lions’ response is both drastic and deadly, sending shockwaves through both magical and governmental organizations.
Forced now into a two front war as Sean has to deal with the consequences of his own actions, other parties start to take an interest in him and his crusade as politicians start to wrangle inside the government and council heads look to settle old scores as well as new ones, doing their best to take advantage of the changing dynamic in their own bids to gain power.
But allies have a way of turning up in the places that you least expect, and when it comes time to take a stand, there are still people who will stand for what is right.
Seven Shakespeares #1 – Harold Sakuishi
Literary secrets come alive when Harold Sakuishi, creator of the all-time-classic rock ‘n’ roll manga BECK, tackles a different kind of legend: William Shakespeare.
He’s said to be the greatest playwright and poet in history, the author of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, but just who was William Shakespeare?
It is Sixteenth-Century England, and the Protestant Reformation controls the hearts of the people and their consciences. With the tides of history whirling fiercely, and a devastating storm of persecution brewing, what path will the young boy William Shakespeare choose?
Harold Sakuishi unlocks the secrets behind the writer you only thought you knew!
Sorceress (Sevenfold Sword #7) – Jonathan Moeller
The quest of the Seven Swords will unmask treachery.
Ridmark Arban is the Shield Knight, questing to stop the rise of the evil New God. The sorceress Cathala, imprisoned within magical stone, holds the lore of the creator of the Seven Swords.
But dark powers are stirring in the Serpent Marshes, and Cathala has secrets of her own.
Secrets that might kill Ridmark and his friends…
This is sword-and sorcery at its very best. – Amazon Reader Review
Takeoff (Seth Walker #1) – Joseph Reid
Still reeling from a devastating personal tragedy, air marshal turned investigator Seth Walker embarks on his first case. All he has to do is accompany female pop star Max Magic to Los Angeles and deliver her to the FBI. But when their routine flight ends in a hail of gunfire at LAX, Walker has no choice but to take the frightened diva on the run.
After a second attack leaves him battered and bloody, Walker realizes he cannot trust the FBI. To keep his client alive, he must use a patchwork of trusted aviation contacts to get her home to Austin, where the key suspects await.
But as they race to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers, the biggest danger of all may be what they’re heading toward—the dark secrets that Max herself has been keeping…
Teeth (The Icefjord Saga #1) – Zaya Feli
Twelve years after the death of his family, Isa meets a boy in the woods with an injured foot who can bring ravens back to life. But something else has come to Ulfheim, and when Isa opens the rune ward keeping the village safe to let the strange boy through, the wicked beast that has haunted Isa’s dreams his entire life follows.
Six years later, the boy from the woods returns and his arrival sets events into motion much grander than Isa could have foreseen. Isa’s control is slipping. The wolves close in on Ulfheim and home is no longer safe.
In the north, Fenrisborg stirs. If Karel wants to save his sister and prove his worth, he must act now. But Ulfheim is as unforgiving as his father’s chilled halls and Karel will need all his skills to deceive a jarl and capture an evil creature.
Wrath of Gods (Paternus Trilogy #2) – Dyrk Ashton
On the run from an ancient evil and his army of terrors straight out of myths from around the world, Fi and Zeke aid Peter in his globe-trotting quest to seek out the remaining Firstborn, uncover the enemy’s plans, and gather the warriors of old for what may become the final battle in the world’s oldest war. Along the way, Fi and Zeke discover they, too, have strengths of their own–though they come at a cost neither may wish to bear.
“What a sequel should be – bigger stakes, bloodier action, and even more mythological madness.” – Fantasy Book Critic
New Release Roundup, 14 July 2018: Fantasy and Adventure published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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harbringercharacteraskblog2 · 3 months ago
In-depth dive into...The Mummer (Kuker)
Again, most if not all is from my chat with @bunnybird-afk. It all started with me writing the "Damoiseau" and his story, then I chose to keep the 'trend'. So it's mostly lore(?), nerding out about this cryptid.
"Also here's clips of Mummers and their games + dances-- To help add to how Valen- The Balladeer looks and sounds like when dancing/chasing off/after evils:
-This is also a documentary on them. At 4:24 starts the dance part
5:15 starts a different part
6:50 starts another dance part
7:24 part ends.
It's pretty much those/ the moves aren't very different. Clanging/rattling of bells -Jumping, ''wild-dancing''
just focus on the dances/Mummers. Not the text
...Simply imagine: You're in Ryeham or Holistone's turf/Remnant Peak, and hear this 'hellish'/'ungodly' racket or also see this masked fur-figure dancing 'wildly' while making THAT sound on top of his ruckus while tapping the stick on the ground. " -Finch
And here Bunnybird opened my eyes with something I overlooked-
"Also the idea that it originally was for young boys to represent them maturing into adults, and now Val dons the outfit while 'maturing' from a man to a cryptid." -Bunnybird (I really didn't clock this in at first. But I love this concept so much, it fits right in!)
And I'll just spoil my responses to asks as him with this tid-bit but eh.
"The Balladeer's responses would likely involve him communicating through dance/movement or signing ...in a lingo he knows/made up. Tho he CAN talk.
If asked why he mostly doesn't, he'd probably say something about his voice being.. "....I don't want to scare others with Death speaking.."
And always will have the ghostly song play/linked in his posts." -Finch "And these guys are.. not sure what kind of ballpark outside of their shtick being cryptids/SCP-sort of things."
Merlinverse lore/ ideas/ possibilities for the Balladeer=
Starting with his relation to Sena.
"If Sena is still Val's dad in this au, then he is firstly horrified at what his boy had to go through to get to this point. But afterwards, when Val has accepted his role as a guardian of Holistone/Ryeham? He's weirdly proud. Like Sena tends to minimize his divinity and his 'old habits' (*cough* being unapologetically Desi *cough*) but seeing Val as the Balladeer?? It would probably awaken that old latent spark of his again. Especially the bells since I headcanon Sena as knowing how to dance Kathakali.
Just Sena playing more into the fact that he's a god of the old faiths and now that his son has embraced a role that fits into an old faith (not his but still), it'd probably let Sena feel more comfortable slipping into his old self too." -Bunny
"And given he sees Pirin as his son too.. "The Balladeer- Two sons for the price of one!" :D (Morbid joke but..I mean.)
And since i'm subverting who could be who-- Valen was originally supposed to be Damoiseau while Soren's Arlecchino.. Berial was initially going to be the mummer and by extension, the Balladeer.
So why not make Berial, this gleeful mischief-maker clown, as the coldly-calm and stern/stoic Arlecchino? And by proxy home-in on Pirin's fire/rebirth/death themes plus combat? (Besides cold-bloodedness.)" -Finch. Yup. Val was originally supposed to be the Damoiseau (Inspired heavily from Collumbina, the Damsellette. Except somehow it didn't sit well/too cliché or obviously on the nose.)
"This whole project gives me heavy uhh.. scientist fuses his daughter with their dog in the name of science FMA episode vibes... Sans the close relations part."
"Next on the block for this is Valen-- Kuker. The fusion could happen sort of Majora's mask way or like in ... Occarina of time I think? Where you collect the masks of various dead people, and when you put it on, you become that person."
Just me generally talking more about the concept of this ''timeline''.
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harbringercharacteraskblog2 · 3 months ago
Match-maker! (?) - The Merlinverse game
This was supposed to go on my main blog not here! ...I mean a Valen is mentioned & talked about--But it's not the Missing! ;-;') Welp too late now, don't have the heart to copy all this and move it to main blog so here we are. Sorry Wind! My post for the Merlinverse Interaction Game! and welp today I'm taking a really quick crack at it. Assuming I don't somehow turn it into an analysis or full-fledged fic. |> Prompt of the day: Attempts to play matchmaker for... Lavinia @windmaedchen
Okay, so Pirin playing (or trying) to play match-maker for Lavi. Honestly he already knows well whom the woman loves, she needs no match-making. But that said, I can see the Mather of the Merlinverse and as a whole, play wingman.
Slip a little vague but sweetly romantic note to both Valen and Lavinia, anonymously under a different alias/pseudonym. Something like a wee mini ARG or 'treasure hunt' with riddles that are puzzles only the two of them would get. (References, inside jokes, their memories being the key/answer to the riddle and it's always two-way that matches. So it's impossible not to be solved and not match, yet still keeping them from bumping into each other and spoiling the surprise.)
And all those little breadcrumbs lead to--Is the one spot the two first met and fell in love. The whole treasure hunt has been a kind of trip to memory lane, a pilgrimage of their history and returning to the start/roots. The last clue there, hinting at them being each other's treasure. And a small gift from "All-Mather"- Two pebbles that have been drenched in his blood to infuse a chunk of his magic into them. His blessings- Luck, good health, regeneration & healing regardless of ailment/pain and its severity. And calm, clarity so that they can react adequately even under the highest stress- Blessings of his bloodline, the Eclipse.
Two pendants, that when put together form one whole heart. And one smaller, for their son. Both pieces of jewelry able to be worn around the neck so they don't get lost/misplaced/forgotten somewhere somehow and aren't big stones to catch/pull unwanted attention- Can be hidden under the collar/clothes easily. The Maulers often refer to this kind of stone as Night Jinni's bloodstone. And a night nymph's magic can grant one's most heartfelt, sacred wish. After that, all the magic gets used up to grant that wish, and the blood evaporates away. The stone back to a regular one.
And it's possible that The Fair Gentleman, newest cryptid to join the Guardian cryptids lot, has been tasked to write the riddles. With the help of the Damoiseau also commonly known as "Tyr/Odin" besides "Blind prophet'', given he's the most cryptid with his words. So if some of the riddles had a mildly prophetic to prophetic flair and tinge to them plus Sphinx? Then that was the Damoiseau Mauler at work.
Arle simply, most likely, left a playing Joker card somewhere. If prompted to join in putting together the treasure hunt or got curious then invested into it. In fact, the Knave probably helped the Fair Gentleman to stay undetected/unnoticed plus not get caught.
(Aand yup. I did it again.) The "All Mather" is a joking reference to Odin, and Pirin being the mother & father to the Merlinverse, the different timelines and in general + accidentally adopting/taking under his wing.
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harborpodcast · 3 years ago
Let’s get freaky with Episode 2....
Check out the content warnings!
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