#Crowns dental care
myscottsdale · 25 days
Understanding Dental Crowns: Types, Procedures, and Comprehensive Care
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Dental crowns are a vital component of restorative dentistry, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. Whether you're dealing with a damaged tooth, want to enhance your smile, or need to protect a weakened tooth, dental crowns provide a reliable solution. In this detailed guide, we will explore what dental crowns are, why you might need one, the different types available, and what to expect during the procedure. We’ll also discuss the benefits, risks, and how to care for your crown to ensure it lasts for years.
What is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a custom-made cap that covers a damaged, decayed, or unattractive tooth. It restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both, and are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.
When Would You Need a Dental Crown?
Dental crowns are recommended in several situations, including:
To protect a weak tooth from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth.
To restore an already broken or severely worn down tooth.
To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t much tooth left.
To hold a dental bridge in place.
To cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth.
To cover a dental implant.
To make a cosmetic modification to improve the appearance of a smile.
There are several types of dental crowns available, each with its own advantages:
Metal crowns
Dental technicians use several metals to make dental crowns, including gold, palladium, nickel and chromium. Metal crowns rarely chip or break, last the longest in terms of wear and only require a small amount of enamel removal. They can also withstand biting and chewing forces.
The metallic color is the main drawback of this type of crown. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars.
Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns
Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns combine the durability of metal and the natural look of porcelain. Dentists can match these crowns to the shade of your own teeth.
Despite their strength, PFM crowns have some drawbacks. For example, the porcelain coating may chip off over time, exposing the metal underneath. In addition, PFM crowns may gradually wear down the enamel on your opposing teeth (the teeth that touch your crown when you close your mouth).
PFM crowns last almost as long as metal crowns. They can restore both front and back teeth.
Pressed ceramic crowns
A pressed ceramic crown has a hard inner core. It’s similar to a PFM, but the core is ceramic instead of metal. To make this inner core, a technician melts and presses ceramic in an oven at a very high temperature. Next, they add multiple layers of porcelain. Like all-porcelain crowns, pressed ceramic crowns mimic the translucency of natural tooth enamel.
Pressed ceramic crowns have the same drawbacks as PFM crowns. The layers of ceramic can chip away over time. Dentists use pressed ceramic crowns on front and back teeth.
All-ceramic or porcelain crowns
All-ceramic or porcelain crowns mimic the appearance of tooth enamel more than any other crown type. They’re also a good choice if you have metal allergies.
Lab technicians use many different materials to make ceramic crowns, but one of the most popular is zirconium dioxide. Zirconia crowns are extremely durable and can withstand heavier forces than other types of ceramic crowns. They’re also gentle on your opposing teeth, resulting in less enamel wear.
Same-day dental crowns
Many dentists use CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing) technology to create crowns in their office while you wait. This software allows your dentist to take digital dental impressions of your teeth, and then use those impressions to design a custom crown. Once your dentist designs your crown, they’ll send the image files to an on-site milling machine. The machine will craft your new crown from a solid block of ceramic.
The main advantage of CAD/CAM technology is that you can get a dental crown in just one office visit. However, same-day crowns aren’t for everyone. Ask your dentist if you’re a candidate.
All-resin crowns
Dental crowns made out of resin are generally less expensive than other types of crowns. But they’re fragile and more likely to break compared to porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns.
Dentists often use resin to make temporary crowns. They last three to five years on average.
First Visit: Preparation:
Temporary Crown Removal: The temporary crown is removed, and the custom-made crown is placed on the tooth.
Cementing: The dentist checks the fit and color of the crown. If everything looks good, the crown is permanently cemented into place.
What are the Benefits of Dental Crowns?
Restoration of Function: Crowns restore the ability to bite and chew normally.
Protection: They protect weak teeth from further damage or decay.
Aesthetic Improvement: Crowns can significantly enhance the appearance of damaged or discolored teeth.
Durability: With proper care, crowns can last many years, providing long-term benefits.
What are the Risks of Dental Crowns?
Sensitivity: Some patients may experience sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures after getting a crown.
Chipping or Breaking: Although rare, crowns made of porcelain can chip or break under excessive force.
Loose Crown: Over time, the cement that holds the crown in place may wear out, causing the crown to become loose.
Allergic Reactions: Although uncommon, some patients may have allergic reactions to the materials used in the crown.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Better After a Dental Crown Procedure?
Most patients feel better within a few days after the procedure. It’s normal to experience some sensitivity or discomfort initially, but this usually subsides quickly.
Foods to Avoid with a Crown To prolong the life of your crown, it’s advisable to avoid:
Hard foods like nuts and ice that could crack the crown.
Sticky foods like caramel and chewing gum that could pull the crown off.
Sugary foods that can lead to decay around the crown.
Are Dental Crowns Permanent? Dental crowns are not permanent, but they are long-lasting. With proper care, a crown can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years. The longevity depends on the material used, the location of the crown, and your oral hygiene practices.
Additional Details
Veneers vs. Crowns: Which Option is Right for Me? Veneers are a thinner, more conservative option that only covers the front surface of the tooth, making them ideal for cosmetic changes. Crowns, on the other hand, encase the entire tooth and are better for teeth that need strengthening or have significant damage.
What’s the Most Common Alternative to a Crown? A common alternative to a crown is a dental veneer or an inlay/onlay. These options are less invasive but may not provide the same level of protection as a crown, particularly for teeth that are heavily damaged.
Dental Cap vs. Crown: Is There a Difference? The terms "dental cap" and "crown" are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the same dental restoration used to cover and protect a damaged tooth.
Dental crowns are a versatile and effective solution for restoring damaged teeth, enhancing aesthetics, and providing long-term protection. Whether you're dealing with a cracked tooth, severe decay, or simply want to improve your smile, a dental crown can be the right choice. At My Scottsdale Dentist, we offer a range of crown options tailored to your specific needs. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact us today and take the first step toward a healthier, more beautiful smile.
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vulpinesaint · 8 months
so much medicine in my body today. medical procedures georg if i am quite honest with you
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Common Misconceptions About Clear Aligners
Clear aligners have revolutionized the way people achieve straighter teeth, offering a modern, discreet alternative to traditional metal braces. However, with all the excitement around this innovative treatment, there are still some common misconceptions that may leave you wondering if clear aligners are right for you. At Black Bear Dental, your local provider of clear aligners near you, we’re here to clear up these myths and provide expert insights into why clear aligners could be the perfect fit for your smile journey.
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Myth 1: Clear Aligners Only Work for Minor Teeth Adjustments
Many people believe that clear aligners are only suitable for small corrections, like closing minor gaps or straightening slightly crooked teeth. This misconception often leads patients to think they aren’t a candidate if they have more complex dental issues.
The Reality: Clear aligners have advanced significantly and are now capable of treating a wide range of orthodontic concerns, including crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. At Black Bear Dental, we use the latest aligner technology that can effectively address even more challenging cases. Our experienced team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your teeth and customize a treatment plan that suits your specific needs, no matter how complex.
Myth 2: Clear Aligners Take Much Longer Than Traditional Braces
A common misconception is that clear aligners take longer to straighten teeth compared to traditional braces. It’s easy to assume that because clear aligners are removable and less visible, they might not be as effective in achieving timely results.
The Reality: Clear aligners can be just as efficient, if not faster, than traditional braces, depending on the complexity of the case and how consistently the aligners are worn. Most patients complete treatment in 12 to 18 months, which is comparable to traditional braces. In some cases, clear aligners can even achieve results faster because they are designed to apply continuous, gentle pressure to shift teeth more predictably.
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Myth 3: Clear Aligners Are Uncomfortable to Wear
Some patients worry that clear aligners might be uncomfortable or painful, similar to the discomfort often associated with metal braces. This misconception can discourage people from choosing aligners, fearing that the treatment won’t be as comfortable as advertised.
The Reality: Clear aligners are custom-made from smooth, BPA-free plastic that fits snugly over your teeth. While you may experience mild pressure when switching to a new set of aligners, this is a sign that the aligners are working. Unlike braces, there are no sharp brackets or wires to irritate your cheeks and gums, making clear aligners a far more comfortable option for most patients.
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Do Dentists Recommend Clear Aligners?
Absolutely, many dentists and orthodontists recommend clear aligners as an effective, convenient alternative to traditional braces. At Black Bear Dental, we often suggest clear aligners for patients seeking a discreet and flexible treatment option that fits seamlessly into their lifestyle. Here’s why:
Effectiveness: Clear aligners are proven to effectively treat a wide range of orthodontic issues, offering reliable and predictable results.
Aesthetic Appeal: The nearly invisible appearance of clear aligners allows patients to straighten their teeth without the noticeable look of metal braces, which is particularly appealing for adults and teens who are conscious of their appearance.
Convenience and Flexibility: Because clear aligners are removable, you can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions and maintain your regular oral hygiene routine with ease.
Customized Treatment: Every set of aligners is tailored specifically to your teeth, ensuring a precise and comfortable fit that drives optimal results.
At Black Bear Dental, our focus is on providing personalized care that meets your unique needs. We evaluate every patient’s individual case to determine if clear aligners are the best choice for achieving their smile goals.
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Discover the Truth About Clear Aligners at Black Bear Dental
Clear aligners offer a transformative way to achieve a straighter smile with minimal disruption to your daily life. Don’t let common misconceptions hold you back from exploring this innovative treatment. At Black Bear Dental, we’re committed to guiding you through the clear aligner process with expert advice, advanced technology, and compassionate care. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile.
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ichverdurstehier · 3 months
I hope a communist steals all your toothbrushes for the rest of your life.
Me and my liquor store blues 🎶
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trip-to-nature24 · 2 years
Are Dental Bridges Safe And Long Lasting?
Tooth loss is very common as there are many reasons for this problem. Poor oral health is the main reason most people lose their teeth. Failure to have regular checkups with your dentist will also contribute to tooth or tooth loss.  However, among the many factors that contribute to tooth loss, ignoring these unsightly gaps will cause a struggle to chew and speak.  These are factors that can cause low self-esteem and affect how you function, but can be avoided by using dental bridges in Om Sai Dental Care.
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 Many people who have lost teeth in the past struggle with the decision to get a dental bridge. A dental bridge allows you to save your jaw. If the gaps remain unfilled for too long, the jaw will likely deteriorate as it no longer receives stimulation from the missing teeth.
Types of Dental Bridges Near You
Dental bridges provide a solution to missing teeth by providing an artificial replacement for the gap between missing teeth. The solution is effective and available at Om Sai Dental Clinic in 3 different types of bridges including:
 Traditional bridge  This type of dental bridge involves teeth on both sides of the gap. They are rearranged, so that crowns are placed on top of two teeth - filling the gap.
 Cantilever Bridge  This type of dental bridge includes a tooth shape and crown next to the gap.  This type of procedure is recommended on teeth that cannot withstand intense pressure.  Unlike molars, they can break under high chewing pressure.
 Maryland Bridge  This type of dental bridge near you does not involve adjacent teeth.  A tooth is attached to a metal wing because the bite is less forceful.
 A dental bridge procedure takes about two days. During the first day, adjacent teeth are reshaped to accommodate the crown. During the second visit to the dentist, the permanent bridge is placed.  This is checked and then to your satisfaction, the crown is cemented into place.
after care
 After a dental bridge procedure, there are some precautions that include minimal chewing on the side of the procedure and using the opposite side of your mouth.  Hard foods should also be avoided as the bridge can be pushed out of place.  Extra care should be used during cleaning and flossing, especially during healing.  The patient is advised to avoid alcohol or smoking after treatment.
 What will my dental bridge last?
 Most people have not acquired the full information about dental bridges, and the main question is whether they are permanent. The answer is yes, dental bridges near you will last for a long time. This is especially true in patients with strong and adequate bone volume. Proper oral hygiene can extend the lifespan of dental bridges. Replacement teeth can be made from one or a combination of materials, depending on your preference and preferred cost.
 Gold alloy, porcelain or zirconia are the most popular.  All these elements are powerful and aesthetically pleasing.
 Worried about the safety of having dental bridges?  You don't have to worry...the good news is that they are a safe and effective option.  The biggest thing to consider is making sure you dedicate enough time to finding the right dentist in Guwahati. Consider their experience, expertise and success rate of previous clients.
 Every patient should have the right attitude for any dental procedure to be successful.  Talk to your dentist near you about dental bridges before committing to the procedure, or any procedure for that matter.  Be mentally prepared and determined about what you want.  Know that your efforts to maintain your oral care significantly affect the success of your new restoration.
Maintaining excellent oral health is important to your self-confidence and overall quality of life. If you are interested in finding out more about dental crowns and bridges near you, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated dental team at Om Sai Dental care. This clinic is one of the best dental clinics in Guwahati. We are pleased to offer our patients a variety of restorative dentistry options so they can maintain excellent oral health for a lifetime. Contact us to book your comprehensive oral exam today. We can’t wait to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.
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z00r0p4 · 1 year
no girl im fine i just got hit with a plan for 1500$ worth of dental work because I don't brush close enough to my gums or something
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smritirajdentistry · 2 years
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gb-dentistry · 2 days
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Looking to restore your smile with a dental crown or bridges in Memorial? Our expert team offers durable and natural-looking solutions.
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Our dental crown process exceeds your expectations by combining modern techniques with individualized attention. Make an appointment for your consultation right now.
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mygentledentistau · 2 days
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petaldentalclinic · 6 days
Dental Crowns and Toothache Treatment in Overland Park, KS
A dental crown is a cap placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its shape, size, and function. It can also improve the appearance of the tooth. Here are common reasons why you might need a dental crown.
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Sbiancamento acido?
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innovativedentalny · 10 days
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dentistpune0 · 11 days
Top-Rated Dental Care in Pune: Where Your Smile Matters
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Why Choose Our Dental Clinic in Pune?
Selecting the right Dentist in Pune is crucial for maintaining excellent oral health. Here’s why we stand out as the top choice for dental care in the region:
1. Experienced Dental Professionals
Our Pune-based team consists of highly skilled dentists with extensive experience across various dental specialties. Whether you require routine dental cleanings, cosmetic enhancements, orthodontic solutions, or specialized treatments, our team has the expertise to provide exceptional care. Our professionals are committed to staying updated with the latest advancements in dental techniques and technologies to offer you the best possible outcomes.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities
We prioritize advanced dental technology to ensure superior outcomes. Our Pune Dental Clinic is equipped with cutting-edge tools and equipment that enable us to perform precise diagnostics and treatments with minimal discomfort. From digital X-rays to advanced laser technology, we use the latest innovations to enhance the quality of your care.
3. Comprehensive Dental Services
Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your dental needs:
Routine dental checkups and professional cleanings: Essential for maintaining oral health and preventing disease.
Cosmetic dentistry services: Enhance your smile with teeth whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic treatments.
Dental implants and restorative treatments: Rebuild and restore your smile with durable, natural-looking solutions.
Orthodontic solutions: Including traditional braces and Invisalign to straighten your teeth and improve bite function.
Pediatric dental care: Specialized care to ensure your child’s teeth and gums develop healthily.
Emergency dental services: Prompt care for urgent dental issues to alleviate pain and prevent complications.
4. Patient-Centered Approach
Your comfort and satisfaction are paramount to us. At Dentist-Pune, we take the time to listen to your concerns, explain treatment options clearly, and ensure you feel confident in your dental care decisions. Our friendly and compassionate team is here to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
5. Hygiene and Safety
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Personalized Care Tailored to You
At Dentist-Pune, we believe in personalized care that addresses your unique dental needs and aspirations. Whether you’re visiting us for routine maintenance or complex procedures, our Pune Dentists will create a customized treatment plan designed to enhance your oral health and rejuvenate your smile.
Conveniently Located in Pune
You can find our Dental clinic conveniently located at: 1st Floor, F6, Gera’s 77 Building, Chowk, Nagar Rd, next to Punjab National Bank, Ramwadi, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014. We warmly welcome patients from Pune and surrounding areas, ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for all ages.
Contact Us Today
Are you ready to experience exceptional dental care in Pune? Contact Dentist-Pune to schedule your appointment. Whether you’re due for a routine checkup or seeking specialized treatment, our dedicated team is here to serve you.
For more information, visit our website at Dental Clinic Pune and get to know our team of committed dental professionals.
Your smile deserves the best — trust Dentist-Pune for all your dental care needs in Pune.
Contact Information:-
Phone: +91 89831 01099
We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic and helping you achieve a healthy, radiant smile!
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nufacedental · 12 days
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Revitalize Your Smile at NuFace Dental: The Premier Dental Implant Clinic in Jalandhar
Looking for a reliable dental implant clinic in Jalandhar, Nuface Dental is the place to be! Their team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch care in a friendly and welcoming environment. From consultation to post-procedure care, you can trust Nuface Dental to guide you through every step with a smile. With their expertise and commitment to excellence, you can rest assured that your oral health is in good hands at this reputable clinic in Jalandhar.
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