#Crosswords Club Digital
brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Salty Newsletter Tim
Jason, Dick, Bruce, and Damian do not know though Damian dearly wants to after he discovers a picture in the newsletter of Robin. He just wants to talk. Dick thinks the picture is adorable and wants it framed. Stephanie does not know.
Barbara though, yes, she knows and does help Tim by supplying additional pictures and making sure the digital versions of the newsletter stay safe. Tim has guilted her into making sure she doesn't blab to Dick. The other Bats knows she knows but they haven't been able to come up with a suitable bribe to get her to tell them (it also doesn't help that Tim can absolutely outdo their bribery attempts) while emotional manipulation just makes her angry. Cassandra knows and delights in them. She insists on adding notifications of important events like the dance recitals, school plays, science fairs, etc. of any league associated child to ensure that if the parent or guardian can't make it then SOMEONE in the league will probably be there. Helena aka Huntress also knows because she acts as Tim's editor and helps to make the articles sound less like a Bat report. She is the only one of the birds of prey, besides Barbara, who knows.
Alfred suspects Tim has supplied pictures because of their quality but isn't sure about the articles and isn't sure he wants to confirm the article source since he wants plausible deniability. He also creates regular crossword puzzles for the newsletter.
Tim connected Ma Kent and Queen Hippolyta via his JL PTA and the two of them make up a Dear Abby for superheroes that they gently bully Tim into letting them add. Tim doesn't ask how either of them found out, he's not sure he wants to know. Ma Kent definitely now has Amazon farmhands helping out as she's getting older and her boys have less time to help at home.
This is fantastic! I'm so so happy you added Helena to it ^^
Tim has accidentally created a newspaper club with various people and can't back out. It would be hilarious if Tim made it official and gave the different members role designations (Helena as editor, Cass as events coordinator, Barbara as photographer/photo editor, etc).
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dykepuffs · 5 months
May 7th:
Suddenly I wonder if the dinner service is all gold because Dracula can't touch silver? The holy metal was definitely an established idea already.
How many of those books that Dracula calls "his companions" are things stolen out of the luggage of English victims over the years? Obviously he could order English periodicals and reference books and literature (Laura's family in Styria were ordering English books to their Austrian schloss a generation earlier) but something about the old magazines and newspapers - Things that visitors had picked up in the railway station to read on the trip and then absently kept with them all the way to his gate? - Feels very different. How many crosswords and riddle pages are filled in partway with some visiting clerk's smart secretary hand, and then finished in Dracula's best attempt at copying it? A gentleman in London would of course have a club, and would be expected to keep up friendly correspondence with other members, he couldn't very well write out his visiting cards in his own ancient handwriting...
He's got the Red and Blue books - Much debate over exactly WHICH red and blue books, but I'm choosing to believe that this is the Blue Book from the office of national statistics (ie, telling us about Britain's industries and GDP and where things are made, so by inference telling us about the New Rich industrialists) and Debrett's red book (ie, telling us about the peers, the historic ancient rich families and their relative positions, and where they are). So he will know who the major players are in England, from the ancient seat of a lord in Nottinghamshire, to the owner of the most productive steel mill in Sheffield, who live on each other's doorsteps but likely wouldn't give each other the time of day.
And Jonathan is already investigating- he doesn't know what yet, its only been a couple of days, but he's looking around, testing doorknobs, tracking what's going on around him, who he can hear in the distance (ie, nobody)...
I love the incongruity, of this brooding medieval edifice of Carfax, with its oak gates and barred windows sunken into the thick stone walls, and then chippy young solicitor Jon climbing about in the overgrown gardens with his Kodak camera, to take the photos for the new buyer, much like I still see estate agents doing today, hovering with their cheap digital cameras and leaning in against the windows when they've forgotten their keys too.
God, Dracula's manipulations are amazing. He knows already that he can control Jon by basic politeness - leaning on that employer-employee relationship - and by food (Which, looking ahead, will probably get more and more pronounced as Jon gets more sleep deprived and confused).
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chaosworthy · 1 year
Instructions: Bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests to them, & finally, strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in. Repost. Do not reblog!
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birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing, tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship, viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating, rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics, skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet, jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing, zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, bocce, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting, spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting, modeling
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
instructions: bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in.  repost, do not reblog!
birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing, tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship, viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating, rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics, skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet, jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing, zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting, spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
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warningsine · 4 months
When I walk into Amsterdam’s Cafe Brecht, I immediately want to take a picture. The old-fashioned bar – with its plush sofas, vintage art and warm lighting – is what the Dutch would call “gezellig”, a word with many meanings but perhaps best summed up as “cosy” or “pleasant”. My instinct is to whip out my phone and take a photo. For friends? Future reference? Who knows? But I’ll have to rely on my memory, as I’ve checked it at the door.
I’m at the cafe for a Sunday morning “digital detox hangout”, organised by the burgeoning Offline Club. I’ve dropped my phone off in slot seven of a fancy-looking lockbox, committing to spend the next few hours unplugged. There’s a set schedule: we have some time to chat at the beginning, then 45 minutes to ourselves, another 30 minutes to connect, followed by another 30 minutes of quiet time. During the quiet time, we are invited to do any sort of activity – I brought a book – provided we don’t interrupt others.
The crowd spans all ages and nationalities. Ada Popowicz, a 25-year-old master’s student from Poland, came to the event because she wanted to work on her thesis and meet like-minded individuals. “You think better because you’re not interrupted,” she says.
Nathalie Tura, from Italy, is here for a different reason. A 52-year-old divorced single mother, she wants to use her one free weekend, when her daughter is off with her father, to do something unrelated to motherhood. “Last time I did something like this was a long time ago,” she says.
It isn’t just Amsterdam residents attending. Americans Shelley and Matt Nowak are spending a week in the Netherlands. Recent smartphone converts, having bought them for the first time two years ago, they found themselves going down the same rabbit hole as everyone else. “We wanted to remember what it was like,” Shelley says. They have come prepared with all sorts of activities: a Los Angeles Times crossword, a journal, a printed-out floor plan, and books.
It may seem crazy that this is something that people are willing to pay for. The price of the experience is €7.50 (about £6.50/$8), plus whatever you order at the cafe.
“Why would I pay to sit down and be quiet when I can do that at home,” one person jokes. “I can’t imagine telling my grandparents about this,” another laments. “I’m happy it exists, but the need for it is ridiculous,” says Popowicz.
Digital detoxing is nothing new, and the Offline Club isn’t the only group in the Netherlands leading the way. Organisations like Power Haus offer digital detox retreats for any number of days. Off the Radar organises phone-free music events in Tilburg, encouraging attenders to “connect by disconnecting”. The Dutch government is also making moves to restrict online access. As of 1 January, students aged 12 to 18 are no longer allowed to use mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches during school hours.
Too much time online can be detrimental for many reasons, says Vassia Sarantopoulou, a psychologist based in the Netherlands. When we use our phones, we release a small bit of the feelgood hormone dopamine. The phone “gives this instant relief,” she says, and excessive use can result in addiction.
“Not only we are addicted, but also we are not creating, forming and building healthy coping mechanisms,” she continues. Relying too heavily on technology and investing in social media relationships can also inhibit social-emotional development. “We solve our problems, or we think we solve our problems, by logging into all these devices and all these accounts and all these social media platforms.”
Even just scrolling through an app like TikTok can be exhausting for your mind, she says: “Even though you’re watching videos with kittens and puppies or whatever, your brain is working and processing data. The brain doesn’t understand whether it’s good or bad.”
Time offline can reverse some of the damages, says Sarantopoulou. “It can have psychological, social and emotional effects and benefits when we learn to switch off. And it can be a really liberating experience”
It was time offline, in fact, that inspired the Offline Club. Starting in 2022, co-founders Ilya Kneppelhout, Valentijn Klok and Jordy van Bennekom began organising “het leest” (reading) weekends, where attenders would be offline for a full two days.
“We really feel that whenever we go offline, we create mental space for new ideas. And we have bursts of creativity,” says Kneppelhout.
During one of these events, they came up with the idea of bringing the concept back to the city. “It’s a financial investment and a time investment going away for a weekend,” says van Bennekom. “So we thought, let’s make this accessible to the broader public and really make it possible for them to incorporate it in their daily lives.”
Since launching officially at the beginning of February, the Offline Club has become immensely popular, offering events in cities across the Netherlands and often selling out early. They’ve enlisted others to help host events in order to scale up operations. While I was at the Offline Club in Amsterdam, there were others happening at around the same time in Utrecht and Nijmegen. The founders even quit their jobs to adapt to the increased demand.
Ironically, the group has gained a lot of traction from social media. The Offline Club has posted a number of reels that went viral, and garnered nearly 200,000 followers on Instagram in two months. “It’s a bit overwhelming,” says Kneppelhout. “But we knew this was something people were aching for. We live in an era of burnout culture, where everyone talks about the negative effects of screen time and says that they are spending more time on their phones than they want to.”
Off the Radar also felt that people were yearning for phone-free spaces, especially for music. Many live performances are blocked by people holding up their phones to record, says co-founder Jori van der Jagt. “A lot of young people want to party without a phone, or do something without a phone,” adds co-founder Daan Biemans. And while some places, such as the Berlin club Berghain, have had longstanding “no phones” policies, they usually consist of putting a sticker over the camera or just asking people to keep their phones in their pockets. Off the Radar decided to take a different approach. Like the Offline Club, attenders must hand in their phones before entering the venue.
So far the group has hosted three events, and it has another coming up in September. Like the Offline Club, the founders acknowledge that offline time is important in our technology-ridden society. But to them, phone-free events also allow for more meaningful and freeing experiences. “It’s all about creating a safe environment for the people there, where you can be whoever you want to be without being scared that you might be on social media the next day,” says Biemans.
One potential criticism is that the offline movement should be self-motivated. Do we need an external influence to drag us away from our phones?
“Some people say, ‘But it’s your own responsibility! Why would you go to an event – you can just do it yourself?’” says van Bennekom. “But they forget the fact that these devices and these apps were developed by the best psychologists and neuroscientists, who know exactly how to hook you. These devices make you addicted. You almost don’t have any power over that.”
Back at Cafe Brecht, many visitors find the Offline Club’s unique structure – of equal alone and together time – enticing, myself included. There’s something special about being in the company of others longing to find ways to distance themselves from their phones, albeit for a few hours. “It’s that human connection of having people around you,” the person next to me says. Another calls it a good “third space” – a place in between home and work or school, in which people can connect and take a break. It’s clearly working. Some people at Sunday’s event are returning for their third or fourth time.
At the end of the session, host Catrien de Vries leads us in a debrief of sorts. She became involved with the Offline Club at one of their weekend getaways, an experience she deemed “life-changing”. Working a corporate job in a big city, she felt she never had time to herself. Through the Offline Club, she’s been able to connect with other like-minded people.
“How was it to be without a phone?” she asks us. In all honesty, it wasn’t easy. Many, including me, had felt its absence. “I had the urge to grab my phone, like an addict,” says Popowicz. But to her, time offline is a way to learn delayed gratification.
“I feel more connected with humanity,” another person says.
Three hours isn’t enough to solve all the problems associated with being chronically online, of course. Sarantopoulou sees it as a skill that must be developed. “We need to create some internal motivation so that we can keep that going on without the need of somebody patronising or reminding us,” she says. “It’s going to be difficult in the beginning but you need to learn: how to be mindful, how to stay in the moment, stay with the discomfort. It’s a journey.”
At the end of the day, that’s also what the Offline Club is about. The founders aren’t complete Luddites. Rather, they encourage individuals to become more conscious about their relationship with technology. “We are about inspiring people to implement the offline lifestyle more often into their lives, and to have a relationship with their digital devices that they are happy about, that doesn’t negatively impact them,” says Kneppelhout. “We hope to show people that life can be lived differently, which will help them become happier and more fulfilled.”
The desire to disconnect from technology isn’t uniquely Dutch, but Sarantopoulou points out that it does align with some core values. “For the Dutch culture, it’s important to have this work-life balance,” she says. “They’re also very proactive in regards to a sense of community. They like hanging out together, they like doing things together, having fun organising barbecues and borrels [informal drinks gatherings]. I can see how this would be very much a good fit within that culture.”
This is also reflected in the Offline Club’s events. It selects venues and supports local businesses that are authentic and unique. Right now, most sessions occur at “gezellig” cafes that can seat about 30 people (though it has dabbled in some other venues such as yoga studios, and even a co-working space). The group is hosting its first ever 300-person event at Westerkerk – a Protestant church in Amsterdam – on 22 May. Also on the docket: a weekend getaway in the countryside at the end of June for 10 to 12 people. Prices start at €425.
“We really want to build a community around this,” says Klok.
“How we see it is that, for example, you move to Berlin, and the Offline Club there is a way to get introduced to new cool local places, meet new people easily, and have something to bond through immediately,” says van Bennekom.
The founders say they are already fielding requests from people across the globe, hoping to bring a similar concept to their city. “The world is screaming for less screen time and more connection,” says Kneppelhout.
Back at Cafe Brecht, I’m one of the last to leave. As I’m heading out the door, I run into another attender who’s coming back in. Enlightened by the experience, she had managed to leave her phone behind.
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brainanalyse · 6 months
Brain Booster Crossword
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Unlock Your Brain Power with Brain-Boosting Crossword Puzzles
Hey there, puzzle lovers and brainiacs! Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to keep your mind sharp and active? Well, you’re in luck because in this blog post, we’ll be diving into the world of brain-boosting crossword puzzles. These delightful word games are not only entertaining but also offer a plethora of cognitive benefits that can help enhance your mental agility and overall brain health. So, grab your favorite pen or fire up your digital devices, and let’s explore how these crossword puzzles can be your ticket to boosting your brainpower!
The Magic of Crossword Puzzles
Crossword puzzles are a timeless classic that have been a favorite pastime for generations. These puzzles typically consist of a grid of squares where players have to fill in the blank spaces with words that intersect with one another both horizontally and vertically. The clues provided vary in difficulty, ranging from simple definitions to more cryptic wordplay, challenging players to think outside the box and make connections between different pieces of information.
* Crossword puzzles come in various sizes and complexity levels, making them suitable for individuals of all ages and skill levels. * They offer a perfect balance of entertainment and mental exercise, making them a fantastic way to unwind while also stimulating your brain. * Solving crossword puzzles can improve your vocabulary, enhance your problem-solving skills, and boost your memory retention.
Benefits of Solving Crossword Puzzles
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1. Cognitive Stimulation
Crossword puzzles require you to use multiple cognitive skills simultaneously, such as reasoning, memory, focus, and creativity. By engaging in this mental workout, you’re giving your brain a full workout that can help strengthen neural connections and improve overall cognitive function.
2. Memory Enhancement
As you tackle clues and fill in answers, you’re actively exercising your memory. The process of recalling information, making associations, and storing new words in your brain can have a positive impact on your memory retention skills, helping you sharpen your recall abilities in your daily life.
3. Vocabulary Expansion
One of the most significant benefits of solving crossword puzzles is the opportunity to learn new words and expand your vocabulary. Each puzzle introduces you to a range of words, from common terms to obscure ones, that can enhance your language skills and communication abilities.
4. Stress Relief
Solving puzzles, such as crossword puzzles, can act as a stress-reliever by diverting your attention away from everyday worries and concerns. The focused and immersive nature of puzzle-solving can create a sense of relaxation and mental clarity, allowing you to destress and unwind.
5. Mental Agility
Crossword puzzles challenge your ability to think quickly, make connections between different pieces of information, and come up with creative solutions. By engaging in these mental gymnastics, you can boost your cognitive flexibility and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for navigating complex tasks and challenges in your daily life.
6. Social Interaction
Solving crossword puzzles can also be a social activity that allows you to connect with others who share your passion for puzzles. Whether you join a crossword puzzle club, participate in online puzzle forums, or work on puzzles with friends and family, you can enjoy the camaraderie and sense of community that comes with collaborative puzzle-solving.
Tips for Maximizing Your Crossword Puzzle Experience
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* Start with easy puzzles and gradually work your way up to more challenging ones to build your confidence and skills. * Use a dictionary or an online resource to look up unfamiliar words and expand your knowledge base. * Take breaks and allow yourself to step away from the puzzle if you’re feeling stuck. A fresh perspective can help you tackle tricky clues more effectively. * Challenge yourself to solve puzzles in different formats, such as themed puzzles, cryptic puzzles, or acrostics, to diversify your puzzle-solving abilities. * Don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek guidance from experienced puzzle solvers to learn new strategies and techniques for cracking the toughest clues.
In Conclusion
Congratulations on taking the first step towards unlocking your brain’s full potential through the power of crossword puzzles. These engaging word games offer a world of benefits that can help you boost your cognitive skills, enhance your memory, expand your vocabulary, and relieve stress. So, why not grab a pencil and a crossword puzzle book or download a crossword puzzle app today and embark on a journey of mental exploration and growth? Your brain will thank you for it!
Remember, the more you challenge your mind, the more you’ll stimulate your brain cells and keep your mental faculties sharp and agile. So, go ahead and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of crossword puzzles — your brain will thank you for it!
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izuku · 7 months
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instructions: bold whichever hobby your oc feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in.
birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing, tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship, viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating, rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics, skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet, jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing, zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting, spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
0 notes
turitolive · 1 year
How to Improve Memory 
Do you spend days studying for an exam but struggle to recall anything on the day of the test? Do you really think you can improve your memory? If so, how may memory and focus be enhanced? Maybe you wished your memory was a bit sharper. There are several foods and activities you may do to improve your memory. You may learn how to enhance short-term memory and retention by following this advice. 
For instance, using a reminder system could be advantageous. By writing things down, you may keep track of all your assignments, the curriculum, test dates, etc. You'll be better able to recall the important tasks that need to be completed if you make daily to-do lists. 
10 Effective ways to improve your Memory 
Stay organized: Keeping your surroundings and thoughts organized can help improve your memory. Use calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to keep track of important information.   
Practice mindfulness: Engaging in mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress and improve your focus, which in turn enhances your memory.   
Use mnemonic devices: Mnemonic devices are memory aids that help you remember information by associating it with something familiar or creating vivid mental images. Examples include acronyms, visualization techniques, or creating memorable stories.   
Break information into chunks: Instead of trying to memorize large amounts of information all at once, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. This makes it easier for your brain to process and remember the information.   
Associate new information with existing knowledge: Relate new information to things you already know. This association helps your brain create connections and makes it easier to recall the information when needed.   
Practice retrieval: Actively recall information from your memory rather than simply reviewing it. This can be done by regularly testing yourself or quizzing yourself on the material you want to remember.   
Stay mentally active: Engage in activities that stimulate your brain, such as puzzles, crosswords, or learning a new language. Regular mental exercise helps keep your memory sharp.   
Stay socially active: Interacting with others and participating in social activities has been shown to have a positive impact on memory and cognitive function. Stay connected with friends, join clubs or groups, and engage in conversations.   
Minimize distractions: When you need to remember something, create an environment free from distractions. Find a quiet place to study or focus on the information you want to remember.   
Use technology as a memory aid: Take advantage of technology to enhance your memory. Use digital tools like note-taking apps, calendar reminders, or voice recordings to help you remember important information and tasks. 
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industryinsights01 · 2 years
The August Extravaganza at Phoenix Palladium!
Mark of an Unbreakable Bond
Raksha Bandhan is the day to celebrate the unbreakable bond of love and banter between siblings. Phoenix Palladium went all out to mark the celebration with the Phoenix Gift Card, which helped all siblings share memorable gifts.
This Raksha Bandhan, we kept them guessing and surprised them with the best gift ever. The versatile Phoenix gift card was all about giving them abundant choices. Well, that’s not all, the ones who shopped worth ₹20,000 across participating brands like Lifestyle, Pantaloons, Marks & Spencer, Label Ritu Kumar, Masaba, Wendell Rodricks, Anita Dongre, Ranna Gill, Patchouli, Biba, Aurelia, Marigold Lane, Jaypore, Home Centre, Isharya, Tribe Amrapali, Curio Cottage, Nicobar, and others, won shopping vouchers and a delicious dining experience for two.
The Freedom Celebration
This Independence Day, was all about freedom to shop at Phoenix Palladium. The Independence Day celebration was full of rewards and fun. The patrons indulged in shopping across brands like Lifestyle, Home Centre, Marks & Spencer, Pantaloons, Blackberry’s, Colorplus, Levi’s, Celio, Fila, Sketchers, Adidas, Beverly Hills Polo Club, and Pepe Jeans. The shoppers who shopped worth ₹30,000 got assured shopping vouchers and the ultimate dining experience for two. The celebration also witnessed utmost fun for kids at the East Zone, 3rd Floor, where the kids got to showcase their creativity with the fun art and craft activities. The fun doubled when creativity merged with yummy food.
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The freedom celebration didn’t end there. Croma, Aptronix, Reliance Digital, Dyson, Bose, HP World, ASUS, Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, One Plus, and Access were among the big brands at Phoenix Palladium’s biggest gadget festival. The electronic sale was hosted from August 12th to August 15th. The shoppers who shopped across these brands worth ₹2 lakhs or more, won an assured shopping experience worth ₹4,000, Jean-Claude Biguine’s salon service, and a luxurious dining experience for two.
The Happy Hours
Phoenix Palladium- best of the top 5 shopping malls in South Mumbai, is known for its culturally diverse experience across Mumbai. The culinary richness that you can explore here is unmatchable. To make this experience even more exciting, there’s a range of new outlets in the East Zone. Dobaraa, Eight, Poptates, KFC, Cha, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Legume, Wow Momo, and more are sure to spoil your taste buds with ultimate flavours. To make this delish dining experience even more enjoyable, Phoenix Palladium brings you Happy Hours at Dobaraa, Hitchki, The Irish House, and Poult. During Happy Hours, you can enjoy exciting offers on the most exotic drinks while you unwind. Phoenix Palladium is making Happy Hours the happiest time of your day.
Exciting Happenings!
The crazy line-up of events at Phoenix Palladium- a shopping mall in Mumbai speaks volumes about everything they have in store for their patrons. Phoenix Palladium, the ultimate shopping destination, is not just limited to shopping but the ultimate destination of fun experiences. To notch up the experience, Phoenix Palladium hosted “Women and Freedom,” an empowering book reading session by the stunning Divya Dutta at Crossword Book Store. Followed by an interactive Q&A session with the attendees.
The Lord of the Rings premiere was one of the highlights in August at Phoenix Palladium. The Mumbai Premier was graced by Bollywood and Hollywood heartthrobs like Tamannah Bhatia, Hrithik Roshan, Ranveer Brar, Jim Sarbh, Nazanin Boniadi, Sara Zwangobani, Maxim Baldry, Megan Richards, Lloyd Owen, and Charles Edwards. It was a mesmerisingly starry event at Phoenix Palladium!
Avantikka Kilachand and a long list of guests graced the occasion with their presence at the Estee Lauder store where they were welcomed by the team and experimented with makeup looks and while trying different products. All the attendees left the store with their favourite Estee Lauder products. So, if you have already curated a fall capsule wardrobe, then it’s also time to get yourself the perfect fall makeup look like Avantikka Kilachand at Estee Lauder.
Also, the L’occitane pop-up had patrons mesmerized by the ultimate monsoon almond collection showcased at the atrium. The spinning wheel elevated the experience as the spinners won products.
Newly Opened Store
New Stores, New Collections, New Adventures! Phoenix Palladium has a range of exciting stores that have recently opened. The new store openings and the unveiling of the plush lower ground floor are enhancing the shopping, dining, and entertainment experiences for all the patrons at Phoenix Palladium. Victoria’s Secret Pop-up, Moonray, Armonia, Parcos Beauty, Jamie’s Pizzeria, Starbucks, Eight, IHop, and Timezone are some of the new outlets that you need to add to your must-visit list.
Grand Collabs!
To explore the grand and exciting new stores, collections and experiences at Phoenix Palladium, socialites and influencers have been flocking the best mall in Mumbai. The mother-daughter duo, Deanne and Alanna Pandey, had a fun day-out shopping from their favourite brands like Salvatore Ferragamo, Michael Kors, Diesel, Armani Exchange, Bobbi Brown, and Estee Lauder. They also indulged in the finest desserts at Coco Café by Coco Cart.
Griva Jain from Bombay Buzz and her gang had the time of their lives at Timezone, on the 3rd Floor, East Zone at Phoenix Palladium. The entire gang laughed, giggled, and chilled while they bowled and enjoyed all the arcade games.
From big collaborations to new store openings to adding new floors and more such exciting events, August was an eventful month at Phoenix Palladium. Over 20 new fashion brandstores, and finest dining options are now added on the 1st and 2nd floors. The supremely plush floors offer you fine shopping experiences and an exquisite culinary experience.
Divya Chawla, one of the most-loved Instagram personalities, decided to treat herself to some “Me Time” with the new happenings at Phoenix Palladium. She strolled through the mall and then indulged in a refreshing shopping experience. She explored exquisite pieces from her favourite brands like Forever New, United Colors of Benetton, Mango, and Bebe. She then unwinded with the perfect flavours of coffee at Starbucks and indulged in some self-care at Enrich Beauty and Nail Spa. Before leaving she just couldn’t resist but stop by IHop to relish their flavourful delicacies.
The Mumbai Nightlife, Things2doinMumbai, and Things2eatinMumbai stopped by at the newly opened Eight for an oriental culinary experience. This involved a Live Sushi Bar and a visit to Dobaraa for 1+1 on drinks all week long. Both the newly opened restaurants offer varied themes and an unmissable nightlife experience.
An array of events happened at Phoenix Palladium, the ultimate destination for luxury shopping in Mumbai, in the month of August. It was truly a fun ride with Raksha Bandhan Celebrations, Independence Day Offers, Newly Opened Stores, Fine Dining, Cool Collaborations and so much more. For More info- https://phoenixpalladium.com/blog/The-August-Extravaganza-at-Phoenix-Palladium-/63
For forthcoming offers, workshops, events, deals and more, follow Phoenix Palladium on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phoenixpalladium/
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puzzlenation · 3 years
PuzzleNation is Sponsoring This Year's Lollapuzzoola!
In today's blog post, we discuss our participation in this year's Lollapuzzoola and have a free Crosswords Club Digital puzzle sample to share!
The summer is always a marvelous time for puzzly events. We just had the Boswords tournament, and next weekend, there’s another online crossword tournament awaiting solvers! Lollapuzzoola returns on Saturday, August 21st, and this year, we’re proud to announce that PuzzleNation is one of the tournament’s sponsors! That’s right, we are providing free subscriptions to The Crosswords Club Digital to…
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eternasci · 3 years
character hobbies !
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instructions: bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in. repost, do not reblog !
birdwatching,  pottery,  oil  painting,  drawing,  singing,  acting,  breakdancing,  fashion,  design,  cooking,  baking,  mixology, bodybuilding,  beekeeping,  crocheting,  knitting,  sewing,  embroidery,  fishing,  flower arranging,  gardening, graphic  design,  rock climbing,  surfing,  swimming,  lute,  kayaking,  canoeing,  rafting,  metalworking,  foraging,  candlemaking,  rapping
mixed  martial  arts,  karate,  judo, taekwondo,  kung  fu,  muay  thai,  brazilian  jiu - jitsu,  krav  maga,  aikido,  boxing,  kickboxing,  wrestling,  capoeira.
fencing,  tennis,  table  tennis,  stamp  collecting,  archery,  swordsmanship,  viola,  origami,  gaming,  photography,  paintball, parkour,  figure  skating,  rollerblading,  reading,  poetry writing,  scrapbooking,  skiing,  snowboarding,  scuba diving,  snorkeling,  woodworking,  video  game  development  and  design,  whittling,  whale - watching,  yoga,  meditation
stand - up  comedy,  gymnastics,  skydiving,   travel, blacksmithing,  baseball,  basketball,  volleyball,  golf,  american  football,  rugby,  cricket,  soccer,  cosplaying,  hunting, horseback  riding,  jogging,  larping,  cycling,  shopping,  sailing,  sculpture,  vlogging,  journaling,  palm  reading,  tarot  cards
witchcraft,  ballet,   jewelry - making, topiary,  tabletop roleplaying,  calligraphy,  pole  dancing,  zumba,  rock  collecting,  crossword  puzzles,  jigsaw  puzzles, motorsports,  taming  animals,  hacking,  tattoo artistry,  storm  chasing,  ballroom dancing,  flower  pressing, competitive  eating
flying  planes,  flying  spacecrafts,  blogging,  model  building,  model  engineering,  building  with  legos,  building  in  the  sims,  stenciling,  soapmaking, miming,  ventriloquy,  computer  programming,  trivia,  ghost - hunting,  chasing  down  mysteries,  kite  flying,  hiking,  robotics, watercolour,  painting softball,  house  flipping,  sudoku,  chess,  winemaking,  breadmaking,  cheesemaking,  gossiping,  clubbing,  salsa  dancing,  poker,  badminton,  bowling,  ice  hockey,  track  and  field,  cross  country,  astrology,  stargazing,  colouring,  prose  writing,  makeup  artistry,  quilting
leathercraft,  piano,  violin,  acrylic  painting,  guitar,  ink  painting,  sketching,  flute,  clarinet, hula  hooping,  toy  collecting,  spray  painting,  research,  language  learning,  board  games,  hairstyling,  keeping  up  with  the  latest  trends,  brainteasers,  cartography,  drums,  comic  book  collecting.
digital  painting,  songwriting,  cleaning,  freestyle  dancing,  podcast  hosting,  toymaking,  bingo,  pilates,  sightseeing,  cheerleading,  wine  tasting,  metalworking,  antiquing,  metal  detecting,  art  collecting,  home  brewing,  memorabilia  collecting,  tapestry  weaving,  thrifting
shoemaking,  furniture  building,  home  improvement,  essay  writing, leaf  pressing,  conducting  science  experiments,  skull  collecting,  mountain  biking,  dumpster  diving,  roasting  coffee,  brewing  tea,  harp,  puppetry,  skateboarding,  saxophone,  trombone,  tuba,  trumpet,  cello,  ukulele.
tagged by: @kamipyre smooch !! ❤️ tagging: @falconet​ @rsary​ @emersia​ @wolvensden​ @somnium-led​ @gerudosage​ @izumiake​ @vcrtigoes​ @vesselmade​ @gravichor​​ @theoriesoflove​​ @yoketsu​ i am doin this a littol late so if you weren’t tagged before, you now Have Been
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chaosworthy · 1 year
Instructions: Bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests to them, & finally, strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in. Repost. Do not reblog!
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birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing, tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship, viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating, rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics, skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet, jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing, zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, bocce, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting, spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting, modeling
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
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bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in. repost, do not reblog ! birdwatching,  pottery,  oil  painting,  drawing,  SINGING   (  the  love  of  her  life  #1.  she  sings  all  the  time  and  pursued  it  professionally  )   acting,  breakdancing,  fashion  design,  cooking,  baking,  mixology,   bodybuilding  ( no but she stays in the shape that is required from a popstar all the time )  beekeeping,  crocheting,  knitting,  sewing,  embroidery,  fishing  (  an  absolute  no,  fishes  smell  bad.  and  worms  ?   this  sounds  like  a  horrible,  time )   flower  arranging,  gardening,  (  there  is  dirt  and  worms.  so  another  big  no. )   graphic  design,  rock  climbing,  surfing  (  she  can  barely swim  and  you  want  her  to  surf  ?   besides,  she  thinks  it’s  dangerous. )  swimming,  lute,  kayaking,  canoeing,  rafting,  metalworking,  foraging,  candlemaking,  rapping mixed  martial  arts,  karate,  judo  (  but she learned judo as a kid. ), taekwondo,  kung  fu,  muay  thai,  brazilian  jiu - jitsu,  krav  maga,  aikido,  boxing,  kickboxing,  wrestling,  capoeira. fencing,  tennis,  table  tennis,  stamp  collecting,  archery,  swordsmanship,  viola,  origami,  gaming   (  fun  fact  but  aurora  rarely  got  along  with  gamers.  this  is  a  hobby along  with  anime - watching  that  she  absolutely  refuses  to  ever  participate  in. ),  photography,  paintball,  parkour,  figure  skating  (  does  watching  count ?  because  pretty  ),  rollerblading,  READING   (  love  #2  of her life. not  only  is  she  academically  inclined,  she  spent  her  entire  childhood  reading  classic  novels.  )   poetry  writing,  scrapbooking,  skiing, snowboarding,  scuba diving   (  anything  underwater  terrifies  her  tremendously,  please.  ),  snorkeling,  woodworking,  video  game  development  and  design,  whittling,  whale- watching,  yoga,  meditation stand - up  comedy,  gymnastics   (  idk  if  it  counts  but  she  learned  aerial  hammock.  she  can  do  aerial  gymnastics  because  of  flight.  ),  skydiving  (  she  was  scared  of  it  before  but  now  she  wants  to  do  it  because  she  can  fly  ),   travel,  blacksmithing,  baseball,  basketball,  volleyball,  golf,  american  football,  rugby,  cricket,  soccer,  cosplaying,  hunting,  ( she can’t even kill a bug, please )  horseback  riding,  jogging,  larping,  cycling,  shopping,  sailing,  sculpture,  vlogging, journaling,  palm  reading,  tarot  cards witchcraft   (  absolute  no. she  has  an  aversion  to  witchcraft  and  magic  arts  in  general  ),  ballet  (  does  watching  count ?  because  she  loves  watching  ballet  and  would  attend  all  the  time  ),   jewelry - making,  topiary,  tabletop roleplaying,  calligraphy,  pole  dancing,  zumba,  rock  collecting,  crossword  puzzles,  jigsaw  puzzles,  motorsports,  taming  animals,  hacking,  tattoo artistry  (  not  a  fan,  would  never  get  one. ),  storm  chasing,  ballroom dancing   (  she  took  ballroom  dancing  classes  as  a  kid  and  she  loves  the  waltz  especially. ),  flower  pressing,  competitive  eating flying  planes,  flying  spacecrafts,  blogging,  model  building,  model engineering,  building  with  legos,  building  in  the  sims,  stenciling,  soapmaking,  miming,  ventriloquy,  computer  programming,  trivia,  ghost - hunting,  chasing  down  mysteries,  kite  flying,  hiking,  robotics,  watercolour  painting softball,  house  flipping,  sudoku,  chess,  winemaking,  breadmaking,  cheesemaking,  gossiping,  clubbing,  salsa  dancing,  poker,  badminton,   bowling,  ice  hockey,  track  and  field,  cross  country,  astrology,  stargazing,  colouring,  prose  writing  ( another  love  of  her  life  ),  makeup  artistry,  quilting leathercraft,  piano,  VIOLIN  (  she  was  a  child  prodigy,  she  still  plays  violin  and  loses  herself  in  the  sound  of  it. ),   acrylic  painting,  guitar,  ink  painting,  sketching,  flute,  clarinet,  hula  hooping,  toy  collecting,  spray  painting,  research  (  she  is  academically  inclined  but  she  is  also  always  researching  random  things. )   language  learning,  board  games,  hairstyling, keeping  up  with  the  latest  trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums,  comic  book  collecting. digital  painting,  songwriting,  cleaning,  freestyle  dancing,  podcast  hosting,  toymaking,  bingo,  pilates,  sightseeing,  cheerleading,  wine  tasting  (  aurora thinks alcohol is disgusting  ), camping  (  snakes  ?  pooping outside  ?  dirt  ?  possible serial killers  ?   she’ll pass !  ),  metalworking,  antiquing,  metal  detecting,  art  collecting,  home  brewing,  memorabilia  collecting,  tapestry  weaving,  thrifting shoemaking,  furniture  building,  home  improvement,  essay  writing,  leaf  pressing,  conducting  science  experiments,  skull  collecting  (  absolute  no.  ),  mountain  biking,  dumpster  diving,  roasting  coffee,  brewing  tea,  harp,  puppetry,  skateboarding,  saxophone,  trombone,  tuba,  trumpet,  cello,  ukulele. tagged  by: @undrowns​  ♡ tagging: @thereckoniing​​,  @f8less​​,  @itsacriime​​,  @svmmercmance​​,  @slaiyedher​​,  @ofgentleresolve​​,  @9taild​​,  @ektos​​,  @forevermonsters​​,  @duskwolf​​,  @checksider​​,  @forwardmoved​​,  @nightstalk​​,  @foxbeaded​​
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kamipyre · 3 years
character hobbies !
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instructions: bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them ( i’m also including what she WOULD be interested in trying), & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in. repost, do not reblog ! ( and u don’t have to give explanations- i’m just being extra sjdlfsdj )
birdwatching, pottery,  oil  painting,  drawing,  singing, acting,  breakdancing,  fashion  design,  cooking ( she gets homesick! ),  baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping ( eeeep keep the bees away from her PLS ),  crocheting,  knitting,  sewing,  embroidery ( see she tried both once, but kept poking her fingers with the needle :/ ),  fishing,  flower arranging,  gardening, graphic  design,  rock  climbing,  surfing,  swimming,  lute,  kayaking,  canoeing,  rafting,  metalworking,  foraging,  candlemaking,  rapping ( r we really gonna trust her if she thinks hotdogs are vertical sandwiches? )
mixed  martial  arts,  karate,  judo, taekwondo,  kung  fu,  muay  thai,  brazilian  jiu - jitsu,  krav  maga,  aikido,  boxing,  kickboxing ( took rudimentary classes before joining the LAPD- if someone wants to give her more lessons tho, she wouldn’t mind ),  wrestling,  capoeira.
fencing,  tennis,  table  tennis,  stamp  collecting,  archery,  swordsmanship,  viola,  ORIGAMI ( pls see url and bio sjdklfjsl ),  gaming,  photography,  paintball, parkour,  figure  skating,  rollerblading,  reading, poetry writing,  scrapbooking,  skiing, snowboarding,  scuba diving,  snorkeling,  woodworking,  video  game  development  and  design,  whittling,  whale- watching,  yoga,  meditation ( this is probably something she should learn to do, something her therapist wants her to do )
stand - up  comedy ( performing is not her thing but also she’s funny...but unintentionally ),  gymnastics,  skydiving,   travel, blacksmithing,  baseball,  basketball,  volleyball,  golf,  american  football,  rugby,  cricket,  soccer,  cosplaying,  hunting ( reminds her too much of the more gruesome cases ), horseback  riding,  jogging,  larping,  cycling,  shopping ( for paper and croc charms!! ),  sailing,  sculpture,  vlogging, journaling,  palm  reading,  tarot  cards
witchcraft (  thinks it’s hocus pocus  ),  ballet  (  does  watching  count ?  because  she  loves  watching  ballet  and  would  attend  all  the  time  ),   jewelry - making, topiary,  tabletop roleplaying,  calligraphy,  pole  dancing,  zumba,  rock  collecting,  crossword  puzzles,  jigsaw  puzzles, motorsports,  taming  animals,  hacking,  tattoo artistry,  storm  chasing ( ohhhhhh someone go with her ),  ballroom dancing,  flower  pressing, competitive  eating
flying  planes,  flying  spacecrafts,  blogging, model  building,  model engineering,  building  with  legos,  building  in  the  sims,  stenciling,  soapmaking, miming,  ventriloquy,  computer  programming,  trivia,  ghost - hunting,  chasing  down  mysteries, kite  flying,  hiking,  robotics,  watercolour  painting softball,  house  flipping,  sudoku,  chess,  winemaking,  breadmaking,  cheesemaking,  gossiping ( doesn’t that already happen at work...? ),  clubbing,  salsa  dancing,  poker,  badminton,   bowling,  ice  hockey,  track  and  field,  cross  country,  astrology,  stargazing,  colouring,  prose  writing,  makeup  artistry,  quilting
leathercraft,  piano,  violin,  acrylic  painting,  guitar,  ink  painting,  sketching,  flute,  clarinet, hula  hooping,  toy  collecting,  spray  painting,  research, language  learning,  board  games,  hairstyling, keeping  up  with  the  latest  trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums,  comic  book  collecting.
digital  painting,  songwriting,  cleaning,  freestyle  dancing,  podcast  hosting,  toymaking,  bingo,  pilates,  sightseeing,  cheerleading, wine  tasting,  metalworking,  antiquing,  metal  detecting,  art  collecting,  home  brewing,  memorabilia  collecting,  tapestry  weaving,  thrifting
shoemaking,  furniture  building,  home  improvement,  essay  writing, leaf  pressing,  conducting  science  experiments,  skull  collecting ( they do that at work already ),  mountain  biking,  dumpster  diving,  roasting  coffee,  brewing  tea,  harp,  puppetry,  skateboarding,  saxophone,  trombone,  tuba,  trumpet,  cello,  ukulele.
tagged by: @undrowns  ( that was a wild ride from start to finish to read winter sjdlkfjsld ) tagging: @bloodxhound @virtusdemonte @cuttingcanine / @aptlyattorney @eternasci @edgelord-dl6 @kagoshou @genieuslaw​ @atendersun​ and you!! steal it!!
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e-l-c-kingor · 3 years
instructions: bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in.  repost, do not reblog!
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birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing (watching others do it), tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship (again, watching others), viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating (watching others), rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics (watching), skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball (watching), golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet (watching), jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing (mostly watching, of course, but he has tried it a few times), zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting (specifically LEGOs and Furbies), spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
Tagged by: @brokentoys
Tagging: @elisethetraveller, @thehighscarecrow, and @tucker-vision
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brokentoys · 3 years
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instructions: bold whichever hobby your muse feels deeply passionate about, italicize the ones that are more like casual interests for them, & finally strikeout the ones that they are not likely to take an interest in.  repost, do not reblog!
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birdwatching, pottery, oil painting, drawing, singing, acting, breakdancing, fashion design, cooking, baking, mixology, bodybuilding, beekeeping, crocheting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, fishing, flower arranging, gardening, graphic design, rock climbing, surfing, swimming, lute
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, metalworking, foraging, candlemaking, rapping, mixed martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, aikido, boxing, fencing, tennis, table tennis, stamp collecting, wrestling, capoeira, archery, swordsmanship, viola
kickboxing, origami, gaming, photography, paintball, parkour, figure skating, rollerblading, reading, poetry writing, scrapbooking, skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, woodworking, video game development and design, whittling, whale-watching, yoga, meditation
stand-up comedy, gymnastics, skydiving, travel, blacksmithing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf, american football, rugby, cricket, soccer, cosplaying, hunting, horseback riding, jogging, larping, cycling, shopping, sailing, sculpture, vlogging, journaling, palm reading, tarot cards
witchcraft, ballet, jewelry-making, topiary, tabletop roleplaying, calligraphy, pole dancing, zumba, rock collecting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, motorsports, taming animals, hacking, tattoo artistry, storm chasing, ballroom dancing, flower pressing, competitive eating
flying planes, flying spacecrafts, blogging, model building, model engineering, building with legos, building in the sims, stenciling, soapmaking, miming, ventriloquy, computer programming, trivia, ghost-hunting, chasing down mysteries, kite flying, hiking, robotics, watercolour painting
softball, house flipping, sudoku, chess, winemaking, breadmaking, cheesemaking, gossiping, clubbing, salsa dancing, poker, badminton, bowling, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, astrology, stargazing, colouring, prose writing, makeup artistry, quilting
leathercraft, piano, violin, acrylic painting, guitar, ink painting, sketching, flute, clarinet, hula hooping, toy collecting, spray painting, research, language learning, board games, hairstyling, keeping up with the latest trends, brainteasers, cartography, drums, comic book collecting
digital painting, songwriting, cleaning, freestyle dancing, podcast hosting, toymaking, bingo, pilates, sightseeing, cheerleading, wine tasting, camping, antiquing, metal detecting, art collecting, home brewing, memorabilia collecting, tapestry weaving, thrifting
shoemaking, furniture building, home improvement, essay writing, leaf pressing, conducting science experiments, skull collecting, mountain biking, dumpster diving, roasting coffee, brewing tea, harp, puppetry, skateboarding, saxophone, trombone, tuba, trumpet, cello, ukulele
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TAGGED BY: @seaprofound TAGGING: @qu-tipie @wewontstaydead @e-l-c-kingor @episomalvector @elisethetraveller @theamazondiana @tangledfate @the-arkham-librarian @yetremains @prfxxor @paragonevil @squidmanalamort @fallesto @hoopsheartthrob @harleenmd @hungover-and-broke-student @ladyofthespade @corvidamned @celerem @chiefohara @babydxhl @babybatwithabird
11 notes · View notes