#Crosshair: no❤️
Crosshair, upon meeting Echo: You need a bodyguard? I’d die for you.
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ahsokatanoe · 6 months
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CROSSHAIR: I’ve… done things. I’ve made mistakes. HUNTER: I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better. And who knows? There might be hope for us yet.
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leavingkamino · 5 months
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STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH 3.01 "Confined" | 3.14 "Flash Strike"
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pinkiemme · 5 months
I needed a break from art, relief sprinkled in hues
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Crosshair in S7 of tcw and S1 of tbb: Regs are inferior I hate them.
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fionajames · 7 months
Can I please please request a little thing about echo x female reader please 😭 like it’s not a slow burn and it’s established and it’s fluffy because I can’t take the angst at this time of the month (iykyk) I BEG OF THEE 🙏🏻 answer/write it whenever don’t feel pressured. love you, ka’ra ❤️
cold and cookies - echo
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Echo rolled his shoulders back and yawned, wincing as his breath warmed the surrounding air, a sharp contrast to the coolness of the planet. The cold climate was a reminder of you, and that was something that he cherished.
Any time a cold breeze would brush over his skin - no matter the planet - he was reminded of your home. Today, the planet was the one you lived upon, and he was quickly walking to your house.
Hunter followed by his side, your best friend through fire and flood. He was how Echo and you had met, after he’d been embarrassingly rescued by you and your steed. Hunter had been captured by Separatists and dragged away to their base, but he’d never made it there. 
Echo and you were - as Crosshair claimed - two fools in sickening love. 
Echo had never had an issue with the title as that would be rather hypocritical of him, especially now as he walked to your house with a giddy grin. With each step, snow squished under his boot and ice nipped his skin. The snowy planet was beautiful, but deadly cold.
“Good morning, Hjiu,” Echo called to an elderly woman setting up her stall in the town centre. She gave him a kind smile, greeting both of them and insisting they bring you along to the market.
Echo picked up pace when he spotted the front door of your house, pulling his helmet off and holding it under his arm, the biggest grin plastered on his face. He knocked on the door quickly, the knock itself monotone and unrevealing. 
You lifted your head as a knock rang through your house, a brow quirked at the sound. You weren’t expecting anyone. Perhaps it was Hjui, or the kids who begged you to play with them.
You strolled to the door, hand grasping the cold doorknob unbothered. Twisting it and opening the door, your eye immediately lit up. In front of you stood Echo, his grin so big and cheerful he practically glowed.
“Echo!” You cried, lunging forward and wrapping your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his neck, ignoring the armour painfully digging into your own neck. He murmured a sweet nickname as he returned the hug, kissing the top of your head and spinning you around.
You giggled as he twirled you around in the air before pulling you into his chest, his grin only growing. Hunter watched with a soft expression, pleased his brother had found his other half.
Once Echo finally let go of you, you hugged Hunter quickly, having missed your best friend almost as much as you’d missed your boyfriend. Echo didn’t let you leave his side for longer than a minute as he pulled you back, pressing a soft kiss and to your forehead like a whisper.
A promise, not to let go.
Which was kept, as he dragged you to the market and didn’t let go of your hand. After an hour or two of waking around the market, you dragged the squad to your house with promises of cookies and hot chocolate.
Even Crosshair came relatively willingly, ever so soft for his brother’s sunny girlfriend. The squad had long ago adopted you as one of their members, arm in arm with them until the end of time.
They sat in your kitchen, Tech assessing the temperatures for the next few days. The boys despised the cold weather of your home planet, but had all silently agreed it was worth it to come see you.
To Echo, you were his girlfriend, his soulmate, his other half. After the Citadel, everything seemed dark, and then you bounded into his light and shone light on his situation like an angel from above.
You were Hunter’s best friend, a platonic soulmate if you will. You too could spend hours playfighting and then play board games. You were two sides of the same credit.
To Tech you were his sister, woven into his life by his brother. The same went for Wrecker and Crosshair, unaware they’d become so attached to the girl from the frozen planet. 
You smiled as the squad fought over the last cookie, reaching over and grasping it in your hand. Gently breaking it in two, you gave one half to Echo before eating the second yourself. You laughed as they continued to bicker, unaware there was nothing left to fight over. 
Echo wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and placing a featherlight kiss to the side of your neck. He chuckled softly at the scene ahead, drawing the attention of his brothers. 
They spotted the last bite of the cookie in your hand just as you ate it, silence filling the air as you swallowed it. Wrecker lunged forward and grabbed you in a bear hug, laughter and shouts filling the air as you squirmed in his grasp.
An hour went by quickly as you play fought with the squad, ending with you triumphantly holding a pillow over Hunter’s face as he laughed. Echo scooped you up and carried you to your room, soothing you through your fit of giggles. 
“Goodnight, cyar’ika,” he told you as he tugged at the hem of his shirt, still unused to the civilian clothing. Echo leaned over to kiss you, smiling widely as he relaxed by your side.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!! PLEASE SEND REQUESTS!!!!!!!!
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isurrendertoclones · 6 months
Now I’m imagining Crosshair in his cell practicing saying, “If I get the chance to escape, I wouldn’t think twice about leaving you behind,” so he sounds remotely convincing
…and then Omega just immediately knows he doesn’t mean it 😂
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jedimemery · 6 months
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It’s the way the season started with Omega telling him, “Maybe you don’t trust enough,” and now he’s trusting her to help him with his healing journey.
It’s the way many of the breaths we heard him take last season were labored from trying to survive harsh conditions, being brutally tortured, etc. And now we get to hear him take deep, calming breaths.
It’s the way for the two previous seasons he was put under such harsh, artificial lighting, and now he’s bathed in the warm, gentle light of an island sunset.
It’s the way I’m chewing through drywall because he’s healing.
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We got 2 wonderful and heartwarming episodes, one after the other.
Next week they will be dropping 2 more…
‘Infiltration’ and ‘extraction’…
I mean… Is it safe to assume that this means the Empire gets to Pabu and takes Omega?
I’m so scared. Today’s episode warmed my heart 💔❤️💔❤️💔
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Y'all are all gonna die by the end of this my gosh 😭😭
Then we realize Tech's alive and therefore so is clone force 99 just in a new way and yay everyone's fine :)))
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
Crosshair secretly worships Rihanna and absolutely has a secret playlist. Disturbia is his favorite.
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
I saw this image I had saved to my camera roll and it is literally every member of the Bad Batch to Crosshair.
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sskim-milkk · 2 years
Wrecker: we’re men!!!
Also Wrecker: frolics through a field of flowers and is obsessed with making crowns out of them
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heirtotheempire · 2 years
Semi-coherent Crosshair drabble
A sigh escaped his lungs as he watched them fly off, far away from Kamino. A knot formed in Crosshair's stomach as he sat on the landing platform, feeling tears form in his eyes.
He wasn't supposed to cry. He needed to be strong, independent. He always had been before, so... Why was this so hard?
The tears disappeared as quickly as they had come. Crosshair had mastered the art of the poker face, and refused to allow former acquaintances ruin that.
Acquaintances. That's all they were. Why the hell should he care.
It wasn't like they spent years together, where he grew fond of the unique quirks each clone had. Learning how to push the right buttons to piss them off or chill them out. Quietly, but happily, living with them.
The sniper's breath begin to shake. Maybe it's what he deserved.
The quiet hum of a ship filled his ears, and he glaced up, almost begging for it to be the Marauder.
Instead, he saw an Imperial vessel, maneuvering it's way toward the landing pad.
Crosshair quickly slipped his helmet back on, not keen on being seen as weak by his coworkers.
He gave one last longing look behind him, at the faint trail left in the sky by the Marauder.
'Someday,' he thought to himself. 'Things will be better.'
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cc-7383 · 1 year
Finished the bad batch arc, nothing bad happens to them after this! Isn't that crazy
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fionajames · 7 months
hi! may i request a short fluff fic of the bad batch, with the prompt of "watching movies late at night?"
A/N: HIYA!!!!!!!! Sorry this is so short!!!!! Tysm for the request tho, I'm really happy you sent it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please send requests (there is a new prompt list in my pinned post)!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
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Every night was holofilm night with the Bad Batch, their little family cuddled up together on the floor with bean bags, blankets and cushions.
Omega and Wrecker managed to get their hands on some treats that would be stocked in the cupboard, distributed over several days.
Tech and Crosshair were bickering over the holofilm yet again, Tech wanting to watch some history documentary and Crosshair who wanted to watch action films. He enjoyed making snarky remarks about bad shots.
And as usual, Echo turned to Omega and asked what she wanted to watch Hunter agreeing with him as always. Wrecker was also on their side, but only cheered when Omega chose something violent or fast-paced - which was most of the time. Tonight, Omega chose a silly film with humans and ‘dinosaurs’, whatever those were.
Everyone got what they wanted.
Omega got her film of choice, Wrecker got his violence, Crosshair got his action, Tech got to look at the strange creatures,  Echo got what Omega wanted, and Hunter didn’t care what film they watched, as long as his family was happy.
The film was extremely confusing and yet exciting at the same time. Embarrassingly, Wrecker got jumpscared by every little thing. Crosshair almost cried at some of the action scenes and the little realisticness they held. Tech was fascinated by every single little thing. Echo, Omega and Hunter spent the whole time laughing at Wrecker’s obnoxious screaming.
They watched another film after that, some kids’ thing with puppets and weird voices. Wrecker laughed too hard and had a coughing fit, in which many tears were shed.
Later that night when they were finally sent to bed, Hunter found himself tucking Omega in. As he did, she tapped his shoulder.
“Yes?” He replied gently, sitting down on the edge of the bed lightly.
“Can we always do this?” She asked. “I don’t want us to ever change.”
Hunter smiled sadly, moving to ruffle her hair. “I’ll try my best to make sure we can.”
She smiled widely, closing her eyes and sighing contently.
“Goodnight, Hunter.”
“Goodnight, Omega.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!1 Please send requests!!!!!!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902)
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