#Croatian cinema
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artfilmfan · 1 year ago
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Murina (Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, 2021)
cinematography: Hélène Louvart
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oceanusborealis · 2 years ago
Faraway - Movie Review
TL;DR – A fun little story about finding love in a faraway land, where you might find yourself for than anything else.     ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit sceneDisclosure – I paid for the Netflix service that viewed this film Faraway Review – Sometimes you sit down to watch a film with no real plan as to what you will watch. You are just looking for…
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finemaleactors · 22 days ago
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Goran Bogdan in The Last Panthers
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lamarocainenews · 1 year ago
Rabat's International Author Film Festival to celebrate Croatian cinema
In its 28 edition taking place from November 10 to 17, The Rabat International Author Film Festival “FICAR” will celebrate Croatian cinema, by presenting cinematic treasures from the country to a crowd of cinema professionals and students. The festival announced that the Australian producer, Maxine Williamson, will be heading the jury this year. With 28 years of experience in the cinema universe,…
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moviescramble · 2 years ago
Safe Place (Sígurno Mjesto) - Review
Depictions of mental health on screen can so often feel like nothing more than mere tropes; a plot device to give the “hero” the chance to demonstrate their power. It’s very rare that you see a writer or director make bold choices for the sole purpose of raising awareness. For those going through it themselves or for those who find themselves as bystanders, the invisible prison of one’s own mind…
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luciawithoutj · 5 months ago
However finds full kaj pa ester to watch online will be a hero of the fandom. I don't even care for subtitles. I just need to see that movie. It is my life mission to see it. But I don't think it is even played in slovenian cinemas anymore :(
Does anyone know if we can watch kaj pa ester somewhere with subtitles?
Definitely not only because of that one scene of bojan in the bathroom i promise
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anxious-witch · 1 year ago
"JO should go watch Kaj pa Ester and make fun of Bojan for that jerking off scene", is very good and funny and I absolutely approve.
That said, let me tell you a worse situation that happened in my high school to my professor. Below the cut bc this is kinda long.
So to set the scene, this is art high school. And one of the things our hs does is forces us to watch all the croatian movies that come out during the school year. Every. Single. One.
Why is this important? Well, because this one particular professor wrote books and ocassionally acted in movies. And since they were doing an adaptation of his book, of course he was in the cast.
The problem? One scene of that character require him to be butt naked on camera.
Now, imagine you are 30-something old professor, who is already hot enough so some teenagers hit on you. And you are sitting in a cinema, your movie rolling for everyone to see.
And the scene comes and everyone goes dead silent. Like literally I think we were all trying not to laugh so hard we were more quiet than ever before.
This man had to teach all of these kids for years to come. And every time he looked them in the eyes he knew they have seen his ass on big screen.
So yeah, Bojan will certainly get shit for the jerking off scene from his friends! But at the very least, he can be glad he didn't decde to become a professor before it came out. Because students? Students always remember
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genderdotcom · 1 year ago
people i want to get to know better tag meme
tagged by @collegeoflore tyyyy!!!!!
idk who wants to do this though so just!! assume i tagged you if u want to do it and assume i didnt tag u if u dont want to do it sfghgh
last song?
johanna frm the sweeney todd 2023 broadway cast album
favorite color?
dark red ^^
currently watching?
i rly dont watch shows or movies much... ive been trying to watch nge but i cant get through even a single episode in one sitting 😔
last movie?
i dont knowwwwww i THINK the last movie i watched in cinemas was a haunting in venice w my family (it was good! i liked it) but if ive watched any movies at home since then i genuinely cant remember
currently reading?
a couple of things! getting to the end of dykes to watch out for, still in the middle of house of leaves, and ive started rereading six of crows but in croatian because i thought the best way to build up my reading ability again would be to read young adult books and stuff like that
all 3 really but i generally have a limit to how much sweet or spicy stuff i can have, so i guess savoury
relationship status?
single (:
current interests?
bg3... ace attorney... ive been playing pwotr a bit... but im moving across the country in a week so i havent really had time to play stuff/draw/write
last thing you googled?
"can you destroy the steel watch after killing gortash" i mean you CAN but the gondians get killed
selfie or another pic you took?
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not a selfie but me w my cat simba :3
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majortomwaits · 9 months ago
film ask 20, 27, and 7?
7 again? okay!
7. a film in your native language Ritam Zločina, translated as The Rhythm of the Crime, released in 1981, borderline SF and horror film, beautifully filmed, tense as hell, a must watch if you wanna dive into Croatian cinema if you ask me
20. a film where the vibes are immaculate In The Mood For Love, this movie was one of the main culprits when it comes to me developing genuine love for cinema as a medium and to be fair, the story is relatively simple, but the mood, the atmosphere, the music dancing to the moving image? that happens once in a century, man
27. a film with a budget lower than 10 million i eat low budget stuff up, so i'm gonna name my favourite low budget b-movie, Bubba Ho-Tep, they did all of that (made me cry) on a budget of approximately 1 million dollars
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pollonegro666 · 2 years ago
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2023/03/18 El final de la visita nos deparó más sorpresas con objetos llamativos, como una réplica de una cabina de teléfono que fue protagonista de una aclamada película clásica española. También vimos la zona de la barbacoa donde hacían alimentos a la parrilla, que saben mejor.
The end of the visit brought us more surprises with striking objects, such as a replica of a telephone booth that was the protagonist of an acclaimed classic Spanish film. We also saw the barbecue area where they made food on the grill, which tastes better.
Google Translation into French: La fin de la visite nous a apporté d'autres surprises avec des objets saisissants, comme une réplique d'une cabine téléphonique qui a été le protagoniste d'un film espagnol classique acclamé. Nous avons également vu l'espace barbecue où ils ont préparé des plats sur le gril, qui ont meilleur goût.
Google translation into Italian: La fine della visita ci ha portato altre sorprese con oggetti sorprendenti, come una replica di una cabina telefonica protagonista di un acclamato film classico spagnolo. Abbiamo anche visto l'area barbecue dove hanno preparato del cibo alla griglia, che aveva un sapore migliore.
Google Translation into Portuguese: O final da visita nos trouxe mais surpresas com objetos marcantes, como a réplica de uma cabine telefônica que foi protagonista de um aclamado clássico do cinema espanhol. Também vimos a área de churrasco onde eles faziam comida na grelha, que tinha um sabor melhor.
Google Translation into German: Das Ende des Besuchs brachte uns weitere Überraschungen mit auffälligen Objekten, wie einer Nachbildung einer Telefonzelle, die der Protagonist eines gefeierten klassischen spanischen Films war. Wir haben auch den Grillplatz gesehen, wo sie etwas Essen auf dem Grill zubereitet haben, was besser schmeckte.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Fundi i vizitës na solli më shumë surpriza me objekte që bien në sy, si një kopje e një kabine telefonike që ishte protagonist i një filmi klasik spanjoll të mirënjohur. Ne pamë gjithashtu vendin BBQ ku ata përgatitën disa ushqime në BBQ që kishin shije më të mirë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այցի ավարտը մեզ ավելի շատ անակնկալներ բերեց աչք շոյող առարկաներով, ինչպիսին է հեռախոսային խցիկի կրկնօրինակը, որը հայտնի դասական իսպանական ֆիլմի գլխավոր հերոսն էր: Մենք նաև տեսանք խորովածի տեղը, որտեղ նրանք պատրաստեցին մի քանի ուտելիք խորովածի վրա, որն ավելի համեղ էր:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Краят на посещението ни донесе още изненади �� хващащи окото предмети, като реплика на телефонна кабина, която беше герой на всепризнат класически испански филм. Видяхме и мястото за барбекю, където приготвиха храна на барбекю, която беше по-вкусна.
Google Translation into Czech: Závěr návštěvy nám přinesl další překvapení s poutavými předměty, jako je replika telefonní budky, která byla hlavním hrdinou uznávaného klasického španělského filmu. Také jsme viděli místo BBQ, kde připravovali nějaké jídlo na BBQ, které chutnalo lépe.
Google Translation into Croatian: Završetak posjeta donio nam je još iznenađenja s privlačnim objektima, poput replike telefonske govornice koja je bila protagonist hvaljenog klasičnog španjolskog filma. Također smo vidjeli mjesto za roštiljanje gdje su pripremali hranu na roštilju koja je bila boljeg okusa.
Google Translation into Danish Afslutningen på besøget bragte os flere overraskelser med iøjnefaldende genstande, såsom en kopi af en telefonboks, der var hovedpersonen i en anerkendt klassisk spansk film. Vi så også grillstedet, hvor de tilberedte noget mad på grillen, som smagte bedre.
Google Translation into Slovak: Záver návštevy nám priniesol ďalšie prekvapenia s pútavými predmetmi, ako napríklad replika telefónnej búdky, ktorá bola hlavným hrdinom uznávaného klasického španielskeho filmu. Videli sme aj miesto na grilovanie, kde pripravovali nejaké jedlo na grile, ktoré chutilo lepšie.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Konec obiska je prinesel še več presenečenj z vpadljivimi predmeti, kot je replika telefonske govorilnice, ki je bila protagonist priznanega klasičnega španskega filma. Ogledali smo si tudi prostor za peko na žaru, kjer so pripravili hrano na žaru, ki je bila bolj okusna.
Google Translation into Estonian: Külastuse lõpp tõi meile veel üllatusi pilkupüüdvate objektidega, nagu näiteks telefoniputka koopia, mis oli tunnustatud klassikalise Hispaania filmi peategelane. Nägime ka BBQ kohta, kus nad valmistasid BBQ-l toitu, mis maitses paremini.
Google Translation into Suomi: Vierailun loppu toi meille lisää yllätyksiä katseenvangitsevilla esineillä, kuten kopio puhelinkoppista, joka oli ylistetyn klassisen espanjalaisen elokuvan päähenkilö. Näimme myös BBQ-paikan, jossa he valmistivat ruokaa BBQ:lla, joka maistui paremmalta.
Google Translation into Greek: Το τέλος της επίσκεψης μας έφερε περισσότερες εκπλήξεις με εντυπωσιακά αντικείμενα, όπως ένα αντί��ραφο ενός τηλεφωνικού θαλάμου που ήταν ο πρωταγωνιστής μιας αναγνωρισμένης κλασικής ισπανικής ταινίας. Είδαμε επίσης το χώρο μπάρμπεκιου όπου ετοίμασαν κάποιο φαγητό στο μπάρμπεκιου που είχε καλύτερη γεύση.
Google Translation into Dutch: Het einde van het bezoek bracht ons meer verrassingen met in het oog springende objecten, zoals een replica van een telefooncel die de hoofdpersoon was van een veelgeprezen klassieke Spaanse film. We zagen ook de BBQ-plaats waar ze wat eten op de BBQ bereidden dat beter smaakte.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Slutten av besøket ga oss flere overraskelser med iøynefallende gjenstander, for eksempel en kopi av en telefonkiosk som var hovedpersonen i en anerkjent klassisk spansk film. Vi så også BBQ-stedet hvor de tilberedte litt mat på BBQen som smakte bedre.
Google Translation into Polish: Zakończenie wizyty przyniosło nam kolejne niespodzianki w postaci przyciągających wzrok obiektów, takich jak replika budki telefonicznej, która była bohaterem uznanego klasycznego hiszpańskiego filmu. Widzieliśmy także miejsce do grillowania, w którym przygotowali jedzenie na grillu, które smakowało lepiej.
Google Translation into Romanian: Sfârșitul vizitei ne-a adus mai multe surprize cu obiecte atrăgătoare, precum o replică a unei cabine telefonice care a fost protagonista unui film clasic spaniol apreciat. Am văzut și locul de grătar unde au pregătit niște mâncare la grătar care avea un gust mai bun.
Google Translation into Russian: Конец визита принес нам больше сюрпризов с привлекательными объектами, такими как копия телефонной будки, которая была главным героем знаменитого классического испанского фильма. Мы также видели место для барбекю, где они приготовили еду на барбекю, которая была вкуснее.
Google Translation into Serbian: Крај посете донео нам је још изненађења са привлачним објектима, попут реплике телефонске говорнице која је била протагониста хваљеног класичног шпанског филма. Видели смо и место за роштиљ где су спремали храну на роштиљу која је имала бољи укус.
Google Translation into Swedish: Slutet av besöket gav oss fler överraskningar med iögonfallande föremål, som en replika av en telefonkiosk som var huvudpersonen i en hyllad klassisk spansk film. Vi såg också grillplatsen där de lagade lite mat på grillen som smakade bättre.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ziyaretin sonu, beğenilen bir klasik İspanyol filminin kahramanı olan bir telefon kulübesinin kopyası gibi göz alıcı nesnelerle bizi daha fazla şaşırttı. Ayrıca barbeküde daha lezzetli olan bazı yiyecekler hazırladıkları barbekü yerini de gördük.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Завершення візиту принесло нам більше сюрпризів із привабливими об’єктами, такими як копія телефонної будки, яка була героєм відомого класичного іспанського фільму. Ми також бачили місце барбекю, де вони готували їжу на барбекю, яка смакувала краще.
Google Translation into Arabic: جلبت لنا نهاية الزيارة المزيد من المفاجآت بأشياء مذهلة ، مثل نسخة طبق الأصل من صندوق هاتف كان بطل الرواية لفيلم إسباني كلاسيكي مشهور. لقد رأينا أيضًا منطقة الشواء حيث صنعوا بعض الطعام على الشواية ، والتي تذوقها بشكل أفضل.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরিদর্শনের সমাপ্তি আমাদের আকর্ষণীয় বস্তুর সাথে আরও বিস্ময় নিয়ে এসেছে, যেমন একটি টেলিফোন বুথের প্রতিরূপ যা একটি প্রশংসিত ক্লাসিক স্প্যানিশ চলচ্চিত্রের নায়ক ছিল। আমরা বারবিকিউ অঞ্চলটিও দেখেছি যেখানে তারা গ্রিলের উপর খাবার তৈরি করেছে, যার স্বাদ আরও ভাল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 参观的尾声为我们带来了更多的惊喜,一些引人注目的物品,比如一个电话亭的复制品,它是一部广受好评的西班牙经典电影的主角。 我们还看到了他们用烤架做食物的烧烤区,味道更好。
Google Translation into Korean: 방문이 끝날 무렵에는 찬사를 받았던 스페인 고전 영화의 주인공이었던 전화 부스의 복제품과 같은 눈에 띄는 물건으로 더 많은 놀라움을 선사했습니다. 우리는 또한 그릴에서 음식을 만드는 바베큐 공간을 보았습니다. 맛이 더 좋았습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: סוף הביקור הביא לנו הפתעות נוספות עם חפצים בולטים, כ��ו העתק של תא טלפון שהיה גיבורו של סרט ספרדי קלאסי עטור שבחים. ראינו גם את פינת הברביקיו שבה הכינו אוכל על הגריל, שטעים יותר.
Google Translation into Hindi: यात्रा के अंत में हमें हड़ताली वस्तुओं के साथ और अधिक आश्चर्य हुआ, जैसे कि एक टेलीफोन बूथ की प्रतिकृति जो एक प्रशंसित क्लासिक स्पेनिश फिल्म का नायक था। हमने बारबेक्यू क्षेत्र भी देखा जहां उन्होंने ग्रिल पर खाना बनाया, जिसका स्वाद बेहतर था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Akhir kunjungan memberi kami lebih banyak kejutan dengan benda-benda yang mencolok, seperti replika bilik telepon yang merupakan protagonis dari film klasik Spanyol yang terkenal. Kami juga melihat area barbekyu tempat mereka membuat makanan di atas panggangan, yang rasanya lebih enak.
Google Translation into Japanese: 訪問の終わりには、評価の高いスペインの古典映画の主人公であった電話ボックスのレプリカなど、印象的なオブジェクトでさらに驚きがもたらされました。 また、彼らがグリルで食べ物を作ったバーベキューエリアも見ました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Визиттин аягы бизди таң калтырган объектилер, мисалы, атактуу классикалык испан тасмасынын башкы каарманы болгон телефон кабинасынын репликасы менен көбүрөөк күтүүсүз болду. Барбекю аянтын да көрдүк, алар грильде тамак жасап, даамы жакшыраак.
Google Translation into Malay: Penghujung lawatan membawa kami lebih banyak kejutan dengan objek yang menarik, seperti replika pondok telefon yang merupakan protagonis filem Sepanyol klasik yang terkenal. Kami juga melihat kawasan barbeku tempat mereka membuat makanan di atas panggangan, yang rasanya lebih enak.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Айлчлалын төгсгөлд Испанийн алдартай киноны гол дүр болох утасны бүхээгийн хуулбар гэх мэт гайхалтай объектууд бидэнд илүү их сюрприз авчирлаа. Мөн бид мах шарах дээр хоол хийдэг шарсан талбайг харсан бөгөөд энэ нь илүү амттай байдаг.
Google Translation into Nepali: भ्रमणको अन्त्यले हामीलाई उल्लेखनीय वस्तुहरू, जस्तै टेलिफोन बुथको प्रतिकृति जुन प्रशंसित क्लासिक स्पेनिश फिल्मको नायक थियो, हामीलाई थप आश्चर्य ल्यायो। हामीले बार्बेक्यु क्षेत्र पनि देख्यौं जहाँ तिनीहरूले ग्रिलमा खाना बनायौं, जुन अझ राम्रो स्वाद छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਫੇਰੀ ਦੇ ਅੰਤ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਾਨਦਾਰ ਵਸਤੂਆਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਹੋਰ ਹੈਰਾਨੀ ਲਿਆਂਦੀ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਇੱਕ ਟੈਲੀਫੋਨ ਬੂਥ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕ੍ਰਿਤੀ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਕਲਾਸਿਕ ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਫਿਲਮ ਦਾ ਮੁੱਖ ਪਾਤਰ ਸੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਬਾਰਬਿਕਯੂ ਖੇਤਰ ਵੀ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਗਰਿੱਲ 'ਤੇ ਖਾਣਾ ਬਣਾਇਆ, ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਸਵਾਦ ਵਧੀਆ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د لیدنې پای موږ ته د پام وړ شیانو سره نور حیرانتیاوې راوړې ، لکه د تلیفون بوت عکس چې د تعریف شوي کلاسیک هسپانوي فلم مرکزي کردار و. موږ د باربیکیو ساحه هم ولیدله چیرې چې دوی په ګریل کې خواړه جوړ کړل، کوم چې ښه خوند لري.
Google Translation into Persian: پایان این بازدید با اشیاء چشمگیر، مانند ماکت یک باجه تلفن که قهرمان یک فیلم کلاسیک اسپانیایی تحسین شده بود، شگفتی های بیشتری را برای ما به ارمغان آورد. قسمت باربیکیو را هم دیدیم که روی کباب غذا درست می کردند که طعم بهتری دارد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Tungtung kunjungan masihan kami langkung kejutan kalayan objék anu ngahalangan, sapertos réplika stan telepon anu protagonis pilem Spanyol klasik anu diakui. Urang ogé nempo wewengkon barbecue dimana aranjeunna dijieun kadaharan dina grill dina, nu raos hadé.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ang pagtatapos ng pagbisita ay nagdala sa amin ng higit pang mga sorpresa sa mga kapansin-pansing bagay, tulad ng isang kopya ng isang telephone booth na naging pangunahing tauhan ng isang kinikilalang klasikong pelikulang Espanyol. Nakita din namin ang barbecue area kung saan nila ginawa ang pagkain sa grill na mas masarap.
Google Translation into Thai: สิ้นสุดการเยี่ยมชมทำให้เราประหลาดใจมากขึ้นด้วยวัตถุที่โดดเด่น เช่น แบบจำลองของตู้โทรศัพท์ที่เป็นตัวละครเอกของภาพยนตร์สเปนคลาสสิกที่ได้รับการยกย่อง เรายังเห็นลานบาร์บีคิวที่เขาทำอาหารบนตะแกรงซึ่งรสชาติดีกว่า
Google Translation into Urdu: دورے کے اختتام نے ہمیں حیرت انگیز چیزوں کے ساتھ مزید حیران کر دیا، جیسے کہ ٹیلی فون بوتھ کی نقل جو کہ ایک مشہور کلاسک ہسپانوی فلم کا مرکزی کردار تھا۔ ہم نے باربی کیو کا وہ علاقہ بھی دیکھا جہاں انہوں نے گرل پر کھانا بنایا جس کا ذائقہ بہتر ہے۔
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5, 11 and 14 for the ask thing 😌
The ask thing in question
Thanks for the questions! <3
So, I'm a bit of a cheater because I'm Serbian and will probably be choosing Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin bits of media as well. Our languages are completely mutually intelligible so I don't care 😎 (also: *is a sucker for Yugonostalgia*, bratstvo i jedinstvo etc.)
5) Favourite song in your native language?
I'm a huge Azra fan so my faves by them include: Ako znaš bilo što; 2.30; Čudne navike; Pit... i to je Amerika; Krvava Meri; Hladni prsti; Balkan; Gracija; Užas je moja furka; Proljeće je 13. u decembru; 3N; (I'm just gonna stop here)
Darko Rundek - Apokalipso; Ruke; Makedo
Miladin Šobić - Đon; Ne pokušavaj mjenjat me; Prođoh gradom; Od druga do druga
From VIS Idoli - Moja si; Maljčiki; Odbrana & Nemo
I'd also recommend the following bands - Dobri Isak, Šarlo Akrobata (one of my favourite bands actually), EKV & Haustor
There are many others, but I'll leave it here for the sake of y'all.
11) Favourite native writer/poet?
Oof, reluctant to admit but I don't read a lot of literature written by native authors (trying to turn this round though!)
Poet - Branko Miljković hands down
Writer - Ivo Andrić (for his short stories and "The Bridge on the Drina" i.e. "Na Drini ćuprija") and Meša Selimović (for "Death and the the Dervish" i.e. "Derviš i smrt")
14) Do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Current state of affairs - Nope. Our TV shows are mass produced, cheap insipid telenovelas.
I do enjoy our cinema of yore though - Profesionalac; Maratonci Trče Počasni Krug (The Marathon Family); Balkanski Špijun are all a great start for getting into Yugo-cinema. I'd be glad to recommend some more
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meowyoi · 2 years ago
hi hiii~ 11. and 22. for the "3 things" ask game oOwOo?
11. you are asking the WRONG MF LMAOOOO uhm the pichur of dorian gay (gay guy murder ppl), perfume (french guy murder ppl and make perfume) and fucking. idk priče iz davnine by ivana brlić mažuranić which is apparently titled "croatian tales of long ago" in eng. i love my girl IBM the first croatian milf
22. gonna be honest with you i don't think i ever genuinely cried watching or reading anything? i used to just force myself to do so bc everyone did it like avengers endgame lol the entire cinema was crying so i squeezed out 3 tears and couldn't cry more than that 💀 that's the only one i specifically remember
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aboutanimation · 2 years ago
All Those Sensations in my Belly from Adriatic Animation on Vimeo.
While transitioning from male to female gender, Matia struggles with finding a genuine intimate relationship with a heterosexual man.
Director, scriptwriter, editor: Marko Dješka With participation: Matia Anna Pleše Art director, designer: Hana Tintor Animation: Hana Tintor, Laura Martinović, David Lovrić, Marko Dješka, Draško Ivezić Interviews: Ljubica Letinić, Maja Flajsig Dramaturgy: Ivor Martinić Artistic advisor: Chintis Lundgren Music: Sofie Birch, Gustavo Lima Sound design: Pedro Marinho Sound editing: Bernardo Bento Foley: Francisca Campos Sound mix: Vasco Carvalho Voice recording: Jure Buljević Producer: Draško Ivezić (Adriatic Animation) Co-producers: David Doutel, Vasco Sá (BAP animation studio) Distribution: Bonobostudio bonobostudio.hr/en/distribution/all-those-sensations-in-my-belly .. adriaticanimation.hr/ .. Marko Dješka (1983) is an animation director, scriptwriter and comic book artist. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Animated Film and New Media. His student films Slaughtered and The Son of Satan, as well as his first professional film Ghost Town have been awarded at numerous film festivals. Marko is one of the founders of the studio for animated film, Adriatic Animation. Filmography:
All Those Sensations in My Belly (2020), Ghost Town (2016) The Son of Satan (2012, student film) Slaughtered (2010, student film)
markodjeska.com/ instagram.com/markocomix/ .. All Those Sensations in my Belly awards/mentions: �Best Film in Balkan Competition, Anibar International Animation Festival, Peja, Kosovo 2020 �Special Mention in Croatian Competition, Animafest Zagreb, Croatia 2020 �Best Croatian Short Film, Festival mediteranskog filma Split, Croatia 2021 �Best Film Award, I+N Festival Courts Queer Short Film Fest, Montreal, Canada 2021 �Best Innovation Award, I+N Festival Courts Queer Short Film Fest, Montreal, Canada 2021 � Flickers' Youth Film Jury First Prize for the Best LGBTQ Film, Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA 2021 �Special Mention, Festival MiX Festival Internazionale di Cinema Lgbtq+ e Cultura Queer, Milano, Italy 2021 �Best Animation, Linz International Short Film Festival, Linz, Austria 2021 �Best Script, Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), Canada 2021 �Best European Short Film, 3D Wire Fest / Weird Market International Animation Market and Festival, Spain 2021 �Special Mention, Videomedeja Video Art Association, Video Art Library & Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia 2021 �Special Mention, Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote, Italy 2021 �WIA Diversity Award, Spark3D Animation Festival/Women in Animation, Canada 2021 �Special Jury Prize, Большой фестиваль мультфильмов Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow, Russia 2021 �Special mention, Festival Festival Cinéma et Droits Humains, Paris, France 2021 �Youth Jury Award for Best Short Film, Exground filmfest, Wiesbaden, Germany 2021 �Best International Short Film, Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival, Israel 2021 �Special Mention, Manchester Animation Festival, UK 2021 �Best Short Film, SocialMed Mediterranean Human Rights Festival, Valencia, Spain 2021 �Special Mention, Merlinka International Queer Film Festival, Serbia 2021 �Special Mention in Monstrinha Competition, Monstra Lisbon Animated Film Festival, Lisabon, Portugal 2022 �Junior Jury Award, Animocje International Animated Film Festival, Bigdozsc, Poland 2022 �Special Award for Outstanding Achievement in Animation, International Filmmaker Festival of New York, USA 2022 �Jury's Personal Pick (Asako Fujioka) in A Slice of Society Category, Hiroshima Animation Season, Japan 2022 �Best film in international category, Animasivo International Animation Festival, Mexico City, Mexico 2022
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rickchung · 3 months ago
November to Remember 2024
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Metro Vancouver Events Calendar:
Now-Nov. 2: Betrayers @ The Improv Centre / Yaga @ Gateway Theatre
Now-Nov. 3: Die Fledermaus @ Queen Elizabeth Theatre / Ridge @ Firehall Arts Centre / Latin American Heritage Month @ Granville Island / Spark Animation Festival & Conference
Now-Nov. 10: Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival
Now-Nov. 23: The Scarlett @ Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
Now-Dec. 18: Downtown Farmers Market @ 750 Hornby (Wednesdays)
Now-Dec. 22: The Perfect Bite @ Glowbal Restaurant
Now-Jan. 5: Cirque du Soleil: Echo @ Concord Pacific Place
Now-Jan. 9: Earth Matters @ Science World
Nov. 1-10: Chutzpah! Festival
Nov. 1-15: North Shore Craft Beer Week
Nov. 1-17: Stand Festival
Nov. 2: Cheese and Meat Festival @ The Pipe Shop
Nov. 2-Mar. 29: Riley Park Winters Farmers Market (Saturdays)
Nov. 3-Apr. 27: Kitsilano Winters Farmers Market (Sundays)
Nov. 6-9: Transform Festival @ Vancouver Playhouse
Nov. 6-10: Architecture & Design Film Festival / Circle Craft Holiday Market @ Convention Centre
Nov. 7-10: Lumière Festival
Nov. 7-17: Vancouver Asian Film Festival
Nov. 12-17: The Book of Mormon @ Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Nov. 13-Dec. 21: The Hobbit @ Pacific Theatre
Nov. 13-Dec. 24: Vancouver Christmas Market @ Jack Poole Plaza
Nov. 14-17: Eastside Culture Crawl
Nov. 15: Arkells: Big Feelings Tour @ Rogers Arena
Nov. 15-23: Re:Naissance Opera: IndieFest
Nov. 16: Anna Akana: It Gets Darker @ Biltmore Cabaret / Death From Above 1979 @ Vogue Theatre
Nov. 16-17: Etsy Holiday Pop-up @ Pipe Shop
Nov. 17: Matty Matheson @ Djavad Mowafahjian Cinema
Nov. 18-24: Hopscotch Festival @ PNE Forum
Nov. 20: Zach Bryan: The Quittin Time Tour @ Rogers Arena
Nov. 20-Jan. 5: East Van Panto: Robin Hood @ York Theatre
Nov. 21-Jan. 1: FlyOver Canada: Soar with Santa @ Canada Place
Nov. 22: Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band @ Rogers Arena
Nov. 22-Jan. 19: Canyon Lights @ Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
Nov. 23-24: Got Craft Holiday Market @ Croatian Cultural Centre
Nov. 24-Dec. 24: The Peak of Christmas @ Grouse Mountain
Nov. 27-Jan. 3: Lights of Hope @ St. Paul’s Hospital
Nov. 29: Nooroongji Book Club @ Nooroongji Books
Nov. 29-Jan. 5: Festival of Lights @ VanDusen Botanical Garden
Nov. 30-Jan. 1: Bright Nights Train @ Stanley Park
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boredandyach · 4 months ago
How to Choose A Yacht For Family Trips: Top Destinations
A family yacht charter vacation can be one of the best ways for families to spend time together. A yacht trip is a unique way to experience fun, relaxation, and comfort that you might not find on other family trips. This guide will show you how to choose a yacht for family trips so that every moment on board is fun and enjoyable.
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The Basics of Family Yacht Charters
A yacht charter is a unique experience for the whole family. It is possible to rent yachts for families. So, they can visit beautiful places in comfort and privacy in their own boats. Many choices are available, such as large, luxurious superyachts and smaller, more casual sailing yachts. Different people and budgets can choose from these options. Many places are available for families, such as the beautiful Virgin Islands or the charming Croatian coast. A trip through these beautiful waters will help them create great memories.
Benefits of Choosing a Yacht for Family Vacations
Opting for a yacht charter as a family brings many benefits. First, you can travel to several places without the trouble of packing and unpacking. Families can wake up to a new view every day, whether it is a calm beach or a busy harbor. The onboard features, from big cabins to cozy lounges, offer comfort and relaxation. A charter yacht also lets families enjoy many activities like snorkeling, swimming, or just relaxing on the deck. This way, every family member can find something fun to do.
Why Yacht Charters are Ideal for Quality Time
Family yacht charters are meant for bonding. Being on a yacht helps families spend time together, whether enjoying meals made by the chef or taking part in fun activities like treasure hunts. The changing schedule lets families customize their trip to match everyone’s interests. This special setting promotes talk and makes family relationships stronger, making it a great choice for a family vacation.
How to Choose the Right Family Yacht for Your Trip?
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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Charter Yacht
When choosing the best family yacht for your vacation, there are several important things to think about. The yacht’s size is very important. It should have enough space for your family, with cabins for privacy and other areas for spending time together. The type of yacht matters too. Think about whether a motor yacht or a sailing yacht fits your family’s likes. Also, look at the yacht’s features. A good kitchen, systems for entertainment, and cozy lounge areas are key for a nice family experience.
Understanding Different Types of Yachts: Catamarans and Motor Yachts
Choosing between a catamaran and a motor yacht can affect your family yacht charter experience. Catamarans are stable and spacious. This makes them great for families who may not be used to sailing. They have a larger deck that is good for fun activities and relaxing. Motor yachts, however, provide speed and luxury. They are perfect for families wanting to get to places faster. Knowing the key differences between these yachts can help you pick the right one for your family’s needs.
Tips for Finding Family-Friendly Yachts
When looking for family-friendly yachts to rent, think about contacting charter experts who know about family yacht vacations. They can offer useful advice and suggestions based on your family’s size and what you like to do. Check for features like kid-friendly spaces, safe deck areas, and fun activities on board. A yacht crew who is used to sailing with families can also improve your experience by making sure everyone is safe and has a good time.
What Should Your Plan Include for a Family Yacht Charter?
Creating a Balanced Plan for Activities Onboard and Ashore
Designing a plan for a family yacht trip should include both activities on the boat and off the boat. On the boat, families can enjoy cooking classes, have movie nights in a private cinema, or just relax and take in the ocean views. When off the boat, plan trips for different interests, like exploring local cultures, hiking in beautiful places, or visiting historical spots. A good mix of fun and relaxation will keep everyone in the family happy and entertained during the vacation.
Must-See Places for Family Yacht Trips: The Virgin Islands and Croatia
When you plan your family yacht trip, think about adding places like the Virgin Islands and Croatia. The Virgin Islands have clear waters, great for snorkeling and other fun activities for kids and adults. Croatia has a lot of history and beautiful coastlines, making it a good place for culture and beach fun. These places will not only improve your family’s sailing time but also provide many activities for everyone.
Adding Fun Activities for Kids to Your Yacht Trip
To make your family vacation fun for kids, include kid-friendly activities on your yacht trip. Planning treasure hunts on board can create excitement for younger family members. Be sure to have water toys like paddleboards and inflatable slides ready to keep the kids busy on sunny days. By adding these fun activities, you help kids enjoy the yacht experience more. Parents can relax knowing their children are having a good time.
What features should you find in a family yacht?
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Essential Things You Need Onboard for a Comfortable Family Experience
When choosing a family yacht, consider the important features that can make your trip comfy. You’ll need big cabins that give family members some privacy. A good kitchen is key for cooking meals. You should also have cozy lounge areas, places to eat outside, and shaded spots to relax and hang out. It’s important to have good air conditioning and heating so you feel comfortable no matter the weather during your family trip.
Water Toys and Activities for Fun-Filled Days
Adding different water toys and activities to your yacht trip is important for having a fun time. Look for yachts that come with snorkeling gear, kayaks, and jet skis to make sure your family enjoys the water. These fun activities inspire adventure and help create lasting memories. Also, ask about any extra gear that you can rent, so your family has everything needed for a thrilling vacation on the water.
Child-Friendly Features: Safe and Fun Choices
Child-friendly features are very important when picking a yacht for a family trip. Safety should come first, so make sure the yacht has life jackets and proper safety rules. There should be fun activities, like games, movies, and books, to keep kids busy during free time. A trained nanny or childcare worker can also be a great help on your yacht. This way, parents can relax, knowing their children are safe and happy.
How to Make Sure You Have a Great Luxury Yacht Charter Vacation?
Choosing a Crewed Yacht for Hassle-Free Sailing
Choosing a crewed yacht can make your family holiday feel easy and fancy. A skilled crew takes care of sailing, cooking, and keeping things in order. This lets families enjoy their time together. The crew also pays attention to your food likes, making sure every meal is tasty. With them handling all the details, families can relax and make special memories without worrying about planning everything.
Planning fun activities: treasure hunts and movies on board.
To make your family yacht charter better, think about planning fun activities for everyone. You could set up treasure hunts, which would be a great adventure for kids. A movie night on the boat can also entertain everyone. By planning these fun activities, you create special memories that will last long after the trip. This will make your family vacation even more enjoyable.
Get the Best from Your Family Yacht Charter Experience
To have a great luxury yacht vacation, it’s important to be open to new experiences and enjoy every chance you get. Talk to the yacht crew. They can tell you about local spots and fun things to do that are not in regular travel guides. Be willing to change your plans based on the weather and what your family wants. A relaxed attitude can make your vacation better. In the end, the most important part of a family yacht trip is the time spent together, the fun you have, and the memories you make on the water.
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This is a collection of music for the various films and theatre plays by Mirko Krstičević, Croatian and Yugoslavian composer and musician active since 1970s. "All and Nothing at All (Film and Theatre Music 1978 - 1988)" ["Sve i ništa (Filmska i scenska glazba 1978. - 1988." in Croatian] focuses on his work for the underground and avant-garde cinema from the era: directors Ivan Martinac, Svemir Pavić, Lordan Zafranović, Aleksandar F. Stasenko and Vanča Kljaković are all part of the Split Cinema Club association; their work explores art, death, sexuality and eroticism. Krstičević compositions for various theatre plays are also included.
★ From the Original Master Tapes ★ LP Vinyl Gatefold LP ★ Extensive Liner Notes ★ Photographs from the Films ★ Direct Metal Mastering (DMM) by Record Industry NL ★ Standard Edition + Limited Edition with 12-page full color booklet with filmographies, essays and additional photographs (in Croatian and English) ★ First 100 hand-numbered copies with booklet are not available in stores. BUY HERE: https://foxandhisfriends.bigcartel.com
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Svemir Pavić's portrait of surrealist painter Ljuba Popović, made in the same year as its counterpart by Walerian Borowczyk, features scenes form Beaubourg Gallery in Paris and Udo Kier as a guest. Side B of the record is all about theatre: plays by Sam Shepard, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Jean Giraudoux were all produced in Sarajevo and Split in the 1980s, with the rare electronic takes by Mirko Krstičević and his subtle minimalist soundings of the themes from the Cold War era. This unique and diverse compositions by founder of the rock band Metak and sound studio Tetrapak from Split, are document of the time that is, especially in the closing Chernobyl theme, relevant again.
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Composer, musician and musical arranger Mirko Krstičević was born in 1948 in Šibenik. He graduated in music theory at the Pedagogical Academy in Split and then at the Music Academy in Sarajevo. He studied composition with Josip Magdić, Mladen Pozajić and Miroslav Špiler. He is the co-founder of the Tetrapak music studio in Split, where numerous performers and musicians have recorded (Animatori, D'Boys, Haustor, Oliver Mandić, Gibonni, Srđan Marjanović, Stil, Trotakt Projekt and others).
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Together with Ranko Boban and Momčilo Popadić, he founded the Metak group in the spring of 1978 in Prigradica on Korčula. In the group, he is the author of songs and lyrics, and he also plays the bass guitar. "Da mi je biti morski pas" is the group's most successful single, which in 1980 became one of the most played songs on radio and television. Metak performed in Belgrade in front of 70,000 people, and the media declared them the best group along with Macedonian Leb i sol. In compositional work and arrangements for other pop and rock artists, Krstičevic had high commercial success with Tutti Frutti Balkan Band, Biljana Petrović, Seid Memić Vajta, Pepel in kri, Osmi putnik, Oliver Dragojević , Đorđi Peruzović, Henda and others.
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Parallel to his pop and rock career, Krstičević composed stage and film music for 45 films, mostly collaborating with the circle of experimental and amateur directors of the Split Cinema Club (Kino klub Split) as well as the rest of the local underground scene. He is the author of stage music for 130 theatre plays, and also records his own compositions in the field of contemporary music. He wrote over 30 works for solo instruments, 4 operas, chamber and symphonic music. He is the winner of numerous awards, lives and works in Split.
File under: Soundtrack, Stage, Electronica
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TRACKS FILM SIDE: The Second Dreams (Theme from House on the Sand) The Torture (Theme from Time of Heroes) Motorcycle (Theme from The Exile) The Opening Night (Theme from Ljuba par lui même) In the Beaubourg Gallery (Theme from Ljuba par lui même) All and Nothing at All (Main Theme from All and Nothing at All) All and Nothing at All (Unused Theme from All and Nothing at All) Jere and Marija in the Room (Theme from Marjuča or Death)
TRACKS THEATRE SIDE The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant I (Theme from The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant) The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant II (Theme from The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant) Cassandra (Theme from The Trojan War Will Not Take Place) Peace (Theme from The Trojan War Will Not Take Place) Fourth Choir: Sun Ray (Theme from Biedermann und die Brandstifter) Second Choir: Marching Step (Theme from Biedermann und die Brandstifter) The Beginning before the Beginning (Theme from Fool for Love / Savage Love) She Runs Away (Theme from Fool for Love / Savage Love) Eddie Enters (Theme from Fool for Love / Savage Love) A Jerk (Theme from Fear and Hope of the German Federal Republic) Song 3 (Theme from Fear and Hope of the German Federal Republic) Chernobyl (Theme from Fear and Hope of the German Federal Republic)
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Composed, arranged and all instruments performed by Mirko Krstičević. Clarinet on A4 by Ivica Borčić. Saxophone on B9 by Mate Carić. Guitar on B7 and B8 by Zlatko Brodarić. Additional instruments: Emax E-mu Systems Model 2100, Yamaha DX7, Fender Rhodes Piano, Korg Poly-61, Oberheim OB-Xa, Wurlitzer 200A, Electronic Piano, Linn Drum LM-2. Recorded at Studio Tetrapak, Split, 1978-1988. Recording engineer: Ivica Čović - Pipo
Executive producers, creative direction and audio-digitization: Leri Ahel & Željko Luketić Selected and programmed by Leri Ahel & Željko Luketić Research, liner notes & music editing by Željko Luketić Artwork by Martin Peranović Mastering by Toni Milohanić (at Ambulanta 2 Studio) DMM cut by Record Industry Netherlands Rights Society: HDS/BIEM ©℗ 2024 Fox & His Friends Records
©℗ 2024 Fox & His Friends Records
★ http://www.facebook.com/foxandhisfriends ★ http://soundcloud.com/foxandhisfriends ★ http://twitter.com/FoxAndHisFriend ★ http://www.instagram.com/fox.and.his.friends ★ http://www.discogs.com/label/1132857-Fox-His-Friends ★ http://foxandhisfriends.bigcartel.com ★
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