#Creed: I'm trans
beaft · 6 months
One thing I've noticed, and stop me if I'm stating the obvious, is that the people in favour of barring under-25s from UK gender clinics are focusing the vast majority of their attention on AFAB people. They talk about "little girls" being "manipulated" into "mutilating themselves", "vulnerable children" cutting off their "barely-grown breasts" (ugh), and so on. I've seen zero mention of "little boys" taking estrogen or getting implants, and I think that's interesting, because it displays more clearly than ever the delineation between the treatment of transmascs and transfems.
It's hardly newsworthy to say that transmascs are perceived as victims while transfems are perceived as predators. Our "mental illness" makes us naïve, fragile, immature; their "mental illness" makes them scary, aggressive, perverse. Most TERFs won't even use the phrase "trans girls". They're always "women". To acknowledge that trans girls can be girls - that they can be young and in need of protection - goes against the entire TERF creed, so they just don't mention it. It's as blatant as it is disgusting.
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june-egbert-official · 7 months
hi i'm june egbert (officially) and i'm here to say; if you believe in the "egg prime directive", that is the idea that you can never tell anyone they might want to consider being a trans woman or trans fem or just not fully cisgender, and even that they should consider estrogen or other hrt?
i think you should die! yes. you personally. i don't care how. maybe hammers and cars since that's so popular for transmisogynists. okay maybe not the trans fems who believe it, y'all should just figure out why you believe that your experiences are bad and nobody should ever discover their true self and unlearn the hatred and pain that lead you to think this.
trans women should be allowed to see ourselves and our experiences in others, full stop, no caveats. alive or dead, famous or nobody, any race, age, color or creed. this includes telling them we've experienced the same. this includes saying we see our experience in theirs.
i don't care if it's arin hanson or kurt cobain or lilly anarkitty (aaron bushnell) or some random guy you saw on twitter posting a dead eyed selfie.
if you, as a totally cisgender guy, don't like being called an egg or jokingly told to transition? examine why. what part of the transition process makes you angry or offended. if being a trans woman is a truly neutral thing and you are totally a cis man...why should it bother you?
anyway the egg prime directive is evil nonsense and if you believe it you need to examine why.
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sapphosremains · 9 days
Thoughts on Calvinism?
This is so interesting bc the majority of posts about Calvinism on here have focused on its beliefs about predestination, so I want to try and buck that. As with everything on this blog you'll get a weird mix of personal religion and academic theology, so do shout if you only wanted one or the other and I'll try again! Another disclaimer: I have no formal reading or research on Calvinism - denominational theology isn't really my area, so anything in here is personal opinion and from brief research, but no real academic reading. I'll get round to it, but it's not the top of my list right now!
Starting with the unified idea against the Real Presence, with Calvinism teaching that the Eucharist is simply a reminder of Christ's sacrifice, personally I just can't agree. I am still working out where I am on trans/consubstantiation, but I do completely believe in the idea of the Real Presence, and reject a memorialist theology. To me, it just doesn't work that the Eucharist can be a sacrament yet only a reminder and a memorial (although to be fair, Calvin's alternate view of what a sacrament is dodges this issue, but I can't agree with it so still personally doesn't work).
Now, from what I've read, Calvinism seems pretty on the side of sola scriptura, which again as an anglocatholic I am not. I think there's a reason why Revelation is addressed to the churches, and why Jesus devoted so much time to His disciples. Do I think that the Church is possibly more fallible than scripture? Yes, that's why I'm not RC, but I think the Church and community is of utmost importance, and understanding of Christianity and rule of faith is reliant on the Church. Furthermore, I think that again there's a reason why the Pope is the Pope and I'm not, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is and I'm not! Not that I would suggest that Calvinists reject this idea, just that I think there is a chain of authority and expertise in the Church for a reason, and their view ought to carry more weight than mine, despite us both reading the same scripture.
Carrying on with this Church idea, despite what I've just said, I'm not sure about the idea of God's only communication being through Christ. I'll come onto other reasons, but the first one that landed concretely with me was the idea that the preaching of ministers about God is the Word of God. Mmmm. Not sure. I think it's quite a vain idea to suggest that humans, ordained or not, let alone a massive group of them all preaching different things can all be speaking the word of God. Even just think of a minister you know who's said something slightly off, or a denomination that is far off every other, or not to generalise but if you've ever watched a mega-church service... can they all be the Word of God? Makes me feel a bit icky. The other stuff about Christ and salvation being the only two methods of God's self-revelation I feel like I don't know enough theology about to write about, but my instinct is against.
Covenant theology to me just felt like another framework, and I'm not keen on it. So far what I've read of Calvinism just seems to me like it tries to restrict a divine and infinite being into finite and defined ways of working with humans, and I'm not super keen.
Social trinitarianism? Nuh uh. I just, no. Not sure what to say, I'm just a Nicene creed girly.
Now, getting into the stuff we see more on here, starting with total depravity. This one makes me sad. There was a really good post on here which I've just been looking for (similar to this post by @hymnsofheresy) and I wish I could find it but essentially just a different view of original sin, seeing it more as meaning that we cannot be perfect, and to prevent us being perfectionists because we are in a world which cannot let us be perfect. I really like this view. The Calvinist idea of total depravity meaning that we are displeasing to God, 'defiled and polluted' in his sight, and makes us 'naturally hateful to God' is just like what? God loves us. Yes, He hates sin, and sin is irrevocably linked to the person, but I can't believe that He hates us and finds us displeasing, defiled, and polluted from the minute we are conceived.
Now, predestination. Similarly to the original sin, I just think this is such a nihilist theology. I think if I believed that there was a chance that before I had a chance to have faith, or do good works, I was condemned to hell, no matter what I did, I would struggle to have faith. Why would one want to believe in a God if you think that He could have condemned you to hell before your existence, based on no characteristic of your own?
On a more flippant note (ha), I couldn't be Calvinist because I love music, and as cool as a cappella is, it definitely couldn't be my whole liturgical life (also I'm an organist!).
Hope this was somewhat interesting, and I hope not horrifically uniformed. What are your thoughts?
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cactusique · 4 months
I'm Alexander – Xander or Sasha for short, but please for the love of God not Alex🙏
I'm an ancient adult being (21), proud yogurt male and bruachelohim/his pronouns user. I have 97 mental illnesses (both known and unknown to science) and am banned from most public spaces and social media platforms.
I draw stuff for fun and money. Btw my commissions are open!
Rates here
Mostly into WoD (VtM especially, and I will be unapologetically simping for Vykussy a lot here) and WH40k. Other fandoms are Cyberpunk, Witcher, Silent Hill, Deus Ex, Assassin's Creed, LOTR, Breaking Bad/BCS, Rupaul's Drag Race etc.
Slowly working on my own setting. As for other hobbies I'm into drag, currently studying Hungarian and trying to become a piercer. Huge latex/leather fan and body horror enthusiast. Transhumanist, trans man and human.
Tumblr media
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thefloatingstone · 4 months
Seriously I am still not over there being an anime about Yasuke and then it was some fucking mid 6/10 garbage that felt the need to include mechs and bullshit. WHO GIVES A FUCK!!! MAKE A STORY ABOUT YASUKE FFS!!!!!
Also every motherfucker on twitter complaining about "the Japanese game's character is black?? This is because of woke. Is he trans too?" is a fake Assassin's Creed fan because you assholes are playing the historical culture game and you don't even know your fucking history.
It's like watching an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and then bitching because they made Mercutio gay. Except worse because Yasuke was a real fucking person!!!!!!
I'm struggling for an analogy to properly show how idiotic this is.
It's like if you made a proper movie about Alexander the Great and then have people piss themselves on twitter because "they made Alexander gay. Because of woke".
Holy shit.
Anyway I hope the game does its research and portrays Yasuke's story in a factual way without him getting into a mech and fighting demons or whatever the fuck else he did in the anime.
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radiosummons · 2 years
Known C A N O N facts about the Mandalorians: A) Overall, they do not view/value "gender" in the same way other cultures in SW (or those in our own world) do.
B) Color symbolism, paint design and the amount of beskar you have on your armor is viewed as a main/sole identifier of a Mandalorian.
C) Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorians, does not have gender signifiers. Mando'a is a gender neutral language.
D) Your gender, your sexuality, your race, your previous life, etc does NOT matter after you have sworn the Mandalorian Creed. You are a Mandalorian and will always be Mandalorian, unless you violate your Creed. -Cin vhetin: a fresh start/clean slate. Literally means "white field." -Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la: "Nobody cares who your father/parent was, only the father/parent you will be." -Aliit ori'shya tal'din: "Family is more than blood."
In conclusion, the only thing Mandalorians really care about is how skilled of a warrior you are and how loyal you keep yourself to your creed. They do not give a fuck what your gender identity is or who you choose to fuck.
To put it more simply: Can you hit real good? Do you have honor? Okay then.
Verd ori'shya beskar'gam: "A warrior is more than their armor"
Tldr; I'm getting really tired of people trying to act like the Mandalorians as a whole would have a problem with a trans/nonbinary person being a fellow Mando. The answer is no. No, they would not.
(Update: Meant to also say the same fucking goes for your sexuality, but I feel like I'm just beating a dead horse at this moment. You guys get the fucking point)
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counttwinkula · 9 months
hi i have been obsessed with your “the monster’s body is a cultural body etc” post since i saw it like a month ago. do you have any book recs where i can read more about this, like, forever. (I’m aware of your podcast I’m checking it out too) <3
i'm glad you liked it, it's an honor to introduce the people of tumblr to cohen's seven theses
first and foremost i would recommend The Monster Theory Reader, ed. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, which includes several seminal essays including:
"The Uncanny" by Sigmund Freud
"The Uncanny Valley" by Masahiro Mori
"Approaching Abjection" by Julia Kristeva
"Horror and the Monstrous-Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection" by Barbara Creed
"The Monster and the Homosexual" by Harry M. Benshoff
i would also recommend the book in which Cohen first published his seven theses, Monster Theory: Reading Culture, ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
(i must admit that i haven't gotten around to reading either of these books in full yet)
aside from the essays mentioned above, here are some foundational texts for monster theory but not specifically about monster theory:
The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim
Mythography: The Study of Myths and Rituals by William Doty
Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety by Marjorie Garber
monster theory/horror criticism texts i've read:
Monsters in the Closet by Harry M. Benshoff
Skin Shows by Jack Halberstam
Murder Most Queer by Jordan Schildcrout
It Came from the Closet, ed. Joe Vallese
Horror by Brigid Cherry
Men, Women, and Chain Saws by Carol Clover
Dark Places by Barry Curtis
The Dread of Difference, ed. Barry Keith Grant
The Monster Show by David J. Skal (SEE NOTE BELOW)
Darkly: Black History and America's Gothic Soul by Leila Taylor
The Ghost: A Cultural History by Susan Owens
and some others i own but haven't read yet:
Dark Carnivals by W. Scott Poole
Phantom Past, Indigenous Presence: Native Ghosts in North American Culture and History by Colleen E. Boyd and Coll Thrush
Queer for Fear: Horror Film and the Queer Spectator by Heather O. Petrocelli
Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture by Annalee Newitz (just started this, already love it)
Theatre and the Macabre, ed. Meredith Conti and Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr.
and i can't neglect to mention The Monster in Theatre History: This Thing of Darkness by Michael Chemers
before i say anything further i want to give one warning. my particular interest is on monstrosity and queerness (probably evident based on some of my recommendations). monster theory and horror criticism have generally been rooted in psychoanalytic theory, particularly as it has been interpreted through a feminist lens. unfortunately, this leads to a lot of arguments and interpretations that are sex essentialist and fail to address gender with the necessary nuance. this is particularly true in Men, Women, and Chain Saws and The Dread of Difference.
(Vested Interests is… complicated. it's not monster theory exactly but cohen cites it. garber is generally better than the others mentioned here in her consideration of trans people but her work can still be uncomfortable.)
i have a lot of reservations about recommending The Monster Show. i loved reading it and i think skal has great analysis. somehow, however, in the middle of his discussion of how marginalized people have been historically monsterized in american culture, he has the audacity to cite The Transsexual Empire by Janice Raymond, the ur-text of TERF ideology, and skal uses this text to monsterize trans women. it's disgusting and reprehensible, and if the rest of the book wasn't so strong i wouldn't recommend it
the best medicine i have are texts by trans people. It Came from the Closet is an anthology with several essays by trans people, i adore it. i am forever obsessed with Gender Outlaw by Kate Bornstein, which isn't exactly monster theory, but i would say it's monster theory adjacent and i wish everyone would read it
and if you haven't, you must read "My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage" by Susan Stryker. (see i even put a link to that one. drop everything and read it now)
alright if you're still with me i have a couple other things to put out there:
the docuseries Queer for Fear, available on Shudder, is incredible and i'm obsessed with it
she seems to be inactive these days but @draculasdaughter has a lot of posts quoting texts and articles on monster theory/horror criticism that i highly recommend
i've only seen the jacob geller videos on this list but i mean to watch this youtube playlist of video essays about horror, fear, and dread
and i also keep a #monster theory tag on my blog that has various posts on the subject, some funny and some earnest
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sphinx-myth · 6 months
How my week was last week because I'm so bored
Me walking in town unwillingly but decides to ask for a sign by any type of spirt guide or deity.
Also me looking at the pigeons and seeing the darkest fucking bird I've ever seen: OH what the fuck is that?? I that a crow or some shit? It has orange feet? The fuckk??
Goes inside the hairdressers but unfortunately not for me and looking in the corner: is that a fucking spider??
It was there for a sec then gone: THE FUCK DID IT GO?!?!
My brother asks me to open a page that began with 2 (cant remember exactly) in my loki (marvel which I've never read or seen) book: fine??
The first sentence being so out of context: NEVER MINDS 😭
We go to my grandma's and I have the most agrevating conversation about loki not having anything to do with Christianity and some other stuff: IT MAKES NO SENSE PLEASE 😭
Her later asking if I read the charon book she got me for christmas: .. yeah definitely! *me who hasn't finished reading PJO and started reading homers books*
Me asking my pendulum if I should go out with my dad: "no no no no stay home and meditate :]"
My dad mentioning that if I'm home alone Imma do everyone's chores: sorry pendulum :<
Me calling my dad a viking wannabe cus I've played too much assassin creed: *the people around me start laughing*
Me choosing my options again (cus I moved schools): blacksmith path.. or art and computers.. BLACKSMITH.. *I went with art and computers and engineering*
Me staring at the incense holder because I don't like the feeling of clay: 👁‍🗨 - 👁‍🗨
One of my friends finally coming out as trans to the group: *me who literally helped her chose her name and was the first to know* WOOOO YAYAY
the only person in the group not being trans (there's 4 of us in the group and 3, including me, are trans): 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
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bunchacrunchcake · 9 months
Dave Chapelle wrote the best trans joke I've ever heard. I say this as a trans author. He says for a trans woman (which I am,) no matter how much I augment my genitalia, it will never be a real vagina, even though it might look and feel just like the real thing. Then he says "Impossible pussy!" and slaps his knees. The camera cuts to a woman in the front row visibly upset and crying.
It's the perfect joke, its long, detailed, has cliff hangers, an edgy set up, and a really creative punch line that delivers social commentary both on trans vaginas and fake meat. It's masterful.
Chapelle says his one trans fan likes his jokes, so it's okay.
He says all oppression is not the same. He says he had to chew out a white women for letting her oppression take precedent over his as a black man in America.
The Black Panthers created the rainbow coalition specifically to guard against these divide and conquer tactics. The rainbow coalition spread to many countries, many races, creeds, religions, and genders. They aremed themselves because they knew the fight would be real, and dangerous. Black power, the Black Panther movement was about global unity and a drastic change in global power structures. Through COINTEL PRO and other efforts, the US Government played a large part in the assassination of leaders, downfall, and ultimate evisceration of the Black Panther Party which are now known as the Crips and Bloods.
They say you stop maturing the year you get famous. Chapelle I'm assuming stopped in his 20s because he seems, as a black person, to have missed the core message of BLM which is that our struggles are united and that if we don't shout BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER from the rooftops and FREE PALESTINE during religious services, we are complicit in the racist system that Chappelle himself spent an entire hour on Inside the Actors Studio complaining about.
Black trans women are murdered at a higher rate than almost any part of the US population. Trans and queer people all across the globe are systematically murdered. Being trans and queer is illegal and punishable by death or prison in many countries. Women, white and non-white, are often preyed upon and trafficked for sex globally as well.
BLM is a critical part of global history as it allows us to unentangle the deep roots of the prison industrial complex as well as things like redlining, and white capitalism so that we can start the very, very long and arduous process of in some way equalizing the playing field for a group of people that had horrific things done to them for centuries at the hands of powerful leaders.
It is built into BLM that liberation for black people is liberation for all. Not that it comes at the cost of everyone's freedom. It is a revitalization of the Black Panther Party.
Dave did 3 specials about trans people. James Acaster says "Edgy comedians, no one tells them what they can and can't say. They walk on stage, do 10 solid minutes, slagging off transgender people. Straight out the gate, making fun of transgender people. If people get upset about it, they say "Bad luck! That's my job! I'm a stand up comedian! I like to challenge people! If you don't like being challenged! Don't come to my shows! What's the matter guys? Too challenging for ya?!" He rants and repeats that for a little while. And then he says "Oh yeah, you know who's been long overdue a challenge? The trans community. They've had their guard down for too long if you ask me. They'll be checking their privileged on the way home now thanks to you, you brave little cis boy. I used to say the name of that comedian and it made things really awkward. 2019, people still happy to laugh at trans people, not as comfortable laughing at, I've learned, Ricky Gervais."
Dave Chappelle, found his one trans fan (not even friend), and wasn't given, but TOOK our equivalent of the n-word pass from her.
N-word passes are not real. It's a joke you play on dumb white people. Basically you give a white kid "the pass" to see if they're dumb enough to say the n-word in front of other black people. Then you get to sit back and laugh as the entire room goes ballistic on them. "OH MY GOD REBECCA WALKED INTO CHEMISTRY AND SAID WHATS UP MY N****S TO THE WHOLE CLASS!"
One random person does not speak for the whole planet.
I have also heard many well crafted racist black, asian, and latino jokes. I do not tell them. Not because they're not funny. But because they are based off of stereotypes that don't actually represent the vastly diverse group of people in those communities. They also are usually an oppressive person's opinion of someone who is opressed. It is the literal definition of bullying.
Retelling prejudiced jokes actively causes harm to those people. It supports the propaganda surrounding those communities that let police justify extrajudicial murder, and it keeps the people thinking that when a cop shoots a black man for going for his wallet, it was because he was scary, not because the cop was racist.
That's why I don't tell racist jokes, even if they are "really good."
Also, stand up comedy can literally be about ANYTHING. Pete Davidson did a whole bit about deciding whether to fuck his mom. It wasn't funny. But here's the thing, it could have been.
He could have said "Well... I already stuck my head through it."
For every one lifetime trans fan Dave keeps, he loses thousands. We are shouting at you from the rooftops that you are harmful to our community and you are furthering racism, because you are assigning hierarchy to oppression and deciding who is and isn't allowed to be oppressed. Rich, white men are at the top of that power structure.
I laughed out loud when I heard that joke. And then I slowly realized that I couldn't ethically stomach watching Chapelle any more. I didn't even know I was trans then, but just as a human being I couldn't do it. People that lean into hate I just don't let into my circle anymore. Yes even masters of their craft.
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
Full Disclosure
Pairing: Trans!Din x Trans!Reader, reader's specific gender is unmentioned just that they are transgender
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: Illusions to transphobia, concerns about romantic rejection, coming out
Summary: After you profess your love for each other, Din is holding something back from you. Turns out you have something to disclose too.
A/N: T4T love bby!!!! Anyways yes...I was really excited to make this version for other trans people <3 the original GN!reader version is still available here if you're interested
Trans!Din Masterlist
"Cyar'ika, I don't think I'm what you want…"
"I know what I want Din. I want you."
Even under the beskar he still felt your heavy gaze on him. Like you were peering through his soul and knew all his secrets.
"No I'm…I'm not like other men." He says avoidant of your gaze.
"I know about your creed. You can tell me more … if there are rules or anything." You sigh out dramatically "Din, I don't care if I never see your face…I just want to be yours!" You ramble on-
He hadn't had to say it aloud since he was a teen. He held no shame about his identity; it simply was a non-problem in his life. It didn't matter to the Mandalorians. It didn't matter at work. It didn't matter to the bounties, or his bosses, or acquaintances. Besides, who would challenge a fully armored Mandalorian?
"No- you don't und-"
"You said you loved me, right?" Tears prick in your eyes. "Don't you want to be with me?"
"Of course I do, but-"
But he never thought he'd get this far with you. Never knew how much could be at stake. He didn't know how to tell you. Knowing you might not like what you hear.
"Then why are you being all weird? Do you already have someone? Are you engaged or something? Is this a Mandalorian thing? Is it Gro-"
He'd seen it before…heard tales of it. Of how fast the heart can turn during this kind of disclosure. Fear filled every crevice of him, his body preparing for rejection.
Din puts his gloved hands on your shoulders, drawing your racing mind back to him. "I'm transgender." He says bluntly. He slowly pulls his arms back down to his sides, expecting you to walk out on him.
"This is when you run" he thinks. This is when you ruin him.
A silent pause sits between you two as Din awaits for the worse.
"Oh- Din…is …is that it?" You make a curious face at him. Any fear or anger at him gone, and replaced with empathy. "You think I wouldn't want you, because you're trans?"
The Mandalorian lowers his head in a nod.
They're not gone yet?
"Din, you know? You know I'm trans…right?" You ask, anxiety lacing your own voice. Unknowing of how he'll accept that information. It was no secret...just evidently not something that'd ever come up in your time together.
His brain freezes over. A million stars falling into place. "Of course you are…" that's why you understand him so well.
His head hangs a bit in embarrassment, blackened T pinned on the ground. "No…I didn't know."
Of all of the ways he's analyzed you. Digested you. Taken every last bit of you in…he missed that part of you. The part that made you so much like him. Though he's never felt a particular "pride" about it, on you it looks so beautiful.
"Cyar'ika?" Din repeats, slowly lifting his visor to you. "Tell me…" he reaches out a gloved hand, catching yours in his. "Tell me more?"
Despite a rush of heat flooding your face, you answer him. You could never deny him if you tried.
He clings to every word. Of your experience. Of how you felt. Your version of that too familiar tale. And in that moment he falls just a little more in love with you.
"That doesn't change anything for you? Does it?" You ask, a light waver in your voice. Though you were still assured of your own feelings, you couldn't read the mind of the man behind the beskar.
"No." He affirms, gloved hands encasing yours. "This changes nothing."
"How could it?" He thinks. When you're this daring. This brave. This beautiful. How could such a thing ever make him turn away from you?
You return his gesture with a smile. Glowing at his acceptance. "I love you Din." You peer up into the dark T of his helmet.
Din tilts his head, gripping onto your hand still in his. "And you still want me?" He asks, needing to hear your affirmation.
"Of course. You are the man of my dreams. Just as you are." You raise your other hand to his helmet. Your fingers tracing along the tip of his helmet.
The man of your dreams…just like that again. You peer through the beskar and see him as he is. You see him as a whole.
You swear you hear his voice crack through the modulator. "If you'll have me, Din Djarin. I'll be yours forever."
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little-noko · 1 year
hey i saw your last post, and i understand that you like hp despite it's flaws, and i'm not sure if you knew or not but the fanbase has become quite the terf breeding ground in previous years because of Joanne and her bigotry and has become a symbol for that bigotry making hp content can invite these people to your community and is an immediate red flag for trans people
i don't mean to sound like an ass about this, it's hard to be delicate on this topic, there's just so many people who refuse to listen when we say that there's more to it than just the author
there's people who've explained this better than me i hope you take this into consideration
-a concerned non-binary ☆
I do understand the concern, but I would like to disagree.
The fact that it is considered a delicate topic baffles me. You know what baffles me even more ? People bullying and telling people who like something to kill themselves.
As much as JK Rolling is doing lots of trouble for the trans community, her PAST work still gave wonder to the young generation that read it. The positive fever that overcame people by that time made this franchise loved across the globe enough to make a movie series which was unheard off.
Her accomplishment doesn't make her less of a terrible person, and I despise her for her bigoted ideals.
But people need to make the distinction between liking something and liking the person who made said thing, because lemme you on on something.
Most things you like, use or consume has made by an cut throat asshole. Assassin's creed ? Everyone LOVED IT until they find out about the sexual harassment at EA. Walt Disney? Sorry but he wasn't the best guy either, he just had big ideas.
If me wanting to draw harry potter content despite HATING JK Rolling upsets you that much, you can unfollow.
You can support trans AND love the world of harry potter.
Terfs ? Get the hell out of here you piece of shit.
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traditionaldream · 7 months
You just totally refuse to read my ask and cling to your ideals. I specifically say I have no faith in the left or the right politically. You absolutely passed over the points I raised about homelessness etc, the living hell people are enduring right now. You don't want to face the ugly side of life and want to exist in a pastel paradise. This flies fundamentally in the face of Christianity. Jesus hung around with prostitutes and lepers. His creed is not an aesthetic like you are treating it.
Tbh I don't really care about trans rights etc. There used to be a process, people that really needed help in that way went through, but now everyone is switching genders at the drop of a hat thinking it will solve their problems. It's also opened the door to complete insanity allowing people who need mental help to dictate the norm. There is the minority of genuine trans people who are literally born the wrong body and need that help but that's all I support. When a man can say he is a woman at the drop of a hat to gain access to female spaces for malevolent reasons, his sins reflect unfairly on genuine trans people who are not like that. But the whole situation is a circus so I'm not interested.
You're young and naive, clinging to a conservative idyll where everything is safe and ordered and in a neat little box. Unfortunately life is not like that. You're constructing a fantasy around yourself and picking and choosing from the Christian faith to furnish it. Tbh you sicken me. I'm also trying to live my faith and failing. I struggle with sinning all the time, my negative thoughts against others, the hopelessness I feel, the urge to just do what you do and look the other way. I feel like I'm drowning. Death appears pretty attractive rn but suicide is a sin.
You literally just look the other way while people suffer. You're blaming them for things out of their control. You're too concerned with an aesthetic. You're too intent on achieving a Stepford reality. I pray for you and hope it's not too late for you to change for pride is a sin.
And this sickens me as well. You don't know me, you don’t know what i do outside of this platform, my background, my struggles, my living conditions.... I know the world is a messed up place but complaining all the time won't change that. Just because I don't talk about homelessness doesn't mean I don't care for it, you don't know if I've done anything for them, do you? No, you don't.
My political beliefs and my religious beliefs are mine, and I will never apologize for them. Again, you don't know me and I'm praying for you as well
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sithwitch13 · 1 month
AEW All In 2024
There's Nigel to dickride Christian
When did Claudio start bleeding?
Luchasaurus basically doing the shoulder ride
Aww Pax burying the hatchet with HoB
I choose to believe that Mariah's gear is in support of trans folks
God I love Nigel's simping of Mariah
Toni's face I'm foaming at the mouth
Aww Nigel got a kiss
Awww Toni
Nigel's gonna be insufferable now
Bryan Keith is at Wembley and ai'm going to cry
Screaming at the cricket bat
Big Bill is so confused, I love him
Hook has been healed by hitting Jericho
Aww Taz
Okay I'm gonna need the Bucks to retain
Grizzled Young Vets!
Beating up FTR!
Gauntlet time!
Orange lol
Chuck Taylor just tweeted a picture of baby Ricochet and he looks like someone from my youth group in high school
RIP camera guy
MJF is crying?
MJF's whole ass is out
Lol he's not touching that belt
Okay I need Mercedes to win
Mercedes in the carriage with the corgis!!!
Mercedes, what are you doing with that glove?
Darby vs Jack time!
Holy shit did Darby glue thumbtacks to his face
Blood on the camera dang
Fanfic writers, I see you and salute you
Okay my nerves are working overtime and I may die of stress like a delicate bird
Aaa Brie and the kids aaa
Okay what's Swerve's gear
Aaaaaa he's got the robe
I just realized that Nigel's not on commentary. where is he
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
(Please don’t feel like you have to respond if you don’t want to)
But in general what would the implications/punishments of a person taking off their hijab be? This is in relation to Din, of course lol.
I’m sorry, I’m totally ignorant about this T-T
hey!! no worries, what a wonderful question
so the hijab and the helmet are totally different things. the only thing they share in common is that they are a religious head covering and that it's the wearers CHOICE to wear them. other than that, the respective religions are totally different and therefore the rules for each are different
for the hijab, you wear it to hide usually your hair, your neck, and any other skin that helps to protect your modesty. hijabs are not to be taken off in front of men, but you can take it off in front of women (other genders and trans things and all that kind of stuff is debatable. some men and gnc people also wear hijabs). the hijab is worn to protect a persons modesty and to keep others eyes away from you to protect yourself from being ogled or sexualized or something similar. it's also to keep good faith and to please God.
now, for your question about punishments if someone takes of their hijab- there are none! the hijab is completely the wearers choice and whether someone wears it and then removes it or just never wears it at all is totally fine. in islam, everything you do is a choice, and so wearing the hijab is a choice. lots of people wear it to openly identify as muslim, some wear it because they want to please God, and some wear it to protect themselves. some don't wear it or remove it later in life, and that's fine too! some people believe it's a sin to not wear it or remove it, but again, it's always the persons choice on whether or not to wear it.
now ofc for din and for other people following his version of the creed, they have different rules. from what we know, their creed compels them to wear the helmet and never take it off in front of other beings. it's for their protection and safety, and i'm sure there are other reasons as to why they choose not to remove the helmet (i can't think of any right now bc i'm fighting a killer headache from ramadan, but i'm sure there are other reasons)
din's version of the creed DOES have "punishments" or implications with the removal of the helmet. the armorer stated that din became an apostate and is no longer a mandalorian, and therefore is not accepted in the covert unless he is forgiven for his transgressions. i don't think there is any other "punishment" or anything like that other than the stripping of identity. but ofc, there's the chance to become redeemed, as din did, by bathing in the living waters on mandalore.
so i hope that clears things up! i know i've made comparisons of the hijab and the helmet before, but i'd like for people to understand the the rules and implications of the two head coverings are different. their only relation is that they are religious coverings with the intent of protection, and that it's the persons choice to wear them. and we should respect that!
thank you so much for asking!! it's lovely for you to want to learn more, i'd love to explain things futher if you have any questions.
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trash-soup · 2 years
Since my blog is gaining followers i figured I'd do a pinned intro
HI! I'm Sabri. I'm 29, I'm 6'4", and I'm a Hispanic Latine Genderfluid Nonbinary Pansexual (any pronouns, whatever you feel most comfy with 😊)
Everyone is welcome here except the following
DNI: Race/age/ableists, Xeno/Homo/Transphobes, Anti-Semitic/generally hateful/toxic and otherwise vile people.
On this blog, we stand for a FREE PALESTINE, Black Lives Matter, AAPI Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter, Palestinian Lives Matter, Latine Lives matter, LGBTQ+ Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, Genocide is condemned, Trans Women are real women, Trans Men are real men, Non-Binary and Queer people who don't fit into standard boxes are valid, Ace and Aro people are valid, all bodies are beautiful, Nobody owes you androgyny or anything else because of their pronouns or labels, and Love is love is love. Kindly fuck off if you disagree with any of that.
Things I love:
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, writing, cooking, cackling at memes, learning useless knowledge about niche subjects, singing, playing guitar, More.
Games: Stardew Valley (all time favorite), The Sims, Frostpunk, The Witcher, Age of Empires, Tsuki's Odyssey, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls, More.
Books: Just literature in general, Edgar Allen Poe, the Osten Ard series, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Harry Potter(Fuck JK tho), ASOUE, More.
Music: Sara Bareilles, Nelward, Soupy Garbage Juice, The Altogether, Led Zeppelin, Classic rock/Folk rock/Folk pop/indie/Alternative, More.
Movies/TV: LOTR/The Hobbit, Harry Potter (Fuck JK tho), Twilight (look up #sabriwatchestwilight) ASOUE, Game of Thrones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ted Lasso, Sex Education, The Witcher, Doctor who, Supernatural, Sherlock (Yes i was a Superwholock, shut up), Bob's Burgers, South Park, Pixar, Disney, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Poirot, More.
Youtube: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Dimension 20, Dropout, Gab Smolders, Crankgameplays, Game Grumps, Jarvis Johnson, Andy King, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, Kurtis Conner, Chad Chad, @strange-aeons, Sarah Z, Sam Onella, Binging with Babish, Uncle Roger, More.
Aesthetic stuff: Dark Academia, Cottagecore, Victorian, Nature, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, More.
I used to be @theactorsmind-blog and @theactorsmind-blog1, but those have long since been dead.
I've been on this hellsite since i was about 14, on and off sometimes. I was here stealing shoelaces, I've liked the color of the sky, i saw (read:Participated in) the mishapocalypse, i witnessed the great Titty Famine, I've been around for a good long while.
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writingofdungeonbat · 17 days
@mytardisisparked said this was open to anyone who wanted to sooooo here I am for Yap Time
1. Why do you write fanfic?
I usually say that my favorite stores and characters are the ones with 'space.' Characters with missing chunks of their backstory or arcs, places for me to run wild. My favorite Star Wars characters are Qui-Gon, Shmi, Hux, and Eli Vanto- characters that I feel like I can really chew on.
Also, it's just fun! I REALLY like when I write something that, when I send it to my friends, results in an 'OW WHAT THE FUCK.' That's like crack.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is “finished”?
Oh gosh, probably my codywan big bang In Our Bedroom After The War! It's not a 'longfic' by most standards, but it was my longest fic, and I think it really started me down the path for Casually Cruel, my magnum opus Thranto omegaverse.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
This is a hobby, it doesn't have to be perfect. Good enough is wonderful. Also- stop trying to make yourself write transitions that you like. Just start the next scene lmao.
4. What’s your relationship to fic stats?
I wish desperately I could be an author who throws stuff into the void and never think about it again, but hooooooly shit I am a stats goblin. I've noticed trends and patterns, and keep track of the rankings of my fics for each year.
All this to say, I write for myself and my friends, but I post for community.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I want to write more about Luke and trans man Mara Jade! They're so fun to write because they are the definition of 'sunshine and snarling protector' and they are so sweet! Mostly I struggle with them because of the lack of response I usually get when I post fics where they're the main focus. I have a few in the works, though!
6. What motivates you to write?
You know the verse from Breathe-
'2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me Threatening the life it belongs to And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd 'Cause these words are my diary screaming out loud And I know that you'll use them however you want to' ?
That's why I write. I feel like stories are bursting at the seams of me and if I don't let them out I'll die. One of my friends jokes that something will strike me and then stories just fall out.
7. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
The Autism Creature, mostly. I write according to my special interests, but I also LOVE how active the Star Wars fandom is, after coming from Assassin's Creed Syndicate. I keep drifting closer to writing for Helluva Boss, but the Part of Me That Cringes won't stop ahh.
8. If you’re stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
Walk away from it for a day or so, then make myself a cocktail, get in my comfy PJs, and see what happens. I also use my friends as rubber ducks!
9. What do you wish people knew about comments?
You will NEVER bother me. I know you're thinking 'oh, except me. I'm annoying.' NO NO NO! I have gotten comments that I think about YEARS later, comments that have made me laugh out loud, and, for a lot of fics, comments that kept me writing the fic/premise in question. If I don't see a positive response, I'm more likely to either not write that thing again, or keep it in my private files (seriously, I have War and Peace levels of writing on my harddrive and google docs and notes app).
So please, if you see something, and want more of it, let us know!!
10. Maybe there’s a question you wish had been on here. What’s that question (and answer)?
When's the next part of Casually Cruel and Balance in All Things coming?
.....soon?? Ish?? The next chapter of Casually Cruel is giving me hell because there's a lot of small things going on that I need to make cohesive. Balance in All Things will be longer, because the Brain Goblins decided that we needed a subplot about Palpatine trying to start a holy war and I have no idea what's going to happen with that.
I don't know who's been tagged before soooo @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren and anyone who wants to!
(also feed my ask box she's very hungry)
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