#Creative Writing Club podcast
darknightwolves · 11 months
October 2023 Goals: Complete!
Terribly sorry for the delay but I do have a perfectly valid reason that actually correlates with one of the goals… I got a job! 🎉 And I really enjoy it so far, but then again it’s only my fifth day today but so far I like it. I get to cook, work alone, and it’s in the early morning so I’m actually back home before 3. But anyway, let’s take a look at the goals for October and how I…
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astroismypassion · 3 months
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
I'm continuing with asteroid Part of Fortune series in signs and houses. Next one is in the 3rd house. Asteroid POF shows how you build material wealth, how you feel abundant and even around which people you feel the wealthiest or the most abundant.😀
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Gemini Sun people in your life. You create wealth by journaling your goals down, writing it on paper, when you come up with new, fresh ideas that have a niche for something. You are most abundant when you make new close friends, but also low key when you are able to outperform them a little bit. You are abundant when you have friends that you can learn from, friends that make you ambitious and driven. You need new starts in thinking, expressing your opinion, ideas, beliefs.
You could discover abundance by preparing meal plans for others or even writing your own recipes or put a twist on them. You feel the wealthiest when you have Taurus and Gemini Sun people in your life. You may also earn money by giving financial advice or how to budget. You are very organised when it comes to your finances and it comes more naturally to you than other people. You can also prepare an enjoyable fitness plan or workout plan that isn't restrictive for those around you.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini Sun people in your life. You are tthe wealthiest when you have lots of friends that you learn from (but also teach them) and when you belong to different friendgroups. You could attract wealth by talking, having a social media account about teaching people when the new interesting spots in your neighbourhood, local town are, because you sure know the best ones!
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Gemini Sun people in your life. They literally bring wealth to your life. You could give advice on parent child relationships, you may also be an excellent tutor, teacher to elementary and high school kids, even children. You may be excellent at writing a children's story. You could also attract wealth by talking, speaking about your family, since you have very interesting home life with lots of adventures. You receive wealth from your mother or a female sibling, cousin.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via life couching, joining politics, with public relations, speaking, marketing, web design, making posters, content for others. You could earn money with videography, daily blog, because you have an exciting life. You might also start a platform for other people and helping them discover their vocation, profession or introducing everything it take to become an event planner, producer etc., basically showcasing which steps you need to take.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via tutoring, helping others with home chores, home work, selling e-books, pdfs, selling your study notes, starting a podcast. Another placement that is great for introducing your profession to other people.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via translation, speaking or using foreign language at work, for your job, starting a business with a sibling, having a social media platform. You may start your own book club and make money through it. You could write reviews on resturants in your local city. You are good at finding a sponsor for your activities or selling something creative that you make and enjoy doing.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via writing erotica (shocker I know, but you definitely have writer potential), talking about mental health. You would be able to write profound blog posts about astrology, tarot. You can give great advice on counselling, be an intimacy coach or a sex educator, relationships expert.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via furthering your education, taking a course on something, learning a new language, expanding formal and non-formal education, teaching elementary and high school kids and helping them with homework. Ahh your stories are very inspiring to people, even just hear about your past life experience.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via publish research papers, e-books. Also, take your parents' advice more often, they could introduce you to a money making opportunity. You can give great advice on parent child relationships or write a guide or a self help book for those in need.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via online, social media, via friends (because they tell you about job opportunities the moment when you need it the most), having an online small business, selling bracelets, earrings, necklaces. You are abundant when you discover a niche in your field of interest. You have a higher chance of finding a sponsor for your activities.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Gemini Sun people in your life. You make money via tarot, selling your poetry, writings, marketing, doing fotography for someone or audio production, video editing. You feel abundant near a body of water, taking frequent showers, making a difference in other people’s lives, selling your ideas or advice.
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
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cyberclouddream · 4 days
What Recharges or Motivates Us
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What to do if you feel unmotivated or drained. Based primarily on Sun placements, but can also apply to Venus, Mars, or Jupiter if strong, along with Chart Ruler. Also look for the houses where you have Aries [ inspiration ], Taurus [ comfort ], Scorpio [ rebirth ], and Sagittarius [ adventure ].
Through the Signs
- engage in a competitive activity, like sports or games that gets your blood pumping
- tackle a quick, challenging task, like a workout, difficult puzzle, hiking, cycling, or running
- spend more time in the sun and other natural light, like candles or bonfires
- leading others, like leading a group project or initiative
- take a spontaneous trip or adventure, exploring nearby towns or new places
- do a hands-on activity, like a DIY or home improvement project
- take a class or workshop you always wanted to try, like pottery, cooking, or dancing
- engaging in activities that remind you of your childhood
More Ideas: try extreme sports like rock climbing or bungee jumping; pack a bag and take a road trip with a specific destination; set up a friendly competition like a race or game; create a playlist that represents your personal anthem; join a public speaking/Toastmakers club or open-mic events; try a martial arts class, parkour, or fire dancing
- spend time outdoors in nature, through hiking, gardening, or simply relaxing
- indulge in sensory experiences, through cooking your favorite meal, taking a bath, or lighting aromatic candles
- treat yourself to a self-care day, like a massage, facial, or luxurious bath to reconnect with the body
- rearranging or redecorating your safe space, like adding plants or artwork
- listen to music, like uplifting or calming tunes that boost your mood or energy
- engage in creative hobbies, like painting, pottery, or crafting
- cooking or baking, since the process of preparing food can be therapeutic or satisfying to them
- gentle forms of physical movement, like yoga, dancing, or tai chi
- mindfulness practices, like meditation or deep breathing
- spending quality time with loved ones, like close friends, family, or animal companions
More Ideas: visit a local farmer’s market, experiment with cooking a new cuisine; take a worship in pottery or candle-making; host a wine and cheese testing; visit local artisan shops or craft markets; explore local flora or take up a nature identification project; host a themed dinner party; use more vibrant colors, fragrant herbs, or unique textures when cooking
- organize a gathering with friends or participate in a social event
- explore new ideas, through trying a new book, podcast, or documentary
- plan a short trip or spontaneous outing to a new location
- participate in group activities, like joining a club, workshop, or class, like a writing group, art class, or dance lesson
- trying different hobbies, like crafting or playing a musical instrument
- take a short social media break, to calm mental chatter and focus on more fulfilling tasks
- host a themed movie or game night, like inviting friends over for a movie marathon or game night to combine entertainment with socializing
- try guided meditations
More Ideas: take a quick-paced online course on a random subject that interests them; join an improv class; go on a themed trip, like visiting a historical landmark or art installations; write a short story or poem based on a random word generator; host an online discussion group on an eclectic topic; try VR experiences that offer adventure or learning opportunities; host a trivia night; create a collaborative story where others contribute paragraphs; participate in a flash mob; join a local debate club
- spend time at home or in a cozy and comforting environment, and even declutter or redecorate
- engage in nurturing activities, like cooking a favorite meal or baking something comforting
- spend quality time with family or close friends
- practice self-care routines, like taking a long bath, practicing skincare, or enjoying a good book
- artistic outlets, like painting, crafting, or writing
- nature walks, especially near water, like lakes, rivers, or the ocean
- journal, to write down thoughts or feelings to help bring clarity to process emotions
- volunteer or help others, since acts of kindness are fulfilling
More Ideas: curate a playlist that represents current feelings and listen to it while journaling; setup a home sanctuary with blankets, pillows, or favorite items; try art therapy as a form of emotional expression; create a scrapbook or photo album full of cherished memories; cook a dish from childhood; host a memory sharing night with friends or family; create a comfort box with things like favorite books, scented candles, photos, or treats; plant a healing garden
- expressing through art, like painting, dancing, or acting
- host a social gathering, like organizing a party or get-together with friends, since they like being the center of attention and sharing their energy
- engage in a physical activity, like a fun workout, dance class, or group fitness session
- pamper yourself, like having a spa day, try a new hairstyle, or going shopping to make your feel great
- leading a project at work or a group setting
- surrounding themselves with positivity, like curating a playlist or watching uplifting movies
- trying a new hobby that challenges them, like photography, writing, or playing an instrument
- connecting with nature, like a botanical garden or beach
- practicing gratitude, like writing down things they appreciate
More Ideas: dress up as a favorite character or icon for the day; write a personal manifesto of their goals, dreams, and values; host a talent show with friends and family; volunteer to mentor others and share skills; have a solo dance party at home or wherever they feel free, like nature; enroll in local acting or improv class; create a personal website; plan a photoshoot; attend a live performance; establish a celebration ritual for achievements big or small
- spend time tidying up, like cleaning and organizing their environment
- going for a nature walk or hike, to ground and reconnect with surroundings
- create a to-do list, like writing down tasks and goals to have a clear plan
- try a craft or DIY project, like gardening, artisan crafts, or home improvement
- cook a healthy and nourishing me that focuses on healthy ingredients
- taking a break from screens and social media to reduce mental chatter and focus on priorities and passions
- read for pleasure, like a book or audiobook, listening to a story that can provide an escape and stimulate the mind
- volunteer or help others, like community service or lending a hand to someone in need
- practice self-care, like a bath, yoga, or quiet evening with a favorite movie to recharge emotional and physical energy
More Ideas: create a personal wellness day with yoga, healthy cooking, and meditation; go outside and journal about the sights, sounds, and feelings they experience in nature; organize a workshop where everyone teaches each other something they’re good at; craft a detailed vision board outlining goals and aspirations; organize or join a nature clean-up event; join a book club; attend a cooking class
- cultivate aesthetic spaces, like redecorate or rearrange a living space to create a more visually pleasing environment
- spend time with friends or loved ones
- visit art galleries or museums to immerse in art or culture
- practice self-care like a spa treatment or skincare ritual
- try yoga or pilates
- listen to uplifting music, like creating a playlist of favorite songs or explore new genres
- try hands-on creative activities, like painting, crafting, or fashion design
- ensuring they have a balance of social time and solitude to recharge effectively
- seek out beauty and inspiration, like botanical gardens, floral shops, or scenic views
More Ideas: curate a playlist that evokes peace and balance while engaging in calming activities; host a themed potluck dinner where everyone brings dishes from different cultures; explore Feng Shui and rearrange living space based on the principles; color mandala designs or use adult coloring books; participate in a dance class like salsa or ballroom; join or create a group where people discuss philosophical ideas, art, and ethics; spend a week experimenting with different fashion styles
- engage in intense workouts, like martial arts, kickboxing, or dance
- try self-reflection through journaling or meditation
- connect with nature, especially near water
- transforming their space to reflect their current emotional state or desires
- engage in creative outlets like painting, writing poetry, or playing music
- incorporate mindfulness practices, like deep breathing or yoga to center themselves
- delve into mystical practices, line astrology, tarot, numerology, divination, or the craft
- plan a personal retreat, like a weekend getaway or a day of solitude at home
- volunteer for causes they care about, like community service or activism that aligns with values
More Ideas: try shadow work journaling about fears, desires, and emotions to explore depths of psyche; stimulate senses through aromatherapy, candle-making, or visiting a sensory deprivation tank; create a mystery box full of random things and challenge themselves to craft a story or project around items; take a weekend away to a secluded location for introspection and reconnecting with themselves; explore darker-themed artists or galleries; create a personal tarot deck; try intuitive cooking, as in without strict recipes
- plan a spontaneous trip, like a weekend getaway or a trip to a nearby city or nature spot
- engage in outdoor activities, like hiking, biking, or camping
- attend workshops or classes, such as cooking, art, or philosophy
- connect with different cultures, like cultural events, festivals, or cuisine
- read inspirational books, like travel, philosophy, or personal growth
- join a social group or club that focus on their interests, such as travel clubs or book clubs
- practice gratitude to reflect on things they appreciate to reignite enthusiasm
- engage in physical activities, like yoga, dance, or team sports
- attend lectures, seminars, or discussions on topics that interest them
- take a digital detox to unplug and reconnect with themselves
More Ideas: start a travel journal documenting last adventures and future dreams; choose a random topic or skill to learn, like a new language or dance style; visit a cultural museum, theater, or festival to immerse in new perspectives and experiences; create a bucket list; create an accountability group; start a nature journal that documents observations about nature, seasons, and personal reflections during walks or hikes; join an outdoor adventure group; start a travel blog or vlog; participate in a poetry or storytelling night
- set new goals, like reassessing personal or professional goals and create a clear plan to achieve them
- engage in physical exercise, participate in strength training, running, or hiking
- tidy up living or workspaces, since they appreciate order
- connect with nature, like taking a walk in the park or hike in the mountains
- establish a routine that includes time for work, self-care, and leisure
- network and build connections, like attending professional network events or social gatherings, to open new doors and inspire ambition
- prioritize self-care activities, like massages, spa days, or quiet evenings at home
- learn a new skill or hobby, through cooking, a new language, or musical instrument
More Ideas: set up a structured personal challenge, like a month-long fitness routine; take an unconventional course in a field of interest outside career path; create a detailed vision board of long-term goals; create a personal development podcast about self-improvement, productivity, or career tips; delve into ancient philosophies [ like stoicism ] or classic literature that resonates with values; try minimalist living for a week
- try innovative projects, through art, writing, or technology
- explore new ideas, through reading books or articles on unconventional topics, science, or philosophy
- participate in social activism or community service
- connect with like-minded individuals, like joining groups or forums that align with interests
- take time alone to reflect and recharge to renew motivation
- try new experiences, like new acting, foods, or adventures, which can invigorate curiosity
- experiment with technology, like new gadgets or apps
- spend time in nature, like hiking, bike riding, or a picnic in a park
- practice mindfulness techniques or meditation to calm busy mind
- create a vision board with goals and aspirations to visual dreams
More Ideas: brainstorm creative solutions to social issues or personal projects; explore workshops on unusual topics, like improv, urban foraging, or alternative therapies; conduct a social experiment, like “random acts of kindness” challenges to explore human connection in a unique way; join hackathons or creative meetups that focus in technology or social change; use VR technology to explore new worlds or experiences
- try artistic pursuits, like painting, drawing, writing, or playing music
- practice mindfulness meditation to center themselves
- spend time near water, whether it’s the ocean, a lake, or a river
- volunteer for a cause, like community service or supporting a cause they care about
- create a dream or aspirations journal to process emotions and thoughts
- immerse in music that resonates with their mood or inspires them
- explore spiritual practices, like yoga, tarot reading, rituals, or belief systems
- surround themselves with beauty, like creating a peaceful or aesthetically pleasing environment; add plants, soft lighting, or artwork
- spend time with loved ones, and share thoughts or feelings to provide emotional support
- take a break from routine and allow for spontaneity, whether it’s a day trip, new hobby, or an adventure
More Ideas: write a short story or poem based on their dreams or fantasies; partner with other artists or creatives to collaborate in a project to blend imagination with others; join a meditation or spiritual group to share experiences; try underwater exploration, like snorkeling or scuba diving; attend a sound bath session; volunteer at an animal shelter or sanctuary; create a collaborative playlist where friends can contribute; start a book swap; participate in a poetry slam
Through the Houses
First House
- focus in self-care and personal expression; engage in activities that boost self-esteem; exploring their identity; setting personal goals, establish limits that honor personal needs; explore personal interests and passions; find authentic ways to express themselves
Second House
- explore what they value most in life; educate and reassess financial priorities; find creative ways to utilize resources; ensure life choices align with core values; declutter material possessions; explore new income sources; cultivate gratitude for resources; work towards greater financial autonomy
Third House
- enhance communication skills like increasing active listening skills; build local connections; expand knowledge and explore new ideas; engage in stimulating conversations like knowledge exchange; embrace curiosity more; engage in puzzles, games, or brain-training exercises; blog or write to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas
Fourth House
- nurture family relationships; create a supportive home environment like understanding and improving family relationships; reflect on emotional foundations; connect with heritage and traditions; find comfort in solitude; design a space that promotes peace and comfort
Fifth House
- embrace creativity and self-expression; build or deepen romantic connections; explore leisure activities; try hobbies that excite them; focus on seeking joy and playfulness; explore various forms of artistic expression; reconnect with their inner child and joyful nostalgic experiences
Sixth House
- address stress and well-being; find satisfaction at work; engage in acts of service that contributes to well-being; find efficient ways to manage daily tasks; more regular exercise and nutritious meals; focus on quality good and being present while you’re eating food; create boundaries to avoid burnout; incorporate more self-care routines; gratitude journaling; integrate more therapies like acupuncture, massages, or aromatherapy
Seventh House
- foster open communication; strengthen personal relationships; navigate conflicts more constructively; build new partnerships; set shared objectives for growth in partnerships; engage in projects that require teamwork; engage in community more like clubs or community activities; practice gratitude for relationships; balance give and take in all types of relationships
Eighth House
- address fears and desires; explore intimacy and vulnerability; embrace personal transformation; let go of old patterns; delve into unknown aspects of life like psychology and spirituality; understand the importance of collaboration with shared resources
Ninth House
- explore different cultures, philosophies, or spiritual practices; question beliefs and values; pursue higher education or spiritual growth; plan traveling; define long-term goals; join discussion groups
Tenth House
- define career aspirations; reflect achievements and legacy; explore networking opportunities; enhance public image; seek leadership opportunities; cultivate leadership skills and confidence; consider what they can contribute to society;
Eleventh House
- nurture friendships and social connections; purse collective goals; connect with others with shared ideals and visions; engage in community involvement; work with friends on common goals; strengthen ties with friends and like-minded individuals; visualize future aspirations and dreams
Twelfth House
- explore spirituality; reflect on subconscious influences; address emotional healing; engage in solitude for introspection; focus on cultivating creativity and imagination; incorporate rituals or meditative practices into routine; address past traumas and emotional baggage; explore dreams through recording them; cultivate a compassionate mindset that acknowledges shared struggles and fosters a sense of community; find healthy outlets for emotional release, like through movement, art, or conversation
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acepodcastweek · 1 year
2023 Ace Week Fiction Podcast Fan Event (October 22nd-28th)
October 22nd to October 28th 2023 is ace week, and fiction podcasts are a great medium to be asexual.
Sunday, 22nd October
Ace of Spades | Realisation/Acceptance
Monday, 23rd October
Cake & Garlic Bread | Invisible/Seen
Tuesday, 24th October
Ace of Diamonds | Effort/Rest
Wednesday, 25th October
Space Ace | Past/Future
Thursday, 26th October
Ace of Hearts | Isolation/Connection
Friday, 27th October
Dragons | Divergence/Diversity
Saturday, 28th October
Ace of Clubs | Mourning/Celebration
More information on each list is available here.
How does this work?
I've made up two lists of daily prompts, above, to get you started. Using them is encouraged but entirely optional, and you may do as many or as few as you'd like. One per day is great, and one in one week also great. You can pick and mix, stick with one list, do both, or even just do your own thing entirely.
You can start working on them any time from right now up until during ace week, but if you're comfortable sharing them be sure to schedule or save them for the date and either @ me here at @acepodcastweek, or tag them with #ace podcast week, which I'll check daily up until November 1st.
You can join in by:
Creating art of any kind: visual, baking, music, etc
Writing fanfic
Doing poetry
Media analysis
Making recommendation lists
Holding polls
Highlighting creators
Sharing headcanons
And whatever else might strike your fancy.
Whether you want to dote on (or, let's be real, torment) your favourite ace characters, help other people find new shows they'd like, show the creative teams behind these works your appreciation, flex your brain creatively, just think it'd be interesting, or any other one of a myriad reasons, you're welcome to give it a go.
Image descriptions for visual art are not mandatory, but are strongly encouraged.
Creator Featurettes
Podcast creators and contributors who are acespec or have acespec characters are very welcome to put together little features of their characters and/or projects in advance of (or during) the week, which I'll reblog here.
There are many acespec characters in audio fiction, and I've attached two lists below to get you started.
Questions & Queries
If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or anything else in that realm, get in touch with me here. You can drop them in the comments, my DMs, or send me an ask. Is there something I could be doing better? Let me know!
If you run any kind of community group or are a creator and would like to run a podcast ace week event, go for it. I sure don't have exclusive rights, and would welcome the company. If you let me know, I'll even promo it.
A list of asked and anticipated questions can be found here, and will be updated as additional questions are asked.
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nenelonomh · 9 days
the bucket list
✧. ┊ philosophy club (my school has one)
✧. ┊ music: piano, guitar, singing
✧. ┊ sports: karate, volleyball, netball, long distance running, dance
✧. ┊ peer tutoring
✧. ┊ robotics club, book club, chess club, engineering club, esports club, board games club
✧. ┊ start a business (?)
✧. ┊ misc hobbies: photography, coding
✧. ┊ spanish culture club (again, my school)
✧. ┊ be a student leader, write a school paper
✧. ┊ get back into creative writing
✧. ┊ card games
✧. ┊ maximise nutrition, culinary arts
✧. ┊ yoga (?), pilates (?)
✧. ┊ astronomy, sign language,
✧. ┊ start a podcast, make a youtube video/channel
✧. ┊ gardening, knitting/crocheting, diy projects
✧. ┊ get my first-aid certificate
✧. ┊ travel overseas
✧. ┊ try some type of extreme sport
✧. ┊ learn how to speak a new language FLUENTLY
✧. ┊ look after someone else's pet (like dogsitting)
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callivich · 2 years
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The Gallavich fandom on tumblr is great - full of lovely, creative people who are friendly and welcoming. So if you’re new to tumblr or Gallavich or coming back after some time away, don’t be shy, get involved! (I think I’ve got all the current blogs that share work and/or run events but if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!!)
@gallavichthings - for all things Gallavich, as well as events and writer interviews
@gallavichfanficlibrary - the place for finding a fic or getting recommendations
@gallavichfanartgallery - all the fanart you could want in one place
@ao3feed-gallavich - never miss a Gallavich fic on ao3 with this automated feed
@gallacrafts - a monthly Gallavich themed craft event
@galladrabbles - a weekly Gallavich themed drabble challenge
@shamelesscreatorsnetwork - events, tips and ideas for digital/visual creators
@shamelessbigbang - running the Shameless Big Bang event for fic and art
@mayo-in-the-morning - a Gallavich fanfic podcast
@gallavichprompts - send your Gallavich prompts and get creative inspiration (including a list of authors & artists who take prompts)
@spicygallavichcollab - collaborative event for writers and artists who want to create smut
@bottomiangallagher - bottom!Ian fanfic and fanart recommendations
@gallavich-headcanon Gallavich headcanon questions and meta discussion
@gallvichnanowrimo - a Gallavich themed blog for NaNoWrimo but inspiring posts for anytime of year
@slim-jims-in-this-shit-hole - @gallawitchxx’s spicy and smutty fanfic and fanart recs
@dailymikhailo - your daily dose of Mickey
@iangallaghersdaily - your daily dose of Ian
@usergallaghers - your daily dose of Shameless
@lil-domestic-bitches - a spicy aesthetic Gallavich blog
@gallavichcoloringbook - a place to download Gallavich art to colour
@gallavich-podfic - a place for Gallavich pod fics
@its-a-queer-thing - is running a Gallavich tropes event
@gallavichficfinds - Gallavich fanfic recs and a place to find fics
Every Gallavich Kiss list by @brain-matter
@francesroserecs - a Gallavich fanfic rec blog
@f-f-podcast - South Side Rules - A Shameless Podcast
@gallavichmeta - a place for discussion, meta, and analysis of Ian, Mickey and their relationship
@thegallavault - a fully fan-made, totally free collection of beloved Ian x Mickey fics in e-reader (.epub) format, complete with a custom cover that features fan art made by one of the many talented artists in the Gallavich fandom
@gallavich-fic-club - A community of fic readers and writers, as well as some brilliant fan artists, who love to connect about all of our favorite stories. We run a weekly fic discussion, and otherwise spend our days chatting about all things Gallavich!
Mini Moodboard Story Challenges by @whatthebodygraspsnot - Gallavich picture prompts. What do you get when you put all the pieces together?
@gallapolls - questions related to Shameless
gallavich - private community for Gallavich fans (invite link here)
Updated: 17th August
@shamelessdvdcommentary - a place for authors to share commentaries about their stories
@gallafics - a blog that reviews and recs gallavich fics
Tags to track: #gallavich #iangallagher #mickeymilkovich #ianxmickey #gallavichfanfic #gallavichfanart
Don’t forget: likes are great but reblogs are the best. Reblogs help share work, likes don’t do that. Please don’t steal and repost gifs, reblog gifs you like or use the gif search function (bottom left hand corner of a post) to include gifs you like in a post. Feel free to write comments in the tags or reply to posts, that’s a great way to show love and also engage with people. There’s lots of people who are happy to chat on here, so feel free to pop into their inbox and say hi 🙂
And feel free to make a #gallavichintro post or a #shamelessintro post to introduce yourself! And check out the lurker’s guide to the tumblr Gallavich fandom.
(p.s. I don’t know if it needs to be said but most people on here, like myself, are adults and only want to interact with other adults so please respect that if you are under 18)
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blysse-and-blunder · 1 month
In lieu of a late summer commonplace book
sunday, august 25, 2024 ~ 6:30 pm
hello again c:
trying to remember what routine feels like, what my rhythm from semesters and work-weeks past felt like, and i think i had a good thing going with a sunday afternoon/evening round-up post alongside filling out my planner and to-do lists for the week. so here we are again, at long last.
reading recently finished a couple of things, several thanks to @un-serial-writer's excellent recs. pictured below in no particular order:
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most time spent reading, and therefore the one that feels like the biggest accomplishment: lady, thomas tryon, a best seller from 1974 that was among the many agéd vacation reads and slightly-musty paperbacks in the family cottage. i didn't predict the twist but it sure did take like 80% of the book to actually get to there being some genuine suspense. luckily, i like a slice-of-life and even better when it's, like, an interesting study on how the seventies thought of / wrote about nostalgia for the thirties.
least time spent reading: the intuitionist, colson whitehead, which was exceptional except that i did feel like i had missed something when i finished it. huge fan of the setting and characters and twists and atmosphere and prose, though.
most enjoyable time spent reading: prophet, by helen macdonald and sin blanché, which was so goddam compelling and had such delicious dialogue, only to leave off in the middle of a GOOD SCENE C'MON. delicious character work btw the two leads! delicious concepts and premise! not sure i feel like the payoff from the main threat really...landed...but it almost doesn't matter.
most reluctantly enjoyable / frustrating time spent reading: bunny by mona awad, which i want to discuss with someone who has done an mfa in creative writing (aron. aron please. it's like not even good but it is? something?). its got two sort of big twists and i was very grateful for the first, then sort of disappointed by the second, and then the big reveal at the end actually did gratify me. i will not be forgetting this one but i also, desperately, need to mock it with someone who will understand.
watching most recently, the bear season two, because i am finally catching up with the culture. yes chef please it is so good. i just finished ep. 7, "forks," and oh my god richie. richieee. don't make me so, so proud of you. save me, juliet, etc. i also texted @madonnavenus after watching ep 6, "fishes," because that was a lot. but luckily, luckily, the emotions were manageable through the distancing effect of recognizing that it was acting, good talented but most importantly familiar actors doing incredible work (and successfully making me so, so tense and nervous ha ha). jamie lee curtis you're a queen, and also, god. sarah fucking paulson? gillian jacobs? and then also john mulaney was there, immediately recognizable, taking me out of the fiction in a useful way genuinely. but lest you think i'm forgetting our main loves, here's to sydney and marcus and ebra and tinaaaa.
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i love finding these promo images online, they're always so goofy.
listening shout-out to my comfort listens this summer: the new decembrists album as it ever was, so it will be again (2024) and the associated spotify this is the decembrists playlist,
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and the two podcasts 99 percent invisible's breakdown of the Power Broker and dimension 20's the unsleeping city, which in fact speak to each other so well and it was such serendipity that i ended up listening to both of them this summer. i think i said out loud, early on, "brennan you mother fucker you've read the power broker" when i was beginning to understand who the villain was going to be, and whether he actually had or not, it's a beautiful thing when your soothing book club urban design readalong ends up cluing you in to a twist in your magical new york urban fantasy liveplay.
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playing today specifically i finished another language in chants of sennaar, but for the past month (while getting over covid, l m a o) it's been pokemon. old school 2DS pokemon ultramoon, for anyone who wasn't here when i first inherited it in 2020-- i've evolved three of my favorites, dear sweet primarina, my growlithe is now up an arcanine, and i've gotten my much beloved mareep up all the way to ampharos! i do wish she still looked a little more like a sheep still, the flaaffy evolution is really like peak design imo, but i still love them.
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unpopular opinion maybe but i 'm really leaning into pokemon refresh, both as a former neopet kid, someone who is consistently amused by the way this mechanic forced them to animate and come up with cute/affectionate animations for like zubat, and also as someone who, like, does periodically think too much about the real-world uhhhh implications of video games. getting to scritch arcanine or cubone (which can apparently feel it even through? the skull mask? hilarious) makes it feel a little less. mean. to make them fight.
making fallow month+. i have two new patches to sew on the jean jacket, which meant rearranging a few already on there, but apart from pinning things into a possible new arrangement, no progress there.
working on - syllabus plan for fall class-- finish assignment plan tonight, finalize readings and post? by tuesday? - diss chapter 1 which is now four -- you fool. you absolute buffoon. - article draft. see above. - cover letters (x2) see aboev. - raship work because it a) pays me more immediately and b) allows me to feel in control of my life somewhat. we stan a concrete list of achievable tasks and accountability to an external structure. - oh yeah and this translation i'm working on-- for fun!
yeah, it sure is the beginning of the semester next. week.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Tips for Completing Your NaNoWriMo Novel Draft
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Freewrite, a 2022 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a dedicated drafting device designed just for writers, free of distractions. Today, comedian/writer Natalie Kim and Freewrite staff member Colin Butts share a few tips for helping you reach the end of your first draft this November:
Hello from Freewrite!  We’re thrilled to be taking part in the 2022 NaNoWriMo challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, we make dedicated drafting devices for writers without the distraction—or temptation—of browsers, email, apps, or notifications so you can get into and stay in writing flow. When it is time to edit, your drafts seamlessly sync with the cloud for export into Scrivener, Final Draft, Word, Google Docs, or your software of choice.
At the core of Freewrite’s design philosophy is an encouragement to move you forward. Intentionally lacking editing capabilities, Freewrite drafting devices help writers write more, not better. In this case, quantity trumps quality.
Ok, enough about Freewrite. How about insight from 2020 NaNoWriMo participant Natalie Kim about her experience drafting her project and what tips she has for you going in:
1. Make it a ritual
For NaNoWriMo in November 2020 I committed to writing after dinner, no matter what. Once my butt sank into our cat-scratched chair, my fingers immediately danced across my Freewrite keyboard and did not stop until I hit 1000 words. A car filled with clowns could have crashed into my living room and I would continue typing.
Also, there is no question that writing on the Freewrite helped me reach 50,000+ words. Had I used my laptop to write I would have 50+ browser tabs open, searching for “JUST ONE MORE THING”.
With the Freewrite it was just me and the words.
2. Always move forward
I remember the advice an instructor in a graduate film writing class said about the first draft. He said: “Never go back and edit your first draft while you are writing it. Always move forward”. I followed his advice and I did not read what I had written. I gave it the cold shoulder and moved on.
3. Guard your mind from the noise
Try an experiment during NaNoWriMo: Refrain from consuming media like podcasts, episodic shows or mindlessly scrolling social media on your phone. 
And before you throw your sneaker at me, hear me out.
Your mind is a valuable resource that must be protected from the mediocre din of every day society. You never know where your next precious idea will appear: walking back from the coffee shop, loading the dishwasher or driving back from the mechanic. Our greatest ideas emerge when we have a clear mind; free from other people’s ideas and voices. 
4. When you’ve reached 50,000 words
In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, King says that when you finish the first rough draft you need distance from it. King believes that if you read the first draft too soon you will be tempted to tinker with it. You might think it is harmless to tinker but it ultimately results in your work looking become a loaf of bread vivisected by a toddler: a doughy, crumbly mess.
Instead give the rough draft some breathing space. Then come back to it.
5. In conclusion
Please do feel free to use the helpful advice and throw out the rest. Go forth with confidence and be steadfast with your writing. 
50,000 words, here you come!
Don’t forget to check out Freewrite’s special discount offer for NaNoWriMo writers! 
Natalie Kim is a comedian who likes to remind everyone that we are not as different as we think we are. This summer, she was a resident of St. Nell’s Humor Writing Residency for Women and performed in clubs around New York City. She is currently working on a collection of humorous essays about being the tough-talking, loud mouth kid from Suffolk County, Long Island.
As Head of Marketing for Freewrite, Colin Butts loves hearing from creative writers about their ideas and stories in development. Helping to provide a product that removes barriers for drafting artists makes his work deeply purposeful. Colin loves to read, is starting his own first short story, and enjoys adventure travel, yoga, and video games when he’s not busy in the literary world.
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withswords · 2 years
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anyone who knows me, or has listened to @oswednesday​ and i’s podcast, the creepypasta book club, knows that we complain a lot about consolidated web horror spaces that exist to turn a quick buck, spaces with draconian guidelines that stifle creativity and generate bland formula schlock
i’m putting my money where my mouth is on this one: we’re doing forums again
the VAULT iMAGINARY (vaulti) is our attempt to get back what we lost when we allowed nosleep and creepypasta wiki and tiktok so much control over web horror. an actual community
if you write, read, draw, make videos, craft puzzles, do readings, record podcasts, anything horror, we want you! vaulti is a brand new space that we want to build out for people who love horror to share, discuss, critique, create collaborative works, find friends, and grow. join up, invite your friends, and let’s all make weird fucking art together again!!!
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lewysstone · 1 month
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— ❝ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 ❞
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• full name: lewys arthur stone
• nicknames: lou (by almost everyone he knows)
• gender: cis male
• pronouns: he/him
• age: 52
• date of birth: 12th november 1971
• zodiac sign: scorpio
• sexuality: heterosexual
• place of birth: austin, texas, usa
• nationality: american
• occupation: novelist & screenwriter
• residence: a two bedroom apartment in cardinal hill (currently renting)
• aesthetics: rainy nights, whisky on the rocks, music playing loud, flannel shirts, crime podcasts playing in the background, midnight snacks, leather jackets, neatly organised books shelves, foggy mornings, tapping of laptop keys
• faceclaim: ethan hawke
• height: 5’ 11”
• build: average ; a little skinny
• eyes: blue
• hair: medium brown with a lot of grey
• piercings: none
• tattoos: tbd
• style:
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• positive traits: kind, caring, creative, intelligent, considerate, passionate, patient
• negative traits: reserved, stubborn, people pleaser, indecisive, avoids conflict
• mbti: infp - the mediator
• likes: music, art, literature, films, sweet foods, going for walks, staying up late, baseball, parties
• dislikes: extreme temperatures, waking up early, bullying, running, disloyalty
• phobias: arachnophobia ; entomophobia ; trypanophobia ; trypophobia
• hobbies: reading, listening to music, playing the guitar, watching films, collecting film memorabilia
• skills: ambidextrous (but favours his right hand), guitarist (for 44 years), expert typist
• pet peeves: tardiness, misogyny, prejudice, being interrupted, being undermined and ignored, loud talkers
• mother: vivian agnes stone (née whittaker)
• father: lionel stanley stone
• siblings: jordyn alexander stone (older brother by three years) ; sylvia ariana stone (younger sister by three years)
• first ex-wife: sierra louise robinson
• second ex-wife: valletta rose cambridge
• food: tangy cheese doritos
• drink: cherry coke
• time of the day: evening
• weather: dry and warm
• colours: blue, red
• music genres: alternative rock ; indie ; film scores
(tw: death, toxic relationships, alcoholism)
— lewys was born on 12th november 1971 at 2:02pm in austin, texas, to lionel stone (an air traffic controller) and his wife vivian (a seamstress). he has an older brother named jordyn and a younger sister named sylvia.
— lewys was always the quieter of the three siblings. whilst his brother was always in some kind of sports club and his sister taking up both ballet and singing, lewys found solace in reading and writing. he also picked up the guitar and piano and liked watching baseball with his dad (the one sport his brother never go into) as well as sitting with his mother, writing whilst she worked, in her sewing room.
— lewys was bullied at school for being a ‘teacher’s pet’. he hated that term. just because he was the only one willing to learn and be a dedicated student did not mean he was a teacher’s pet. despite this, he persisted and eventually ended up with three close friends who looked out for him and for each other and the four of them are close, even now. lewys also graduated with top marks and went on to college, studying at columbia university in new york city. it was a life changing experience for him, meeting new people, learning new ways to write, and finding inspiration in every corner of the city.
— lewys returned home to texas after graduation, getting a job at his father’s favourite local bar to earn some money whilst he spent his free time building a writing portfolio and planning a screenplay he was inspired to write when he was still in nyc.
— when lewys’s father died, four years after graduation, and it hit the family hard. but he left each of his children a share of his life savings and with both the money and his mother’s encouragement he moved back to nyc, permanently. he briefly shared an apartment with an old college friend before finding his own in brooklyn. it was small, but more than enough for just him, his books, and other essentials. he also got a part time job in a bookshop, which he absolutely loved.
— after seeing an advert in a local newspaper about a short film script writing competition, lewys knew he had to submit an entry. he spent every moment of his free time on writing a script based off of his relationship with his father and about the importance of young boys having a positive male role model in their lives. after almost giving up on it a number of times, lewys submitted the script the day of the deadline and, to his complete surprise, was contacted a few weeks later and told he’d won, that his script was being turned into a short film. he couldn’t believe it. there was no way he had been this lucky. the film was shot around the city over eight weeks and lewys got an insight into the process by following the crew around and having a fair amount of input.
— with a newfound confidence and inspiration, lewys returned to his daily life after the quiet success of the film and began to really focus on his novel: a crime fiction set in 1920s nyc with elements of magical realism. he didn’t expect much to come of it, but six years later, when he was 31, he sent off the manuscript and had a literary agent quickly contact him about wanting to publish it. within the year, ‘honour and ashes’ had become quite the success and lewys spent the next few months on a book tour around the states.
— he returned to nyc, quit his day job, and decided to focus more on scripts, particularly for film, but also dabbling in television scripts. he wrote many things, but his best was ‘thorns and roses’: a feature length film set in modern day nyc that followed the story of two estranged sisters being forced to get along for the sake of their aging mother and discovering that life had more meaning that petty feuds and selfish gains. he spoke of it at a party he attended in manhattan, having been invited by a friend as their plus one, and was overheard by a film producer, who had seen lewys’s short film and its script and offered his contact details to talk more about it. the two later met and after a lengthy conversation, the script was to be made into a film.
— upon the commencement of filming, lewys visited the set to meet the cast, unintentionally and quickly falling in love with the actress playing the eldest sister: sierra robinson. she was gorgeous, sultry, talented, and had such a magnetic personality, and was only a few months younger than lewys. never did he think she’d fall for him too. he visited the set when he could and got to know more of sierra, with the two of them officiating their relationship just before the premiere of the film at the newly established tribeca film festival.
— it was only onwards and upwards from then on. lewys found more writing jobs, mostly solo but also collaborating with others, and his career kicked off. he found immense joy in creating something for others to immerse themselves in and getting across important social messages through his characters. he also tried to get back into being a novelist, too, but found little time for it.
— when lewys was 35, having been with sierra for four years, he proposed to her whilst they were on holiday in the carribbean. she didn’t hesitate to say yes and both were thrilled to finally be engaged. her career was taking off, too, so they believed that nothing could stop them and that they’d be the envy of their social groups. the wedding took place 18 months later on the same beach they got engaged on in front of a small gathering of friends and family, and they took their honeymoon to southern europe, visiting italy, monaco, and france, lapping up the sun and their love for each other. they went back to nyc with the intention of finally getting their own apartment in manhattan.
— lewys went on to write and eventually produce many films and thoroughly enjoyed success and the lavish lifestyle that came with it. he rubbed shoulders with the best actors and directors, attending parties and events, and was amazed that his dreams came true. that was, until, his world came crashing down when he was 42. work was hard to come by, with each of his scripts being scrutinised and rejected time after time and lewys couldn’t figure out why. he also couldn’t muster the imagination and creativity needed to start a new novel. not only that, but sierra realised she wanted children- something lewys was totally against- and now that time was catching up with them decisions had to be made. lewys’s insistence on being child free irked sierra, who begged and pleaded with him to change his mind.
— his dry spell of work began to get longer and wasn’t able to sell any kind of script or even a singular idea. he was trying his hardest, often becoming irritable and depressed at the prospect of his fame and money fading away, but it wasn’t good enough for sierra, who was often away working, but when she was home they would just fight and sometimes it would get a little too heated. sierra turned from the kind and attentive woman lewys knew so well into a belittling and screaming monster. but lewys didn’t have a single nasty bone in his body and despised conflict, and would only go so far in an argument before agreeing with sierra or storming off to be alone. eventually she gave him the silent treatment most of the time and they slept in separate rooms. she was always feeling angry, disappointed, and having her husband go from famous writer to being forgotten and discarded was a kick in the gut. she didn’t view lewys as the same person anymore and constantly turned her back to him and he realised that maybe she didn’t love him for who he was after all. the idea of him being rich and famous was obviously more appealing.
— but they did try everything to make their marriage work by going through months of therapy, but fixing their problems was like trying to stop a dam from overflowing by using a plaster. eventually lewys had enough of being ignored and treated as something disposable and filed for divorced. after everything had been finalised, he moved as far as he could from sierra to the opposite coast and found a new home in los angeles.
— lewys took a menial job in a restaurant, pulling pints and mixing cocktails for wealthier clientele. he only got the job because he was desperate and the manager who led the interview felt sorry for him. he was always down in the dumps and frustrated once he’d get home from late shifts, too tired to do anything, and would sleep in until midday almost every day. he lost his love for writing- his first love- and every time he thought about what he had let slip away it made him feel worse. he turned to drinking just to numb the pain of losing his wife, his job, and his friends, and felt worthless for the first time in his life.
— this sorry state of affairs went on until he was 46. in the meantime, he’d had visits from his siblings and mother, all offering him a place to stay back in austin, but he politely declined, wanting to be alone and not a burden to anyone. his siblings were leading happy lives and didn’t want to bring them down. lewys had gotten himself into this mess and he wouldn’t get himself out of it.
— his luck finally began to turn when, after visiting the store to pick up some whisky, lewys bought a lottery ticket just for fun and was shocked to find it had turned him back into a millionaire. but this time it would be different. he was going to be smart with his money, invest with it, save it, to make sure he wouldn’t end up at rock bottom again. lewys was also grateful for the relief extra financial support brought and after a few days his inspiration for writing started to return.
— two weeks later, on the night he promised himself he would stop drinking so heavily, he met valletta cambridge at a bar in the city. she was beautiful, charming, held herself with such confidence, and seemed genuinely interested in him. but she was considerably younger than he was. it was off-putting, but he loved being with her and loved having someone understand him and smile at his jokes.
— the two were only together for a few months before lewys got down on one knee and proposed. he’d never felt so sure about anything before and wanted to spend the rest of his life with valletta, got married the following summer, in july 2019, and lived together in a city apartment. he had never been happier and thought he was finally getting a real chance in life, but once again everything came crashing down four and a half years later in january 2024 when lewys found out that valletta had seduced him and married him purely because he’d won the lottery and wanted eventually take his money and run. he was devastated. in fact, devastated was an understatement. he thought he’d finally found the one- the one woman who loved him for who he was and not for his money or social status. everything about valletta was a lie and lewys wanted to rip out his heart, not wanting to be able to feel live anymore.
— naturally, a divorce followed and lewys became bitter. he hated that he’d become so hostile so quickly towards valletta. he kicked her out of the apartment and found his life had become empty and lonely once more. maybe he was just destined to be alone, or maybe he should just return to his relationship with alcohol and call it quits.
— after getting in the right headspace, however, lewys came to blue harbour in early august 2024 in search of valletta after tracking her down, to get the answers he deserved. she owed him that much. but deep, deep down, below all that anger and bitterness, he still loves her and wants to be able to make some kind of amendment.
wanted connections
— tbd
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earlgreytea68 · 9 months
Your recent post about books was incredibly interesting and very much resonated with my experience with reading. I sometimes listen to this Australian book club podcast and they reviewed “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow”. Their experiences with the book were very different from each other. One of the hosts gave it a very high rating, and the other pretty low. And if I remember correctly, the main problem was with the one of the characters, and how she treated other people, her closest friends included. They read out some bits from the book, and some of them were really bad in terms of what f*cked up things they would say to each other with no resolution of it later in the story. You pointed out things, that they didn’t discuss, so it was very interesting, and it got me thinking about what I value more in stories. It’s definitely relationship and connection between people. So thank you for sharing your thoughts. Always happy to see those long thought provoking posts :)
Yeah, I really do think people read books for different reasons, and so you've got to know what's important to you. A lot of people would read that book and not be bothered by the relationship issues because they're so focused on the clever metaphorical writing. I will give the book credit that a thing I thought it did incredibly well was not shying away from talking about the videogames these people were creating. Like, if you decide your characters are creative geniuses, it can be really hard to show that in your story, but I really bought that these people were talented because the games sounded cool.
If anybody wants my opinion on "The Idiot" and "Either/Or," for both books the first 100-150 pages are HILARIOUS and I laughed so much over them and then after that it's all blah-blah-random-plot-about-random-boy(s).
I have been a little disturbed that in the year 2023 I have read two consecutive critically acclaimed books in which smart, independent women get derailed by (inexplicable) infatuations with undeserving men, like, I feel like we should have come up with better narratives for women by now, but apparently not.
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darknightwolves · 20 days
Episode 156: It Is Time For Us To Part Ways | Creative Writing Club
https://youtu.be/KGW0uloYvBU The time has officially come. It was a fun 4 years together but alas, our time together has come to an end. Details on my departure and and plans moving forward can be listened to in the episode but in general, to sum it up, I got bored with podcasting and had even begun to despise it. This will be the last official episode you will see of the podcast. As for the…
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musicblogwales · 3 months
Chroma - 'I Wanna Be Where You Are'
Pontypridd, Wales bi-lingual alt-rock trio CHROMA are pleased to reveal the official video for their new single ‘I Wanna Be Where You Are’ out now via Alcopop! Records. The news comes ahead of a huge support slot with Foo Fighters for the band this week, and they also support Newport comedy hip hop troupe Goldie Lookin Chain on their forthcoming 2024 headline dates later this year, with limited tickets remaining. The track is the latest to be taken from the band’s gigantic Alcopop! Records 2023 debut album Ask For Angela. Commenting on the single, vocalist Katie Hall said: "This song is about limerence. It’s a new word I’ve learnt from the Lalala Let Me Explain podcast. It means to be emotionally and romantically infatuated with someone. It’s like when you have an intense crush on someone who’s not good for you. It’s not necessarily because they're a bad person, it’s because you’re in a bad place so you try to mask your problems with love.  In an age of modern technology, love and dating seems disposable. When I fall into limerence it’s usually because I feel lonely. I think it’s something a lot of people go through. We wanted to write a punk song about turbulent love that people could maybe relate to." The track comes with an official music video directed by Ren Faulkner, with artistic direction from the band's Katie Hall, movement director Bronwen Wilson Rashard, hair and makeup by Yasmine Davies, featuring model Emily Koko, styling by Alaw Griffiths and clothes by Rosie Evans. “One of the coolest things about being in a band is being able to creatively direct your own music video,” says Hall of the challenge. “The idea for ‘I Wanna Be Where You Are’ came from a hinge date I went on in Port Talbot. I’ve always been fascinated by the steel works every time we drove past that area as a kid, and it’s been on my music video bucket list.” “On the date we chatted a lot about the steelworks closing. It’s an estimated 20,000 jobs in the area. It’s hard to think of the pressure this puts families under during a cost of living crisis. I think Port Talbot is lush, the people and the place. The video also features Welsh designer Rosie Evans' clothes. I love Rosie’s work, and it’s been a dream of mine for some time to wear one of her corsets.” Recorded at Giant Wafer Studios, Llanbadarn Fynydd in the heart of Wales, CHROMA’s much lauded debut was produced and mixed by Steffan Pringle (Adwaith, Future of the Left, Boy Azooga) and mastered by Tom Langrish at E1 Mastering (IDLES, Fontaines D.C, DITZ) in London. The band recently presented an episode of S4C’s returning TV series Curadur, with Hall inviting some of her favourite bands and artists to join her Clwb Cysgu Cwl (Sleepover Club). Featuring performances from The Joy Formidable, Panic Shack and of course Chroma, the episode is available on catch-up via BBC iPlayer and S4C Clic. Riding high on a run of packed shows at SXSW Festival, FOCUS Wales, and a support slot with The Mysterines, the band announced their signing to Alcopop! Records in early 2023 and were recently hand-picked to support legendary US rockers Foo Fighters at Old Trafford Cricket Ground, Manchester on 15th June 2024 alongside Courtney Barnett. They also played further shows alongside Bob Vylan and more. The trio have just been announced as one of the latest patrons of the Music Venue Trust, and will support the work of the charity in sharing the importance of Grassroots Music Venues and their crucial role in the music industry's ecosystem. 2024 UK Live Dates:
SOLD OUT - MANCHESTER - Gorilla * SOLD OUT - PRESTON - The Ferret * 19 Sep - NORWICH - Epic Studios * SOLD OUT - NOTTINGHAM - Metronome * 19 Oct - NEWCASTLE - The Cluny * SOLD OUT - GLOUCESTER - Guildhall * 02 Nov - BRISTOL - SW * SOLD OUT - NARBERTH - Queens Hall * SOLD OUT - BIRMINGHAM - Hare & Hounds * 09 Nov - SWANSEA - Sin City * 16 Nov - LONDON - Electric Ballroom * SOLD OUT - BIRKENHEAD - Future Yard * SOLD OUT - NEWPORT - Corn Exchange * SOLD OUT - NEWPORT - Corn Exchange * * w/ Goldie Lookin Chain
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Reading Club
Hey Wanderers!
We are now hosting a Reading Club on our Discord server!
In these reading clubs we read articles our authors have written and have discussions about them! Each week has a theme that flavors the articles we decide to read.
Can't make it or not on Discord? No worries! We record them and post them to Spotify too! Check our our first reading club here:
This week we read:
Coagulate by retiinas
Do Not Stop for Hitchhikers by UncertaintyCrossing
Mirrorman by minmin
A Disease of the Flesh by Vishardsh
We'll Face the Silence Together by Grendelnacht
Archivist Crossing
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dorasdiary · 4 months
#19 your fear of looking stupid is holding you back
this fear of looking stupid can be a major obstacle in pursuing new opportunities and reaching your full potential.
it's essential to remember that no one is perfect, and everyone experiences moments of uncertainty or confusion. embracing these vulnerable moments can help you learn and grow, ultimately leading to personal and professional development.
what can you try when overcoming the fear of looking stupid?
🫧 public speaking
💃 dance classes
💕 leadership roles
📝 creative writing
🥗 cooking or baking
🧠 learning a new language
🏸 sports
🎨 art/painting classes
😝 solo activities
🫧 networking events
🧘🏾‍♀️yoga or pilates
🎶 musical instrument
💗 podcast
📒 book club
⭐️ volunteer work
💓 join a debate club
🏺pottery classes
📸 photography/film making
📝 start a blog
🏹 try archery
🏃🏾‍♀️join a running club
💐 try a new hobby
🪴learn to garden
🫧 start a conversation with a stranger
🎫 attend a live concert
💘 try a new outdoor activity
🧠 practice mindfulness meditation
always dream big ⭐️⭐️⭐️
& try something new!
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michellemisfit · 2 years
Thank you @suzy-queued for tagging me, as I was procrastinating, and this came at the perfect time!! Haha
1. Are you named after anyone?
I’m named after my mum’s favourite song by The Beatles (Michelle), which ironically is my least favourite song by The Beatles lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
I was PMSing hard last month, I basically cried for two days straight. It was crazy! And dehydrating.
Before that, the last time I cried was probably when we watched and discussed the Vincent VanGogh Doctor Who episode for @f-f-podcast - buckets of tears every single time!!
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Just fur babies.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I stopped to really think about that and came to the unfortunate conclusion that sometimes I use sarcasm humorously, but mostly I use it when I’m being a bitch. Oops.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
They’re demeanour. Happy. Shy. Kind. Helpful. Competent. Confident. Loud and rowdy. Just their overall vibe. I generally have no memory of what people look like until after I’ve met them several times and spent time with them.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. I hate jump scares.
8. Any special talents?
I can wiggle my ears.
9. Where were you born?
Zürich, Switzerland
10. What are your hobbies?
Podcasting, watching TV, drawing, craft, sewing, cooking, baking, reading, fandom.
11. Do you have any pets?
Two cats at home (Howard & Wiggins), and a whole lot of livestock at work. They count. I love them.
12. What sports do you play / have you played?
Volleyball and basketball in school. Tennis for 8 years, 2 years at club level. Roller Hockey for 10+ years, 3 years for the Swiss National Team.
Last time I went home to visit the family I brought back my custom painted hockey helmet. Look at that impact damage! s’probably fine… right? lol
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13. How tall are you?
172cm (5’7’’ I think?)
14. Favorite subject in school?
German. Creative writing was my jam! Also I loved to read, and they encouraged that! lol
15. Dream job?
I like helping people. Doing something of value. And being creative. I currently have four jobs, each has one or two of these aspects. If you can think of a job that combines all four then please let me know! Haha
Tagging @accal1a @katherynefromphilly @ohfreckle and @creepkinginc if you fancy playing
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