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gizmobibi1972 · 18 days ago
The Finest Hours (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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tretasdocromo-pt · 1 year ago
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📰 A DC está em negociações com Craig Gillespie para realizar o filme Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow para a Warner Bros, de acordo com um artigo da Deadline. É um passo que pode colocar o realizador de Dumb Money, Cruella e I, Tonya na linha da frente dos planos da DC para introduzir um novo universo de super-heróis para os cinéfilos. Gillespie ainda não está oficialmente a bordo, por isso é melhor... 🗞️ 📲 Podes ler o resto da notícia no link👇 🖱 https://tretasdocromo.pt/supergirl-woman-of-tomorrow-tem-realizador-em-mira/?feed_id=4773&_unique_id=661452fa393e0
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passion-of-arts · 1 year ago
Am 02 November 2023 startet der Film “Dumb Money – Schnelles Geld” mit Paul Dano, Seth Rogan, Shailene Woodley und Sebastian Stan in den deutschen Kinos. Wir haben uns gestern schon einmal ein Bild von Craig Gillespies neuestem Werk gemacht und berichten euch, was euch in “Dumb Money – Schnelles Geld” erwartet. Hier ist die “Dumb Money – Schnelles Geld” Filmkritik!
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cartelesdecine · 2 years ago
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Nuevo cartel español de #GolpeAWallStreet Película que retrata la historia que sacudió Wall Street en 2021: el caso GameStop. Dirigida por #CraigGillespie está protagonizada por #PaulDano. En cines el 20 de octubre https://wp.me/p31Uqp-1iW9
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brennerrama · 1 year ago
“You know, Bianca’s a missionary. Well, was a missionary. Right, sorry. Because she was raised by nuns. But now she’s on a sabbatical so she can experience the world. Isn’t that neat? . . . She’s shy.”
Ryan Gosling in Lars and the Real Girl
#LarsAndTheRealGirl #CraigGillespie #NancyOliver #RyanGosling #Moviequotes #MovieQuoteOfTheDay
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dogsinfilms · 4 years ago
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Cruella (Craig Gillespie, 2021)
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justathingidid · 5 years ago
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I, Tonya alt. movie posters
“America. They want someone to love, they want someone to hate.”
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cinemaleumas · 4 years ago
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Hablando sobre el reciente live action de Disney que ya está en disponible en Disney Plus. Cruella con spoilers ¿el mejor live action? 🐶🐕 https://youtu.be/HClVCdg9C7E Link del video de YouTube en mi perfil, también disponible en la página de facebook (facebook watch), en mi feed (IGTV) y en mi página web la reseña/opinión escrita. #101Dálmatas #EmmaStone #EmmaThompson #PaulWalterHauser #JoelFry #CraigGillespie #ITonya #DisneyPlus #CruellaDeVil #emmastonecruella #cruella2021 #101dalmatians #101dalmatas #emmastoneofficial #emmastoneedit #emmastonephoto #emmastoneedits #emmastonepretty #emmastoneperfection #emmastonenews #emmastonelove #emmastonelovers #emmastonefan #emmastonefans #emmastonehot #emmastonesexy #disney #waltdisneystudios #waltdisney #Cruella (en Queretaro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNS5dNFMHp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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labtvecia · 4 years ago
Cruella - Disney+ (2021)
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 Estreou recentemente o longa “Cruella”, nos cinemas e também no Disney+ (plataforma de streaming).  Protagonizado por Emma Stone, a trama narra a trajetória de uma das maiores vilãs do mundo, Cruella De Vil.
 O filme conta a história de Estella desde a infância até sua fase adulta, quando conhece a irreverente Baronesa Von Hellman (Emma Thompson) - fenômeno da moda e costura na década de 70.  Rebelde, criativa, ambiciosa e com muito talento, aos poucos Estella torna-se Cruella e passa a ser inimiga da Baronesa, acirrando o mundo fashionista da época.
 O elenco é extremamente talentoso.  Emma Stone absorve a protagonista de forma surreal, os sentimentos transcendem as telas e realmente vibramos com todas as emoções.  Emma Thompson é a vilã dos sonhos, totalmente entregue e nos faz odiá-la do começo ao fim - inclusive com um “Q” de Miranda Priestly (O Diabo Veste Prada).  Completam o time Joel Fry, Paul Walter Hauser, Kirby Howell-Baptiste e Mark Strong.
 A crítica fica ao Disney+:  além da assinatura mensal de R$27,90, temos que desembolsar mais R$69,90 para conferir Cruella.  Oficialmente o filme entra na plataforma apenas em 16/07.  Antes disso, só pagando a parte.  Precisa disso?
 Totalmente leve e gracioso de assistir.  Fotografia impecável, cenários bem detalhados e um enredo preciso.  Peca um pouco no tempo de arte, mais de uma hora e meia de duração, porém não atrapalha a qualidade do filme.  A direção de Craig Gillespie.  Conhecer Cruella desde o começo é magnífico e sim, você irá torcer por ela em cada parte da história.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ / 5
 Foto: Divulgação / Disney
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gizmobibi1972 · 20 days ago
Fright Night (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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thatsmovietalk · 5 years ago
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I, Tonya (2017) Directed by #CraigGillespie Starring #MargotRobbie #SebastianStan #JulianneNicholson #BobbyCannavale #AllisonJanney #ITonya https://thatsmovietalk.com/itonya/ #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #film #movie #cinema #films #theater #movies #movieposter #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #screen https://www.instagram.com/p/B9stgAAAwFy/?igshid=5r778id8u674
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cartelesdecine · 2 years ago
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Película que retrata la historia que sacudió Wall Street en 2021: el caso GameStop #GolpeAWallStreet dirigida por #CraigGillespie está protagonizada por #PaulDano y se basa en el libro «La red antisocial» de Ben Mezrich. En cines el 20 de octubre https://wp.me/p31Uqp-1iW9
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Deadline is reporting that Emily Beecham has joined the cast of “Cruella,” Walt Disney Studios’ live-action take on the “101 Dalmatians” antagonist. The film, which also stars Emma Stone, Emma Thompson, Paul Walter Hauser, and Joel Fry, is directed by Craig Gillespie from a script by Tony McNamara (The Favourite, Ashby). The film will see Stone play the “infamous villain Cruella De Vil in what is being billed as an origin story, set in the early 1980s with a punk vibe.” Details behind Beecham’s role are unknown at this time. “Cruella” will be arriving in theaters on May 28th, 2021. What are your guys’ thoughts on Emily Beecham joining the cast of “Cruella”? #Cruella #CraigGillespie #EmmaStone #EmmaThompson #PaulWalterHauser #JoelFry #EmilyBeecham #TonyMcNamara #CruelladeVil #Deadline https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qeN7-Dshy/?igshid=lan6oxxm4ifx
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jjc1972 · 6 years ago
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Finally caught up with this, from 2007. Especially interesting to me, as an actor and Trainee Counsellor. The fascinating tale of Lars (an astounding Ryan Gosling) who falls in love with a life size doll called Bianca. Hilariously funny in places, challenging, and unexpectedly moving, this is a real treat. #larsandtherealgirl #ryangosling #emilymortimer #paulschneider #kelligarner #patriciaclarkson #craiggillespie https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJzK4FhcUx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hgi4dn6du8nw
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twotrey23 · 7 years ago
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#awards screener delivery #2 today: #ITonya @itonyamovie . #MargotRobbie @margotrobbie #AllisonJanney #SebastianStan #CraigGillespie #TonyaHarding #Neon #film #cinema #movies #movie #films #awardseason #awardsseason #award #movie🎬#figureskating #sports #athlete
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thedailyguides · 3 years ago
Cruella was the villain of the script, who attracted the maximum attention of the viewers. I always wanted to discover the reason, Why Cruella was so cruel? 
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