#Covid summer
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njbellydancingbysoraya · 2 years ago
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With the unfortunate ongoing #pandemic 😷 situation m 2024 as #Covid gets wiser fighting for survival as each new variant causes more severe disease 🦠 not to mention the importance of avoiding #longcovid, this Gothic Barbie says it all rn 🖤 Stay a big Novid to COVID! #MaskUp
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motherearthlovesus · 7 months ago
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italian summer nights w/ theo
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arcticgothic · 2 months ago
perhaps it's understandable that david lynch posting is inescapable on tumblr dot com but babes can we be so for real about what his last few years were like (i.e. housebound and unable to work)? can we maybe talk about how the actions of most people directly contributed to that isolation?? can we perhaps consider that he was chronically ill & disabled, and thus discarded in the later years of his life, while we recognize him as a visionary artist??
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natandacat · 4 months ago
Theres no words that can describe the complete alienation of having severe long covid. One infection, caused directly by political decisions to remove public measures, and i cant walk. Can't stand except on really good days which are getting rarer. Sitting is a privilege i dont always have. Cognitive work is too much of a risk to consider for the moment. I live in constant fear of going back to being utterly bed ridden in the sense that i cant even feed myself, drink water, speak, move my limbs beyong my fingers and toes. For days and days without relief.
Nothing feels real. Every gain can be lost in a literal second. And on top of this, the fear of reinfection. The very real possibility of death, given how weak a single infection has made me when I was healthy and young. The even more real possibility of a worsened state, where there are no good days. That means death, too. If i am constantly in a state where I cannot move, i am going to have to resort to euthanasia because it is not a bearable existence. I can barely tolerate it when it know it will end. Last time was 14 days and I am still so traumatized by it 2 months later nothing feels real.
And on top of that, i am being told that my life doesnt matter. Covid is not a real concern. Let it fester. Even if the stairs in my building didnt lock me in, all public spaces have become lethal to me. I cant see my friends because they cant avoid exposure when theres a wave. To love me, you must live in a horrific world where no matter how many precautions you take, no matter how much they ostracize you, you might still cause my death.
Covid is a privileged issue they say. Im not even in the room for it bc i cannot be in the room. You can move your body, youre not afraid of death, you havent lost everything that makes you *you*, but im the privileged one. I cant even emote the way i used to. If i get too excited, too happy, i cant move. I talked to countless people who cant work anymore, are losing their jobs their houses their partners their immigration permits but no. Covid doesnt matter. I dont matter. Everyone cheered when i got covid bc they got to party for new years eve. I hope it was a good party. I will never agree that it was worth my life.
For the past 2 years ive had to share classrooms with students and professors who know everything about my story, who have seen how disabled i am by long covid, who ive begged to mask. They all refuse to mask. And i have to sit there and pretend its not a cosmical level farce that theyre talking about social justice and ethics and just what good people they all are. Not to mention that most of them have revealed themselves to be zionists. I have to sit next to an iof soldier and act as if its ok that she gets to sit in this classroom, except im not even sitting in the room because cases are too high and im too weak to be there physically anyway, so im on zoom. At least i get to remove my earbuds when she speaks so i dont have to think about the atrocities she has committed.
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arliedraws · 7 months ago
Omg y’all, three months is NOT that long between fic updates! 😭 People keep commenting “I hope this isn’t abandoned!” on a fic of mine.
The last update was in June…
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foxscarf · 10 months ago
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Working on my project proposal presentation, for my probation review on Wednesday! It's actually quite satisfying summarising all the work I've done this year, and exciting writing about my PhD plan to come!
It is such a good feeling I've got that I'm doing the right PhD. Suddenly I don't want to stop reading about it. 😊🌥️
43/100 days of productivity
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mantimae · 9 months ago
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This picture has a place of honor on the refrigerator + Jon made the friendship bracelet for him. :)
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months ago
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Sweaty Marzipan would make a really good name for a band
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raisinghellcomic · 8 months ago
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Raising Hell #315
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pandemic-info · 9 months ago
What Is Long COVID? Understanding the Pandemic’s Mysterious Fallout > News > Yale Medicine
Originally published: April 15, 2024. Updated: June 4, 2024
Just weeks after the first cases of COVID-19 hit U.S. shores, an op-ed appeared in The New York Times titled “We Need to Talk About What Coronavirus Recoveries Look Like: They're a lot more complicated than most people realize.”
Unlike most diseases, Long COVID was first described not by doctors, but by the patients themselves. Even the term “Long COVID” was coined by a patient. Dr. Elisa Perego, an honorary research fellow at University College in London, came up with the hashtag #LongCOVID when tweeting about her own experience with the post-COVID syndrome. The term went viral and suddenly social media, and then the media itself, was full of these stories.
Complaints like "I can't seem to concentrate anymore" or "I'm constantly fatigued throughout the day" became increasingly common, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. With nothing abnormal turning up from their many thorough lab tests, patients and their physicians were left feeling helpless and frustrated.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined Long COVID as the "continuation or development of new symptoms three months after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, with these symptoms lasting for at least two months with no other explanation." This deliberately broad definition reflects the complex nature of this syndrome. We now understand that these symptoms are wide-ranging, including heart palpitations, cough, nausea, fatigue, cognitive impairment (commonly referred to as "brain fog"), and more. Also, many who experience Long COVID following an acute infection face an elevated risk of such medical complications as blood clots and (type 2) diabetes.
In April 2024, an estimated 5.3% of all adults in the United States reported having Long COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data from the CDC suggest that Long COVID disproportionately affects women, and individuals between the ages of 40 and 59 have the highest reported rates of developing this post-acute infection syndrome.
Inderjit Singh, MBChB, a YSM assistant professor specializing in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, and director of the Pulmonary Vascular Program, is actively engaged in clinical trials aimed at uncovering the fundamental underpinnings of Long COVID.
Through this work, a significant revelation emerged. They observed that patients grappling with Long COVID and facing exercise difficulties were unable to efficiently extract oxygen from their bloodstream during physical exertion. This discovery identifies a specific cause underlying the biological underpinnings of Long COVID.
... Dr. Singh, along with other researchers, is focused on the identification of blood-based markers to assess the severity of Long COVID. For example, a research group, led by Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, Sterling Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and director of the Center for Infection & Immunity at YSM, most recently created a new method to classify Long COVID severity with circulating immune markers.
Further investigations conducted by Dr. Singh's team identified distinctive protein signatures in the blood of Long COVID patients, which correlated with the degree of Long COVID severity. Researchers identified two major and distinct blood profiles among the patients. Some of them exhibited blood profiles indicating that excessive inflammation played a prominent role in their condition, while others displayed profiles indicative of impaired metabolism.
Researchers currently believe that the impairment of a spectrum of key bodily functions may contribute to these diverse symptoms. These potential mechanisms include compromised immune system function, damage to blood vessels, and direct harm to the brain and nervous system. Importantly, it's likely that most patients experience symptoms arising from multiple underlying causes, which complicates both the diagnosis and treatment of Long COVID.
The last word from Lisa Sanders, MD:
I’m the internist who sees patients at Yale New Haven Health’s Multidisciplinary Long COVID Care Center. In our clinic, patients are examined by a variety of specialists to determine the best next steps for these complex patients. Sometimes that entails more testing. Often patients have had extensive testing even before they arrive, and far too often—when all the tests are normal—both doctors and patients worry that their symptoms are “all in their head.”
One of our first tasks is to reassure patients that many parts of Long COVID don’t show up on tests. We don’t know enough about the cause of many of these symptoms to create a test for them. The problem is not with the patient with the symptoms, but of the science surrounding them. If any good can be said to come out of this pandemic, it will be a better understanding of Long COVID and many of the other post-acute infection syndromes that have existed as long as the infections themselves.
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aridridge · 1 year ago
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an unfortunate case of covid kept me from playtesting @sweetbeagaming 's stunning neighborhood save as much as i would have liked, but there's no denying how absolutely stunning this save is!! @theneighborhoodsave
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ricisidro · 8 months ago
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Summer covid surge hits at least 84 countries and continues to climb.
Dozens of athletes at the Paris 2024 Olympics have tested positive for the coronavirus.
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enden-k · 6 months ago
i swear covid fucked me up so bad last year, before that i wouldnt get sick no matter what but now im battling a cold for almost 2 weeks and it kills my head rn PLEASE
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shedoessoshedoes · 2 years ago
In this wake of (exciting!! wonderful!!) influx of news and fans discovering (or rediscovering) red, white, and royal blue for the first time as we get ready for the movie to come out, I would like to take a moment to recognize those that have loved this story since the beginning. I see you. I recognize you. I think you're cool. (and if you're just now falling in love with Alex, and Henry, I think you're pretty awesome, too)
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dazedandconfuzzlled98 · 2 months ago
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henna for a friend — circa 2018
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wyvernne · 7 months ago
Wyvernne....Wyvernne.. if you can hear us, please write us another Diluc fanfics... I fear literature is dying (lack of Diluc fanfics nowadays)... Wyvernne please hear us 😭🙏
i promise ya girl is trying 😭 i’ve been slow because of law school in general but i regret to inform everyone it’ll be even worse this year since it’s my last. i’m taking the professional ethics exam soon followed by the bar next summer so i’ll probably be brain dead but i’ll write when i can 🥲 the see you through til the day’s end rewrite really is pretty much done, i just need to pull together the mental fortitude to edit it lol
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