#Covid isn’t over
disasterhimbo · 8 months
He should NOT be at the club! There’s an airborne pandemic still killing thousands and disabling millions weekly
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king-sappho · 2 months
How is it when the president of the US (who said Covid is over!) gets Covid and steps down from the race people still act like the pandemic is over? How is it that Olympians are sweepingly getting Covid and dropping out people still act like Covid is mild??
People who are on international stages, with incredible power or ability, get Covid and then are too sick to function. Why doesn’t this alarm anyone?
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audhd-space · 8 months
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Screenshot of tweet from Kelly (@broadwaybabyto) :
“When you’re chronically ill your baseline becomes everything. Whatever limited function you have left you want to protect at all costs. I suspect that’s why many who were disabled before Covid understand & take as many precautions as they can. They know what they’re risking.”
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mindvice · 5 months
Ugh my work is ending its mask mandate next month. Not that it was even enforced, but still. It’s strange feeling like a conspiracy theorist for caring about my and other’s health in a healthcare facility.
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intothetr33s · 6 months
I reblogged a long post and added it at the end, but I think this deserves its own post:
In Canada, you can request FREE (including shipping) n95/equivalent masks in several sizes including small/youth sizes from a charity: donatemask.ca. You can also request rapid tests, in case you can't find them locally anymore.
I have several friends who were able to get masks from there that they couldn't get elsewhere for $ reasons, and they shipped the masks pretty quickly too. They can also provide larger quantities of masks for community organizations (I helped a club at my university order over 800 masks, so that all of their events this term can be masked including a music showcase with several hundred people attending!). If you can't afford or find masks for you/your kids, it's really worth ordering some here.
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The pandemic has truly shown that a big majority of self proclaimed leftists are performative as fuck.
The minute their supposed morals require them to do something that is so MILDLY inconvenient to the them (i.e. wear a mask), it all suddenly goes out the window. This is why us disabled people get left out of the conversation when it comes to leftism.
The beginning of the pandemic, as awful as it was, there was at least some glimmer of hope in regards to disabled rights. For once I saw people I know posting about protecting our lives and the importance of staying home and masking. I was getting tons of support opening up about being disabled and chronically ill.
The thing is though, that this was because they had no other choice! They had to stay home, they had to mask, because it was a mandate! So it was easy for them to think to themselves “wow, I’m so brilliant, I’m doing so much for disabled people”.
When we finally got to go back in person in university, I was so glad to see most people masking. Imagine how gullible I felt the day I walked into the lab when they had removed the mandate the night before, to see not a single person in a mask. Just for some context which makes this even worse; this was a biochemistry/ immunology lab. Our professors were quite literally the ones developing the vaccines in Ireland. Not even they could be bothered to mask.
For the first while my friends would always mask around me because I asked them to. Then it became less and less. They’d pull the ole “omg I’m so sorry I left it at home” shit. Then eventually they stopped giving excuses and just expected me to be ok with them endangering me.
I remember everyone posted about getting vaccinated the first time around. Now as each booster comes out you hear less and less about it, less people getting boosted.
And the pièce de résistance!! Leftist circles… this is the most disheartening. At every leftist gathering/ protest I’ve been to, no one is masking. There’s always this one awkward performative moment where they say some shit about “being mindful of the space you’re occupying”, and they direct people to a box of masks they brought… I’ve never seen one fucker take one. Self proclaimed socialists and communists who “protect the rights of minorities”, don’t give a fuck about disabled people.
They’ll talk the talk, but their actions are so weak. Can’t even wear a piece of fucking fabric on their faces to protect us.
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When you are sick, or a household member is, and you make the choice to go into work or be in the world or god forbid on a plane unmasked, you are making a choice for dozens of other people who you do not know about whether they are capable of surviving the illness you have.
You don’t know, and can’t know, what strangers can survive. Or what their infant or grandmother at home can survive. You don’t know whether they’ve had Covid-19 before, once, or twice. And you don’t know, because no one yet knows, whether this next infection will be the one to push their bodies into disabling Long Covid.
And do not come near people unmasked with the sad excuse of “but i’m sure it’s not covid” if you haven’t tested with more than just a single rapid test. No one wants your strep throat or nasty cold either! People with autoimmune issues will get taken out by the cold that’s bothering you. Consider this a winter PSA!
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graveyard-pansy · 2 months
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🖤 reject mass death everywhere it exists ⭐️
linocut patches (all profits on this design are going to esims for gaza!)
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stayoutofitnick · 11 months
Here’s a good article about the current state of covid and risk, although it lacks details on risks of long covid:
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spooniestrongart · 8 months
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disasterhimbo · 5 months
Long covid is hell. Wear a fucking mask.
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thecorvidforest · 3 months
hey massive love and support to all my fellow disabled people who can’t participate in pride events. whether that be because of inaccessibility, people not wearing face masks, discrimination, being unable to leave the house, etcetera. i love you all, i see you, and i’m sorry. pride is for us too and it really sucks to not be able to participate.
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audhd-space · 10 months
if people can be selfish about not wearing a mask and chime that it’s all about choices, I can be selfish about cutting of friends and family members who do not care about wearing a mask
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imalump · 7 months
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phantom-of-the-memes · 3 months
Anti-mask hate I receive in the streets
This is 100% not an exaggeration when I say that since the pandemic began, as a queer, trans, goth person with green hair!! I have received more hate walking in the streets for WEARING A MASK than for the queer, trans, goth, green-haired aspects of myself. Which is really saying something seen as I am in Ireland.
Queer- and transphobic slurs have been replaced with “Take that poxy mask off” and “Be careful I saw some covid over there” (both genuine phrases I have heard). And that’s not to say I don’t get the slurs as well. I get both. But it’s like the right wingers see me and their brain short-circuits trying to figure out what to harass me over. And the mask is what annoys them the most!
Every single time I leave my apartment, it’s guaranteed I’ll get some shit about the mask at least once. Even if it’s just to go to the supermarket two minutes away. Whether it’s the shouting or harassing, or their absolute favourite thing: coughing on you. I’m not even joking when I say I get coughed on by strangers minimum once a day.
It’s really telling that they believe in the “covid isn’t real/ is over” or “who cares, it only kills disabled people” rhetoric. It’s just bizarre because I’m not forcing them to wear one. I’m not even wearing anything that’s says to wear a mask. I’m simply wearing one on MY face and minding my own business.
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My anticipatory dread of good events has increased with the general lack of care and masking: an anxiety and certainty that someone will give me or my partner Covid and we won’t be able to go to Australia, or that something else will sweep this trip out from under us. We’re generally safe but there’s a limit to how much our masks protect us if others aren’t wearing them. Part of me won’t be excited for the trip until we’re on the plane.
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