#Cost Of Replacing Hardwood Floors
djhardwoodflooring · 1 year
Transform Your Space with the Best Hardwood Floor Refinishers in Fishers
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Floor refinishing is important as it revitalizes the appearance and durability of your hardwood floors. It removes scratches, stains, and wear, while enhancing the natural beauty of the wood. DJ Hardwood Flooring is here to provide exceptional services in Fishers, ensuring stunning before and after results.
Are you tired of dull and worn-out hardwood floors? Look no further! DJ Hardwood Flooring is your go-to expert in Fishers, offering the Best Finish for Hardwood Floors in Fishers. With our team of skilled professionals and top-of-the-line equipment, we will transform your space into a stunning masterpiece.
DJ Hardwood Flooring takes pride in its ability to bring new life to your hardwood floors. Using industry-leading techniques and premium materials, our Wood Floor Refinishers In My Area will eliminate scratches, scuffs, and stains, restoring your floors to their original splendor. Trust our expertise to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
DJ Hardwood Flooring understands that the transformation of your floors is a significant investment. That's why we are dedicated to showcasing the incredible result of Before and After Floor Refinishing in Fishers. Prepare to be amazed as your worn-out floors are revitalized, creating a visual impact that will impress both you and your guests.
Revive the elegance and charm of your hardwood floors with DJ Hardwood Flooring. As the leading wood floor refinishers in your area, we specialize in transforming dull, damaged floors into stunning works of art.
Are you ready to elevate your living space with immaculate hardwood floors? Contact DJ Hardwood Flooring today to experience the best hardwood floor refinishing in Fishers. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will guide you through the process, answering all your questions and ensuring a stress-free experience from start to finish. For more info call us at (317) 946-5408 or visit us at:- https://dj-hardwoodflooring.com/
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luveline · 2 years
𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
one | two
Finding out you're a princess isn't half as intimidating as suddenly acquiring a full-time bodyguard. Especially when that bodyguard is disarmingly handsome, charming, and can't seem to stop flirting with you.
bodyguard!james, fem!reader, shy!reader, princess diaries au (sort of), all characters in their 20s or older, star-crossed lovers/ forbidden romance james isn't flirty this chapter i lied but he will be <3
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You're in the process of ruining your pyjama bottoms with willow charcoal when your father dies. 
The charcoal is fragile, unhoused, and it snaps with too much pressure. An uneven half falls between the sheets of your sketchbook, marring the artwork it rolls over indiscriminately. 
You sigh without thinking and rub your tired eyes, spreading a line of smudgy black under your brow. Squinting, you peek at the portrait you'd been drawing. A young woman with deep, dark skin, her cheek shaded by the leaves of a sycamore tree. The branches arc over her skin in shadowed lines, sunlight dappling illustrated by sparse triangles of the white paper underneath. 
It had been an okay sketch. The snapped charcoal distracts from what you'd originally set out to do — a dynamic, revealing portrait — and instead replaces it with a more abstract feel. 
You sigh again, this time with a melodrama you'd only ever feel comfortable displaying alone. Thankfully, that's the case more often than not. You live by yourself, no partner, no pets, nobody around to see you drop your sketchbook onto the floor beside your bed, kick out your feet toward the rug, and moan. Your socks slide against the hardwood. You kick them like a child as you slip down the side of the bed, shirt caught behind you, soft middle exposed. 
You swear to yourself quietly, pressing the backs of your hands to your eyes. 
A sharp trilling sound chimes. On the nightstand, your phone vibrates hard, and the water in the glass next to it crests against the sides like tiny shockwaves. 
You pull it into your lap and stare at the number. It goes to voicemail, and then it rings again. Again, again, and again.
You consider turning your phone off. Five phone calls and counting indicates an emergency, but every cell begs to avoid whatever it is on the other side. 
You can't avoid everything, no matter how much you want to. You answer the phone. 
"Hello," you greet.
The muffled echo of a cheerful voice responds.
"Yeah, that's me… Okay. Yeah, now is fine."
More chattering. Less cheerful, diplomatic.
"My father?" you ask.
You are told two impossible truths. 
"Oh," you say. The walls spin. "Right." 
"I hate flying," Sirius mutters.
James hums, noncommittal. 
"You know, my good looks are wasted if we end up lost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean."
"It's not the middle of the Atlantic ocean," Remus says, sounding about as interested in Sirius' whining as James is currently. "It's an arm." 
"It's the fucking English channel," James says. It's barely the ocean. "How much do you reckon a pair of in flight headphones will cost?" 
Sirius, despite his anxiety, has the bandwidth to appreciate James' bad mood. "What crawled up your arse?"  
James sinks down into his seat, knees immediately pressed into the hard plastic of the chair in front, back aching and head heavy from a lack of rest he won't make up anytime soon. 
"He's agitated," Remus says. 
"Helpful, Moony. Super helpful."
"Fuck yourself, then," Remus says, pulling his sleep mask over his eyes and plugging in his earbuds.
The tannoy dings. The seatbelt light flashes. 
A flight attendant raises his voice from the start of the aisle. "If everybody could take their seats and buckle in, we'll be taking off in less than two minutes. Please turn all electronics to aeroplane mode. Thanks so much."  
"Is your phone off?" Sirius asks. 
"No, I actually want us to drown in the channel, but thanks for asking." 
A dark shock of curls lands against his shoulder. Sirius drapes himself unabashedly across James lap, hand on his friend's thigh, ankle crossing over ankle. Genovian through and through, Sirius doles out affection wantonly, smelling ridiculously nice as he does: a heady smell like browned sugar and citrus blossoms coalescing tickles the inside of James' nose. 
"Are you still cranky that you got demoted?" Sirius asks, smooth tones pitched into bubbly baby talk. 
"I didn't get demoted," James argues. 
James had, in fact, been demoted. 
"No, of course not. You've fallen from third guard to the Royal Prince of Genovia, may he rest in peace, to glorified babysitter of said Prince's illegitimate, forgotten child. Sounds the same to me." 
"Then we agree," James says, wanting to close his eyes. 
He'd pretend to sleep if he thought Sirius would believe it. Growing up together erases any semblance of privacy. Sirius knows James as James knows Sirius, and as they know Remus. Remus likely knows them all better than he'd ever admit, the youngest of the trio and the smartest, most perceptive man James has ever met. 
Sirius isn't perceptive, he's vigilant. He can read even the smallest signs of unrest, and it makes him uneasy. There will likely always be a shadow cast over him from a rough childhood, and while James is in a god awful mood, he reaches out to alleviate Sirius' anxiety. 
"I'm fine," James assures him, "just tired." Not mad at you goes unsaid. 
"It won't be as bad as you're thinking." 
"I'm fine. I'm not worried. Didn't sleep last night, and," —he grins as Sirius clasps his arm, their seats shaking underneath them, the plane beginning its race across tarmac— "some scrawny git is squeezing fuck out of my arm." 
Sirius flinches away from him. "You're annoying." 
James presses his shoe up to the side of Sirius' and leans back in his chair, wincing at the rattling carriage as they take off, and again when he remembers where they're going. You wait in London, though nobody in the task force assigned to your assimilation or the advisement team could come to explain how you'd ended up there. Your Genovian citizenship is unacknowledged on your passport, your birth certificate, even, and as far as Lily had been able to suss, you have little understanding of who you are. 
"She sounded tired, mostly," Lily had said when pressed for details about the new princess' personality. "In shock. Slightly disbelieving, but could you believe it?" 
Lily, James'... friend, and work colleague at a stretch, is an ambassador for the UK and full-time genovian resident. Along with a handful of other representatives and officials, she’d been responsible for opening the talks between Genovia and yourself. That is to say, she'd broken the news. 
Surprise! Your dad just died! Double surprise, you're a princess. And, no pressure or anything, but we kind of need you to come back to Genovia to maintain the royal lineage before your grandmother abdicates the throne (unwillingly). 
"Did you mention the tiara?" he'd asked Lily. The Princess' diadem, a master craftsmanship of silver-gold with a diamond the size of an apple. 
"Weirdly, Potter, I didn’t mention the jewellery." 
He supposes there hadn't been time to weasel that tidbit in between condolences and recruitment. 
You haven't promised anything in ways of returning to Genova or taking up the mantle. James understands. If he were in your shoes, he likely would've laughed down the line and blocked the number. You’d shown incredible promise as a future leader, agreeing to meet with Lily and her team at the Genovian embassy. Then, a day later, they'd modified the plan and asked if you'd be okay meeting somewhere more private. 
You'd said yes. 
As someone who may be very involved in your bodily safety in the near future, James thinks you're an idiot. Somebody calls you, claiming that you're a princess, though nobody has ever bothered telling you this before because you were never heir apparent, and that they'll tell you more should you deign to meet with them in a place with meagre surveillance, and you say yes to this?
How you've survived as long as you have is a mystery. 
He hopes you won't make his job difficult. Isn't that what everyone hopes? He feels guilty for judging you without meeting you, promising in his head to be nicer to you in actuality. You're probably grieving and definitely confused. He shouldn't be worrying about his job. 
Redetermined, James lets the anxiety of his new assignment water down. 
Sirius is thinking along the same lines: how easy will you make his particular occupation. "Bets are on. Scruffy or sweet?" 
"Huh?" James asks, pretending he doesn't understand in hopes of rectifying Sirius' attitude. 
"Slovenly or love-nly?" 
"I'm sure she's fine." 
"You should hope so, you'll be looking at the back of her head for a while." 
James rolls his eyes. 
"I'll manage, pretty or not." 
His confidence draws Sirius' curiosity. "How're you so sure?" Sirius asks, chin-lifted, light eyes narrowed in bemusement. His expression dances with the surety of somebody well-raised. He could wear a potato sack and his regal air would endeavour, deep-seeded and neat like the trim stitching of his expensive clothes. 
"Look at my face right now. Do I seem affected?" 
Sirius laughs much too loudly at the implication. "Don't act like I'm not handsome, Prongs." 
"Years of practice." James schools his features into an unaffected mask. "Uggos have no effect on me." 
"How else would you look in the mirror?" Sirius drawls. 
When Remus wakes afterward, he finds they haven't quite killed each other, though James has threatened it twice. With one hand, Black.
"Far are we?" he asks. 
Sleep has made little difference to him. He’s the kind of fatigued that can't be improved with an afternoon nap, and the kind of unwell that can't be fixed. Medicated, diminished, but never fully healed. He rolls his neck and makes three separate, unfortunate sounds, stretching his tight hands out flat over his thighs. 
"Landing any minute now is my guess," Sirius answers. "How are you feeling?" 
He waves his hand around, tired eyes locking onto James' lasting frown. "Sorry for leaving you alone with him." 
Sirius gasps his indignation. The three of them all smile in tandem, James in a rush to add to the joke. 
"You should be, fucker, I don't care how sick you are. You're sick in the mind if you think it's acceptable to-" 
"You're sick for acting like I'm some misbehaved child you've been pandering to. You're bullies, and as soon as we're in the airport I'm ditching you both in favour of a Great British Burger King." 
"One," James says, still smiling widely, "I have your per diem, so unless you brought your wallet, you're sunk." Sirius frowns. "Two, I'd love it if you would repeat that little moniker you gave me a minute before he woke up. Seriously. Shed some light on the real bully." 
Sirius pulls his sunglasses from his jacket pocket and places them over the bridge of his nose delicately. "Unnecessary." 
"I wouldn't mind Burger King," Remus says. 
"We have to be quick," James says. 
Sirius is so incensed he actually spits a bit as he scathes, "You fuckers. I want food and it's lorded over my head, but Moons wants something and your only limitation is how fast he can eat it?" 
He's not truly as angry as he appears. He's joking, and he's fallen into a familiarity that can only come with years of ragging on one another relentlessly. Still  Remus pats his tight shoulder and smiles.
"I'm a slow chewer." 
"He's a slow chewer, Sirius. Have some compassion." 
“How fast could he chew missing a few teeth, I wonder?” Sirius asks.
James gasps, delighted at his friend's casual threat. Remus does a better job at hiding his amusement, tamping back a smile as he reaches over the armrest between their seats and slapping a hand into Sirius’ seatbelt. The mechanism unlatches, the ‘Fasten Your Seatbelts’ sign flashes, and a shaming beeping sound rings overhead. 
Sirius squeaks. 
What do you wear to meet a British ambassador? A Genovian ambassador? Any sort of diplomat? You aren't too sure what an ambassador even is, only that every word Lily Evans has said to you sounds shockingly official. 
"Your citizenship has been reinstated whether you choose to move forward or not. We want to stress that you have choices," Lily says. Call me Lily, please. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to." 
"We also want to stress," says Emmeline, the Genovian ambassador, "that your presence in Genovia is greatly desired. For the funeral." 
"The funeral," you say softly. 
"It will be a… very, very big event. We don't have to talk about all of the logistics now. Or ever, if you're not interested." 
Emmeline clears her throat. "The family would appreciate it." 
The family. The royal family. The Queen of Genovia, your grandmother, and her… unfortunate younger sister, who's behaviour (according to the Internet) has been less than ideal. Her sisters son, who might take the throne if you refuse it. Or, so you've come to understand. 
All this lineage and politics has been hard to navigate by yourself, though rest assured, you've been assigned two personal assistants of a sort. One for appearances of the physical, and one for appearances of the mind. 
A stylist and a tutor. 
"And a bodyguard," Lily says, "your safety is the most important thing." 
You grip the end of your dress in your hands and squeeze the skirts tightly. Safety? You'd rather not embarrass yourself by asking. 
"We actually want you to meet them now," Emmeline says. 
"Whenever they show up," Lily adds. She sounds embarrassed but unsurprised, like this has happened before. 
There's a small silence. You pull your bag into your lap and squeeze it, hoping it hides the curve of your stomach. You aren't sure what you're supposed to wear to occasions like this, and so you'd worn the nicest thing you owned, a pretty, simplistic dress ruched under the chest, and a cardigan overtop. 
You catch yourself frowning and quirk your lips up into a practised smile. Gentle, amicable, the kind you'd offer a passing stranger. 
"Well," Lily says, filling the awkwardness, "I'm sure they'll come around soon. Maybe we should talk about inheritance." 
"Legally, you're entitled to an inheritance. You could think of it like a pension, an allowance you'd be given from the age of eighteen. You've already passed that, and so you'll be given the years upto, and then the rest in annual increments," Emmeline says. "There's a team of people who can and will explain it better at a later date, or whenever you want to discuss it, once you've agreed to a paternity test." 
"A paternity test?" you ask. 
You feel rather useless. All you've done is ask for explanations since you sat down, your head a spinning mill. Information goes around and around with no time to sink in. 
Emmeline opens her mouth to continue and is interrupted by three sharp knocks. 
"Come in," Lily calls. She turns her gaze to you, orange hair moving over her shoulder in a silken sheet, and raises her eyebrows. 
You don't know what it means. 
First to enter the room is a modestly dressed man with straight, sandy hair. It's long enough to peek out from under his ears, where it curls. He steps into the light, illuminating a shock of shiny scars clawed over the bridge of his nose and teasing up into one thick eyebrow. 
"Sorry," he says, not quietly but certainly not loudly. "We had trouble finding the room." 
Behind him immediately stands a man with dark hair to his shoulders, white but tanned. He wears slacks, in which a shirt has been tucked on one side and not the other, a purposeful dishevelment. 
"And the building," adds the second. 
Last to enter is the biggest of the three. You'd hazard a guess that he's six foot or taller, not the tallest of his companions but the most imposing, with a monotone outfit of pristine blacks that he fills too well, his shirt clinging to the muscle underneath it. His skin is a warm brown that soaks up the big light overhead and shines golden, his hair black and thick, laying in mussed ringlets stroked back from his face. 
He is the most handsome person you've ever seen in real life. It startles you. Worse, when he meets your eyes. 
You smile carefully. He smiles back. 
Lily stands to gesture toward each man in turn. The first, "Remus Lupin," she says, "your tutor on all things Genovia." The second, "Sirius Black, stylist and your guide on media presence." 
The third. 
"James Potter," Lily says, not looking at him. "Bodyguard. James will be with you for the foreseeable future, even if you decide on– Well. You should get to know one another, at any rate." You must wear your worries on your face, as she continues, "You're in safe hands. James was third in command in the protection of His Highness." 
"Hello," you say. 
Sirius' eyes widen in tandem with his smile. "Hello." 
"It's nice to meet you. We're sorry for your loss," Remus says.
"No," you say, head tilted toward your shoulder as you frown at James sympathetically, "I should be sorry, you actually knew him. I can't imagine how this feels for you." 
"Thank you. But don't be," James says. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Princess."
You look to Emmeline, almost like you're waiting for her to correct him. 
She smiles at you hopefully. "Shall we talk arrangements for your departure?" 
James is trying not to look at you too much, though if he is he can write it off as purely protective. You're sitting in your seat like you're worried about touching a seat mate who doesn't exist, arms wrapped around your middle and face pointed to the floor. 
"I'll rent a car," he says. 
You curl into yourself a little more. "What for?" 
"It's much safer." 
"I don't want you to– I mean, you aren't a chauffer." 
"I'm not." He bends at the knees to speak directly to you. "There are seven other people on this bus. One is elderly. Three are younger than sixteen. All seven could potentially harm you." 
You look to the left without turning your head, toward the sound of young laughter. He'd bet money on your thoughts. Even the children?
"The driver could have an aneurysm. He could be paid off. He could be carrying a concealed weapon." James smiles at you placatingly. "Understand? If I drive, the potential danger goes down to one." 
"No. Me." He tries very hard not to wink and look like a dickhead. "But I'm not going to hurt you. Not really my perogative." 
"Oh, good." 
James recall what Lily had said, rightfully. You and James will be in each other's company for the foreseeable future, and while he has a job to do, there's room for friendliness. Sort of. 
He splits his attention between you and the front of the bus, where a small family carts a pushchair. 
"What do you do?" he asks. 
He knows you attend classes for a degree equivalent at your local college. He knows you're a waitress. He knows you moved to central London when you were very young, and that your estranged mother had been the cause of all this confusion. He asks you because he wants to know how you'll frame it. In your own eyes, what is your life?
"I'm a waitress." 
He nods. "Local?" 
"Mm. At a pub called The Morgan." 
"You have a shift today?" 
"Not today. I took the day off." You stand up and click the STOP call button on the rail James is holding. Your arm brushes against his. "It's this stop." 
James trails behind you, off of the bus and straight into a busy street. 
"How far is it to your house?" he asks, loud to be heard over the hubbub and the roadworks. 
"Not long. Are you okay to walk?"
James finds himself oddly charmed by your question. "I'm just fine." 
You squeeze through the crowded pavements lining the street, folded in, keeping your arms close, and you apologise every time you touch someone, even if it's the other person's fault. James keeps close to your back, moving to your side when he worries you might sprain your neck trying to check that you're following. He had some height on you, which is a good thing for security purposes — he can see uninterrupted over the top of your head when he stands this close. 
The day is cool, the last dregs of an end of summer heat lingering in the air and encouraged by so many bodies in one place. James wonders if you're too warm, dressed as you are in tights, but the thought fades when you trip. 
James grabs the top of your arm, fingers sliding between your arm and your chest. Closer than he wants to be, crueller than he means to be as he keeps you steady. 
To his surprise, you laugh. A really nice sound, sudden but sweet. 
"Sorry, Princess," he says. 
"You saved me," you say, a hint of breathlessness in your tone. "Thank you. My flat's in the next building over." 
"Brilliant." His bag is fucking heavy, a weight between his shoulders that aches when he lifts his hand to shield his eyes from the sun as it sets. You've got a long, long night ahead of doing nothing. "What's your address?" 
You tell it to him. "Why?" 
"For the rest of your security detail." 
He slows as you come to the main door of your building. It's quieter here, the loudest sounds a symphony of barking dogs, car engines revving, and the jangle of your keys as you unlock the door and bump it with your hip. 
"More people?" you ask. "Is that really necessary?" 
"You always do that?" 
"It gets stuck," you explain. 
He hums. "It's necessary. The media's been paid handsomely to keep our operation to themselves for now, but there's always pressure to be the first to break a story." 
"And I'm the story?" you ask, nodding toward the stairs in the centre of the room. 
He steps over a bundle of scattered letters. The building is mostly clean, but mail bulges from cubbies, and an old mattress has been left propped against a wall. 
"You're the story," he says, head up to analyse the atrium. There's a skylight spotted with green moss above. 
You take the stairs up to the first floor, where your flat is the first he comes across. That increases your risk of a break in, rapists or robbers. He asks you to wait at the door while he clears each room, knowing it's an unecessary precaution but taking it anyway. It's not worth saving the half a minute it costs on the off-chance you've been infiltrated. 
He snorts at his own train of thought and returns to you, where you're sliding a special locking mechanism between the door latch and the frame. You shake the lock. 
"Did you get that recently?" 
You look up at him and smile. "Since I moved in. I'm first on the floor. Don't want to get murdered in my sleep." 
"Good girl," he says absentmindedly, crossing the room to secure your window. 
He moves into your room again and secures the larger window over your bed. Then, because he's awful and curious, he catalogues your things. 
"You're an artist," he says, head listed toward the doorway. 
You stop by the dresser, hastily stuffing clothes left aside back into the top drawer. "Not– not really." 
The room is a crammed collection of things. It's clear you've attempted to keep it clean. You were doomed to fail, an outpouring of your heart stuffed into a matchbox; books, sketchbooks, notebooks are stacked against the leftmost wall between your bed and your dresser, while paints and pencils take up two thirds of your desk. A small sketchbook rests closed in the mess of your unmade bed, dark bed sheets disrupted by a pair of white pyjamas discarded at the end. Soot or something similar stains the fabric. 
He averts his gaze from your dirty hamper and faces you. 
"At 8PM, one of my team will swap duty with me. His name is Frank, and I've worked with him before, but if you aren't comfortable with anything he does while I'm not working, you can tell me. If I do something that makes you uncomfortable, you can tell Lily. You can tell me, of course," he amends. "I can take the couch." 
"You sleep at eight?" 
"I sleep at nine." 
"You don't mind sleeping on the couch?"
"Not at all." 
You walk to your dresser and pull open the bottom drawer. Inside is a layer of linens, and you pull them out neatly. 
"You don't have to, uh, put on a show for me," you say with a wince. 
"I'm not a princess. I'm not the princess." 
"You don't think so?" 
You look sweet, kneeling on the floor, hair in pretty disarray from the walk home. You move it out of your face and offer a folded square to him with both hands. 
"It's a misunderstanding. But…" You take a pillowcase into your hand and stand up, closing the drawer with your ankle. "Even if I were, I don't think you need to be so formal, you know?" 
You move past him, a wave of nice smells.
"It's my job." 
Again, you surprise him by laughing, climbing on top of your unmade sheets to grab one of your pillows. "Right," you say, stripping it of its pillowcase and shaking it into a new one. The tip of your tongue makes a brief appearance as you plump up the corners. 
You climb off of the bed. "Here," you say, taking the sheet he's holding to press the pillow into his hands. 
"Oh," he says, looking down at the pillowcase. It's covered in small pink flowers. "I don't need this." 
"My settee isn't comfortable." 
"Half of my job is being able to sleep anywhere." 
You smile at him. His words don't discourage you, and he stands in the doorway between your bedroom and your living room as you lay down an old quilt over the settee and tuck a sheet around it and under the sofa cushions. 
"I know it's strange, but you could take my bed, if you wanted to. You're so tall, I don't think-"
James cuts you off, not unkindly. "Thank you, but I couldn't." He lets the side of his chest rest against the doorway, arms crossed. Your back is straight, tense with anxiety. "I have something for you." 
You blink at him. "For me?" 
He grins, his first proper smile all day, and pulls his bag onto the freshly made settee to unzip the front compartment. He pulls out a small jewellery box, pulling the lid off to hold between his arm and chest. 
The tennis bracelet inside is thin but strong, made up of gold-silver links with sapphire-coloured gemstone. He assumes them to be real sapphire or something similar, like blue-hued ruby. 
"This is a panic button." 
You seem more anxious than when he'd pulled out the box. 
"Don't worry about losing it. I'm sure the Genovian coffers will recover." 
"It's not that. Do you think it will fit?" you ask. 
He hadn't thought about it. Luckily, Mary had. 
"There are spare links hidden under the velvet." 
James puts the box on your coffee table and clicks the links into place, handling the bracelet with less care than he ought to. Firmly snapped into place, he offers the lengthened bracelet to you unlatched. 
"Here," he says, pointing toward one link in particular. "If you squeeze this tightly, the heat sensor will alert me."
"It won't feel the heat of my wrist?" 
"It will. It's sophisticated, it'll disregard anything that isn't a sudden spike. That's your panic button. You squeeze that–" He pinches it in demonstration. The small radio clipped discreetly to his shoulder starts to beep, a circling alarm. He removes his fingers from the bracelet and it stops. "Okay?" 
"I haven't even passed the paternity test yet." 
"My being here indicates that you're of special interest. We don't know if you're the Princess for certain, and neither do the newspapers. You're still in danger either way." 
You press your lips together and hold out your wrist. 
James steps close to you, enough to see details and lines he's missed. The longer he stays in your company, the more endeared he is to your shy smile, and your kindness, and he thinks you're the type of person who's outsides reflect the insides. You smile. 
Either side of your wrist glows with heat as he drapes the bracelet over your skin and clicks it closed, wary of pinching you. 
The room is quiet. The clock over your small kitchen table ticks. 
"There," James murmurs, taking back his hands. 
"Thank you." 
He disregards it completely. "No worries." 
His informality gets you, and you smile, your own first and proper smile since you'd been introduced. 
By the time Frank arrives for turnover, James is confident that his assignment to your protection won't be nearly as awful as he'd thought. You'd insisted on making him something to eat, which he'd been sincerely grateful for, as a man can't run on Burger King alone, and then you'd practically showered him in an awkward but entirely genuine hospitality, offering your bathroom and all its contents, every blanket you owned, the TV remote, and a tin of biscuits. 
He introduces you to Frank, and for an hour you make yourself busy in the kitchen, cleaning dishes you'd refused his help with and wiping down the counters. 
He senses your unease at being outnumbered in your own home. Unfortunately, there isn't much he can do to make you feel better, besides appoint Frank to door duty and try to offer some words of comfort. 
James tries not to look as imposing as he feels, clearing his throat to draw your attention as you leave the kitchenette.
"Listen," he says softly, a mirror of you now that you're both changed into lounge clothes and damp-haired from the shower, "I want to reassure you— I'm here to protect you from any and every threat. I know this is unconventional, but I promise to do my best to make this easy for you." 
You look down at your trainer socks. "Sorry." 
"Can you do me a favour?" 
"Yeah, of course," you say, raising your chin. 
"No more apologies. This is hard, and I know that, you don't have to say sorry for anything. I'll promise you whatever you need me to if that will make you feel more comfortable."
Princess or no princess, you're confused, and you're unhappy in your own home. James wouldn't want that for anybody. 
"Do you think someone's going to kill me?" you ask. 
James softens. "No. Nobody is going to kill you." His smile melds slowly to mischief, dark lashes kissing in the corners of his eyes as he squints. "I'm a brilliant bodyguard, okay? Don't doubt my skills. And Frank's alright." 
You laugh under your breath, relieved. "I'm not doubting your skills." 
"Good. I'm not just a pretty face, Princess." 
You sober at the title. The flicker of camaraderie between you fizzles, and you shake it off. 
"Can I get you anything?" you ask. 
He hopes that in a month, or a year, when you're living the high life in Genovia with a hundred serfs and lavish goods beyond your wildest dreams, you'll keep your earnest smile, and your good heart. He's seen exactly what court politics can do to timid young women like you.
"No," he says, matching your volume, "nothing."
"Okay. You can wake me if you need anything." 
He absolutely won't. "Thank you... Goodnight." 
You disappear behind your bedroom door. James lays down over the small sofa, alarm set for a dry-eyed 4:30AM, and listens to your flat as it cools. You close the blinds, sharpen a pencil, and for a period of time, he's lulled by the mild shushing of a pencil over paper. 
He falls asleep. He must. A silence settles, thick and uninterrupted as poured molasses. 
A splintering crash pulls him back to consciousness, and every nerve-ending sings as a weight falls to the floor. A thump sounds from behind your closed door. James practically leaps over the settee's arm to your door, Frank hot on his heels. 
He throws open the door, braced for impact.
You aren't anywhere to be seen. 
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
thanks for reading!! i hope you enjoyed this first part, and if you did and you have the time please consider reblogging, it makes a difference! plus i'd love to know what u think or what you'd love to see in future<3
the fics title is adapted from a line in piedra del sol by octavio paz
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One of the trad lifestyle’s most potent attractions is nostalgia. When the Neelemans began renovations on their 103-year-old, 2,500-square-foot farmhouse in 2018, they instructed the contractor to expose the original hardwood floors and restore the century-old fireplace that the previous owners had tiled over. They asked for a red wooden barn for their animals rather than the metal ones preferred by modern farmers. “Each time a visitor compliments us on how much they like our ‘old red barn,’” Hannah wrote on Instagram, “I smile. It’s only two months old, but you would never know.” The contractors also demolished the kitchen to bring Hannah’s vision to life, but “we didn’t restore our centenarian home to its original glory only to endow it with a modern kitchen,” she explained. Instead, they replaced the old white stove with a cast-iron AGA model that costs up to $20,000, hid the refrigerator in the pantry, and installed a linen curtain to conceal the dishwasher. Pioneers didn’t have such luxuries, but the Neelemans would—in private.
The past that tradwives want to return to, an anachronistic pastiche of rugged pioneer individualism and midcentury familial plenty, never really existed. The lifestyle they promote is, like the Neelemans’ faux-rustic kitchen, a thoroughly modern construction: its incongruous elements are concealed behind bespoke doors and linen curtains. These aesthetic signifiers, confused as they may be, point to periods of American history in which white families were prioritized above all others. And some tradwives are explicit about their desire for racial supremacy.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Operation Apollo | 0.1 Jake Seresin x Reader
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Synopsis: After a threat is made against her life, the President’s grown up daughter gets her security tripled. Her long term detail is about to retire and needs replacing, only — she isn’t the easiest to work with. Ex-Navy and current Secret Service, Jake Seresin is devoted to being the best at everything he does. He isn’t going to let a bratty little girl cost him this job.
Warnings: age gap, power imbalance, enemies to lovers, danger and angst + eventual smut , minors dni
You wake up on your stomach, sun peeking just slightly under the bottom of the blackout blind at the far side of the room. It’s cool in your room with the air conditioning. You stretch your legs out and roll onto your back with a soft, contented sigh.
You stay in bed for a while before you decide to get up. Wash your face, brush your teeth. You frown slightly at the whirring sound outside of your room. Before this, everything suggested that you were set to have a peaceful day ahead of you. White socks brush hardwood floor as you cross the room and pull your door open.
You’re eye to eye with the tool belt around the agent’s hips. He’s standing on a step stool, drilling into the ceiling above your door. He’s wearing cargo shorts and a black t-shirt, black wiring held between his teeth as he squints at the spot on the ceiling.
“What the hell are you doing?” You frown up at him.
Jake stops drilling. He looks down at you and takes the wiring from his mouth, holding it in the same hand as the drill.
“Good morning.” Jake says without answering your question.
“You’re still here.” You note, disappointment soaking your tone. Jake’s lips quirk slightly as he thinks back to the hour long conversation he had with your father the night before. He nods his head, bringing the wire up and checking it fits the hole he just put in the ceiling.
“Indeed, I am. And you told your dad that I made you cry,” Jake muses in the same tone. He isn’t outright mimicking you, but you’re smart enough to to know when you are being mocked. He feeds the wiring up into the hole. You furrow your brows slightly. “Which is funny because I don’t recall seeing any tears.”
You fold your arms over your chest.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, your dad and I agreed that you and I are going to have to figure out how to make this work without pissing each other off,” Jake holds out the drill and passes it into your hands without asking. He stretches up to make sure that the wiring is passed through into the loft space. His shirt rides up slightly as he reaches above his head. You’re met with tanned, chiselled hips and a strip of blonde hair leading the way to his bellybutton.
“And since Manny says the best way to not piss you off - can you pass me that box up, honey? - Thanks. Manny says the best way to not piss you off is to stay out of your way.” Jake smiles as you hand him the white box from the floor. He lifts his knee, resting the box against it, holding his wiring with one hand and tugging open the plastic with the other.
You watch him silently.
“So,” Jake holds up the contents of the box. Your lips part. “Cameras. This way, I can keep an eye on you without any chance of me upsetting you.”
You catch the way he glances down. Like he’s waiting for you to overreact. To yell at him. You’re on to him. You tilt your chin back and look up, watching as Jake messes with the wires.
“Just one camera?”
“Twelve. This is the last one, sorry if I woke you.” He isn’t sorry. He’s waiting for you to cause a problem so that he can prove to your father that you’re the difficult one. You fold your arms back over your chest.
“This is kind of an invasion of privacy, don’t you think?” You speak calmly. All those years of media training aren’t about to fail you now. Jake doesn’t look at you. He grabs a screwdriver from his belt and begins to secure the camera to the corner of the ceiling and wall.
“Mm, thought crossed my mind,” Jake agrees - he certainly wouldn’t want cameras on the inside of his house, but this isn’t his house and he hasn’t ever been threatened like you have. “Cameras are just in the main hallways and communal spaces. Outside. No bathrooms, no bedrooms. Shouldn’t be a problem.”
He looks down at you. Green eyes on yours. Brows raised in silent challenge. “Right?”
You squint at him.
“What did my dad say to you, Jake?” You ask him.
Jake lets out a breath, letting you know that you’ve amused him. The breath in itself gets under your skin. He thinks he’s such a genius for having this figured out.
“Said to do my job, keep his little girl safe,” Jake continues to fix the camera to the wall. He isn’t looking at you. His shirt raises again as he stretches up. You shrink back away from the exposed skin like the only thing that might stop you from touching it is some real distance. “And to do my best to be nice to her. I told him I think I can manage that.”
You watch as he drops his hands to his sides to see if the camera will stay in place. It does.
“Cameras are going to keep me safe?” You challenge him.
Jake shrugs.
“Cameras, new security system’s being installed as we speak, twenty-four-seven security detail any time you step off of this property. I’ve got a couple more ideas, but you get the gist.” Jake finally drops his gaze to look at you. You’re met with sharp green eyes and a devilishly smug smirk. You’re half tempted to knock him off of the stepladder.
Maybe Jake has a sixth sense, because he’s smart enough to step down from it by himself. He reaches out and curls his hand around the base of the drill, still hanging in your left hand. You look down at his hand on it, then uncurl your fingers, letting him take it back.
“All finished,” Jake states with a smile. It’s smug and arrogant. “Again, sorry if I woke you up.”
Again, he isn’t sorry.
“Don’t let it happen again.” You bite back, even though you were already awake when his little DIY project began. You just don’t have another argument at this point in time. Jake watches as you turn and walk back into your room. All those years of media training slip for just a second and the door slams in his face.
Jake shakes his head, scoffing to himself as he begins to pack up his tools.
He was with his last placement for three years. You’ve got a year left of secret service protection left, that’s the longest he’ll be with you. That’s just a month, twelve times. He stares at the white wall and considers banging his head against it. Instead, there’s more happening downstairs for him to oversee.
You drop down onto your bed. You stifle the growl of frustration that your body naturally wants to produce, in fear that he might hear it and try to start conversation again.
He’s supposed to be gone. He should be gone by now. You had told your father that he had made you cry. That he was rude, forceful and outright scary. And he was still here. You don’t know what your father is thinking, but you know that even if he adores Jake, no one lasts more than two strikes with your dad.
If saying that he’s mean doesn’t work, you’ll quite simply have to prove that he’s incompetent.
The camera outside of your door may be already hung, but it wasn’t live yet - no red light. You imagine that the same goes for the other cameras around the property.
Your stomach growls and interrupts your scheming. You could go for breakfast around about now.
You move around your room meticulously as you get ready. You aren’t an idiot. You know to dress modestly, and to cover up with a baseball cap and sunglasses. You aren’t even going to get out of the car. Aware that Jake’s likely to be lurking somewhere between your room and the exit, you opt to go the balcony route.
As you’re shimmying down the reinforced steel art piece on the side of the house, you want to laugh at the fact that Jake thinks he had you figured out. As long as he keeps underestimating you, he’ll fit in with Manny and Allen just fine. You whistle as you walk out the side gate into the garage, then slip into the driver’s side of the 2003 Ford Focus closest to the front.
This was your mother’s car once. The plates are different now. You’re supposed to use this one when you’re keeping a low profile. You consider it a personal favour to Jake that you opted for this car instead of the classic red mustang you had gotten for your seventeenth birthday.
You turn on the radio and pull out of the driveway. No alarms or flashing lights. You scoff as you turn onto the road and make your way down the hill.
Jake assumes that you’re sulking in your room. He continues to oversee the construction happening around the house. Once his cameras go live, he leaves Manny to watch over the installation of the new security system while he takes to his new office in the loft space to check out the live feed. He flicks through each angle on each of the cameras. Every entrance to the house is covered by them.
Camera six enlarges in his view as an alert comes up on the feed. Movement at the gate. Jake leans forwards in the chair and furrows his brows.
His lips part.
“You’re fucking kidding me…” He mutters.
You’re standing at the front gate. On the wrong fucking side of it. Jake catches sight of your car keys dangling in your hand as you type angrily into the code box. He checks his watch. It’s been two hours since he last saw you. He has no idea how long you’ve been gone. He presses his palm over his mouth and gives himself a second to calm down.
His eyes go wide as you walk over to the wall. You step up onto a plant plot and jump.
Jake closes his eyes and tries not to scream. He makes a mental note to move that plant pot and do something about that fucking wall.
“Whoa - fuck.” Your footing falters, tip of your sneaker hitting the top of the wall. Your hands flail for purchase, catching the wall by mere centimetres. Your body swings forwards unceremoniously. Your shoulder takes most of the impact, catching your full weight and tugging hard at the joint. “SHIT.”
Your feet land on the ground just fine, but the pain in your shoulder makes you drop to your knees. You wince as gravel presses into your skin, breathing in sharply through gritted teeth to try to stop yourself from screaming.
Your other hand comes up to rest against your injured shoulder. You breathe deeply through your nose and close your eyes.
Allen. You need to find Allen. Your fingers press softly into your injured shoulder and you sigh. Footsteps on the gravel. They’re too fast for it to be Allen and probably too heavy to be Manny. You open your eyes and find Jake heading towards you from the front door. Eyes closed once again, you brace yourself and wait to be yelled at.
“You alright?” Jake calls out.
You peek one eye open, brows furrowing. You bring yourself to nod your head.
“Where’d you go?” Jake asks, lowering his voice now that he’s closer to you. He didn’t catch you slip out, but your re-entry was hard to miss. Especially after he watched you tell the front gate to get fucked a couple of minutes ago.
“I needed air.” You answer begrudgingly. Embarrassed more than anything else. Jake extends a hand out but you push yourself to your feet without his assistance. You straighten your shoulders. Jake considers making a comment about finding that there is plenty of air within the walls, but stops himself. Instead, he looks down at the way your fingertips are curling and uncurling at your side.
Balling into a fist and relaxing again.
“You hurt your arm?” He asks.
You shake your head firmly. Jake doesn’t believe you for a second.
“Let me see you lift it up over your head.” Jake jerks his chin for you to go ahead. Your fingers curl into a fist. You shift slightly on your feet.
“I don’t want to.” You answer calmly. Jake breaks, cracking into laughter. You narrow your eyes, lips pursing into a scowl. You brush his shoulder with your uninjured one as you move past him. “The gate’s broken, by the way.”
Jake shakes his head as he turns after you. “No it’s not. I changed the passcode.”
“What? - Shouldn’t I have been told about that?” You frown at him.
Jake’s lips quirk up into a smile. He shrugs his shoulders. “If you’d mentioned you were heading out, I could’ve told you the new passcode.”
He takes a few long strides and winds up in front of you, walking towards the house nonchalantly. You glare into his stupid muscled back.
“Well, what is it?” You pick up your pause a little to keep up with him.
“If I tell you, this is going to keep happening, isn’t it?” Jake pushes his hands into his pockets as he walks into the foyer of the house. He’s mad at himself that you managed to slip out, but you’re back and Jake’s certain that showing a sign of weakness here would be like blood in the water. He glances back over his shoulder and catches the look on your face.
Sure, he could tell you now. It’s a simple enough code to remember if he tells you his trick for keeping it in mind. But quite simply, he doesn’t trust you. You’ve given him no reason to so far.
“You have to tell me.” You demand, stopping on the spot. Jake’s lips quirk. He half expects you to stomp your foot.
He shakes his head softly, “Well, actually, you’re supposed to be with at least one of us at all times. So, as long as we know it - you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about all that stuff.” He taunts you. You stare at him, furious. Jake looks down at your trembling fingertips.
“You should let Allen take a look at that shoulder.” He shrugs, leaving you standing in the hallway.
You’re a little surprised that you didn’t get into that much trouble. Maybe Jake’s already starting to accept that he’s fighting a losing battle by trying to stop you from living your life.
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zeussim · 1 year
So, I'm moving to a condo the 1st of February and instead of studying for my exam (24th of January) I may have tried to visualise (in gimp) and research how to improve my kitchen for minimal cash $$ and ehm hehehheheheh
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This is the kitchen now. It's cute though very contrasting.
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This is how it would look with the cute carpet I just bought. It's too JARRING. Buuuut
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If I paint the cabinets (Yes it's possible I've done research) and replace the handles with different colored ones (they would also have different shapes but I'll be darned if I have the energy to edit that in). It would invite the nature outside in and make it a much more comfortable space but for minimal $$ which is important!
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Underneath the laminate flooring, which is not glued on it's just rolled out, there's hardwood flooring. I don't know the state of it BUT a look like this may be possible. Everything would literally cost me around 100-150 usd (I've found some handles I can thrift for very cheap hehe) for an ENTIRELY new kitchen. Ofc it would take time to paint the cabinets but it would be WORTH it.
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And then in some years I could contemplate whether I also want to replace the tiles, but that would be higher cost so I'm saving that for when I work full-time.
BUUUT wouldn't it be amazing if I could transform the kitchen into this?? (This is a rhetoric question) It is literally so much more cozy and comfortable. The one right now is just too WHITE. It's overwhelming.
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keyforce7 · 1 year
Pick The Best Home Improvement Supplies And Other Great Tips
Too many people are afraid of tackling home improvements. It might be messy, expensive or time-consuming. When you have some knowledge going into it, it won't be so scary. In many cases, all it takes to make a home improvement project a snap is to read a few handy tips. Following are a few tips to help you along your way.
Install ceiling fans to circulate the air in your home. During summer the fan can be adjusted to blow down, and during the winter it can adjusted to draw the air up. This increases the efficiency of the utilities in your home so that you pay less in heating and cooling costs and save energy.
In northern climates where heavy snow covers the ground all winter, you may lose track of where the borders of pathways are. To avoid this it is a good idea to put a 4' X 4' lumber bordering the paths. Then, when you are shoveling snow, you will know exactly where the edge of the path should be.
If your bed doesn't come with a headboard, or you didn't purchase it with one, you can easily solve your problem. Use an old weathered wooden gate or a lovely iron gate to make a one of a kind headboard. That's something you won't see anywhere else and will not be sold in stores.
If lubricant alone doesn't solve your door squeaking problems, try using wire wool. Simply remove the hinge from the door and dismantle it by removing the pin in the center.. Wipe away any dirt, rust, and any other excess debris with the wool and replace the hinge pin and return the hinge to the door. Then apply lubricant.
Before investing in new hardwood floors, check with a professional, about looking at the current floors in your home. Sometimes, you may have beautiful, natural hardwood hiding underneath layers of carpet or linoleum, that is just waiting to be refinished. You will wind up with a nicer looking, higher quality floor for less money.
As you have seen, home-improvement techniques, while various, share many fundamentals. They just vary in terms of jobs and costs. All it takes to decide between them is some research and common sense to find the best tools and techniques that will work with you, your budget, and your home.
Read more here Home Water Filter Leesburg
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woodworxaus · 1 year
What are Woodworx Carpentry Services and why is importent?
Offering customized and environmentally friendly woodworking solutions, WOODWORX CARPENTRY woodworking completes projects on schedule and within budget. Our team has a wealth of industry knowledge and is prepared to handle all of your carpentry requirements from start to end. WoodWorx Carpentry is the best option for the best in customer service, craftsmanship, and ecologically friendly materials.
Carpentry services are essential for various construction and renovation projects. Whether you need a new wooden deck, custom cabinets, or a built-in bookshelf, hiring the best carpentry services is crucial to ensure that your project is completed efficiently and to the highest standards. In this article, we will discuss what carpentry services are, why they are important, and how to find the best carpentry services for your project. What are Carpentry Services? WoodWorx Carpentry services involve the construction, installation, and repair of wooden structures, furniture, and fixtures. A carpenter is a skilled tradesman who works with wood and related materials to create a wide range of products, from basic furniture items to intricate architectural details. Carpentry services can include: Custom Woodworking: A carpenter can design, build, and install custom furniture, cabinetry, shelving, and other wooden structures.
Framing: Carpenters can construct and install wooden frames for buildings, houses, decks, and other structures.
Trim and Molding: Carpenters can install trim and molding to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room or building.
Doors and Windows: Carpenters can install, repair, or replace doors and windows, including frames and trim.
Flooring: Carpenters can install hardwood, laminate, or engineered wood flooring.
Decking: Carpenters can design and install decks and patios, including stairs, railings, and other features.
Why are Carpentry Services Important? Carpentry services are crucial for a variety of reasons:
Quality: Carpentry services ensure that wooden structures and furniture are built to the highest standards, using quality materials and craftsmanship.
Safety: Carpentry services ensure that wooden structures and furniture are safe and sturdy, reducing the risk of accidents or injury.
Aesthetics: Carpentry services can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room or building, adding character and style.
Functionality: Carpentry services can improve the functionality of a room or building, by creating custom furniture, cabinetry, or shelving that meets specific needs.
How to Find the Best Carpentry Services? When looking for the best carpentry services, there are several factors to consider:
Experience: Look for a carpenter with years of experience and a track record of success. Experienced carpenters have the knowledge and skills to handle a wide range of projects, from basic repairs to complex custom designs.
Reputation: Check online reviews and ratings to see what other customers have to say about the carpentry services you are considering. A carpenter with a good reputation is more likely to deliver quality work and excellent customer service.
Portfolio: Ask to see examples of the carpenter's previous work. A portfolio of completed projects will give you an idea of the carpenter's style, creativity, and attention to detail.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure that the carpenter you hire has the proper licensing and insurance. This will protect you from any liability in case of accidents or damage to your property.
Cost: Get quotes from multiple carpentry services to compare prices. However, don't choose the cheapest option without considering the quality of work and materials used.
Communication: Choose a carpenter who communicates clearly and regularly throughout the project. Good communication will ensure that you are on the same page and that the project runs smoothly.
Conclusion Carpentry services are essential for any construction or renovation project that involves wooden structures or furniture. Hiring the best carpentry services will ensure that your project is completed efficiently, to the highest standards, and within your budget. When choosing a carpenter, consider their experience, reputation, portfolio, licensing and insurance, cost, and communication skills. With the right carpentry services,
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fiadhaisteach · 2 years
The joys of home ownership:
Discovering your bathroom floor had a half-ass patch at a corner of the tub, that somehow passed the inspection, but which rotted out. Also discovering that it was "patched" because the subfloor is tongue-in-groove hardwood, set on a diagonal to the joists.
Researching cost of tub replacement as long as we have to pull out the (only) tub/shower to properly patch the subfloor. As if finances weren't already tight.
Still glad we were able to buy when we did though, because rents in the area have doubled. Even having a landlord who had to fix this (albeit likely with another half ass patch) wouldn't be worth it.
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djhardwoodflooring · 1 year
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megacitysupply · 2 years
4 Vital signs that your hardwood flooring requires replacement
Hardwood flooring is definitely one of the best flooring options available. In addition to the stunning beauty that it has or its durability hardwood flooring offers many advantages. However, with time it will experience wear and tear and you need to get it replaced.
So, what are the most significant signs you can tell that the flooring on your home is in need of replacement? Continue reading on and get your answers.
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Crucial signs that your hardwood flooring requires replacement
Check out some of the significant signs that your flooring needs to be replaced below.
1. The flooring has large scratches: If the flooring has been acquired with massive marks and scratches, it's an indication that your hardwood flooring requires replacement. If the scratches are big enough, your hardwood flooring will be more vulnerable to water damage. So, it's advisable to take quick action when you notice large scratches and marks on the flooring.
2. Discoloration: There are numerous possibilities for why wood is discolored However, oxidation caused by water is among them. And if the wood's color has changed, then you begin thinking about hardwood replacement. It's best to get it checked quickly, as it may save the cost of replacing it, and refinishing would accomplish the task for you. If it's not checked flooring replacement may be the only option for you. Contact us if you are looking for the best wood flooring suppliers in Toronto. 
3. Refinishing frequency: If your hardwood flooring was refinished an extensive number of times, it is time to consider the possibility of replacing it. Too many refinishes weaken the design of your flooring which eventually leads to the replacement being inevitable for you.
4. Nails coming out: Yes, the appearance of a few nails peeking through the flooring is perfectly normal. But, if seeing nails peeking out of the hardwood flooring, and you're not sure if it's the right time to have your flooring replaced.
We hope you're now clear with some of the top signs that your hardwood flooring needs replacement. If you're in the market for more information, or you're looking for the top hardwood flooring suppliers in Toronto, you can count on our experts to do the job right. Our team is sure to ensure that you get both, the most effective guidance and the best quality. To reach our flooring experts, contact our number at 416-546-6355.
To get more information, visit: https://megacitysupply.ca/services/hardwood-flooring-suppliers-toronto/
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hemp-co · 2 years
Is Hemp Wood the Future of Building?
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Is Hemp Wood the Future of building?
Hemp has been legalized in the US, although with serious restrictions. This has resulted in increased production of the plant at an exponential rate. Hemp is a highly versatile plant that is being used for the production of sustainable by-products like plastic polymers, fabric, biofuel and now even wood.
Hemp fabrics have been used for clothing for millennia and it is one of the oldest fabrics used by humans. The plant can also be used in the production of a type of building material called hempcrete. Hemp wood is one of the latest products that this plant is being used to produce. 
What is Hemp Wood
Simply? An innovative answer to the question of finding the material for building more sustainably. It’s late addition to the list of building materials is because of the decade’s hemp has spent as an illegal drug. This illegality due to its relationship with marijuana got in the way of its potential being identified.
Hemp wood has undergone numerous studies and tests thanks to the effort of Greg Wilson and the Fibonacci Company. This investment into hemp has generated a perfected hardwood derived from our favourite plant and poised to replace plywood.
Hemp is very versatile and can be cultivated in different climates. It is the optimal material for people to use as a substitute to tree-based timber since it is cheap, easy to grow and produces large yields. 
What is it made from
Hemp wood was derived from hemp by using the algorithm of an oak tree. The hemp wood team reverse-engineered hemp’s growth cycle to imitate the stability and sturdiness of this popular material. They applied the knowledge from bamboo flooring to invent a wood that is similar – but stronger. 
Hemp wood, just like its parent plant, contains a THC content of 0.3 per cent or less. The creation process involves the compression of hemp pulp fibres. This process is known as biomimicry. This is followed up by strengthening using a soy-based glue. 
Hemp wood is 20% stronger and 100 times faster growing than oak. Hemp is very similar to strand-woven bamboo aside from it being a lot less coarse. However, bamboo is more likely to chip due to its roughness. It is also not as woody has hemp, giving hemp the advantage.
Current manufacturers of hemp wood
Fibonacci LLC launched its $5.8 million Hemp wood manufacturing facility in Murray, Kentucky. This facility measures about 15,000-square-foot. According to Greg Wilson, their founder and CEO, it is to be their first step in the plan to manufacture up to a million board feet of four-quarter lumber yearly,
Wilson and his team have patented the method with which they employed. Hemp wood can be purchased at www.hempwood.com. Fibonacci LLC has plans to build eight more facilities across the US and predict the next one will be up and running by 2021. 
The cost of hemp wood is greater than regular wood right now. However, it soon will reach economies of scale and compete with wood. The company expects that by 2021, their prices will give Oak a run for its money. With the many obstacles and challenges that face the introduction of new material, this is a favourable outlook.
Hemp wood uses
Fibonacci intends to manufacture wood tabletops and flooring for purchase. Currently, they are not making structural or exterior products but they insist that it is strong enough. At the moment, they are focusing on interior face grade. Hemp wood flooring is supposed to be available within the year.  So, what could it be used for as we move into the golden age of hemp?
Framework for houses
When it comes to building sustainable houses, a great concern is the selection of a material which is durable and healthy. It also helps that this material is sustainable, eco-friendly and locally sourced. Hemp wood will be first available in boards and blocks. and in the near future, could be used for constructing frameworks for homes.
Use in woodwork
As mentioned above, interior uses for hemp wood are already in the initial stages. Hemp wood can be used in the creation of sturdy, beautiful furniture, doors, beams etc. It is a non-toxic wood due to its organic roots and soy-derived glue. It is a healthier choice for interior building.
Hemp Wood is an innovative product which can open the path to homes which are safer for us and the environment. It is created through a genius process using the pulp fibres of the plant. Durable, strong and eco-friendly –  doesn’t this sound like an excellent option to you?
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thevacuumstore · 11 hours
5 Key Features to Look for When Buying an Upright Vacuum
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Upright vacuums! We all know them, those standing floor cleaners that have been around forever. They're popular for a reason – they're easy to use and work well in all sorts of homes, big or small. But with so many different upright vacuums out there, choosing the right one can be confusing. Don't worry, we've got your back! This guide will explain the 5 most important things to look for when picking your perfect upright vacuum.
Think of it like choosing a superhero sidekick. These features are your superpowers, helping you clean every nook and cranny with ease. With the right ones on your side, you'll be a cleaning champion, leaving every inch of your home sparkling clean! So, let's ditch the confusing terms and focus on the key things that matter most – features that make cleaning easier and more effective.
5 Key Features to Look for When Buying an Upright Vacuum:
Cleaning Performance: Matching Muscle to Mess
The heart of any vacuum lies in its cleaning performance. Here's a breakdown of the crucial aspects to consider:
Suction Power: Measured in air watts (AW), suction power determines the vacuum's ability to lift dirt and debris. Higher AW ratings indicate stronger suction, ideal for deep cleaning carpets and tackling pet hair. However, keep in mind that high-powered vacuums might be overkill for bare floors and can consume more energy.
Floor Type Versatility: Does your home transition between plush carpets and gleaming hardwood? Look for a vacuum with adjustable settings for different floor types. A good upright will have a brush roll that can be turned off or adjusted for hard floors to prevent scratches and scattering debris. Some models even come with specialized floor heads for optimal cleaning on each surface.
Carpet Height Adjustment: Not all carpets are created equal. Choose a vacuum with adjustable carpet height settings to ensure the brush roll makes proper contact with both low-pile and high-pile carpets. This optimizes cleaning effectiveness and prevents the machine from struggling or damaging delicate rugs.
Filtration: Breathing Easy with Clean Air
Modern upright vacuums come equipped with filtration systems that trap dust, allergens, and even microscopic particles. Here's what to consider:
HEPA Filtration: For those with allergies or asthma, a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is a must-have. HEPA filters capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, significantly improving indoor air quality.
Washable vs. Replaceable Filters: Some vacuums boast washable filters, reducing replacement costs. However, washable filters may require more frequent cleaning to maintain optimal performance. Replaceable HEPA filters offer a hassle-free approach but add to the ongoing cost of ownership. Consider your budget and cleaning preferences when making this choice.
Exhaust Quality: Even with good filtration, some vacuums can re-circulate dust back into the air. Look for models with sealed filtration systems that minimize exhaust emissions, especially if allergy control is a priority.
Maneuverability: Conquering Corners and Furniture
A clunky vacuum can turn cleaning into a frustrating chore. Here's how to find a model that prioritizes ease of movement:
Weight and Size: Upright vacuums come in various weights and sizes. Lighter models offer better maneuverability, especially for navigating furniture and tight spaces. However, lighter vacuums might also have less powerful motors. Consider your priorities – maneuverability for tight spaces or raw cleaning power for deep cleaning.
Swivel Steering: A swiveling neck allows for effortless turns and navigation around furniture. This feature makes cleaning under tables, chairs, and around corners a breeze.
Headlight Visibility: For those who vacuum under furniture or in dimly lit areas, a built-in headlight can significantly improve visibility and ensure a thorough clean.
Convenience Features: Taking the Hassle Out of Cleaning
Modern upright vacuums come with a variety of features that enhance convenience and user experience:
Automatic Cord Rewind: No more wrestling with a tangled cord! This feature allows for effortless cord retraction with a simple button press.
Dustbin Capacity and Design: A larger dustbin capacity translates to fewer emptying interruptions. Look for a dustbin that's easy to detach, empty, and clean to minimize mess. Some models even have transparent bins for quick visual indication of fullness.
Tool Attachments: Many uprights come with a variety of tool attachments, such as crevice tools for tight spaces, upholstery brushes for furniture cleaning, and dusting brushes for delicate surfaces. These attachments offer versatility and allow you to tackle a wider range of cleaning tasks.
Noise Level: Finding Peace While Cleaning
Let's face it, vacuuming isn't exactly known for its peaceful ambiance. Here's how to minimize the noise factor:
Decibel (dB) Rating: Look for a vacuum with a lower decibel rating for quieter operation. Generally, vacuums under 70 dB are considered relatively quiet.
Variable Suction Settings: Using the lowest suction setting for bare floors or light cleaning tasks can significantly reduce noise levels.
By prioritizing these 5 key features, you've taken a significant step towards conquering the cleaning challenges of your large home. Upright vacuums, with their muscle for deep cleaning, effortless maneuverability, and convenient features, are the perfect allies for tackling vast expanses and leaving every corner sparkling clean.
Ready to find your perfect upright match? Don't hesitate to visit The Vacuum Store! Their knowledgeable staff can answer all your upright vacuum questions and guide you towards the ideal cleaning companion for your specific needs. From navigating different floor types to choosing the right attachments, The Vacuum Store empowers you to conquer every inch of your large home with confidence. Visit them today and unlock the cleaning efficiency you deserve!
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seowork24 · 20 hours
office flooring
When choosing office flooring, it's important to consider factors such as durability, ease of maintenance, noise reduction, comfort, and aesthetics. Here are some popular office flooring options:
Carpet Tiles:
Advantages: Noise reduction, comfort, easy to replace individual tiles, variety of colors and patterns.
Disadvantages: Can stain easily, requires regular cleaning.
Vinyl Flooring:
Advantages: Durable, water-resistant, easy to clean, available in various designs, including those that mimic wood or stone.
Disadvantages: Can be less comfortable underfoot, potential for scratches.
Laminate Flooring:
Advantages: Cost-effective, easy to install, durable, available in various styles.
Disadvantages: Less moisture-resistant than vinyl, can be noisy without proper underlayment.
Hardwood Flooring:
Advantages: Aesthetic appeal, long-lasting, can be refinished.
Disadvantages: Expensive, can scratch and dent, less moisture-resistant, requires regular maintenance.
Engineered Wood Flooring:
Advantages: More stable than solid wood, aesthetic appeal, easier installation, moisture-resistant.
Disadvantages: Can be expensive, not as long-lasting as solid hardwood.
Ceramic or Porcelain Tile:
Advantages: Extremely durable, water-resistant, easy to clean, available in various styles.
Disadvantages: Hard underfoot, can be cold, potential for grout lines to stain.
Rubber Flooring:
Advantages: Durable, comfortable, slip-resistant, noise-reducing, eco-friendly options available.
Disadvantages: Can be expensive, limited design options.
Concrete Flooring:
Advantages: Very durable, modern look, can be polished or stained for different effects.
Disadvantages: Hard underfoot, can be cold, requires sealing to prevent staining.
Linoleum Flooring:
Advantages: Eco-friendly, durable, easy to clean, available in various colors and patterns.
Disadvantages: Can be damaged by excessive moisture, may require occasional sealing.
The best choice for office flooring depends on the specific needs and preferences of the office environment, including the amount of foot traffic, the desired aesthetic, and budget constraints.
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floorsubatl495 · 1 day
The Essential Guide to Flooring Subcontractors: Why You Should Hire Them for Your Next Project
When it comes to home improvement and construction projects, flooring is one of the most critical components. A well-chosen and expertly installed floor can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a space, increase its functionality, and boost property value. While some homeowners and contractors might consider taking on flooring projects themselves, the benefits of hiring a flooring subcontractor are numerous and substantial. Flooring subcontractors bring specialized skills, knowledge, and experience that can make a significant difference in the outcome of a project. In this article, we will explore the role of flooring subcontractors, the advantages of hiring them, and the considerations to keep in mind when selecting the right professional for your needs.
The Role of Flooring Subcontractors
Flooring subcontractors are specialists in the installation, repair, and maintenance of various types of flooring materials, including hardwood, laminate, tile, carpet, vinyl, and more. They work under the direction of general contractors, homeowners, or business owners to ensure that the flooring aspect of a project is executed to perfection. Their responsibilities typically include:
Assessment and Consultation: Flooring subcontractors assess the space, determine the appropriate materials and methods for the job, and provide expert advice on design and functionality.
Preparation: This includes removing old flooring, leveling subfloors, and preparing the surface to ensure a smooth and durable installation.
Installation: Flooring subcontractors have the tools and expertise to install various flooring materials with precision, ensuring a professional finish.
Finishing Touches: This can involve sanding, staining, sealing, or applying any other necessary treatments to enhance the appearance and longevity of the floor.
Maintenance and Repairs: They also offer services for maintaining and repairing existing flooring, extending its lifespan and keeping it looking its best.
Advantages of Hiring Flooring Subcontractors
Expertise and Experience
One of the most compelling reasons to hire flooring subcontractors is their specialized expertise and extensive experience. Flooring installation requires a deep understanding of different materials, techniques, and tools. Subcontractors have honed their skills through years of practice and can navigate the complexities of various flooring projects with ease. This expertise ensures that the job is done right the first time, minimizing the risk of errors and costly rework.
Quality of Work
The quality of workmanship provided by professional flooring subcontractors is typically superior to that of DIY projects or general contractors who do not specialize in flooring. Subcontractors are familiar with industry best practices and adhere to high standards to deliver a flawless finish. Their attention to detail ensures that seams are tight, patterns are aligned, and transitions between different flooring types are seamless.
Time Efficiency
Flooring projects can be time-consuming, particularly for those who lack experience. Flooring subcontractors work efficiently, using their knowledge and tools to complete the job in a fraction of the time it might take an amateur. This efficiency not only reduces the overall duration of the project but also minimizes disruption to your home or business.
While hiring a flooring subcontractor involves an upfront cost, it can be more cost-effective in the long run. Professional installation reduces the likelihood of mistakes that could lead to expensive repairs or premature replacement. Subcontractors also have access to industry discounts on materials and can help you choose cost-effective options without compromising on quality.
Access to Professional Tools and Materials
Flooring subcontractors come equipped with specialized tools that are often expensive and impractical for homeowners to purchase. These tools enable precise cuts, smooth finishes, and efficient installations. Additionally, subcontractors have access to high-quality materials and can recommend the best products for your specific needs and budget.
Compliance with Building Codes and Standards
Building codes and standards vary by location and can be complex to navigate. Flooring subcontractors are well-versed in local regulations and ensure that your project complies with all necessary codes. This compliance is crucial for safety, durability, and potential resale value.
Warranty and Insurance
Reputable flooring subcontractors often provide warranties on their work, giving you peace of mind that any issues will be addressed promptly and professionally. Furthermore, they carry liability insurance, which protects you from any damages or accidents that might occur during the project.
Considerations When Hiring a Flooring Subcontractor
Research and Recommendations
Start by researching local flooring subcontractors and seeking recommendations from friends, family, or online reviews. Look for subcontractors with a proven track record of successful projects and satisfied clients.
Credentials and Experience
Verify the credentials and experience of potential subcontractors. Ensure they are licensed, bonded, and insured. Ask about their experience with the specific type of flooring you want to install and request to see examples of their previous work.
Written Estimates and Contracts
Obtain written estimates from multiple subcontractors to compare costs and services. Make sure the estimate includes all aspects of the project, such as materials, labor, and any additional fees. Once you select a subcontractor, insist on a detailed written contract that outlines the scope of work, timeline, payment schedule, and warranty information.
Communication and Professionalism
Effective communication is key to a successful project. Choose a subcontractor who is responsive, listens to your needs, and communicates clearly. Professionalism and reliability are also important indicators of a subcontractor’s commitment to quality work.
Project Timeline
Discuss the project timeline with your subcontractor and ensure it aligns with your schedule. Be aware that unforeseen issues can arise, but a reliable subcontractor will keep you informed and work diligently to stay on track.
Material Selection
Work closely with your subcontractor to select the best materials for your project. Consider factors such as durability, maintenance, cost, and aesthetic appeal. A knowledgeable subcontractor can guide you in making informed decisions.
Hiring a flooring subcontractor is a wise investment for any flooring project. Their specialized skills, experience, and access to professional tools and materials ensure a high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective installation. By entrusting your flooring needs to a professional, you can enjoy a beautiful, durable floor that enhances the overall value and appeal of your home or business. Whether you are renovating a single room or undertaking a large-scale construction project, a flooring subcontractor can provide the expertise and peace of mind you need to achieve exceptional results.
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vaibhav-888 · 2 days
What are the best flooring options for office interiors in Delhi?
Title: Elevate Your Workspace: Choosing the Best Flooring Options for Office Interiors in Delhi
Selecting the right flooring for office interiors in Delhi is crucial for creating a functional, aesthetically pleasing, and durable workspace. With the city's bustling business landscape and diverse climate conditions, it's essential to choose flooring options that can withstand high foot traffic, fluctuating temperatures, and occasional humidity. Let's explore some of the best flooring options for office interiors in Delhi, considering factors such as durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal.
Vinyl Flooring: Vinyl flooring is a popular choice for office interiors in Delhi due to its durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. Available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures, vinyl flooring offers endless design possibilities to suit any office aesthetic. Additionally, vinyl flooring is water-resistant and easy to clean, making it ideal for Delhi's climate, where occasional humidity and monsoon rains are common.
Carpet Tiles: Carpet tiles are another excellent flooring option for office interiors in Delhi, offering comfort, noise reduction, and design flexibility. Carpet tiles are easy to install, replace, and maintain, making them a practical choice for high-traffic areas such as office corridors and communal spaces. Additionally, carpet tiles come in a variety of colors and patterns, allowing businesses to create custom designs that reflect their brand identity and style.
Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are a durable and versatile flooring option that is well-suited for office interiors in Delhi. Porcelain tiles are resistant to stains, scratches, and moisture, making them ideal for areas prone to spills and heavy foot traffic. Additionally, porcelain tiles come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and finishes, allowing businesses to achieve a sleek, modern look or a more traditional aesthetic, depending on their preferences.
Engineered Wood Flooring: Engineered wood flooring offers the natural beauty of hardwood with added durability and stability, making it an excellent choice for office interiors in Delhi. Unlike solid hardwood, engineered wood flooring is less susceptible to warping and moisture damage, making it suitable for Delhi's climate conditions. Additionally, engineered wood flooring is available in a variety of wood species, finishes, and plank sizes, allowing businesses to create a warm, inviting ambiance in their office spaces.
Laminate Flooring: Laminate flooring is a cost-effective alternative to hardwood and engineered wood flooring, offering durability, ease of maintenance, and a wide range of design options. Laminate flooring is resistant to scratches, stains, and fading, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas such as office lobbies and reception areas. Additionally, laminate flooring is available in a variety of wood, stone, and tile designs, allowing businesses to achieve the look of natural materials without the associated maintenance and cost.
Concrete Flooring: Concrete flooring is a durable and low-maintenance option for office interiors in Delhi, offering a modern and industrial aesthetic. With proper sealing and finishing, concrete flooring can withstand heavy foot traffic, spills, and stains, making it suitable for high-traffic areas such as office cafeterias and breakrooms. Additionally, concrete flooring can be polished, stained, or stamped to create custom designs and patterns that complement the overall design scheme of the office space.
Rubber Flooring: Rubber flooring is a resilient and slip-resistant option that is ideal for office interiors in Delhi, particularly in areas prone to moisture and spills. Rubber flooring is easy to clean, comfortable to walk on, and provides excellent sound absorption, making it suitable for open-plan office environments. Additionally, rubber flooring is available in a variety of colors and textures, allowing businesses to create visually appealing and functional spaces that promote employee comfort and well-being.
In conclusion, choosing the best flooring options for office interiors in Delhi requires careful consideration of factors such as durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. Whether it's vinyl flooring for its versatility and water resistance, carpet tiles for their comfort and design flexibility, or porcelain tiles for their durability and modern aesthetic, there are plenty of options available to suit every business's needs and preferences in the vibrant business landscape of Delhi. One can achieve these by getting in touch with the renowned design and build firm such as Flipspaces, who can help
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commercialflooring · 3 days
Enjoy The Cosy Warmth of Engineered Timber Flooring in Melbourne
People want to choose flooring that is both pleasant to the eye and cosy for their feet. Because engineered timber flooring in Melbourne satisfies all standards for flooring solutions, reputable businesses dealing with various types of flooring solutions provide it. The flooring gives the house a cosy, natural feel, and it's incredibly easy to maintain, making it perfect for those with hectic schedules. Because engineered wood is very resistant to wear and tear and doesn't produce a lot of sawdust, it is quite beneficial in the long run.
Floor sanding and polishing in Melbourne is essential after some time and timber flooring specialists offer this service. Laminate flooring has grown in popularity over time and some of the most well-liked varieties are Mako, Apra, and Neve laminate flooring, among others. Due to its outstanding quality and reasonable price, laminate flooring is a popular choice among Melbourne residents. Because laminate flooring is more durable, they last longer. All that is required to achieve a cleaner look is to quickly remove any dirt using an anti-static mop.
Parquetry flooring is becoming increasingly popular since they look great and give a home's interiors a certain character. Furthermore, European parquetry is more exquisite than regular parquetry and gives the home a distinct flair. This type of flooring is not limited to residential usage; it is also widely used in business spaces, such as workplaces.
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The Benefits of Choosing Timber Flooring Over Other Solutions
Environmentally Sustainable: When the flooring solution has to be replaced, there won't be any environmental impact because it's made of wood. Greenhouse gas emissions can be decreased by letting the trash decompose naturally.
Value for Money: Because of its longevity, the flooring solution provides a high return on investment over time, even if it is more expensive than other solutions. The flooring may endure for many years if it is kept correctly, thus basic upkeep costs are minimal and money only need to be paid once.
Stepping on a timber floor feels good for your feet because of its softness hencemost people choose hardwood because it feels naturally warm and is more resistant to temperature fluctuations. To turn your home into a tiny bit of heaven on earth, get in contact with the best flooring businesses.
Source: https://floorsandingmalvern.blogspot.com/2024/07/enjoy-cosy-warmth-of-engineered-timber.html
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