#Corruption’s Embrace
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socialc1imb · 3 months ago
“And when it stares…
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Anyone played the OOT Rom Hack Corruption’s Embrace? No? Just me?
Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
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maskenjager · 1 month ago
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Stay your pretty eyes on course
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the-bloodline-embrace · 2 months ago
( @yellow-rose-embalmer )
Aesop arrives, holding himself upright as ever, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before properly approaching. "...I think enough time has passed." He decides not to mention that it has only been a few days since the last meeting. He also chooses to ignore that he did not fully understand the instructions he was given, to wait until he'd cleared his head somewhat. What he did do, was hand over a letter, carefully folded and sealed, handwriting clearly measured, as if the words were considered before writing them down. "I believe something with as much weight as what you had given me previously warrants a proper response... take as long as you need." Once the paper is taken, Aesop folds his hands in front of him and waits.
[Eternity is a long time to wait, I more than know that. Even if I have not existed within it, it is what I have learned to deal with. I will not pretend to know your situation, I will not pretend I do not wish for you to finally rest, but... not looking for allies, yet not wanting to be alone. It is hard for me to separate friends and allies, but... I suppose someone outside of everything you have would be pleasant.
I have learned of many belief systems, but... I personally struggle to see luck as much of a factor. We have much in common, yes, but... who is to say that is entirely good? I had to pause when you described me as 'disillusioned', but... it makes sense. Regrettably. Perhaps I thought that with how little I had known you and how I had been expected to act around those of your status, everything could be taken away easily. I was also too eager to receive the title of 'friend', with how little I had heard it, even if I knew nothing of what lay within.
I do not know if my head is as clear as you would like, but... I do not wish to make you wait forever. You said eternity is too long to spend alone, after all.]
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vm-haunts · 4 months ago
One troupe I'll never get tired of in this crossover is Danny and co. being more human and alive than whatever human and alive people they're interacting with.
And don't get me wrong they should also be uncanny as hell, but at the same time they're also so very human. And that would be the most unsettling part of it all.
Idk I just love dismantling the xenophobia. They're so obviously not human, except they are also the most human anyone can be.
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maifazcomics · 4 days ago
So uh... my kind has been looping (spiraling?) about three things lately I'd say
First how this game showcases mental illness and the path to becoming a better person. Partly because I wrote something like this before, in my first comic (I'm not Sam though lol). How Alan was legit a deeply flawed guy and how letting other people help him, remembering his love for Alice and accepting his dark side made him finally get out of this hell. It's beautiful, I could write about how Alan is such an interesting character for days and days
And thirdly... God. Dude. I wasn't expecting Zane/Darling yaoi man. Like. One of the things that makes me love Alan Wake the character is how he's played by one guy and voiced by other. It's such a clunky thing from the past that makes him feel unique and in a way eerie/inhuman. Then, you make each one play a different character by themselves, which is nice. THEN YOU MAKE THEM INTERACT IN THE MOST FUCKING HOMOEROTIC 2 MINUTE CUTSCENE EVER. LIKE BRO. WAS ALAN BORN FROM OLD MAN YAOI. BY SAY GEX. I WANY MORE OF THESE FUCKING GAY BITCHES OR ELSE I'M GOING TO FINLAND AND [redacted]
My pen tip broke and I have some commishs to do so I hope to get some art going. But I can say for sure that trying to adapt Ilkka Villi is already being a challenge for my anime-adjacent artsyle
Alan Wake my babygirl you will always be loved even if you did tons of cocaine and shit
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confusedasever · 2 months ago
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Dark and silent nights are all the await The Serpent the only sound his desperate pleas of sanity.
As if anything that monstrous could have ever been human. All it is, is a festering pit of lies and deceit.
Janus remains the least corrupted mentally. Keeping all his memories while watching his body succumb more and more to the corruption he desperately tries to fight off. He tried to rally together the remnants of his family but all of them have their own issues that seem so much more important than returning to their human forms.
“Virgil?” He asks but all Virgil can focus on is his lack of a concrete identity how he’ll never truly fit into the family he loves so dearly.
“Logan?” He cried but all Logan can pay attention to is how his own cries are ignored by the people he craves attention from. How he can know so much yet be so foolish.
He stares at Candyland and sees no remains of Remus within those empty eyes. His family truly is gone.
The Serpent will never accept this though, he will eternally fight to fix the mistakes he made. To put them once again on the right path.
[Artist notes: this is one of the drawings I’m able to see such a startling difference on compared to the old one. I procrastinated it so much lmao but it’s here now and that’s what matters. Now time to procrastinate drawing Hardwire while I contemplate why I gave them such terrible names. Wonderlust? Hardwire? What kind of weird sexual innuendos are those? Ugh….whatever I’ll fix it one day….Maybe?….. at least the buttons look nice and his mouth eye looks like a frown I have that going for me]
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javierduffy · 4 months ago
nothing, just thinking about how javier is so coyote-coded and low honor arthur is represented by a coyote …
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magpod-confessions · 10 months ago
I think one of my favorite parts of the tma universe is how hard it is to put the fears in specific boxes. There are so many things that are still hard to contain into specifics and I love that. Sometimes I like to think of kinda vague ones just to try and think on what they could be. Like, being lost in a mall for example. There are so many different things it could be! You gotta get not the real specifics, what part of it is making you afraid, to put it into a category. Are you afraid of the being lost, not knowing where you’re going or how o get out? Are you afraid of the openness, how big the building is? Are you afraid of the not knowing where the people you came with are, maybe finding yourself without anyone with you? Even something simpler like being hit by a car! Are you scared of the possible death or the brutality of it?
anyways I just think it’s neat :]
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scrumptiousstuffs · 8 months ago
“Will you (fans) still called me cute when I am holding so many weapons?” Khaotung
Credit on the video
(Khao is being whiny cause fans keep saying he looks adorable holding a gun 🤣)
But can you blame the fans….i mean, look at him ⬇️
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Credit on the photos
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nullians · 1 year ago
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For you are ash, and to ash you shall return.
I've recently remembered about this piece by @perelka-l and couldn't sleep until these came out from under my pen. Go check out her stuff!! (Especially if you're into actual Naruto >:3)
May fate have mercy on those who crawl back bleeding in hopes of earning belonging, as well as those who decide to purge what they deem beyond saving, even if it's their own home.
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kavalyera · 4 months ago
the devil tempts my hand into making a ventrue rp blog
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irkimatsu · 6 months ago
I love complaints about how reader-insert fics are just an excuse to write smut. You're damn right it is
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auranovabloggers · 4 months ago
Rise of the Corrupted Xiāns
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Happy Halloween as I present to you this incredible art that I made for a Darkstalkers Tribute Fanzine that I was honored to be a part of. 😈 As Cryas Darkstalkers is my thing, I had to find a way to represent my designs of the characters. So, what better way than to draw these dangerous, eerie forms of the Shao sisters? But now, with some touch ups! I have gone through the effort of fully redesigning the markings that adorn their bodies. I actually have a reference for the markings:
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The scripts you see are ancient forms of 仙 or xiān. Considering their training was around the practician of Xiānshù and their village was named Xiān Mén Cūn, it stands to reason that the Xiān play an important part with Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling. And considering their long-life spans after becoming jiangshi, one could say they are 'immortal'. And with these forms coming from influence of Corriyami, a substance that can 'corrupt' life forms, one could say they are like corrupted Xiān in the flesh. So it works together to give the sisters unique markings that are more specific to them both and their heritage.
This piece also serves as further practice into my take of basically the MvC2 art style and I am extremely proud how this came to look! New layer tricks and simplifying the sketch lines in the shaded areas. Some lighting stuff here and there. And another update to their designs to add natural lip colors to them. Hard to see a bit, especially on Hsien-Ko, but they are there! 😄
I just adore the way both sisters look. Hsien-Ko looking like an absolutely feral, battle hungry warrior ready to absolutely tear those who oppose her and her big sister. Mei-Ling calmly, yet menacingly commanding the shadow that flows from what was her arms. And with the way I composed the flow of this piece, it even looks like she is commanding Hsien-Ko with just a simple gesture... maybe even controlling her? Ooooo!
Speaking of Mei-Ling's shadow, I fully updated it with a brand-new look. While the blue/purple colors are still there to represent the Corriyami that flows in her veins, there is now this shimmering yellow energy that coats the flowing form. This energy is meant to be her own qì, as the original intent I always had was for her shadow to be a mixture of both her qì and Corriyami. With the color choices, it better reflects that and even has some fun color theory going on with complimentary colors. 😄
At this point, I am basically waffling on. Honestly, I hope you adore this art and can feel the passion I put into this. I truly thought I wasn't gonna be able to make the deadline for the zine. But then the motivation kicked in. The motivation to make incredible art of the two characters I hold dear! 🥹🩵💛
I'll leave you with two last things. First, a grayscale version of the piece for maximum spooky factor!
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And most importantly, a link to the full version of the Darkstalkers Tribute Fanzine of 2024!
I implore you to give it a good look and see all the incredible art and passion of every artist that contributed to this. 🤩
And have a safe and most fun filled night on this eve of Hallow. 🎃🦇🌑
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confusedasever · 10 months ago
Corrupted au Patton 🤍🖤 The Righteous
(Fun fact I never finished his old official drawing which was done on FlipaClip btw all my old drawings were done on FlipaClip)
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!Important reminder when I’m talking about The Righteous I’m not talking about Patton. These two characters do not act in all that similar of a manner. Do not hold The Righteous’s actions against Patton!
The Righteous is the manifestation of light and holiness. With him you’ll find nothing but love warmth and acceptance. What you cannot change you must embrace.
He is the leader of the light sides, consisting of The Righteous and the creativity twins they believe that Thomas should embrace corruption as a form of enlightenment. The Righteous believes this happened for a reason, that they were blessed with these transformations for a purpose. A chance to change the world for the better. A chance to change Thomas for the better. He wants to spread the word, let everyone know that it is okay. To embrace the light. To embrace his ways, his mentality.
Candyland is his most loyal follower, the two are dead set on converting the dark sides to their ways. Determined to fix their family and set them all on the path of righteousness. He will fix everything. You just have to trust him.
One question that was asked back in “ye olden days” of this au was “Where’s Thomas?” And the best answer I have is: he is alive!Although how well can you be when every asset of your personality is slowly warping into the worst versions of themselves? I’m sure he’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.
Next up is either Logan/Janus/Roman/Emile idk which
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thermodynamic-comedian · 1 year ago
basically the way i come up with new tma ships is. wouldn't it be interesting if these characters had something. how would they change each other. which is why so many of them include jonah magnus. he is the most fun to put into situations
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esteemed-excellency · 10 months ago
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I don't talk much about Hiram and the Commissioner but since I played motr I picture them as old friends who fell out of touch after a while. They still have a common goal, and even though he's helping her with the railway as she helped him find a home back in the day, their personalities are just too different now. But they both went through a lot.
Maybe they should meet more often again and have a nice talk.
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