#but I just itch to question that
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vm-haunts · 4 months ago
One troupe I'll never get tired of in this crossover is Danny and co. being more human and alive than whatever human and alive people they're interacting with.
And don't get me wrong they should also be uncanny as hell, but at the same time they're also so very human. And that would be the most unsettling part of it all.
Idk I just love dismantling the xenophobia. They're so obviously not human, except they are also the most human anyone can be.
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Okay wait so
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Jikishirone is a witch as she acquired the Oracle Majik so is she just like. chilling in her inner world while the majik pilots her body?
Also you can be forced to acquire a majik?? Was that the case for Jikishirone or did she actually fully agree and they just assumed cause forcing is Oracle's usual MO?
Does she watch what her body is doing from the inner world like Ichi did in the last chapter? If she was forced into this would she even want to?
Does Oracle talk to her? Does Oracle even like her? How does she feel about Oracle? If they wanted could they swap who's in control?
Also also why was she in a coma in the first place!
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padawansuggest · 1 year ago
Obi-Wan, 14, after exactly one explanation of how to shave, in which his eyes were glazed over and he seriously considered a gender change so he could backtrack on this specific puberty and try the other one instead, -he heard Stewjoni periods aren’t that bad and he won’t have to upkeep his face every day, how long does it take to cultivate a beard so he doesn’t have to shave again???- takes the razor from his master, disappears into the bathroom, and then appears in the doorway straight outta Qui-Gon’s worst night terrors -the ones that were real and involved waking up to a Padawan having had a vision while still speaking dead languages and asking for flesh holding JUST SAY HUG YOU LITTLE SHIT- and they stare at each other for like twenty seconds straight without blinking before Qui-Gon’s shoulders sag and he lets out a sigh they’re gonna feel in the force all over this temple for days.
‘Where did your eyebrows go?’
‘They were itchy too.’
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queenaeducan · 2 months ago
Veilguard as a sequel is deeply frustrating to me bc so much of Inquisition (and to differing extents DA:O/DA2 as well) is about uncovering the truth at the heart of history's myths/lies at the heart of the institutions that make society run and Veilguard as a game seems disinterested in engaging w/ them.
Cassandra's personal quest uncovering that the secret of Tranquility having a cure has been known by the Order for centuries, Ameridan being a Dalish elf of dual faiths, the truth behind what happened at Red Crossing, that Elvhenan was an empire that did what empires do best, that Valta was kicked from Orzammar for being honest about the King's connection with the Carta, the reveal of the Titans themselves being a discover of buried history at long last come to light.
And to go further back, discovering things like the Ashes, or the truth of the werewolves in the Brecilian Forest, or the truth of Orzammar's golems. Finding and grappling with the truth of ugly history and healing and moving forward. Sometimes with sacrifice.
Only for Veilguard to offer the same solutions that we saw in past games were band-aids, slapped over the wounds of the past. We find out elves were spirits, that the evanuris made and harnessed the Blight, that the Titans were made Tranquil at the hands of the gods, and... let's just keep it with people we trust, guys.
Because keeping the secret of Tranquility worked well for the Seekers, and wasn't the final straw on the camel's back for the mage rebellion. Because people might think elves are demons* and the world doesn't need any more reasons to treat elves poorly. Because the dwarves don't deserve to learn about their own history, except in a short cutscene at the end of Harding's quest that only seems to serve the purpose of them being able to move on as quickly as possible.
For a game that reveals so much about the world's past it seems fundamentally disinterested in engaging in it on any satisfying level. Even on a personal level in Bellara and Harding's quests it falls so flat. It seems mostly interested in shoving the past back in a closet so we can continue on as normal in case there's a DA5.
*I wonder if there's some physical barrier between us and the world of spirits that might make those assumptions easier to have? Eh. Probably not important. Definitely not worth asking questions about.
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sunshine-girl-shines · 2 months ago
Peter is driving me absolutely insane
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pallanophblargh · 1 year ago
Post-vacation clarity in the form of... word vomit? Sure!
First: so very lucky. So very fortunate. Grateful. That I FINALLY got to cross off a bucket-list vacation and see some massive trees and beautiful mountains. Everything I could have imagined! And it's definitely worthy of a re-visit, once time has passed and I've recovered financially.
Second: I'm so amused that my slight trepidation regarding the potential for "culture shock" was unwarranted. See, if you're a rather unsocial midwesterner schooled in the ways of "Minnesota Nice" aka Advanced Passive Aggression, you might be worried about venturing into more direct/easygoing/outgoing cultures. I was delighted to take a vacation from blatant pettiness and passive aggression during my time out west. And honestly? I miss it. San Francisco was pretty agreeable, all things considered, and I will make a point to revisit.
Third: I loved taking the train! And at the same time, I'm heartbroken for the way passenger trains have to operate in this shithole country. Please. I just want so many trains. At all hours, in every direction. And, if it's NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE, for assholes to not drag enormous tractor tires onto the tracks. (Fuck you, Utah.)
In conclusion: I'm so happy I went, and now I have to go through my photos while I reluctantly pick up where I left off here. And yes, California, if I can, I absolutely will be back. Thanks for having us.
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years ago
The Archeron Sisters, the Artistic Expression of the Self, & the Mating Bond
Throughout ACOTAR, each Archeron sister has three important components coloring their respective stories: an artistic expression of the self, a healing journey aligned with that expression, and an entwining of that expression with their endgame romantic partner. For Feyre, that expression is painting, for Nesta it's music and dance, and for Elain, theoretically, it is baking and gardening.
On the other side, each sister also has a more warlike aspect of the Self, which is embraced throughout the series, and serves as a dichotomy to the "softer" natures of their personalities. For instance, Feyre is well known to be a huntress, and Nesta establishes herself as a Valkyrie/warrior. Elain's more "warlike" side is yet to be explored.
For the purposes of considering how Elain's story will progress, I will be focusing moreso on the artistic expression of the Self as it pertains to her sisters, and how it serves as a sacred tool to strengthen the connection between her sisters and their mates. (I mainly introduced the warlike self to bring up some questions about Elain at the end.) Disclaimer: I am not mentioning ANY ship in relation to Elain here. I just want to put the information out there and let people think on it.
Feyre: Artist/Huntress
Early on in ACOTAR, we learn two things about Feyre: she is a hunter (her "warlike self") and an artist. We learn painting is an important outlet for her which she uses to "brighten" the dark spaces of the Archeron's home. We see her journey with her art blossom, unravel, and come back even stronger. It's such an integral part of her character that Rhy's first introduction to her, after the initial series of random images, was of her hand painting:
"until one of the images was of a hand...This beautiful, human hand. Holding a brush. Painting -- flowers on a table."
Later, in ACOMAF, we know her struggles with PTSD kept her from being able to paint anything, gradually getting inspiration for paintings as the story progresses, until she is finally able to paint something again -- on Rhys.
"I had just painted something. On him. For him. I'd--painted again."
Rhys, despite not being an artist himself, mirrors this action by painting on Feyre before they make love after culminating their mating bond:
"he took that hand and traced a circle around my breast, then lower, until he painted a downward arrow beneath my belly button"
So, here we see Rhys, her mate, entwined with her artistic expression of the Self; painting. We can also see how her painting played a major role in her healing and rediscovering herself and self sovereignty.
Nesta: Dancer(Music-Lover)/Warrior
In ACOSF, we learn from Elain that Nesta is a prolific dancer with a seemingly spiritual connection to music:
"(Nesta) was trained in dance from a very young age. She loves it, and music...in the way that performers make an art of it."
"You haven't seen her on the dance floor. That's when Nesta truly lets the wolf roam free. When there's music."
We see glimpses of moments throughout ACOSF when Nesta seeks out music as a respite from her suffering:
"when he'd dragged (Nesta) out of a particular seedy tavern, (she revealed) she had been there for the music"
She even uses musicality to describe her love for Cassian:
“Nesta could have sworn the blade hanging from her belt hummed in answer. As if it liked the sound of his voice as much as she did”
“For it was music between their souls. Always had been. And his voice was her favorite melody.”
Later on, Cassian "(finds) a way for her to have music --always" by gifting her the Symphonia, revealing that he traveled to all of her favorite taverns to record her favorite songs and that he got the musicians in the Hewn City to perform their entire set just for her. Additionally, he learns how to dance for her so they can share a dance in Hewn City, thus entwining himself with both of Nesta's artistic expressions of the Self.
With both Feyre and Nesta, their two "expressions" are present right before an intense moment of connection with their mate. With Feyre and Rhys, they make love in paint after she had a burst of inspiration to paint the entire cabin. With Nesta and Cassian, she is gifted the Symphonia and then they make love after her successful dance-mission in Hewn City. Both females master that part of themselves in some way before the mate steps in to honor that part of their soul, mirroring it back to them in some way, before they deeply connect.
Elain: Baking & Gardening / ???
For Elain, I have a few questions to present for consideration:
We have already seen how baking and gardening has a healing effect on Elain - is this her own artistic expression of the Self? If the beautiful Bread and Roses theory stands, then I would say yes. (I would also say this helps strengthen the Bread & Roses theory, simply because the imagery has now presented itself as something important enough to be noticed by Bryce). I believe to confirm this, we either need her POV to explain her own connection to these things, or someone else's observance of how she makes baking and gardening an artform.
Who in the series is already "entwined" in Elain's love for baking and gardening? (I'm talking powerful imagery, I'm talking shared moments, etc etc.)
What is Elain's dark side? We know she has the moniker of Kingslayer, we know she has Seer abilities; are these aspects of her dark side or is it something else we haven't yet explored? Since each of her sisters has these dualities present, it would only make sense that she has a dualistic nature as well.
How will Elain's baking and gardening continue to contribute to her story, her self sovereignty?
How will it lead to the culmination of her union with her chosen romantic partner? (This is just fun to think about, tbh. How is this going to manifest narratively? Are they making love in a field of flowers? Is she going to be gifted flowers?? The possibilities are endless, and, quite frankly, cute as hell.)
Either way, if we follow the same format as her sisters, we can start to imagine different possibilities for the path that Elain's journey will take. Especially if we look at it through this lens. Personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Elain's "warlike" side is, or how that will even manifest itself in a way that is in character for her.
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spitblaze · 8 months ago
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ballwizard · 1 year ago
told my little sister if she solved a slide puzzle (4x4) i would take her and her boyfriend to the mall. professor laytons influence claims another soul
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This is what binding with tape is like.
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years ago
(not a pr0mpt)
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“I think I know what your problem is.”
Villain ignored the fact that Hero had snuck in. She was already there- no need wasting breath on how. “I don’t remember having a problem.”
Hero was sat on the windowsill as Villain now noticed. Her feet dangled against the wall, beside the sink. “You try too hard. You feel yourself slipping into a good mood so you destroy yourself for it. Darkness is comfort.”
“Poetic,” Villain remarked.
“I’m serious.”
“As am I.”
Hero sighed from her place in Villain’s home. “Why do you do it?” she asked finally. Villain could tell the question had been weighing on her. All those times she fell behind on his schemes- when she’d look him in the eye, and Villain could see there was something missing. It had been an answer. “What are you trying to prove to yourself?”
“You’re troubled.”
“I’m not,” Hero argued. “You are.” But Villain knew better.
He sat at the kitchen island. Putting an arm out in a welcoming manner, Villain invited Hero to sit, as well.
She shook her head at first. Expected.
“I won’t bite,” Villain assured.
Still, she seemed uncomfortable. Villain didn’t push any further in that regard, but he did say, “Tell me, then.”
Villain blew a cold breath against the surface of his coffee before taking a sip. "Tell me what doubts you're having."
With a scoff, Hero kicked her feet against the wall, propelling herself off the windowsill and onto the ground. Her feet landed with a soft thud. She raised a finger but Villain cut her off-
"You're defensive. That means I'm right." He took another long sip of his coffee. Hummed. "Did you expect me to be bothered that you broke in?"
Given her strawberry cheeks, Villain imagined so. He shrugged. It wasn't his problem; he was just making coffee. What could Hero do to stop him?
"Listen," Villain said, "I'm not in the mood for an emotional interrogation, so why don't you sit down and I'll make you a warm mug of coffee."
When she didn't respond, Villain volunteered himself anyway. He stood from the kitchen island and abandoned his mug to pluck another from the cabinet. "French vanilla or caramel macchiato?" he asked, as he then opened the fridge.
"You drink your coffee black?" Villain wasn't sure why this made him smile, but it did.
"If it's not a dark roast, yes."
"It's light."
She nodded. "Then nothing in it. Please. Uh- thank you."
"That means you'll have a cup with me?"
Hero nodded. When Villain placed the mug in front of her, she watched the steam rising from it- considered it as if it were poisoned straight from the pot. "Villain?" she said, and swallowed. "I have something to tell you."
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crescentfool · 1 year ago
5, 9 and 16 for that artist ask meme!
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
this one was kind of hard to answer because i lean so much more to simplification over 1:1 detail... that said, i really loved these ones!
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the bag from the top photo is from here, minato nui on left is from some con-related draws, the ballpoint splatling on right is from a vintage draws compilation!
i just really enjoy drawing little objects and props, and as much as i'm allergic to backgrounds, i hope to overcome that next year because my friends know i love getting obsessed over random objects for a few days...
9. any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
i haven't gotten to do much mediums outside of digital art unfortunately.... but i would say this year was the year of chibification! i turned so many characters into little guys this year (shoutout to the nui tree!). which is really ironic because i also realized this year i find full illustrations more satisfying to work on throughout the process, despite the "simplicity" of chibis.
i did some limited color styles too! (blue, purple, and red + b/w). hopefully i can do more deliberate color palette stuffs though. i think it'd be a great exercise.
stylistically wise i think i could've tried more, but. its ok! thats what 2024 is for. yipee!
16. favorite piece of art from someone else (if you have one)
it feels like a cop out answer to say this but any gift art i got of my splatoon character... LOL... i didn't expect to get so attached to him (i changed my name in game to minatoast a JOKE!!!!). um. drops this gallery link here and scuttles away. im so very grateful. you're telling me people actually took time out of their day to draw my little guy? incredible!
ocs aside, i'd like to take the time to highlight some art from people on twitter (kitaro havers rise up!), since i do consider the things i reblog to be art i'm very fond of...
this art from tin of ryomina with flowers is so. oh my god. i was SO BEWILDERED AND HAPPY!!! i was minding my own business and then saw this rt'd on one of my friend's pages... i forget who lol but i was like "WAIT TIN Kick_TheeCan DREW RYOMINA??? I LOVE THEIR ART OF THE P3 PROTAG WHAT." i feel like i got pushed down a staircase in tartarus (positive)
and this art from chris (str3wberryy), my god, the composition fucks severely. i want to eat it. he also has an alt account on twitter (@/makotoyukilover) if you want to see more of their p3 protag arts :D
i also enjoyed seeing p3 arts from yamad_125, BSZZOWL, and elulit2. im so serious if you like ryominaigis you'll probably like taking a gander at these artist's media tabs! i find my way to see the twitter arts one way or another, nothing can stop me 👁👄👁
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chiimeramanticore · 25 days ago
it's like, day 4 of packing charm orders and i'm itching to talk about part of the band... consider sending asks? :]c
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freuleinanna · 2 years ago
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The monkey chatters sharply. Marisa glares. Hateful creatures, both of them, she thinks, like broken mirrors only capable of showing the worst parts. Their worst parts have grown wild in isolation, clashing all the time. Following an impulse, she holds his gaze, then sinks to her knees, leans forward – then, after a moment of consideration, growls. Her upper lip curls to show teeth. Vocal cords strain dangerously. A menacing grumble is rolling somewhere so deep in her throat she didn't know a sound like that could be produced. Her daemon drops to all fours and mirrors the note, prowling toward her. Golden fur on his neck bristles, he even paws at the ground a couple of times as if aiming for a blow. He wouldn't dare, and neither would she, but both feel rabid for wanting to. Snarling, they inch the distance between them and stare at each other, face to face – repulsive, repulsed, and ugly.
Marisa x daemon + exiled together, in wait of a trial after Edward's death.
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pineappical · 1 year ago
what are some your hc’s for tedtrent!! go crazy please!! :))
oh man oh man i know i have a whole bunch of them that i cannot for the life of me remember on the top of my head rn, which is why this ask is taking so long for me to answer but HMM...
i know that people like to make Trent out to be this, experienced Elder Gay type of guy but in my heart i know he's just as inexperienced to it as Ted (who, in my head, is bisexual, recently found out during his time in london or during the amsterdam episode even) and they're just two people falling in love in the most "I don't know how to do this, but I want to atleast try" way and at times get soo so so overwhelmed that someone loves them as much as they love the other. maybe their communication is absolute shit, maybe Trent doesn't even realize they're on their 3rd date and thought it was something similar to the indian restaurant where Ted just brought him along for dinner, i just think it could all be very silly, very intimate, just all around driving me up the damn walls!!!!!
oh also Trent absolutely hates Ted's whole, open jar peanut butter left on the counter for him to dip his finger into, thing. wishes daily that Ted would just use a darn spoon like a normal person 😭
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invinciblerodent · 2 months ago
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what, you mean to tell me that I have to actually play him to get more screenshots? nonsense. many excellent Tristans upon ye.
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