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force-sensitive clones might not be able to serve openly, but the order has a place and a home for them nonetheless
#I LITERALLY FINISHED THIS A MINUTE BEFORE MY QUEUE IS SET TO POST LMAO#guard to guard probably isn't too hard a transition#easy to disappear into the temple too#i drew the kids too cute oh my god#star wars#my art#digital art#star wars the clone wars#star wars fanart#tcw#coruscant guard#corrieweek#corrieweek2024#clone trooper#temple guard
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If soldier, why so buir shaped?
(You can find this on Ao3 too.)
Fox was never particularly fond of cadets.
During their training on Kamino, they were sometimes assigned to watch younger troopers and train with them. Fox hated those training sessions. Cadets were... they were tiny. Fragile. Fox always spend the session in fear of breaking their little bones. The cadets for their part were usually afraid of Fox. Fox didn't really know why. It certainly wasn't his face, the cadets liked the rest of his batchmates just fine and they loved Cody and Wolffe.
Nat-born children tended to fear the clones, even if the Coruscant guard was there to help them, to protect them. They all learned not to take it personally, the armor probably did look rather intimidating to normal people and there were also loads of anti-war propaganda that usually antagonized clones because they were the ones who were fighting, it didn't matter to them that they only fought because they had to.
So yes, Fox was quite surprised when a random Zabrak child ran up to him, hugged him and refused to let go. He looked around. There were no anxious parents looking for a lost kid.
"Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" Fox tried his best to not look like a big, scary clone commander. He could tell his efforts weren't successful. In his defense, appear non-threatening in a full set of armor and a blaster strapped to your thigh was a pretty difficult task. The child didn't look scared of him, though. Quite the opposite.
They didn't answer.
"What's your name?" Fox tried instead. He wasn't good at guessing people's age but this child was at least five standard years old. Five years old nat-borns were old enough to know their name, right?
The child muttered something Fox didn't quite catch.
"Can you say it louder?"
"I don't have a name."
"You don't?" Now that was a situation Fox wasn't prepared for. As far as he knew, nat-borns were supposed to have names. According to everything he's ever read about nat-borns, parents usually named their child whie they were still a baby. They weren't like clones, who had to wait for when their batchmates picked them a name, usually based on something they did or something they liked.
The little Zabrak nodded. After taking a closer look, Fox guessed they were most likely male but he wasn't certain.
"Where are your parents?"
"I don't know."
"Alright. I will take you to my office now and we will find them."
"No! I'm not supposed to find them."
"What do you mean?" Nat-born children were supposed to love their parents, or at least Fox has always thought that. Because why wouldn't they? Nat-born parents weren't like the Kaminoans, emotionless and only caring about perfection. They weren't like the trainers, only trying to get the best results out of their trainees no matter what it cost. They weren't a genetic template who only wanted one son and money and didn't care about anyone else. No, parents were an entirely different thing. They loved their children, they protected their children and they provided for them. So why exactly wouldn't this nameless kid be supposed to find their parents?
The child shrugged. "They left me here and told me not to follow them."
Alright, that was weird. It almost sounded as if these parents wanted to get rid of their kid so they just left him alone on a random place on Coruscant? "Do you like your parents?"
"Why not?"
"They are mean."
So apparently parents could be mean. Fox supposed he was going to have to work with that. "And why did you come to me?"
"Because you feel kind."
"You feel kind," the kid repeated themselves. Fox had no idea what that was supposed to mean.
"Okay. Now we will go to my office and get you something to eat, what do you say?" Fox hoped he was doing this right. He had no idea how to talk to children.
Bringing a child into the Coruscant Guard's headquarters was a big deal, apparently. Fox didn't do anything more than sit the kid in his office and give him a glass of water and some of the priced treats Fox sometimes got from the nicer senators that he liked to give shinies and his comrades in particularly bad situations. The only other food available were ration bars and that was no food for a child.
Not that the kid was in need. Ever since Fox brought him in, troopers have been coming into his office, bringing the child treats that Fox didn't really know where they got from, makeshift toys or just to take a look.
"Aww, he's so tiny!" Thire cooed upon seeing the kid.
"Told you he's a cute little thing."
"Shut up, Thorn. It's not my fault I had senate duty and couldn't come to look at him sooner."
Fox made a show of covering the kids ears. 'Shut up' wasn't by far the worst thing that the troopers said and Fox usually didn't mind but there was a child in the room!
"I never would have guessed that marshal commander I have a stick up my ass Fox would become such a buir." Thorn grinned at him. He seriously had to stop swearing around the child or else. And Fox shouls also probably get rightfully offended to save his reputation of having, as Thorn put it, a stick up his ass.
"So that's how you address your commanding officers?"
"You know, senator Clovis requested a bodyguard to accompany him to a meeting with banking clan..."
"No. Not Clovis. Please. I beg you." Thorn seemed terrified. Any trooper would. Senator Clovis was always rather awful to clones and he was so suspicious the Corries had a betting pool on when he openly defected to the Seppies.
"Maybe if you will kindly stop swearing in front of a child, I might consider looking further, even if you certainly have all the required skills."
"Yeah, sure. Anything. Just not Clovis."
Fox decided to take that as a promise. The kid didn't seem to get what was going on but he wasn't complaining. A darling really.
It was a few hours later that the boy started to get bored. Fox tried entertaining him with a holo movie but that didn't work, the child felt the need to share what was going on the screen every minute or so. So Fox downloaded him a video game. That seemed to work. Until now.
"Do you really have to work?"
"Why do you have to work so much?"
"Because I have things that need to be done and I have a certain amount of time for each of them. Like this form that I'm filling right now, this one needs to be done today," Fox did his best to explain. In his humble opinion, he was getting pretty good at answering the kid's curious questions.
"Oh... Okay. And will you play with me when you're done?"
"I will have some more work then but we can play when I'm done, okay?"
The kid was clearly trying to be quiet. He wasn't very good at it. He was either kicking into Fox's desk, opening random drawers and then always sighing in disappointment when there was nothing but stacks of paper work, or quietly humming to himself. It was distracting but Fox let it slide. He remembered how difficult it was for him and his batchmates to stay silent when they were cadets. The only thing keeping them quiet was their fear of the Kaminoans and the trainers and he didn't want this sweet little thing to ever experience something like that.
"Yes, kiddo?"
"Will you get angry if I make things float?"
"If I make things float," the boy repeated himself.
Fox wondered for a bit if floating had any other meaning than, well, floating. He didn't think of anything so he just assumed it was some kind of a game. "Of course I won't get angry."
The child beamed at him. Then the boy reached out with his hand and made the data pad Fox borrowed him float.
And that's how the Coruscant Guard got their Jedi.
#corrieweek#corrieweek2024#coruscant guard#commander fox#cc 1010#commander thire#commander thorn#original child character#star wars#clone wars#clone troopers#accidental child acquisition#fan fiction
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handed the charge of corruption …
👑 10/10 || Commander Fox Day 👑
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💕Hello hello!
🌟 the votes are in and the daily prompts have been selected, the list will be reposted periodically and an “offical” list with be posted closer to CorrieWeek!
Day 1
SFW - Eldritch ♥️ NSFW - Orgy/Group Sex
Day 2
SFW - “There’s Not a Tooka” ♥️ NSFW - Free Use
Day 3
SFW - “You Shouldn’t Be Here” ♥️ NSFW - Inappropriate Use of Binders
Day 4
SFW - Accidental Child Acquisition ♥️ NSFW - Shiny’s First Time
Day 5
SFW - Fix-It ♥️ NSFW - Cockwarming
Day 6
SFW - Force Sensitive Clones ♥️ NSFW - Testing New Equipment
We’re so excited to see what you’ll create for CorrieWeek! If you have any questions please don’t be afraid to send in an ask here or check the introductory post!💕
#corrieweek2024#corrieweek#commander fox#coruscant guard#event week#star wars#star wars events#commander stone#commander thire#commander thorn#signal boost#join us
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Commander Thire - Relief
I imagine it´s Thire looking out over the top level of Coruscant after the war has ended. The sky has never seemed more beautiful to him.
I wanted to post it for the Corrie Week so I had to hurry a little.
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Corrie Week Day 4: Accidental Child Acquisition
Wrote this in the last hour of work because I am a horrible horrible procrastinator :D
Please enjoy!
Group Chat: “Shebs Squad Lives (despite trying hard not to)”: Woof, Coat, Fly, Socks, Bonds, and Wrecks are active.
Socks: @Coat help me
Bonds: first time we’ve heard from Fox since deployment and it’s a cry for help
This is normal
Wrecks: are you sure about that?
Bonds: that Fox needs help? Or that that’s the only way he’d voluntarily comm us after refusing to respond for months?
Woof: someone is bitter
Socks: @Coat! It’s Important!
and urgent!
Fly: wow
Exclamation marks
That’s serious business
Coat: I’m kriffing BUSY @Socks!
Socks: trying to get in your Jedi’s Obi in not busy
now how the kriff did you handle Rex as a cadet?
Wrecks: why are we talking about me?
Socks: it’s not ABOUT YOU!
It’s about how KOTE HANDLED YOU
Bonds: oh
Did you obtain a CHILD??
Socks: kriff off Ponds
Woof: omf he totally did
how did Fox become a buir first?
I had money on it being Ponds :/
Fly: you owe me so many drinks, vod
Woof: hate that for me
Coat: First of all
Second of all
I just winged it
he turned out fine
Wrecks: to this day I am traumatized
Coat: you are the only Captain in the GAR with Commander responsibilities
you turned out fine
*Coat is now marked as AWAY.*
Socks: that did not help me
Bonds: I practically raised you lot
I have some good advice
Woof: don’t lie to yourself, vod
17 raised us
Bonds: lies and slander
Fly: no Wolffe is right
17 raised us
you just gave him the least amount of gray hair
Socks: whatever
what do I do with this tiny fragile child?
Bonds: how tiny is tiny?
Socks: *has sent 3 holopics*
Fly: Fox
why the kriff do you have a natborn tubie?
Socks: I DON’T KNOW!
Someone left them at the front door to Corrie command!
Woof: seems like theyre better off with you than with someone who would leve them outside on CORUSCANT
Socks: I have never in my life wanted to be a buir
this could have happened to literally ANY OTHER vod and they’d be ecstatic
Wrecks: you are literally responsible for every Guard there is
Socks: those are fully grown soldiers who can take care of their damn selves
this is a being that can literally do NOTHING on their own
I don’t have time for this osik
I’m busy doing actually important things and not trying to get into my Jedi’s pants
*cough* @Coat
Bonds: the shade is real
I have no clue what to do with a tubie outside of their growth vat
sorry vod
Fly: doesn’t Coruscant have foster? Adoption agencies? Something like that?
you could literally just go hand them over
Socks: …
you want me to leave my tubie WHERE?
Wrecks: ah
�� there’s the shebs squad’s attachment problem
genuinely thought that skipped Fox
Socks: I can’t just leave my tubie any which where BLY
those services are dangerous and very corrupt
what if they ended up in a worse place?!
Bonds: worse than the stoop of Corrie Guard Barracks?
didn’t think that existed tbh
Socks: stku Ponds
you don’t get to kark over my troopers just because yours can’t kriffing behave on leave
Bonds: BEHAVE???
Woof: oop
got Ponds big mad
Wrecks: been a while since that happened
Socks: the reasons are in the Welcome to Shore Leave datapad EVERY TROOPER HAS ACCESS TO
not my Guards’ fault you GAR type can’t kriffing read
Bonds: GAR TYPE???
Socks: since kriffing when???
as far as GAR troops are concerned, the Guard stopped being Vode as soon as they were deployed to Coruscant
you can take your sanctimonious kark and shove it in your shebs
I’ll get someone who actually kriffing likes me to help
*Socks has left Group Chat: “Shebs Squad Lives (despite trying hard not to)”*
Woof: well kriff
that didn’t go well
Fly: good job Pondsie
he finally got on and you made him leave
Wrecks: truly one for the books
Bonds: kriff you guys
like you wouldn’t have done the same
Woof: actually I was more excited to see Fox reaching out that being big mad about my troops ending up in the slammer
they know exactly what they did to get arrested
I made them all read the Shore Leave datapad
they just do it anyway
Wrecks: my trouble makers would make it a to do list so I confiscated all the copies
but I did read it
it’s very thorough
Fly: Aayla read it then gave me a tl;dr
Bonds: kriff
Fox holed himself up in his office as soon as he found the tubie. Away from the noise and nosiness of the rest of the Guard. (They can’t help it, they all live on top of each other, you can’t hide osik from anyone in Corrie HQ. Not that Fox was hiding the tubie.)
“Should we give them a name?” Thorn was kneeling on the floor and looking at the tubie in Fox’s laps with eyes bright enough to put a sun to shame. It’s been awhile since Fox has seen that look.
“I think we should just call them tubie until they can pick their own. That’s what all vode do. They shouldn’t be any different.” Thire added his two credits, smiling as the tubie gargled in his direction, a bubble of snot popping from their nose.
“Yeah, but they don’t have a number to call them by in the meantime. We can’t just call them tubie, that’s a general word.” Stone murmured, carefully leaning over Fox’s shoulder to get a closer look at the so very small tubie.
“Maybe we should give them a Use Name? There’s a lot of cultures that have them and then pick their own when they reach majority age, so thirteen in natborn years probably.” Hound kept Grizzer close by even as the massiff wagged their entire body in excitement.
“What could be use as a Use Name though? That feels a little too like Naming them and I don’t like that.” Thorn frowned, lightly trailing his fingers down the tubies little pudgy arm, smiling helplessly when they grabbed his hand and giggled.
“Obviously it should be a variation of Fox, he did find them.” Thire looked up to Fox with a smirk and if he wasn’t holding a tubie Fox would have actually punched them.
“There are no variations of Fox, unless you want to call them Faux with the properly pronunciation, but I don’t like that.”
“What about Sox? Senth, osk, xesh? That’s a spelling play on socks. I think it fits.” Stone carefully avoided Fox’s eyes, being the only one in the room that knew his batch chat user name. Not that it mattered anymore.
“Did Cody have any advice?”
“No. He was busy.”
“Oh…well you were typing a while…were the others helpful?” Oh Thire. Ever the optimist.
“No. They were mostly concerned that I ended up a buir first, or blaming me for their troopers getting arrested for breaking the rules on Coruscant.”
The entire room echoed the patented Corrie Stank Face™ because Fox had his entire command staff whipped into the proper shape of vod that he got along with.
Competent shebs’palon’e that they are.
“Well, at least we still have Vos.” Thorn sighed, still held captive by the little tubie.
“I don’t know if Vos should count as reliable information about the care of a natborn tubie, but he’s all we have at this point.” Fox looked down into warm brown eyes and smiled helplessly at how adorable his tubie was.
“Ooooh! His Use Name should be Plots! Because that’s what Fox is the best at!”
The room filled with laughter for the first time since Fox arrived to this horrid posting, he almost forgot what it sounded like. All thanks to his little Plots.
“Ni kyr’tayl gai sa’ad, Plots.”
#scream screams#screamhoney things#star wars#coruscant guard#commander fox#corrieweek#corrieweek2024#corrie week 2024#BABY#Featuring the Shebs Batch#Because I am weak
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Fox's Wonderful Day (redux)
Corrie Week, Day 7: Free Space Fox Day
I'm going to be incredibly self-indulgent by reviving and expanding a cracky thing I wrote a few years ago.
It was Race Night in the lower levels, and Fox had deployed extra teams to keep watch in hopes of finally catching a break.
He hated Race Nights. Or, more specifically, he hated that the illegal podracing circuit seemed to have no regard for the safety of those around them.
It was one thing to put your own life in danger with stupid stunts and souped-up racers, but to put ordinary citizens at risk with dangerous speeds, illegal maneuvers, and no regard for public or personal property. Race Nights always saw an increase in injury reports and property damage. And, of course, there were all the connections between the racing circuit and some of the most unsavory criminal organizations on Coruscant. Fox was sick of it.
They were rarely able to net any leads, but this time, somehow, they caught a big one.
Nika Skye was one of the kings of the raceway. And one of the most dangerously reckless ones. Fox had a list of all the crimes that could be laid at Skye's feet. Even if he was never caught, even if none of the charges stuck, Fox still wanted that proof.
"Fox! Sir! I got 'im!"
Hound's voice crackled over the comm, followed by a vid clip of Skye arm-in-arm with a beautifully-dressed woman. Far too beautiful to be safe in that neighborhood.
Skye turned his head to smile at his girlfriend just as the lights of a passing speeder framed them.
Fox stared. He played back the clip. He played it again. He paused it just as the light fully revealed Skye's face. He grinned.
"Stay on them, Hound," he ordered. "Do NOT lose them! I'm on my way to you right now!"
He was already running out the door. Guardsmen flattened themselves against the wall as he passed, and he knew they'd be worried to see their Commander running, but explanations could wait. This was too big, too important for decorum.
Hound kept him updated as be broke a few speed rules of his own in order to catch up.
"Uh... sir?"
Dread curled in Fox's stomach at the Trooper's sudden reluctant tone.
"You didn't lose them, did you?"
"Oh, no sir," Hound reassured him. "It's just, uh... they've gone into the Nookie Nook."
Fox's grin grew even wider as he swung around a final turn, using signals and staying aware of everything and everyone around him.
The "Nookie Nook" was the unofficial name for one of the small, public gardens that were scattered through this sector of Coruscant. It was in slightly better shape than most and provided a little shelter for those seeking to get high... or those seeking a different kind of thrill.
The most important part of it was that it was a public garden. Coruscant had laws against public indecency. Very minor ones, for the most part, and as long as everything was consensual, the Guard was willing to turn a blind eye to a little bit of public sex, but not this time.
There was nowhere to park, of course, so Fox simply found an out-of-the-way spot, parked, and put his Guard placard in the window.
Hound was standing with his back to the entrance of the Nook, fidgeting. Grizzer sat beside him, but stood to wag her tail as Fox approached.
"They still in there?"
Grunts and moans answered him before Hound could.
"Don't worry, Hound, I've got this."
The tiniest of giggles escaped him. Hound froze.
"Uh? Are you- I mean, yessir!"
He stepped out of the way. Fox gave him a reassuring pat and moved in. He made sure his helmet was recording- for evidence- and then hit the lights on his helmet.
"Coruscant Guard! Come out with your hands up!"
Screaming. Swearing. The desperate rustle of clothing and displaced foliage.
"Go away!" an all-too-familiar voice snarled. "This is none of your business!"
"Public indecency is very much my business, sir." Fox struggled to keep his tone calm and bored. "Now, step out and prepare to be arrested!"
There was more arguing, of course, but eventually the couple stepped into full, inescapable view.
Anakin Skywalker looked furious and ready to strangle him. His girlfriend, Senator Amidala, at least had the decency to look mortified, trying to shield her face with one hand while the other kept her dress held in place.
"You can't do this to us!" Skywalker growled. "Do you know who I am?"
"Nika Skye," Fox answered. "Street racer responsible for multiple accidents, injuries, and property damage."
Nika Skye. Of all the stupid, ham-fisted aliases he could have picked... but then Fox hadn't really thought about it himself until he got a good look at him. The promo images and candids always showed him in his racing helmet. Ha. Apparently even an idiot could learn a thing or two from his betters. Wait til Rex found out.
Skywalker blinked, appearing caught off guard.
"Well, yeah! That!" he said. "Except I never hurt anyone! I'm just an ordinary citizen, enjoying a night out with my wife."
"We're so sorry for the trouble, Commander," Amidala said, voice dripping professional sincerity. "It won't happen again, I promise. If you'll just let us go-"
"I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am," Fox said. He hoped the Jedi couldn't sense his glee. "Public indecency is a crime on Coruscant. And there's also the matter of Mr. Skye's multiple traffic violations, involvement in an illegal racing ring with ties to the Black Sun Syndicate-"
Amidala gasped. Skywalker just looked annoyed.
"-as well as damaged property, speeders, and personal injuries related to those traffic violations. Once we're back at the station, you'll be allowed to call an attorney."
"You won't take us in."
There was a pressure to Skywalker's words, an urge to obey, but Fox ignored it.
"We can also provide an attorney for you, if you don't have one of your own," he concluded. He was willing to bet that Amidala, at least, had a whole fleet of lawyers at her beck and call, and he knew the Jedi had some of their own as well.
"Did you hear me?" Skywalker's glare intensified. "I said you won't-"
"Come with us, sir. Quietly," Fox told him. "Resisting arrest will only make things worse." He reached for the binders on his belt.
"Ani." Amidala placed a hand on her boyfriend's arm, but he shook it off, still glaring.
"You'll regret this, Commander," he said. "I'll have your job for this."
Fox rolled his eyes. "Good luck with that, sir. I've been trying to get out of it since the war started."
He did, in fact, get to put binders on Skywalker, citing him as a flight risk. It was one of the greatest moments of his life.
Hound and Grizzer provided backup as they made their way back to the speeder.
"Are you sure about this, Fox?" Hound asked, as they headed back to headquarters. He'd twigged to Skye's true identity as well. "We could get in a lot of trouble for this."
"The Jedi aren't above the law," Fox told him. "And that goes double for Skywalker. Arrogant little shit has been a vibroblade in my side for too long. Flaunting the laws. Acting like he's better than us. Taking advantage of his 'friendship' with the Chancellor to make everything better for himself with no regard for anyone else-"
"Yeah, okay, I know," Hound interrupted. He shifted on the passenger seat, Grizzer in his lap. "But this is gonna bring in the Jedi-"
"I'm counting on that."
"And probably the Chancellor. Like you said, they're friends."
Fox paused. That was a big concern, and the only dark spot in this otherwise wonderful day.
"I'll handle it," he said. He was not giving up this chance for a little payback.
Skywalker's story changed as soon as they were in the Processing Room.
"Look, Commander, you really don't want to do this," he said. "I know the Guard doesn't see a lot of action here on Coruscant-"
The thunderous whoosh of indrawn breaths from the listening Guards drowned out his next words.
"...Anakin Skywalker."
Fox refused to rise to the insult Skywalker had carelessly flung at the Guard. Chances were he actually believed what he said.
"And yet your ID says you're Nika Skye."
That earned him another scowl. "Are we really going to play this game, Fox? I know you can't be that stupid."
Fox muted the general chatter feed. Guard opinion of Skywalker was mixed, but mostly positive bordering on indifferent. That was being revised downward fast.
"Lieutenant Rattle, add possession of false ID and lying to an officer of the law to the list of charges," Fox said.
"Mmm," Rattle murmured. Her hands shook more than usual as she added the charges.
"I OUTRANK YOU!" Skywalker roared, making everyone flinch.
Amidala, who'd been on a comm call, turned to look at him.
"It's okay, Ani, I'm handling it," she said.
"You may outrank me, General, but you don't outrank the law." Fox had taken an involuntary half-step back at Skywalker's outburst.
Skywalker closed his eyes and took a deep breath in an apparent effort to calm himself. When he looked at Fox again, his eyes were still bright with rage, but a smile was plastered across his face.
"At least let Pad- Senator Amidala go," he said. "She's an innocent in all of this."
Fox arched a brow, not that Skywalker could see it. Amidala was many things, but innocent wasn't one of them. She was in deep with Skywalker and his schemes, and was probably one of the reasons they hadn't caught him until now.
Still. She was a Senator, and that would be a whole political mess of its own. He tilted his helmet.
"She'll stay here until her security team arrives and then reassess," he said.
Skywalker huffed, rolling his eyes. "Finally! Some sense! I guess I'm so used to Rex-"
"Who's your emergency contact?" Fox interrupted.
"My what?" Skywalker's frown seemed more confused than angry this time.
"Who should we call at the Temple to alert them to your circumstances?"
It was like flipping a switch. Gone was Skywalker's arrogance and bluster. It was replaced with fear and anxiety.
"Oh, uh, that- that won't be necessary, right?"
He was looking anywhere but at Fox. Interesting.
"It's- it's High General Kenobi, sir," Rattle supplied.
Skywalker flinched. "Here?! He can't be! He's supposed to be in a meeting with the High Council!"
Fox's grin returned.
"Thanks, Rattle. I'll be sure to give him a call and let him know his former Padawan is safe."
And wouldn't that be a fun call. In a meeting with the other High Generals? And Fox could interrupt? The day kept getting better and better.
"Wait! No!"
"Burke, Boot, please escort General Skywalker to holding," he said. "We wouldn't want anything to happen to him before General Kenobi gets here."
"Sir!" They said in tandem, moving to herd the suddenly worried Skywalker to the cells.
"Commander Fox," Amidala said, holding the comm to her chest as she spoke. "I know we've caused unbearable upset for you and your Guard, but-"
"Senator Amidala, ma'am," he said. "You're free to leave once your security detail arrives. What you do to help your 'husband' after that is your business."
The already pale Amidala went chalk-white at his words. About the security detail? Or- shit. He'd thought Skywalker was bluffing about the wife thing. The Storms had truly blessed him on this day.
"Please," Amidala whispered, her eyes wide. "You can't tell-"
"If you'll excuse me, ma'am, I have a lot of work to do. Have a good night."
He dipped his head in acknowledgement and headed back to his office. There was so much to do and all of it was good. If there was a slight skip in his step as he walked, well, no one would believe it.
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I didn't expect this when I started and yet here we are. Nor did I expect Kit to adopt Fox, but here we are
"Easy, vod'ika." Fox catches the shiny as they fall through the wall, not quite used to phasing yet and getting caught by their pauldron. Any worry though is eased by the brilliant smile crossing the vod's face.
"But ori'vod, there's supplies!" Fox just chuckles as he's dragged through the wall on the other side of the hall to emerge in the loading bay, only to stop short by the amount of crates. The vod'ika, '57 he believes unless they got a name recently, is standing next to him and radiating smugness at the sheer amount of supplies in front of them.
Krate wanders over, a datapad clutched protectively in his hands. "Sir, this is a full supply drop. We actually have bacta". They hadn't had bacta since the 6th month of the war. Hadn't had a full drop in even longer.
Fox was good. He knew his smuggling ring worked as well as it could. It certainly wasn't a lot but it kept his vod'ike from starving and a bare minimum of medical supplies in the medbay. But this? Nothing had changed on his end to be able to bring in a drop like this and the shiny next to him was far to smug.
Glancing at the shiny practically vibrating next to him, Fox raises an eyebrow. "So '57-"
"It's Kit, actually!" Interrupting didn't seem to faze the kid at all. If anything, they even perked up a bit.
"Alright. Kit, did you have something to do with this?" Fox gestures to the room that now looks overflowing after seeing so little in the past year. "Not only are you too smug about this for my liking, but you somehow knew about the drop before I did. And Krate always tells me first."
Fox suddenly realized why his batchmates always said that his smile tended on the unnerving side when he was planning, and subconsciously summons the half-full caf cup from his desk. If he's right about this, he's never going to be able to tease Cody over Rex's adoption ever again.
"Because I did it, sir. Or at least me and my batchmates. Your smuggling rings have always been top of the line and we took over when you left Kamino. It just made sense to build on top of your existing one once we got deployed, and with two out of the four of them ending up under a quartermaster, it was a lot easier for me to help get supplies."
Fox just sighs with a small smile and downs the rest of his caf. "Alright, ad. I'm sure that this wasn't the last thing you or your batch has done. Why don't we head to my office and go over how you all have helped us, hmm?"
Let me know what you guys think! This is my first time writing for Fox.
#clone oc#corrie guard#coruscant guard#coruscant guard oc#star wars#star wars oc#clone troopers#the clone wars#oc#commander fox#cryptid corries#CorrieWeek#CorrieWeek2024#Fox and his Kit
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Look. I cannot hug my pocket friends, BUT, I CAN put them in a blanket! And that’s almost as good. Especially when the blanket is a soft snuggly Commander Fox blanket. It is Corrie week after all 🥰❤️🦊

#corrieweek2024#corrieweek#commander Fox needs a soft snuggly blanket#clone wars#coruscant guard#commander fox
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All fanfic authors go to heaven. God bless y’all.
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CORRIE WEEK! Day 3: "you shouldn't be here"
#I'm going turbo mode#got two days to catch up on#this is the best grizzer i've ever drawn#my art#star wars#digital art#star wars the clone wars#star wars fanart#tcw#commander fox#coruscant guard#corrieweek#corrieweek2024
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An endless supply of homemade meals and knit sweaters for the Coruscant Guard
It all started when Cringe helped a random old lade cross a busy street.
It was Cringe's second day on Coruscant and he was patrolling on one of the upper levels along with Rys. When he saw an old granny with a cane afraid to step into the street, he didn't hesitate to help. That's why they were there, right? To help people.
So he helped this lady cross the street, she thanked him and Cringe wanted to leave.
"Not so fast, young man. Why don't you walk with me to my apartment, I have some cake."
Cringe wasn't sure why she wanted him to go home with her and he also wasn't sure why the information about having cake - that was a nat-born meal, wasn't it? - was relevant but refusing this old lady felt rude. So he went along with it.
He was grateful that he did. Apparently, the cake was relevant. Cringe got to eat as much of it as he could and got the rest packed in a box to take back to the barracks. The lady was good company, too. She was very lonely, her husband died five years ago and her only son moved away and was so focused on career he hardly took time to call her once in a while. She invited Cringe to come over again. And who was Cringe to refuse?
There was something going on in the mess hall. There was a huge group of troopers around one of the tables. They were sharing something and looked like they were having fun. What was it? Spice, maybe?
"Commander!" One of the shinies, Cringe, noticed Fox looking at them. "Do you want some?"
Honestly, Fox could do with some good stuff. "Sure."
He didn't get spice. He didn't even get a death stick. He got a tiny piece of cake with pink frosting. Where the kriff did they even get that?
Thorn was sitting at the reception desk in the Coruscant Guard headquarters. He hated reception duty. It was all about explaining irritated senators that no, it wasn't the Guard's job to stand at their speeder to make sure no one scratched it and that if they needed a bodyguard, they had to fill a request and then wait for a clone officer to authorize it, and no they couldn't just barge in and take two troopers.
"Next!" he called out after the last senator left.
Thorn closed his eyes under his helmet, the opened them again. Either he was going crazy or there was an ancient, smiling lady in front of him. Not their typical visitor.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I'm looking for Glitch."
Thorn has never been good at remembering names but it sounded like a clone name. Did some poor shiny offend this lady? "I'm sorry, he is unavailable at the moment."
"Then give him this, please."
"Of course, ma'am," Thorn said instinctively as he examined the rather large package the lady put on the counter.
"Thank you, dear."
Before Thorn could process that, the lady was gone. Curious, he peaked inside the package. It wasn't everyday that a trooper received a gift. He hoped it wasn't a bomb or something like that.
"Hey guys, do you know where Glitch might be?" Thorn asked a group of troopers in the barracks as soon as his shift was over.
"Over there, playing cards."
Thorn thanked him quickly before jogging over to the gamblers. He saw one of them quickly hiding something in his pocket. Fox didn't mind playing sabacc in the slightest but he didn't like it when troopers bet things, whether it were rare credits or just supplies like ration bars. Thorn didn't really know what the troopers were betting, if they lost their blasters in sabacc, well, that wasn't Thorn's problem. But being a commander, he wasn't trusted not to tell Fox.
"At ease. I have a package for Glitch."
"That's me, sir."
Thorn handed the shiny his package. He still didn't quite know what the contents were, he didn't peak that much. The only thing he knew was that there was something white and soft.
Thorn watched the shiny unpack two fluffy sweaters and various containers of nat-born food. What the heck?
Glitch, of course, visited the kind lady to thank her. He left with a huge box of cookies and an invitation to come over for dinner.
The dinners became a regular occurrence. It didn't take long and Glitch got asked to call her grandma. He even had the honor of meeting the bingo club and was also told to start bringing friends. Grandma and her friends from bingo were furious when they found out the Guard only got to eat ration bars and that they were always freezing because there was no heating in the barracks.
All troopers had sweaters now. They were warm and soft, not like their blacks. And grandma and her friends from the knitting club even took time to make each trooper who came to talk to them their custom sweater that matched their armor. They even convinced grandma to knit a sweater with fox for their grumpy commander.
Somehow, the whole thing ended the war.
The world had no idea why numerous complaints about the treatment of clones were coming to the senate from a senior house and a knitting club for lonely grandmas of all places. They had no idea how the chancellor later revealed Sith lord happened to get stabbed to death with knitting needless or why a surprising number of clones from the Guard decided to go help out to old people now that they were free of all things they could've chosen.
But the Corries knew. They knew and they would never tell.
#star wars#clone wars#coruscant guard#corrieweek#corrieweek2024#fix it fic#adoption#sort of#the corries have a grandma now#fan fiction#star wars fan fiction
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Corrie Week Prompt 3 - "You Shouldn't Be Here"
Word count:
Summary :
Neyo hadn't seen his ori'vod since the war began. But now, he was on Coruscant. More than that, he was in the Coruscant Guard's base.
He could see him.
He didn't care for the Long-Necks' orders. Neyo was not leaving until he saw Fox.
He just hoped Fox would be willing to see him.
Note :
Sprinkling more and more hints about my overarching AU regarding Fox, his batch, and what happened on Kamino. One day, I'll write it. Not today, so you'll have to do with what Neyo is willing to give you.
Also I'm realizing that there hasn't been a single prompt so far where I didn't hurt Fox, emotionally or physically. This is fine.
#star wars#commander fox#clone troopers#the clone wars#coruscant guard#tcw#clones#star wars the clone wars#commander neyo#mace windu#commander thorn#my fanfiction#corrieweek#corrieweek2024
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Corrie Week Day 3: You shouldn't be here
“Fascinating.” Just-Feemor hummed. “Have you been confused lately, forgetting what you’re doing in the middle of doing it? Losing track of time or your actions.” “No.” Fox responded instinctively before he could stop himself. A ‘ yes’ to any of those questions was just asking to get reconditioned, or even decom’d for his inadequacies.
an excerpt from painted red, is treason by sleebyama (aka me).
#corrieweek2024#corrie week day 3#corrie guard week#coruscant guard appreciation week#coruscant guard week#Coruscant Guard fanfic#commander fox & coruscant guard oc#commander fox fanfic#commander fox#cc-1010 fanfic#rune's fanfic#rune's writing#Rune's Coruscant Guard Appreciation Contributions
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❤️ ~ Hello all! ~ ❤️
Come join us in participating in Corrie Week to celebrate the wonderful Courasant Guard! The week will start on October 4th and end on October 10th or Fox Day (10/10)!
With a few months away, we're still setting up prompts for the days so if you are interested and have some ideas send them in through the form! Keep a look out by following the page or listed tags! we will be sending it out this following Monday (July 15th).
We will be using the tags #CorrieWeek and for this year #CorrieWeek2024
Just as a general interest check use the poll below to show us your interest to join!
Our page is always open to questions! Below the cut is more information about the event! VV
Canon characters, OCs, and/or both are all welcome to the party! We just ask that the Corries (Coruscant Guard) be the central point in any: ships, drawings, fics, or any medium you'd like to use.
Speaking of ships, we don't discriminate. Canon x Canon, OC x OC, Non-clone x clone, clone x reader, clone x clone, etc. We love and live for spreading the love for the Guard! ❤️
Hate will not be tolerated on this page or during this event. If you do not enjoy someone's ship you are welcome to curate your online experience - the Back Button is up top. Everyone is welcome, so please be civil. This is going to be a great and fun way to bond with others in the fandom over our favorite characters. So remember: Don't Be A Dick.
** NSFW content will be allowed during this event follow this link to see how to format it! Link to post
We allow all forms of creativity to be posted for the week as long as it follows the prompt for the day!
Artwork - traditional and digital is allowed with a minimum of a refined sketch
Writing - any fics/drabbles/ficlets need a minimum of 100 words
Cosplay - Share your cosplays with us! Please for privacy reasons anything that reveals your face, name, address or any other sensitive information to be covered up. We want this event to be fun and public but also protect and keep everyone's privacy. (Even if you are okay with showing your face please still do so for the event)
Crafts - sewing, metal, wood burning, carving, stamps, scrapbooks, knitting, felt, if you have a craft you love, share it with us!
Moodboards - single or multiple submissions are allowed!
Photography - with cosplay (same privacy rules apply as listed above) or action/lego figures create a scene with your favorite guards!
Mixed - you don't have to stick to just one! For an example if you can or want you can do a fic and a mood board!
If you do not complete a specific prompt or any during the time period, no worries! please still tag us in your works because we'd love to share! ❤️
Thank you for reading and we hope to see you during CorrieWeek!
#CorrieWeek#CorrieWeek2024#coruscant guard#commander fox#commander thorn#commander thire#commander stone#sergeant hound#star wars#star wars events#fan run event#event week
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Corrie Week Day 1!! @darknight-brightstar and I unfortunately did not get nearly as much done for this week as we wanted to, but alas, she has work and I have college. Still, we're excited to share what we did get done!!
We combined the prompts for Day 1 - Eldritch/Group Sex The Intro and the Smut are split into two chapters, so those who don't wish to partake in the sexytimes don't have to :3
Finders Keepers Rating: Explicit Ships: Corrie Commanders/Corrie Commanders, Corrie Commanders/Shadow!Obi-Wan Kenobi Summary: The Corries found something in the Undercity had been lost and forgotten. The Corries decided to keep the shiny-pretty. And the shiny-pretty decided to keep the Corries right back.
"What is it, vod'ika?" Blush asked, hip cocked as they tucked the credit chits into a pouch. "Find something shiny?" "Yeah," Rigi crouched down and dug through the pile of detritus. It was like a rock? Or oh! Maybe a crystal. He pulled it out, and it sparkled and glowed a pretty purple. "Look!" He held it up for Blush to see. "Oooh, that's a very nice find, Rigi," Blush praised, stepping closer to see it better. "A very fine addition to our collection, I think."
#corrieweek2024#my writing#star wars#the clone wars#coruscant guard#eldritch corries#clone troopers#obi wan kenobi#commander fox#commander thorn#commander thire#commander stone#fanfiction#ao3 fic#clone shipping
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