#Corona infected patients
cybertriumphllama · 2 years
How Dengue Spreads:
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#A few species of Aedes mosquito (female mosquito) are the primary carriers of the dengue virus. Among these#Aedes aegypti is the main one. There are five serotypes of the virus. Infection with one serotype of the virus results in lifelong immunity#if the patient is infected with a different dengue virus serotype#severe complications may occur.#Dengue fever can also be diagnosed through several tests#such as the presence of antibodies against the virus or its RNA. At the beginning of this decade#dengue fever spread widely in our country#especially in the capital Dhaka. As a result#people become panicked. Even sick person and their families are disoriented. Blood banks struggle to collect blood and blood platelets from#headache#vomiting#muscle and joint pain#and skin rash. Dengue patients usually recover within two to seven days. But in some cases#the disease can take a severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding#decreased blood platelet levels#and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome. Symptoms#this mosquito-borne disease can reach fatal locations. In this corona period#if someone has a fever#they think they have the coronavirus! Not only if infected with corona#the patient suffers from fever but also due to dengue fever. So#if you have a fever now#do not worry#but consult a doctor immediately. However#if you know some of the symptoms of Dengue#you can determine whether you have Dengue or not.#Know the symptoms of dengue fever:#1. Classical fevers of Dengue:#• Classical dengue fever usually presents with high fever and severe pain throughout the body.#• Fever up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.#• Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
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lotus-tower · 9 months
COVID-19's long-term effects on the body: an incomplete list
COVID’s effect on the immune system, specifically on lymphocytes:
NYT article from 2020 (Studies cited: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.18.101717v1, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.20.106401v1, https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/32405080/Decreased_T_cell_populations_contribute_to_the_increased_severity_of_COVID_19_, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.20125112v1)
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc8511 (Published in Science)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lauterbach-warnt-vor-unheilbarer-Immunschwaeche-durch-Corona-article23860527.html (German Minister of Health)
Anecdotal evidence of COVID’s effects on white blood cells:
Much more if you speak to Long Covid patients directly!
Related information of interest:
China approves Genuine Biotech's HIV drug for COVID patients
COVID as a “mass disabling event” and impact on the economy:
COVID’s impact on the heart:
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/deadly-virus-could-lead-heart-31751263 (Research from: Japan's Riken research institute)
https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/is-coronavirus-a-disease-of-the-blood-vessels (British Heart Foundation)
COVID’s effect on the brain and cognitive function:
Cognitive post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) can occur after mild COVID-19 
Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs
Covid as a vascular/blood vessel disease:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004104134.htm (microclots)
Long Covid:
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know, and a framework for action
- Viruses and mutation: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/monkeys-on-typewriters
Measures taken by the rich and world leaders
Heightened risk of diabetes
Liver damage:
tl;dr: covid is a vascular disease, not a respiratory illness. it can affect your blood and every organ in your body. every time you're reinfected, your chances of getting long covid increase.
avoid being infected. reduce the amount of viral load you're exposed to.
the gap between what the scientific community knows and ordinary people know is massive. collective action is needed.
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thebirdkiwi · 13 days
No Time - First aid month promtps "Rust" and "Spark"
“Help me put him on the berth. One-two-three… that’s it.” 
Delphi was cold. The snow was wet. Wet wouldn't be a problem for cybertronians, or at least, the ones who spent the full cycle under the dryers whenever they spent time outside, to avoid any residual water getting stuck in seams and plates. 
“Plug in medical port, system override… If it doesn't work we will have to jack the hinges open.” 
But also many patients means much work, and not enough time to spend under the dryer. So, sometimes, some droplets would stay trapped, and start to eat away metallic parts. After all, no cybertronian was immune to rust. 
“Can we put him on stasis first, or at least upload a pain patch?” “There is no time. The spark is already shrinking, we have to douse the infected parts before they will eat away what’s left of the corona.” 
And since First Aid was used to the faint pain of his malfunctioning tcog, making him never be able to live with a pain perception lover than 3, he ignored the pain that started to spread in his chest. Therefore, ignoring the sickness that was eating the metal around his spark. 
“Chestplates open. Vocalizer deactivated. Acid spray ready.” “Very well. Initiate the dousing.” 
The fastest way to clean rust was using hydrochloric acid. First Aid knew it. He used it so many times to clean rusted parts on miners and patients. And today, he was going to feel first hand sprayed it in almost direct contact with his spark. 
And he wondered why, since they said they had no time to give him a painkiller, why they had instead time to deactivate his vocalizer to not hear his screams. 
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ruthfeiertag · 2 months
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The White House just announced that President Biden has contacted COVID. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Because the President has been fully vaccinated (and because he has access to levels of health care few of the rest of us enjoy), he is likely to be well again soon. But even a mild or asymptomatic case can lead to Long-COVID, and we should be protecting ourselves and each other from catching this corona virus and possibly developing a permanent, debilitating condition.
Apoorva Mandavilli, writing for the _New YorkTimes_, reminds us that “for some people with certain risk factors — age, pregnancy, chronic conditions or a compromised immune system — an infection may bring serious illness.”1
If you want to know what it’s like to live with a post-viral chronic illness, read the Tumblrs of people enduring them (see the tags below), particularly those of us living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (me/cfs), the condition closely aligned with Long-COVID. (“The illness [Long COVID] is similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS] as well as to persisting illnesses that can follow a wide variety of other infectious agents and following major traumatic injury.”2) And while some of us are more susceptible than others, ANYONE, no matter how young and healthy, can develop Long-haul COVID:
“Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who gets COVID-19 can experience it, including children.”3
The CDC article also highlights the way that “Living with Long COVID can be difficult and isolating, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.” It does not describe the devastating possible “side effects” of losing the ability to work, to enjoy activities, to be independent, nor of the experiences of having doctors refuse to believe one’s condition is real, of the near-impossibility of getting to a doctor who specializes in post-viral diseases (and who won’t accept insurance)4, nor of the feeling of being an inconvenience or burden to those who care for us.
“In every age group, even a mild illness may trigger a lasting set of problems. Nearly 14 million Americans, or about 5.3 percent of adults, may now be living with long Covid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”1
Wearing an N95 might not be the most comfortable fashion accessory, but putting one on when we will be among others can save lives and the meaningful existence of the people with whom we come in contact. The inconvenience is far less than the loss of income, health, and happiness Long-COVID can bring.
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1. Apoorva Mandavilli. “Long Covid and Vaccination: What You Need to Know,” _New York Times_, July 17, 2024, 6:03 p.m. ET
2. Anthony L. Komaroff and W. Ian Lipkin. “ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities: road map to the literature,” Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10: 1187163. Published online 2023 Jun 2. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1187163
PMCID: PMC10278546PMID: 37342500
3. https://www.cdc.gov/covid/long-term-effects/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html
4. “There are only a handful of specialists and clinical centers that specialize in ME/CFS around the country. Many of them do not take insurance and most have waiting lists that can be years long.” https://solvecfs.org/me-cfs-long-covid/patient-and-caregiver-resources/
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bopinion · 2 years
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2023 / 05
Aperçu of the Week:
"People owe progress to the discontented."
(Aldous Huxley, British writer and philosopher, i. e. Brave New World)
Bad News of the Week:
One in three people in Germany will need a blood donation in their lifetime, according to statistics from the German Blood Donor Service. This is only in rare cases (12%) due to blood loss in accidents or injuries, as seen on TV. Much more frequently, for example, cancer patients (19%), gastrointestinal patients (16%) or heart patients (16%) are dependent on it during operations or treatments. Even the most modern medicine cannot do without the red lifeblood. Since blood still cannot be produced artificially.
This is why the current development is so dramatic: presumably because of the Corona pandemic, many people stayed as far away from medical facilities as possible. Out of fear of becoming infected as well as out of good will not to be a burden on the already overloaded health care system. Blood donations have therefore fallen dramatically. Currently, only about half of the required blood is available. Regular willingness to donate is also important, because the blood components remain usable only up to the 42nd day after donation.
The situation is just as bleak for organ donations. According to the German Foundation for Organ Transplants (DSO), there are currently around 8,500 seriously ill people urgently waiting for a donor organ - of which there are too few. In 2022 alone, 407 kidney and 86 heart patients therefore died. Yet (to put it sarcastically) no one who dies as a healthy person, for example in an accident, still needs their organs. Others do. Leaving religious convictions aside, the reason for the lack of willingness to donate organs is a frighteningly stupid one: the lack of documentation.
According to the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), 82% of the population is basically willing to donate an organ. But only 44% have documented this - the easiest way is an organ donor card, about which relatives are informed. And this even includes the refusals. The way out could be simple: the so-called "contradiction solution". In this way, everyone would be an organ donor in principle, unless he or she expressly objects. But neither the health minister of the last government - Jens Spahn of the conservative CDU - nor the current one - Karl Lauterbach of the social democratic SPD - could get their way politically. In addition, a national register would have to be set up first. This would take years just for data protection reasons. So for the foreseeable future, only one thing remains: the rare commodity of solidarity. Sadly, this is obviously not enough right now. It costs lives. In Germany alone, every single day.
Good News of the Week:
Like Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has tinkered "his" state to maintain his personal power. The principle is called the "presidential system," which tends to weaken parliament and strengthen the position of the president. Many can't even remember a time before Erdogan; the leader of the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) party has now been in power for twenty years. Elections are due again on May 14 of this year, and of course the autocrat is seeking re-election.
But headwinds are forming: six Turkish opposition parties forged an alliance this week to prevent just that. The alliance wants to transform the presidential system back into a parliamentary system, strengthen the rule of law and freedom of the press, and bring the president's power back to a democratic level. For example, the president should no longer be able to rule by decree, and his term of office should be limited to seven years.
The initiative comes at just the right time. Many opposition figures have been muzzled by Erdogan's power apparatus in recent years. Most recently, Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, who was considered a promising candidate. He was sentenced to two years in prison and banned from politics for allegedly insulting the election commission. Perhaps for this reason, the newly formed alliance has not yet named a top candidate.
That alone will not end in one fell swoop the massive economic, administrative, monetary, and judicial crisis that Turkey has now endured for years. But the mere prospect that there might be an alternative with a realistic chance of success to the increasingly inevitable permanent president is welcome. Especially for the fragile democracy on the Bosporus. After all, democracy is the essential basis for Turkey's perspective in the EU. And the nation will not be able to achieve lasting peace, prosperity and security any other way.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Last week I got a new colleague. I was allowed to choose him myself. The good impression his application made was confirmed in an online meeting. We agreed before we had even met in person. Because that didn't happen until his first day at work. Which started chaotically right away, because we had just learned that the office would be moving in the next few days. So the actual work is left undone and we have to deal with sorting out documents, clarifying furniture, planning workstations, packing office supplies, etc. And the new colleague proves to be helpful, hands-on, uncomplicated and resilient. It's nice when the second impression even surpasses the first.
I couldn't care less...
...how the U.S. is now dealing with the alleged Chinese spy balloon in their airspace. Shoot it down? Let it fly on? Protest diplomatically? Surprise: China is spying on the West. Ugh. It would be easy if China actually needed balloons for that. That would be like hoping to prevent Russian disinformation campaigns by restricting the supply of newsprint. Both take place primarily on the Internet. Which is as open as a barn door. When the Corona pandemic caused x million employees worldwide to move to the home office, not even a quarter of companies took security measures to protect all their private data connections. Any questions?
As I write this...
...I am disappointed in Brazil's President Lula da Silva. He wanted to do many things differently and better than his unspeakable predecessor Jair Bolsonaro. In environmental protection, for example. But even he did not prevent what had been looming for a few weeks and actually happened yesterday: the so-called "controlled sinking" of an ailing aircraft carrier full of pollutants. Robin Wood speaks of a "30,000-ton toxic package." Just like that. Because it's cheap. The "São Paulo" now lies at a depth of 5,000 meters in international waters. And I wonder if this is not only shockingly ignorant of the marine ecosystem, but not actually illegal. If not, it must become so as soon as possible, before this example is copied.
Post Scriptum
In the British cabinet of Rishi Sunak, as before, there is no responsibility for climate protection. Instead, there are separate ministers for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as cabinet members with no area of responsibility and three for the military complex. There is also - whatever that means - a "Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster" and a "Lord Keeper of [the] Privy Seal" with cabinet rank. Is it just me who feels that the United Kingdom is clinging more to the long-gone past than actively tackling the challenges of the future?
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tomysinrock · 2 years
Is there anything you can share about Oli? Ik the game got cancelled, but Oli looks like someone who's seen a thing or two
Oh, thank you for your question - I definitely can and will :) After devastating hurricane in 2008 population of the kindred was drastically decreased, so Camarilla needed "new blood". So Vol'ha was invited to New Orleans as a mortal artist - to do a murals for nightclubs. Her contractor (soon to be Sire) turned her to a ghoul. Her real name wasn't to melodic for Sire's taste so he called her Oli and it stuck with her, despite their relationships. After few years of molding her ino "her best estetic form" Sire finally embraced her. But some things went wrong - either he got too excited and ripped her throat up a bit too much or his blood was defected from the first place. Oli can't give embrace - her vitae can only prolong agony to the diseased mortals, but she doesn't know it yet. She looks pretty alive for a kindred and it helps her to blend well with the mortal crowd. She developed nightmares of suffocating and drowning, and even if her body can now exist without breathing she still calms herself by doing that. She began to smoke, explaining that it can bouth intimidate kindred and sooth mortals but in fact she just need to be able to feel air in her lungs once again. And she will do anything to stay away from any body of water deep enough for her to "drown".
Her Sire molded and taught her to his aristocratic likings. But still it was practical enough - between ballroom and etiquette training Oli was taught how to "dance" with sabers and knives. She learns profits of being invisible later on - didn't liked to be in a spotlight anyway but still uses it for her advantage if needed.
Soon after her first appearance at Elysium she was pretty much done with Camarilla. Old french aristocracy wasn't impressed with her and her Sire, being the part of that society, begun to grow tired of her. He needed new dols with new looks, new projects to indulge. So he left her as an owner of a club called "Misfits" on the outskirt of Camarilla territory, where it collides with Anarch grounds. Oli wasn't happy with Anarchs too. They was too radical for her taste, too chaotic. So she begun to seek something in between. If there two roads and no one leads to what her unlife must look like to be bearable she must find a new way. So "Misfits" became that way - something in between for somebody seeking for freedom, comfort and dialogue.
Our coterie was assembled when some mysterious virus was found in one of "Misfits" visitors. Much later later we discovered that it is "potentially Sabbat corona-virus" after visiting the ship our "patient zero" took to New Orleans. Besides obvious effect on the mortals it renders the skin of a kindred with decaying patches and burns through their body's blood supply pretty quickly - edging them to a blood frenzy. So Prince ordered us to capture anybody with the symptoms. There's much to tell about what we achieved back at the nights (including memes of spiky Tzimisce ghoul hugging the unlife from Oli for 4 rounds straight). But most of all I'm proud of staking Oli's Sire point blank :В He called her in distress early night, demanding to visit him in his mansion. Oli asked of her coterie to stay outside so she'll try to deal with him without additional fuss. He was sobbing his bloody fake tears over his ripped out "dols" and couple of ash piles trying to manipulate Oli to safe his hide from tribunal, take him away from the city and feed him. All mansion was covered in blood. He was clearly infected and needed to be sent to the custody of Elysium. So she comforted him pretty good til the very last minute and was lucky enough to stake him successfully. Sadly we didn't know at the time that staking doesn't stop virus from burning out blood supply so he came to the Cherife as a pail of ash in a rug - but it was pretty good dramatic effect and caused some more interesting scenes further down the road. Right now I use Oli as a cameo NPC in LA chronicle ( I storytell for same set of players that we played in New Orleans chronicle so they happy to see some familiar faces) and I changed her background a bit. But it's story for another day :) Thank you again, I'm happy that she piques someone's interest ^_^
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huangychen · 6 months
Sunshine comes after the storm
I still remember the enormous challenge of COVID-19 posed to me. When I first saw the news about COVID-19 on TV, I didn't realize it was going to be a world-changing disaster. It was an ordinary evening, as usual, I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the long-awaited TV show. Suddenly, red warning words rolled on the screen, many channels were forced to change the news broadcast, the voice of the anchor appeared solemn and serious:
"Hello, everyone. The COVID-19 has recently emerged in many regions, and the situation is very grim." "According to the latest data, the novel corona virus has spread rapidly across the country, and the number of infected people continues to increase." "In response to the outbreak, governments are taking a range of emergency measures, including locking down cities, imposing social distancing and stepping up medical care." "We urge the public to pay close attention to the situation, follow the epidemic prevention measures issued by the government, and protect the health of themselves and their families."
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The news played a series of heart-wrenching pictures: hospital patients groaning in pain, medical workers wear heavy protective suits and fighting on the front line, government officials at a press conference to report the latest progress of the epidemic. As I heard reports of how quickly the virus was spreading, and saw scenes of quarantined cities and blocked streets, I began to feel a sense of panic. At the time, I hadn't realized how much of an impact the pandemic would have on my life, and I just felt like it was a distant event that probably had nothing to do with me. However, as time went on and the outbreak gradually spread globally, with new confirmed cases and deaths reported every day, I began to feel increasingly concerned. I came to realize that this was not just a medical crisis, but a social crisis. People are forced to isolate themselves in their homes, economic activity is severely affected, and social order is challenged.
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Then my parents and I chose to return the hometown, which is a small village located in the mountains. Afterwards, lockdown was implemented everywhere, and we could hardly go out, not to mention communication with the outside world. In such an environment, I gradually felt lonely and helpless, the long-term home life also made me lose hope for the future. I and my parents, my grandparents and my relatives lived in the old house, it was built themselves, with three floors is big enough for all of us. So I thought that I would be able to spend this time in the company of my family, but this was not the case. As time went by, the life in my hometown became drab and boring. I started lazy and stayed at home all day. My mental state slowly became low, and the effect of online classes was greatly reduced. It was difficult for me to concentrate and my mind often wandered, leading to academic difficulties. My weight started creeping up because of my long life at home, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. My father also became negative because he could not work at home for a long time, often drinking and smoking alone, and sometimes even blamed me for no reason, making me feel at a loss.
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I tried to communicate with my father, hoping to understand his emotions, but each time I responded with his anger and indifference. The atmosphere at home became tense and I felt that I could not stand the pressure any longer.
(One night, I couldn't help venting my emotions to my father.)
Me: Dad, I know you're anxious too, but you can't just sit around all day smoking and drinking!
Father: Don't you understand? How difficult our life is now, I can't work, the pressure of the family is all on me, you wouldn't understand!
Me: I'd love to help you, but you never give me a chance.
(Then my mother follow the sound)
Mother: We are a family and should understand and support each other.
Father: I know, but......
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After that, my father gradually adjusted his emotions and tried to face the current situation with a more peaceful attitude. My mother and I also began to actively communicate with my father, try to understand his situation, and try to find and solve the problem. In housework activities, I also try to take the initiative to take responsibility and help share the pressure of my father. Such as helping my grandparents water, trim flowers, plant vegetables and so on. These seemingly ordinary things, but let me more deeply appreciate the warmth of the family and the precious affecti
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on.deepened the relationship with them.
Since then, I have adjusted my lifestyle. I began to pay attention to health, and insisted on exercising at home every day, whether it was simple physical training or outdoor walking, which made me feel the vitality and strength of life. At the same time, I also try to communicate with my family members and share their life experiences. Such communication not only makes me feel warm and close, but also helps us get out of negative emotions.
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In the end, the COVID-19 began to ease, and my family and I returned to a normal life. Looking back on this experience, although difficult and challenging, it gave me a valuable opportunity to think and grow. In adversity, I learned to persevere and positive optimism, learned how to adjust the mentality, how to deal with conflict within the family. This experience has made me a stronger and more mature person and cherish every moment of my life.
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rahulp3 · 6 months
Drug Discovery Outsourcing Market Size & Demand by 2033
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Between 2023 and 2033, the Global Drug Discovery Outsourcing Industry is projected to grow at a consistent compound annual growth rate of 7.2%. The market, which is projected to be valued at US$ 3.75 billion in 2023, is expected to surpass a market share of US$ 7.52 billion by 2033.Expanding the pharmaceutical industry and the higher penetration of digital technology and AI integration are transforming the market.
Furthermore, the research and development procedure and the expansion of drug discovery vendors in emerging economies like China and India fuel the market growth.A massive portion of the research around small and large drug molecules (80%) is outsourced through pharma giants. This is due to the cheaper costs, easy workflow, increased workforce, and enhanced quality.
The transformed drug industry with synergistic drugs and advanced anti-infection drugs is also shaping the market dynamics. At the same time, virus outbreaks such as Ebola and Coronavirus are increasing the market’s consumer base.Government policies integrate their medical policies, allowing pharma giants to collaborate and build the advanced drug discovery space.
Thus, the demand for outsourced drug delivery services is in high demand.The surge in respiratory patients with issues like tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc., also consumes a big chunk of the market. These conditions have increased lately due to the post-corona impacts.
Request a Sample PDF of this Reporthttps://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16937
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
🚨 Director of Martyr Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital:
The health sector in Gaza is out of service in every sense of the word.
We appeal to every living conscience to open the Rafah crossing.
The first batch of medical aid was shrouds and tests for Corona virus.
We need beds and mattresses for patients because they lie on the floor.
The cases today are more than they were when the war began.
We have bodies lying on the ground because the refrigerators have reached capacity.
The truce did not exempt medical teams from work.
We opened some clinics inside schools and shelter centers, but they are not sufficient.
Intestinal and skin infections are widespread among the displaced.
We need to open the Rafah crossing to transfer the wounded and relieve the Gaza Strip’s hospitals.
We cannot work without the return of electricity to Gaza.
There is no safe place in the entire Gaza Strip, including mosques and churches.
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1-2-3-4-4498-0 · 11 months
Powering Progress: Strategies for Success in the Critical Power Market
Critical Power Market is that derivative of electric energy, which is constantly required without any interruption. Critical power is required at places where the constant supply of electricity is needed. It is used in applications that need to be kept operational at all times. These applications include critical monitoring systems for patients at hospitals, data storage, and electricity grid. Critical power supply is required at the industrial sites where constant manufacturing is operational. Critical power aids in maintaining the networks such as communication networks. It ensures the smooth and constant flow of data.
COVID-19 scenario:
Governments across the world are enforcing stringent lockdowns to comply with the need of the hour that is to fight this novel corona virus. The sudden outbreak of this disease has affected mass of population over a very short period of time. Though many industries have faced the brunt of this disease, the critical power sector has seen an increase in demand owing to the need of constant uninterrupted supply of electricity in the hospitals to keep the critical monitoring systems functional.
Market dynamics:
Critical power finds application in various sectors. The demand for critical power is expected to rise owing to the investments taking place in the data center sector. A huge amount of data is produced on day to day basis and this data needs to be kept safely to ensure data safety. In addition, the supply of the data is required on a constant basis in order for the system to work smoothly and not incur any loss due to non-functionality. To store such huge amount of data, more and more data centers are being opened. TO facilitate these data center, a constant supply of critical power is required in order for them to function smoothly. This need of critical power at data centers is expected to drive the critical power market over the coming years. Wireless charging and LED drivers segment is the major shareholder. This segment is expected to witness a substantial growth over the coming years. Wireless charging systems provide electric energy at any given point of time at any place. Wireless charging systems are also a convenient form of critical power storage systems. Smart inverters are expected to provide the critical power market with opportunities to grow. LED drivers are used to maintain power supply to the LED. Critical power allows the LEDs to be in a functional state. These factors are expected to drive the demand for critical power during the forecast period.
On the contrary, plummeting mining activities and declines in the oil and gas prices are expected to hinder the market growth of critical power market.
The critical power market has become competitive due to the presence of many market players offering the same kind of products. The recent strategy adopted by the manufacturers to get an edge over the others and to expand their product portfolio is to provide integrated critical power supply systems. Integrated systems offer the consumers with advanced features and easy handling of the system. These advancements are expected to contribute to the growth of the critical power market.
Regional analysis:
Asia-Pacific is expected to witness a significant growth in the critical power market. This is due to the rapidly growing population and heavy industrialization.
Due to the current pandemic, a huge mass of population all across the world has been infected by the disease. This has led to a significant increase in the demand for critical monitoring systems which require critical power to function. These factors have been anticipated to drive the market demand for critical power in the region.
Key benefits of the report:
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global critical power industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global critical power market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the global critical power market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market.
The report provides a detailed global critical power market analysis depending on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years.
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bloglutfi · 11 months
About death in the middle of the Corona outbreak according to Denny Ja 26
In the midst of the plague of Corona that is engulfing this world, we often hear about cases of death caused by this virus. However, is there an interesting facts that we might not know yet? In this article, we will reveal some interesting facts about death in the middle of the Corona outbreak in the view of Denny JA 26.    The view of Denny JA 26, an expert who is an expert in the social and political fields, gives an interesting picture of death in the middle of the Corona outbreak. One interesting fact is that the mortality rate due to this virus can be influenced by age. According to Denny JA 26, elderly people have a higher risk of death compared to younger people. This is because the immune system of older people is usually weaker, making it difficult for them to fight the corona virus infection.    In addition, Denny Ja 26 also revealed that comorbities or comorbidity can increase the risk of death from the Corona virus. For example, if someone suffers from heart disease, diabetes, or other respiratory disorders, they have a higher risk to experience serious complications due to this virus. Therefore, it is important for all of us to maintain a healthy body and have a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of death caused by this plague.    In addition to the age and accompanying disease factors, Denny Ja 26 also highlighted the importance of environmental factors in the spread of the corona virus and related deaths. According to him, areas with high levels of air pollution can worsen the symptoms and complications caused by this virus. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems and weaken the immune system, thereby increasing the risk of death. Therefore, it is important for the government and the community to work together in reducing air pollution to protect our health.    In addition to these factors, Denny Ja 26 also highlighted the importance of access to adequate health services in facing the Corona outbreak. According to him, access to adequate health facilities can accelerate the diagnosis, care, and treatment needed. With easy and fast access, the risk of death can be reduced because the patient can immediately get the right treatment. Therefore, it is important for the government and the community to work together in ensuring that everyone has fair and adequate access to health services.    In Denny Ja 26’s view, it is important for all of us to maintain a healthy body and remain aware of the Corona virus. Denny Ja 26 stressed the importance of maintaining hand cleanliness, using masks, and maintaining social distance as an effective prevention step. By taking these steps, we can protect ourselves and those around us from the risk of transmission of the corona virus.    Along with efforts to prevent and overcome, Denny Ja 26 also reminded us to remain calm and not panic. According to him, panic will only worsen the situation and disturb the peace of mind needed in the face of this outbreak. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to follow valid information and follow the steps recommended by the authorized health authority.    In conclusion, death in the midst of the Corona outbreak is indeed a frightening fact.
Check more: Uncover interesting facts about death in the middle of the Corona outbreak according to Denny Ja 26
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arisawati · 11 months
Explore the essence of death in the Corona virus era through the elected work of Denny JA 26
In our lives full of happiness and success, we often forget the essence of death. However, in the era of the Corona virus pandemic that is engulfing the world right now, death is a topic that is difficult to avoid. How can we understand and face death wisely? To answer this question, let us explore the essence of death in the Corona virus era through the selected work from Denny JA 26. Denny Ja 26, a famous Indonesian writer, has given birth to works that inspire many people to reflect on death. One of his works that most reflects the essence of death in the Corona virus era is a short story entitled "The Last Story of the Night". This short story tells the story of a woman infected with the corona virus and struggles to survive. In an isolated state in the hospital, he pondered about the meaning of life and death. Through a strong and beautiful narrative, Denny Ja 26 succeeded in describing feelings of fear, despair, and hopes that hit a patient affected by this deadly virus. In his story, Denny JA 26 conveys an important message about the importance of appreciating life and realizing that death is a natural part of life. In the midst of the horror of the Corona virus pandemic, this story invites the reader to reflect and appreciate every moment of life we have. In addition, in his other work, Denny JA 26 also raised the theme of death through beautiful poetry. His poetry presents a strong picture of feelings of loss and sadness that occurs due to the Corona virus pandemic. Through the words chosen carefully and beautiful rhythm, he is able to touch the hearts of the reader and make them reflect on life and death. In one of his poems entitled "Death in Pandemi", Denny JA 26 wrote: In the middle of the pandemic that struck, Death lurlled without mercy, However, in that darkness, There is a power to rise. This poem illustrates the fear that hit society during the Corona virus pandemic, but also reminds us that in the darkness and despair, there is hope to survive and rise. Denny Ja 26 brilliantly conveyed the message that death is not the end of everything, but is a journey that must be faced with an upright head and a brave heart. Through his work, Denny Ja 26 invites us to see death from a different perspective. He reminded us that death is an inseparable part of human life. In the Corona virus era full of uncertainty and panic, his work reminds us of the importance of respecting every moment of life we have. In addition, the work of Denny Ja 26 also invites us to reflect on the meaning of our lives and goals in this world. Pandemic Virus Corona has changed the way we live our daily lives and remind us of our limitations as humans. Through his work, Denny JA 26 explained that death can be a strong reminder of destruction and eternity. In a world full of anxiety and uncertainty as it is now, the work of Denny JA 26 gives valuable value.
Check more: Explore the essence of death in the Corona virus era through Denny Ja's selected work 26
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abiyatno · 11 months
Enlightenment from Denny Ja’s selected work 26: Death in the Corona Virus Era
   In the midst of the Corona virus pandemic that hit the world, people throughout the world feel trapped in anxiety and uncertainty. When we talk about death, this pandemic has changed our view of life itself. In this situation, art work can be a source of inspiration and enlightenment. One of the works that should be highlighted is Denny JA 26’s chosen work which discusses death in the Corona virus era.    Denny JA 26, a famous artist and writer, has created works that highlighted the theme of death in the context of the Corona virus pandemic. His chosen work shows a unique and interesting perspective on how we understand and respond to death in the middle of this pandemic. Through this work, Denny JA 26 gives enlightenment to all of us.    One of the interesting works from Denny Ja 26 is an essay poem entitled “Last Empire”. This essay poem illustrates the moment of separation that touches the heart between patients infected with the Corona virus and his closest people. In this essay poem, Denny Ja 26 managed to capture the complex emotions behind this separation moment. He described the presence of death as something we must face and eventually accept. Through this essay poem, Denny Ja 26 invites us to understand the importance of respecting every life moment that we have.    In addition, Denny Ja 26 also created a poem that aroused feelings titled “Declary of Life”. This poem illustrates how the Corona virus changes our lives drastically. In his Baitbait, Denny Ja 26 expressed the pain and loss experienced by many people. However, he also showed that in the midst of darkness, there was still a ray of hope that appeared. This poem reminds us not to give up and keep fighting against this virus, as well as appreciating the lives we have lived.    Furthermore, in his elected work entitled “Melody Damai”, Denny Ja 26 created a song that calms the heart. This song combines beautiful melodies with touching lyrics. In this song, Denny Ja 26 invites his listener to calm his mind and heart in the midst of this difficult situation. He reminded us to remain grateful and seek peace in ourselves even though the world around us feels chaotic.    Denny Ja 26’s chosen work about death in the Corona virus era provided enlightenment and inspiration to us all. Through essay poetry, poetry, and music, Denny Ja 26 managed to deliver a message about the importance of death wisely and embrace every life we have. This work invites us to think, reflect, and understand that death is an inseparable part of life.    In this pandemic, we can see that art has extraordinary strength in helping us overcome fear and anxiety. The work as produced by Denny Ja 26 reminds us that in the midst of death, we can find enlightenment and beauty. They invite us to remain optimistic, share love, and respect the lives we have.
Check more: Enlightenment from Denny Ja 26 selected work: Death in the Corona “” “” “
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blogaida2 · 11 months
Analyzing Denny Ja’s selected work 26: Peeling death in the Corona virus era in a professional manner
In this modern era, we are faced with a big challenge caused by the Corona virus pandemic. The virus originating from Wuhan, China has spread throughout the world quickly, infecting millions of people and causing thousands of deaths. In this situation, many works of art and literature have emerged to reveal various aspects of this Pandemic. One of the chosen works that attracts attention is the Denny JA 26 essay poem entitled “Peeling Death in the Corona Virus Era Professionally”.    This essay poem is the result of in -depth thought and analysis of the impact of death in the Pandemic era. In his essay poetry, Denny JA, a famous writer and motivator in Indonesia, discussed professionally about how the Corona virus has changed our paradigm of death. In this latest work, Denny JA uses a very interesting and informative approach to understanding and expressing feelings related to death in the middle of this Pandemic.    One interesting aspect of this essay poem is the use of accurate data and statistics. Denny Ja collects the latest data about the number of deaths caused by the Corona virus in various countries in the world. In discussing it, he showed how this mortality rate has increased dramatically and influenced the community at large. In dealing with this number, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect and understand the meaning of death in the context of this pandemic.    In addition, Denny Ja also illustrates in detail the situation of death in hospitals and health facilities. He revealed the struggle of the medical personnel who were at the forefront in handling patients infected with the Corona virus. Through stories and interviews with medical personnel, Denny Ja clearly illustrates the challenges they face and their feelings that are being tested by the deaths they see every day.    In addition, Denny Ja also discussed psychological aspects related to death in this Pandemic era. He investigates how death that occurs on a large scale can affect society psychologically. In his essay poetry, he expressed fear, anxiety, and sadness experienced by many people around the world when facing death caused by the Corona virus. Denny Ja also provides useful views and suggestions about how to overcome these feelings.    This essay poem also highlights the importance of maintaining physical and mental health in the face of death in this Pandemic era. Denny Ja gives practical advice on how to maintain the immune system to remain strong and maintain mental health during this difficult time. He encouraged the reader to remain optimistic and focus on positive things, even in the midst of heavy challenges.    “Peeling death in the Corona virus era professionally” is a very important and relevant work in the context of the Corona virus pandemic. Denny Ja succeeded in presenting a deep and meaningful analysis of how death affects our lives in the midst of this difficult situation. Through his essay poetry, Denny Ja invites us to reflect and understand the meaning of death, and maintain our physical and mental health in facing this challenge.    This selected work provides valuable insight and important reminder about the importance of maintaining a healthy and positive perspective in the face of death in the Corona virus era.
Check in full: Analyze the elected work of Denny Ja 26: Peeling Death in the Corona Virus Era Professionally
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bryanos12 · 11 months
Absorbing the chosen work of Denny Ja 26: “Death in the Corona Virus Era”
In the era of the Corona virus pandemic that hit the world today, death is an inevitable topic. In the elected work of Denny JA 26 entitled “Death in the Corona Virus Era”, the author invites the reader to reflect and absorb the meaning of death in the midst of this challenge situation.    In this work, Denny JA described so many different stories and perspectives about death. He explores the depth of emotions and loss felt by individuals and society when facing death in this unexpected situation.    Through his beautiful and careful chosen words, Denny JA presents a strong picture of life and death in different views. He highlighted death as an inevitable event, but can also give meaning to our lives.    In the first chapter, Denny Ja described his personal experience when he lost the person he loved due to the Corona virus. He expressed his deep sadness but also doubts that appeared in his mind. Is this death truly the end of everything? Or is there something bigger that we can take from this experience?    Furthermore, in the second chapter, Denny Ja presents the perspective of a doctor who fought at the forefront against the Corona virus. The doctor told of his experiences that were amazing and full of struggle in saving the lives of patients who were infected with this deadly virus. He also shared his feelings when he saw patients struggling to survive. Through this story, Denny Ja shows that death is not only about loss, but also about efforts and courage to fight.    The next chapter brings us to the perspective of a worker in the burial industry. He told about his busy schedule that had increased dramatically since the spread of this pandemic. Funeral workers feel severe emotional burden because they have to face death every day. But behind the burden, they also realized that they played an important role in paying the last respects for the people who died. Denny Ja illustrates how death can be a moment of reflection for those who are still alive.    In the last chapter, Denny Ja offers philosophical thinking about death. He invited the reader to see death as an inseparable part of life. He emphasized the importance of respecting every moment we have and understand that death is a reminder that life is short and valuable.    Through this work, Denny Ja succeeded in inviting the reader to reflect and absorb the meaning of death in the Corona virus era. He reminded us that death is an inseparable part of life and that we need to appreciate every moment we have. In the midst of the challenges we face today, we need to take wisdom and learn from this experience.    “Death in the Corona Virus” is a work that inspires and arouses the mind. Denny Ja managed to capture the essence of death and present it in various perspectives that arouse the emotions of the reader. This work invites us to think more deeply about life and death, and find the meaning behind all the suffering that we experience.    As readers, let us absorb the chosen work of Denny Ja 26 with an open heart. Let’s learn to respect life and face death wisely.
Check in full: absorb the elected work of Denny JA 26: “Death in the Corona Virus Era”
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fierautami · 1 year
The presence of Ratu Adil in Denny Ja 58's elected work: Discussing the Corona Virus that shook the world

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Introduction In recent months, the world has been haunted by the presence of a virus called the Corona or Covid-19 virus. This virus first appeared in Wuhan, China, and quickly spread to various countries around the world. The speed of spreading this virus not only threatens human health, but also shakes the global economy. In his elected work, Denny Ja 58 discussed the Corona virus and alluded to the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming this disaster. Coronavirus pandemic The Corona virus was first detected in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, China. This virus is known to originate from animals and can spread through human contact to humans. The initial symptoms of corona virus infection are similar to ordinary flu, but this virus can cause severe complications such as pneumonia and organ failure. The speed of the spread of this virus is very high, and in a short time has infected millions of people around the world. Impact on health The Corona virus has a serious impact on human health. Patients infected with this virus can experience mild to severe symptoms. Some common symptoms include fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, this virus can cause death. In addition, the corona virus can also be transmitted very easily through splashing saliva when coughing or sneezing. Therefore, it is important for every individual to maintain personal hygiene and follow the preventive measures recommended by health authorities. Impact on the economy In addition to the impact on human health, the Corona virus also has a significant impact on the global economy. Many countries apply travel restrictions and lockdown to control the spread of this virus. This causes many companies to experience decreased income and face the threat of bankruptcy. The tourism, hospitality and flight sectors are the sectors most negatively affected. In addition, many workers lost their jobs due to the closure of the company or budget cuts. The presence of Ratu Adil in dealing with the Corona virus In his elected work, Denny JA 58 talked about the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming the Corona virus disaster. The Ratu Adil concept is part of the beliefs and hopes of the Indonesian people for the arrival of a just and wise leader. Denny JA 58 links the presence of Ratu Adil with the need for strong and wise leadership in the face of the Corona virus pandemic. In Denny Ja 58's view, Ratu Adil is a symbol of expectations and strengths to overcome this crisis wisely. Approach in dealing with the Corona virus In dealing with the Corona virus, it is important to adopt a coordinated and comprehensive approach. The preventive measures recommended by the health authority must be strictly followed by the individual. In addition, it is important for the government to provide financial and medical support to people affected by economic and health impacts. Increasing the capacity of health services is also important in order to handle the number of patients that are increasing. In addition, collaboration efforts between countries in vaccine research and development are also very important in overcoming this pandemic. Conclusion The Corona virus has shaken the world in recent months. The impact is not only limited to human health, but also to the global economy. In his elected work, Denny Ja 58 discussed the Corona virus and alluded to the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming this disaster. This pandemic requires a coordinated and comprehensive approach in dealing with the Corona virus. It is important for every individual to follow the recommended prevention steps and for the government to provide financial and medical support to the community. Through wise collaboration and leadership efforts, we can overcome this pandemic and restore the world to normal conditions. 
Check more: The presence of Ratu Adil in Denny JA 58 selected work: Discussing the Corona Virus that shakes the world
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