nde-obe · 2 years
My NDE's and OBE
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Thanks for the interest in my OBE and NDE's! The first is my OBE followed by the NDE’s. The two NDE were a tree planning accident. 1983 The second was a motorcycle wreck in 1985. Both times I went to the same place.
OBE: The OBE (1991) I was knocked out of my body when a 40lb weight fell 30 ft. onto my head. I watched myself run around bleeding and after about 20 seconds of this and then snapped back into my body. I felt the pain then passed out waking up in the E.R. Had a migraine for weeks!
Tree planting accident NDE (1983)
I was a tree planter Forman on a crew of 15 people. We had this guy who was always slower than everyone else and no matter where we put him he was holding up someone.
Tree planting is like this:
Scalpers: We etch out a 4 x 4 area with a grub hoe for the augers
Augers that would drill the hole in the ground for the seedlings.
Tree Planter
Forest service official wondering behind checking the tree's we just planter.
Okay, so now you know the order of planting trees. This guy would not work out anywhere. So I called the contractor who hired us and explained things and he told me to fire the guy at the end of the day.
After we finished and got back to base camp I fired him. he tried to be tough but I was the Forman and he was not working out. The night went pretty smooth ate dinner around the camp fire and then bed.
I shared a tent with another tree planter named Brock. Brock and I were the two lead scalpers setting the pace for everything, Later I found out it was about 3am when the sound of a truck was getting louder. This woke brock and he looked out of the tent window and saw a truck coming right for the tent,
As it got closer brock grabbed my sleeping bag and pulled me to the center of the tent missing the tires as they drove over our tent.
The truck stopped and I was awake now but my mummy bag got spun around and the face hole and zipper were now at my back side trapping me inside. I wiggled around trying to get to the zipper. If you know what a mummy bag is you should know the struggle if you’re in it backwards. When someone yelled "Where the hell is that son of a bitch!
The tent was ripped open by the truck and someone grabbed the bottom of my bag and drug me out of the tent. The next thing I know I am feeling people kicking me from outside the sleeping bag. The face, the back, everywhere. All I could do was cover my face to deflect some of the blows.
At some point someone cut open the bottom of the sleeping bag area and pulled a naked me out bloodied and in immense pain.
They put a rope around my ankles and hoisted me up into a tree, tied my hands behind my back and started beating me again. According to my crew they beat me until they were tired out. Everyone thought I was already dead.
At this time I am just numb from everything and bleeding out of every hole in my body. (Nose, ass, mouth, ears). As this was going on I should tell you everyone one in base camp was being held off with a shotgun one of them had. All they could do was watch. A few days later I was told a couple of people cried as this was happening to me.
I remember at one time (while hanging in the tree) through the blood in my eyes I was able to see the faces of my friends and it was sad to say the lease. The guy I fired jammed a shotgun into my mouth and then used the slider to put one in the barrel breaking two of my molars.
He said "Now you die"! I was really ready to die, I was in so much pain death would be a welcomed sight. Right before he was to shoot me another one of his group said something about no murder charges just beat me. The next thing I knew I was being hit in the face with the butt end of the shotgun and I was out.
I woke up to the sound of the truck leaving the way it came and my crew mates scrambling to get to me. They cut me down. Someone wrapped a blanket around me and they loaded me into the front of our crews suburban and started down the hill to town. It was a 45 minute ride to get out of the mountains and down to the closest town. I passed out for most of that ride,
I will mention I lost a lot of blood, a lot! And the drive to town was no different I was till bleeding from my ear and mouth. Brock called the sheriff of town (very small mountain town) so the sheriff came out 20 minutes later and called the nearest hospital. It was a 2 hr. drive for the ambulance to come get me and 2 hrs. Back to the hospital. This is where the First NDE happened.
NDE: I remember being in the ambulance in the middle of the night with lights no sirens heading to twin falls hospital when all of a sudden I am outside the ambulance watching it drive away and I thought to myself Hey. The light getting so white that I wanted to put up my hand to block it out, but I soon realized the light was LOVE or GOD or something wonderful I can’t explain in words as I started to calm down and feel more comfortable the white started to change into a place I will never forget. You could say it was the place of my dreams. I began to see hills with mountains in the distance. I started to feel what I thought was cool wind against my form, it felt so perfect. Like the perfect weather, on a perfect day. I started seeing rolling hills of flowers going off into the distance and I was moving towards them (the shadows and pastel colored hills filled with flowers of many kinds).
Then my vision started to clear more and I was standing by a river next to a gazebo. In the gazebo was a table and two high back wicker chairs, with a pitcher of what looked like lemonade and two glasses with ice cubes in them. As I was looking at the scene I started having that feeling again, the overwhelming feeling that I am not supposed to be here yet, and for some reason I turned to my left and everything started turning white again, and blinding white light again. Then horrific pain and suffering came back. I was now back in my body.
Motorcycle Wreck NDE I was living in Ft Lauderdale FL when the motorcycle wreck happened. I had a Harley I rode everywhere as my main transportation. I was also part of a motorcycle club and spent a great deal of time at the clubhouse when I was not working. As time went on I made some really good friends. One day I was sitting at the bar in the clubhouse drinking a soda when a fellow brother asked me if I would take his 17 yr old kid home. He asked me because He overheard me tell the bar keep that I was going to take off.
I met frank and gave him a helmet and I wore my half lid as usual. We left the clubhouse and got on the main road (45mph) heading to franks house about 10 minutes away. I was riding along in the right lane when an oncoming truck doing 45 tried to turn onto a side street in front of me. I yelled to frank to get off or hold on, he chose to hold on. Well the driver of the truck was drunk and misjudged the distance and WHAM! Hit us with the front right bumper. As the bike lays down it goes under both the front and back wheel with me still on the bike. My head hit the side front fender exploding my helmet on impact.
After the truck rolled over me I looked back and saw frank tumbling to the side of the road. I tried to get up but my left foot was facing the opposite way (backwards) so I couldn’t walk. I fell to the ground when the guy who hit me ran up and leaned down asking if I was okay. Well you could smell the alcohol on his breath. I grabbed his afro and started hitting him from a prone position. Eventually a lady grabbed my hands and leaned me hack between her knees because blood was squirting out the back of my head.
She had taken off her sweater and used it as a compress for the wound on the back of my head.
This is where I saw myself floating above the scene and I was at peace and was witnessing the confusion going on below me in the street. Frank wasn’t moving at all I noticed. It was at this time everything turned white again. When it cleared I was back in the same place again, just standing in a different spot. No people, just nature and a cabin, gazebo, babbling brook and me. That was my Motorcycle wreck in a nut shell. The experience was the same both times coming to this place. I can tell you that after lots of contemplation I know this is where I will go when I leave this body. That’s all right by me, lots of nature and lots of peace,
I posted the below for another poster and thought the information might help you. In the end you will believe what you want, but once you cross over your real life comes back and is more real than this place. Having had 2 N.D.E.'s and one O.B.E. Is proof enough for me!
Below you will find some very good links to check out. Ultimately you could just google: Near Death Experience stories" and go watch videos of the people who have had the NDE experience.
Raymond Moody coined the acronym N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) He is the grandfather of the Near Death Experience. He wrote a book back in 1975 and later adapted it to a movie. The movie ("Life after Life") is old and at time a bit cheesy but well worth the watch. He made it back in 1992 here is the URL to watch if you like: https://youtu.be/z56u4wMxNlg Also Check out Dr. Eben Alexander - near death experience. https://youtu.be/4MwnxDK3IxY one last link for you is a website of an attorney "Victor Zammit" who has been studying the afterlife for over 40 years. He has collected tons of Data and compiled it into a book that is a free download on his website. http://www.victorzammit.com
More about him: http://www.victorzammit.com/about/aboutvictor.html
Here is an excerpt from the "What happens when we die" section: What does happen when we die? 1. All humans survive physical death, irrespective of their beliefs. At the point of death we take our mind with all its experiences, our character and our Etheric (spirit) body — which is a duplicate of the earth body. It comes out of the earth body on the point of death and is connected to the Earth body by a silver chord.
Death occurs when the silver cord is severed from the physical body. The afterlife etheric body and our surroundings will be just as solid as our world seems to us now.
The state of mind at the point of death is crucial. Some pass over consciously and are fully aware of the loved ones who come to welcome the new arrival; others are unconscious and are taken to a special place of rest like a hospital or rest home. Anyone who has been sick for some time may need time to readjust their mental picture of themselves.
Some people at the point of death find it easy to get out of the dead physical body. With some others, helpers need to actively assist in the transition. Some very materialistic people will have a very heavy duplicate body and it will be more difficult for them to separate from their dead physical body. On crossing over, the average decent person from the physical planet earth is met by loved ones from the other side to assist in the transition to the spirit world.
After that you are likely to be taken to what has been labeled as the ‘third realm’ – a world where conditions are ever so much more beautiful, more pleasant and more peaceful than on the physical earth. Read more here: http://victorzammit.com/articles/whathappenswhenyoudie.htm\
I hope some of this jumbled mess helps.
Love in Light
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