#Corona Virus Infection
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nando161mando · 10 months ago
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
Since the Las Vegas Mayor offered my city as a “control group" to see how many people die without social distancing. Um, wear a fucking mask wherever you are because Yikes. Our safety is going to be dependent on our lack of physical interactivity works. Reducing your contact in half results in hundreds of less cases. 
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year ago
When There is EVIL in the Seoul! "Gangnam Zombie" reviewed! (Well Go USA Entertainment / Blu-ray)
Well Go USA’s “Gangnam Zombie” on Blu-ray Hi-Def! In the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea, former backup to the national taekwondo team Hyeon-seok works underpaid and unhappily for a smalltime viral video streaming company.  His colleague and crush, Min-jeong, is a content editor constantly being hit on by the knavish company owner.  Unhappy at their jobs, the two miserably plug away while…
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recursive360 · 1 year ago
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(via GIPHY)
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elenagold236 · 2 years ago
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Commercial Cleaning - Keen To Clean
Most Australians are feeling frightened and unsure about how to protect others and themselves from the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Following the rules established by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization (WHO), including good hygiene, sanitization, and disinfection measures, is advised by experts as the best defense.
We're prepared to assist covid-19 infection cleaning
. We can overcome this together.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is it? According to the WHO, COVID-19 (also known as "Coronavirus disease") is an infectious disease brought on by a fresh strain of coronavirus that was only recently detected in humans. The name "coronavirus" often refers to a group of viruses that can cause anything from the common cold to more severe conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Fever, exhaustion, a dry cough, shortness of breath or other breathing issues, body aches, nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea are typical symptoms. When the condition is severe, it can result in pneumonia, kidney failure, SARS, and even death. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales, droplets from their mouth or nose are released into the air and can be inhaled or come into contact with. These droplets travel through the air and land on nearby surfaces. When people touch or breathe in these areas, they may potentially contract the disease.
Effects of COVID-19 The rapidly spreading COVID-19 epidemic is now regarded as a global pandemic, which denotes that a new illness is thought to have spread "worldwide." Over 700 COVID-19 instances have been confirmed as of the time of publication in Australia, with New South Wales and Victoria accounting for the majority of cases. In Australia, more than 100,000 people have undergone viral testing, and regrettably, six people have already passed away.
Australian authorities currently advise frequently washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer when hand washing is not an option to prevent contracting or spreading the virus. using the crook of your elbow or arm, not your hands, to cough and sneeze Avoid touching your face as much as you can practice social distance by staying 1.5 meters away from other people whenever you can isolate yourself if you feel ill, have recently been abroad, or have come into contact with a confirmed case
How can I clean in a way that keeps both myself and others safe? It is more important than ever that we all adhere to best practices for personal hygiene, surface sanitization, and disinfection, especially in locations with limited space, like commercial office complexes.
How long can a virus remain on a surface? Although the solution is now unknown, experts think the virus functions similarly to other coronaviruses. In light of this, it is likely that the virus can survive on surfaces for anywhere between a few hours and many days, depending on elements like the type of surface and climatic variables like temperature. Disinfectants should be used to clean surfaces that are thought to be contaminated in order to eradicate the virus and lessen the risk of injury to you and others.
Cleaning vs. Disinfecting for COVID-19 The practice of disinfecting involves destroying or deactivating disease-causing bacteria and viruses on surfaces, whereas sanitizing will generally only reduce the number of bacteria on surfaces to acceptable levels and is ineffective against some viruses. Disinfecting is chosen for treating surfaces at a higher risk of contamination, especially if such contamination relates to a highly contagious virus like the new coronavirus, even though cleaning is typically sufficient for low risk circumstances.
Do I require expert cleaners for my property? Publicly accessible locations like malls, food courts, grocery stores, pharmacies, community services buildings, schools, daycare centers, and other establishments that frequently house large crowds of people should receive special attention from trained cleaning specialists during an outbreak and, in fact, during a pandemic. Hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, and medical institutions all need frequent specialized cleaning since they care for the most vulnerable people (the old and those with weakened immune systems). It might mean the difference between life and death.
Why hire experts in this case? Quality and experienced professional cleaners are trained and equipped to apply best practices to disinfection and sanitization of surfaces suspected of – or at risk of – contamination resulting from coronaviruses. Professional cleaners are also fully equipped and prepared to protect themselves from potential infection when cleaning hazardous areas and have the means to ensure proper disposal of contaminated waste. In a time when supermarket shelves are bare and supplies available to the general public are low, you can rest assured that reputable professional cleaners will have access to cleaning agents, equipment and personal protective supplies. An established set of protocols will be used by a respectable professional cleaning service to guarantee adherence to the most recent recommendations made by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization. We at Keen To Clean recognize that this is a difficult time for everyone. Our experienced and dedicated team of professional cleaners are here to help alleviate some of that stress and anxiety by ensuring your premises are appropriately sanitized and disinfected, and helping you to do your part to reduce the spread of the outbreak. Currently, we provide services to clients in Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney's suburbs as well as the city center. Get in touch today to discuss your needs and obtain a free quote.
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healthwellwisher · 2 years ago
« Именапроизводот—Parazol
« Кориснибенефиции—Олеснувањеодпаразитскиинфекции
« Состав—природенорганскисостав
« Страничниефекти– NA
« Оценка: —5/5
« Достапност—Онлајн
« Кадедакупите–Кликнететуказадабрзатесовашатанарачкаодофицијалниотвеб-сајт
Добро познат производител со долгогодишно искуство во здравствената индустрија го создаде Паразол. Бројни клинички испитувања ја докажаа ефикасноста на Parazol, па затоа неговиот квалитет е сигурен. Луѓето кои претходно го користеле овој производ се задоволни и генерално задоволни од резултатите што ги дава. Прочитајте го овој преглед на Parazol за да дознаете повеќе.
Ако се сомневате дека вашето тело е заразено со паразити, неопходно е да го прочитате овој преглед и да научите сè што можете за Parazol и како функционира. Повеќето корисници на форумот беа задоволни од ефектот на пијалокот. Веб-страницата обезбедува докази за сертификати за квалитет.
Чајот што содржи Parazol помага во елиминирање на паразитите кои можат да демнат во телото и да предизвикаат сериозни болести и беда. Корисниците мора да ги внесат своите информации за контакт за да го добијат лекот, до кои може да се пристапи само преку официјалната веб-страница.
Постои ризик од инфекција со паразити секогаш кога некое лице влегува во дивината, особено во региони со изобилство вода. Најчесто, овие проблеми се очигледни од самиот почеток, но корисниците имаат тенденција да ги игнорираат малите промени во нивните тела. Во цревата може да се сместат некои од најнепријатните бактерии и паразити, што ги прави тешки за варење.
Уникатната хербална мешавина на чај Паразол ефикасно ги елиминира паразитите, токсините и слободните радикали од телото. За да понудат заштита од вируси и опасните бактерии, био-додатоци се внимателно дизајнирани со избалансиран состав. Паразолот за детоксикација функционира како природен стимуланс на имунолошкиот систем кој ги елиминира сите токсини и паразити од телото.
Преглед ��а Parazol - Како функционира Parazol?
Системот функционира така што помага во поместувањето на опасните соединенија кои инаку би се создале во човечкото тело со текот на времето. Дополнително, системот е дизајниран да го зајакне метаболизмот и да ги активира извонредните способности за согорување и разделување масти на телото. Покрај тоа, системот е наменет за чистење на внатрешните органи на телото.
==> Кликнететуказаданарачате: Непропуштајтејанајдобратаспецијалнапонуда <==
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Додатокот ја инхибира и активноста на паразитите кои се штетни за организмот, што е многу значаен ефект. Внатрешните паразити се одговорни за многу проблеми на телото, како што се проблеми со метаболизмот на мастите и дебелината. Дополнително, додатокот Parazol ја намалува веројатноста за мрзеливост, постојана малаксаност и самозадоволство.
Опасности и знаци на паразити и токсини!
Бројни еминентни паразитолози изразуваат загриженост дека сè поголем број луѓе боледуваат од акутни паразитски болести. Способноста на патогените бактерии да го окупираат телото без да создаваат симптоми за одреден временски период е најважниот фактор што придонесува за оваа непосакувана склоност. Така, тие можат да се формираат и да се шират низ телото со месеци. Тие често предизвикуваат инфекции кои мора да се ��ретираат и неутрализираат со текот на времето. Некои од најчестите причини за токсини и паразити во телото се интеракција со животни и инсекти, несоодветна хигиена, конзумирање загадена храна и контакт со заразено лице. Ако сте заразени, може да имате еден или повеќе од следниве симптоми:
Нарушување на цревниот микробиом;\s• Мигрена, раздразливост, дијареа и запек;\s• алергии и постојан замор;\s• чести настинки, затнат нос;\s• болки во мускулите и зглобовите;
Parazol нуди заштита од паразити во црниот дроб, срцето, белите дробови и желудникот, според официјалната веб-страница на производот.
        Заштитува од паразитски инфекции на кожата
        Намалување на цревните паразити и бактерии
        Елиминација на паразитски јајца
        Намалете ги проблемите со жолчката
        Паразитот е главен извор на болеста, а има неколку симптоми на инфекција.
Преглед на Parazol
Иако Parazol Price е одлична стратегија за одржување на телото чисто, оние кои се плашат дека имаат паразит треба веднаш да побараат медицинска помош. Без лекарска инспекција, потрошувачите немаат начин да ја знаат природата и смртоносноста на паразитот.
Паразол е органски чај со био-состав кој може да го детоксицира телото со отстранување на токсини, паразити, хелминти и бактерии. Покрај тоа, Parazol придонесува за целосно закрепнување на организмот бидејќи го спречува враќањето и повторувањето на опасните бактерии. Додатокот во исхраната го зајакнува имунолошкиот систем.
==> Кликнететуказаданарачате: Непропуштајтејанајдобратаспецијалнапонуда <==
Според производителот, Parazol е единствен универзален инструмент со повеќе начини на дејствување, што го прави еден од најефикасните третмани против сите видови паразити. Поради своите антибактериски и антивирусни својства, органскиот чај сигурно го штити телото од заразни болести, го намалува воспалението и, за разлика од фармацевтските производи, нема никакви несакани ефекти. Во 2021 година, клиентите од Италија и Шпанија споделуваат позитивни забелешки во врска со Parazol. Тие се задоволни од ефективноста на производот и ги потврдуваат неговите многубројни вредни карактеристики. Покрај тоа, природниот чај има прифатлива цена. Затоа, неколку клиенти претходно го пробаа, за што сведочат нивните размислувања и оценки за Падобранот.
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Како да се користи Parazol
Следете ги упатствата и прочитајте ги сите достапни информации за да научите како правилно да го давате чајот Паразол. Напитокот треба да се консумира секој ден. Прочитајте го упатството за поопширни детали во врска со правењето чај. Самуел Коталди е лекар и експерт за заразни болести со 18-годишно професионално искуство. Тој предлага времетраењето на курсот да биде триесет дена.
Клиентите мора да бидат вредни кога пијат Паразол за детоксикација, а органскиот чај наскоро ќе ги обезбеди следните придобивки:
        Одлично здравје на кожата, косата и ноктите; подобрена дигестија и функција на цревата;
        Добар сон и добра работна продуктивност;
        Имунолошки систем и заштита од вируси кои се робусни;
        Паразитите се елиминираат од телото.
Нека вашето тело е чисто и здраво!
Редовната детоксикација е здрава навика која може да помогне во одржувањето на добро здравје и зајакнат имунолошки систем. Не дозволувајте токсините и паразитите да го нападнат вашето тело; наместо тоа, обезбедете нејзина редовна детоксикација. Консумирајте хранлива храна богата со витамини и минерали. Одржувајте одлична лична хигиена и внимавајте на сите непријатни симптоми.
==> Кликнететуказаданарачате: Непропуштајтејанајдобратаспецијалнапонуда <==
Како заклучок, Parazol е органски чај развиен за прочистување на целото тело. Природниот додаток има моќни антипаразитски квалитети и е со супериорен квалитет. Био-формулата гарантира потрошувачка без проблеми без можност за негативни последици. Клиентите веруваат дека производот е поефикасен од другите слични понуди на пазарот.
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lotus-tower · 1 year ago
COVID-19's long-term effects on the body: an incomplete list
COVID’s effect on the immune system, specifically on lymphocytes:
NYT article from 2020 (Studies cited: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.18.101717v1, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.20.106401v1, https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/32405080/Decreased_T_cell_populations_contribute_to_the_increased_severity_of_COVID_19_, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.20125112v1)
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc8511 (Published in Science)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lauterbach-warnt-vor-unheilbarer-Immunschwaeche-durch-Corona-article23860527.html (German Minister of Health)
Anecdotal evidence of COVID’s effects on white blood cells:
Much more if you speak to Long Covid patients directly!
Related information of interest:
China approves Genuine Biotech's HIV drug for COVID patients
COVID as a “mass disabling event” and impact on the economy:
COVID’s impact on the heart:
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/deadly-virus-could-lead-heart-31751263 (Research from: Japan's Riken research institute)
https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/is-coronavirus-a-disease-of-the-blood-vessels (British Heart Foundation)
COVID’s effect on the brain and cognitive function:
Cognitive post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) can occur after mild COVID-19 
Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs
Covid as a vascular/blood vessel disease:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004104134.htm (microclots)
Long Covid:
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know, and a framework for action
- Viruses and mutation: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/monkeys-on-typewriters
Measures taken by the rich and world leaders
Heightened risk of diabetes
Liver damage:
tl;dr: covid is a vascular disease, not a respiratory illness. it can affect your blood and every organ in your body. every time you're reinfected, your chances of getting long covid increase.
avoid being infected. reduce the amount of viral load you're exposed to.
the gap between what the scientific community knows and ordinary people know is massive. collective action is needed.
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lucydarkrain · 1 month ago
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Zombie Apocalypse/World War Z AU
Rapunzel Corona
Rapunzel is the most knowledgeable about medicine and pathology among the survivors. Before the virus outbreak, she was a clinical intern at the San Francisco School of Medicine. Initially, after the outbreak, she was determined not to play the hero. However, after witnessing countless innocent lives perish before her eyes, she decided to uphold the Hippocratic Oath. From that point on, she vowed to help anyone she could save. While she appears full of survival instinct and often encourages others to keep going, deep down, she has long been prepared to face death calmly. Rapunzel embarks on this journey to reach Chicago, where she hopes to find an old friend of her mentor, Dr. Gothel, and uncover the origin of the outbreak by identifying patient zero.
Rapunzel’s First Day
On the first day of the outbreak, Rapunzel witnessed chaos at the hospital. She saw medical staff hurriedly wheeling patients out of the elevator, their faces pale with fear. Passing through the crowd, she caught a glimpse of the grotesque appearance of a patient, the strong scent of blood making her stomach churn. While taking the elevator to leave, she saw the same patient violently attack the doctors. Thankfully, the elevator doors closed just in time, sparing her.
Back in the lobby, Rapunzel struggled to process what she had just seen. The hospital still appeared normal, but she recalled her mentor, Dr. Gothel, mentioning a contagious disease that had recently surfaced in Panama. While running to the attending physician’s office, Gothel appeared, urging her to leave immediately. She handed Rapunzel her notebook, explaining that the disease had already reached California and was spreading rapidly. Suddenly, an ambulance crashed through the hospital’s glass walls, causing widespread panic. Gothel told Rapunzel to leave California and go to the address recorded in the notebook to find her.
As zombies overran the hospital, Rapunzel was saved by her EMT colleague, Cassandra, who helped her fend off the undead. The two managed to escape the hospital in a car. Though they initially planned to stick together, Cassandra was attacked by zombies shortly after their escape. Realizing her imminent death, Cassandra sacrificed herself to protect Rapunzel. Devastated, Rapunzel drove into a deserted countryside where she finally allowed herself to grieve. Wiping her tears, she began planning her next steps for survival.
On the fifth day after the outbreak in San Francisco, Rapunzel encountered Jack sitting on a highway fence, smoking a cigarette. Covered in blood, he looked infected at first glance. Initially planning to ignore him, she remembered Cassandra’s help and her own oath as a doctor, eventually deciding to stop and ask if he needed a ride.
• Medical Kit: Contains disinfectants, iodine, bandages, antibiotics, sedatives, etc., scavenged from a pharmacy.
• Frying Pan: Her signature weapon. Unskilled with firearms and warned about their recoil by Jack, she once saved herself with this pan and gradually became proficient with it.
• Notebook: Dr. Gothel’s pathology notes, containing information about the virus and theories about potential sources. It also includes the Chicago address of Gothel’s old friend.
• Axe: A relatively effective weapon after learning zombies’ weak points.
Jackson (Jack) Overland Frost
Jack is the melee combat expert among the survivors. After graduating high school, he served in the military for a year, giving him strong physical and reflexive abilities. Before the outbreak, he was just an ordinary boy working part-time at a Dairy Queen. As the virus spread, Jack quickly learned how to fight off zombies and, for a time, even found a grim sense of enjoyment in the violence. Initially, he planned to exploit Rapunzel’s kindness to take her supplies, deeming her idealism naive in this cruel world. However, her repeated acts of kindness and her story eventually led him to trust her and believe in her theories. Over time, his personality began to revert to its original state, and he started trusting her. Jack’s goal is to reach Washington, D.C., where he hopes to reunite with his former commanding officer, North. Believing North, who once worked at Homeland Security, might have a solution to the outbreak, Jack is determined to find him.
Jack’s First Day
On the first day of the outbreak, Jack was on his way to pick up his younger sister, Emma, from school. Noticing panicked parents rushing to take their children home, he felt an ominous sense of dread. Taking Emma, he hurried back home, witnessing people fleeing in terror and infected individuals attacking others. The chaos triggered Emma’s asthma, but Jack couldn’t find her inhaler. He drove to a pharmacy, where people were looting supplies in a frenzy. Grabbing essentials, he and Emma fled the scene.
Back home, Jack thought they could escape with their parents, only to discover his mother had already been infected by a neighbor. She attacked him and Emma, forcing Jack to grab a handgun from a drawer and shoot her. Only later did he realize she was no longer his mother. Emma, frozen in shock, revealed a bite on her wrist. Tearfully, she begged Jack to end her life before she turned into one of them. Overwhelmed with grief, Jack carried out her final wish and vowed to survive in her honor.
A week after the outbreak, Jack ran out of bullets. His car, damaged during previous attacks, broke down on the highway. With no will to live, he sat on the roadside fence, smoking and waiting for the end. Hearing a car stop, he looked up to see a young blonde woman asking if he needed a ride.
• M1911: A handgun from his parents’ bedroom, used to kill his infected mother and sister. It played a key role in his early survival.
• .45 ACP: A handgun obtained from a gun shop during his journey with Rapunzel, which he now carries at all times.
• Shotgun: A weapon stored in his car, frequently used in battles.
• Gold Necklace: Originally Emma’s, containing family photos. After her death, Jack has worn it constantly.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
Hiccup is the brains of the survivor squad. Before the virus outbreak, he was a university student in Los Angeles. During his freshman year, he was hazed by a fraternity, which led him to successfully hack into all their members’ computers as revenge. Before the outbreak, he was quiet and reserved, but the absurdity of the situation turned him into a chatterbox. His destination during the escape is Minnesota, having heard it’s a peaceful place to retire.
Hiccup’s First Day
It all began when Hiccup was on his way back to his dorm. He noticed several helicopters flying overhead and an accident at a nearby intersection, with police and ambulance sirens blaring. Growing uneasy, he quickened his pace. In the park ahead, he saw someone being attacked, and though he didn’t want to believe it, he realized he was witnessing a scene of cannibalism. Glancing back, he saw people at the intersection abandoning their cars and fleeing in panic. Without knowing what they were running from, Hiccup instinctively joined them. Turning his head, he saw someone emerging from a nearby restaurant being chased and bitten by a grotesque figure. This horrifying sight prompted Hiccup to count how long it took for the bitten person to transform—it was just fifteen seconds.
As more and more infected appeared, Hiccup fled into a dark alley, where he desperately pried open a manhole cover and climbed into the sewers, narrowly escaping death.
During his escape, Hiccup encountered a stray black cat with only one ear. He initially wanted to name it “One Ear,” but the cat clearly disliked the name. The cat stared intently at Hiccup while he ate, and though he first mistook it for a zombie, he relaxed upon realizing it was just a hungry animal. He shared some food with it, but whenever he tried to touch the cat, it reacted with hostility. Once, it even bit his hand with its still-growing teeth. Hiccup didn’t resist and let the cat vent, which led to the cat eventually following him everywhere. Though he initially wanted nothing to do with the cat, Hiccup found himself saving it from a horde of zombies. Later, when he injured his leg and thought he was doomed, he told the cat he would never eat it and urged it to leave him behind. However, the cat refused to abandon him. Realizing his wound was just a scratch from metal debris, Hiccup named the cat “Toothless” and decided to find a home for both of them.
Hiccup and Toothless were eking out a living in a supermarket on the outskirts of town. On the sixth day of the outbreak, Hiccup woke to the sound of movement. Gripping a baseball bat, he cautiously approached the pharmacy aisle, where he saw golden hair trailing on the floor. Following the hair, he found Rapunzel scavenging for medical supplies. Startled by the noise, Rapunzel grabbed a frying pan and faced him defensively. Jack, hearing the commotion, quickly located them. After confirming everyone was human, Jack relaxed but remained vigilant, questioning Hiccup about the wound on his leg. Hiccup assured him that if he had been bitten, he would have turned already.
Seeing signs of infection, Rapunzel gave Hiccup antibiotics. Since Minnesota and Chicago were on the same route, she decided to bring Hiccup along to prevent his injury from worsening.
Weapons and Equipment
• Baseball Bat: Originally his roommate’s, it was Hiccup’s first weapon but proved ineffective, forcing him to rely on hiding during the first week.
• Spiked Club: A homemade weapon made by driving nails into a wooden bat.
• Fire Crossbow: A self-made crossbow modified to light its bolts with alcohol, enabling effective ranged attacks.
• Glock 19: Hiccup’s backup weapon, meant for either defense or ending his own life if necessary.
• Prosthetic Leg: After losing his leg in the Chicago incident, Hiccup crafted a prosthetic limb using available tools. With Rapunzel’s help, he adapted to it and eventually regained his ability to walk and run.
Merida DunBroch
Merida is the survivor squad’s long-range support. Before the outbreak, she worked as a horse-riding instructor at a Southern California ranch owned by her father’s old friend, MacGuffin. As a Scot, she would often revert to a thick accent or use slang when agitated, which her clients couldn’t understand. Hoping to reunite with her family in Virginia, she began her journey. Another goal was to retrieve her father’s firearms, stored in a hidden armory near their family farm, to better protect her loved ones.
Merida’s First Day
Merida was leisurely riding her beloved horse, Angus, across a plain when they neared the forest. Angus suddenly stopped, uneasy. Sensing something was wrong, Merida returned to the stables, noticing the other animals behaving restlessly as well.
Shortly after, she received a call from her mother, urging her to lock the doors and windows, mentioning that rabies outbreaks from East Asia had reached the U.S. The call became choppy, and several helicopters flew overhead. Her mother’s final words before the line cut off were to get home immediately.
Merida stopped by MacGuffin’s mansion to find out more. His son pulled her aside, saying his father was acting strangely, and asked her to wait in the living room. Moments later, she heard glass shattering and a struggle upstairs. Investigating, she was attacked by a rabid MacGuffin and his son. Grabbing a decorative sword, Merida defended herself. Guards burst in to help but were quickly overwhelmed and infected. Realizing the infected could only be killed by destroying their brains, Merida used a crossbow from the estate’s armory to put down MacGuffin and his son.
Returning to her ranch, Merida found Angus had fled but eventually reunited with him. Her attempts to warn neighbors were met with fear or disbelief, with one person even stealing her gun and ammunition. Cornered by zombies, Merida watched Angus distract the horde, giving her a chance to escape in MacGuffin’s car.
Ten days after the outbreak, WHO declared a global crisis. Jack, Rapunzel, and Hiccup took shelter in a Beverly Hills mansion. While exploring, Rapunzel admired a painting when an arrow narrowly missed her, embedding itself in the artwork. Turning, she saw a red-haired girl aiming a bow at her. Jack, alerted by Rapunzel’s scream, pointed his gun at Merida, who claimed she had staked her claim on the house.
The standoff ended when Merida was startled by Toothless. Jack wanted to tie her up as a precaution, but Rapunzel later brought her food and a blanket, suggesting she join the group. Merida escaped that night, warning Rapunzel that kindness could be deadly in times like these. However, when zombies attacked the mansion, Merida returned and used her crossbow to save Hiccup, ultimately helping the group escape.
Weapons and Equipment
• Metal Bow and Arrows: Merida’s personal weapon, highly accurate and effective in close combat when necessary.
• Crossbow: Taken from the MacGuffin estate, it became her primary weapon.
• Carbine Rifle: Lightweight and effective for medium-range combat, often used to cover Jack’s blind spots.
• Shotgun: A last resort, cumbersome but reliable.
Plot Outline: Virginia → Chicago
After a long journey, the four finally arrived in Virginia, only to find that the virus outbreak in the state was not as severe as in cities out west. Perhaps due to the vast rural landscape and lower population density, there were plenty of zombies, but the situation wasn’t as catastrophic as they had feared.
Merida quickly found her family home but discovered it in complete disarray. The windows and balcony glass were shattered, and the kitchen bore evidence of a violent struggle, with knives and bloodstains scattered around. After thoroughly searching the house and finding no sign of her family or their bodies, the group realized that the DunBroch family, apart from Merida, had likely perished. Merida silently stared at a shattered family photo lying on the ground for a long time. She then led the others to break into her father’s armory. Inside, they found most of the weapons intact, except for her father’s beloved Remington 700 rifle and MAC-10 submachine gun, which were missing. The group scavenged all useful items before continuing their journey to Chicago.
During the journey, Hiccup wrestled with whether to leave the group and take Toothless to Minnesota to build a home for themselves. While staying overnight in an abandoned hotel in the countryside, the group held a simple farewell ceremony for him. After drinking, a tipsy Merida and Jack even joked about tying Hiccup to the passenger seat of their car to prevent him from leaving. Once Merida and Jack had fallen asleep, Rapunzel, who was on night watch, handed Hiccup the address of her destination in Chicago and told him he was welcome to find them anytime if he changed his mind. That night, Toothless rested on Rapunzel’s lap, seemingly sensing the tension in the air.
The next morning, the group said their emotional goodbyes. Hiccup and Toothless set off for Minnesota, while the other three continued their journey to Chicago.
According to the notes they carried, Rapunzel’s late friend had mentioned someone with the codename “Pitch,” whose address pointed to Chicago City Hospital. The group fought their way into the hospital and found Pitch in a private room. Pitch explained that the hospital’s pathology lab contained blood samples from Patient Zero, the first documented case of the outbreak, and recounted the events of the outbreak’s first day in Chicago.
Believing that information about Patient Zero could help develop a cure, Rapunzel insisted on retrieving the blood samples. Jack and Merida initially dismissed her plan as reckless but ultimately decided to join her. Pitch, amused by their determination, agreed to help. He drew them a map of the hospital and marked the location of the pathology lab.
The three braved numerous obstacles to reach the lab, only to find its door secured by a fingerprint scanner. As panic set in, the door suddenly opened on its own. They quickly locked it behind them, keeping the zombies outside. Just as they were trying to figure out what had happened, the intercom inside the lab crackled to life—it was Hiccup’s voice. He and Toothless, after deciding to rejoin the group, had successfully infiltrated the hospital’s control room and hacked into its systems to assist them.
With the blood samples in hand, the group reunited with Hiccup in the control room and returned to Pitch’s room, only to find it overrun by zombies. Before they left, Pitch revealed that the safest place in the world was Jerusalem, which had prepared extensively for the outbreak even before it began. He mentioned a massive wall called “Limbo” that successfully kept the zombies out. Rapunzel urged Pitch to join them, but he refused, explaining that he had lost his daughter and no longer had the will to continue fighting. The group reluctantly left as the zombies poured in, and Rapunzel, glancing back for a brief moment, was shocked to see the zombies ignoring Pitch entirely.
As the group fled in their vehicle, zombies attacked before the door could close, and Hiccup was bitten on the lower leg. Once the car was secured, Jack immediately amputated Hiccup’s leg to prevent the infection from spreading. Rapunzel quickly wrapped his leg with a cloth to stop the bleeding while counting down the crucial 15 seconds. Merida placed the hilt of her sword in Hiccup’s mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue in pain. As the seconds passed, Jack, trembling, held a gun to Hiccup’s head, ready to end it if necessary. When the 15 seconds elapsed and Hiccup showed no signs of infection, the group breathed a sigh of relief. Rapunzel disinfected and bandaged his leg, while Jack, still shaken, muttered that perhaps Hiccup shouldn’t have come back. Hiccup, pale and weak, stroked Toothless and replied that he felt safer with them.
Shortly after, Jack managed to contact North, attempting to negotiate safe passage for the group. Sensing hesitation in North’s response, Jack revealed that they had blood samples from Patient Zero and that his experience in the field made him an asset. In exchange, he demanded transport to Jerusalem’s Limbo. After a brief pause, North agreed to contact them within an hour.
An hour later, North instructed them to meet his team at Cleveland’s Terminal Tower at sunrise.
Upon arriving in Cleveland, the group prepared for the final sprint, using thick magazines to reinforce their arms and legs and carrying all remaining weapons and supplies. At sunrise, they fought through a relentless horde of zombies toward the helicopter. Hiccup fired his flaming crossbow to signal their position to the pilots. During the battle, Merida accidentally ingested zombie blood, and once aboard the tower, she prepared to leap to her death if she showed signs of infection. Rapunzel, panicked, tried to stop her, but Merida refused, counting down 15 seconds with her eyes closed. When no infection occurred, she finally boarded the helicopter.
The group finally escaped and arrived within the walls of Limbo in Jerusalem. Rapunzel and the blood samples were handed over to surviving WHO virologists. Jack was assigned to the defense team protecting the walls, Hiccup and Toothless received further treatment for his amputation, and Merida, to her surprise, was reunited with her three younger brothers, who had survived.
—— TBC.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months ago
Reference saved in our archive
"Just a cold" that's giving kids Graves' disease.
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madamepestilence · 10 months ago
H5N1: What to know before fear spreads
What is H5N1?
H5N1 is a 1996 strain of the Spanish or Avian Flu first detected in Chinese birds before spreading globally across various avian species. H5N1 is similar to H1N1, but spreads slower and has a much higher mortality rate.
H5N1 may also be referred to as Influenza A. The American Association of Bovine Practitioners has seen fit to rename H5N1 to Bovine Influenza A Virus, or BIAV, and are encouraging others to use the same terminology.
I would not be surprised if the colloquial name among the public becomes Bovine Flu or American Flu in the coming months, and may be referred to as the Chinese Flu by the same folks who took the spark of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic as an excuse to be publicly racist to East Asian people without social repercussions.
BIAV is a virus, meaning that it is a (probably) non-living packet of self-replicating infectious material with a high rate of mutation. BIAV is structured similarly to SARS-CoV-2, having a packet of infectious material encased in a spherical shell with a corona, or crown, of proteins that can latch to living cells to inject RNA.
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Image source with interactive model: ViralZone - H5N1 subtype
What is the history of BIAV?
In 1996 and 1997, an outbreak of BIAV occurred among poultry and infected 18 people in Hong Kong, 6 of which died. This seemingly isolated incident then infected ~860 people with a >50% death rate.
At the time, BIAV was known as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or HPAI, and killed nearly 100% of chickens within a 48 hour period.
From 2003 to 2005, continual outbreaks occurred in China and other East Asian countries, before spreading to Cambodia, the Netherlands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
From 2014 to 2016, it began being detected in American fowl, as well as mutating the H5N6 (lethal in birds, no human to human transmission) and H5N8 (largely spread through turkeys, ducks had immunity) viruses.
BIAV has since evolved into a clade known as, and was first detected in 2021 in wild American birds. This then caused outbreaks in 2022 among wild and domesticated birds (such as chickens) alike, but was largely being overshadowed by the pressing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at the time.
From 2022 to 2023, it was observed to be spreading among various mammals, including humans. Now, in 2024, we're having the most concerning rapid outbreak of BIAV since 2003.
BIAV is known to spread from mammal to mammal, particularly between cows and humans. BIAV may also be spread from cow to cow (highly likely, but not confirmed - this is likely the reason the virus has spread to Idaho from Texan cattle), and is known to be lethal to domestic cats and birds within 48 hours.
How does BIAV spread?
BIAV spreads through fomites - direct contact with infected animals or infected surfaces and then touching parts of your face or other orifices - as well as through airborne particulates, which may be inhaled and enter the sinuses and lungs.
BIAV is known to spread through:
Asymptomatic Ducks, geese, swans, various shorebirds
Symptomatic, may be lethal Foxes, bears, seals, sea lions, polar bears, domestic cats, dogs, minks, goats, cows, (potentially human to human, but unconfirmed - there have only been 8 potential human to human cases in 2024).
How can I protect against BIAV?
As BIAV is a type of Influenza A, existing protocols should do fine.
Current recommendations are to wash your hands vigorously after interacting with birds (I would also recommend doing this with mammals), avoid touching your face or other open orifices, and wear N95 masks.
Avoid sick or dead animals entirely - I would also recommend reporting them to your local Animal Control or veterinary centre and warning them about the infection risk. People who work with animals are recommended to also wear full PPE such as N95 masks, eye protection, gloves, and partake in vigorous hand washing.
If you suspect you've caught BIAV, seek medical attention immediately. Existing medications such as oseltamivir phosphate, zanamivir, peramivir, and baloxavir marboxil can reduce BIAV's ability to replicate.
Standard flu shots will not protect against BIAV. Remember - symptoms of BIAV may not manifest for between 2 to 8 days, and potentially infected people should be monitored for at least 10 days.
How far has BIAV spread?
BIAV is currently a global virus, though the current infection location of note is the United States.
Image Key: Dark red - Countries with humans, poultry and wild birds killed by H5N1 Deep red - Countries with poultry or wild birds killed by H5N1 and has reported human cases of H5N1 Light red - Countries with poultry or wild birds killed by H5N1
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Image source: Wikipedia - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 - File: Global spread of H5N1 map
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Image source: Metro.co.uk - Map shows where bird flu is spreading in US amid new warning - File: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s H5N1 bird flu detections map across the United States
Should I be afraid?
You needn't be afraid, just prepared. BIAV has a concerningly high lethality, but this ironically culls its spread somewhat.
In the event human to human transmission of BIAV is confirmed, this will likely mainly affect marginalized communities, poor people, and homeless people, who are likely to have less access to medical care, and a higher likelihood of working in jobs that require frequent close human contact, such as fast food or retail jobs.
Given the response to SARS-CoV-2, corporations - and probably the government - may shove a proper response under the rug and refuse to participate in a full quarantine, which may leave people forced to go to work in dangerous conditions.
If this does spread into an epidemic or pandemic, given our extensive knowledge about Influenza, and the US having a backup vaccine for a prior strain of H5N1, a vaccine should be able to be developed relatively quickly and would hopefully be deployed freely without charge - we won't have to worry about a situation like The Stand.
Wash your hands, keep clean, avoid large social gatherings where possible, wear an N95 mask if you can afford them (Remember: Cloth masks are the least protective, but are better than nothing. If you can't afford N95 masks, I recommend wearing a well-fitted cloth mask with a disposable face mask over it to prevent pneumonia from moisture buildup in the disposable mask), support the disabled, poor, and homeless, and stay educated.
We can do better this time.
Further things to check out:
YouTube: MedCram - H5N1 Cattle Outbreak: Background and Currently Known Facts (ft. Roger Seheult, M.D.)
Wikipedia - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1
Maine.gov - Avian Influenza and People
CDC.gov - Technical Report: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses
Wikipedia - H5N1 genetic structure
realagriculture - Influenza infection in cattle gets new name: Bovine Influenza A Virus (BIAV)
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nando161mando · 3 months ago
Bird flu in Canada may have mutated to become more transmissible to humans
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docnomore · 1 month ago
Pretty sure it’s COVID. So let’s talk science, history, statistics, politics and facts. It’s got me a little rattled. I’ve had COVID at least once before. I slept 48 hours, dealt with flavorless food for a week and it was gone. The incubation period was a little over a week. This time, I presumably got it from Mrs. Doc who came down with it first. Within 12 hours both I and our youngest got it. We may all have been exposed at the same time, given her weakened immune state. Hard to say. But 12 hours is lightning fast. I then gave it to an employee. I try to never breathe on people, as I have a thing about being breathed upon. Still, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, within 48 hours he got it.
Viral infections have no cure. No vaccine. A vaccine is made up of dead, crushed cell parts of the bacterium, injected into the host (you and me), it allows the bodies soldiers a snapshot of what to look for so when it sees it or any mart of it, it can isolate and destroy it. mRNA doesn’t do that at all. It modifies YOUR genetic markers, changing you, hopefully to be resistant to the virus. That in my not so expert opinion is a wildly dangerous theory that should NEVER have been tested on the population.
So, 12-48 hours incubation. Where else have we seen this? 1918 with the Spanish Flu. That too was a Corona/SARS virus. It was a naturally occurring hybrid of swine and avian flu. The incubation period was an estimated 12 hours. Diagnosed, the patient was dead within 12 hours. It attacked the young, vibrant and healthy. Starting with cold like symptoms, observers witnessed a plaque build up of White Blood Cells presenting as mucous on the back of the throat that quickly spread to the bronchioles rendering them worthless. The patients would turn a deep purple to black color and then, just prior to death, all of that mucous/WBC plaque would simply vanish. They literally suffocated. In 1918, the average daily death toll in Philadelphia was 426. That’s per day. Let that sink in.
From 1918-1926 the newly established Department of Public Health, along with the US Army and the insurance company Mutual of New York conducted a study. What they found was the wearing of (cloth) surgical masks did nothing to slow or abate the spread. Also, the imposition of quarantine was a death sentence for those not infected, living in the same residence.
The US government has had in its labs since 1967, COVID-19. It was by direction of Dr. Fauci, approved by President Obama that the bio weapons lab at Ft. Detrick be shut down and those agents/experiments be outsourced to among other places, Wuhan, China. That is China, a communist country/enemy of the US.
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins funded the Gain of Function research of COVID-19. There are two very similar definitions for the term Gain of Function. The civilian definition is that it is the ability to understand what makes a given virus/bacterium tick so that we can then either kill it or render it ineffective. Sounds good. The military definition is the same but the goal is to enhance its virulence all the while we can control/target it to a given enemy. Think mustard gas and gas masks in WW I.
Now, think back to 2020 when this thing sprang out of nowhere. No one stopped to ask how Dr. Fauci knew immediately what it was. Nor did anyone bother to question his constant reversals on whether or not wearing a mask was necessary. He just knew because he is smarter than the rest of us. At least, that is what we were told.
Immediately, the US Army deployed a Surgical Field Hospital to NYC. Dozens of refrigerator semi trailers were brought in as holding containers or the onslaught of dead that they were sure were coming. A month went by and due to great expense, having seen only 100 patients, none of who had COVID-19, the Army packed it in and went home. The CDC brought in Dr. Birx who changed the way we count Cause of Death. People who objected quit and were immediately silenced. No longer interested exclusively in COVID-19 as the Primary COD, we now actually paid hospital groups to test the dead for COVID-19. Literally, you could die in a horrific car crash, and post mortem be tested for, pop positive and then have that secondary, tertiary or ancillary finding become the Primary COD. Philadelphia 1918, 426 per day. Philadelphia 2020, you weed through and filter out the extraneous bull shit diagnoses and what you end up with is a probable 23 per month. A monumental intentional inflation of numbers. Now pay attention because here where federal law and policy matter.
In 2012 President Obama signed into law the new Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. That allows the government to pay “news” sources - like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc., to report propaganda pieces that can be patent lies. Now think fear mongering, suspension of inalienable rights, and the liberty to exercise those rights.
Federal law requires that there be no other known cure available, in a time of “national emergency” to suspend and waive requisite testing of new drugs or vaccines. There were again doctors: immunologists, who spoke out against mRNA and pointed to other drugs that could prove effective. Just like those at the CDC who opposed Dr. Birx, these experts were shut down, silenced and in several cases imprisoned.
Sound like “conspiracy theory”? Think twice. Look up nuclear testing on US military from 1946-1962. Having signed a record of non disclosure many went to their graves carrying that secret. That non disclosure was finally lifted in 1996. MK Ultra, The Tuskegee Experiments, etc.. Would the Democrats diabolically unleash this upon the world to rid themselves of Trump? Both Charles Schwab and Bill Gates insist this is exactly what happened - and they are both in favor of it. I’m not saying the Democrats did this, I’m only looking at history, their party history. Figure the odds. And so many want to turn healthcare over to these monsters?
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phightingaus · 26 days ago
*scurries in* *leaves more angsty apocalypse stuff* *runs away*
Slingshot was the catalyst. He investigated a ‘weird green thing’ that he caught a glimpse of during a phight, and was promptly attacked by it (it was a big monster).
He returned later on with Shuriken and Vine Staff to confront the monster, but that initial attack infected him. He mutates right then and there as the monster taunts them.
Shuri and Vine (understandably) gtfo, unintentionally leading Slingshot back to the crossroads and properly beginning the apocalypse.
Anyone under the effects of this virus will mutate as stated above, but their mutations depend on the Inphernal. No two infecteds are alike, but extra eyes, limbs, or mouths are the most common changes.
They’re more active at night, and dislike cold temperatures for the most part.
Most of them have lost their minds, but a select few (Banhammer, and Katana to an extent) are still rational. That doesn’t stop them from craving meat, though…
Oh, and all Infecteds naturally fear the ‘weird green monster*’ that started the infection in the first place, with even the most aggressive ones becoming all quiet and scared when he’s around.
*the monster has a name (Pafjyn), but it’s not like anyone would know it. He comes from another dimension entirely.
cool! although they feel a little bit to much like vampires (mainly the meat thing) even though that's a bit of a nitpick. I think the hole "every infected is different" is unique! especially since it's closer viruses at least during outbreaks, I mean we have like a shit ton of corona versions. And if this virus can control people and make them just on verge of death is horrifying and if it's powerful enough to do that chances are it can do that in a 101 ways. uhhh... 1) please continue (it doesn't even have to be here) 2) thanks' for coming to my ted talk.
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No but seriously coronavirus seems to do something to make your brain and nerve cells particularly vulnerable to all kinds of unrelated seeming problems even more than it acts like airborn aids to most of your body
The fucking neurological symptoms I got during the first stretches on long covid were unreal
I went from being able to solve a kind of puzzle in 7-10 moves to taking over 32 and then being lost and my nerves were so damaged I dropped my laptop and phone breaking them both in the same week
My mother developed meningitis from another virus due to covid fucking with her immune function
I literally spent years regaining neurological and nerve function after the first stretches of long covid and I strongly suspect that for a lot of people these symptoms will not be as temporary
They're already showing that repeated infection with covid causes brain damage, but I don't think they have began to touch on all the mechanisms of how it's causing it
When I wrote that depressing half real half unreality story about corona virus leading to zombies I was pulling from too close for comfort real life inspiration
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crazybojoe · 1 year ago
Mini aus that I haven't expounded on
Geras and Liu Kang dad bonding -Liu Kang teaches Geras how to embrace the life he was given -a wholesome au where they travel together, takes him to hotpot nights, help him train in the fire temple, and read him literary works that he would find amusing. -Geras would keep a pet rabbit they found in the wild, naming it "Pompom" due to its fluffy fur. -Here we see Liu Kang as a tired but a loving father.
Kronika accepting her mistakes -she apologizes to her children (Cetrion and Shinnok) as both try to help their mother from becoming crazed of the effects of the hourglass (as to how it showed how she wanted to perfect it). -Instead of a cruel and overruling twat, she's a loving mother to the two and keeps one timeline instead of an infinite amount to her desire. Where she would be a titan who knows herself better than being selfish to abuse one's power. -Kronika would seem rather creative in this au to craft different paths of the timeline she holds, rather than sticking to the same thing til the end of the world. -Cetrion and Shinnok have a better sibling relationship, free of their own will to the desired destiny of the mortals in their mother's creation.
Tarkat but with buffs -more likely a zombie apocalypse event instead of treating something similar to corona virus, victims are more likely to be seen (in the first scene where we saw Li Mei in MK1) to have cloths tied around their mouths and chained to prevent them from biting other people. -With the same hunt for bloodlust, there's an insatiable hunger that causes them to grow more rabid. Making them into disgusting creatures that cease to harm people of Outworld. -Shang Tsung screen time? Yes, with a few of the combatants trying to survive and prevent the virus spreading to Earthrealm next.
Jerrod's Secret -This is an idea I had in my head for quite a time, I needed some time to think of it before posting. This occurs to the last lived moments seen with Jerrod, getting to know him being Sindel's man and the dad of both Kitana and Mileena. -Instead of dying mysteriously without NRS giving us proper reasons to how he died, what if he was caught up with Tarkat? He and Li Mei had to keep it a secret and make a cover up story instead of Sindel learning its dark truth. -The moment he fully transformed to an infected Tarkatan, he promised to Li Mei that when all goes wrong from Shang Tsung's medicine that he promised to the king himself, she would kill him. -Yes she did get a backlash from not "saving" Jerrod, scolded by Sindel as she was still mourning with her daughters, she allowed herself to be demoted down to first constable from her Umgadi place.
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healthwellwisher · 2 years ago
Parazol Recenzije - poboljšanje imunoloskog sistema
« Naziv proizvoda — Parazol
« Korisne koristi — Olakšanje od parazitskih infekcija
« Kompozicija — Prirodni organski sastav
« Nuspojave—NA                                                  
« Ocjena: —5/5
« Dostupnost — Online
« Gdje kupiti – Kliknite ovdje da požurite svoju narudžbu sa službene web stranice
Jedinstvena biljna mješavina Parazol čaja efikasno čisti tijelo od parazita, toksina i slobodnih radikala. Bio-pažljivo formuliran, uravnotežen sastav suplementa pruža zaštitu od virusa i štetnih mikroorganizama. Parazol za detoksikaciju djeluje kao prirodni stimulans imunog sistema koji uklanja toksine i parazite.
Brojni potrošači savjetuju da se dodatak prehrani koristi kao dodatak prehrani koji pomaže u čišćenju organizma i pruža zaštitu od svih oblika parazita. Supstanca nije toksična za organizam i nema štetnih efekata, za razliku od lijekova. Održavanje visokog unosa vode je neophodno dok uzimate Parazol. Sastoji se samo od prirodnih supstanci i treba ga redovno konzumirati u borbi protiv bakterija i virusa. Proizvod inhibira njihovu aktivnost mijenjajući njihov centralni nervni sistem.
Simptomi i opasnosti povezane s parazitima i toksinima!
Neki poznati parazitolozi upozoravaju da sve veći broj pojedinaca oboli od teških parazitskih bolesti. Ova nesretna tendencija prvenstveno je posljedica činjenice da opasni mikroorganizmi mogu kolonizirati organizam bez izazivanja simptoma u dužem vremenskom periodu. Stoga mogu rasti mjesecima i konačno se proširiti po cijelom tijelu. Često uzrokuju infekcije koje zahtijevaju brzo liječenje i neutralizaciju. Toksini i paraziti mogu ući u tijelo kontaktom sa životinjama i insektima, lošom higijenom, kontaminiranom hranom i kontaktom sa zaraženom osobom. Vjerovatno ćete imati jedan ili više od sljedećih simptoma ako ste već zaraženi:
Simptomi uključuju glavobolje, razdražljivost, zatvor i dijareju, alergije i uporan umor, česte prehlade i začepljen nos, mišićno-koštane bolove i bolove u zglobovima.
Šta je Parazol i kako funkcionira? Komentari kupaca u 2021!
Parazol je biorazgradivi organski čaj koji može detoksicirati tijelo uklanjanjem širokog spektra štetnih mikroorganizama, uključujući toksine, parazite, helminte i patogene. Takođe, Parazol pomaže u potpunom oporavku organizma sprečavajući povratak i ponovnu pojavu patogenih mikroorganizama. Dodatak ishrani jača imuni sistem.
Prema navodima kompanije, Parazol je jedinstveni univerzalni instrument koji funkcioniše na brojne načine, što ga čini jednim od najneobičnijih antiparazitskih lijekova. Zbog svojih antibakterijskih i antivirusnih svojstava, organski čaj štiti organizam od zaraznih bolesti, smanjuje upale i, za razliku od lijekova, nema nuspojava. 2021. godine kupci iz Italije i Španije dali su odlične povratne informacije o Parazolu. Zadovoljni su efikasnošću proizvoda i potvrđuju njegove brojne korisne karakteristike. Osim toga, prirodni čaj ima pristupačnu cijenu. Shodno tome, mnogi kupci su ga već isprobali, o čemu svjedoče njihove recenzije i komentari na Parazol.
Upute za upotrebu Parazola
Pročitajte upute i pročitajte sve relevantne informacije kako biste pravilno konzumirali Parazol čaj. Napitak treba konzumirati svaki dan. Više detalja o tome kako pripremiti čaj potražite u uputstvu. Samuel Cotalldi je ljekar i stručnjak za zarazne bolesti. Sa preko 18 godina iskustva u svojoj oblasti, kvalifikovan sam da izvršim ovaj zadatak. On određuje trajanje kursa od 30 dana. Kupci se moraju pridržavati stroge rutine detoksikacije dok koriste Parazol, a uskoro će iskusiti sljedeće prednosti organskog čaja:
Dobro zdravlje kože, kose i noktiju; Poboljšana probava i funkcija crijeva;
Miran san i poboljšani radni učinak;
Snažan imuni sistem otporan na viruse;
Eliminacija parazita iz organizma.
Koje komponente čine čaj za detoksikaciju?
Parazol je jaka biljna kombinacija koja eliminira parazite, helminte, toksine i bakterije iz tijela. Izuzetne zdravstvene prednosti rijetkih sastojaka u organskom čaju čine ga nenadmašnim sredstvom za detoksikaciju. Evo dodatnih informacija o određenim spojevima i njihovim svojstvima:
>> Kliknite ovde da kupite Parazol sa zvaničnog sajta <<
Absinthi Herba: Ima snažan učinak na sve vrste parazita. Osim toga, hemikalija regulira probavu, eliminira zadah iz usta i pročišćava tijelo;
Ova biljka pomaže probavi i peristaltici crijeva.
Thymi Vulgari Herb stimuliše apetit i poseduje moćna antiparazitska i antibakterijska svojstva. Osim toga, biljka štiti organizam od virusa i bakterija.
Ova kombinacija Mentha Folium i Anis Fructus normalizira prirodne crijevne bakterije, posljedično smanjujući simptome kao što su mučnina, žgaravica, grčevi i loš zadah.
Parazol Recenzije
Kombinacija biljnih čajeva Parazol djeluje antibakterijski i antifungalno. Prema proizvođaču, u Evropskoj uniji postao je najpopularniji alternativni tretman za antibakterijsko i antivirusno čišćenje organizma. Sa svojim organskim sadržajem, terapija za detoksikaciju se u Italiji prodaje kao vrući kolači, gdje se cijele porodice samoliječe. Zbog nedostatka komponenti na hemijskoj bazi, ovaj proizvod je prikladan za mlade i starije osobe. Recept uključuje ekstrakte origana, pelina, timijana, anisa i aktivne mente. Kupci su zadovoljni uspjehom čaja protiv parazita, što je izraženo u njihovim postovima i komentarima na Parazol forumu. Pomaže tijelu da se odbrani od štetnih mikroorganizama. Nema zabrinutosti u vezi s nuspojavama ili kontraindikacijama u izjavama. Funkcija imunog sistema se postepeno poboljšava u 90% slučajeva, prema stručnom mišljenju stručnjaka koji su učestvovali u kliničkom ispitivanju.
Prema britanskim zdravstvenim stručnjacima, paraziti mogu zaraziti ljudsko tijelo na više načina. To se uglavnom događa konzumiranjem sirovog mesa i nečistih proizvoda. Ili preko kućnih ljubimaca, koji su i odlični domaćini parazitima. Ipak, kako se možemo zaštititi od parazitskih infekcija? Potrudite se da prilagodite svoje rutine. Započnite modificiranjem prehrane i povećanjem fizičke aktivnosti. Ne zaboravite poboljšati svoje higijenske i kuharske vještine. Zapamtite da je uklanjanje parazita duga i teška bitka!
>> Kliknite ovde da kupite Parazol sa zvaničnog sajta <<
Parazol je biljni čaj protiv parazita koji redovno zarađuje pohvale kupaca i forumaša. U 2022. proizvod je dobro cijenjen u Italiji i prodaje se kao vrući kolači. Na internetskim forumima korisnici izražavaju svoju iscrpljenost eksperimentiranjem sa neefikasnim, hemikalijama opterećenim tretmanima i tabletama. Stručnjaci za ishranu koji su pratili efekte Parazola tokom ranih kliničkih ispitivanja bili su zadivljeni stopom uspjeha proizvoda. Pomogao je 90% učesnika da eliminira parazite i bakterije iz svojih tijela. Prema proizvođaču, to je zbog organske prirode proizvoda.
Cjelokupna kompozicija sastoji se od botaničkih i biljnih ekstrakata. Brojni naučnici smatraju da je prirodna metoda najefikasnija tehnika za liječenje bolesti u savremenoj medicini. Mešavina čaja je korisna za podršku čitavim porodicama u prevazilaženju parazitskih poremećaja, prema postovima vezanim za Parazol i mišljenjima na forumima o antibakterijskoj zaštiti na internetu. Nema dokaza da dosljedna upotreba može dovesti do štetnih nuspojava ili kontraindikacija.
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