#Corona Latest News
69yard · 1 year
Kajol-Indian Actress
Kajol, whose full name is Kajol Mukherjee Devgan, is an Indian actress who primarily works in Hindi cinema. She was born on August 5, 1974, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Kajol comes from a family with a strong film background. Her mother, Tanuja, is an actress, and her late father, Shomu Mukherjee, was a film director and producer. Kajol made her acting debut in 1992 with the film “Bekhudi” but…
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thelocalreport8 · 9 months
Covid JN.1 LIVE: 63 cases of new variant reported in 24 hours, Karnataka Cabinet sub-committee meeting today
COVID-19 JN.1 Variant News Live Updates: Amid growing concerns over rising cases of COVID-19 sub-variant JN.1, a total of 63 cases of the sub-variant have been detected in India as of Sunday. Citing Health Ministry sources, ANI on Monday reported that Goa is the biggest contributor to the cases, where 34 cases were reported in a single day. Apart from Goa, nine are from Maharashtra, eight from…
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hindinewsmanch · 10 months
New variant of Corona : कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट को लेकर देशभर में हड़कंप मचा हुआ है। दिल्ली एनसीआर में गाजियाबाद के बाद अब गुरुवार को नोएडा में एक व्यक्ति कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाया गया। इसके बाद से स्वास्थ्य विभाग में हड़कंप मचा हुआ है। नेपाल से लौटे से एक व्यक्ति ने प्राइवेट लैब में कोरोना संक्रमण के लक्षण दिखने पर जांच के लिए नमूने दिए थे। जिसकी जांच रिपोर्ट पॉजिटिव आई है।
Noida News
पड़ोसी जिले गाजियाबाद में कोरोना के मामले सामने आने के बाद नोएडा में भी एक व्यक्ति में कोरोना संक्रमण की पुष्टि हुई है। सीएमओ डॉ. सुनील कुमार शर्मा ने बताया कि सेक्टर-36 में रहने वाले 54 साल के व्यक्ति की कोरोना रिपोर्ट पॉजिटिव आई है। वह गुड़गांव की एमएनसी में जॉब करता हैं। बताया जा रहा है कि वह व्यक्ति 15 दिलंबर को नेपाल से वापस भारत लौटा है।
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theswisstimes · 1 year
Swiss federal authorities have reported that 19 people died in 2021 due to the Covid-19 vaccine. However, the group responsible for approving the vaccine disputes this claim and says it is false. This conflicting information raises the question of who is telling the truth. The situation highlights the importance of accurate reporting and transparent communication to help people make informed decisions about their health.
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factifiedblog · 2 years
scarlet fever : This fever caused havoc in Britian with corona, 19 children died so far
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ultra-swiss · 2 years
The Aponte family – an Italian-Swiss family that owns the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in Geneva – was recently crowned the richest family in Switzerland thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and western buying habits. But the notoriously secretive family has also come under fire for how they may have obtained their success: making friends with politicians and turning a blind eye to shipping some nefarious items.
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delhinewsinenglish · 2 years
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Hey-O! So about that Varian Reborn au, hm ok for an au let’s call it, The Prince of Hell au. second you wanna do a storyline of it? I’ll go first
Pain, pain was all he felt as he laid there in his machine. Gasping for air as the black rock stayed through his middle. He didn’t know how it all went wrong, his plan was supposed to be simple. Well as simple as a plan is when you kidnap a ruler of the land. He wasn’t going to actually harm her though he was only meant to use her as a means to get the princess to agree to his terms. 
His father would be set free, Rapunzel would get her mom back, they both would leave, never set foot in Corona again and live out the rest of their lives as if this incident never happened. Obviously that did not happen, as he and Rapunzel battled a large black rock, got him from behind and impaled him right through his suit. Now as he laid there taking in as many breaths as he could before his final curtain call all he could feel in his heart was regret. Regret for how his plan went, regret for trapping his father, regret for ever even going near the rocks, but most importantly regret for ever putting his trust and friendship into the princess! That horrible, backstabbing princess! 
Slowly but surely his breath became more shallow and his vision started to black. As his eyelids became heavier he heard the door to his robot suit rip open and someone started to yell. He couldn’t make out much words but there was one word he did hear before he closed his eyes for the final time
Finally he was in complete darkness. 
He didn’t know how long he was there, it didn't feel too long but then again it was hard to keep track of time in a void of complete nothingness. 
However, eventually there was a light at the end, however small. Varian felt himself go nearer the light even though he had no feeling or movement in his body, he just felt it. So as he got closer and the light grew he heard a voice, or well voices, multiple of them. they weren’t clear but he could hear them like they were speaking underwater. Then suddenly and without warning, he felt as though he was being grabbed and surged forward into the light.
Adam screamed, fuck this hurt so bad. It never got any easier.
Doctor: You are almost there your majesty, just a couple more pushes and your baby will be here.
Lucifer: Our boy is almost here love.
Lucifer kissed his husband's forehead, this was going to be their sixth child and the royal family couldn't be happier. Apple, Lily, Lucas, Thomas, and Avery were with Charlie as the latest addition to the family came into the world.
Adam: Ow! It fucking hurts!
Adam gave one last final push before all the pain stopped and their baby was here. The new baby boy cried to indicate that he made it.
Doctor: He's here!
Adam: Fucking finally.
Adam was exhausted and slumped in the bed. He smiled when he was finally handed his baby.
Lucifer: He's perfect.
Adam: Yeah.
Doctor: Have you picked a name yet?
Adam and Lucifer shared a look with each other and nodded.
Adam: Varian Morningstar.
((I hope this is what you were going for))
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lollygaggingloser · 1 month
"It's become a necessity... You've become a necessity."
💫Varigo mini fic ❤️
You like a flustered Hugo? So do I.
After another long day of research for Varian's latest invention, Hugo escaped the royal library with little breakthrough achieved. He sighed, flipping through a borrowed book as he slowly walked down the marble halls of Corona's castle. It's pages gave no more information than he already had and Hugo was certain that the only place left to search for answers would be the eternal library. His walking pace slowed as he began to dread telling Varian his failure to find what they needed within the royal palace. It was bad enough to admit he failed, but worse knowing they would need the help of the eternal library again. Entering the library wouldn't be difficult to him or Varian now, but neither enjoyed going there.
It's been a little over a year since their adventures and discovery of the eternal library with Nuru and Yong. Their journey had ended in success and now, Demanitus's grand library was available to them along with the select few of scientists, engineers, and scholars that could be trusted with the library's vast collection. Still, instead of being this great source of knowledge and advancement, the group would view it as the place their dearest friend (in Hugo's case, his boyfriend) got possessed and almost trapped inside forever. The library was able to give Nuru a solution to save her kingdom, teach Yong how to hone his craft for fireworks and pyrotechnics, and help scientists across the world advance the seven kingdoms, but all the good of the library could never mask the trauma all four of them experienced there.
Hugo closed the almost useless book in his hands and stared out one of the nearby castle windows. Seeing his reflection in the window first, he retied his ponytail to clean up the stray hairs that had fallen on his face during his work. Satisfied with his appearance, his gaze focused to the view outside. Below him, he could see the royal garden, its flowers blooming in deep shades of purples, reds and blues. The sun was barely beginning to set, giving the sky a calm orange hue. Beyond the gardens were the castle walls that stood tall, separating the palace from the bustling lively kingdom of Corona. Hugo had to admit he became quite attached to this kingdom after becoming Co-Royal Engineer of it. Its people may have celebrated too many holidays for his liking and its princess always had him on edge with her hyperactive cheery disposition, but during these quiet moments, he couldn't imagine a more peaceful place. It also didn't hurt that he got to enjoy this view from a castle. He'd never imagine being inside a royal palace he didn't need to break into, much less with such a lofty title, but here he was.
Not bad for a prior thief and conartist, he figured. Discovering the eternal library must have given his resume quite the boost.
Hugo laid the library book on the windowsill before resting his elbows on it, leaning his body to stretch out his back. Even with this easier job, his back still gave him trouble. It was probably due to all the abuse it went through from his time pulling jobs for Donella. He wondered how his old boss was doing now. Truthfully, Hugo hadn't seen her since the day they uncovered the eternal library and parted ways. There would be the occasional letter between them, but once Hugo was no longer her underling, the two felt no need to see eachother. After ending his ties with Donella, he wasn't sure what his next step was, but he knew it would include Varian.
The blonde softly smiled, thinking about the short scientist that passionately vouched for him and got him this new position. Hugo couldn't help but think fondly of Varian's smile, the freckles on his cheeks, and the gleam in his bright blue eyes. Hugo yearned to see him after having his nose in books all day.
As if the world heard his wish, Hugo's eyes squinted as a flash of bright light hit them. The light derived from the reflection of the sun bouncing off a pair of goggles. Wearing those goggles has the alchemist he was wishing to see. Hugo grinned as he watched Varian stroll into the gardens, and sit on the edge of a large stone fountain. It was likely that Varian was taking a break from work too, seeing him stretch his arms as he sat alone.
Might as well join him, Hugo thought as he made his way toward a staircase and descended to join his partner.
Out of everything that occurred from their journey, meeting Varian was what changed Hugo. The funny part was, he didn't know when it changed him. The change was slow, unraveling at a snails pace, with Varian's kindness breaking Hugo's walls and infecting him. Then suddenly, it was all at once, like a firecracker bursting with intense heat and flair, and Hugo found himself longing to be the good person Varian and the others thought he was.
Hugo was annoyed by Varian when they first met. The freckled alchemist was the model of a goody two shoes know-it-all and it nerved him to see how careless Varian was in trusting others. It irked him even more to know he was one of the people Varian shouldn't have trusted so freely. And yet, that trust...that ability to see the good in others that people can't see in themselves gave Hugo this new life. There was something about Varian's genuine nature that was contagious and powerful. It tore him down and built him up multiple times. It was easily one of the reasons Hugo found himself falling for him.
He learned later that Varian believed in second and third chances after his own criminal past was forgiven. Now the two of them stood together, as lab partners and lovers, ushering a more scientifically developed Corona. It amused Hugo to realize how many previous criminals were not only living peaceful lives in Corona, but also within the palace.
The kingdom should have come with a slogan. Come to Corona. The capital of criminal rehabilitation. Includes royal titles!
Once in the gardens, Hugo crouched low and carefully stepped around the few twigs and leaves on the cobblestone steps toward the fountain. He quietly tiptoed his way to the fountain's right side before plopping down next to Varian in such a rush that he almost knocked him off the stone edge.
"Hey Goggles!"
Varian yelped at first before seeing Hugo's shit eating grin.
"Hugo!" Varian chided, slightly shoving him back. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
The blonde chuckled, letting his partner collect himself from the scare, fixing his lopsided goggles.
"And what is Corona's Royal Engineer doing in the gardens?" Hugo inquired. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were slacking off."
"I could be asking you the same thing," noted Varian, quick to retort Hugo's remark. Over the past year, Varian had picked up Hugo's sense of sarcasm and comebacks. It was only fair that since the shorty had changed him for the better, Hugo could change him as well...for the worse. His sense of humor wasn't the only thing that changed. Varian had gotten taller, but was still shorter than Hugo. At least the blonde no longer had to be looking down or bend over so much when wanting to see eye to eye with him. Varian's skin was less tan due to all their inside work lately, but in the sun, his freckles continued to pop out more intensely. And so did his scars. They were from their adventures, and it made sense since Hugo, Yong, and even Nuru had scars of their own from travel mishaps and the occasional fight or explosion. But Varian had the most from putting himself in harms way to protect them. Hugo wondered if he wasn't such a coward or selfish if he could have prevented Varian from so many injuries.
The two locked eyes for a brief moment. It was insane how such a simple look could change the atmosphere between them. The look in Varian's eyes was a mix of joy, relief, and just a hint of annoyance. He truly new how to make this scrawny engineer feel special. Compelled by the unspoken fondness in his gaze, Hugo's smirk softened and he reached his hand up to touch Varian's cheek. Understanding what was to happen next, Varian smiled meekly as Hugo leaned in to kiss him. The alchemist's lips were soft and warm against his and Hugo felt like he could kiss them all day. Slowly pulling away, Hugo relaxed next to his boyfriend and the two leaned comfortably against each other, perched on the fountain.
"Did you find anything in the royal library?" Varian softly asked.
"Yes....No. I found nothing."
Hugo felt Varian tense up, knowing what it meant.
"Hey, hey, I can go on my own, Goggles," he assured, giving his boyfriend an encouraging smile. "I'll find the info we need, and we can go to our lab to finish up-"
"It's okay, Hugh," Varian interrupted, glancing up at him. "I'll be o-...I am okay. We'll go together tomorrow."
Hugo nodded, both worried for Varian and relieved he wouldn't be stepping into the eternal library on his own. Varian's gaze turned toward the sky, taking in the vast view. The two sat in silence for a moment before Hugo broke it, curiosity getting the better of him.
"Penny for your thoughts? You got that eyebrow scrunch so it must be something serious."
Varian softly scoffed at Hugo, but rubbed his forehead as he answered.
"Well, if you have to know...I was thinking about you," he confessed.
Determined to lighten the mood, Hugo smirked and tilted his head to feign innocence.
"What about me were you thinking about?" he asked. "Nothing inappropriate I hope."
"No, I understand, Freckles. With my good looks, superior intelligence-"
"And! And my rougish charm, there's no possible way you couldn't think of me. So tell me, actually, let me guess...you were thinking... about how in love with me you are."
Hugo waited for Varian to quip back with a tender insult or another little shove, but was surprised when Varian turned to look at him, a soft blush radiating across his cheeks.
"Yeah...I was," Varian answered. An amused "heh" escaped Hugo's lips as his flirty facade faltered. While Varian was usually the more anxious and flustered one between them, there would be moments like these where he laid his heart bare, and it would strike Hugo to his core.
"I was thinking," he continued, looking back at the sky, "...about us. And how my life is so different with you."
"Cause I drive you crazy and make it a little harder?" Hugo joked, trying to regain composure. Varian chuckled, shaking his head.
"Of course not!" Varian scolded him. "You drive me crazy, yes, but you don't make my life harder. You make it easy. You make it-"
Varian paused, trying to find the best words to convey his feelings. All the while, Hugo struggled to keep his heart from pounding so fiercely from all the sincerity in his boyfriend's voice.
Calm down Rottwange, he thought to himself. Don't let some sappy words get the best of you.
"Loving you is like...like breathing."
"Breathing?" Hugo pried, finding the strength to tease Varian once more. To add to the dramatics, Hugo playfully rested the back of his hand on his forehead in a swooning motion. "Ah, so it's effortless? I'm such an amazing boyfriend that loving me is second nature to you, Sweetcheeks?"
At that, Varian laughed and gave Hugo a little shove.
"Well, that too I suppose," Varian giggled. He then took Hugo's hands and held them gingerly in his. "More like...I need it to survive."
Hugo swallowed, his throat feeling dry, not sure how much more of this sweet talking he could take. He didn't even realize that Varian had intertwined his fingers with his.
"Loving you is like oxygen, Hugo," Varian confessed, gazing at their hands with an intense stare . "Like food, or water, or sleep. I need it to live. I can't imagine living without loving you."
Hugo's ears burned hot red and he brought his and Varian's hands up to cover his face. He could handle these words if Varian was joking around or teasing him back, but the tender and true expression on his face and honesty made him melt.
"Geez, Var, you can't just say stuff like that without warning," he mumbled, his thoughts and composure becoming disorganized. Varian smiled, his own face blushing from the realization of his words.
"Sorry,"Varian apologized. Hugo shook his head and looked back at Varian.
"I can't imagine living without loving you either, Varian," he confessed, deciding to cave into the mushy sentimental atmosphere. "Loving you is like breathing for me too. It's become a necessity...you've become a necessity."
"Do you mean that?"
Varian focused on Hugo's face, searching for any hints that the blonde was jesting. And then, Hugo saw it. A flash of concern, doubt, and bashfulness? spread across the alchemist's features. Just when Hugo began to believe Varian held the spontaneous charisma to confess his feelings without care, he found himself corrected. Varian was just as self-conscious in disclosing these feelings as Hugo was receiving them.
Hugo held up his hand in a small fist against his chest. He began to list the things he needed to live, a finger popping up for each necessity.
"Oxygen. Food. Water. Sleep. Loving you. That's all I need, Sweetcheeks."
Now it was Varian's turn to be lost for words, only being able to let out a soft laugh. Hugo leaned in once more to kiss him, savoring the gentle silence, and keeping his boyfriend from saying any other words that could make him fall apart.
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umadosedepascal · 9 months
(Banners are here)
NEW MEXICO(PART IX)- Pedro asks you to spend his birthday together with you. You just go.
W I N N E R(PART VIII) - You couldn’t attend SAG awards but Pedro meets you late in the night to celebrate.
O U C H (PART VII) - You are at the Golden Globes and meet Pedro over there, he didn’t win unfortunately but still, he is a winner in bed.
B O A T (PART VI) - Today is your last day in Malta. Pedro will be back to work, and you also need to return to your routine. Pedro wants your last day to be wonderful, nothing like a surprise with a perfect end. The three most intense days of your life.
COME FIND ME (PART V) - Pedro promised you a weekend, but an unforeseen event changes everything. Maybe he's a fan of surprises, maybe he can find you.
72 HOURS WITH HIM (PART IV) - The shooting in Malta keeps going, all Pedro needs is a weekend off, well…he got it. Would you go meet him for only three days? Hmmm yes!
PEDRO SOLO (PART III) - The days are long and exhausting, Pedro has a huge hotel room, hot tub ... But he is missing something, could you help him?
LOSING GAME (PART II) - You meet Pedro again not just to take back your panties. He wants to play a game, who’s going to lose?
HIGH MILES CLUB (PART I) - After partying hard at Met Gala making out with you in the bathroom and later taking you to his hotel room in NY, he finds something inside his red overcoat pocket in the middle of the airport. But it doesn’t stop, more unexpected and hot things happens during his flight back home.
(Banners are here)
🔥CORONA, MEXICO - You got invited by Corona to be an extra on the new “La vida mas fina” campaign at the beach. Even if was only one single scene, maybe just 10 seconds of screen you would be more than happy because the main reason was him…Pedro.
MASTERCHEF FAIL - With a busy schedule, Pedro finds some time to spend with you. You promised him to cook his favorite food. Maybe things get out of hand and dessert comes before dinner.
PURPLE IS THE HOTTEST COLOR - After having a difficult day, Pedro meets you, no patience, no time for conversations.Pedro only has one desire in mind: you here and now, no matter if anyone will see you.
It’s 3 in the morning…
Hey, I’m looking at you…
What a smile…
You wearing his purple shirt…
Pedro eat pussy drawing
Pedro eat pussy part II
Who are Santa Trindade
Gringa is on her late 30’s totally addicted to Pascal for the latest years (she doesn’t know what happened) although she’s following his work since 2019 because she is a Star Wars nerd and fell in love with a mandalorian 🤷🏻‍♀️. Her favorite Pedro boy is Javi Gutierrez because he is chubby and funny (Pedro vibes almost 100%).
What makes her wet is when Pedro: slide his finger on his lips while giggling.
Good vibes: if she had a date with Pedro she thinks she wouldn’t be able to walk the next day 🥲
@missyorkswhore is on her late 20’s and noticed Pedro when her uncle was watching Narcos, she saw Javier and asked him “wow, who’s that stach guy?”. A couple years later she finally got into Narcos and you know…she still want to marry Peña.
She loves when Pedro raises his eyebrow, and when he speaks Spanish [she thinks she can get wet in a fraction of seconds if he speaks like that to her in bed] ah and of course when he screams WHAT TOWN!!! as Joel.
Fave character obviously: DAVE FUCKING YORK (killer king)
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maigeiko · 10 days
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The look of… IX: Hakone-Yumoto Onsen
History Although it‘s likely that Geisha worked in Hakone since the late 19th century, not much can be found about their history. The current Kenban was built in 1950 [1]. In the early/mid 80's (before the bubble economy), 400-450 Geisha lived in Hakone [2]. The Otosan of Ikedaya Okiya reformed the traditional employment system and introduced benefits like pension plans and financial compensations for cancelled jobs [3].
In 2000 latest, the Hakone Yumoto Kenban launched its own website [4], creating a space for Okiya to advertise and look for new members [5]. In 2001, the Okasan of Wakita became the current head of the Geigi Union. In order to ensure the survival of local Hanamachi culture, the Kenban became open to public in 2008, and the Geisha band Basara (婆娑羅) was founded in 2009. [2]
In the late 2010's, around 150 Geisha from age 18 to 80 lived in 32 Okiya. Lack of work during the Corona pandemic reduced their numbers to 109 in 2021. The amount of Geisha working in Hakone has increased meanwhile, with 140 of them active in January 2024, but still hasn‘t reached its pre-pandemic levels. [2]
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The look of Hakone Maiko
Local term: Kirariko きらり妓
※ Hairstyle: own hair, Shimada mage and Hanaogi mage
※ Kanzashi: Kushi, maezashi, non-seasonal hana kanzashi
※ Make up: western make up or light oshiroi, both lips painted from the start
※ Kimono: Furisode mostly without tucks (rarely with sleeve tucks)
※ Eri: white, white with embroidery (red, red/pink)
※ Obi: Koken musubi
※ Obiage: tied and tucked in, red
※ Obijime: red with simple, rectangular Obidome
※ Footwear: white or black Zori
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The look of Hakone Geiko
Local term: Geisha
※ Hairstyle: Taka shimada or Tsubushi shimada Katsura
※ Kanzashi: Taka shimada: Kushi, Tama in the back, Kogai in the back, and sometimes in the front too. Tsubushi shimada: Kushi, Tama
※ Make up: Oshiroi
※ Kimono: Mostly Homongi/Tsukesage, sometimes Hikizuri. Kuromontsuki for Tachikata is always a Hikizuri
※ Eri: white, rarely with white or pink embriodery
※ Obi: Yanagi musubi with Kuromontsuki (white/blue Hakata ori), otherwise Otaiko musubi
※ Obiage: always red with Kuromontsuki, otherwise white, pink or light blue. Usually not patterned.
※ Obijime: light-coloured. No Obijime with Yanagi musubi
※ Footwear: Zori, Geta with white or blue Hanao
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Casual/Jikata style
※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu
※ Kanzashi: usually none, maki (蒔絵) kanzashi at best
※ Make up: western make up
※ Kimono: Kurotomesode, otherwise Homongi
※ Eri: white
※ Obi: Otaiko musubi
※ Obiage: mostly warm pastel colours, but basically anything goes. Not patterned.
※ Obijime: Sometimes with Obidome
※ Footwear: Zôri
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Otoko style
※ Hairstyle: Maeware Katsura
※ Kanzashi: Tama pin in the back
※ Make up: Oshiroi
※ Kimono: Hômongi
※ Eri: white
※ Obi: Koken musubi with mint/light green Kakae Obi (抱え帯)
※ Obiage: red, white, pink or light blue. Obidome not uncommon
※ Obijime: light-coloured
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Arts: The schools taught in Hakone are Nishikawa 西川 (dance), Honjo 本條 (Kouta, Hauta and Min‘yo), Kineya 杵屋 (Nagauta) and Tosha 藤舎 (Hayashi). [6]
Kirariko is a newly coined term in use since 2003 to call junior Geisha in the age group from 18-30. [7] Upon turning 30, Kirariko have to take either a „dancer grade B“ or „dancer grade A“ test. To pass the B test, she has to perform two dances. For the grade A test, she has to perform three female style and three male style dances. [8]
Companions: Okiya recruit and employ companions as well as Geisha. Companions receive a fixed wage, which is usually lower than that of the Geisha, but the customer pays the same price. Companions can be requested to wear either western clothing or Kimono. Western clothing is a business suit provided for free by the Okiya, Kimono can be rented for a set fee by the Okiya as well. [9] Companions receive professional names like Geisha. They don‘t study performing arts and can work part-time. Their job is to serve drinks and food and engage in „pleasant conversation“ with customers at banquets. [10] In my opinion, a good entry-level job in the Karyukai – some companions became Geisha later in their carreer. [11]
Becoming independent: after being Geisha for seven years, you have the opportunity of opening a branch of your debut Okiya. In all cases I know, the new Okiya takes one or two characters from the original Okiya. For example Ikedaya 池田家 → Wakita 和喜田 and Yukieda 雪江田 (田 Kanji is part of the new name). Wakita 和喜田 → Suzuwa すず和 and Yukiwa ゆき和 (和). Kitami 㐂田見 → Kisaya 㐂茶家 (㐂).
Changing Okiya registration: only possible when becoming independent, or when your (biological) mother, sister, or daughter opens a new Okiya.
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[1] https://note.com/meetgeisha/n/n1cc907ffd4c9. [2] https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/301712, [3] https://conex-eco.co.jp/hakonesaisai/71824/ [4] https://web.archive.org/web/20000919171055/http://www.geisha.co.jp:80/ [5] https://web.archive.org/web/20001017234326/http://www.geisha.co.jp/okiya-name.htm,[6] https://geisha.co.jp/kenban/, [7] https://web.archive.org/web/20040408030159/http://www11.plala.or.jp/fukunoya/what_is_kirariko.html,[8] https://konohanasakuya.blogspot.com/2012/03/dance-performance.html,[9] https://yukieda.com/kyuujin_answer/, [10] https://yukieda.com/recruit/companion/,[11] https://web.archive.org/web/20080220191156/http://www.00wakita.com/hyousyou.html
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Picture sources: Group picture 2024, Hakone Odori, three Kirariko 2023, Kirariko back view 2023, Geisha dancing, Geisha preparing Tosenkyo set 2019, Sumomo with a dancer 2009, Anzu and Yuho 2023, really nice picture of Yumiko with Kokyu 2022, Chacha dancing 2022, Atsumi and unknown Tachikata 2019, Natsumi 2022, Matsuyoshi new year's picture 2023
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
Hiya! New to tumblr here, and I just saw your list! Hmmm I’ll go with 🎲 ROLL FOR FIC 🎲: Jack Whiskey Daniels & Fluff. ❣️ Thanks! 💓
hi lovely!!! thanks for the request!
full disclosure: this is the first time I’ve written dear ol’ Jack! put a bit of my own twist on it (and obvious canon-divergence cuz that’s just how we roll) - and the prompt I rolled was “is that my t-shirt?”
enjoy! xo
a promise - jack “whiskey” daniels x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a bit of heartbreak, we kick canon to the curb, fluff and fluff and sweetness and fluff
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You never thought you’d see him again.
That was the long and short of it. You knew him before, before he became one of the top agents for some secret service he wasn’t allowed to talk about. When he was just Jack, eldest son of the farmer that owned the ranch down the lane from the one you’d moved to after your parents inherited it. He was a few years older than you, all broad shoulders and cow-licked hair hidden beneath a dark suede hat. 
You still remember the first day you met, the way he’d grinned at you from behind silver-rimmed aviators and tipped the brim of his hat in your direction. 
“Well, hey there, darlin’.”
It was never a dull moment, with Jack Daniels living right across the way. He flirted with you endlessly, and you brushed him off more often than not. He was nice, and you got on well, but you weren’t blind or deaf; you knew he had a different flavour of the week that he brought home well, every week. While the rest of his family lived in the ranch house, Jack had taken it upon himself to turn the upper level of one of the barns into his own bachelor pad. 
You saw it yourself at the tail-end of a Fourth of July barbeque, a few too many beers and a little too much sun clouding your judgment. Jack was fresh off his latest fling with some sweet little blonde thing, and you were about a month out from your breakup with your college boyfriend — to him, graduation equaled ending things. It was hot, sweat pouring down your back and not even the shade was enough to escape the humidity. 
Stumbling a bit, you wandered the Daniels ranch on your own, a Corona dangling from your fingers, flip-flops thwacking against the grass with every step. You’d been gone maybe ten minutes when the barn came into view, you spotted the AC unit in the second-storey window, and found your destination.
You didn’t expect to find Jack sitting inside, mumbling to himself, and as you climbed the steps to his space, gripping the rail like a lifeline, you heard your name mumbled amongst his words.
“Just talk to her, ya big coward. You talk to girls all the time!”
As soon as you reached the top step, the blissful cool air from the air conditioner lifted your hair, and you nearly tumbled back in relief. Your gasp caught Jack’s attention and he shot to his feet, rushing forward and grabbing you, pulling you up and onto the solid floor. “Easy there, darlin’.”
His hands on your waist felt like fire, and he flinched away from you, the tips of his ears turning bright pink and his cheeks following suit. You couldn’t help your chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, staring down at his boots.
“You’re cute when you blush, Jack,” you grinned, sipping your beer. “I mean, you’re cute all the time, but especially when you—”
“Can I kiss you?” he blurted, and you were sure you hadn’t heard him right.
Wordlessly, you nodded, your lips parting slightly, head whirling as you tried to catch up with what was happening. Jack took your beer, setting it safely on a desk near the staircase. There were all kinds of books scattered across the desktop, words you could barely make out. He put one careful hand on your waist next, ducking his head slowly, treading carefully, like you were a horse that might spook easily. In a way, you were; you knew his reputation, your heart was still on the mend. But in that moment, none of it mattered.
You hooked your fingers in the collar of his t-shirt and pulled his face down to yours.
Kissing Jack Daniels was like watching a fireworks display. Bright lights exploded behind your fluttered eyelids, replaced your blood with sparks of excitement. His lips tasted like whiskey and cinnamon and his hands moved to your hips, long fingers nearly meeting at the small of your back. The tip of his tongue touched the seam of your lips and you sighed into his grip, melting as you let him taste you, revelled in the girlish thrill that zipped through your entire being.
Despite the alcohol buzzing in your brain, the sun warming your cheeks, your body begging for him to give you more, you pulled back.
“I don’t wanna be another notch in your bedpost, Jack,” you murmured, your voice suddenly small, the confidence you’d tried to pour into your kiss slipping away like a summer breeze.
“You won’t be,” he assured you, shaking his head, tipping his forehead against yours. “I’ve been…I’ve been thinkin’ about you, darlin’, a lot lately. Lot more than usual.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “Was tryna pluck up the courage to come talk to ya before you found your way up here.”
Your grin matched his. “Must be fate, then.”
“Fate, kismet, call it what you want, sugar, but I know one thing for certain: I’d like to spend the rest of this night kissin’ you, then maybe you let me take you out on a real date tomorrow night?”
You linked your fingers together at the back of his neck, his wayward curls tickling your knuckles. “Promise me something, Jack.”
“Don’t break my heart.”
He leaned in and kissed the corner of your mouth. “As long as you don’t break mine.”
You woke up in his bed that next morning, the warmth of him curled around you. Despite the heat in the air, you basked in it, pushed yourself against him in all the right places until he was rousing beside you, hands starting to wander and lips finding yours again.
“Mornin’, sugar.”
The summer evolved from there. The majority of your time was spent at the Daniels’ ranch, following Jack around like a little lost puppy. He took you on long rides on horseback, exploring the hills and valleys that sprawled behind both your family ranches. 
You watched him in the pastures, galloping along on his horse, Whiskey, lasso in hand, corralling the cattle back to their barns. He was a sight to behold, but watching him with that lasso was another thing entirely. His skill was something you’d never seen before. Jack tried to teach you, and by the end of the summer you were able to rope a cow from the back of your own horse, but you knew you’d never be as good as Jack.
Fall crept in, and there was no stopping the pair of you. You crept out of your own house and across to Jack’s barn nearly every night, the pair of you falling asleep in each other’s arms, waking the next morning to do it all over again. Rinse and repeat, there was no end in sight, and you silently berated yourself for every time you’d brushed off his flirting before the Fourth of July.
And then everything changed.
It was an unseasonably warm week. Mid-October and just as hot as it had been in July, and you’d planned a ride to the lake not far from the ranch. You’d packed a picnic, donned one of Jack’s plain white tees over your bikini, and headed over to the barn to start saddling the horses while Jack showered.
When he finally met you in the stables, you knew something was wrong. There was a pinch to his brow you’d never seen before, some unknowable spark behind his eyes that made your gut twist.
“Jack, baby, what is it?” You cupped his cheek in your hand, swiped your thumb across his skin.
“Nothin’, sugar,” he answered, shaking his head and pulling out of your grip, pushing his aviators up his nose.
Whatever it was, he hid it well as you rode to the lake, and it was another blissful day. The lake was quiet, secluded, and when Jack rolled over you on the blanket, planted his hands either side of your head and lowered his body to yours, your forgot any worry you had. You never made it home that night, instead following Jack up to the barn, your fingers twined together.
But when you woke the next morning, he was gone.
His dresser drawers hung open, their contents emptied. His favourite lasso was gone from the hook on the wall where he kept it, his hat beside it also missing. The side of the bed he’d occupied all night was cold, and a piece of paper with your name scrawled across the front sat on his pillow.
Inside, only two words: I’m sorry.
Tears in your eyes, your head spun. Anger spiked — more with yourself than with him — and silently, you told yourself that you had been right all along. You never should have let him in, let yourself get close to him. You’d only ever asked him for that single promise, and he’d broken it the first chance he got.
You collected your things from the barn, realizing you were still in his t-shirt, and walked back home in a blur. It took a few days for you to find the courage to go talk to his parents, if they knew where he had gone, if he was coming back.
“Oh, sweetheart, he didn’t tell you?”
That was the beginning of the secrecy. Even his own family didn’t know exactly where he’d gone, but that he’d been chosen specifically and that he’d be trained to become one of the best. It was what Jack had always wanted, they told you, and with every word, you felt like you knew him less and less.
You thought you were what he always wanted. He’d told you so.
 Resigned, you pushed him from your mind as much as possible. It wasn’t easy, with the Daniels’ ranch always within view, a summer full of memories tugging at you every time you set foot outside your front door. You decided not to let it ruin you, and dove into working on the ranch, helping with the cattle and the horses and using what Jack had taught you.
Before you knew it, years had passed. You knew he came home for Christmas and his mother’s birthday each year, and you made it a point to make yourself scarce. Christmas was harder, especially when your families started celebrating together on Christmas Eve. The first year he was there, you’d nearly burst into tears when he cornered you in the kitchen and called your name softly, but instead, you pushed past him and spent the night in your room with a bottle of whiskey.
He didn’t come on Christmas Eve again, and now, it’s been nearly ten years. Ten.
Ten years, and yet when you gallop toward the road that cuts between the Daniels’ ranch and your own, broad shoulders come into view, and you know it’s him. Same hat on his head, mirrored aviators glinting in the sun, plain white t-shirt that strains in all the right places.
It’s been a decade, but as your horse gallops another few feet closer, you know instantly that something is wrong.
Your brow furrows as you get even closer to the fence separating you from him, tugging the reins until your horse halts, sliding from the saddle. Your chest is tight, your heart racing as you close the distance.
“Hey there, sugar,” he drawls, and you inhale deeply, ignoring every girlish instinct you’ve buried so deep over the years. “Been a long time.”
“What are you doing here, Jack?” you ask, your voice blunt. You feel uneasy, unsure what’s going on, and you don’t have the time — or the emotional space — to beat around the bush with him.
He reaches up and pulls the aviators from his face. Those bottomless brown eyes are on full display, and in an instant you can feel yourself getting lost in them, but then something catches your attention, just beside his left eye. A scar of sorts, round and raised.
Following your gaze, he rubs at the mark. “I…I messed up, darlin’. Made some big mistakes, took a big hit, and they put me on leave, sent me home.”
“What d’you mean, a big hit? What happened to you?” The curiosity is obvious in your voice.
“I got shot,” he says, blunt as you’d been, and your heart skips in your chest. “M’alright, sugar, I swear. I’d lost some of memory when they woke up, but they found a way to bring ‘em back.”
Your brow lifts. “And how’s that?”
The corner of his mouth quirks, but it’s a ghost of the Jack Daniels smile you fell for that summer. It’s different, softer, sadder. You watch as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out something square. He hands it to you.
It’s a polaroid picture.
A picture of you.
You recognize it. The day at the lake. You’re sprawled back on the picnic blanket, your hair a fan around your head, Jack’s t-shirt covering your top, bikini bottoms peeking out beneath. You remember him standing over you, camera in hand. Is that my t-shirt? Smile, sugar, c’mon and gimme a good one.
You don’t know what to say. The words swirl around in your brain, some anger and some happiness, some relief and some fear. You just stare down at the photo, the younger version of yourself grinning back. “I…”
“You brought me back,” he says, and leans forward, resting his forearms on the wood of the fence. “More than once, I might add. But this time…this was different. I’m done, I think. For a long time, maybe forever. And I…”
“You thought you could waltz back into my life?” you snap, your fingers bending the edge of the photo. The anger has won out. “After what you did?”
“No,” he replies instantly, staring up at you from under the brim of his hat, “I don’t. I know what I did, how I hurt you. I know tellin’ you that what I did broke my own damn heart worse than anything I’ve ever experienced before doesn’t make up for it.”
There are tears brimming along your lash line, and you blink furiously, trying to force them back, but one betrays you, slipping down your cheek.
“I’m not askin’ for you to give me your forgiveness, sugar, but I am askin’ if you’d let me try and earn it.” He shakes his head slowly, and you can see the sheen in his eyes, made worse when he sniffs and rubs at his nose. “I know I don’t deserve it, but maybe if—”
You reach out suddenly, two fingers pressed to his lips, cutting him off. You know you should be angry, you know you should be a lot of things, but now… “Promise me something, Jack.”
Another tear slips down your cheek as he wraps his fingers around your wrist lightly, squeezes his fingers at your pulse.
“Don’t break my heart again.”
You see his sharp inhale, the sudden lift to his chest. “Never, sugar. Never again.”
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arcticmonkeysaf · 2 years
I remember Alex talked about “The Last Waltz” influencing the latest album and watching the stream from Corona Capital I’m getting especially strong Last Waltz vibes from their performance. like the new arrangements, the little extra grooves and riffs tossed in there, the outro jams, even the way Alex is dressed like Robbie Robertson from The Band… hmm…
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dispatchdcu · 1 year
Gunslinger Spawn #25 Review
Gunslinger Spawn #25 Review #gunslinger #gunslingerspawn #spawn #spawnuniverse #toddmcfarlane #IMAGE #imagecomics #comics #comicbooks #news #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #Amazon
Writer: Todd McFarlane Artist: Dexter Soy Inker: Adelso Corona Colorist: Ivan Nunes Letterer: Tom Orzechowski Cover Artists: Dan Panosian; Kevin Keane Publisher: Image Price: 2.99 Release Date: October 25, 2023 Gunslinger hungers for vengeance, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Who’s his latest target? Let’s leap into Gunslinger Spawn #25 and find out! If you’re interested in this comic,…
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black-arcana · 1 year
WITHIN TEMPTATION's SHARON DEN ADEL: 'The New Album Is Gonna Be Quite Different From What People Are Used To From Us'
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During a June 17 press conference at Hellfest in Clisson, France, WITHIN TEMPTATION singer Sharon Den Adel spoke about the progress of the songwriting and recording sessions for the band's upcoming studio album. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We always try to evolve musically. And the things we're trying now [are] really challenging for us. The new album is gonna be quite different from what people are used to from us, I guess. It's old and new again, but we are implementing… We're inspired by new bands that are really actually doing a new sound now and trying to implement that in our music. And it's quite technical. It's a little bit more technical, the songs we're gonna release on the new album."
Asked whether WITHIN TEMPTATION would ever consider releasing only singles in the future or they prefer to stick to the album format, Sharon said: "Well, I think, if you look at dance music, and other genres sometimes as well, they only release singles. And I think they have an advantage and they have a disadvantage. For us, the reason that we wanted to [release several singles prior to the new album] is that you have a longer time spent for media to be talking about your music. Because a lot of times, when you bring out a record, it's, like, [you release] three singles and then you bring out the album, and then you have a media span of, well, let's say, a few weeks, and then it's gone. And now we try to drag everything out of you guys [in the media]. [Laughs] Because we've been working on songs also for such a long time, it is nice to have a little bit more media attention towards it. And besides that, I think with the singles, you can also write in the moment and then release it, instead of having to wait two years before it finally ends up on an album."
Last month, WITHIN TEMPTATION released a visualizer for its latest single, "Wireless". The AI clip was by created by Adriano Theel of Titanfilmmedia.de.
WITHIN TEMPTATION first released "Entertain You", "The Purge" and "Shed My Skin", singles that have all thrilled their fanbase, had great critical reception in Europe, peaked in the Top 20 of the U.S. Billboard Mainstream Rock Indicator charts and topped the official German charts. In July 2022, WITHIN TEMPTATION also released the official Jeb Hardwick-directed music video for the "Don't Pray For Me" single. It was the fourth single of the band's independent releases and will lead up to WITHIN TEMPTATION's next studio album.
Last December, WITHIN TEMPTATION released the official music video for "The Fire Within" single. The clip was filmed during the band's "Worlds Collide" European tour with EVANESCENCE. "The Fire Within" seven-inch single featured both the single version and instrumental version of the track.
This past May, Den Adel told Germany's Rock Antenne about WITHIN TEMPTATION's decision to shift its focus from releasing albums to releasing a series of singles, enabling the bandmembers to indulge themselves in their creative processes thus delivering freshly inspired music. Asked if this new process has resulted in each song requiring much longer to complete, Sharon said: "Well, to be honest, for us, this time, since we started doing only singles, it takes so much more time, so much more effort, because every single is a single. It's not just a random song on the album, where you also have, like, one or two or three in the end on the album, which are good but are not singles. But now we've been releasing a lot of songs that we think are singles and that we like ourselves very much. And of course, it was a way of releasing our stuff since just before corona started, actually. [We thought], 'What we're gonna do [this time] is different. We're not gonna release an album. We're just gonna do singles every time, just for the fun and see how that works.' And also with media attention and stuff, because a lot of times when you've recorded the single, they have the attention for that specific single, and then the next one, and then the album comes out and nobody talks about you anymore. And it goes a lot of effort and a lot of attention and time into a whole record. And now we get certain media for certain singles and other media for other singles, because it depends when they think it's something for them, then when they will join you on that adventure. So that's interesting to see that there's a different way of doing that. And I think in a way, especially during the corona time, it was the best thing for us to do, to stay in contact with everybody and to give people who like our music something and for us to stay sane while being locked up in our houses, of course. So it was a double win-win situation."
In an interview with Barbara Caserta of Linea Rock, Den Adel spoke about WITHIN TEMPTATION's new approach to making its music available. She said: "We already decided before we had the pandemic to do it this way. A lot of music scenes already do this — music genres, actually — but in the rock [world], we still do a lot of the traditional way of releasing albums. And we just wanted to try this out. And then the pandemic happened, and everybody started doing the same thing. Which is a good thing, because you live in the moment and you write something and you release it… So this is really how we feel at the moment, and it's what we re reflecting with our music, I think. It's a good thing."
Regarding the differences between recording and releasing singles and concentrating on making full-length albums, Sharon said: "We put a lot of time extra now into every single, where normally this is the maximum of singles that we release, and we're gonna release more. So I think there's more time spent to it. But it's scattered all over a time, so it's really sometimes difficult to get back into the flow of writing again; that's the negative side of it. So it has its positive and negative sides. And with a whole album, it takes sometimes two years when you've written a song that it finally gets released, and it already feels outdated sometimes. So now it's really [easy to give each track] a fast release."
WITHIN TEMPTATION's last album, "Resist", was released in February 2019 through Spinefarm Records, the specialist hard rock label of Universal Music Group.
"Resist" featured guest appearances by PAPA ROACH's Jacoby Shaddix, IN FLAMES' Anders Fridén and ARID's Jasper Steverlinck.
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she-karev · 4 months
Lockdown (Japril Imagine)
Previous Part Here
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Jackson and April
Summary: Jackson drives Amber to her brothers and talks to her about his worries over April living alone during a pandemic.
Words: 990
March 18, 2020
Jackson looks down the empty road that he is driving in sadness. Sadness over how short of a time it can take for the world to fall apart and how little he can do to fix it. He knows no matter how long he can be in the frontline treating people and stopping the spread of covid he can’t make it go away. He can’t make it so his daughter can grow up in a less scary world. He can’t make it so his day at work is something to look forward to not something to dread. And he can’t make it so all of his friends and family can be safe.
Those thoughts run through his head as Amber is next to him scrolling through her phone for the nearest store that can get the latest shipment of toilet paper and water bottles. It’s that sight alone that makes him want to scream but he can’t because he’s driving. Even though it’s likely he’ll get in an accident on an empty road.
“Okay I counted and calculated and we’re good on toilet paper for at least three weeks, you can thank me for making a quick trip before the day of the end.” Amber tells him but he’s barely listening due to his own worries.
Jackson glances at the sidewalk to see tents up and sealed with the homeless community inside. It makes him think of April who quit her job as a trauma surgeon to work at the free clinic full time so she can help the homeless. In the beginning he saw it as brave and selfless but now it terrifies him that she is out there every day exposed to people who can’t afford houses let alone protection. His fears are escalated due to Amber secretly telling him Matthew left April in the hopes they can get back together.
He isn’t entirely sure if he and April are getting back together. He knows they both need time to themselves to figure out what they want. But he also knows that without Matthew in the house April runs the risk of contracting the virus with no one to take care of her. He imagines her suddenly developing the symptoms that get so bad she can’t call for help. And if that happens it’ll be too late to get her treatment and Harriet will lose her mother. And he’ll lose the most important person in his life.
“I’m trying to call the stores to see when they get a new shipment but apparently everybody else has the same idea since I only got a robot on the phone and-”
“I can’t do this.” Jackson says something for the first time since they left the penthouse.
Amber pauses and looks surprised by his interruption, “Can’t do what? Go only three weeks with toilet paper? Join the club buddy.”
“No, I can’t keep pretending that everything is fine in front of April when I know that it isn’t.” Jackson grips the steering wheel, “She is out there every day exposing herself to this thing like us only it’s worse because the community she helps were in poor health to begin with before corona. And at the end of the day, she goes home to nobody there to help her or make sure she’s not showing symptoms. She’s acting like she has someone, but she doesn’t know that I know the truth. She doesn’t know that I am worried, and I have every single right to be.”
Amber sighs putting her phone away, “Now I feel bad for breaking her trust and making you worry about her possibly dying of a virus. She’ll be ready to tell you when she tells you. We agreed to give her time to process and be comfortable enough to tell you at her own pace.”
“Yeah, well things changed.” Jackson tells her sternly, “We can’t afford to be alone right now especially with what we do, what she does. I need to talk to her about this and figure out if she has a plan without Matthew in the picture.”
Amber looks at him scared, “Jackson I admire your big heart, but April doesn’t know I told you and if she does, she will kill me. Do you want to bury me?”
“If it means I don’t have to bury April yeah.” Amber narrows her eyes at him, “Hey you made your bed when you told me something April told you in confidence. Nobody held a gun to your head and made you tell me her secret.”
Amber purses her lips, “I was trying to be a good friend to you in the pursuit of true love. How was I supposed to know a worldwide pandemic would hit a week later? It was an act of God or something.”
“I’m still gonna talk to her, I’d look into witness protection if I were you.” They stop outside Alex and Jo's 2 story house and Amber looks at Jackson betrayed who ignores her and unlocks the door, “I’ll be back to pick you up in half an hour, I’ll let you know how it goes and whether to look over your shoulder for vengeful redheads.”
Amber shakes her head at the joke before putting her mask on, “If your ex-wife kills me, you stay out of my virtual funeral.” Amber opens the car door, exits out and slams the door behind her before heading to the house. Jackson sighs before putting the car in drive and heading to his destination.
After a ten-minute drive he parks in April’s driveway outside her house, gets out of the car and knocks on the door. He waits patiently with a mask on for a few moments before the door opens and he’s face to face with April Kepner.
“Hey.” April greets Jackson who looks at her worried. She can tell by his face and gets worried too, “What’s wrong?”
“We need to talk.”
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