#odia news today
odishanewstimes · 11 months
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69yard · 1 year
Kajol-Indian Actress
Kajol, whose full name is Kajol Mukherjee Devgan, is an Indian actress who primarily works in Hindi cinema. She was born on August 5, 1974, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Kajol comes from a family with a strong film background. Her mother, Tanuja, is an actress, and her late father, Shomu Mukherjee, was a film director and producer. Kajol made her acting debut in 1992 with the film “Bekhudi” but…
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
Prompt title: “slipping through my fingers”
(ps: make this as angsty as you want)
“Slipping through my fingers”
Sam tossed another bottle onto her bedroom floor, not even flinching when it shattered into pieces. She had maybe seven bottles down, a multi-colored glass pile shimmering on the floor.
She didn’t really feel much anymore. It was seldom that she wanted to feel anything lately.
Alcohol wasn’t her first choice. Sam saw how it tore apart her mother and turned her into the monster she was today. Red-eyed, lethargic, unable to walk straight, yet so malevolent. She knew Christina Carpenter well, too well, maybe. Though her father wasn’t the man Christina married, the two had much more in common than previously thought.
Sangre de su sangre. Su pasado, presente y futuro. Todo lo que ella será algún día, y todo lo que su madre odia.
(Blood of her blood. Her past, present, and figure. Everything she will be one day, and everything her mother hates)
It was as if Sam was meant to take on this broken crown, the crown of loneliness and destruction. It was her birthright.
So who was she to deny it?
Most days she spent drinking, letting the bottles smash onto the floor, becoming her new rug. Sometimes when she’s not feeling anything, she likes to walk across the broken glass, letting it embed in her skin. She would pick up fistfuls of the glass, letting it fall through her fingers, shards nipping her skin as it slipped through.
She deserved this pain, this torture. She was her mother, and her mother was her. No matter how far she ran or how drunk she got- Sam could still see her mother tailing her.
The worst part of this whole fucked-up ordeal is watching what it did to Tara. Sam knew very well what their mother’s drinking habits and circle of abuse did to her baby sister- as she was the one who had to pick up the pieces. She used to promise herself that she would never succumb to the temptation to drink, to become Christina.
But once her Loomis blood ties were uncovered- all bets were off. Turning to substances was the only way Sam could stomach being alive.
Era la hija del diablo. La encarnación de su padre; la hija que su madre nunca quiso. Sucumbir era afligirse; afligirse era sucumbir.
(She was the daughter of the devil. The incarnation of her father, the daughter her mother never wanted. To succumb was to grieve; to grieve was to surrender)
Sam knew she had a timer ticking above her head, a countdown to her departure. She saw how Tara looked at her- dark eyes full of hate. Contempt for who Sam is now. She knew that her drinking, smoking, and overall drug use pushed her baby sister to the brink, and it was almost time to cut Tara loose.
Her sister didn’t need Sam around. She didn’t need to watch Sam fall apart. But she still did. For whatever reason, Tara watched her every move, every swallow, and mistake that Sam made. As if she was tallying it all up in her head- all the mistakes Sam had made and would make.
And still, Sam let her sister slip between her fingers, let their relationship die young. Their love dies young—everything they achieved falls and shatters at their feet.
Ella se merecía este dolor. Ella merecía caer a su ascendencia. Era ella derecho de nacimiento. No de Tara.
(She deserved this pain. She deserved to fall to her parentage. It was her birthright. Not Tara’s)
So Sam let everything go, and let the darkness inside her swallow her up. She chased down her feelings with shots of truth- shots that sealed her fate. It didn’t matter anymore.
It was all falling apart anyways.
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celestesinsight · 4 months
February 14, 2024!
Somedays make you go down the rabbit hole of nostalgia!
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Some old memories of Saraswati Puja.
I woke up and disjointly watched Subhy (my nephew) go to school. What perturbed me, was not that he was going to school, but he was going to school in uniform and with bag. When I asked Nani (elder sister in Odia) why he is going to school with books on Saraswati Puja, she informed me he didn't have a holiday today.
I had never felt the ache of leaving home much more than that moment. It was the realisation that things are going to different from now on and I couldn't fall back into the safety net of familiarity from now on.
If I had been at home, I would have helped Puchu in getting ready for her school in new dress. Then we would have offered pushpanjali to the brass idol of Goddess Saraswati in our puja room. We would have placed her books and new pencils and my new pens in front of Maa for blessing. She would have gone to school for puja and I would have met my friends.
This has always been my ritual for Saraswati and Ganesh Puja. Before Puchu's birth, I used to do this alone. I love buying new pens and keeping them near the Deities and using them for the whole year. I have started this ritual when I was in school myself. Another perk of my ritual was that I didn't have to study until the books are kept in front of Maa.
Now Puchu follows my habits. But this year, I couldn't complete my ritual. I just lit a diya in front of Maa.
With the memory of the discontinued ritual, also came the memory of those school days when I used to go to the school and tuition and celebrate Saraswati Puja. That anxious waiting for the priest's arrival as they were always late. They used to do puja at many places after all. Then the yearning for the Homa Yajna to complete soon so that we could offer pushpanjali and break coconuts. It was a competition to see who could break a coconut in a single blow. First we would get delicious boodi Sev prasad and there would be a feast later. The teachers would keep reminding us not to waste any food. The icing on the cake was the superstition that if you study on Saraswati Puja, you would turn into a fool, that we used to take full advantage of.
Then, in college, daunting as well as liberating realisation that we had to organise the Puja on our own without any help or intervention from faculty. The whole process of preparing a budget, collecting contributions from all the students, purchasing puja samagri and decoration materials, planning the feast, decorating the hall with friends and then finally making sure everything goes well on the day of the Puja.
Sometimes, I wish to go back to those simpler times, when everything was fun and joyful. But of course, I can't as I don't have time travel machine. So I distracted myself with the photos sent by my cousins of Puja at their college. I am glad, they are enjoying this phase of their life and making beautiful memories.
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Pictures sent by my cousins.
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The Latest Influencer Marketing Trends for 2024
A Game changer for Businesses
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, influencer marketing has emerged as a game-changer for brands looking to connect authentically with their target audience. As we step into 2024, understanding the latest influencer marketing trends is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. Here at the Top Social Media Marketing Agency in Odisha, we are committed to helping brands navigate these trends and achieve remarkable success. In this blog let’s explore the latest influencer marketing trends to empower a brand's growth.
Micro and Nano Influencers: The New Power Players
Forget the age of mega-influencers with millions of followers. The brands are looking to more targeted and authentic connections. In 2024, there's a notable shift, towards micro and nano influencers. These influencers might have smaller follower counts, but they boast significantly higher engagement rates and a more personal connection with their audience. Collaborating with these influencers allows brands to tap into highly engaged communities, driving authentic conversations and fostering genuine brand loyalty.
Building Long-Term Partnerships
One-off influencer deals are becoming a thing of the past. The focus is now on forging long-term partnerships with influencers who embody your brand's values and organically connect with your target audience. This fosters trust and allows for a deeper narrative to unfold. Through a sustained partnership, the influencer can create captivating content that educates and excites viewers about the brand's heritage, leading to a loyal customer base. In 2024, brands will focus on nurturing these long-term partnerships to drive meaningful and lasting results.
Transparency is King: Authenticity Reigns Supreme
Consumers today crave genuineness. Influencers who are transparent about sponsored content and stay true to their voice are more likely to connect with their audience. This authenticity translates into trust, a key driver of purchasing decisions.  The Top Social Media Marketing Agencies in Odisha can guide you in crafting influencer marketing campaigns that prioritize transparency. Encourage influencers to showcase your brand in a way that feels natural within their content, fostering a sense of believability and building trust with Odia viewers.
The Rise of Social Commerce: Seamless Shopping
The lines between social media and e-commerce are blurring. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are introducing features that allow users to purchase directly within the app. This presents a golden opportunity for influencer marketing.  The Top Social Media Marketing Agencies in Odisha can help you harness the power of social commerce. Partner with influencers to showcase your products in engaging ways and seamlessly integrate purchase options within their content. Imagine an Odia food influencer creating a mouth-watering recipe video featuring your brand's spices. Viewers can then instantly purchase those same spices directly within the app, turning interest into sales.
The Power of User-Generated Content (UGC)
UGC, content created by real people, not brands, is a powerful tool for social proof. Influencer marketing campaigns that encourage UGC creation foster a sense of community and build trust among potential customers. Imagine an influencer promoting a line of handcrafted dhokra jewelry. The campaign could encourage viewers to share photos of them wearing the jewelry, creating a wave of user-generated content that showcases the product's appeal and builds trust among potential buyers.
The influencer marketing trends highlighted here are poised to shape the digital marketing landscape. By partnering with Sanket Communications – The Top Social Media Marketing Agency in Odisha, you can leverage these trends to develop effective influencer marketing campaigns. From identifying the right niche influencers to crafting transparent and engaging content, a social media marketing agency can guide you every step of the way. Let's work together to make 2024 a year of authentic connections and remarkable growth in the digital space.
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thesaaj123 · 3 months
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Looking for the perfect and Top Hotel in Bhubaneswar? Don't miss out on our special offer for Pana Shankranti and Odia New Year at Hotel The Saaj. Book your stay today!
You Can Find More - https://hotelthesaaj.blogspot.com/2024/03/discover-tranquility-at-hotel-saaj.html
Check Out For Some Ideas - https://qr.ae/psYxzk
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translationwala · 4 months
Odia Odyssey: Unveiling the Art of Seamless English to Odia Translation
The state of Odisha is located on the eastern side of India. It is a lively place with a rich cultural history and a unique language. Odia is the official language of Odisha, and more than 40 million people speak it. It has a unique literature history and a beautiful sound. But it can be hard for people who speak Odia to communicate with people who speak other languages. As part of its “Odia Odyssey,” this blog will show you how to English to Odia Translation without any problems, as well as talk about what it means and how to do it.
Bridging the Linguistic Divide: Why English to Odia Translation Matters
In today’s international world, good communication goes beyond language and location barriers. English to Odia translation is a key part of closing this gap, which opens up a world of benefits:
Empowering Knowledge Sharing: Sharing knowledge is a key part of making progress. By turning academic books, study papers, and other materials into Odia, people can access a larger body of knowledge, which helps them learn more and do better in school. Imagine that a young student from Odia, who is very interested in science, could finally read translated textbooks that explained complicated scientific ideas. This would spark their desire to learn more and find new things.
Preserving Cultural Legacy: Odia has a lot of different kinds of culture, from old traditions and folktales to beautiful poems. Translation from English to Odia protects this heritage by making it possible to translate literary works, historical records, and cultural objects. This helps people in the future connect with their roots, enjoy the details of their history, and share it with more people, which promotes cultural understanding and respect.
Boosting Economic Opportunities: Businesses thrive on talking to each other and working together in today’s linked economy. By changing websites, marketing materials, and product details from English to Odia, companies can reach the huge number of people who know Odia. This boosts economic growth by making it easier for businesses to do business, getting more customers, and raised brand knowledge. Imagine that an Odia business owner, full of new ideas, could finally reach people all over the world by translating their business plans and marketing materials. This would help their business grow.
Navigating the Nuances: Challenges in English to Odia Translation
There are clear benefits, but translating from English to Odia has its own problems:
Linguistic Complexities: The language, spelling, and sentence structure of Odia and English are very different. Even if the translation is correct in every way, it might not capture the spirit of the source text. To make sure the translated message has the right meaning and tone, translators need to know a lot about both languages and the culture of the people who speak them.
Cultural Nuances: Culture and language go hand in hand. It is important for translators to be aware of cultural details, words, and metaphors that may not have clear translations in the other language. To avoid misunderstandings and make sure the translated text hits home with the intended audience, it is important to have a deep understanding of Odia society.
Evolving Language: English and Odia are both always changing as new words and phrases come into use. Translators need to keep up with these fast-paced changes in order to provide accurate versions that speak to modern audiences.
Charting the Course: Ensuring Quality English to Odia Translation
To deal with these problems and make sure translations go smoothly, there are a few important things that must be kept in mind:
Skilled Translators: It is very important to hire skilled and experienced translators. These people should not only be very good at speaking and writing both languages, but also know a lot about Odia society and its subtleties.
Collaborative Approach: Work with people who speak Odia as their first language can be very helpful. Their knowledge can help make sure that the translated text fits the target audience’s culture and makes sense to them, preventing any confusion and staying true to the original message.
Technology Leverage: To help with the translation process, you can use language tools and apps. It is important to remember, though, that these tools should only be used as supplements to human knowledge and culture awareness.
Conclusion: A Journey into Seamless Communication
The “Odia Odyssey” shows how important and complicated it is English to Odia Translation. By bringing people of different languages together through art, this form promotes sharing information, preserving culture, and creating jobs. knowledge the problems and using the above-mentioned best practices will help people from different groups communicate more easily and build knowledge and respect for each other. Let’s make sure that the main idea of the message gets across across all language barriers so that it can improve people’s lives and make the world a better place for everyone.
Source: https://translationwala.wordpress.com/2024/02/26/odia-odyssey-unveiling-the-art-of-seamless-english-to-odia-translation/
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laclasseworld-blog · 5 months
Microsoft Translator adds four new languages – Konkani, Maithili, Sindhi, and Sinhala
Microsoft India announced today the addition of three new Indian languages Konkani, Maithili, and Sindhi, in Microsoft Translator. Along with this, Microsoft Translator will also support Sinhala, the official language of Sri Lanka. With this latest release, Microsoft is further democratizing access to information in native languages for India. Microsoft Translator now supports 16 Indian languages: including Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Microsoft Translator will now allow over 95% of Indians to access information and work in their native or preferred languages, making computing language-agnostic and more inclusive in India. It can help general users interpret real-time conversations, menus, street signs, websites, and documents. Companies can leverage it to globalize their business and strengthen customer outreach. Microsoft Translator can be used across Windows, iOS, Android, and the web. Microsoft also continues to push the boundaries on the quality of translations across Indian languages.
The function is available on the Microsoft Translator app, edge browser, Office 365, Bing Translator, and through the Azure Cognitive Services Translator API for businesses and developers. Users can translate Konkani, Maithili, Sindhi, and Sinhala text, supported in more than 125 languages, for their apps, websites, workflows, and tools with Azure Cognitive Services Translator. Businesses can also avail multi-language support such as translation for e-content, e-commerce product catalogues, product documentation, and internal communication, among others. 
Konkani is spoken by over 2 million people in India, primarily in the states of Goa, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. It is also spoken by a significant number of people in other parts of India, such as Kerala and Gujarat. Maithili is spoken by over 75 million people in India and Nepal. It is the second most widely spoken language in the Indian state of Bihar and is also spoken in the neighbouring states of Jharkhand and West Bengal. The development of Maithili was championed by Dr. Girish Nath Jha from the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi, who provided critical test sets and initial training data. Sindhi is spoken by over 20 million people in India, and several other countries in the subcontinent while Sinhala is spoken by over 16 million people in Sri Lanka, as well as in other countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.
Rajiv Kumar, managing director, of Microsoft India, said, At Microsoft, we are committed to empowering every individual and organization on the planet and this commitment is reflected in our attempt to broaden the reach of technology and inclusiveness through language as a medium.  We are excited to announce that we are broadening our language capabilities to include Maithili, Konkani, Sindhi, and Sinhala.  We celebrate and support India’s diversity of language and culture with the most advanced AI to enable India’s growth, by making access to technology pervasive. 
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sundirectconnection · 5 months
Explore the various subscription packs offered by Sun Direct DTH  
Sun Direct has emerged as a prominent player when it come to direct to home connections, they offer a plethora of subscription packs to cater to diverse language preferences and individual viewing needs. Today let’s look into the expansive world of Sun Direct's subscription packs, encompassing Curated Packs, Bouquets, Broadcaster Bouquets, and Broadcaster Alacarte options.  
Sun Direct Curated Packs: 
Sun Direct Curated Packs stand out for their versatility, providing various combos in all South Indian languages. Let's take a glimpse at the offerings for two major languages: 
1. Tamil Language: 
   - Tamil Gold (70 channels), Tamil Kannada Jodi (73), Tamil Malayalam Jodi (73), Tamil Basic (44), Tamil Telugu Jodi (74), Tamil Premium (80), Tamil Joy (35) in SD quality. 
   - Tamil Gold (81), Tamil Basic (57) in HD quality. 
2. Telugu Language: 
   - Telugu Tamil Jodi (80), Telugu Kannada Jodi (81), Telugu Basic (28) , Telugu Gold (76), Telugu Premium (79), Telugu Joy (19) in SD quality. 
   - Telugu Gold (79), Telugu Basic (55) in HD quality. 
Similar curated packs are available for Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Odia, and the Rest of India, in both SD and HD quality. 
Sun Direct Bouquets: 
Sun Direct Bouquets offer convenient combo packs, catering to specific language and content preferences. Some notable examples include: 
Tamil Combo (26) 
Tamil Combo Gec (5) 
Telugu Combo (22) 
Telugu Combo Mini (4) 
Telugu Combo Movies (4) 
Odia Combo (13) 
Marathi Combo (9) 
Broadcaster Bouquets: 
The Broadcaster Bouquets present an array of combo offers, featuring main channels in both SD and HD quality. Examples include Tamil Basic (channels – Sun TV, Sun News, Sun Music, Sun Life, K TV, Adithya TV), and numerous combos in languages like Telugu Malayalam, Telugu Kannada, Tamil Malayalam, Tamil Kannada, with a separate network for each. 
Broadcaster Alacarte: 
For the ultimate customization, the Broadcaster Alacarte option allows you to select individual channels based on category (devotional, infotainment, kids, news, sports, HD channels) and language (English, Gujarathi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi, Telugu, Nepali, Assamese, Urdu). Pay for the channels you desire, creating a personalized viewing experience. 
Sun Direct DTH stands as a testament to personalized entertainment, offering a diverse range of subscription packs tailored to meet the preferences of its diverse audience. Whether you opt for the curated packs, bouquets, broadcaster bouquets, or alacarte options, Sun Direct ensures that your television experience is not just entertaining but precisely crafted to suit your individual tastes. Explore the world of Sun Direct DTH subscription packs today and embark on a journey of diverse and delightful entertainment. For more details, visit https://www.sundirect.in. 
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auromirafilms-blog · 6 months
Behind The Lens- Film Production in Odisha
Nestled within the cultural nucleus of Bhubaneshwar and Cuttack, Ollywood stands tall as a beacon illuminating the splendour of Odisha's film narrative. From its inception in 1936 with the groundbreaking "Sita Bibaha" by Mohan Sundar Deb Goswami, Ollywood has not merely etched its name in history but has laid the very foundation upon which the vibrant Odia film industry thrives today.
Ollywood's journey echoes the societal evolution of its time—transitioning seamlessly from monochrome to a kaleidoscope of colours, from silent frames to resonating dialogues, and from traditional sagas to contemporary chronicles—all while staying firmly rooted in its cultural essence.
The hallmark of Ollywood lies in its portrayal of Odisha's rich heritage. Its movies serve as vibrant tapestries, weaving the essence of local life, capturing its ethos, amplifying its struggles, and creating an intimate connection with its audience. Moreover, these films act as custodians of Odia language and indigenous art forms, preserving them for generations to come.
In recent years, Ollywood has undergone a renaissance, witnessing a surge in technical prowess and storytelling innovation. A new wave of visionary directors and versatile actors fearlessly tread across genres, pushing the boundaries of Odia cinema. Despite the challenges posed by digital transformations and global adversities, Ollywood perseveres, steadfast in its mission to captivate and enthral its devoted audience.
As we peer into the intricacies of Ollywood's evolution, it becomes evident that its success isn't merely measured by its cinematic achievements but by the cultural resonance it creates. It's a vibrant testament to Odisha's artistic spirit—a blend of tradition and modernity converging seamlessly on the silver screen.
The magic of Ollywood lies not just in its films but in its ability to reflect the soul of Odisha. The themes, characters, and narratives aren't just artistic renditions but mirror the pulse of the region, resonating deeply with both local and global audiences. Whether it's the panoramic landscapes, the effervescent festivals, or the nuanced portrayal of societal nuances, Ollywood paints a vivid picture that transcends boundaries.
Moreover, the Odia film industry isn't shackled by its past; it's evolving. It's embracing technological advancements, experimenting with storytelling techniques, and nurturing fresh talent. This wave of innovation breathes new life into Ollywood, promising a future that's as intriguing and captivating as its past, if not more.
In essence, Ollywood remains an invaluable gem within India's cinematic legacy—a canvas that intertwines tradition and innovation to narrate Odisha's tales, bridging the past, present, and future with cinematic finesse.
Its journey is a testament to resilience, creativity, and the unwavering commitment to preserve and promote Odisha's cultural richness. As Ollywood continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to the power of storytelling—a dynamic, living testament to the vibrant spirit of Odisha. https://auromirafilms.com/
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sumangalam · 9 months
Sumangalam Caterers: Your Trusted Choice for Wedding Catering in Bhubaneswar.
Are you planning a wedding in Bhubaneswar and looking for the perfect catering partner to make your special day even more memorable? Look no further than Sumangalam Caterers, the leading name in wedding catering services in Bhubaneswar. With their exquisite culinary offerings and unwavering commitment to excellence, Sumangalam Caterers is here to turn your dream wedding into a reality.
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Sumangalam Caterers: A Trusted Name in Wedding Catering
At Sumangalam Caterers, they understand that every wedding is unique, and they go the extra mile to ensure that your catering experience is nothing short of exceptional. With years of experience under their belt, they have earned a stellar reputation for delivering top-notch catering services that leave a lasting impression.
Delight Your Guests with a Culinary Extravaganza
What sets Sumangalam Caterers apart is their diverse and delectable menu. Whether you're a fan of traditional Odia cuisine or crave contemporary dishes, their team of experienced chefs has got you covered. They source only the freshest and highest quality ingredients to craft mouth-watering dishes that not only taste divine but are also visually stunning.
Catering Options Tailored to Your Needs
Sumangalam Caterers believes in catering to your unique preferences. They offer a variety of catering options, including buffet-style service, live cooking stations that add an interactive element to your event, and fully customized menus. Your wedding catering will be a reflection of your tastes and desires, ensuring that your guests are treated to a culinary experience like no other.
Attention to Detail: Making Your Wedding Memorable
Sumangalam Caterers pays meticulous attention to every detail, ensuring that every aspect of your catering service is flawless. From the presentation of the food to the courteous staff, they leave no stone unturned to create a memorable experience for you and your guests. Your wedding day should be perfect, and Sumangalam Caterers is committed to making it so.
Contact Sumangalam Caterers Today
Planning your wedding catering has never been easier. To make your big day extra special, contact Sumangalam Caterers at 8984771790 or visit their website at sumangalamcaterers.com. Let their expertise and dedication to excellence elevate your wedding catering to new heights.
Choose Sumangalam Caterers for your wedding catering needs in Bhubaneswar and savor a culinary journey that will leave your guests raving about your wedding for years to come. Book now and make your wedding an unforgettable affair! #WeddingCatering #BhubaneswarCaterers #SumangalamCaterers #CateringServices #WeddingFood
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Free online daily horoscope predictions
A chart that is made during the birth time of a child and contains things like date of birth, zodiac signs, placement of the grahas etc is called the horoscope chart. This horoscope chart helps almost in everything in life. This chart contains zodiac signs. There are 12 zodiac signs in total each having a period of a month. The zodiac signs are, aries horoscope, taurus horoscope, gemini horoscope, cancer horoscope, leo horoscope, virgo horoscope, libra horoscope, scorpio horoscope, sagittarius horoscope, capricorn horoscope, aquarius horoscope and pisces horoscope. 
Before people used to provide daily horoscope predictions in only newspapers and in a few news channels, but now in the modern days, there are so many possible ways to get horoscope predictions. The ways are- newspapers, news channels, social media, online apps and online web pages. Before we used to get only daily horoscope predictions, but in this advanced country, now you can get weekly horoscope predictions too. You can also get a whole horoscope 2023 prediction too, predicting the whole year. You can also get predictions even more ahead of time. 
If you are having problems getting zodiac sign predictions then you can freely visit our website. Our website provides the best astrologer that is capable of predicting the whole future of yours. And we don’t even take any money for the prediction, just visit our website and get the free prediction service by our powerful astrologer. Get a daily horoscope by myastron. You will easily find out daily horoscope predictions on our websites. You can also get the weekly service too if you don’t have enough time to visit our website daily. 
India is a country of unity and different religions and languages. There are a lot of languages in India, almost each state having their own language. But Hindi is the most used language in India. Even though Hindi is used in almost every state, there are still so many people who don’t even know a single word of Hindi. For example you can be taken as tamilians. Tamilian people barely know a word of Hindi but they are fluent in their own language Tamil and the most commonly used language in the world is English. Not to mention only Tamilians but there are many other states who don’t know Hindi properly, for them we have daily horoscope predictions in their own language. Even some Bengalis struggle to speak and understand Hindi so if you are one of them, then you can get today's horoscope in Bengali language. 
And even if people know Hindi properly, people always prefer their own/mother language to speak or listen. Because our website is a worldwide website, anyone can get service in their own language because we don’t only provide our services in Hindi, English and Bengali, But we also provide our services in every possible language. You can get today's horoscope in marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Odia, assamese and many more languages. To get our service in one of these languages, you can visit our website and get free daily horoscope predictions in your own language.
Myastron is an astrology website where you can get services related to astrology and puja for free and easily. To get a weekly or yearly horoscope prediction, you can visit our website myastron, daily horoscopes are easily findable on the internet or on any website. But only a few websites provide the weekly predictions. And our website is one of these few websites who provide weekly predictions. We don’t only provide horoscope predictions, but we provide every services related to astrology and puja. We provide tarot card reading, astrology services, kundli matching, vastu services, palm reading services, pandit services etc. visit our website and get one of these services for free. Myastron.com
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gyanjan · 1 year
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charutadesigns · 1 year
This magnificent work of art was produced using the lovely "Pattachitra" art form. It is a type of traditional Odia artwork. Hindu mythology's ideals and stories serve as inspiration for these works of art. For more details about Pattachitra Sarees Online kindly visit our site https://charutadesigns.com/sc/Saree/Pattachitra-Saree
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celestesinsight · 7 months
1st December, 2023.
I visited Bali Jatra for fourth time today. Bali Jatra is the Asia's largest open trade fair, that is held in Cuttack every year. It begins from the day of Kartika Purnima and lasts for 7-8 days. This year, it started on 27th November and will end on 4th December.
It is held to pay homage to the maritime history of Odisha.
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Bali Jatra may be just a fair for others, but an emotion and nostalgia for us Cuttackias. And I am simply obsessed with it since childhood and love to visit it daily.
When I was in my Class 10th, our tuition teacher forbade us to go to Bali Jatra, because he didn't want us to miss classes and lag behind the studies. Any kid who missed classes during those days, even if for other reasons, was punished severely. I didn't miss any classes, instead I went to Bali Jatra during the one-hour gap between school and tuition. It was tiring, but anything for Bali Jatra. I am that crazy about Bali Jatra.
So, today I went with Mom. Last three times I went there alone. People always ask me, don't I feel awkward visiting a fair alone? And yes, I did feel uncomfortable initially, but now I am used to it.
I have always visited the fair with my mom. Her office and my school were located at walking distance to the fair ground. Infact, the fair ground is midway between both the the places. When I was a kid, my mom would pick me up from school and we would walk to the fair and return to her office later. This used to be our daily routine during those 7-8 days.
And after I went to college, I used to go to her office and then we used to walk to the fair daily.
But then my mom retired and could not travel daily to visit the fair because of her health. I found no one else is crazy enough to accompany me daily. When my sister and bff hadn't moved out of town for higher studies/job, they used to go with me somedays. But after them, I got used to visit the fair alone.
Today, I bought a new Lord Jagannath idol from Bali Jatra. As an Odia, it doesn't matter how many such idols, posters or photos we have in our home, there is always space for more.
Then, I found some cute palm leaf Pattachitra bookmarks. Pattachitra is traditional Odia scroll painting. They are usually painted on cloth, palm leaves, coconut shells, wooden surfaces etc.
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And of course, fair visit cannot be complete without buying some earrings. I also found Desiblr favourite peacock earrings.
My mom bought household stuffs like phool jhadu, Kandhamal haldi (pure, organic turmeric from Southern Odisha), some organic lentils etc. and then we had chat and pani puri.
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Overall, I had a fun day with my mom and got reminded of those school days when we used to do this daily.
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Advantages of buying Odia sweets online
All foodies would definitely say that a meal is not truly complete unless they have a dessert. It is much like an icing on the cake! Fortunately today you can easily buy Odia sweets online Khargarh  and enjoy such sweet treats whenever you want. The lifestyle and cuisine of the people in Odisha is quite different from many other Indian states. In addition to its main course delicacies, Odisha is also famous for its mouthwatering sweets. Online platforms dedicated to Odia sweets provide a vast selection of options from which you can make your choice. You can buy diverse types of traditional sweets like Chhena Poda, Rasagola, Khaja, Rasabali, and more through such platforms. The extensive variety of options you find while exploring Odia sweets online Airoli makes it easier for you to discover and savor your favorite sweet treats and try new ones.
One of the primary advantages of buying Odia sweets online Ghansoli is the convenience it offers. With just a few clicks, you can browse through different options, compare prices, and place your order from the comfort of you homes. This eliminates the need to physically visit multiple stores, and ultimately saves you both time and effort.
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