#Convert AI text to human
aitohumanconverter · 10 days
Convert AI text to human
Are you tired of artificial-sounding text from AI? Look no further than AI TO HUMAN CONVERTER. Our cutting-edge tool seamlessly converts AI-generated text into natural, human-like language, ensuring your content is relatable and engaging. Make a lasting impact with authentic communication. Experience the difference with AI TO HUMAN CONVERTER – the ultimate solution for bridging the gap between technology and humanity.
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tryslat · 11 days
How Can I Turn Content Produced by AI into Content Written by Humans?
Transforming AI-generated content into human-written text can be a challenging task. While manually editing the content to make it sound more natural can be time-consuming, there's a more efficient solution available. The Online AI Text Converter Tool provides a quick and easy way to convert AI-generated content into human-like text.
Manual Transformation vs. Using the AI Text Converter Tool
Manually transforming AI-generated text involves editing the content to remove robotic phrasing, adjusting the tone, and ensuring readability. This process can be tedious and require significant effort, especially with large volumes of content.
In contrast, the Online AI Text Converter Tool simplifies this process. This free tool allows you to convert AI-generated text into natural-sounding human text with just a few clicks. It utilizes advanced algorithms to ensure that the converted content retains its original meaning while adopting a more human-like tone.
Benefits of Using the Online AI Text Converter Tool
Efficiency: Convert AI text in seconds instead of spending hours on manual edits.
Ease of Use: User-friendly interface that requires no special skills or training.
High Quality: Produces high-quality, human-like text that reads naturally.
Cost-Free: Available for free with unlimited use, no hidden fees.
Versatility: Suitable for various types of content, including essays, blog posts, and professional documents.
How to Use the Online AI Text Converter Tool
Using the AI Text Converter Tool is straightforward. Visit the website, paste your AI-generated content into the provided text box, and click the convert button. The tool will quickly transform your text into a human-readable format, ready for use.
In conclusion, if you need to efficiently convert AI-generated content into human-like text, the Online AI Text Converter Tool is an invaluable resource. It saves time, enhances content quality, and is free to use. Try it today and see how easy it is to turn AI text into compelling, human-readable content.
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humanizeaitext · 4 months
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Humanize AI Text – Best Option to Convert AI Content to Human Form
Looking for AI to human text converter? Go no further than Humanize AI Text, one of the best online AI humanizer tools ever. So, what are you waiting for? Convert the content quickly and put it on your website and get it ranked on Google top searches.
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cudekai · 8 months
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AI Text Converter To Human Form
Cudek AI is a powerful tool that converts AI-generated text into human-readable format specifically optimized for users in the UK. For more details, please visit https://www.cudekai.com/convert-ai-text-to-human
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a--ttano · 4 months
For those looking to have fanfiction read to them: we have the technology.
Utilising ao3's download function and a TTS (text to speech) robot, you can have any fic read to you. This IS a different experience to listening to a podfic, and you're not likely to find a 1:1 human sounding voice for this, but you will very much have a fic read to you. If this kind of assistive technology will help you out, please use it. That's what it's there for. You don't have to be ticking any kind of disability box to use it.
AI doesn't need to be involved. You can search ao3 as you normally would, download the fic (in epub format ideally), open it in your ebook app, and have your TTS read it to you. Google search "ffn to epub" to find sites converting fanfiction.net links to epub format (other formats are usually available as well).
I have an android phone, and I use:
Librera PRO ebook reader - you can use the free version, Librera, if you don't want to pay/want to try it out first. I use this app every day, and since it is a one time purchase, it was very worth it to buy. This app has hands down the best performance when it comes to integrating TTS functions into its ebook reader that I've experienced.
Acapela TTS voices - these are BOUGHT voices. The TTS most devices come with is, uh, bad, so when I wanted to listen to multiple hours of TTS reading, I decided to buy. Acapela has a wide range of voices in various languages and accents. The basic ones (ideal for reading you a story) cost 3.99 €‎
This post is not about podfic, which is an entirely different thing, but it is also not NOT about podfic. There are more podfics out there than you may realise: fics performed by human artists, recorded, edited, and uploaded to the internet for your listening pleasure. If you prefer an audio experience and the fic you want to read has a podfic available, why not give it a try!
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Hello! Some info about this blog:
#bluebellyphotos (original photo posts)
#bluebellytalks (text posts and reblog comments)
#flora (plant and landscape photos)
#fauna (animal photos)
#arthropods (bugs and friends)*
#invertebrates (includes slugs and bugs and other critters)*
#scenes from my father's garden (a little series)
#us politics and #usa politics for your blocklist
*For spiders I also give content and trigger warnings in the tags. You can block spider posts by blocking #cw spiders or #tw spiders. I try to be responsive to reasonable content warning requests so send me an ask if there's anything else you want me to add to my tags.
What camera and lenses do you use?
I use a Sony A7Riv (a mirrorless digital camera) and most often I am using a 35mm prime lens (the FE 1.4/35 GM) or the less fancy but still serviceable 85mm prime (FE 1.8/85). I bought them all used off KEH, which I really recommend for anyone in North America trying to spend less money on gear. The majority of the photos posted here were made using that camera body and one of those two lenses, although I do occasionally use converters and lenses from old analog SLRs. I don't post my film work to this blog, but if you want to know about analog cameras and film photography, shoot me an ask.
Where was this photo taken?
After deliberating for a long time, I made a decision to not share geolocative information with my photos unless I was making a larger text post about the area and its history. I remember the world before geotagging and instagram, and I have really mixed feelings about – on some level – reducing the landscapes and lifeways I cherish to their aesthetics. While I do trust most of you to treat the places you visit with care, I've also seen a lot of trampled superblooms and summit queues for that one perfect shot. So if I'm going to tell you where something is, I also want to include information about why that place is so special. Unfortunately, most of the time I am too tired to write something long enough to do the place justice.
How do you edit your photos? Do you use presets, and if so, which ones?
For years this has been my workflow: I import everything into Adobe Lightroom Classic, which I like for its organizational capacity more than anything else. I built my own presets, each for specific lighting conditions, weather conditions, and landscape types, which I apply as photos come in. Then I do a second pass and make adjustments on each photo. I may share preset packages at some point – I just have to get around to it. I delete a lot of work, because the Sony a7riv files are enormous. I export everything for tumblr at or below 2000 pixels on the long edge, so the file sizes you guys see are comparatively small (want a larger file for some reason? send me an ask). I do work with photoshop as well, but generally not for the photos I post to this blog. I have been considering moving everything over to Darktable, which is open source. Update: Recently I lost access to Adobe CC for financial reasons ( am between jobs). If you want to help support bluebelly, I set up a kofi.
I get a lot of bot followers. If your blog has a profile pic, a header image, and some text in your info section that was clearly written by a human I’m much less likely to accidentally block you. I don't need you to list identity information or post a picture of yourself (I am glad you protect your privacy). Even just changing your blog’s colors can help signal you are human to other tumblr users, but if you get blocked it's almost certainly because you looked like a bot and I was going through the motions of clearing them out. If I notice your blog posting AI content I will block you even if you appear to be human and friendly. My only real aim with bluebelly-sun-serpentine is to encourage us all to pay attention to the world around us and to celebrate what that attention can do to connect us to all kinds of life, and I feel like ai is just kind antithetical to that, so I do my best to keep it off my dash.
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bethanythebogwitch · 11 months
Digimon & mythology: angel Digimon
The Digital World is a dangerous place, with plenty of demon lords, monsters, and villains just waiting to unleash their power. But there is light to counterbalance the darkness and the ranks of the angel Digimon will fight back against evil. The angels of Digimon are based on Christian angelology, the theological study of angels form a Christian viewpoint. Christian angelology is of course based on the older Jewish angelology, but Digimon pulls much more from the Christian version. Christian angelology traditionally has a hierarchy that appears to have been invented by the 5th century author, theologist, and philosopher Pseudo-Dionysus, who mixed existing beliefs about angels with neoplatonic philosophy to create his hierarchy. The name Pseudo-Dionysus is because he identifies himself as Dionysus to try to portray himself as a character of that name from the book of Acts, but modern scholars generally agree that even if the guy from Acts existed (debatable given the heavily fictionalized nature of Acts), the author wasn’t him. The hierarchy of angels is usually given in three spheres consisting of three ranks each. From lowest to highest they are angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. Most angel Digimon are associated with one of these ranks, though some fall outside of this system. I’ll give more context on each rank as they come up.
Like in the original mythology, angel Digimon answer to God. What God is in the Digital World is very vague and inconsistent across the different entries in the franchise. Most of what we get is that it’s a being of goodness that rules the angel Digimon and wants what’s best for the Digital World. In different parts of the franchise, God has been identified as a human programmer, Huanglongmon of the Holy Beasts, and as the computer system that the Digital World exists with. More modern takes on the franchise have an AI computer system named Yggdrasil as the ruler of the Digital World, which fills the role of God, but is usually not depicted as being a purely benevolent being. In fact, Yggdrasil tends to be a villain whenever it shows up. God also dwells in the kernel. The kernel is the core of the Digital World and location where all the data is computed, yet it may also exist in a higher dimension above the Digital World. All angel Digimon come from the kernel and live there when they aren’t sent out on missions. The kernel is very much supposed to be the heaven of the Digital World, though in an earlier sense of what heaven was supposed to be. In the oldest forms of Judaism, heaven was the dwelling place of God and the angels, but wasn’t an afterlife. Instead, all humans went to Sheol, a poorly described state or place, regardless of what they did in life. It wasn’t until the second temple period after the Persians conquered the Babylonians who had themselves conquered the Hebrews that the idea of a divided afterlife entered Judaism, one of many idea adopted from the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. Heaven was converted into the good afterlife, expanding on its previous role as God’s home. The kernel doesn’t act as a Digimon afterlife because Digimon reincarnate in most settings.
I will discuss each angel Digimon, going from Child/Rookie to Ultimate/Mega levels. While God operates through more Digimon than just the angel Digimon, including Sakuyamon, Kuzuhamon, Kongoumon, and maybe Shakamon (if God = Yggdrasil), I will only be going over the angels because this post is going to be long enough already. Most demonic Digimon are either implicitly or explicitly fallen angel Digimon. If one of the angel Digimon has a specific fallen angel counterpart I’ll mention it, but I won’t be going into detail on them. It is worth noting that almost all the angel Digimon are based on the winged human depiction of angels. Angels in the texts of the Abrahamic religions are instead described as completely bizarre beings, usually with way too many eyes (though at least some of them can choose to appear human). The winged human depiction was popular by at least early Christianity, with the earliest known depiction being attributed to the 370s-390s BCE. Given that Digimon are born out of data generated by humans, it’s likely because the winged human depictions are so popular that angel Digimon also take that shape.
The lowest member of the angelic hierarchy is the only Child/Rookie level angel, Luxmon. Luxmon was only introduced earlier this year so it doesn’t have much lore, but it does act as a great starting point for any angel Digimon line. It is so pure and innocent that it doesn’t realize when it’s being lied to, which means demonic Digimon of its level like Impmon and PicoDevimon/DemiDevimon will bully it. Like other members of its level, Luxmon is not very powerful, but they can fight against strong foes by using teamwork. Angel Digimon are often depicted as being stronger than the average member of their level. Luxmon is clearly designed to look like a younger Angemon and it worked. I think it’s a good design that captures both the angel aspect while also making it look like a little kid.
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In the Adult/Champion level, we have Angemon. I believe it is the first angel Digimon in the franchise and the one on which all others are ultimately based. It is a being of virtue that brings happiness, though it is also relentless in the battle against evil. Each angel Digimon has a certain role in the angelic hierarchy and Angemon’s job is to lead other angelic Digimon in the fight against evil. It wields a quarterstaff called the holy rod. An Angemon who falls becomes a Devimon, which retains its role as a leader, it just leads evil Digimon instead of good ones. Angemon’s design is a classic and a great example of a Digimon that just looks like a human in a costume, but still feels different. Angemon is likely the most powerful of the Adult/Champion level angels and is often depicted as being far more powerful than its level would indicate. This is especially true in Digimon Adventure, where it was easily capable of beating Digimon a whole level higher than it.
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Pidmon is a variant of Angemon that ranks lower in the hierarchy, but is of similar power. Its design is a recolor of Angemon with a different staff and only one pair of wings. Many of the angel Digimon’s lore states that the number of wings an angel Digimon has indicates its rank in the hierarchy so the two-winged Pidmon ranks lower than the six-winged Angemon. This is not a hard and fast rule, as multiple angel Digimon have fewer wings than their rank would indicate. Pidmon’s role in the hierarchy is to destroy evil, presumably making it a major member of the forces that Angemon leads. Its name comes from Cupid, the Roman god of desire, attraction, affection, and erotic love. While a roman god seems like an odd inspiration for the very Christian-inspired angel Digimon, there could be a roundabout reference here. The winged baby statues that are often called cherubs are actually called putti and depict Cupid. Somewhere along the line some wires got crossed and the name of a rank of angel got applied to the putti statue.
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Darcmon is the last angel of this level and the fort one to appear feminine. Its four wings presumably place it between Pidmon and Angemon. It is heavily combat focused and takes the role of vanguard and advanced force in the angel army. Given their descriptions we can get an idea that in the angel army Pidmon make up the majority of soldiers, Darcmon are the advance fore that go straight to the front lines, and Angemon are the leaders. Darcmon is a reference to Jeanne D’Arc, better known to English speakers as Joan of Arc. She was a 15th century French military leader who claimed to receive visions from angels and saints. She was convicted of heresy and executed, but the Catholic church later revoked the conviction and declared her a saint. She referred to herself as la pucelle, the maiden, which became the name of one of Darcmon’s attacks. I think Darcmon is severely underutilized for how cool her design is as far as I know, she has two anime appearances, one of which wasn’t actually a Darcmon but a villain in disguise.
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Luxmon, Pidmon, Darcmon, and Angemon are all classified as angel Digimon, which equates them to the lowest rung of the traditional hierarchy. Angel is used both to refer to the beings as a whole but also the lowest rank in the hierarchy. Their role it to act as announcers. They appear is scriptures to make various announcements, usually to humans.
The first angel Digimon of the Perfect/Ultimate level is HolyAngemon, renamed in English to MagnaAngemon. It has eight wings, placing it above Angemon. It has two forms: its regular form and HolyAngemon Priest Mode, which have different roles. Overall, HolyAngemon acts as the law enforcement of the angels, supervising and surveying the others to keep them within the bounds of their missions and try to catch any who fall. HolyAngemon Priest Mode is said to be the from it spends most of its time in. In this form, it spends its time acting as a spokesperson for God and goodness in general. When darkness arrives, it changes into its combat form to take up arms against evil. Ironically, despite Priest Mode being the form it’s supposed to spend most of its time in, this form is almost never seen in Digimon Media, being a long-time inmate of V-Tamer jail. HolyAngemon bears the sword Excalibur, an obvious reference to King Arthur.
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HolyAngemon Priest Mode
Next is Angewomon, who also has eight wings. She is a being of utmost beauty with an extremely kind personality. Her role is to try to redeem evil Digimon. By showing kindness and grace, she can bring Digimon back from the path of evil. However is a Digimon cannot be redeemed, she will attack and show that she is an extremely powerful combatant. She is often depicted as being equal in power to HolyAngemon A fallen Angewomon becomes a LadyDevimon, who is as cruel and wicked as Angewomon is kind and benevolent. The two species despise each other. Angewomon is one of the most popular Digimon for a very good reason. Her design is a classic and stands out among all the other “sexymon” designs out there. Angewomon has an x-antibody form which is fine. It’s overdesigned and unnecessary, but if that’s all I can say about an x-antibody form, it’s one of the good ones.
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Angewomon X
HolyAngemon and Angewomon are both classified as archangel Digimon. Archangels are the second lowest in the hierarchy and their job is to make declarations. The idea of archangels being the highest rank of angel seems to come from the epic poem Paradise Lost and confusion over the name. “arch-“ means “chief” or “first” so people mistakenly assumed that the chief angels were the highest rank. Despite this, Michael (who is explicitly an archangel and the only one ever called that in the bible) is often seen as God’s second in command even by clerical sources, furthering the confusion. A very common idea is that there are four or seven archangels with different names and roles. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are almost always among their number, but the identities of the rest vary depending on tradition. Worth nothing is the Digimon Bagramon, a former archangel. He ruled over death in the Digital World before rebelling and falling. This would equate him to the angel of death, a figure who transports the souls of the dead to the afterlife and is usually named Azrael.
Also at the Perfect/Ultimate level is ArkhaiAngemon. It is of equal rank to HolyAngemon and Angewomon and does have eight wings. Unlike its fellows, ArkhaiAngemon is a more defensive and support fighter, allowing it to protect its subordinates and command them in battle using ingenious strategies. ArkhaiAngemon is driven by a concern for others, which leads it to interact with other Digimon more than its fellows. It frequently employs non-angel Digimon as familiars who fight on its behalf. It wields its own version of Angemon’s holy rod, which can release a flame that alternately harm and protect. While being of equal rank to HolyAngemon and Angewomon (and its name being a corruption of “archangel”), ArkhaiAngemon is identified as a principality, the rank above archangel. Their job is to guide and protect organizations, whether they be nations, groups of people, or other institutions. This fits with ArkhaiAngemon guiding and protecting its subordinates.
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At the Ultimate/Mega level, we have SlashAngemon, a badass angel made of swords. It is the leader of the angel army and the ultimate military commander of the angel Digimon. It is stern and serious and cuts down evil without hesitation. It has 8 wings, but this is the level where the wings = rank thing starts breaking down.
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Another militant angel of this level is LovelyAngemon. She is a cheerful and fashionable angel whose cuteness and charm belies the fact that she is the foremost close combat expert amongst the angel Digimon. It has the data of multiple styles of martial arts within its code, making it a martial artist is extremely powerful punches. Interestingly, LovelyAngemon has no wings.
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SlashAngemon is identified as a power, the rank of angel above principalities and the first of the second sphere. They are granted the power over evil forces, restraining demons from hurting humans. They also oversee human authorities such as kings. The power over evil thing fits SlashAngemon. As the leader of the angel army, it is the one who commands the fight against evil. LovelyAngemon is not identified with any rank of angel, but given she is a combat specialist, I would guess she’s heavily involved in the fight against evil and is therefore likely a power.
ClavisAngemon bears a key called the key (very original) which can unlock any lock in the Digital World. Only ClavisAngemon can use the key and it appears that the angel is part of the key rather than a separate being holding it. ClavisAngemon’s duty is to guard the zenith gate, the gate that separates the Digital World from realms beyond. As the kernel is in a higher dimension than the Digital World, it would seem that ClavisAngemon guards the passage to the kernel and only lets angel Digimon through. It can bring the entire power of the Digital World down on an enemy that tries to break through the gate. ClavisAngemon has six wings and is identified as a virtue, the rank above powers. Virtues are supposed to govern over the elements, bring natural events like storms and wind. They are also associated with movement and assist in creating miracles. There isn’t much of a connection to ClavisAngemon, but it may be related to another story. In the Adam and Eve story, after the two are ejected from the garden an angel is assigned to guard the entrance and prevent them from getting back in. That sounds more like ClavisAngemon’s role than anything else. Clavis is Latin for “key” so the Digimon named key carries a key named the key.
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Next up is Dominimon and Games Workshop is looking at those pauldrons with envy and fear. It falls outside of the angelic chain of command and is a rare being that only appears when the balance between light and darkness is severely disrupted. Its purpose is protect other angel Digimon and destroy evil at all costs. It has no sense of self-preservation and will throw itself into deadly situations or use a special move to empower other angel Digimon at the cost of its own life without hesitation. Because of how rarely one appears and their self-destructive tendencies, very few have ever actually seen a Dominimon and many think they are mere legends. It wields the sword Final Excalibur, a powered-up version of HolyAngemon’s Excalibur. Despite falling outside of the angelic chain of command, Dominimon is identified as a dominion, the rank of angel above virtues and the last of the second sphere. Their purpose is to govern the motions of stars, planets, and other celestial objects. Not a whole lot of connection to Dominimon there. Dominimon has ten wings.
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Another angel Digimon that doesn’t follow the normal chain of command is Mastemon. It is an anomaly that is a fusion of an Angewomon and her fallen counterpart LadyDevimon, making her a living enemies-to-lovers lesbian relationship unprecedented merging of light and darkness that only appeared when the Digital World faced a threat so great it forces angel and fallen angel Digimon to work together to stop it. While firmly benevolent, Mastemon commands both holy and evil powers and can command both angel and fallen angel Digimon. It is a master strategist and only it uniting the forces of good and evil saved the Digital World from that unspecified threat. Mastemon does not correspond to any mythical rank of angel and has 12 wings, half white and half black. This is a clear reference to Lucemon, who was the greatest of the angel Digimon before falling and becoming the greatest of all demon lords. Lucemon also has 12 wings that are half white and half black. In his case, this symbolizes him being trapped between his original benevolent self and his new evil self. Lucemon and Mastemon are both angelic being between good and evil, but Lucemon is malevolent while Mastemon is benevolent. I don’t think there’s been any media comparing the two, but it’s a great story idea. The name comes from Mastema, a demon or fallen archangel in some Jewish texts identified as a bringer of disaster and evil. I suppose there’s some connection with Mastemon only existing due to a disaster, but it’s tenuous.
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This too is yuri
Rasielmon is the first angel Digimon to not just be a winged human. She’s still mostly human, but with some cat-like features. It once held the same rank as the more powerful Ofanimon, but no longer does for unknown reasons. Rasielmon resides within the kernel and has the power to foresee anything in the Digital World as long as it remains there. This makes it one of the most knowledgeable Digimon. It commands the godai, the five elements of Japanese Buddhism: earth, fire, water, wind, and void. Rasielmon also has an attack called Sefer Raziel, named after the Kaballah text Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. This text claims to teach magic and cites Raziel, angel of secrets and a teacher of wisdom, as the most powerful angel. Rasielmon being based on an angel associated with secrets and knowledge certainy fith with it being able to see the entire Digital World. If Rasielmon falls, she becomes Raguelmon. Raguelmon was shunned for its knowledge and became a nihilist. It still seems to care for angel Digimon in a twisted way as it can sense when an angel Digimon is close to falling and will try to prevent it by killing them first. Raguelmon is named after Raguel, an angel of justice who keeps demons in check. Raguelmon’s actions can certainty be seen as a twisted version of justice and preventing of evil.
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We have reached the top, the zenith of the angelic Digimon, the Three Archangels. These three are the most powerful of all angel Digimon, charged with enacting God’s will and guarding the kernel from all who would threaten it. The first of the three is Ofanimon (English: Ophanimon). She is the ultimate form of feminine angel Digimon and her duty is to impart God’s love on the Digital World. It nurtures and protects other Digimon and wishes to see them do good, but it can and will fight against evil. It has 10 wings. Ofanimon has an x-antibody form which is pretty good as far as x-antibody forms go, but still overdesigned. If Ofanimon becomes enraged at the seemingly-endless amount of evil in the Digital World, it will become Ofanimon Falldown Mode. It has closed its heart and become a dark avenger, nipping evil in the bud by attacking Digimon with the potential to become evil. It seeks to establish a world of absolute justice where evil is destroyed before it has the chance to take root. An Ofanimon who falls even further will become Lilithmon.
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Ofanimon Falldown Mode Mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry, mommy?
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Ofanimon X
Rasielmon and Ofanimon are both classified as ophanim, the class of angel above dominions. Also called thrones, they serve either as the wheels of the throne of God, or the throne itself. They are also charged with chanting glorias and maintaining the harmony of universal laws. These guys are the classically weird biblically accurate angels. They are depicted as flaming wheels within wheels covered in eyes. The idea of gods having wheeled thrones was common in the ancient Middle East, with multiple cultures depicting their gods seated on such. Ofanimon bears no resemblance to a wheel, but her shoulder pads take the shape of wheels and Ofanimon X balances on a wheel.
Next is Cherubimon Virtue, which is the only fully non-human of the angel Digimon. It looks instead like a humanoid rabbit with no wings. It is the ultimate holy beast and its duty is to protect and impart God’s wisdom. Because Cherubimon Virtue stands at the zenith of divine virtue, it is easily stained by the inverse and can fall to become Cherubimon Vice, a thoroughly evil creature that embodies sin and wickedness just as its Virtue form embodies the opposite. Both forms can call down lightning as a form of divine judgement. Cehrubimon is based on the cherubim, the rank of angel above the ophanim. Their role is to accompany God when he travels. Cherubim are another bizarre-looking angel and while they don’t look like rabbits there is an association with animals that fits Cherubimon being a holy beast. Cherubim have four faces: a human, an ox (representing domesticated animals), a lion (representing wild animals), and an eagle (representing birds). They also have four wings, four arms, hooved legs, and are covered in eyes. Frankly, one of those would have been a lot cooler as a Digimon than a big rabbit. There is a reference to the faces of the cherubim, but it’s in Ofanimon not Cerubimon. Her helmet has the heads of the three animals on it. Both forms of Cherubimon have x-antibody variants which are classically x-antibody. That is not a compliment.
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Cerubimon Virtue (left) and Vice (right)
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Cherubimon Virtue X (left) and Vice X (right)
The final angel Digimon is Seraphimon. It returns to the winged human design, but is entirely covered in armor and has 10 golden wings. It is the most powerful of the angels and the closest of all Digimon to God. As the highet-ranking angel, it is the one ultimately in charge of all others. It is also the ultimate masculine angel and its duty is to enforce Gods laws. Legends say that when the final battle between good and evil comes, Seraphimon will descend to the Digital World and purify everything. Its ultimate ability is to sacrifice its life to restart the world. If a Seraphimon becomes overwhelmed with resentment it will become a BlackSeraphimon (English name: ShadowSeraphimon). It is still redeemable in this state, but if not redeemed in time, it will fall and become a Demon (as in the Digimon named Demon, not just some demon). Seraphimon is based on the cherubim, the highest rank of angel in Christian Angelology. Their role is to stand around the throne of God chanting “holy, holy, holy” and are also charged with anointing. The word “seraph” means “burning” and was often used to describe snakes (possibly referencing the burning sensation of snake venom). As a result, seraphim are often depicted either as snakes or as being on fore or made of fire. All depictions give them six wings, which are sometimes used to cover their body to protect humans from seeing their power. Seraphimon covering its entire body with armor could be a reference to this. Seraphimon being the ultimate masculine Digimon to Ofanimon's ultimate feminine Digimon could be a reference to systems like Kabbalah and some forms of Gnosticism assigning different magical powers or holy virtues to males and females.
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accessibleaesthetics · 6 months
Image-to-Text AI
I wanted to discuss image-to-text AI, what it's good at, what limitations it has, and how you can use it to help make accessibility easier.
How It Works
To demonstrate how this works, I'm going to use the image from this post.
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This photo shows a sleeping kitten laying on desk beside a computer, in between the keyboard and the mouse. There is also a corner of a frame of some sort in the upper right corner of the image. Text displays in the center of the image and reads: my coworker got her new kitten to work and the little nugget was just too tuckered out from being adorable all day.
Image-To-Text AI
Image-to-text AI is basically the exact reverse of the famous (or infamous, depending who you ask) text-to-image AI that has taken the world by storm since early 2021. There are a ton of websites for this, some free, many not. For simplicity, I chose to use the image-to-text feature built into Microsoft Word.
When I paste an image into a Word document, the program automatically generates alt text for it using Microsoft's AI. You can view this alt text in the Alt Text panel when editing the document. It will add "Description automatically generated" to the end of the alt text for transparency though, so if you want to keep the alt text it made, make sure to delete that. You can also edit the alt text directly to make it more accurate.
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Microsoft's AI came up with "A kitten sleeping on a desk text to a computer mouse." Honestly, not a bad description at all, except it's missing one important thing: the text overlaying the image. This is because Microsoft's image-to-text AI, like many AI of this kind, does not have the ability to transcribe text directly from the image. However, there is a technology that can.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Optical character recognition, or OCR, is a technology that dates back to the 1970s, possibly earlier depending on how you define it. While it's application and accuracy have grown extensively since then, the core function remains the same: recognizing text in an image and transcribing it into a true text format.
I took the photo from the previous section and put it into a Free Online OCR Image To Text Converter.
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It recognized there was text on the image and transcribed it exactly. Very useful, but it doesn't give us any info about the actual image outside of that.
Now, the examples I used above were kind of an ideal situation. AI is not as good with more complex images. For example, I tried putting in a screenshot of a tweet from nym™ (@aretteepls) with a photo of The Sphere at the Venetian Resort in Los Vegas. It is currently displaying a image of SpongeBob's face that fills the entire globe and glows very brightly, turning the night sky's clouds a tinge of yellow. Above the photo, the actual tweet says: The sky is turning yellow because of Spunch Bob.
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Microsoft's image-to-text AI came up with "A screenshot of a phone." Defintely much less impressive than our first example, but AI is only as good as the data it's trained on. Things like "screenshot of a phone" or "screenshot of a computer" are not uncommon when AI recognizes that you're giving it a screenshot of something on a screen, but can't make heads or tails of what's in it beyond that. And once again, it has no OCR capabilities, so none of the text on the image is transcribed.
But even OCR isn't infallible. The output for this image from that same website I used earlier would be:
nym ,M @aretteepls The sky is turning yellow because of Spunch Bob
The trademark symbol is kind of faint on the screenshot, so the OCR struggled with making that out, transcribing it as "comma M" instead. The less clear the text is visually, the less accurate the OCR output is going to be.
What Do We Do With This?
AI is best when used in conjunction with human aid, and image-to-text AI is non exception. I think the best way forward with this technology is to use generated descriptions as a starting point, not a replacement for human-written ones. And of course, we need to be careful what programs you use to generate the descriptions, especially with art. Programs like Chat GPT have image-to-text functions, but there is no guarantee that an image you upload to it for that purpose will not be used to train it's text-to-image AI as well.
Unfortunately, the more ethically-sourced a training data base for AI is, the more limited it will be compared to it's less-ethically sourced counterparts.
But there are legal precedents being put in place around this, and many text-to-image AI programs now have explicit and detailed terms of service for what you can and can't do with its output, as well as what you should be uploading as input.
So, for the time being, be very cautious with how you use this technology especially when describing others' art. And even with your own art, read through terms and conditions before uploading your work to a website. I think the Microsoft Word one is fairly safe though.
I also think it would be great if someone developed a image-to-text AI that could incorporate OCR to make the end result more informative.
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purinrinrin · 8 months
A guide to AI art for artists
When AI art first hit the web I was amazed by the technology. Then later, when it came out that these image generators were trained on images by living artists scraped from the public web with no consent or compensation, my opinion of it was soured. It took a lot of effort for me to push past that distaste in order to properly research the technology so that I could help myself and others to understand it. This is why I’m compiling all the information I’ve found here. I hope you find it helpful.
To start off, there are a lot of different terms out there when it comes to AI nowadays so I’m going to try to define some of them so you can understand what people mean when they use them (and so you can tell when they’re full of shit).
Artificial Intelligence. AI is a big buzzword right now in the tech sector and at times feels like it’s being thrown at anything and everything just to attract investors. Cambridge Dictionary defines it as:
the use or study of computer systems or machines that have some of the qualities that the human brain has, such as the ability to interpret and produce language in a way that seems human, recognize or create images, solve problems, and learn from data supplied to them
It’s kind of what it says on the tin - an artificial, that is, human-created system that has abilities similar to those of intelligent life forms. (I’d argue comparing the abilities of AI solely to those of humans does a disservice to the intelligence of many non-human animals but I digress.)
At the moment when you read things online or in the news, AI is likely being used to refer to machine learning which is a type of AI.
The word algorithm describes a process based on a set of instructions or rules used to find a solution to a problem. The term is used in maths as well as computing. For example, the process used to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius is a kind of algorithm:
subtract 32
divide by 9
multiply by 5
These instructions must be performed in this specific order.
Nowadays on social media “the algorithm” is used to refer to a specific kind of algorithm - a recommendation algorithm - which is a kind of machine learning algorithm.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a term used to refer to the the use of a computer algorithm to perform statistical analysis of data (and often large amounts of it) to produce outputs, whether these are images, text or other kinds of data. Social media recommendation algorithms collect data on the kind of content a user has looked at or interacted with before and uses this to predict what other content they might like.
I’ll explain it in very simple terms with an analogy. Consider a maths problem where you have to work out the next number in a sequence. If you have the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 you can predict that the next number would be 12 based on the preceding numbers each having a difference of 2. When you analyse the data (the sequence of numbers) you can identify a pattern (add 2 each time) then apply that pattern to work out the next number (add 2 to 10 to get 12).
In practice, the kind of analysis machine learning algorithms do is much more complex (social media posts aren’t numbers and don’t have simple relationships with each other like adding or subtracting) but the principle is the same. Work out the pattern in the data and you can then extrapolate from it.
The big downside to these algorithms is that since the rules behind their decision making are not explicitly programmed and are instead based on data it can be difficult to figure out why they produce the outputs they do, making them a kind of “black box” system. When machine learning algorithms are given more and more data, it becomes exponentially harder for humans to reason about their outputs.
Training Data and Models
Another term you’ll come across is “training” or talking about how an AI is “trained”. Training data refers to the data that is used to train the model. The process of training is the statistical analysis and pattern recognition I talked about above. It enables the algorithm to transform a dataset (collections of images and text) into a statistical model that works like a computer program to take inputs (a text prompt) to produce outputs (images).
As a general rule, the bigger the dataset used for training, the more accurate the outputs of the resulting trained model. Once a model is created, the format of the data is completely different to that of the training data. The model is also many orders of magnitude smaller than the original training data.
Text-to-image model AKA AI image generator, generative AI
Text-to-image model is the technical term for these AI image generators:
Adobe Firefly
Google Imagen
Stable Diffusion (Stability AI)
The technology uses a type of machine learning called deep learning (I won’t go into this here. If you’d like to read more; good luck. It’s very technical). The term text-to-image is simple enough. Given a text prompt, the model will generate an image to match the description.
Stable Diffusion
Stable diffusion is different from other image generators in that its source code is publically available. Anyone with the right skills and hardware can run this. I don’t think I’d be incorrect in saying that this is the main reason why AI art has become so widespread online since stable diffusion’s release in 2022. For better or worse, open-sourcing this code has democratised AI image generation.
I won’t go deep into how stable diffusion actually works because I don’t really understand it myself but I will talk about the process of acquiring training data and training the models it uses to generate images.
What data is used?
I already talked about training data but what actually is it? And where does it come from? In order to answer this I’m going to take you down several rabbit holes.
Taking stable diffusion as an example, it uses models trained on various datasets made available by German non-profit research group LAION (Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network). The biggest of these datasets is LAION-5B which is refined down to several smaller datasets (~2 billion images) based on language. They describe LAION-5B as “a dataset of 5,85 billion CLIP-filtered image-text pairs”. Okay. What does “CLIP-filtered image-text pairs” mean?
OpenAI’s CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) is (you guessed it) another machine learning algorithm that has been trained to label images with the correct text. Given an image of a dog, it should label that image with the word “dog”. It does a little bit more than this as well. When an image is analysed with CLIP it can output a file called an embedding. This embedding contains a list of words or phrases and a confidence score from 0 to 1 based on how confident CLIP is that the text describes the image. An image of a park that happens to show a dog in the background would have a lower confidence score for the text “dog” than a close-up image of a dog. When you get to the section on prompting, it will become clear how this ends up working in image generators.
As I mentioned before, the more images you have in the training data, the better the model will work. The researchers at OpenAI make that clear in their paper on CLIP. They explain how previous research into computer vision didn’t produce very accurate results due to the small datasets used for training, and the datasets were so small because of the huge amount of manual labour involved in curating and labelling them. (The previous dataset they compare CLIP’s performance to, ImageNet, contains a mere 14 million images.) Their solution was to use data from the internet instead. It already exists, there’s a huge amount of it and it’s already labelled thanks to image alt text. The only thing they’d need to do is download it.
It’s not stated in the research paper exactly which dataset CLIP was trained on. All it says is that “CLIP learns from text–image pairs that are already publicly available on the internet.” Though according to LAION, CLIP was trained on an unreleased version of LAION-400M, an earlier text-image pair dataset.
Common Crawl
The data in LAION-5B itself comes from another large dataset made available by the non-profit Common Crawl which “contains raw web page data, metadata extracts, and text extracts” from the publicly accessible web. In order to pull out just the images, LAION scanned through the HTML (the code that makes up each web page) in the Common Crawl dataset to find the bits of the code that represent images (<img> tags) and pulled out the URL (the address where the image is hosted online and therefore downloadable from) and any associated alternative text, or “alt text”.
A tangent on the importance of image alt text
Alt text is often misused on the web. Its intended purpose is to describe images for visually impaired users or if the image is unable to be loaded. Let’s look at an example.
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This image could have the alt text: “A still image from the film Back to the Future III depicting Doc Brown and Marty McFly. They are stood outside facing each other on a very bright sunny day. Doc Brown is trying to reassure a sceptical looking Marty by patting him on the shoulder. Marty is wearing a garish patterned fringed jacket, a red scarf and a white stetson hat. The DeLorean time machine can be seen behind them.” Good. This is descriptive.
But it could also have the alt text: “Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox in Back to the Future III” Okay but not very specific.
Or even: “Back to the Future III: A fantastic review by John Smith. Check out my blog!” Bad. This doesn’t describe the image. This text would be better used as a title for a web page.
Alt text can be extremely variable in detail and quality, or not exist at all, which I’m sure will already be apparent to anyone who regularly uses a screen reader to browse the web. This casts some doubt on the accuracy of CLIP analysis and the labelling of images in LAION datasets.
CLIP-filtered image-text pairs
So now, coming back to LAION-5B, we know that “CLIP-filtered image-text pairs” means two things. The images were analysed with CLIP and the embeddings created from this analysis were included in the dataset. Then these embeddings were used to check that the image caption matched what CLIP identified the image as. If there was no match, the image was dropped from the dataset.
But LAION datasets themselves do not contain any images
So how does this work? LAION states on their website:
LAION datasets are simply indexes to the internet, i.e. lists of URLs to the original images together with the ALT texts found linked to those images. While we downloaded and calculated CLIP embeddings of the pictures to compute similarity scores between pictures and texts, we subsequently discarded all the photos. Any researcher using the datasets must reconstruct the images data by downloading the subset they are interested in. For this purpose, we suggest the img2dataset tool.
In order to train a model for use with stable diffusion, you would need to go through a LAION dataset with img2dataset and download all the images. All 240 terabytes of them.
LAION have used this argument to wiggle out of a recent copyright lawsuit. The Batch reported in June 2023:
LAION may be insulated from claims of copyright violation because it doesn’t host its datasets directly. Instead it supplies web links to images rather than the images themselves. When a photographer who contributes to stock image libraries filed a cease-and-desist request that LAION delete his images from its datasets, LAION responded that it has nothing to delete. Its lawyers sent the photographer an invoice for €979 for filing an unjustified copyright claim.
In a dataset it’s usually not desirable to have duplicate entries of the same data, but how do you ensure this when the data you’re processing is as huge as the entire internet? Well… LAION admits you kinda don’t.
There is a certain degree of duplication because we used URL+text as deduplication criteria. The same image with the same caption may sit at different URLs, causing duplicates. The same image with other captions is not, however, considered duplicated.
Another reason why reposting art sucks
If you’ve been an artist online for a while you’ll know all about reposts and why so many artists hate them. From what I’ve seen in my time online, the number of times an artist’s work is reposted on different sites is proportional to their online reach or influence (social media followers, presence on multiple sites etc). The more well known an artist becomes, the more their art is shared and reposted without permission. It may also be reposted legitimately, say if an online news outlet ran a story on them and included examples of their art. Whether consensual or not, this all results in more copies of their art out there on the web and therefore, in the training data. As stated above, if the URL of the image is different (the same image reposted on a different website will have a different URL), to LAION it’s not considered duplicated.
Now it becomes clear how well known digital artists such as Sam Yang and Loish have their styles easily imitated with these models - their art is overrepresented in the training data.
How do I stop my art being used in training data?
Unfortunately for models that have already been trained on historic data from LAION/Common Crawl, there is no way to remove your art and no way to even find out if your art has been used in the training.
Unfortunately again, simply deleting your art from social media sites might not delete the actual image from their servers. It will still be accessible at the same URL as when you originally posted it. You can test this by making an image post on the social media site you want to test. When the image is posted, right click the image and select “open image in new tab”. This will show you the URL of the image in the address bar. Keep this tab open or otherwise keep a record of this URL. Then go back and delete the post. After the post is deleted, often you will still be able to view the image at the URL that you saved.
If you have your own website where you host your art you can delete your images, or update their URLs so that they are no longer accessible from the URLs that were previously in web crawl data.
HTTP Headers
On your own website you can also use the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to prevent bots from crawling your website for training data. These values can be used:
X-Robots-Tag: noai
X-Robots-Tag: noimageai
X-Robots-Tag: noimageindex
The img2dataset tool is used to download images from datasets made available by LAION. The README states that by default img2dataset will respect the above headers and skip downloading from websites that use them. Although it must be noted this can be overridden, so if an unscrupulous actor wants to scrape your images without your consent, there is no technical reason they cannot do this.
If you can’t prevent your images from being crawled, you can prevent all new art that you post from being useful in future models that are trained from scratch by using Glaze. Glaze is a software tool that you can run your art through to protect it from being copied by image generators. It does this by “poisoning” the data in the image that is read by machine learning code while keeping the art looking the same to human eyes.
This defence is a bit of a long shot but worth a try. You may be able to get your art filtered out of training data by adding an obvious watermark. One column included in the LAION dataset is pwatermark which is the probability that the image contains a watermark, calculated by a CLIP model trained on a small subset of clean and watermarked images. Images were then filtered out of subsequent datasets using a threshold for pwatermark of 0.8, which compared to the threshold for NSFW (0.3) and non-matching captions (also 0.3) is pretty high. This means that only images with the most obvious watermarks will be filtered out.
Prompt engineering and how to spot AI art
We’ve covered how AI image generators are trained so now let’s take all that and look at how they work in practice.
You’ve probably gotten annoyed by JPEG compression artifacts or seen other artists whine about them but what is an artifact? A visual artifact is often something unwanted that appears in an image due to technologies used to create it. JPEG compression artifacts appear as solid colour squares or rectangles where there should be a smooth transition from one colour to another. They can also look like fuzziness around high contrast areas of an image.
I’d describe common mistakes in AI image generations as artifacts - they are an unwanted side effect of the technology used to produce the image. Some of these are obvious and pretty easy to spot:
extra or missing fingers or otherwise malformed hands
distorted facial features
asymmetry in clothing design, buttons or zips in odd places
hair turning into clothing and vice versa
nonsense background details or clothing patterning
disconnected horizon line, floor or walls. This often happens when opposite sides are separated by an object in the foreground
Some other artifacts are not strange-looking, but become obvious tells for AI if you have some experience with prompting.
Keyword bleeding
Often if a colour is used in the text prompt, that colour will end up being present throughout the image. If it depicts a character and a background, both elements will contain the colour.
The reason for this should be obvious now that we know how the training data works. This image from LAION demonstrates it nicely:
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This screenshot shows the search page for clip-retrieval which is a search tool that utilises an image-text pair dataset created using CLIP. You will see the search term that was entered is “blue cat” but the images in the results contain not just cats that are blue, but also images of cats that are not blue but there is blue elsewhere in the image eg a blue background, a cat with blue eyes, or a cat wearing a blue hat.
To go on a linguistics tangent for a second, part of the above effect could be due to English not having different adjective forms depending on the noun it’s referring to. For example in German when describing a noun the form of the adjective must match the gender of the noun it’s describing. In German, blue is blau, cat is Katze. “Blue cat” would be “blaue Katze”. Since Katze is feminine, the adjective blau must use the feminine ending e. The word for dog is masculine so blau takes the ending er, making it “blauer Hund”. You get the idea.
When a colour is not mentioned in a prompt, and no keyword in the prompt implies a specific colour or combination of colours, the generated images all come out looking very brown or monochrome overall.
Keyword bleeding can have strange effects depending on the prompt. When using adjectives to describe specific parts of the image in the prompt, both words may bleed into other parts of the image. When I tried including “pointed ears” in a prompt, all the images depicted a character with typical elf ears but the character often also had horns or even animal ears as well.
All this seems obvious when you consider the training data. A character with normal-looking ears wouldn’t usually be described with the word “ears” (unless it was a closeup image showing just the person’s ears) because it’s a normal feature for someone to have. But you probably would mention ears in an image description if the character had unusual ears like an elf or catgirl.
Correcting artifacts
AI artifacts can be corrected however, with a process called inpainting (also known as generative fill). This is done by taking a previously generated image, masking out the area to be replaced, then running the generation process again with the same or slightly modified prompt. It can also be used on non AI generated images. Google Pixel phones use a kind of generative fill to remove objects from photographs. Inpainting is a little more involved than just prompting as it requires editing of the input image and it’s not offered by most free online image generators. It’s what I expect Adobe Firefly will really excel at as it’s already integrated into image editing software (if they can iron out their copyright issues…)
Why AI kinda sucks
Since AI image generation is built on large scale statistical analysis, if you’re looking to generate something specific but uncommon you’re not going to have much luck. For example using “green skin” in a prompt will often generate a character with pale skin but there will be green in other parts of the image such as eye colour and clothing due to keyword bleeding.
No matter how specific you are the generator will never be able to create an image of your original character. You may be able to get something that has the same general vibe, but it will never be consistent between prompts and won’t be able to get fine details right.
There is a type of fine-tuning for stable diffusion models called LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) that can be used to generate images of a specific character, but of course to create this, you need preexisting images to use for the training data. This is fine if you want a model to shit out endless images of your favourite anime waifu but less than useless if you’re trying to use AI to create something truly original.
Some final thoughts
The more I play around with stable diffusion the more I realise that the people who use it to pretend to be a human artist with a distinctive style are using it in the most boring way possible. The most fun I’ve personally had with image generation is mixing and matching different “vibes” to churn out ideas I may not have considered for my own art. It can be a really useful tool for brainstorming. Maybe you have a few different things you’re inspired by (eg a clothing style or designer, a specific artist, an architectural style) but don’t know how to combine them. An image generator can do this with ease. I think it’s an excellent tool for artistic research and generating references.
All that being said, I strongly believe use of AI image generation for profit or social media clout is unethical until the use of copyrighted images in training data is ceased.
I understand how this situation has come about. Speaking specifically about LAION-5B the authors say (emphasis theirs):
Our recommendation is … to use the dataset for research purposes. … Providing our dataset openly, we however do not recommend using it for creating ready-to-go industrial products, as the basic research about general properties and safety of such large-scale models, which we would like to encourage with this release, is still in progress.
Use of copyrighted material for research falls under fair use. The problem comes from third parties making use of this research data for commerical purposes, which should be a violation of copyright. So far, litigation against AI companies has not made much progress in settling this.
I believe living artists whose work is used to train AI models must be fairly compensated and the law must be updated to enforce this in a way that protects independent artists (rather than building more armour for huge media companies).
The technology is still new and developing rapidly. Changes to legislation tend to be slow. But I have hope that a solution will be found.
“Adobe Firefly - Free Generative AI for Creatives.” Adobe. Accessed 28 Jan 2024.
Andrew. "Stable Diffusion prompt: a definitive guide.” Stable Diffusion Art. 4 Jan 2024.
Andrew. “Beginner’s guide to inpainting (step-by-step examples).” Stable Diffusion Art. 24 September 2023.
AUTOMATIC1111. “Stable Diffusion web UI. A browser interface based on Gradio library for Stable Diffusion.” Github. Accessed 15 Jan 2024
“LAION roars.” The Batch newsletter. 7 Jun 2023.
Beaumont, Romain. “Semantic search at billions scale.” Medium. 31 Mar, 2022
Beaumont, Romain. “LAION-5B: A new era of open large-scale multi-modal datasets.” LAION website. 31 Mar, 2022
Beaumont, Romain. “Semantic search with embeddings: index anything.” Medium. 1 Dec, 2020
Beaumont, Romain. “img2dataset.” GitHub. Accessed 27 Jan 2024.
Beaumont, Romain. “Preparing data for training.” GitHub. Accessed 27 Jan 2024.
“CLIP: Connecting text and images.” OpenAI. 5 Jan 2021.
“AI.” Cambridge Dictionary. Accessed 27 Jan 2024.
“Common Crawl - Overview.” Common Crawl. Accessed 27 Jan 2024.
CompVis. “Stable Diffusion. A latent text-to-image diffusion model.” GitHub. Accessed 15 Jan 2024
duskydreams. “Basic Inpainting Guide.” Civitai. 25 Aug 2023.
Gallagher, James. “What is an Image Embedding?.” Roboflow Blog. 16 Nov 2023.
"What Is Glaze? Samples, Why Does It Work, and Limitations." Glaze. Accessed 27 Jan 2024.
“Pixel 8 Pro: Advanced Pro Camera with Tensor G3 AI.” Google Store. Accessed 28 Jan 2024.
Schuhmann, Christoph. “LAION-400-MILLION OPEN DATASET.” 20 Aug 2021.
Stability AI. “Stable Diffusion Version 2. High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models.” Github. Accessed 15 Jan 2024
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stevebattle · 5 months
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Romi conversation AI robot, Mixi, Japan (2021). "Romi is a specialized conversation robot that fits snugly in the palm of your hand. Differing from conventional robots equipped with fixed responses, Romi utilizes our cutting-edge proprietary communication AI to keep conversations going, meaning that you can speak to Romi just like a real human. We developed Romi to provide comfort like a pet and understanding like a family member. Possessing a rich range of emotional expression, Romi can share your happiness, sadness, and anger. Romi is sure to brighten your life with over 100 facial expressions and movement patterns and help you bring out the best of every day with over 100 functions such as alarms and reminders." – Providing space and opportunity for communication with Romi, Mixi.
"First, when a person speaks to Romi, Romi converts the voice data into string data via the Google Cloud Speech API. When this string data is sent to the conversation server, the server constructs the answer as text data and returns it to Romi. Finally, Romi uses text-to-speech to convert text into speech and respond to people. Romi uses generative AI in its conversation server to construct answers to people. However, the generative AI model used by Romi is "in a different direction of development'' from models such as GPT-4 … [where] hallucination becomes a major issue. On the other hand, Shinoda's managers tuned Romi based on the idea that even if there were some mistakes, 'as long as it's fun to talk about and the users laugh, that's fine.' This is one of the reasons why we used Stable LM as the base model for our original AI." – an interview with Harumi Shinoda, Vantage Studio Romi Division Development Group Manager, MIXI's conversation robot "Romi" that heals people, AI tuning that emphasizes fun over accuracy.
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wariowareseries · 1 month
Important News
Many of you are okay with the lack of updates and understand our lives outside of WarioWare, but leaving you all in the dark isn't right.
This show is still happening. I'm developing the audio for "Ninja Rivals" as I type this update.
Lately, I've dabbled in other things, including:
Enlisting in the workforce
Applying for college in Spring
Recording lines for medical class PowerPoint slideshows
Composing two pieces for a music program audition at said college
The third point often leaves my voice tired, and I can't record voices for episodes. Remember that our temporary process involves me recording sentences and converting them to AI voices. This method is why people sound (mostly) human rather than relying on a text-to-speech engine. However, this process has its caveats. The AI can render words unintelligible due to a character whispering or speaking fast.
Given the challenges I've outlined, we're still in need of auditions. Your voice could be the missing piece we're looking for, so don't hesitate to apply. Your contribution could make a significant difference to the project.
We will give this game franchise the TV show it deserves. There are loads of ideas written in our team.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. We're committed to giving this game franchise the TV show it deserves, and we're excited to share the many ideas our team has been working on. We couldn't do this without you.
As Wario would say, "Have a rotten day."
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tryslat · 11 days
How to Use Our AI to Human Text Converter?
Are you struggling with AI-generated content that sounds robotic and needs human refinement? Our AI To Human Text converter is the perfect tool to transform AI-generated text into human-like content easily. Follow these simple steps to start converting your AI text for free:
Step 1: Visit Our Website
First, head over to our official website at aitohumantextconverter.in. No need to log in or sign up—just visit and start converting instantly.
Step 2: Paste Your AI-Generated Content
Once you’re on the site, paste your AI-generated content into the designated text box. This is the content you want to humanize using our converter.
Step 3: Select Language and Fill the Captcha
After pasting your content, select the language of the text and complete the image captcha code. This step ensures secure and spam-free usage.
Step 4: Click the Convert Button
Now, simply click the Convert button. Our AI text converter will start working on transforming your AI-generated text into a human-like format.
Step 5: Get Your Humanized Text
In just a few moments, your AI-generated content will be converted into a human-readable format. The tool uses advanced algorithms to make the content sound natural and fluent.
Step 6: Enjoy Unlimited Conversions
That's it! You can use our AI To Human Text converter as many times as you like without any restrictions. Enjoy the convenience of free, unlimited text conversion.
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lexart-io · 2 years
AI art has been getting a lot of hate so i just wanted to say your work is awesome and is just as much real art as any other art, even if it's made with a non conventional tool... coming from a digital character / illustration artist :) it's really cool. thanks for posting your art for us to enjoy
thank you, i really appreciate that! as someone with a fairly lengthy art and design background myself (professionally, academically, and personally), i see artificial intelligence as just another fascinating medium for human creativity. it will never replace any other mediums of art, there will always be a noticeable difference between what experienced / classically trained artists can do with ai tech versus beginners, and the human touch will absolutely always have a place in the art world. ai just makes visual creativity more accessible.
at it's most basic level, simple text prompts can create something (which is a game changer for the dexterity-impaired; like children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, folks who just don't have the time to invest into daily practice, or even small business owners who need digital assets but lack the resources to hire artists/designers). but "real" artists can take this technology sooo much further to really automate their creative work flow... you can train custom ai models to handle specific advanced concepts/styles/subjects/etc, use tools like ControlNet to convert pencil sketches into fully fleshed out digital images, and overall just really alleviate some of the creative strain that can arise from tight deadlines and too many creative responsibilities.
i think what i enjoy most about this tech is in how it exercises a creative part of my brain that i never knew existed. a weird blend of verbal creativity + visual creativity + a lot of nerdy computer programming / tinkering stuff. communicating effectively with a machine intelligence is truly an art form in its own right. incredibly fun and fascinating stuff. what a time to be alive!
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cudekai · 8 months
AI Text Converter To Human Form UK
Cudek AI is a powerful text conversion tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to convert text into human-readable form. This advanced technology has been specifically designed for users in the UK, providing accurate and efficient conversion results. For more information, please visit https://www.cudekai.com/convert-ai-text-to-human
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blogchaindeveloper · 3 months
10 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your Productivity
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An innovative artificial intelligence application called ChatGPT was created to increase workplace productivity. It can revolutionize various activities and obstacles thanks to its vast training in diversified information and human-like communication abilities.
You may automate monotonous processes with ChatGPT, saving you time and alleviating tension. Its context comprehension allows it to produce intelligent responses that seem natural, simplifying communication and improving data analysis and decision-making procedures. It can expedite project management, enhance customer service, personalize training and development, and encourage innovation and brainstorming sessions. ChatGPT is helpful for coding, content creation, document creation, and editing. It is an essential tool for streamlining processes and increasing general productivity because of its flexibility and adaptability.
To get the most out of ChatGPT, broaden your knowledge and experience in conversational agents and chatbots. You can become more knowledgeable and adept with ChatGPT by gaining knowledge in ChatGPT certification, chatbot training, certified chatbot expert status, AI chatbot competence, or chatbot engineer abilities. It may present fresh chances for you to perform more productively.
Given the increasing prevalence of chatbots and conversational agents in various businesses and areas, these abilities are highly valued in today's labor market. Using ChatGPT to its full potential and gaining these applicable credentials will help you become more productive at work. Your efficiency and knowledge can also make an impression on clients and coworkers.
This post will go over ten ways ChatGPT can significantly increase your productivity, regardless of your job: data analyst, creative marketer, or busy executive. You'll be able to demonstrate your efficacy and proficiency while achieving more in less time by putting these recommendations into practice.
1.Automate Routine Operations
The load of tedious, repeated duties that take up significant time and energy is among the most common obstacles to productivity. These duties include answering often-asked inquiries, scheduling meetings, filling out paperwork, keeping track of documents, and reminding people to do things.
Thankfully, ChatGPT provides an answer by making it possible to automate these kinds of jobs by building intelligent chatbots. Chatbots are computer programs that converse with users by text or voice, providing help information or taking actions in response to input from the user.
You can easily create chatbots with ChatGPT for various platforms and uses. For example, you can make a chatbot to respond to customer inquiries on your website or social media pages. You may build a chatbot that can effectively set up email or calendar appointments. You can set up a chatbot to automatically fill out forms or update data in your ERP or CRM system.
2. Simplify Interaction
An essential component of any successful business is effective communication. Conversely, it can cause confusion and distraction if not managed appropriately. Coordinating many lines of communication—like emails, phone conversations, instant messages, and video chats—can be difficult while corresponding with different people, including partners, suppliers, clients, and coworkers.
Various useful communication tools are available from ChatGPT to help you be more productive and efficient. It may condense multiple documents, including emails, reports, meeting notes, and articles, highlighting essential ideas and takeaways for simple reading. You can trust ChatGPT to write emails according to your templates or prompts, ensuring correct language, spelling, tone, and clarity. ChatGPT can quickly translate written materials into other languages, transcribe audio or video files, and more. It can also convert speech to text or generate speech based on input. Additionally, ChatGPT can assist you in creating expert presentations using data or outlines, and it can even improve them with animations and voice-overs. ChatGPT revolutionizes your conversation experience with these clever features.
 3. Improve Your Ability to Analyze and Make Decisions
Since data is the lifeblood of any organization, businesses must analyze their data and make decisions based on it. However, this work can become challenging when dealing with large amounts of data from many sources and formats. Complex issues frequently develop that necessitate considering several variables and standards.
ChatGPT makes it simple to ask questions about data and get responses in plain English, facilitating conversation. It also helps with data visualization by creating aesthetically pleasing tables, charts, graphs, and maps using your supply data. Regarding data analysis, ChatGPT is excellent at finding patterns, trends, outliers, correlations, or anomalies. This allows it to provide insightful analysis and recommendations. With ChatGPT, you can compare data according to many criteria, which makes it easier to evaluate possibilities and create well-informed lists of pros and disadvantages. ChatGPT's predictive features enable it to develop and test hypotheses and predict outcomes and scenarios based on your data.
4. Customize Education and Training
Any organization that wants to increase its performance, productivity, knowledge, and skills must prioritize training and development. However, if these procedures are carried out correctly, their efficacy may be protected, leading to expensive and time-consuming outcomes. The problem of coping with cliched or out-of-date courses, resources, or approaches that might not suit each student's interests or preferences must be addressed.
Bright, individualized learning solutions are available from ChatGPT and cater to your unique requirements. It offers progress tracking and insightful feedback in addition to helping create personalized learning paths that align with your objectives, interests, abilities, and competence level. Interactive tests, quizzes, exercises, and assignments tailored to your learning goals and subject matter can be created with ChatGPT. It goes one step further by verifying your responses and providing thorough justifications. 
ChatGPT generates summaries, notes, flashcards, or cheat sheets based on your learning materials or sources to help you retain the information you've learned. It can even produce mnemonics, acronyms, or analogies to improve memory retention. Additionally, ChatGPT facilitates comprehension and application by creating scenarios, stories, case studies, and examples. It also provides challenging questions or tasks to evaluate your understanding and practical abilities.
5. Boost Client Support
Any firm must be able to draw in, keep, and please consumers while building its brand and income. It draws attention to how vital customer service is. Providing excellent customer service may be easy, but if not done correctly, it is manageable. Handling consumer requests, complaints, and comments across multiple channels and platforms can take a lot of work. It's frequently essential to handle delicate or complicated circumstances that demand tact and sensitivity.
ChatGPT provides witty and approachable customer service solutions. It makes it possible to develop chatbots that can effectively handle customer requests, complaints, and comments via various platforms and channels. Customers can receive customized information, advice, recommendations, or solutions from these chatbots according to their needs and preferences. Additionally, ChatGPT improves customer relations by producing replies that correspond with users' messages or emotions. It also guarantees that accuracy, clarity, tone, and politeness are maintained. Creating scripts or templates for various scenarios or situations and providing advice and best practices for efficient communication make customer service discussions more seamless.
ChatGPT enables companies to obtain insightful data by creating surveys or reviews based on their customers' experiences or input. Creating incentives or awards based on loyalty or general contentment even helps promote customer involvement and satisfaction.
6. Simplify the Management of Projects
Any firm must successfully plan, carry out, oversee, manage, and close down projects, emphasizing project management's significance. Project management mistakes can result in excessive demands and complexity. Managing various activities, resources, stakeholders, risks, problems, adjustments, and deadlines is frequently necessary.
Project management becomes streamlined effortlessly because of ChatGPT's sophisticated features. Creating project plans based on your goals, scope, budget, timetable, and quality streamlines the procedure and guarantees a thorough and well-organized method. It makes effective progress tracking possible by giving reports and real-time updates on the project's state. Task and role delegation is streamlined thanks to ChatGPT, which helps allocate team members according to their availability and skill sets. 
It also keeps track of each member's performance and provides insightful feedback. Because ChatGPT facilitates accessible communication with team members and stakeholders across several channels and platforms, effective communication is also improved. It makes meetings and conversations run more smoothly while capturing minutes and action items for comprehensive documentation. 
The risk and problem management features of ChatGPT enable the early detection and effective remediation of possible project roadblocks. It also helps with conflict resolution and change implementation that may come up during the project.
7. Boost Originality and Idea Generation
Any business must be able to come up with new ideas, solve problems, innovate, and improve its offerings, which emphasizes the value of creativity and brainstorming. Nevertheless, difficulties and annoyances may arise from these methods' poor use. Successful creativity and brainstorming sessions require addressing typical challenges, including breaking through mental hurdles, finding inspiration, and avoiding groupthink.
ChatGPT offers clever and entertaining ways to spark your imagination, which can help you improve creativity and brainstorming. It is excellent at producing ideas in response to your prompts or keywords, assisting you in exploring novel avenues, or honing already-existing notions. Producing striking illustrations, scenarios, case studies, or narratives sparked by your thoughts or concepts facilitates the creative process. To evaluate the viability and potential of your ideas, it might also produce challenging or thought-provoking questions. ChatGPT inspires creativity by creating catchy headlines, slogans, names, titles, or logos that complement your ideas. Moreover, ChatGPT can produce code for you based on your conceptions or ideas.
8. Boost the Creation and Editing of Documents
Any organization must be able to communicate messages, information, or data effectively and professionally, which highlights the significance of creating and updating documents. These chores must be carried out correctly to avoid becoming tiresome and time-consuming. Successful document development and editing processes often require addressing formatting issues, fixing grammatical and spelling faults, and preventing plagiarism.
By giving you clever and straightforward ways to generate and edit documents, ChatGPT can help you enhance document creation and editing. It is excellent at creating documents using templates or prompts, providing an easy place to start when developing material. It acts as a competent editor, quickly adding your comments or recommendations to improve your writing.
Verifying grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, clarity, and accuracy guarantees the caliber of your work. Furthermore, ChatGPT recommends enhancements or modifications to polish your texts further. By giving you document summaries specific to your needs or target audience, it also helps to condense material. ChatGPT can rewrite or paraphrase your texts to conform to your desired style and tone. It helps with precise source citation generation according to your chosen format or style and helps with proper citation formatting. ChatGPT can examine your documents for plagiarism, guaranteeing their uniqueness and integrity.
9. Produce Code and Content
Any organization needs to create value, engage customers, foster trust, and spur growth; these are just a few reasons that content and code are essential. However, creating content and code can be demanding and complex if done incorrectly. Significant hurdles that must be overcome to create text and code successfully include writer's block, gaining sufficient information, and fixing coding errors.
ChatGPT can assist you in producing code and content by giving you quick and easy methods. It helps you quickly generate optimized SEO, readability, or engagement content while adhering to your preferred topic, keyword, or structure. ChatGPT does best by customizing code snippets to your favorite language, framework, or function. It can also help with debugging and rewriting already-written code. Producing code and content based on your input or data ensures smooth integration and increases productivity. It also makes data or input to support your code or content.
10. Enhance Your Process
Increasing productivity, increasing efficiency, and streamlining procedures are critical for any firm, which emphasizes the significance of workflow optimization. However, workflow optimization can be difficult and time-consuming if done incorrectly. Successful process optimization requires addressing common obstacles such as bottlenecks, delays, errors, and waste.
By giving you clever and easy methods to handle your work, ChatGPT can help you maximize your workflow. It helps create workflows specific to your objectives, assignments, and resource availability. Additionally, ChatGPT facilitates workflow automation by creating automated procedures triggered by the rules or triggers you designate. It helps with task identification and organization according to impact, priority, or urgency. It also makes delegating easier by recommending team members who are qualified and available for particular tasks.
ChatGPT also makes tracking work based on predefined metrics or indicators easy, facilitating progress monitoring. It facilitates assessing work about predetermined benchmarks or standards. ChatGPT provides insightful analysis and recommendations to enhance the quality of your work by utilizing your feedback and suggestions. To improve performance in the future, it also makes continuous learning easier by evaluating results and outcomes.
Utilize ChatGPT More Effectively and Efficiently by Acquiring New Certifications and Skills
ChatGPT is a highly adaptable tool with great potential to increase efficiency at work. Nevertheless, it can be helpful to obtain extra knowledge and certifications about chatbots and conversational agents to utilize their potential and optimize productivity fully.
Competence in chatGPT certification, chatbot engineering, certified chatbot knowledge, chatbot training, and AI chatbot knowledge are highly valued in today's industry. These abilities are in great demand due to chatbots' growing popularity and usefulness across a wide range of companies and domains.
There are lots of internet tools accessible to help you get these certifications and abilities. These resources include books, blogs, podcasts, videos, guides, tutorials, and courses, among many other types of content. You can customize your learning experience by selecting what best suits your needs and interests by considering cost, time, format, and degree of difficulty.
Through the utilization of these materials, you can increase your comprehension and usefulness of ChatGPT. Adding these qualifications and abilities to your professional toolkit can help you make better use of ChatGPT and increase productivity in your work.
In summary
With ChatGPT, a practical artificial intelligence technology, you may significantly increase your efficiency at work. It can help you improve customer service, automate repetitive tasks, improve document creation and editing, generate content and code, improve communication, improve data analysis and decision-making, personalize training and development, and streamline project management.
Additionally, ChatGPT can assist you in using it more successfully and efficiently by teaching you new competencies and credentials connected to conversational agents and chatbots. As an illustration, you can join the Blockchain Council, a reputable association of professionals and enthusiasts dedicated to promoting Blockchain Knowledge, Products, Use Cases, Research, and Development for a Better World. You can learn ChatGPT certification, chatbot training, certified chatbot expert status, AI chatbot expertise, and chatbot engineering abilities by enrolling in one of the many online courses and certifications offered by Blockchain Council.
Given the increasing popularity and use of chatbots and conversational agents across various sectors and disciplines that utilize blockchain technology, these are some of the most valuable and in-demand skills available today.
By acquiring these competencies and certifications from the Blockchain Council, you may improve your comprehension and use of ChatGPT. By utilizing ChatGPT for various tasks and blockchain-related projects, you can also increase your output at work.
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azspot · 8 months
We can call this way of building and presenting such systems — whether analog automatons or digital software — Potemkin AI. There is a long list of services that purport to be powered by sophisticated software, but actually rely on humans acting like robots. Autonomous vehicles use remote-driving and human drivers disguised as seats to hide their Potemkin AI. App developers for email-based services like personalized ads, price comparisons, and automated travel-itinerary planners use humans to read private emails. A service that converted voicemails into text, SpinVox, was accused of using humans and not machines to transcribe audio. Facebook’s much vaunted personal assistant, M, relied on humans — until, that is, it shut down the service this year to focus on other AI projects. The list of Potemkin AI continues to grow with every cycle of VC investment.
Potemkin AI
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