useless-greek · 9 months
έπολισθάνω σανίσιν, I slip and fall on boiled hay, Ios.
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cryptidfuckery · 2 years
Every child should be given a bin of nails and a scrap of wood and a hammer. And they should sit on the ground and make a beautiful art piece called "I'm developing my motor skills and having a grand time absolutely walloping something"
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
There is so many things wrong about me, I forget how to be myself.
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faerygardens · 1 year
Can someone tell me where the rumors that HHN Hollywood this year is gonna have demon slayer came from? Bc it feels highly unlikely to me
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wallpanelprefabus · 1 month
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dravenandrews · 7 months
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Built-In in Sacramento An illustration of a mid-sized modern built-in desk with a light wood floor and white walls for a home office
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neilsnyder · 1 year
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Built-In in Sacramento An illustration of a mid-sized modern built-in desk with a light wood floor and white walls for a home office
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alumetown-hq · 1 year
"Welcome to Alumé Town"
Off the edge of the map and a little bit further, you come into a perfectly paved road filled with manicured lawns and houses that don't seem to hold a conscious shape when you look directly at them. Getting off the train you don't really remember boarding, you see a host of smiling faces ready to greet you. The mayor comes forward, taking your hand in hers, and says…
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Alumé Town is a liminalesque, weirdcore town where the inhabitants are a little more than human and occupy a space a little to the left of reality. Everyone seems so nice on the surface, but you feel like there's something hiding underneath...
This is a roleplay group that features some ARG-like elements and unreality. As such, it is heavily built and influenced by the input created by the inhabitants! You'll grow to know each other, and explore the world around you to your hearts' content!
[How to apply]
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
Haha wait a second *pauses my imaginary scenario to look something up bc I don’t want to look dumb in front of people I’ve conjured by my own mind*
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caitmayart · 4 months
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If the mud-contstruct-wolf-abberation-thingie eats your party member... slice its head off with your bowstring.
What, like it's hard? My boy Fiddick Belle from our Five Kingdoms DnD game!!
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pixxyofice · 7 months
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hey main tumblr. I've been normal. (Has not been)
Making ocs for the main party is super fun, especially if you like thinking a lot about the dynamics of it. Which I have! A lot!
This is Melodie! They/Them, maybe also drae/draer if I want to be obvious about them. Paper type.
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Loop doesn't know who they are...
The funniest backstory ever I have for them is like. In the Hypothetical Reason They Are A Party Member is that in the pre-game canon game, like if it was normal, is that Melodie would be an EXTREMELY missable party member. If you don't talk to a random NPC early in the game they don't pop up later to be talked to and then recruited by Siffrin. In their first appearance in the game they haven't shaved that side of their hair yet.
Their backstory goes like this. They're from the country. you know the one. it's the reason i tagged this as spoilers. They were out of the country for a brief trip in Ka Bue, probably either a study program or to help out with something else. Undecided. On the day they were to return, something... happened to the boats, and they ended up on the continent Vaugarde was in.
A very young teenager, at most, spending time wandering alone. don't think too much about it! haha! this results in them being a lil' awkward, flip flopping between too quiet and too loud in a way that causes them to move on too quick. And then they are 23 (they think), and someone with white hair and an accent kinda like their own approaches them, and... they're with some people they've seen before, they think, the saviors?
and Melodie get introduced. and they want to travel with them more. and they open up. Melodie's still quiet at times, but it's so much easier to open up when people are encouraging and don't hound you for forgetting things that are supposed to be simple. Not in a mean way, anyway.
So by the game's start, they're... a little loud, but in a nice way. Creative. A lil' rambly (a bit much, but always nice to listen to, even if the points go in a bit of circles).
Oh, and, of course, i've thought about THE PARTY DYNAMICS.
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Melodie and Mirabelle would be light novel fans together. They make silly poses together to make their lives better and to pose out what the characters are described doing. they laugh about it. They would get into discourse about their favorite characters.
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I did mention Melodie was creative, right? Melodie writes some stuff in their spare time, and as one third of the book club, Melodie sometimes is like 'i could use this in my book' and when they say it out loud without meaning to once, Odile takes interest, and now Melodie and Odile have life experiences talk that Melodie can take to adjust things in their lil projects! and also Odile can be the contstructive criticism person.
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One thing that helps Melodie out of their shell is that Bonnie is there. to vaguely remind Melodie of some people they can't remember. and be annoying with. And when everyone laughs about it, Melodie does it a lil more!! and bonnie actually does appreciate it! just... not all the way. (reminds them of their sister, too.)
... and...
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hi guys i have normal thoughts about these three in particular. many thoughts that get crushed into paste whenever i even try to describe them. Um. I can try though.
Siffrin and Melodie are like. We're similar, but different in ways that makes us seek the other out for company. Our white hair, the way we form words, the small ways we mumble. Melodie breaks out of their shell with a shout, shaking and smiling, while siffrin slides out so slowly. They sit together, and they chat about things they know the others won't get. They remind each other of things forgotten if they remember but the other forgets. they love puns. Siffrin mastered making them, Melodie mastered understanding them and laughing along!! and, of course, the slowly approaching crush that both of them have been festering but have been COMPLETELY ignoring.
Melodie and Isabeau are shopping buddies. Melodie, as a way to get out of their shell, has been getting slightly interested in fashion, and Isabeau is so, SO eager to help out! Along the way this turned into 'get them some new experiences' and 'we make each other better we think about each other all the time we'll encourage each other until our dying breaths.' Melodie started getting used to touch due to Isabeau touching them casually and shouting at him to keep their hand there, and that spreading to the others. Isabeau calls Melodie Mel, and it... hasn't quite spread to the others yet. (Melodie wonders why.) Isabeau admires Melodie for the way they subtly change and Melodie admires Isabeau for the way he has Changed and... of course... the crush they have on him. which is 100% totally unrequited, because he likes Siffrin, and they just HAD to get a crush on someone who already liked someone else!
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melodie knows odile is the one isabeau goes to for his own crush. so like, why not follow suit, right? it's not like isabeau likes them back, so it's totally fair. Odile would understand. (odile is the Sufferer)
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the most hilarious and fucked up dynamic of three people all in love with each other of all time, i think. (siffrin unaware of both crushes, melodie only aware of the isabeau one, and isabeau aware of both. melodie is also aware of isabeau's crush on siffrin. help them)
I have more I want to say, but... um... getting embarrassed so this is all for now!! um! yay!!! posts this in the tags and flees
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years
Look at this shit
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Beautiful crocheted coat, right? Interesting textures. Clearly some color work you can have some fun with.
But wait.
It goes fucking balls out.
Because this is how you contstruct it:
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maareyas · 7 months
taking a small semi-break from dedicated anatomy studies to just draw whatever.
the change is slow and minimal, but it exists. I'm frustrated as hell though. It feels like I went back to "slightly-advanced beginner" levels at art again. :/ I've been doing this for more than ten years, you'd think I would be past having basic contstruction issues at this point--
like idekkkk. I'm happy that I'm getting out of my sonic comfort zone, but at the same time I feel like I forgot every bit of pre-2020 art knowledge I had.
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memorycycle · 2 years
you're like if a girl got uploaded into a hamster then got uploaded into a rc car and got on the internet
i drive over my keybaord to make posts and i eat shredded contstruction paper too
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cazzycave · 1 year
Assigning Class 1-A genshin impact elements for funsies
Aoyama: Electro (His belly button light is similar to how a lighting bolt could be shot out, and it's bright) Mina: Hydro (Her acid is aqueous like water) Tsuyu: Hydro or Dendro (She works well with water like we've seen on the anime ) Iida: Cryo (He can use it to slide through rlly fast) Ochako: Anemo (gurlie can fly with her quirk) Ojiro: Geo (He can use geo contstructs to act like a tail smash like he does) Denki: Electro Kirishima: Geo Koda: Dendro (I think he'd do well with wildlife in general) Sato: Geo (He just kinda looks like geo character)
Shoji: Geo (He feels like a character that can be very defense based) Jiro: Anemo (sound waves through the air) Sero: Anemo Tokoyami: Electro (dark shadow could be like the equivalent of Oz) Todoroki: Pyro with Cryo delusion Hagakure: Cryo or Anemo Bakugo: Pyro (boom boom boy) Deku: Anemo (for all the finger blasts and jumping) Mineta: Dendro (grape boy) Momo: Geo (can make constructs for defense and protection)
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magical-bear-dubin · 1 year
Ingridients, unite!
In order to create a sandwich contstruct
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