#Contra 4
arcadebroke · 2 years
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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pabsterthelobster · 2 years
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In 2007, Konami held a character design contest for the mobile port of Contra 4, allowing fans of the franchise to create someone that you could play as other than series mainstay Bill Rizer. The winning entry of this contest was the character of Solomon Caesar by Stephen "Teben" Hetrick from Tampa, Florida.
According to his official bio, Solomon was once a marksman and soldier of fortune during the Alien Wars who was captured and experimented on by the Red Falcon forces. These experiments would debilitate his health, robbing him of his eyesight and even the ability to properly process oxygen, and he was thrown out only to be rescued by a government agency. Wishing to redeem himself for his time as a merc and desiring revenge on the alien invaders, Solomon would join the Contra task force, who would supply him with a gas mask that helps him breath normally and even gives him superhuman vision.
Solomon has not appeared in any Contra games since the sequel Contra 4 Redux, but that's to be expected with characters who debut in mobile installments. Not everyone can be Yaya Panda from Crash Bandicoot, y'know? His creator, Stephen Hetrick, is still active, though, having worked as a cleanup animator and artist for Skullgirls among other things. He has an Artstation portfolio under the name "RANSOM" for some reason, but any work he may have done under the username of "Teben" is few and far between since he shut down his Tumblr and DeviantArt.
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hellman55 · 10 months
Contra 4 [Nintendo DS] Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME [4K60ᶠᵖˢ🔴]
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pennilesswithannds · 11 months
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The title is right, because apparently old school contra fans rave about this game.
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concord-and-cliches · 5 months
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oh my god there's four of them [first image based on (x), id in alt!]
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violentlydefending · 3 months
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i wish being mesmerized by my passions granted ME invulnerability. sad! [id in alt]
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sudaca-swag · 3 months
el Pepe diciendo "y todavía me queda una jugada maestra que no se esperan" MLN RESURGIMIENTO SWEEP PORFAVOR
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wookieejamcrew · 7 months
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SONNET 147 & paraphrased
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gatoburr0 · 1 year
Live, laugh, Gromaides.
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annon-guy2 · 9 months
Guilty Gear -StrIVe-: Licensed Guest Character Poll
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mis5citasfavoritas · 2 years
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Mis #5 de "Un mundo feliz" Reflexión: A caso no estamos yendo por ese camino, en forja de un mundo privado del libre albedrío, donde nos dicen que pensar y aceptar el engranaje que somos en la sociedad, donde el amor es un algoritmo en una aplicación y la felicidad ya no es compartida.
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gogglebob · 15 days
FGC #671 Contra: Operation Galuga
The tiniest change in a game can sometimes impact your entire outlook. I am someone who can beat Contra for the Nintendo Entertainment System without dying. Note that I stated I can perform this feat, not that I always will pull it off. But it has been done! I have conquered Contra without a single loss, and I have a recording from fifteen years ago to prove it! And why can I achieve such a deed?…
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gabriela-3003 · 1 month
Planificaciòn y Gestiòn de Recursos Tecnològicos
#Es el proceso mediante el cual una organizaciòn#como una instituciòn educativa#identifica#adquiere#implementa#utiliza y mantiene los recursos tecnològicos necesarios para alcanzar sus objetivos estratègicos y operativos.#1.Evaluaciòn de necesidades: Analizar las necesidades tecnològicas de la organizaciòn para cumplir con sus metas.#2.Desarrollo de estrategias: Definir una estrategia para adquirir e implementar los recursos tecnològicos que apoyen los objetivos educativ#3. Aquisiciòn de recursos: Proceso de selecciòn y compra de los recursos tecnològicos asegurando que sean adecuados en tèrmino de: costos#calidad#compatibilidad y capacidad para cumplir con los objetivos establecidos.#4. Implementaciòn: Configurar e instalar los recursos tecnològicos#asegurando que esten plenamente operativos y que el personal sepa còmo utilizarlos correctamente.#5.Capacitaciòn: Asegurar que los usuarios#incluyendo docentes#estudiantes y personal administrativo#estèn capacitados para utilizar los recursos de manera efectiva.#6.Mantenimiento y soporte: Establecer procesos para el mantenimiento regular#la atualizaciòn y el soporte tècnico de los recursos tecnològicos para garantizar su operatividad continua y evitar problema de obsolencia.#7.Monitoreo y evaluaciòn: Medir el desempeño de los recursos tecnològicos en relaciòn con los objetivos y hacer ajuste segùn sea necesario#para mejorar la eficiencia y efectividad.#8.Gestiòn de seguridad y riesgo: Proteger los recursos tecnològicos y los datos de la organizaciòn contra amenazas como ciberataques#fallas tècnicas o desastres naturales.#En resumen: la planificaciòn y gestiòn de los recursos tecnològicos es un proceso integral que busca asegurar que la tecnologìa apoye de#manera efectiva las actividades de la organizaciòn#maximizando su valor y minimizando los riesgos asociados.
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viberevstudios · 7 months
The GEEK BROS return just in time to cover the Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase 2.21.2024. focused on Nintendo Switch games coming in the first half of 2024. NOW PLAYING on your favorite podcasting app or listen here - https://webegeekspc.com/keepin-up-with-the-geek-bros-podcast-nintendo-direct-showcase-feb-24/ 
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concord-and-cliches · 2 months
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me when i perpetuate the cycle of violence 😳😂😂 (based on [x], [x])
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