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ranjumiahlove · 1 year ago
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alienpost · 2 years ago
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Positive working environment for maximum output at Alienspost
Working environment is one of the very important factor for maximum output, it gives positive vibes that totally affect our mental health. Alienspost provides a very happy working environment with teamwork, workspace, productivity. Our freelancing website connects business & individuals with top freelancers from various industries like programming, writting,design, and many more like the best hiring platfrom. Join our community to find your perfect working environment & teamwork. Browse jobs or post your project today only at Alienspost
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onlineinfatuation-123 · 2 months ago
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Engage your audience with high-quality, SEO-optimized content tailored to your needs. Online Infatuation offers blog writing, website content writting, and more to boost your brand's visibility.
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humanizartexto · 2 months ago
Técnicas para Humanizar el Texto de Forma Eficaz
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En la era digital, la manera en que nos comunicamos es más importante que nunca. Con el aumento de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y la automatización, muchos de los textos que leemos hoy en día provienen de máquinas. Esto, aunque práctico, a veces puede resultar frío e impersonal. Por eso, humanizar el texto es una técnica esencial para mejorar la conexión con el lector y hacer que el contenido sea más atractivo y auténtico.
En este artículo, exploraremos varias técnicas para humanizar el texto de forma eficaz, desde el uso de herramientas como humanizadores de texto IA hasta estrategias prácticas que puedes aplicar en tu propia escritura.
¿Qué Significa Humanizar el Texto?
Humanizar el texto implica darle un toque más cercano, cálido y comprensible a la escritura generada, especialmente cuando proviene de fuentes automatizadas como la inteligencia artificial. Es una forma de hacer que los mensajes sean más personales, naturales y fáciles de entender para los lectores.
La humanización de texto es crucial cuando se utiliza un humanizador de texto IA o herramientas como ChatGPT, ya que estas pueden generar contenido útil pero muchas veces carecen de la cercanía emocional que un ser humano puede aportar.
1. Usar un Tono Conversacional
Uno de los mejores métodos para humanizar un texto es darle un tono más conversacional. Esto hace que el lector se sienta como si estuviera hablando con una persona real en lugar de leer algo mecanizado.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Usa pronombres personales como "tú" o "nosotros". Esto hace que el mensaje sea más directo y cercano.
Haz preguntas a lo largo del texto para involucrar al lector y crear un flujo de conversación.
Mantén frases cortas y claras, evitando términos demasiado técnicos o formales.
Ejemplo: En lugar de escribir: "El producto cuenta con características avanzadas que mejoran la productividad de su empresa." Puedes escribir: "¿Te imaginas aumentar la productividad de tu equipo en solo unas semanas? Este producto te ayuda a hacerlo."
2. Incorporar Historias y Testimonios
El uso de historias reales o testimonios es otra técnica poderosa para humanizar textos. Las historias ayudan a conectar emocionalmente con el lector, haciendo que el mensaje sea más memorable.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Cuenta historias auténticas de personas que hayan utilizado el producto o servicio. Esto añade un toque personal y facilita la identificación del lector con el contenido.
Usa testimonios de clientes satisfechos para que tu mensaje suene más genuino.
Ejemplo: "Carlos, un usuario de nuestro servicio, nos cuenta cómo logró mejorar sus resultados de ventas en un 30% gracias a nuestra herramienta. Él estaba enfrentando grandes desafíos, pero con nuestra ayuda, las cosas cambiaron."
3. Añadir Emociones al Texto
Para humanizar un texto, es esencial que transmita emociones. Las emociones crean un vínculo más fuerte con el lector y hacen que el contenido sea más envolvente.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Usa adjetivos emocionales que expresen sentimientos. Palabras como "increíble", "emocionante", "inspirador" pueden hacer que tu mensaje sea más efectivo.
Haz que el lector sienta que lo entiendes: Si estás tratando un tema que pueda ser sensible, muestra empatía.
Ejemplo: En lugar de escribir: "Nuestro producto es fácil de usar y eficiente." Puedes escribir: "Sabemos lo frustrante que puede ser perder tiempo en tareas complicadas. Con nuestro producto, podrás disfrutar de un proceso sencillo y eficiente."
4. Simplificar el Lenguaje
Uno de los errores más comunes al escribir para una audiencia general es usar un lenguaje demasiado complejo. Cuando humanizamos textos, el objetivo es que el lector entienda rápidamente el mensaje sin tener que hacer esfuerzo adicional.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Usa palabras sencillas y evita la jerga o los términos técnicos, a menos que tu audiencia lo requiera.
Organiza el texto con subtítulos y listas para hacerlo más fácil de escanear.
Ejemplo: En lugar de decir: "La automatización de procesos empresariales incrementa la eficiencia organizacional mediante la implementación de soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia." Puedes decir: "La automatización ayuda a que tu empresa trabaje más rápido y de manera más eficiente."
5. Utilizar un Humanizador de Texto IA
Hoy en día, existen herramientas como humanizadores de texto IA que pueden hacer que los textos generados por máquinas suenen más naturales y humanos. Estas herramientas son ideales cuando necesitas escribir rápidamente pero no quieres que el contenido suene robótico.
¿Cómo usarlos?
Usa un humanizador de texto gratis: Muchos humanizadores de texto gratis ofrecen opciones para reescribir o mejorar la fluidez de los textos generados por IA, como ChatGPT.
Personaliza el tono: Algunos humanizadores permiten ajustar el tono del texto según tus necesidades, ya sea más formal, amigable o profesional.
Verifica el contenido: Aunque la IA puede mejorar mucho el texto, siempre es bueno revisarlo para asegurarte de que el estilo y el mensaje son los adecuados.
6. Hacer que el Texto Sea Cercano y Personalizado
Los lectores siempre prefieren un texto que se sienta dirigido a ellos. Al humanizar un texto de ChatGPT o cualquier otro tipo de contenido generado por IA, es importante hacerlo parecer más personalizado.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Adapta el mensaje a tu audiencia: Utiliza un lenguaje que resuene con ellos. Si hablas con empresarios, usa términos relevantes; si hablas con estudiantes, usa un tono más informal.
Crea experiencias personalizadas: Si tienes acceso a datos, utiliza ejemplos que se ajusten a la situación o contexto del lector.
Ejemplo: "Sabemos que como dueño de un negocio, tu tiempo es valioso. Por eso, nuestro producto te ayudará a ahorrar horas cada semana en tareas administrativas."
7. Usar Humor (Cuando Sea Apropiado)
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El humor es una excelente manera de humanizar el texto, ya que hace que el contenido sea más accesible y agradable de leer.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Usa chistes suaves o juegos de palabras relacionados con el tema que estés tratando. Asegúrate de que sean apropiados para tu audiencia y contexto.
Evita el sarcasmo o el humor que pueda ser malinterpretado, ya que puede alejar a los lectores.
Ejemplo: "¿Por qué perder horas organizando tu correo electrónico? Deja que nuestra herramienta haga el trabajo pesado mientras tú disfrutas de un café."
8. Ser Transparente y Auténtico
La autenticidad es clave para humanizar el texto. Los lectores prefieren marcas y contenidos que son genuinos y transparentes.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
No exageres las promesas: Evita hacer afirmaciones exageradas sobre lo que tu producto puede hacer.
Sé honesto sobre los límites de lo que ofreces: Si hay algo que tu producto no puede hacer, dilo. La transparencia genera confianza.
Ejemplo: "Nuestro servicio es rápido y eficiente, pero también estamos trabajando para mejorar ciertas áreas. Siempre buscamos feedback de nuestros usuarios para seguir mejorando."
Humanizar el texto es fundamental para crear una comunicación auténtica y efectiva, especialmente cuando se trabaja con herramientas de IA como el humanizador de texto IA o ChatGPT. Al aplicar las técnicas mencionadas en este artículo, como usar un tono conversacional, incorporar emociones, y utilizar humanizadores de texto, lograrás que tu contenido sea más cercano, atractivo y memorable para tus lectores.
Recuerda que un texto humanizado no solo mejora la experiencia del lector, sino que también crea una conexión más profunda y genuina con tu audiencia. ¡No dudes en aplicar estas técnicas y ver cómo tu contenido cobra vida!
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digitalbharatteam · 4 months ago
Elevate your brand with Digital Bharat Team! Our expert digital marketing services—ranging from SEO and content creation to social media management—will boost your online presence. Connect with your audience and achieve your business goals effectively with our tailored strategies.
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epicfoodtaste · 1 year ago
Digital Marketing
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digicomet · 2 years ago
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ChatGPT can generate personalized content for customers that takes into account their preferences, past behavior, and demographics.
This enables businesses to create targeted content that connects with their audience on a more personalized level, resulting in higher levels of engagement and conversion rates.
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digimaniacsposts · 2 years ago
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littlecrittereli · 11 months ago
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those nightmares be hitting bruh
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astro-cattus · 5 months ago
A Change of Perspective
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I was not expecting so much attention on my latest Flatland artwork, as I´m writting my biggest post so far it´s about to hit 400 notes.
Thank you to everyone for sharing my artwork, following me and thanks to everybody leaving comments on them, I truly appreciate what you have to say about my work!
So, I wanted to write a little about my personal relationship with this novel. Although small, it did help me create a point of reference for my growth over these years.
I knew about this novel since 2016, after the 2016 Bill Q&A mentions Edwin A. Abott. Of course my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to figure out this world. I ended up falling on a 4th dimension theory and Mathematics rabbit hole.
Since a lot of conversations surrounding the book where around theories on the 4th dimension, rather than giving political comentary on the book. As it´s rediscovery was made in the year 1920´s, one could imagine why that was the case. For the most part, due to Einstein´s main interest being how Edwin A. was able to somehow predict the 4th dimension´s existence.
Thanks to this, I didn´t take Flatland´s themes into consideration, and just read a few chapters out of order.
July 2024, The Book of Bill releases. Once again, there´s a reference to the novel in one of the pages. And for old times sake I decided to revisit Flatland. Curiously it´s when I got recommended the 2007 Flatland movie to no end, I eventually, after a long weekend of College work, decided to watch it as I animated.
After that, I decided this time I would finally give myself the time to finish the novel. With an older and more open mind I was able to finish the book and understand it´s themes; critiquing bigotry and seeing the world through a whole new perspective. Makes me wish little me finished the book instead of taking its message for granted, could’ve helped get over some mayor denial I had back then.
I believe things happen a certain way for a reason, maybe it was for the better that I didn’t finish that book back then, at least it gave me the opportunity to better appreciate it :^]c
I hope this community keeps on growing. And I hope to see more people create more content for this interesting world!
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sungjinhos · 2 years ago
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BF! WONWOO hanging out on lazy days 18+ mdi
lazy sundays were you completely favorite. everybody hated sundays, the dreaded week lurking the feeling of the rest day just ending.
but you learned to love sundays. sundays meant late and lazy breakfast in bed, it meant snuggle in hoodies all day, it meant not getting out of the house, it meant laying in the sofa all day reading with your boyfriend between your legs.
you started reading a book that your boyfriend and also bookworm gifted to you; "I just thought you would enjoy it" he said while giving it to you as he arrived from his last leg of his tour "I brought in a pretty bookshop in New York, it has a nice coffee in it, you would love it, we should go together in your next vacation" and your heart sweell nicely thinking about your boyfriend just going around New York thinking about you.
wonwoo rubbed himself against your stomach, claiming for your attettion. "this book is boring" he said, leaving the book on the floor. "I mean it's not boring but I already know who is the killer" he continued, putting his hand inside your hoodie and on your skin, making your heart buzz a little and making you shrink a little.
"mine is pretty fine, you made a good choice" you said ignoring your boyfriend lifting his hand to your rib cage and depositing a brief kiss against the line of your sweatpants.
"yeah? did you liked you present baby?" he said while his hand travelled through your body, his fingertips touching the valley between your bobs and resting against your neck. "i always think of you when i see pretty things."
"you know i liked wonu, i almost cried when you showed me the whole bag you brought back full of presents." you saying running your fingers thought his short hair, he almost never used liked that and you dont know why but made you more attatched to it. wonwoo laughed, that almost scoffing sound full of air.
"that's what my baby deserves" he kissed your stomach and retreated his hand just so he could grab you by the hips with both hands. "I'm such a nice boyfriend, and yet you leave me bored out of my mind because of a book." he said playing with the hem of your pants.
"you are acting like I ignored you for an hour." you finally bookmark the page of your book knowing that it is a lost fight. You are not reading a sentence anymore.
"not a hour" your boyfriend finally gets off the sofa just so he can take off your pants, he lays between your legs again and he presses a kiss against you clothed pussy making you catch your breath. "a few minutes at least"
"not even five minutes baby" you complain while opening more your legs so your boyfriend gets comfortable, he just squirm a little and plant his big hands in your thighs.
"more than twenty for sure." he says while he travel his fingers against your clothed pussy, putting more pressure at your clitoris making you whimper pathetically.
"not that much." somehow even to yourself your voice sound pitiful, wonwoo barely did anything to you and somehow you are almost begging already.
"did so." he says without leaving his fingers against your pussy, and you can almost feel his fingertip through the cloth, the way your wetness is spreading somehow makes you feel that the cloth is getting thinner, almost disappearing but still not enough. "I love watching you." he pauses and presses a kiss in your pussy, and you feel his wet tongue against you. "you are so pretty all over, I just can't take my eyes off you" he says as he presses his fingers against your entrance.
"not fair." you protest while your fingers find solace in the pillow by your head.
"what baby?" he tuts. "cant i find my girlfriend pretty?" he says while he finally pushes your panty to the side. he pinches your pussy. "so fucking pretty and so fucking messy."
"wonu" you protest again feelling a little faint, a little dumb like you always gets when wonwoo talks to you like that, with his voice low like he is telling you a secret making your insides coil.
"fucking love your pussy" he says before finally putting his mouth against you, hot breath fanning over your pussy until you feel his tongue between your folds. and its like being submersed in a way, searching for air but not getting enough. wonwoo pushes your legs up and you come back to reality a little bit, the way his fingers presses against your flesh anchors you.
"god" wonwoo murmurs. "i could live like that" he says while his fingers left your thigh and comes to grope at your pussy, pressing his palm against your puffy lips. "could live eating you out" he says against your thights while you feel his fingers at your entrance, and he push just a little, making you go a tad bit crazy, putting your arms above your head and arching your back, trying to make his finger go in just a little bit more. "don't worry baby I will give It to you."
And you just feel a little bit more out of your mind, a little more hot, a little more denraged, the way his speaks to you just make you squirm because his voice is so full of adoration, like every word is just full of lust that make you clench and you just give up feeling his hot mouth against you, his tongue going against your folds. He keeps lapping at your pussy like he is getting so fucking drunk, you lock eyes with him and he just suck your clit while you feel his second finger aagainst you.
"baby please-" you finally beg and you dont even need to finish because wonwoo just knows what you need and his just put his second finger in you, and in a way it feels so much but not enough, you feel so tight, like every muscle of your body is working. You give up, you just need a little bit more, so you trail your hands against yourself, searching, you put your hand inside your hoodie, finding your boobs and squeezing.
wonwoo mouth leaves your pussy and you whine, his free hands lifting up your hoodie so he can watch you playing with yourself. His eyes travel between your hands and pussy like he can't make a choice. "fuck" he laughs a little "you are just so hot." and he just bite the skin at your hips. "so wet and taking my fingers so well" he changes his position and presses his hand against your tigh so you open your legs for him. "look at you" he coos "you have such a pretty cunt." He says while he keeps fucking your with his fingers. You whine again, feeling desperated, hasty, but you are just at the end of the cliff almost falling and wonwoo just know, he takes his other hand and just pinch at your clit making your moan. "come on baby, you can do it, just a little one and i give you my cock hun? just know you gonna take it so well gonna split you open in a little bit."
and you just fall apart thinking about the way his dick would feel.
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alienpost · 2 years ago
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Looking for freelance jobs or talented freelancers? Our freelancing website alienspost connects businesses and individuals with top freelance professionals from various industries, including programming, writing, design, blogging, web development, web developers and many more like the best hiring platform. Join our community to find your perfect match and take your project or career to the next level. Browse jobs or post your project today only on alienspost.
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pwettybbybunny · 7 months ago
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Aventurine is the most tainted, insecure, broken, pathetic, suicidal, and mentally fucked bitch in the entire cast, lol. This man was meant for angst, not happy endings, never, he's my token hurt no/minimal comfort man,
Similarly, Sunday is just meant to be a yandere, i can never imagine this man to be normal, he to is fucked in head but in a more obsessive way. His need for power and control seeps in every aspect of his life. He needs everything to be perfect to be able to sleep at night, especially his relationship. Hence even in the most normal/non yandere coded scenario, he still remains borderline controlling, obsessive and demanding.
But, despite their differences both are the type to latch on the person they love, growing heavily dependent. Perhaps it be due the lack of a normal/healthy parental figure in their childhood or the lack of a normal family and companionship that's dependent on feelings and connections rather than merely transactional.
In the end they are both boys that craved to be genuinely loved and not be taken advantage of, and to be appreciated for who they truly are and not their facades.
Just in need of some true unadulterated love.
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bum-tan · 4 months ago
So I read the comic "Wanted : Lucky Luke," and I just wanted to pop up here to rant and comment about it.
I'd recommend you read it first if you don't want to be spoiled, but if you don't want to, I'll still explain the plot for context.
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The official synopsis:
"Riding peacefully along a western trail, Lucky Luke is suddenly ambushed by an unknown assailant. After a quick gunfight, the cowboy loses his mysterious attacker but happens upon a lone wagon beset by Apache raiders. Another quick fight later, Luke is surprised to find that the occupants of the wagon are three lovely young women! Three sisters on their way to start a new life, and who all find the lonesome cowboy ... quite interesting."
Just by reading this synopsis the premises sound interesting, but not enough to be engaging, in my opinion.
Anyway, here is a short explanation of the overall plot for better context :
In "Wanted: Lucky Luke," the famous cowboy finds himself on the wrong side of the law. After being framed for a crime he didn’t commit, Lucky Luke is declared an outlaw with a bounty on his head. The tables have turned, and now, instead of chasing criminals, he must evade capture by both lawmen and bounty hunters. Along his journey, he must clear his name, uncover the real culprits, and help a group of sisters he has encountered on his way.
I'm sure some of you may have recognized the artstyle as it was made by Matthieu Bonhomme; The same person who made the comic "The man who shot Lucky Luke", which is interesting in on itself, but I won't be talking much about it in this rant.
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Regarding the art ? I enjoy it for the most part. It feels very fitting to the world of old western, but I understand the people who may not like it as it's not suited for Lucky Luke's stories that are usually more light hearted.
I personally don't really like the way Luke is drawn in Matthieu's art style. But I digress.
Moving on, here are some of my favourite panels from this comic that I'd like to comment about (please click on the pictures to better see if need be) :
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For context, this was when the girls were being held hostage by the criminals, who then forced them to sing and dance. The girls were defenseless against these men. And as they were being harassed, I feared something explicitly bad would happen to them.
Thankfully, this big guy (Big Jack) stepped in and stopped the other men. I know he is a bad guy and the only reason why he protected them was because he was enjoying their performance, but still. It was nice to see.
Next set of my favourite panels :
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Sadly, I couldn't put all the panels, but basically, this was when Lucky Luke was catching the criminals late into the night, after he managed to escape from them.
It was very entertaining and badass, the way he hunted them down, like a predator chasing its prey, when they were the ones chasing him earlier that day. Love the colours and art as well, making for an intimidating atmosphere. Very nice.
Now, here are a few sets of panels that I find hilarious:
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This was when Lucky Luke was being teased over the wanted posters that were displaying him with a flower in his mouth. Need I say more? Just look at Luke's reaction !
It's especially funny when you consider the fact that the legendary cowboy used to smoke in the past, but now he just sucks on a piece of grass like a bum.
The duality of this man, going from formidable foe in front of his enemies to a lightweight when teased, is just too funny.
And finally, these panels :
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This was when the comic hit its climax. Everyone was fighting over who could get Lucky Luke, including the outlaws, the Indians, the ladies, and the cavalry. Everyone wanted him !
And speaking of the outlaws, I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the iconic villains, from the original comics, make their apparitions to do Lucky Luke in.
But I was pretty disappointed that the Daltons weren't included amongst them. However, they were still mentioned by a character named Dick Dalton, a distant relative of the Daltons. Which I originally did not like, but his presence ended up making for quite a treat.
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When the outlaws caught him, Dick felt strangely familiar to Lucky Luke, who unconsiously stared at him. But he didn't care much about engaging with Dick, even after the guy spilled out his story.
It was later revealed, near the end of the comic, that Dick was the one who put up a bunch of wanted posters of Lucky Luke, to make him suffer and hand him over to Joe (who is actually mentioned by name !) so Dick could be recognised as a Dalton.
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Coming up with a plan like that, it's on brand with the Daltons. However, Luke is simply unimpressed and condescending to Dick. He calls him nothing but a pale imitation, clearly implying that Dick could never be at the same level as Joe Dalton.
Which i find funny as hell.
The next thing that i'd like to talk about is the sisters' interactions with Lucky Luke. More specifically, with Cherry (the blond one).
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Because you see, in his journey of trying to hide from his enemies, Lucky Luke encounters and saves a group of 3 sisters (Angie, Cherry, and Bonnie), who need to reach the nearest town with their herd of cattles, all without being scalped by Indians.
Of course, Lucky Luke volunteers to help them. And obviously, the 3 sisters end up being interested in him and are aiming for his heart. Competing with one another.
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They all attempted to flirt with him, naturally with no success.
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So far, no suprise, until a tangible romance subplot seemingly formed between our hero and Cherry !
I initially kind of disliked that development. Especially how there seemed to be a reciprocated attraction on Lucky Luke's side.
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Because it doesn't fit with his character, as in the comics and cartoons, he never shows any interest towards women or their advances.
However, as I kept reading, I realized it made for a compelling storyline, as well as a good introspection on our beloved hero. Explaining why he may be the way he is.
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One of the many reasons why Lucky Luke is a lonesome cowboy who won't form long-lasting connections is because he has never received love in the past. So he doesn't know how to receive or give any back.
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To me, this panel could be interpreted as him also wanting to learn how to love from Cherry, but he refuses to give in because of his convictions.
And since he has never known love, how could he know what it's like to be in love with someone?
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So while she may harbor love towards him, he appreciates her in return, but it's more of a friendly admiration than romantic love. Because he could never reciprocate her kind of love.
In the end, he still ends up leaving, choosing independance over love.
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But at least, now he knows that there are people who do love him.
All in all, I quite enjoyed this comic and I recommend any Lucky Luke enjoyers to read it as well.
P.S :
-I think the name of the comic is "Wanted: Lucky Luke," not only because he was being hunted down, but also because there are people who love him. Meaning he is quite literally wanted. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
-The whole Dick situation shows how irrelevant he is to Luke compared to Joe. And if i'm not reaching, this also implies how much Joe wants Luke, to the point of being mentioned in a story about wanting Lucky Luke without even being present !
So fun ! So yeah this is all pretty neat.
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sitting-1n-silence · 27 days ago
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A curse on those who use my name in vain
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elusive-cat · 27 days ago
"Teasing"~ Nao, "X"/the elusive hero
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X: "Get off of me, lizard boy. It won't get you anywhere..."
N: "Aww come on! Half of the mask is off, no need to be shy now. Show me who you really are~"
X: "The last person you'll see if you don't back off. Mortal."
N: "..."
They're just bantering, tho Elusive isn't too found off his company. Following them around is accually the last thing they want him to do. Little do they know the entity of a boy won't give up so easly on figuring out who they really are.
-->(should I start writing stories to each grafic?)
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