#Consciousness Coaching
1000-now · 1 year
Understanding the Synergy Of Consciousness Coaching And Healing
In the pursuit of holistic well-being, humans have long explored various avenues to nurture their mind, body, and spirit. One transformative approach gaining prominence is Consciousness Healing. This innovative practice delves deep into the realms of self-awareness and interconnectedness, offering a path to profound personal growth and healing.
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Consciousness coaching is a dynamic partnership between coach and client, with the primary focus on enhancing self-awareness and facilitating positive change. This coaching style goes beyond traditional coaching methods by diving into the exploration of one's consciousness and belief systems. It's about recognizing and reshaping thought patterns, emotional responses, and behaviors that may be holding individuals back from realizing their full potential.
A skilled consciousness coach employs a range of techniques, including introspective exercises, mindfulness practices, and guided meditations. These tools help clients break free from self-imposed limitations and tap into their innate capabilities. Through introspection, clients can uncover hidden strengths, release negative energy, and cultivate a more empowered perspective on life's challenges.
Mending The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
Consciousness healing operates on the premise that all aspects of our being are interconnected. Emotional distress and physical ailments are often rooted in deeper energetic imbalances. Consciousness healing seeks to address these imbalances by harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. This approach draws upon various modalities, including energy healing, Reiki, and spiritual psychology. Practitioners guide individuals in raising their awareness to identify the sources of emotional or physical pain.
Coaching And Healing Converges
The synergy between consciousness coaching and consciousness healing is where the magic truly happens. Coaching provides the insights and guidance needed to reshape one's perception and approach to life, while healing clears the energetic blockages hindering progress. Together, these approaches create a holistic transformation that supports individuals in living authentically and purposefully.
In a world where stressors abound and well-being can easily be neglected, Consciousness Coaching and Healing stand out as beacons of hope. By embarking on this journey, individuals can experience a renaissance of self-discovery, leading to a balanced and enriched life.
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yourmoonie · 2 months
Let's talk about manifestation. And what it means to "feel it real"
When I go into my imagination and feel my desires as if they've already come true, I often find I don't need them to "manifest" in the 3D, because I already know that they are mine.
A simple example of this would be:
• I was told I’d be paid to do a specific project for someone. Even though the money isn't in my account yet, it doesn't affect my behavior in the physical world. I’m in this “state of mind” where I already feel successful, and I walk around with that excitement and confidence.
• For example, after hearing about the project, I start to carry myself differently. I feel more confident, motivated, and at ease. I even treat myself to a celebration, knowing that the payment is on its way. I network more, share my ideas freely, and take on new challenges with enthusiasm because, in my mind, I am already successful. The anticipation and joy of receiving the payment fuel my actions and interactions.
• Soon enough, the payment comes through, but the transformation in my mindset has already made a significant impact. It teaches me that feeling successful and fulfilled in my imagination can change my reality, leading to real-world success and opportunities.
Sometimes, the satisfaction and fulfillment I experience in my imagination are so real that I no longer crave their physical manifestation (even though I know it will eventually happen).
As I like to say "The times will pass anyway, so I don't have anything to lose"
If I can experience anything and everything right now at this specific moment, then why worry? Yeah that's right! It's like I can achieve and feel everything I want within my mind, and this brings me immense peace and contentment.
The time is NOW, this MOMENT
Back then, I used to make the mistake of holding back from feeling my wishes were fulfilled until they actually happened because I was scared of being disappointed. Even though I knew I couldn’t really fail, the fear of letdown was stronger. Over time, I learned that everything starts in our imagination and then becomes real.
1) "You become rich in your mind/imagination, then in your physical reality"
2) "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand" - Bob Proctor
Imagination is the real deal.
And imagination doesn't mean vivid visualization.
In this case:
Imagination ≠ visualization
Imagination = inner knowing
Now, I let myself fully enjoy the feeling of my desires in my imagination, and the physical world just follows along.
Just a silly example from my early days of my loass journey: I once visualized having a perfect day with friends, picturing every laugh and moment of joy. The happiness I felt in my imagination was so real that I didn't feel the need to make it happen in reality. Eventually, a day like that did occur, but the joy I experienced in my imagination was just as fulfilling.
feeling ≠ emotion
There is so so much I would like to share but as for this post that is all ✨️
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57sfinest · 1 year
speaking as someone who played team sports for like 2/3rds of their life there's this thing that coaches universally do where if theyre pissed off at something a player does during a game they just start squatting on the sidelines. like if you look over and see your coach squatting you know you're fucked next practice. i think harry does this squat i think even after total brain reset he gets annoyed while on an investigation and just drops into The Squat and most people are like huh ok but anyone who's ever been subject to the whims of a gym teacher sees the stance and has an immediate fear response.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
Continuing my Dr Jacob rants, I wanted to mention how... off I've been feeling with how the rest of the characters have been treating the whole situation regarding him dating Michelle. It's so far been exclusively framed as a marital issue that Ted has to work through, and it's being massively downplayed by the people around him and the narrative itself? I feel as if it's being equated to simply struggling with watching an ex move on, which is SO not what is happening here. This is a deeply unethical and damaging relationship to everybody else being pulled into Michelle and Dr. Jacob's absolute fucking nonsense, and I know I've brought this up before, but this is the type of shit you get your license taken away for. Having a relationship with a patient, former or not, is such a full stop unethical crossing of every boundary meant to exist between a patient and therapist that I couldn't explain just how much of a no it is if I had 15 hours uninterrupted and a megaphone.
At least where I live, the college of registered psychotherapy has a half a decade minimum legal time frame that must be elapsed to have a relationship with a patient, but honestly that's just technicalities. Therapists should, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE, have any kind of duel relationship with a current or former patient. Therapy is meant to make a connection to help you work through your problems, but it's not for making a friend and it's certainly not for meeting a partner. And for a therapist to abuse that power and, in this situation, maybe even coerce a patient out of their marriage so they can date them (because come on, that's exactly what fucking happened given the facts), is beyond deplorable. I don't give a fuck if Dr. Jacob gives nice guy energy, he's a professional (unprofessional as he may be) who knows exactly what he did, and he's a piece of shit for it.
I know this is TV, and the way therapists act in media is so sensationalized and dramatized, but considering Ted Lasso is "the show about having good mental health" and understanding and unpacking trauma and issues, the lacklustre reaction from characters regarding the relationship between Ted's ex wife and her (and Ted's!!) therapist are just bizzare. I need at least somebody in-universe to acknowledge how baffling the behaviour is, and I really can't deal with the idea of Ted being left out to dry in this situation. This isn't some simple "my ex is moving on and that's tough for me but I need to accept it" situation, this is a borderline traumatic betrayal of trust Ted is going through, and the thought of it being left unaddressed while Ted has to make nice with Dr. Jacob because "Well, I really need to not make a fuss because he makes Michelle happy and he's Henry's new father figure now!" is soooo fucking awful I honestly can't even think about it. Anyways don't date your therapist this has been my PSA
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yourspiritguide-tarot · 6 months
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Knight of Wands -- The Magician -- Page of Pentacles
You've been overwhelmed lately and distracted from your higher purpose. It's also a while since you've done any manifestations. So it's time to recentre yourself now and remind yourself of your burning desires and goals.
Reflect on the ultimate goal you want to aim for in this world - be it helping others or making societal change - and take some steps in line with your goal again. :)
But remember not to pressure yourself: modern life often makes us rush and want to achieve many things - and this is your sign to surrender instead. Trust that the universe will deliver what you manifest in time.
Enjoy each beautiful moment and keep making small steps towards your desired future. Good things are on the horizon and your manifestations will soon become reality 🖤
---- Follow me for more tarot readings ----
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i know dnc is full of ethical questionmarks rn (i have thoughts that i dont feel like sharing rn) but the energy and the speeches keep making me think of my mom who would have loved tim walz and always loved kamala harris and i just get really teary eyed about it.
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channel17 · 1 year
YOU are your biggest asset and best investment
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#ugh ok I’m feeling really negative about work but#I think this one challenging student sitch (which is more about the mom than the kid) is really getting under my skin#and then is making me make worse decisions in other areas of the work bc I’m like trying to rush things to get dealing with this over with#my therapist would say this is my Fear of Emotional Engulfment causing me to avoid/deflect/try to escape the situation#i just have a hard time not taking work stuff deeply personally#but like ok what is the very worst possible outcome?#it’s that I can’t figure out this student sitch and this company doesn’t hire me again next summer#which doesn’t seem that likely as they’ve been super supportive and have had my back when this mom is crossing boundaries#but if it DID happen - could I survive it?#absolutely. there are one million jobs out there like this and my old coaching company has already said they’d take me back anytime#and I might not even want to work a second job next summer!#so I want to work this week on just really consciously relaxing about work#the emotional stuff is like purely me reacting to someone else’s intense out of control insecurity/anxiety#so that’s what I need to work on managing - just like calming myself down and reminding myself that it is NOT my responsiblity#to soothe this woman’s big feelings & fears#I wonder if there are some common threads here with the other work situation#like I wonder if I’m making things worse in the dynamic by the way I fearfully react to it#when anyone else in this situation would just be like wow. well that person seems like a lot#but not internalize it?? idk
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mindfulblisstribe · 7 months
The Power of Emotional Self-Mastery
Techniques for Navigating Your Emotions with Grace
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Emotions are a natural part of the human experience. They can be intense, overwhelming, and sometimes even confusing. However, learning how to navigate your emotions with grace and confidence can be a game-changer when it comes to your overall well-being and success.
Here are some techniques for emotional self-mastery:
1. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This technique can help you become more aware of your emotions as they arise, allowing you to respond to them in a calm and thoughtful manner. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can help you gain emotional clarity and develop a deeper understanding of your inner self.
2. Develop Emotional Awareness
Developing emotional awareness is the ability to recognize and identify your emotions accurately. It is important to acknowledge what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. This technique can help you become more aware of the patterns in your emotional responses, allowing you to take proactive measures to manage them.
3. Use Self-Regulation Techniques
Self-regulation techniques are helpful tools for managing your emotions. These techniques can include deep breathing, meditation, exercise, or journaling. By developing a self-regulation practice, you can learn to control your reactions to your emotions and choose your response more thoughtfully.
4. Reframe Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk can be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Reframing your negative self-talk can help you change your internal dialogue and develop a more positive outlook. Instead of criticizing yourself for making mistakes, practice self-compassion and offer yourself words of encouragement.
5. Seek Professional Support
Navigating your emotions can be a challenging process, and it is okay to seek professional support. A licensed therapist or coach can help you develop personalized strategies to manage your emotions and provide guidance as you work through difficult emotional challenges.
In conclusion, emotional self-mastery is a powerful tool for improving your well-being and achieving success. By practicing mindfulness, developing emotional awareness, using self-regulation techniques, reframing negative self-talk, and seeking professional support, you can learn to navigate your emotions with grace and confidence. Remember, emotional self-mastery is an ongoing process, so be patient with yourself as you learn to navigate your emotions.
Are you ready to take the next step in your healing journey? Book your FREE Discovery Call with Mindful Bliss Tribe to learn more about our 12-week Emotional Self-Mastery Coaching Package!
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swarm-o-hogs · 3 months
Do you hate unsolicited advice? I sure do. It is my BIGGEST pet peeve.
Here is my work of art dedicated to those random people in your life who waltz up to you on the bus, train, or airport, and tell you how to live your life! This only includes people who are not paid to be annoying, but naturally choose annoying activities of their own accord.
How many of these tactics have you used? How many characters have you met - have you collected them all? Maybe you have some classes of your own to add to the Random Advice-Telling Stranger (RATS) expanded universe.
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butchlifeguard · 7 months
up until like the start of high school i could barely say i was gender non conforming i was more like family conforming
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yourmoonie · 3 months
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What would you be doing now if you had your manifestation?
• How would you live your day?
• How would you eat, walk, think, behave?
• How would you dress and talk?
• How would you interact with yourself?
• How would you interact with the world around you?
You actually don't need to see millions in your bank account to go "expensive" restaurants or luxurious places.
You don't need to have a shirt worth $10000 to feel wealthy.
You can make a $50 shirt look $1000 Because YOU ARE the ONE WEARING it.
You give it value
Also whatever you can imagine in your mind you can also hold it in your hands
So start! Just start
This is your new reality!
Don't just do it for 10 minutes, but make it your lifestyle
This is your new way of living.
Sometimes, all you have to do is SHOW UP, just show up, and you will be surprised to find out how many people have been moving for you.
It's time to start BEING instead of trying
It's time to say bye to the old story
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
I think Lilith would want a baby with Adriel.
Before, she neither wanted nor didn't want children. She was a legacy, and a family could never be a part of her predestinied path. So, she never gave it any thought.
But, once she had broken free, she finds herself longing for a child, simply because she was never allowed to desire one. The notion of her own legacy excites her. And, for the first time, she could have blood family who loves her unconditionally. A child born of her and Adriel would be a being of unimaginable power... The thought makes her smile.
Of course, it makes most sense for the child to be conceived by accident, and for Lilith to then grasp her feelings. It just wouldn't cross her mind until then.
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holisticsoulhealer · 1 year
Wisdom and Kindness - A Spiritual Story
This newsletter has the possibility of holding the energy of relaying that greatest of greats - wisdom and kindness.
The difference between the personality, character, and ego traits and wisdom become more obvious as we hopefully learn with the aging process ( that’s not everybody of course.)
Wisdom can be defined in spiritual terms in this way, “wisdom doesn’t need to speak. Instead it sits back, listening with the heart fully engaged, while the personality speaks out loud.”
Kindness is one of the loveliest traits of mankind when we exercise it, and all too often we haven’t been particularly famous for being kind at all, not now or throughout our history. Let’s hope there’s massive room for improvement in this area.
Bringing the two energies of both wisdom and kindness together, is a wonderful combination, and one we all deserve to not only meet in our lives, but also to experience first hand.
I am living every day with a man so kind and loving, it sometimes takes my breath away. He is way more patient than me, and even on the roads in the state of Florida (which currently has the absolute worst drivers I’ve seen so far), he has a tolerance that I don’t possess. It’s one of the things I’m working on. The urge to sit with my head out of the window, using very bad language, is one I have to stop myself from doing all the time. Enlightened? I think not!
He has shown patience to grown and growing, quite selfish and uncaring people in his life, while he continues to love them and leave doors open for their behaviors and attitudes to change. While I am a door closed, locked, bolted and I’m in another realm, far enough away to forget any of that even existed.
I am learning so much from him, and it’s really cute, because he thinks he’s growing and learning from me (perhaps we won’t tell him just yet.)
I personally had a very different childhood than any of my siblings. They didn’t care for my mother, and I adored her. They didn’t bother to get to know her, and I couldn’t soak up enough details of who she was, what mattered to her and how she grew up in war torn England. I found her fascinating, lovely, wise, kind and one of the best people I had the great pleasure to meet. I certainly preferred her to anyone I lived with, and she was a woman close to my heart and soul. I don’t know or understand anyone who had the opportunity to meet her, to not appreciate the gentleness of her soul. I knew that about her, and felt better about me for being able to see the wisdom and kindness in her.
I seek that in everyone now (not as much the Floridian drivers yet, but I’m working on it!)
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Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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audrinawf · 1 year
wish you could upload your meditation in platforms like Youtube for people like me who live in countries that have different currency than dollar🥺ofc you don't have to but can you please at least say how you meditate and what do you visualize💗💗
Hiii! I wanna make it accessible to as many people as possible. If Etsy isn’t available in your country let me know if there’s any other options for you such as PayPal. I can definitely tell you my routine and what manifestation techniques I use and I will make a post about that soon 🥰🥰🥰
both my methods which are the quantum jumping and hypnosis meditation are specifically crafted to put you into a deep hypnosis that makes you susceptible to changing your subconscious mind so I would highly recommend people to try it cause you get so much more than what you pay for the value on my meditation is something I’ve seen on myself and my husband but also friends and family who I’ve introduced this meditation to.
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Do bad thoughts manifest? Law Of Assumption
Do bad thoughts manifest? Law Of Assumption A thread ⬇️
Do bad thoughts manifest? Law of Assumption I stumbled upon a perplexing question in a Facebook group that sheds light on common misconceptions about the law of assumption. Let’s delve into this query and discover why delving into the source material, rather than relying solely on YouTubers and coaches, can lead to greater clarity. The original question sparked a flurry of responses, showcasing…
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