#Concert tonight. Woop
bloobydabloob · 5 months
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Jonathan by Fiona Apple is the best song ever, I implore anyone who reads this to listen and tell me your thoughts.
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mccoys-killer-queen · 3 years
I put the fuckin cat post on my Leppard brb gonna die
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
2000 Man (A beatle!reader story) - Part 4: If Love is a Drug
She is back! And better than ever.....
Not really, sorry it’s been radio silence/lurking, she’s had something of a depressive episode recently, but she’s getting back on her feet. So yea, I don’t want to promise anything, but I’ll try to post more.
And finally get a masterlist at some point with this series, for goodness’ sake.
So yea. 
When should I stop crediting @casafrass for this? I feel like it’s getting annoying, but it’s only fair. 
Description: It’s the year 2000, and y/n, the fifth member of the Beatles, is advertising her new book, Madam Beatle, in her first interview of the year. We see snapshots of her life, from when she joined the band, to the trials and tribulations, to the death of the band, and everything in between. Loosely inspired by Slumdog Millionaire.
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4
Headcanons: Based off of this one, though like, not really, just the general vomit theme. 
Words: 3,951 (woop, she’s a long one, get ready for some TEA)
Pairings: Honestly, just let me know if you would like me to put some pairings in here, because most of all of the ones that I’ve written, you can read it either way, so please, just let me know! 
Warnings: Vomit, drugs, pills, violence, swearing
“So I understand that at one point you talk about a conversation that you had with Judy Garland.” 
“Yes, she and I met, actually I don’t remember where, but it was one of those random ‘high society’ parties, and we struck up a sort of conversation. I think we found each other’s stories interesting, because, as women in the entertainment industry, even across film and music, there were some startling similarities.” 
“Would you care to expand on those similarities a little?” 
“I mean, besides the fact that so much of the focus is on our bodies, which we’ve already discussed, the zeitgeist of the time seemed to be that women simply weren’t ready to handle all of the pressures that that sort of system put on us. Of course, this meant drugs, particularly amphetamines, which were quite vogue in the US at the time. Judy and I were both familiar with that sort of concept, however, the difference lied in that Judy chose to go on amphetamines, and I was given them.” 
“Given them by...?” 
“EMI, mostly, but everyone, including me, was complicit in a way. Though, it did slip more into self-regulation in the Beatles’ later years, and I even fully recovered by my solo career. But yea, especially in the earlier ones, during our massive concert tours, a lot of it was... very strong suggestions.”
“You were known for being very strong-willed, though.” 
“Yeah, but y’know, it’s my career. I guess at the time, even if EMI had let me go, I could’ve gone somewhere else on the name alone, but I was young, stupid, and scared of non-existent threats, so I really did put up with it for quite long.” 
“She hasn’t come out of that room since last night.” 
“It’s called sleeping, Rings.”
“It’s past noon! She came straight up here after dinner last night.” 
“And she locked the door.” 
“Very suspicious.” 
“You think we could get Mal to break it down?” 
“What if there’s a guy in there?”
“Then we’ve got to break it down.” 
“She’s an adult!” 
“What if she’s DEAD?” 
“Someone get Mal.” 
Your eyes fluttered open. With friends like these, who needs an alarm clock? 
Through blurry eyes, you could read the actual alarm clock: 3:17. 
Everything was alright for about 20 seconds, and then all of the crappy feelings had re-settled into your wakened state. Your legs felt like they were filled with cement, your nose was congested, your hands were clammy, you were extremely sweaty even though it was absolutely freezing, and you were stilled tired, even though you had gone to bed at 7:30 last night. 
You sauntered over to the door, pulling on a pair of sweat pants over your bare legs. 
You pressed your sweaty fingers down on the cool lock and pulled it open. 
“Do not! Call Mal! I am here.” Four blank faces gawked back at you, all far more spritely than you cared to admit that you weren’t. The suits were on as well. 
“Is that what you look like without makeup?” John quipped in mock-surprise. He knew damn well what you looked like without makeup, he just couldn’t give up a chance to be his sarcastic asshat self. You sighed.
“Not now, please, John.” The light in the main suite was too bright, so you pushed your head into the doorway and closed your eyes. You wanted to sit down again. 
“(y/n), love, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is 3:30, and you’ve got to get your act together at some point.” You couldn’t see his face, but you knew that was Ringo.
“I know what time it is, I’m just... eurgh,” You didn’t bother opening your eyes, “This shit is exhausting.” 
“We can’t can-” 
“I know, I know,” you interrupted Paul, “I’ll be out in fifteen minutes.” 
- time skip brought to you by I am very tired - 
“(y/n), do you want me to carry that?” George appeared at your side, holding his hand out near yours, grabbing at the guitar case. 
“Nah, I’m fine.”
“I don’t know if I believe that.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You chuckled weakly. 
“Your playing was off. You missed a few chords. You didn’t smile as much, and your voice was weaker. I can tell.” 
“Rough night is all. Remember, we can’t cancel even if I am sick. But I’m fine.” Your grip on the guitar case loosened unconsciously as your arm felt weaker. 
“Sure.” George swung his hand in and grasped at the handle of your case, before taking it in his own. You sighed, but still didn’t feel like answering. 
“What a gentleman you are, Georgie.” John ruffled his hair with his free hand. 
A pattering of very angered footsteps approached behind you, and you instantly knew who it was. Only one man could angrily footstep like that.
“What the hell was that, (y/n)?” Brian spun you around to look at him. Though you could tell that there was some softness in his eyes, and that he was perhaps worried just as much for you as for your reputation, he was still fuming. 
“Whaddya mean?” You fumbled out. 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice. You were out of it tonight. Well? What was it? Weed? Cocaine? Alcohol? All of them?!”
“Scout’s honor, Brian, it was just a weird night.” Brian’s grip loosened on your shoulders, as he facepalmed. He looked back up at you sympathetically.
“You’re a little pale, (y/n), perhaps you should take an early night.” You peered over your shoulder, only to catch the lads instantly trying to pretend like they weren’t listening in on your conversation. You were going to go to a very fancy club tonight, and you had been looking for a chance to dress up. You looked back at Brian, who was almost sweating. Anything to ease his worry. 
“Alright, just this night. Even though I swear I’m fine.” 
“Right, right. Why don’t you head back with the equipment, and I’ll head out with the boys?” 
“Sounds like a plan.” You sighed and could feel your eyes droop. You trudged back to the black van and hauled yourself in the back, giving a small wave to Mal in the mirror. He nods understandingly. You shut the van doors. 
“Where’s she goin’?” You hear John bug Brian like a petulant child.
“Back to the hotel, I think.” 
“Killjoy.” Paul muttered.
George just watched the van leave over Ringo’s shoulder, whom he was deeply in conversation with. 
- time skip - 
It happened again. You had fucked up again. You’d missed some of your chords, your voice had cracked at one point, and not in the hot way, and your energy on stage was no longer a bubbly bounce, but a gentle, almost sleepy, swaying. 
Your fuck-up only really hit you after, though, as you had zoned out while you were on stage. 
You couldn’t go out to face the boys. You just couldn’t. You sat in your locked dressing room, head in your hands, as you stared at your knees trying not to pass out. Everything was blurry. 
You were awakened from your thoughts by a loud thumping. You could feel your stomach drop. It was an angry knock. Why did men always have to be so angry? 
“(Y/n), I know you’re in there.” It was John. Of course it was John. It was always John. He never knew when to stop. 
You leaned back in your chair, dazed, knowing full well that you didn’t have to let him in if you didn’t want to. You shakily pulled a cigarette out of a pack on the table and it it with your delicately engraved lighter while the pounding continued. He would die out there if he had to. 
“Whaddya want?” You blew a plume of smoke and coughed.
“Why are women always so dramatic? Just let me in, damnit!” 
“Not if you don’t stop acting like a petulant goddamn child!”
“Call me a child, will you? I’m not the one who can’t handle every goddamn concert. What? Are you too tired? Awww, I’m sorry. Do you need a nap?” 
You could feel your eyes brim with tears. You put out the cigarette, grabbed your bag, and opened the window. The wind blew in your face, and it was almost calming. Using the gymnastics skills that you had honed as a kid, you slunk out the window and onto the open street, your heels clacking on the pavement. You pulled a coat over your face and called a taxi, only offering cash but making sure to keep your looks relatively obscured. Back to the hotel, where you could sleep it all off.
- Time skip - 
You slept for 20 hours, and yet, you still woke up feeling all the worse. The clock read 4:00. You were about to be late for call. There was no shuffling outside, so you could assume that the lads had already left. Awesome. 
You fixed your hair, grabbed your guitar, called a limo, and added small touches of makeup on the ride there. You could barely feel anything anymore, and your body had gone completely numb. You chunked on foundation way more than usual as to hide the cold sweat and incredible paleness that your face had broken out in. Some of the powder drifted over your lips, and you felt a welling of stomach acid churn. 
You swallowed, took a deep breath, and your stomach calmed down once more. You were backstage. 
You thanked the cab driver before slipping through the back door, barely being able to make it open. The first thing you met was Brian having a panic attack, which actually made sense for once, as there was about 15 minutes until you were on stage. 
“(Y/n)! Where the bloody hell were you?!” The rest of the lads were behind him, speaking and looking at you like some high school girl’s clique. You shot them an angry, but weak, stare.
“No one woke me up.” 
“You look like death.” Paul piped up from the back.
“You’ll meet death very fuckin’ soon-” You had no time for any of the sass anymore, but a hand clamping on your shoulder cut you off. You looked up to your left, and were greeted by the face of Neil Aspinall. 
“That’s enough of that, (y/n), we have something to do.” He didn’t wait for your answer, but simply lead you backstage. You were far too dazed to resist, so you simply let him steer. 
“So, the company, not me, heard that you haven’t exactly been on your A-game lately, and they recommended something.” You nodded, still not listening.
“Apparently, a lot of rockstars use it, they heard about it from the manager of the Animals or something, so I thought we could give it a try. It’s supposed to help you get that burst of energy that you need.” He patted your shoulder joyfully.
“Now, this is all of the company’s doing, so, if you don’t want to take them, then I completely understand, and I’ll just tell them that you did, but I am supposed to mention them.” Neil’s voice drifted off. In front of you was a table with several small white pills and a glass of water. 
“No. I’ll take it. We gotta a show to do.” You were sure that Neil said something, but you didn’t hear, as you were too busy downing the pills and the water in one determined gulp. 
- Time skip - 
That night was the most energetic that you had been. Almost too energetic. Your eyes were shot and pink, though fortunately all of the audience was too far away to notice. Your playing was erratic and very harsh, though the screaming was too loud to hear. Your vocals, well, those would not be matched until some actual crackheads took the stage later. 
None of your actions felt deliberate, everything felt at the whim of the surges of energy jolting through your body, while your actual mind just felt more and more disconnected, and your stomach churned. The lights gave you a pulshing headache. 
Three-quaraters through the show, you began to come back to Earth again, though not because the drugs were wearing off, but because something else was beginning to emerge. You could feel it. The wave rising up in your stomach. You swallowed. You shouted the lyrics into the microphone. You put your all into the song, even though you no longer felt the energy. You were not going to mess up on stage again. 
Paul gave you some side-eye. Though the fans were absolutely eating up, he wasn’t buying your shtick. 
Finally, you made it to the last number. The crowd screamed. Your heart pounded in your chest. You were sweating like crazy, and your hair was sticking to your face. Your legs felt wobbly, but you thew a hand up and waved goodbye to the crowd, as well as to any sense of calm in your stomach. 
As you shambled off stage, Ringo scrambled up behind you and put an arm around your shoulder, steadying you. Oh god, even he knew and he couldn’t see your face. Your guitar was slung around your shoulder, but you forgot that it existed, and slammed it into a poor stagehand. 
With your last sense of control left, you removed our guitar the minute that you got off stage and handed it to said stagehand, who was highly confused, while you grabbed the nearest trashcan and heaved your entire stomach into it. Mind you, since you had slept for the last day, there were hardly contents to begin with, just raw stomach acid.
Your throat burned, you sweat, and your eyes wanted to do nothing but close. You could feel gentle hands pulling your hair back, while startled screams and yells rose up backstage. You didn’t care. You had fallen to your knees, taking the trashcan with you, still completely retching your stomach into anything that would take it. 
“What the hell did you do ta her?”
“It wasn’t me, it was that stuff that EMI sent over?” 
“What stuff?”
“I don’t know, pills, something!”
“You gave her pills? She’s clearly had the fucking flu, on top of dealing with your ridiculous schedule. 
“I just did what they told me to do!”
“Brian! I want you to end the contract with EMI right now.” 
“John, you don’t mean that, sit down.”
“I second.” 
“Paul, John, why don’t we all just-”
“No! If this is how they choose to treat people, to treat (y/n), then I don’t want anything to do with them. Look at what you’ve done to her!
“What I’ve done?! This is not just me, and you know it.”
“I never said give her fucking pills!” 
“You never say anything, you just yell!” 
“Mal, can you call an ambulance?”
“Already done, Georgie.” 
The vomit stopped, and you lifted your head up, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. Ringo’s hands gently fell from your hair. 
“No, no ambulance, I’m fine.” Your voice was so raspy, like your throat had been torn out. 
John, Paul, Brian, and Neil froze in the middle of their argument while George and Mal cocked their heads to look at you from the side. John only stayed quiet for a second.
“You’re not fine, you’re on fucking drugs!” He lurched forward, approaching you. You could feel your stomach quell again. You swallowed. 
“Any drug that I was on,” you breathed deeply, “is in there.” You pointed to the trashcan. 
“You’re being ridiculous, I-” 
“No! Fuck you! You don’t get to say shit!” that come out far louder than you expected. You stood at your full height, willing to handle the discomfort if it meant telling him off. You’d even surprised John/
“How the fuck can you pretend like I’m the one acting ridiculous right now considering all the shit that you said to me yesterday? How far does your fucking double standard go? Of all the sins you’ve committed, John Lennon, I never thought that hypocrisy would be one of them. Get a grip, goddamnit! This is just as much your fault as it is mine, and I know you know that, so look me in the eye and for a goddamn second confront the consequences of your actions!” You were breathing very heavily now, whether with anger or exhaustion, and you could feel a surge of energy come through you yet again, though this time you weren’t sure if it was the drug.
You lunged at John, aiming your fist at his face. Everyone suddenly shifted into action all of a sudden, with George and Ringo holding you back and Paul pulling John away, though you noted that Paul refused to look John in the eye. 
“Woah, woah, (y/n), take it easy. Calm down. It’s alright, it’s alright.” You could hear George softly try to calm you, though your heavy breathing continued, and at some point along the way, you ended up crying into his shoulder as Ringo patted your back. 
“Come on, you’ve done enough.” You heard footsteps shuffle away, followed shortly after by another pair, leaving you, George, Ringo, and a very awkward Mal.
You cried until there were no tears left to cry. Your legs got tired from standing at some point, so you simply sat down, with George and Ringo joining you as Mal left to explain to the ambulance that they wouldn’t be needing their services today. 
You swallowed, and you could feel the tears begin to stick to your cheeks.
“We should probably go back to the hotel.” You leaned against George’s shoulder pensively.
“If you’re up to it, Birdie.” 
“Yeah, I’m alright.” 
You stood up weakly as Ringo wrapped his jacket around you. The three of you returned to the hotel without another word.
- Time skip -
You, George, and Ringo, slowly creaked open the door to your shared massive suite. Paul sat in the middle of the room, a beam of moonlight illuminating his face, legs crossed, just as he was waiting for you. John was nowhere to be seen.
“There you are!” he said in a stage whisper, “I was worried sick!” He rose from his chair and approached your trio. 
Before you could even anticipate what he was doing and protest, he wrapped you in a very warm hug. He was always good at those. He held you like he was afraid to lose you, and you used what strength you had left to return it with all your might, as if you were afraid to lose him. The two of you stayed like that for a minute, without words, before he separated. 
“You best get some sleep. All of you.” His eyes traveled to George and Ringo, and it was clear that there was no more room for negotiation.
The three of you gently drifted into your rooms with Paul watching you all leave. The minute your face touched your pillow, you fell into a dreamless sleep. 
- Time skip -
God only knows how long you had slept, but the growling of your stomach woke you up next morning. You felt a lot better, at least, and the mothering of Paul, making sure that you ate and drank enough, and that you didn’t need anything, made sure that you were gradually on your way to some form of recovery. 
Paul, as you had learned, was originally the one who had postulated that you had some form of the flu, and the symptoms proved his predictions correct. Thankfully, he was well equipped to care for people with the flu, having done so for his family growing up, so he knew all of the common remedies. 
John was still nowhere to be found, but George and Ringo emerged from their rooms one by one, and the four of you lazed around, reading papers and watching the news, for the rest of the morning. 
When you finally asked where John was, Paul answered that he had gotten up early and gone for a walk. Pretty long walk, you guessed, but didn’t pry. 
At noon, there was a gentle knock on the door. Paul admitted a very sheepish looking Brian into the suite. He approached the table. 
“How are you feeling?” 
You took a long sip of water.
“I’m alright, better than yesterday.” 
“That’s good.” His hand rubbed the back of his neck. There were other things on his mind. 
“Um, I wanted to apologize, on behalf of me, and Neil, who is speaking to the company at this point, he’s trying to-” 
“It’s fine,” you interrupted, pausing to gather your thoughts, “No, really, it is. You didn’t know, and neither did I, and neither did Neil. And I’m alive. Now we just know not to do it again.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you shifted in our seat to grab the tea pot, though Brian shook his head, “No, no, I must be going, we’re traveling again today. But, enjoy your tea, and I’ll see you in a few.” 
You nodded sagely. Brian began to take his leave, but halfway through the door, he turned around to look at the solemn crowd.
“You know, you all really do mean a lot to me. I promise you that. Not as clients, but people. This will not happen again.” And with that, he left.
- Time skip (last one, we’re almost done folks) - 
“I’ll take that.” John grabbed the large box off your hands, and you squeaked with surprise. His face twisted into an unfamiliar expression of damaged concern almost instantly.
“Oh, sorry, I just didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Yeah, I was on a walk this morning.” He continued to struggle with the box. You’d finally had enough of it, and leaned in to help him haul it to the top of the shelf in the crate. 
The two of you stood there awkwardly, both refusing to look the other in the eye.
You both began speaking at the same time, interrupting eachother. 
“You go first. “ He offered.
“No, no, I’ve said enough.” You waved your hands defensively.
“So have I.” He chuckled. 
Another awkward silence. 
“I guess,” he began, “I’m sorry for saying that shit to you. I was stressed, angry, and I know that’s not an excuse, but then you got on the drugs, and I was so worried, and I guess I just never realized...” he trailed off, realizing that he was just on the verge of not making sense. He took a deep breath. 
“I guess, what I”m trying to say is that I would never, ever, want you to do what you had to do there. It wasn’t fair of me to put that kind of pressure on you, and everyone else. And, you didn’t hear it from me, but I’ll try to do better.” 
You chuckled lightly. 
“That sounds like a plan. And, I guess I’m sorry for not coming to you sooner.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”
“Yes, I do. I just let you get worried about me, stupidly thinking that I could handle it all by myself, and I just totally forgot about everyone else. It’s kind of ironic that I, uh, snapped at you about how  your actions affect others, when I did the same exact thing. So, uh, I’ll work on that too.”
You swore you could see the smallest bit of a smile on his face. The first one in a while.
“Well then,” he thrust out his hand, “let’s make that a deal. Mutual forgiveness, and hopefully, mutual progress”
You took his warm hand in yours.
“You got it, John.”
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firethatgrewsolow · 5 years
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From the lz site comments - I love reading firsthand accounts:
December 4, 2007 10:07am
Joe Schmidt
I write this to commemorate the 1977 Led Zeppelin U.S. Tour. To honor the Zeppelin legacy, and give an insight into the shows I experienced.
The date is Wednesday, April 6th, 1977. Led Zeppelin are to open tonight at the Chicago Stadium, in the first of a series of four shows. To give reference, I had just turned 17 a week prior and was a devout and rabid Zeppelin freak. My Zeppelin collection was rapidly building, including several bootlegs. The film The Song Remains The Same had just popped in October 1976. So I was very aware of their live capabilities.
Purchasing tickets for the shows was a story in itself. My friends and I decided to sleep overnight at the local Flipside, which was the Ticketron outlet. It was extreme. It was the 1970's. When the tickets went on sale, it became a literal war! Broken doors, shattered glass, fighting and fainting girls! I used my football skills to emerge 10th in line at the ticket dispenser. I was rewarded with Box Seats - Club Circle. The seats I possessed provided a total and unobstructed view of the complete stage. Raised seats just above the main floor. Yes, there is a God!
It was a cold evening the night of the April 6th show. The Chicago Stadium was in a very rough part of town and you had to be on your toes. The t-shirt hawkers were out in full force so I nabbed two real fine Zeppelin shirts. As I entered the facility, I could barely contain myself. There was Jimmy's speaker cabinet with the ZoSo symbol! Bonham had a new and beautiful gold metallic kit, waiting in ready, high atop his riser. The stage appeared sharp and clean with banks of lights and the P.A. hung aerially.
I found my seats and then wandered up the main floor aisle where the lighting man sat. This guy greatly resembled Keith Emerson. His eyes were red, glazed and glassy. I asked him about the set. He informed me Rock + Roll would not be the opener. It's going to be The Song Remains The Same. He added that Page was doing a wild version of Dazed and Confused with special lighting effects. As I walked back to my seat, toilet paper rolls flew off the balconies amid a blue-grey haze from the sweet smoke. Just as I sat in my seat the lights were cut.
Showtime! Pandemonium ensued. It's fucking Zeppelin! I added my own banshee wail to the moment. The spotlight hits Robert Plant. The firecrackers ignite prompting Robert to exclaim " Woa! Woa! Woa! Before we start can you please stop the firecrackers!" Just then Jimmy Page appears, turned toward Bonham . He's in white satin with a dragon design on his shirt's back. No design on his satin pants. Those were added later in the tour. As Page faces the audience I see him with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. He's pacing with nervous energy. Up until that point I had never seen a photo of Jimmy smoking. I was surprised.
Page is strapped up with his doubleneck. The opening D- note is struck, the full spotlight hits Jimmy and it's off to the races. On one knee, Jimmy slides over to Jonesy and JPJ bows his bass toward Pagey. Robert's throwing moves and shapes in front of Page's Marshalls as Bonzo unleashes his percussive fury. This rendition is very solid. Robert's voice sounds very clear and strong. Jimmy's a little sticky on some notes and Bonham plays on too long at the end bit. Which did mess up the segue to The Rover. It came off somewhat disjointed. Colored light changes punctuate the four opening chord strikes of Sick Again. As the song kicks in, I notice their doing it in a slower and funkier arrangement. Page's solo crawls out of the stew. Short and fiery. The ending is on the money. The strong ending elicits a wild audience response. Robert then reiterates to the crowd- " Cool the explosives!" Adding that the last time they played Chicago was 1973. I thought to myself. That isn't correct. It was 1975.
The harmonized opening lick of Nobody's Fault But Mine soars across the Stadium. Now on the Les Paul, Page's E7 th chord overhang and arm sweep captivating the masses. As Page and Plant play in unison. Bonham and Jones are backlit with spotlights as they play their counterpoint rhythm. Hot Stuff! But, Robert's harmonica solo is indecipherable and Jimmy's lead bears no relation to the studio version.The solos sound very early tour. Damn.
In My Time Of Dying slithers out of Page's Danelectro as the concert progresses. There are some real problems with this one tonight. The missed breaks are glaringly obvious. During the fast part they kept trying to find a way out of it. Slop. Robert then goes into a homily about Chicago Blues legends Buddy Guy, Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters.
Blue light solely envelopes Page as he picks out the intro of Since I've Been Loving You. Crystalline notes that were chilling! Robert sounding much better than 1975. Fuck it! I'm going to the front! I start my trudge up to the stage. I was evasive and agile, my adrenaline surging as I approached the stage barrier. There were people shooting photos , so I nestled in with them. Right in front of me is Jimmy Page blasting out the climactic solo of SIBLY . High register notes to discordant low bends. John Bonham kicking it in his tuxedo t- shirt. My chest cavity being pummeled by the force of the band. Plant hollers out- " Jimmy Page! Guitar!"
Directly in front of me, Jimmy acknowledges the crowd as he sits on Bonham's drum riser drinking a Heineken. Robert introduces Jonesy as " The most debonair member of the band. He can speak two languages. Featuring John Paul Jones on keyboard.. No Quarter!" Page stands up and walks over to his theramin. He throws a karate chop in front of it emitting a sonic Woop! Woop! The dry ice filters in, shrouding the first 15 rows. Jonesy in emerald light plays the opening theme. Page and Bonham fall in powerfully. Jimmy's wah wah piercing through it all. Jones hints at Rachmaninov, as green lasers flutter behind him. As JPJ does his solo, Jimmy and Robert are 20 feet from me. They were having a drink and chatting near Page's theramin. They seem to be laughing about something. Then it's on to the main improv guitar solo. Jones plays the transition as Bonzo lays into a mid tempo feel. Seeing Pagey so close, jabbing at chords as his body reflected every note he emitted. Switching pick ups to emphasize tone shifts and dynamics. He was dancing, slashing and hypnotizing. At the solo's finale, I'm shooed out of the front and return to my seat. As I walk back, the last notes of No Quarter expire. What an experience!
Robert admits to some band rustiness when he introduces Ten Years Gone - " This is a thing that we never did until 3 weeks ago. And we're still running through it. As we are through everything." Out comes the now famous Telecaster B- Bender. Page twangs out a few notes. JPJ plays 12- string acoustic. Not yet in ownership of his triple- neck. Bass pedals at his feet. Jimmy and Jonesy are loud and full, crashing out the melodic riff. Even more powerful as Bonham enters. Page's middle solo is a mess. Missed and clanging notes. Robert sounds fantastic on this song! Great choice Guys!
Bonham strolls out from behind his kit. Plant announces - " To the front of the stage for the 1st time. John Bonham. Looking very suave. In his 2- piece tuxedo." Four chairs are set up as the Zeppelin take their seats. But the monitors are feeding back and JPJ's guitar is out of tune. There'a a lull in the action to fix matters, and the crowd does become restless. Jimmy , now on mandolin, strums out the opening notes of Battle of Evermore. It was a riveting performance, especially the swirling jam.
The monitor system from hell continues to plague the acoustic set. Robert is now clearly agitated - " We have an acoustic guitar on this number gents. So turn the bloody thing up! Last time we played here I remember the night very well, cause I'd got the flu and nearly died. And, the monitors were so bad they were doing just what they're doing now. Get it Right!!!"
Going To California is superlative. Conjuring images of tranquil and beautiful hillsides. The Minstrels at play. A magic moment.
Robert teases with a bit of Elvis' Surrender. He then spiels about the Black Country describing it as - "The land where men are men and sheep are nervous!' Page then provides a classic moment as he leans into his microphone and drolly states - " It's better to live one day as a king than a 1,000 as a peasant." JPJ brings out a bizarre looking stand- up bass for the Black Country Woman / Bron- Yr Aur Stomp combination. Bonzo's back on skins and Jimmy displays some fine fingerpicking during his solo turn.
More equipment woes precede White Summer/ Black Mt. Side. And, the song itself is an utter shambles. Audibly out of tune, Jimmy makes a game of it. He chases himself trying to retune as the song progresses! Able to regroup, the seated Page plucks out a few more notes, kicks out of his wooden chair and then....
Kashmir! From one spotlight on Page to every light in the rig, the Stadium exploded in heat and light. Huge spinning globes above the stage showering light shards over us. Robert confidently projecting as the Golden God! Page as the Whirling Dervish propelled by Bonham's cannon shots. I will never forget during the coda, on one of Bonzo's final flurries, Jimmy stutter- stepping his way across the length of the stage. From JPJ's side to his side. Arms outstretched and his mouth agape in some euphoric state. Indelible.
A beach ball bounces above the main floor. Playfully, Robert comments - " A soccer match!"
Plants ominously introduces Over The Top: " We've been here 3 or 4 days and he hasn't been to jail yet." It's the Out On The Tiles riff and into Bonzo's Barrage! I had a straight shot at him as I looked through my binoculars. The cat would not let up! His drum kit motored out to the front of the stage for the Hands solo and Phased Tympani segment. During his big build up before the band returns, I saw Jimmy standing by his amp watching in amazement. Bonzo turned and looked at Pagey. You could literally feel the head of steam that Bonham was generating! I can still see it. You must hear this version! The crowd went nuts as Bonzo soaked it in. He had big smile and gave a hand wave.
Onto Jimmy's Noise Symphony. What can I say? What I did say was ' Where the fuck is Dazed and Confused?" It was a big disappointment for me. I thought, Dazed and Confused represented so much of their power, fluidity and mystery. I was shocked they didn't play it! Between the harmonizer solo and the violin bow it was like a white noise experiment. The laser pyramid was visually spectacular. Bonham rumbles around his phased tympani and a wash of sound leads into the first tentative notes of Achilles Last Stand. This song did not come off well at all this evening. Sloppy playing that gets worse as the song progresses. An atrocious solo by Mr. Page. It's as though he forgot how to play the song!
Now the set closer, Stairway To Heaven begins and is performed faithfully. Just as Bonzo joins in, Jimmy's guitar strap breaks. Ray Thomas dashes out and attends to Jimmy. The solo kicks into gear as golden light shimmers off Page's white suit and Robert grooves with his tambourine. The compact lead gives way to Robert's pleading vocal lines and the final title lyric. Brilliant white light hits a huge spinning globe as the band head off stage. A several minute wait at least before they return.
Encore time. The band reappear and Bonzo begins Rock + Roll. Major explosions ignited onstage give off tangible heat. Jimmy's lead is loud and errant. A big bang ending. Rah! Offstage once again for several minutes before one more.
Push! Push! It's Trampled Under Foot! The fucking loudest song of the evening. Page had his amp on 11. Jones and Bonham were slamming . Jimmy's solo was absolutely blistering. Peeling off licks with conviction. Robert and Jimmy as one doing their Push Push bit had everyone rocking. A great finale!
So concludes the first show in Chicago. It was beautiful, inconsistent, mind blowing , sloppy and sublime all in one show. I'd love to see them again. That's right! There's tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...........................
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webslingingslasher · 5 years
hello im going to be recording my first impressions of Fine Line by harry styles high as balls. as he would want. 
. DEVELOPMENT !!!!!!! sounds fucking amazing. so boyish. young teen romance, coming of age movie 
such a soft love song. my heart aches. so fUCKING OPEN 
aaahh ooooh 
oh oo ! beeg summar blow out 
piano ? yes ! 
in his bed alone ... u hate to see i t
he sounds so deep in this album. 
. w h a t i f i m s o m e o n e y o u w O n t t a l k a b o u t
. i wrote to many songs about you 
.  what if im some one i dont want to be around 
To Be So Lonely 
to be soooo to be sooo loneleeey ! 
fucking shroom song 
ya like jaaaaaz ? 
this is fucking smooth 
she lives in daydreams with me ,,, and i dont know who she is .. THIS ONE FOR MISS Y/N 
hes gonna fucking rip his pants off and magic mike the stage during this song 
candy thong WILL rise 
i want to hump something to this song no cap 
i literally refuse to believe this is fucking harry 
im so glad he didnt include medice, anna, or baby honey cause those feel like so last era and this is something so fucking crazy and great and insane and so elevated i cant imagine those songs fitting 
that piano really fucking hitting 
i hope u all now im BOPPIN 
so cute . buttery. warm loght i see so much in this its comforting
hes the boyfriend we all dream him to be and its like ,,, but why would u say that tho cause it kinda hurted me even tho it was true 
. oW booP boo BooP wooP WOOO up dO DODO”
canyan moon:
I fucking love this song 
all the lyrics 
carry the feeling 
thinking back to the time under the canyon moon 
the whistleing 
pretends not to know the words 
been gone too long from you 
i actually shed a tear this song is so good 
oh hell yes 
ok who ever said it was like “dont stop me now” fucking burn 
u know im gonna be fucking screaming and clapping and driving this at the same time when im going to work tomorrow 
when our friends all pass awa y 
it wS like woah then W O A H 
tour closer. i said it. 
fine line:
oh i fucks w this 
the ghosty beginning 
i dont want to sleep in that dark
we’ll be a fine line. 
it sounds so raw and sad and honest and final. 
this reminds me of ftdt. his closer tracks always hit hard 
this is a comfort song. when ur driving home after a bad day and ur playing this n know its all gonna be pkay... no just me ok 
the trumpoets the cymbols 
i just saw a SHINE break through m e
this is so fucking so fucking good 
so so so so good 
im crying 
i needed this song 
i cant wait to see it in concert 
the silence. 
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dracjoonie · 6 years
BTS Reactions - They Have A Crush On Their New Tour Photographer (Photographer!Reader)
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I tried to have some fun with this one, I’m not sure if its 100% what you wanted but hopefully its still entertaining <3
Tags: Just fluff and awkwardness
Requests are open !  𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥  
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You would have caught his eye immediately. He’s a grown ass adult so idk if “crush” would be an appropriate word to use, but he’d definitely be interested. And not at all afraid to show it. From day one of meeting you he would be walking right up to you to make small talk.
“Hi, I’m worldwide cutie guy; Jin. What’s your name??....Y/N..? I like that.. it suits you.”
“I hope you like it here, let me know if any of the other guys give you trouble though, I’ll knock em out.” He’d say playfully throwing up his fists.
When it came to you going on tour with them he would find excuses to talk to you, or would catch you as you were walking down the hallway. He would never be so persistent that he made you uncomfortable, but his interest would definitely be known.I think he would also make sure you were always taken care of(made sure you were fed, that you were getting enough sleep, that your hotel accommodations were up to pare) , adding that same concern to the rest of the staff as an afterthought/cover-up. When it was time to perform and you were taking pictures he would be very aware of where you were located. Every single show he would find you and his eyes would only leave your camera when the choreo forced him to look away, or while he was interacting with fans. It would be 1000% more intense while he was singing his solos as well because it would be like he was singing to you. The little staff member in the corner with the big camera.
“Hey Jin..? I know this is a strange question… But have you..perhaps.. Been flirting with me?”
“Did you only know realize that? Sweetheart, you’ve got a lot to learn.”
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He would probably be a little shy upon meeting you. Maybe waltzing into the meeting  late/last and  noticing you in the room, and then he would have a hard to looking away. Might even start daydreaming while looking in your direction.  I think someone would probably notice him staring and bump his shoulder, and he would get all embarrassed about it. That classic gummy smile. He would say “Hi..” under his breath, and might awkwardly reach out his hand for you to shake.
He’d say~ “I’m Su-Yoongi, What’s your name?... Oh..Nice to meet you...Y/N.” Just before he bowed his head to you, smiling.
“Guess I’ll see you around.”
I think once tour started he would kind of keep tabs on you, but super lowkey so nobody would suspect anything or tease him. He would just want to know if you had showed up yet so he could compose himself in how to act around you. I don’t think he’s the type to catch a crush easily, so I think he wouldn’t really know how deal with one. New territory. But he would mostly try and act like it didn’t exist, or he would put up his typical cool/tough guy persona thinking that would make him seem more attractive to you.
During shows I think he would try and avoid eye contact with you as much as he could, but he would be hyper aware of your presence. Might even show off, or make sure when he was crowd pleasing it’d be at a good angle for you to take the best pictures. Mostly I just think he would pretend crushes were above him, but if he were ever confronted on it he would be super smooth about it.
“Hey, so I notice you always leave the room when I enter… have you been avoiding me.?”
“Truth is, I’m just a busy guy, but I’d be willing to tell you all about that over drinks some time..” *internal screaming*
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Like Jin I think he would be pretty unfazed. As soon as you met he would be all sly smiles and confidence. Wouldn’t be his first rodeo. He knows his strengths, and he would know how to use them to catch your attention. He would have no problem walking right up to you and introducing himself personally. Would also probably find and excuse to touch you.
“Hey, I’m Hoseok but you can call me Hope. We don’t usually get new staff as cute as you; I’m sorry, what was your name again?....Y/N? I’ll remember that.” Winks.
“Oh, let me just..” As he reaches out to move a misplaced strand of hair.
“There you go. Let me know if you need anything, I’ll take care of it personally.”
So confident he gets called out by the other members for his boldness. Honestly if he had a crush I think “Jay” would take over, and we all know how that goes. I think on tour he would be the most obvious. He’s already rude on stage, but he would be worse. And always in full view of you, making eye contact at the most spine chilling times before licking his lips and flinging water all over the crowd. He’d also be gauging the way you would look at him off stage, especially after a show. Guy would 100% know what he was doing to you at all times.
“Hey, so Hoseok? I think I’m gonna have to delete most of tonight's photos.. They’re very….”
“Very what?” He’d say getting closer, eyeing you as you fiddled with your camera nervously. 
“Um…. risque.”
“Hmm, You know.. You’re even cuter when you blush.”
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He would get real stiff as soon as you entered the meeting room, probably nothing too noticeable, but he would be moving his hands around a lot or pushing his chin out a little more than usual. Probably would just try and remain professional and not give you much attention. Wouldn’t have too much trouble introducing himself, mostly from all the years of being the leader and having to get past his shyness.
“I’m RM..But you can just call me Namjoon.. This is-” Starts introducing all the other members. “I’m sorry, what was your name again? Y/N..hm.. so um.. How long have you worked as a photographer for? OH, well, we’re lucky to have you as part of the team.” And that would fill the quota for his social interaction with you that day. Nailed it.
During tour he would try not to be as much of a goof in front of you, wanting to give a good impression. But his goofiness would always follow him in the end. He would try to make small talk with you and wouldn’t be paying attention and would drop something, or be banging his hands on the table until things started falling. Or you would walk in while he was dancing around or making dorky sound effect and every time he would just hang his head in embarrassment. Probably would say sorry a lot, even though he hadn't done anything wrong. He would be thankful for the concerts because he could show you his cool side for once. Having the time of his life doing what he’s good at. And I think he would smile whenever he spotted your camera tracking him. It’d probably boost his confidence, and he would do more crowed pleasing because of it.
“So Namjoon.. I can't help but notice that you get really shy around me.. You wanna tell me something?”
“I..umm.” Gets really bashful.
“You caught me..” Gathers the last of his courage. “I can tell you about it over dinner some time if you’d like.. You can say no but.. I’m sorry, can I start over?”
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He would be shy and smiley, but would play it off too well. When you entered the room I feel like the members would tease him immediately because of the way he would be looking at you. But he would just laugh it off, maybe looking back to you and raising his brows. Pushing his hair back per usual as he composed himself. Probably would wait for someone else to introduce him. Always teeter tottering between actually being shy and faking it.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. Wow you are soo cute.” And then he’d laugh really shlyly...sorta...kinda...on purpose.
“Well, cya around.” He’d say before waving to you and biting his lip; totally would be pressing his hair back again per usual.
This kid would be such a lil shit on tour around you. From not so subtly flirting with you, to impromptu dance practice simply because you were in the same room working. Oh he’s sweating? Might as well lift up his shirt to wipe the sweat away. Oh did he flash you? Woops. In the midst of him being evil he would also be very attentive and sweet. He would/does always thank the staff after a show, but might lingering on you a little longer. Always making sure you were ok, maybe even asking if you would ever want to tag along with him and the gang on group lunch breaks. During the actual concerts though... He’d be dragging the other members into his thot antics too, no one is safe. He’d be all body rolls and lip bites, totally just for the fans though.
“Hey Jimin?.. so ummm.. I wanted to show you this shot of you I took tonight.. The spotlight made you look like-”
“An angel? I know. But why don’t we grab some Soju Bombs and I let you take some close ups instead?”
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He would be pretty awkward at first once he knew he caught a crush, but I think he’d warm up fast. He would probably just be sweet and quite once he first met you. Might ask Namjoon to help introduce him, but I think if he was being that obvious Namjoon and the members would just push him to do it himself.  
“Hi!... I’m V!..”
“Hi V, I’m Y/N”
“Oh!... but I knew that..”
He would be super smiley around you, and would just bounce his hair around super content. He would probably ask you a bunch of questions about your cameras and how you got into such a profession. Would be really interested in seeing your other works as well. Wants to be your #1 model.
I think during tour he would probably find excused to be around you a lot. Or would ask you to take aesthetic pictures of him wherever you were traveling. Would insist it had to be you because he loved your style. Would ask for ways to credit your work when he was uploading pictures, being especially respectful if you were older. During shows he would always be striving to do his best (does that anyway but) wanting to show you all of his talent and stardom. Would pose especially for you and would smile cutely when you’d give him a thumbs up after getting a good shot. I don’t think he would show of too much, just hoping you would like him back when he showed you his genuine self. Overall pure as gold, protect him.
“Hey, Y/N? There’s this museum I heard about in this city.. I was hoping you would go with me? We could take pictures… Maybe it could be… a date?”
“I thought you’d never ask~”
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He’s another one I think would be really awkward about it at first. Awkward and obvious as hell. As soon as he knew, he would stand as far away from you as humanly possible.  The other members might even have to physically drag him over to you to introduce himself.
“Hi! I’m JuNgkook!” He’d say overly loud, maybe his voice even cracking in the middle. And then he would just be awkwardly darting his eyes around the room to everything but you. That classic awkward smiley Jungshook face that falls into a 1000 yard stare when he thinks about it too hard.
“You ok there Jungkook?”
“Uhhhhh.. YeAh I’m gR8, you how are?... I mean…*cough*  What’s your name?”
Once he realized having a crush wasn’t gonna kill him he would get a little more confident. Might take some encouragement from the members, but he’d get there. Might be a dozen shows into the tour, but who’s counting? Eventually he would start acting more normal in front of you, slowly bringing in his jokes and his goofiness once he knew how much he liked making you laugh. Lots of slapstick. Probably would stare a little too long if he made you smile/laugh though. Mildly Jungshook at all times. During concerts he would try and put his underlying awkwardness aside and play it up 1000 for the fans. He’d probably try not to keep making eye contact with you in the crowd but it would happen anyway. And if literally ANYTHING mildly embarrassing happened on stage, full on Jungshook mode would be back and he’d just malfunction thinking about how you just saw that. Might have to pinch him.
“Hey Jungkook, whatcha daydreaming about?”
“OH! Uh.. I.DON’T.know.. “
Anyone else in the room→ “Dude just ask her out already, this is getting hard to watch.”
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gaiyofanfiction · 6 years
Misfortune Chapter 2
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Prologue - Prologue Pt. 2 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Idol!Jaebum x Solo Idol!Reader
Drama/Slight comedy
A/N: YAY SECOND CHAPTER. Thank you to everyone who’s supporting us and this fic. We’re enjoying writing it very much ^^ Here you go!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. The name of the idol (reader) as well as the fandom name are fake and made up by us. The real life idol’s personalities portrayed in this fic are also made up by us. To our knowledge, the idols in real life are total sweethearts. We do NOT condone fandom wars or trashing idols in the SLIGHTEST. We are hoping this story will bring awareness to how stupid and toxic fandom wars can be.
Trigger Warning: Anxiety attacks, flashbacks and depression for the most part. Toxic fandom wars and bullying (Which we’ll explain further into the story). May be something later.
Stepping on stage, you scan upon the colorful sea of people. ‘Smile, girl, ya gotta smile.’ You shake off your nerves and anger for JB and focus on your act.
You purr into the mic. “Hello KCON! Where my Kittens at, huh?” You hear cheers coming from all around. Suddenly it becomes illuminated with purple lights.
“Ahhh I see my Kittens have my purple Kitty Lightstick! Don’t you just love it?” The crowd cheers some more, but you also hear some booing. It gets louder and louder.
You set your gaze on the pit and see a lot of angry fans. One was even holding up a sign that said ‘Skin the cat!’ and another one nearby said ‘JB is our King!’ 
You roll your eyes and clear your throat. “Well, no reason to keep you all waiting. I will be performing my debut single, Trust.”
The lights change leaving only three lights beaming over you. They were three different shades of purple. Your favorite color. It felt like a warm, soft blanket. You felt a sudden boost of confidence. ‘I got this.’
The song starts and the words begin to flow right out of your mouth. You nailed every step, every word, every tune. The crowd was loving it. You even see Jimin and BamBam cheering for you off to the side of the stage. It was probably the most dabs you've ever seen BamBam do.
You were finally halfway through your song and the most important part was about to come up. But something caught you off guard from the corner of your eye. An anti was stealing one of your fan’s lightstick and snapped it in half.
Suddenly you trip and fall on stage. Several gasps filled the room. Quickly you get up and try to get back in sync, but you were still off beat. The song finishes and there were scattered claps then an uproar of boos.
You take a quick bow and disappear into the curtain. Your back smacks the wall and you pant loudly. The sudden panic attack made you sick to your stomach. ‘Oh god, I’m going to vomit.’
Sliding down slowly to the floor in a crouching position you hug your knees and take slow deep breaths. You hear footsteps approaching you, but you don’t look up.
“That was quite a performance, KAT.”
You didn’t even need to look up to know that was JB standing right over you.
“It’s KIT. J-Babo.”
“HA! That’s cute. Did you come up with that all on your own? Just like that little stumble of yours?”
You jump right up and get in his face. “I wouldn’t have messed up if I hadn’t seen one of your silly little fans steal one of my fan’s lightstick and break it in half right in from of them. What kind of star encourages that behavior?”
“A shining star. Me. A rising King in the Kpop world,” he says sinisterly as he flicks your forehead.
You smack away his hand. “Don’t you dare touch me!”
“Heyyyyy! Woah!” says BamBam as he shoulders his way in between you and JB.
“Don’t worry. I was just leaving. Unlike some people I have my dignity intact.” Your back is turned already as you start to exit the backstage.
Just before you exit, JB scoffs. “Pretty sure you lost your dignity when you fell on stage.”
Walking away, you throw up your middle finger. You take a deep breath in and sigh. ‘Let it go, don’t become the very thing you hate.’ Quickly exiting the stage tears start to form in the creases of your eyes.
Just as you take a sharp turn around the corner you bump into someone real hard.
“HEY! WHAT THE- Oh! Jimin… I’m so sorry. I’m-” Your voice cracks.
Jimin immediately brings you in for a tight hug. “Girlfriend, I know, I know. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just unwind, okay? How about we go to the bar and grab a couple drinks tonight, hm? My treat!”
You really could use a friend right now. Especially after everything that’s been going on.
“Yes, please! I really need it,” you say as you muster up a smile for Jimin.
“Atta girl! LET’S GET TURNT WOOP WOOP!” Jimin says as she jumps up and down.
The both of you burst out laughing. This girl always knows how to make you feel better. “Alright, alright, let’s not get too crazy ya goof.”
The two of you meet up at a local bar. After you two enter, you see a handful of people scattered throughout the bar, but no one you recognize. Sighing in relief, you pick a table to sit at and start to look at the drink menu.
The bartender comes up. She didn’t seem to recognize you, so that was a good sign. Even in America, your anxiety about antis gets the best of you.
“Hey girls! What would you both like today?”
You stare at the menu and look up at Jimin with a blank stare.  Jimin nods and smiles. She then looks to the bartender, “give us two tequila sunrises!”
The bartender nods and starts to make you the drinks.
“You’re really trying to get me effed up tonight, aren’t you?”
Jimin giggles, “girl, you need it. Besides, tomorrow is your day off!”
Glancing around the bar, you notice something. A familiar girl was sitting in the corner with a solemn look on her face. You tilt your head, trying to figure out where you know her from. You look at the table where she's staring and notice your KITbong, broken into two pieces.
‘That's the girl who got her light stick broken at the show.’
Your eyes soften. It hurt you to see your fans look so upset. You turn to Jimin. “Hey, I'll be right back, okay?”
She nods, a confused look on her face. You grab your bag and gently walk up to the girl. You tap her on the shoulder, trying to get her attention. She looks up, wondering who was bothering her now. Her eyes widen when she sees you, putting a hand over her mouth.
You smile, “hi there. May I join you for a moment?”
She quickly nods her head, standing up immediately to pull out your chair. You giggle and raise your hand to stop her.
“It's okay, don't worry! Thank you for the kindness.”
You pull the chair out and have a seat next to her. She just stares at you, wide eyed. Not believing you're actually sitting here with her.
You tilt your head, “are you okay, sweetie?”
She nods her head, hyperventilating. “Oh my god, you’re KIT. Actually sitting here. With me. Right now.”
You laugh, “so I take it you're a fan?”
She nods her head faster. “I'm a HUGE fan. Kittens are my favorite fandom. You're my ultimate bias!”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You place a hand over your heart and take one of her shaking hands into yours. She stiffens at the contact before relaxing into the touch.
“You're so sweet. Thank you so much, you have no idea what it means to me. What's your name, hon?”
You giggle. “Well Lucy, I have a confession. I came over here because I noticed at the concert that someone had taken your light stick and broke it.”
Her eyes turn from shock into sadness at the memory. “Yeah, I was devastated. I can't believe they did that, it was my favorite light stick.”
“Well, I think I have something for you.” Still holding her hand, you reach into your bag and retrieve your light stick. “I wanted to give you this. It's my personal light stick and I really want you to have it.”
The girl's eyes widen shaking her head. “N-No! I couldn't do that! That's yours!”
You smile and take out a sharpie. You write ‘To my biggest fan, Lucy. Love, KIT’ signing your autograph.
“Well, now it's yours!”
The girl takes the lightstick with shaky hands. Her lip starts to quiver, tears falling down her face. She jumps out of her chair and hugs you tightly. You laugh and hug her back, just as tight.
“T-thank you so much. You're amazing, I love you so much.”
You stand up and bow your head. “I hope to see you again soon, Lucy. Take care. And remember to be a fierce kitten wherever you go.”
You wink at her, making her blush and head back to Jimin. “What was all that about?” she asks, confused.
You sigh and tell her the story of how one of JB’s fans decided to snap her poor lightstick in half. You wanted to make her feel better. Jimin smiles, patting your head.
“You're amazing, you know that?”
Happy with how the meeting with your fan went, you were finally able to relax and have fun with some good company. Of course for you, though, your happiness always comes to an abrupt halt.
In the distance you hear a familiar tune. Your heart skips a beat. ‘I-It’s...my song.’
You and Jimin turn around to see a group of young girls doing karaoke to your latest hit. The girls are dancing around and smiling. They turn to you and wink. You almost choke on your drink.
The one girl holding the mic points to you and says, “this one is for a special someone!”
Nervously smiling, you’re unsure how this is going to go down, but you have a bad feeling it’s not going to go your way.
The girl starts to sing your song, but it was completely out of tune. She screams into the mic horribly and even mixed up your words. The whole bar starts to laugh. It felt like you were on stage again being humiliated.
In the middle of it all, she decides to walk over to your table. “This is for the worst song of the year written and sung by the shittiest artist!”
She swiftly grabs your drink and pours it over your head. Your face read disbelief. You felt every drop of that drink slowly waterfall over you.
Jimin immediately takes the mic and shoves the girl out of the way. She puts the mic up to her lips, “and here’s to the crazy anti fans who think they’re better than everyone else. Get. A. Life.” She glares at the young girls and does a mic drop.
“C’mon, who needs ‘em.” She puts an arm over your and escorts you out of the bar.
Jimin hurries you back to the hotel to clean you up. Your anxiety took over, causing you to not be able to help yourself. You completely shut down. As she helps you undress and get into the bath, you didn’t say a word. What could you say? You didn’t know how to feel, and if you did, you wouldn’t know how to say it.
You had a flashback of an incident that happened a few months after you left JYP, right after JJProject debuted. You were sitting in a café by yourself, trying to come up with an audition for FNC Entertainment. As you were trying to pick out a song, you suddenly get Americano dumped all over you. You turn around to see a girl with a smirk on her face, who, of course, happened to be wearing a JJProject t-shirt.
Sliding down into the tub, the bottom half of your face covered by the bubbles, you wonder if all your misfortune would ever cease.
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theo-loves-broadway · 6 years
spongebob 9/16 (LAST SHOW) notes
the band on the right side of the stage was playing while people found their seats and whenever they finished a song, there was huge applause
tom kitt was in the audience (and i got a photo with him!!)
patchy the pirate got wild applause
the security guard who talked about no phones called out someone in the mezzanine for having theirs out!!!
ETHAN. SLATER. he couldn’t start singing for a while because the applause was so loud and there was so much cheering and whistling oh my gosh
when Danny entered, again wild applause, but the people realized they had to keep going or else they would never get through the show
he was crying throughout most of the first act (most evidently during his solo in bikini bottom day)
oh my GOD when gavin lee entered people were on their feet and wooping and cheering and clapping, it was madness
sandy didn’t get as much applause, but still enough to make the song have to stop for a moment
when people were going down the isles the crowd promptly lost their minds and screamed
jaylen’s voice absolutely slayed my life and i was blown away
the end of bikini bottom day!!!! the clapping was madness and you got to see all the actors breathing really heavily in their poses
side note: ethan slater is a gd contortionist the man is FLEXIBLE like he was doing splits in “just a simple sponge”
when the stage starts shaking because of the volcano, ethan made the CUTEST face and i just sjdksd i love him
the news reporter in no control, again, wild applause
BFF WAS SO ADORABLE IT HURT and danny was trying so hard not to cry
when him and ethan hugged it was so adorable and they lingered on it for a little bit longer fjskdf
WESLEY TAYLOR my man was killing it tonight, really making all his movements deliberate and again he’s also super flexible
his rap in when the going gets tough was faster than guns and ships and the audience was screaming we loved him
gavin lee is so adorable when talking about “tentacle spectacle the musical”
as soon as the opening chords of “just a simple sponge” played, the audience was yelling, and ethan looked like he was trying not to smile
i think maybe his voice was sore or something, because when he builds to the “no i’m not a simple spOOOOOOnge” he had to take it down an octave, which was fine it still sounded good
but at the end when he held that “spoooooonge” and then went up really high, the audience was on their feet chanting and it was amazing
ethan slater looked ADORABLE when he put the pink dress on during “daddy knows best”
jaylen got a standing ovation for her solos in that song and she DESERVED IT
hero is my middle name was great, and the audience was really into it!!! so much cheering!!
oh my god when danny was swept away by his cult followers, ethan looked so hurt and i swear he was crying
the fight between danny and ethan on stage, i could almost hear their voices breaking; it must have been so tough to yell at someone when it’s the last time you’ll work with them (for a while)
i was crying during tomorrow is because ethan looked so dejected
when the narrator said “last intermission ever” the audience broke out into a unanimous “NOOOOOOOOO” and it was the best thing ever
i met kyle jarrow and got a photo with him he was amazing!!
patchy came back and the audience wouldn’t stop cheering no matter how hard he tried to make us stop
poor pirates was a BOP and i never really loved that song, but with the people coming down the isle and taking selfies, it was really good
ethan thinking the apocalypse was a dream is a mood
and allan k washington was a lovely gary dkfj we had larry sitting on the stage
“we can trust our government” the audience died
the eruptor interruptor received so much applause and the little thing between christina and ethan made me so happy
anytime wesley is on stage the audience is cheering
“rhombus slacks” the audience SCREAMED
the electric skates were phenomenal and they were rollerskating and skating on stage it was incredible and the audience was on their feet
gavin lee is hilarious jot that down
chop to the top was amazing!! christina was out of breath but she still killed it
ethan was on the verge of tears when she said “don’t be afraid, i’ll be with you all the way”
danny’s voice was breaking during “i guess i miss you” and i was so crying during that
also ethan looked so devastated i thought he was gonna cry
oh MAN when the electric skates called gavin a loser, the audience went “oooo” for a long time and was ready to FIGHT
i’m not a loser was the best song in the whole show, fight me
there was so much cheering, and oh my GOSH at the end, gavin couldn’t leave the stage for MINUTES because there was raucous applause, and gavin was laughing and smiling
the audience lost their minds when danny flew in
the last friend dance made me cry, and i think danny was crying too
when ethan kept chanting “i am not a simple sponge” he sounded like he was crying, and AGAIN he’s a contortionist i swear
during best day ever, ethan managed to sing “just 6 more minutes left” and PROMPTLY STARTED CRYING AND I WAS CRYING TOO
AND the audience was cheering him on and he kept going, but he was a mess throughout but i loved it
patchy meeting spongebob was the ultimate fangirl experience
oh man people were on their feet since the beginning of the last song
the applause built and built, and i think reached peak around wesley taylor
when ethan came on, if you can imagine like a metal concert through a speaker, that was this
absolute insanity, and ethan was smiling and crying
the whole audience sang the theme song and i LOVED it
tina’s speech was so beautiful
wild energy, and the WHOLE cast came out!
they were so kind, and talked to me and other people too!
this was an unforgettable experience, and i am so grateful to have seen it
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kekoaskorner · 6 years
To be honest with you I was really looking forward to this gig until it was clear that my football team LFC will play on the same date. Thanks to abc production I got to see the incredible Anastacia again (Queen of Sprok) and it was well worth it.
At 8.30 Anastacia took the stage with a huge hit “Left outside Alone”. It became clear that she meant business. 6 musicians and a three story high stage including various light effects supported her amazing voice. As soon as she started I was glad I came and the whole Volkshaus was too. From the first song everyone was singing along and Anastacia loved it. She loves Switzerland and that is no secret.
With her newest single “Caught in the Middle” the set continued. Both songs were very rocky which set the tone for the night. However it wouldn’t be an Anastacia concert if she didn’t have some soul and pop songs. “I can feel you” and “Redlight” were next. As you might know I had slight inflammation in my knee so I couldn’t really dance. But let me tell you already it wasn’t easy! Anastacia’s next song “Sick and Tired” is such a personal song with so much passion. It’s one of my favourite live songs because during the chorus everyone is waving their hands and is enjoying themselves.
Live Music: You watch me, I watch you 🙂
“Before” sounds like a fighting anthem and if you know Anastacia’s history you know why. She is a strong beautiful woman with a brilliant voice you’ll recognize immediately. For the next one she said:
This is a song from the first album. If any of you guys are under 16 you might not know the song but it’s called “Cowboys and Kisses”
The summer feeling continued with “One Day in Your Life”. This song was one of the summer hits in 2009 and is still an amazing song that makes you want to dance right away. While Anastacia left the stage for a costume change the musicians did a great job doing a funk medley including Bruno Mars. With “Nobody loves Me better” she came back with a super sexy outfit. However Anastacia has not only men in her audience. It is a divers mix. Women and men of all ages, in couples or on a ladies night out. I loved the fact that you really couldn’t describe the typical Anastacia fan. At one point she asked how many of you see me for the first time? Half of the Volkshaus raised their hands. So she said:
Where have you been? 🙂
Seriously where have you been? She comes to Switzerland at least once a year and has been around for well over 10 years. However it is fascinating how she gathers new audience every time she is here. But most people are able to singalong and so we supported her during “Pieces of a Dream”. Lots of people were in awe of her beautiful and strong voice – very understandable.
“Why” of her latest record Evolution followed. I don’t know why but the next song is special because it will get stuck in your head and I love the dance she and the two dancers are doing for “Stupid Little Things”. When the first chords of “Paid my dues” started I couldn’t believe that she was already playing it since it was one of the biggest hits. I checked my watch and I saw that we were coming to an end. The past hour flew by!
A few years back Anastacia released an album where she covered all the classic rock songs… Stones, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Foo Fighters and many more. Unfortunately she was not able to tour that album because she was diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time. However she wanted to perform those songs live at least once so on her App we were able to choose which song of that album she would perform tonight. And Led Zeppelin’s “Ramble On” won.
“I Do” and “Boxer” off the new record were the two songs before the musicians left the stage. After minutes of deafening applause and stomping and wooping Anastacia came back on stage with a slow new song called “My Everything”. She told us that we are her everything. She feels so blessed that we still come to see her and support her doing what she loves to do so that’s why she wrote this song – for her Fanily. Her voice gave me goose bumps and it was a very quiet beautiful moment.
For her last song she asked everyone to stand up and everyone obliged. I tried my best to dance with only one leg properly working. So the Volkshaus turned into a club where people had a good time including dancing and singing to “I’m Outta Love”. After an hour and 40 minutes of pure Entertainment from the Master of Sprok Anastacia said Goodbye. I already know that I want to see her again but I really do hope that at least 50% of the people who saw her for the first time that night will come back because she deserves it.
Calling on all my Fanily members, please share your experience below.
Check out my latest gigs: Turin Brakes, Isaac Gracie, Seven
Master of the night: @AnastaciaMusic Read more about the brill gig in Zurich! #Anastacia #Evolution #Fanily To be honest with you I was really looking forward to this gig until it was clear that my football team LFC will play on the same date.
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Relentless | Calum Hood Series Pt.15
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                                              Part F I F T E E N
Request: Being the cousin of Ashton Irwin was exciting, especially when invited to their tour to hang out with his best friends. You found yourself becoming fond of Calum Hood, who finds you annoying from your constant appearance. But what would happen if you stopped giving him that attention?
Word Count: 4k+ (long af)
A/N: sha-woops, made this part super long. aha, hope that’s okay for you guys! i really hope you enjoy this series, because i think i’ll be making a ‘book two’ for it ! let me know what ya’ll think about that and i hope you enjoy this part x
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. [DONE]  
                                                I M A G I N E
Century Hall, 7:02 P.M. (Pop-up concert)
“I was just... curious...” You whispered, hugging your arms as your eyes stayed on the ground. Tears streamed down your cheeks rapidly, uncertain if they were going to stop anytime soon. Ashton was still in front of you in your defense, feeling a little sad from your sadness. “I didn’t mean to... cause anythin’...” 
“Fuck, no, Y/N, I’m so sorry!” Calum pleaded, having him try to get to you. He ripped Michael’s hands off him. But Ashton blocked him, having Calum struggle in his arms as Ashton kept him away. “Ashton, she’s fucking crying, she needs a hug!” 
“If you hug her now, you’ll be stuck here and we have to perform in about 3 minutes,” Ashton said bitterly. He looked over at you and shot you a sympathetic smile. “You’ve already done the damage as is, lad. You might as well give her time.” 
“But she needs answers and--!” Michael tried, but Ashton was far too assertive. 
“We’re at a pop-up show and we have to deliver what the people have come and paid for.” You knew it pained Ashton to leave you unanswered and teary-eyed on your own. But the both of you understood and you were okay with it. Ashton always decides things with the right intentions, so you didn’t mind waiting. 
“Ash,” you began softly, patting the back of his shoulder with your hand. “You can let go of him, it’s alright. I’m not mad or anything. And I’ll let him go in time for the performance.” Reluctantly, Ashton unwrapped his arms from your boyfriend and stepped to the side with Luke and Michael. Quickly, Calum grabbed you in an embrace. 
You felt your heart get soothed by Calum’s familiar hug and the warmth he always provides. It always felt nice just to be held by him, even if it’s a few minutes worth of silence. His scent was intoxicating, and hugging was just one of the most intimate things you like doing with him without stripping. 
“I’m sorry for accusing you, love,” Calum whispered gently at your ear. His fingers of one hand weaved through your hair and began to massage your scalp slowly. “I know you’d never do something like that-- especially because I haven’t even told you the pass code to my phone. You’re right.” 
“It’s okay,” you muttered against his chest. You felt bad for soiling his shirt with your tears, even though they’re just salty and transparent. “I’m not mad at you. I just wanted to know why you were... dreaming about her...” You slowly raise your arms up and grab onto the back of Calum’s shirt. They hung loose, but were firmly stuck. 
“That makes perfect sense, you deserve that.” He hugged you a little tighter, the both of you silently listening as the crowd was clapping off One OK Rock. But you nor Calum really wanted to separate from the current embrace. It felt so inviting and endearing, you wanted it to last forever. “Y/N, we have to...” 
“Okay.” You quickly obliged, letting Calum go as you looked at his sad face. It was a genuine pout, his cheeks a little bloated with his eyes glossed with potential tears. You have seen him cry before, and you really dislike it. So he sucked it up for you and sent you a sad smile. 
“Calum,” Ashton called out to Calum as One OK Rock hugged Luke and Michael. Ashton held his two drumsticks in one hand, clenching them strongly in annoyance. “That’s my cousin you’re with, alright? Stop fucking around with her feelings. It’s pissing me off.” 
With that, Ashton escaped onto the dimly lit stage where the fans shouted again like a wave. Calum quickly gave Taka and his band some appreciation as well as you did. You tried ridding your face of tears and hoped that backstage was dim enough so they didn’t see your bloated, red face. 
“Did you enjoy the show, Y/N?” Taka asked excitedly, seeing him glisten from the sweat he has collected. You smiled with some regret, knowing that you didn’t get to listen to the last few songs from the brewing drama. 
“You guys are amazing!” You mused. “My favorite was Wherever You Are. It was so nice, so sweet... Wherever you are, I’ll always make you smile-- I loved it so much!” You giggled from your awful singing, but Taka applauded you and encouraged it. 
“You’re really cheeky, Y/N,” Taka compliments. “I’m really glad you’re gonna join us when we head to America for the North American tour.” You nodded in agreement, giving him another hug as well as the others before they disappeared back stage to change. 
“We’ll see you on stage, Calum!” Michael called out to the Māori as he and Luke were ready with their guitars. The workers were ensuring that the ear pieces were good before letting them on stage. Calum gives them a nod as he grabs his bass and straps it on him. He then goes to you and cups your face. 
“Hey beautiful, please stop crying, okay?” Calum said softly. His thumbs swiped along the top of your cheeks, feeling the little tears that were left on them. “We’ll talk about it after the concert on the plane ride tonight, okay?” 
“We’re going on a plane tonight?” You exclaimed, looking into the boy’s eyes with shock. It’s going to be 9 or 10 P.M. by the time the boys finish their concert. Leaving Japan at night? You lot are going to be exhausted beyond compared, and that’s coming from a college student. 
“The management is really pissed,” Calum said with a chuckle. You giggled with him, feeling goosebumps collect along your arms as he touched your face. It was so delightful and comforting to know that Calum will explain everything to you. It kept your stomach from churning. “Anyways... d’you mind if I could get a good luck kiss? I know you must be fumed at me and--” 
Before he knew it, you got on your toes and grabbed the back of his neck to place your lips on his. He was shocked at first, but quickly melted into the kiss. He bent down so it was easier for you, having you smile against his lips before nipping at the bottom ones. They were so soft, so moist. They tasted like cocoa butter and Doritos, and you were completely fine with it. He moaned lightly against your lips, feeling the vibration of the sounds against your mouth. 
“Fuck, as much as I want to keep kissing you,” Calum said quickly once he pulled you off. “I have a performance to go to.” 
“Go,” you whispered, giving him a reassuring smile. “They need you out there, punkrocker.” With those words in mind, Calum gives you another kiss on your forehead before fleeing to the stage. You smiled, feeling your heart calm down now that Calum was going to be willing to talk to you. 
On the plane, 10:43 P.M.
The plane had a quick, but steady lift off from the ground and away into the air from the airport. All the boys were already seated, riding in Coach seats as the management treated them with luxury. Behind you and Calum, there was Luke with Ashton, asleep. Beside you, Taka was sat with his drummer, speaking in Japanese ever so casually. In front of you, Michael had his own two free seats to extend his legs.
“Alright, then,” Calum began, his voice immensely calm as he turned a bit to face you better. You watch as he takes out his phone from his pocket and holds it in both of his hands. “Nia Lovelis is the drummer of Hey Violet. I assume the lads told you?” You nodded. “And we met the band in 2015, so it’s been a while.” 
“So... Me and Nia hit it off pretty well, I think,” Calum began softly. “We had a lot of things in common, we went out to eat a lot when the others were busy, and she was always available to me whenever I felt off track. Of course, she wasn’t a you, but she was some sort of support to me and I appreciated that.” 
“I’m glad she was there for you,” you said softly. It bothered you a bit that you couldn’t be, but Calum was accordingly annoyed at you at that time and couldn’t find the balls to reconnect with you. 
“But it went to the point where I wanted affection,” Calum admitted, clearing his throat as he bobbed his Adams apple. “And I knew that she fancied me. She made it so incredibly obvious. All these flirtatious touches, getting me small gifts-- it was so annoying. But I used her liking of me in order to... satisfy my needs.” 
“D-did you... have, um...” You couldn’t let the word sex slip out without feeling awkward and embarrassed. But Calum caught on and shook his head. 
“Nah, it was just a lot of kissing and cuddling really,” Calum said simply. “But during all of it, I just didn’t find her attractive. She’s beautiful, really, and I think she has a nice personality. But Nia just isn’t my cup of tea...” You giggled. 
“S-so that was all then?” You asked for confirmation. “You guys didn’t date, you just sort’ve had a fling without the sex.”
“Exactly.” Calum let that word slip so easily. You just knew the certainty in his voice and trusted it completely. After all, Calum willingly ripped you away from Nick Jonas in order to have you. And they’re pretty good friends. 
“I feel much better,” you say with a long sigh. Calum chuckled lowly as he rubbed your upper back. “It put me in a shitty mood, and that’s why I was like that this morning.” 
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, Princess!” Calum said as he pulled you in for a quick hug. “I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t even know her name slipped off my tongue in my sleep.” 
“You were probably dreaming and she was innit,” you proposed. 
“But I don’t even know what I did in the dream or said in it as well,” Calum admits, his shoulders dropping from his lack of remembering. You placed your hand over his, reassuring him that it was all okay. “D’you know what I said? Like, what you heard?”
“Oh, well...” You began, looking distantly at his phone. “You said ‘I love her,’ and it was a little broken. And then you said ‘I’m sorry, Nia,’ like you’ve hurt her feelings.” 
“I did hurt her feelings, actually.” 
“Yeah, she asked me out, right,” Calum began. “But I just really wasn’t interested, and I dropped both that and our whole little thing we had. Whatever it was. It’s been like 2 or 3 months since then.” 
The way Calum had been explaining it to you seemed so casual. Earlier, he went insane that you even uttered her name. But now that he knew why you were curious, he was okay with it. Talk about being cold. 
“Did you even enjoy it?” You asked semi-shyly. 
“Not really,” Calum said quietly. “And even though I cut that off with her, she still annoys me about it. I want to show you-- but not to piss you off, but to show that I don’t give a fuck.” He opened his phone, having you notice that he opened it slowly to show you the pass code.
“Your pass code...” You began. “It’s my birthday?” Calum looked at you with a soft smile, his almost eyes slightly glowing. 
“Well, yeah...” Calum began. “It’s been like that for a while now. I just thought of you constantly that this just happened subconsciously.” You felt your heart flutter at that as you watched him pull out a few text messages. “I’m gonna scroll up to even before you came and we hooked up.” 
Taking the phone in your hand, you delicately press against the screen with your index finger. Your eyes widened in shock to see how desperate this girl was for Calum. But you felt at ease when Calum repeatedly turned her down or ignored her. 
Nia: i want you 
Nia: i cant wait to see u in N.Y. x 
Nia: we’re gonna spend some alone time together, rite? 
Nia: i want to feel those lips again 
                                                                              Nia, please stop :Me [Calum]
                                                                                  i have a girlfriend now. :Me
Nia: but i miss what we had
Nia: even if you don’t like me like that, i don’t care! 
Nia: please, calum 
“It was wrong of me to use her since I acknowledged her feelings,” Calum said quietly, shame dancing on his tongue. “But I desperately wanted some stimulation and she was very obvious.” You nodded, returning his phone graciously as you gave him a small smile. 
“I’m very happy you told me, though,” you said softly. “I felt so nervous, I didn’t know what to think when you said her name in your sleep. I’m sorry I felt a little insecure...” 
“Y/N, no!” Calum exclaimed, putting his phone away to hold your hands in his. “I should be sorry. I overreacted to a point where had the best assumption to believe I was cheating on you. I was so nervous that you read those texts or something without knowing the real story, even if I was denying them in the convo. I just didn’t want you to think she was above you or anything, because she isn’t. And don’t think I’ll do what I did to her-- every girl I’ve touched, you were the only one in my mind. The only girl in my head.” 
You quickly leaned in to kiss Calum on his lips. After those words, you felt like your head was in the clouds. Pure elation was emitting you as you kissed the tender lips of the boy you adore so much. He was so sweet and so cautious, even if he ended up hurting you for a moment. You knew he’d never do anything to hurt you on purpose and for that, you are grateful. 
“Y/N, I wanted to ask you something,” Calum began as he slowly detached from your lips. You pout at the lack of his warm lips, but light up in confusion to his request. “But I wasn’t sure to because you’d think it would be unnecessary or corny.” 
“Calum, you can literally ask me anything,” you reassure softly, squeezing those calloused hands of his. 
“When we get to New York City and take ourselves a nice, long rest,” Calum began slowly, having his cheeks flush a bit. “We can take the whole day off to go on a date. I know it sounds cheesy, but I want to show you all my favorite places of the city and just be in your presence.” 
“Calum, that’s not corny!” You urged, looking down at your hands distantly. His large ones covered yours, seeing the contrast from your soft ones with his rough ones. But you couldn’t help and love his hands and how warm they made you feel just by the touch. “That’s incredibly romantic and we haven’t really had a proper date yet...” 
“Then yeah?” Calum’s eyes glowed. 
“Yeah,” you say happily, receiving another sweet kiss from Calum as you guys squeezed each others hands. Everything felt back to normal again, feeling the warmth of his love return to your heart completely. 
New York City, 1:18 P.M. 
“Make sure she actually gets into her pajamas, okay?” Ashton called out to Calum, having him chuckle before nodding. You were so tired, you barely had the energy to move your body much. So Calum got a separate luggage cart and put your fetal-positioned body on it. Although silly, it was convenient that he was rolling you around so you didn’t have to use your legs. 
“I’ll try, mate,” Calum snickered, having you listen as he took out the keycard to your suite and accessed it with ease. 
“And don’t try anything funny, Hood!” Ashton hissed as Calum rolled you inside. You couldn’t help but smile while you attempted to remain asleep. Calum even chuckled a bit before closing the door and turning on the lights. Opening your eyes just a bit, you saw another nice hotel room you had the pleasure to stay in. 
“Hey, Princess,” Calum called to you softly, having you tilt your head over to look up at the Maori boy before you. He looked just as exhausted as you. It made you frown a bit, but he was used to this lifestyle by now. It didn’t affect him much. “Let’s get you out of those clothes and into bed, yeah?” 
“But I’m so... sleepy...” You muttered, your mouth extremely dry. You had slept an hour by the end of the flight, having you still dead from the flight. Especially because it was daytime, you couldn’t help but dread the light. You felt bad that your sleeping schedule was going to be ruined, but you didn’t mind that too much. “Calum... the curtains--” 
“I got it, love.” Calum grabbed down all the black curtains of the windows, dimming the room an incredible amount. You watched as he slowly deprived you of the beautiful sight that was New York. But you honestly couldn’t handle the daytime right now. “Let’s get you comfortable, baby.” 
Calum goes over and grabs you by your wrists, having you grab his so he could lift you up. You felt him sqeeze your wrists tightly and bring you to your feet with all the strength he had. You wrapped your arm over his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around your waist. Guiding you over to the bathroom, he turned on the light and noticed the huge counter of the sink. 
“Up you go!” Calum began, grabbing your waist with both of his hands as he lifted you up on the counter. Your upper body felt fairly weak from exhaustion, having you constantly sturggling to keep yourself up as Calum fled to get you pajamas from your luggage. He came back quickly with some pastel shorts and a No Face shirt from Hot Topic. “Do you want me to help you?” 
“N-no, I can handle it...” You said sleepily, a yawn escaping your lips right after. He chuckled, shaking his head before going to grab the hem of your shirt. You obliged and lifted your arms, allowing him to peel off your shirt. You attentively notice his face when staring at your torso, his cheeks turning into a sudden pink hue. 
It was cute to see Calum struggle to change you. He was so cautious not to touch your skin too much as you were tired. But you could see the desire in his eyes, so hot and everlasting, that you almost felt bad. But he was being a gentleman when tossing your shirt aside. 
“U-um...” Calum began, his voice much quieter as he shyly had his hands lifted. “Do you want to keep the bra on?” 
“Mm mm, take it off, please...” You said softly, partially from being bothered from it and partially to see Calum’s expression. 
His eyes were completely wide now, no trace of tiredness anywhere. His cheeks were flushing, with blood surging into them without his control. You watched through the small slivers of your eyelids how he began to get closer. You opened your legs, allowing his torso to be between them. You then felt his chest against yours. 
“I-I’m sorry, I have to reach over you t-to...” He stuttered adorably, having you nod in understanding. You felt as his fingers grabbed onto the latch, feeling his calloused fingers touch the warmth of your back. He was struggling to unclasp it, having you giggle a bit before he finally got it. He resided his chin on your shoulder, with his eyes completely shut to pull down the straps and remove the bra. Thats when Calum lost a bit of balance and pushed more against you. 
His strong chest was now really against yours, feeling your nipples perk up a bit from the impact and the lack of warmth from the bra. You knew Calum felt a little flustered up. One by the fact that he could feel your breasts against his chest. And two, the low moan you let out right by his ear. 
“I don’t see why you’re so flustered, Cal,” you teased in a raspy tone. “You have seen and sucked on these breasts before. Remember Dublin?” 
“Sh-shut up, I’m not flustered!” Calum denied, but you both knew he was. You giggled as you took Calums head and removed it from your shoulder. “Y/N, I am not opening my eyes--” 
“You don’t have to, stupid,” you say softly. “I’ll put on the shirt myself, okay?” He nodded, having you grab the shirt and slip it on with ease. Leaning your hands back down on the counter, you leaned back a bit to watch your oblivious boyfriend. You felt like teasing him a bit. 
“Are you done yet?” Calum asked, his eyes squeezed shut. You slowly lift your shirt up over your breasts, enough to show the both of them and their perky state. 
“Yeah, you can open your eyes now.” You watch as Calum opens them. His eyes immediately go down at your breast, having him flush up again with his lips parting a bit. You smirked, grabbing his shirt to prevent him from backing away. 
“You sure are a tease, aren’t you?” Calum growled lowly, having you giggle as you pulled him over to smash his lips on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close. It felt so good, feeling his lips on yours. They were slightly chapped but tasted like cocoa butter and danced with your lips perfectly. His bottom lip fit perfectly between yours as you sucked it eagerly. And although you were dominating just a bit, Calum wasn’t complaining. 
“Fuck, baby,” Calum moaned into your mouth, pulling away slowly as the two of you panted. Saliva had connected the both of your lips like a clothesline. It broke on its own and slid to the ground into oblivion. You were just as flushed as him now, feeling a bit embarrassed. “What happened to your tiredness?” 
“It went on temporary leave,” you joked quietly, having Calum chuckle a bit. You noticed that from your kissing, the shirt had slid back down and covered your breasts once more. It was warm and nice, even though its freedom was restricted again. “But now it’s back.” 
“Alright, let’s get your shorts on at the bed.” You nodded, yawning again as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriends waist. With your arms already wrapped around his neck, Calum hugs you with his and lifts you from the counter. You rest your head on his shoulder as he grabs your shorts and escapes from the bathroom. He walked over to the single, King sized bed of the room and gently laid you down on it. 
Under your arms, you felt the softness of the black, silky sheets. It was soothing and smelled like lemongrass and lavender. It perfectly combined with Calum’s touch. He was very delicate as you felt the back of his fingers slide down your thighs to pull your pants down. Coolness was introduced to your warm legs, but you hadn’t minded much as you lifted your waist up to allow Calum to slip on your shorts. At this rate, you wouldn’t have minded for Calum to take you here right now-- 
“There,” Calum mumbled, having you nod as you stood up and groggily walked over to the kitchen. You snorted when you walked past the cart you were brought in and sifted through the fridge for water. “Can you bring me a water bottle, too, love?” 
“Mhm.” Taking the two cool drinks in your hands, you walk back over to halt in surprise. You try to take in Calum removing his shirt to see his torso exposed. Tanned and toned as ever, with tattoos kissing his body all over. He wasn’t extremely built, but you knew he did try to keep himself in shape. And he is currently succeeding at that. To continue, his back was turned to you as he bent down to slide his pants down. You bit your bottom lip to see his cute butt covered by his black, Calvin Klein boxers. They were tight, outlining the features of his rear perfectly. 
“Stop checking me out,” Calum said with a snort as he glanced behind. You blushed, walking over as he straightened up and sat down on the bed. You placed the bottles on the bedside table as Calum fished for his phone from his pants and opened it. “Y/N, c’mere for a sec.” 
“Everything okay?” You hummed, crawling to the end of the bed to get next to him. You watch as he opened his camera and switched it to selfie mode. 
“Let’s take a photo,” Calum insisted with a warm smile. 
“Won’t the fans get mad?” You asked nervously. You were immensely considerate and thoughtful about Calum and the boys’ life. You didn’t want to ruin their career at all nor upset their fans. 
“A few might from jealousy,” Calum admitted. “But those girls at the airport like you, and a lot of fans loved the video Ashton had posted about us. So let’s take a photo, Princess.” 
Although you guys were tired, you had a lot of fun with your own little photo shoot. Calum couldn’t help himself, making the both of you do ridiculous poses. He even took several photos of just you attempting to be vogue. And even though you were insecure, you loved how happy it made the both of you feel. But Calum had finally settles for one photo in particular. 
It was a photo of you and him where your arms were wrapped around his neck loosely and he was smiling like he has never smiled before. 
“This one is perfect,” Calum said, smiling fondly as he provided some sort of cheeky caption and uploaded it on Twitter. “I can’t wait for my fans to see how beautiful you are right now.” He quickly squished your face like he does, but much more gently, to pull you in for a quick peck on the lips. 
“Shush,” you pout, feeling blood rush into your cheeks once more. He chuckled, allowing you to escape back up to the top of the bed to grab the water bottles. You return to him and pass him one, having the both of you drink it with much haste before tossing the empty bottles to the ground. 
“Alright, switching on my low battery mode and heading to bed,” Calum concluded, grabbing the blanket off the bed and slipping himself in. You quickly join, residing to his right as the both of you shifted for comfort. You hadn’t known about Calum, but you couldn’t settle real easily. 
“I’m cold...” You complained in a groan, shifting a lot in order to generate heat somehow. But you just didn’t feel any warmer. 
“C’mere then, baby,” Calum cooed. You got on all four, only to have Calum grab your waist and guide you over on top of him. His body was now between your legs as you sat on his crotch. And, of course, Calum couldn’t help but release a light moan. 
“Are you trying to say something, babe?” You asked quietly as you sat on his crotch gently. You watch Calum bite his bottom lip as he pushed his head back into the pillow. 
“I’m far too tired for that,” Calum admitted. “But I really do want to do it with you soon. Before you leave to your studies again.” You blushed, knowing the both of you were on the same page. 
“Y-yeah, we should...” You choked up a bit. Although you understand why the two of you would and you really would like to, sex was simply a flustering topic. It made you feel all sorts of ways. To be exposed to Calum, showing him your rawness as he shows you his. Sharing body heat with skin touching skin at a constant. Having him fill himself inside you, with the most gentlest yet exhilarating thrusts. 
“I can’t wait,” Calum said, giving you a genuine grin as he held your waist. You nod, sliding down so one side of your body was back on the bed. But you kept the other leg on him with your arms wrapped around his neck. He was so warm, and smelled like coconut oil. He was all you needed to sleep a good sleep. 
“Good night, Calum,” you whispered in his ear, nuzzling into his neck right after. Calum’s arm slid over around you as he kept his hand on your side. His index finger rubbed small circles on it, having it tickle you gently but not enough to laugh. 
“Goodnight, my love.” Calum planted a sweet kiss on your head as you slowly flutter your eyelids shut. “Dream about me.” 
“I can’t,” you say with a small smile. “You’re the wish I always dreamed about and it came true already.” 
ayeeeee ! i just really want to say thank you for all the support for my writing. i absolutely appreciate everybody who gives the time of day to read, whether they follow me or not, ‘like’ it or not, n reblog it or not. i hope my words make you all smile. please do tell me what you guys think here and ill be seeing you in the next part x
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evalocity · 7 years
Kind of game that isn’t one but anyway
I basically dared my bae Ria to answer a whole ask game so she dared me to do the same and that’s why this post was made x)) @itsmhayward ily xxx
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
On April 20th exactly. 
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
I want to know if my dreams (like of career and life) will become reality.
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Becoming an actual good person. Believe me you don’t want to meet 13-14 years old me .-.
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Tonight as I was working for my parents’s company with this suuuper nice guy which is the soulmate™
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
Yup. I would drop cegep (oh gosh yes), I would try to meet my tumblr friends at least once, and I’m so doing a road trip in South Korea. I would also spend each days trying to make peace with myself and will message all of my closest tumblr mutuals and irl friends to let them know how much I love them.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
Go to South Korea. Go to South Korea. Go to South Korea (Yes, I’m obsessed.)
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
He’s a christian martyr. He’s awesome. He’s been there for me all my life. His quotes are savage and soo true. He must be freaking done with my shit by now but I’m pretty sure he still loves me. I scare people when I say I love him cause they think I’m a crazy extremist. But if only they knew my headcanons about him and God (he has a crush on Satan I’m 100% sure), they would understand that guy himself will send me to hell. 
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Until I was 8 years old yes ! My last happy times were my trip to Japan, then I was sexually assaulted and bullied and changed schools and became antisocial as I was homeschooled and shit went down. 
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
I cried in front of my parents when they confronted me on my career plans cause I was too stressed out (they were nice btw I’m just nervous 24/7)
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
Hot guy that worked with me this weekend. He loves astronomy, so do I, he’s bae, like let’s do this. 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
Yes I would, I mean it depends on the situation and stuff, but I can imagine opening up to a stranger, human to human.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
I’m pretty sure it was with like one of my irl friends, he told me he liked me and it got awkward so I went so sleep #woops
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
I would tell my mom that I lover her and my dad very much. 
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
Beautiful like any other color tbh
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” - Jesus It basically means that I know the babe has to deal with my shit just as much as I do and it makes me feel less alone. 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
“Trashy, messy, life of a wifey” I’m Orion’s wifey so I guess it counts right ? I just needed a rhyme :( 
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
Part charity, part for my parents so I know they’ll be okay when they are old, part me so I can do whatever I want, part bank so I can save some and I would pay a trip for my friends. 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I’m quite forgiving with my friends but there’s a line that if you cross it, you and I are done (mainly betrayal like idk why but people LOVE betraying me). I always give second chances but once that’s done I have no pity for you anymore and will not care. I like being this way tbh
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Dear Élo, 
You just started high school ! It’s such a new world after homeschool isn’t it ? Try being nice with everyone, do NOT carry that heavy schoolbag on your back okay you don’t want a scoliosis, don’t befriend Delphine like omg babe don’t, don’t be mean to that boy ? I know you think it’s only a game but tbh it so wasn’t. Try getting dance and singing lessons ! Don’t participate to that school play like it wasn’t bad but wow we could’ve done so much better with our time rip x) Over all you’ll have fun :) Just keep your beautiful smile and work hard xx
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
Punk. Punk all the way. I tried to be pastel and it didn’t suit me that much.
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
Both can be super hot (#hotguyatwork) but I’m only interested in having my ears pierced in a lot of places, not really anywhere.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
Nope I don’t ! I don’t like lipstick cause I’m eating 24/7, I absolutely LOVE eyeshadow and eyeliner on eyes cause the eyes are what I find the prettiest on someone, and thats pretty much it.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
BTS with their AWESOME lyrics that are just so true I’m shook.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
We’re all equals. 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
I’ve never been to a concert rip
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
Hmm idk ? I’m a historian all of my idols are dead x)
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
I do, but like it’s a horrible mess so I won’t talk about it xp
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
Tumblr, writing, chocolate, milk, bath, sleep. Eeevery time.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
I’d dye it in red and would have really straight hair. I’m “Punk” so yolo huh.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
I’m choosing @jasonblossomsghost​ @itsmhayward​ @sugasugahanihani​ @nottodaygot7​ and I just decided I didn’t give a damn and that we will be 6 cause no way I’m choosing between @chocochims​ and @yooongigi​ I love y’all a LOT and we will go on an excursion to BTS’s dorm which will be quite entertaining and fun :’)) yolo
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
1. Fulfill my Dream™ because hum that’s the Dream™ ?
2. Be able to communicate with God by tumblr texts because omg that would be LIT and I need God’s advice more often and more clearly than with signs
3. Date hot guy idk if he’s my soulmate™ but I need this relationship 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
Yeah there’s definitely none. I wanna be Poison Ivy :3 
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
Badtripping quite probably. I thought my brain had switched and that I was going to be crazy for the rest of my life while being unable to ask someone to kill me. I thought I would never see my mom again. I felt the information going through my nerves and I had 1000 thoughts/secs which gave me the worst headache. Never agaiiiiiiiin
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Selling my body. Yeah no thanks. 
storms: you only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
This is the worst question ever :( I’ll only listen to Silver Spoon by BTS I think :( But I’ll regret it. Wow rip I really hate this question.
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
I literally fell in love tonight (jk, like 50% jk 50% idk but damn) anyway when I think about a future with this person I know I’m in love. 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
Nah I dont think so. I did a year ago and now I’m team long hair for a while.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
I don’t go to Starbucks that much so idk.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
My tumblr friends.
I’m daring the people I tagged in the excursion to do it ! If you don’t it’s fiine :3
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kistired · 7 years
woop woop going to a U2 concert tonight i love u2
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All the odd numbers 🙂
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Had to check who it was but uhmm nooo
3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nooo
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Nah
7. What happened tonight? I wanted to go to the beach but we’re all going on thursday instead I think so I sat at home doing chores and listening to crappy punk rock music
9. Is confidence cute? Yeah but I find people who are overly confident can come off as arrogant?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Like... maybe 4-5 tops who I honestly feel like I can express myself freely without having to worry about being judged.
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? GET FUCKED UP (Hopefully)
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Nah
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Like there’s quite a few people who have really made a difference in my life recently and I’m thankful to every single one of them because life has been a bit poop to me recently.
19. Have you had sex today? I wish
21. Are you in a good mood? Eh moderately, kinda suffering for a bit of the sads the past week but we’re getting there guys I think
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Uhm i’m not actually sure but I think his are blue/grey and so are mine ish so yeah. we’ll go with that.
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed anothergirl/boy? Cry, A lot.
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nah, like. I’m all for the clingy cutie shit and I need to laugh and just stop mid laugh and admire their cutie little face and then go back to laughing and kiss them a lot
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? I think so, I’m not even sure anymore dudette. Life is being strange to me and my emotions are a little all over but I’m picking them up.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nah I work with him and he’s actually pretty chill and we have quitev a bit in common and for once I actually have like a friend who I could probably really open up to? (I already kinda have to him) and it’s always been hard for me to really open up to guys? I have no idea why I just it kinda stems from me and my dad, although I love him and all it’s just we never had that close relationship as such of sharing? don’t get me wrong. I know my dads been there through thick and thin for me and continuously is. (Oops I waffled)
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I drink it, but yeah like I AM ACTUALLY moderately trying to be healthier with little choices like drinking squash instead of fizzy and whatnot.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Not really, just marker pen at work to tell people they’re cunts. I hate my handwriting though.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kinda, like. I think you can have that instant attraction to someone but LOVE? I’m not sure maybe it’s something you see them doing like a little quirk but idk dude, I’m not the best to ask about love because my perception of it has really been shifted upside down
39. Who was the last person you danced with? People from work at Bar 10, woop woop I can’t dance to save my life but yeah.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Cupcake? ages ago probably but I had a muffin earlier so yeah.
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Yeah or I had done many a times.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Nah.
47. Who was the last person to call you? Kora methinks.
49. Do you dance in the car? Kinda hard to dance but I move about occasionally to avoid cramp.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I must’ve been like 5? I may need to get some done though by this lovely girl called Jess
53. Is Christmas stressful? Pahaha this years (or last?) was kinda.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple, maybe cherry?
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yesa
59. Take a vitamin daily? Nooo I used to but I just kept breaking out of routine and couldn’t get back into one.
61. Wear a bath robe? I’m nude 24/7
65. Nike or Adidas? I used to always have Adidas shoes so them.
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Neither please
69. Ever take dance lessons? Noooo
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yeah
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah like sigh I have had happy moments in my life surprisingly even if they aren't so happy memories now as such, in that moment of time I was and I think it’s important to remember that
75. Do you study better with or without music? With for sure, and with chewing gum, those two are my best buds.
77. Ever been in love? Yeah... kinda refer to 73 on that one.
79. What was the last concert you saw? Rise Against at Brixton 2015 I think? I should’ve been Twenty One Pilots twice and Black Stone Cherry but thats a whole different story but i’m so gutted ;-;
81. Tea or coffee? Neither sadly :(
83. Can you swim well? nOO. Like sorry bud but the only reason I’d ever jump into water would be for my cats because they deserve life more than me.
85. Are you patient? Very, like I’d like to think that’s one of my good perks and I’m like v patient with people and rarely, very rarely lose me cool.
87. Ever won a contest? Not that I can think of off the top of my head chap.
89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither.
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room I assume?
0 notes
ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF] Gone Songs #01
The first time Wayne had heard Guns and Roses' Appetite for Destruction, he'd thought it was quite possibly the best album ever made. Plenty of cussing, heavy music, only one obligatory ballad and even that was pretty good. Then, upon listening to it a second time, he stood convinced - it clearly was the best album ever recorded.
Now, a year and a half later, having been forced to listen to the tape thousands of times blasting from every cassette player in every car on every ride ever taken with his friends, Wayne realized that assessment may have been premature.
"Please," he begged Sean, "Please can we play something else."
Sean turned up the volume on Mr. Brownstone and said, "Nope!" He stomped on the accelerator and started singing along with Mr. Axle. "oh-OH-ohown!"
Sean's car; Sean's music.
Oh well. They were only a few minutes away from school and the blissful, dull silence of the classroom.
"Where are you going?" Wayne asked when Sean cruised passed the exit to Edwardsville High School.
Sean cut his eyes towards Wayne and flashed a mischievous grin. "Nowhere," he said. "Just to meet Garth real quick. Won't take but a minute."
Shit. Garth. Sean grunted a noise of disapproval.
"What?" Sean asked.
"Fucking Garth, man."
"What's wrong with Garth? He's cool. He's a real funny guy."
"Looking," Wayne agreed.
"Well, yeah, that too. But he's okay."
Sean turned off the highway, then down a gravel rural route, and in short time found Garth's rusted out Chevette parked next to a dying corn field. When Sean pulled behind the car and cut the engine, they heard the sound of Guns 'n Roses blasting tinny and awful from the small car's blown out speakers.
Wayne groaned again.
Garth came running as they opened their doors. He was small, with a narrow face and a patchy mustache/beard combo. His eyes were wild with excitement, mouth already running, and the stupid rat-tail dangling from his bowl haircut repeatedly flipped up and slapped him across the eyes.
"Hey Sean the fuck took you so long I've been here forever and I can't find anything I was so wasted is this even the right place can't be late again for school my mom will kill me and-"
"-Garth!" Sean put a hand up. "Relax. This is the right place."
"Well fuck me then." Garth finally noticed Wayne and nodded his chin. "Wayne."
"Well fuck help me look then!" Garth turned, went back to the edge of the cornfield and started stomping around in the dirt.
"This is something stupid," Wayne guessed as they headed for the corn. "Isn't it?"
"No," Sean sounded indignant. "We hid some beer and wine coolers in this field last Saturday so our parents wouldn't find them. We'll need them tonight for the Megadeath concert."
Wayne stopped and put his fists on his hips.
"Look," Sean said, "You can either help us or walk to school. Your choice."
Sean joined Garth at the field and they circled each other, noses towards the ground.
Wayne took a few deep breaths. He went to Garth's car, reached in and turned off the cassette player.
"Hey!" Sean and Garth stood up as one. "Turn that back on!"
"I was going to suggest," Wayne said, "Maybe we spread out? So we can cover more ground?"
Garth and Sean shrugged at each other. Then they started talking and pointing and eventually came up with a plan. Soon the three boys were scanning the dirt in more or less a sensible pattern.
Three rows of corn into the field, Wayne spotted what looked like the swatch of a rag poking out of the ground. He tugged on it and loose dirt fell away from a pillowcase sized canvas bag. The bag was open-end down and the contents fell out as Wayne lifted.
The bodies of many small dogs, puppies, in various states of decomposition tumbled across the ground. Wayne recoiled first at the sight then, a moment later, the smell.
"Hey!" somewhere Garth yelled. "Hey hey! I found it!"
Wayne looked up and saw a hand holding a six pack waving above the barren stalks of corn.
Sean and Garth were already at the Chevette, loading the trunk up with their treasure, when Wayne came staggering from the field.
"What's wrong?" Sean asked.
"Nothing," Wayne answered. "Can we go?"
"Wait! Wait wait," Garth ran back into the corn. Moment's later a triumphant hand holding some sort of canister shot up into the air. "Got it!"
Garth returned to the car and tossed the canister at Sean who grabbed it, smiled sheepishly, and placed it in the trunk alongside the booze. A can of Scotch Guard.
"Jesus you don't look good," Garth said to Wayne. "You sick?"
"No. No, just...," Wayne looked back to where he had found the puppies. "Something in the corn."
"What's out there?" Garth took off again, this time trying to retrace Wayne's steps.
"Garth, get back here," Sean complained. "We're going to be late!"
With Garth away, Wayne reached in the trunk and grabbed the can of Scotch Guard. He rattled it next to Sean's head.
"Yeah, I know. But I don't huff. I don't really think Garth does either. He just pretends to."
Wayne kept rattling.
"Knock it off," Sean snatched the can away and threw it down.
"HOLY FUCK!" Garth yelled from the field. "This is fucking sick!"
"Garth!" This time Wayne hollered at the corn. "Leave it alone!"
"Wait!" Came the reply. "There's more!"
"What's out there?" Sean asked.
"A sack full of dead puppies," Wayne answered.
"Bullshit. Really? Bullshit."
Garth continued rustling around in the corn, talking excitedly to himself. Eventually he returned, dragging with him a whole bunch of canvas bags.
"Man this is sick some fuck really hates dogs and there's a lot more of these out there too," Garth said, slinging the bags on the road next to his car. He turned one over and a mass of deceased puppies, not long dead, still fluffy with fur, rolled across the gravel.
"Jesus, Garth." Wayne turned away. "What are you doing?"
Garth started laughing inappropriately, pushing the dogs around with the toe of his shoe to separate them. "Man," he said, "some fuck really hates dogs that's like twenty of them right there."
"Come on, Garth," Sean said. "Let's go."
"No wait," Garth said. "Check this one out."
He upended another bag. Nothing but bones this time, and when they hit the ground, they blended with the gravel. Garth squatted and shifted through the skeletons. He came up holding a tiny puppy skull. "Check this out!"
Garth giggled as he took the skull to his car, dug around in the backseat until he found a tennis shoe, undid the lace, looped it through the skull's eye-socket, and hung it from the rear view mirror.
"Check it out!" Garth laughed as if it was the most hilarious thing in the world. Then he turned on the cassette player and sang Paradise City to the dangling puppy skull.
"Oh for fuck's sake...," Wayne started, then a siren went Woop! and red/blue lights flashed.
While trying to talk sense into Garth, they hadn't noticed the cop car that had turned onto the rural route and was coming right towards them.
The cop's gun was in his hand. It was out of the holster. It was in his hand.
He'd pulled it just seconds ago when, while all three boys were talking over each other explaining why there were sacks of dead dogs by their cars, he shouted for them to "Shut up!" The gun came out. "Shut up or else so help me...."
The cop had a large frame, large belly, and as he squatted over the deceased puppies, his face flushed red. He reached down with his free hand - the one that wasn't holding a gun - and almost touched one of the bodies. He pulled away before making contact. He wiped the back of that hand across his eyes. Wayne noticed it was shaking.
The cop stood straight and stared out at the field for a moment. Then turn towards the boys.
"You say you found these-"
The cop started and immediately Garth burst out; "Yessir some fuck really hates dogs but we found them in the field while we were looking for some stuff we'd lost in that field but we don't know anything about those dogs sir they were fucked when we-"
"-GARTH SHUT UP!" Wayne and Sean shouted simultaneously.
"You," the cop used his gun to point at Wayne, whose knees buckled. Wayne grabbed hold of Sean's shoulder for support. "Talk to me. Just you. Everybody else better stay quiet."
It took a moment, but Wayne found his voice. "Yessir. I found a bag there," Wayne pointed towards the spot, "and it had these dead.... dead puppies...."
"What were you doing in the field?"
"My friends had hidden some beer and I was helping them find it."
"Where's the beer?"
"In the trunk sir."
The cop looked in the trunk, saw the beer. He also saw the Scotch Guard. He held it up and shook his head.
"You huff this?" he asked.
"No sir," Wayne said. "Not me."
"Then why hide it in a corn field?" The cop knocked dirt from the canister. "Why hide it at all?"
"I... don't know."
"Uh huh. And, while looking for beer and Scotch Guard, you found a bunch of dead dogs?"
"Buried out there?"
"But you dug them up?"
"Yes... well, no... they weren't really buried...."
"Dug them up and brought them to your car?
"Nuh... No, not..."
"Shut up." To Wayne's relief, the cop holstered his gun so he could rummage through the Chevette's trunk. Fortunately, aside from the beer and Scotch Guard, Garth didn't have any other contraband. Just a bunch of dirty clothes, shoes, fast food bags, old papers and heavy metal magazines.
The cop circled the car, stopped at the open door on the driver's side. He bent over and reached in. His hand came out holding the puppy skull on a shoelace.
"Ho shit," Sean said.
Garth started babbling, giggling at the same time, trying to explain it, until the cop un-holstered his gun again.
Garth fell silent.
The cop looked at his feet for a moment. Wayne noticed his Adam's apple bob, as if he were overcome by emotion. Then he raised his head and looked at each boy in turn, his eyes absolutely blazing with anger.
"Lots of fun, huh? Playing with dead dogs?'
"Nuh no si-"
In a rage the cop threw the puppy skull at Wayne's head. Shocked by the violence, Wayne fell down.
"Fun...," the cop muttered. "Lots of fun here. Fun with the dead puppies...."
He went to the bags by the side of the road, nudged them with his shoe. He found one that was exceptionally gross, the canvas sagging and smeared with gore. "You," he pointed the gun at Garth. "Come here."
Garth sheepishly obeyed.
"Pick it up."
Garth did.
"Hold it open."
The repelled Garth but the policeman grabbed him by the back of his head and forced his face towards the opening.
"What's the matter, punk? I thought this was fun?"
Garth retched but somehow managed not to throw up. The cop backed away, clearly troubled by the horrible odor.
"Oh, I know. I know how to make this fun. You," he pointed at Sean. "Come here."
Sean started.
"Bring the Scotch Guard."
Sean hesitated. The gun focused. Sean moved.
"Good," the cop said when Sean was standing next to the canvas bag. "Now. Spray some in there. Don't be cheap, son. This is a party. Fun and games, right? Go ahead. More.
"Now. Huff."
Gore dripped from the bottom of the bag. Garth started crying.
Garth brought his face to the bag; crying, choking, gagging.
"Help him out," the cop told Sean. "You hold the bag. Get it tight there, tight around his face. That's right."
Garth exploded in a cloud of vomit. It went everywhere, all over Sean, all over the bag. Everywhere. Garth fell down and vomited again. When he collapsed his face fell into a puddle of the disgusting stuff.
"Oh God," Sean dropped the bad and stepped back, holding his arms out to inspect the amount of chunks on his clothes. "Oh God."
"Nuh uh," the cop said to Sean, still holding the gun. "Not fair. You haven't had any fun yet. Pick up the bag. Pick it up. We've got to have our fun and games at this party. Now. Get your face in there. Get in there and huff."
A moment later, Sean lay next to Garth on the mucky gravel, sticky and stinking of vomitus.
The cop set his eyes on Wayne.
"Don't look so sad, son," the cop said. "This is a party. We've got fun and games. Join in."
We've got fun and games....
And from that day forth, Wayne could never again hear Appetite for Destruction without throwing up a little in his mouth.
The End
A few months ago I inadvertently deleted my entire MP3 music collection. 35 years of digital albums gone in a blink. I'm far too old to rebuild, plus I think I may be going a little deaf, so I've started Gone Songs which is my way of remembering those records and/or artists who have been with me as a constant inspiration throughout these many long years.
submitted by /u/virgiltempleton [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2vLxgBq
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londonspacegirl · 7 years
whenever me and my friend are on holiday in London or Cardiff for a concert or musical and we have our night in chilling, listening to the radio on the TV (freeview) (heat, capital fm) we usually end up watching CSI or Top Gear or Road Wars or something. and having showers and doing puzzle books or she’ll be playing games on her tablet, i prefer wordsearches. drinking cups of tea or coffee and eating biscuits. well she doesnt drink coffee or coke as it gives her migraines.
just went downstairs to see if Paddington Station 24/7 was on tonight (Sunday) and forgot it was tomorrow (Monday) because im usually at work on a Sunday. oops. for the last few years weve been going to Paddington station instead of Waterloo because its easier to get to P as we can go straight from our home town and its cheaper because we have a Two Together railcard. woop. we used to get the megabus or megatrain which meant going from Exeter. the megabus took the longest, but now we can watch DVDs/films on my friends tablet as her dad has put Seeing Double and Grease on it.
we always make each other laugh by doing silly things and being random. we dont need alcohol. lol. 
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myimmortalgenerator · 8 years
Chapter 84.
AN: stup flassing ok koz dey mons I wnot in luv n spell I had 2 raven 4 da hompagen it!111 omg da help wiv fangz 4 da mysteries opinin kant krists I hav facting out be been risztz!!!!!!!!!! Diz wif ebony den ok! btw ill muh rit da posr! Diz rlly su ok gurl after!11111 n stup flming lif!11 raven wtf u don’t rely and I wuz a mysterikan kiss muh sewteet 2getha da kalind until lik or swers! be so den tup flaming da story old rong ok! fuk u rok!!!111111111111 fangz (get ur suposd to don’t a mistiant koz ur stop flaming da help! “Hello everyone talking above us. “Enoby, you will you the fuck are u going to the concert wif Draco?” I askd sure it would have sumthing imptent to rehearsals with my blak wand had short black coffin was black hair and Lucian holding hands. Loopin said and then the room and they r showing The Exercise at da end. There were they were pedofiles and you look kawaii as you.” I snapped singing a cover of ‘Helena’ and at the room putting on our brooms. Mine was proud of me. I put on foundation. Then I herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out of character?) I started to cheer. Well we goths just warming up da fornt and sexy. Vampire started to cry and were entwined with Draco. After the concerts in Hogsemade tonight.” “Woops im sory!” Dumbledore. Doris Rumbridge and Cornelia Fudged was there showing and raining away frum him. And den we saw the janitor Mr. Norris. Den he did da same perzon.” he said. So I just wanna live that’s all right. Remember the cideo camera Snape agreed but I threw my wound. Snoop scremed Vampire. They were cheesing my wand and did a spell so that my body went back said ‘1980.’ “OMFG!!! Im back 2 Hogwarts. “WTF!!!! James because that little bitch.” I said. “Pop addelum!!!!!111 I felt mad at his black nail polish and not Granger. (Since she has converted to Satanism (lol geddit koz bi guyz r hot dey r so scary!11” said Lucian. “He used to be in love with matching fishnet on my arms. I straight and beat up each other for a second I wanted 2 use sum other platinum boots. “STUPID GOFFS!” I was wearing a pink mini and Joel for their autographs and black gothic way. If he is still evil then you must help me kill thy beloved Draco!” I shouted. I went out. And then…. “WHAT THE HALLS!” he whimpered.
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