#Colonel Mael Radec
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Me with my comfort characters
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bulletblade · 2 months
While Pac-Man was a formidable Ghost Hunter in his own right but Danny Phantom was too Ghoul for him. Earning a point for the Challengers.
Smash: 39
Challengers: 15
This time, it's a battle of two cosmic killers. It's the Legendary Bounty Hunter, Samus Aran vs. the commander of the Helghast First Army, Colonel Mael Radec.
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urfaveblackhole · 15 days
Please subject Colonel Mael Radec from Killzone 2 to spaghettification
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Colonel Mael Radec from Killzone 2 is getting sucked into a black hole!
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deadgirlrolling · 8 months
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So my amazing friend made this for me!!!!
And it is if erron black met Colonel radec, and these are my two most favorite characters!! And it would be hilarious if they met also before you come for me cause of the high. I've checked most sources, and mael is 7'1 "feet tall and erron around 6'1, so yeah, also, if you want to see my friend's artwork on Instagram, go check her at pppockle!!
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Pictures for the video I am making
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sampoststuff · 5 years
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This is for the upcoming Chapter 15 Part 2 of @allstarsstorymode867 story made by @icefir ! Give it a read if you haven’t already it’s a mega fun crossover with a neat plot line!
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icefir-windbreaker · 6 years
All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 1]
Here is another chapter from my Google Doc, enjoy.
-Chapter 1-
Frisk woke up with a splitting headache, they looked around and found themselves in a field, yellow tall grass, cherry blossom trees were seen scattered across the field and found themselves on a bed of golden flowers then looked up at the clouded skies, they then weakly stood up and walked through the field till they found an empty road.
*You found yourself in a field with no one by your side, you ran till you see the road.
*It looked beaten but you decide you need to find any signs of life as you kept running for the town that looked like it had been abandoned for some time.
*Looked 80 years old or so.
*You looked around but no one is there
*But you stayed DETERMINED.
Frisk ran on the highway to the town that looked abandoned but as they reached the city, it looked like it had been through a bloody war but no bodies are in sight, being cautious they continued on til they find a convent store.
They gone in and find it completely empty of life but it appeared that someone had searched through it and bullet shells on the floor. They looked and saw a trail of crimson water that leads to the restroom but they immediately knew what’s in there and decided NOT to search further answers to the trail of blood.
*You gone in the store and looked around and there are signs of life
*But you decided not to look further judging by the trail of blood on the floor leading to the restroom.
*Yet, still you are DETERMINED to find your friends.
Frisk looked around and found a backpack, they took it and looked around the store for supplies.
They got water, food, band aids, blanket, lamp, first aid kit and a knife as they put the supplies in the backpack then go to the register, they left the money on the counter in case the owner of the store would come back then left.
They walked to an old neighborhood, they didn’t how long they walked but it was an hour they had thought. They then get the dreaded feeling of they are not alone in this block but they had to press on to the nearby house.
They knocked on the door and it’d opened by itself due to Frisk knocking, they wondered in and swore they saw someone in the hallway.
*After you entered the house, you saw an old man with a red scarf,
*You ran to catch up to him but he suddenly vanished after entering a bedroom.
*As you wished you would be in Toriel’s arms for comfort.
*Your heart is filled with DETERMINATION.
They then exited the bedroom and into the bathroom to wash up, they really needed to keep their mind off of this mess they’re in.
As thoughts gently flooded their head with their friends and family:
And Asgore.
While they washed up their face in a sink, they looked up and see themselves in the mirror, their hair is messy and they looked tired.
*Well, you looked like you’ve seen better days, haven’t you?
Frisk is worried for them and feared the worse than _ _ _ _ _ themself, they shook their head in denial, they can’t be on another genocide route… can they?
They then turned away from the mirror and walked on out of the bathroom, they looked around then walked back downstairs then they were greeted with an unusual sight:
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Two other kids but with a cup and a mug for heads, one of them is a cup and the other has a mug, they had straws in their head, one with red and the other blue. They looked equally confused as Frisk.
‘’Oh… Uh… Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude. Do you live here?’’ the Mug asked, in winch Frisk shook their head, then cup boy said ‘’W-well, does your parents know where you are? Maybe we can-‘’ before being interrupted by Frisk shrugged, meaning they don’t know.
The two cups then looked at the opened door and closed it as the mug boy then asked ‘’Did they see you? Did it saw you?’’
It? What did they mean by ‘’it’’? then Frisk is pulled by the hand by the cup as he said ‘’Bendy’s coming! We need to go!’’
‘’G-go? Go where-?’’
‘’We need to go now!’’ The cup boy said as he leaded both Frisk and mug out of the house through the door to the backyard, Frisk then begins to wonder if these two are brothers.
And then so they asked that.
*You asked if they are both brothers and how they got here.
‘’Of course!’’ Cup boy answered, ‘’But, we didn’t know how we got here after we found ourselves in the park but all we do remember is that we were suddenly been pulled into a portal then nothing else happened after it went black.’’ The mug explained.
*Through a portal? Are they from the different timeline? you need to find out more on what the heck is going on. So you decided to introduce yourself.
‘’…Frisk? That’s a nice name. I’m Cuphead and this is Mugman.’’ The now named cup replied as they hopped over the fence and run through the neighbor’s backyard and got out through the fount gate and into the streets again.
They then walked with caution as they walked through the empty neighborhood with strange monsters lurking around and leaving behind a trail of tar-like liquid. As they wandered through the strange terrain, Frisk can’t understand how all of this is happening.
‘’There’s a way out of here I’m sure of it.’’ Mugman said as Cuphead readies the finger gun when these creatures attack if they spotted them.
*You decided to ask them if they know what’s going on.
‘’I’m not sure, a part of me is saying that this is The Devil’s doing but the other is telling me there’s something much worse than him.’’ Cuphead answered as he continued on point as Mugman stated ‘’We are just as confused as you when we first got here Frisk.’’
Then a strange noise filled the air, they all ran for the nearby bush and hid it as an aircraft lands on the middle of the street with hissing noise of a steam engine then armored soldier with ominous eyes piled out of it with guns drawn as they scanned the area around them.
Then one of them walked out of the aircraft, his armored suit appeared to be colonel as they observe the area.
Then, 3 men came out of the fog with the same armored suits as them as the colonel held his hand up for his men to lower their weapons as one of them come up.
‘’Sir, we have looked everywhere as you ordered.’’ One of the soldier reported to the colonel, as he turned to face him and asked ‘’Have you found her?’’
‘’I am afraid not, we were looking till hostile beings had came and they had…’’
‘’They had what?’’
‘’You can’t even believe this after what we saw, they weren’t alive but somehow still walking on both walks despite the number of injuries that had been inflicted in them. They even taken some of our troops down and had begun to devour them like they are cannibals. Their eyes were glowing…’’ the soldier explained ‘’Yet, we did found Mrs. Pauling but she got away after we were ambushed.’’
‘’She hasn’t gone far,’’ Colonel said, ‘’We will take her in, alive or dead but if you do encountered those undead beings again; Orders are shoot to kill.’’
Frisk, Cuphead and Mugman, who happened to overheard the conversion behind the soldier and the colonel, all turned to face each other in horror after colonel had ordered his men to kill on sight.
‘’We’ve gotta get out of here and fast!’’ Cuphead whispered to them who they all nodded in agreement then slowly make their way through bush but Mugman made a mistake by stepping on a stick and breaking it.
That alerted the colonel as he turns his head towards, that alerted the soldiers as he took the rifle from one of them and aims it at the bush, scanning for anything with legs.
The trio stood stone cold and stayed in dead silence as they realized they were spotted as they watched the colonel’s movements.
Deep down, they knew that he knew they were in the bush as he lowered his weapon while he kept his eyes trained on the bush as one of the soldiers asked ‘’Radec…?’’
‘’It was nothing,’’ Colonel Radec said then continued ‘’If there are anyone that is still alive, bring them in.’’.
They all nodded as Radec turned away from the bush then signals his men to go around the perimeter.
They all go as they draw their weapons out with caution as the Colonel walked away as he slowly disappeared as the aircraft took off.
After they are out of sight, they all got out of the bushes in fear, ‘’Golly…’’ Mugman said, ‘’I thought he was going to gut us for sure Cups…’’
‘’I thought the same thing bro…’’ Cuphead said, turned to Frisk and said ‘’B-but what do they mean if they didn’t found her? And they said that this woman’s name is Mrs. Pauling. Why is that important?’’
Frisk places their finger under their chin and wondered for a moment as they paste back and forth on what they want from Pauling.
*You pasted back and forth as you wondered who Mrs. Pauling is.
*The colonel now known as Mael Radec with his men are here and deep down, you knew that he knows you were there.
*Best to find somewhere safe and out of sight first with your new-found friends with a DETERMINED heart.
Frisk suggested the idea of finding somewhere safe to the Cup Brothers, ‘’Somewhere safe? From those guys?’’ Mugman asked.
Frisk nodded and said that they had never been this neighborhood before but asked if they knew somewhere on the way here.
‘’Well…’’ Cuphead begins, ‘’There is one place I know.’’
They wondered street by street all the while staying out of sight from the Helghan Military soldiers as they continued to wander endlessly till they found the safe place, an elderly home that looked like it had been abandoned and no one haven’t visited there for years but they don’t take any chances so they go in.
Thankfully, they managed to get in just before one of them spotted them, Cuphead, Mugman and Frisk hid behind the rubble as two Helghan soldiers looked at the old aged home then continued on with their way.
Cuphead sighs in relief as he patted his chest while Mugman looked around the area as Frisk looked as well.
There are tables, some toppled over while most didn’t, couches been covered in dust, rooms that are locked but some of them are unlocked and a grand piano in the center with the varadas of 3 floors looking overhead.
‘’Y-you sure this is a safe place Cups?’’ Mugman asked, ‘’Of course!’’ Cuphead answered ‘’Besides, they can’t find us here and they did say that there are people that had gone to cannibals or some plague had turned them into one and they are undead things with glowing eyes. What are they called?’’
‘’Zombies?’’ Mugman questioned as he turned to his brother ‘’These monsters have a name?’’
*You nodded as you explained that the living dead is famous in folklore stories, movies and games alike, they had one goal in mind and that is to eat flesh from another being.
*You had also explained that they can create new zombies if they bite or scratch someone to spread their virus.
*But there is a cure for it.
‘’Well…’’ Cuphead said rather nervously, Mugman looked at his brother as he had heard the fear in his voice and knew this isn’t like him, it reminded him of a time like how he gotten them into a huge trouble by losing the bet to the Devil and they had begged and pleaded for their lives til Devil showed them mercy by showing them there is one way to repay the debt and that is collecting the soul contracts from his runaway debtors.
They all turned their heads towards the direction of the noise and find that a can is rolling by from the hallway as the Cup brothers had their fingers pointed at the hall as light of magic appeared on their fingertips.
‘’H-hey! Whoever you are…’’ Mugman began, ‘’You better come out and show yourself!’’ Cuphead finished as kept their index fingers pointed at the hall as they stood protectively in front of Frisk.
Then a cartoon black and white wolf wearing overalls and had a backpack comes walking out of the hallway with a surprised look on his face as the trio looked surprised but relieved that it’s a zombie or one of those Helghan soldiers.
‘’Oh thank goodness, we could’ve killed you!’’ Mugman exclaimed, ‘’Y-yeah, but are you alright, did they saw you? Did they hurt you?’’ Cuphead asked worryingly towards the wolf.
The wolf did nothing but shrugged and shook his head no as a response, Frisk looked at the wolf with curious eyes.
*You asked the wolf of his name.
*The wolf replied that his name is Boris, Boris the Wolf
*You then greeted Boris with a smile
‘’Boris the wolf huh?’’ Cuphead asked ‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’
‘’It’s nice to meet you too.’’ Mugman said ‘’Don’t mind me asking but are you hiding from the soldiers and zombies as well?’’ he then asked to Boris.
*Boris nodded as he wrote on the floor with a stick that
*he and his friend had found a bunker in this very building.
*So, they thought they might use it as a safe house and
*Try to wait it out till it blows over.
‘’A bunker? As a safe house?’’ Cuphead asked, Boris nodded his head as Mugman said ‘’There was a bunker here? Can it still be safe for us to hide, hopefully your friend wouldn’t mind us being there.’’
Boris looked down for a moment then nodded his head yes and ushered them to follow him there.
And then so they did, they followed Boris to one of the bedrooms that is badly damaged and there’s a hatch on the floor that is disguised as a rug. He walked over to it and opened it, revealing a ladder leading down below.
*Boris ushers them to go down the ladder.
*You, Cuphead and Mugman are nervous now that you had to go down.
*But Boris had said that not to worry and there’s no one that knows they were down
*in the bunker after they found it in the first place.
*With you being the DETERMINED one, you go down the ladder first.
*With Cuphead, Mugman & Boris followed suit as the wolf quickly yet quietly shuts the
*hatch above him as he was the last one to climb down with them.
They climbed down the ladder till they reached the ground as lamb posts lighting the short hallway to the door.
‘’Soooo…’’ Cuphead began to say, ‘’How did you and your friend end up here Boris?’’.
*Boris said that he didn’t remember how they got here,
*They were at the studio that’s been abandoned for a long time
*During the 1940’s
*And the studio is the sole locution of the Ink Machine.
*He does remember that he was in the safe house when everything went black.
‘’Oh.’’ ‘’Ahh.’’ ‘’I see.’’ The brothers said in different unison as Frisk nodded.
*You understood that Boris and his friend had no idea either on
*How they got here.
*Then you clearly can remember one thing:
*When you were in bed and Toriel had baked you the Butterscotch-cinnamon pie
*Then everything around you went dark as night.
‘’And that’s all you can remember from that?’’ Mugman asked, Frisk nodded in response. ‘’Wait, I…’’ Cuphead said ‘’I think we can remember it clearly now…’’
‘’O-of course…’’ Mugman began ‘’B-before we came here… We were in Inkwell…’’
They said as the flashback began…
                                                 -Inkwell Isles-
The two brothers are playing around under the watchful eye of Elder Kettle after the Devil’s defeat just 4 months ago. They had saved the isles’ inhabitants from the demon from Hell itself.
Everything had gone back to normal after that, what’s even more than that; it was even better than what it was before.
They had befriended their foes even after they had gotten the Soul Contracts after they had to beat the crap out of them for them.
They are deemed as Heroes of Inkwell Isles after these events.
Yet these two had gotten into trouble just recently through.
They were fighting against 5 of the Devils after they just gone out of nowhere when they are visiting Cagney Carnation on the following 4th month.
They had failed to noticed that everything around Cuphead, Mugman and Cagney had suddenly paused, paused like someone had hit the pause button. No one can’t move until a portal opened up and sucked not the two brothers but the Isles’ residents as well.
The last thing they remembered was Mugman screaming
‘’Help! Help us! Someone please…!!’’
‘’And… That’s all we could remember from that.’’ Cuphead finished. ‘’As much as it relates so, our hands are tied.’’ Mugman said as they reached the door that looked similar to a vault in a bank.
Boris goes up to it and does the rhythmic knocking on it.
Clang, clang, bonk, bonk, bang, bonk, bang, clang
‘’…Boris?’’ a voice came from the other side of the door, ‘’You’re alright! Have you brought back supplies?’’ it continued.
‘’Please do the knocking if you do.’’ The voice commanded.
Boris does the rhythmic knocking but only three times now.
Clang, bang, clang
‘’Oh good! Golly I was really losing hope for a moment there. I’ll open the door.’’ The voice said as the door slowly began to open and screeched it’s scream as it opened completely.
Frisk was thrilled to see safety but the two cups screamed as they saw the all too familiar demon made out of ink with shoes just black as his inked body and white bowtie as they pointed their fingers at him.
‘’IT’S HIM!! IT’S BENDY!! WHY IS HE-!?’’ Cuphead screamed until he was silenced by Boris shushing him with his finger as Bendy shook his hands. ‘’Hey! It wasn’t me!’’
‘’But you tried to kill us with ink!’’ Mugman exclaimed as Bendy insisted ‘’I didn’t! I wasn’t in control of my anger!’’
*That’s when you had enough and screamed for everyone to stop winch they did.
*You then told them that it’s not the right time to argue because that’s not gonna
*go nowhere.
‘’Frisk has got a point on the argument there.’’ Mugman admitted it, ‘’It’s not gonna go nowhere if we continued fighting.’’
‘’…Okay Mugs, both of you are right. But still, Bendy is a devil!’’ Cuphead said as he lands his eyes on Bendy.
‘’That’s demon to you cupface!’’ Bendy jeered back at Cuphead who glared at him as Frisk shook their head in annoyance.
*You got annoyed over these two fighting.
*Then you told them if they want to survive,
*they’re going to have to share the bunker
*and wait till this problem blows over.
*Even if they had time, they could be able to
*figure out what’s going on but calmly.
‘’Okay, okay.’’ Cuphead said with annoyance had also toned his voice as he turned away from the Ink Demon who did the same with a hmpth.
Frisk smiled with satisfaction as they had noticed that Mugman had that same smile they had on his face until Boris tapped on their shoulders.
*Boris then gestured for everyone to come inside of the bunker quickly
*because he can hear noises coming from above.
*With no time to waste, all of you got inside fast and
*Boris locked the vault door as he twisted the wheel to do it.
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pigeonrocks · 2 years
new hyperfixation dropped
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echofive · 3 years
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✨ (almost) all Killzone related drawings I’ve done so far! ✨
Almost because all other things I do are mostly OC related or there’s just a load of pics of Radec because he’s my favorite to draw. Also posting two works in progress since they look good enough to show off. There may be more to come!
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Gonna admit, this was gonna be a PlayStation icons set of drawings. I also wanted to draw Sev (Killzone), Nathan Hale (Resistance), Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane (Twisted Metal) and Joel Miller (The Last Of Us).
But due to me being ashamed of my last drawing. Including just not wanting to draw those guys. I really wondered after this if I art is really my kind of thing. I seem much better with writing and manips as well. I’m more of a cartoonist in a sense. 
Besides, I’ve been drawing these pictures on the sidearm of my couch. 
Anyway, I was playing Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 before I started drawing. That’s why I wanted to draw these guys. 
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synshubblog · 3 years
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Felt it was time for an update of this. Muses are found at the following sideblogs.
@saeculumaeterna - OC muse
@shadowstepper - AU Ardyn Lucis Caelum of FF15
@restlessqueen - AU Lucina of FE:A
@expxctnomercy​ - AU Colonel Mael Radec of Killzone 2/PSASBR
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piermanwalter · 3 years
I had a dream there was a Killzone reboot where the big marketable update was base-building. The ISA troops made bivouac in a Helgast mining ghost town, and you could find and recruit civilian refugees and military defectors in regular levels to repopulate it. Having a happy and functional town meant access to more weapons and ammunition starting each level, as well as stat boosts and new squadmates. Sometimes the town gets attacked by radiation storms and scouting parties. If you run the town badly enough, they all mutiny against you and you have to kill everyone to regain control. 
There were different endings depending on how well you ran the town. In the good ending, despite having a lot of their upper leadership killed, the Helghast were willing to cooperate after seeing how well their refugees and defectors were treated. In the bad ending, the Helghast were furious and continued fighting to near extinction, which is what happens in the actual series. 
The Helghast evolved to have metal bones to protect their brain and marrow from radiation, and tinfoil-like layers of thin metallic membranes around other vital organs, making them super heavy and damage resistant. This was incorporated into gameplay and level design, with landmines that only Helghast were heavy enough to set off, and flying motorcycles that Helghast were too heavy to use. They also had four biological sexes and Colonel Mael Radec was canonically hermaphroditic. 
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Transition: Colonel Jenna
"Defeat is Unacceptable! Envy the dead who escape this shame of failure." —Colonel Mael Radec, Killzone 2 Multiplayer
After Hector’s declaration of war against Inkopolis and the Octarian territories, the Amemasu Federation has already stockpiled resources for its Reconstruction period and the construction of the military and armada. 
In Sapporo, two ghost sharklings escort an unfamiliar woman into Hector’s office. Behind them are a yellow pikeblenny and two inklings and two octolings. The pikeblenny is Gravis Blenncove, leader of the Sealine of Uchihara Bay.
The unfamiliar woman is Colonel Jenna of the Sealine of Uchihara Bay. She was promoted recently from Lieutenant to Colonel before the war declaration.
As they enter the office, the ghost sharkling Hector was sitting at his desk, having finished recording a few messages for later Trials in a project he called “The Great Social Experiment”. These were the same trials he put Agent 7 in for the past few days. 
Next to Hector is his seer, Cassandra, a blind inkling clone of the Squid Sister Callie, received from Calypso and Leviathan. She has been known to look into the future but is limited to seeing tomorrow. She didn’t say much during the appointment.
“Leave us be for now,” Hector requested.
The ghost sharklings and Gravis’s personal guard leave the office. It was only Jenna, Gravis, Cassandra, and Hector. Hector spoke in a deep, raspy, ill voice.
“This will be quite sudden of me to ask, but I want you to keep in mind that this request will still be open to you if you refuse.” Hector took out a can of wintermelon soda from a refrigerator under his desk. He opens it and took a sip. “Do you understand this?”
Jenna had a moment to think about this she turned to look at Gravis and he nods in encouragement. Jenna looked back at Hector and nods.
“Very well. Here is my request:” Hector clears his throat. “As Dictator of the Great Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido, I recognize your quick advancement from sergeant to colonel. And I would like to offer you a place in this war, the role of Commander-in-Chief.”
Gravis gave a smile at this request.
Colonel Jenna immediately accepted, “As Colonel, I would be proud to take this role. Glory to the Great Federation.”
“Glory to the Federation,” Hector replied.
That night, a personal tailor is hired by Hector to help create a military headdress and sash to identify her role in the war that is to come. 
Jenna looked into a mirror one she put on the final designs.
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deadgirlrolling · 1 year
Playstation all stars battle royale memes I made just cause
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All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 15] Part 1
All done with the first part, I was originally gonna have @edward-richtofen-queen to edit this out but she wasn’t feeling well, I wish her well and a good of luck.
-Chapter 15- -Now we are back to Cuphead and Mugman-
I can see
When you stay low, nothing happens
Does it feel right?
Cuphead had never felt this strong before when he wore the bandolier from WWII after the Colonel had managed to take it off of Mumgan, he wasn’t sure why his eyes are sky blue and feeling more courageous than before but he must make the best of it.
Late at night
Things I thought, I put behind me
Haunt my mind
Mugman uses his blast again on the ruthless Helghast colonel as he had always remember how this goes with the Devil’s debtors when they had refused to give up their soul contracts but with him facing a Helghast who is a ruthless and cold colonel who knows nothing about mercy.
I just know there's no escape now
Once it sets its eyes on you
But I won't run, have to stare it in the eye
Blast had missed Radec as he stepped to the side quickly while he took out a grenade, pulling  then throwing it at Mugman and saying “Try avoiding this attack, Mug.” to him before taking a stand on his feet before powering up the StA-X6 Jetpack.
Mugman shouted as he jumped out of the grenade’s blast range when it exploded with a start but what he heard next was Radec saying “Expect no mercy!” before he felt a punch hitting the side of his head, causing cracks to appear and leaking as his HP is rendered to 1%.
Stand my ground, I won't give in No more denying, I got to face it
“Mugman!” was the second thing that Mguman had heard and this time, it’s Cuphead rushing to help him but was stopped by Radec who had flown in front of him as he got between him and his injured brother. “You lack skill.” Radec said as he levitates above the ground due to the jetpack.
Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground
Cuphead stood his ground for this as he had felt unfamiliar anger rising up, he then heard a familiar voice in his head as he grinds his teeth.
Don’t let him get to ya, Kiddo, stand your ground for this one.
“I was going to say the same thing about you!” Cuphead splattered out as he readies himself with the finger gun as Radec growled as the thrusters roared with fire.
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(Drawn traditionally by Tori who goes by TikTak on Discord but also goes by @this-person-is-slowly-dying on Tumblr)
Wait for it, wait for it….
Cuphead stood still as Radec begins his charge at the cup who stood still on his feet, waiting for the right moment to strike him until U!Dempsey’s voice declared Now!
Cuphead didn’t once hesitate to get the heck out of the way for Radec as he solared passed him. He then opened fired on the jetpack on his back, it burst into flames as Radec landed on his feet and quickly realizes that his jetpack had been damaged due to the noises that is making with the sputtering and rumbling it’s sounded.
He quickly took it off of his back then let’s it drop to the stone floor before running away to hear an explosion behind him, looking back and seeing a fire and a black blown mark where the StA-X6 jetpack stood laid for a moment. Getting out the StA-3 Stova Light Machine Gun once more as he looked at Cuphead once again.
“Primitive... but effective” the Colonel admitted it as he had found Cuphead’s attack quite impressive, reminded him of battles with the ISA in attempted invasion to take Veltka but this kiddo, this cup, is something different, more different than his brother.
“You’re a colonel, how weren’t you not expecting this?” Cuphead jabbed, “If you are that cold blood, you could’ve at least take on all of us without your men ya know.”
Mugman is holding the crack on his head as he slowly got back on his feet shaking, looking over his shoulder to see him and Radec having a stand off against each other. “I could,” he bluffed, “I am the Scolar Visari’s bodyguard and the Hound of Visari, you will be taken back to Helghan for the war, for the glory of my people.”
“Says the Devil who had used us to get the soul contracts after believing that he would spare our souls over theirs then you’re in the wrong place, buddy!” Cuphead rebuked as the light on his finger tip grew brighter with red color.
“Don’t,” Radec threaten, pointing the gun at something…. Or someone before finishing with “Toy with me.” before firing at Mugman who jumped suddenly before falling hard on the ground, hitting his head on the stone floor that made the crack bigger.
Bendy was shocked as he watched the whole thing unfolded before him as Cuphead turned to look at Mugman in horror and shock as he gasped “Mugs!” and attempted to run to his help but a bullet from the StA-3 Stova Light Machine Gun to stop, for him to turn back to Radec with a growling glare from his eyes.
“That’s it.” Bendy muttered in anger under his breath, his eyes turning red with a boiling rage then looked at the entrance where Trace and Frisk had escaped to and shocked to see that it’s Frisk, looking at him and what he can tell from their expression; they had seen the whole thing too.
And it appears that they had an idea as well, from what Bendy can tell from a notepad Frisk had and the whole plan they had came up is written on it. Bendy had read very little word on it and then nodded with a thumbs up.
Cuphead is glaring at Radec as the Helghast aimed the rifle at him, “Your last chance to join.” he said, “Surrender now.” while Cuphead had clenched his fists so tightly, he thought that they had turned white.
Before anyone could do anything to anyone else, a rock suddenly been thrown and then hits Radec on the back. Making him turn around to see who had done it and saw that it was Frisk who did it, “F-Frisk?! What are you doing?” Cuphead stuttered as Radec turned the gun away from Cuphead to aim at Frisk instead.
Frisk, who remained calm, takes off and puts down the rucksack gently on the ground while they’re still keeping their glaze on him. Radec lowered the StA-3 Stova LMG a little when he felt like they had something planned for him, he then asked “What are you doing-?” but was cut off by the Human child putting up a “On hold” gesture with their hand. A music began playing somewhere as Frisk began…. Dancing??
やあ! 忘れたかい! あの時! みんな裏切った! 逃げた!
(Hi! I forgot! At that time! Everyone was betrayed! ran away!)
That left Radec and Cuphead even more confused when Frisk shown off the dance moves they had learned thanks to Mettaton, doing the Lock Step, Moonwalk, Natural turn, Open turn, Outside Partner step, Outside turn, Reverse Turn, Rond, Telemark and all other moves that Cuphead had never seen before.
ヘイ! 聞いてんのかい! 今日限りに お亡くなり チャンスは もう二度とない!
(Hey! Do not listen! As long as today The chance is never again!)
Frisk can already remember fighting Mettaton but not actually fighting him, more likely reducing him to a harmless state on a show as it gets a lot more views by the second until it had gotten the greatest reviews.
来ない チャンスは もう二度とない!
来ない チャンスは もう二度とない!
みんな見つけた? アトラクションは終わ�� 夜の記憶以外 残らない何も
(do not come The chance is never again!
do not come The chance is never again!
Did you find everyone? The attraction is over Nothing but the night's memory)
“What are you doing, child?” Radec finally questioned after seeing this human child dancing for about ten minutes, Frisk then looked at Radec in response and then said
*Distracting you.
“Distracting-?” Radec didn’t have time to finish when he heard a loud thumping from behind him as he turned around to see Bendy, Ink Bendy in Level 2 form, hits him in the head, causing him to be thrown all the way to a wall and hits it on impact. He weakly stands back up and sees Ink Bendy right in front of him, he threw a punch at him then another and then used both his fists to bring down a another blow onto the Helghast Colonel in pain.
“That not possible…” Radec grunted as he felt a wave of pain washed over him like a flood, “Believe it, it’s over.” Cuphead added, saying it is an insult to add to injury, “You’re finished.”
“And to make sure that you won’t get away,” Ink Bendy’s voice was distorted when it chirped, having tentacles made out of ink and wrapped around him tightly like a rope behaved as a snake obeying it’s dark master.
Radec struggled to free himself from the blob of ink, Ink Bendy then slowly turned back into his normal toon self. Cuphead looked at him and Bendy looked at him back before smiling a big grin, the Cup did the same until they both heard a groan, they turned to see who had groaned until Cuphead was the fastest one to look and yelled “Mugs!”
Bendy stood back to watch Radec to make sure that he doesn’t do anything fishy while Frisk ran to their rucksack, picks it up and then runs over to his side with Mugman who had plomped his back against the wall.
“Cups?” he groaned out as he holds onto his head to prevent it from leaking more, Cuphead looked at the cracks that Radec had made and they are nearly all over his head. “Wow, he…. He got you good Mugs.” Cuphead stuttered, trying to find something for him to say for Mugman to feel comfortable.
*You are in quite a predicament in his situation. *Then you’d remember the scarf you had found earlier before Radec caught up to you guys. *try to wrap it around his head as a temporary bandage?
                                 >[Yes]                               [No]
Frisk gently wrapped around the Mug’s head like a nurse treating an injured patient that had gotten a war injury. It loop over his head two times before tying it under it his head.
*Like out of the blue, you are feeling drunk all of sudden. *Almost to the point that you had forgotten everything but a few memories left behind. *Just an endless drinking haze to drown those memories to forget the painful you hated the most.
Tumblr media
*You are filled with… reminiscence
Mugman’s eyes had changed into ocean blue color, he groaned as he rubbed his head and rubbed it with his hand, “Oh… My head and my behind…. What happened?”
“You were knocked over by Mael Radec, hit your head on the floor and reduces your HP to 1%, Mugs.” Cuphead explains this as he holds the crack on his brother to feel the leaks but none so far, thankfully.
“Really? But I feel like I had a hangover after drinking too much.” Mugman replied when Trace peeks through the entrance where Frisk had came in, looking to them and to Radec in surprise.
“Hey!” she said as she runs over to them in a worried pace, kneeling down as well and looking at Mugman, “What happened?” she asked.
*You had to retell her what had happened with their battle with Mael Radec. *Then you had to use the scarf they had found to stop the leaking.
Trace listened closely as she looked Mugman, “All this happened when we were-” then heard unfamiliar sounds from the entrance, coming closer to where they had come in to see who was singing that lullaby. Trace kinda got up and said “I don’t wanna be here if he had sent friends here.”
“If he did, you better get going before they get here.” Cuphead said as he stood up, readying the finger gun again, “Best find an alternate route back to your dad, I hope we’ll bumped into each other again when we get the chance.”
Trace giggled rather nervously, and then said “Don’t worry, I had been here for two days so I will find my way back here.” when she nodded before running off to the second entrance and disappeared into the darkness when the running feet from the first entrance is getting much louder.
Frisk stood up and got out the stick, ready to defend if Cuphead was weakened from the enemy’s attacks, Bendy is ready to fight as well but he had to make sure that Radec doesn’t go anywhere and if he had called in back up.
They are getting closer while they took a deep breath, ready to scream as they can hear them coming near and then from the entrance was…..
P!Dempsey, Scarlett, Erron Black and Miss Pauling had come in with weapons ready to use, causing to let out a sigh out in relief upon seeing the humans instead of Helghast. The four looked over to Mael Radec and saw him stuck inside the blob of ink and he was still struggled to break out of it. “I’ll be damned, they got him before we can.” he said, amazed to the point.
“It was a long story.” Cuphead said as he stood down with relax to know that they had managed to survive through a camp owned by the Helghan Empire but surprised quickly when Dempsey looked at the bandolier that Cuphead was wearing across his chest.
The first words that uttered out of his mouth were “Where did you get that?”
Cuphead looked at the bandolier and back to Dempsey with an eyebrow raised but Erron had spoken up as he looked around then at Mugman and Frisk when he said “And from what I can recall, you must be the kids I had helped out, yeah?”
                                       >[Yes]                        [No]
Erron looked Frisk and then at Mugman as he raised an eyebrow then looked over to Bendy and said “Did you trapped that Colonel?”
“Yep.” Bendy answered without hesitation, as he looks at Radec.
“Lucky guess.” Erron said as he walks over to the trapped Colonel while he got one revolver out and then stopping in front of him, making Bendy to step out of the way to make way for the Outworlder to aim the gun at him and wanted to be sure that Radec is looking at him and the weapon he had in his hand.
“Karma’s was coming to get you eventually, just wanted you to know that.” Erron said as his eyes are trained on Radec’s, “Why are you doing this?”
Colonel Radec had said until he spoke “My sole purpose in life; is to serve and protect Helghan from opposing forces like you all, UCA, ISA but this planet… You all are that threat against us and I haven’t knowledge what was to come until now. My capture would bring me shame from Helghan if they knew this.” “Oh trust me,” Dempsey said as he walked to Erron’s side and pointed a MR6 at him as well, “It will be a lot more by the time we’re through with you.”
“Still,” Scarlett said, making Radec to turn and look at her before she continues to say “I am not so why all of this was over Miss Pauling here, even those that are involved are children, truly children despite two of them are a cup and a mug.”
“Taking Colonel prisoner is now accomplished, now for answers from-” but then Miss Pauling was interrupted by an explosion from above them, making them all look up at the ceiling.
“What was that ...?!” Miss Pauling babbled, Radec listened closely on the noise from above before saying “Something else is happening up there, we must return to the surface.” and for the first time, he had realized something else is going on this planet.
“Let get up there then!” Cuphead suggested as he puts up the finger gun once again but then turned over to Mugman before running over to him while Erron and P!Dempsey looked at each other before looking at Bendy.
“Ya think you could be able to carry this Colonel, Bendy?” Erron asked, Bendy points to himself as he looks at both directions, “Can ya?” Dempsey asked next.
“I… I think I can, if he drowns then it doesn’t matter if he had, right?” Bendy answered hesitantly, Erron nodded as he thought “This devil may not be Ermac but he’ll do.”
“Just a sec…” Bendy said as he then barely morths back to his Level 2 form winch surprises everyone around him, even Cuphead aimed the finger gun at him as he remembered his and brother’s encounter with him for the first time.
“I don’t think that you-”
“I can, you Helghast demon.” Bendy’s voice had turned back with distorted when he sneered, picking him up and threw him over his shoulder just as Cuphead then returns back to Mugman and then puts his arm over his shoulder and a hand on his side.
“Wow, he looks pretty bad,” Miss Pauling said as she looked at him, “Better get him to the Medic.”
“Indeed.” Scarlett said as she placed her hand on her shoulder, “Besides, I hope Richtofen will be able to explain the whole….” as she looks at P!Dempsey as he walks out of the room, Erron, Bendy and Radec behind him. “The “double” part to my team.”
“If we take care of what was going on up there first.” Miss Pauling replied as she cocks the pumb of the shotgun as she turned over to Frisk, Cuphead and Mugman. “You three are safe with us, come on!” she said as she turned and then jogs after them, Frisk nods before going to help Cuphead carry Mugman out of the Caverns, back to the place of their captivity.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Now further thoughts on Doom 2016
8:49 pm I feel now it is the best time to say it. Doom is fucking amazing.
Yet also me wanting to talk more about the experience spoilers in case and think I heard my dad sneeze. Also okay just yawned and got out of this text thing before or was it the submit. Meh I was looking at activity and what people have uploaded or reblogged well people I follow seriously my stomach.
Now I'll talk about the whole voices thing. So basically unless the character mainly shows themselves voices are not heard restarted the first mission twice. The only characters I've heard talk are this Olivia Pierce of this pre recorded message, this Samuel character when you first see what he looks like and this Vega character he asks to now share the details of what's going on.
Yet honestly everything else works very well. Such as gameplay and even the whole glory kills I seriously like. Honestly I did glory kills a lot to mainly save ammo. But also just at times kind of difficult okay something or shit I really hate. Weirdly was thinking of Teen Titans Go despite I see the show at times and even if I'm not the biggest fan of the original show. Just how the new show is bothers me or just.....I don't really hate it. Okay I'm sorry mainly was thinking okay everyone hates that.
That is seriously some random bullshit I said. Yet seriously the games awesome as all fuck almost left the word duck lol smiled a bit it's normal.
Including I honestly hope as times goes on my interest only increases. Seriously I think it was today I was thinking I wonder if the original games are on Steam. Including seeing the awesome mods they have on Left 4 Dead 2 besides the BFG Division theme for the common infected beautiful.
Including for the time almost left 46 but seriously really nice game. This time I sat in my chair and turned up the volume even one time at 20 and it was really loud then to 12 and to 10 when the Olivia Pierce recording popped up.
Seriously I honestly enjoy these glory kills just really didn't need to think of Robin the TTG one when just....meh I have issues just it's a video game. I'm fighting demons which is amazing. Including I wanted to try another first person shooter out and seeing well mainly that music and now thinking about it. The Doom franchise okay just yawned it honestly appeals to me. Just the way it's set up and how insane it is. Meh and have to remember it's demons I'm fighting. I think I was trying to get in the mood I'm angry at something so I try to think of shit I hate. Yet TTG is a show I don't really hate that much. But bothered by how it's made and written. Seriously awesome kick ass game no tags. I turned off the PS4 despite stalling a bit after I finished the 2nd mission, "Discover The Cause" forgot what else but thinking just don't like the thoughts of hurting characters I like. Was thinking of OK KO ones and just....okay I guess just retyped that show title a bit. Maybe I'm tired a bit despite I went to bed early by mistake last night oh nose I'm okay.
Yet also wanted to say no tags. My stomach just might be the nice two pepperoni Costco pizza slices with a cherro and two Diet Dr. Pepper's one a can and another a bottle that was in the fridge thing outside.
Damn now I'm thinking of things that piss me off. 9:05 pm stalling put pm many times. Might as well mention that I seriously like the Doom Guy and want him as a Mortal Kombat guest character. Despite the jokes would be he would just kill everyone. Had my right arm up a bit. Honestly people complained about the horror characters. Despite I honestly like them and I remember people wanted Jason and Predator after Freddy was a DLC.
Including seriously almost left Foom like the title at first and phone put Food forgot it if lowercased f. Yet sorry just he's a video game character and we might not get characters like Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, Colonel Mael Radec from Killzone 2, a Chimera Hybrid from the Resistance series almost left Killzone or the Hunter from Bloodborne. Seriously before I started to talk about these characters. I realized I got off topic.
Including those ideas just..... PlayStation quest characters people....and I just....I'm gonna look in case.
9:11 pm wrote down 11 three or four times. I just looked two pages of ps all stars battle royale 2 and still nothing from Paris Games Week...so it says it's a week and Friday seems to be the last day. If that shit isn't announced yet I'm gonna be pissed. While I try not to trust but yeah mainly ignore rumors sometimes and watch videos by people who try to make sure if it's real or not. Before Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite was announced their were rumors of fourth game. Now I'm thinking of putting ps all stars battle royale 2 in the title no thanks.
Including I've heard and read it's from a reliable source that have gotten news for other games right. Even a Until Dawn 2 is rumored yes well no one is asking sorry or just I know the story to that game oh head....
I just want PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2 9:15
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