#Collage photos are from Unsplash!
crispinsphonebook · 4 months
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“What is it that you’re searching for? What is it that you still fear?”
In search of the legends, we walked for miles into the deep, dark night.
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michameinmicha · 8 months
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Thoughts about masculinity
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hisclockworkservants · 2 months
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anafabula - SCP-2747 Poster
Wanted to try making collage art. Found this super nice photo of this creature with seven appendages, I think it fits 2747 super well. The poster turned out well too! (Images used are from Unsplash.)
SCP-2747 - As below, so above by minmin: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2747
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logicpng · 1 year
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safe... ♪
couldn't resist uploading the bg too i'm really happy with it
[Image ID:
Digital illustration, depicting Aster, a humanoid being in a suit and a starry head, with Rigel fronting, indicated by red and orange colors and symbols of the sun on the backs of his gloves and tie. He is sitting on a window of an image viewing program displaying an image of grass, which seems to be growing out from the surface of the program, a mouse cursor laying in front of him, lightly buried by the grass. The two are surrounded by a collage of other image viewers, depicting various flowers, clouds, sun, and a grassy hill. The space behind him is filled with an ethereal light, shown separately in the second image.
End ID]
Photo credits under cut, + timelapse
photos used by following folk on unsplash:
Hongru Wang - sky & hill
Debashis RC Biswas - grass
CHUTTERSNAP - sky & sun
Wolf Zimmermann
Rodion Kutsaiev
engin akyurt
Nicholas Swanson
Robert Woeger
Daniella Cressman
Szymon Ostrowski
Richard Loader
Myrlene NUMA
Dagmara Dombrovska
Geraldine Dukes
Richard Burlton
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kewpidity · 2 months
kewpie's slapdash tips and tricks for making moodboards
ive been asked a few times about how i make my moodboards and my MethodTM so here it is!
this is an image heavy post and as detailed and comprehensive as i can possible make it, if you have any questions let me know and i'll help if i can!
also, this is made with sites and apps for desktop- i have no experience editing on mobile so if that's what you're looking for im afraid i cant help you, sorry! ↷↷↷
Choose Your Fighter
let's get right into it- first thing first choose a character, or a ship or a series or whatever! i'll be doing a ship because it's a teeny bit more involved than just a single character or series
the ship will be grim x mandy from the one show
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Picking Pictures
obviously the most important part of a moodboard is the Pictures
i use pinterest personally, and finding them on there is usually pretty easy, especially if i have an idea of things i want to include. a lot of people already have boards made up for characters as well, so just searching the character names under the 'board' option will usually get you where you need to go!
but i know some people prefer sources with free to use, royalty free type images, so i included those as well:
pixabay unsplash
you can have as many or as little as you'd like, but personally i prefer the classic 9x9 grid style moodboards, so im obviously gathering 9 photos
as for what pictures to choose, here are some things to ask yourself:
do you have a color scheme you associate with this character/ship? are there any themes that are relevant?
these are the pics i choose for my board- they're raw, unedited, and uncropped, which we'll be changing here in a bit
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notice that ive chosen the color scheme of pink, black, and white because that suits them and is also the colors in their actual character palettes
ive also picked some things that feel relevant to the ship and its vibes- mandy is associated with daisies, so i got a picture with a girl with a daisy in her eye, which i also paired with a skull with a flower in its eye socket, bringing them together with a common theme. there are also little black shoes and a bloody knee for mandy, a psythe and what could work for cerberus for grim, and since their ship is kind of gruesome and mean spirited (affectionate) as well as the show having pulpy vibes, i got a heart shaped steak, a pulpy romance/horror cover, and an old horror movie card with their VibesTM
now that we have our pictures, its time to figure out the formatting! i went ahead and already did that with the pictures above using a site ipiccy, specifically the 'collage' options
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once you press 'collage', you'll open up to this menue, where im choosing the 9x9 grid, but as you can see there are other options there if you wanna use them! then you're gonna press 'add images'
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then you add images here (mine are already loaded in):
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afterwards, you play around with the placement of the images- its okay if they clip or dont properly fit in the box, this is Only figuring out where you want the pictures to go, we'll place them properly later in a different program
when im placing them i like to consider patterns and shapes- top left square is a 'mandy' square, so bottom right should be a 'grim square', as well as echo each other- in this case the flowers in the eyes thing, and so on, even down to the pointy little shoes and the pointy little sythe this part can be v subjective, so i encourage you to play around until it clicks for you
i hope my scribbles kinda help explain visually what i mean:
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also as a small personal tip: when i make moodboards i want to capture the feeling of a character/ship/what have you Without just Saying it. because of that i lean more heavily on the pictures themselves and Only ever use One that has text on it. again this is subjective, but to me its a 'telling vs showing' thing and too many words makes the whole thing feel v cluttered with little room for the actual characters involved
once you're satisfied with your placement, take a screenshot to reference your placement, and then we move on to
PS/Photopea, Templates, Adjustments, and PSDs
this is where we get really into it
firstly, i know most people either dont have PS or are nervous about downloading a cracked version (def do not click this because it is def not a link to older ps files you can dl for free) but luckily there's an extremely comprehensive in-browser option that is totally free called Photopea, which can be found HERE
its basically a 1 to 1 rebuild of the real thing, and since its more accessible i'll be using that to finish up my board!
first, you'll wanna throw your template in there, here's the one im using
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once you open it, you also need to open the pics you chose to use- i suggest doing this one at a time to not overcrowd the program
once the pic is open, copy it and paste it over onto the moodboard, and then right click the layer and set it to 'clipping mask' which will keep the pic within the bounds of just the template:
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then go over the toolbar on the right, press the 'rectangle select', then right click the board and select 'free transform' to move the picture around freely:
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now is where you look at the screenshot you took of the ipiccy placement, and then you simply move the picture in the proper place in the moodboard! you might need to select and cut off the part that doesnt fit neatly into the square
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continue doing this until you have it all filled out, and take some time to properly fit the pics (for example, the pic with the text needed to be (to does this is photopea drag around the corners while in 'free transform, and if you dont want it to scale at the same dimensions press 'shift' on the keyboard while you drag, which is what i had to do with the text or the flower-in-the-skull to make it fit properly))
its important that All your layers are properly set to clipping mask, otherwise it'll be all messed up! so it should look like like this when you're done, and hopefully everything will be layered on the board properly, and we end up with this:
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you could stop here and be done with it, the entire moodboard can be finished now, but i like to tweak things like contrast and value and levels, which are found here in the 'image' section at the top- ive been as tutorial-esque as i can be so far, but this one really comes down to playing around with it and making adjustments until you like the outcome (each layer can be changed individually)
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i try to make it so everything feels even- the blacks match and the whites match and none of them feel particularly lighter or darker or more saturated than the others
so we go from this:
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to this (if you cant tell the difference i didnt do it well ljksdf, its helped further along and made more obvious by the next step) :
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and Finally the secret sauce: PSDs!
these are premade colors/effects that you drop on top of board to help even things out, maybe make some colors Pop
there are a Ton of them free to use on tumblr and deviantart, and Here is a tutorial on how to use them! (its done on mobile but works functionally the same as on desktop)
feel free to make adjustments to the photos more under the psd until it looks right to you
once ive selected and used the psd i wanted, i export it as a png, and this is the result!
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i hope this is helpful and not Too confusing, if anybody has any questions let me know and i'll try to help!
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hart-feathers · 4 months
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Collage put together by me, all photos except of Hugh and Mads were sourced from Unsplash.
Uncharted Waters
In-Progress - Chapter 1 of 3
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Rating: Mature
CW: Merman Hannibal ¦ Disposal of a Body ¦ Dismembered Body ¦ The dismembered body is only mentioned briefly at the very beginning ¦ Animal Death ¦ Hannibal Kills a Fish with a Spear
Tags: Alternate Universe ¦ Merman Hannibal Lecter ¦ MerMay 2024 ¦ MerMay ¦ Human Will Graham ¦ Non-Human Hannibal Lecter ¦ Disposal of a Body ¦ Dismembered Body ¦ The dismembered body is only mentioned briefly at the very beginning ¦ Love at First Sight ¦ Smitten Hannibal Lecter ¦ Possessive Behavior ¦ Courtship ¦ Courting Rituals ¦ Merfolk Courting ¦ Gift Giving ¦ Hannibal Lecter Loves Will Graham ¦ Slow Burn ¦ Falling In Love ¦ Animal Death ¦ Hannibal Kills a Fish with a Spear
Word Count: 9,102
Summary: Hannibal has never really seen the appeal of humans before, he finds their plain legs unappealing compared to the elegance of a colourful merfolk’s tail, but 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘯, this man is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Wild dark curls of hair ruffle in the wind at the nape of his neck, a thick stubble decorates his jawline and his pale throat is decorated with faint freckles, he has strong hands and corded forearms that speak of capability and strength. Hannibal is besotted with this stunning creature who has unwittingly wandered into his domain. Before he can even think of acting on his new desire the boat engine strikes up and the man sails out of the cove and out of view.
When a human finds their way to Hannibal's cove he becomes utterly fascinated by them.
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theotherhappyplace · 2 years
Hello! I really love your illustrations and the world you're crafting! What do you use to make your illustrations?
Hi! I love your tumblr! and thank you so much!
The answer is somewhat boring, I use photoshop. for brushes, I tend to use the standard hard round and soft round brush, but to get a speckle effect i like to use the soft round brush set on "dissolve".
I also use Kyle Websters cartooning brushes a lot.
for my textures i use sites like rawpixel and unsplash (both free royalty free sites) and some textures my friends have given me.
But you can scan things like old paper or even take pictures of woodgrain yourself if you dont want to use anything premade!
Any photo/collage elements i use i tend to paint on top of and manipulate a lot until I get it to behave how I want it to. Like if i find an okay picture of cement, i usually mess with the contrast to make it rougher, paint on cracks make it match the light source. lots of fiddling.
My methods are mostly madness hahaha.
I'm really into lighting effects right now and a lot of my "glow" in my art is from messing around with blending layers like "overlay" and "hard light" and i tend to do shadows with a "multiply" setting.
that was probably WAY too long and in depth
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elpaevhaa · 8 months
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CHRISTMAS BREAK: Final piece work for Project 001: Identity and Place. After exploring my initial ideas and final idea for my punk halftone poster, I went ahead and collaged my final idea in photoshop, using copyright-free photos from Unsplash for a high resolution, ethical design. Once I had the collage ready, I followed a video tutorial online by “Blue Lightning TV Photoshop” on how to use Photoshop’s built-in filter gallery to achieve a punk, 70s-inspired halftone effect, which I manipulated and adjusted with colour, contrast and texture to create the grungy look I was going for. The process of making the poster was quicker than I expected as collaging the piece togerher was only a question of composition, however navigating the filter gallery and layer adjustments was new to me and a bit of a struggle. Hope to take this design to screenprint for a final elevation.
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autumnalwalker · 11 months
Trick for wip or character of your choice 🖤🧡🖤
Thank you for the tag.
Assuming this is referring to this Trick-Or-Treat ask game and is thus a request for a moodboard. I'm not particularly experienced with these, but here's one for @thearchivistsjournal.
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The real funny part about making a moodboard for this is that there actually was a collection of images that were a large part of the original inspiration/prompt for this story, but they were all unsourced, and most of them I could never manage to track down the original artists to credit.
Between having those specific images as the seed and the year of that imagery mutating in my head as I practically lived there mentally while writing it, trying to pick out moodboard images was one giant exercise in "That's sort of close-ish, but so very very not right." The big one is that all the library/archive images I could find were either way to grand or way to modern for how I imagine the Village's archive being. That and trying to find any sort of photos of mist/fog that are blindingly thick enough to properly convey a mist night rather than just being artful misty accents.
Still, an interesting exercise all in all and a welcome chance for me to revisit the Village.
Images sourced from Unsplash and assembled into collage via Photo Collage, then given background bordering via Adobe Photoshop CS5.
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nostalgicbones · 2 years
hi!! i really really love your collages!! i love to collage and i never even considered i could do it digitally! if you don't mind me asking, what software do you use?
hi omg!!! thank you! i also love traditional collage but it’s much more trouble to find the images you want, cut them out, go through the stress of pasting them all down in one try… it is much less stress for me digitally.
i don’t mind you asking at all—i use procreate on my ipad, but i think it is one thing you could do on almost any software. medibang and gimp are ones i know friends like that are free, or even procreate’s pocket version for iphone is really good in my experience and slightly cheaper.
as for some other tips you didn’t ask for:
the first thing i do is make the canvas bigger than i intend for my final image to be. this is to make sure that the images i place are full sized and so i have some leeway to shift things around before the final crop. generally i’ll have a layer that serves as a “window” around the dimensions i intend for my final image to be. that way, if i move part of the image in the process, even if it disappears from view it is still on the canvas and simply hidden behind the window layer. with my valentines specifically, i had a “sticker table” in the canvas off to the side of my actual valentine, so i could sift through my materials without covering what i was working on and then crop down to the square when i was finished.
i generally use pexels, unsplash, and png blogs on here (with disclaimers they don’t mind people using their stuff) to source my images. sometimes they are already cut out if it’s from a png blog, but other times i have to select the part of the image i want myself and “cut it out”.
use paper texture overlays!! a lot of times it’s hardly noticeable, but it makes a huge difference in making the collage look more organic and closer to traditional. you can find these on any free stock photo site!
i also like to add shadows under each element i would consider a cutout in real life—so each individual sticker in the valentines has a layer underneath it, where i 1) selected the sticker layer, 2) filled the layer beneath it with like a desaturated brown, 3) set it to multiply, 4) offset it slightly down and to the right (and made sure it was the same angle for every component), and 5) used “gaussian blur” to soften the edge. i’ve never seen anybody mention doing this but it’s definitely something i would consider a key part of making my digital collages!
thank you again for your interest in my art, it’s especially exciting for someone to show interest in my collages 💜
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stumblingoverchaos · 2 years
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For the Get Messy class Body of Art. Form: Through the Looking Glass. Collage, gesso, Posca paint pen, image of mirror and grass from Unsplash. The second photo is me at age 20 (late 1980s) in the midst of my transformation experiment into makeup and stylish hair.
"Skin on my fingers peeling, making way for my new form." -Ezra Furman
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asthevermincrawls · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering where do you find resources for your art/digital collages? I'm a fellow artist and I was just wondering because it's so hard to find good free images. Thanks!
I'm gonna be real with you if I'm heavily editing a generic image/incorporating/compositing it into the background I rarely check the license 😬 bad habit I know. that being said, I've found pexels and unsplash extremely useful. if an edit relies heavily on one photo, chances are it's from there
also I know you didn't ask but I feel compelled to plug 1001fonts and dafont if you're looking for good fonts. what can I say, I'm a font hoarder
good luck creating! hope this helped
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meushell · 2 months
A Simple Cold
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Gen • F/M • 1,975 • Sick Fic • Fluff
The photos…
• Bed, Orange Juice, and Tissue Box from Unsplash. • Sam Carter. • Martouf. • Soup from Pexels. • Border from Collageable.
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illustratinglaura · 7 months
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This was a sort of over paint / collage type of deal.
Original photo from unsplash.
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littlesistersti · 9 months
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Creative final project for a Short Story course. I chose “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I interpreted the story with themes of idolisation and such.
That influenced my process: I chose Markiplier as the “model” because he has a lot of shirtless photos out there so it was an easy find and because he is a major idol \ icon who gets a lot of fawning over. I chose to put a blank spot over the face to represent how everybody has their own sense of “handsomest man in the world” and has their own idols. I could’ve put the words “your idol here” but one, forgot in the rush, and two, thought it would be nicer in a different way to leave it blank. Like that self-portrait with the green apple 🍏. I forgot to clean up the mic wire or whatever it was. I asked the class to guess and my prof thought I might’ve used Jason Mamoa. Honestly, I could’ve because he is very big, a strong icon\idol fawned over, and played a character relating to the sea. Fits the role of Esteban. Don’t know why he escaped me.
Sources of the images used!
Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash
Photo by Noah Usry on Unsplash
Single log: Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash
Many logs: Photo by Ginevra Austine on Unsplash
Photo by Yasemin K. on Unsplash
Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash
Photo by Taisiia Shestopal on Unsplash
Photo by Olga Thelavart on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Yellow field: PicsArt photo from @ macmmaya
Red: Photo by Jani-Petteri Tammi on Unsplash
White Daisy: Photo by Linus Belanger on Unsplash
Blue: Photo by Oscar Ivan Esquivel Arteaga on Unsplash
Amber: Photo by Sergio Arteaga on Unsplash
Orchid: Photo by Philip Graves on Unsplash
peony/rose: Photo by Juan Rojas on Unsplash
Bright yellow sticker: weirdly enough, it’s all over PicsArt with many names attached
Other brush tools of flowers
Wrist compass: Antik .it CODE 6076A WRIST COMPASS
Scapular: Cedar House
Holy water: Fatimayyc Gift Shop
Side note: Linus Belanger has plenty of fantastic photos for any of your “homely” or “cottage core” collages. Giving me small town where there’s a secret society of kid wizards maybe.
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tobyarcherlvl6 · 1 year
Vibrant Colours and Plants
To explore further, I crafted a collage by combining elements from my previous experiments along with a visual of a plant, interpreting my two words coal and biology quite literally.
While I employed colored filters for rapid experimentation, the result turned out surprisingly impressive, showcasing a remarkable depth in the image, even when the colors were drastically altered.
Unsplash Plant Image - https://href.li/?https://unsplash.com/photos/TW2bfT_tWDI
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