lizasweetling · 6 months
Honestly, I'm becoming ever more serious about the possibility that Seffie might end us as Collette's consort in the end.
or at least her Advisor Plus Rumors (pointing at whatever the rumor mill is Calling Tarvek right now)
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Here’s the promised Seffie meta—I wrote this after chapter 9 of Improbable Fiction, expanding on her queerness, relationship to Colette, and how she foils Gil. All under the cut!
So, in Improbable Fiction, Seffie’s queerness has been purposefully left ambiguous, and I would so dearly love to talk about why—some of this I was aware of when I was writing, and some of it is me finally putting words to my gut feelings. The main reason is this: when it comes to Seffie’s feelings for Gil, it doesn’t matter if she’s bisexual or a repressed lesbian or some other flavor of queer. It’s not relevant, because whatever the case is, her feelings still matter. Whether she’s experiencing romantic attraction or compulsory attraction, at the end of the day she deserves to have her experiences and feelings validated. Seffie has so often been treated as a pawn as a matter of course in her family. She’s so often been dictated to or groomed for certain positions or she’s just had it assumed what she feels or means or thinks that it almost felt… like I would just be going against the themes of her arc to say “well she’s a lesbian so these feelings weren’t REALLY a crush” or “she’s bisexual and her feelings for Gil are more valid because she CAN be attracted to men” or whatever because it doesn’t MATTER. what Seffie needs is to be listened to! Not interpreted by me to the readers, just Seffie laid bare, all confusion and hurt and righteous fury.
And it’s also why, while the ending of chapter 9 is very much intended to show that Colette and Seffie are In Lesbians, I firmly believe they didn’t actually kiss or officially get together or anything. It’s not the right TIME. if Colette were to confess to Seffie at a time like this, it would just show that they can’t be together because Colette doesn’t understand or respect Seffie—which she DOES. Seffie is coming off the high of her first love, true or not, and the heartbreak afterwards.
Gil has spent this entire time dismissing Seffie’s feelings. Part of that is just that it’s in his nature to be a little dismissive of other peoples feelings and bulldoze over them and focus on himself, but part of it is also that he thinks first of Seffie as Colette’s Love Interest, and thus He Can’t Be The One She Ends Up With. If Gil considers Seffie seriously and actually fully acknowledges that she has feelings that deserve to be validated if not reciprocated, then he’s going to have to run headfirst into the terrifying fact that he… doesn’t like her. And like sure yeah he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings so that’s a factor but it’s mostly that he’d have to deal with the fact that he’s incapable of loving her and he… doesn’t know WHY yet. He doesn’t really have the words to explain that he can’t feel those feelings now that he’s started to realize that people are actually serious about that stuff—he’s finally reaching the part of life that every arospec person goes through where it feels like you’re still stuck at thirteen not understanding that people aren’t joking or exaggerating their romantic interest or dating lives. Gil is standing at the edge of a realization and it’s terrifying!
And the thing is! Seffie and Gil are foils! Seffie isn’t that oblivious to Colette’s feelings on accident, she’s subconsciously ignoring them because then she’ll have to deal with how that makes her feel! Gil is acting the same way towards Seffie! And it’s why, at the end of the chapter, Seffie CAN’T reciprocate right away! The end of the chapter scene is about her finally acknowledging Colette’s feelings and her own suppressed ones, finally reaching an internal breaking point for herself and letting go of Gil and the willful ignorance! They’re on even footing now, and Seffie can finally have the space to start figuring herself out and figuring out how she feels separate from family pressure. Paris is very much a coming of age college story—nothing is going how anyone expected, everyone is trying to figure out where they stand and what they feel, and absolutely no one is getting enough sleep or making good decisions. Seffie isn’t done with her internal journey, she’s just at the START! She’s finally facing everything terrifying and raw in her heart and she can do that because she trusts Colette to listen to her and catch her when she falls. Colette sees her and knows her—not because they’re predestined true love, but because Colette looks and tries. Seffie is finally looking up and realizing that she’s had someone on her side this whole time.
They understand where they stand with each other, now, even without voicing it. Seffie is able to take that internal step because of that trust she has in Colette. They value each other enough to not ruin their friendship in the attempt at romance, to be careful with each other in moments of vulnerability. And that’s terrifying, for Seffie especially. But that’s not going to stop them from trying, and exploring this new facet of their relationship.
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From Albia with "Love"
It is an undeniable truth that Albia has a sense of humor. It is also undeniable that Albia acts with a sense of impunity because, as far as anyone knows, she is the only God-Queen left, and mere mortals have a difficult time getting her to play by their rules, let alone attempt to have any accountability.
Trelawney Thorpe likes to open her mail carefully in the event of any surprises, especially when anything is postmarked as being from Albia. It was a lesson learned the hard way. When your employer’s a millennia-old God-Queen, you have to get use to dangerous things (like, say, a cursed amulet) getting sent to your door, because of course you’ll be able to deal with it before your morning cuppa, right? Spark of the Realm and all that?
Trelawney sometimes wishes she could quit her job. She was getting jealous of the celebrity Tarvek Sturmvoraus, who just gadded about as he pleased, being a spark and saving the day and, yes, occasionally getting into trouble. For the head fashion designer of the Storm King brand, he was quite roguish — and she likes that about him.
She likes that about all of his jet-setting crowd, she can’t deny that. She likes the Gilgamesh Wulfenbach candid photos where he’s caught in dubious situations and he can’t worm his way out of it, so he just gives the camera that deadpan libertine stare of his, suit jacket hung over one shoulder only. She likes reading the Agatha Heterodyne arrest reports from each time she goes full madgirl. Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek, toasting on the runway and on the runway. She likes — and hates that she likes — that they’re all power brokers, each in their own way.
Albia knows about the folder on Trelawney’s phone labelled “Gil” that’s mostly a collection of the most roguish photos of Gil, outside the notorious nightclubs of Paris and the shadiest bars in New York, the sleaziest pubs in London and the most dubious casino backrooms of Monaco. Albia also knows that Gil is wanted by the police for questioning in an investigation into the murder of Omar von Zinzer. Albia, eternally wise, knows that Trelawney capturing Gil would greatly bolster Trelawney’s career, which is slightly stagnating after the Budapest debacle.
(What Albia doesn’t know is that Trelawney has matching folders for Agatha and Tarvek, that technically Agatha is more responsible for von Zinzer’s death than anyone else still alive, and that Trelawney really, really, really wants to quit.)
At 09:00 GMT on 20 May, Gilgamesh “Gil” Wulfenbach is spotted leaving a party in the Beverly Hills area of Los Angeles, looking severely and abnormally intoxicated.
At 20:00 GMT on 20 May, a British military flight from Los Angeles lands at Chequers.
At 01:24 GMT on 21 May, Bangladesh “Bang” DuPree, a Silicon Valley exec, reports Gil Wulfenbach missing after he failed to show up to a lunch meeting and she was unable to contact him. She is told to call again when he’s been gone for 48 hours.
At 01:47 GMT on 21 May, Agatha Heterodyne reports Gil Wulfenbach missing after he failed to return to their luxury estate in Montecito after the party. She is told to call again when he’s been gone for 48 hours and a partial transcript of her call is leaked, turning her into the front page of the next day’s tabloids.
At 06:28 GMT on 21 May, a package is dropped off at Trelawney Thorpe’s Ealing apartment, postmarked from Chequers. She moves it inside but does not open it, instead choosing to leave for her job as an MI5 analyst.
At 07:13 GMT on 21 May, the business magnate Klaus Wulfenbach is interrupted during a late-afternoon meeting in Hong Kong by a call from Bang DuPree that notifies him of his son’s disappearance.
At 07:19 GMT on 21 May, Tarvek Sturmvoraus listens to a voicemail left by Agatha Heterodyne while in Lagos, preparing for a semi-major fashion show.
At 07:25 GMT on 21 May, Violetta Mondarev, an angel investor, receives a text from Tarvek Sturmvoraus and immediately books a private jet from Sofia to Paris.
At 07:33 GMT on 21 May, Xerxesphina “Seffie” von Blitzengaard, an influencer currently based in Milan, reads a screenshot of Tarvek Sturmvoraus’s text to Violetta Mondarev, sent to her by her close friend and personal self-help guru Sparafucile.
At 07:46 GMT on 21 May, Colette Voltaire, president of France, is called by Seffie von Blitzengaard during a national security meeting. She hangs up but promises to call back.
At 08:00 GMT on 21 May, Colette Voltaire calls Seffie von Blitzengaard back.
At 08:27 GMT on 21 May, Sparafucile takes a flight from Milan to Los Angeles.
At 09:01 GMT on 21 May, a very stressed Tarvek Sturmvoraus gets off the phone with Agatha Heterodyne and creates a WhatsApp group composed of himself, Agatha Heterodyne, Bang DuPree, Klaus Wulfenbach, Violetta Mondarev, Seffie von Blitzengaard, Sparafucile, Colette Voltaire, and Gil Wulfenbach’s right hand man, Ardsley Wooster.
At 09:06 GMT on 21 May, the WhatsApp group reaches the consensus that they will not find Gil Wulfenbach anytime in the next few hours. They collectively agree to take the search down a notch and amp it up once Bang DuPree and Agatha Heterodyne are able to report Gil Wulfenbach missing.
At 09:07 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster, an MI6 agent, texts his handler to make them aware of the current status of the Gil Wulfenbach situation and make sure that Queen Albia didn’t have anything to do with it.
At 09:09 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster texts his friend Trelawney Thorpe.
At 11:02 GMT on 21 May, Violetta Mondarev lands in Paris.
At 11:15 GMT on 21 May, Klaus Wulfenbach hosts a press conference in Hong Kong about his missing son, calling for his safe return.
At 11:17 GMT on 21 May, screenshots of text messages between Tarvek Sturmvoraus and Gil Wulfenbach are leaked to the tabloids.
At 11:23 GMT on 21 May, the article “Gilvek: Fact of Fiction?” is posted online, along with an accompanying quiz called “Who Said It?: Twilight, the Bard, or Gilvek?” that gives readers quotes from the leaked Tarvek Sturmvoraus-Gil Wulfenbach texts, the Twilight series, and Shakespeare plays.
At 11:36 GMT on 21 May, Tarvek Sturmvoraus takes advantage of the media storm around the leaked text messages to release an appeal he calls “Help Me Find My (and Agatha’s) Boyfriend”. The original video is viewed over 2000 times within fifteen minutes.
At 12:02 GMT on 21 May, Agatha Heterodyne releases her video, “Help Me Find My (and Tarvek’s) Boyfriend”. Her video is viewed over 2500 times withing fifteen minutes.
At 12:14 GMT on 21 May, Klaus Wulfenbach is ambushed by a reporter and admits he did not know that his son was in a polycule with Agatha Heterodyne and Tarvek Sturmvoraus.
At 12:18 GMT on 21 May, the WhatsApp group agrees to a policy of total silence following the debacle that is the tabloids trying to get in on the “Agagilvek” story.
At 12:19 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster texts Trelawney Thorpe, begging her to check her phone.
At 16:25 GMT on 21 May, Trelawney Thorpe checks her phone and leaves work early.
At 16:45 GMT on 21 May, Trelawney Thorpe arrives at her Ealing apartment.
She enters the flat carefully and gently kicks the box that arrived that morning.
It springs back.
“Bloody hell,” she mutters. She finds the nearest packing knife she has and gently cuts away the tape, taking photos as she goes. If Albia did this… Once she’s cut all the tape away, she opens the lid tenderly, hoping to not be surprised by what’s inside.
She is, of course, surprised, because who else but Albia would send a murder suspect kidnapped in a different country through the Royal Mail to the Spark of the Realm. She regains her composure rather quickly. She can’t do anything while Gil Wulfenbach is still unconscious, so she won’t do anything. She’ll just text Ardsley and hope like crazy that he’ll get here before Gil wakes up, but she knows he’s in New York right now because of course he is, so he probably won’t.
Violetta Mondarev, her one-time-flame, is, however, in Paris (they still share their locations with each other), which is close enough. While Trelawney knows that Letta would still come running if she called, she feels guilty about it. The breakup was… fine, it was just because Trelawney didn’t think she would be able to do long-distance when Letta decided she needed to be based in New York, and since the breakup was on her… Trelawney always hesitates before asking Letta for anything.
Ardsley first. Trelawney texts Ardsley Wooster the photo of Gil in the box with the caption “send help albia’s really done it this time”.
She then overcomes the fear of bothering Letta and calls Violetta Mondarev. Her contact still has a heart in it; Trelawney could never bring herself to get rid of it.
“Letta,” she says when Violetta picks up.
“Hey, Tawny!” Violetta replies, cheerful as ever. It was through Letta that Trelawney had met Tarvek and his group of friends, but Trelawney had never heard Letta as happy around all her friends as she sounded right them. “You need something?”
Trelawney swallowed her pride. “Yes. I… I… I need you to come to my flat as soon as you can. I can’t talk about it on the phone, but Letta, I need you.” Well, that was desperate.
“Okay, Tawny, I’ll be right there. I’m chartering a plane and I’ll get there in two-ish hours, okay? Everything’s going to be fine.” She could hear Letta starting to type on a computer, presumably chartering a jet.
“Thanks, Letta,” she says.
Letta laughs on the other end of the line. “Oh, it’s my pleasure. Look, see you soon, okay? I’ll be there in two hours.”
Trelawney is deprived of the ability to respond by Violetta hanging up the phone.
She paces her flat for two hours, waiting for Gil to wake up (he doesn’t) or Ardsley to respond (he doesn’t, either, because he doesn’t know what to say or who to say it to, and he can’t get over to London fast enough) or just anything at all to happen. She’s fought monsters before, she engineers fantastic contraptions to save the day on a regular basis, she’s the Spark of the Realm, she should be able to deal with anything. It’s just that, well, unconscious Gil Wulfenbach on her living room floor is a little bit outside of her comfort zone.
Violetta Mondarev, true to her word, arrives in two hours. She sees Gil lying on the floor as soon as Trelawney lets her in.
“Tawny… this is an Albia thing again, isn’t it?” She points at Gil, who’s beginning to stir a tiny bit.
Trelawney nods.
“And you called me because I’m adjacent to the Agagilvek jet-setting crew, so I’d be more able to deal with this than you?”
“Letta, I’m translucent when it comes to you,” Trelawney tries to laugh.
Violetta grins. “Oh, Tawny…” They both get lost in each other’s eyes for a few minutes.
“Ladies. What.” Gil’s voice comes up from the floor.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” Trelawney says.
“Where am I?” Gil asks.
Violetta smirks. “The floor of Trelawney Thorpe’s Ealing flat, exactly where Albia sent you.”
“Uh, I’m wanted for murder here, aren’t I?” His face is a perfect specimen of horror.
“Technically, just for questioning,” Trelawney rolls her eyes.
“And so what are we going to do?” He asks. “I don’t know about you, but I’m personally not a fan of being questioned by British police.”
“That’s unavoidable,” Violetta says. “Look, I’m going to call Agatha and Tarvek and tell them to get their butts over here, since you three were involved in that whole von Zinzer disaster. Once they’re here, Trelawney will turn you over. Klaus’ll have a panic attack and Trelawney will come clean about Albia ordering your kidnapping, okay?”
“That’s… surprisingly amenable for one of Tarvek’s Smoke Knights,” Gil says.
Violetta grins. “Tawny, you on board?”
“Yep,” Trelawney says.
Six months later, Agatha Heterodyne is throwing the party of the century in an Irish castle she somehow owns, celebrating the conclusion of the von Zinzer murder trial and the acquittal of Gil Wulfenbach. Trelawney Thorpe is there, a minor celebrity in her own right after her fiery resignation letter from her position as Spark of the Realm that had implicated Albia in various illegal acts beyond just kidnapping Gil (Interpol had given her a job offer right after that, but she’d rejected it to take time to decide what she wants to do). She stands off to the side, watching Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek Sturmvoraus lovingly and tenderly interact with each other. Some emotion deep within her is activated.
Letta’s got to be around here somewhere. She passes the buffet table, where Ardsley Wooster has gotten himself into a heated discussion with Sparafucile about where six slices of American bacon and two fried eggs is a good breakfast. Bang DuPree is over by the fountain, fighting with Zeetha Wulfenbach, Gil’s sister and Agatha’s best friend who had just returned from a twelve-month off-the-grid survival adventure with her boyfriend Axel Higgs. Over at the tennis courts, Seffie von Blitzengaard is flirting with Colette Voltaire, who is trying to not get caught in a romantic entanglement with a foreign national by the French media. Klaus Wulfenbach stares pensively into a pond, wondering where exactly everything went so wrong. She walks by Van von Mekkhan, the property manager for much of the Agagilvek set, and Moloch von Zinzer (who, despite Agatha’s involvement in his brother’s death, remains her right-hand man) trying to fix a broken window that had happened when Gil’s latest drone adventure had deviated from the flight plan. Violetta Mondarev is nowhere to be seen.
Trelawney Thorpe turns a corner of a hallway a bit too fast and collides with someone; they both skid on the stone floor, spinning slightly.
Trelawney stands up as soon as she can. “I’m so sorry —”
“Don’t be,” Violetta Mondarev says. “Tawny, I ran into you.”
“Oh, Letta, but I hit you.”
“We both hit each other, and we’ll be here all day if we want to determine whose fault that is.”
“I’d spend all day with you, Letta.”
“If this is your way of hinting to me you want to get back together, yes, Tawny.”
“I don’t care that we’d be long-distance —”
“I’m moving to London.” Violetta smiles. “I’ve been planning it for a while. We won’t be long-distance starting, oh, early next month.”
Trelawney jumps up and hugs Violetta.
“Uh, can I have a little bit less of the suffocation?” Violetta asks, gently prying Trelawny’s arms off her.
“Right, sorry, I forgot,” Trelawney says.
Two years after that, the angel investor marries the MI5 analyst-turned-spy novelist. After they return from their honeymoon, they start opening their wedding presents.
From Agatha Heterodyne, a miniature Fun Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, with the attached note of “Remember Budapest, when great times were had by all”.
From Tarvek Sturmvoraus, a set of fine linen, embroidered with maps of places that he thought were significant to them.
From Gil Wulfenbach, a cardboard box with the tag “From Albia with ‘Love’” that contained the wedding cake toppers that had mysteriously disappeared after the reception, along with a letter.
Trelawney and Violetta —
Congratulations on the marriage! We’re so happy for you.
Agatha thought you’d like a memento of Budapest, which Tarvek thought was a bit tactless, but in the end, we agreed that it was certainly a memorable time for all. Tarvek went with the linen because — sorry, Trelawney — he didn’t think that the current set you have was very pretty (Gil disagreed, but we’ve all seen that coat of his, so his color sense is automatically disqualified). Gil insisted on stealing the cake toppers and doing this whole thingamajig with the box as his way of (finally) thanking you for dealing with the time Albia kidnapped him. We were all worried sick.
We hope you’ve had a wonderful honeymoon! If you’re not deathly sick of travelling by now, we’d like to invite you to join us in Geneva for the holidays this year.
Your friends,
Agatha & Gil & Tarvek
Read on AO3.
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Round 1
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calmingpi · 1 year
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Girls in clothes
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beatrice-rappacini · 8 months
I’m not shipping Seffie/Colette until the former gets some characterisation besides “sneaky, manipulative Valois” and “obsessing over Gil”.
It turns out that one-dimensional characters whose motivations revolve around men are really easy to hate.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Masterlist: Girl Genius
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
This is still very incomplete, but it’s a start!
Most fictional empires are bad! Then there’s the Pax Wulfenbachia
Modern AU: Castle Heterodyne rented out for murder mystery theater
Blogger Meme
Modern Uni AU
GG OT3 Ship Meme
Ask Meme - OT3 as criminals and the detective hunting them
GG Omegaverse AU
The appeal of GG Fandom is the acceptance of loving absolutely horrible people
Gil/Agatha fake dating in the circus
Agatha and rib symbolism
Tarvek being really into forcefem smut as a prelude to Being Trans
Tarvek getting girly clothes with the excuse of ‘my girlfriend dared me’
Anevka Headcanon meme
Otharnevka Ship Meme
Someone asked me about Otharnevka and I am here
Baby Outlaw - vigilante Anevka fic concept
That time I tried to propaganda for Anevka to win a gaslight gatekeep girlboss tournament
Colette/Seffie - “Boom Goes the Dynamite”
Colette/Seffie - shipping meme
Tossing an apple labeled "to the most problematic" and it ends up with: [poll]
Tossing an apple labeled "to the least problematic" and it ends up with: [poll]
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Round 1 poll 21: Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck vs Colette Volitare from Girl Genius
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Entry propaganda:
Roxy Lalonde
Those weird many eyed cats she kept making
Colette Volitare
She isn't really canonically lesbian but she flirts with girls and tends to get shipped with Seffie
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iztarshi · 3 years
Colette/Seffie snippet
The vision of Colette as a Queen stays with Seffie. Of course, it had only been a clank in the end, but still it had been magnificent. Most of all, in the moment when she hadn’t known that, despite everything Grandma says about Colette being a member of a rival house, she hadn’t felt the slightest bit scared.
Seffie imagines being cupped in those gigantic hands, raised to Colette’s face so they can talk, surrounded by warm calloused palms. She thinks she would feel safe.
Or perhaps she could stand on Colette’s shoulder, hand around a single springy curl to anchor herself, ready to whisper things in Colette’s ear that no one else would hear. Everyone would see her there, taking liberties with a Queen, being indulged, being listened to.
There is something there, and above all there is possibility, because Seffie wasn’t entirely lying when she said she wouldn’t have been surprised.
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lizasweetling · 6 months
Seffie and Colette are a thing, look at the connections!!!
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this is really, really a thing, and I am delighted <3
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setaripendragon · 7 years
I was thinking of Well Met at Mechanicsburg as well! That fic is awesome! Geisterdamen trying to infiltrate Mechanicsburg quickly learn to keep poison capsules on their person in case of capture. Caught Geisterdamen die very painful deaths. No one is forgetting the fact that the Geisterdamen want to download Lucrezia.exe into THEIR Heterodyne's brain. Also, if Von Pinn is still in Mechanicsburg when Barry returns, things will probably play out like in Well Met. The Castle fragment in (cont)
(Cont) would DEFINITELY spill the beans about the whole body switching thing. Whether or not Otilia would WANT to stay in Mechanicsburg afterwards is another story. The funniest thing about this AU is Klaus Wulfenbach being the voice of moderation and tact.
Huh. I hadn’t thought about the Muse!Castle, actually. I mean, there’s a good chance that Barry wouldn’t find it, because it was only a happy accident of having blasted a hole through the Great Movement Chamber floor that revealed her mother’s secret lab. Of course, if Barry does what Agatha did in canon, and killed the castle fragments in order to reboot it, then, I guess that would probably free the Muse!Castle as per canon... Huh.
Of course, that makes me even more fond of the idea that Von Pinn left with Klaus Barry and is travelling with the Circus. Because once she got there, she’d stay there because of her sisters, as long as Klaus Barry was there, too. But then you have Barry looking for her to give her her body back, and the Muse!Castle running around terrorising Jagers and being annoyingly overprotective of Agatha and Barry (and pestering Barry to get married, and the only reason Barry doesn’t dismantle it for that is because he doesn’t want to damage a Muse).
And then, of course, the Muse!Castle could go with Agatha to chase down Tarvek, and (many thanks to @katiekelpies for helping me come up with this) they run into each other in Sturmhalten, and things get all complicated when Eotain and Shrdlu turn up and maybe Vrin is still there, and they, as per canon, drag Agatha off to stick her mother in her head, and Tarvek is, as per canon, trying to play both sides because he doesn’t want to fight his mums, but he doesn’t want them to get Agatha. (Or, hey, maybe this should happen in Wulfenburg, kind of smash together the Sturmhalten arc and the Castle arc, and have Gil and Zeetha running around involved as well? I don’t know, that would need thinking about...) And at some point, the Muse!Castle runs into Tarvek and Von Pinn (and Klaus Barry? It would be kind of funny if the Castle didn’t recognise him) and Tarvek manages to hijack Lucreia’s tech and put Otilia back in the right body. And then they flee back to the Circus just before the Jagers turn up and throw down with the Geisters, and Agatha!Lucrezia gets the shock of her life when she orders them, as the Heterodyne Heir, to stop fighting, and they just laugh right in her face and truss her up to drag her back to Barry. Because they’re not compelled to obey, they obey out of love and loyalty to the House of Heterodyne, and Lucrezia just mindraped their baby Heterodyne. The only leeway she gets is that, since she’s in Agatha’s body, they’re going to make sure her body is at least repairable by another Heterodyne Spark.
And, god, but I love the idea of poor, terrified Lucrezia being confronted by embracing-being-the-Heterodyne!Barry, who’s been Sparky mad for years on years, and this is the woman who seduced and murdered his brother, got his nephew and her own son killed, and just tried to overwrite her own daughters brain, his niece, and the last family Barry has left. And poor Lucrezia has no idea what Barry became after taking Agatha, because the other version of her in Margolotta (or Tarvek’s mum -shrugs-) went on the fritz before she could update herself, and so she’s expecting a cross-but-still-morally-upstanding-and-generally-good!Barry to tell her off and maybe try to rip her out of her daughter and possibly keep her locked up to lecture her into being good, but instead she gets The Heterodyne in a full force protective-vengeful spark fugue, perfectly willing to torture her out of his neice.
God, I bet Lucrezia would try to seduce him then, maybe not sexually, exactly (although, well... this is Lucrezia), but in a ‘you’re not even playing at being a good boy anymore, what’s to say we can’t work together? You’re trying to take over Europa, and I can make it so much more easy~’ and Barry loses his temper like whoa and scares the ever-loving shit out of her, and then creates the locket to keep Lucrezia suppressed until he can get a good look at Lucrezia’s machines and get her out for good. And then Agatha gives all the Jagers that beat her up and brought her home hats, just to make sure they’re not secretly stewing in guilt over it (because they would, even if they were, like 90% sure they hadn’t done wrong).
Honestly, the idea of this happening in Wulfenburg is really tempting, just because I just love the the idea of Klaus trying to keep the situation under control while his kids kidnap a carnie and his two muses, who turns out to be working with the Other, but Gil springs Tarvek when Klaus locks him up because he’s kind of maybe falling for him like a lot, and then Lady Heterodyne turns up like ‘where’s my boyfriend?!’ and Zeetha’s like ‘he ran off with your other boyfriend’, and then Geisterdamen show up and kidnap Agatha, and Tarvek and Gil kidnap the Muse!Castle, and Zeetha’s tearing up the town looking for her BFF, and a pack of carnies led by a scatterbrained hero who looks painfully like Bill are tearing up the town looking for Tarvek, and then Jagers show up and there’s a full out war being waged in the streets, and oh my god wait what if Klaus Barry (maybe with Zeetha’s help?) accidentally found Agatha!Lucrezia and tried to ‘save’ her from the Geisterdamen (ugh, creeeeeeep factoooooor, Lucrezia would 100% flirt with him) and then the Jagers show up, and they have no idea that the Heterodyne they’re smelling is coming from him too. And then Gil shows up and Lucrezia flirts with him, too, except that sends Gil into a fury because of his history with Agatha, and in the confusion, Tarvek sneaks in, grabs Klaus Barry, and bolts with him back to the Circus. The Jagers grab Agatha!Lucrezia and spirit her off to Mechanicsburg. And poor Klaus is left with all that mess to clean up.
Of course, if I was going to stick with the roleswaps... I actually ought to kill Klaus off somewhere in there. But god, I can kill Anevka off before the story starts, but I don’t know if I could kill Klaus? I like him far too much for that. But maybe he got really, really badly hurt fighting alongside the Jagers, and everyone expects Gil to step up and take charge and run Wulfenburg in his stead, but Gil’s like ‘lolnope I have to go protect Tarvek from the insane Heterodyne girl’ and fucks off to Paris after Tarvek, so Zeetha steps up and takes charge, and sends a message off to Mechanicsburg to check on Agatha, and then Agatha shows up like ‘Zeetha, want to come with me to Paris?’ and Zeetha’s like ‘well, Wulfenburg’s back on it’s feet, I can put a senechal in charge for a while, and I need to go thump my brother for just dumping this in my lap so he can go kiss his boyfriend’.
And I know, in the original post, I said Seffie would be in love with Colette, and I stand by that as an endgame ship, but it occurred to me that it would be hilarious if she fell for Gil, and as per canon, tried to convince Tarvek to help her get him, only in this, Tarvek is 100% in love with Gil, and is like ‘no get your own’ and eventually (by being his usual sneaky-weasel self) discovers that Seffie and Colette actually had a bit of a thing a while back, but broke it off because Seffie has to get married, and Tarvek totally sets them up.
Also, speaking of Seffie, credit again to @katiekelpies for helping me come up with this, but given that I don’t think Barry would have hired Bangladesh the way Klaus did (he’s already got his own army, and he’s not interested in people who aren’t as pathologically loyal as Mechanicsburg, really), she’s probably a free agent in this verse, just generally causing havoc and looking for the hero that blew up her fortress, BUT, being a free agent, I bet she’d do a lot of contract work for the Storm King conspiracy, and I love the idea of Seffie sort of having a murderous rampaging Pirate Queen on retainer. Imagine Seffie being the center of a love triangle between Bangladesh and Colette. (Which, of course, would be resolved with an OT3, because this is Girl Genius, and that’s the only sort of happy ending we’ll accept =P)
Heh, sorry, that totally ran away with me. But thank you for giving me the opportunity to get some of the stuff I talked with katiekelpies about published ^_^
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darlighl · 3 years
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Once more I have returned with art for the esteemed @phoenixyfriend! She’s got such good taste in dresses, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to be comissioned for a piece.
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Agatha, Violetta, Klaus, Bang, Franz, Prime, Moloch, and Higgs
Gil, Ardsley, Krosp, Zola, Gkika, Colette, Castle Heterodyne, and Oggie
Zeetha, Dimo, Lucrezia, Anevka, Ivo, Humongulus, Vanamonde, and Trelawney
Tarvek, Rakethorne, Othar, Martellus, Albia, Seffie, The Beast, and Maxim
Round 2 begins tomorrow, 6/9/2023
Updated FAQ will be posted soon
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calmingpi · 2 years
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Girls in Paris
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Thinking about Paris-era Tarvek and Colette friendship… peak queer pining culture. Tarvek goes on a fifteen minute fugue state rant about how RUDE and TERRIBLE Gil is, with his flirting with any girl he sees and his RIDICULOUS HAIR and his TRAGIC LACK OF SHIRT, GOD, HE KEEPS WRECKING PERFECTLY GOOD CLOTHING, COLETTE— and Colette is just laying on the ground, like. Tarvek, Seffie is so beautiful and clever and she told me my hair looked nice today and then she twirled a lock of it and giggled and I almost perished on the spot. And then she started talking about Gil and my heart shattered into tiny pieces for the tenth time this week. What do I DO with these mixed signals, Tarvek, if I don’t get this under control she’s going to be the death of me—
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