#Cole who is so tired of this shit but also in it for the long haul.
tirednapentity · 9 months
the only thing you need to know about the mudshock trio is that they all love each other so much it's corroding their organs and that they cannot be fucking normal about it
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mondothebombo · 1 month
Mondo 👉👈 could you explain all the ways you connect the song Home to Wytyaa?…. Like Important Lyrics. I have been listening to it a lot and I need to know for reasons. :)
oli you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for someone to ask this. all the lyrics are technically important, and i may or may not have storyboarded scenes to this song in my head lmaooo. i’ve been wanting to talk abt this for SO FUCKING LONG so here we go!!!
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
jay doubting whether nya actually wants to be with him or if she’s just pitying him, when he wakes up from passing out in chap 6
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
this is jay noticing the others are getting worried and him sitting with all his bad thoughts, also as him talking to nya, kinda like “once i get my shit together and get over this, i’ll make things better”
I'll cut my hair
To make you stare
jay and nya both subtly subconsciously changing their appearances to separate themselves from what happened
I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
jay hiding his scars and trying to ignore everything for nya’s sake, intending to keep his promise of fixing his mistakes
Turn off your porcelain face
jays facade dropping and the others getting progressively more worried
I can't really think right now in this place
cole confronting jay abt his scars and jay getting overstimulated he lashes out
There's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane
jay freaking out when he gets high from the pain meds and yelling at kai for touching him the day after alec breaks his wrist
Are you dead?
jay seeing nya’s dead body when he looks at her
Sometimes I think I'm dead
jay/nya feeling the phantom pains
'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
jay hearing nadakhan’s and the pirates voices in his head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
jay having that dream
My eyes went dark
nya finding out abt the SA
I don't know where
My pupils are
jay looking in the mirror and hating his eye/scars
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
again, jay trying to be ok for nya
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
this is most definitely jay thinking his friends hate him while he’s alone on the ship
His mind is in a different place
jay spacing out during scrap n tap, thinking of how the others see him
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
transition back to him training with lloyd the day after he resets time and freaking out, accidentally hurting lloyd in the process
Get a load of this train-wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
this is him stuck in the memories and believing everything nadakhan and the pirates said abt him, hallucinating and seeing nadakhan at random times
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms
slowly fades to the present, where the others keep trying to prove they love him
Time is
nya and jay having the conversation where she talks abt the extent of her trauma
jay and nya laughing together while lightly training in the middle of the night
Tracing his face
their talk w wu when he says he’s proud of them
But strangely he feels at home in this place
and finally, the last scene of chapter 7, where jay and nya come and sit with the others after their talk w wu, and jay finally cries with relief as he cuddles w the others
i hope i explained this well enough, please feel free to ask me if anything needs clarification :D
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tornoleander · 2 months
Wow, you're the beta reader for bbnb? I didn't know that. (So you can confirm that Hat is infact not dead because I haven't seen any activity from them in a while and my brain always jumps to worst case scenarios)
Anyway, definitely didn't forget to respond for like a week, but here are some of my theories/scenarios:
-I still think Cole's the one who'll remember bits and pieces because A. He's a ghost B. Hat used he/him when talking about who will remember and C. It would be incredibly emotionaly impactful
-HOWEVER, I think Pixal could also remember some stuff. None of the emotional stuff but she did technically die when Nadakhan erased her. Besides, it could be fun to see her try to let Jay or Nya know she remembers while still stuck to Zane.
-also Zane's falcon died but he was never mentioned in this fic so 😔
-Jay DEFINITELY has c-ptsd. Like, 100%, I'm sure the nurse/psychologist whose name I forgor would agree with me
-I'm pretty sure Wu just died by some falling island or something like that. Or he could've died by the storm, that would be cool.
-I know he said that swearing is a sign of weak verbal skills but I feel like Jay would start swearing more for comfort. Like, Nadakhan hated it but never truly did anything horrible to him because of it :)
most of the scenarios in my head play out with the ninja being captured again
-for example, Jay using his internal electricity to shock someone when they all have vengestone
-or them getting tazed and Jay sending the current back like he did in the electric chair
-or they're all traped and saying shit like "there's no other option" or something and Jay replying with "suicide's still an option" like that's a normal thing to say which obviously worries the others
And then there's the non captured scenarios
-something something Jay falling into autopilot after being told/asked to clean to ship and ends up also cleaning the hull "Why are you cleaning the bottom? We're in the air and you're not even tied to anything???" ".... trauma response?"
-or just straight up Jay having a panic attack out of seemingly sowhere (Cole said he wished he could eat cake again)
Anyway, those are the things I could think of right now, there's more but it's 3:39am and I'm tired :3
Hope it's not too long lol
Yep! As of ch 15. Me and hat have been chatting for a while and I bug them for feedback on Art accuracy so I help them with some writing corrections too!
I have been working on beta reading earlier chapters as well currently half way through 4. It is certainly an experience but now I yell my feelings into comment instead of just the void
*reaches through horrific horror to correct spelling mistake.
Yup Hat is alive! They were just fixated on something else for a while but they are back.
Ok now for scenarios
-Cole remembering bits……. I will refrain from giving my thoughts.
-Pixal and Zane’s falcon died pretty early so I do think they may remember up till then but It probably wouldn’t help understand much.
-I don’t think Wu died? But it’s not impossible.
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I will ask hat about this one but seeing as bbnb events qualify as at least 4/6 of these causes of it AND ptsd is a tag I’m going to give it a yeah. Cause non complex ptsd is typically less prolonged.
-the swearing I do think he might do more but not necessarily for comfort
-For your head scenarios I am not sure all the ways hat is planned show how the events of the fic messed him up. But I know they’re a big fan of consequences for events…
From what I’m guessing he is going to be trying his best to hide everything and it’ll be somewhat canon compliant? But to be fair He is pretty consistently the most mentally unstable ninja. Take This with a big grain of salt I’m saving the analysis for my skybound video, but his behavior does generally line up well with SA surivers. the first time that Jays a prisoner post Skybound is when he says “You don’t argue with a man who’s navel is that close”
Drives me insane by the way
Side tangent, I’ve been doing a lot of Skybound digging for my eventual video essay. And my current best theory on why this is a line has to do with SA of men being played for laughs.
Like older audiences are supposed to hear that and find it fucking funny. It’s unfortunately not uncommon in kids programming. My quest to best explain why S6 is so uncomfortable has been… enlightening. Terrified of approaching a controversial topic so I have been learning a-lot about approach and how to not be awful. But my fixation is being channeled led into the eventual Skybound video.
Hope I answered what you wanted to know and It wasn’t purely my Adhd rambling
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sequentialprophet · 8 months
thoughts and headcanons as may befit a.... everyone works in a bookstore AU.
Ooooh alright
▪️ MJF runs the bookstore. He lowkey hates it but it's his so he takes great pleasure in making it the most unwelcoming bookstore on Long Island. He's gotten awards. Which have only made more people want to come buy books. Marks.
▪️Piper "runs" the instagram. Which is to say it's just pics of her lounging on bookpiles. MJF fights with people in the comments who call it unsanitary. Fuck them, Piper is perfect and they don't deserve books anyway.
▪️Max Caster is in there so often everyone assumes he works there. He does not but he rings people up and unpacks books and flirts with customers so it's understandable. MJF is tired of trying to force him out because Max is bigger and just giggles like MJF is being cute because he just keeps coming back so whatever. Also Piper loves him. Urgh.
▪️Danhausen runs a weekly DnD night. He's a spooky little pervert but he brings in money and Max asked really really nicely so he lets it be. The group is weird. There's a guy who dresses like a drunk cowboy who seems to be in a very aggressive rivalry with a guy who dresses like a vampire. MJF will never admit it but he's weirdly invested in whatever the fuck they've got going on. There's a guy who looks like a old timey boxer, shit tattoos and all, who never seems to speak but still seems to manage to play fine. He makes Danhausen uncomfortable. MJF loves that.
▪️He has an intense rivalry with that asshole Cole who opened The Undisputed Kingdom bookstore down the street. Profiting off MJF's popularity, the snake. They have an ongoing "prank war" which is less pranks and more out and out property damage.
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didiersdragon · 2 years
honestly i think about younger lloyd sort of copying/following the ninja around like a little duckling wayyy too much so im just gonna. dump em here. (fair warning, it might be long)
at first, i dont think any of them realise it- not even lloyd, that he's doing it. nya notices it first. they're repairing the bounty but she's watching as lloyd follow a few feet behind cole as the other works on moving planks of wood. lloyd looks like he doesn't know what to do so he's just copying the earth master, and he grabs one plank in his tiny hands and waddles after cole. nya watched this go on and has to hold back a laugh she sees cole flopping down on the ground in exhaustion, and a few moments of contemplating later lloyd following suit. both starfished.
i dont think they were all besties yet, but the ninja has accepted that this little gremlin is gonna be the green ninja and they're going to have to take care of him. maybe this is one of the few things that makes them realise, yeah this is Lord G's kid but holy shit he's just a kid.
and lloyd's also slowly accepting them. finding out he's the green ninja and his destiny made him mellow out a bit with his more, "evil-doings" (but not completely though)
zane's the next to notice. he's finished up dinner and the ninja have a rule that whoever didn't help in cooking will have to help clean. so a lot of the time, zane sits at the table or the couch and watches them clean up. sure, he's itching to help and he doesn't get tired even after cooking but master wu insists that its to build fairness within the team- to the other ninjas dismay.
he's seated at the dinner table this time as the others are clearing up and preparing for dessert when he notices lloyd.
the little one is watching jay, who is watching cole, who is leaving the room with a pile of plates. then he sees jay's hand creep towards the slice of pie that cole stated quite clearly to "do not touch it. no, Jay, especially not you." he sighs, already prepared for what's to come next. but what he was suprised by, was seeing little lloyd do the same thing but towards nya's slice.
right before either of them could reach it though, a loud shout startles them both enough to let out squeaks (one quieter than the other) as cole comes back in. jay has already made a break for it while lloyd simply disappears under the table.
zane couldn't help his own laughter at the whole thing, waving off a confused nya who is double confused when she finds lloyd under the table. he was amused and warmed by the behaviour of their youngest brother and made a note to himself to be more self-disciplined. preparing for when lloyd will decide to follow him. (nya does end up giving lloyd her slice anyway)
kai notices it when it's happening to him. they're out in the market and he's busy bargaining with the sellers over prices. the rest of the ninja are there as well but they each went seperate ways to do their own business.
he feels someone's gaze and turns to find a little blond head quickly looking away and (attempting to) hide in the crowd. he's surprised to see the little guy still nearby. he thought the kid would've run away by now and got caught stealing candy again (the candy sellers still glare at them when they pass by) or stayed with nya.
he snorts when he sees the kid yell as he's knocked onto his butt by the crowd and whistles to get his attention. lloyd turns red, embarrassed at being caught.
when he makes his way to where kai is standing, he's got the biggest pout and a deep frown. without saying anything, kai reaches out a hand and watches the multitudes of emotions that pass over the kid's face.
once, lloyd would've be too prideful to take it but after kai saving him from the volcano, he trusted the fire master more than he realised. so he took his hand. and for the rest of their trip at the market, kai would send short glances and feel his heart warm at the sight of little lloyd holding his hand; sometimes toying with his fingers, or just shaking it when he wanted attention and at one point when kai was taking too long, he had leaned bodily against the ninja with his head against his hip and kai had to hold his tears and teases back.
yeah just. ninja being big siblings and lloyd being a kid. i just think its adorable lmao
i do also think that this habit would still be present when he's older as well. maybe not as much but he just does it subconsciously compared to when he did it to be like his siblings !
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solrika · 10 months
A snippet of conversation between Cole and Jack, post-recall. Implied r76 and spuriken, but it's not the focus.
Jack wakes up with a startle, and Cole barely manages to dodge his flailing arm. Later, Jack will blame the lack of a connecting strike on his headache, the empty bottles rolling under his cot. Now, he just groans, wishing he was still dreaming. 
“Good morning to you, too.” Cole glances at the afternoon sun inching across the floor. “Well. For a given value of morning.”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I had some time off from babysitting.” Toeing at an empty bottle, Cole adds, “You look like shit.” 
Jack feels like shit, and the aggressive cheerfulness that Cole is radiating doesn’t help. “Do you do this to Ga–Reyes, too?” 
“Nah, he’s not as dramatic as you are–” a blatant lie, if Jack’s ever heard one, “--not as fun to bother. And besides, he pops in on his own.”
Jack stares. “He pops in?”
Cole shrugs. “At first I was worried–thinking he was gonna play la lechuza to get back at you–but you care more about chasing a ghost than watching over the kids. They’re not interesting to you, so he doesn’t care.” Cole’s lips quirk in a painful mirror of Gabriel’s mocking smile. “Guess your days of helping the new recruits are over, huh, Morrison?”
“They have you, don’t they?” Jack spits, rubbing at his pounding head. Rolling upright, he adds, “Cassidy, what the fuck do you want?”
“Maybe I just want to visit.” Cole makes a show of looking around the dusty room. “Genji was right. Should’ve brought a housewarming gift.” He kicks at the nearest cot leg, and it nearly goes out from under Jack’s ass. “Shit’s downright depressing.” 
Rolling his eyes, Jack heaves himself upright. “So you’re just here to bother me.” His clothes need washing, but he ignores the stink and pulls on his shirt from last night. Gabriel would have a fit, but, well, Gabriel’s not here to object anyway. 
“Eh.” A little hand wiggle. “Someone’s gotta make sure you’re still alive.” 
“I’ve got Ana.”
“She’s going to lose patience with you soon.” The mocking smile turns sharp enough to cut. “Reyes was the only one who could put up with your shit, after all.” 
Jack’s fingers tighten on his pistol hard enough the casing creaks. “If you’re just going to fucking needle me–” 
A derisive snort. Cole rummages in his pockets, and comes up with a datadrive painted a cheery purple. Waggling it like a tempting treat, he says, “If you can pull your head out of your ass long enough to help out Sojourn while I chase my own leads, I got something nice for you.”
Eying the drive like it’ll bite, Jack mutters, “Ask Genji. Or Reinhardt.”
Rolling his eyes, Cole says, “Reinhardt needs the most babysitting out of all of them. And Genji’s coming with me. As if you don’t know.”
The headache is already burning away, but it doesn’t stop the mean curl of Jack’s lips. Now it’s his turn to be cutting, and he replies, “I didn’t, actually. I thought he was with that omnic monk now. Wanted someone more introspective–”
Cole just rolls his eyes, and waggles the drive harder. “Off your game, old man.”  
Jack was tired of this game before it even started. He makes a grab for the drive, but Cole twists out of the way with Gabriel’s prenatural grace. “Ah, ah. It’s a trade, Jackie, not a gift. Gotta think of the kids first.”
The words burn. As they’re meant to–all of Gabe’s old anger steeped in new offense, and filtered through a cowboy-shaped lens. 
“I don’t owe you anything,” Jack scrapes out, watching the drive. They both know he could take it in a true fight, his strength enough to leave Cole with a shattered forearm and fingers. They also both know there’s no way Jack could face crippling Gabriel’s favorite student.  “I don’t owe them anything.” 
Cole blows out an exasperated breath, and at least this time the movement is all his own. “Try again.” 
“Fine.” Jack throws up his arms. “Fine!” 
“Thankya kindly.” Cole bows, does something with his hands that flourish the drive back out of sight. “And you’ll get that once I’m back.” 
This time, Jack considers just taking the damn thing a little more seriously. “That wasn’t the deal.”
Cole’s smile reminds him of a coyote. “I know better than to let you weasel your way back to this hole, Morrison.” Dusting off his hands, he adds, “The kids are waiting for you in Gibraltar. Be seeing you in a couple weeks.” Executing a perfect parade turn, he starts for the door. 
“That’s it?” Jack asks his retreating back, incredulous. “That’s fucking it?”
“Of course not,” Cole throws over his shoulder. “I’m leaving some tea for Ana.”
“I hate you,” Jack snarls, and begins throwing his clothes into his bag with barely-concealed aggression. 
“Right back atcha,” Cole sings, syrupy sweet, and escapes out the door.
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tandoori-frost · 1 year
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A quick little doodle for the kinda joke AU I made for @zarla-s handplates!Gaster. Poor guy gets pulled into the nonsense of Dragon Age Inquisition instead of leaving the Void back to his sons.
Will he get back, can he survive all these fucking humans as the inquisitor? Will he outright kill Dorian for implying he's a possessed corpse? Get back to me on that. I might have answers.
(Spoilers for DA:I below)
So the context here is that as he's trying to get out of the void he instead slips through the wrong way and lands right in front of Cor-piss-n-shit, and The Divine, out of sheer panic he *does* grab The Orb. (He lands here because of the way the ritual set up is affecting The Veil, and also because of Convient Plot Reasons, I'll blame Flemeth)
The Orb reacts weird to his Skeleton biology, and the fact that There's No Palm There, so you get that little lightshow.
He is not killed for being a walking skeleton for Convient Plot reasons, and the fact people saw The Divine/"Andraste" behind him, and the fact he is wearing well maintained clothes. Everyone feels kinda nuts until he wakes up and talks, and then they feel even more nuts but also justified.
My god is this man out of his depth, holy shit, someone help him.
....but also Gaster and Solas bonding over being the last of their kind, of doing horrible things for the betterment of their people, of being hated and feared (perhaps rightfully so), of trying to be *better*.
Cole being a sweet bby boy and also so so hurtful on accident, cause he just *keeps healing Gaster on accident*, his pure and kind intentions to help and to sooth keeps brushing against old pains and Cole doesn't mean to but its So Hard to interact with someone who exists as an extension of pure good intentions. Gaster is too traumatized for that kind of gentleness that early.
Dorian making the Worst Fucking Impression because he things Gaster is a summon, and holy shit that is the inquisitor walking away, fuck, god damn it, why cant he keep his mouth shut.
The Anchor eventually taking his arm and he literally just takes his arm off once it's not needed anymore and uses summoned hands to make up for the lack. (It wont fix the way the anchor is still connected to him, the way it still leaches from his SOUL, the way it already integrated itself, the fact that just taking a limb off doesn't mean it's truly GONE for a Skeleton, but no one else needs to know that. (After all, if it was going to take more than that one arm it would have taken all of him instantly, the connections so easy to make, and so little to block its progress)) (aka, Gaster gets a semi sentient magic leach that slowly wakes up and sassing him throughout the game, he starts speaking Elvhish @ Solas 8 months in because it got tired of not hearing it and everyone is spooked for *weeks*)
I could go on for so long cause I have so many ideas but like, gotta end the post somewhere, (Bull taking one look at Gaster and making the WORST dad jokes known to man, "Guess I know why the Chantry has a bone to pick with you" he says winking with his 1 good eye, and Gaster realizes that he has made a Mistake)
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Also loving how much of this has sent the BB/GG into ded silence (oh, sorry....."too buseeee"), but when not that, here's janASS, hilariously attempting to twist shit....AND then proceeding to not realice what a fucking hypocrite it outs her as.....
(and side note, similarly? Love how the Vogue vid fully quashed the "so much make up" bullshit, even before it happened.....and how enchanted the lady appeared with her "canvas")
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I legit made a point of decreasing my screen to get in both posts.....that's right, literally one after the other:
PP whimpers about "I don't feel XTRA pretteeeeeee!!!" and she's now jeeebus/is curing cancer/the world is again at her feet, after having so long negated this (noooo, she's always done this for and gotten attention over voicing her faux feminism----or whatever, thusly). It's seriously tired, at this point.....
And, literally, being a fucking basket case makes her a brave, superior being....
Conversely, next we have Cole being snarky and self-effacing (neither remotely new for him, nor bad) as a means of connection on his Vogue video. This means OMGEEEEEE!!! He is SOOOOOOOOOOO insecure!!!
Which, ofc, for him? Is akin to being evvollll satan....dude....
Even if he is "insecure"? So----per yourself, just above, that makes him the world's most glorious creature....
Buuuuuttt.....we all see you! That isn't what this is about.....cuz we also know who's really "completely furious"
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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They were aboard ship when the Raven came zipping above a swell and nearly collided with their Maester. His graying hair was dusted with spray as he glanced at the two ladies watching the bird in his hands. Removing the small note on its leg he sighed. "Lord Lucerys, Heir to High Tide, has been slain by Aemond," he replied and displayed the Black Dragon of Dragonstone. "i knew the Andals would do this!" Qwynn growled. Her wife leaned against her as the two women eyed the sky above them. "We need to settle in to our Holdfast and prepare. If this war burns the south they may call the northern banners," Denna said to her wife's ear. "Yes, and when they do, the Banshee of Ceallach will spear their riders from the Sky," Qwynn said grimly. --- Wow, so this is long time coming, but I have been sitting on my reactions to House of the Dragonf or the better part of two weeks. A mix of depression and watching my niece has slowed my words. I've also been pushing for a new fanfic to get finished up so I'm tired these days. Drained of a lot of my primary muse. IRL I have a customer-facing job which for someone like me is really exhausting social and mentally. And returning later in the night to recover can result in little time. Now that we are back though lets do this review! The Ugly This series did not hold back on the violence against LGBT. We knew that a lot of people were going to die. But I really can say that some of it has left a bad taste in my mouth more than a few times. Now, as I think about it though I would say the ending scene of Queen Aemma's death to me really set te tone for the brutality of this entire season. Maybe, it's my bitterness for how they ended GoT and how the showrunners of that show ruined Dany. Who knows. I'd sai the one thing I could do without in this season were the death of Ser Joffrey. A scene just depicting Criston as a total piece of shit who should have faced harder repercussions. Really, I know the guy is important but I'd rather his pretty face was you know maybe scarred up a bit more. Seriously! Onto the other person I hate, Three-Eyed Rat, Larys' brutality is beyond astounding. The scene where he orders the death of his own family was as sickening to me in some ways as the acting was superb. What made me want to just cut was that whole foot masturbation. Seriously, did we need to act such a graphic shitty scene? The Good Wow, the cast in this series has been just amazing. Paddy Considine showed us the peace and slowly dying LIvserys. Every time he was on screen he -was-  Viserys Targaryen. This was all made the better with Matt Smith as the utterly depraved and love-to-hate fuckboy, Daemon. The early parts seemed strange, but as we saw the Valyrians we were pulled in by them. These two clash in such a natural way I believed they were brothers! But one of the harder parts of this series was Milly Alcock's part of Young Rhae transitioning in Older Rae. Milly Alcock sells the sense of haughtiness one could only expect of a Targaryen Princess. The way she rides off in a huff at her father's hunt, and how she sleeps with Cole. Their young -puppy- love that rots into Criston's Incelnes was made only better as we switch to Emma D'Arcy. We see the Summer of rebelliousness sower into a woman whose been basically driven away by her own family. If the damn Hightower parts weren't so well acted this portion of the series would have been boring as fuuuuck. Counter of Milly's acting Emily Carey is a questioning and quiet girl who just wants her fund. To see her morph into Olivia Cooke's master class of the scorned friend was made me utterly hate the Greens. This is helped along by Rhys Ifans as Otto. I would say that if Otto hadn't been such a good counter to Daemon and a "Friend" to Paddy's Viserys this entire show would have flopped. Now let's get to the real power couple of this fucking series. Corlys (played by Steven Toussaint) was another Valyrian persona I wanted. Did he sell me as the Sea Snake, yes and no. In this series we see that the burning ambition of Corlys which would ruin his family. I just wish the man had more fucking options for wigs because whoever was doing his and the rest of the family DID NOT SEEM to understand that there are multiple styles of hair for POC. FFS people give the man a few different looks! Onto Rhaenys, damn, yeah she was one of the break outs of this series. Seeing her as this silent shadow in the first two episodes to evolve into a armor clad Valkjyr was -invigorating-. THIS makes me happy that she dies fucking epicly later in the series. My favorite scene is where she sits atop Meleys (Meraxes dammit) and to let the Greens live was, aweinspiring. Conclusion Okay, so I am running gout of stem on this, but House of the Dragon has definitely kinlded a renewed interest in the GoT TV verse. I was turned off by a few scenes,, but overall I'm happy with this new spinoff to the franchise. Honestly, I was turned off of the last few seasons of Game of Thrones that I refused to watch them. I ended season 7 and I fucking walked away. I said goodbye after they killed off Viserious. I've never watched anything but clips from the episodes onward. This series gives me hope that we can see more additions to the universe as GRRM pitters away on his book. I want to see animated episodes set during the Freehold. I want to watch Nymeria lead her people out of the ashes of her fallen civilization. That can only happen IF HotD does well enough for HBO to continue to greenlight things. Welp, let's see what we may get in Season 2. I need to read Fire & Blood, but I'l need to continue eating up fanfics for now! Story Idea I've decided to backburn my idea of a Dragon Riding series of short stories. I need to really absorb more ideas and theories before proceeding. I can say that I hope that the Rhae x Alicent story section grows in Ao3 and maybe some rare pairs in the ASOIAF / GoT verse grows its fandom in healthy ways!
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marinecorvid · 2 years
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62 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
okay. im gonna be honest, aemond n vhagar accidentally killing luke isnt what im most mad about. the whole hotd as a show is an adaption of fire and blood, a book that’s only a collection of historical, biased accounts as people who weren’t necessarily close to the main pieces but from an outsider’s perspective, so we’ll see things that clash with how history glamorizes/villainizes some people/events.
i think making alicent a more complex character beyond an evil stepmother was a good choice; the idea that aemond didn’t lose an eye bc luke went down to confront him to specifically kill him, but bc of an emotional scuffle that got out of hand. i’m not so keen on criston cole getting away with straight up murder with no visible repercussions every other episode, nor the kicking off of the usurper aegon plot bc of a misunderstanding via a dying viserys (i think that takes away a smidge too much of alicent’s agency), and i think rhaenys busting out of the dragonpit floor unharmed (tho yes, extremely cool) was bad writing.
however, given grrm’s irl tendencies of being anti-monarchist and comparing the dragons to living nukes, as well as the books being far more mythical/fantastical/grudgingly positive with dany desperately striving to do good for people - and the tragic feel between alicent and rhaenyra, how they both wanted reconciliation towards the end, before the blood began to flow - i think it’s not a complete left turn out of nowhere to say yeah, one of the bloodiest wars in westerosi history was ultimately a conflict stemming from a handful of long-festering accidents between an emotionally and genetically unstable family with people constantly trying to manipulate them. i just wish they didn’t reduce so many turning points to accidents.
also, as displayed in both asoiaf and f&b, dragons don’t always listen to their riders, even when they’re so closely bonded to their human like w dany; arrax was still young and flighty (metaphorically) and vhagar was a battle dragon, of course she’s gonna hit back if she gets fire to the face
still worried abt the state of the writing for coming seasons 😬
72 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Fr tho “the quiet rapture” is a TERRIFYING but perfect name for a terrifying but inexplicable mass death. The world ends not with a bang but a whimper
127 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
pov you just watched the leaked finale of hotd s1
Tumblr media
175 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
up to the usual quality standards i see
649 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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abishekmuses · 5 months
Cole Schafer’s newsletter - it made think a few things. 
This guy’s really good at selling himself. And I don’t mean in that ANY negative sense. He embodies all that is great about the American Hustle. 
Unashamed. That’s the thing. 
And his stuff inspires me to write. 
His brand of creativity somehow gives me the license to create - to write. For the joy of it. It makes it accessible and whatever the opposite of daunting is. 
I’m thinking - there are lot of stories from my life I’d like to share. Just like his story of his camping trip. That painfully awkward crush he had on that freckled Quebecois girl. 
I have stories like that. 
I guess I’m a “creative” after all. 
I never grew up identifying with a tag like that. Wonder how I would have turned out if I had. Would my associations have been different?
I guess we’ll never know. 
But now I know for sure - I’m a creative. I’m that kind of person. 
Ha - I remember even as kid, I was fascinated with the idea of being a physician writer. 
There was so much romance to the notion.
I also remembered today that I was fascinated with the idea of writing beautiful things and then throwing them away. Morbidly fascinated with the idea of somebody picking up those pages  and reading them, wondering who wrote them. 
I want to get more comfortable with this fact - the fact that I love creating verbal structures. I love expressing myself. It doesn’t need to be towards any end - It just needs to be. 
I have a need for aesthetics. Creating beauty is its own reward. And the best part about creating for myself is that I’ll always be able to see the beauty inherent in it - the limitations or the blemishes, if you will, won’t stop me from seeing how beautiful it is. 
I feel like I have so much to say. 
Do I feel ashamed of judgement? Is that it?
I think so. I think we all are, to varying extents. 
This is what I think it is - I think I want to be associated only with the most beautiful things I can create. Not with the mediocre. 
There is some validity to this notion - I mean, brand value and all. 
But if this is getting in the way of me creating things at all, then fuck it!
Man the linkedin thing is such a bummer. I wonder what it was? The Norway thing - that’s easily explainable though - 
Anyway, I hope it works out and has that effect of making me appreciate it more. 
I want more money in my life. 
I want to create without fear. 
I want to live for joy. 
I want to roam the world free from fear, anxiety and worry. 
I’m tired of worrying. 
I’m tired of thinking about money. 
Which is ironic because the fact still remains that I have a great job - even with the salary cut. 
I want to continue checking out Cole Schafer’s work - I think it will inspire me to create more. I want to create more. I want to put it out there. It would make me happy if people engage with the stuff I create. 
I don’t care if I’m stating the obvious. I like typing. Just for the fuck of it. 
And these are honest words - why would I not like to type them?
God I remember I’ve loved typing for the longest time. I remember - I’ve loved writing words for the longest time - Wonder why it’s taken so long for me to recognise this in myself. 
Is that how pervasively pernicious the South Indian middle class trap is?
Man. I wonder. 
If a guy like me who doesn’t have a single middle class sinew in me can be held back this much - this shit must really be pervasive then. 
I feel my neurosis slipping away every time I write. Maybe Tasha was right about the Gemini energy thing. 
I wonder what she’s upto - she can be really sweet. But also ditsy. She can be profound and dumb at the same time.
What I love about her is this - she has the ability to interact with a certain spectrum of humanity that I struggle to interact with. She does it so effortlessly and seems to be able to see greatness in them - I struggle possibly because of self-consciousness. Possibly because of some misplaced sense of elitism. Some sense of a disconnect? I don’t know. Like - I don’t like the way I’ being seen? Or think I’m being seen. 
This is a lovely change of pace - the words that are coming out now are of a higher order than the usual worried rants to myself that I produce - quotidian affairs. 
So yeah money. Money would be nice. Man Linkedin!
It’ll work out. 
I think I’ll be let off with a warning. 
Time to remember than zen thing - 85% is good. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. I tried building my body super quickly - My back fucked up. I tried coming up on linkedin too quickly - I got banned. I tried to make a lot of money too quickly - I haven’t published an article for ONiO in a whiiiiiiile. Patience. 
It’s eluded me. I need patience. I’ll find it I think. Nandi is the man.
Ahh yes I remember. before I got to the desk to write this - I was thinking about how I’m so filled with resentment and anger - how a lot of the stuff I say about India, and “ok sir”, and this and that - it’s not that the stuff itself can’t be well received - it’s the energy - the emotional charge that’s not well received. 
Can I transmute my resentment into humour?
I think I can. I think I am doing that.
Ok. Time to attend to the quotidian. But the supernal shall be where I dwell more and more.
#creative #creativity #selfdoubt #artist
0 notes
themilosquid · 11 months
I've always liked ghosts. I thought they were cute. And i felt seen in them. Someone who isn't quite alive, but isn't dead either. Someone who didn't feel anything, and felt a lot at the same time. Someone lonely. Sometimes they used it to their advantage and made little pranks, or just sulked in their sad lifes. Someone like me.
When I started ninjago, I fell in love with cole the same way I fell in love with Applejack. They were a character who I admired. They were strong and selfless. People loved them. I wanted them as friends, sometimes even be like them. But then Cole became a ghost.
It was weird. I didn't like it the first time around, I thought it was just another means to an end. A little spice to the story at hand, maybe some "We're not so different you and i, but I chose to stand with the good" and shit like that, but then Cole started struggling.
He would panic frantically about losing focus. He was scared of being left behind. He felt dead.
His hands would stop feeling and he would lose track of his mind. He would be absent and distracted.
And he hated it so much.
I felt drawn to it. I liked seeing him suffer. I didn't realize it, but I saw myself in him.
Now I've been reading some fanfics about him.
The fandom can be really sadistic with their fantasies. I read a lot of different things, more than anything because there wasn't a lot of Cole centric, so I read everything that wasn't full on cold blood murder. Still, there was a lot of death, crying, trauma, transformations, kidnapping and slaving. And then I found ghost Cole again. Forgetting, losing his tanginess, feeling numb and alone. Disappearing. Funnily enough, these were also full of family reunions, love, shared suffering.
Cole would disappear and everyone in the bounty would search for him. Cole would forget who he was and everyone would try to remind him. Cole would be tired af and everyone became his pillow and talked low to let him sleep.
I liked those scenes. I saw myself in them.
I saw myself forgetting who I was and what I liked, saw myself exhausted and incapable to sleep, saw myself leaving everything and disappearing, and I saw everyone around me reacting the same way the ninja did with Cole.
When I forgot how loved I was, my friend was there at 3 am telling me she loved me. When I was constantly tired, they where my pillow. When I runned away because I thought they wouldnt notice or mind, they always found me.
I thought it was selfish of me to see myself in this scenes. To want to see the people who love me show their love without them knowing I was there. I wanted to be sure they really meant it.
It isnt selfish to long for love. I don't think it is selfish to want to be loved. But I was being selfish. Because I didn't give my trust to them.
I wanted them to prove it to me, and that was selfish. They already love me. Why would they stop when I wasn't there?
Cole's struggles to keep himself in reality reminded me of my own struggles during my fainting season.
Getting distracted constantly was part of my brain, feeling numb half the time was what I thought was happiness. But feeling myself leave my body wasn't.
Seeing Cole lose his body and seeing the ninja try their best to bring him back reminded me when I tried marihuana.
I went to sleep, and then I realized someone calling my name, but they were far. Couldn't even understand for a while. I was sitting, but I didn't realize for another while. I don't know what my eyes where doing, I didn't have control of them. I didn't see anything, and then I saw a little something far away from me. I finally saw some glasses, then eyebrows, then some moles and then a full face.
I understood my name. And the numbness started to dissipate.
I was regaining consciousness slowly, and my friend and partner where terrified.
I remembered how in movies, people who are dying on unconsious get told to fight, to stay awake and to do their best. So I did that.
I did my very best to regain control as fast as possible. I wanted to be good. They needed my help right now, so I couldn't allow myself to fail in regaining control. I forced my eyes to see better, my hands to feel and my mouth to move.
In the fanfics, Cole did his best with what he had, but he was never told to fight the sleepy, or stay strong.
I didn't need to be good right away. I was unconscious. If I had fainted again it would have been fine because it was out of my control. And I should have known that my friends were caressing my hair, moving me with care and keeping me safe. I should have trusted that they werent expecting me to be good. They were helping me get here. Even if it took 5 hours or only 5 seconds, they would wait for me.
I was afraid of how everything looked, how everything sounded, because I knew that no matter how much I fought, my body would win against my will to live.
But seeing cole be completely lost and thinking he was forgotten, while his family holded him close and took care of him told me what I should have known about mine. Told me what I know happened while I was out.
They took care of me.
And they will if I am once again lost.
Maybe I will always be a ghost, and thats ok, because I have two amazing people at my side, who will brush my hand softly, who will caress my hair and keep it away from my face. Who will keep the music down while I sleep. Who will light the way back to reality.
Who will always search for me.
For the first time in my live, I think I'm ok with not being conscious.
And maybe, for the first time ever, I am glad that I am a ghost. Because I know I will always have them to keep me on earth.
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ampasmen · 1 year
Here by I present a DIgiwave shipping fanfic (benthomaar x scott)
Wave and bolts
Everything feels weird when Scott wakes up, his body is sore, he has this weird headache as he feels like a drunk person after waking up from a terrible hangover.
"Shit my head… what happen" he said while rubbing his temple, trying to regain what happened yesterday. He only remembered he was at an after party that the ninja hosted for celebrating the victory after defeating the overlord. And after that everything is a blur from there.
But the thing after the party he was sure he was somehow still in the party, he didn't remember how he got into bed. Moreover he didn't even know who's bed he was in. Maybe he was tired when he was in a drunken state and he got himself into bed, but that can't be right. How can a drunk person be in their right state of mind to go by themself?
Also who brings him to the bedroom? That was the one question he wanted to ask, is it Jay? But that was impossible since Jay was hanging out with his team all night yesterday, and even having a make out session with Cole and Griffin, who were both trying to win his heart, so that was really impossible to do. Then who is the mysterious person that willingly accompanies him, he really need to thank them, whoever they are.
But the thing he noticed is the bedroom. How the theme was like he was underwater or like some kind of aquatic scenery. "Oh, you've already awake! I was wondering when you will wake up from your sleep" said the stranger as they opened the door to the bedroom. Which revealed was none other than the prince of merlopians– I mean king of merlopians, benthomaar himself. The king then smiled at Scott who stared at him cautiously but then soon began to relieve knowing it's just the king.
"What? Who are you? How did I…"
"You were drunk yesterday at the party after the drinking game, and not long after you fell asleep," Bentho explained as he entered the room while sitting on one of the sofas in the room. Smiling at the human as he observes him from afar "I suggest you to rest some more to soothe the pain in your head for a few minutes" he suggests, observing Scott whose face becomes more tense as the king glances at him more.
"And how was I supposed to be calm after that incident and not to mention some stranger just brought me to their home without my consent?" The mechanic said bitterly in his voice, clearly didn't look so happy about this. Plus he didn't even know the guy, the only thing he knew was that the man in front of him was the king of the sea kingdom. "Right, sorry for that.. but I have my reason to do that" the king then apologized to Scott who was still annoyed that a stranger completely kidnapped him to this underwater kingdom.
"I guess that's fine… consider you didn't tell this to Jay or blazey about how I was drunk" Scott said forgiving him but with one condition. "You're one of Jay's friends?" Bentho then asked him, "uh yeah? He's my friend, why do you ask?" Hearing that makes bentho relieved, hearing he was one of Jay's friends from the land.
Bentho then introduces himself again to Scott to regain his memory about yesterday's event, "well that's a relief, the name king benthomaar. King of merlopians, but you can call me bentho for short, i'm also one of Jay's friend" with that sentence, Scott then remembered something "bentho… don't tell me– you're the one Jay's introduced to me for a blind date?!" He yelled at him, face a little bit warm remembering yesterday stuff happened.
"Oh about that huh? Uhh yes, he did tell me about that information. He was saying there's another friend of his that needs some dating or advice? Why's that?" Bentho asks him with a slight puzzlement in his face, at this rate Scott only could just grumble some few curses. Maybe he shouldn't tell Jay about his dilemma about not having a special someone in his life, he really regrets it somehow.
"Fsm Jay… you little shit"
"Is there something on your mind? Is it because you're hungover again? I could bring some water to you if you like" the king said with a concern filled him, but then Scott then told him not to worry about himself. "No, it's alright. Just some thoughts that I shouldn't tell to a certain someone" he said with a grit, still annoyed that Jay ofcourse would recommend him to date someone or blind date him.
Benthomaar then nodded as he stood there quietly, and truth to be told it was kind of awkward and the silence was really unbearable. But then suddenly Scott's phone was ringing loudly and he soon picked it up seeing who the caller was. Turns out it was Jay, with a heavy sigh he then answered the call. "What?"
"Good morning Scott. Hope you didn't mind if I was searching a date for you yesterday"
"Yeah? Well I do mind, and regrets it real bad"
"Hahaha yeah sorry about that, but you really should try find a date by now since y'know free and all"
"I know that, but what's the matter with a guy who just wants a simple life without any distraction?"
On the other call Jay just chuckled at his friend antics
"Ok that's true. But anyway, how was yesterday? I didn't see you after the drinking game, the last thing I saw was that you were leaning into bentho"
Wait, he was leaning into bentho when he was drunk? Oh shit this can't be ended good
"What do you mean?"
"Well, yesterday I did introduce you to him. As y'know blind date as such. But you were too overly cautious and bitter at him. It could hurt his feelings"
Oh yeah he remembers that part, he was being his usual self and when Jay introduced him to benthomaar he was being really annoyed but somehow he found that bentho presence was oddly curious and calm, but he can't help but to feel bitter at him.
"You did. And we didn't know each other, just casual talk and such" he explained while looking over at benthomaar who was smiling at him, he somehow could feel his face begin to warm at that smile. For the love of fsm these two just barely met yesterday, and he already feels this weird already?
"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, where are you right now? I was about to go to your apartment but you were not there, did something happen?"
Shit what should he say to him? He couldn't just say 'oh I was drunk and somehow this giant fish brought me to his kingdom and room to stay' , he cannot. What would Jay think of him?!
"Oh uh… it's nothing personal just small work stuff"
"But wasn't your workplace still closed? Considering about this last few days incident"
Jay really knew that stuff too well, how should he lie to him now?
"Uhh.. yeah but there's someone needed help by now"
"Really? But I heard from blazey said that you were drunk last night, and now you were nowhere to be seen after that"
Now his lie is out, there's no way he could hold the lie much more longer
"Your highness, our meeting is about to get started with the kingdom of shintaro. I must suggest that you and the guest rise from bed" one of the guards say to bentho who was still in the room with Scott from the beginning.
"Oh. OH! you're at merlopian I see, should I pick you up in about… 30 minutes?"
With a sigh and flustered face, Scott then nodded and answer the question, "please i would like to go home"
"Haha okay, don't have too much fun there, byeeee"
"It's not like— Jay? Great. Now I have so much explaining to do now" he said as he rubbed his temple with a sigh, while bentho glanced at him With concern. "Are you alright? Maybe I should leave you here till Jay can pick you up?" The sea king said as he awkwardly walked to the front door but he was stopped by Scott himself.
"N-no that's alright, I was really bored here too and my body is alright now.. just a small headache I guess" Scott said as he walked past bentho with a small smile, well he should maybe wait for Jay to pick him up in a few minutes. "You sure? I could just accompany you and wait until the meeting"
Well knowing he has a meeting with vania, he is sure that she won't mind at all. Since he and vania are friends now and maybe they have a few chats about something else. "Yeah I'm sure, besides we're never going to speak of this again. And not even Jay can know about this" the smaller one said to clear the state of his words. It's not like they both have a one night stand right? Besides, nothing happened between them last night after that drinking game incident.
Hearing that statement, it doesn't quite sound right to his ear or mind. With a forced smile he then nodded, somehow those words stung to his heart. But he didn't want to think about it, for now he just had to wait for the right time.
As time goes by, not long after Jay then picks him up from there with a little greeting with bentho and vania who are just going to start their meetings. "Hello you two, great to see you two here" Jay greeted as he was just about to pick Scott from there. "Jay! Great to see you too, we were just about to start our meetings now" vania said with a warm smile waving at the blue ninja from afar.
Just as he waves at her, Scott then appears and approaches Jay as he hurriedly tells him to start to go. "C'mon Jay, we better hurry." But before he and Jay hop to their vehicle, Scott then stop and say his goodbye to benthomaar, "thank you for your home service, maybe I could payback to you someday"
After that he and Jay then began to drive away in they're vehicle to the surface. Meanwhile the king himself can only stare at them from afar as they drive away, "soo… how was last night? I could tell it didn't go well then?" Vania ask to him As he still staring at nothing but the scenery in front of them
"After yesterday's event I was about to make a friendly conversation with him but he already slept through the way we were here. And I supposed he didn't remember our small incident last night…" he said, still thinking about what Scott said that morning about them forgetting this thing.
Truth to be told there is something that he didn't want to tell the mechanic about how drunk he was and they might have shared a kiss or two and maybe some secrets, he guessed that was just a fling or hookups then. Nothing more than that.
"Maybe it was just one night stand thing, that's what the surface people called" he said with a sigh as he walked past the queen of shintaro as they entered the kingdom.
"So I guessed yesterday night you weren't doing anything with benthomaar?"
"No Jay, I don't even remember what happened after I got drunk. Heck my head is having a migraine thinking about it" Scott said while looking out the window as they were just arriving on land.
"Huh, guess my matchmaking for you is failing then" Jay said a bit disappointed, he only wanted to help his friend to find love but guessed that's a total messed up. "But do you remember how you ended up at Merlopians in the first place? Since you need to breath under water and such" He asked again a bit curious how did Scott ended up there with benthomaar
Well Scott can't say he didn't remember about it, but he could only tell that he only know that after he got drunk, he was in a guest room and before he could entirely passed out he can only remember that he whisper something or doing something before that, but he can't entirely sure what is that.
But he sure could feel something lingering In his lips, it feels like he has kissed someone. Maybe that was his mind playing with him right now, the more he thinks about it the more his headaches are worse than before.
"You're thinking again, is it about last night?"
"You could say that… I just can't have my mind right for now. I know there is something about yesterday when I was at the guest room, but I don't even remember what it was"
As both of them walk out and pass through the people in the street, Scott can't really help but try to remember those fuzzy memories. Maybe he needs to refresh his memory again, but now he really needs to open the workshop. Works are going normal again after the crystal king incident.
Oh well, better make some money for living again and being a productive society.
Nope. Scott can't focus on his work after those incidents. Somehow he always messed with his works these days and can only thinking about the king of merlopians, all he can think now is about benthomaar all over now, whenever Jay mentioned him or even bentho himself go to his place thanks to Jay, now he can't really help to focused on him all now.
Cursed of being stupid in love.
"I guess I'm in love…"
"Are you just realizing now?" Lloyd said as he accompany the mechanic with the repairment of the vehicle they have
"Yes, I did. And I just didn't realized that any sooner"
"Who's the man?"
"The prince…"
"Benthomaar? I didn't know you two are friends"
And Scott then falls silent as he thinks again, they weren't even friends in the first place. It's just some coincidence that they interact at the party and maybe get drunk after. But being friends? Most likely not
"We're… not actually friends, I suppose?"
"Really?? I thought.. Jay said–"
"Yeah, well he could even be wrong. It's just happen that I have some feelings for the prince"
Lloyd then turned silent after hearing Scott rant, but then he was curious about that so he asked, "what do you like about him? And since when did you actually like 'like' him?"
Somehow Scott's face was now turning red after hearing that, "well… I don't know either but I guess he wasn't a bad person, even though his appearance kinda intimidating me but he's still a good person. His personality is very endearing to say the least, he's kind and caring even though we're not really close with each other. He's a gentle person too considering he looks intimidating from the start but actually he is… cute? And a big teddy bear I guess"
Lloyd can't help but to smile at that and wanting to tease him now, "so, big teddy bear huh? Interesting, so you like how he is and big he is" he snicker can't help to see how in love Scott is.
"No, forget what I said earlier! I didn't even say about his big appearance or his heights, yes he might be bigger than me and tall, but it's just that" Scott defended himself as he pouted at how Lloyd's words hit him right.
"Oh? That's actually cute? I don't know, I never feel like that, so you like the height difference type, that's cool. But I'm curious, have you met him before, I mean before our celebration party like have you met him first before this?" Lloyd ask curious if Scott have ever met bentho before
That made Scott thinking, have he met bentho somewhere else before that day? He didn't even know him, and he wasn't quite sure either, "I guess I never thought about that… maybe? I don't know either, not quite remember" he said, not sure about his answer.
"That's fair then, but since when did you fall for him?"
"I guess after the party? No I guess it was when I was in his kingdom"
"Wait what? How did you end up in his castle?" Well Lloyd didn't even know that story might as well to tell him
"That's a long story but short story I got drunk and somehow he tried to help and decide to bring me to his castle, we didn't do anything so don't even think something weird" he said sternly at the young green ninja as he look at him With curious glances
"At first I want to ask why he brought you to his castle but on second thought I would like to not question that" he said, already knowing that it was going to be useless to ask the mechanic about that. "So what are you going to do now? Since this whole one night fiasco turned into a love thing?" Lloyd then asks him, still looking a little bit curious.
Scott then fell silent and thought about what will happen next since something happened already at that time. "Jay said he had set me up a blind date with the king, and nothing happened. And I'm sure something happened after I passed out or maybe before that, yeah it's pretty confusing" he said, still not sure if he should just talk to the king again or let it be ignored until he forgot about it.
"Oh yeah that's quite confusing. But does that mean about that date–"
"No we haven't got to date, the party didn't count as a date because that's how we met" Scott explained before anything happened or misunderstanding happened. "But if he wants to give it a try, I don't see why not? It's not like I want to date him and give it a go" he said with a face a little bit red, and he surely annoyed hearing Lloyd grinning like an idiot now.
"Also stop grinning like that" he said annoyed at the green ninja face, "grinning like what?" There's a new voice and he sure it wasn't the green ninja
"Oh bentho, didn't see you were going to come here!" Lloyd then smiled at his friends clearly amused by how this thing will be going. "The other said that you would be here and so that's why I'm here, did something happen before I arrived?" He asked the youngest one, and then he looked around and saw Scott with Lloyd and he waved and smiled at him With a bright smile on his face, making Scott blush a little and avoiding his glance.
"Nope, we were just talking about this broken vehicle. It can be used for something in the future tho, might be useful" he said as he motioned to the broken vehicle that Scott repaired. "Well that really can be used for something else…" bentho mumbling as he fascinated by Scott work
Seeing it somehow makes Scott's stomach feel filled with butterflies all of the sudden, and he sure wants that feeling to go away. "Thanks… I suppose, what are you even doing here anyway?" He ask trying to hide his blush while avoiding the prince gaze
"I can't visit and hang around here with my friends?? That's hurt me" The prince said with a playfully smile, being dramatic he is. Which made Scott scoff and annoyed at it, "no one said you can't, I asked why are you here?"
"I was curious, and I didn't even know you were here either," the prince said, still smiling at the mechanic as the one in front of him stared at him, not believing his words. "Lie. I heard from the others you were going in here before that" he said with a little cautiousness, clearly didn't like this at all. Not even his feelings helped him a little bit.
Lloyd, who seemingly feels like being a third wheel was feeling uncomfortable by bystanding there, "seems like this is a you guys problem. Don't want to interfere so I will just go right now" he told them and left them as soon as possible from the tension.
The atmosphere in the room then suddenly became more tight than before, not to mention the tension between them. "Why are you even here? I never told you or others I was always here, well except Jay and Lloyd" Scott said as he back to repairing the vehicle not wanting to look at the prince directly
"I was wondering if we could talk about that night? The one where you got drunk" bentho said as he saw a glimpse of Scott face as he froze in place for a while, "if anything about that time, please let's just forget about that" Scott said before the prince could say anything "no, I want to talk about that night about what really happened" he said as he reached the mechanic hand and grips his hand not intended to let it go.
Scott then stares at bentho as he looks through his eyes, telling him the thing he needed to say, and then he sighs in defeat really he can't win with those types of eyes staring at him like a puppy. "Fine. But don't expect me to not leave after we talked about this" he said while trying to free his own hands from the strong grip that bentho has.
Bentho then smiled as he then soon released the mechanic's hand, and then he began to talk to him. "Right, so remember that night when Jay introduced us to each other? Yeah that wasn't our first meeting, " he confessed, telling the truth about their first meeting. "What? You're saying we have met before? Bullshit" Scott scoffed at the words.
"Uhm.. it's more like how I met you before that" bentho said and then cleared his throat as he continued his talking, "that started after nya's sacrifice. I was swimming in the ocean and got bored by the kingdom work, so I got up to the surface and somehow accidentally stumble upon your workplace and seeing you work there"
"And what's the correlation with how we met?"
"Oh uh… we might have interacted before, maybe you didn't remember but you were kinda busy with your work and I am kind of curious with humans like you are. We have talked one or two words"
"What? You mean when I thought I was alone you were there the whole time?" He asked the prince a little bit annoyed about it but he can get that because he could get how alone that time.
"Well… yes? Uhm are you mad about that?"
Scott then sighed as he shook his head, "no I wasn't mad at you, just a little upset"
"Oh alright, and about that party night. You were drunk I mean"
Oh shit here it comes, he really mentions how he was drunk that night. "Look I was caught up in the mood to play a drinking game and I didn't mean to be a nuisance to you or even do some stupid shit to you– did I do something when I was drunk??" Scott asked, a panicked expression showed, clearly didn't want to make things awkward to bentho.
"Besides your drunk talk? I guess not, well except the fact that you being clingy after a few drinks that is" bentho said as he muffled his laugh with his large hands, meanwhile Scott face was red by now feeling embarrassed about it. Well that was a truth beside bentho didn't want to tell him about the drunk kiss they have that night, it will only remain be secret. "I am not that clingy when I'm drunk! Besides after that I didn't do stupid shit, right?" He ask worried something stupid might be happen and he didn't know.
"Oh, you did say something when you're drunk, well that was something I never knew you did" bentho teases him as Scott became more red by the second. "Oh please it was the alcohol, there's no way I would say some stupid words.." He huffed as he looked at the other direction, not wanting to look at bentho now
"You did say "I'm feeling lonely, why is no one want to date me?!" And "I want someone to be my boyfriend and love me and spoiled me with their affection~" you did say that and after that you were passed out" bentho said explaining how drunk was Scott is
By now Scott could feel his face become more red and by the time he was already tomato red, feeling embarrassed. "Ughh… I want to bury myself now" he said as he hide his face in his hands. This makes bentho laugh at him and Scott can't help but to peak and look at his face and admired those smile and laugh, which making him blushing even more.
"It wasn't that bad tho… I admit that was cute– I mean at least you didn't do something else" bentho admit to him, almost get caught him saying that. Well he admit that the boy is sure cute and interesting to him. And he didn't want to admit that the two share some interesting moments they did.
"Doing what?" Scott the asked now this is making him curious and scared because: 1. He was drunk at that time, 2. He has a crush on the prince in front of him and scared that he might be making him uncomfortable, and 3. He doesn't want to admit or letting his feelings to be revealed to him. "Nothing much… we just talk, talking about life. You talked about your work, how you wanted a relationship but afraid of it at the sametime"
Shit his feelings did overwhelming him when he was drunken.
"Anything else?" He ask still burying his face onto his hands
"You talked about how you love your work and you were rant about how you were lonely at the time you were stuck in prime empire" the prince said looking at him, and walk to his side.
"And you didn't mind with how I rant?"
"Not at all, I know how that feels like.. being alone and feeling lonely and lost" bentho said as he comfort the guy beside him who now slowly open his hand and looking at the prince directly to the eyes. Staring at him, how the prince know his deepest feelings all that time. "You knew?" Scott then asked him curious with his answer, he didn't know that the prince had the same fate as him.
"Yes, I knew the feeling. I have been there… that is until a miracle happens" he said while smiling, remembering some nice memories after he met some new people, especially the ninja, and Scott himself. But, bentho can't tell him that.
Scott then nodded and understood what he meant, a small smile appeared on his face "I see, so we both had that similar experience then…"
Then there's a pause between them, and Scott then asks again. "So what happens after the talk? Did I do something else?" Bentho then pauses, a small hint of blush then appears on his face and the tip of his fin, still remembering those drunk kisses.
"What happened after that?"
"I— we uhm… it was my foolish self letting you do that" he said still blushing, can't find the right words to be told which made Scott even more curious by now.
"Just spit the words out, what did we do?" Scott asked, clearly wanting to know the answer immediately.
With a deep breath, bentho then braving himself and said "we kissed after that–"
"What? You're kidding"
"No, listen. We were caught up in the mood, and somehow because you were drunk at that time you decided to kiss me all of the sudden…" the prince then explained to Scott as he saw how red his face was, "and you didn't even stop me from that?!" He yelled at him for being careless and truth to be told, Scott did enjoy that kiss.
"I didn't know! And you were deep into the kiss, and maybe I did kissing you back—"
"W-what? Why?!"
The prince then paused and didn't have the right answer to say, he didn't even know. He did like the man that was right beside him, but he really shouldn't let his stupid act overcome him and took over.
"I can't say the reason…"
"What— you can't be serious about it! Why did you let me kiss you?" Scott yelled at him, angry because the prince didn't even push him or simply reject him, but he just simply let Scott kiss him.
"Because I didn't want to make things worse for the both of us, it's simple"
"Well that's not fucking simple for me. Just give me the answer, why did you kiss me back?" Scott said still persisting to make the prince tell him the truth, but it just made it more difficult for bentho.
Bentho even avoided the look that Scott gave him, not wanting to answer or looking in his direction. "If I did tell you, I'm pretty sure you would not like how you react or even the answer itself" bentho told him with a sigh and escaped his lips. "Well I would like to know the answer whether you like it or not!" Scott said as he grabbed bentho's face and making him to look at him right in the eyes. Making both of them staring at eachothers now.
"What do you think you're doing right now?! Let go of my face, Scott!" Bentho said as his face began to turn dark blue color, blushing as he can't really avoid his glance from the smaller man in front of him. "Not until you give me the answer!" He yelled at the prince for being stubborn as he didn't let go of his face. Both of them then stare at eachothers for a solid minutes, until Scott then give up and letting go of bentho's face and walk away feeling it's no use to continuing this.
"Why the sudden—"
"It's no use to make you answer my questions" he said walking away from the prince, bentho who was watching him about to walk away from him then suddenly grab his arm, "Wait don't go, you said you want to know, right?" He ask Scott who still waiting for his answer
"Fine, I'm sorry for this. I'll regret this sooner or later" Bentho said as he grabbed Scott and pinned him to the nearest surface. Which making Scott blushing because of the sudden change in him, "what are you—"
Suddenly bentho then slammed his hand near his head, surprising the smaller man beneath him. "You said to yourself you want to know why I kissed you back? That's simple, I like you" he said almost like whispering to Scott ear, making him blush even more than before.
"I like you… I know we haven't knew eachother that long, but I guess I already like you since the first time I met you" bentho confessed as his gils became stiff, dark blue blush appears on his face. Making him and Scott both embarrassed, "maybe this is a bad idea.. I will leave it here" the prince said as he distancing himself from there
But Scott then pulled the prince closer to him, making the prince facing him again, their lips almost crashing against one another. "After that? That's a fat chance, to be fair I like you too. Glad that clear some things for us then"
"So.. what do you want to do now?" The prince giggles as he and Scott stay like that for a while. Both then looking at eachother, giggles and laughter erupt between them until it died down and Scott then replies, "you decide?"
"Well if that's what you want, may I kiss you?"
Scott then snickers as he smiles at him, "yes. You may kiss me" he said, as both of them then leaned towards one another, until their lips met and kissed passionately. This was better than when Scott was drunk, the kiss. Ofcourse when he's drunk he can be reckless and can't remember anything, but this is real and he loves it every second of it. Both of them continue to deepen the kiss as bentho's slip his tongue into Scott's mouth as their tongue tries to fight for dominance of eachother, with the prince easily dominating him. As his tongue explored his partner's mouth, Scott could feel his head begin to feel a little bit dizzy from the kiss itself and made himself become more weak by the minutes.
Realizing this, benthomaar then let go of the kiss and took a breath, making him and Scott stand there with both faces blushing2 from the intense kissing. "That was something…" Scott said, still taking a breath from that, making benthomaar worry, "is it a bad thing?" He asks worried thinking something might be wrong
"No, in fact I love it. Every single one of it, I like the kiss…" he said as he smiled at him and leaned into him again, while whispering something to his fins. "I'm glad for this"
Benthomaar smiles as he hugs the smaller man, reciprocating his feelings for him. "Then I'm happy to say, I'm feeling the same too" he said as he leaned for the second time as they kissed again. "Maybe we should continue this somewhere else, don't want to make the others hear us" Scott said as he let go of the kiss, not wanting to make the others eavesdrop on them having a moment.
"Yeah, maybe we should" he said grinning at him like a prey.
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vastiitas · 2 years
Gimme that ride or die friendship where the greeting to each other is “die” and the natural response is, “naw, u first”; the one where they get into bar fights bc one or both of them are absolute dipshits and if one of them starts something, u know ur obligated no-thoughts-head-empty-style in getting in there urself no matter how stupid it is. It’s always open season to bully tf outta each other. They’re tired as all hell of the other, but who else is gonna have the ol’ slugger’s back? Lowkey, highkey(?), it’s the sort of, “aw, for fuck’s sake, i’m probably gonna die with your stinking corpse next to me u stupid bastard.” (For the modern verse and deadlock, possibly for the period western verse too i sppose??)
i am always looking for discussions on the nature of religio.n with this character, whether your muse has religious trauma or sincerely practices faith; let me come into ur inbox with that "are you praying again? How raw are your knees"
Adrenaline mistaken for love; ["love is when you’re wrestling for control of the gun and there’s only one bullet left. love is when you grab the knife theyre swinging at you by the blade and look into their eyes and laugh. love is when someone is so obsessed with you they have to kill you."]
Hateships, but we will have to discuss this; Cole doesn't harbor hate for long. He'll dislike you, disagree with you, but can remain cordial. I've yet to knuckle into what he can't swallow. He's less raw and vulnerable at the age of 37-39, so saddling into this will mean either working out histories or writing with a younger variant.
Frenemies is p fun.
Bounty character? meets bounty hunter. They bitch at each other.
And in the reverse: somebody coming after his ridiculously priced bounty, lord help him.
Bounty rivalry?! Bickering over who gets the cash and losing the bastard in the midst of it. Having to work together to get said asshole back.
Escort, recon, undercover or guard mission, hello 👋
Im always down for blackwatch era ocs? Gang era ocs? Hell yea, hell yea.
Kiddo cole is so fckin funny to me, if u want to deal w this pissy punk of a teenager, pls, god, let me know. No weird shit tho, i beg.
the nikk.i la.uda to his jam.es hunt,,,,
Roadtrip threads 
Threads where he’s still in prison. Modern, Period, or an AU where he never accepted BW.
i need more threads of cole acting as or during when he was a gang enforcer (modern)
3 Godfathers/Tokyo Godfathers plot for Modern or Western (and i suppose it can work for Post-Apocalypse or OVW between either him as a runaway or him post-BW). The idea is that the muses find an abandoned child and take up the mantel of trying to take care of it while trying to find their parent. The important part of this is that there is a certain level of underqualification to the muses that results in a sort of chaos. I'm not looking for domestic, fluffy end game for this; the bulk would be on exploring nonconventional guardianship. Trying to do the right thing despite being seemingly built for everything but. The original short story involves the trio all dying by the time they deliver the child to the safe harbor of a town.
Not so much an active wishlist but a possible dynamic for modern: The first responder who found him beneath the farm equipment when he lost his arm, or the physical therapist that helped to fit him with a prosthetic.
Dynamics and threads in which he is still in prison for Modern would be interesting, whether your character is also an inmate, a worker of volunteer, or somebody who is dealing with this man making a getaway.
character specific:
pls,,, if u have a cassidy, lmk, let’s have them fight -- pls, i am so desperate to see them kick each other’s asses
would like to explore further ak.ande’s attempt to suggest talon was an option; hell, it’d be an interesting conversation to be had with other characters as well.
The Wishlist Tag for Other Variants.
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mayans-sauce · 3 years
Mama Bear
Pairing: Bishop Losa x Female Reader
Word Count: 700
Warnings: none
Request by anon which you can find HERE
Request by @leilani-writes which you can find HERE
A/N: hope it was alright that I combined these two! I also hope it turned out good because I struggled a lot with this one but enjoy <3
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Gif Credit: @pedropcl
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Bishop and you were going to invite the whole club for a little get-together at the house. Food, drinks, and good company were on the menu. You hadn’t seen them for a while because of your pregnancy and the chaos that has been the club life the recent months. You were a few months pregnant now, and the boys haven’t seen how much your bump has grown.
Bishop wouldn’t let you move a muscle, so the only thing you were allowed to do was the shopping list, while he would be the one to buy everything in and set it all up. Everyone had their particular needs and flavors for what they liked, so the list grew with each member. Being the “mom” for them all, despite being younger than most, it was your job to keep track of what your precious children loved and wanted. Bishop was sitting at the table as you read up everything that would need to be bought.
“... beers for Ez, gummies for Letty, Steve likes strawberry ice cream, and of course, we can’t forget the chicken nuggets for Angel this time. He almost had my neck when I forgot last time.” You chuckled to yourself at the funny memory of Angel being a sad and pouty boy.
“That’s a lot of shit, sweetheart,” Bishop complained in a teasing manner. “Hey, you were the one that wanted to invite the kids over,” you hit his arm with the long list, “you know how grumpy they get when they don’t get their favorites.” “Yeah, let’s not relive the last get-together we had.” You both shudder at the memory of drama and crying.
The day of the house party had come, and you stood at the door as you greeted every one of them. Their faces lit up at the sight of your baby bump, highly visible. Words and kisses were left upon it by the men that would be there to protect and love the little joy that would be born in just a few short months. They could see how happy you and Bishop were, and that left a small print of light in their dark lives as part of the MC.
Everyone was out in the backyard enjoying themselves. The sun shone down, and the music from the stereo created a relaxed atmosphere. Bishop had just fired up the grill for the heaps of meat that was ready to be grilled and consumed by some hungry bikers. The drinks and snacks went faster than you could refill it.
Since it’s been forever since you saw everyone, you went around to catch up. They all felt safe and comfortable in your presence, so they became colossal blabber mouths when you approached them. Whether it was just a quick chat or asking for some much-needed advice, you were there for them. You were always like a fun, caring, and loving “mom” to the group. Always there for them whenever with whatever they needed. You took care of them and loved them when they hadn’t anyone else to go to.
Once the sun started to come down and everyone was packed with food in their bellies and sitting in groups having conversations, you approached your husband, who was sitting somewhere to the side just enjoying that for once, his brothers had a day with no worries in their minds. You sat down on the two-seater, legs draped over him as you took a moment to rest for a bit.
“Tired?” “Ugh, yes! You try playing mom with these children in men's bodies.” The comment made him laugh some. “It’s not easy being mom and dad,” he stated.
“Like, why did we decide to get pregnant when we already have like 10 of them.” “Sorry, sweetheart, but can I just quote you in saying: fuck Bishop, please finish inside me I need to feel you.” You threw a pillow at his shoulder, “shut up,” a smirk on your face in remembering how you ended up in this situation.
“Come here.” He opened his arms for you to get between. You shared a sweet kiss as you watched over your kids, all happy and content, while caressing the one that still wasn’t born.
Thank you for reading❤️ If you liked it, a quick reblog and feedback would be so much appreciated❤️ Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist.
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites @lilacyennefer @smallflower16 @marvelmaree @brwnlikefoxy @kaylaygrace @stupiddsapphicc @violet624 @boomclapxox @mijop @macgruberrr @queen-under-the-shire @missihart23 @vixemi @heeeeeres-saint @paintballkid711 @x-goddess-of-nature-x @angelreyesisdaddy04 @mrsmarvelous1995 @luckyharley1903 @lilac-tea-time @leilaxaliel
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Okay you know what, I’ve held this back far enough
Why I hate canon Kailor sm
Tw:// misogyny ment, incest ment
Im not gonna tag Kailor on this for obvious reasons plus this is kinda a long post, I don’t mind fanon Kailor mostly because tbh I don’t think it’s really a big thing and most I have seen of it is fine. Don’t read this if you like Kailor and don’t want to hear it bashed
Okay listen, s4 is my favorite season out of all ninjago, but if theres one thing I hate about it the most is Kailor. This ship has always been really annoying to me throughout the show, and I’ve hinted towards that in my blog. But why?
1. It’s basically jaya redone
Kailor brings nothing new or interesting to the table because honestly? It’s literally just the same dynamic as jaya. Socially awkward guy simps for usually unimpressed girl until she eventually caves in and they start dating.
Not only has this already been done before with jaya, but is also completely out of character for Kai to do.
While I admit seeing Kai as a flustered dork is kinda funny, once you realize the context of the situation that they’re in it’s pretty clear that Kai would never actually do this.
Reminder: Kai JUST found out his dead friend is alive and is forced to recognsizle with friends in order to get him back
Usually when Kai is presented in a situation like this, what he normally does is set himself dead first on the task at hand and usually ignores any distractions. He’s mostly distance and seemingly uncaring
((note this is after Zane died and Kai ran away from the ninja because of cole and jays bickering, knowing him he wouldn’t be the most excited to be back. His arc should have revolved around coming to terms with lost friendships due to death or distance but that never happens)).
What Kai DOESNT do is immediately fall head over heels for a girl he JUST meet to the point where even when he sees his DEAD FRIEND ALIVE AND WELL he completely ignores that for a girl he meet less then a week ago
This is something JAY would do, not KAI, Kai is a loyal friend who do anything to save his friends, he cherishes them and would fight god to help them with anything they need, he doesn’t forget them for someone new
It also does skylor unjustice as well, but we’ll get there when we get there
2. It adds nothing to the characters and is otherwise never mention again
You know how bad you fuck up a relationship if the best aspect of it is how it’s rarely on screen
Even considering the fact Kailor is just jayas dynamic, the connection between skylor and Kai feels completely non existent or one sided
Most of Kailor revolves around Kai simping for skylor
They have no common interests, common goals, they rarely actually talk outside of lloyds plan to overthrow chen
The whole relationship feels forced every time it’s brought up because of how disconnected they both are to eachother, Kai only likes skylor because she’s hot and that’s it, nothing else about her is actually interesting to Kai in anyway ((again sort out of character for him in this situation))
Skylor and Kai don’t form any genuine bond with eachother, it feels hallow and empty
Let’s compare this to lava, wait no that would be to easy, let’s compare this to pixane
Pixal and Zane both genuinely like and respect eachother, they both share bonds outside of being robots, they both care about eachother enough to know when they’re uncomfortable or need help
Kailor is barely mentioned past s4 and most of it in s4 is Kai being a creep
Oh yeah let’s get to that
3. It’s really really creepy
Im sorry I don’t find incest jokes funny ninjago, it’s just really uncomfortable and creepy
Hopefully this goes without saying but Kai thinking skylor is hot, figuring out they might be related and no longer finding her hot, and then finding out they aren’t and thinking she’s hot is really weird and creepy
Not to mention scenes like, Kai looking into her room without her knowledge or consent
Or Kai fighting people for her when it’s not necessary
Or him trying to impress her everytime he sees her
This isn’t cute or funny, it’s gross, privacy invading, and overall just very creepy and uncomfortable and most definitely not healthy
Again, this is REALLY out of character for Kai, Kai knows when to back off and respect people’s privacy
Literally the season before this he didn’t get involved in the love triangle probably because he knew that would make Nya’s situation worse
So for him to suddenly become this privacy evading perv is so grossly out of character for him and makes the whole relationship feel off and unhealthy
And finally
4. The whole thing is misogynistic
During this entire thing skylor doesn’t get a choice in the show once, she follows the commands of her dad before Kai tells her not to like her dad and follows his lead.
She doesn’t come to disliking her dad by her own thought, she was told to by Kai
She doesn’t get to do anything that SHE actually wants to do until LITERALLY the VERY END
She’s told by guys around her what she should do constantly, even without her being a love interest that’s just screams misogynistic to me ((Afab speaking anyways))
Everything about her character, down to the way she talks, who she’s allied with, and even sometimes how she looks is determined by male characters
If canon ships were shrek movies then kailor is easily shrek the third, a constant tired unfunny mess that caused everyone to think that these ships were shit ((to be fair Jaya is kinda bad to but at least it tired to get better))
There’s nothing redeeming about it to me, every time it’s viewed in a romantic setting it makes me groan or upset
What’s even more frustrating is how people constantly say lava can’t be canon because of it
Im going to go on a side tangent so you can just skip this part as it doesn’t add any actual substance to my argument
But it’s so frustrating to see people say that
Cole and Kai have had a much healthier relationship and would be a lot better for there characters
But no, this stupid misogynistic creepy ship where one side isn’t even consententing to it half the time is the one that has to stay canon because “it’s what the creators intended”
Lava isn’t the superior possibly canon relationship because it’s gay, it’s superior because it’s closer to a healthy working relationship in show then kailor has been ((fanon lava and kailor doesn’t count here because they’re isn’t any better fanon ship, Im just talking about in show))
But no it can’t be canon and it’s unfair for people to want it to be canon because tommy created this rlly shitty straight relationship for Kai instead
TLDR; fuck kailor
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