#Cole Sprouse oneshot
sprouseandall · 1 month
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏
The dimly lit pub was electric, the air pulsating with the rhythmic energy of Dylan's soulful voice and the band's infectious beats. The crowd was entranced, swaying to the music as Dylan's gaze swept across the sea of faces. Dylan's younger twin brother, stood near the front, camera in hand, capturing the performance.
As he scanned the crowd, his eyes through the lens come across a girl who was the definition of beauty. He looked up from his camera and his eyes met Ashley's, and he felt an inexplicable jolt. She smiled, and Cole's heart skipped a beat. She was radiating and carefree, dancing mere feet from the stage. He clicked away, freezing the moment, as a spark ignited between them.
On stage, Dylan's gaze swept across the sea of faces, his voice pouring out his heart. The crowd swayed, entranced, as Ashley danced with her friends, lost in the music. Her body moved in perfect sync with the rhythm, her smile radiant. Dylan's eyes landed on her, and he faltered, his concentration broken.
Transfixed, Dylan's voice faltered for a fraction of a second, his concentration broken by the vision of loveliness before him. Ashley's eyes shone like stars, her smile illuminating the room as she moved in perfect sync with the music. Her friends surrounded her, laughing and spinning to the rhythm, but Dylan's focus remained fixed on Ashley alone.
As he sang, his gaze drifted back to her again and again, his mind racing with the unfamiliar sensation coursing through his veins. It was as if time had slowed, the world narrowing to the space between them. The music, the crowd, everything faded into the background, leaving only the thrumming connection between Cole and Ashley.
As the music swelled, Dylan's distraction grew. He stumbled over a lyric, his usual confidence wavering. Cole, sensing his brother's unease, glanced up from his camera, concerned. But Dylan recovered quickly, pouring his newfound emotion into the performance.
Smile hung high on Ashley's cheeks flushed as she looked at Cole, and she small waved at him shyly and Cole returned it almost immediately. Definitely there was an undeniable connection between the two, but Dylan's fascination only intensified when he had mistaken the gesture for him. He couldn't tear his eyes off her, drinking in the sight of her joyous abandon.
Who was this captivating stranger, and how could he possibly meet her?
As the song built towards its climax, Dylan's distraction grew. He stumbled over a lyric, his usual confidence wavering. His bandmates exchanged concerned glances, but Dylan recovered quickly, pouring his newfound emotion into the performance.
Ashley's eyes searched for this captivating stranger with his camera hung on his neck to find him focused on his own work and capture the scene unraveling.
The crowd roared, oblivious to the internal turmoil brewing within Dylan. As the final notes faded, he exhaled, his eyes still fixed on Ashley. Her vision was tunneled on Cole as his camera flashed making her body glow. She applauded, her smile radiant, and Dylan's heart skipped a beat. He knew, in that instant, he had to find a way to connect with her, to bottle the magic of this moment and make it last.
With a nod, Dylan gestured to his bandmates, and they launched into the next song, the music swirling around him like a vortex. But his focus remained fixed on Ashley, his mind racing with possibilities, his heart pounding with excitement. Little did he know, this chance encounter would set off a chain reaction, altering the course of his life forever.
Dylan, still buzzing from the performance, made his way through the crowd, his eyes locked on Ashley. He hurriedly told his band mates to carry on with themselves after wrapping up. She was chatting with her friends, laughing and gesturing animatedly. As he approached, she turned, and their eyes met once more.
"Hey, I'm Dylan," he said, flashing a warm smile. "I couldn't help but notice you dancing up front. You were amazing!"
Ashley's cheeks flushed, and she smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, I loved your performance! I'm Ashley." She had a pang of disappointment, she expected Cole to make a move first. But she did not let Dylan feel this turmoil inside. "Nice to meet you." They said in unison and laughed at each other's timing.
Dylan's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sound of her voice, melodious and smooth. "Thanks, Ashley. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to grab a drink with me? I'd love to chat more about music... or anything else... maybe?."
Ashley hesitated for a moment before nodding, and Dylan's heart soared. "Sure, I'd like that."
As they made their way to the bar, Dylan couldn't help but notice the way Ashley's hair fell in loose waves down her back, or the way her smile lit up the room.
He felt a connection he couldn't quite explain. While Cole watched from afar, a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He was happy for his brother, yet couldn't shake the feeling that he'd missed an opportunity with Ashley. He had wanted to meet her, to see if the connection they'd shared was real. But now, his brother had beaten him to it.
Cole hesitated, his mind racing. He could interrupt, insert himself into the conversation, but something held him back. He looked at Dylan, saw the excitement and nervousness radiating from him, and felt a surge of affection.
Dylan deserved this chance, Cole thought. He's always been the charismatic one, the one who takes risks and grabs opportunities. I'm just the quieter one, the observer.
Cole convinced himself that maybe this chance wasn't meant for him. Maybe he was just meant to capture the moment, to photograph the connection between Dylan and Ashley.
As he stood there, camera still in hand, he was happy for his brother, genuinely wanting Dylan to find happiness. But a part of him couldn't help but wonder what could have been if he'd approached Ashley first.
Cole took a step back, melting into the crowd, and let Dylan have his moment. He raised his camera, capturing the scene before him - Dylan laughing, Ashley smiling, the two of them lost in conversation. He decided to call it night for now.
As Dylan and Ashley sipped their drinks, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They discovered shared passions, from music to adventure, and their connection deepened. Ashley's eyes sparkled as she revealed her own aspirations - she was a singer-songwriter, pursuing a university course to hone her craft.
"After I graduate, I plan to dive into the music industry," Ashley said, her voice filled with determination. "I've always dreamed of sharing my music with the world. I have always dreamt of being on stage and you know, sing in front of a sold out stadium singing along with me."
Dylan's eyes widened in excitement. "That's amazing!
I'm sure it ll happen someday. I'd love to hear your music sometime. Actually you know what, you should totally come on board with me!"
Ashley smiled, her cheeks flushing. "Wait what? You're joking right?"
"What makes you think I'm not serious?" He said casually.
"I mean basically we just met a few hours back so..."
"I'm dead serious Ashley. C'mon don't you think we'd make an awesome team together.
As they chatted, Ashley's gaze drifted around the room, her eyes lingering on the spot where Cole had stood earlier. "So, who was the other guy who looked just like you?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
Dylan chuckled. "Oh that must've been my twin brother, Cole. He's an amazing photographer, always capturing moments like this." He glanced around the room, realizing Cole was no longer there. "Wait I'll go find him, introduce you two."
But when Dylan returned, Cole was nowhere to be found. "He must've left already," Dylan said, shrugging. "I'll introduce you two soon, though."
Ashley nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "I'd like that." She wanted to find out if the attraction was mutual.
As they continued talking, Ashley mentioned her father, a prominent figure in the music industry. "He owns a label, and I think you'd really come over! If you impress him with your overall performance he might offer you something. Let me give a insider update, there's this band competition coming up, sorta like talent hunt, there's gonna be four rounds, I don't much now but all I know is if leave an impression on the audience you can make it through the stages and of course if you win that you will definitely grab some really great opportunities. My father will be the producer of the show. If you want I can talk to him through and get your band in."
Dylan's ears perked up at the opportunity. "Really you can do that for me? that would be so amazing, thank you for offering."
"Why not?! You were phenomenal out there. You're made for the stage. You have that fire that is enough to fuel the spirit of the crowd. Your talent should be recognized by the world."
Their conversation flowed on, like a gentle stream meandering through the countryside. They laughed, shared stories, and discovered more common ground.
As the night wore on, Dylan realized he didn't want it to end.
Over drinks, they delved into conversation, exchanging stories and laughter. Dylan discovered they shared a love for indie rock and adventure. Ashley was easy to talk to, and Dylan found himself opening up in ways he never thought possible.
As the night wore on, the pub began to empty asthe pub's closing time approached, Dylan felt a pang of disappointment. He didn't want this enchanting night to end, didn't want to leave Ashley's captivating presence. So, he asked, "Would you like to take a late-night walk with me? The stars are beautiful this time of year."
Ashley agreed, and they strolled out into the crisp night air, the pub's neon signs fading behind them. The streets were quiet, save for the distant hum of crickets and the soft rustle of leaves.
As they walked, they discussed their strategy for the upcoming music competition. Dylan shared his ideas, and Ashley offered valuable insights, her musical expertise shining through. They brainstormed, their excitement growing, and before long, they'd mapped out a plan.
"We have to work our magic on my father because well... to put it into simple words, he's hard to impress." Ashley said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I know a great spot near the university. We can meet there tomorrow afternoon?"
Dylan nodded, his heart racing at the prospect of spending more time with her. "Sounds perfect. I'll bring my guitar, and inform the guys, we can work on our set list."
As they turned a corner, the night sky unfolded above them, a canvas of twinkling stars. They paused, gazing up at the celestial beauty, the world feeling infinite and full of possibilities.
In this magical moment, Dylan knew he wanted to spend more nights like this with Ashley, exploring the world, making music, and creating memories that would last a lifetime. Only time will decide whether he lives this or not. Only time shall shatter his dreams.
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A/N: Chapter one: the beginning of everything finally here! I was so inspired that I immediately started writing further and further chapters right after prologue. I hope you enjoyed it. Like, reblog and comment they are appreciated. DON'T YOU DARE STEAL MY WORK. I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT IS WRITTEN.
ᯓ ✈︎ Catch early updates on Wattpad.
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
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mattey-stu · 1 year
Ftm!Jughead Jones x male!reader
This is set in season 5, when theyre adults:)
This font: Jughead
This font: M/N (male name)
Jughead was never really into guys.I mean- he once admitted to Betty in high school years that hes realised that hes bisexual.He was working at pops, as a waiter.He and his old friends are trying to make Riverdale alive again, and he barely had any money, so he had to work as a waiter AND a teacher.As you walked in he sighed, while greeting you and giving you a menu.You ordered and while he was taking your order he realised how cute you were.Your voice, your hair, your eyes, your nose, your lips...He found them perfect.Even hot, actually."Hey- arent you the guy who wrote that book?I think its name was-" "the outcasts?Yeah thats me." He finished your sentence.He smiled at you softly, too.He liked you even more now. "hey- mind if i sit down with you while you eat?I doubt any customers will come in." "No, actually, i dont.Feel free." "Thanks-...." "M/N." "Right, M/N....Hey, another question...You wanna come to mine after my shift?Its almost over." Jughead asked with a bit of hidden excitement and horniness in his voice."yeah, sure." God, Jughead was so happy, that someone actually agreed to come to his house.He hasnt felt like this since- Betty....But he didnt want to think about that, all he wanted to think about was you at the moment. "Alright then, its a date." Soon Jugheads shift ended.Since there wasnt much people at the diner at this hour, you two were just talking most of the time.You waited till he got his stuff and the two of you left.You and Jug made your way to his house.You took your jacket/hoodie off (if you were wearing one) and looked around.You knew he wants to hook up.I mean, why would someone randomly invite you to their house while they dont even know you?Oh, and how right you were about that hook up.He pinned you to the wall and immediatly started making out with you.I mean, hes pretty needy after such long time with barely any action.Even tho he hasnt done this shit for a while, he was still good at it.You took his shirt off, along with yours.He pulled your and his pants off, and continued kissing you.He found you very hot, and he just couldnt seem to get you off his mind.He put you down on the bed and switched places.You were now on top of him and he was now under you.He took his and your boxers off and you inserted two fingers into him and as your fingers went in and out, you curled them up.You knew how that would make him feel.When you got the sign that you can go in, you very certainly did.He let out the sluttiest fucking moan you have ever heard.You kept going, making him yelp and moan."mh- 'm gonna cum-" he whimpered, and came.You continued fucking into him, and clearly wanting to cum inside.He also made it clear that you can.Your thrusting sped up and it slowly got slow and sloppy as you came inside the boy.You plopped down next to him and kissed him.You two covered yourselves with the blanket, and fell asleep.
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imagine-the-feels · 4 years
imagine modeling for Cole’s photography as his girlfriend.
Request:  Would you write more for Cole Sprouse, like the reader being his gf and she's modelling for his photography xx
Word Count: 681 
Warnings: implied smut; unedited
A/N: I’m sorry this is short, but I hope this is sort of what you were looking for! <3
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(Y/N) didn’t really think of herself as the modeling type. She found comfort within the other arts around her—in writing, in coloring, in vibing to music that matched her mood—and modeling had never really crossed her mind. She would post a few photos here and there on Instagram to keep up with the followers she had, she wasn’t up to the full commitment.
Cole knew this about her, and he made sure not to push (Y/N) too hard on something that made her uncomfortable. However, with this quarantine and the lull of the world around them, his fingers were itching to pick his camera back up and photograph something, anything.
They were lucky enough to find themselves in a situation where they could spend this quarantine together, and it was surprisingly nothing short of bliss. (Y/N) hadn’t found too much to be irritated about even though they were together 24/7, and it was through the quiet mornings, the relaxing afternoons, and the vibrant nights that she fell harder for the man she was lucky enough to call hers.
Even now, here at 5:58 am in the morning in their living room, she could only stare in awe at the way his dexterous fingers fiddled with his favorite camera. He’d risked her wrath by waking her up this early to catch the sunrise with him, so that he could capture it with the only person he’d want to. (Y/N) allowed it, admittedly only because she was still blissed out from their activities hours before. She watched him lazily from the couch adjacent to where he sat at their coffee table, right beside the floor-to-ceiling windows in his shirt she found discarded on their bedroom floor.  
She was mesmerized by the way his fingers moved—exposing the veins in his hands which trailed up to his bare forearms, through his biceps, to his pale neck that was starting to color with small love bites. His hair flopped messily into his face, but Cole paid it no attention as his focus was on the dismantled parts before him. He was close to putting it together in the way he desired, his black eyebrows furrowed, his mouth closed around the last piece he was going to use.
(Y/N) curled her feet underneath her, her elbow on the back of the couch as she absent-mindedly tugged at her strands of hair. A slight ray of orange caught her attention, and she immediately turned to the windows to see the sun just beginning to peek through the skyline. Her mouth parts in stilled astonishment, smiling to herself as the brightest star the Earth knew took its time waking up. “Hello baby,” she mumbled to herself.
Cole snorts inwardly at her words, looking up to tease her about her tendency to call every inanimate object a baby. But as his eyes dart to her, the words die between his lips. The gracious baby outside found its way to her, caressing his love’s face with a delicateness he knew. The rays painted streaks against the side of her face he could see, casting long shadows of her eyelashes, her post-sex hair, her parted lips—oh this is it.
The fluttering within his stomach, the expanding of his chest, the increased speed of his heart, all told him what he’s known for months. Taking the last piece of his camera from his mouth, he quickly snaps it into place, bringing up the lens to his eye—he had to get this, and with a quick burst shot, he knows he’s caught the ethereal beauty before him.
(Y/N) looks to him in surprise, finding Cole looking at her with a large grin on his face. “What was that?”
“Oh nothing,” he shrugs. “Just capturing the most beautiful thing known to mankind.”
Thinking he’s talking about the sun, (Y/N) nods in total agreement before looking back out to see the rest of the rise. “She is beautiful, isn’t she?”
Cole smirks, bringing his camera back up to his eye so that it focused on his starstruck girlfriend. “She really is.”
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Empty Handed {Cole Sprouse x Reader One Shot}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3631 Summary: While you’re feeling a bit lost, you run into Cole. Old memories are brought up and things move forward.
You always seemed to be lost in your own head these days. As much as you wanted to just shut down your social media pages, you just couldn’t. The negativity on there was astounding, and the little bit of positivity you saw from your friends postings, where they were happy and beautiful and successful, wasn’t really seeming worth it anymore. It had been a struggle to leave your phone at home and go out and try to enjoy doing something, but you somehow managed it, leaving it on the charger. Though this meant that you couldn’t obsess over the comments left under your pictures, it also meant that you had no distractions from the thoughts in your head. No music to accompany you on your late evening stroll, no review sites for you to find somewhere good to pick up dinner - only your instincts and the mind-numbing repetitiveness of your own in-securities. Your feet seized the control, and led you on your way tonight, rather than an app that tracked your steps or showed you the least busy streets.
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The blue hour came, the time when everything looked a bit cold and bleak. When the sky was truly a brilliant blue, before the black settled in. The street lights and the neon signs on the windows of shop-fronts, restaurants and clubs stood out more now than they did during the day. How many times have you stopped to admire this time of night? Never once because you were locked in the asylum that was called Your Phone.
You looked into the windows to keep yourself company, looking at couples eating in the fancy restaurants, the stores shutting down for the night. The blaring music of a gay dance club hit your ears and you were almost tempted to go in - just because the sound was so nice, not because you were looking for anyone. But you kept walking and found it strange how much you were enjoying the night. You could feel the air in your lungs more than you had before, you could appreciate the atmosphere. On the corner of the street ahead was a diner, the lights looking inviting. It wasn’t the destination that you had in mind, but once you caught sight of it, it was the destination that you were going to.
It seemed like it was just emptying out. There were a couple of booths still cluttered with dirty dishes, and the waitresses and waiters working hard on getting them clean before another rush. By the looks of the place, and the 24/7 sign on the door, they were awaiting the drunk club crowd. But there was still quite a while to go before that would happen, so you felt comfortable walking inside.
“Be with you in a sec, hun,” A pretty waitress said with a wink. You smiled back and picked out a booth in her section, close by to where she was cleaning. When she came by, you ordered your favorite hot drink and then decided that a late night sandwich was in order, and got one of those as well. It was a rather nice place, not kitschy like other diners out there. You’d have to remember it when you decided to be social once more. You were slowly getting back to that point - building up trust is hard,  especially when people are cruel.
“We gotta stop meeting up like this,” A familiar voice said. You didn’t have to look up to see who it was, you’d heard the voice plenty of times coming from your TV screen. But you looked up anyways, tucking your hair behind your ear for a better view. Cole Sprouse, with his dyed hair pushed behind a baseball cap, since his most popular character was well known for a beanie. The actor got into the booth across from you, picked up the small specials menu that was on each table and perused it.
“Are you stalking me?” You asked, looking around to see if anyone else noticed who was in here. If they saw him as anyone other than a young man come in to be a customer, they must not have cared. The waitress came back around with your drink, started off by offering Cole a drink and then took his order. Work as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Normally I’m one having to ask that question,” Cole said with a grin. “I saw you from the window while I was walking by. And I realized that it’s been a little while.”
“Well, thanks for remembering me,” You laughed, but then quieted down a little. “Do I put out those desperate and lonely vibes so much that you noticed them from outside?”
“Not at all,” He shook his head. “Okay, maybe a little bit of the lonely vibes. I saw you order and figured you were here alone.”
“So you were watching me?”
“It’s a nice change to watch someone for once, rather than have everyone watch me,” He winked cryptically. You were reminded of the first time that you two had met, and how he had been this charming even then.
“Riverdale, right,” You nodded. “KJ Apa coming by anytime soon? You gotta introduce me, I only really watch the show for him.”
“Oh, ha ha.” Cole laughed sarcastically. The waitress came back around with his coffee and he started to pour the sugar in. “Just like how you auditioned for Suite Life because of Dylan?”
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This was not how you wanted to spend a Saturday morning. Sure, being on the set of a Disney show was a little bit cool, but auditioning was something that you hated. The whole process of it was annoying - but it was something that you were good at, apparently. You were in the top five for a guest spot on The Suite Life on Deck. You were here to do your last audition with the actual Sprouse twins. You had to keep your impulse of squealing under control. That was another reason why you didn’t want to be here - you had a major crush on Cole Sprouse and knew you were going to fudge up the audition with him being there. It was going to be a major embarrassment - so much so that you didn’t even tell your friends you were going to be here. You tried to back out of it because you would rather them not know you exist rather than humiliate yourself, but your parents had marched you through those doors this morning and were standing guard to make sure you didn’t make a run for it.
In the middle of your audition, you did it. You messed up. You ended up combining two of your lines in a way that didn’t make sense, and you found it impossible to make eye contact with either twin. The cast director called for a cut, thanked you for your time, then announced a fifteen minute break for everyone. Feeling overwhelmingly warm, you retired over to the catering area, at the very least taking advantage of the free snacks and beverages that were put out.
“You seem like you don’t want to be here,” A voice said from behind you. Thinking that it was a set of the crew come to yell at you for stealing snacks, you shoved a couple more cookies into your pocket before turning around, getting ready to apologize. But it wasn’t a crew member - it was Cole Sprouse. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand to make sure there were no crumbs there, first and foremost.
“It’s not that,” You told them. “Well, it’s partly that, but you and your brother just make me.. I don’t know, nervous.”
“No offense but it’s going to be hard to become an actor if you get nervous around celebrities,” He grinned and walked up beside you, picking up a couple of cookies for himself.
“Good thing I don’t really want to become an actor then,” You laughed hollowly. “It’s my parents dream, not mine. And I just kind of wanted to meet Dylan.”
“Oh,” Cole said, frowning. Perhaps he wasn’t impressed by you trying to play it cool? God, you were such an awkward dork. “Well here, don’t leave empty handed anyway.”
He passed you a small stack of papers. You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly took them, reading over the front. It was the script that you had just read from, and Cole had not only signed it but put his email address on the cover in sharpie. “I was going to tell you to email me so I can give you some tips but...”
“Oh, I see.” You licked your lips, feeling like an even bigger dork now. “If I decide to get into acting, I’ll do that.”
“Cool,” The blonde boy said with a grin and a nod.
You did email him after that, and he did email you back. You carried on a secret correspondence for a couple of years, getting a message about once a month. You never told any of your friends about it though, even as they gushed on about how cute Cole and Dylan were. You didn’t tell them that you auditioned for the show either. They would have gotten mad at you for messing up your audition.
“I’ve heard the rumors about you and Betty,” You said, raising an eyebrow. You made a fist as if you were holding an invisible microphone and held it to his face. “Come on, the world wants to know!”
Cole cracked up at that, chuckling then leaned into it. “You all should know better than to listen to stupid celebrity gossip.”
“You’ve heard it here first folks,” You brought the microphone back to yourself. “Cole Sprouse is still on the market.”
“You’ve got your own audience now?” Cole asked, resting his elbow on the table then leaned his head against his hand, looking bored and oh so perfectly disheveled.
“Eh - the government spies on everyone, I might as well make it entertaining,” You shrugged. “You look a little down, though. Why are you out tonight?”
“Just felt a bit cooped up lately,” He said, yawning. He raised his coffee to his lips and took a big slurp of it, making you smile at the sound. “Sick of everyone I know.”
“Wow, thanks.” You snorted. He laughed back at your sound, setting the cup back down. The two of you were just full of unappealing noises tonight.
“Not you, obviously. Never you.”
“Well - actually thanks. I guess I needed that.” You looked out the window, seeing a couple of people pass by. You could hear them laughing at talking at the same time, just enjoying themselves. Nothing at all like you and the miserable actor sitting in this restaurant. “Do you want to come over or something tonight?”
The question came out of you before you really realized that it was what you were thinking. Being out in public like this probably wasn’t ideal for him. Another reason you dropped out of the acting life.
“Are you throwing a party or something?” He asked.
“God no. You know I hate parties.”
Everybody was going to be there, so of course, you had to be there. That was the reasoning that your dorm-mate at NYU claimed as she she helped you to do your hair and pick out an outfit. You would much rather have stayed in and studied, but then again, you didn’t have all that many friends here and this was a good opportunity to make more. So you agreed.
It was just like parties always seemed in the movies - full of trust fund kids, alcohol and sex. You weren’t all that interested in any of the three, but your roommate put a bottle of beer in your hand and disappeared to go off with her own friends, leaving you on your own. You didn’t even know exactly where you were, or how to get back to your dorm from here, but hey - the University experience right? You left the kitchen area of the fraternity house and ventured into the living room to see - even more sex. The couch was being treated as a bed, and you felt bad for whoever was going to have to clean this up.
You kept walking until you found the door to the outside. It was lively out here, but at least you felt like you could breathe without the air being filled with alcohol and weed fumes.
“Where’s the table of snacks when you need it?” A voice said. You couldn’t tell if it was talking to you or to someone else, so you stood still, watching the action of idiots pushing each other into the pool. “That is you, y/n right? Or this is really embarrassing.”
Since your name was brought up, you looked at where the voice was coming from and saw Cole there. You still emailed about once a month, and you both knew that each other went here but it never went further than that. This is the first time that you laid eyes on him as an actual person since that audition years ago.
“Whoa, hey!” You said, a little surprised. “Yeah, I could use a handful of cookies right now, that’s for sure.”
“We should go try and raid the kitchen, you in?” He asked, giving you a devilish grin. He almost reminded you of Peter Pan with that particular look.
“Anything is better than this,” You said, setting the unopened beer onto the closest table. You weren’t much of a drinker, and you wanted to be able to coordinate your way back to your dorm after this, so the beer wasn’t appealing tonight.
You two got split up in the kitchen though, due to the crowds. Cole had some friends who managed to pull him away from you without the chance to say goodbye. Instead you just waved awkwardly and tried to find your dorm-mate to tell her that you were leaving. You found her, and had a hard time convincing her to come back with you. “I only just got here, come on,” She whined.
“You can come back after! I just need you to show me the way.” You pouted, and she finally agreed, linking her arm with you and taking you out front.
“Hey, are you taking off?” Cole caught up with you once you were close to the street. Your roommate stopped in her tracks, unable to believe what she was seeing.
“Yeah, I’m not that into parties,” You shrugged.
“Don’t leave empty handed,” He said, tossing you a box of cookies that he had found in the kitchen.
Cole agreed to come to your place when you finished your drinks and your food. You took half of your sandwich to go, and carried the styrofoam packet in your hand as you two walked down the street. It was dark now, the street lights all turned on, lighting up the city almost as much as it was during the day. The two of you remained quiet as you walked, your steps aligning almost perfectly, keeping the same rhythm.
“This is me,” You said, stopping at your place. You unlocked all the doors then let him in, turning on the lights as you went. You were glad that you kept the place tidy, or else you really might have regretted this.
“I like it,” Cole said, looking around your place without the slightest bit of shame. He went through the knick-knacks, the bookshelf, even peeked into your fridge.
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“Help yourself to a drink or something. Or I can put the coffee on,” You offered.
“I’ll just have some water,” He said, grabbing the water filter out of the fridge and poured himself some into a glass. You sat down on your couch as he did that, and started up Netflix. You didn’t know if you were going to watch something or not, but you enjoyed having background noise.
“Any preference?” You called out.
“Anything that has nothing to do with me,” He said from the kitchen. You laughed and went through the action section, deciding on one of the many Fast and the Furious movies. At the very least, the driving scenes were good times for conversation.
Cole eventually joined you on the couch, plopping himself down with a bag of baby carrots and his water. He really had gone through your fridge and helped himself, but you didn’t mind. Being a single person living in an apartment, sometimes food went to waste because you couldn’t eat it fast enough.
“If you keep that up, I might just have to kiss you,” Cole said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You tilted your head in confusion. That was very out of the blue. “You keep staring at my lips,” He stated.
“Actually, I was noticing you helping yourself to my vegetables, but whatever helps you sleep at night,” You grabbed a pillow and wrapped your arms around it as a sort of safety measure. Was he going to kiss you? Did he say that because he wanted to?
“You’re more than welcome to come back to mine and eat whatever you want,” Cole said, apparently not sensing your mood since he kept it casual. You looked over at him and watched as he threw a carrot into the air, then caught it between his teeth. You separated yourself from the pillow for fifteen seconds to give him applause. “We live pretty close to each other.”
“Does that mean I’ll be having to deal with you more often?” You joked, hoping it wasn’t too mean. He shrugged, and threw up another carrot - this one he missed and it ended up hitting his chin then sliding down his shirt.
“Yeah, probably,” He said, making the idiotic move of putting his hand down the neckline of his shirt to try to dig it out. You rolled your eyes before just making the move to lift his shirt up at the bottom to see it was stuck on his belly button. “This is why you almost made valedictorian.”
“Yeah, understanding gravity definitely had a hand in that,” You giggled. “So what was it that you were saying about kissing?”
“I don’t know, sounds like something a cool character would say.”
“So not one of yours then?” You teased, since he didn’t seem to mind it. He got a good laugh out of that, scooping the carrot off of his belly and popped it into his mouth. “Since when do you try to be like made up characters? You’ve been pretty good at sticking to who you are.”
“I guess,” He said, looking back towards the television so you could take in the full sight of his profile. “Did you really never realize that I had a crush on you for years? I take back the valedictorian comment.”
“Oh ha ha, we’re such jokers,” You said sarcastically. That one was a bit too personal for your tastes.
“No, really. You think I just gave my email out to everyone who auditioned?”
“I thought I was just so bad that you really felt the need to give me tips,” You pointed out.
“I only said that because I thought you liked Dylan.”
“I’ve literally never spoken to your brother,” You said, continuing to look at him. You were waiting for a telltale grin or smirk. “I only said that because some teen magazine told me to make guys jealous by liking their friend or brother or something.”
“And then I snuck out of the party with my friends to get a box of cookies for you at a party...” Cole reminded.
“You bought those? I thought you stole them from the kitchen...”
“You really are clueless.”
The two of you remained silent for a while. You clutched the pillow close to your chest, Cole stared forward, absent-mindedly shoveling carrots into his mouth, and the movie went on with it’s girls in bikinis, fast cars and horrible one-liners.
“So you’re just going to leave me here empty-handed?” You asked after a couple more minutes of that. Cole looked like he was deep in thought about something, and had suddenly remembered that you really were there. He turned to look at you, and you felt like he really was looking. Your messy hair, your casual street clothes, your lack of make up. But you didn’t feel ashamed about any of that, since there wasn’t any judgment in his gaze.
“Do I ever?” He asked finally.
“No, you’ve been pretty consistent,” You said, licking your lips in anticipation. His hand found its way to your cheek, where you could feel how cold it was from what he had been eating. It sent a little shiver down your spine but it was a good feeling. You liked it. He didn’t move the pillow away from you in an effort to get closer, he respected your space, which was also a nice change from the grabby guys you have dated before.
The first kiss between you and Cole, the first of many, was very sweet, and very soft. It was quick, but it lingered, his lower lip just slightly touching your upper as you both inhaled.
“By tradition, one of us should be leaving now,” He breathed out.
“Don’t you dare, Sprouse.”
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riverdalefan6602 · 5 years
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theangriestpea · 5 years
Amazing || Jughead Jones
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Summary: College saw the end of Jughead and Betty, but perhaps that led the rekindling of Jughead and Lily...
Pairing: Jughead Jones x OC (Lily Owens)
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Word Count: 2.3k+
Warnings: shameless smut, thigh riding, public orgasm, mild hair pulling, v mild choking (I mean super duper mild), mirror sex
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MY BESTIE @the-gargoyle-queen​! I wrote this entirely for her in a span of three days. Hopefully you love it, bby <3
It was late and the party was booming. The loud bass of the music vibrated in Jughead’s chest as he sat alone on one of the many couches in Thornhill. Archie had dragged him to this stupid party and had quickly abandoned him to go play ass grab with Veronica. Big surprise. 
Betty was dancing with some unknown college boy and his heart ached at the sight of her. They had both agreed that seeing other people while in college would be the best thing and now that it was winter break and all the old Riverdale students had come back home to celebrate the holidays, he had to watch how quickly and easily she had moved on. 
He himself had moved on, or so he thought until he saw her grinding against whoever this was on the dancefloor. Perhaps it was just longing to not be alone that plagued him. While away at the local community college he hardly thought of her. He mostly poured into his school work and was obsessed with the new book he was writing about growing up on the Southside. He didn’t have time to mourn his highschool sweetheart. 
A familiar face crossed into view, hand on her bare hip. He spied the serpent tattoo that was showing between her fingers. “Jughead Jones, I know you didn’t just come here to mope.” She said with a laugh. 
“You dyed your hair..” Jug mumbled as he spotted her once blonde locks were now a deep brunette. She was still as beautiful as he remembered and his mind drifted back to the night he took her virginity during one of his and Betty’s many breakups. She had felt so right then and he wondered why he had let her go back to Sweet Pea. Perhaps that was just how things were meant to be. 
Lily laughed lightly at his observation before shoving once of the cups in his face. “Drink! It’ll make you feel better.” She said happily, having missed her good friend (and long time crush).
Jughead grabbed the cup and drank it all in one continuous swallow. Lily watched him with an eyebrow quirked. If he was that thirsty why didn’t he just get a drink himself? He patted his lap, tongue running over his lips to collect the last of the weak horse piss he just forced down his throat. “Sit with me.” He said, not in an ordering tone but rather one that was airy and reminiscent. 
She smirked at him and sat down on his lap playfully, straddling the leg that he had just patted with his hand. She knew that wasn’t his intention when he made the gesture but it was amusing to watch his shock face slip into a devious look. 
He put the cup down on the end table and grabbed her hips. “It’s been awhile.” He said back as she settled down onto his jeans. He wished he could feel her underwear against his bare skin. What he didn’t know was that she hadn’t been wearing any.
His eyes dared to look down to see her skirt riding up so that he could see the tops of her thigh highs. There were little black bows on the end of her garter straps, causing him to swallow hard. Jughead had always had a terrible weakness for them. He especially loved to have sex with a girl wearing nothing but thigh highs. Bonus points if she wore garters to keep them up. His dick twitched in his pants almost painfully aware of just how attracted to her he still was. 
“How have you been?” He asked, silently wondering if she was seeing anyone. He knew her and Sweet Pea were no longer an item. He had stayed to go to trade school here in Riverdale while she went to the same college he did just south of Riverdale. He saw on her campus every once in a while. He had never worked up the courage to approach her. 
Lily smiled as she took a sip of beer from her cup. “Pretty good. Just trying to get through school, you know?” He nodded back to show that he did, in fact, know. All to well, actually. It wasn't particularly hard just a large workload. He had probably fulfilled his lifetime quota of all-nighters already and he was still a freshman. 
His thumbs rubbed her hip bones absentmindedly and he was pretty happy that she chose to wear her signature crop top with an open red flannel shirt. Better yet, for the first time since he arrived back in Riverdale he wasn’t thinking of Betty. He could hardly remember her name as he stared into Lily’s bright emerald eyes. 
“How is your book coming along?” She asked curiously, her head tilting to the side slightly as she ignored the spark his touched caused her in the pit of her stomach. 
Jug grinned, “Pretty good! I was hoping I could interview some other people that grew up on the Southside. Would you be interested?” 
Lily smiled and nodded before shrugging, “sure, why not? Sounds like fun.” 
A silence fell between them as they both stared at one another’s lips in longing. God how she had missed him and him her. It had been way too long since they had been together like this and while he had been so wrapped up with Betty during highschool he briefly wondered if maybe he should have been wrapped up in Lily instead… 
Jughead was the first to lean in. His lips met hers gently. He braced himself for her to pull away or leave his lap suddenly in anger, but she didn’t. Instead her lips moved against his, opening slightly so that his tongue could find its way into the familiar territory of her mouth. 
The music continued to hammer in their chests, their hearts moving in a fast paced rhythm to it as Lily hastily set her drink down on the table. One hand went to the back of his neck to tease the ends of his dark hair while the other planted itself on his shoulder. 
Soft moans reverberated between the two, intensifying the needy kiss that they both had been thirsting for for far too long. His hands were still firmly gripping her hips and a coy idea sparked inside his libidinous mind as his thigh hit her uncovered core. 
Suddenly Jughead broke the kiss on her lips to trail biting nips along her jaw to her neck. He found her weak spot and began to suck on it harshly as he began to forcibly move her hips so that she was grinding against his leg. Again he waited for a sign of protest, but instead low mewls began to tumble from her bee stung lips. 
“Juggie,” She whimpered into his ear as she started to move her hips on her own accord so that she could feel the delicious friction against her clit. Sparks of pleasure ran through her stomach from between her legs, her skirt riding up even more to accommodate the new range of motion. 
Jughead smirked against her skin as he bit her neck roughly. One of his hands left her hips since she was moving them herself now and palmed her breast through her clothes. The added sensation caused Lily to inhale sharply before moaning once more. 
She increased her pace desperately as a coil of desire wound its way in the pit of her abdomen. Her hips jerked down roughly and rhythmically until she covered her mouth with her hand to muffle the cry she let out upon release. 
Jug let go of her neck, kissing the back of the hand that covered her mouth as his hands moved to lightly hold her waist. Lily’s pupils were blown wide as she greedily took in air. She searched his blue orbs for what felt like an eternity before smirking at him, “ready for round two?” She asked in a joking tone as he gave her a curious look. 
Lily got off of him and grabbed his hand. He stood up off of the couch and followed her as she pulled him up stairs to the second level and to an unoccupied half bathroom. As soon as the door shut she was pulling him down for a rough kiss before hopping up on the sink counter. 
He found his place between her legs, pulling her closer to him by her thighs., His thumbs absentmindedly played with the ribbons that connected her socks to her garters. “You know what these do to me.” He said between wet kisses. 
She laughed, knowing fully well what they did to him. It was part of the reason why she wore them tonight. She had hoped she would see him here and maybe reconnect with him. After all, he seemed to ignore her any time they crossed paths at school. She needed him, even if it was just one last time. 
“I have a surprise for you, Jughead Jones.” Lily said in a voice filled with nothing but sinful seduction. He leaned away from her slightly, giving her the same inquisitive look that he had just downstairs. 
Lily pulled her skirt up to show that she was bare underneath, her secret finally revealed. “Fuck,” Was all he could breathe out at the delicious sight below him. His thumb moved between her legs to press against her clit, swollen from stimulation. Her head tilted back slightly as she moaned, louder now that they were in semi-private. 
Jughead was already rock hard in his jeans. He used his free hand to grab a condom from his back pocket and set it on the counter as Lily fiddled with the button to his pants. She unfastened it before pulling down his zipper. 
Soon enough she had freed his cock and her fingers were smearing his pre-cum across his engorged head. He bit his lip to keep quiet before pulling her off of the counter. Lily let out a squeak of surprise as he turned her around, “I want you to watch yourself,” He said, his large hand briefly wrapping around her throat to force her to keep her head forward, “watch your pretty face as I fuck you.” He whispered hoarsely into her ear before nibbling at the lobe. 
Lily inhaled, holding her breath with anticipation as she watched him put the condom on in the mirror. His hand had left her neck and she was silently hoping he’d put it back there. 
Jughead teased her slit of her labia with his tip. He looked up to make sure she was still watching their reflection and was pleased to see that she was transfixed on it. When he found the entrance to her core he pressed into it, easily sliding in due to how wet she was. 
A soft moan escaped Lily as he filled her completely, stretching her thoroughly with his dick. Jughead let out his own grunt of approval at how tight she was around him, her walls warm and smooth. 
One of his hands trailed up her back to grab her hair to hold her head in place so she couldn’t look away. He tugged it lightly as he pulled out almost completely before slamming into her again. Lily moaned again, this time much louder as he hit the sensitive spot inside of her. 
He watched her reflection as she bit down on her lower lip, waiting impatiently for him to move again. Her eyes connected with his with a pleading look. He simply stared back until she let out a groan of frustration, “Jughead, please, fuck me already!” 
He chuckled darkly before moving his hips in a fluid motion, pumping in and out of her at a reasonable pace. Not super fast but not slow either, simply perfect for the moment. Lily had a hard time looking at herself as she came undone, but also couldn’t look away mostly due to the firm grip he had on her hair. 
Her sounds of pleasure began to bounce off the walls as they became louder and louder. Jughead groaned multiple times as he sped up his pace. His other hand snaked around her front and began to prod at her clit again. 
Lily’s vision was becoming hazy as she struggled to keep eye contact with herself. She couldn’t close her mouth now, too much sound was coming out to do that. Her heavy pants were starting to fog the mirror as she was leaning over the counter more, unable to completely hold herself up on her own with how badly her legs were quaking. 
Jughead could feel her growing weaker, no doubt on the edge of her peak. He rolled her clit between his finger and thumb and Lily practically screamed at the sensation. Without much forewarning, her walls were suddenly contracting hard against him as she came. And for the first time she watched herself as she did so. Or at least, as much as she could before her eyes rolled back and closed. 
Jughead cursed at how much tighter she suddenly was. He pumped into her still, letting her ride out her high before finally hitting his own release. His cock twitched inside of her as he spilled a large load of semen into the condom. 
He rested his head on her back between her shoulder blades as they caught their breaths. Their chests moved in sync after a few minutes of heavy panting. Jughead lifted up slightly and kissed the side of her neck before straightening up and pulling out. 
Lily remained resting against the sink in a state of pure bliss. Her own liquids were trailing slowly down her thigh until she felt something soft clean it up. She lazily opened her eyes to see Jughead cleaning her up lovingly before cleaning off his own member. He even fixed her skirt so she was covered again. 
She licked her lips as she managed to sit up and turn around. “Want to go back to my place?”
His dark eyes clouded with lust once more, a storm brewing behind his bright blues. “And leave this amazing party?” He asked jokingly. 
A smirk formed on her lips, “oh Juggie, you haven’t seen amazing yet.”
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New Girl
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Jughead Jones x Reader
Prompt: No prompt!
Word Count: 2.5k exactly
Warnings: really affectionate Jughead which is kinda out of character for him.
A huge thanks to @sophrosynth for editing this mess of a piece of writing. If it weren’t for them then we wouldn’t have this amazing piece that I’m producing for you all!
It was a bright summer's day when you arrived in the small town with pep. The scene was picture perfect; the grass was green and there were people having fun, little kids eating ice cream and running around on old playground equipment, neighbors having conversations, and people petting dogs in the street. It almost seemed wrong for you to be there.
Holmes Private Investigators was your parents’ business. That had taken you to every dark and almost evil town in America, searching for bad guys like the Scooby Doo gang, as you said when you were little. It wasn’t the normal life for a growing child, but it was how it had been from the very beginning.
But this time they made you a promise. They promised they you weren’t going to leave Riverdale for a while, you’d finish high school before they left. They promised that because not even some of the best detectives in the country could figure out what was going on in this ‘devil town’. So they threw their hat in the ring and decided they would go investigate, and because you were about to go into your junior year, you were dragged along with them.
The boxes started to pile up in the lounge room. Your father was carrying them in and your mother was unpacking them while you were looking around for your stuff. It was nearly impossible to find anything due to the fact there was so much stuff.
“Honey, we’re new here, go explore. We are going to be here a long time, so might as well get on it.” You had to roll your eyes.
It wasn’t your parents fault. It was just the fact that you didn’t believe that you’d be here for longer than a year, at the most. No matter how many promises they made, nothing could change your mind. You had always been on the move and that’s how you liked it.
“I heard there was a good 50s themed diner nearby. Maybe you should go check it out. There could be someone your age there, you never know.” She had a large smile on her face. You could never say no to that smile.
You sighed. “Sure thing, Mum. I’ll be back soon.” You gave her a quick kiss on the check before heading out.
A smile was stuck on your face from the moment you saw the diner. It was colourful and neon and everything you wanted in a authentic 1950s themed diner. The small bell rung as you pushed the glass door open it. A few people looked at you and gave you small smiles, others gave you confused glares. /‘That must be what small town people did when someone new came into town’/, you thought silently to yourself as you took a seat in a free booth.
People around you were eating and talking as if this place was home, and it probably was home for a lot them. The longest you had ever stayed in one place was about a year, and everyday during that year, you’d go to a little cafe near the school. That place became your home, just like this place was everyone else’s.
You pushed the palms of your hands against the cold table of the booth. A older man came over to you. Just from he way he was dress you could tell he worked there.
“I’m Pop, are you new? I haven’t seen you ‘round here before.” He smiled nicely as he spoke, you nodded in response.
“So, new girl, what will you be having?” He pulled a little notepad and a pen out, ready to take your order.
“I’ll have the, um, the fries, please? You serve fries here, right?” You asked anxiously. It was weird how sudden you became anxious but you pushed it away as you spoke to Pop. You couldn’t be anxious around Pop, he seemed like that kind of old person.
“We sure do!” He smiled again. “I’ll be back in a minute with your fries.”
A smile played along your lips as Pop walked back to the kitchen. As time slowly started to tick by, your mind began to wonder. At first, it was just about the house and if you’d be able to figure out where all your posters would go. Then you started to think about the summer ending and going back to a new school. And most of all, if you’d meet anyone that would like you, as a friend. Relationships, after all, were never really your thing.
No matter how many different places or schools you went to, you never worried about school. After about the first four times being the new kid, you learnt that people were usually pretty accepting. But that was the big city. This was the first time that you had started at a town this small, and you could tell the way stuff works here is different. Everyone knows everyone, and from a very young age, you know who you like, and who you don’t. That wasn’t the city life in anyway at all.
The ring of the door brought you out of your thoughts. A young man that looked to be about your age entered the restaurant. You got a weird feeling, one that you never had before. Maybe it was the way he had his hair all sexy and unruly. Or maybe it was the leather jacket that he had hanging off his back. Or maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to sparkle and your heart seemed to flutter when he looked at you for the first time.
“Hey.” He smiled at you, making his way over to where you were sitting. His hand was placed gently on the back of the other side of the booth. He nodded his head to get a piece of lose hair out his face.
“Hi.” A small sigh came out as you spoke. One of your hands held your head up calmly while the other softy tapped a beat on the table.
“May I?” He nodded his head lightly towards the booth, indicating that he wanted to take a seat. That lose piece of hair fell back onto his forehead again.
“Oh, yeah, totally.” You nodded your head to get you out of your dream-like state. This boy had put some sort of trance over you.
He slid into the booth across from you. He intertwined his pale fingers and looked down on the white table. His black leather jacket, that had a large embroidered snake on the back of it, was laid neatly next to him. His back started to hunch slightly as he leaned forward on the table.
A few of your nimble fingers ran through your hair. You sat up with your back almost straight. Your loose short sleeved shirt was almost falling off, it started to show off the thick straps of your swimsuit top that you were wearing.
“Not to sound totally cliche but I haven’t seen you around here before.“ He laughed lightly at his words, and so did you.
“Yeah, I’m um, I’m new. I got here really late yesterday and all our stuff arrived this morning.” There was a weight off your back to talk to him about moving, it was something that you never really did. It was always just ‘I’m the new girl’ and that was the end of the story. And what’s more is this boy, this really hot boy, was just listening to you talk about moving. That was something that no one ever did. You started to think that you might just like it in this small town.
“I’m Jughead, by the way.” It took a lot not to laugh when he said that. But when he didn’t laugh after saying you felt bad.
“Oh, you’re being serious? I’m sorry.” A small amount of blush started to grow on your cheek from embarrassment. Your hands intertwined tightly on the table in front of you.
One of his pale hand reached out across the table and landed gently on yours. A soft smile danced on his lips as you looked up at him. His thumb rubbed calmly against your knuckles.
A tray of fries landed on the table next to your hands. A few fell out onto the table as both you and Jughead looked at to see Pop.
“Your fries, Miss.” Pop gave you one of his signature smiles before turning and looking at Jughead.
“Jughead not bothering you, is he Miss? He does it quite a lot.” Pop sighed lightly while he turned back to you, waiting for you to answer his question.
Your eyes quickly glanced to Jughead who had turned almost completely red. One of his hands covered part of his face while the other tugged at his odd looking beanie that you’re just noticing resembled a crown.
“He’s no bother, Pop. Thanks for asking and for the fries.” You just stared at Jughead true whole time you spoke. Pop nodded and smiled at the young love he was witnessing before leaving again.
The two of you started to slowly eat away at the fries you ordered and talk about whatever came to mind. Time seemed to slip away from you as you jumped from topic to topic. It was obvious that he felt the same.
“So, you move around a lot? What do your parents do to make that happen?” He put the last fry in his mouth after he asked.
A wave of nervousness hit you like a bullet. He wasn’t being intrusive, not at all, but it was just that you weren’t allowed to talk about your parents jobs. If people found out then they wouldn’t get any information from anyone anywhere.
“Oh, I’m not allowed to say.” He looked kind of shocked when you said that. “It’s a long story.”
“Secrets don’t last long in Riverdale. I hate to tell ya, but whatever your parents do won’t be a secret for much longer.”
There was a lively look in his eyes and a adventurous smirk slowly growing on his face. This boy was as strange as the town.
“Well,” you leaned forward and he did too. You could feel his hot breath on your face and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“They’re private investigators. They’re here getting information on Hiram Lodge and the town itself after recent activity.” He looked shocked. It was obvious that you came from interesting work, but private investigators? That never even crossed his mind for a second.
His face was so close to yours. If you moved just a inch closer... You needed to snap out of it. A moment ago you were revealing one of your family’s biggest secrets and now you're thinking about kissing a boy. But thinking about him felt better then thinking about how you just betrayed your family’s trust.
The sun was only just starting to set and your curfew wasn’t for another few hours. This day at Pops’ with Jughead was the best introduction into a new place you have ever had and he still wouldn’t leave.
“Do you want to go out? Like on a ride, I’ve got a motorcycle and a spare helmet. I’d love to show you around.”
Your heartbeat started to speed up as he spoke. It had been a few years since you had ridden a motorcycle and the thought of having your arms wrapped around him the way you had to, it was a dream come true and you didn’t have to wish for it.
“Sure thing, Jug.” He smiled brightly and accepted the nickname you were trying out.
“Do you want to pay for your fries and I’ll start up the bike?” He stood up and threw on his jacket. You could clearly see that it had ‘Southside Serpents’ written around the green snake that was coiled on it. It was clear that it was for some sort of gang but you were too head over heels that you couldn’t care at that moment.
You nodded your head in response and stood up. Your sneakers squeaked slightly as you walked up to the counter.
The smile on your face only grew as he looked at you one more time. Your eyes followed him as he exited the diner and while you waited to pay for your food. You could hear the low rumble of the motorcycle as Pop arrived at the counter.
“He’s a, uh, he’s a nice kid, that Jughead.” The suddenness of Pop speaking made you jump out of your skin.
“Oh really? That’s good.” /‘But he also seems like kind of a bad boy,”/ you thought to yourself. A naughty smirk danced on your lips for a moment. You handed Pop the few dollars that you owed for the fries.
“A diamond in the rough, you might say.” He laughed lightly as he put the money in the register.
“Be sure to come back soon.” Pop said as you started to leave.
“I plan too, don’t worry, Pop,” you smiled back at him. A cool breeze hit you as you opened the doors and reentered the outside world.
Jughead smiled up at you as you made your way slowly down the stairs. He had a helmet with a white, carved crown that stuck out from the blackness of it as well as another plain one under his arm. He was sitting seductively on the front of the motorcycle. Leaning back with his hands loosely holding the handlebars and his his leg out, holding up the whole bike.
The colours of the sunset behind him really made him glow. It made him look more relax and somehow even more sexy than before. His black locks stuck out from his pale face. He was a beautiful mess.
His eyes seemed to glow when he looked at you. There was always a small smile when you looked at him even though he dressed very darkly. He was nothing like guys anywhere else you had been before. He was so much /better/ than all of them, in every way possible.
“You ready for a ride?” He threw you there helmet and somehow by sheer dumb luck, you actually caught it. You put it one and tightened it appropriately.
“As I’ll ever be.” One of your legs went over the bike and you sat down. Soon your arms were snaked around Jughead’s waist.
“Hold on tight.” He yelled as the engine revved and the bike took off out of Pops parking lot.
House after house passed by and you just sunk your head deeper into his jacket. The smell of leather had worn and now had a masculine musk to it. It was relaxing for you, to just sit with your arms around the boy, driving through the town he had obviously lived in his whole life.
Maybe life in Riverdale wouldn’t be as bad as you first thought it to be. At least not with him around.
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glamorousangels · 5 years
Will Newman(Cole Sprouse) x Reader-Hey Neighbor!
So I thought it would be pretty cool to do a Will Newman imagine/oneshot because there aren’t that many out there. We need to make more for this character since he’s newer.
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Descripton: Y/N transfers to St. Grace hospital due to her having XP(Xeroderma Pigmentosum) and turns out she’s Will’s next door neighbor. 
Warnings: None
I finally moved into my hospital room on September 14th, 2017 with my mother’s help of course. Looking around at my new room I’m glad to see that I have all my paintings, drawings, books, and electronics. My hospital bed consisted of (F/C) pillows and (S/F/C) blankets with (F/C) stripes making the room seem a little more vibrant.
Since my windows are tinted it makes my room seem gloomy so I have to have a couple lamps on at all times. “There finally all done with unpacking your stuff (Y/N),” I look over at my mom and smile, grateful that she helped me in the first place when I could have taken care of it myself. “thanks mom, what would I do without you,” I walk up to her and give her a hug, “You’d probably be so lonely.” I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle trying to be sarcastic, “Oh yeah mom, because I totally don’t have 4 other siblings that kept me company all the time.” She pulls away from the hug and playfully slaps my upper arm, “You shush your mouth.”
I laugh and put my arms up in a surrendering motion, “Okay, okay I give in,” before we could continue our fun a nurse walks in and smiles kindly at my mom and I. She had black curly hair that kind of turned into an afro, dark skin and brown eyes that seemed to sparkle at the sight of my room. “Hi, I’m Barb, and I’ll be the nurse that checks in on you from time to time and when more treatments are needed, I’m there to help.” I nod my head and smile at Barb, “Hi Barb, it’s nice to meet you I’m (Y/N), if you didn’t already know that. I can’t wait to settle in and get better if I can.”
." Barb smiles at me and then looks at my mom, “I promise you she is in safe hands here,” my mom smiles back at her, “Thank you.” Mom then turns to me and kisses my forehead, “Take care sweetheart, I promise I’ll come visit soon,” I nod my head as my response. “Okay, I love you,” before she walks out she turns back around, “I love you too.” After those words she left with me not knowing when I’d see her next. I turn towards the window of my room and remember it’s still dark out meaning I may be able to go out for a while.
“Umm Ms. Barb,” she was about to walk out of the room until I called her name, “Yes (Y/N)?” “May I go outside now? My mom usually lets me out when it’s dark and I have an alarm on my phone to make sure I come back on time before the suns up.” I look at her hopefully, hoping she’ll let me go out, “Of course you can sweetie, just if you’re late I’m going to set a curfew, do you understand?” I nod my head enthusiastically happy that I’m not going to be stuck in this hospital all the time. I hug Barb and jump up and down a little, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she chuckles and hug’s me back but pulls away after a couple seconds.
 “Now go on before you run out of time,” I nod and walk out of my room feeling free until the smell of different medicines fill my nose. I ignore the smells knowing I’ll have to get used to them sometime soon and continue my way down the hallway into several different hallways to get outside. On my way out I look down a hallway and notice a pale young man, about 6’0 with short fluffy black hair and blue-green eyes. His clothes consisted of grey sweatpants and a loose white shirt that really brought out his eyes. After I wake myself up from my daze I notice he’s staring at me and he has a nasal cannula and it’s hooked to a small oxygen tank that’s in his satchel.
Immediately I began to become flustered by how cute he is and continue my way out the door not noticing that the boy followed me. “Hey, mystery girl,” I stop and turn to look at the raven-haired boy in curiosity, “Yes?” He smirks at me, “Were you just visiting someone?” I chuckle and shake my head, “Actually I’m a new resident here,” his smirk leaves his face and he smiles softly. 
“Well since you’re staying a while I minus well introduce myself, my name’s Will, Will Newman,” I smile and nod my head, “My name’s (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Will’s smirk returns, “That’s a beautiful name. So (Y/N) why are you leaving the hospital at almost 1 in the morning?” I look up at the night sky enjoying the sight of the stars, “Well, I wanted to take a walk and Barb said it was okay for me to do so, so here I am.” He nods and begins to walk back inside, “If you like you can join me,” he turns back to me with his breathtaking smirk, “Okay but be warned I’m highly dangerous.” He wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh, “Yeah you keep telling yourself that,” I turn away from him and begin walking down the road to a hill.
Should I do a part 2?
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years
Ross Geller #1
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Being Ben's babysitter and him loving when your around. Ross was a social mess at the best of times but when you were around it was worse. Ben picking up on that and one day asking if you are going to be his new Mommy.
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honesttogodserious · 5 years
Who & What I will write about
I decided that since I’m planning on writing on here, I should make it clear what fandoms I’m part of, so you can tell who I’ll write for.
I’ll do ship requests, take imagine requests and write my own from time to time.
Now let’s get to business…
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Teen Wolf
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Marvel (The MCU)
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Sex Education
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Youtubers (Commentary, D&P, Eleanor Neale etc)
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Harry Potter 
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sprouseandall · 1 month
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Blood was oozing out of the newly formed hole in the middle of my chest. Breathing was getting harder for me to inhale so maybe it was safe to say its quite possible that the bullet has punctured one of my lungs. My facial and emotional expression matches that of Cole. Just the fear was different; for him of losing me and for me... to leave him alone in this unforgiving world. I can see our field of dreams engulfed in fire which matches the background of this mansion in way; bullets showering like rain.
The sound of shots being fired did not bother me anymore. In each shuddering breathe my lunges managed to fill in, I was more concerned about Cole, who was weeping holding my fragile frame close to his, shielding me from any danger since the beginning of the shootout showdown.
"C'mon Ashley. Keep your eyes open for me, please Ashley." Cole begged, tears blurring his vision. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes with his palm before applying pressure on the open wound.
"I c-can't." I croaked out, moaning in pain.
"Yes you can, you're stronger than this. You can face this you know I'm with you. Just keep on savin' your breathe."
"It's okay." I weakly places her bloody hand on top of Cole's.
"No! It's not okay. Nothing is okay and you know it! I won't let you go I-I-I just can't. I love and we promised, remember? J-Just keep on breathing babe."
"It's not your fault Cole." I managed to say, pulling him impossibly closer to me, wanting to feel him one last time before I die in the arms of the man I loved. Of course I did not plan on dying this soon but at the end of the day if this is how I end, I have no regrets. I did the right thing.
I could feel the weakness taking over me. I was feeling paralyzed, weight of my body getting heavier when the click-click sound appeared getting louder and louder.
Cole still held me tight in his drip while his free hand went to grab the gun placed beside me. He upheld the gun high aimed in the direction of that sound with his finger resting on top of the trigger, just in case it was one of Martinez scoundrels.
Guess not because I recognized that voice. It was Dylan's voice. He knelt next to us with shock plastered on his face.
"Oh god at this rate she will bleed out to her-" He did not dare to finish the sentence.
"We need to stop the bleeding until the help is arriving." Cole says looking around to search for something useful but he did not find something.
The light bulb of his brain glowed. He began to slip off his flannel shirt and belt off his waist. He made a bundle out of the shirt and placed it on top of my wound. He asked Dylan to strap the belt tightly onto my chest as he held me a bit upright, thinking it stop the blood flowing and keep the cloth in place. When Dylan proceeded to do so, I yelped in pain.
"That's it. That's it Ash. You got this." Cole coos, trying to comfort me. Dylan shot a few times in between, killing a couple of Martinez mens and missing a few times.
Dylan passed three ammo magazines to Cole as reserve when a voice came through his ear piece on comms.
"Come in alpha-one. Angel is here, I repeat Angel is here."
"Copy that daybreak. The sweetness is fading. Need a cover out, Charlie team flood in please." Dylan ordered.
"You heard it. Fast dry on my mark. You need to take Ashley out of here."
"I'll come back for you" Cole says.
"No you won't. You're already in this mess because of me."
"Did you ever listened to me?" Cole tried to shake it off, making Dylan shake his head as a grin broke into his face. Cole clutched Ashley's limp form, her blood-soaked body draped across his arms. The brothers shared one last look and then Dylan moved across the next pillar scanning the area for any signs of danger.
"Now!" Dylan yelled, his voice piercing the din of gunfire.
Cole sprang into action, dashing towards the entrance with Ashley cradled in his arms. Bullets whizzed past, but Dylan's covering fire kept the attackers at bay.
He panted and kept on saying "Almost there Ash, almost there. Just a couple of more seconds. Help is here, just hand on for me, just hang on for me, just live for us baby." He cradled her delicate frame. A bullet grazed his left arm and he hissed at the physical contact but his grip never loosened and nothing else mattered to him at that moment as they burst through the mansion doors, Cole spotted the friendly forces, their guns trained on the mansion still going inside.
KJ and Camila spotted their bandmate and KJ flew in to help Cole while Camila brought the medical personnel, rushing forward with stretchers at the ready. The nurses helped Cole to lay Ashley on the stretcher.
Cole removed her hand off his bloody t-shirt which as Ashley held on to it. "C-Cole" she murmured.
"I'm right here Ash, I'm not going anywhere." He said with urgency.
The medical team swept in, surrounding Ashley with a flurry of activity. Cole watched, helpless, as they worked to save her life.
Cole instantly broke down in tears, KJ wraps him into his embrace, rubbing his back and said "You know she's going to be alright. You know that right? She will be back in your arms, pinching your nose before you know it." Cole was instantly hit with a wave of their memories together and this particular sweet gesture shared between them multiple times. This was their love language; simple little yet sweet things.
"Okay now lets get yourself cleaned up mate." Cole broke their hug, wiping the length of his eyes across his cheeks and rubbed his hands to the sides of his jeans.
"You keep Ashley safe. I have to get back in there."
Camila stepped in, "Are you crazy? You can't go back in there!"
"Look man, I know Dylan is inside but I cannot let you back in, okay? rest of the team is going in, they will make sure Dylan make it out just fine safely." KJ tries to reason with Cole but he does not bug in.
"I promised Ashley I'd always protect her, I failed. Didn't you just see her in that state? She's fighting for life because she chose to take a bullet for me. I promised her, I will keep us brothers safe, it should not matter what happened between us in the last few months. One bad deed can't outrun all the good ones, Dylan IS my brother and I still do care for him. I can't sit here let the worry eat me alive for him and Ash. I have to go back to him." Cole finished.
KJ signed deeply and gave in. "Fine but on one condition: I'm going with you."
"No" Cole replied without a pause, earning a look serious look from his friends.
"That's non-negotiable" Camila says, arms resting on her hips.
"Okay fine!"
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Dylan sprinted through the mansion's grand hall, bullets ricocheting off the marble floor as he dodged and weaved between columns. An agent burst from the doorway, gun blazing, and Dylan leapt into a flying tackle, slamming them to the ground.
They wrestled, punches flying, as Dylan struggled to pin the agent's gun arm. But another agent closed in, boot raised for a crushing kick. Dylan rolled, avoiding the blow by mere inches, and countered with a lightning-fast jab that sent the second agent crashing into a nearby vase.
The first agent broke free, gun raised, and Dylan knew he was out of time. But before the trigger could be pulled, a shot rang out, and the agent's gun hand exploded in a crimson splash.
Cole, Dylan's brother, stood in the doorway, smoking gun still raised, a hint of a grin on his face.
"Need a hand bro?"
"Yeah but can't say the same about him though." Dylan says sarcastically referring to the dead man laying in front of them.
"I told you not to come for me." Dylan teases though no matter what happens knew his little brother would forever come to save him.
"It's always me saving your ass. You can't last 5 seconds without me."
"I may agree with the first part however I did last for ten minutes until superhero Nat King Cole saved the day!"
Cole chuckled, eyes still scanning the area. "We need to roll out. More are coming."
Dylan nodded, and together they charged forward, guns drawn, returning fire as they battled their way through the mansion's deadly maze. They leapt over shattered furniture, dodged falling chandeliers, and took down agents with precision shots.
The body count increased and the noise quieted down.
KJ informed Cole over comms that he with the help of delta team has captured the last man alive: Martinez's left-hand - Enrique.
The twins dart towards the East entrance, when they arrived at the scene the group of their alliance members shifted and made a passage for the boys to come forward, face-to-face in front of this last rascal.
Dylan and Cole loomed over the gang leader, guns pressed to his temples. "Last chance," Dylan growled.
"Who's behind this?"
The rascal spat blood, eyes flashing with defiance.
"You can suck my balls."
Cole's gaze narrowed. "Wrong answer."
With a swift motion, Cole slammed his gun into Enrique's jaw, sending him crashing to the floor. Dylan followed, pinning the leader's arms behind his back.
"You see, we have a problem with stubborn people," Dylan said, his voice dripping with menace.
Cole knelt before Enrique, a cruel smile spreading across his lips. "We like to break them."
With a swift kick, Cole sent the man scraping across the floor, the sound echoing through the mansion. The leader groaned, his body trembling.
"Who's behind all this?" Dylan repeated, his grip tightened. Enrique's eyes bulged, but he remained silent.
Cole's patience ran thin. He propped himself straight ahead of the blood wheezing man and placed the mouth of his gun on top of Enrique's right kneecap and with that devilish glance and then Cole pulled the trigger, a scream filled with agony fill the air, his knee bust open with all the blood splattered all over the floor and all over the twins face, down to their clothes staining them in crimson color.
Cole leaned in, his voice a whisper. "We'll keep asking until you talk. Or until you can't talk anymore."
Dylan's eyes locked onto the leader's, a fierce intensity burning within. "You choose."
The leader's face contorted in agony, but still, he refused to yield.
With a nod, Cole resumed the brutal interrogation, the brothers working in tandem to extract the truth. The leader's screams echoed through the halls, a haunting symphony of suffering.
Finally, as the leader's voice cracked, he whispered the name.
Suddenly the man started to laugh like a maniac. "How do you suppose you'd make it out of this mess alive? Huh? Who are you? You are nobody. NOBODY."
Dylan and Cole exchanged a look, a spark of mischief igniting between them. In perfect sync, they smirked, and their voices became one: "We're Popstars." as two bullets got fired at the same time piercing the eyes of a now useless man, blood pouring down rapidly.
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A/N: I thought I will not be posting this story until the whole thing is done and written but I couldn’t resist! I was so excited to share this so here it is, I hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
Like, reblog and comment they are appreciated. DON’T YOU DARE STEAL MY WORK. I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT IS WRITTEN.
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faefictions · 6 years
Give Yourself A Try
Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader
Summary: The reader has self image issues. Jughead, her best friend, finds out and does whatever he does to try to help.
Warnings: mentions of self hatred and eating disorder (I understand this is a really sensitive subject and I apologize if you don’t think I portrayed the situation in a healthy way. This piece is more of a vent for things that have been going on in my life. I figured after writing it that I may as well post.) Also unedited bc it is 5 am and I need sleep.
Word Count: 3,381
It started during her Freshman year of high school. Y/n began looking at her body in a different way than she ever had. She never had really loved her body, but she never really paid attention before. But once she got into High school, she started to notice the difference between her and all the other girls at Riverdale High. The girls around her had well developed bodies and were under the average weight. She began comparing herself to them, spending nights in front of the mirror judging ever inch of her body. She began to go from diet to diet, doing her best to find one that worked for her. She wanted to be attractive and she wanted to feel happy in her own body.
After she tried what must have been her 20th new fad diet, she started to get increasingly discouraged. She would look up work outs for every single little part of her body that she hated, she would obsess over her progress, crying anytime her weight would go up. It was a lot for her to handle. The thoughts would occupy her mind during class, after school, at night when she tried to sleep, and any time she was with friends or family. The smallest things would set her off thinking about how she needed to be better. In her mind she thought she was being healthier, but she was destroying her body.
Around the end of her Freshman year, her friends started to notice that she was acting different. They used to all go to Pop’s on the weekends, but she no longer attended. She used to have movie nights on Friday’s with her best friend Jughead, but she stopped inviting him over for them, claiming that she was too busy. Her other friends, Betty, Veronica, and Archie, didn’t see her once over the summer. Jughead saw her twice. It wasn’t like her.
She had lost the energy to go out, and she couldn’t handle seeing all the girl around her in their booty shorts and tank tops. She could barely leave the house, because she hated to see herself in the temperature appropriate clothing.
Jughead worried about her, although he had no idea what was going on. Whenever he would bring up her strange behavior, she would just say that she was busy with personal stuff. Growing up, they didn’t keep secrets from each other. They knew that if they ever needed to talk, there was nothing that they couldn’t tell the other. So when she was obviously avoiding the question, Jughead would worry more. But there was nothing he could do, especially since she refused to see him most of the time.
The fact that she refused to see any of her friends just made her mental state worse. Being alone with her mother all day every day for 3 months really took a toll. It was lonely and it left a lot of time for her mind to wander.
About 2 weeks before their Sophomore year started, y/n started to cut meals. She had originally decided not to do that, she knew it wasn’t safe. Her mother had told her about girls whose bodies would just give up on them because they wouldn’t eat, and it scared her at first, so she had promised herself that she would never stop eating. But after months of barely any progress, her brain was too preoccupied to think about the consequences, and at that point she may not have cared anymore.
By the time school had started, she was eating one meal a day. Her mind was happier, feeling like she as making more progress than ever. But her body wasn’t on the same page. She was always tired and her brain was cloudy. School was harder for her, but lunch wasn’t a nightmare anymore. No one mentioned her not eating lunch everyday for a few weeks. When their second month started, Jughead got more worried. He knew that her not eating lunch was a bad sign, and he wanted to ask her and make sure that she was eating elsewhere. He knew that she had some issues with her weight and that she went from diet to diet, and he hoped that the school food just didn’t fit her diet so she ate at home. He held onto that thought until they were alone so he could talk to her.
They were walking home after school one day. She was glad he had offered to walk her home. He used to do that often, but after she disappeared over the summer, he was trying his best to give her space. He needed to talk to her though, so he offered for the first time that year. She only lived a couple minutes from the school anyway, so it wasn’t a hassle to him.
“Y/n, I need to ask you something.”
She looked at him, giving a slight nod of her head to indicate that she was listening.
“I noticed that you haven’t been eating lunch this year. I’m just a little worried I guess. You are eating at home right?”
He watched as her face turned bright red, something that happened when she was nervous, lying, or embarrassed.
“Oh, y-yeah. I just don’t like the school food, and you know I like to sleep in, so I don’t want to wake up early and make a lunch, so I just wait until I’m home,” she rushed out in answer to the question that she was hoping no one would ask her.
He nodded while he processed her response. That was exactly what he was hoping to hear, but the bright hue of her cheeks told him that there was a good chance that she wasn’t telling him the truth. He didn’t know how to confront her about that though, and before he could think of a way, they were at her house. He hugged her and watched as she walked up the path to her front door and disappeared into the small home.
Jughead didn’t bring up that topic again. Things happened, and he was more focused on something he had thought a lot about over the summer. Y/n and him had been best friends for as long as he could remember, and the moment he started to like girls, she was his main interest. He had wanted to ask her out on so many occasions, but he was always afraid that it would ruin their friendship if she said no or if they broke up. So he kept quiet and decided to never tell her how he felt, until that summer. When he never saw her, he realized how life without her was, and he knew that if he didn’t at least try to make his move, there was a chance that as time went on, they would grow apart. He still hadn’t worked up the nerve though.
So one day, at lunch, Jughead pulled y/n aside.
“Hey, y/n, I need to talk to you. And just know that no matter what you say, I just want to be your best friend and I hope this isn’t too weird.”
“Woah there Jones, calm down. What is it?”
“Well…. Over the summer, I never saw you, and it really put something in perspective for me. There is a chance that after high school, or even during high school, things can change and we can drift apart, and I just thought a lot about how I don’t want that. And I just want to be sure that I’m a part of your life, and just…. well I was wondering if maybe you’d be my girlfriend.”
He spat out the last part, blushing harder than she had ever seen him blush. She was trying extremely hard to not smile too largely at his lack of courage. He was the bravest person she knew, but he was so vulnerable in that moment, which was completely new to her.
“Jug,” she said, taking his hand in hers. He had been looking at the ground until then, switching his gaze to their hands, and then to her face.
“Of course.”
At that answer, his blush started to fade and he pulled her into a large hug. He quickly kissed her forehead before letting her go again. He wasn’t that big on any kind of PDA, but he held her hand as they walked over to the table filled with their friends. All three of their friends smiled and asked them about the hand holding, congratulating them on finally getting together.
Although y/n was happy in her new relationship, her self depreciating thoughts didn’t halt. They did falter for a few days, but they were always there in the back of her mind. She continued to weigh herself every day, and she continued to only eat dinner, the only meal that she couldn’t find a way out of.
3 weeks after Jughead asked her to be his, y/n’s mother got a new job, working until 9 each night. Her mother asked her to start making dinner for the family, allowing her to eat at any time as long as there was food for her parents when they would each get home from work. So y/n began making food around 7 each night, an hour before her father would get home, and she said that she had eaten. She had finally cut out the final meal. Making dinner was still torturous though. She would have to stare at the food for long lengths of time. Sometimes it would make her feel nauseous, sometimes it would make her unbelievably hungry. Almost every night, she would snack on some of the raw ingredients from her parent’s dinner, giving her just enough energy to make it.
This caused her weight to go down drastically, which was hard for people to see when they saw her everyday. No one said anything to her for weeks. But Jughead had, of course, noticed that something was different. She wouldn’t reply to texts for hours on end after school, because she would fall asleep once she was home and sleep until she had to make dinner. Sometimes she would fall asleep right after she was done preparing the food as well. She was exhausting her body and that was the only thing that allowed her any sort of energy.
Her grades were failing as well. She used to have straight A’s, but her mind was slowly wasting away. Jughead grew increasingly worried. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, but one night, he thought he had figured it out. He was looking at pictures they had taken together. He wanted to change his home screen on his phone to one of them. He was looking through the few that they had taken over the past 2 months, and as he scrolled through, he saw what had been happening to her. In the first, the oldest, she looked like her normal, happy, healthier self. As he scrolled through, her face began to slowly sink in, along with her collar bones and arms. He looked at her legs in the final picture, comparing it to the first. She must have lost around 20 or more pounds over the span of 2 months. He wanted to go see her and talk to her. He wanted to confront her, knowing that whatever she was doing was unhealthy. But it was almost 2 am, and he needed to get some rest. He knew that she would be sound asleep as well, so he let her rest and decided to talk to her before school the next day.
He found her in the hallway the next day, meeting her at her locker. She smiled up at him, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek when he approached her. His face was worried though and she recognized that he was upset about something.
“Are you ok Jug?”
Her heart began to beat faster.
“No, we need to talk.”
And faster.
“What’s wrong Juggy?”
And faster.
“I was looking through some photos last night and…. y/n have you been eating lately?”
He heart skipped a beat and continued to gain pace.
“What are you talking about Jug?”
“I know something has been going on, you’re failing classes, you’ve been sleeping like 24/7, and I noticed that you’ve lost an unhealthy amount of weight over the past couple months. I need you to talk to me, please.”
Just as he finished his sentence, their warning bell rang, telling them they had to get to class before they were tardy.
“I need to get to class Jug, I can’t be late.”
She tried to walk away from him, her heart was still racing. He knew, and she didn’t know how to handle that. She didn’t want to stop. She was starting to see how unhealthy she was, but it felt better to her than hating her self so much. She still couldn’t look in the mirror, but she felt like she was getting closer.
“Y/n please don’t walk away,” Jughead begged from behind her, not moving as he watched her leave.
She didn’t turn around, she felt extremely light head and she didn’t want to move her head, she just wanted to rush to class and sit down and calm her heart down. Her body was starting to panic, and she started to slow her pace. Jughead though she was about to turn around and come back to him, but instead, she collapsed.
His eyes grew wide and he ran over to her, seeing her books scattered on the ground next to her. Archie was down the hall, on his way to first period, when he saw her fall. He ran down the hall, reaching her and Jughead and immediately kneeling next to him.
“What happened Jug? Is she ok?”
“Go get the nurse Archie.”
In that one command, Archie could tell that Jughead was scared, so he ran to the nurses office, quickly telling her that a student had collapsed in the hall. She grabbed the old wheelchair she had in the corner and rushed down the hall after Archie as he led her back to y/n and Jughead. Jug was still sitting next to her body when they approached. The nurse asked him to move so she could make sure y/n was ok.
After a minute of checking on her, the nurse asked the boys to help her lift the girl into the chair so she could take her back to the office. Archie lifted her and Jughead watched, a tear threatening to fall from his eye. He knew that she had done this to herself, she had driven her body as far as she could without taking care of it, and it broke his heart.
For the first few classes, Jughead couldn’t concentrate, knowing that his girlfriend was still passed out in the Nurse’s office. The second the bell rang for lunch, Jughead was out of his class, rushing down the hall towards his girlfriend. When he got there, the nurse told him that she had woken up, but she had told her to get more rest. She let him into the room to wake her up for lunch.
He approached her slowly. His heart still hurt knowing how much negativity she must have felt for herself to get to that point. He reached out for her hand and rubbed it for a second, before he reached his other hand out and gently shook  her shoulder until her eyes fluttered open.
“Juggy?” she asked in a quiet, fragile voice.
He sat on the cot next to hers and watched as she slowly sat up a little.
“You didn’t have to answer my question. If I didn’t before, I definitely know the answer now.”
“No, please don’t give me some excuse. I don’t want to hear another one. I can’t believe you let it get this bad. And I can’t believe I didn’t see it until now.”
He was getting increasingly upset, but he tone was still soft. He didn’t want to get angry at her.
“Jug, it wasn’t your job to see it…”
“I know that. But your job is to take care of yourself and you haven’t been doing that. And I should have seen that earlier. I should have talked to you earlier. But this is what is going to happen now, and please don’t give me some kind of excuse, because this is what is going to be best for you. You’re going to get up and I am going to walk with you to the cafeteria and we are going to get lunch, and you are going to eat it. Not all of it if you can’t yet, but you are going to eat. And then I am walking you home tonight, and I will stay over until your parents are home, and we are going to talk to them about this. I can tell them or you can. But there is no way in hell that I am going to just sit here while you slowly kill yourself. I am not going to watch you wither away. I know it’s not my job to take care of you, but I will as long as you aren’t doing it. I can’t lose you now.”
A tear fell down his face, but his voice remained calm.
“Ok,” she squeaked out.
She got off the bed and stood next to him, pulling him towards her stomach, hugging him as tight as she could. As much as she didn’t want to change, she couldn’t stand seeing him like that. Even if she refused his plan, she knew that he was going to tell her parents and there was no way out of change at that point. So her only decision was whether she was going to let him go with his plan or hate him. And she chose to love him.
They walked out of the office and to the cafeteria. She walked through the line, not letting go of his hand until she had to grab a tray. They walked to their friends table and they all rushed to ask if she was ok. Jughead told them that she just wasn’t feeling well.
He held her hand under the table as he watched her slowly eat the food in front of her. He could tell that it was the last thing that she wanted to do. It almost looked as if eating was causing her physical pain, but she ate what she could until her stomach couldn’t handle any more.
He refused to let go of her that night. They sat on the couch together, watching movies just like they used to on Friday nights. He made her some popcorn, and she snacked on it slowly over the course of a few movies. She ended up falling asleep in his lap at a few points. He would play with her hair until she would eventually wake up again.
Her parents ended up getting home at the same time that night. Jughead sat with her as she told her parents what had happened. She told them that she needed help. Her mother was sad, but she hugged her daughter. Her father grew angry with her for doing that to herself. Jughead stood up to him for her, saying that she needed his help, not his hate.
Her parent’s went to bed, letting Jughead and y/n have a sleepover on the couches in the living room. They were cuddled up under a large blanket, Jughead playing with her hair, y/n tracing patterns on his chest. He pulled her close to him after they had been laying there for a while, his thoughts beginning to overwhelm him.
“I promise you I’m going to get you help, but I need you to promise me that you’re going to try.”
“I promise Jug…. I’m sorry I let myself get this bad.”
She drifted off to sleep in his arms, he followed shortly after. He had one thing on his mind as he drifted off, he was determined to help her get better in any way he could, supporting her every step of the way.
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imagine-the-feels · 8 years
Late Late Show
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Summary: At the launch of your new series Riverdale, you and Cole’s relationship has finally become public after KJ leaked a photo of you two out of character onto Twitter. In addition to dating him, your character is Jughead’s love interest, and so you have an interview with James Cordon.
Word Count: 1141
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“Everyone please welcome, one of the newest stars of the CW’s hit Riverdale, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
A chorus of applause and cheers greeted you as you stepped into the main studio of The Late Late Show with James Corden, causing a large smile to appear on your face as you walked out. Waving at the exceptionally large crowd, you high-fived hands as you went, trying to stay sturdy on your heels as you made your way up the stage.
Last minute, you tripped, staggering onto the couch where in order to play off your fumble, you laid down on your side with your hand propping up your head. The audience laughed at your charm, and so did James as he held a hand to his heart.
“My god!” He exclaimed over the dying laughter. “I think I just had a heart attack!” The audience laughed, and so did he while he slapped the desk. “Are you--are you okay?”
“Yep,” you confirmed, finally sitting up and fixing yourself. “I wanted to make an entrance.” Your comment was a success as the audience laughed with you, chuckling a little more as you started to untack your heels and set them beside the couch. 
“I think that’s the best decision for now,” James chuckled, gesturing towards your shoes. “But welcome to the Late Late show! We’re so happy to have you here!”
“I’m happy to be here,” you smiled, and a whoop from the crowd got them applauding again.
“So, how’s Hollywood treating you? What’s it like being on the set of Riverdale?” He asked.
“Hollywood’s surreal,” you answered. “It feels like just yesterday I’m seeing all these celebrities on the TV in my hometown, and now it’s like I’ll just see Johnny Depp at Walmart randomly.” Everyone chuckled, and you smiled widely. “Being on Riverdale is just as surreal, and a blessing. I’ve always wanted to be an actress, and I know have this amazing opportunity. I now work with amazing people, forming these extremely close bonds with each other, and I honestly look forward to shooting every day.”
“It truly is amazing,” James agreed. “Just like your talent, might I add.”
“Thank you,” you blushed. 
“I’m not kidding you guys,” he addressed the audience. “I’m surprised you haven’t been discovered sooner, watching you on the screen is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Here’s a brief clip for you all to see.”
As you all watched the brief clip form Riverdale, you realized it was from an episode that hadn’t aired yet. It was from one of your more challenging scenes with Cole’s character Jughead, where you both are in an argument about his father. (Y/C/N) was trying to have Jughead bail him out of Jail, but he adamantly refused, claiming he’d finally given up on his father.
The clip ended, and the audience was in a loud applause in which James joined. “How do you play such a challenging role on set?”
“Uh,” you started, trying to think. “So Cole and I have this ritual with our scenes when we get new scripts, partly for memorization, and partly for performance,” you paused, trying to get your words together as you started to make hand movements with your words. “We go over the script at least four times before we take it to the studio. Once, is where we both give each other pointers on how we believe each line should go and how to interpret the scene. The second is where we go over it in completely ridiculous accents, in the opposite way of how we want the scene to go,” you smile as a few giggles are coaxed out of the crowd. “The third time we make amendments to what we suggested the first time through, and the last time we do a full out with each other, with actions and everything so that we don’t have any surprises on set.”
“But I’m guessing the writers and directors do,” James laughed, and you joined. 
“Definitely. I try putting forth everything to try and have the audience believe that I’ve transformed into (Y/C/N), and that she’s a believable human being despite anything that may happen.”
“You should give me some pointers later, yea?”
You giggled at James. “Of course.”
“Now,” he scooted his chair closer, indicating a slight change of subject. “I think we’re all thinking the same thing here. Rumor has it that not only is (Y/C/N) and Jughead involved in a relationship, but so are you and Cole.”
You smiled shyly, and a chorus of ooohs, rose from the audience.
“Now, I want direct confirmation,” he said. “Because KJ Apa, he plays Archie for those of you who don’t know, uploaded this photo of you and Cole onto Twitter and his Instagram, with the caption: #Get a Room.”
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The audience got louder with their noises, and your face turned red as you laughed and hid your face behind your hands.
“Don’t hold out on us (Y/N),” James chuckled. “Is this rumor true?”
Everything got really quiet, and you peeked between your fingers before turning a darker shade of red and nodding.”
Things erupted once again, and James jumped in happiness for a moment before settling back down. “My wife now owes me $40,” he laughed, before settling down. “So, like, how did this happen? How is it working on set together? Is he here right now?”
You laughed at his rapid fire questions. “He actually is here right now, he’s backstage,” you paused for a few woohs. “We’ve actually been together secretly for two years. We’re not a very public couple, so we kept it from the limelight. When Riverdale was casting and he got a call from his agent, he had just come back home from another small project.” You smiled at the memories. “He actually, refused to play Jughead unless they casted me too.”
Awwws rang out in the room, and you smiled wider.
“That is just absolutely adorable,” James commented, sniffling. “Someone get me some tissues. 
Giggling with the audience at him, you answered his other questions. “I actually hadn’t expected them to agree, since my character isn’t one from the comic, but everything worked out and I’m extremely grateful for all the fans for accepting me and (Y/C/N) because it’s absolutely amazing. We’re not apart as much anymore, we sort of have the same film schedule, and we only kiss each other on set.”
James laughed. “Well great for you guys, I hope to see you both a lot more. How do the fans feel about it?”
“Like I said, they’ve been nothing but welcoming and supportive, and we’ve actually been shipped for awhile so I feel like most of them would accept our relationship.”
“Just know that I already do,” James replied, smiling. “Now, (Y/N), are you up for a game?”
You smiled mischievously. “Always.”
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bugheadfangirl · 6 years
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A Dream Come True Coming soon to AO3.
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riverdalefan6602 · 5 years
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livingthenerdlife · 6 years
Bughead Oneshot
Sitting on an old bench in the Riverdale Public library and flitting through the pages of a book she wasn't even paying any attention to, Betty truly thought her life couldn't get any more boring. She'd come to the place because her mom, Riverdale's very own satan's incarnation Alice Cooper had been dropping not-so subtle hints about the rapidly dropping grades of her daughter, and how she could maybe go to the library to put in some extra study hours instead of practising those 'extremely revealing and impractical cheer poses that your so called head cheerleader sets you'. Truthfully speaking, she wasn't even sure why she had obeyed her mother's wish, as she wasn't even doing any productive work with her butt on the dusty seat and papers strewn on the desk, with a book in her hands.
Lifting her head from her book, she cast her gaze around the library and was not met with any interesting sights. There was the thin surly looking librarian behind a desk, who seemed to be as old as the establishment itself, and also a lean boy hunched up over a book in the far corner of the room. He had on a rather old crown shaped beanie, scruffed jeans and a hoodie. He sat facing her sideways, so she could analyse him without interruption. Under the pretense of reading her book, she scanned the boy and saw that he had a scrawny frame and jet black hair, just a tuft of it visible on his forehead. She had a strong involuntary urge to comb the curl back, and then chasticised herself for having such inappropriate thoughts about a complete stranger. Deciding to get back to her book, she forced her gaze away from him and onto her open book, the words still woefully unintelligible for her reeling brain, her thoughts still trained on the boy and his goddamned black curl.
Suddenly, she heard a thud behind one of the book shelves followed by a moan that was quickly muffled. Betty looked up and saw the tops of two heads behind a shelf. From her position, she could clearly see that there didn't seem to be any personal space between the two people getting it on, in the damn library of all places! Flustered, she looked at the beanie wearing boy to find him with a similarly embarrassed expression on his face. The boy caught her stare and gave her a nervous smile, the kind you give to a stranger that clearly says I-don't-really-know-what's-happening-there-but-I-sure-as-hell-don't-want-to-know, which was again followed by a rather loud moan, to which they both cringed simultaneously. His gaze fell on the book clutched in Betty's hands and his face took on a bemused expression. He got up from his seat and reached her's in a few long strides while she looked on in confusion.
"Can I sit here? ", he asked, gesturing to the seat opposite to Betty. She noddded her yes and he sat down.
"Umm.. You do know that you've held that book upside down, don't you?", he asked. Betty looked down to see that it was indeed upside down, and blushed a brilliant colour, pretty much rivalling any other shade of red she'd ever seen. Murmuring a word that suspiciously rhymed with duck, she set the book down and glared at the boy, whose only response was a slight chuckle and a raised eyebrow.
"Jesus, even he can raise one eyebrow! Am I the only girl on the planet that CAN'T? '', Betty muttered under her breath. Her train of thought was interrupted by another sigh from behind the shelf.
"Seems like we're not the only people in the room, huh?'', he mused, seemingly unaffected by the increasing number of noises. The poor unsuspecting librarian probably couldn't hear a thing, she thought -- he was tone-deaf as it is. Shaking herself out of her trance, she looked at the boy to see him already looking at her.
"What's your name? ", she asked, to which he hesitated and then replied ,"Jughead Jones".
At that, Betty tried to quickly smother a laugh and was met with failure, letting out giggles from her mouth. Jughead frowned and let out a sigh, and said ,"You know, I get that a lot. Believe me when I say that my real name is a lot worse than this nickname. You wouldn't stop laughing if I told you....Stop Giggling! What's your name?"
"Cooper. Betty Cooper", she said.
"Quite a good James Bond imitation, I must say..so what do you say Betty, should we get out of this hell hole of a place? ",he asked, speaking as if they were long lost friends or a pal she'd bumped into at a restaurant.
Betty considered her options.She could either stay here with the surly librarian, the dusty shelves and the dustier books, not to mention the loud couple behind the shelves. Or she could accompany Jughead, a seemingly harmless (and cute) boy and follow him out of the musty room. Plus, if she chose the latter, her mother would surely disapprove of her choice.
It would surely be a win-win situation if she went with Jughead, imagining her mother's furious face if she found out her precious daughter was loitering on the streets with a complete stranger instead of studying. There really was no other option Betty would rather consider. Besides, Jughead didn't really look like a murderer or a potential kidnapper...
"Deal", Betty said, and followed the grinning boy out of the library.
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