#Cold Was The Ground
amaranthdahlia · 1 year
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yamtaroh · 1 year
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forgot to use the paraglider
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tubbytarchia · 10 months
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I couldn't finish my rancher art today but please have this because I'll feel like a failure if I go to sleep without posting anything
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ryllen · 8 months
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summary of me playing love & deepspace
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shirecorn · 28 days
Tumblr keeps popping up to sell me ad free dashboard. But what it doesn't understand is that me and the ads have a sort of symbiosis at this point.
The guys from the fake gameplay trailers for a predatory mobile app are my blorbos
#the kings return to do WHAT?#oh my god they put him in a situation#last year he was solving fake puzzles and this year he is shooting hordes of zombies while trying to chokse#which gate that looks like all the other gates in all the other shooting hordes of zombies games#ooh whats my little phoenix wright up to?#begging to be drooled on by a giant cyclops with gianter boobs?#hell yeah you go little pheonix knight#endure or divorce! what will she pick! blond bimbo and boo monstersinc freeze to death in the cold water#my heart will go on#after their nasty dad ate all the food! the tragedy#oh heres another trailer with that same nasty dad! hes snorkling? where is my daccoon eyed woman WHAT THE FUC#SOMEONE POURED (POOP?) INTO HIS SNORKLE THATS SO TERRIBLE#theyre running away wherre is the bimbo oh its all frozen#everythign froze so fast and now nasty dad is in a winter coat and also changed his entire physique#now hes gathering logs now hes buikding a settlement#damn guess we know what happened after the divorce!#and thats how you know the winter log game is by the same company as (one of many) repair the house game#thry got nasty dad model#and he is GOING places#if yiu ever hear 'i finally found a game that is exactly what they show in the ads!' no you didnt#i would love to play the fat guy fighting a horse for the last drop of water#hes like me fr#but hes too busy building underground rooms with the hot chick who may or may not die#SPEAKING OF HOT CHICKS i love that game where you romance a level 10 babe#not a crook or informant thats her whole job description#level 10 babe#she cqn be romanced by picking her off the ground or by showing her money (which you dont have)#but the other guy does!#i wonder what halpens to her#oh good shes upgraded to mafia wife! good for her and she has some buns in the oven too she must be so happOH NO
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tobbogan-13 · 8 months
i want to kiss whoever made the stardew valley wiki
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
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it’s cold brew season again babyyy
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daisies-on-a-cup · 5 months
hannibal establishing his therapy practice as one where it seems right and proper to show up wearing formal or business wear, thereby placing a kind of unspoken agreement to present yourself at your best while also revealing to him your certain worst aspects of yourself. therapy becoming something not just gut-wrenching and vulnerable, but something that requires you to dress yourself and confess. one does not rip out their hearts while wearing jeans and a t-shirt. if one must be exposed, do so with elegance and beauty. there is no place for tragedy if it cannot be polished and refined
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frog-thief · 1 year
"once a ordinary monk picked up a lonely and lost sparrow"
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2-dsimp · 6 months
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The Boss would be insufferable to be around, always sighing and mourning over not getting his latest dosage of pure perfection on his phone screen. If he wasn’t already lazy before you’d mistake him for being the embodiment sin of Sloth.
“It’s been 1 day, 6 hours, 24 minutes, and T-minus 30 seconds since they last posted anything...”
Danny droned, as he stared longingly at past pictures and video clips of his darling. His slender fingers trailing across the digital contours of your figure with a needy trembling pout of his chapped lips.
“that’s the same amount of time my life started to fail in having any meaning”
He finished with a stray crocodile tear collecting ruefully within his nonexistent tear ducts. That dried up from pulling all nighters obsessing over your page and any anime fandoms that could take his mind off you (to which none of them did).
All of the remaining hitman members merely eyed their leader in either exasperation, amusement, or just plain old disappointment for being such a sad waste of space.
It got so bad to the point where he’d just be found around random spots in the hideout glued to the floor like a dead corpse.
His phone clutched within a death grip as he was surrounded by picture posts that he printed out from your social media. Almost as if he was preforming a self sacrificial ritual to evoke your page to give him an update on what you were doing.
To be blunt Danny would just be a sad sap without you, leaving his team to pick up the slack and set out individually to bring you back. If only to shut up their Boss from whining depressive monologues about how he was useless without his darling to fanboy over. And get his ass to start working like an actual decent human being.
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danthropologie · 8 months
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hyunpic · 10 months
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bi-focal12 · 2 months
MHA tweets pt.11- buggy business
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ionomycin · 2 years
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Teatime at dusk
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oursystemblog · 3 months
Petition: give all the headmates who appear on this blog fun nicknames. Guardian Co-Host can be Silhouette or smth, Dishes Doer can be Ms. Dishes or Icewater (I recall one of your comics revealed a front trigger of her's is cold water) or something along those lines
This is just like homeric epithets from the odysey [<- Not True]
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andy-clutterbuck · 10 months
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SDCC 2017
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