#Cobalt Athenaeum
esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Witchcraft Discord Server
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Hi, I'm Juniper or you can call me June or Juni. I am a Maven on staff (researcher and writer) in this lovely Discord community. We offer many things from knowledge in our library, workshops, newsletters, astrology updates, daily check ins and even witchcraft services. You can find mine within. Come along I'll tell you more about it.
Scroll to bottom of page for link...lol
Want to join a great server community?
The Cobalt Athenaeum is a massive occult library on Discord! We have many branches of our libraries. As this is a library server, we absolutely do have lots of material that we have not written (and some of which we don’t agree with). We do our best to cite every source that we pull quotes or information from, but if you recognize writing that is not credited, please bring it to our attention and we will rectify the situation either by adding credit or removing the work. If you also notice something incorrect within the server please tell us! We will change and source accordingly as some information can slip through the cracks at times.
This server may be for you if
"You are a spiritual and/or magical practitioner, identify as a witch, are interested in our server topics and engaging with a community of like-minded individuals, are curious if this is the right path for you, or just to learn more about other cultures and beliefs. You are respectful and eager to learn, are comfortable acknowledging the fields in which you are uneducated and are willing to pursue rectifying that (or at least not speaking with authority on topics you are unfamiliar with), and are willing to comply with all of the rules and procedures of the Cobalt Athenaeum server network". - High Curator Ash
A bit about our library
Once you join the main Hub you can access our Sister Servers which are the branches of our library. You can find the channel for them all under #Sister-Servers. Here's some information about our servers written by our head staff.
Red: Vasselheim Learn about mythology and religion from all over the world since the beginning of time!
Orange/Brown: Avalir Learn about the histories of witchcraft and occult practices, the science behind a lot of the magic we practice, and folklore from cultures around the globe.
Yellow: The Hub Main Hub! Chat with other witches and spiritual practitioners, ask the team questions, practice giving readings and receive readings from others, and share about your practice!
Green: Rexxentrum Learn about crystals, herbs, animals, and other natural correspondences in magic! Herbs and crystals are sorted alphabetically, and animals are sorted taxonomically.
Blue: Westruun Learn about the basics (and not-so-basics) of witchcraft, spirituality, and occult practices, access our quick-reference channels, and peer through our massive spellcraft archive.
Purple: Arcadia Learn about reincarnation, the journey of souls in the afterlife, cosmic witchcraft and astrology, dreams, the astral, and both basic and advanced energetics.
Black: Bacchanal (18+) Chat with other adult practitioners; we will discuss adult things of all kinds, witchcraft and otherwise. Here you can also learn age-restricted magic and practical psychology. This server is age locked and you will only be allowed in once you are no longer a minor. This is not negotiable for your safety and ours.
We have over 1000 channels across our server network, filled to the brim with information. Join our community if you are interested < 3 Dishboard Link and blurb: "The Cobalt Athenaeum is a Witchcraft and Spirituality information database server network linked through this social server. The Information provided is from witches who have been researching and practicing for years and mods here have a combined experience of 100+ years.
We wanted a place for witches of all skill levels to have access to good and reliable information. We also have submissions for those who have information of their own to contribute. We're always adding new info so If there is something that we don't have added yet and you'd like more information on, let us know and we will do our best to get that information out. We also have a study corner for those who want to listen to music or talk while they study and sift through all of our channels in our sister-servers!
We have live readings for those who want to practice their divination skills, and workshop classes led by mods and admins who are experienced in that given field.
Our Sister Servers contain the following information:
Herb/Animal/Crystal/Nature correspondences
Astrology/Energy work
Magic and Witchcraft
an 18+ server for shenanigans and debauchery Within our server network we have over 1,000 information channels to choose from; you're bound to learn something new every time you take a look around!"
Discord Link:
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witchesbeware · 11 months
Cobalt Athenaeum:
This is a full library of scholarly resources, UPG’s, and other helpful info concerning witchcraft, deities, and practices.
They cite all of their works and pull from many journals and experiences alike. They were accused of stealing info/resources a while back and doxed. HOWEVER, it was because a creator kept changing their username and they couldn’t credit them. So, they do cite every single thing they use.
They also have different wings, just like a library. Where you can go in and ask specific questions and find lots of info. You can even ask their staff if you have a question and connect with other users! Their discord is truly massive and a very welcoming place.
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Hi dear,
Not sure if you are part of the Cobalt Athenaeum, but I saw your response to the person that tried to doxx you/them. I just wanted to know if you guys will come back to Tumblr cause I always got such great advice and help when I needed it. Also the posts were so interesting, so many things to read and learn!🔥
I'm SO angry at how the whole thing went down and not knowing what to do and I'm sure there are other people who need help too based on the asks and how kind and helpful the responses are. I miss the blog SO MUCH!😭😭🩵
Thank you so much for any info you can give!🥹🩷
I am one of the three High Curators, yes. We will likely never come back here, we've mostly cut ties with Tumblr as a whole. you're free to join the discord server!! it's always been our main platform, anyway. Since that all went down we have been EXTREMELY strict on where and how (and from whom) we get our information, so we've almost entirely cut Tumblr out of the servers. Thank you, sincerely, for your support. it's good to know there's still people here that saw that shit show for what it was.
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darkwingphoenix · 25 days
Some of My Ideas for @loominggaia peoples
So, after seeing @kid-az post a thing about a new class of people, I decided to invent my OWN class of people for my AU, although this will NOT be happening in a WHILE.
Essentially, after I do the alt endings for my fic, I have a list of fics to post:
Unnamed fic about Saraia killing the Evangeline siege dragons with Skylie, and introduces the leviathans.
Ascendance: Fic where monsters in my AU gain souls and form a kingdom for themselves
Unnamed fic to help set up Ascendance and a couple other fics. Basically, Saraia and Skylie are vibing in Zareen when Project Starlight fails spectacularly, turning Damijana into the world's biggest creeper crater and forcing the two and King to survive the storm of ejecta in Zareen. Casualties are basically Damijana and like half of Zareen from the ejecta. Swiped this idea from kid-az's thing.
New fics introducing the new classes of people (Yes, multiple: Three, to be exact). Each fic is for each of the new classes encountering the Great Kingdoms (Including the Slegelse Damijani), in small multi chapter arcs. I'm talking like 2-4 chapters per Kingdom arc. Ascendance gets arcs too.
An unnamed Cobalt Evangeline X Sirene (I decided to ship Cobalt with a sirene lmao) where Cobalt, inspired by his big titty sirene GF (Yes, his GF WILL be a busty sirene, prolly with some nice hips too), tries to make slavery less legal in Evangeline. It helps he has trauma from Saraia attacking the Capital and realizing Skylie and Cyana are still alive (His parents said they died some time after they dipped). Skylie shows up to help him while in a disguise
Oneshot with Saraia attacking Evangeline Capital once she makes a mask for Cobalt.
Fic about Cyana and Angeline adopting and caring for a baby sirene
New Royal Gala oneshot set about 25 years after CAIL, with the new High Rulers (Winnie Mogdir, Cobalt Evangeline, Rustafi Fanaka (Yes, he gets to be king), Jaq Yerim-Mor, and whoever's first in line for Etios). May be during the time of the Cobalt fic.
Here's a link to a Google Docs about the species I added.
To add to the disaster that turned Damijana into Slegelse, it basically goes like this (And it gets called The Starblast):
Project Starlight fails so spectacularly Serafeen gets a stupid prize for her stupid game: Big ole fireworks, in the way of Damijana, and Iron Tower to be more precise, being turned into the world's first nuke since the Ancients made Gaia go Titanomachy.
Damijana, obviously, is no more after that, with Serafeen and the Council being right at Ground Zero and thus instantly vaporized, and almost all of Damijana was killed of or turned into ejecta that blasted much of the surrounding area, taking out Driza and Viersen and killing a LOT of people in Slegelse and areas beyond just Driza and Viersen.
Outside of an area like 30 miles away from Driza or Viersen, it didn't really do much beyond that (Saraia and Skylie would be about 15 miles away from Driza, likely going to deliver an environmentalist speech) when it goes off.
As for how it sets up Ascendance, the event is so full of magical energy it gives all monsters souls as Gaia needs to burn off the magic by making new souls. But not enough babies can be born to burn it off fast enough, so she emergency gives all monsters souls for Christmas. And now all monsters get souls now.
The monster soul thingy becomes known as Ascendance.
The portals to summon the new peoples becomes known as the Aftershocks, as many, especially in the World Athenaeum, think it was a sort of recursive ripple after the Starblast happened.
Overall, the whole disaster becomes known as the Ascendant Starblast
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cloverwitch · 2 years
A communication spell to get someone to hear you out and recognize that you're telling the truth, without their own misinterpretation/biases or those of others twisting their understanding
🕯️ matches/barbeque lighter
🕯️ fire safe dish + fire starter
🕯️ herbs (more info below)
🕯️ white candle
🕯️ thyme or rosemary oil
🕯️ piece of paper + marker/pen
🕯️ object that represents the target of the spell (a taglock, poppet, photo, etc) that can be burned safely; if you have nothing and can't get/make anything, you can simply write their full name (and/or other identifying info) on the paper
🕯️ (optional) the Justice tarot card (or any other tarot/oracle card you associate with truth, fairness, patience, accountability, etc)
The only herb "crucial" to this spell is thyme (which is associated with truth,) but you can add any other herbs you think would be useful—some suggestions are:
🌿 rosemary (for unclouded judgement)
🌿 sage (for wisdom)
🌿 clove (for clarity and banishing negativity)
🌿 nettle (for stopping gossip)
🌿 lemon peel (for removing emotional/energetic blockages)
Dress the candle with the oil and light it
On the piece of paper, write a "letter" addressed to your target—something clear and direct, commanding them to listen and explaining whatever it is you want them to understand
Place your object (or letter) in front of you (on top of your cards, if you're using any,) and place the herbs around it
Charge the herbs with their relevant correspondences, then focus on the target while channeling your energy/intent into the object
With the dish in front of you, light your fire starter; as the fire gets going, read what you have written (aloud or in your head—whichever you are comfortable with/capable of) and add your herbs to the dish
When you're done reading, fold the letter up and throw it on the flames, along with your object
When the fire has died down and the dish has cooled, dispose of the spell components however you see fit (I personally use the need-fire [recipe? method?] which I found through @the-cobalt-athenaeum, and since it's literally mostly salt, there are ways I can't dispose of it if I don't want to repurpose it)
Leave the (still lit) candle somewhere you can see it, and let it burn itself all the way down
As always, exercise proper fire safety when doing spellwork
NOTE: this spell is not necessarily designed to actively sway someone's opinion or push them towards making a certain decision—rather, it's to give them accurate and honest information which, depending on what they choose to do with it, may or may not affect their perspective or actions. Then again, if you want to spin the spell that way, you certainly can.
Also, there's a lot of room for personal touches in this spell, based on your practice, experience, or desired outcome. Use different herbs, invoke a deity, write a full incantation or chant instead of a letter, change the colour of the candle (or omit it entirely)—whatever it is, I highly suggest you add your own personal touches, and I fully endorse you going hog wild with it if that's what you want to do.
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Beginner Witchcraft Resources
These are (in my opinion) some of the best resources for beginners that I could find but that does not mean everything listed will be relevant to your craft
General Info.
Not Information, but Something I think Every Beginner Should Read
A Bit About Beginner Witchery and Some Ideas for Starting Out (You Don’t Have to do Everything Described, Just What Interests you)
On Finding your Identity in Witchcraft
Starting Witchcraft
On Labels / “Witch Types”
Witchcraft is not Inherently Dangerous
Author and Website Blacklist by the ARCHIVE Discord Server
A Little Overview
A Good Place to Start Researching Cleansing
Cleansing vs. Purification (An Important Distinction)
Some Info. on Warding / Protection + Ideas
Warding (Protecting a Space)
Simple Protections
A Good Resource on Shielding (Protecting Yourself - Please Keep in Mind this is Energy Work and You will Probably Feel Tired After, so Make sure to Rest and Not Overdo it)
Layering Protections (This Should be Done Overtime, Not All in One Night - Spells Take Energy)
Meditation is a Great Thing to Incorporate Into your Craft. I like to do 5 minutes Before Spellwork. I start by Focusing on my Breath and Relaxing my Muscles, then I Center, Ground, and Relax Again. This can Really Help get you in the Right Headspace for Whatever Spell you are Doing.
Guided Meditations can be Very Helpful in the Beginning but it can be Hit or Miss to Find One that Actually Works for You.
Meditation vs. Mindfulness
Meditation (This is Specifically for People w/ ADHD but It is Also Relevant to People Without it)
Visualizing When you Can’t Visualize
Grounding & Centering + Simple Ideas for Both
A Few Recommended Resources
Chaotic Witch Aunt - TikTok and YouTube
The Green Witch - YouTube
The Witch of Wonderlust - YouTube
Hiswitchcraft - Tumblr
Windvexer - Tumblr
The-cobalt-athenaeum - Tumblr
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copperfirebird · 2 years
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It's Rose City Yarn Crawl weekend and I was just thinking how lucky I am to live in a city with two different witchy-vibe yarn stores, one of which is also a book store.
I'm not a knitter but I am a sewist, and I embroider, and I do other knotty things, been thinking for the last three days about so many embroidered spells ideas and whatnot. I bought some gorgeous thread and silk laceweight yarn.
I'm not a stitch witch, because that's has almost an elegance to the name that I definitely don't have in my craft, but it was close. I was joking in the Cobalt Athenaeum discord that I should be a "string witch" because that's more my vibe, and once I thought about it I decided it works for me. It's even got a little bit of implied chaos/connection feel to it that works for me.
Anyway, I did not buy this sweatshirt but if you want one and you're in Portland I saw it at Ritual Dyes on Division.
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I posted 119 times in 2022
That's 116 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (17%)
99 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 78 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#witchcraft - 39 posts
#witchy - 33 posts
#witchblr - 30 posts
#not mine - 21 posts
#witch resources - 20 posts
#baby witch - 19 posts
#witch - 15 posts
#traditional witchcraft - 15 posts
#witches of tumblr - 13 posts
#mine - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#spellwork and correspondences
My Top Posts in 2022:
i often open up my drafts on tumblr and think “today is the day! today is the day i ask the moon if i could court her”
and then i remember that i don’t have the audacity
4 notes - Posted December 12, 2022
happy froggy friday 🐸
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via Linnea Sterte
5 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
our flag means death more like OH MY FUCK MAN WHAT JUST WENT DOWN IN GAY PIRATE LAND
7 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
i love you queer witches i love you trans witches i love you witches who are unlabelled i love you witches who are just starting out i love you witches who have experience i love you witches still willing to learn i love you witches <3
22 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hello loves!!
if you’re a southern hemisphere witch like me, then you’ll find that the wheel of the year/sabbats dates are in a bit of a tizzy
so, i’ve listed the southern hemisphere sabbats dates for you below :))
YULE (Winter Solstice): June 20-23 ❄️
IMBOLC: August 1 🕯️
OSTARA (Spring Equinox): September 20-23 🌷
BELTANE: November 1 🔥
LITHA (Summer Solstice): December 20-25 ☀️
LUGHNASADH: February 2 🌾
MABON (Autumn Equinox): March 20-23 🍁
SAMHAIN: May 1 🎃
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64 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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esoteric-chaos · 19 days
A Lesson on Sympathetic Magic
{My post is cross-posted from The Cobalt Athenaeum aka my original post. You can find the server at the bottom of my pinned post.}
Always take my words with a grain of salt and do your own cross-referencing and research on a subject. Never take my words at face value. Self-study is important.
What is Sympathetic Magic?
“Sympathetic magic, also known as imitative magic, is a type of magic based on imitation or correspondence." - Wikipedia
Another example is
“Sympathetic magic is a magical modality that involves symbolically imitating the desired outcome. It may involve acting on a physical representation of a target or creating a physical representation of the outcome or recreating the desired outcome through motion and art. In this way, the practitioner might cause change at a distance in time or space.” - magickalspot.com
Sympathetic Magic Broken Down
Sympathetic Magic might sound difficult but I promise it is not. Let’s have a bit of a history lesson. Sir James George Frasier first outlined the underlying principles of sympathetic magic in his (1890-1915) book The Golden Bough (Ch 3). He explained that it was based on two basic principles which we now call the Law of Similarity and the Law of Contagion or Contact. There was also a book written by Richard Andree called Sympathy-Enchantment which was written in 1882. The idea of some form of sympathetic magic has existed since prehistory.
There has been talk of Ancient Egyptians using sympathetic magic within their rituals, from use of charms and amulets. We can see examples of sympathetic magic in Kemetic practices, some history is never forgotten.
It goes like this:
Principle - Explanation: Examples
Law of Similarity - “Like produces like”: Uses of a poppet to create a direct link to a target for healing, baneful work and other means
Law of Contagion - Objects or beings/things in contact retain a connection: Using a taglock (hair, nails, body fluids) in a spell to influence the target or as a representation of yourself
Law of Correspondence - Symbolic associations create connections: using for example a pink candle for self-love or a black candle for protection or baneful work. This would follow colour magic for theory
Law of Association - Linking two entities establishes a connection: Placing a photo of an ancestor on an ancestor altar or using a photo as a Taglock for a spell
Sympathetic Magic is the correspondence itself within witchcraft practice. It’s the main driving point behind a spell that uses materials. Without mastering sympathetic magic, your spells may not work as intended and may not have the power behind them that you so wish. Even materials in magic sometimes need a taglock of sorts for a spell to be as effective.
Law of Similarity
The Law of Similarity states that things that resemble each other have a connection on a metaphysical level. Examples include a poppet being used to represent an individual, either yourself or someone else. Its similarity to the target. This is what would drive the spellwork, as it would influence the target as intended. This is the basics of the law, the very base of representations in spellwork.
The Law of Contagion or Contact
The Law of Contagion states that things that were once in contact remain connected after separation and that whatever affects one can still affect the other, and whatever energy was in the original remains in the removed. We see this in taglocks, taglocks that were once connected to a being, living or dead. This can be physical taglocks (hair, nails, body fluids) or even a business card this person once possessed or an item of clothing. Alternatively, if you were out of options a name and birthday or a photograph would work fine. In a pinch, you work with what you have.
Types of Sympathetic Magic
That of which resembles something that represents or substitutes an object or thing to do with the working. We can look at alchemy in this sense, we would alchemize an ingredient as a substitute. Pomegranates have been seen as a substitute for blood as t’s connected with life/death, vitality and mortality/immortality. It shows this symbolism through myths throughout different cultures and some folklore (ex. vampires). You can thank our Maven Satan for this fun fact so I can look into it further.
That of which something came in contact with something that can represent an object, thing or person. Examples include taglocks (hair, nails bodily fluids) or even moon/sun water as its rays have “touched” the water, blessing it a certain way. It can be UPG, SPG or VPG.
While being close to similarity, it's not quite the same. It involves the act of creating an imitation object. Things like Poppets are great examples of alchemizing an ingredient for a working. The important thing is that it looks like the thing/person you are creating, however, a close imitation works just as fine (alchemy). Correspondence Correspondences are essentially the idea that something can influence another thing because of its relationship or resemblances to said thing. Let's say for example a correspondence to a deity, Roses are seen as a correspondence to the goddess Aphrodite or Keys for Hekate. You can also have something like Peppermint that represents the planet Mercury, as it rules under such. Correspondences can look like colours, plants, minerals and objects. As long as it represents that thing you are working with, it is a correspondence.
Examples of Sympathetic Magic
Practice - Purpose: Example
Poppet Magic - Healing, cursing, influencing, or representing a person: Constructing a doll-like figure and using it as a focus point to a ritual
Mirror Magic - Reflection, divination, or reversing energy: Using mirrors to channel intentions, amplify energy, reflect energy or for scrying
Material Correspondences - Utilizing plants, minerals and colours for their symbolic associations: Selecting specific herbs or flowers from research for their correspondence to include in a spell or working
Charm or Talisman Creation - Protection, luck, or manifestation: Crafting a personal charm or talisman with an intended purpose like protection or invisibility
Sympathetic magic. (2024, August 25). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathetic_magic
https://magickalspot.com/sympathetic-magic/ (read this source with a grain of salt as it mentions things like voodoo dolls)
https://plentifulearth.com/sympathetic-magic-power-spells/ (again read this source with a grain of salt as it mentions voodoo dolls and other topics that are a bit of a yikes)
Would you be interested in the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What was the blackock tribe like?
Congratulations Anon, YOU have won 2022's Funniest Typo Award!
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Anyway, the Blackoak tribe was a primitive village of humans who lived on a tiny island off the coast of Noalen. They went largely uncontacted by the Great Kingdoms and were not really acknowledged until well after their demise. Their civilization collapsed around the year 5400. What little is known about them was pieced together from a few scant artifacts.
So, what happened to them? Long story short, the Sovereign happened. I recommend reading "Ocean Returns to the Sea" for the full story.
One of the main protagonists of that story is a Blackoak woman named Solveig. We never get a detailed look at life in her village, but we do get to hear about it from her perspective. Here's what we know, according to Solveig:
-The Blackoak tribe made crude iron tools, meaning they had some basic knowledge of metalworking.
-Women were forced to marry shortly after puberty, usually to a man much older than themselves.
-They spoke a unique language, though Solveig claims the language people spoke in her day was very different from the language her ancient ancestors spoke, meaning their language had changed drastically over time. This was likely due to some kind of migration--more on that in a bit.
-They revered dolphins, believing them to be the spirits of their ancestors.
-The Blackoak people were once known as voyagers who travelled the seas by boat. But Solveig claims they suffered many terrible attacks by "sea devils" (cecaelia) and after so many losses, the Blackoak elders demanded that all boats be destroyed. They developed a cultural fear of the water and the cecaelia dwelling in it.
Now, about that migration I mentioned...
Athenaeum researchers have pieced together some history about the Blackoak tribe using artifacts and DNA tracing. They believe that the Blackoak people descended from the first Grisa humans, who originated in Southriver Wood. A band of Grisa likely took to the seas and ended up on Blackoak Island, where they remained isolated and uncontacted for thousands of years.
Interestingly, Blackoak Island is not the only place colonized by the early Grisa. Their remains have also been found on a larger nearby island called Oaken, another island to the west called Cobalt Island, and even along the northern coast of Serkel. All of these early Grisa colonies shared similar technology, clothing, art, and other cultural aspects to the Blackoak tribe.
Basically what I'm saying is...the village on Blackoak Island may have been destroyed, but its culture still lives on in other lands. Nice try, Sovereign, but you couldn't squash 'em all!
Today their culture has evolved into something more modern. It doesn't exactly resemble what it used to, as their descendants have assimilated with other peoples and adopted new ways of life. However, they have also shared their culture with these peoples, and pieces of it still linger, especially around Southriver Wood, northern Serkel, and the islands around Noalen.
And of course, bits of it still live on through Mr. Ocean as well. Solveig taught him how to dance like a Blackoak villager, and to this day he still uses these traditional dances to cast spells. He's also semi-fluent in their old forgotten language, and is probably the last person on Gaia who speaks it.
Lore Masterpost
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hi! I have a couple sideblogs
@potnia-chromaton (art and generally pretty things)
@potnia-pandemos (politics and current events)
@potnia-enagonios (fandom content)
@potnia-mousika (poetry, music, and other word-arts)
@potnia-polytekhnes (technology and science)
@my-sunflower-garden (I reblog sunflowers! they're my favorite!)
aside from that, I do tarot, oracle card, charm, and Greek rune readings! price depends on what exactly you want - message me for details. I can accept Cashapp and Venmo.
and finally, I help run the Cobalt Athenaeum Server Network on discord! I'm much more active there than I am here.
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darkwingphoenix · 21 days
Meme Time: @loominggaia AU
Morgause after gaining her own soul, 6020:
ALSO Morgause after gaining her own soul, 6020 (She is feeling a sad song for the first time):
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Cyana and Angeline's daughter Amber when her parents are making out at the dinner table (She's allowed to eat 4 fudge rounds a day, as she's a fae and burns tho sugar like a fire does moths), 6020:
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Angeline's 1st anniversary gift for Cyana, 6021:
King murdering the Evangeline Siege Dragons, 6024:
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Saraia playing her saxophone in front of Cobalt as Evangeline Capital Burns, 6025:
Cobalt, traumatized from Saraia attacking:
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Amber Fanaka (Cyangeline sirene babby) doing standup comedy just ROASTING Evangeline Kingdom, 6041:
A Part Of One
One Of Her Tour Ads
And Another Part
Saraia, when her goal FINALLY happens, and Cobalt abolishes slavery in Evangeline forever, but the Zareenite Industrialists need to get taken down a peg or 20, 6045:
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Angeline telling Cyana she's able to use magic since she can become a fae, 6019:
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Frederick 25% of the time:
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Frederick 74% of the time:
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Frederick 1% of the time:
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Azadora when meeting Skylie for the first time since she became an adult, 6030 (Skylie left the Hollow for like 12 years to do shenanigans with Saraia, and Azadora's like 6 foot 8 for no reason except tall genes)(Skylie stops growing at 5 foot 6):
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Isaac when he realizes Skylie stole the Divine Executioner for "research", 6030:
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Tomato when Skylie gives Cinnamon a Zareenite attack drone she can see through telepathically, 6030:
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CINNAMON when Skylie gives her the attack drone:
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The 1st Gen FGG when Skylie turns Mankind's Disgrace into atoms with her Divine Annihilator (Made with 100% Original Divine Executioner), 6032:
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Winnie and OJ trying to spill all of their dad's shit, 6042:
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Gaia explaining to Disgrace why he died in the divine afterlife, 6032:
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Angeline throwing Amber into the large pool in Uekoro Palace, 6021:
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Amber when Cyana won't turn into a sirene and play with her because she's yelling at Angie for yeeting her (She was totally fine), 6021:
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Skylie, Saraia, and the 2nd Gen FGG when they encounter bandits (Saraia is singing and King is the DM), 6036
Skylie Right Before She Lights Disgrace's Ass, with the Divine Annihilator, 6032:
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Skylie talking to Cyana and Angeline after dying for the first time as a divine, 6033:
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The World Athenaeum after Saraia makes the Perytons: That's the last monster, RIGHT, Saraia?
Saraia, making the world turtles, leviathans, and having Skylie make hilichurls:
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Angeline grabbing the poison Cyana bought to poison Marghan, 6042:
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
About the Witch and Extra Links
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Hello! My name is Juniper or you can call me June or Juni. I’ve been an eclectic chaos practitioner for over a decade now. 
Still learning new things every day and always reviewing the basics. I’ve spent most of my time lurking on witchblr but I decided that I’d like to start making original content.
This blog is also a dedication to Mother Hekate. It's in her domain to teach the magical side of things such as witchcraft, magic and sorcery.
A bit about me and what I dabble with!
Planetary magic
Energy work
Aspiring Herbalist
Chaos Magic
I have a new interest in Pop Culture Witchcraft. Legend of Zelda and Skyrim mainly
Getting back to my ancestry roots with Slavic Folk magic. Be patient I am learning slowly but my practice itself isn’t folk based
I kinda dabble in everything but these are my main interests. Very eclectic within my practice.
The kind of content you’ll expect here
Beginner and “Intermediate/Advanced” witchcraft content
Deity work
Energy work
Low energy/disability-friendly practice content (I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia so it’s a must)
Boosted posts
Some LGBTQ+ themes (I'm very gay and love my partner)
Ask box is always open. Please keep it respectful as the block button and I are friendly for my own peace
Are you looking for all of my posts on one page? Check out the Masterpost
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This is a safe space for LGBTQ+. Yes, that means Aces too.
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Who is not welcome here?
Transphobes, Terfs, fascists, right-winged ideologies and anyone else bigoted in the sphere. I also do not support Starseeds, New Aged appropriative movements, Atlantis or really any sort of spiritual conspiracy theories due to their background.
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Do you like my posts and my sense of chaotic humour? Look no further. I'll be starting a YouTube channel! My blog for such is @evergreensorcery to ask any questions. This channel is a devoted offering to Mother Hekate and Lord Thoth to spread knowledge of magic and the occult.
The launch date is 7/7/24, I hope to see you there!
I can't wait to share my knowledge with you and connect with many lovely people. I hope you stick around for the journey. and please be patient with me as I figure out sound and editing. 💚
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Witchcraft Discord Server
Want to join a great server community?
The Cobalt Athenaeum is a massive occult library on Discord! We have many branches of our libraries. As this is a library server, we absolutely do have lots of material that we have not written (and some of which we don’t agree with). We do our best to cite every source that we pull quotes or information from, but if you recognize writing that is not credited, please bring it to our attention and we will rectify the situation either by adding credit or removing the work. If you also notice something incorrect within the server please tell us! We will change and source accordingly as some information can slip through the cracks at times.
This server may be for you if
"You are a spiritual and/or magical practitioner, identify as a witch, are interested in our server topics and with engaging with a community of like-minded individuals, are curious if this is the right path for you, or just to learn more about other cultures and beliefs. You are respectful and eager to learn, are comfortable acknowledging the fields in which you are uneducated and are willing to pursue rectifying that (or at least not speaking with authority on topics you are unfamiliar with), and are willing to comply with all of the rules and procedures of the Cobalt Athenaeum server network". - High Curator Ash
See this post for more details
Post Updated 7/29/24
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Using Electricity as Fuel in Witchcraft
{My post is Cross Posted from The Cobalt Athenaeum aka my original post}
A little tech magic trick I have taught myself is using various forms of electricity sources to tie my wards to for continuous charging, to power spells when I lack the energy and for a personal energy boost.
Warding I have tied my wards to my home's electricity. The way I did this was I drew a sigil onto a sticky pad and stuck it onto the breaker panel, really you can draw it on with your finger with an anointing oil of choice (ON THE DOOR. I REPEAT GET NOWHERE NEAR THE SWITCHES). Then placed another connecting sigil into my warding jars/placed them with the instructions for my wards. The only downside is I live in a place where my power can go out, so I always have a backup power source to keep them going. Something to keep in mind.
Spellwork I did a similar method for my spells, using a connecting conducting sigil. These sigils are easy to make, at least in theory. You can check out the ⁠what-are-sigils channel for a deeper look. You make two sigils with one as an input and the other as an output, connecting the two in a circuit-like mechanism which creates a power source for your spell. Because it is raw energy you need to fine-tune directing it otherwise it may go haywire.
Self Fueling This is fun, using the tendril method I connect with the electricity fueling my house. It’s a very simple method. You start by visualizing energy tendrils coming out of your fingers, they look like moving wiggling little tendrils of any colour. They slowly expand and reach into the walls, into the wires themselves. This can take practice to do but it is an incredibly valuable method. I suggest grounding after to get rid of any excess so you are not jittery. You can use any electrical source for this.
Would you be interested in the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Working with Technology Deities
{My post is Cross Posted from The Cobalt Athenaeum aka my original post}
This is all largely UPG and SPG based.
Technology deities are a type of egregore, you can call them a pop culture deity if that feels better. They are the embodiment of the tech domain itself. A primordial being, at least in the way I work with them. They have no faces, names or gender to me. They just are their domain and energy itself. Incredibly powerful in their own right. They can be found the same way a pop culture deity can be, you can see more in our Sister Server Westruun (the blue one) aka The Cobalt Athenaeum.
How Do I Work With a Tech Deity?
You can work with them like any other deity, the largest difference is incorporating them into your tech magic. Are you a streamer? A YouTuber? Or even a blogger? Perhaps work with the Algorithm god. They rule over (in my personal experience) the Algorithm, wisdom, confidence, perception, and change. They can help you boost your numbers, your presence, boost confidence and much more. Incorporating them into your life would surely aid you in your goals.
Make a space for them, build a relationship, make offerings and petition them. You will not regret it.
Tech Deity Examples and Correspondences
I’ve worked with a deity of a social media site and the deities listed below. I will not be posting everything and everyone's correspondences I have worked with, I believe it is important to base your own correspondences and this will be a sample but you can get a general idea from here. These are all my correspondences from working with them. You can use the same ones listed or feel out your own when you meet them.
Algorithm Deity God Of: The Algorithm, wisdom, perception, change, confidence Plants & Trees: Basil, Clary Sage, Maples Elements: Air Celestial Body/Planet: Mercury Scents and Incense: Clary Sage, Ginger, Peppermint Stones & Gems: Tigers eye, Lapis Lazuli Tarot card: The Fool Colours: Light blue, grey, red Candle Colour: Bold Red Offerings: Coffee, caffeinated teas, water, sugar (quick rush), carbs (energy), omega 3s (brain food) Things to use to work with them: analytical data, statistical data, copy of information for social platform, goals. How you can work with them: To grow your social media presence, and data studies, to learn how to be less resistant to change as well as to be, look and appear more confident.
Cloud Deity God Of: All known, unknown and held information on the internet, knowledge, memory, balance (both destructive and non-destructive knowledge) Plants & Trees: Rosemary, Thyme, Cacti, Cedar, Ferns Elements: Water Celestial Body/Planet: Saturn Scents and Incense: Rosemary, Jasmine, cedarwood Stones & Gems: Turquoise, Red Jasper, Sapphires Tarot card: Magician Colours: purple and pink Candle Colour: Purple Offerings: Herbal teas, water, omega 3s (brain power), savoury, spicy Things to use to work with them: Memory stick, notes, notebook, photos, computer, phone, books, camera How you can work with them: Memory recall, sourcing information, retaining information, studying, school, balance in your life
Web Deity God Of: The internet, duality (positive and negative), change, expression Plants & Trees: Fungai, Palm Trees, marigolds Elements: Fire Celestial Body/Planet: Sun Scents and Incense: Orange, Rosemary, Cinnamon Stones & Gems: Amber, Obsidian, fluorite Tarot card: The World Colours: Yellow, Orange, Green Candle Colour: Orange Offerings: Alcohol, water, sweet, spicy, carbs, any junk food Things to use to work with them: Electronics that can access web pages How you can work with them: Finding duality in the world, working with them via searches and teachings, how to stop resisting change, self-expression
Conductor Deity God Of: Electricity, power, energy, action, travel, courage & fear Plants & Trees: Oak Trees, sugarcane, lemon trees, Lemon balm Elements: Electricity Celestial Body/Planet: Venus Scents and Incense: Orange, lemon, Ginger Stones & Gems: Quartz, Citrine, sunstone Tarot card: Swords Colours: Yellow, white, gold Candle Colour: Yellow or Gold Offerings: Coffee, alcohol, water, soups, fruits and veggies, carbs, protein Things to use to work with them: Battery, anything electronic, metals How you can work with them: Powering wards, spellwork and yourself. Action-based plans and spellwork, exercise and general movement, travel, working on self-courage and fears.
This is a highly controversial topic and quite frankly I will not have any arguing on this post. If you simply do not believe in this? Move on. If it's not harming anything or anyone why do you care? The answer is you don't. I will block you from my page if I see anything. General discussion is fine, but being nasty? No.
Would you be interested in the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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darkwingphoenix · 4 days
@loominggaia Meme Delivery?
Spoilers for my AU
Saraia to Skel: Between Two Assholes
Skylie, aged 25, Casually Making Every Monster During Battle Wanna Rip Off Their Pants Whilst Stabbing Ripping and Tearing Astride Rook
Amber and Cyana (As a Sirene) Stopping Kelvingyard Goonies Via Singing (Cyana hasn't practiced to avoid brown noting peeps by her voice, Amber has)
Also, can I just say? Amber and Sophia I from the show have almost the same backstory:
Both girls in the village doin alright (Although that was for like 5 months)
Then they became princesses overnight (Sophia's mom married a pussy of a king, Amber got adopted after her parents got kidnapped)
Gotta figure out how to do it right (Including being chaos incarnate due to unchecked generational trauma/normal trauma/insanity or other mental illnesses)
They have so much to learn and see
Up in the castle/palace with a new family
Going to a school just for royalty/super fucking rich people on top of that
Coming to Uekoro Village/Yerim-Mor be like
Marine and Cobalt's Kids Playing with Justinia (Cobalt's youngest is Lumine from Genshin here)
Skylie And Amber Doin Karaoke
Karenza Watching Darshaan, Isaac, Skylie, and Saraia ride Shadow to the Ethereal City
Skylie explaining to Saraia, Isaac, Karenza, Darshaan, Shadow, and the Ethereal Citizens why should a Loopy the Hoopsnake item become real, it'd be completely OP (She's already made a replica, but made it a part of her Celestial Sword)
An Roshava Man When His Size Queen Elfenne GF Wants His Dick in Her (She can't even think, it feels so good to her)(She's getting hospitalized and then be unable to walk for months)
Skylie when she realizes Saraia hasn't drank water for 300 years
Amber when she first goes into her kiddie pool in Uekoro Palace
That one time Drifter's Hollow suffered an STD epidemic
Saraia when a new Evangeline High King
Marine's firstborn daughter when she meets Skylie at the first Royal Gala in Ascendance (Her name's Lumine and has a twin brother Aether because fuck it, we ball with the Genshin bullshit)
Some Bullies at Amber's School before she goes to the World Athenaeum (And Cyana bouta go John Wick on em)
Saraia Protecting Skylie Vs Skylie Protecting Saraia during the first Ascendii attack against Zareen (They barely won)(Also wasn't part of the official invasion, just a skirmish/Test run of their military)
Skylie, Cyana and Cobalt as they're strapping Rodrig and Cerulea to the stakes to burn (They attempted to kill Justinia and Angeline, plus Cyana and Cobalt found out about Skylie's torture at their hands)
Lumine with her pet phoenix (She experiences panic attacks sometimes)(Phoenixes are made by Skylie at some point, and she gave one in secret to Lumine along with the ability to use all 7 elements of her Visions)
Skylie to Saraia as she and Isaac come back from getting food (They found a synapsid fossil)
Iriana Liatt on the Zareen Internet
Lumine when she's tryna get Paimon (Her pet phoenix) to be with her as she's bathing (She doesn't trust anyone to not kill her)
Lumine to Marine as she's tryna go to Yae Miko's grove with Paimon to learn about her long lost aunts
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