#CoLS Chapter 17
ladyhindsight · 1 month
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I’m still in sort of disbelief how Clare thought the canoodling part of the ending scene of this chapter was structured well or even well motivated. How it plays out just paints a pretty clear picture of Clare’s priorities and intentions as a story-teller.
Sometimes some things, especially ill-fitting and ill-timed almost-sex scenes just don’t need to happen, you know.
The chapter opens up with Team Good making their way to Luke’s farm upstate to summon Raziel. They get to talking about Alec’s sexuality and how the Lightwoods are taking it because of a joke Isabelle makes.
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This message about Robert is rather relevant here. Because, like R points out, the narrative surrounding Robert is incohesive at best, and his characterization fluctuates wherever the writing needs to without much consistency. There's a lot of fun discussion points about Robert (and Maryse) under his tag on the blog.
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Yes, Robert escaped to Idris to get away from his gay son that he loved, not to run for the position of the Inquisitor.
→ No phones in Idris, how would've Robert asked about the trip anyway?
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→ Jocelyn doesn’t like Jace (for her own reasons), so she never asks about Jace (Clary complains about this in City of Fallen Angels). → Robert doesn’t care about Magnus (for his own reasons which are a bit complicated and related to the Circle), so he never asks about Magnus.
→ Like the eye color is even guaranteed? Of course this highlights the idiotic opinions of bigoted people, but at the same time, that’s the best you managed to concoct? THE EYES. Though it goes with the little paper cuts for sure.
They are almost at the farm, and we cut to Team Evil. Clary has been sleeping but wakes up when she hears The Boys talking. Jace has been somewhere but would like to see Clary now. Something is off about their exchange and we learn why once Jace goes to see Clary.
We learn that Lilith’s rune on Jace’s chest has been damaged and that he’s momentarily himself again.
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The pugio was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. I don’t understand why Jace calls it that here when he later talks about an aegis with which Magdalena stabs him and how the aegis burned Lilith’s Mark.
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Again with the em dashes. “She staggered back and grabbed for her worktable, she threw it at me.” I can’t.
→ She staggered back and gabbed for her worktable. There was powdered adamas on it—she threw it at me.
Also “I cried out as she drove it towards my chest”? Awfully poetic retelling of the events that were basically I just kind a shouted when she tried to stab me in the chest.
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This is, if I may say, a preposterous claim. He really isn’t or wasn’t. See, Alec, for one. Let’s not rewrite history.
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This scene started out nice, the way Clary tries to comfort Jace. As if there could be this lovely and nice intimacy between them that doesn’t need the constant fervor.
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…Aaand it’s ruined because everything has to get hot and heavy and passionate between them.
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It’s funny how intentionally hilarious this whole conversation of it’s me, that is not me, it’s the other me, the not me me, this you, no the other you, the other me is. Such a mess.
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Oh hey, you remembered.
Jace then finally gets to the actual point of what happened when he was away. He also finally reveals what Sebastian’s actual plans are, which, you’d think, would take precedence over wondering whether this is the time to have sex for the first time. But what do I know.
Obviously they can’t have the make-out/almost-sex scene once Jace reveals he took the cup from Magdalena and murdered her so all of the physicality needs to happen before that. What I am saying is, it didn’t need to happen at all because the timing was inappropriate considering the following revelations. Intimacy between characters isn’t always being incredibly horny, especially when just comforting one another.
So far Clary and Not-Jace have been doing this every given opportunity, and I understand that it’s somehow different with Actual-Jace, though writing-wise not at all.
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So great that Jace finally got to the point. We almost lost this information because they wanted to bang. Anyway. Now that’s done with. Jace decides he needs to give the cup and himself up to the Clave before he returns to his controlled state, and that’s the end of that bullshit.
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jiminjamms · 1 year
sex therapy :: 17. wicked games
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chapter tags/warnings: family drama. mentions of masturbation. mentions of sex. infidelity/adultery. nonconsensual acts. manipulative undertones. strong language. classism.
word count: 3.6k
notes: this chapter incorporates the official manga relationships in the zenin household (link that illustrates the family tree). without further ado, i present to you the latest pov added to the fic: toji! likes, comments, and reblogs are deeply appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Toji Fushiguro could not get his mind off of you.
Was that weird to admit?
When he last saw you two weeks ago in Teyvat’s meeting room, dolled up in that pretty pink dress, he had to wrestle every urge to push you onto his dick. All the times he had to retreat to his room afterward too—all because your one outfit had set off his imagination—forcing Toji to lock and then lean against his door so that he could palm himself through his sweats to dirty thoughts about you.
Gosh, what higher being in the universe allowed you to be such a hot and sexy tease? You sure loved prancing around with basically nothing and stealing looks at his colleagues as though he wouldn’t notice.
At this point, Toji was certain that he wasn’t the only therapist calling dibs on you. That most definitely pissed him off, though, because he explicitly told you that your pussy belonged to him.
Then why hadn’t you made another appointment these past two weeks?
Were you upset, perhaps flushed with utter denial, from the revelation that your husband had been cheating on you? Besides, he recalled how you had reacted so strongly to the information, racing away from the therapists who were just being honest with you.
In hindsight, Toji might have felt a teeny tiny bit bad about crushing your rose-colored glasses without much lead-up, but he was rarely the type to beat around the bush anyway. After all, he was the one to suggest a divorce in your first therapist appointment.
Of all things, echoing laughter was what finally grounded Toji’s wandering mind.
His green eyes fluttered rapidly, realizing that he had been in his office and staring blankly at his desk for... how long has this been? He glanced briefly at his tabletop clock. When he noticed how the time had advanced by thirty minutes, Toji rested his forehead on his left palm. “Damn...”
Given how he had a fully booked schedule today, he could not afford to dawdle in his thoughts. He had not noticed that half an hour had passed so quickly. How was it possible that thinking about one person (you) made him lose all sense of time?
He could do better than this.
‘Maybe you’re the one who needs a therapist,’ Megumi had recently pointed out to him in irony, and boy, do these words from his own eighteen-year-old son sting.
In contrast to himself, though, his co-workers had lately been in higher spirits than usual. That much Toji could ascertain given the hubbub that continued to filter into his suite. He would not have minded the phenomenon much had it not been for this gut feeling, this hunch, that you were the reason behind this change.
At his age, Toji has learned to mind his own business, but he still considered joining his colleagues by the reception desk to investigate. He stopped, however, upon noticing an article at his desk.
Right, this was what had derailed Toji from his work.
‘Look at this, boss,’ Geto had said when he first presented the printed webpage to Toji. ‘No wonder Y/N’s been lonely. Naoya literally took his side bitch to Mexico.’
The accompanying photo may be in low resolution, but Toji recognized the two figures hand-in-hand, stepping into a private jet. Their faces were shielded by baseball caps and face masks, their bodies clad in boring and baggy clothes. Consequently, Toji had to scoff, drumming his fingers along his cheekbone. 
Another impeccable snapshot for our collection, huh?
Quite the scandal was brewing in Japan’s high society, not to mention how the illicit relationship involved your husband, and the therapists were merely here for the show. This was what the therapists were trying to advise you about before you promptly shut yourself away from them.
The love affair—especially involving a family as influential as the Zenin’s—should theoretically be all over magazines and newspapers, but any internet search for this image would prove futile. The Zenins were good like that, relying on under-the-table tactics to ensure that this photo would go nowhere.
Only thanks to his colleagues, who had extensive contacts throughout Japan’s many ranks, was Toji able to get his hands on this printed article before the magazine editors had taken them down.
Naoya, that cunning bastard.
If he had been in Cabo prancing around with his paramour, how did he so quickly realize that his images had been circulating among Japanese media? Or, more likely, was it his authoritarian father Naobito who informed his doltish son about the impending rumors?
Either way, Toji could not believe that he was affiliated with both assholes by blood, no less: Naoya, his cousin, and Naobito, his uncle. To think how he was involved again with the relatives who he had sought to avoid, Toji assumed that fate must love toying with him.
Already, growing up in the Zenin family was hell, to put things mildly: how they would obsess over power and prestige as though those two items alone determined one’s value as a human being, how they would scrutinize one’s every action because everything had to conform to their cookie-cutter standards, and then how they would abruptly cast aside those who strayed away from their ideals.
Toji, once an established member of the household, could speak from experience. Thus, blood relation meant nothing if these were the same people who had prayed for his downfall. 
He recalled his relatives’ dirty glances when he announced his engagement twenty years ago, then the even nastier looks when he took his first wife’s surname as his own: Fushiguro. ‘She’s a woman too low for our caliber,’ Toji had been told. 
He remembered the apathy he later received after his wife’s untimely death, followed by belittlement when he chose to marry again—this time, to a single mother. Perhaps he should have heeded his family’s advice for the last bit, but his decisions seemed right at the moment. During a desperate time, he provided his then-gradeschool son with a much-needed maternal figure as well as a stepsister.  
His personal life already made him a deviant among his relatives, so when his family discovered his therapist ventures earlier this year, Toji was not surprised to be severed from the household he once had been considered to lead. Well, Toji was more relieved than bitter, anyway. He could now live life on his terms without worrying about what his father’s uncle’s second cousin twice-removed or some crap like that thought about him and his son.
As he gazed upon the pixelated photo again, he sighed and wondered: was this how low the Zenins have stooped since they had expelled him? A centuries-old bloodline built on relationships with the public and the powerful, now resorting to bribes and threats to sweep scandals under the rug? While watching the Zenin clan burn from afar was entertaining, the situation was also pathetic and sad.
To also think that his moronic cousin Naoya was now not only the household heir but also the current CEO of the family conglomerate. Not to mention that the family’s current patriarch Naobito seemingly turned a blind eye to Naoya’s flings. The older Zenin might have been a brilliant businessman back in the early ‘90s, but his elderly brain had deteriorated too far to see how, at this rate, his son would eventually drive the company and the prideful family to the ground.
Had you realized what you married into?
Probably not, but you didn’t deserve this.
Or, to put things the other way around, the Zenin family didn’t deserve you.
Toji shot up from his seat just as his door crashed against the wall.
He turned to the sound’s source in surprise. Leaning against the entryway stood a personage with his white lab coat draped over his unsurprisingly shirtless chest. The incomer crossed his thick arms over his half-exposed tattoos, but one such arm frees itself to greet Toji with a mocking wave.
“Sukuna,” the older therapist grumbled, “I’ve told you to knock first.”
“Why?” the pink-haired man challenged, not caring how this must have been the hundredth time he heard the order. For him, this was in one ear and out the other. Rather than mind the complaint, he inspected his newly filed nails. “Worried I would walk into you fingering Mrs. Zenin again?”
“Only because that’ll make you jealous,” Toji retorted with equal spite, to which his colleague chose not to respond anymore.
Besides, as a savvy businessman, Sukuna knew how to pick his battles. He might come off as crude, but only because he understood that, with his financial acumen and incredible connections, he was an indispensable asset.
After some silence, Sukuna’s chest rose and fell with a long sigh. “Well, check your schedule, Fushiguro. You have an appointment coming up now.” Not only was he the most well-organized therapist but also the current receptionist on duty. He then huffed again. “Tsumiki’s mom has been waiting for you. I don’t know how you deal with such an impatient bitch. What the hell am I supposed to do when—"
And a hand shoved his face away before he could finish.
Sukuna, flinching from the unexpected approach, recoiled at a beaming woman that peered in from the door frame. Anyone would immediately notice that the overly excited client was beautiful. The plush of her full lips, the gentle arches to her face, the roundness in her doe-like eyes—her looks were akin to an angel constantly in awe. Most people could hardly believe that, with her youthful looks, she actually had a university-aged daughter (with whom Toji could see a strong resemblance, too).
Meanwhile, her large brown eyes scanned the office—the posters, the couch, the nearby mirror—until her gaze landed on Toji and lit up.
“Honey, I’ve missed you!”
Before someone could stop her, the woman welcomed herself into the premises, her lithe limbs swaying with her graceful figure. She sported a simple navy dress that contrasted with her true self because, as far as Toji knew, this woman was anything but simple.
In fact, as she sashayed into the room uninvited, Toji remembered the paparazzi pictures still sprawled on his desk. He caught Sukuna’s maroon gaze and scowled.
This is why I tell you to knock.
Hurriedly, Toji then pushed the photos under some files just as his client seated herself in the sofa seat closest to him. She then turned to her escort in the hall. “Thank you, Sukuna. You’re such a wonderful man.”
She might be oblivious to Sukuna’s irritation, but Toji did not miss the way his colleague hid a gag and rolled his eyes. “M'kay, whatever,” the pink-haired therapist muttered as he slinked back into the corridor.
Then, when Sukuna shut the door with him, she pressed her rosy lips together. “Aw, Strawberry Boy doesn’t want to join us. Guess he likes to play hard to get.”
“Mari,” Toji started, placing his right ankle over the other knee. He rested his back against his chair and held his hands behind his neck. “I do not think neither Sukuna nor any other therapist here is interested in you. Therefore, if you are seeking a summertime fling, I’d suggest you pursue someone else.”
Shot down, an exasperated Mari tossed her dark locks to one side, a die-hard habit of hers. “Like who?”
Like Naoya.
It was hilarious for Toji to think about how he was entangled with his cousin’s mistress, the very same lover in that paparazzi photo with the young executive. In fact, Toji had this theory that Naoya sent Mari here as a Trojan horse, a seemingly harmless client whose actual intention was to gather intel for the Zenin CEO from afar, a pretty façade to lure others into ruins. He didn’t have much evidence to back up the suspicion (yet), but he knew Naoya for long enough to be familiar with the silly games he’d play. Did Naoya and Mari really think that Toji would be so naïve?
“Well, in Tokyo, there are plenty of ways to meet people your age,” he finally suggested and had to suppress a slight smile before adding, “Unless...you’re into younger guys?”
Mari narrowed her eyes but for a millisecond. Had Toji not been at the top of his field, he would not have noticed. Nothing, however, got past him.
“But,” she responded, “I still like you most because you give me your time, Toji.”
Interesting. Because that would mean Naoya had been too busy for his poor sweetheart, hm?
No wonder Mari had been so frustrated. Life must be tough when one was merely the mistress of the Zenin Corporation’s CEO. Not only was Naoya Zenin a mediocre performer in bed, but the homewrecker role also came with no fancy balls, no formal recognition, and—if the affair was well-hidden—not enough public attention either.
Toji leaned forward in one fluid motion, resting his elbows on his desk. “Do not misunderstand my intentions, though,” he clarified while lacing his fingers. “I spend time with you because, as your therapist, I am sadly obligated to do so.”
The woman frowned.
“Now, that’s not nice,” she pointed out, allowing her staccato to afflict him with guilt. "That’s not how to talk to your wife, my dear husband.”
And Toji snapped.
“Ex-husband,” he corrected forcefully. His startled client jerked backward in her seat, but that didn’t matter because he had to sternly remind her, “You were the one who filed for divorce, remember?”
Toji liked to think that he was a patient man. Well, he had to be. As he grew up, the pressure that came with the Zenin spotlight taught him to exert self-discipline and emotional regulation, skills that became even more pertinent in his current role.
As a licensed practitioner now, Toji was obligated to treat all clients equally regardless of background. But under no circumstance could he remove all biases when this was the very woman who split up with him, leaving his son Megumi and his stepdaughter Tsumiki under his care. Therefore, she had quite the audacity to keep visiting him at his office and still call him her husband, especially since she was Naoya’s mistress!
How sinister life could be. For years, no one—not even Toji himself—would have seen this coming: how his second wife would leave him, citing ‘irreconcilable differences’ on the divorce papers, only to become his first cousin’s secret girlfriend.
His sudden confrontation, however, must have caught Mari off-guard, for she began twirling at her strands again. “Just because we aren’t married anymore does not mean that I don’t think about you. It’s been so long since we’ve—"
“Three days,” Toji interjected. He had to hold his breath before his annoyance controlled him completely. “The last time you saw me was three days ago. That isn’t much long ago at all.”
The silence that ensued was admittedly awkward until Mari suddenly stood up.
For a moment, Toji had to hide his relief thinking that the appointment would end earlier than anticipated, but he should have known that Mari wouldn’t leave that easily. Instead, she approached him in slow steps, encircling the seated therapist like a vulture.
When she drew near, her hands skimmed up from his brawny arms to his equally well-built shoulder blades, gliding over his lab coat before her warm palms began to knead at his tired muscles.
“I...think about you more than I’d like to admit,” she whispered, an incantation that could set any lustful man’s heart ablaze. Her fingers continued to massage him in slow and circular motions, the gentle pressure over tight knots melting into a calm and comforting rhythm. “I care about you so...don’t be mean to me, alright? The words you sometimes say, they hurt me a lot.”
Her delicate hands crawled up to his chin next, her left thumb tugging at the plush pillow of his lower lip. The most dangerous thing about Mari wasn't how she embodied a young lady’s exuberance with a mature woman’s elegance. Rather, it was her ability to place spells like these. Back when he had less self-respect, Toji might have forgiven her and caved in, her simple but flirtatious touches like trances that could crumble his resolve.
But you still fuck your ex-wife?
Of all moments, your words from weeks ago decided to haunt him now, your revolted expression a clear image in his memory. His heavy-lidded eyes batted quickly as he came to a realization: Why was he doing this?
In the revelation, Toji stopped Mari’s wandering hands from traveling toward his black slacks.
“Mari,” he said very firmly. As he pulled her away from him, his green eyes held her shimmering brown ones. “No.”
“What?” Given the woman’s visible surprise, Toji could also imagine the smoke that fumed from her nose. After all, this was the same man who once would go weak on his knees for her. Mari stepped back, folding her arms defensively. “Why not?”
“You say that my words hurt you, but I would argue that you’ve hurt me far more,” the therapist explained. As he regained composure, he twirled his chair so that he could face his client squarely. “Have you heard? Your own daughter Tsumiki isn’t even returning to Tokyo for her university’s summer break because she is too ashamed to see you.”
“Good!” she shot, surprising the man with her soured temper. “Would not have cared to hear from her either! Tsumiki had always sided with you and your urchin-headed son. But you know what? You’ve changed, Toji. You, and all the other therapists here, too. I don’t know what has been up with you four, but this clinic was far better back when Naoya worked here.”
Toji had a talent for hiding the whirr behind his thoughts, but he could not conceal his surprise this time. Although he wanted to, he never bothered to mention Naoya in his appointments with Mari before. However, it turned out he didn’t have to be the first one to bring up his cousin since Mari did so herself. Had she not reminded him, Toji would’ve forgotten that Naoya was once a sex therapist too, the family pair once working several doors away from each other. 
Since the opportunity already presented itself, Toji took the chance to inveigle his ex-wife. He stood up from his office chair and closed the little gap between him and his glaring client. 
“Let me tell you something,” Toji started, his voice low but steady. “You genuinely think Naoya is all that great of a person? That man has received countless complaints from his former clients about manipulation and derogatory remarks. He’s disrespectful. He’s deceptive. He's a complete con man. Therefore, I would actually argue that our office is much, much better without that elitist and misogynistic asshole.”
Come on, woman. Take the bait. I’m waiting. Three, two...
“Naoya is not that kind of person,” Mari erupted, likely faster and with more fury than she intended.
Well, that was easy. Toji appeared unruffled from the outside, yet he grinned inwardly.
While he paid no mind to how the woman shook her hands from anger and flung a weak fist into his strong chest, he did—however—find more amusement when she added, “Spreading false rumors about your own relative doesn’t make you the bigger person.”
Unfortunately for her, she tended to act and speak before she thought, not realizing that rushing to Naoya Zenin’s side made her suspicious. 
“What? Do my claims about ‘my own relative’ upset you that much?” Toji challenged, quoting her words. He rolled his shoulders back after pushing the woman’s hands from his pectorals. “He’s my baby cousin, so naturally, I have seen his good and bad sides. Just throwing that out there. Unless,” his voice then dropped into a deep bass, “for some reason, you know something I don’t...?”
The inflection in his tone was purposely inquisitive, and he raised an innocent brow with his questions. He could see the emotions that threatened to spill past her walls, from how she furrowed her brows in contemplation to how she pursed her lips in wrath.
But Mari bit her tongue at the very last moment. “No,” she quipped and folded her arms defiantly. “Naoya is not my business.”
Sounded rehearsed, but oh well. The paparazzi photos from their recent Mexico getaway might prove otherwise, though.
“If you say so,” Toji shrugged. 
He was satisfied enough with Mari’s reactions to his cousin’s name, and he liked thinking about how two heartless people had found passion in each other. Just as Toji retreated to his seat, a knock rapped at the door and opened to Geto at the entrance.
“Time is up, boss.”
Even as the appointment ended and was followed by other clients that day, Toji’s mind buzzed into the evening. 
Call him obsessed, but—for himself, for his son, for his stepdaughter, for his colleagues, and for you—he sought revenge. As Toji mulled over his strategy in his home library that night, he could feel himself about to detonate like a time bomb when the apartment buzzer rang unexpectedly.
“Megumi!” Toji’s low timbers boomed, hoping that his son would hear him from his room upstairs. He chased toward the entryway in hurried steps, calling the teenager’s name again because only the boy’s high school friends would be visiting at this hour. Toji swung the door open. “Megumi! Yuuji and Nobara are downst—”
His words vanished when, in the place of two bubbly teenagers, there stood you. 
You raised your gaze from the ground, the overhead lighting leaving a warm glow on your features as you met Toji with reddened and lachrymose eyes.
“Can...we talk?”
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: 1) For me, this was another challenging chapter to write, as I balanced between introducing the many layers behind our main therapist and inundating you—my lovely readers—with too much information without adequate context. 2) Originally, I had named Mari something else. I changed it because her name eventually reminded me of a different anime character and I didn’t want the association. Haha. 
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan​ @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @moodpi @tokyometronetwork​ @downtown-roponggi​ @the-cosmos-network
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stusbunker · 7 months
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Being friends with the man you've been secretly in love with is hard enough, but he also happens to be your boss. Meet Rockstar Dean, lead singer of Phantom Traveler, an international sensation with multiple platinum albums. As their publicist it's your job to maintain the band's image. But it's been a long year, after losing a founding member to Dean's temper and having to cancel the end of the last tour, you've got your work cut out for you.
What you sell to the record label is a new Dean: rejuvenated from months out of the spotlight, a new romance that hints he's ready to settle down all while still making amazing records. Now, you just need him to agree to it.
Warnings, etc: Slow burn, jealousy, assumed unrequited feelings, mutual pining, mild drug use, smut, lots of baggage with these two, Dean/Bela, past Dean/Jo, guilt, lack of self esteem, finding yourself before you can be ready to love someone else, with more specifics per chapter.
Chapter 1: Intro
Chapter 2: Measure
Chapter 3: Rest
Chapter 4: Bravura
Chapter 5: Fermata
Chapter 6: A Due
Chapter 7: Lontano
Chapter 8: Lilt
Chapter 9: Giocoso
Chapter 10: Cuivré
Chapter 11: Eco
Chapter 12: Hook
Chapter 13: Canto
Chapter 14: Pomposo
Chapter 15: Rubato
Chapter 16: Schleppen
Chapter 17: Trill
Chapter 18: Mordent
Chapter 19: Pizzicato
Chapter 20: Arpeggio
Chapter 21: Dolce
Chapter 22: En Cédant
Chapter 23: Furia
Chapter 24: Espansivo
Chapter 25: Vivace
Chapter 26: Polyphony
Chapter 27: Molto
Chapter 28: Guerriero
Chapter 29: Obbligato
Chapter 30: Larghetto
Chapter 31: Ziehen
Chapter 32: Tronco
Chapter 33: Stornello
Chapter 34: Forza
Chapter 35: Portato
Chapter 36: Patetico
Chapter 37: Lusingando
Chapter 38: Col Legno
Chapter 39: Emporte
Chapter 40: Tutti
Chapter 41: Soutenu
Chapter 42: Unisono
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criolla-star · 3 months
Overwhelmed(part 18 Vinny x Garmadon)
(i suggest you go check out part 1-17 if you haven't already)
Garmadon quietly went after Vinny and followed him to where he went and hanged with Nya. Honestly they got along with Nya the most next would be Lloyd, Zane, Wu, Kai, Col and Jay. They were all really kind the only one that has caused them problems was Misako. "Hey Nya!" Vinny said out happily, "You seem much more tame then before" She replied as she stretched out. "Yep! Got my revenge" Vinny said before sitting down next to her.
"What did you do?" She asked curiously, Vinny obviously explained unaware that Garmadon was watching, "No way, that is genuinely so funny" She laughed out, "But don't you think that's gonna mess with him more" She added, Vinny nodded, "He sorta wants to mess with me for the whole day, buuuuut I'll mess with him more" Vinny replied.
The two began talking till Garmadon came in, "Hey, Garmadon~" Vinny said in a teasing tone, Nya just waved at him. The oni let out a sigh before walking towards Vinny grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. "H-Hey! Put me down!" Vinny whined while Nya was laughing, "If you're going to try and tell people I fucked you might as well make that a reality..." Garmdon said out his voice was low and he began walking away with Vinny, Nya was sitting there with a nosebleed giving Vinny a thumbs up. "Have fun you two!" She shouted holding back laughter as Garmadon left.
Vinny covered his face with his hands as the larger took them to their room to well....fuck...... On the way they saw Cole and Kai, The two stared at them surprisingly before laughing they had no idea what was going on between the two. Finally Garmadon opened the door to their room and dropped Vinny on the bed before locking the door. Vinny was really embarrassed, "I-I umm Garm...?" Vinny stuttered out nervously when there was an awkward silence between the two. There was no answer instead Garmadon took off his shirt and went on top of Vinny.
Vinny was shy he's never had sex before and c'mon if this was going where he thought it was going he was about to get completely fucked by the former oni warlord and practically the son of a god. The larger lifted Vinnys' legs over his shoulder before kissing, not knowing what to do the smaller submitted and he began getting kissed intensely. Vinny let out a small whimper as Garmadon rubbed his knee against the smallers' crotch. The smaller squirmed around a lot.
Garmadon pulled away and let out a sigh, " You okay with this..?" He asked the smaller nervously he didn't want to do this without Vinnys' consent because consent is sexy. "Y-yea.." Vinny stuttered out nervously. The larger took the smallers' jacket and shirt off. Garmadon began trailing kisses across Vinnys' body until he got to his crotch. He then gently zipped down the fly seeing a small bulge through his boxers. The larger smirked and gently kissed it earning a soft moan. To tease the smaller more he began pressing on the bulge. "G-Garm...stop t-that..." Vinny whimpered out submissively. "You're in no place to be telling me what to do~" Garmadon whispered into his ear receiving an embarrassed apology.
"You're so pretty like this~" Garmadon whispered before pulling down his lovers boxers. His semi hard cock sprung out, (I'm regretting writing this) Garmadon let out a seductive chuckle before gently placing a kiss on it, Vinny covered his mouth with his hands, sure the room was sound proof but he just did this as a reaction thing it calmed him down. The larger began gently licking his cock and felt it twitch as it continued to get hard (Really regretting) Vinny moaned and whimpered out as Garmadon took him into his mouth and began sucking him off. The larger hasn't had much sexual action with someone since well Misako and they had Lloyd so he was just improvising.
The larger continued to suck off the smaller, "A-ahh..~! C-Careful..." Vinny whimpered out he was struggling to form full sentences. Garmadon continued to repeat his actions before realising the smaller was close and lifting up, "W-What was that f-for..?" Vinny whined out, "Uh Uh uh~ Not just yet~" Garmadon replied in a low voice before beginning to take off his pants. Vinny squirmed around really nervously he had deprived himself from pleasure for a while and barely did it mainly because he was tired all the time and he was nervous what would happen if Garmadon saw. Vinny was snapped out of his thoughts when he looked at the oni who had stripped the rest of his clothing, Vinnys' face turned way more red and his eyes widened as he saw his lovers' size, "You alright there, you're staring~" Garmadon asked with a smirk on his face before getting back on Vinny. "M-me? Yea I-I'm fine!" Vinny said out shyly before while looking the other way.
The larger smirked, "You can tell me what's wrong~" Garmadon whispered into his ear earning a soft little whimper. The truth is Garmadon had no idea Vinny was a virgin and imagine losing your virginity to an oni warlord and especially that size (10inch btw) Vinny looked stared up at him embarrassingly, "W-well I've never d-done this before at a-all..." The smaller said out quietly, The larger looked a bit surprised hearing that then cupped Vinnys' cheeks, "Don't you worry, I'll take care of you~" The oni said trying to make sure his lover wasn't uncomfortable.
Garmadon thought for a minute before looking at Vinny, "I'm gonna prep you first" he told the smaller receiving a shy nod in agreement, "P-Please be g-gentle..." Vinny said out softly as Garmadon flipped him over causing Vinny to yelp out, "This might hurt..." the larger said, the smaller was about to say something before being cut off by a finger being pushed into him. Vinny hissed in pain causing Garmadon to apologise. The larger began thrusting his finger in and out of the smaller, before pushing in another finger when he thought Vinny could handle it, "A-ah~ C-careful..." Vinny whimpered out as he held onto the bed sheets tightly.
Garmadon began scissoring his finger inside Vinny earning a bit of a louder moan, the smaller was so overwhelmed by this the only thing Garmadon could think about is how overwhelmed he'll be he's actually inside. Adding another finger Vinny started to squirm around, "Stay still it's gonna hurt more like this..." Garmadon said not wanting to hurt the smaller one thing was that the onis' hands were was bigger than Vinnys' and that he had claws which is why he was being really gentle. The smaller hid his face in the bed sheet muffling his moans as Garmadon continued to stretch him out. Garmadon took it a step further by beginning to jerk off Vinny to mess with him more. Vinny was extremely overstimulated and his legs were shaking slightly, but after a while the larger was satisfied with the result and took his fingers out of the smaller there was a muffled whine which made Garmadon chuckle before he put his cock against the smallers' entrance.
Vinny still had his face slammed into the pillow, but it was pretty obvious that he was freaking out. "I'm gonna put it in and give you time to a just" Garmadon said as he grabbed the smallers' hips.
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lesmisscraper · 7 days
Brick... with animation!
23. Marius Became a Bonapartist
"I do not wish you to have a bad opinion of me. You see, I am attached to this place. It seems to me that the mass is better from here. Why? I will tell you. It is from this place, that I have watched a poor, brave father come regularly, every two or three months, for the last ten years, since he had no other opportunity and no other way of seeing his child, because he was prevented by family arrangements. He came at the hour when he knew that his son would be brought to mass. The little one never suspected that his father was there. Perhaps he did not even know that he had a father, poor innocent! The father kept behind a pillar, so that he might not be seen. He gazed at his child and he wept. He adored that little fellow, poor man! I could see that. This spot has become sanctified in my sight, and I have contracted a habit of coming hither to listen to the mass. I prefer it to the stall to which I have a right, in my capacity of warden. I knew that unhappy gentleman a little, too. He had a father-in-law, a wealthy aunt, relatives, I don't know exactly what all, who threatened to disinherit the child if he, the father, saw him. He sacrificed himself in order that his son might be rich and happy some day. He was separated from him because of political opinions. Certainly, I approve of political opinions, but there are people who do not know where to stop. Mon Dieu! a man is not a monster because he was at Waterloo; a father is not separated from his child for such a reason as that. He was one of Bonaparte's colonels. He is dead, I believe. He lived at Vernon, where I have a brother who is a cure, and his name was something like Pontmarie or Montpercy. He had a fine sword-cut, on my honor." "Pontmercy," suggested Marius, turning pale. "Precisely, Pontmercy. Did you know him?" "Sir," said Marius, "he was my father." The old warden clasped his hands and exclaimed:-- "Ah! you are the child! Yes, that's true, he must be a man by this time. Well! poor child, you may say that you had a father who loved you dearly!" - Vol 3, book 3, chapter 5
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After Marius became a law student and Gillenormand got older, they left Madame's salon on Faubourg Saint-Germain and settle down on Rue des Filles-du-Calvaire.
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In 1827, when Marius was 17, his grandfather ordered him to go Vernon, to see his father. But Marius did not have any emotion about father, since Gillenormand 'brainwashed' him.
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But since grandfather insisted to do that, he headed to Vernon the next day, but Georges Pontmercy was dead. He really wanted to meet his son, although his body was in bad condition, he woke up from his bed and and fell on the floor.
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Everything the colonel left was dead or sold except for one thing: his letter to Marius.
That letter was like this.
For my son.--The Emperor made me a Baron on the battle-field of Waterloo. Since the Restoration disputes my right to this title which I purchased with my blood, my son shall take it and bear it. That he will be worthy of it is a matter of course.
And there was an additional line below.
At that same battle of Waterloo, a sergeant saved my life. The man's name was Thenardier. I think that he has recently been keeping a little inn, in a village in the neighborhood of Paris, at Chelles or Montfermeil. If my son meets him, he will do all the good he can to Thenardier.
Familiar name, huh?
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But he did not care about that letter seriously. He went to the mass at  Saint-Sulpice church as usual, and he accidentally sat on the churchwarden's seat. Then he heard why that warden wanted to sit on there. The old churchwarden told Marius the poor father's story and Marius got startled. His father always loved him. The bad person was not his father, his grandfather. That churchwarden was Mabeuf, the friend of Col. Pontmercy.
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After that mass, he went to a library to search all about Napoleon, and he found his father's names on several pages. He was a great man, not a brigand like his grandfather told about him. Soon, Marius became a Bonapartist. And one night, he even opened the window and exclaimed: "Long live the Emperor!"(What a BOOBY....) He also ordered a hundred of business card written as <Le Baron Marius Pontmercy>.
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He also spent several days to find the sergeant who saved his father. And Marius found his inn... without him. His inn was bankrupted at that time, and even Thenardier's creditors could not find him.
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Since Marius went out a lot, his grandfather and aunt thought he had a girlfriend(yes, a little bit later, though...), and aunt Gillenormand sent lieutenant Theodule, great-grand-nephew of M. Gillenormand(but I can't find him in this 52-episode cartoon!). At first, he saw Marius buying a flower, and going to a church. Lt. Theodule thought he had a girlfriend, and was going to meet her at a mass. But....
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What Theoudule saw was not a girl, but a grave. Marius put the flower on the tombstone, and paid respects. Later, his grandfather spied on Marius' clothes.
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
32 for the WIP game?
my tina parenthood fic..... that was an idea I started (which probably would have been a longer multi-chapter fic) where tina got pregnant in high school from some asshole guy and ended up being a single mom. the fic takes place a few years later when her kid is a toddler and jimmy jr moves back to town after finishing college and they end up kinda co-parenting her daughter together and reconnecting as friends (jimmy jr is aroace and very much not interested in a relationship)
jimmy jr moved away from seymour's bay when he was 17 w/ his brothers when his mom moved to another state so he lost contact with tina. his dad stayed behind and kept jimmy pesto's pizzeria opened so thats why he moved back to seymour's bay to work with his dad but he kinda hates it lol they end up becoming platonic life partners and by the end tina's daughter definitely sees jimmy jr as her dad
i would have loved to write this fic tbh but the problem is that it would take SO LONG to write and finish and i do have other commitments. maybe someday!!!
It was impossible not to recognize those eyes that he'd spent so many years desperately trying not to look into out of fear of the disappointment he would bring.
Their relationship had grown apart over the years even before Jimmy Junior had moved away and they certainly weren't as close as they'd been as children, but he could still remember how hard Tina had sobbed when he broke the news to her that he would be moving away and that they wouldn't be going to school together anymore. He understood how she was feeling because he was equally as heartbroken even when he didn't really have a choice. Jimmy Junior had always assumed that Tina and him would spend the rest of their lives together. They would always know each other and have that childhood proximity.
Tina nodded. "I—I mean, I never went to college. I took a few English courses at the community college in Bog Harbour, but when Alice got older it was just too difficult to keep up with schoolwork and take care of her at the same time. I still work at my parents' restaurant, though. They're getting older and they need all the help that they can get."
"Who is Alice?" Jimmy Junior asked Tina with a questioning look. He wasn't sure if Tina had adopted a dog, or if her parents decided to have another child after Jimmy Junior moved away and he'd never heard about it. He thought they were a little too old for that, but he wasn't going to judge them. His parents might have chosen to have another child too if they hadn't gotten divorced.
Tina gestured to the toddler who was standing beside her and carefully studying the assortment of candy and chocolate in the aisle.
"Did your parents have another daughter?"
Tina actually laughed after Jimmy Junior asked this before she explained herself. "Oh my God, no. They're way too old to have another kid. Alice is my daughter! Alice, sweetheart, do you want to say hello to Jimmy Junior?"
Alice looked up at him with an unimpressed expression on her face. "Hi."
Jimmy Junior took a step back in disbelief. He'd never even considered that he and his childhood friends were at the age where it wouldn't be unreasonable to start a family and have children of their own, especially because that was not something he planned for himself. His parents' had been around his age when they first got pregnant with him. When he took a closer look at Alice, he could clearly see the resemblance between her and Tina, although he honestly thought he looked more similar to Louise. She had curly black hair and a nose that looked almost identical to Tina's. It was kind of unnerving.
"Oh," Jimmy Junior finally said after a few seconds of silence. "You have a daughter?"
Tina was clearly confused by how Jimmy Junior was reacting to the concept of her having a child, but he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that this woman he'd known since they were children themselves had a child of her own. None of his friends from college or anybody that he'd known in Seymour's Bay had children, so Tina was his first experience with this.
"I mean, uh, that's great. I'm happy for you, Tina," Jimmy Junior started awkwardly. "Who's her father? Or, uh, mother… I don't want to assume anything."
"You don't know him," Tina said to Jimmy Junior as they walked to her car together. Jimmy Junior had chosen to walk to Patterson Farms because it was a beautiful summer day outside and he didn't have any other plans, so fortunately he didn't need to worry about unloading anything in his own car. "We started dating in high school after you moved away. His name was Nathan, but he isn't really in my life anymore. He broke up with me after I told him I was pregnant and started avoiding me, so his name isn't even on Alice's birth certificate."
"Crap. I'm really sorry, Tina," Jimmy Junior said apologetically. Tina opened up the trunk of her car—which was actually her family's car that was the same one they'd had since she was a child, he was assuming she borrowed it for this trip—and began loading groceries into it. "I had no idea. He's an asshole for doing that to you."
Tina smiled like she was completely unbothered by the fact that her daughter's father had completely abandoned them and left Tina to raise her by herself as she struggled financially. Jimmy Junior's father was far from a good parent, but he could at least be thankful that he'd never once considered abandoning his children and he even took Jimmy Junior back in after years of separation between them. He was sure he would do the same for Andy and Ollie if they asked. "Don't worry, it's okay. It wasn't all bad, either. I always have my family to help me with anything I need, and Jocelyn and Tammy were actually really cool when I told them I was pregnant. They held a baby shower for me, and Tammy offered to babysit Alice for no charge. I didn't accept her offer, obviously, because she's Tammy… but I could tell she was trying to be helpful and make an effort. They've grown up a lot since we were in middle school."
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 22 - Just One of Dem Days (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here Chapter 19: here Chapter 20: here Chapter 21: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as ‘Mature / sexual content’ just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it’s Kirby’s inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it’s either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia’s text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men’s dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby's uncle Bran spends the night sleeping on the couch, waking up at 10 am, on Saturday the 3rd of September, to the smell of Kirby cooking breakfast.
“Good lord kid, ya oul dear taught ya well.” He yawns, scratching his stubble as he gets up, joining Kirby in the kitchen.
“You still take ya coffee with milk and two sugars, Uncail [Uncle]?” She smiles softly at him, looking up from the pan of bacon and eggs.
“Indeed I do, have ya been cryin’ banphrionsa [princess]?”
“Dhúisigh mé ó nightmare, Tá Eddie fós ina chodladh agus ní raibh mé ag iarraidh é a dhúiseacht. Mar sin, tá [I woke up from a nightmare, Eddie is still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. So, yes].” Kirby nods, her uncle pulls her into a gentle hug, stroking her hair.
“Ya Aintín [Aunt] will be here soon, as will ya col ceathracha [cousins]. Ceart go leor [okay]?”
“Aye [yes].” She whispers, leaving her uncle to finish making breakfast, when she gets a text from her cousin Branwen, Bran’s only daughter.
Kirby goes to the front door, seeing the taxi pull up with her Aunt Meinir and her cousins Mostyn, Darach and Branwen stepping out.
“Don’t panic,” Darach jokes, “We haven’t brought the kids to tire out Aintín fathach [Giant aunt].”
Darach, forever the jokester, married to a lovely German lass.
“Nor have we brought the wives, or Branwen’s hubbie.” Mostyn adds.
Mostyn, Moss, the brawn of the trio. His wife’s a beautiful Native Canadian lady.
“I’ll help you wit’ the twins, banphrionsa dragon [dragon princess].” Branwen smiles softly.
Branwen, the brains, now a McCormick, her husband a half-French half-Irish gent with a mean right hook.
“Get yer butts in there before the house gets cold.” Meinir, Bran’s Wife, scolds her three kids, hugging Kirby gently when she enters the house.
If ever a tornado was named something Welsh, it would be named after her. As her name would suggest via its meaning, she’s tall, slender and beautiful, even at 69.
“Before you ask, this place is rented, and the twins are asleep in the nursery, don’t wake my sons nor my husband. Ed’s a grump in the mornings, and I don’t need the New Yorker being a grump, right now.” Kirby explains, leading the tiny percentage of her family to the kitchen first.
She takes over making breakfast from her Uncle Bran, quickly serving the group up a hearty breakfast, bacon, eggs, toast, beans, all the things her and her family are used to. She even remembers how the group takes their coffee and tea. Bran, coffee, two sugars and a dash of milk. Meinir, tea, black as she cannot have milk. Moss, coffee, one sugar, no milk, strong and sweet. Darach, tea, milky and with two sugars. Branwen, water, not a fan of tea or coffee.
“Holy fuck!” Eddie yelps, nearly falling on his ass when he sees Kirby’s cousins.
“Oh, we should have sat down, Moss.” Darach murmurs as he sips his tea.
“Ya think? I know I’m tall, but you two are tall and broad.” Kirby shakes her head, kissing Eddie’s forehead.
Moss, 6’5”, and Darach, 6’3”, look down at the floor in shame. Their 5’4” sister chuckles as she looks at them.
“And these guys are?” Eddie asks, using Kirby as a shield, having not gotten dressed yet and still in just his rosaries, boxers and a tank-top.
“Ooh, Dara, Kirby married a real New Yorker, maybe a Catholic too?” Moss whispers.
“Eddie, you met my Uncle Bran last night, this is his wife, Meinir, and his kids, my cousins, Mostyn, Darach and Branwen. Consider yourself lucky that they didn’t bring their spouses, or kids, this place would be nearly full.”
“How many kids do you have?” Eddie asks them, a look of total confusion on his face.
“Me and Gen have six, our eldest is eighteen, youngest is three.” Mostyn answers first.
Darach follows his lead, “Myself and Gertie have five, our eldest is fifteen, youngest is also three.”
Branwen is the last to answer, “Me and My hubbie, Faron, have four, Taliesin, Samuel, Rainbow and Quintella.”
“Ooh, Moss, has Eadberht said anything about proposing to his girlfriend yet?” Kirby asks.
“Oh no, he hasn’t said anything about proposing to Nerida, I think he’s a bit scared.”
“Aww, I was looking forward to annoying him about that.”
“Don’t worry, Ker, ya still the baby of the family.” Darach chuckles.
Eddie watches, stunned into silence, as Kirby and her cousins talk back and forth in Irish and Welsh, mentioning name after name, the occasional English word being spoken.
“Eddie, you a’ight?” Kirby asks, gently wrapping her arms around his neck.
He wraps his arms around her waist instinctively, “I have no idea, what any of, what you said for the past ten minutes means.”
“Luckily for you, none of it was important. Me and Branwen are gonna feed the twins, okay?”
“A’ight, Ma, I love ya.” Eddie whispers, kissing her gently before letting her go.
From the nursery, Kirby and Branwen can hear Bran, Moss and Dara questioning Eddie.
“So, what are the kids' names?” Moss asks.
“Emir and Ethan.” Eddie answers confidently.
“No, no,” Dara chuckles, “their full names.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie’s confidence drops, “Emyr Fah-lawn Peri-der Ariel Moore and Ethan Lore-can Gwin Joel Moore.”
“Pretty decent for a non-Irish speaking ‘Irishman’.” Bran announces his approval, making both of Kirby’s male cousins shut up.
“Kirby,” Branwen whispers, “Say their full names, go.”
Kirby chuckles softly, shaking her head before pronouncing her boys names perfectly, “Emyr Faolán Peredur Ariel Moore and Ethan Lorcán Gwin Joel Moore. There, Branwen, ya happy?”
She nods and chuckles softly as she finishes feeding Emyr, handing him to Kirby. Kirby carries both boys into the kitchen with her. Kirby smirks and shakes her head as she watches Eddie wrestle with his belt.
“Babe, help.” Eddie mouths when he sees her.
Kirby hands the twins to their father and fixes his belt buckle, “How the fuck did you bend the metal of this?”
When Eddie doesn’t answer she looks up at his face, his line of sight directly going to her rear.
“Edward.” She grumbles.
Moss and Dara chuckle softly.
“Sorry, Ma, what?” Eddie’s face goes pink from embarrassment.
“How did you bend the metal of the belt buckle?”
“I don’t know, fuckin’ wit’ it too much?” He shrugs.
“‘Fuckin’ wit’ it too much’?” She mockingly asks, teasing her husband.
“Fucked wit’ you too much, got these two as a result.” He teases back, sticking his tongue out at his wife.
Kirby copies his actions, “Doughboy.” she whispers.
“Doll.” Eddie murmurs.
“Wild Card.”
“Punk Rock Princess.”
“Bite me.” She smirks.
“Did ya take ya anxiety meds, and ya iron supplements?”
“Yes, as soon as I woke up.”
“You got any more family showin’ up?”
“Ya might wanna pray, ‘cause I don’t know.” Kirby whispers.
“Take one of the Princes then.”
Kirby takes Ethan from his father, letting Eddie use his rosaries to say a small prayer.
“Hey little guy,” Kirby starts baby-talking to her son when he opens his eyes, his blue eyes staring up at her own, “How’s my little dude doing? Huh, baby boy, how is you doing my love?”
“You’re so cute, Ma.” Eddie murmurs, making Kirby blush a bright pink.
“Sorry, I got a bit lost in my thoughts.”
“I wish I got that on video, I would have watched it over and over.”
“He looked at me, you know I gotta talk to him if he looks at me.”
“I know,” Eddie wraps his free arm around her waist, “I love you, Kirby.”
“I love you too, Eddie… my Edward, my King of Diamonds.”
“My Kirby, my Dragon Princess.” He smirks.
“Did you like last night?” She asks softly.
“If Jon and Renee weren’t there, it would have been perfect.”
“It’s the closest thing to actually being in either a nightclub, or strip club with me.”
“I know, it’s also much more private and personal.” He whispers, kissing her jawline and the scar on her cheek.
“What’s gotten you so affectionate this morning?”
“I guess it’s just one of them days.” He winks.
“Did you go through my music?”
“Yep. You left your ‘Moody’ playlist up.”
“Don’t blame that on me, blame it on Spotify.” She murmurs, sipping her can of decaf coffee.
Eddie grabs a can of Red Bull, and they both head to sit on the couch next to each other. Moss turns the tv on, flicking through the channels until he gets to the sport, putting on a game of Rugby, Ulster v Dragons.
“Why don’t you put on some wrestlin’?” Eddie asks.
“Because,” Kirby sips her coffee, “As a family who runs a wrestling promotion, if we want to watch wrestling, we will watch something from our archives.” She explains.
“How far do the archives go back?”
“Oh jeez… Uncail, how far do our archives go back, with the tapes?”
Kirby’s Uncle Bran steps back inside, holding his cigarette outside of the patio doors, “Our taped archives?”
“Yeah, not the written stuff but the filmed stuff.” Kirby nods.
“I would think back to when Naoise started wrestling, so nineteen-sixty, maybe nineteen-fifty-nine? I would have to check. But it’s somewhere around then.”
“Oh wow,” Eddie mumbles, “That’s a lot of footage.”
“Yeah, most of it’s been digitised now too, so we’ll be able to go back, and use the footage to teach generations ahead.” Bran explains before stepping outside to finish his cigarette.
“Hey Da, can I bum a smoke off ya?” Dara asks as he steps outside.
“Take one of ya sister’s.” Bran grumbles.
“Here, and don’t tell my husband, he thinks I’ve switched to the robot.” Branwen chuckles softly.
“Switched to the robot?” Eddie asks Kirby softly.
“Switched to an electronic cigarette or vape. It’s something that my Uncle Rhod came up with.” She murmurs, engrossed in the rugby game.
“Sweetheart.” Eddie puts his hand on her thigh, getting her attention off the tv.
“Yes, Eddie?”
“You gonna explain what’s goin’ on?”
“With what?”
Eddie gestures towards the tv, “I don’t watch this stuff, you know me, Knicks, Yankees, that kinda stuff I watch.”
“Oh,” She smiles softly, leaning back and keeping Ethan close to her chest, “So you have Ulster, northern Irish, and The Dragons, a Welsh team. Currently The Dragons, the team Moss and Dara will want to win, are beating the asses of Ulster. You know how you have leagues and stuff?”
“Yeah, this works the same?”
“Yep. U.R.C, United Rugby Championship, if The Dragons win, they go on to face Edinburgh or The Sharks, depending on who wins that game.”
“Okay, and who are the Sharks?”
“They’re a South African team.”
“And why don’t you guys support Ulster?”
“Divorce him.” Moss grumbles.
“He’s askin’ why we don’t support Ulster, Moss, nothin’ more.”
“We don’t support ‘em, ‘cause they fuck the British willingly.” Mostyn scoffs
“Jesus, Moss. Right, long story short, we don’t support Ulster ‘cause they’re northern Irish, our ancestry comes from the republic.”
“Oh…” The weight of Moss’ statement dawns on Eddie, “So if I were to support Ulster, your family would hate me?”
“Don’t even mention them by name.” She whispers.
Eddie nods, putting a finger to his lips, indicating that he’ll stay silent. Instead Eddie focuses on Emyr, both him and Kirby watching as his son, Emyr, yawns and opens his eyes. Green eyes meeting green eyes. Son staring up at his father, reaching for his face, or rather the blur that takes up most of Emyr’s vision. Eddie in his ‘I hope you suffer’ tank top and a pair of jeans, timbs on but unlaced, rosaries hidden between his white and black tank-tops. Emyr in a small ‘kiss me I’m Irish’ onesie, a gift from his maternal grandmother, Kirby’s Mam, Oda.
“I hope one day, you’ll grow up to find a woman, or hell, a man, who is as amazing as ya mother, Emyr.” Kingston whispers, kissing his eldest son on the  head.
“Kingy, that has gotta be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever said.” Kirby whispers, receiving a gentle kiss on her cheek scar.
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thetuesdaytapes · 1 year
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 17 GENNAIO 2023 ►► MONTHLY MIXTAPE 1) THE BEATLES > Polythene Pam 2) DON MURO > Want You to Know 3) HUDSON MOHAWKE > Dance Forever 4) FILIPPO TRECCA > Col fiato in gola 5) TEN FÉ > Twist Your Arm (Roman Flügel mix) 6) SLAM vs. U.N.K.L.E. > Narco Tourists (SSR69 edit) 7) JON GIBSON > Song II 8) SLUTA LETA > Whispers Special (intro) 9) MADLIB > Raw Introduction to Afreaka 10) CHUCK ARMSTRONG > Sweet Foxy Lady 11) BRIAN ENO > No One Receiving 12) MINORU FUSHIMI > In Praise of Mithocondria 13) NONA HENDRYX > Scream (Michael the Lion edit) 14) THE KILLS > No Wow (Chicken Lips dub) 15) HEADMAN feat. STEPHEN DEWAELE > Roh 16) BANDULU > Chapter 6 Ascolta su MIXCLOUD Ascolta su SPREAKER Guarda su YOUTUBE
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shammah8 · 5 months
ABOVE THE FRAY In corporate prayer at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks, the pray-ers here and those who join us by live streaming, make it a point tobe cognizant of our position in prayer. No matter what we are praying about, we call to mind, and often speak from our lips, that we are praying from our God-given position at the Father’s right hand.
Once, some years back, the Spirit of the Lord warned me that some trouble was coming. He didn’t tell me what it was. But He said to me, "I want you to live above the fray."
I recognized the trouble when it came. But I had my instructions.
I had the peace of God from my view above the fray.
In the mid 1980s, I noticed a 69pattern in severe satanic attacks against my family. So I went to Brother Hagin. He told me, based on Isaiah 54:17, "As long as you are in this world, you can't keep weapons from being formed against you, but you can keep them from prospering."
So, I did just that. I used my authority and stopped them.
Sitting in one's seat every morning, is a way to do this. With authority and the shield of faith, we can "quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one" (Ephesians 6:16).
Always remember, when youare considering Ephesians 6 and its statement about wrestling, and the prayer armor, that Chapter 6 is a part of the same Epistle that begins with the amazing revelation of our being seated with and in Christ at the right hand of the Father. Consistently see yourself seated there.
Col. 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Col. 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Col. 3:3 For ye are dead,and your life is hid with Christ in God.
Col. 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
I love this wonderful instruction from Colossians.
Consider that while we are seeking those things which are above, it specifically emphasizes "where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God," and remember that you are seated there in Him.🌺BILLYE BRIM
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ladyhindsight · 5 days
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Of rewritten family relationships, my pure hatred for Alec's storyline, and wandering parabatai runes.
Jace slowly wakes up in the Institute infirmary with Alec and Isabelle by his side. This scene is Clare’s attempt to alleviate responsibility on Jace’s part. This is also a point of realization as to how Clare talks about how Jace and Clary didn’t really have a relationship in this book because Jace was not himself, but Jace hasn’t had a relationship with Alec nor Isabelle since City of Glass. And even then on Alec’s part it was shit.
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Not once have Jace and Alec been like this. This could’ve been a point of growing back together after growing apart first if that apart point was ever realized by the narrative.
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Jace’s apology comes off as performative and ostensible because 1. What is he even apologizing for 2. Isabelle gives him absolution for all of it anyway 3. He will never be held accountable for any bad decisions that lead to bad shit and circumstances.
Jace shouldn’t apologize for what he was put through, of course. Some responsibility should’ve been recognized far before this, however.
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Fuck off. Clare wrote Will and Jem and only then found some sense in Jace and Alec. It is similarly rewriting history as with the whole idea of Jace being gentle with things he loved.
PLACEMENT OF THE PARABATAI RUNES. It is interesting to note that during the introduction to the concept of parabatai it was never told there were runes placed upon the pair. There is barely a mention of them in TMI, and without this one uncertain scene in the epilogue of CoLS, it is never told where Jace has it. (“We never got to finish our conversation, before,” Jace said. “I just wanted to say that you don’t always have to be all right. I asked you to be my parabatai because I needed you, but you’re allowed to need me, too. This”—he indicated his own parabatai rune—) → in CoHF
→ “He raised his sleeve, showing Jocelyn the parabatai rune on his inner forearm.” Alec in City of Fallen Angels, Chapter 6 “No Weapon in This World”
→ “Alec said nothing, but his grip on Jace’s hand tightened. “You don’t need to swear,” he said, and with his free hand touched the parabatai rune near his collarbone. “I know. I can feel it. I don’t feel like I’m missing a part of me anymore.” City of Lost Souls, here in the epilogue
Whose collarbone, though? It’s difficult to infer, because the use of pronouns indicates himself, not Jace. I’ll then go even a step further, because in City of Heavenly Fire Alec’s rune also keeps wandering:
→ “It is good, but what I felt”—Alec put his hand unconsciously over his upper arm, near his parabatai rune—“that isn’t good. Jace isn’t dead,” Chapter 8 “Strength in What Remains”
→ “Alec pushed aside his jacket, shoved down the collar of his shirt, and craned to see the mark on his shoulder. Simon recognized the outlines of the parabatai rune. Alec pressed his fingers to it; they came away smudged with something dark that looked like a smear of ash.” Chapter 8 “Strength in What Remains”
These two parts above are actually like two pages apart and the same scene too….
→ “Alec said, “Isabelle. Come on.” He was holding the shoulder marked by his parabatai rune stiffly.” Chapter 8 “Strength in What Remains”
→ “Alec staggered to his feet, his face dead white except where it was smeared black with soot. He spun, turning his back to Isabelle, shrugging down his gear jacket. “My parabatai rune—can you see it?” Isabelle felt her stomach drop; she thought for a moment she might faint. She grabbed at Alec’s collar, pulled it down, and exhaled a hard breath of relief. “It’s still there.”” Chapter 17 “Burnt Offerings”
How come Alec was able to crane his neck to see the rune before but not in this instance? Shit writing, that’s what.
Anyway, onward we go.
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They should’ve actually fought.
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Again, fuck off, but also, yay.
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVEN ALEC??? His brother, bestie, parabatai is lying on the ground seemingly dead and ugh, I guess even Alec made his way theereee
Reminds me of this, but in this case we actually know WHY EVEN ALEC.
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Five books and the culmination of character growth is, let’s let Clary do just whatever she wants because she is Clary and everything she does is right. That’s actually more development for Isabelle since she berated Clary for the same thing in City of Glass.
There’s been couple instances where Clary’s character is being praised by others, this just being one of them.
→ Wasn’t City of Glass exactly where Clary’s “personal life” was “considered”?
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Sure, but also the literal translation of the name Michael. You know, the Archangel. Also yay, Simon.
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→ How do these few moments become minutes, even, when Alec made his way immediately to Magnus
→ I might be tired and not reading this right, but to me this sounds like Alec thinks he deserved to have died (before Magnus) for even a second thinking about what Camille offered. What, dude. No.
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Was there some point in the whole of this relationship where Magnus’ behavior somehow promoted intimate trust required to be in a relationship? And now he is somehow surprised that Alec didn’t fully trust or believe him? That Magnus’ secrecy did nothing to show Alec he is necessary and required, not a passing part in Magnus’ life?
→ Yes, do please underline more the fact how young Alec is compared to you. And this makes Magnus look better? This whole book on Alec’s part has been two old-as-fuck adults screwing over a teenager and playing him in their own ways.
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→ There must be a way to explain. Well, how about you just say all that? Though Alec not being good with words is consistent with his inner monologue.
And here we have it. How the hell did this relationship have any future? It’s all there, and Magnus is not written taking any responsibility for it (CoHF is the best book out of all six solely for the fact that Alec actually says what needs to be said in it). Alec’s insecurity is of his own to mend and build up, but sheesh.
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Apples and oranges, but isn’t it a bit ironic how Alec was the one pressured to come out of closet and tell his family about Magnus only weeks after dating, how the story pretended it was Alec’s choice and not everyone treating him as lesser and talking shit about him for not doing it. Alec is held responsible for this mistake. Where is everyone else’s responsibility for what they did to Alec and how they treated him?
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→ But he didn’t try anything? Alec did nothing and took no steps towards that. What he did was meet up with Camille in order to learn things about Magnus Magnus himself was not willing to tell. Camille offered and Alec refused (after even considering it).
→ I find this punishment of thought ridiculous. One can entertain ideas and thoughts and conclude that they could never do this or that. ?? We do this constantly when we ponder ethics or hypothetical situations. Thoughts, feelings, and actions are not the same. Also, why Alec had to think about it? Because the offer was so outrageous he had to take time to realize what the hell? Because he was in with the idea of actually doing it and not thinking about the consequences? Because this type of stuff thrown at his face takes time to chew down? It matters.
→ And why do you think that is? Alec not trusting Magnus while having nothing to trust is somehow all Alec’s fault.
Alec is wrong and does wrong, but this I’m not going to just swallow and take as offered.
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But they did talk about how they did like each other?
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Isabelle has said it?
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Fuck off, Jem. His name is Jace, how many times it needs to be said and by how many people?
→ The Herondales have kept names in the family— what?
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→ Clary, Clarissa. Could we hold onto some consistency here?
→ This conversation piece because we needed a TID reference.
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You both should be yelled at.
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These are some truly profound thoughts.
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They aren’t, but I am also so sick of you both being Special, so fuck off.
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→ If Alec is half of his soul and Clary is a part of that other half, then how much soul does Jace have for himself? Math question.
→ Great how we’ve somehow arrived to the point where Jace actually seems to care about his family, but also at the same time he is on his own without Clary?
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→ He learns quickly.
→ I understand that Jem is obsessed with Tessa and Will’s descendants, but they are their own people whose actions and personality and being has nothing to do with them. Was Jem as obsessed with every Herondale son on the way to Jace?
The book then finally ends with an edgy comeback note from Sebastian. Woowee.
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christianengineers · 7 months
Iprayministry 🇨🇦 Canada/ChristianEngineer
Ephesians1-6 ; Philippians 1-4
Colossians 1-4
1 Thessalonians 1-5
2 Thessalonians 1-3
Praying Scripture:John 1:1;14
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. - John 1:14 (NKJV)
"Born In The Flesh"
READ John 1:1-14
OR Whole Chapter
Let's Pray!
God our Father, who grants mercy and truth to Your people, from generation to generation.
May the world believe the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He existed in the beginning before the beginning with God in heaven.
Jesus is distinct in personhood from the Father and a member of the triune Godhead.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1
The Word became flesh and dwelt among men. - John 1:14
He was not created in the beginning but is co-Creator.
Jesus Christ is God, He is divine and is eternal.
Everything was created through him, and nothing was created except through him” - John 1:3;John 1:10;Col 1:16
Jesus was already present when the universe began and Has always existed. - Genesis 1:1;John 8:58
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. - Hebrews 13:8
May the entire universe know and accept that Jesus shares in God's eternality and was glorified before the world began” - John 17:5
Jesus is the Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end—"the Almighty One” - Revelation 22:13;1:8
“The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God...” - Hebrews 1:31
O God, no one has ever seen You at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. - John 1:18;Exodus 33:20
Great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifested in the flesh, Believed on in the world and Received up in glory. - 1Timothy 3:16
The little baby Jesus was born on Christmas to reveal the identity of the Almighty God in heaven.. - Mathew 1:18-23; Isaiah 9:6
Jesus was born to save His people from their sins.” - Matthew 1:21
And His name shall be called Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” - Matthew 1:23
Thank You for such great redemption and salvation in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. --- WPF8DC23
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sowninchrist · 8 months
Calling for the Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Revelation🕊️❤️🌱🗡️
Thank You to the Lord for this revelation, He’s always been so good to us to reveal to us why and for what purpose things happen and I’m super grateful to Him for every single person who He has used to teach and to reveal things that are far deeper into the Word. Everything that is done is to the Glory and Honor to the True Living God whom we ought to grow fear of the Lord, for everything He does is Holy and beautiful! May we always go out with the True Wisdom that Jesus is Lord, Savior, He is God in the flesh, He is the Only True God that would do that for us; besides Him there is no god.
Something I loved ever since I came into my walk with Christ was that I got to experience (before congregating into my church) many different christians with many different revelations of the same Word either stay-at-home christians or christians congregating in their small local churches, to this day, I still continue to meet those who stay at home and whilst many are well filled with knowledge, they’ve managed to grow differently from the Word.
This is why it’s very important to discern when a ministry is teaching a doctrine to make sure that it’s God’s doctrine and not a doctrine that they place their culture and moral beliefs into the faith that we’re meant to follow, that being said, I wouldn’t put their thoughts into the Lord’s revelations, but I say this in order for any baby in Christ to be careful when listening to someone who doesn’t agree about going to Church.
Knowing that you need a church not only to have a pastor or apostle is important as well as much as the church also helps you to grow spiritually, but how people confuse the Word of God is astonishing, I recently met someone who is very intellectual concerning the Word, they are very down to earth, but they got a completely different revelation of the Word that sometimes it’s not Godly revelation but assumptions of our own mind, this is why it’s important to discern not just yourself but everyone who preaches, I constantly have to discern if what I’m putting into these beautiful topics that the Lord calls for are not my own assumption of remembering to place it but rather to allow the Holy Spirit to take full control, everything that is done to glorify the Lord should never bring self-glorification, this is one of the things that I recently learnt was not only my own nerves but other preachers’ nerves as well to put out what they think is right when the Lord actually says, “No, I didn’t tell you to place this here.”, so it’s extremely important to have a church that will guide you to Jesus and not to your own imagined-Jesus.
We’re going to go to the foundation of Wisdom, I was reading into Proverbs and once Proverbs chapter 3 came, something from the epistles of Paul just rushed through my memory,
Prov 3:19 NASB, “The Lord founded the earth by wisdom, He established the heavens by understanding.”
Prov 3:20 NASB, “By His knowledge the ocean depths were burst open, And the clouds drip with dew.”
One of the most important basic knowledge everyone needs to know is that Jesus is the foundation of all creation even throughout the OT, and not too long ago there were studies found that there’s a component in the human body that makes us, all put together, or in a Biblical Word, all put together,
Col 1:17 ESV, “And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”
For any nonbeliever or curious reader, the Wisdom we mention is Jesus,
1 Cor 1:22-24 NLT, “—It is foolish to the Jews, who ask for signs from heaven. And it is foolish to the Greeks, who seek human wisdom.
— So when we preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it’s all nonsense.
— But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the Wisdom of God.”
Christ, being the Messiah, the Chosen One.
The heavens were created by Knowledge,
Matthew 11:25 ESV, “At that time Jesus declared, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;”
Jesus isn’t speaking about the Godly wise and Godly understanding, He’s referring to people who are full of worldly wisdom and worldly understanding, the type that the flesh goes based on human instincts.
Jesus spoke Godly Knowledge, if anyone has ever heard that beautiful saying, “You brought a piece of Heaven to Earth” read Col 1:15-20.
In 1 Cor 12:8-10, we’re told by Paul what the Lord gives us gifts us through His Holy Spirit, and something I always get asked by friends who haven’t received the Lord out of an act of faith but with curiosity , “how do I get the gifts, I read the Bible but I don’t understand it completely.”
Matthew 3:16 ERV, “So Jesus was baptized. As soon as he came up out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw God's Spirit coming down on Him like a dove.”
Once fully accepting the Lord and actually asking for His Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding you receive the Revelation through the Holy Spirit! This is honestly so beautiful because it’s like the Gift is tied beautifully with a bow because you see just how much God loves you with these revelations that He gifts you! Something that I’m astonished about is how God decides to use us, whilst we sin in different mindsets (unintentional or giving into the flesh), He still uses us; that’s just mind-blowing.
The Lord founded the earth by Wisdom, in Genesis, the Lord made us up of dust (Gen 2:7), the human knowledge seeks to make sense of everything but Godly knowledge acknowledges that through the Godly Wisdom we obtain the Godly Understanding as well as the Revelation from the Holy Spirit, and this is the basic Truth, we need the Holy Spirit to receive God’s Wisdom, to receive God’s Understanding, God’s Knowledge, God’s Wisdom and God’s Revelation.
One of the verses that I absolutely love to this day is,
Eph 1:13 ERV, “It is the same with you. You heard the true message, the Good News about the way God saves you. When you heard that Good News, you believed in Christ. And in Christ, God put His special mark on you by giving you the Holy Spirit that He promised.”
How beautiful is that? Now going back to Proverbs 3:20 there is one thing that amazed me whilst digging into this beautiful Word,
Proverbs 3:20 ESV, “by his knowledge the deeps broke open, and the clouds drop down the dew.”
^ “and the clouds drop down the dew.” - I love this because I went through the Strong dictionary and found out that dew (H2919 - Tal) actually means; A city that is covered over and made into a mound. as well as, Spot: To be covered with spots. as well as, dew, night mist.
You’re wondering why is this relevant to asking God for His Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, and Revelation?
I love this because in Malachi 3:10 GW it says, “Bring one-tenth of your income into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house. Test me in this way,” says the LORD of Armies. “See if I won’t open the windows of heaven for you and flood you with blessings.”
^ “See if I won’t open the windows of heaven for you and flood you with blessings.”
The beginning of chapter 3 of Proverbs is called “Blessed is the One Who Finds Wisdom”, being obedient towards the Lord and having fear of the Lord for He is great and Holy, no one can match up to who He is! The dew is the blessings, the favor, the prosperity in Christ, it’s the layer that covers a whole land and if you wish to obtain the Knowledge and Wisdom and Understanding as well as the Revelation in order to receive the dew? You start by receiving God’s Wisdom and fully accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
But how do you start to receive God’s Wisdom?
Same Verse, Different Translations:
Proverbs 9:10-12 KJV, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. — For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased. — If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.”
Proverbs 9:10-12 ERV, “Wisdom begins with fear and respect for the LORD. Knowledge of the Holy One leads to understanding. — Wisdom will help you live longer; she will add years to your life. —  If you become wise, it will be for your own good. If you are rude and show no respect, you are the one who will suffer.”
Proverbs 9:10-12 NLT, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
    Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. — Wisdom will multiply your days
    and add years to your life. — If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit.
    If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.”
It all starts by hearing the Truth and receiving Him into your hearts ❤️
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He redeemed us and reconciled us with Jehovah, God our Father, whom placed His Holy Spirit within us who is God in Spirit ❤️
I loved all of the Proverbs that mentions Wisdom being your foundation to the beginning of the Fear of the Lord, but this one just always took a special place in my heart for a specific reason,
Proverbs 1:20-26 ERV,
“20 - Listen! Wisdom is shouting in the streets. She is crying out in the marketplace.”
“21  - She is calling out where the noisy crowd gathers:
“22  - “Fools, how long will you love being ignorant? How long will you make fun of wisdom? How long will you hate knowledge?
“23 -  I wanted to tell you everything I knew and give you all my knowledge, but you didn't listen to my advice and teaching.
“24  - “I tried to help, but you refused to listen. I offered my hand, but you turned away from me.
“25 -  You ignored my advice and refused to be corrected.
“26  - So I will laugh at your troubles and make fun of you when what you fear happens.”
You need the Fear of the Lord in order to receive the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Revelation but in order to have Fear of the Lord, you need to be submitted to Him. This is why we know not to lean on our own understanding, because when we acknowledge the Lord before everything, He reveals to us every mystery that He knows to those who have matured in His Holy Presence. God is inviting you to sit down, lay down, prostate before Him and just speak to Him, everything that is in your heart, every curious thing you have, He is waiting to reveal to you His mysteries because He loves you and wants that relationship with you. It’s important to be in a church where they proclaim liberation, the coming of the Lord, the love between one another and actually working to bring unity between the congregation. If the head of the church spews out division you know the sheep by the head and if the head of church speaks unity and love of Christ you know the sheep by the head; the head of my Church is Jesus Christ, let Him be your Church (spiritually) and congregate to one (physically) who helps you grow properly!
if you don’t understand what by spiritually means, there’s a topic called the Church Jesus talked about, just a little digging in the blog and you’ll find it, blessings ❤️
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  Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 2 * PART 4 * BOOK 72 THE BIG PICTURE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE (CONTINUED ...) - 4 I Cor. 9:17; Eph. 1:10; Eph. 3:2; Col. 1:25 Okay, program number four and again we just want to invite our television audience to study with us.  We trust you take your own Bible and make notes and go back and restudy even after the program is over, because the name of the game is to get a handle on what the Word of God says.  Because it’s not all that hard once you learn to differentiate some of these things that we’re trying to show this afternoon. All right, we’re still going to continue on in the dispensation of the Grace of God, which, of course, was given to the Apostle Paul and no one else.  The Twelve didn’t have one iota of any of the doctrines that are pertinent for us. So we’ll continue on that line.  We’re going to jump in at Romans chapter 3 only for the sake of showing how Paul covers all the bases for our dispensation of Grace by bringing us out of the mentality of the Law.  And it is so appropriate for today, because, again, most of Christendom thinks that if I do the best I can, if I keep the commandments, surely God will accept me.  That’s not it at all.  It’s as far from the truth as you can get. If you know anything about the Book of Romans, you know that the first two and a half to three chapters are God building His case against the whole human race.  First He shows how guilty the immoral section of society is.  Then He looks at the moral individual who seemingly lives an upright life but his conscience and his mind and all of his thinking are just as evil as the overt.  And then you come to the third part, which of course dealt primarily with the Nation of Israel who was religious.  With all their religion they thought that they were pleasing God.  But they were just as guilty. So the Apostle comes to God’s conclusion, not his, where in chapter 3 verse 9, he says: Romans 3:9-10 “What then? are we (Jews, because of their religion) better than they? (Those pagan Gentiles) No, in no wise: for we have before proved (Now watch this.) both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all (What?)under sin. (under the fall of Adam) 10. As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” All right, now it’s interesting that here again Paul makes it so explicit.  Where did the sin problem originate?  “By one man” he says in Romans 5.  We won’t find that in any other portion of Scripture.  Now, Ezekiel says, “the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful, who can know it?”  But it doesn’t come right out and explicitly tell us that the whole sin problem originated with Adam.  But Paul does.  And that’s where he becomes the Apostle that reveals so many things that were more or less in limbo even in this Jewish economy.   All right, now I’m going to jump all the way up to verse 19. Romans 3:19a “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, (I think the word law here is just confined to the Ten Commandments—the moral law.  He’s not talking about the civil and the sacrifices and all that, but the moral law, the Ten Commandments.) Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law:…” Well, only Israel was under the Law.  Only Israel was given the directions for that dispensation.  The Gentile world, as we saw earlier this afternoon, had no way of knowing anything about the things of Israel’s God.  But, the moral law is going to go to the whole human race.  It’s God’s law for the planet earth.   That is in the last half of the verse. Romans 3:19b “…that every mouth (not just Jews) may be stopped, (with no argument) and all the world (not just Israel) may become guilty before God.”  Now that’s the exact opposite of what most of Christendom is preaching and teaching, isn’t it?  There isn’t one iota of thought here that associates salvation with keeping the Law.   It’s the opposite.  And what is it?  It condemns. The Law doesn’t help people get to heaven.  It condemns them and people don’t like that.
  I shared it with you last taping.  I had a young man call, and he was upset because of what I’d said about the Law.  And I said, “I didn’t say it, the Book did.”  He said, “I don’t care.  I still don’t like it, because that’s how I’m going to get heaven.”  Sorry, it won’t fly.  The Law was only given to condemn, not to help anybody.  All right, now verse 20 is just frosting on the cake. Romans 3:20 “Therefore by the deeds (the keeping) of the Law there shall no flesh (Not one human being is going to gain God’s heaven by keeping the Law.) be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge (or the understanding) of sin.” Oh, people have been sold a bill of goods, haven’t they?    And who’s behind it?  Satan.  And then they tell us that 66% of our political leaders do not believe in a literal, physical, veritable Satan?  I just read that yesterday.  Frightening and yet it’s maddening.  How in the world can people in so called Christian America, (but we aren’t Christian anymore, I guess) maintain there’s no such thing as a satanic power?  I asked my Wisconsin Seminar a question – Why is America in the spiritual dilemma that we’re in?  One word?  What’s our problem?  Unbelief!  They no longer believe a word of this Book.  And we’re going down, down, down, down.  And that’s the number one problem.  They can’t even believe that there is a satanic power evident in the universe, or especially on planet earth. All right, so here we have that the Law is only given for one purpose and that was to show Israel their sin, but not just Israel, the whole human race is brought about guilty because they’re breaking God’s Law.  All right, verse 21, here was one I think we used in our But God and But Now series. Romans 3:21 “But now (What does he mean by that?  On this side of the cross.  Not on the front side in Christ’s earthly ministry, but on this side of the cross.) the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;” Of course, that’s all background. I use this illustration over and over: there’s no use going into higher mathematics if you can’t add two and two and get four.  You have to have the basics before you can understand the deep things.  Well, it’s the same way here.  The Old Testament was all just a background for our understanding now of these New Testament truths. Romans 3:22a “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ…”  And like I said in an earlier program today, what Jesus Christ does Paul know?  The crucified, buried, and risen Christ.  Whenever he terms Jesus Christ, that’s what he’s talking about—the crucified, buried, and risen Christ.  All right, so it’s by our faith in that Jesus Christ and the finished work of the cross that saves you. Romans 3:22 “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that (What?) believe: (But see, most of Christendom complicates it, and they start adding.  But you don’t dare do that.  It’s by faith alone in that finished work of the cross.  And then he says:) for there is  no difference:”  In other words, a Jew has to be saved the same way that we do. Somebody just told me at break time that one of their friends heard that I said a Jew couldn’t be saved.  Yes, they can.  But now they must come the same way we in the Body of Christ must come.    But it’s not likely they will, because they are so blinded.  I was just reading an article last night in a Jewish magazine where the Rabbi was explicitly warning his Jewish readers to have nothing to do with this Jesus of Nazareth.  Well, what else can you expect?  Here we have it that there is no difference as far as the means of salvation between Jew and Gentile.  But the Jew is going to be hard pressed to come to a faith in this which they, for the most part, have been rejecting.  All right, then verse 23, here’s the verse that begins with every salvation experience.  We have to know that we’re lost before we can be saved.  And here it is.
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Nobody can keep the Ten Commandments good enough to get to Heaven.  It’s impossible.  Only Christ Himself was able to do that.  But here’s where the goodness of God comes in.  Here’s the Grace of God. Romans 3:24a “Being justified freely by his grace…” Without a cost—you don’t have to raise a million dollars.  I’m repeating it for the third time this afternoon.  You don’t have to swim a raging river.  You don’t have to climb a sheer cliff to find salvation.  It’s right in front of us, and all we have to do is believe it.  Oh, it’s so simple. And yet, I think the reason most people reject it is they’re afraid they’re going to have to give up things.  It’s going to change their lifestyle where life will be misery.  But that’s not the way it is at all.  And you and I know it.  When people come out of that background and come into the joy of salvation – have you ever heard of a true believer that wanted to go back into his old lifestyle?  I never have.  So what are they worried about?  What are they afraid of?  It’s just as if, oh, I can’t do that, because then I can’t enjoy the things I’m enjoying.  Listen, they don’t know the half of it.  The things they think they enjoy are really a millstone around their neck. Romans 3:24-25a “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: (Not because we’ve worked for it or deserved it, but it comes through the redemption or the process of buying us out of the slave-market of sin, and how did God do it?  Through the shed blood of the cross—the Christ in verse 24) 25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,…” In other words, the moment we trust that work of the cross, including His shed blood, then Christ becomes everything that was pictured in that tabernacle in the wilderness. Now, that may be a difficult way to explain it, because a lot of people don’t know what’s involved in the tabernacle.  But we’ll be coming to it in the daily program err long as they’re coming up through Genesis and we hit Exodus. We’ll be teaching the tabernacle.  Every facet of that tabernacle, everything: the materials, the silver, the gold, the brass, the cloth, the linen, they were all pictures of one aspect of Christ’s life or another. All right, the sacrificial animals – what where they?  A picture of His sacrifice.  Everything pertaining to that little tabernacle out in the wilderness was a composite picture of Jesus Christ in our relationship.  He was everything that we need to gain favor with God.  That’s what propitiation means.  He not only was the sacrifice, He was the place of sacrifice.  He was not only the laver of cleaning, He was the cleansing.  He not only was the table of showbread, He is the table of showbread.  And all the way through that tabernacle, that’s our understanding of what Christ is to us.   All right, now verse 26: Romans 3:26 “To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: (Not ours. We aren’t what we are because we’ve done so much.  We are what we are because of what He has done on our behalf.  All right, so we declare His righteous.) that he (speaking of God in verse 25.  God will be absolutely--) might be just, (or fair) and be the justifier of him who believeth in Jesus.”  Now, isn’t that plain?  In other words, the moment we believe, what does God declare us?  Justified—no longer are we guilty.  We have been set free.  We have been justified of all things.  Then verse 27: Romans 3:27-29 “Where is boasting then?  It is excluded.  (We have no room to boast.  We haven’t done anything except believe it.) By what law? (…is it excluded?)  of works?  No: but by the law of faith. 28. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (All right, now to show that there is no difference between Jew and Gentile in this Age of Grace, look at the next verse.) 29. Is he the God of the Jews only?  is he not also of the Gentiles?  (Well, he answers his own question.
) Yes, of the Gentiles also:” It’s the one and the same God.  But now, of course, there is that different economy by which we come into a relationship with God.  It’s not by the Old Testament economy of works and law and temple worship and sacrifices, now it’s by faith and faith alone in that finished work of the cross. All right, now in the few moments that we have left, let’s go across, still in Romans, to chapter 7.  I’m just hitting some of the highlights now of Paul’s teachings concerning the directions for our living, directions for our belief system during this Dispensation of Grace.  And all these instructions are completely different from what God was instructing the Nation of Israel under the Law. Romans 7:4 “Wherefore, my brethren, ye also (as a believer now) are become dead to the law (Now people don’t like that.  What’d he mean dead to the Law?  The Law has nothing to do with me anymore.  Christ has satisfied all the demands of that Law.) by the body of Christ; (That work of the cross when He suffered and died.  All right, then what’s supposed to be the result?  When we become a believer--) that ye should be married (brought into a union) to another, (Who?) even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.” In other words, our relationship with Christ as an ordinary, everyday citizen of whatever part of the world we may live.  Our primary purpose is to be an influence on lost people to bring them to a knowledge of salvation. I think I shared it with you when we first came back from our Aegean Cruise. We were in the footsteps of Paul, and we were at one of the places in Western Turkey.  I think we were probably at the amphitheater of Ephesus. We had a little, young Muslim guide, about 27 or 28 years old.  She spoke perfect English.  She was educated.  I had an opportunity for about five minutes while everybody was looking at the ruins and everything to have a one-on-one conversation with her.  Come to find out, she was raised Muslim, but she wasn’t practicing it.  She was what she called a secular Muslim.  She had no interest in the religion or something like that. I started showing her the plan of salvation and the hope of Glory, and tears started coming down her cheeks.  She said, “Why are you so interested in me?”  And I said, “Because God loves you. God doesn’t want you to go to an eternal doom.  God wants you in His Heaven.  God wants you there.  I want you there.  That’s the only thing.”  And she couldn’t comprehend that.  Why should you care about me?  And then I told her, “Well, you see, that’s the difference between us and the Muslim religion. We aren’t going to conquer Muslims with the sword and with the guns and the warfare.  We want to conquer them with the love of Christ.  And that’s the difference.” This is the whole idea that we as believers are to live our life in such a way that we have an influence on the lost world around us.  Now, I’m not one that promotes grabbing people and preaching at them and trying to force it down their throat.  Hey, that’s not the way God wants us to do it.  God wants us to be an influence.  He wants us to be ambassadors as He says in II Corinthians chapter 5.   Okay, now come back to Romans 7 if you will, verse 5. Romans 7:5a “For when we (as believers now) were in the flesh,...” We were just like the unsaved world around us.  It doesn’t make any difference.  Maybe we didn’t go out and get drunk and get high and all these other things that a lot of the world does.  But there are a lot of good people out in the world, too.  You’ve got to recognize it.  There are a lot of good people, but they’re still lost.  So, when we were in that state, we may have been living a good life, but we were lost until we recognized that the Law condemned us.  We were just as guilty as if we’d been doing it. Romans 7:5a “For when we were in the flesh, (We were still out there as lost sinners.) the motions (or the acts) of sins, which were by the law,…” What does
that mean?  Well, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, don’t kill, don’t covet, and don’t gossip.  Those were all things that the Law condemns every human being.  And we were just as guilty as anybody else.  All right, so when those things were part of our lifestyle. Romans 7:5b “…the law, did work in our members (That is our body of flesh, that if we were to go on to the end of our life as lawbreakers, where do we spend eternity?  Lost) to bring forth fruit unto death.”  Spiritual death.  That’s what it says.  Verse 5 again, “These things work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.”  Spiritual death.  Eternal separation from God.  That’s where the lost person is headed, whether he’s good or bad makes no difference.  All right, now verse 6, here’s the other side of the coin. Romans 7:6 “But now (As believers, because that’s who he’s writing to.) we (as believers) are delivered from the law, (In other words, the Law has no more power over us to convict us of any of it.  We’re delivered from it.) that being dead wherein we were held; (In other words, the Law had its heavy hand of condemnation on us every moment of our life until now.) that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.” Now what’s the comparison?  Now, as a believer, we’re not under the heavy demand of the Law.  We are now under the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit shows us what’s wrong.  The Holy Spirit shows us what we should do and shouldn’t do.  And that makes all the difference in the world.  We’re not under “the oldness of the letter,” which is Paul’s term for the moral law.  We just have nothing to do with that whatsoever. All right, now I’m going to come on over to one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible—Romans chapter 8.  Let’s start at verse 1, and this is all part of this dispensation of the Grace of God.  You won’t see something like this back in the Old Testament, beloved.  You won’t see something like this under Christ’s earthly ministry.  But here on this side of the cross, yes, this is evident.  Verse 1: Romans 8:1a “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus,…”  Now don’t forget, how do we get in Christ Jesus?  By the baptism of the Holy Spirit that places us by an invisible, unfeeling act of God to become a member of the Body of Christ. All right, now as a member of the Body of Christ, I don’t care what any other preacher says, I don’t care how famous he is; once you’re in the Body of Christ, nothing can take you out.  Nothing!   And, oh, they like to scare people – be careful.  Iris and I have always said, “The people that preach that are seemingly the most careless in their Christian life.”  Why, if I had that preached at me, I’d be scared to take a deep breath, wouldn’t you?  For fear I’d be losing something.  But listen, it’s not going to happen.  There it is, the promise – “there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.” But you’ve got to remember, a lot of professing people are not in Christ.  With this, I think I can turn over to—I didn’t intend to do this. You’re getting this free for nothing.  I’ve got two minutes left.  Go to II Corinthians chapter 5.  I know I’ve used it on the program before, but it’s been a long time ago. Now remember where I came from – Romans 8:1--“There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.”  Now look at II Corinthians 5:17. II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be (Where?) in Christ, (You see that?  The same in Christ that Romans is talking about.) he is a new creature: (He has been created new.) old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Now, whenever I use this verse I think of an anecdote I used years ago where a pastor of a large church in Chicago was preaching on this verse one Sunday morning. He had a large congregation.  He read the verse, and then he asked his congregation, “How many of you here this morning claim to be a Christian?”  Every last one stood up.
  No exceptions.  He said, “Okay, be seated.  Now, I’m going to ask you another question. How many of you this morning know that you are in Christ?”  How many stood up?  Just a sprinkling.  What was the point?  Oh, our churches are full of people who are Christian in name only, but they’re not in Christ.  And see, that’s what makes the difference.  Only those who are in Christ are going to be in eternity with Him! The rest are going to miss it.  And you see, when these churches are constantly putting out a social gospel, a feel good, entertaining type gospel, they’re not bringing people to that position in Christ.  And they’re going to be held responsible.  I’d hate to be in their shoes.   Listen, if it was so complicated, I’d feel guilty talking about it.  But it isn’t.  It’s so simple!  All you have to do is believe it.
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focr · 1 year
This is actually the first mention in the book of Isaiah that describes the one who Isaiah calls ‘the Servant’. It starts in verse one with God’s command to this failing world. God’s command overriding theme and purpose of the entire Bible is really summed up in this verse here. “Behold My Servant whom I uphold.”
The Servant is the promised Messiah—the only one that can bring peace to the heart of man and peace to this world. So it starts off “Behold My Servant” What do you think “Behold” means? Behold means to look intently, to fix your gaze. It also means to consider and to perceive. And the whole Christian life is really based around this “Beholding.” The Christian life begins with this looking at Jesus. It’s what John the Baptist said when he first saw Jesus - “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”
• Verses 1-17 in this chapter are the first of Isaiah’s “Servant Songs” referring to the Messiah. Israel is called the servant of the Lord (41:8; 42:19; 43:10; 44:1-2, 21; 45:4; 48:20). And the Messiah, on whom God has placed His Spirit (42:1; cf. 11:2), is also called the Servant (cf. 49:3, 5-7; 50:10; 52:13; 53:11).
Which servant Isaiah was referring to in each passage must be determined by the context and the characteristics assigned to the servant. Israel as God’s servant was supposed to help bring the world to a knowledge of God, but she failed. So the Messiah, the Lord’s Servant, who epitomizes the nation of Israel, will fulfill God’s will.
The Servant and His work (42:1-17)
42:1-4. Some Bible students say My Servant here refers to Israel, which is clearly the case in verse 19. True, Israel was upheld and chosen by the Lord, and was His delight. However, the statements in verses 1b-4 suggest that here the Servant is the Messiah. This One has the Spirit of God on Him (cf. 11:2), and He will bring justice to the nations (cf. 9:7; 11:3-4; 16:5). He will be gentle (42:2-3a)—most people would break a weak, useless reed, but He will not do so—and He will be faithful (v. 3b) and not ... discouraged (v. 4). He gave the Law in which the islands (i.e., people in remote parts; cf. 41:1) will ... hope. Matthew 12:18-21 quotes Isaiah 42:1-4 with some minor variations, relating it to Jesus and His ministry in Israel. As God’s Servant, Jesus did what Israel could never do. He perfectly carried out the will of the Father so that people everywhere may believe in the Holy One of Israel
42:5-7. The LORD promised to assist the Servant in His mission, which God can do because He is the Creator (cf. 40:12-14, 26). He created the immense heavens and the earth (cf. 44:24; 45:12, 18; 48:13; 51:13, 16) and life in it, including man, giving him breath. Speaking to His Servant (42:6-7) God assured Him that He had been called to perform the will of God. To be called ... in righteousness (as Cyrus also would be, 41:2), meant to be responsible to do God’s righteous will. Of course the Messiah, unlike Cyrus, lived a righteous life (for He is God). Because the LORD would take hold of the Servant’s hand the Messiah would have the power to carry out God’s will. - Also the Servant was assured that He would be a covenant for the people (cf. 49:8). He would fulfill God’s covenant promises to Israel, and would also be a light (cf. 42:16; Luke 1:79) for the Gentiles (cf. Isa. 49:6). Spiritually unredeemed Israel and the Gentiles are blind, and they are captives ... in darkness. Though Cyrus would be the servant to release Jewish captives from exile, the Messiah gives spiritual release (cf. 61:1; John 8:32; Col. 1:13), sight (cf. John 9:39-41), and light (cf. John 8:12) to those who trust Him. (On eyes being opened; cf. Isa. 32:3; 35:5.) This spiritual salvation to both Jews and Gentiles will eventuate in the glorious messianic kingdom.
42:8-9. The LORD, Israel’s covenant-keeping God, had given the prophecy recorded in verses 6-7 and He will not let idols take credit for it (cf. comments on 41:21-24). In view of all that God had already done for Israel (the former things) these new things (cf. 48:6) of which He had been speaking would certainly happen. No other god can foretell such things. If, as some scholars argue, someone other than Isaiah wrote chapters 40-66 after the Jewish captives were released by Cyrus, then Isaiah’s point in 42:9 and elsewhere is destroyed. Isaiah was affirming that God, unlike idols, can tell the future. And this divine ability adds to His glory (v. 8).
42:10-17. People everywhere (in the ends of earth; cf. 41:5 and see comments on 5:26) should sing this song of praise to the LORD. These should include (a) people who make their living by sea commerce, (b) those who live in the islands (cf. 41:1, 5), and (c) those in the desert regions and towns. Kedar (cf. 21:16-17) is an area in Northern Arabia, and Sela was a city in Edom. People everywhere should sing and shout. ... to the LORD because of His victory over His enemies at the Messiah’s second coming. - God, seemingly silent for a long time, will act in judgment though, humanly speaking, it will be painful for Him (42:14). He will dry up the places where people do not revere Him (v. 15). But He will guide those who trust in Him, giving them light (cf. v. 7) and smoothing their paths (v. 16). However, pagans who trust in idols will be ashamed (v. 17; cf. 44:9, 11; 45:16).
~ John A. Martin
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weekendance · 1 year
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 17 GENNAIO 2023 ►► MONTHLY MIXTAPE 1) THE BEATLES > Polythene Pam 2) DON MURO > Want You to Know 3) HUDSON MOHAWKE > Dance Forever 4) FILIPPO TRECCA > Col fiato in gola 5) TEN FÉ > Twist Your Arm (Roman Flügel mix) 6) SLAM vs. U.N.K.L.E. > Narco Tourists (SSR69 edit) 7) JON GIBSON > Song II 8) SLUTA LETA > Whispers Special (intro) 9) MADLIB > Raw Introduction to Afreaka 10) CHUCK ARMSTRONG > Sweet Foxy Lady 11) BRIAN ENO > No One Receiving 12) MINORU FUSHIMI > In Praise of Mithocondria 13) NONA HENDRYX > Scream (Michael the Lion edit) 14) THE KILLS > No Wow (Chicken Lips dub) 15) HEADMAN feat. STEPHEN DEWAELE > Roh 16) BANDULU > Chapter 6 (PS: se non visualizzate il widget, lo streaming della puntata è QUI)
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trustcash · 2 years
Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god
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#Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god trial
The Spirit in diversified governmental action as distinct, yet in conjunction with Jehovah and Jesus Christ, seems the thought intended in Revelation 1:4 while in Revelation 5:6 the perfection of power and fulness of spiritual intelligence, exercised governmentally by the Lamb, is the force of the expression there used. But in the apocalyptic phrase “seven Spirits” are taught the fulness, completeness, and diversified attributes and actions of the one Holy Spirit. In the epistles of Paul the unity of the Spirit, “ one Spirit,” is a cardinal truth. ” “The seven Spirits of God” is a perplexing expression to some. “ He that has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. The Reformation was a partial recovery in the west for the east there has been none it is apostate from God and the truth.ġ. The enforcement of the lofty and impious pretensions of the papacy in the seventh century was Satan’s scourge of the west, while the rapid development of Mohammedanism at the same period equally blighted the east. The Reformation was a turning point in the history of western Christianity. In the first three epistles are described consecutive states of the Church as a whole. The one overlaps the other, while both run on concurrently till the end, the Coming of the Lord. In Sardis Protestantism is before us in Thyatira the papacy. 2:26 20:4) I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.In this epistle to the angel we have the general state of the Church after the Reformation, as in the previous epistle we had a sketch in word and symbol of the Church before the Reformation. # Luke 12:36, 37 John 10:3 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, # (John 14:23) I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 20 Behold, # Song 5:2 I stand at the door and knock. 19 # Job 5:17 As many as I love, I rebuke and # Prov. 5:3 white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 13:44 to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich and # 2 Cor. 4:8 ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’-and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked- 18 I counsel you # Is. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 3:1 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. 1:15) the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 # Rev. 1:5 3:7 19:11 the Faithful and True Witness, # (Col. 2:17 22:4) And I will write on him My new name. 21:2 comes down out of heaven from My God. 14:1 22:4) I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the # (Heb. 2:9 a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall # Ps. 12 He who overcomes, I will make him # 1 Kin. 2:25 Hold fast what you have, that no one may take # (Rev.
#Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god trial
2:9 I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon # Luke 2:1 the whole world, to test those who dwell # Is. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, # 2 Tim. 45:14 49:23 60:14 I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 2:9 those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie-indeed # Is. 16:9 an open door, and no one can shut it for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 1:18) He who opens and no one shuts, and # Job 12:14 shuts and no one opens” : 8 # Rev. 23:5 “He who has the key of David, # (Matt. ‘These things says # Acts 3:14 He who is holy, # John 14:6 1 John 5:20 Rev. 10:32 Luke 12:8 I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. 19:8) shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not # Ex. 4 You have # Acts 1:15 a few names even in Sardis who have not # (Jude 23) defiled their garments and they shall walk with Me # Rev. 16:15) as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. 24:42, 43 Luke 12:39 Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you # 1 Thess. 6:20 Remember therefore how you have received and heard hold fast and # Rev. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. 1:4, 16 has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.
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