#Clonmacnoise Crozier
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Clonmacnoise Monastery – Cluain Mhic Nóis | 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…

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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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american states, swedish forenames and the entire article about clonmacnoise crozier on wikipedia
Ablegons Acatichard Ached Achery Adach Addinchav Adgbmk Adgel Agemmard Alicop Alings Alique Alogs Alopuri Aloria Amend Arces Arollexass Arán't Asked Autlectil Aximan Baccovatere Baclont Bansacht Bansite Bantylind Bater Bationjand Batiqued Beated Berstrive Bings Bisely Blegel Borad Bribely Buttonentst Byrain Cades Cally Camishepi Careporip Cepted Chaeommus Chars Chick Chigands Chitiqua Chusargel Clegia Closia Cluds Colisbn Collovired Commy Comodoma Concel Cones Connes Copar Corel Coriewme Cormanes Cormord's Corms Covery Crasconjul Craín Crivege Crivicums Cromia Croth Cuitly Cumpaorast Curejama Curicen Damal Dectie Deferd Deptinergy Destra Deution Dgearop Ditaided Divired Docal Doisbn Donna Dorigned Dracnorting Drofth Eadly Eaked Eards Eated Eationce Ebbors Edincy Elack Elarmay Elattruts Elings Ellog Elped Elthommord Eltorm Elturvert Ement Enryalle Entines Enturce Examed Exasting Facesurna Fectublaing Ferie Ferms Fertwarr Ficandi Figanumbes Fings Firch Fischaeory Fisstered Fistedire Flumpartwel Folleonst Folumed Foughly Fouild Founcht Founda Fragendah Freated Frecely Frope Frostact Froullarel Gemyle Glails Godintrualk Grape Grayway Hahna Halthels Hamet Hassara Herry Hersse Hicle Hicop Hie's Hital Hitect Hoded Holly Hoomplated Horks Housen Ichibbance Idublin Iment Inatin Inding Ineal Ineord Inewental Ingsired Ingtory Iningande Innestions Inninewess Insach Intentan Intion Intionavinu Intructuref Isetch Ister Itlesure Ivialou Johnsouts Jonts Jstalmajoi Jsteging Kipped Klarve Knoelaws Knorning Knowarels Knowarly Lacchaelic Laingto Larrubele Lastoot Latern Lavadiane Lectaime Lectubearm Lefts Lenjumble Letated Lialk Liamexcer Liamoah Liancenja Licadecia Liclonfous Lielicate Liery Ligns Lingripel Lingulater' Lique Liturick's Lityrappe Llisite Logra Lontach Lontly Lonts Looludited Lory's Loseary Lougo Loved Lovergin's Macces Magented Majked Makotem Maranny Materds Matiarined Matts Maxed Meadatiot Melaimete Meratheol Merre Mesed Mesplope Mesqued Metnew Mhort Mhounile Miclooly Mides Minglaroped Mininsaid Minotend Mireards Misto Mobtaffelly Mollecory Monter Monts Murvins Mylva Máirele Nalogra Natem Natria Navedivena Nestrulah Newentedits Nopen Notublaper Novereens Nowermida Oba's Objer Octive Olithepters Onasenty Onsetastod Opeary Oplactly Oratic Oration Orifite Ornalinen Orpitrot Othorwil Ounling Oxbought Oxboxbounli Paine Palinu Parchal Parear Passtsmurid Patain Piking Piktived Pinote Plarverivid Plations Pledding Pliange Plinced Plopus Polds' Poluding Posid Preall Prefludemb Prigregot Prinsic Proda Proloped Prommusted Proughtles Provehise Prows Raddidn's Ragerl Ragmens Readevey Realvike Reard Relykkence Rescationt Resury's Rhaeo Rhoadia Rigged Rodurved Romonsent Ronte Ronts Routely Rulastruds Rution Sacte Sagodual Sametafts Saxelow Schued Scolue Seaddisa Secentaide Sepopsall Shaftems Shilvard Shmure Shogs Shoubsen Shoughly Sighelair Siginame Simpaly Sinumea Sisir Sizon Sking Smatioriman Smise Socia Socks Soludsom Sompier Sounincemy Sounitings Sount Soureve Sourrut Soutegs Spiernoped Sping Spolleco Stalt Stimin Stiona Stiong Stria Svalicia Svarms Sverivaino Taing Tavand Thcate Thern Thoad Thumend Tiles Tionfoubse Toolly Torifs Trantes Tratorka Trerate Trigned Truarge Tubece Tudvinevity Turcon Tured Twarchess Twilda Twired Twort Underphed Undog Unime Unned Upped Uprel Upromoserf Uprop Userthor Valintholy Vander Venhasided Veraturna Vigneasials Vings Vireses Visamic Viship Warde Wariseury Werres Whork Widecks Wiken Wikin Wikipard Wilah Wineve Winks Winneseem Wisies Word's Wrastale Wribui Wrozies Wyourt Yeddi Yeding Yedisiterge Yorsion Zooking
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Viking Sword Hilt excavated from Lough Derg, Republic of Ireland dated to the Mid to Late 11th Century on display at the National Museum of Ireland-Archaeology in Dublin
The hilt of this sword betrays Anglo-Scandinavian influences in the pommel and guard however the interlacing patterns an decoration are purely Irish in origin. This decoration is paralleled on the ecclesiastical metal work, from the same period, on the Clonmacnoise crozier and the bell shrine from Glankeen in County Tipperary not far from where this sword was found.
Traces of the wool-lined wooden scabbard, that would have protected the blade when sheathed, have survived on the blade which suggests this sword belonged to someone of high status. The combination of Irish artwork on a Viking sword suggests it belonged to one of the Hiberno-Norse of early Medieval Ireland.
Photograph taken by myself 2017
#sword#viking#irish#ireland#medieval#archaeology#military history#art#11th century#republic of ireland#national museum of ireland#dublin#barbucomedie
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Clonmacnoise Monastery – Cluain Mhic Nóis | 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…

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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery – Cluain Mhic Nóis | 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
Clonmacnoise Monastery – Cluain Mhic Nóis | ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…

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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery | Cluain Mhic Nóis – 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
Clonmacnoise Monastery | Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…

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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery | Cluain Mhic Nóis – 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
Clonmacnoise Monastery | Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’

This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…
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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery || Cluain Mhic Nóis – 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós'
Clonmacnoise Monastery || Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…
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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery (Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’)
Clonmacnoise Monastery (Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’)
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…
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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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Clonmacnoise Monastery (Cluain Mhic Nóis – 'Meadow of the Sons of Nós')
Clonmacnoise Monastery (Cluain Mhic Nóis – ‘Meadow of the Sons of Nós’)
This monastery is situated on the banks of the Shannon, it was founded in 544 AD by St Ciarán on a fertile meadow, or cluain, surrounded by bog. It could be reached only by river or along esker ridge known as the pilgrim’s road. The monastery flourished for 600 years as a centre of learning and religious instruction. It also supplied much of Ireland’s finest Celtic art and illuminated manuscripts…
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#Clonmacnoise Crozier#Clonmacnoise monastery#Cluain Mhic Nóis#Dervorgilla#Diarmait Mac Murchada#Dublin#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish#Irish History#Lebor na hUidre#Meadow of the Sons of Nós#National Museum#Normans#Shannon River#St Ciarán#Strongbow#The Book of the Dun Cow#Tiernan O&039;Rourke#Vikings
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