hellcatsrtt · 18 days
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chapter warnings.
>> kinda small first chap
Moving to Shibuya from your country home at Hokkaido was something you had always dreamed of doing, ever since you were little.
However moving into a small studio apartment, slowly producing mould in the corners of the room, in some shady corner of the city, was indeed not something one had dreamed of. The cherry ontop was the rent being absurdly overpriced, for what you were given. In hopes that you would find a place worth paying for with a decent landlord, you were currently scrolling through apartment and room listings around the area. You're trust issues for listings majorly increased after stepping foot into the supposed, 'Cozy, fully-furnished, sterilised studio apartment in Shibuya' to be faced with a dingy, 25 sq/m room, above a convenience store, which was surprisingly accompanied with furniture. Although after further inspection, you noticed the coffee table labled as a dining table, had past cigarette burns and the complimentary chair beside it had one leg wrapped in duck tape, to try keep it from breaking.
After scrolling for about an hour or so, to no avail, you decided to take a break. To at least try and prevent the gloomy demeanour that was slowly taking over.
Just as you were about to order some fried chicken, you were cut short from a phone call. A new friend, recently made in the city.
"Hey what ya doing right now?"
"I was just looking at apartment listings, but got depressed so I'm ordering fried chicken now. Wanna come over?" She'd come over before a couple of times now, so the question wasn't unusual.
"It's alright..." The phone stayed quiet for a second, pondering of what next to say begore she spoke. "You know, some of my friends actually have a free room at their apartment. Place is pretty nice too, want to take a look, I can send you the link?" Her proposition made you wonder.
"Wouldn't hurt to look, right?" You laughed, clicking the message she sent you, laughter soon coming to a halt after seeing the listing.
The contents showed a room, showcasing a mesmerising skyline of Shibuya, in one of the penthouses located in the bustling city. The room had floor-to-ceiling windows, with a large what seemed to be king-sized bed pushed at the back wall, in the middle of two bedside tables. The floor wooden, with a cream coloured rug, mindfully placed under the bed, so that it would comfort the feet of whoever came off the bed.
"Thanks for thinking I can afford a place like this." You snickered, about to swipe off the link.
"Did you even check the listing price" She replied, sounding playful as if she hadn't just sent you a listing for a room probably worth 1 million yen.
"I know enough to know I wouldn't be able to."
"Just check the price would you."
With no other expectations, you scrolled down to see the price, "What the fuck."
"Aren't I the best?" You could practically hear her grinning through the phone at your reaction.
"This is the same price I pay for my shitty apartment! Did they forgot a zero or something?" To your surprise, the room was listed for 300,000 yen. Still quiet pricey for you, but considering you would be paying for something worth it, you didn't seem to mind.
"So...You gonna apply?"
A short moment of silence captured you, thinking about what to do for a few seconds before replying again, "Even if I do apply, It's not like I'd get accepted. Have you seen the price? The landlord probably already has multiple people requesting for the room."
"Oh they will, trust me." You laugh internally at her confident response, "Speaking of which, I'm heading to theirs right now with 'hime. You wanna come?"
"I'm good, I'd rather not embarrass myself if they reject me Shoko." You reply, thinking if you should send in an application.
"Suit yourself, talk later."
The low grumble of your stomach reminded you of that fried chicken you were about to order, so as you successfully placed your order without any interruptions, you started to collect all your documents and files.
The mere thought of this happening would've sent you into a laughing fit if told only a couple of weeks ago. But now, seeing the opportunity, whether it be false hope or not, right in front of you.
It was impossible to let down.
The loud banging on the door, along with the leftover chicken on the tables aroma woke you up. The dream you were having of sunbathing at the beach, ending rather abruptly.
Involuntarily, you groaned, sliding on the bear slippers beneath your feet, as you walked towards the, still, banging door.
"We were knocking for like 5 minutes straight! I was about to kick the door down, thought you died or somethin'." Upon opening the door, Shoko and Utahime stood infront, proceeding to walk in, ignoring your irritated appearance. It was clear that you had just woken up, but they did not seem to care.
"It's my day off, if you guys were coming you should've told me beforehand." You slumped down on the bed, yawning, grabbing a piece of chicken from the box in front.
Utahime looked at you distastefully, snatching the chicken before it could enter your mouth, "Well, we came to give you the news that...” You stared at her unimpressed, glancing at Shoko to see her smiling, lovingly at her. “YOU'RE MOVING OUT!" She stood up with her hands in the air, a big grin plastered on her face.
"Ha, ha." turning to Shoko, you were met with the same expression. A big grin, with her cigarette hanging by her lip.
"Since we're the bestest of friends ever, we convinced our friends to accept you as the person destined for the room!" Utahime sat down on the bed beside you, leaving you in the middle of the two.
"That's right." Shoko added on.
The sudden rush of realisation came to you, dissipating your tiresome feeling completely.
"WHAT!" You stood up, almost flipping the coffee table dining table along with you.
Both women still had that smile, beaming across their faces.
"Wait are you guys being serious? Please don't say that this is a prank, are you being serious, really?" You spoke, conflicted if they were lying or not. Intently looking at their eyes to see if there was even an ounce of fraud coming out.
"Serious, serious," Utahime crossed her arms over her chest. "It's the whole reason we even came here, we're here to help you pack so you can hurry up and leave this...place."
Her honest response made you laugh, "Glad to know you like coming around ‘hime." You looked around the room, although there wasn't much, you would definitely need a few boxes to carry all your belongings.
"We brought some boxes, they're outside, in the hallway." Shoko announced, resolving the problem before you could even bring it up.
"Yes! Now let's get started...Also can I help you decorate your room there, the room is great..." As bad as it sounds, you started to mute out on Utahime's ramble. Rather, you mused, how quickly the coin flipped for you from bronze to gold after one conversation. You were grateful for the two friends you made, even though it was only the first month of knowing them, you felt that this friendship would really stick.
Also, considering the fact that the other two were dating really sold the deal to you.
“…In the bathroom, are you listening to me?” You blinked, flashing a scarce smile before shaking your head. Utahime shook her head, “You’re lucky I like you.”
“I told them we’d get there for 5, it’s 3 right now so we’d better hurry up.” Shoko turned to you. “You know, to not leave a bad impression.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh I will leave an amazing impression on them, speaking of which, are they nice?” It was a question you probably should’ve asked before but the thought of it just never came up.
“You’ll see, they’re all really…okay.” Her response made you pause.
“Shoko…” You turned to her, fully facing her as you observed her movements. “What do you mean by that.”
“She means they’re all bitches.” Utahime bluntly answers for Shoko, her face holding a displeased expression. “God I actually kinda feel bad you’ll have to live with them…”
Multiple different scenarios began playing in your mind. Were they dirty and unorganised? Were they a neat freak? Were they a party animal? Were they secretly a serial killer luring people in with their ridiculously low rent prices so they could find their prey? There were so many questionable theories being brought out, you were starting to maybe, regret the decision you made on the spur of the moment.
“‘Hime’s being dramatic, they’re actually not that bad. Just need to get used to them.” Shoko placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, trying to erase whatever thoughts had come. “We both brought our cars down, so taking two trips won’t be needed.”
You smiled at both of them, “Thank you guys, this means a lot to me. Seriously.”
“Save the thanks for later. Lets drink tonight as a little celebration treat.” Utahime smirked, excited at the thought of getting black out drunk with you again. The last time the three of you went drinking, it ended up in a small competition of ‘who could bag the most free drinks’. You ended up winning, with 23 free drinks. Also winning a pounding hangover the morning after, laying still in the outfit you had been in on their couch.
“As long as we're only drinking at the apartment." You winced, remembering that night. "...Not trying to do another competition again.”
Shoko snickered, “We will be staying at the apartment, no need to worry."
"Oh, we could ask the my new roomie if they wanna join too.” You suggested.
"Roomie?" Utahime looked at you, confused.
"Yeh my new roomie...?" You responded, just as confused to her reaction.
"Roomies." Utahime replied, emphasising on the ending to make sure you heard the plural, 'ies'. "Did Ieiri not tell you?"
"No she did not." Although it should, the thought of more than one roommate didn't seem to bother you. "Well, the more the merrier, right?"
Shoko grinned and repeated, "The more the merrier."
Packing went swiftly. Filling up 4 moving boxes with all your belongings surprisingly only took 2 hours, plus loading in the car. Despite the fact the apartment you had been staying at for the past 6 months wasn't sunshine and rainbows, there still was a sentimental attachment you had for it. This was your first 'big girl purchase', of course it slightly hurt leaving it all behind. However, you tried looking on the bright side. This next step would be even more 'big girl' for you. That being said, you left the keys on the dining table closing the door shut behind you.
"You ready to see your new apartment?" Shoko threw her arm around your shoulder, walking to the car.
Rather than responding confidently like you wanted to, you smiled. Unsure of your impulsive decision. Unsure if you were ready.
Utahime honked from her car before driving off, "See you there!"
"She's so cute..." You heard Shoko mumble, staring from the driver's side window.
"Just drive."
The car ride there only took give or take 20 minutes, the cities people becoming vivacious the more you drove in. Buildings grew taller and before you knew it, Shoko was entering the apartment parking lot. It seemed as though she was a frequent visitor because after the parking attendant took one look at her, he opened the large black gates which led further down the building.
"So, how are you feeling. We're in your apartment building now." Shoko smirked, parking the car nearby the elevator. Most likely to reduce the amount of heavy duty work you three would have to do.
"I still don't think this is real." You laughed, exiting the car, walking towards the boot, prepared to grab the boxes.
"This is very much real my friend." Shoko followed, but instead of opening the back to grab the boxes, she leaned against the car. "Don't worry, I'll get someone to bring them up for us."
Now you understood that living in a luxury apartment complex would have benefits, however this was not one of the things you expected. The three of you had to haul the large boxes down from your apartment on the 5th floor with no help but a pathetic look from the receptionist of the building so you were quite relieved you wouldn't have to repeat that again.
"Iori should already be here, I checked her location..." Shoko tapped on her phone puzzled to where she would be. "Hey babe, where are you?"
You looked around the lot as she spoke on the phone, taking in the cars that were parked there. Out of the 5 cars you saw, one caught your eyes for sure. A carmine wrapped, Mustang gt500 immediately captured your attention. No, not because it was a Mustang gt500, there was a blacked out chevrolet corvette beside it which would've peaked your interest more. It was rather the fact that on that Mustang, the words 'cheater, cunt, bitch' and other vulgar language was spray-painted onto it.
Bad day for them.
You were cut short from your trance at Shoko calling your name, "She's already up there, let's go."
The elevator itself was jaw-dropping, there was a large window so you could see the views of everything. The other apartment buildings, Yoyogi park, and if you looked close, the Shibuya scramble crossing with the luminous screens.
"This is so..."
"Beautiful? Just wait till you see your room." Shoko finished, the door dinging as you turned around to her.
"Don't get my hopes high now." You smirked, playfully. The doors slid open, welcoming you to the entry gallery. The floors were hardwood, with a versailles parquet pattern, straight across was what seemed to be the observatory. Those same ceiling to floor windows of your room, showcased a hypnotic view of the cities skyline.
"We're over here!" You heard a voice shout out, from the depths of the penthouse.
Shoko led you to the voice, into a room which you would find out to be the grand salon. The room was smartly furnished, fit to the minimalist trend you saw around the home. Chiffon coloured, L-shaped couches alongside a stone coffee table were placed on the side Utahime was sitting at. Next to Utahime was someone you didn't recognise. Not that you would recognise anyone but the two here.
"Hello," The blonde man stood up, revealing his muscular frame, reaching out a hand to greet you. "You must be my new roommate?"
You took his hand, much larger than yours and introduced yourself with your name. "'Hime said I'd have more than one roommate, is it just you here or...?"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Nanami Kento." He replied, he wore glasses that sat on his large nose, they had a tint of swampy green to them. "The other four aren't here yet, though they should be coming home soon." He turned his wrist, facing his watch to check the time.
"Four!" You half-yelled, unintentionally, surprised at the amount of roommates you would have.
"Did they not tell you?" He turned to the two love birds who nervously looked in opposite directions.
"It's not like we needed to point that out, Nanami." Shoko replied.
"I should've known 2 people wouldn't take up this whole place..." You muttered, looking around the immense amount of space.
You heard the elevator door ding, followed by the voices of what sounded like a group of men.
"That should be them." Nanami faced you, smiling as your new roommates entered.
Four men, equally as intimidating as each other, walked in wearing business attire. They all took their own seats on the multiple couches placed around the room. Each on of them seemed to take up the majority of the couch, manspreading their legs so that they sat comfortably.
Utahime spoke up, "Guys, you should say hello to your new roommate." She gestured over to you, pointing as if they didn't notice you, but no. They did notice you, sat pretty, next to their friend. She sighed again. "You all are so insufferable."
Before the remaining men could greet you, they all had one thing in mind. Including Nanami. They shared a quick look amongst themselves before looking back at you, sharing the same thought.
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hellcatsrtt · 18 days
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Being offered a room in Shibuya at a luxury penthouse after jokingly applying an application, was not something you had on your bingo card for the start of the year. But after finding out the expenses were the same as paying for a studio room in the same area, you took no chances and quickly accepted. Not knowing the dangers- no, the atrocities you would come to face.
>> jjk.men x afab!reader
>> genre. romance, modern au, undetermined love
>> warnings. ooc, smut, lowkey cliché, violence, drama, angst, some aspects of the series, succession.
>> notes¡! this is my first long-chap fic, so any advice is welcome and much appreciated. That being said, i hope you enjoy!!
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hellcatsrtt · 22 days
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
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hellcatsrtt · 24 days
Toji Fushiguro’s the type of guy to…
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…slowly take food off of your plate when you’re eating. You tell him to just order some more food, but he insists he’s ‘full’. Sometimes, he ends up eating the rest of your food when you’re full. Continuing to eat, ignoring you teasing him for being ‘full’
…at first, find it difficult to express his feelings to you without it coming across as negative. This did cause a few bumps to the beginning of your relationship, but after much needed communication from both of your behalfs, Toji finally understood how to share his feelings. From physical signs of love, such as buying you your favourite flowers every sunday, to gradually, professing caring words of affirmation to you.
…fill his camera roll full of moments of you. Some are of you sleeping, him filming you as you drool, silently snickering to himself. Others are of him taking pictures of you, as you took pictures of things. He loves taking candid photos of you. Claims it ‘shows you in your essence’. He cherishes them so much, he sorts them into allocated albums: Christmas, birthdays, summertime- oh and one of his favourites, NUD3. Exactly named like that, hidden with a passcode only the two of you know.
…love seeing you happy. Want a donut at 11pm? No problem, he’s grabbing his keys getting them for you. Not to be dramatic, but Toji would and probably has killed for you. You were his world. Days when he thought nothing was worth living were now erased. Now he did have a resdon to live on for. Because of you. You and your cheesy smile you gave him every morning you woke up together. You and your silly laugh he loved hearing. You and your ability to love a man like him. Is what he thought.
…text you randomly throughout the day. Not that you mind. He’d send you random things, emojis, pictures, memes. Anything he’d think you would like to be honest:
toji <3: 🎆🎇
You: context babe?
toji <3: I want to see fireworks with you
You: OMG yes can we do that, i’ve been wanting to see the fireworks again for so long
toji <3: Be ready in 10
You: wait what
…love watching you get ready. Silently sits beside you and carefully watches you applying your makeup, doing your hair and getting your clothes on. It’s like he’s a little puppy when he does this. But you always love his company, usually talking to him whilst you do your own thing.
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hellcatsrtt · 25 days
“A break”
With a relationship, comes hardships to overcome.
¡!s.gojo x gn!reader
¡notes! wrote this whilst on the plane, pls no judge ;-;
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“WELL I DIDN’T THINK SPENDING TIME WITH MY FRIEND WOULD MAKE YOU SO MAD BABY, FOR FUCKS SAKE!” Satoru ran his fingers through his hair as he yelled at you. His anger, clearly rising the more he spoke.
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT SATORU, I LITERALLY ASKED YOU TO MAKE DINNER AND YOU COMPLETELY IGNORED ME TO GO TO SUGURU’S HOUSE!” You stood up from the couch yelling back, just as loud, eyes gradually filling with water, threatening to fall at any given moment.
“Oh my god give me a break.” He stuffed his hands in his face, instantly regretting the words that just came out of his mouth. Sighing loudly, he manspreaded his long legs across his side of the XL L-shaped couch. Before standing up to approach you.
“Baby, I didn’t mean that.” He gently grabbed your chin, tilting it so he could look into your eyes. His regret hitting even harder as he noticed your tears. Falling from your eyes, making you look beuatiful, but that did not matter because you were crying from his wrong doings.
You looked at him, unsure of how to respond. You felt hurt. Hurt not just because of what he had just said. But because you were letting all his actions from the past two weeks,sink in and hit you hard. With all its strength.
You turned your head to the side, unleashing yourself from Satoru’s hold. Sniffling softly as more tears began cascading down your cheeks.
“No, gojo. Maybe you’re right. I’ll give you a break.” You turned to look at him, weakly smiling as he looked at you. Immense guilt and horror leaking from him.
“Baby, baby no what do you mean? I- I was just heated. I didn’t mean anything i said.” He ran to hold you by both your wrists, crouching down so he was fully, face to face with you.
“It’s not what you’ve said, you know, it’s what you’ve done too.” You whispered, trying to release yourself from his grip.
“Is it because I was with Suguru? I- you want me to stop talking to him? I don’t care,I’ll do it. It’s you, it’s only you that I want.” He was now fully kneeling down on the floor, sobbing harshly as his arms travelled all around your body, his body falling limp onto your legs.
“I’m going to Shoko’s tonight.” You finally managed to get off his tight grip, walking towards the door to the apartment.
“No- Baby, please.” He sobbed chasing after you at the door. Ready to put his shoes on and follow you, wherever you went.
“Satoru Gojo.” You turned to face him again, eyes meeting his. Seeing them bloodshot and filled with tears made you feel bad. But right now, he should be the one feeling bad not you. “Leave me alone, just for tonight. I said I’m going to Shoko’s, so I’m going there. You won’t change my mind about that. I’ll come back when- when I think is best. Please Satoru, leave me alone, for me.”
He looked into your eyes, desperate for the words I’m joking, lets go to bed to come out of your mouth. But they didn’t, he watched your body slip out of the black door. His vision turning blurry, breathe quickening and soon enough, he couldn’t take it.
“FUCK!” He shouted, punching the wall beside him, causing a large dent to be imprented on it. Turning to the glass vase beside him, he smashed it right on the floor. Then proceeded to walk straight through it. He didn’t care. He did not care, because you were not with him.
Eventually, Satoru fell asleep at around 6 am in your shared bed. On your side of the bed, stuffing his face in your pillow to smell the scent of your shampoo and conditioner which rubbed off onto it. He regretted it. So bad. For ever being mean to you. For shouting at you.
After the small incident that had occurred after you left. He called housekeeping to clean his mess, before grabbing his coat to follow you.
And follow you, did he do.
He watched you as you quietly cried, walking down the secluded streets which had been lit up by the dim yellow streetlights and the few shops that were still open at this time.
He watched you as you stopped walking. Turning to face a store. A korean fried chicken store. The korean fried chicken store you guys always ate from on every anniversary.
He watched as more tears fell from your face, and you turned, walking- no probably running at this point, to get to Shoko’s.
He watched you take your phone out, and fortunately from his six eyes, he could see what you were doing.
He watched as you scroll through your camera roll, admiring the pictures you had with him.
He watches as you enter the apartment complex and walk to Shoko’s door. Yet again, thankfully for his six eyes, he knows you safely went into Shoko’s house. But then again, he alao watched you crumble in her arms as you cried. Because of him.
The next morning, he waited for you. Dark circles slowly forming under his eyes. He leaned against the cold marble counter. His body lacking the usual strong and confident aura, rather radiating a mournful energy.
He didn’t move from that spot for 7 hours.
Morning became evening and he still didn’t see you enter the apartment which you two called ‘home’ . He was growing worried and debated wether or not to go to Shoko’s house where he knew you were, but he knew that doing so would probably anger you, since if you were gone for this long already. You most likely needed the time.
So he confided into calling Suguru to ask if he’d heard from either the two of you.
“Nah sorry I haven’t, want me to call them?” He asked, wanting to help his best friend who sounded very much stressed.
“Please.” Satoru responded barely above a whisper.
“I’m going to come over. Be there in 15’.”
He laid his head down on his arms, staring blankly at the large windows. Remembering how you would always gasp at the views every night even though you saw them, everyday.
Soon enough, a knock ringed around the apartment entry hallway.
Satoru walked up to open the door, assuming it was Suguru. But infact, it was not Suguru.
It was you.
Back hunched, hair messy, clothes smelly, teeth unbrushed. He stared at you, unmoving for a few seconds before capturing you in his arms.
Holding you so strongly, to the point you thought you would burst. He showered you with numbers of compliments and apologies. His cerulean eyes gleeming as they met yours.
He didn’t care if you wouldn’t accept his apology yet, all he cared was that you were with him.
After a couple minutes of taking in his affirmation, you both walked to the living room, sitting on the couch. Satoru getting as close as possible to you.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, looking at your hands which were unterlocked with Satoru’s larger ones.
“No- no you shouldn’t be sorry, i’m the one at fault, im the one to blame-“
Before he could say anymore, you captyred hus lips, giving him a kiss which was not the usual sensualones you would give each other, but rather gave the message across of it’s okay, I forgive you.
After the kiss ended. You both ended up laying on the couch, your head laying on hus broad chest as you heard his hesrt beat softly accompanying his comforting breathing. Letting you know that he’s here, with you.
The same goes for Satoru, he has his arm tracing you from your upper thigh, to your lower back, all the way to your neck.
It stayed silent like that as you enjoyed eachothers reassuring presence. Eventually, both of you slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of eachother…
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hellcatsrtt · 29 days
Satoru Gojo’s the type of guy to…
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…want to capture a cute moment whilst you’re sleeping, cuddling him with your face up to his chest, but as he begins to record. Drops the phone on your face.
…order two of everything he gets. Kikufuku mochi? Two. Strawberry cheesecake from the bakery? Two. The cute cat onesies you guys saw at the mall and he said ‘we have to get them’ ? Two. Satoru always bought two of everything so that you would also have a share of what he had. He’d even do it whilst on missions when you weren’t there.
…hang out with you all the time. Constantly. One of his favourite things he loves doing with you is grocery shopping. He says it gives him an ‘insight in how life will be after he marries you’. His persistent appearance did sometimes annoy you, like when he wouldn’t stop bothering you whilst you were trying to prepare for a christmas party you were hosting. But you know he just loves keeping you company and means no harm, so you guess you dont mind his disturbance.
…stare at you as you sleep. Not in a weird way. He takes his time to slowly admire your peaceful features. Noting each and every small detail of you there is to be found. His favourite part of your face is probably your lips because of how easily he can capture them into his own, loving how soft and plump your lips always were.
…send you a message as soon as he wakes up. Even if he woke up at 4 am to attend a mission, he’d grab his phone and open your chat just so you’d be the first person he would talk to in the day
Satoru <3: Gmtknirnf baebh
You: Satoru? It’s 4 am, why are you awake?
Satoru <3: Why ae tou awjake
You: I just woke up to pee thats why.
…take you out on all sorts of dates. Fancy restaurants to small diners. Picnics at the park to go karting. Movie nights to karaoke. He loves taking you out to different things, so that you could enjoy spending some time with him in various ways.
…lay ontop of you, his large body engulfing yours, and ask for you to scratch his back and play with his hair. He’d only ever ask for you to do this ever so often since it was mostly you in his position, him slowly caressing your back whilst whispering sweet words in your ear. But you know when he asks for you to do that, he just wants to relax after a stressful day.
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hellcatsrtt · 1 month
jjk men sending you tiktok videos…
¿? incl. toji, gojo, geto, nanami
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