echoesoftheabandoned · 3 months
So, if YOU could just....Hijack Echo like that. Shouldn't it stand to reason the same thing can happen to Abyss?
Well we just saw that happen, did we not?
We should mention, A.B.Y.S.S. seems slightly different than us. The MP (Main Personality) there has different methods of maintaining control.
Apparently starvation is included in that.
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askfriskandcompany · 1 year
How do you decide what asks to use?
Is the ask relevant to what's happening in comic?
Is it entertaining?
Will it solicit an interesting reaction from a character?
Is it a question that multiple askers seem curious about?
Will it NOT derail whatever is happening in comic? Or if it does, then is what's happening in need of being derailed?
If most of these are answered with a yes then you have a fair chance at having your ask chosen.
And specifically if you're one of the Most Common Askers (ClimaxStriker, WalterTeigan, MiaMouse, etc) then I tend to hold them up to a higher than normal standard than regular contributers. Like, if two similar asks are sent in, and one is sent by ClimaxStriker, I will choose the one sent in by the lesser known asker. But even with that handicap they still get in. I think they've just been at this the longest and have a good feel for what I look for in asks.
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allw3doisadvert1se · 4 months
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We’ve broken through.
After a bit of trial and error, we managed to crack into the mysterious @echoesoftheabandoned tumblr account, the password to access ending up being a combination of a universe ID and a Multiverse ID: LR-334_2013@MV-51433204
There is a lot to scroll through in the account in general, and we highly suggest you do. There are still some mysteries to be solved, however, including some ciphered text hidden in the tags …
Also, how dare you reveal us like that, friend! That was a profound betrayal on all fronts! (Only joking, it’s totally fine)
Perhaps with a bit of help from @climaxstriker, we might be able to crack into the remaining hidden information on the account. And with this deeper connection to the Void, our scientists might be able to finish the gateway yet.
A new dawn is upon us, everyone! And the CIFT intends to lead the way through it towards the bright future of progress!
Thank you all, and of course, Have a Regular Day!
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askcharaandfriends · 4 years
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You’ve met the Absolute God of Hyper White Chocolate.
Meet the Absolute God of Hyper DARK Chocolate:
Charanos, wielder of the power of the Infinity Chocolates.
Chara: “Chocolate is… inevitable!! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!”
Asriel: “you’re enjoying this waaay too much, Chara”
Chara: “there is no Chara, only Charanos, Absolute god of Hyper dark chocolate!
Asriel: ok, now you’re just making fun of my oc, Dracos, the god of hyper death! Not cool.
Chara: whoops, sorry Asriel. I didn’t mean to make fun of your very cool oc.
*** Funny, that name is kinda like Chronos, who controls Time, and I believe the determination aspect helps with time manipulation.
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incipere-comic · 4 years
I can just imagine the awkwardness in later chapters. "Hey Vlad, remember when you killed me before I started haunting you? Remember? Ah, good times. Gooood tiiiimes."
oh my god asjlkfdfg
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hawker-the-gary · 5 years
For some reason as of now, you CAN kill the liches and have them pop up to help as if you converted them. But I don't know how long it will take before DE patches that shit.
yeah I feel like they’d patch that soon enough 
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Wonder what Rose thought of Steven's "haircut"?
“haha, that’s cute. Don’t show that to Pearl though, she’ll stab me.“
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ask-queen-muffet · 5 years
Be careful who you call ugly in middle school
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Anyways, this has been an amazing and wild decade everyone! Still processing the past 15 years tho :/
Jokes aside, I'd say my artstyle has come a long way, and it definitely shows in the comic over the years! I'm looking forward to seeing how much I'll improve next year! Maybe I'll even achieve some blog goals I thought were impossible some day!
A huge thank you to everyone, especially those who send asks a lot (y'all are becoming like my regulars 👀 you'd be the climaxstriker to my askfriskandcompany), and have a happy new year!
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echoesoftheabandoned · 3 months
So, what happened with Alistair?
Are they finally in that much-needed time-out?
Oh, Al's just taking a nappy nap. Don't worry, they're fine.
Or do worry, worry. It doesn't matter to us. Honestly none of us care all that much about them.
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askfriskandcompany · 3 years
I wonder if Climaxstriker has any more schemes coming down the pipeline... last time didn't quite pan out, but he's still quite a purveyor of paracausal plans.
Oh I'm sure he will come up with some sort of scheme when the time comes. But you'd have to ask him about that, not me.
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givrally · 7 years
I like how I see the same people in some Undertale webcomics/Ask blogs
AFAC. Underline. Kaitogirl's underfell comic. Ask Drunk Chara. I always see the same people : @climaxstriker, @danielxcutter, @superyummysandwich, we should all chat and theorize together one day.
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askcharaandfriends · 4 years
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// Ok, some context here. I’ve had it in my head for a while that the backstories of the children are swapped around a bit, as well as their jobs. For example Oscar (accidentally) kills Gaster instead of Blake killing Hermann. But they’re main fighting style is um… kicking. We were discussing it a bit and climax had the image of Oscar kicking Gaster and shouting ‘this is Sparta!“ While this is very funny, Oscar’s kick was one of being startled and self defense? But it ended in tragedy as Gaster hit his head in a rock in just the wrong spot, causing him to go comatose and eventually die( that’s the story I have so far…)
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danielxcutter · 7 years
AFAC(@askfriskandcompany)​ theory time!
@roseverdict @eyndrr @climaxstriker
(MASSIVE AFAC spoiler warning)
Soo... we know that Paolo is the narrator, Erika is the cameraperson, and Blake is the ask filter.
Probably everyone and their grandmothers have also come up the idea that the remaining three kids are also doing something. In fact, I'll be annoyed if this isn't the case.
So essentially, the six fallen children are running this show. They're the reason our asks can reach them, and we know what they're doing. That at least is fairly obvious.
But maaaaybe... that's not all they do.
Exhibit A. Look closely at the background when Flowey gets his Fire Emblem game. The effects are blue.
Now, I'm sure that you guys might think "But that's the color of the ask boxes."
Pardon my language, but that's bull-huey. We're just a bunch of n00bs that somehow got a glimpse into an alternate universe; how the heck did that get there? Mmmmagic? Excuse me, but is there an asker who's able to cast spells that can send Fire Emblem games into a literal f*cking alternate universe?
"Then who?", I hear you ask.
Well... isn't the trait of Integrity related to that color?
I mean, considering what the kids we've seen can do, it's not too much of a stretch. Erika is the cameraperson, and she's managed to let us see lots of places, including the literal inside of Sans' mind! And ADC!Chara too, recently!
But only one piece of evidence isn't enough, is it?
Therefore, I present Exhibit B.
Check the small written-on letters. One set is written in green... the other is in cyan.
Cyan, the color of Erika, the child of Patience. And she's the cameraperson, remember? The ask in question is about whoever is controlling the camera... and who's letting us talk to the characters.
And there are two sets of writing. One is Erika's... guess who wrote the other?
My guess: the kid of Kindness. I think their name was Denny, if I remember that info post correctly.
Now, while I'm sure that you've accepted the possibility, if not outright convinced, more evidence is always welcome.
That evidence is Exhibit C and D.
Look at the letters saying "The 4th wall has decided it'd be kind of cool to bestow... The Frictionless Frying Pan of Unspeakable Mediocrity". They're in two colors: green and blue.
Guess what? In the past two entries, we've also seen green and blue.
Green, which pops up when the situation is related to making the askers' voices and wishes granted.
Blue, when a physical change is intiated.
Sense a pattern?
Now, I'm not totally sure what the reddish letters in Exhibit D are. Maybe they're from the Bravery kid? IDK...
Anyways, I'm pretty sure that this was more kid stuff.
I'm not sure what the Bravery kid is doing. However, I'm sure that Kindness lets our words be heard, and Integrity lets us influence the AFAC-verse beyond just words.
Also... I'm not 100% sure about this one, Exhibit E. It seems plausible, though.
Look at the big *SCIENCE! part. It's not in the colors of the rainbow.
It lacks the color red of Determination... but not the other six.
Maybe they had a hand in this too!
In general, I think that not the kids have been doing this for much longer than we've thought, but it's been foreshadowed for quite a bit.
What do you guys think?
Thanks for reading!
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 19th-25th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from November 19th, 2018 to November 25th, 2018.  The chat focused on The Angel with Black Wings by Mharz.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The Angel with Black Wings by Mharz~! (http://blackwings.Mharz.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until November 25th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Why do you believe that Ray is able to see angels? Is there something special about him or is it just by chance? Also, what makes him an exception to the rule that allows Big Sis to talk to him directly?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think Big Sis has black wings? What do you think Big Sis’ life was like when she was human? What about her past as an angel? What do you believe Big Sis’ intense connection to Ray is, and do you think that will get her into more trouble?
1. My favorite part is when Big Sis caught the apple Danillo threw then threw it back at him. Jerk had it coming, much like the apple that was headed for his face. 2. Big Sis because she's too pure for this world. 3. I think Ray has been given permission to talk to Big Sis after some string pulling on Silver's part. 4. I think Big Sis is Ray's mom due to her saying that Angels can look as old as they want, Cynthia did say that she had a college friend who was beautiful as an angel (So, Big Sis. Don't deny it, she's turn many many heads.) She killed someone with scissors. Could be any reason, dude could've been seriously drunk and would've seriously harmed Ray as a baby had she not have done anything.
ends up thinking the exorcist but yeah for sure she totally made a lot of heads turn. That's the only thing I can confirm tho.
1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it? Probably this one: http://blackwings.Mharz.com/comic/309 Things get real for ray after this, and he starts to realize what happens when you poke your nose where it doesn't belong.
2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor? Mara! She made such a huge change in her attitude and how she was treating people. I'm glad she's a nice girl.... I kind of hope she gets a chance to punch Albert.
3. Why do you believe that Ray is able to see angels? Is there something special about him or is it just by chance? Also, what makes him an exception to the rule that allows Big Sis to talk to him directly? ...Hm. I think Big sis is making up her own rules as she goes. Also, I'm like, 99% sure Ray's blood-related to her somehow, so the whole angel thing might be being sensitive to family - Ray's just more special than Mara.
4. Why do you think Big Sis has black wings? What do you think Big Sis’ life was like when she was human? What about her past as an angel? What do you believe Big Sis’ intense connection to Ray is, and do you think that will get her into more trouble? Big Sis probably stabbed someone.... Probably. Can't say for sure though.(edited)
I'm doing a reread of this for this week because I love it!but last time, I made it to Ch 11 before life/work got in the way, so my answers today will reflect my previous knowledge :3
1. My fave scene so far has been the fight with some demons just because the action was pretty sweet. With the rest of the comic being more about conversations and mystery, it really stood out and kept me on the edge of my seat
2. Mara is my fave because of personal reasons. She reminds me of a bff I used to have and I wonder how they're doing in life now. I get why she did the things she did despite being great friends with Ray before. Anf her development is really solid(edited)
3. I've always believed that there are just some people who are more sensitive to certain things and in this case, ray is sensitive to seeing angels. And sometimes, these abilities can be both blessings (being able to meet Big Sis) but curses (being seen as odd/bullying...)
4. My CURRENT theory is that Big Sis is related to Ray directly. Mom? Or maybe some otger relation we don't know of? Grandmother?? Especially with the "any age"appearance comment. And i think she may have killed someone. But heaven, being typically seen as Lawful Good, sees all murders as bad even if she was in the right (aka self-defense) and maybe that is the initial reasoning behind her attitudes toward some of the strict rules angels have to follow...
@Kabocha you mean the start of Ray's "you had one job" career?
I dunno, his one job started before that.... it just hit peak "Don't be dumb" at that point
Also glad to see there are peeps liking Mara (can't say the same for Ray)
Lol Kabocha
Personally, I don't blame Ray seeing how he's been picked on and given false promises. You'll find people hard to trust.
I do feel like I should be more connected to Ray, but - at least in my read thus far - I'm definitely having trouble doing so at times. I understand he's had some bad history to the point where he has trouble trusting folks, but his moments of abrasiveness sometimes make me wanna go "No. Ray...Ray...shhh...breathe...listen to them."
Lol. I have to say Ray is the type of person that once his mind made a conclusion, he sticks to it. Unless this was proven wrong thru action not just words in which it takes a reeeeeeaaaallly long time.
TBH I don't think I would've been any better in his situation, at his age...
I might have been a different variety of bad, but still the same degree of bad
I'm still the same kind of stubborn as Ray, but it doesn't mean I have to like seeing him be that way. All that anger ain't good for him!
I'm honestly pretty angsty similar to Ray back at his age. You could say a part of his character is my residual resentment towards my schoolmates for picking on me. I still get a bit angsty from time to time tho lol. I'm just trying to control myself better than I was younger. :v
We've all had those moments, or knew someone like that. I preferred the company of others, but you know teenagers - we all think we're correct and tough and amazing but we're still learning :P BUT I do think this will set Ray up to have an amazing character development through the rest of the story. We may want him to shhhhh, but I know I'm curious as to how he'll learn to open up a little toward those that mean a lot to him (and learn he has people that mean a lot to him, even if he doesn't notice it yet)
Had some "Friends" Pull pranks on me and trick me so I know what Mara went through in terms of having fake friends.
after one joke too many. I told them to pound sand.
QUESTION 5. Who do you believe Silver is given one demon described her as “infamous?” Why do you think Silver cares so much about Big Sis? Also, why do you believe that Silver is so stringent about the rules compared to other angels?
I think she cares so much about big sis because she fell for her hard.
@funakounasoul lol yes... I hope. XD
I have to say, while it's true Silver had indeed fallen in love with Big Sis there is another reason she's totally vouching for her. Something that she herself only knew. Just ask her.
I am intriqued
was it the reason Big Sis killed the dude with scissors?(edited)
I can't say much more tho. I like to think the reason will come from the left field once it surfaced.
1) the scene where mara tells off her "friends." that moment felt so incredibly earned and represented a fantastic character arc that had a beautiful conclusion. which leads me into... 2) Mara. of all the characters Mara feels the most developed and the most changed into a better person. her growth is really fun to watch. however, even before her motivations were sympathetic even if severely misguided. and given shes a teen it all made a lot of sense. overally, i like seeing this great girl grow and learn from her mistakes and try to make amends like the beautiful person shes trying to become. 3) I actually think Ray's powers might just be happenstance. And besides that with the current events of the comic I have to assume it's less rare than we've been made to believe. as for the exception, billionthing the assumption that ray is related to big sis, though i would like to add to the discussion that its highly doubtful its his mom. exhibit A http://blackwings.Mharz.com/comic/241 i dont think shed need to ask where his mom is if she is his mom XD unless she doesnt know where she is. 4) she either did the murders or hurt someone. although i think silver mentioned incidents or her self sacrificing nature or something like that. so it might be a compounding issue. where she did this alot because shes clearly not the most...cautious with her powers. and they finally said okay no more slaps on the wrist. i do think big sis is probably gonna get more into trouble cause even this exception thing seems like a huge bending of the rules that every angel is just willfully ignoring for Big Sis' sake. 5) I assume that silver is an archangel or something like that. super high up there in the scheme of things. and i also just think silver is a great girl who understands powers can hurt just as much as they can help. and someone has to look out and enforce the rules cause otherwise we just have anarchy.
I have to say I did pick my choice of words in the dialogue especially on the page Rebel mentioned in which no one has noticed something strange about. <.<
QUESTION 6. Do you think that Ray will learn the power of forgiveness when it comes to Mara? What about when it comes to Big Sis? Will this help him help Big Sis in some way? Additionally, what other ways do you think Ray will grow as a person?
6) gonna be honest, personally speaking im not sure ray will grow as a person anymore that much XD like theres stubborn...and then theres ray. ray took stubborn and moved the goal post infinitely far away to neverland. i mean i would hope he grows, but idk. it may take a while. maybe when hes 50 and has to walk around with a cane. XD i think hell at least forgive big sis in his own way. and i think that will help big sis forgive herself cause she seems to have a lot of issues with forgiving herself
Ray might grow, but he's going to need to get something to teach him he needs to... Right now everything that goes wrong kind of just continues to justify it.
Mara can be nice all she wants, and Albert can be a jerk... But Ray has learned nothing. I don't think TAWBW is a story about Ray's growth so much as it is about Big Sis learning to forgive herself in the long run. Ray's just the character who we see things through.
honestly im curious what it will take to teach him. cause it must be grandiose and amazing. but even if the story isnt technically about ray's growth, he does need to grow. because hes the protagonist.
well okay tbf he doesnt need to grow. or more accurately he could technically grow into a worse person? i mean i doubt its gonna go that way, but just clarifying
He really needs to um... Change a little bit? Not in a good/bad way -- and this could be webcomic time talking for me bc I haven't done a full reread in a while... but like, he needs to be just more observant or mindful. He's kind of stuck in the same place, and that's fine -- it's just more interesting to see other characters progress and change.
i had to reread it for questions, so its not just webcomic time. he has been stuck for quite a while. and to a degree i get it cause for every step int he right direction, a bad thing reinforces his world views. but i have been waiting for that big thing thats gonna kick that boy in the butt and get him to change just a little.
maybe itll be that nice cop
comes to save ray
ray is like wtf is this
Maybe. But he'll continue to be bitter for a while, haha...
Like, after that angel tried to kill him, I would have been like "wait why does it think I'm a sinner OH CRAP"
but he's not done much introspection!
While Big Sis might be able to be saved and redeemed by Heaven... Maybe Ray's just doomed? Like, is this story going to end up with him ending up damned, or genuinely close to it? I kind of want to see another Angel that Ray trusted "pass judgement" or at least force Ray to examine his behavior bc telling him to behave in real time hasn't worked real well
Big Sis has remorse for whatever it was she did. Ray's just a brat and is going to continue to hurt people.
ya know thats a great point! it seems like a lot of ray's problem is he does no introspection.
thatd be an interesting scenario
although maybe its gonna take a big time mistake on his part
that forces him to realizes human make mistakes
and he is human
thus he is doomed to the mistakes
I think if he was forced to review his own behavior, he'd probably think twice about how he's behaved. After some defensiveness, of course -- because it's only human to go "but I was justified!"
He might be justified to a degree, but it doesn't make him morally superior!
although now im curious what ray would do if someone died for him
Oh no. :<
That might break him.
cause at that point it would take some immense logic leaps to still think ppl are awful and the person helped him for selfish reasons
As stubborn as he is, I think that would honestly break him to realize someone cared that much that they'd die for him.
i think it would actually break him to
cause even if he didnt care about the person i think that is something that would shatter his world view
Yeah. Now I'm trying to think through how he'd probably take it...
It'd probably start off with denying it -- then he'd go straight to anger at himself because I don't think he sees himself as worth protecting to that degree. Sure, he might be salty at Big Sis for "abandoning" him, but... It's easy to be mad for him. Past that, he might spend a lot of time wondering "why" and think about his behavior and try to figure out why he's worth it when he's been such a butt.
...............And then Silver would probably smack him and tell him to do better to become worth it.
yes i definitely agree about the silver part
cause he seems to listen to silver to a degree
even if silver can be cryptic at best XD
Yeah, ahaha
I would think at that point Silver would just be tired of his shit though, and be like, "Do better, don't make this a waste."
maybe. although ironically fulfills her duty of guiding humans and such. so good on silver for still doing her job
Somehow, I feel like the exemptions might be slightly more lax in the near future, especially if someone dies for Ray
given what Bnaenae's doing -- shit's about to get bad imo
yeah this is the prime time for this scenario to play out if it does
although tbf the set up alone might spark introspection
just cause ray hates bad ppl and is now suddenly see what happens when you decide to treat bad ppl badly
True, but he may just say "I haven't sinned"
maybe albert will disagree O_O
show up to monologue
That would be interesting to see... Although I suspect Albert might end up getting his POV changed a bit.
tbh idk if i expect growth from albert
tbh i....i kind of expect him to die
die a very bad death
Hm, see, I dunno that he would die -- Serena though? I think that she's likely to get hurt on his behalf.
that seems likely maybe. idk. i dont feel i know serena enough
what if all the angels on the bad side get black wings O_O at least big sis wont have to feel sad and alone anymore
Hmm, maybe. But it could be a case where as long as they're pure in their ideals and try to do God's work, they're okay
or they have another source for their wholly Holy wrath
they have to go back to angel boarding school
For me, I feel he could change at least to a neutral maturation...but he has to experience something REALLY drastic. Something that hits him so hard that makes him re-evaluate himself. He may be an adult when we see a change in him (like an epilogue or something) but I think he can change. People always grow and learn new things even as old folks...if they're not TOO stubborn, though xD
I like to think that Ray is a child who has a looooooot to learn and he's not as bad as Shin from Robonoid. <.<
QUESTION 7. Where do you think Big Sis has been while Ray has been dealing with Legion? Is she being held against her will, or do you think it’s partially by choice? Why do you think we’ve seen her being trained to fight?
Tricky, I think she's been tricked by Bnaenae. Prettyboi jerkbag extraordinaire who needs a toaster to swung into his pretty friggin face >=/ I think at first it was because she was lied to. I think she's been set up, the legion wouldn't take in someone who committed a crime in life. So, she's likely a pawn in Bnaenae's plan, likely involving her dying. I can't imagine her being a permanent asset to a group as crazy about perfection as the legion. After Ray accused her of stealing souls like a friggin moron, that's when Bnaenae started holding her against her will. That's when that other mysterious guy I'm calling "Bigger Bro" (or just Big Bro) busted Big Sis out of angel jail.
(the archive for the chat on fate is ready! @Anthea https://comicteaparty.com/post/180401220340/november-12th-18th-2018-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. What are your theories about Legion? Do you think Lucifer is responsible, or is someone else calling the shots? How do you think that Legion was able to slip under the radar? Who exactly is the man threatening to kill the mayor and why broadcast it?
I think believe Lucifer is calling the shots. He must've been the man that sucked out the Mayor's soul. He did some pretty high up in the food chain. As for how they slipped under the radar. I got no clue. >_>
I dunno, if Bnaenae was lucifer, I'd think the other angels would know... Unless they're all about to fall. I wonder if they're working with the demons that showed up earlier in the story >_>
So many things I can answer but spoilers lol. <.<
One thing I could say is, I don't think these angels would join the legion if it's not for a "noble cause." >.>
Going from memory on this... as far as favourite scenes, two that still stand out without diving back into the archive are ones mentioned by others. The battle in the mall, and Mara kind of coming to her senses.
-Favourite character? Tempting to say Mara like so many others (I also like her visual design), but I think I'll go Silver. She just seems clever and subversive, like trying to do the right thing under the radar. Also, fun times in Ray's dreams.
-Ray sees angels because his father was actually an angel. Or a demon. Something like that. Sure, why not.
-Black wings, still because someone spilled ink on them. Or, okay, it's soot, because she would hang out a lot down in hell, maybe.
-Silver knows that you've gotta have rules, otherwise there's chaos. Also, is secretly God... it's like one of those "HIdden Boss" TV shows.
QUESTION 9. What do you think Ray’s role will be in dealing with Legion (and can he do anything in the first place)? Will Ray find some way to expose Albert? Also, why do you think Albert is part of Legion in the first place?
hmmmm..... Since the legion provided a......rather shitty first impression for angels. Ray will likely have to convince people like Alvarez not all angels are evil. That there are good angels like Silver. Dunno if Albert is really bothering to give himself some cover. As for why he is in the legion in the first place.....I feel like he's been wronged for so long. Like, he feels like any good people he met has suffered at the hands of criminals and they just got off scott-free. That's just a guess tho.
i like math's theory about the ink. big sis was a prolific angel author, until one day she tripped and the ink just went everywhere. and everyone knows you cant get out those ink stains XD
7) I think Big Sis' situation may be a mixture of both. IN that she was brought against her will, was told "blah blah blah do this training because it will help you for blah blah blah reasons." and big sis was like "blah blah blah reasons you say? okay i will stay." but they also made a condition she couldnt leave for a long time and big sis was like "hahaha no" and that is where in shes being held against her will. cause while shes pursuing her own goals shes also being given tight restrictions and big sis is not a rule follower. maybe learning to fight will help her protect ray or something tho. cause she does keep getting trounced by demons. 8) It's clearly Lucifer's son who is responsible O_O /shot but more likely i think its someone using lucifer's name to manipulate others. cause assuming lucifer is dead, its not like lucifer can say "hey that isnt me. stawp that." as for slipping under the radar, eh, it was probably easier than they made it sound. i mean its not like theres an angel time clock i imagine. there seems to be a lot of autonomy. so until the soul sucking started there whereabouts and ambitions were probably super easy to hide. 9) i question if ray will even make an effort to stop legion. unless albert directly puts him in danger. and if he becomes involved i think it will be in an effort just to save big sis. as for albert, i assume he was some kid who was like ray and got bullied a lot. and he decided to challenge that and no longer be the victim. and before he realized it he became the bully for "a good cause."
-I kind of hope that Ray realizing that Mara is a better person now will lead him to realizing that not everything Big Sis does (or did) was under her control either. But yeah, major facepalm as he goes off on Big Sis for not being around when he doesn't know anything. (I actually thought that was another dream sequence.)
-Big Sis is the nominated champion for the all the angels, because there's a prophecy about black wings. That's why she's training, even though she's not necessarily keen on it. (In all seriousness, I think she may be a champion of sorts because her black wings allow her to not be corrupted or something, like she's already corrupted herself. idk.)
-I don't know that Legion slipped under the radar, I think maybe they were vocal, just not necessarily about how they were going to achieve their goals. There was just this group who were going to make positive change through more tea parties, and then suddenly it was "ok, instead of tea parties, we're Legion and we're taking souls" and everyone thought "huh, that escalated, but the goal's the same, I'm still all in".
I wouldn't say Big Sis is a champion of some sorts but there IS something. It's more of "just totally unlucky that it was her" rather than "being the chosen one."
I like the tea party analogy lol.
i feel like it wouldn't be hard for legion to slip under the radar. like let's say every pure-hearted person becomes an angel. and angels on average are able to last one century before getting killed by demons. unless the conditions for becoming an angel are SUPER strict, there are at least a billion of them flying around (and there'd have to be for any reasonable number of people to get guardian angels). that means each archangel is responsible for over 100,000,000 angels i doubt you'd notice if a club of a couple hundred dudes was forming when that's less than 0.0001% of your employees
I approve of such mathematical arguments.
Add some shenanigans and it's absolutely feasible
shenanigans always make things better
Shenanigans make everything complex yes.
and funnier
we need more shenanigans in our lives
When shenanigans ends up dooming society. Yup... Fun... <.<
Not those kinds of shenanigans tho D=
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
I'm looking forward to finally finding out Big Sis' past and who that guy was that busted her out and how it all ends. Big Sis' past and that guy's identity is because, if you think hard on theories on what they are, and in the end it proves to be right, it's a really satisfying feeling. More than a simple "AHA, I FUCKING CALLED IT!" It's more like...."Yaaas, I was right all along and I worked so hard to find the evidence for it too!" Last part is because well, naturally I'd want to see how it all goes down. Seriously, what fan wouldn't? >_>
What I'm looking forward to is more people theorizing TABW. This is the most elaborated thing I wrote and I did leave lots of context clues for overthinkers to crunch on. At the same time, maintaining the interactions and feels. Well, I try at least.
The entire comic is happening in Ray's mind. Everyone is really part of his family, in a "Wizard of Oz" kind of way. That's how Big Sis is his mother.
10) im looking forward to mara becoming a beautiful angel when she dies while ray becomes a crotchety old man who yells at kids to get off his lawn.
That is likely how it goes if Mharz does a bad ending. Thing is, that's actually realistic, considering how much of a jerk Ray can be. >_>
Oh noooo ahaha
How likely is a Ray/Mara ship in the future, ya think?
if Ray can stop being an edgy jerk and go through some much needed character development, more likely that we think. XD
kinda surprised nobody's shipped big sis with bigger, cooler sis in this chat yet
silver is mostly enforcing the rules all the time but they seem like they were quite close before big sis did a slip and slide through a coal mine
(like if silver didn't care, she wouldn't bother to stop big sis before she breaks the rules after a few attempts)
It's been shipped in Mharz' discord. >w>
They're definitely a ship
100%. Although I do wonder about how much Silver can get romantically involved with the lower ranks lol
I mean I am shipping Big Sis and Silver from the get go. <.< She isn't sexually attracted tho. She's fine with fluffy hugs and giving secret gifts.
that makes sense
one thing i hope for the future is that ray makes more friends. like that lady at the cafe.
That will be up to Ray. XD
Maybe that lady at the cafe is secretly Ray's mother.
Or Big Sis's mother.
Who knows >_>
big sis is older than she looks, remember (since she hasn't aged at all since she died). maybe the lady is big sis's little sister, and the lady is somehow responsible for big sis's death?
They're not related actually
but the lady IS responsible for big sis's death
well sure. but that all happened before the lady stabbed her
I'd totally love to explore this more eventually.
I'm thinking of making a comic about Big Sis' life but it won't be until all spoilers are spilled.
I vaguely recall Big Sis' life previously was quite... unpleasant
so was this lady also doing that unpleasant job
oh so maybe she was a bully to big sis, and that's the sin she's atoning for?
at the workplace
It's more along the lines of "getting her to that unpleasant place." >.>
Was she trying to help or was she uh... ....
So basically, this lady's up on Legion's chopping block next
S-She was trying to help(edited)
Poor Big Sis never caught a break. -_-
Not Cynthia D=
she's nice!
Is teh cat important?
remembers Bnaenae cat Oh shit
I will give bnaenae fish.
....as it's cooking in the toaster....which I shall promptly swing into his face! as the toaster is cooking the fish! D=<
I'm definitely excited for the upcoming chapters
Me too. I need teh answers! D=
It won't be answered for the next 5 years probably
Das ok. I've been waiting for game updates that took a while. >_>
I've also waited six months for a golden opportunity to orchestrate a ridiculous and convoluted scheme that was actually a well-thought out plan that would probably take a while to explain. >_> I can wait for a whiiiile like a reeeeeeeally long while for the hyped up stuff.(edited)
I've been hyping edgy sis for years now and she still hasnt appeared
edgy big sis? >_>
=_= not sure if past Big Sis or future Big Sis is edgy Big Sis
The one with white hair.
Was wondering why she had white hair >_>
There's a deep but shallow reason for that. I will mention when the time comes.
Determinedly waits for the time to come
wearing a wig
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The Angel with Black Wings this week! Please also give a special thank you to Mharz for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The Angel with Black Wings, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
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echoesoftheabandoned · 4 months
Classified. Alistair Stay Out
Tumblr media
"Find the pieces of the key of vigilence scattered in 'your' name." - Vignere: Key= Hazel
"Each on located in all 64 bases" - Base64
"Use the un-hotwire-able weapon powered by the key to defeat the beast lest you become a morsel to this massive beast" - Morse.
I prefer my poem more but at least there's hints to this.
Might just be revenge for the Hazel code.
It wasn't even meant for the Theory God!
Sister, there is a being from Reality who is more of a Theory God than Climax.
Whatever, just... translate it?
... I want to make sure Xanrir got my messages. But if you reblog what you found, Alistair and A.B.Y.S.S. could find out and ruin everything. I... This is a difficult situation.
You weren't even supposed to decode it in the first place pal. Though we should have anticipated this...
... I feel the more we keep doing this, keep going against Al's back... The more trouble we're in anyways. If only there was a way to clue Xan into it without alerting the heads of either hive.
That feels a little impossible, sis. Even now... It feels like Al's watching us.
... We need to go.
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askfriskandcompany · 3 years
*beginning melodrama* Climaxstriker isn't who you should be concerned about. For three long years, I have been biding my time. Watching. Waiting. Planning my move. When all my schemes come to fruition, Operation Hyper White Chocolate will be mere second place in the history of asker achievement and the title of greatest asker WILL BE MINE!!! AHAHAHHAHA!!!! *this concludes melodrama.*
O: *scare chords*
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