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ynbne · 3 months ago
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ianfulgar · 3 months ago
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Ortigas by night tells the story of a city caught in transition. The Brutalist buildings from the seventies, with their bold concrete lines and heavy balconies, stand in stark contrast to the sleek, lightweight steel bridge design. The city feels like it’s racing toward the future, but I wonder what pieces of our architectural past we will carry with us and which we will leave behind. Will future generations appreciate these old structures as much as we do, or will they fade into our history?
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 4 months ago
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🚀 Transform Your Utility Services with Xtreme Expertise 🚀
At Xtreme Utility Consulting, we bring expert knowledge and innovative solutions to help cities and counties transform their utility services. From cutting operational costs to boosting efficiency, we are dedicated to ensuring that your community thrives with dependable and modern utilities. Why Xtreme Utility Consulting? ✅ Innovative approaches to optimize utilities ✅ Tailored strategies to improve service reliability ✅ Cost-effective solutions for sustainable growth Ready to elevate your community’s utilities? Partner with Xtreme Utility Consulting and bring the future to your city! 👉 👉 https://lnkd.in/gJT8HpTc
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biographiness · 10 months ago
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On March 28 in history, From wooden cranks to nuclear whispers, history spins its tales! 🔄🌆☢️
Follow👉 @biographiness
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globosetechnologysolution · 2 years ago
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dkaufmandevelopment · 10 months ago
Flipping the Script on Urban Decline: Detroit’s Lesson in Reversing the Real-Estate Doom Loop.
Detroit’s resurgence is a powerful narrative of urban transformation. The city’s business district, once a hollowed shell of its former self, now thrives as a hub of innovation and growth. This dramatic shift offers invaluable insights for cities worldwide grappling with the challenge of revitalizing their dormant downtowns. Detroit’s journey from the depths of bankruptcy to a flourishing real-estate market embodies the very essence of reversing the real-estate doom loop.
Welcome to a narrative of resilience and rebirth. This is the story of Detroit, a city that has risen from the ashes of economic decline to become a shining example of urban transformation. Once a symbol of industrial decay, Detroit now stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with innovation, investment, and community spirit, even the most beleaguered cities can flourish anew.
Join me as we explore the remarkable journey of Detroit's resurgence, where visionary leaders and passionate citizens have turned the tide, creating a vibrant, thriving metropolis from the remnants of a forgotten past. This is not just a tale of a city; it's an inspiration for urban centers around the globe, proving that change is possible, and it starts with a single spark of determination.
Dive into the full story on my blog, where we celebrate Detroit's triumphs and learn from its challenges. Let's embark on this exploration together, and perhaps, find the keys to unlocking the potential in our own cities: https://medium.com/@danielkaufmanrealestate/detroits-resurgence-a-beacon-of-hope-for-urban-revival-94784444a7e5
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ahmedrezk2023199655 · 1 year ago
Transforming cityscapes with modern high-rise marvels. #UrbanRevitalization #CityTransformation
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forblackgirlz · 8 years ago
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Bookie Tuesday: This Generation: It's Time for a Shift is a Christian book that will inspire you to know your calling and take your place in the world today @worldchanger1990_ #worldchanger #citytransformation #thisgenetation #takeyourplace #bookietuesday #thosewhoreadlead #black #blackauthors #blackwriters #forblackgirls
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peakwealth · 2 years ago
Bad Boys, Good Friends (1)
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Bigger than yours. (Infinity SUV, August 2022)
The ebb and flow of the North-American love affair with big cars is well established. When the economy booms, the cars expand, the models grow in weight and size, they get more imposing, more ostentatious. When the economy contracts, so do the cars, though reluctantly.
Recently the cars have been expanding again, even in a city like Montréal that used to have a noticeable preference for smaller cars like Volkswagens and Hondas. Not any more. Bulky, in-your-face SUVs and Jeeps are the kings of the road, many of them electric by now - the irony seemingly lost on their owners. Even Hondas have been beefed up and the compact ones are no longer being sold.
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Never mind, it’s electric. (e-Jeep Wrangler, August 2022)
Of course it doesn't have to be that way. I could barely contain my delight when I first came across the tiny Citroën Ami a year ago or so, a minimalistic two-seater urban car - yes, electric. Its speed tops out at 45 km/h and a full driver's licence is not required.
The Ami brand has its own quirky history as do many of the designs from Citroën's heyday. The first Ami was a small four door family car with freakish styling (in the sixties French manufacturers were not afraid of going against the grain). The mechanics were derived from the 2CV, including the noisy air cooled flat twin engine. Flimsy as it looked, the Ami was a hardy beast and I remember that a friend of mine drove it from Paris to the northern tip of Norway and back, for fun.
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The current electric Citroën Ami, built in Morocco, weighs a fraction of a Prius or a Tesla.(company advert)
Today's Ami is known as a 'voiturette' in French, a toy car, and it is true that its usefulness is limited to short, urban distances. It comes with heating but no aircon. Early production models were recalled because of a slew of teething issues. But the Ami is a car that makes obvious sense. It plugs into household current which means it doesn’t need a charging station. An entire Ami weighs about as much as the battery of a Tesla 3.
And yes, there's a long waiting list (in Europe only).
Similar microcars are coming on the market now like the Citytransformer, also based on French technology and featuring retractable wheels: narrow for a minimal footprint and access to back lanes; wide for enhanced stability on regular streets. Ultra narrow cars have been used in Japanese cities for deliveries for decades.
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Compared to a BMW SUV. (company advert)
The current crop of SUVs that I see around me are not Ami-like in the least. They are big, assertive to the point of menacing, like fortresses on wheels. Electric or not, sustainable mobility is not part of their language. Instead, they seem to tap into the first-responder fantasy that has been floating in the American macho mind for a long time. It used to be a staple of disaster television: flashing lights, paramedics, police radio, 9-1-1. Anxiety and tragedy wrapped in entertainment. Looking around the streets this summer, I get the impression the formula has found its way into car design. The message it sends is almost militaristic, or survivalist, it signals preparedness for disasters to come.
The Ami looks like a more peaceful proposition in every way.
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The back of the latest Land Rover SUV.
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yuriwangfingermedia · 6 years ago
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台灣設計展國際論壇 林佳龍與基隆市長暢談設計與城市發展 【記者張世昌/台中報導】 2018台灣設計展國際論壇今(13)明兩天在台中金典酒店登場,以「CityTransformation設計-未來城市」為題,探討設計與城市治理、地方創生、城市美學及服務設計等多元議題。市長林佳龍與基隆市長林右昌進行城市首長座談,針對設計與城市發展的關係廣泛對談。林佳龍並與南非開普敦副市長伊恩尼爾森(IanNeilson)簽署花博台中宣言,希望宣傳花博理念,並吸引更多國際遊客參與花博盛會。   今(13)日國際論壇開幕式,市長林佳龍先與2014世界設計之都的南非開普敦副市長伊恩尼爾森簽署花博台中宣言,希望讓更多國際友人認識花博,並到台中參與花博盛會。林佳龍也與下任世界設計組織(WDO)理事長史瑞尼瓦森(SriniSrinivasan)、台灣創意設計中心董事長、法國龐畢度中心創意總監金麥克斯寇樂(JeanMaxColard)、開普敦副市長伊恩尼爾森、神戶代表浜村吉昭、基隆市長林右昌、香港代表李欣琪博士等10個城市代表,共同點亮「DesigntoConnect」世界設計亮點城市,盼凝聚國內外設計能量和經驗,在台中進行國際交流。   國際論壇首場由市長林佳龍與基隆市長林右昌進行城市首長座談,分享城市治理的經驗與成果,並表達設計對於城市發展並帶動產業量能的重要性。林佳龍表示,花博台中宣言是台中爭取申辦2022世界設計之都的重要文件,表達以設計融入城市治理,實現綠色生產、自然生態和人文生活的決心。   林佳龍表示,「城市是文化的容器,文化是城市的靈魂!」今年為台中「設計元年」,2018台灣設計展在台中,和將於11月開始的世界花博共同展現,並融入城市美學。他強調,要讓台中轉型,這也是世界發展的趨勢,在設計導入市政方面,從公共工程建設至日常生活體驗,台中已規劃設計指南,希望創造更宜居的城市。   世界設計組織下任理事長史瑞尼瓦森表示,台中是富有文化與藝術的城市,該組織希望能促進與幫助工業設計,並以設計帶來更美好的世界。   開普敦副市長伊恩尼爾森也分享獲開普敦獲選2014世界設計之都的經驗,這個殊榮徹底改變了民眾對自己城市的看法,並改變了工作、和生活的思考方式,他想去參觀台中的樂活園區,了解銀髮族計畫與綠川水利工程等台中的社會設計先驅方案。   基隆市長林右昌表示,台中市一個非常有潛力的城市,一個具POWER的城市,人口也是全台灣第二大,相信在林佳龍的帶領下,會給台中人一個美好的未來。   文化局表示,本次論壇邀請全球重視設計,並且將設計導入城市治理的國際城市,包括日本神戶、富山、菲律賓馬尼拉、南非開普敦等城市、還有來自台灣重視設計的基隆市長林右昌,以及全球推動服務設計、設計導入城市相關的設計組織和設計專業人士,探討以設計驅動城市發展創新的議題,在未來也將具體推動以設計連結國際城市的交流與合作。   文化局說,今年的台灣設計展與國際論壇也為台中近年將設計導入市府政策、計畫的成果呈現。市府近年來積極拓展與國際城市的交流,期盼透過這次的設計展與國際論壇,提升台中市在國際設計領域上的���名度。 游勝鈞;游胜钧;指動傳播科技;指动传播科技;指傳媒;指传媒;華民通訊社;华民通讯社;民生新聞網;民生新闻网,臺中市政府,資料來源:臺中市政府全球資訊網 - 市政新聞
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
yaris xbox 360
yaris xbox 360
Yaris cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Yaris cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Yaris.
Genre: Racing, Miscellaneous Racing
Developer: Backbone Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: October 10, 2007
Currently we have no tips for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Yaris yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Speed Limit (10) Complete a track having reached a speed of at least 250mph.
Can’t Touch This (20) Race all 8 tracks in one sitting and complete the finaltrack with full shields.
Full Arsenal (15) Obtain all weapons at least once before exiting the game.
Lead Foot Jr. (10) Complete a course in 3 minutes or less.
Lead Foot (20) Complete all 8 courses in under 40 minutes. Only your bestcareer times from each track are used.
Arachnosplat! (10) Successfully finish track 4 by killing the Giant Spiderboss.
Bot in the City (25) Successfully finish track 8 by killing the CityTransformer.
You Maniacs! (50) Finish track 8 in any multiplayer game and kill the CityTransformer.
Leader of the Pack (15) Save up to 1 million coins.
Money Bags (5) Collect 1000 coins.
Tentacled and Dangerous (15) Create or join a multiplayer ranked match andachieve the highest score.
Plays Well with Others (5) Win or lose, finish a race with another playeronline.
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 5 months ago
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🏙️ Transform Your City’s Utilities with Expert Consulting 🏙️
Xtreme Utility Consulting is here to elevate your city’s utility services with our expert consulting and innovative solutions. We work closely with municipalities to create customized strategies that improve efficiency, enhance reliability, and promote sustainability, making your community a better place to live. Why Xtreme Utility Consulting? ✅ Tailored strategies for efficient utility management ✅ Focus on enhancing service quality and reliability ✅ Commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices Take the first step towards transforming your city’s utilities. Partner with Xtreme Utility Consulting and let’s build a smarter, more sustainable community together! 👉 👉 https://lnkd.in/gJT8HpTc
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 6 months ago
At Xtreme Utility Consulting, we’re paving the way for the future with our cutting-edge Smart City Deployment services. Our mission is to transform urban living by integrating innovative technologies that enhance utility services, improve resource management, and promote sustainable communities.
Why Choose Xtreme Utility Consulting for Your Smart City Initiative?
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Be part of the revolution in urban living. Partner with Xtreme Utility Consulting to lead your city into a smarter, more sustainable future!
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 6 months ago
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At Xtreme Utility Consulting, we specialize in guiding cities and counties toward a future of seamless efficiency and advanced Smart City Deployment. Our expertise in integrating cutting-edge technologies ensures that utility services are not only reliable but also sustainable and cost-effective.
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Embrace the future of urban living with Xtreme Utility Consulting. Partner with us to navigate the crossroads of innovation and efficiency, transforming your city into a smarter, more sustainable community.
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 6 months ago
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Empower Your City with Advanced Safety and Security Solutions
At Xtreme Utility Consulting, we’re redefining urban safety with cutting-edge Smart City Deployment. Our advanced solutions are designed to elevate safety and security across cities and counties, ensuring a safer environment for all residents.
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Transform your city's approach to safety and security with innovative Smart City technologies. Partner with Xtreme Utility Consulting to build a safer, smarter future!
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xtremeutilityconsulting · 6 months ago
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Build Tomorrow With Future-Ready Smart City Solutions
Shaping the Future: Smart City Solutions for Modern Infrastructure! At Xtreme Utility Consulting, we're at the forefront of Smart City Deployment, pioneering the path to future-ready infrastructure. Our innovative approach integrates cutting-edge technology to transform urban areas, ensuring cities and counties provide top-notch utility services and sustainable solutions to their communities. Why Choose Xtreme Utility Consulting for Future-Ready Infrastructure? Drive innovation in urban development Enhance infrastructure efficiency and reliability Foster sustainable growth for future generations Join us in building a smarter, more resilient future. Partner with Xtreme Utility Consulting for your Smart City Deployment! Click here to learn more https://lnkd.in/gJT8HpTc
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