#Cinda B
enbycrip · 1 year
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ID: a black and white photo and caption from a newspaper showing a young white trans man with light hair wearing a tweed jacket and high collar smiling at a young white woman in a pale dress as he brushes her mid-length dark hair. She is smiling at him from the slightly complex angle as he brushes her hair. The photo is faded and not great quality but their faces are clear.
The headline over the photo is “Here’s How I Used To Do It!”
The caption below reads “An expert at women's coiffures although not a hairdresser, Zdenek Koubek proves himself as he combs the locks of Cinda Glenn, New York night club beauty. Koubek knows all about coiffures from experience, since they were of concern to him when he was the foremost girl athlete of Czechoslovakia, prior to a sex-change.”
Zdenek Koubek was born in Paskov, Czechoslovakia (at the time) in December 1913, one of eight siblings, and competed as an athlete. With minimal formal training, he began running at age 17, decided to pursue it formally aged 19, and broke two world records at the 1934 world olympics.
Because queer and gender-diverse history is complex, I’m genuinely unsure if Zdenek was intersex. He seems to have been pretty gender-nonconforming when read as a woman in his early life and seems to have retired from athletics because he was harassed by people wanting him to undergo invasive “gender checks” after his gold medals at the 1934 Olympics.
Apparently the current obsession with “defining gender in sport” has roots back to the 1930s. Athletes competing in female athletics have been forced to undergo a variety of examinations for the purpose of declaring them “female enough”. They seem to have never been pleasant, appropriate, or anything other than invasive and dehumanising, and they seem to have always focused on a) defining gender by physicality b) defined that physicality in fairly arbitrary ways that are actually incredibly difficult to relate to anything objective, despite a veneer of scientific objectivity.
I can entirely see why the threat of such harassment would have caused Zdenek to decide an athletic or adjacent career wasn’t worth undergoing it, whether he personally believed himself to be intersex or whether we would recognise him as such today. The term “intersex” has many definitions, and is often challenged by medical professionals if it could potentially cover too many people - e.g. medical professionals have repeatedly challenged the term when used by AFAB people with PCOS, which can cause fertility issues, hirstutism etc, purely on the grounds of “that would make around 10% of women intersex”. Zdenek simply publicly stated “I was wrongly assigned as female at birth” without giving any other details - as he had *every* right to. Some historians have characterised him as intersex based on this, and others simply as trans; he appears, very reasonably, to have preferred to preserve his privacy on the details.
Zdenek went on a lecture tour of the US talking about his life and transitioned in 1936. At the time of this photo, he was pursuing a career in cabaret in the US. He seems to have been reasonably successful but never settled there, returning home and marrying a cis woman with whom he lived happily for the rest of his life, dying in Prague aged 72 in 1986.
He joined a local rugby team along with his brother Jaroslov after WWII and seems to have been an enthusiastic amateur player. I hope he got a lot of joy out of it, which he does seem to have.
Like so many queer and trans histories, Zdenek’s is somewhat obscured because so much of what has been written about him is always skewed by the writer’s own perspectives about gender and transness. Including the drive to impose a false binary on trans experience - which I as a nonbinary person know is certainly not universally present.
There are, of course, *absolutely* trans people who always have a strong feeling of gender equating to “knowing they are a boy/girl from an early age”, and I in no way wish to erase them or their experiences, but it must also be noted and acknowledged there are plenty of us with different experiences. There are people like me who feel “wrong” in our assigned gender from pretty early in life, all the way down to having quite strong dysphoria in puberty and afterwards, but don’t strongly ID as the “opposite” binary gender either. There are people who rub along fine in their assigned gender, or who have many issues with it but don’t know what they equate to, until they have some experience presenting otherwise and suddenly experience strong gender euphoria for the first time in their lives. There are people who never feel anything much at all about gender and only ever do any identifying purely as a matter of convenience because a very binary society requires it.
Cis people seem to find the “always knew/born in the wrong body” narrative the easiest to relate to, and I can only assume that is because it is the narrative that allows them to challenge our society’s gender-essentialist, binarist worldview the *least*. It is considerably easier, and requires much less thought and critical attention, to say “I guess sometimes the occasional person is just mistakenly assigned to the wrong category” than to question those categories, why they exist, what they actually are, how they are imposed, and whether they actually mean anything at all in an objective sense.
I have no idea where Zdenek fell on any of this, or if his experience was very different in another way.
I posted this to, as ever, note that we are not a new phenomenon. Trans people are part of human history. We have always existed. We have always contributed. The way the society we lived in perceived us *and* how the societies our stories have passed through perceived us affect how our stories are told today, and those things can make it complex to uncover the lived experience of the trans person behind all of that. Queer and trans history must always be about acknowledging those facts and uncertainties while doing our best to find out as much as possible about the actual lived experiences of our siblings in the past.
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chibi-pix · 3 months
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Holy crow! A third chibi in one day?! What sorcery is this!? Anyway, I wanted to draw another chibi and was debating between Krik and Cinda. I decided on Cinda because A, she's beautiful, and B, I felt I should change pace and colour the land team uniform. It's a win-win situation.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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scribblesbyb · 7 months
Get to Know B (Me)!
Hiya writeblr (or is it writblr? which is cooler?)
Welcome to my intro post! - I was told by the algorithm that you kinda have to make one if you're new to the community, so here's mine 🌻
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The Basics:
Name: Call me B
Pronouns: she/her
Fav Genres to Read: Thrillers, Mystery, Drama, Horror
Fav Genres to Write: The same + Action, Romance, Fantasy
Current WIP: The White Pearl (Book I: The Origin)
Currently Reading: 49 Volume One, The Modern Love on AO3, and The Demon King by Cinda Williams
Currently Binging: House, Young Sheldon, and The Golden Girls (yes, and?)
Hobbies: spending money on stuff I don't need lol, also cooking, baking, gymlifebro
Pets: Does my little brother count? I dot on him all the time :D
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(Not that anyone asked these but it makes this post neater)
Q: What kind of books do you write?
Action, drama, fantasy, a dash of romance. I'm a creator of worlds (God complex, much?) and also a destroyer of them (Just like a God lol).
I lean towards horror and gore sometimes. However, I reserve those writings for myself, fearing they won't have the same appeal as my other WIPs.
Q: What's your current WIP about?
The short version, though? A lost girl, aching for normalcy, only for life to thrust her into the arms of an alien planet and people who insist she's destined for more than just 'being normal'.
WIP Intro Post here if you want to know more (Bonus: Chapter Titles)
Q: Any published work?
Soon! I hope so 🤞🏼 I'm working with a close artist friend on a cover still so soon! I'll flaunt it off here so look forward to that if you want 😉
Q: What can I expect from following ScibblesByB?
Glad you asked! (the irony that I'm the one asking this isn't lost on me lol)
I'm planning on posting blurbs, prompts, fanfics of my OC (once my WIP is published), and other random writing muses I get.
Some #blurb posts to check out for a little taste: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3😌
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That's All Scribblers!
Can't wait to be welcomed into this lovely community of like-minded, nice, and obviously talented people. Hit me up, my inbox is wide open 💌
(by B, get it?)
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grimmmviewing · 2 months
S1E20: “Happily Ever Aftermath”—A/B+ (Watched 7/10/24)
This is a very solid episode of Grimm, in terms of meeting my admittedly subjective wants for the show: It’s dark, but not excessively so; it makes good use of the adaptational premise to twist a recognizable fairytale story in a solid-enough way that balances genuine creativity with a bit of goofiness or campiness or cringe; while it doesn’t outright avoid the serialized narrative (focusing on the thread of Nick’s parents’ deaths again), it feels like those elements exist more in the background/vaguely “in between” the other stuff, making the priority the Cinderella adaptation. Assuming true “monster of the week” episodes are not an option, this might be the best alternative. The ongoing story advances marginally, taking up comparatively little of the runtime.
Speaking very (very) generally, the initial premise of this adaptation isn’t exactly novel—We’re seeing what comes after the “happily ever after,” which is probably the most obvious starting point for a subversive take on one of these stories. The particulars are a bit more interesting, though, like how we open with a “Bernard Aidikoff” being outed as a Bernie Madoff-style crook. I had a note questioning if this depiction was in bad taste given the recency (at the time of airing) of the real-world scandal, but it’s not a thread I’m too interested in since this is just Grimm doing what comic books and other series like Law and Order have done plenty of times before: giving a real person a close-enough fake name in a way that’s kind of cute, as they try to “rip” material from “the headlines.”
The Aidikoff/Madoff thing more or less sets the tone for the handling of the Cinderella material as well—Arthur (our prince character, who lost a disastrous amount of money through Aidikoff) says at one point, “I can’t go to [my wife’s] stepmother.” It’s such a perfect line and reading of that line, because of the obviousness. It’s very awkward, but so is the way that his wife is named Lu-cinda or how she has a god-father. Seeing the pieces fall into place this way is a lot of fun. Later in the episode, when Arthur, Lucinda, and the godfather, Spencer, are being interrogated by Nick and Hank about their possible involvement in the stepmother’s murder, Arthur also delivers a succinct summary of the adapted version of the Cinderella ball and choosing her (equivalent) over the stepsisters. It’s very cute, and while Hank asking Arthur if he had any kind of sexual relationship with the stepsisters dirties it up, that’s just another kind of adorable. It’s Grimm doing its Thing. It walks a thin line between being unwatchably silly and just clever enough, and that’s probably a harder tone to write for than it might seem.
How the show’s Wesen focus fits into the original fairytale is both a strength and a notable weakness: Spencer, Lucinda, and (presumably) Lucinda’s late father and mother are all Wesen; however, the stepmother and sisters are not. This particular Wesen is another of the evil-coded ones as well, and it turns out that Lucinda is actually a proper spoiled monster with “no conscience,” to quote Spencer, while he’s always watched over her to keep her from acting on her worst impulses. We find out relatively early that Spencer is a Wesen, but the show waits to reveal Lucinda is one as well, building tension and uncertainty about exactly how the story is going to go. Even then, it’s still uncertain for a time precisely how the blame falls—which one murdered the stepmother and how in cahoots they might or might not be.
(Side note: I usually find Grimm’s horror elements pretty fleeting and weak, but the scene in the stepmother’s bedroom where she hears something and then looks under the bed and gets jump-scared by a bat creature did startle me. Something about the lighting actually felt a bit oppressive this time. Similarly, much later, the reveal of Lucinda already inside her remaining stepsister’s house similarly Got me. This might just be luck, in part, but my sense of the first of these two instances was still that it felt a bit more deliberately scary in a way that the show usually isn’t.)
In terms of the twist’s weakness, I think part of that feeling comes from the fact that “just” flipping the script (to say that, “Actually, Cinderella was the mean one”) doesn’t feel wildly original—more like the obvious route for subversion. I thought the idea of Spencer alone being a Wesen and choosing to attach himself to a human girl as a magical protector, while closer to just the “original” story, could have been an interesting angle for Grimm specifically to explore in its world. His friendship with Lucinda’s father is the reason given in the episode, though the fact that they were both Wesen makes it less interesting and less “unnatural.” Similarly, I think the idea of a mixed Wesen-human household is also very intriguing and might have been explored more. We get some vague allusions to how Lucinda tormented her stepsisters, but the concept is one that could have been further plumbed. Like, what was it like for the sisters to grow up in the same house with an evil Wesen? We can fill in the gaps, but it feels like there’s pathos being left on the table.
With Spencer and Lucinda, the show is once again poking at the question of what is and isn’t immutable about Wesen breeding, even if it isn’t acknowledged like it was in “Leave it to Beavers.” Lucinda seems to be more or less exactly what you’d expect from a Murciélago, while Spencer clearly isn’t. Him dying along with Lucinda is very convenient since it means that the show doesn’t have to reckon with how he revealed his true nature, verbally, to Hank and then used his supernatural screeching to shatter the window of his interrogation room and escape the station to go after Lucinda. I did absolutely love how his confession to the murder of the stepmother and one stepsister just casually reveals to Hank things that Nick has been keeping from him all season. This ends up being a ploy to get Hank out of the room, but when Spencer launched into it, to Nick’s obvious discomfort, I had to smile.
I found a similar joy in the Grimm tool Nick uses in this episode—a goofy little crank-powered sound gun with a stand. It’s nice to have a more obviously fantastical prop like this, and it ends up being very useful for maintaining secrecy in the end as well since Nick gives it up to the cops as (supposedly) the weapon used to achieve the otherwise unexplainable murders. Yes, the story technically, truly ends with the new dangling thread of another man involved in the killing of the elder Burkhardts, but there’s still a pleasant overall sense of tidiness.
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aardvaark · 1 year
omitb s3e4 spoilers ahead - theories & comments under the cut!
cinda, dun dun dun… she’s cold, calculating, a liar, consistently evil, and i love her :)
joy’s implied little threat to ben,,,, and the lipstick,,,,, don’t know what to make of it yet. misdirect? foreshadowing? something in between? im thinking it’s too early to reveal the murderer entirely, but she needs to explain herself!
i like the way americans say ”theatre". not relevant but yeah.
the white room? can’t tell if it’s a random weird joke for the b plot, or if it’s gonna have something to do with the investigation. why is the statue of liberty there?? i guess we’re just delving into charles’ subconscious?
charles: "i know i’m not mentally healthy but that’s okay because i can sing the song!" he’s such a mood in this ep
i’m thinking the anti-aging serum is a red herring, and the person removing the red spot on ben might be a misdirect too (just a regular makeup artist).
so kimber’s basically discounted as a suspect now, right? at least for the moment. her and that one stalker guy too. there’s so many possible suspects that it’s hard to narrow it down. also probably not tobert cause one of mabel’s love interests has already been evil lol. since joy’s being presented as a possible problem already, i think she at least won’t be the ultimate Big Bad. that’s four (possibly) down.
we still haven’t heard from that other male actor who ben apparently pissed off, or looked at meryl streep’s character despite us knowing that she was a little glad when ben died (the first time).
yk, im also curious about the murder mystery in the play/musical. did one of the babies really kill their mother? i mean, it’s oliver’s musical; i can imagine that happening. did the nanny do it? i felt her monologue that loretta did in the audition kinda hinted that the nanny could’ve been the murderer… she directly says she’d kill for those kids. could it be that, like her character, loretta was willing to kill?
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bubblecg · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nwot Cinda B Scala Ivory Zip Around Wallet.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cinda B Quilted Brown Purse Handbag Tote Snap Closure.
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Liveblog! Part 9
I'm gonna be real, folks, i have no idea how I'm gonna get out of this one.
To be clear: I am on a tiny ledge above a massive cavern with nowhere to go but down. I am also in a Pokemon battle with a psychic version of a bird Australia lost a war against. My Pokemon fell into the cavern below, leaving me in a staring contest. We are about two inches apart.
I am going to die here :)
i fell
i am Free! Back up the mountain!
oh i think I see the gym from here! knowing what I do about Grusha, this is going to be very sad.
these are some harsh slopes man
...th sign just says to the glaseado gym. No town, like Nebula said...
Nagoree the Cryogonal joins the dex!
wow....you can see the entire region from here and it's breathtaking. this is the treasure I was seeking.
I have reached the gym!
wow there's actually people here. okay let's tackle the gym test. PLEASE be something cool.. FUCK YEAH TIME TO SLALOM
ftr i have been running around Glaseado in my summer uniform. Fani givs no fucks. AND I have made it to the highest peak! I like that there isn't a clear path. You gotta WORK to get hre! And at som point I'm gonna try gliding from there and se just how far I can get.
OKAY time to try the slope!
i hop there's ways to redo these minigams
I love how lik, obviously people riding Cyclizar is very normal. Koraidon is very clearly not a Cyclizar. Absolutly no one comments.
Okay! TIme to take down Grusha.
oh no im adopting him
"today's not a great day to face me" why??? why do you want me to give up??? is it the anniversary of the accident???
man i don't blame you for being jaded but im like twelve....and I have twelve levls on you I think I'll be fine
wham wham wham
awww... He's a lot nicer of a guy than he lets on
w takee break for the night
OKAY so here's where we're at: Eight Gyms! Four Titans! Four Bases! 218 Pokemon registered to the dex as caught, and 291 seen!
The dex tells me Tatsugiri won't evolve and Frigibax is probably the pseudo.
i am up on th peak gazing out over the region.....man I think I'm going to the lak neAAAAAA FLL OFF TH WRONG SIDE OF TH MOUNTAIN
okay back on track, at least for Medali.
And! Once I do the lake titan, then!!! I'm gonna be able to CLIMB ROCKS and thus, go on stakequest.
Okay! We ar in Medali! ...you know what I have an unvisited tower near Glasado's Grasp let's go there actually. doot doot. And now I hav a kitty to visit. in reality.
I am back from playing with Tip! where were w. Oh right lake. Eyyy we got our coal monster to evolve! We can swap out for something! Shinx, specifically! Yaaay Cinda is evolving.
Hm. There is a cave up there. I can't reach it.
ooh I'm gtting into the northwstrn area... HERACROSS. You'ree Untzigah now. Wait what happnd how'd it faint? Annyway this is not what I xpcted of this environmnt... I thought it'd b volcanic!
That's two heracross I couldn't catch :c try a quick ball off th bat this time. Thre we go! holy fucking shit why is verything suddenly real damn annoying
crafts the most horrific sandwich I can, but puts it together splendidly: peanut butter, vinegar, pepper, and mustard, with pickls, avocado, onion, and red yellow and green peppers.
Found the local shrine! This on is green and contains the ruinous vessel.
yanks this stake out of the ground
Well. Hm. Now I'm in battle on the high sas, my Tinkaton behind m, whil I balanc precariously on the nose of the veluza I want to catch.
I think the cameera is stuck inside a cliff. Well I guess I am naming this Veluza Foothold.
There's great big blue things in the water...oh goddamn Veluza. OKAY got the blu thing! Dondozo! Finally caught the damn thing. You're gonna be Chiisna. Oh! And Cinda is evolving so we can swap out. It's Starly nxt! One battle latr, evolution.
god. picnics are saving my hide, here.
Heyyy Duchae is evolving! Swap something else in. Mareep, specifically. Yanks another stake out of the ground. Woo! Misty the Mareep evolving already!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa frogs
ooh! Another stake! Yoink! ...One quick reboot to fix a glitch.
Pickle and peanut butter sammich. holy shit, first time i've ver made a Bad sandwich....and only one star.... I'd been wondering how cursed I'd have to go to get a bad one. Anyway I have now mad a good one but stacked very poorly.
i THINK i see it...you know what I haven't seen? Th big awkward rock face that obscurs the herb hollow.
oh that's not a dragon, that's a guy
oh. Oh that sushi dragon has to b it. no? it's just a bunch of talking sushi dragons lying about? oh i battl thm if I talk to them....do I need to kill them all? ...I don't have an additional fairy tm for Pebbles to learn so, this might take a bit. and demand several ethers or picnics. hooboy. ...mayb I'll just talk to the big one and see what happens.
well that's it
...huh, so it's NOT dragon type at all, interesting choice. Fits the title "false dragon titan" but... this means there hasn't been a truly dragon type objective. Which I find suspicious. ....Unless that Tatsugiri that just wnt in is gonna be th real titan, and this Dodonzo is only "titan" because it's been eating titan tatsugiri?
nope it's not the tatsugiri....what is going on hre
the dx did say that Dodonzo teams up with Tatsugiri to find food...
slowly. kisses this thing. to death.
awww Koraidon has learnd to ask nicely. but YES YES BE ABLE TO CLIMB ROCKS YES PLEASE.
im about to Hurt over the doggy tho
i didn't expect a pokmon gam of all things to hit me that hard in th heart
sada why do you know. and can you wait. your son is having a Moment.
wait. the fuck is going on now???
no. fuck you. i wanna play ball with arven and mabostiff.
tumblr behave yourself
hy arven can we play ball first.
.....wait. Sh said she was searching for a way to reach Arven. But she can just call me, and she can just call the school, so even if she didn't have his number she could call Clavell and be like HEY I NEED ARVEN....so what gives????
holy shit thre's a dragonit just out in the wild. WOohoo misty is evolving so I can swap out to something else! ,,,I do not hav a Petilil, it seems, so Shroomish is next. Ah, there goes Moosley too! I don't know that I have the apples Applin needs yet? So we'll skip ahead to Spoink. Oh damn that was fast on the shroomish. Don't have a Misdreavus...so it'll be Makuhita next.
Yoink! Another stake. Yank! That's another! I wonder how many that is now??? I think around seven? Yank, that's anothr!
gonna fly to artazon bc i know I saw a stake near there and i am enjoying my perfected explorational capacity
...i KNOW there's more ingrdients for sandwiches in this game, why won't anyone sell them to me? anyway. Yank, a stake. Exploring! Going way up on top of this rock formation!! There's ruins on top, who the fuck had a house here?!! Yank, found anothr stake! Yank, anothr!
im also just, exploring bits of Paldea I hadn't reached yet. Eri can wait. Let her sweat a bit.
Gonna check the shrines I've visited thus far. Purple has two chains lft on it, so that's three or four left! Thre's thre on yellow, so that's five or six. ...And only one chain left on green, so on or two stakes.
I think we go deal with Eri now.
Huh...I think when your pokemon is paralyzed its animations slow down. Anyway I got Kraraia the fire tera Seviper. OH Wild Mimikyu! You're gonna b my dear Bean. ....Oh fuck you Zorua. Okay here's a real one.
Stake! my first blue one. Yoink. Indeedee! You're Gaball. Pouch evolvd so w can swap for..somthig good against fighting.
aighty I have climbd my way to the pokemon center and discovered that thes dark peaks are glassy, like obsidian.
how the hell did i not lose anything on that sandwich....anyway I'm gonna book it for the base, i can xplore this northern field another time....man the trees here are so big
OH this is a bamboo forest!!!! ther's Chitekki's volution....keping hr for the base, then getting koris in to breed a gothita (and get armoroug). Candy hr to lvel 53. Oh thre's another POkemon cnter here.
Cassiopia is hoping th Big Boss will com out into th open....and Clive knows what hsi final dcision will be....
holy shit wild pokemon keep ambushing me
oh shit it's just clive and eri out front, no guard? ooooh what a big sis type.
much yelling about what Eri must be feeling and Team Star's everything later.........
But, hm. Givn the team's purpose, and the fact they're not really messing with anyone - like, for the most part, they're not causing significant problems to the general population of Paldea - what was with the recruitment quotas mentioned way back at the start? why dos Team Star need any new recruits, period, let alone quotas?
on little. hiccup later. moving right along.
oh. apparently it changes nothing.
also jfc in love with the combination tough chick and cute girl thing??? i am confused in a delightd way. Awww she wants to protect everyone in th caph squad, and also the rest of the team......about that last bit, though......
....eri, sweetheart. Stop trying to carry the entire world on your shoulders. Who taught you that you have the take responsibility for everything? pressure like a drip drip drip that'll never stop....
maybe if i defeat her, she'll be able to let herself rest. maybe, strippd of leadership, she won't feel like she has to take care of anyone but herslef.
Hyyyy Oingo is evolving! I can get koris on the team! ...Ca....Cassiopeia. Cassiopia, you're uh, you're a little late with the intel. Eri already tried to stop me.
Huh... Cassiopeia is surprised by Eri's behavior. Which indicats to me that the last year and a half has been changing veryone in Team Star. THings are not what they were when they began.
OKAY let's do this!. wham wham wham. this is my favorite base, layout's not too open. awww she has heal balls. Daya will tear through her team like a hot knife through butter, because Acrobatics with no hold item.
okay thy ned to stop doing so much damag with Close Combat right the fuck nnow. And stop surviving my Acrobatics. Just th car lft now!
that was annoying. Eri down! do these kids have to hit me in the Masked Circle feels?
if you don't know what that is don't worry about it a knife between the ribs would hurt less,
oh god she was no better about resting back then
i feel like. absolutely terrible about taking down team star. i am distinctly not proud of what i am doing.
Oh no.... Carmn bullied Eri...thn the class turned on her, but Eri reachd out....
"Please...don't take away our greatest treasure." I DON'T WANT TO I HATE THIS god i hav no idea how this can end well i just want these kids to be happy
...oh. Cassiopeia, you've got it wrong. "I imagine they'll leave Team Star before long now that they've lost their special positions" you're completely out of touch with how these bosses think and behave.
Clive is here instead of Penny??
CALLED IT. Cassiopeia IS the big boss!
oh the purpos of this is basically "you can't hold on forever, go live your lives" or somthing like that...
The schoolyard after dark. Okay.
weps bitterly into my DM with Nebula. bye bye yesterday playing in the bg.
i am going to take a quick dtour to get the nearby shrine registred as a flying taxi destination, and then we carry on through the tears. Yanks a stak out of the ground. And another one.
??? whre is the shrine...is there a cave here somewhre? FOUND IT. Beads shrine!
watchs my pawmot drown a noivern....
oh right. Grabs Koris, gets egg power, tim to breed. ...vry tim I picnic all my Pokmon just conk out. Watchs the meteor shower while thy snooz. Okay got an gg, and I am evolving Koris.
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kenia2905 · 7 years
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#gymessentials by undici featuring sports wall art ❤ liked on Polyvore
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pastellipastels · 7 years
After writing Cric's pov in a short story, I started thinking of Cinda. She doesn't have that deep of a connection to the planet due to being farther away from the trenches and living in the relatively safer shallows. She faintly picks up on it but not as quickly as Cric. Cinda isn't angry though, in fact she helps Cric when she can despite her weakness in future sight. Her powers are weaker, but she excels in finding missing objects or knowing where to go and turn if cornered. She is more instinct and finding necessities than future sight and telepathy. When you live in the shallows you have more predators than in the deeper parts of the planet (The bigger they are the less food there is). Still thinking on it but ya know. :)
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kharjo-san · 2 years
My Top ONLY MURDERS Theories
(Only Murders In the Building, last ep seen is S2 E07 flipping the pieces)
So I haven’t watched S2 E08 yet, because I’ve been working all day. BUT. I’m gonna post my biggest thoughts before I go in.
1. Leonora Folger IS Rose Cooper
This would make sense because Leonora stated that a woman has to ‘disappear’ for her work to become valuable. She also said that both she and Rose had an affair with Charles’ dad. She kept referring to the painting as “my painting!”. As she left, Charles had an uneasy feeling that she knew more than him. 
2. More than one person is involved in the murder
The motives in this case seem scattered and hard to understand, so it could be that one person (Person A) ordered the killing, a second person (Person B) did the killing, and a third person (C; not allied with the first two) is getting involved in an attempt to change the outcome of things. 
Suspects for Person A (the Instigator): Cinda Canning, Alice, Nina Lin’s unnamed partner
Suspects for Person B (glitter guy!): Charles’ Father (my #1 suspect overall), Alice, Detective Kreps, Marv the superfan, and Sazz Patacki
Suspect for Person C (leaving notes, rearranging evidence): Lucy (because of the matching T’s in Bunny’s and Charles’ cards)
3. The Watch Is Important
It’s keeps bugging me that I didn’t quite understand what Leonora meant when she repeated “I don’t do well at this hour!”
Was that hour… an hour that Charles’ dad was in Rose Cooper’s apartment, right before his arrest?And, wouldn’t that time be displayed on his watch in the painting?
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Unfortunately, the watch’s hands are kinda impossible to make out. BUT! I soon realized that there is a clear shot (only for a split second!) of Charles’ dad checking his watch shortly before he goes up to the apartment.
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It appears to read approximately “6:45 pm”. I converted 7 pm to military time, but that’s 19:00. (I was hoping it would be 14:00.) I still get the feeling, though, that the watch and/or the time are somehow significant.
This is nowhere near all my notes and thoughts — in fact I have 6 more posts in my drafts, and pages of research in my spiral notebook and phone… plus, I haven’t fully re-watched episode 7 yet. BUT!!! I just wanted to put these thoughts out there before I watch the newest episode. GOD I am excited
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nkatr84 · 2 years
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Only Murders in the Building Episode 2.9
Nope. Nuh uh. Cinda Canning is a witch with a b, possibly a blackmailer and a fraud. But her being the murderer is too easy. Someone killed Bunny that had a better motive than framing the competition for a murder you can solve. Cinda Canning is just an opportunist complicating the mystery by chasing after phony clues. My guess is once they strip away the clues Cinda planted, they’ll see who the real killer is. I still think it’s Nina’s baby daddy.
Meanwhile Oliver confronting Teddy about being Will’s father was hilarious. Poor Howard. And Charles figuring out that Rose Cooper pretended to be Bunny’s mom was genius and I feel like they’re setting up a mystery for season 3 with Charles Dad.
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17 questions 17 people
tagged by @b-bellarke and @skainatblida, thank you dears <<3
1. Nickname: spur
2. Zodiac: capricorn (best zodiac fight me)
3. Height: 5′6″
4. Hogwarts House: i keep being told im gryffindor but i dont buy it
5. Last Thing I Googled: emoticons cuz i needed a sad face emoticon
6. Song Stuck in My Head: zombie love by bohnes
7. Number of Followers: 227
8. Amount of Sleep: five or six hours???? idk man
9. Lucky Number: 84
10. Dream Job: rn an animator, but really anything art-related is just the goal
11. Wearing: well its 11:24 pm so an old speech shirt and boxers
12. Favorite Author: probably cinda williams chima??? idk i like her stuff i guess
13. Favorite Instrument: my lovely clarinet baby 
14. Aesthetic: goth/punk hell yeah
15. Favorite Song: um shit fuck um i guess lovelost by margo??? idk man
16. Favorite Animal Noise: xylophone bird. no i will not explain
17. Random: um i have a taxidermy crocodile skull. its pretty smol but i love it
okay well since jay tagged a bunch of my normal mutuals ummmm @harpermiller @lxremipsumm @blingblingboy-kinnie @irkalo @slytherinbarnes @wwjacksparrowd thats not seventeen but its okay lol. feel free to do it or just ignore <<3
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arconiasmurders · 3 years
Jan lives on the 6th floor (episode 3, she enters the elevator there), and we know she lives in apartment A. Teddy lives in apartment B.
If their apartments woek the way that Mabel and Bunny's do, they can hear what's going on in each others apartments.
When Winnie got poisoned, Oliver had just told Teddy about the podcast and posted it. The person poisoning Winnie had to have known about the podcast.
Only 4 listeners had heard it right before Oliver finds Winnie. Teddy and Theo weren't scared anything eould be revealed yet.
That only leaves Jan. She poisoned Winnie, and most likely Tim (and Evelyn).
I think somebody else shot Tim, thinking the poison didn't do the trick. And he was still alive when it happened, because the blood spatter was too high on the wall for Tim to have been laying down while being shot.
In episode 4, Cinda is making her podcast and says "who doesn't love a second chance. Another shot at righting some painful mistakes that's haunted you?" And right as we see Will entering Oliver's apartment to take care of Winnie, Cinda continues "Or at healing the wounds you may have inflicted".
He's a vet. He has access to the poison that killed Tim and he knows how much a dog can take without dying. He must have given the poison to Jan. And I think he's the shooter.
Teddy paid for Will's education, and Will had to take down Tim Kono before he could expose Teddy.
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thisblogsaboutbooks · 4 years
Book A to Z
I did this a few years ago, and as I was reading through my old answers, I wanted to do this again since I’ve read many more books since then.
Author you’ve read the most
- It’s a toss up between Jodi Picoult, Cassandra Clare, and Sherrilyn Kenyon. (I’ll read Picoult and Clare until I die, but I think I’ve officially denounced Kenyon. Maybe.)
Best sequel ever
- Still too hard to choose. So many good ones for different reasons
Currently reading
- Wandering Star by Romina Russell, part of the Zodiac saga
Drink of choice while reading
- Water? I don’t really drink anything else
E-reader or physical book?
- As much as I love going to a book store and buying a hard copy, I read mostly ebooks. It’s just way more convenient for me to read on my phone
Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in HS
- Absolutely no one . . . Maybe John Ambrose McClaren
Glad you gave this book a chance
- All for the Game by Nora Sakavic. Dove into that series without REALLY knowing what it was about and ended up REALLY enjoying it
Hidden gem book(s)
- The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. Seriously SUCH a good series
Important moment in your reading life
- OG answer: When I read My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult, I was fourteen, and it was the first time I’d read an adult fiction novel. The twist at the end was a lot for my young teen heart to handle. When I finished it, I literally declared I was never going to read another book again, but a day later, I picked up another one of her books and have been obsessed ever since.
Just finished
- Zodiac by Romina Russell
Kind of books you won’t read
- Never had an interest in the classics *shrugs*
Longest book you’ve read
- Still think it’s Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon (836 pages of WHY DID I READ THIS?!?!)
Major book hangover because of …
- Last one was definitely All for the Game
Number of bookcases you own
- One-ish . . . My headboard is a bookcase (and it’s a mess lol)
One book you’ve read multiple times
- I’ve read The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and The Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima at least three times
Preferred place to read
- Toss up between my bed and the toilet tbh (Sorry!)
Quote that inspires you / gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read
- “We accept the love we think we deserve.” - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
Reading regret
- Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Possibly Twilight?
Series you started and need to finish
- I guess Zodiac (but I need the world and Maggie Stiefvater to continue existing so I can finish the Dreamer Trilogy)
Three of your All-Time favorite books
- I don’t really have favorite books so much as I have favorite series, but the last books that I gave a five-star rating to were:
(1) Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
(2) Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
(3) Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
Unapologetic fangirl / fanboy for:
- Gonna have to go with The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima again. Hands down favorite YA series. I’d buy so much merch if it was available
Very excited for this release more than all the others
- Nothing at the moment
Worst bookish habit
- Probably buying a hard copy thinking I’m gonna read it only to turn around and buy the ebook version later
X marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book
- My bookshelf doesn’t really have any order to it, but the way I counted, it would be Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Your latest book purchase
- ebook: Wandering Star by Romina Russell
- hard copy: Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare (that cover is SOOOO pretty!)
ZzZ-snatcher book: last book that kept you up WAY late
- I’m sad to say reading usually puts me to sleep nowadays, old age and all
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bubblecg · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nwot Cinda B Scala Ivory Zip Around Wallet.
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