wixed · 8 months
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Summary: Chyla's entire world came crashing down around her when she finally saw Gale again after six months of being left high and dry while he pursued the Crown of Karsus. At Withers' reunion party Chyla was forced to confront her heartache and feelings on the matter. CW: Substance abuse if you squint, language Tags: God!Gale, Exes with Gale, Slow burn hurt comfort with other companions.
Chapter 1 - Chyla
“Oft… Hello, I’m Gale of Waterdeep!”
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting…but it is a pleasant image to be sure!” 
“One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime, and prise the fear from my heart.”
“I’m in love with you.” 
Memories of him cut through her like a knife, slashing away at her remaining strength. The echoes of Gale ringing like a voice bouncing through an empty chamber, his words hollowing out her heart. 
Chyla brought the near empty bottle of wine to her lips and downed the last drops. Her other companions still laughing in the distance, enjoying each other’s company as she drowns her sorrows. She snuck off to a lonely patch, not wanting to bring down the festive spirits. She thought back to earlier in the night and the conversation she shared with Gale that led to such wallowing.
Months. It had been months since Chyla last saw him. Months since she was left alone in favor of a crown. Months since she thought he had died in his pursuit. Months since she last heard the name “Gale Dekarios”. Yet despite the time that lapsed, none of it could have prepared her for the visage of the Gale before her tonight. 
His skin glimmered like freshly polished metal, adorned with the flecks of electricity that seemed to run through his veins, his eyes glowing, almost hollow. 
The sight of him descending down from the literal heavens stopped her cold. Chyla had been in the middle of speaking to Minsc about a jail cell and portals, mid chuckle when the breath caught in her throat. 
“My friend, Are you-” Minsc had tried to question her sudden silence as he looked in the direction of her focus. “AH! The Wizard has finally shown! …Though you are correct Boo, something seems…different with our bookish friend. Perhaps a new haircut?” 
Chyla left Minsc to his own ponderings as she quietly took a few steps in Gale’s direction. Her hands trembled, her vision started to blur at the edges, the noise of the party seemed to be so distant, like she was under water barely able to perceive any of it at all. Suddenly she was being pulled from the ocean of her own thoughts as a hand spiritedly clapped down on her shoulder. 
“Whoa, Soldier! Would you look at that! Gale became an actual God! Why didn’t you tell me?” Karlach laughed and she gawked at the new godly Gale across the camp. The laugh quickly quieted as she looked at Chyla’s still shell-shocked face. “...Shit.”
“I… I didn’t…” was all Chyla could muster in response to Karlach’s question. Karlach rubbed the paralyzed elf’s back gently as she looked up to see if anyone else was watching the major faux pax she was sure she just committed. Astarion looked up from the table he was seated at to quirk an eyebrow at them, to which Karlach shrugged with a grimace that wordlessly spoke ‘Help me.’ 
Astarion turned his head to look in the direction of all the supposed fuss. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes as they found Gale’s visage. Then it all started to click. Chyla and Gale were an item while their merry little band of misfits was still together. He didn’t know what became of the two, but found it odd she had come to the party by herself, he didn’t think to question it immediately, but now it made an unfortunate amount of sense. 
Before he could move Chyla continued on her path to Gale, as Karlach watched with nervous guilt. 
Once Gale saw her approaching an uncanny inhuman smile planted itself on his face. “Goodness, was Faerûn always so dull?” his voice had a reverberation to it that matched his hollow glowing eyes. “Still at least the company was worth the trip, if not the view…” He muses to himself as Chyla closes the gap between them. “I hoped I’d see you here.” 
She stood before him with bones like jelly and a stomach that threatened to revisit the dinner she just ate. “I thought you were dead. I haven’t heard from you in months…” despite her nerves the words leave her lips with an icy layer. 
Gale simply gives a small smile. Chyla could feel the anger coiling in her already. “I’m afraid time works quite differently in Elysium. I didn’t realize how long I’d been gone, until I received Withers’ summons.” 
The red hot ire coiled tighter in the pit of her stomach, the weightlessness turning to lead, her anger becoming a master of alchemy. “Before that then, before you ascended. Why didn’t you return my letters? A sending spell? Anything?” her voice broke with the last word. Anything. For so long she wanted anything from Gale. Any sign he still cared, any sign she still mattered, any indication that he still loved her the way she did him. But nothing ever came. Nothing was all she received to comfort all the fears and heartache, nothing to hold onto. Nothing. 
Gale’s smile faded through her line of questioning. He wore a neutral expression and seemed to consider his next words carefully. “My journey and eventual success reforging the crown was of the utmost importance. I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted, lest I falter and lose the opportunities before me.” The words squeezed around her already hurting heart, suffocating all feeling.
Chyla took a moment to glance around the party. She quickly gathered that all eyes were on her and Gale. Some of the companions were trying to be more subtle than others, but the effect of feeling on display was there all the same. She turned her attention back to Gale, her pained voice low and quiet.
“That’s all I was? A distraction? You couldn’t bother to even assuage the fear that you had perished?” Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. “That’s not the Gale I fell in love with. The Gale that shared the weave with me, the man I swore to love.” 
The divine being before her that claimed to be Gale reached a hand out, attempting to tenderly hold her own. She pulled her hand away while averting her glossy eyes. He frowned at the recoil. “Whatever you’re feeling, do not let it cloud your judgment. It’s still me, just an…improved version.” 
She finally met his stare, finding no warmth, if there was love to be had it was lost to her, she could not find it. Her eyes narrowed. He continued, “Just because you would have been a distraction to my ambitions does not mean that is all you were. You were so much more to me, you are so much more to me. I had hoped you’d understand.” 
She glared up at him, “Then help me understand, because I am struggling to do so on my own.” 
As Gale ardently jumped at the opportunity to talk about himself, Chyla tried to even her breathing, steady her heart, try to hear him out no matter how much it hurt to stand in front of him as he was. He regaled her with his journey to find the crown, boasting about his ability to find the right incantations, his skill in taking control of the Karsite weave and using the crown to claim divinity and ascend. 
“As expected, Mystra was unwilling to hand over the reins of the Weave, so I’ve claimed dominion over another area with which I’ve passing familiarity: ambition.” He proudly smiled as he spoke, as if the reveal of his domain was enough to impress and be forgiven.
Chyla gave a half scoff, “And what does the God of ambition offer his followers?” Gale frowned but continued. 
“I exist not to bestow favors on my followers, but to inspire them to seize their destinies for themselves, exactly as I did. I am their proof. Proof their hopes are not barren wastes, but the loamy soil in which their future achievements will flourish. Proof that with ambition, anything is possible.” 
The audience they both had gathered wasn’t lost on her and became apparent when Chyla swore she heard Astarion make an aside to Shadowheart “Anything except contact his paramour apparently.” She then heard him guffaw, no doubt because of an elbow meeting his ribs. She refocused her attention on Gale. 
“So you’re no different than any other god.” her words bore fangs as she spat them out. The venom was either lost on Gale or he simply didn’t care.
“I’m simply more honest about my involvement. Not to say I don’t help more actively when the cause arises. A whisper in the ear of a struggling artisan. A breeze to flutter the pages of a tome before a frustrated mage. A magical weapon stumbled upon by a would-be hero.” His words stabbed into her like a dagger finding home. He had already amassed followers, already performing godly duties. In her silence he took the opportunity to continue. 
“I am ambition incarnate. As indistinguishable from that most potent sensation as Mystra herself is from the Weave. And word is spreading. There are already several shrines in my honor scattered across the outer reaches of Thay, and rumors of a very prominent temple under construction in Amn.” A light cheerful tone strung itself through his words. It was the same tone that strung itself around Chyla’s neck, a noose choking the air from her lungs. 
“You… You had enough time to check on your followers?” 
“What kind of god would I be if I didn’t. The timing of such things is of a delicate nature. The creation of my domain required immediate attention, it perhaps is difficult for a mortal to compr-” He was cut off by a slap to his cheek. 
“You had enough time to admire your temples, to inspire your followers, but you couldn’t hear my pleas? You couldn’t spare one moment to tell me what you planned to do, what you had done? Six months mourning you and wondering if I'll ever see you again. Six months asking myself what I did wrong to have you abandon me. Six months deluding myself into thinking the man I loved would come back for me. Fuck you, Gale. Fuck you and fuck all of….this.” She gestured at him and then up to the heavens. 
He stood poised and stoic despite the slap. When she was done he took a deep breath and let out a disappointed sigh. “I achieved everything we hoped I would, and still I’m not good enough for you?”
Chyla couldn’t stop the angry sobs from leaving her as she clutched her chest, her heart breaking a million times over. “How dare you! How dare you stand there in your godly attire and claim I was the one who thought you weren’t enough. You were everything to me Gale. You were always enough and more. You were the one who only ever thought you weren’t enough.” Her tears rolled down her cheeks, there was no stopping them now. He tried to say something but she cut him off before he got the chance.
“How can you truly believe any of that, when it was me who was never enough for you. Why else would you have left me for the crown? Why else would you have chased godhood instead of a future with me? It’s so clear to me now that my role in this relationship was just to appease all your self doubts. A balm for your bruised ego, a convenient salve for all your lingering insecurities. Once you found a way to cure those on your own, what use have you of me?” She sobbed out the last words hardly able to stay standing, her knees threatening to give under her. 
Gale’s eyes narrowed and he looked away from her, as if disgusted by the sight before him. “I came here to offer you the heavens, but I see now such an offer would be wasted. I suppose it was foolish to expect a mortal to understand."
Chyla succumbed to the weight of heartbreak and fell to her knees, supporting herself with one hand on the ground, the other clutching at her heart. Almost in a whisper through sobs she cried “What happened to the man I once loved…”
“He’s the god he deserves to be… I believed in you for so much of our journey. It’s a pity you won’t do me the same courtesy.” 
Chyla couldn’t bring herself to answer him. She’s done with pleading for compassion from a god that cares only for ambition. Perhaps if she was stronger she’d have a clever retort. Perhaps if she had done actual healing during those six months instead of wishful denial and dreaming she’d be able to laugh this off for the absurdity it was. But she found no humor in this heartache, she hadn’t let herself move on during those six months and now she was paying a bigger price for it.
Gale dejectedly sighed and moved away from her. She heard a female voice through the haze of her hurt. 
“Mr. Dekarios, you are being absolutely vile!” Chyla looked up and saw Gale’s dear Tressyum, Tara. Chyla had only met her a handful of times, but the sight of Tara and the sound of her voice somehow grounded Chyla enough to where she was able to pick herself up off the ground.
Without a word she turned her back on Gale, went to the table still decorated with various food and drink, grabbed a bottle of wine and walked away to a quiet secluded spot by the river. 
Chyla rubbed her temples, her eyes were sore from the crying and her head was starting to pound from the wine she had quickly made use of. She heard gentle footsteps approaching her hideaway. 
Shadowheart sat next to her, silent for a few moments before offering up another bottle. Chyla raised an eyebrow in question. 
“Shouldn’t you be telling me to pick myself up, or take it easy on the wine? I don’t know something wise and profound?” she rubbed her sleeve to her eyes wiping away the lingering tears. 
“I’m a cleric, not your mother. And if I’m being honest that looked like an ordeal worthy of at least two bottles.” She gave a sympathetic smile to Chyla as she popped the cork out of the bottle. Chyla chuckled and took the bottle, taking a long drink from it before she rested her head on Shadowheart’s shoulder. 
“I don’t even know what to do now, Shadowheart. I feel like such a fool.” the halfelf wrapped an arm around Chyla, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. 
“Well, if it helps, Gale made his rounds at the party, continued to be scolded by Tara like she was his disapproving mother, then decided to take his leave.” Chyla stiffened at his name, but relaxed into her friend once more. “Everyone is worried. I know for a fact Karlach feels absolutely awful. Mostly though, we just want you to return and attempt to enjoy the rest of the night, however impossible that may seem right now.” 
Chyla sighed and took another long drink from the bottle of wine. “I know I should. I haven’t even said proper hellos to everyone yet…” She got up and stretched her legs, and offered a hand down to Shadowheart, which the cleric took with a gentle smile. She then pulled Chyla into a warm hug, squeezing her tight.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned since our adventure, it’s that happiness is an active thing. You have to fight for it everyday. Like you would a battle.”  She pulled back from the hug but kept her hands on Chyla’s shoulders, looking into her face with a soft expression. “I’m proud of you, Chy. You stood up for yourself. You made yourself heard and you didn’t back down. Don’t ever think you’re not enough. Gale’s the fool, not you.” Her soft expression became stern in a loving way. Chyla smiled, she could feel more tears starting to well in her eyes, but she brushed them away quickly and nodded. 
Shadowheart escorted her back to the party where she was greeted with several hugs and smiles. Karlach profusely apologized and had a few choice profanities about the whole debacle. Jaheira and Halsin offered sage wisdom, Jaheira being a bit more cold hearted about it than Halsin, but the two took to the role of wizened elders nonetheless. 
Wyll came over to offer a comforting hug which she accepted. He had no words, but instead wore a smile that was somewhere between pity and compassion. Wyll was always so genuine and caring, Chyla appreciated his presence here tonight, and even more his understanding that words about the situation were becoming exhausting. 
After a few minutes of being the center of attention everyone could tell Chyla was getting uncomfortable. “Come now, leave her be. I believe we were in the middle of watching an arm wrestling match between Karlach and Minsc?” Shadowheart said as she directed the rest of the companions away. Karlach pat Chyla on the back as she sauntered over to Minsc.
“Alright big guy, let’s settle this once and for all!” the fiery tiefling bellowed. 
Chyla laughed at the antics and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Shadowheart. She nodded and smiled in response. Chyla spent a few minutes in quiet contemplation, gazing around the camp that held so many memories. Before she could fall into another sorrowful wallowing session she heard Astarion’s voice behind her. 
“He’s an idiot, you know.” She turned to face him, seeing an expression she couldn’t quite place falling over his face. “I… I’m sorry things happened as they did. No one deserves that.” He stumbled over his words slightly, tripping over what exactly Chyla wasn’t sure. She gave him an appreciative smile. 
“Thank you, Astarion. Though if you don’t mind I’d love to talk about anything else.” she laughed at her own desperation. “Tell me about what you’ve been up to. I heard you took to the Underdark?” 
Astarion pulled up a chair for her, and then one for himself. “Darling, I would love nothing more than to talk about myself.” He quipped with a smirk. They sat at the table for the rest of the night, Astarion telling her of his time since they parted ways back in Baldur’s Gate. He told her stories of the life he’s been attempting to build for himself, his siblings, and all the spawn they freed. It’s come with its own trials, rough patches, and hurdles but he claimed it made the time pass by quickly. 
Before she knew it the night was drawing to a close. Everyone was turning in despite Minsc demanding a third rematch against Karlach. Lae’zel chiding him for not accepting defeat at the hands of a superior opponent.
Chyla yawned and decided it was time to turn in as well. “I suppose I should at least attempt a trance.” she said as she got up from the table. 
“You go ahead, I’ll keep watch.” Astarion responded back to her, a call back to some of their first nights together. Chyla smiled at him, truly thankful for the conversation that kept her distracted for the remainder of the night. 
She wandered to a tent that was set up for her. She crawled in removing her party attire, undressing to her small clothes. She stared up at the ceiling of the tent in stillness. Quiet tears began to flow as she closed her eyes. The first of many nights crying herself to sleep. 
“You show me just how much I have to live for.”
“With you, I forget my goddess...” 
“I love you.”
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 118
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markbolender · 2 years
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Chyla and I at Legacy Park in Malibu as a monument dedicated to keeping our oceans and beaches clean. #malibuvibes #chyla #remax gateway # (at Legacy Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwWfJJrgS3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
In accordance to my post about Sniper Temple Guards, here are five of Cin's best in the Sniper Unit AKA The Birds’ Nest
Riidae Cassar
Female Thisspiasian
Has she wanted to throw hands with Oppo Rancisis for no other reason than The Cain Instinct (but not really because no family ties), absolutely. Is she allowed to. No.
Nimue Chyla
Ryn Female. Nicknamed the 'dragon' for no reason. Zoran loves her tail. She's Sniper Mom and loves her trans human son. She’s the head of the Snipers.
Eder Rhis 
Male Null. A Very Tall Man. He has a kick ass beard tho, we love him for that. He says it makes his mask a bit stuffy and every time he thinks about shaving it the younger Guard freaks out
Chahnoi Roka
Female Chagrian. Wants to throw hands with Maas Amedda for giving their people a slightly weird/bad rap. Also the Nauto Guards' favorite aquatic aunt.
Male Cordru-Ji. Has four arms. that means two guns. Also wants to show Krell how to properly use four arms: by carrying others, duh. Use those four arms to hug and help not harm and hurt.
Zoran Terus
Human. Youngest of the sniper unit. We love him. He calls Nimue "Dragon Mom" despite her not being a dragon at all. Sometimes called "baby hawk" by the other snipers. Has two owl-like partners he formed a Force Bond with named Axar and Eva
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exitiumparit · 5 years
@interphrase || closed starter
She’d been at the hospital for three days straight now. Siri is Ferus’s power of attorney, but given that Chyla is his second emergency contact and an employee of the hospital, no one’s been trying to tell Chyla Donnen to go anywhere when her brother in all but blood is hospitalized.
Her father’s been a god send. Wil’s got Trever and the only reason Chyla’s even briefly left the hospital is to check on her nephew. As soon as Chyla asked Nerra for help, he’d kept Adiri. He had enough things to take care of her until Chyla felt okay to come home and let things be here, and Nerra just....took care of Adiri so Chyla could help take care of Ferus.
But, now over three days of not seeing her daughter, Chyla’s desperately missing her little girl.
Nerra brought Adiri up to go over some paperwork with Siri--assuaged her concerns that there was any contention with Trever’s custody agreement, he was Ferus’s son in the eyes of the law and while social security maybe in contact, his second legal guardian is the one caring for him right now--and Chyla, feeling all the guilty for it, took off with Adiri’s bag and went to find a quiet spot to just....hold onto her little girl...who quickly started to fuss.
Well...the hospital chapel was usually pretty empty at this time of day....
It felt a little selfish, but it was the only place she could think of, and well, the pews were some of the most comfortable seats there. Exhausted and aching, but grateful to have Adiri close, Chyla ducked in to the quiet, serene chapel and when the coast was clear, settled into a pew and sat at the far side for some privacy. After some difficult managing and shuffling, Adiri was nursing, one hand of tiny, precious fingers wrapped around her pinky.
Honestly? Chyla was surprised she wasn’t crying from the relief of just getting to sit with her daughter.
Her peace was short lived, however. Just a few short minutes after relaxing, she heard the chapel door open behind her and quickly draped a blanket over her chest. At least she wasn’t in her hospital scrubs so if whoever it was realized what she was doing, she wasn’t likely to get in trouble---
Except when she glances back, it’s one Father Tyler. Chyla flushes a deep red. The priest had always been kind, warm, and friendly, but she didn’t exactly know much about him more than soft hearted water cooler talk, and wasn’t sure if he’d be alright with a nursing mother in his chapel.
“Uh, um, hi, Father Tyler,” she blushes. “Sorry, if, um, you’re about to have a service. I’m here for a family member and was looking for a quiet place, I apologize--”
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tachiisms · 5 years
@exitiumparit | positivity meme Send 💞 and my muse will say something nice about your muse
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“Every now and then you have the pleasure of meeting someone with so much goodness in their heart that their very essence feels like peace. Sure, Jedi are peacekeepers, but that doesn’t mean we live peaceful lives; it we means we do what we have to so that others can known peace. But being around Chyla… it’s a reminder of what peace should feel like.”
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hiddencityexiles · 5 years
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Bel and family
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enneads · 6 years
Chas and Chyla nonpoly
@exitiumparit | ship meme!
Who said “I love you” first: Chas, probably! he’s a sap. Chyla was close behind though.Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: neither, they both have their respective daughters as their backgroundsWho leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: both do!Who buys the other cheesy gifts: both, gleefully, but especially ChasWho initiated the first kiss: Chas, a little reluctantly. Chyla encouraged ahahaWho kisses the other awake in the morning: both of themWho starts tickle fights: ChasWho asks who if they can join the other in the shower: neither of them do this often, but Chyla asks Chas more I think??Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Chas brings Chyla lunch!Who was nervous and shy on the first date: BOTH WERE SHY AF dorksWho kills/takes out the spiders: Chas, usuallyWho loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: neither are big drinkers, but Chas might do this
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aurumpulvis-moved · 6 years
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Incorrect Star Wars quotes // Parks and Rec Edition, featuring Chyla Richi and Adiri Efil
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wixed · 7 months
BG3 Fanfiction Masterlist
The smut
Handle with Care - Astarion x GN You/Reader NSFW 18+ Temptations of Circuits and Sin Part 1 - Durgetash NSFW 18+ Temptations of Circuits and Sin Part 2 - Durgetash NSFW 18+ Temptations of Circuits and Sin Part 3 - Durgetash NSFW 18+
Tavlin's Adventures in Faerun - BG3FicFeb Challenges - Gale x M!Tav
Part 1 - What was Tav doing when they were abducted? Part 2 - Voyeurism Part 3 - Body Worship NSFW 18+ Part 4 - Camp Chores Part 5 - First time seeing companions/love interest in a fight Part 6 - Teaching each other how to do something Part 7 - Heated argument with a companion Part 8 - It will be ok as long as we're together Part 9 - Exhibitionism NSFW 18+
Back to the Start - Exes with God!Gale - Slowburn Hurt/Comfort - Character PoVs
Chapter 1 - Chyla
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 107
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0 notes
markbolender · 4 years
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Chyla resting up for an un-cooped weekend by the beach. #chyla Chylawolf https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQJmmNAnwb/?igshid=qmrn69bnbrb3
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Thinking about how Nimue and Zoran both shot out Anakin’s kneecaps during Operation Knightfall and saved the Temple because whats Anakin gonna do, walk? he has no kneecaps
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exitiumparit · 4 years
@rvnningboy​ || liked for a starter
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It’s always difficult for Chyla whenever she comes across anyone else that’s Force sensitive, but especially when it’s a kid. She’s been a medic in war zones for over two decades and has seen atrocious things, but it’s kids like Adiri, kids like the one she used to be, that unnerve her.
Every time she looks up at this little boy, she sees her daughter’s eyes back at her.
“You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself further,” she says as she wraps a bacta-soaked bandage around the kid’s arm. “What were you doing up on the rooftops, anyways?”
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tachiisms · 5 years
tagdrop: character tags
:: my perpetually worried padawan ( ferus olin ) :: you've got to listen to me sometime ( obi wan kenobi ) :: and i hope to one day be like her ( adi gallia ) :: never cared for levity in the council room ( mace windu ) :: can always be counted on to be brave but a little bit reckless ( anakin skywalker ) :: she is pure life; pure light; pure energy ( padmé amidala ) :: never follows the rules or listens to the council ( qui-gon jinn ) :: i knew a girl like springtime with sunshine in her heart ( chyla richi ) :: for he today that sheds blood with me shall be my brother ( pony ) :: it was roan who had saved him ( roan lands ) :: but trever wasn't his padawan ( trever flume ) :: she who is the preserver of worlds ( satine kryze ) :: not the last of the old but the first of the new ( luke skywalker ) :: made the kessel run in less than twelve parsecs ( han solo ) :: there is another ( leia organa ) :: you are someone; you have always been someone ( rey ) :: like her father before her ( rey skywalker ) :: the same strength and courage ( rey kenobi ) :: made the choice not to kill for them ( finn ) :: the same heart and goodness ( finn kenobi ) :: like his father before him ( finn skywalker ) :: as noble as a knight of the round table ( chas chandler ) :: stupid in spades ( john constantine ) :: an overgrown bird of prey ( viktor krumov )
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ofalderaan · 6 years
♦ Chyla
@exitiumparit | the first word Breha thinks of when your muse is mentioned ( accepting )
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“ Healer. ”
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