#:: never cared for levity in the council room ( mace windu )
tachiisms · 5 years
tagdrop: character tags
:: my perpetually worried padawan ( ferus olin ) :: you've got to listen to me sometime ( obi wan kenobi ) :: and i hope to one day be like her ( adi gallia ) :: never cared for levity in the council room ( mace windu ) :: can always be counted on to be brave but a little bit reckless ( anakin skywalker ) :: she is pure life; pure light; pure energy ( padmé amidala ) :: never follows the rules or listens to the council ( qui-gon jinn ) :: i knew a girl like springtime with sunshine in her heart ( chyla richi ) :: for he today that sheds blood with me shall be my brother ( pony ) :: it was roan who had saved him ( roan lands ) :: but trever wasn't his padawan ( trever flume ) :: she who is the preserver of worlds ( satine kryze ) :: not the last of the old but the first of the new ( luke skywalker ) :: made the kessel run in less than twelve parsecs ( han solo ) :: there is another ( leia organa ) :: you are someone; you have always been someone ( rey ) :: like her father before her ( rey skywalker ) :: the same strength and courage ( rey kenobi ) :: made the choice not to kill for them ( finn ) :: the same heart and goodness ( finn kenobi ) :: like his father before him ( finn skywalker ) :: as noble as a knight of the round table ( chas chandler ) :: stupid in spades ( john constantine ) :: an overgrown bird of prey ( viktor krumov )
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Black Sun
qui-gon jinn x reader (1)
“8 o’clock,” you murmured, shifting closer against Qui-Gon as the two of you danced. “Chiss. Tall, black suit.” His blue eyes flickered over the man you referenced, then back to you. “Two blasters,” he said, inclining his head. “Hip holsters.” “Bodyguard,” you concluded, spinning delicately away from him, dragging him further into the crowd. The music pulsed around you both, neon lights flashing, and you could feel the glitter sticking to your skin, eyeliner smudging beneath your bright eyes. “Target at 6 o’clock.”  Once again, he glanced in that direction, eyes fixing on the lavishly dressed Caridan. She was obviously not trying to be inconspicuous, in a golden dress that glittered in the neon lights, paired with a shining diamond headpiece and various expensive-looking jewels. Scanning the area around her, his attention was drawn back to you when you pressed your body hard against him. He looked down at you, now vividly aware of the black miniskirt and sheer white top you wore. “You need to dance,” you reminded him, your body not ceasing its movement. “You’re drawing attention.” True enough, eyes in the crowd around them met his and danced away when he looked around, curious and questioning. “I’m old. I know how to waltz,” he bit back, dryly. “Not… this.” And then you were reaching up, hips and feet still moving to the beat as though with a mind of their own, and wrapping your arms around his neck, fingers trembling through his hair. “You’re not that old. Besides, you’re usually such a fast learner,” you teased, eyes glinting mischievously, as your hands drifted down to his waist. “I’m sure you’ll manage.” Your body moved against his as you guided him, one hand never leaving his waist, and he forced himself to keep a sharp eye on his composure as his body melted around you. Your hair shone, catching colour each time the lights changed, as you danced circles around the older man, pulling him along with you in an endless cycle of energy. Finally, you reached up on your tiptoes, hands settling in his hair as your lips found his ear. “Movement. Time we took this somewhere a little more private.” Knowing smirks followed the two of you as you made your way off the dance floor, disappearing through the same door the Caridan had taken. 
As soon as you exited, the Caridan turned to face you, with a delicate smile. “Oh,” she murmured, looking vaguely surprised, “Impressive performance. I was sure it was going to be the two Mon Calamari. You two looked really in love.” You and Qui-Gon moved back-to-back to one another, lightsabers drawn, as black-suited bodyguards surrounded you. A wave of amusement rushed off the Caridan as you and Qui-Gon moved in perfect synchrony. “Ah.” Qui-Gon took out the final bodyguard as you turned to face her. “So you are in love. I thought attachments were against the Jedi Code?” “You’re remarkably calm for someone who is about to be arrested,” you said, searching the Force for any approaching presences and finding none. It was almost eerily silent. “Arrested?” she replied, innocently, “Me? Oh, young one, I don’t think so.” Two cloaked figures dropped behind her, red blades lighting before you. “Sith,” Qui-Gon breathed, pressing his back against yours once more as the two yellow-eyed figures circled you. Behind them, lines of Black Sun agents filed into the street, blocking any chance of escape. One of the Sith flicked off his hood, and Qui-Gon choked a startled gasp. “Master.” You quickly glanced over, meeting the yellowing eyes of Count Dooku. “Qui-Gon Jinn,” he said, evenly. “You can’t truly have believed me dead? With my power?” “Master, stop playing with him,” the other Sith grumbled, as you countered the strike he offered while you were distracted recognising his master. Dooku smiled. “As you wish, Padawan.” He threw a blow at Qui-Gon, who blocked and parried, lunging forward to strike at his old Master. Dooku countered, and the four of you launched into fighting.
“I will be there as soon as possible,” Vokara Che assured the panicked medic on the other end of the line, before shutting down her comm and stalking out of her office. “Leem, transfer my appointments to any available medic.” The younger Human medic nodded, and obediently turned her attention to the bookings. Che continued out of the med bay, her long stride and stern expression leading her swiftly to the Council chambers. “I must see the Council as a matter of urgency.” The Council Knight began an excuse about an important meeting but she interrupted him with a single finger. “The lives of two Jedi Masters are in danger and I will see the Council.” He shook his head again, and she raised an eyebrow, stepping forward once more and pressing past him to push the doors open. She brushed off the young Jedi’s Force attack easily, and simply dragged him along with her when he grasped onto her arm in an attempt to stop her. “Master Che, what is the meaning of this?” Windu asked, as she stepped into the centre of the Council chambers, beside the recently-Knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi. “I have received urgent communication from Ord Mantell stating that the two Jedi deployed there have been found in a critical condition,” she answered, calmly, as the Knight finally released her arm. “It is a requirement that the Chief Medic defers to the Council before departing the Temple and this was a matter of urgency, so you will forgive my intrusion.” “Who was deployed on Ord Mantell?” Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, frowning. “I must be mistaken, I thought it was –”  “Jinn and (L/N),” Mace and Obi-Wan cut in, simultaneously. “Knight Kenobi, accompany Master Che you will,” Yoda ordered, his voice urgent but peaceful. “Free choice over companions you have. Depart at once you must.” “Yes Master.” The two Jedi bowed, and quickly departed the chambers.
“This is insane,” Leem exclaimed, as Obi-Wan piloted the ship towards Ord Mantell. At 28, the girl was older than him, but her behaviour suggested otherwise. “Jinn and (L/N) are two of the best Jedi out there. What could have taken both of them down?” She paused, but no one answered. “I mean, Jinn is a legend in himself, but if (L/N) didn’t take such care to meet crechelings none of us would believe she was even real.” The other Knights smiled in agreement. “You’ve got a point,” Bant agreed, “I mean, she has the highest midi-chlorian count in anyone except Padawan Skywalker, was Grand Master Yoda’s last Padawan and became a Master at 19.” “Not to mention she was allowed to learn morichro from Master Yaddle. Whatever we’re walking into, it’s not going to be easy,” Garen added, forebodingly. “Things go wrong for even the most powerful among us,” Vokara said, firmly. “Which is why we must be ready for anything.” Obi-Wan set the autopilot and stood from his seat, turning to face them all. “Ord Mantell is a Black Sun hub,” he told them, grimly. “Do not seek out confrontation under any circumstances. We will be undercover, clothes can be found in each of your briefing packs. Keep lightsabers concealed at all times, and do not engage if you have any other option.” He looked at all of them, eyes flat. “Our job is to keep the Healers and patients safe, not to seek glory or success in a mission already failed by two Masters. The point has already been made, but as someone who knows them both personally, let me reiterate. Jinn and (L/N) are two of the most skilled Jedi alive. We cannot defeat whatever took them down. Especially not going in blind. This is a quick get-in, get-out mission.” He left the room in an aching silence, returning to the cockpit. “Don’t engage or die,” he heard Bant comment behind him, bringing a trace of levity to the room. “How inspiring our dear Knight Kenobi is.”
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tachiisms · 5 years
character tagdrop, since tumblr ate them
:: my perpetually worried padawan ( ferus olin ) :: you've got to listen to me sometime ( obi wan kenobi ) :: and i hope to one day be like her ( adi gallia ) :: never cared for levity in the council room ( mace windu ) :: can always be counted on to be brave but a little bit reckless ( anakin skywalker ) :: she is pure life; pure light; pure energy ( padmé amidala ) :: never follows the rules or listens to the council ( qui-gon jinn ) :: i knew a girl like springtime with sunshine in her heart ( chyla richi ) :: for he today that sheds blood with me shall be my brother ( pony ) :: it was roan who had saved him ( roan lands ) :: but trever wasn't his padawan ( trever flume ) :: she who is the preserver of worlds ( satine kryze ) :: not the last of the old but the first of the new ( luke skywalker ) :: made the kessel run in less than twelve parsecs ( han solo ) :: there is another ( leia organa ) :: you are someone; you have always been someone ( rey ) :: like her father before her ( rey skywalker ) :: the same strength and courage ( rey kenobi ) :: made the choice not to kill for them ( finn ) :: the same heart and goodness ( finn kenobi ) :: like his father before him ( finn skywalker ) :: as noble as a knight of the round table ( chas chandler ) :: stupid in spades ( john constantine )
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tachiisms · 7 years
A collection of Mace being Siri’s Dad / Siri being Mace’s daughter.
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( ... and the last time Mace ever sees Siri )
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bonus Mace being proud of his grandson Ferus.
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tachiisms · 7 years
sb: Mace Windu is perfect.
Siri Tachi: Mace Windu? Nah, he’s definitely not perfect. Doesn’t make the best decisions all the time. Has made some pretty poor ones, really. ( I mean, the whole Council makes poor decisions sometimes which is why I don’t always listen to them as a whole. ) Can be too severe. Stickler for punctuality. Over-uses the ‘I’m not angry I’m just disappointed’ look and the Glare of Disapproval. *proceeds to show up 15 minutes late to council meetings* *doesn’t listen to everything Mace says to do*
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sb: Mace Windu is the WORST I hate him.
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tachiisms · 6 years
character tagdrop
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