#Chuck and Mortis hate each other
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rainestormroom · 7 months ago
Went a little silly in gacha life 2
Have the undead family
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They don't have a favorite uncle/s
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No WAY CHUCK (I'll make Gus later)
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"Frank where are-"
"Oh hi Mortis~"
(Hehe..i'm their only fan)
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"Ugh Chuck"
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"i know you're just trying to use my little brother just to spite me and ruin my reputation!!! Well I will make sure that you don't break my little Frankie's heart"
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"Right cause it's so hard to believe that someone else finds the other brother attractive over ur ugly ass"
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I reedit him sm times...
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axes2-axes · 3 months ago
Hi friends, today was an exhausting and somewhat humiliating day, so I'm going to tell you some of my headcanons of:
•Chuck and Gray (+Silentstation) UwU
(no +18 Topics, inclusion of gay ship 🙏)
•Gray and Chuck grew up in a time where being gay was frowned upon and there was a lot of homophobia, they developed feelings for each other when they were around 20-23 years old, But they believed that the other would not reciprocate their feelings (and in the worst case) they would make fun of the other.
• Gray is a Bisexual cis man
•And Chuck is a a cis Gay man
•Gray has three bottles of perfume, one that He uses for everyday, another that He uses on special occasions and the other (which has a very light and fresh scent) that He uses to sleep in. Chuck only has one, which he uses daily, the smells overwhelm him a lot, but he doesn't want to stink all the time either.
So Gray usually smells quite sweet, and Chuck a little more "fresh"
•Speaking of smells, Gray LOVES Chuck's scent quite a bit and He expresses it, whenever He can, He'll spray a little of Chuck's perfume on His favorite teddy bear, which makes Him feel safe And makes him happy. Chuck has a pretty "Special" opinion of Gray's scent, saying he smells delicious. And since scents (in general) overwhelm him a bit, he loves that Gray always has a pretty light scent.
•Gray is an introverted man of very, VERY few words, he generally likes to express himself through physical gestures or Actions, only three persons (who he trusts a lot) have heard him speak.
•Chuck is the complete opposite, he is super talkative and loves to sing, there are few times when he can stay quiet and only Gray can shut him up.
•When Chuck comes out of the shower, Gray always asks for permission to dry Chuck's hair.
•They both sleep in the same bed, Gray is a guy who is quite sensitive to the cold. and it's very cold at Chuck's house (nah, they sleep together because they love to feel each other when they rest)
•Chuck loves movies where Gray acts, all the movies and series where his beloved had a role to play, are on his list of favorites.
•Chuck must have taken Gray's shirt and put it on at some point, he thinks he is weird for having done that, but he doesn't regret it.
•Chuck falls asleep late, VERY late (12:00 am- 5:00 am) and that worries Gray, So when Chuck tends to fall asleep while reading something or sitting on the couch, Gray makes sure no one comes over to wake him up. He even starts playing with Shade and Gus so that His boyfriend can get some rest.
•Gray used to hate music, but because Chuck loves it, he now loves it too.
•Same with silence, Chuck hated silence before, but How He see that Gray loves calm and being quiet, he learned to enjoy and love it.
•Gray always carries Chuck from his wheelchair and to his wheelchair (Chuck loves to be in his arms)
•Also, sometimes Chuck feels like a "burden" to his husband, for not being able to get up from his Wheelchair by himself for anything, Gray always tells him not to worry, that he doesn't mind helping him With his movement needs, and who will always take care of him.
•The cane Grayp has is mostly used for support while standing, Gray walks perfectly, but while standing it is a little difficult for him to keep his balance (Maybe by opening many portals and passing through them).
•A friend that they both have in common is Byron, Chuck is a friend of Mortis too, and Lola is a friend of Gray.
•Gray hates everyone touching his hair EXCEPT Chuck, he loves it when he brushes it, messes it up, tries to comb it, etc...
•Gray often gets sick, he is a bit delicate, so Chuck is always looking out for him, making him chicken soup, tea and keeping him company while he rests, so he can recover better energy And can feel better sooner.
•Chuck wakes up earlier than Gray, and he makes breakfast, but because he is in a wheelchair, he always asks Gus and Shade for help to prepare breakfast.
•And as the last for today, Gray in my Headcanon is the "dom" Chuck has a more "Expressive " and extroverted personality, which allows him to better express his love to Gray, but the Dom is Gray 🗿
I hope you liked these little Headcanons of my otp UwU, if you would like me to do more please tell me. (maybe not only of ships, it could be of individual brawlers or any other character :3).
Thanks for listening to my headcanons, have a nice day
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malarkgirlypop · 6 months ago
MEDIC! Part 37 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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TW- Violence
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92 @lucyfromtheoldhouse @blueberry-ovaries anyone else please let me know.
We picked two replacements up on the way to the checkpoint, the two young men got into the back and chatted to Grant and I along the way. 
Grant was showing off to the young men telling terrible jokes and long winded stories. The two soldiers stared blankly at him as he finished his latest joke. 
The joke didn’t land from the silence of the back seat, their confusion sent me into hysterics, soon the replacements joined in too, not really knowing what they were laughing at. 
I think the boys just wanted to impress Grant, him being their senior and all. They laughed politely even when they had no clue what was going on. The men just seemed to be happy to be spoken to. 
We hadn’t made it to the checkpoint just yet but for some reason Grant slowed the jeep. I cast my eyes forward focussing on the scene ahead of us. Other cars were scattered along the sides of the road, some blocking the path altogether. My brows furrowed as I looked over to Grant who wore the same expression. 
The car pulled to a stop parking the car in the middle of the road. He had left some space between the scene in front of us and the car. We both dismounted the car, Grant requesting the men in the backseat to stay put as we walked closer to the cars scattered across the road. 
“You should get back into the car Em.” Grant told me, not looking at me as he spoke. 
“I think there is safety in numbers.” I disagreed with his statement, I wasn’t going to sit in the car and potentially watch him walk alone into danger.  
My gut swirled and my skin tingled, something wasn’t right about this situation. 
We approached the cars, I swallowed my gasp as it rose in my throat. Lying on the ground were bodies, multiple people unmoving in pools of blood. I looked at Grant, concern lined his features as he took in the same information. 
I bent down, my fingers finding the inside of the neck of the man closest to me. He was cold to the touch with no sign of life under my fingertips. It seemed he had been here for quite some time, as I tried to pull his eyelids shut but rigour mortis had already set in. 
Grant watched me, I looked up to him to shake my head, a silent exchange. We hadn’t uttered a word to each other since we had gotten closer, as if the sound of our voices would disturb a monster lurking in the shadows. 
As if my thoughts had been said aloud, a man appeared from the darkness. Goosebumps rose on my skin and bile in my throat. The way he moved was unsettling, as if there weren’t bodies laying at our feet.   
I didn’t recognise the man, but he wore an American uniform, so he had to be one of ours. Grant gestured for me to come close to him, we had been on separate sides of the road. His hand was outstretched for mine. I rose from my position slowly trying not to spook the man now standing before us. 
My hand reached out for Grants as he took mine, he subtly pulled me behind him, stepping in front of me. My stomach churned, my breathing erratic. The voice inside my head called for me to drag Chuck back to the jeep and leave. But I stood silently, a pace behind Grant, still gripping his hand like a lifeline.  
“You ok man? Do you need some help?” Grant asked tentatively. His voice in the silent night made it seem as if he was yelling. I tried to even out my breaths. 
Grant’s question made the man stagger closer to us. I felt the blood drain from my face as my eyes focussed on the gun in his hand. The man laughed, smiling at us in the darkness. That action alone sent chills up my spine as the hairs on my neck stood on end. My grip grew even tighter on Chuck’s hand. I was silently begging him to leave with me. But instead he did the opposite, dropping my hand to my side. 
He glanced over his shoulder, a weary look on his face, he was trying to distance me from the man. I bit my tongue, but I couldn’t urge my feet to move forward. I was frozen watching Grant approach the man alone. 
“They wouldn’t give me any gas.” The man's slurs pulled our gazes from each other. We watched him cautiously like a wild animal, we had no idea what he was capable of.   
The drunk man motioned with the gun to the people who lay lifeless on the ground. I had only assumed, but his actions made it clear. He had killed them. This man was dangerous. 
“Krauts!” The man bent forward screaming at the dead man on the floor. I begged for my mouth to work, for my feet to work but all I could do was stand still watching in pure horror. My heartbeat fought to muffle all other sounds in my ears. Tears pricked my eyes, I didn’t care if they were Krauts he took their lives in cold blood, over gas.  
Grant moved forward. I whimpered silently. I willed him to stop with my eyes but he wasn’t looking at me, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of the soldier. He was inching closer to someone we couldn’t trust, who had killed over something as simple as gas. If we weren’t careful we could be on the receiving end of the weapon he carelessly flung about. 
The soldier stumbled away back to his jeep, turning his back on us. I finally willed my feet to move forward. The crunch of gravel underfoot seemed to be louder than bombs with each step I took. Grant must’ve felt the same way as his head snapped over his shoulder to look at me. He subtly shook his head, he was going to handle this. I was going to fight him over it but our second of refuge was soon shattered. 
Grant walked closer again to the man. I let the cry of protest die in my throat. 
“I tried to explain, this fucking limey wouldn’t listen. I think he was a Major.” The man’s words strung together in a long sentence as he again motioned to the man who was clearly dead. The man was an American Major, fuck. We’re fucked. 
“Hey private, we’ve got a problem here.” Grant spoke in an even tone. All I could do was watch, tears pricked in my eyes. We needed to get out of here, but we were already in too deep, there was no way out of this.  
“You got any gas?” The private asked with a vicious grin plastered on his face. He acted like Chuck hadn’t even spoken. 
“Why don’t you give me your weapon.” It wasn’t a question, Grant was going to take the gun off of the man whether he wanted him to or not. Chucked stepped forward, his hand outstretched readying to remove the weapon from the man himself. I stood still, my hands clasped together, I could feel my nails digging into my palms and the sheen of sweat that lined my brow.  
“I guess I’ll use his jeep, I-I don’t think he’s going to be needing it.” The man wandered away, back to the jeep the Major slumped beside. 
“Hold on a second there alright.” Grant yelled at the man, surging forward. It all happened too fast or too slow. I wasn’t sure. It all became a blur in the end. Grant’s actions caused the man to swing around from his journey back to the car, he raised his weapon with no hesitation. 
The shot rippled through the still night air. I watched the bullet leave from the gun, straight into Grant’s fucking head. With a sickening crack his head took the brunt of the force, his neck snapped to the side. Blood splattered as Grant crumpled to the ground. 
My screams pierced the air as I ran forward trying desperately to catch Chuck before he hit the ground, but I wasn’t fast enough. His dead weight crashing to the ground. 
I sobbed kneeling beside Grant as I took his torso into my lap. 
“Grant!” I wailed, his eyes rolled back in his head as his breathing became shallow. I pressed my hand to the injury trying to stop the bleeding but his blood seeped between my fingers and onto my pants.   
I couldn’t hear anything over my sobs. I didn’t know if the replacements had seen what happened or if they were calling for help. I didn’t even know where the man had gone. 
Turns out I should’ve been paying more attention. A pained scream strangled from my throat. A hand firmly gripped my hair and yanked me backwards. The force propelled me back, as my hands scrambled to release the death grip that tore the hair from my skull. My legs kicked out from beneath me, the hand not giving me enough time to find my footing. I screamed in pain as I was dragged all the way to the jeep. 
I looked up to find him. The soldier. But he wasn’t just the soldier that murdered my friend and took other innocent lives. His eyes were familiar. I wasn’t close enough to see it before. 
He’s the man from the bar. 
Chapter 38
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illuminopseudonymous · 6 months ago
Every single Brawl Stars character as songs
So, I was unhappy with my prior posts on this topic, both because of the song choices I made and because I didn't properly credit the musicians behind them. Ergo, I'm going to compile all of the brawlers into a single list below the cut, and then update and reblog this post each time a new brawler is released.
Feedback regarding song choices is encouraged if you think you have a better fit for a character.
8-Bit: "Pac-Man Fever" by Buckner & Garcia
Amber: "Burnin' Up" by A Flock of Seagulls
Angelo: "There! Right There!" from Legally Blonde: The Musical (written by Nell Benjamin and Laurence O'Keefe)
Ash: "Trash Day" by "Weird" Al Yankovic
Barley: "Bottle Action" by Ms. B'Havin
Bea: "Lord of the Hornets" by Robert Calvert
Belle: "Disciple of Lightning" by DJ the S
Berry: "Skipper Dan" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Bibi: "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" by Albert von Tilzer and Jack Norworth
Bo: "The Wild West is Where I Want to Be" by Tom Lehrer
Bonnie: "Human Cannonball" by Webb Wilder
Brock: "Rocket Jump Waltz" from Team Fortress 2 (by Valve Studio Orchestra)
Bull: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen
Buster: "Rock-And-Roll Nerd" by Tim Minchin
Buzz: "Run This Town" by JAY-Z featuring Rhianna and Kanye West
Byron: "A Little Heart-To-Heart" from Team Fortress 2 (by Valve Studio Orchestra)
Carl: "Diggy Diggy Hole" by The Yogscast
Charlie: "Spider-Man (1967) Theme" by Paul Francis Webster and Bob Harris
Chester: "I Remember Larry" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Chuck: "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" by Johann Sebastian Bach
Clancy: "Crab Rave" by Noisestorm
Colette: "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
Colt: "Shoot to Thrill" by AC/DC
Cordelius: "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane
Crow: "Young Dumb and Ugly" by ""Weird Al" Yankovic
Darryl: "He's a Pirate" from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (Composed by Klaus Badelt)
Doug: "Surf Wax America" by Weezer
Draco: "Through the Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce
Dynamike: "T.N.T." by AC/DC
Edgar: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana
El Primo: "Mexican Wrestler" by Jill Sobule
Emz: "Respectless" from Hazbin Hotel (Composed by Sam Haft, Andrew Underberg, Andrew Alderete, Gooseworx, and Parry Gripp)
Eve: "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" from Little Shop of Horrors (Composed by Alan Menken)
Fang: "Kung-Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas
Frank: "Fireflies" by Owl City
Gale: "Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)" by Garth Brooks
Gene: "Arabian Nights" from Aladdin (Performed by Robin Williams)
Gray: "Scheming Weasel" by Kevin MacLeod
Griff: "Big Boss Man" by Jimmy Reed
Grom: "Main Theme" from Bomberman (Composed by Jun Chikuma)
Gus: "Turn the Lights Off" by Tally Hall
Hank: "Send the Marines" by Tom Lehrer
Jacky: "Poundcake" by Van Halen
Janet: "Death from Above" by Turbonegro
Jessie: "More Gun" from Team Fortress 2 (by Valve Studio Orchestra)
Juju: "Friends on the Other Side" from The Princess and the Frog (performed by Keith David)
Kenji: "Title Theme" from Fruit Ninja (Luke Muscat)
Kit: "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!"/ "Nyan Cat Theme" by daniwell featuring Hatsune Miku
Larry & Lawrie: "Back to Back" by Pretty Maids
Leon: "Right Behind You" from Team Fortress 2 (by Valve Studio Orchestra)
Lily: "Return of the Giant Hogweed" by Genesis
Lola: "Big Shot" by Billy Joel
Lou: "Sky-High Sundae" from Mario Kart Tour (composer unknown)
Maisie: "What's Up Danger" from Into the Spider-Verse (by Blackway & Black Caviar)
Mandy: "Cookie Land" from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Composed by Shinobu Tanaka and Kenta Nagata)
Max: "Caffeine" by Psychostick
Meeple: "Chairman of the Board" by The Stupendium
Meg: "Peach-ball Launches! Robobot Armor" from Kirby: Planet Robobot (Composed by Hirozaku Ando and Jun Ishikawa)
Melodie: "Miku" by Anamanguchi featuring Hatsune Miku
Mico: "Beverly Hills" by Weezer
Moe: "Cripple's Shield Wall" by The Knight in Leslie Fish
Mortis: "Hate the Day" by Behind the Scenes
Mr. P: "Hotel California" by The Eagles
Nani: "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce
Nita: "Wild Child" by The Doors
Ollie: "Boombox" by The Lonely Island
Otis: "Graffiti Crimes" by Mi-Sex
Pam: "You Will Be Okay" from Helluva Boss (Composed by Sam Haft and Andrew Underburg, performed by Bryce Pinkham)
Pearl: "Pass the Biscuits, Mirandy" by Spike Jones
Penny: "You Are a Pirate" from LazyTown (by Stefan Karl Steffanson and composed by Máni Svavarsson)
Piper: "A Spoonful of Sugar" from Mary Poppins (Composed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman)
Poco: "Spooky Scary Skeletons" by Andrew Gold
R-T: "Eye in the Sky" by The Alan Parsons Project
Rico: "Pinball Wizard" by The Who
Rosa: "Garden Song" by David Mallett
Ruffs: "Send the Marines" by Tom Lehrer
Sam: "Super Macho Man" from Punch-Out!! Wii (Composed by Mike Peacock, Darren Radtke, and Chad York)
Sandy: "Enter Sandman" by Metallica
Shade: "Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
Shelly: "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet" from Team Fortress 2 (By Valve Studio Orchestra)
Spike: "Super Mario Bros. Desert Theme" from Super Mario Maker 2 (Composed by Koji Kondo)
Sprout: "Trees" by Tom Lehrer
Squeak: "Slime Creatures from Outer Space" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Stu: "Drive Fast (The Stuntman)" by Bruce Springsteen
Surge: "Rules of Nature" from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Composed by Jamie Christopherson)
Tara: "Hot Rails to Hell" by Blue Oyster Cult
Tick: "Drop Da Bomb" by Doctor Steel
Willow: "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fishmen" by H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society
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queencolondarkwing · 2 years ago
A Wholesome Wrestling Team for Tumblr-ites
Most people I know on tumblr don’t like wrestling.  I get it.  I didn’t at first, but have become a casual fan over time.  It is sort of like violent Cirque Du Soliel to me.  I love stage shows/acting.  I love looking at buff ladies.  I like people acting and dressing extra af.
AEW is the more ethical company (WWE has so many issues I could get into, but I won’t). There is a team for this company that I think even non-fans would appreciate.  Wholesome, silly, and talented.  Trust me - it has tumblr fandom energy. Let me introduce you to...
The Best Friends
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Who is this group of besties?  Well, it started with two wrestlers.  Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta.  Both of them are wrestlers who tend to compete as a tag team.  Their gimmick?  Being best friends. One of their main ongoing things is to randomly hug each other during the match (well...when not interrupted by other wrestlers).  Trent’s mom also plays a part in the gimmick.  It’s very cute.
Chuck Taylor pulled in the third member, Orange Cassidy (his real life best friend and roommate).  Orange Cassidy has become incredibly famous. The whole persona he has is of someone who doesn’t care.  His two bubbly besties, Chuck and Trent, will hug this cool Fonz-esque guy.  Three besties. 
Orange Cassidy is also incredibly talented.  Scary talented.  Say what you will about wrestling.  Is it scripted? Yes.  Does it still take intense athletic ability? If you do it right.  Orange Cassidy does it right.  Just watch this dude.  His abs must hurt like Hell (also ignore that the Best Friends dressed like Rick and Morty)
Now...I said that I like Wrestling has buff ladies.  While not the buffest woman in wrestling... Kris Statlander is still pretty great. Her gimmick before her ACL injury was to be “The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” given that she is a science nerd. They dropped the gimmick for a more serious character, but she still plans to incorporate her own nerdiness here and there...Hopefully she can heal and eventually come back soon.
My current favorite member is Danhausen.  He could go the the typical creepy goth dude route...but he didn’t. He describes his character as “Conan O’Brian possessed by a demon”.  Dude is weird.  Like really weird.  And I love him. Even a wrestling reviewer, Jim Cornette, who hates gimmick wrestling admitted to liking Danhausen initially.  He is “Very Nice, Very Evil”.  He wrestles, puts curses on people, and does interviews with other wrestlers. He was in a tag team once with wrestler named, Hook, which people called Hookhausen...which is just...very tumblr shipping worthy.
There is also the past member Wheeler Yuta, who I don’t know as much about admittedly.  But from what I’ve seen - He is lovely.
Where is my roadtrip movie about all these best buds?  Seriously?  I love them.
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gaming · 6 years ago
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Indie Game Spotlight: RAWMEN
Get ready to eat your heart out with this week’s Indie Game Spotlight. RAWMEN is a light-hearted, soup-slinging, third-person food fighter packed with puns and explosive portions of hot, steamy fun. We are inclined to agree with Steven Messner who says it’s a “multiplayer game where you play a customizable naked man and run around hurling spoonfuls of ramen to defeat your opponents. I feel like I don’t need to communicate the appeal here." So we asked Dustin Mattock and Eric Keshishian of ANIMAL to spill the tea (er…soup) on RAWMEN. Read on!
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Rawmen has been likened to Splatoon, but with naked men and soup. Where did this idea come from?
We were at Tsujita Annex here in Los Angeles and came up with an idea for a Ramen-themed video game. The original concept had players serving soup to patrons by chucking it at them from a distance, which would lead to even weirder situations and chaos. We didn’t have the resources to develop clothes, so we stuck with naked character models for our prototype. People enjoyed the comical nudity and we made the joke "Oh, Ramen! We thought you wanted a game about Raw Men." And that’s how the name came about. 
Following the fun of soup flinging and mess-making, we developed a multiplayer battle scenario within the same theme—which proved to be so much more enjoyable! We get asked a lot whether the game is a gimmick built around a pun, but it’s quite the opposite. Gameplay always comes first. We put a lot of effort into creating engaging and satisfying gameplay mechanics as a top priority. The aesthetic, sound design and overall feel are all developed to complement this foodie world.
We drew inspiration from some of our favorite cartoons: Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, Futurama, The Simpsons. We greatly admire the interjection of adult humor and themes in these shows, it creates an entertaining product that’s enjoyed by audiences of all ages. We aim for the same qualities in RAWMEN, with nuances and humorous subtleties sprinkled throughout the world.
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What type of gameplay mechanics can we expect?
RAWMEN isn’t just about pure, food flinging chaos. We believe in teamwork, and that comes into play with some of the game modes we’re designing. Our newest addition is “Claim Chowder,” where you and your team battle the opposing team for control of broth-gushing ramen pots that drop randomly across the environment. It’s already a favorite within our community.  
We also have a wild set of random pickups in-game that transform gameplay mechanics on the fly. Each item has unique actions and characteristics that suit various gameplay scenarios. 
Mobility and sliding contribute hugely to the action-packed feel we want players to experience. Jumping, sliding, and performing tricks while flinging food at your friends all make for really fun gameplay. This type of rad skate, or surf, style mobility is a design pillar of our game mechanics, and we hope to reflect that in every game mode we develop.
Do different types of soup in the game have different properties, like more damage, etc.?
Yeah, totally! Right now, there are actually lots of different types of food—Matzo balls, Naruto, and Dim Sum, just to name a few. Each weapon has different properties and effects. Some are extremely volatile and pack an explosive punch, while others may stun or disorient opponents, or even make them scream deliriously.
Weapons aren’t the only means of mischief, though. We have great plans for our utility items as well.  For example, our “Bro Back Mounting Backpack” forces opposing soup saviors to work together and share points as a team, piggybacking straight into Hell’s kitchen together. Utility items like this are distributed randomly around the maps, making encounters dynamic and often leaving players in sticky situations.
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What do you hope players will take away from your game?
We'd like players to come away from the game with their friends' pride, a good laugh, and silly conversations. If you walk away from our game with a big smile on your face, chatting with friends about the stupid shit you just saw—even if you hated it—we feel like we’ve succeeded. We hope the passion that has gone into the game translates into fun and laughter for everyone who plays it.
Ready to go all-in on RAWMEN? They are currently alpha testing on Steam where you can hop in, support them, and wishlist it. The team at ANIMAL is currently seeking funding so they are in search of publishers—or may do a crowdfund of some sort in the future. So be sure to follow their socials on Discord, Twitter, and Instagram!
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chaostheoryy · 7 years ago
In Our Italian Restaurant [Kylo Ren X Reader]
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Summary: An anon requested a “modern!Kylo x reader where Kylo and the reader are freshmen in college and work together for a music station on the college campus.”
Word Count: 896
Rating: General
Notes: Wasn’t really sure how to approach this AU so I went with the first thought that came to my head. Hope you enjoy! Title inspired by Billy Joel’s “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant”.
“You’re listening to 97.7, your station for everything rock. Here’s AC/DC with Back in Black.”
With your feet kicked up on the table in front of you and a smirk tugging at your lips, you waited patiently for Ren to finish his spiel before chucking your stress ball at his head. Ren frowned and pulled his headphones off, dropping them on the table and giving you a stern look.
“Would you quit throwing that stupid ball at me?” He grumbled and picked it up off the floor to toss it back at you.
You caught it with ease and beamed at his frustration. “I’ll stop throwing it when it stops being funny.”
Ren rolled his eyes and stood up.
“Where are you going, grumpy?”
“To get some coffee.”
You watched him over your shoulder. “Get me some too, would you?”
Ren didn’t even bother looking back at you. “No,” he said lowly before exiting the studio.”
Sure enough, when he returned no more than two minutes later, he placed a small cup of steaming hot coffee in front of you. You smiled softly. “Thanks.”
“Whatever,” he replied in a sort of shy mumble, “Just do the next break.”
You did so without question, making an announcement about the school’s upcoming baseball game before transitioning into Life in the Fast Lane. Ren refused to make eye contact with you during your bit and even went so far as to rotate his chair and stare at the empty wall next to him just to avoid looking your way. Most people would have assumed he was being a complete dick but you knew better. 
Ren was timid guy. He didn’t have many friends and he spent most of his time in the studio making his selections for the next day’s mix. He hated come across as sensitive, so he hid his true feelings behind a mask of intimidation and haughtiness. You, of course, didn’t buy that facade for a second.
“Keep staring at the wall like that and I’ll start thinking rigor mortis has set in,” you teased. “I’m sure Rey would be happy to take your place if she knew you’d kicked the bucket though.”
He threw you a sharp look. “Very funny.”
You grinned at him and gave your stress ball a squeeze. “I try.”
It was just after seven when the two of you exited the studio, backpacks slung over your shoulders. Ren, as usual, didn’t say anything and kept his eyes on the dimly lit path in front of him. You hesitated, unsure of how you wanted to phrase the question lingering in your mind.
“Hey,” you finally spoke out, looking up at your companion, “You wanna get dinner or something?”
Ren’s brow furrowed as he gazed over at you. “Dinner?”
“Yeah, you know, that thing where you eat a hearty meal in the evening hours?”
He gave you another judgmental look. “You should be a comedian,” he said caustically as he tucked his hands deeper into the pockets of his jeans.
“Sorry...But in all seriousness, I’d love to have dinner with you, Kylo.” You beamed up at him. “I think it’d be nice.”
You were slightly taken back by the question. “Why? Because we’re co-hosts who ought to get to know each other a little more and I like you.”
He froze in his tracks. “You like me?” 
You stopped walking and turned to face him. “Well, yeah. Of course I do! You may act like a jerk sometimes, but it’s clear you aren’t. You’re gentle and kind and smart. Not to mention you’ve got a killer taste in music.” You smiled brightly. “What’s not to like?”
Ren swallowed and lowered his head to hide his face from you. You were immediately concerned. Had you said something wrong? Was he upset?
“What is it?” You asked softly, “Did I say something-”
“No, it’s not you. It’s just...” He sighed and lifted his head and looked off into the distance for a second before readdressing you. “Most people don’t think about me like that. They think I’m an asshole.”
You looked at him with knowing eyes. “Well, you and I both know you’re not,” you replied, “And if other people don’t take the time to see it, then they’re the assholes.”
You couldn’t quite believe your eyes but, for the briefest moment, it appeared that the corners of his mouth pulled upward in a small smile. There was no doubt in your mind that the mask he wore was gone and that the gentle eyes gazing back at you were the genuine look of a man who deserved better than he was ever given.
“So?” You asked curiously, “You gonna join me for dinner or what? The Italian place by my apartment has the best chicken marsala.”
He shrugged slightly and nodded to indicate he would follow. “Why not?”
“Gee, don’t sound so excited,” you teased with a playful smirk before turning to head toward the parking garage. As you walked with him at your side, you couldn’t hep but imagine just how much things were about to change. The way you two looked at one another, the radio station, that little Italian restaurant down the street from you -- none of it would be quite the same after that night. No longer would it be just you or just him. It would be “us”. It would be “ours”. And, if you were being honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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swankymikehanlon-blog · 7 years ago
The Losers: Always and Forever
Chapter One  Chapter Two(Part One)  Chapter Two(Part Two)
7 teenagers, of different high school backgrounds, would rather die than become a breakfast club 2.0. At least, that was the thought initially.
Words: 37,693
Warnings: None
Chapter 3: I Still Believe
Tuesday, September 26, 10:23 a.m
Stan’s head banged the desk above him and small muffled groan fell from his lips. Richie Tozier strolled into the vacant classroom, boots clanking along the worn down marble. Stan got out from under the desk, rubbing his temple as he glared at Richie. 
“So, what were you doing under the table, giving ghost head?” Richie jumped up on the desk in front of Stan, randomly pulling out an apple from the chest pocket of his jacket and taking an obnoxiously loud bite. His feet kicked the air, closely to Stan’s face in a teasing manner.
“No, I was looking for something.” Stan got up from the floor, tucking the chair back in it’s place. Richie took another bite as Stan leaned against the opposite table.
“So I’m guessing this is our new place since we can’t continue our rituals behind the school.” Richie propelled himself off the desk as he hurled the apple into the black trashcan the sat next to the open door. He strolled to the whiteboard, picking up a blue marker and began to write more than inappropriate things on the board. 
Stan snorted as he stood next to Richie. His fingers draped over the metal bar which held more markers. Since the door was open, the thought of any authority walking in paranoid the shit out of Stan.
“Hey Stan, look it’s your dick!” Stan’s attention was drawn towards the doodle of a small limp ‘Rick and Morty’ pickle. Stan rolled his eyes as he rubbed his palm over the drawing, smudging it completely.
“My masterpiece.” Richie’s shoulders shrugged, dramatically, as Stan took the marker and drew the sketch of an odd...duck...with glassess?
“If that’s supposed to be me, I’m not even mad about it.” Stan smiled as he gave the duck a leather jacket.
“So are you gonna wear glasses from now on or are you just getting paid to look the opposite of cool?” Richie mocked a shocked expression and released a surprised scoff. Stan stepped back from his masterpiece and admired it, complimenting himself on the detail he put into the jacket, placing the pins of Richie’s jacket into their respective places.
“Everyday, I get prouder and prouder of you, my prodigy.” Richie put his hand in the air and waited for a high five that would come after a few minutes of awkward silence. They both sat there, reading the amount of profanity that was written on the board, courtesy of Richie’s creative hand. 
“I got detention again.” Stan’s face palm echoed through the classroom and made Richie scrunch his face.
Tuesday, September 26, 10:30 a.m
Ben had a hop in his step, a bright glow on his cheeks as he walked down the mildly crowded hallway. There wasn’t a particular pinpoint of his sudden burst of happiness but it seemed to spread to everyone as he greeted them with a toothy grin. His face was beaming with something Derry High, Derry in general, hadn’t seen in a while. True happiness. As he walked past the gym he heard a faint whistle and soft rumbles of bodies whacking the floor. Ben stopped, curiosity and concern molding his facial features as he looked through the door window. 
Inside the gym there was a group of boys and the P.E teacher. Two boys were fighting each other on a thick mat, as the others watched with studying eyes. Ben absentmindedly opened the gym door and walked in, now a few feet away from the commotion. He only realized he was in the gym when Mr. DeVou snapped his fingers.
“Ben, what are you doing here?” Ben swallowed the lump in his throat shock and confusion coating his face. The rest of the boys looked at him weirdly and Ben felt a blush rise over his cheeks. 
“Oh, um, I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t-”
“Do you wanna try out?” Ben looked at Mr. DeVou with even more confusion. He didn’t even know what he was doing here, let alone something like ‘try out’. 
“Try out what? Sir...” Ben pressed his fingers into the straps of his backpack, anxiety creeping up his spine. He tried not to notice the whispers coming from the boys standing behind Mr. DeVou but the way they looked at each other and at him with apparent discuss made him want to jump out a window.
“Well, this is Wrestling tryout’s son, you wanna try?” Ben opened his mouth in an an ‘O’ shape as he puzzled the pieces together. The mat plus two boys fighting each other made sense. But Ben grew hot in the open gym and excused himself, leaving a snickering group of boys and a disappointing Mr. DeVou. Ben came out of the gym with a grim face. He came into school happy, glad to be there, now all he wanted to was cry in his bed. 
He walked to the bathroom where the insecurities got the best of him. His face was beet root red, tears streaming down the sides of his face. He didn’t know why he was so emotional. Like his happiness, he couldn’t quite pinpoint the origin. Maybe it was the whispers, the looks, the secret pointing at the gut the spilled over the khaki shorts he wore. Maybe it was all three, and maybe the main reason was because he was just Ben. Ben Hanscom, the fat-ass that roams the halls looking for love like the Hunch-Back of Notre-Dam. He hated the names and taunts that had been giving to him. He hated that he agreed with them even more. 
Tuesday, September 26, 11:00 a.m
 Mike picked at his lunch, ham sandwich looking ever so appetizing. His friends laughed at some stupid joke someone had told. They all sat at one table, even though their where only six chairs, some sacrificed their legs and ate standing up. Mike had never had to sand up, he’d kill them if they made him.  After all, he is their captain, and everything he says, they do. But lately, Mike wasn’t feeling his whole roll as the self-entitled jock that everyone thought he was.
“Mikey, you haven’t spoke one word today, you doing alright?” Kenny, a guy straight out of ‘Grease’ the movie said through a mouthful of overly chewed food. Mike rolled his eyes as Kenny giggled, spewing a few chucks of mystery meat on the table.
“Gross, Kenny.” 
“Anyway, Mike, you sure you okay, I mean you barely touched your food.” Chris nudged Mike’s leg with his own as he pointed to the stale tray of sopposedly edible food.
“I never eat the ham sandwiches, and I’m a vegan, remember.” Mike flicked a piece of ham at Kenny’s face but it was deflected by his hand. His friends dismissed the topic as they started talking about Friday’s game. They were going to go up against a school called Hawkins High, a high school that wasn’t even in their district. Mike heard they were good, but not as good as his team.
“We’re totally gonna pawn their asses!” Kenny managed to scruff even more food down as he fist pumped the table. Hoots and hollers erupted from the rowdy football players as they continued to eat. Mike drifted out from the conversation, cafeteria tray pushed away completely as his looked over his healing fist. 
They were purple and blue, discoloration around the outlines of his knuckles and did in fact hurt like a bitch. He had to be delicate with his hands for however long, which was difficult since football required your hands for everything. As he toyed felt the mismatching colors Eddie walked into the cafeteria with a metal lunch box in hand. His small footsteps would sound like pin drops if the room was silent, but for now they were just one of the many sounds of lunch B.
He passed by Mike’s table, heart beat picking up Mike watched him. It felt like forever when he got to the empty table. Sure enough his face was red, hands definitely a little clammy. Even though Bill rarely talked all Eddie wanted was for Bill to be sitting right in front of him, engaging in the comfortable silence of eating lunch.
Eddie opened his lunch box, taking out a container filled with fruit and opened it, odor of mandarins filling the air and wafting into his nose. He hadn’t notice that someone had finally sat in front of him, watching him eat the baby oranges with content. 
“Hey Eds.” 
Eddie chocked on one mandarin, citrus hitting the back of his throat and burning. Eddie slammed his fork down, startling himself and Mike in the process. Mike reached over to pat Eddie’s shoulder but Eddie leaned back, almost falling over the stool that he sat on.
“Mi-MIKE! H-HI!” Eddie’s voice was unnecessarily loud and high which made Mike chuckle. Eddie felt tears gather in his eyes, due to the burning sensation of his throat and because he just choked on a fucking mandarin in front of Mike Hanlon. Mike waited moments, hands plunged in the pockets of his varsity jacket, smile plastered on his attractive features.
“I have a question, If that’s fine with you...” Rather than ask what the whole ordeal that just occurred, Mike changed the subject, which Eddie was grateful for. Eddie nodded his head for Mike to go on, throat recovering from the brutal assault of the harsh juice. It was most likely going to be sore for a little while but Eddie didn’t really pay mind to that. He somehow turned off the switch that helped him listen and dumbly stared at Mike’s mouth, specifically the way they moved slow then fast all in one second.
“So are you?” Eddie blinked, unsure of Mike just asked. They slowly opened, wide, once Eddie realized Mike was asking him something very important. On a whim Eddie said ‘Sure’. Mike’s mouth broke into a full grin, teeth and all as he stood up. 
“Great, I’ll pick you up after my game, unless you wanna come see? Or did you already plan to go?” Eddie was 100% confused. What just happened, why was Mike gonna pick him up, he doesn’t go to football games, what is happening. 
“Um, pick me up?...”
“Great, do you mind if I get your number, I can send you the details.” Mike walked over to Eddie’s side and pulled out his phone. It was cased in a protective phone case, color black with gold accents around the rim of the camera. Eddie was in a haze, still confused and plane out bewildered when he stated his number out of the blue.
“Cool. Can’t wait for Friday.” Mike smiled once more before he joined his friends in the middle of cafeteria and disappeared in the heap of large boys. Eddie let out a huge gust of air that he hadn’t realized he had been holding in. Did he just get asked on a date. They only logical thing that made sense for ‘I’ll pick you up after my game’ was a date. Eddie’s mood quickly went through the five stages of grief, but all stages were denial.
Once Mike was back at his table, Kenny and Chris hyped him up, asking questions and making kissy noises.
“Can it Kenny.” Mike took a hold of Chris’s water bottle and took a gigantic gulp, before throwing it at Kenny’s temple. 
“For a nice guy Hanlon, you sure do love throwing stuff.”
Tuesday, September 26, 12:57 p.m
Beverly was bored out of her mind. Her class had a substitute, an old lady who seemed to always forgot what grade she was teaching and somehow the year they were in. Luckily the substitute plans were basically to watch the rest of the documentary over human evolution they had began long time ago. It was obvious no one was paying attention, by the tired look son their faces or the direction of their eyes towards their laps indicated that they didn’t care. It went the same for Bev, though she wasn’t tired nor typing away at her phone. She was rather tapping her nails on the wooden desk, music from deep inside her head drowning out the audio of the documentary.
It was one of her favorites, the only song that seemed to play at Ophelia’s when she worked. Oh yes, Ophelia’s, the hidden dinning gem in downtown Derry. Yesterday, her first shift of the week had took a turn, for the better. Mike Hanlon had randomly walked in fro directions but simply stepped for one of the best vegan burgers. It was a surprise to see another teenager in the dinner, rarely had a younger person like Beverly walked in. Initially Mike hadn’t walked in for food, but he did leave with some, ordering another vegan burger to go. 
She recalls talking about this week’s game against Hawkins High, a school that had only been mentioned to her once, through a friend from middle school. Jenny? Jene? June? Something that started with a J, she knew that for sure.
As the substitute snores filled the classroom, Beverly’s stomach grumbled, roaring like Godzilla in her ears. She had eaten lunch, if you count peanuts and a Dr Pepper as food. But that had always been the lunch she took, either that, or bags filled with protein nuts or granola bars. She hadn’t always been fond of eating lunch, weird, yes, but she had been a dinner person. Always having at least three plates full of food for herself, curtosey of Ophelia’s employee discount. Discount meaning completely free. It was quite a curios thing that Beverly never seemed to gain weight after eating three greasy hamburgers. 
Maybe she burned it off during gym, running those miles every Thursday did help. She had always been a fast runner, always ahead of everyone in her class, surprising most of the jerks in there. She’s outraced a couple of them more than once, shutting them up for a good while. There’s a group of girls in the class that praise her every time she does and it really shocks her to realize she has a mini fan club. Once she was asked to sign a girls ‘Equal Right’s’ shirt. She gladly did, commenting on the amazing shirt as well. The bell rung, dismissing her out of her own thoughts, forcing her to get up and stretch out the uncomfortable build up in her spine.
Walking out of the class, she fell in step with students, brushing against speeding freshmen to get to their classes. She didn’t have a third period, credits practically achieved all in her junior year, so when the warning bell sounded, she wasn’t alarmed. Walking pass the library she caught site of someone who looked very familiar. Ben sat in the middle desk, alone, as he skimmed over a rustic looking book. He looked calm, at peace. Staring at him for a second longer, Beverly contemplated going into the library but decided against it as she caught sight of Richie exiting the school through the back doors.
“Hey Rich!” Beverly followed after Richie as they made it outside. Richie skidded to a stop as he turned around and greeted Beverly with a solemn smile. He uttered a ‘hey’ and turned around again, making his way around the building. Beverly sighed, feeling obligated to follow Richie, though at the moment Richie wanted her to be anyone else. 
“Where ya’goin?” Beverly watched as Richie shuffled onto his motorcycle. Classic Richie. 
“To bang your sister.” Beverly rolled her eyes, internally cheesing at the joke Richie made, jokes which he usually made. For the moment, it seemed Richie didn’t hold any resentment towards her and she felt glad, but she knew Richie was hurting. Every sad smile directed towards her, ever shift of eyes she was around, it was clear she hurt Richie. Right in the heart.
“Ha. Ha. Funny.” Beverly stood closer to Richie now, happiness growing larger now. Richie noticed the closeness and started the engine, fist gripping the break hard, feet digging into the pavement.
“Listen Bev, I know all we had was F.W.B, but I don’t think I’m ready to talk one on one like friends, okay. See you around.” Richie sped away, right in front of Beverly, stabbing the small amount of happiness that radiated through her once full heart. ‘That was a complete bust’. She spoke out loud to no one but herself. She didn’t want to blame herself, she really didn’t but in all honesty the reason she felt like crap was because she ended things like it was crap. Her and Richie weren’t crap, they weren’t even close to it. Although it had been a physical relationship only, Beverly knows that it was the closest thing to intimate Richie had gotten in a while. And to end it out of the blue made her feel like the worst kind of human being. 
Leaning against the brick wall, she popped a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, feeling the rays of heat from the sun hit her freckled face. She stood there for a moment, tasting the flavor of rich bubblegum before walking back inside. 
Tuesday, September 26, 2:03 p.m
Bill sat on the stool, paint brush carefully sweeping across the canvas with a light blue streak. He was thinking, carefully, tongue etched on the outskirts of his mouth, so gently as he pressed into the canvas and let go. It caused a drip effect, exactly what he wanted. Well, what he wanted at the moment, he couldn’t really tell where his painting would go. Right now it could turn into an ocean, with waves that ripple like marbles over a glossy floor. Or he could paint a brisk morning in the woods with snow covering each and individual tree. 
He hadn’t decided what he was doing, he never did. It was always improve with his paintings, whatever music played or whatever he felt would guide him to create masterpieces. He had a headphone in one ear and a paintbrush in the other. The clear palette hung around his thumb and laid on his forearm as he took the white paint and smeared it with the blue, creating a milky soft sky color. He switched the paint brush in his hand to the one from his hear and began highlighting the edges of the canvas. 
It was his free period, but he wasn’t alone, many other art seniors came into the room and painted, speaking to no one. He had been coming here since freshman year, being intimidated by the skilled seniors from the time. But having a detailed and creative hand from a young age earned him respect. Today it had been lonelier than usual, it was just him and two other students, who got their things and left, now only leaving Bill in the quiet classroom. 
The canvas now covered in thin and thick lines of soft blue, inking the first draft of his painting. He made the choice of painting snow as he dipped his paint brush in the white and creating the outline of clumps of snow. His dominant hand had freckled of paint scattered everywhere, as well as his overalls. His overalls had already been stained countless of times by many primary colors, but now it was painted with light blue dots. He only noticed he got some on his face when someone spoke to him.
“You have some on your face.” The voice scared Bill, making him almost drop the palette on the floor. It was Stan, an amused expression on his face. Bill looked at Stan for a solid minute before looking away, shyly as he put the brush down and tried to brush the drying paint off. Stan lifted his hand, feeling it freeze int he middle of the air, slowly going back to it’s place besides his thigh, but he found himself reach over and rubbing the paint off. He noticed the reddening of Bill’s soft cheeks, imagining his own cheeks, as he pulled his hand away. Stan felt what he just did was stupid, hating himself for making the gesture of rubbing paint off of a boy’s face.
“Uh, Bye.” Stan exited the classroom, leaving a confused, but in love intrigued Bill. His face felt hot, especially the spot where Stan’s cold hands touched. He trashed the painting he was working on before Stan came in and began to paint the figure of a boy. He had curly hair, and a face of an angel. It seemed to only be minutes for his artwork to be finished. It was full of colors, reds, blues, oranges, yellows, you name it. He drew a literal angel that resembled a boy too much. He sat there, admiring the work that seemed to come to life every time he moved. He memorized every detail that found its way on the canvas and fell in love. He drew Stan, a boy he had just met. He drew a boy he really liked. 
Tuesday, September 26, 3:23 p.m
Mike hated that this particular day was hotter than hell. He also hated the fact that some dumbass got the whole team in trouble. Currently they were being punished, running suicides down and back the field. The worst running exercise activity ever, don’t even try to argue. His feet burned through the fabric of his Nike’s, toes digging in the tip of the shoes. He was one of the few left that kept going, most of them throwing up last night’s dinner on the grassy ground. 
He continued, used to the extreme punishment ordered by Coach. He was almost done, final run just a few feet away. Coach’s whistle blew and Mike felt his feet trip over themselves, causing him to fall to the ground. Laughs came from the sidelines, Kenny’s obnoxious laugh making Mike’s ears bleed.
“HANLON IS DOWN FOR THE COUNT!” Chris runs over and lays on the ground next to Mike and pretends to do a referee slam. Mike playfully kicks at Chris’s side as he gets up and rubs the grass off his shirt. Coach laughs as they jog back, others following suit. 
“Boys, what do we have this we-”
“HAWKIN’S GONNA GT THEY’ASSES BEAT!” Kenny jumps on another players his, piggy back riding him as others yell in agreement. Coach only sighed and nodded as he folded his arms around each other. Mike smirked as Kenny jumped on another unsuspecting person, pulling both of them down.
“Jesus, Kenny, can you not be a total Alex for a second?” Alex was a senior that used to go to Derry. He was basically Kenny but 10x worse. He was the class clown, everyone either loved him or hated him, there was no in between. Mike remembered the rivalry between Kenny and Alex in junior year to be the funniest, attention hog of the school. So when Alex’s father got moved to Minnesota, of all places, for a job offer, Kenny declared himself the winner. 
“Yes, we are, but doesn’t mean there work won’t be done.” Everyone including Mike groaned but listened to what else coach had to say. Mike drifted off to another place though. Earlier at Lunch he had asked Eddie to a movie. It really wasn’t his intention, he only wanted to ask how Eddie’s day was going. But when Eddie looked like he was in his own little world, Mike got a chance to look at all the little things he hadn’t seen before. How he had faint freckles under his eyes, lips had lines that resembled tree ringlets due to dryness. But he also noticed how he really wanted to hang out with Eddie, outside of school. So the words came out of his mouth before he could stop.
“So you and Eddie huh?” Chris wrapped his arm around Mike’s shoulders, leading them to the locker room. Mike snorted as he opened the door and let himself in. 
“It’s not a date.” Mike made his way to his locker as Chris followed, in the process of mocking Mike.
“Would you like to go to the movies with me? It’ll be totally platonic, I’ll only stare at your lips and think of your neck as the good part of the movie starts.” Chris imitated Mike, spot on. Mike took off his shirt and threw it at Chris who laughed as he caught it. 
“So what, he’s cute. Doesn’t mean I wanna get in his pants.” Mike opened his locker and took out deodorant.
“Hold on, is that woman’s deodorant?” 
“It smells nice okay.” Mike took out his regular school shirt and put it in as Chris walked away, throwing the workout shirt into the locker over his head. It wasn’t a date, no way. Mike was just being nice, Eddie was a cool person, sweet, charismatic, kind... 
It was a date. He concluded that as he walked out and typed the information out in text. He sent it with out a thought, eyes bulging at the comment he added;
Wear whatever you’d like, you look great in everything ;)
What kind of text message was that. Mike wanted to punch himself in the face. This was now definitely a date, the winky face just confirmed it. As if his presence didn’t give Eddie a heart attack the text would. Well, now that the deed had been done, all that was left was to go through with it. 
Tuesday, September 26, 3:59 p.m
“Listen man, cut me some slack, you know I’m not a bad kid.” Richie stood against the gas station counter, hands pressed against the newspaper covered surface. He came to the cash register, a soda and chips was all he wanted to buy. Plus a pack of of new cigs, but that was minor detail.
“You don’t have enough money to buy all three, you can either buy the chips and drink or the cigarettes.” The man behind the counter counted the money in the cash register, not really paying attention to Richie’s slik hand. Pretending to yawn, Richie reached behind his head and into his shirt, dropping the pack of cigarettes along his spine and to the crack of ass. Thank god his shirt was tucked in, otherwise the cigarettes would have fallen straight to the floor.
“You know what, fine, I’ll take the ships and soda.” Richie pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to the man, grimacing when it was yanked away from his hand. Smiling a smile too sweet, Richie walked out quickly, relieved when the usual alarms didn’t go off. OPening the soda, he took a sip, nodding his head to a song he began to sing. 
“Oh, I still believe.” Mimicking the instrumental saxophone part in Tim Capello’s iconic song ‘I Still Believe’. Now standing in front of his motorcycle, Richie placed the soda on the seat and dug out the cartoon box from his shirt. 
“We need all the hope. WE CAN GET!” Richie belted out, shame just a word to him. He didn’t care that people stared at him as they filled their cars with gas. He actually pointed to them as he sang the verse over and over again, scaring a couple of them as he voiced a saxophone yet again. Drinking the soda in one go, he let out a loud burp and stuffed the chips in his pocket jacket before starting his motorcycle and driving home. 
His house was empty, parents gone, off to work or off to an affair. Most likely the second one, Richie has seen hickies on his parents necks before and he knew for a fact that they didn’t give them to each other. But he didn’t really care, nothing would be different, he already lived alone. Throwing the cigarettes across the kitchen counter he took off his boots, struggling a little bit, but sighing as he free his feet. Plugging his phone into the kitchen speaker, he played his music, blasting it through the house. It was Gorrilaz, bass acting as if there was a party. 
Drumming along, he walked over to the living room, picking up random laundry here and there. Going to the laundry room he threw them in a basket that was over-filled with dirty clothes, mostly Richie’s. He rolled his eyes, remembering that he had to do the laundry soon because no one else ever did. The song changed so something he hadn’t ever heard of but quickly loved it as it played longer. Toying with the pins on his jacket, Richie walked back to the kitchen and pressed his torso against the flat, cold, surface of the island. His face was cooled by it and he slowly fell asleep. 
Tuesday, September 26, 4:15 p.m
Ben was the last out of his class, second to last being some random girl who fell asleep and was only awoken when Ben nudged her. She muttered a thank you as she walked out of class, slightly still out of it. Ben said goodbye to Mrs. Kepp and walked the empty halls. The students of Derry high always seemed to lave school quickly, never made an effort to stay and chat with friends. As Ben was reaching the door to freedom, Mr. DeVou spoke up from out of the blue.
“Ben!” He turned around to see Mr. DeVou walking towards him with excitement. Ben sighed, ready to be told off from what happened earlier in the day.
“So you wanna try out for the team?”
“The what sir?” Ben wasn’t expecting what Mr. DeVou had asked. He was obviously talking about the wrestling team but the question shocked Ben to no end. Mr. DeVou? Wants someone like Ben? To wrestle? What kind of universe-
“Yeah, you seem like you’d be a good fit!” Ben looked at Mr. DeVou with a questioning brow. Ben thought about it, wrestling did sound fun. But the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a bad idea.
“Oh Mr. DeVou, i don’t think I’d be good-”
“You never know son, not unless you try. The next tryout is Thursday, will I see you there?” Mr. DeVou said in a voice that only meant ‘Be There or else’. With a single sigh Ben said ‘Sure’ and was left in the hallway alone. He now sat in the drivers seat of his jeep, engine on, hands clasped around the wheel, yet the car hadn’t moved for a complete ten minutes.
“What did I get myself into.” Ben dropped his head on the steering wheel, temple hitting the middle of the wheel, a honk following. His head stayed there for a good minute before he pulled out the driveway and drove home.
Tuesday, September 26, 4:30 p.m
Beverly turned on her closet lite, kicking off her shoes and unbuttoning her jeans. Yawning, she un-tucked her collared shirt and hung it up, grabbing her work outfit. Shrugging her jeans off, she sat on her bed, feeling of tiredness reaching her eyes. Her shift didn’t start until 5:30, but Ophelia’s was nearly 20 minutes away and there was always traffic around five so she technically had to leave around 4:50. There was always a bus that dropped off after school activities kids and it would take her to Ophelia’s since it was on the way of their bus drop off.
Pulling on her outfit, she went over to her vanity and touched up her face. Picking a light red she applied it to her chapped lips, accidentally over lining her natural lips. Fixing it with her pinkie her phone buzzed. She picked it up, smiling at her friends text.
Wanna go to Friday’s game and make fun of Hawkins?
She typed back a thumbs up emoji and finished checking herself out in the mirror. Taking out her wallet from her bag she attached a leather piece of string around the punched in metal hole to make a make-shift wristlet. Running a hand through her short hair she jumped down the stairs, putting on her heels that laid on the last step. 
She heard the engine of her father’s rickety car and felt her shoulders drop down. She tried to make her way to the front without having to interact with him but he mt her at the door.
“Hello Bevvy.” His voice was low, smelled like complete shit and beer. She had to refrain herself from clamping her nose with her fingers.
“Hi dad. I’m on my way to work, I’m gonna be late.” Thinking he was going to grab her arm she quickly walked down the street and stood by the pole, hiding herself from her father’s stare. She wasn’t sure if her father still stood outside but she didn’t care as the bus strolled up and released the kids of the street. If he was watching her he should have lost her in the crowd of kids. Sitting in the farthest seat down from the driver she made eye contact with her father, who was still standing outside. Sinking into her seat she closed her eyes and waited to be taken to Ophelia’s. 
Tuesday, September 26, 5:10 p.m 
Bill took the painting home, hiding it from his parents as he passed them on his way to his room. He would die if they saw what he had drew, the way the lips of Stan were drawn so delicate, or the flowers in his hair. It may just be a painting, but his parents were very observant. Bill wasn’t ready for them to question him yet. Gerogie followed, asking what it was, repiditley.
“What’ya paint, what’ya paint, what’ya paint-”
“Georgie.”  Bill laid the painting on his bed, making sure Georgie would go up and grab it. This was a daily thing, whenever Bill brought home a painting or a sketch, Georgie would pester him and try to see what he drew.
“But Bill, I wanna see!” Georgie tried to slap Bill’s hand out of the way but Bill was faster and picked him up off the ground before he could. 
“Nice t-t-try, but n-no.” Bill carried Georgie into his room, throwing him onto the plush bed filled of stuff animals. Bill walked out, accidentally stepping on a lego turtle and yelling in pain. Georgie zoomed passed him and onto Bills bed. Bill raced behind him but was too late and was mortified to see Georgie staring at the painting of Stan. Bill closed his room door, hands out in front of him to brace them against Georgie’s mouth if he outed him.
“He’s beautiful.” Georgie angled his head to get a better look and all Bill could do was sigh. Taking a hold of the painting ge opened the closet and placed it deep in the corners of it, where other personal drawings laid dormant.
“You cant tell mom or dad.” Bill walked over to his bed and fell down on the comforter along with Georgie who found his way on top of Bill’s chest. With a small voice Georgie asked “Why not?”
“Because th-they don’t l-l-like it when I d-d-draw stuff like th-that.” Bill suddenly got sad, overwhelming sensation of his parents finding the painting plaguing his mind. Georgie lifted his head and looked at Bill directly in his eyes. Georgie’s eyes held wonder, curiosity, acceptance. Something his parent’s eyes didn’t hold.
“How can they not like something so beautiful?” Georgie now sat up, arms crossed over each other in slight frustration. Bill smiled sadly and pulled Georgie to lay next to him. Waiting a moment, trying to come up with a good response he shrugged and said 
“I d-d-don’t know Georgie. Georgie, I don’t know.” Bill caressed the side of Georgie’s face as they laid there in peaceful silence. 
Tuesday, September 26, 6:30 p.m
Stan ate in silence, the only sound he made was technically not even him, it was the clanking of his spoon on the dinner plate. His mother and father ate in silence as well, occasionally looking at each other and looking away. This was the only constant thing his family did. Eat in silence and act like their family is the perfect, normal family. They weren’t, they weren’t even a family. They just happened to three people living under the same household. Sometimes Stan thought his parents were divorced and lived under the same roof for the sake of him. But it always hurt him to know that they chose to live like this. They chose to live hostile, cold.
“Have you been practicing Stan?” His father cut deep into the rotisserie chicken his mother had bought at the store yesterday. Hey ate one piece, scuffing it down with a drink of cranberry juice, Stan’s least favorite drink. His mother finished her salad, something she always did before she engaged in her actual meal. Stan nodded, slowly, hoping to convince the man of the house. He hadn’t been practicing, he couldn’t recall the last time he opened the thick Torah. His father didn’t say anything more and went back to the eating, fork stabbing the plate entirely now. 
“I’m not that hungry anymore, and I have a lot of homework, may I be excused?” Stan let go of his utensils, skidding the chair out from under the table. He waited for his parent’s approval and got up when his father nodded. He nodded, showing a sign of respect towards him and gave his mother a chaste kiss on the temple. She didn’t react, she never does, and continued to eat corn off the plate in dainty bites. Opening his bedroom door was like opening the gates of the north pole. It was always so chilling in his room, the temperature never went higher than a 70. It was a miracle he never got sick. Closing the door behind him, Stan crawled on his bed and pulled out his phone. Obviously he didn’t have homework, he just needed an excuse to get away from his parents. 
Opening his phone with his thumbprint he clicked on the Spotify icon. Before he could press play on a song he noticed a blue marking on the inside of his palm. He examined it, picking carefully at the dried paint. He remembered what happened at school, how his fingers brushed over Bill’s face, transferring the solid color to his own skin, and running away as if Bill burned him. Smiling he pressed his hand to his own face, closed his eyes, and thought about the sky and its clouds. 
While Stan daydreamed, Eddie sat on his bed, crossed legged, freaking out over a text message. His mother was still working, so he was currently alone. Which in a way was better than having to explain to his mother why he was going on a date with a football player. Yes, it was a date, it was confirmed. Well the actual text message never said the four letter word, but from the winky face and the perfectly put together compliment, Eddie could tell that it was one. It was only Tuesday and Eddie had already raided his closet in search for something nice to wear. He had to admit, he never did have the best fashion sense, always either wearing shorts that seemed to short or graphic tee’s that a mother of 6 would always wear.
He finally may of found something decent, a grey sweater, really more of a cardigan, but a cover nothing less. Throwing it on his bed he searched for a shirt, deciding a simple white t-shirt would be the best. Grabbing a pair of jeans he didn’t even know he had, he tried the whole ensemble on, surprising himself with how good the outfit looked. He looked presentable, minus the frustrated style his hair wore. This was the outfit, hands down. He looked good in it, at east he thought he looked good in it. Would Mike think it look good? 
Groaning, Eddie plummeted to the bed, face hitting the sheets first. He laid there for a little bit, reminiscing on all the events that lead up to Mike asking him out to the movies. They had talked before detention, he had helped him in Chemistry before. Once, Mike helped him carry his history project to the classroom, getting a tardy slip but muttering a ‘It was worth it’ for only Eddie to hear. The longest time he and Mike ever talked was yesterday, along with the rest of the losers club. The Losers Club. What a great name, a solid, a-1 name. Lifting his head to breathe, Eddie took his phone and looked back at the text message Mike sent hours ago. He didn’t respond, to afraid to send something that would look desperate. But he did realize leaving him on read was  really rude so he typed out a ‘Great!’ and sent it without second thought. 
Right after he sent, the three grey dots appeared and went away, all in one second. Eddie paused, bile rising in his throat at the sight of Mike texting. Did he come off to strong, was the exclamation mark too much. When Eddie was about to throw his phone into the wall, Mike sent back a winky face. A. Fucking. Winky face. The whole bane of Eddie’s problems was smiling at him on a digital screen. Mike was going to kill Eddie, no doubt. But what if Eddie sent a winky face back...
Tagged: @shittystorms @asteroidbill @finnwollfhards @hazedlover @chirpchirpstanley @rose-minds 
Hey, I’m a horrible person and haven’t updated in forever. In all honesty, I was loosing inspiration in this fic, but now that I’m writing it again, It’s coming back. I’m not gonna say when the next update is because I don’t trust myself with due dates. :) 
46 notes · View notes
court-of-pokemuses · 5 years ago
Every Lucy ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Lucy and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up. 
Took out category of Lucy with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Lucy with a villain 
Top rated ships: Requiax, Tapian, and NoLuck shipping
Bottom rated ships: Seviper, Shamshir, and IronGiant  shipping
BlackadderShipping - Giovanni & Lucy 5/10 Why does Giovanni always get the best ship names? Anyways 50/50 on this ship cause hey evil Lucy sounds like fun but I can’t think of what would turn her, and I don’t feel like she’d have any sway in turning him good though. 
DeadlyShipping - Jupiter & Lucy 2/10 So far the only type Jupiter has is Looker and Cyrus. I don’t see what Lucy and her would have in common.
DiamondbackShipping - Saturn & Lucy 2/10 Another cool name! Eh both seem kinda too stiff and I can’t see anything they might have in common. 
DioxideShipping - Lucy & Mars 6/10 Ok but perky Mars and chill Lucy could be kinda cute. I see it alot better than anyone else in Galactic which is what Lucy is oddly shipped with alot. 
IronGiantShipping - Chakra (Carr) & Lucy 1/10 Honestly I think they’re just shipped cause he has a steelix, also he looks like a child. 
LamiaShipping - Ariana & Lucy 5/10 This has the same vibe as Giovanni and Lucy really but gay. 
NoLuckShipping - Zero & Lucy 7/10 Ok this could be kinda cute if like they met as kids and Lucy talks about this cool shadow snake dragon she always wanted to see and he and her team up to find and capture it. Just saying.
PandemicShipping - Celosia & Lucy 2/10 Tbh I barely know the personalities of any of the flare admins cause we barely saw them in game. She’s one of the many ‘girls to evil boss who’s loyal’ and that’s their personality. 
PoisonousShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Lucy 6/10 Ok two quiet kinda spooky gals in love sounds cute although Courtney would have to look away from Maxie for 2 seconds. 
RequiaxShipping - Archie & Lucy 9/10 Bombastic lad with quiet kinda spooky gal. Yeah that sounds cute kinda April and Andy from parks and rec vibe except Andy is the one who committed crime. 
SeviperShipping - Jessie & Lucy 1/10 The name says it all, they are shipped cause they have severs. Friends heck yes, they have cool hair too and could share beauty tips. Honestly I want whole some friendship more 10/10 on that. 
ShamshirShipping - Lawrence III & Lucy 1/10 Super random here not gonna lie, and I don’t really see it. If anything I feel like she’d just be a side arm to this guy. 
SmugSnakeShipping - Proton & Lucy 4/10 Ok the name kinda helps just watching these two try to out snark each other. Could be cute but not too sold. 
SnakeEaterShipping - Hunter J & Lucy 2/10 THE NAME IS COOL! No way do I see it actually happening but they’d be a cool aesthetic if Lucy was evil. She’s snakes, J is stone, they’d basically be medusa.
TaipanShipping - Tabitha & Lucy 7/10 I ship this more than with Courtney just watching Tabitha scramble over trying to be impressive and Lucy staying pretty quiet until at the end going,”heh...you’re cute flustered.” and walking away. 
Lucy w/ Gym leader
Top rated ships: The many forms of Lucy and Brock, WinterInTheBellyOfASnake & Dominatrix shipping.
Bottom rated ships: Cobra, Parable, and SexAppeal shipping 
BlushShipping/LuckShipping/SquintShipping - Brock & Lucy 10000/10 Hello yes this is my OTP for Lucy, and this has yet to change in the many years I’ve known about this ship. Also guys there are THREE names for ONE ship. I don’t think I’m the only one sold on 2 dorks who can’t communicate well.
CobraShipping - Janine & Lucy 0/10 I know Hoenn takes place later in the games timelines but I still feel like the age gap would be too wide .
ConcertinaShipping - Juan & Lucy 1/10 Eh it has the vibe of Wallace and Lucy with no heart for me.
DominatrixShipping - Clair & Lucy 9/10 Bruh the name, really? Besides the name I do like it. I think it’s cute having a really strong dragon girly meet quiet snake girl. I like opposites which these 2 are. 
EminenceShipping - Fantina & Lucy 4/10 Eh the overly showyness about Fantina I can’t really see vibing with Lucy but maybe could work if they meet in a more heart to heart setting. 
FiresnakeShipping - Flannery & Lucy 6/10 Could work if they meet when Lucy is new to the battle area cause she’s nervous about doing good at the pike like Flannery is nervous about being a gym leader.
FlorentineShipping - Elesa & Lucy 5/10 Again Elsa is kinda flashy, but a bit more down to earth. I could see them vibing at friends if nothing else.
GardenofEdenShipping - Gardenia & Lucy 7/10 Hehe 2 down to earth noodles? I think ya.
IroningShipping - Jasmine & Lucy 2/10 Jasmine is one of those that gets shipped with everyone cause she’s so sweet, and we all love her. Also she has a steel like Lucy so boom shipped, right? Naw I think they’re cute but I think they’re both too quest for each other. 
KusanagiShipping - Erika & Lucy 2/10 Erika is sweet and yes down to earth like Gardenia, but I mean she’s so floaty I don’t see her and Lucy able to click it off. 
LuckyRollerbladesShipping - Korrina & Lucy 8/10 Now this I think is kinda cute. I mean Lucy is chill and Korinna is all for the rush of things. I feel like they’d be a good counter  for each other.
MedusoidShipping - Cilan & Lucy 2/10 Cilan also get shipped around, and tbh I don’t see why him and Lucy would have anything in common or click. 
MonoxideShipping - Lucy & Winona 3/10 Again she’s got that floaty vibe like Erika and I just don’t see Lucy hitting it off with someone who’s got that kinda vibe. She’s pretty spicy and chill so they’d just chill together not much would happen int he way of romance. 
ParableShipping - Lucy & Roxanne 0/10 Roxanne is another one of those that I can’t tell if she’s a kid or an adult and I feel weird about shipping her.
PsiLuckShipping - Lucy & Sabrina 2/10 Sabrina is a character who I think is super cool, and shipping with her is hard cause honestly it never feels like her character would want to be with anyone. I also don’t know what these two would connect on.
RosalinaShipping - Lucy & Olympia 6/10 Olympia is a cool character and I love her and I feel like her and Lucy would have a cool vibe together. Idk what they’d connect on but they have potential to click. 
SeaSerpentShipping - Brawly & Lucy 8/10 Yeah I really like this, and the name did help sell it. Just punchy boi and smooth girl, watch em flirt.
SexAppealShipping - Lucy & Whitney -10/10 The name is the worst and I hate it, and I think Whitney is a child. Just cause of the grossness of the name I'm beyond not into it. 
ShySerpentineShipping - Morty & Lucy 7/10 Alright I wasn't into chill person with Lucy but Morty has his times and this could be kinda cute., 
SnakebiteShipping - Lucy & Roxie 0/10 Roxie is a child, I’m upset the name is so cool. Roxie adult though with Lucy would be cute af. 
SoldierOfFortuneShipping - Lt. Surge & Lucy 5/10 Could be cute, but I think it’d be cute in an au with Lucy being a local in the town he was fighting in as a soldier and she teaches him her culture and he teaches her about his home when not on duty.
TayuyaShipping - Volkner & Lucy 2/10 Both of them too quiet and edgy for romance to happen in my mind, or if they did it’d be unhealthy.
TyphlopidaeShipping - Roark & Lucy 4/10 Eh could be cute, but also while I like Lucy with bombastic boys idk if he’d be too bombastic for Lucy. But hey they could hit it off
ViralShipping - Falkner & Lucy 2/10 Love Falkner but he’s the bad that needs a bombastic person too.
WingedSerpentShipping - Lucy & Skyla 4/10 Same thing as Roark. Bombastic but maybe too bombastic, and she feels like she can’t talk. 
WinterInTheBellyOfASnakeShipping - Candice & Lucy 9/10 Ok but yes? I think Candice is a good balance between bombastic and chill, and they’d have a good time with each other.
Lucy w/ Elite
Top rated ships: Rattlesnake, and Boa shipping .
Bottom rated ships: Intoxication, and PikePrincess shipping. 
BoaShipping - Lucy & Phoebe 8/10 Catch Phoebe teaching Lucy how to hula and Lucy bashfully watching. It’s cute, and I think the perky ghost type person would go well with this quiet snake.
CaduceusShipping - Grimsley & Lucy 5/10 Eh could, but Grimsley is one of those who get shipped with everyone cause everyone thinks he’s cute. I’m 50/50 on this.
DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy 7/10 Could work tbh just 2 edgy chicks falling for each other. 
GlareIceShipping - Lorelei & Lucy 5/10 Hm maybe? Idk why but this gives me the same vibe as Lucy with Arianna, but also can be them hating each other, kinda depends. 
IntoxicationShipping - Wikstrom & Lucy 0/10 Yeah I don’t see this one. Again Wikstrom is shipped around like crazy but in his case it’s like no one knows what to do with him, and I feel lie he got just chucked in here.
NagaViperShipping - Lucy & Malva 7/10 Ok maybe, just watch Malva getting all huffy and her girl Lucy calming the other down sweetly. 
PikePrincessShipping - Caitlin & Lucy 0/10 Caitlyn is a child when they were both at the battle area. Caitlyn as an adult is just so fricking chill, like she sleeps all eh time, and is possibly narcoleptic. Lucy feels ignored alot so if her partner fell asleep it’d feel awful for her..
RattlesnakeShipping - Sidney & Lucy 9/10 He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy, he wasn’t good enough for her. These two are just that song embodied in my mind. 
Lucy w/ Champion
Top rated ships: MiloticLove, and ThunderSnake shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: BondageSibling, and Orochi shipping.
BondageSiblingsShipping - Cynthia & Lucy 0/10 Wtf is that name. No seriously wtf. The name turns me off to the ship so much, but anyway ye I don’t see much shipping here personally. Another one of those, Cynthia get shipped with everyone.
MiloticLoveShipping - Wallace & Lucy 9/10 I really love this one alot tbh. Like imagine them competing in contests together with their mitotic, and just Wallace being fabulous and being that nerd that proudly shows off his shy wife. 
OrochiShipping - Lance & Lucy 1/10 Don’t really see or get this one. Sorry.
ThunderSnakeShipping - Steven & Lucy 9/10 I was talking with another mun about this and we think it’s cute as Frick especially if they knew each other as kids. 
Lucy w/ Frontier folks/Tycoon folks/Battle Maison
Top rated ships: Sensual, and PikeMaiden/YinYang shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Yuwaku, Zwei, and Artecia shipping.
AnthuriumShipping - Brandon & Lucy 4/10 I guess maybe, but also he feels alot older than her.
DuelpikeShipping - Greta & Lucy 5/10 Ye ok these nerds being the dynamic girl and chill girl. Cute but not as unique as some. 
ForelsketShipping - Lucy & Morgan 7/10 Kinda random that she’s the only one from x&y shipped but eh could work. They have the same suave even though Morgan does have a bit more flare and show.
PikeMaidenShipping/YinYangShipping - Anabel & Lucy 8/10 I think Anabel is a child during this time of the game so no there. Adult though I could see it. If the Faller thing is real why about Lucy trying to remind her who she was?
SensualShipping - Dahlia & Lucy 9/10 Oi these names. Anyway I see this though. Dahlia has a fun light vibe that would draw Lucy in and I can see them hitting it off really well. 
SinuousShipping - Tucker & Lucy 5/10 I keep going between no gosh, please no, and Ok but think about the two in shenanigans and Lucy blushing at the lavishing of attention. So like eh??/
TakeshiLadiesShipping - Lucy & Marley 6/10 Could be cute just both of them connecting on unique fashions and also having fun hunting for specific pokemon Lucy w/ snakes, and Marley with speedy bois. Maybe ye.
YuwakuShipping - Scott & Lucy 0/10 He’s alot older and it feels like there’s a weird power imbalance there with him being like an advanced boss to her. 
ZweiShipping - Thorton & Lucy 0/10 Ok look that is a child, so no. Even as adult I do not see it.
ArteciaShipping - Lucy & Mira 0/10 Another child ya’ll. Even as adult I don’t see it. 
Lucy w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
Top rated ships: Piper, Pungi, Takeshi, and Valiant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Kirishima, Embody, Heartfilia, and Repeatable shipping.
ArrossireShipping - Lucy & Olesia 2/10 This character literally gets shipped around the most randomly put of anyone else I’ve seen, and I really don’t see why she’d vibe with Lucy all that much.
BlightedShipping - Lucy & Maya (Johto) 3/10 She doesn’t really have all that much of a personality, or at least we don’t get much of one but she’s ok.
DisturbiaShipping - Lucy & Zoey 6/10 Zoey has alot more fire and punch in her and I can see Lucy finding that fun. They could have some chemistry there. 
EmbodyShipping - Harley & Lucy 1/10 he like bullied May right? Yeah I don’t really see Lucy and someone like that getting along too well. 
HeartfiliaShipping - Layla (Unova) & Lucy 2/10 Another person who works with nursery kids. Now Lucy has alot of pet pokemon but I don’t see her wanting to be around a bunch of loud kids all the time which she kinda would be.
HedonismShipping - Lucy & Michelle 4/10 Eh she’s got that spunk and fight, and really cares about her pokemon. Maybe if she had more personality.
HohenzollernShipping - Angela & Lucy 5/10 Ok sneaky ninja and subtle snake. Could be kinda cute, although man again with Lucy and the teachers huh?
KirishimaShipping - Lucy & Sakura 0/10 Yeah I can’t tell how old she is ya’ll so I’mma say no. Also I don’t see them hitting it off.
PiperShipping - Nando & Lucy 8/10 I’m a sucker for bad play on words. Ya’ll he plays the harp, and she’s like a snake he could be the snake charmer? ;D But seriously I do think they’d be cute. Kinda like the shy girl and guitar kid hanging out.
PungiShipping - Lucy & Melody (movie) 8/10 This is just guitar kid and shy girl all over again except with the added drama of them both having the same ex which in this case would be Brock.
RepeatableShipping - Duplica & Lucy 2/10 Fun character but I feel like she’s a bit childish in comparison to Lucy
TakeshiShipping - Holly & Lucy 9/10 So this is just the exes getting together, Brock’s exes, but like Lucy like Brock from he start while Holly didn’t like him at all. Catch this being Holly has the bounce of Harley Quinn who’s still getting over Joker, and Lucy is the poison Ivy comforting her friend and letting her crash there. I ship it.
ValiantShipping - Jackie Walker & Lucy 7/10 A random movie call back but also like for some reason I just think it’d be super cute. I can’t give a good reason but I feel like they’d have a cool dynamic with each other.
Lucy w/ a minor GAME npc:
CarboxylicShipping - Brigette & Lucy 5/10 I kinda see it though Bridgette doesn’t get much character so it’s hard to say. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 0/10 Yeah ok no, just yeah no there is no way she’d put up with the suicune chasing. 
NagaShipping - Celio & Lucy 0/10 Why does this ship have such a cool name when this character has such little personality? Like really there isn’t much on this guy and I don’t see it. 
SyracuseShipping - Lisia & Lucy 0/10 I ship her and Wallace too much to see this, and it seems like Lisia is super young anyway for Lucy. 
Lucy w/ a professor
HerpetologyShipping - Professor Birch & Lucy 3/10 I, ehhhhh I keep going between no and then yes, and then no. Like he’s got spunk but not in the brave kinda way and not in a cute way. I just don’t see this working out long term I guess. 
Lucy w/ Pokemon Ranger/Orre Characters
ActivistShipping - Lavana & Lucy 3/10 She’s fiery and spunky sure but I feel like unlike Malva she’s just kinda 1 dimensional.
CyanideShipping - Lucy & Tiffany (Fiore) 1/10 She’s kinda a spoiled princess so I could see that not working but maybe her building up Lucy’s confidence? Idk maybe just as friends would work better. 
SerpentineHairShipping - Nascour & Lucy 2/10 They are literally shipped cause his hair looks snake like. Eh yeah I’m not super sold on it unless you did some adjusting. 
SoLuckyShipping - Lovrina & Lucy 0/10 Again she’s a child, and even as an adult from what I’ve seen it’s a no from me. 
Lucy and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically, but focused as a friendship/squad dynamic)
Top rated ships: Adora, Caladruis, and LuckyStreak.
Bottom rated ships: Alot cause many characters seem thrown in randomly and mess up dynamic.
AcheronShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 A random hodgepodge of people to put together and I can not think of any defining thing to bride them together, and Acheron isn’t helping explain this. 
AdoraShipping - Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 The ladies of the battle frontier? Heck yea they’d be a good gal pal group that I’m all for!
CaladruisShipping - Lucy, Phoebe & Winona 10/10 The 2 relaxed folks with one spunky flower girl. I could see them all having a good friendship really maybe each time they hang out one of them chooses what they do that day so they all explore new things. 
CorrosiveShipping - Courtney (Magma), Jasmine & Lucy 9/10 I like the name and the people in it, cool idea. It’d be a unique dynamic especially getting Jasmine in there some how but I could see them being a good trio. 
CyberAthensShipping - Erika, Lucy, Sabrina & Whitney 6/10 Kinda lost as to why Lucy is thrown in here. I can think of something for 3 of the members but the 4th one always doesn’t fit right, so kinda clunky. 
DuckDodgersShipping - Charon, Officer Johnson, Lucy, Mars, Golduck & Grumpig 0/10 Ok this is definitely a duck dodgers reference but I never saw the show nor understand. So eh??
FemmeDomShipping - Drew, Jessie, Jessiebelle, Lucy & Misty 0/10 Oi this is a sex thing, and overall I find it kinda clunky
FortunatoShipping - Brock, Holly & Lucy 4/10 ok but Holly and Lucy with the poison Ivy Harley Quinn dynamic is cute, and I think this would end badly. Some good drama tho.
FrontierShipping - Noland & Lucy / Emerald & Crystal 5/10 Ngl I’m kinda confused how this is set up. Like is it 2 separate ships but competing? Tbh I think Noland and Lucy is cute and idk them being battle rivals of Emerald and Crystal might be cool 
HeartbeatShipping - Courtney (Magma), Flannery, Lucy, Mars, Michelle, Sabrina & Tiffany (Fiore) 0/10 I’m trying to figure out the theme here and I can’t at all. I Donn’t know what to tell ya cause there’s alot of clashes here. 
HolyTayuyaShipping - Volkner, Lucy & Arceus 9/10 (with au idea) How did Lucy and Volkner lead to Arceus??? All I’m imaging is an au set way back in time and they’re like priests/priestesses of an Arceus temple and accidentally are the ones to summon him, and some shenanigans ensue. 
IIIBrainShipping - Brandon, Noland, Spenser (Frontier), Tucker, Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 Heck ye battle frontier brains hanging out and having a good time. I’m here for it. 
LabelShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy & Sabrina 9/10 It’s all the quiet and kinda creepy characters, what mischief with they cause?
LollirotShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Michelle breaks the dynamic they had. 
LuckPearlShipping - Ash, Brock, Dawn & Lucy 1/10 Ok but Lucy traveling together on Ash’s trip? Kinda weird, traveling with Brock heck yes. I kinda would of liked to see it but it’d be like a d&d group where 2 characters are shipped in game and can’t stop mentioning it every 2 minutes. 
LuckyStreakShipping - Grimsley, Dahlia & Lucy 10/10 They’d be gambling buddies, and Lucy would be the one person who would have to drag their drunk butts home. I’m down.
MiloticTriumvirateShipping - Wallace, Cynthia & Lucy 9/10 Ok see this is cute! just nerds enjoying milotics. I like it.
MorningStarShipping - Dawn, Lucy & Venus 0/10 I have no idea what kind of dynamic they’d have and can’t think of one that wouldn’t be awkward. 
NightwishShipping - Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Again idk what they’d have in common except maybe odd ball group as childhood friends?
NoobidolShipping - Flannery, Lucy & May 4/10 Based on the name I envision them all being major fangirls to some contest star. 
OeynhausenShipping - Grimsley, Caitlin, Dahlia & Lucy 2/10 Oeynhausen is a town that’s known for spas so maybe them going to spas?
PoisonedShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika & Lucy 5/10 I could see them as assassins in some au. 
Queen'sAssassinShipping - Karuta, Lucy & Honedge 6/10 In some au with Karuta as her like body guard yea ok, honed seems super random tho.
ReciprocatedShipping - Brock, Autumn, Holly, Lucy, Narissa & Natalie 9/10 These are just all the girls that actually liked Brock back. Imagine a club where they just sit around and complain about how he flirts with everyone. Tbh I could see it kinda being a good gal pal group.
SakumbaShipping - Cynthia, Lucy & Michelle 0/10 Michelle is feeling thrown in everywhere at this point and I know that happens to Cynthia alot and I’m not seeing how they’d make a good trio. 
SoHotForYouShipping - Looker, Cheryl, Gardenia & Lucy 5/10 Is there an inside joke about all of these girls crushing on Looker or something? Idk I get Charlie’s Angels vibes. 
StyxShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 7/10 See now Erika fits with the kinda quiet but a little creepy vibe these guys all have. I can see it. 
TooQueenShipping - Harley, Tucker & Lucy 9/10 The fashion folks have arrived! Now if Harley could just be a nice person.
ValhallaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Mars, Michelle & Sabrina 0/10 I am lost as to this ship, and why it’s Valhalla.
VyckstaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 Also lost on this one
XRatedDesiresShipping - Brock, Holly, Lizabeth, Lucy, Officer Jenny & Nurse Joy 0/10 .....We all know what this is about and this section isn’t about that.
Lucy’s pokemon w/ another person’s pokemon
MoldLuckShipping - Shuckle & Shuckle (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
SnakeLuckShipping - Steelix & Steelix (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
I’m a sucker for Brock and Lucy alright?
The Lucy Fleetfoot ship
LucyShipping - Lucy & Lucy Fleetfoot 0/10 So there’s this character named Lucy Fleetfoot, idk anything about her but yes they are shipped together. I think she’s a Protag tho so a child
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